Plaint of Family Suit
Plaint of Family Suit
Plaint of Family Suit
….………. Plaintiff
….…. Defendants
5. That defendant No-2 concealed the fact of bad character and drug
addiction of defendant No-1 with an ill motive of making fraud upon the
6. That on 15.03. 2019 the defendant No-1 took away all gold ornaments
of the plaintiff for borrowing money by mortgaging the ornaments in
order to purchase a car. Even after mortgaging the ornaments the
defendant No -1 physically and mentally tortured the plaintiff and created
pressure upon the plaintiff to go to her father’s residence and bring more
money. On 20.03.2019 defendants No-1 and 2 forcibly sent the plaintiff
to her father's residence with her brother Isfath who came to defendants’
residence on the same day to see the plaintiff. On 27.03.2019 defendant
No-2 admitted before the elites of the plaintiff's locality of the facts of
misappropriation of gold ornaments, forcible sending of the plaintiff to
her father's residence and drug addiction of defendant No-1. Defendant
No-1 also admitted the fact of mortgaging the gold ornaments.
8. That the Defendant No-1 has not spent anything for maintenance and
medical treatment of the plaintiff from 20-03-2019 except misusing and
threatening her. The plaintiff demanded her dower money and
maintenance on 20.09.2019 through the local elites. But cunning
Defendant No-1 denied paying dower money and maintenance.
Subsequently on 22-09-2019 the plaintiff sent a legal notice with
registered A.D. to the defendant No-1 giving reminder of payment of the
dower money and maintenance. The defendant No-1 refused to accept the
legal notice and the same was returned to the plaintiff on 25.09.2019.
11. Under the circumstances stated above, the plaintiff humbly prays for
a) Decree of Tk 7, 40,000/-as stated in the schedule mentioned below;
b)An order of maintenance from the defendant No -1 until the suit is
disposed of;
c) Cost of the suit and
d) Other relief or reliefs which this honourable court deems proper and
a) Dower money of Tk 4,00,000(four lack) according to registered Nikah
Whatever facts, have been stated in the above plaint, are true to my
knowledge and belief and I signed this verification on…………. at 10
a.m. at the court premises, Chittagong.