English Standard - Module C: Resource Booklet
English Standard - Module C: Resource Booklet
English Standard - Module C: Resource Booklet
Resource booklet
Table of contents
Resource booklet............................................................................................................................................1
Table of contents.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Advice to the teacher supporting students................................................................................................... 3
Advice to the independent student............................................................................................................... 3
Part 1 – practising discursive writing............................................................................................................ 4
Resource 1 - Module statement – The Craft of Writing............................................................................4
Resource 2 – building your ideas toolkit.................................................................................................. 5
Resource 3 – I never know what to write about.......................................................................................6
Resource 4 – a discursive planning tool.................................................................................................. 8
Part 2 – reflecting on your discursive writing..............................................................................................13
Resource 5 – outline, explain, evaluate.................................................................................................13
Resource 6 – sample 1.......................................................................................................................... 14
Resource 7 – the W.H.Y model.............................................................................................................. 15
Resource 8 – the 3D model................................................................................................................... 16
Resource 9 – a summary of recommendations......................................................................................16
Resource 10 – NESA Glossary of Key Words.......................................................................................18
Resource 11 – suggestions for experimentation....................................................................................22
Resource 12 – reflection scaffold........................................................................................................... 22
Resource 13 – discursive writing activities.............................................................................................23
2 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
Advice to the teacher supporting students
If using in a classroom context you may like to:
use this resource in a workshop setting with a group, whole class or an individual
student to work through on their own
pause the recording and ask students to read, reflect and write
refer to school-based course work, texts pairing and assessments to do the
4 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
Resource 2 – building your ideas toolkit
Do some preparation that will help you to be flexible and confident to respond, regardless
of the question. Utilise each of the suggestions below to help you create an interesting
range of topics, ideas or issues you can explore while using various language features.
Brainstorm – identify a range of topics, issues, ideas and concepts that you could
'I remember when' outlines – write about different experiences from your own life that
could work with different topics, issues, ideas or concepts. Build the picture but ensure it
is done in no more than 80 words. Think about happy, sad, frightening or challenging
Writing cards – plan ideas for a topic on sticky notes (one idea per card). Experiment
with the order of content to maximise the shifts in focus and the exploration of different
I remember when…
(your ideas)
Motif – identify a variety of motifs that could be used for a variety of different topics.
Key quotes – find some interesting, meaningful or thought provoking quotes and
experiences for topics, issues and ideas that you might be able to write about.
Modality – experiment with modality. What types of words suggest an offer rather than a
Key quotes
(your ideas))
6 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
Concepts explored in Module A, B and C – great places to find inspiration for both
issues, ideas and topics as well as models and stimulus for experimenting with
language forms, features and structures
Assume a role – choose a character from one of your texts and write a discursive
response from their perspective
Re-shape – change one of the texts that you have studied as part of Module C Craft
of Writing from a persuasive or imaginative text to a discursive text.
Table 3 – collecting topics, ideas, issues and experiences from my English modules and
My text:
Module A
My text/s
Module B
My text:
Module C
My texts:
My text:
Module A
My text/s
Module B
My text:
Module C
My texts:
3. Before you utilise the table to plan your own ideas read one of the texts below and
complete the table. Choose one discursive text to read and then complete the
8 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
a. Select one of the suggested texts
b. Read the first few paragraphs
c. Predict the topic and the purpose
d. Continue reading and confirm or adjust your prediction
e. Identify the form and audience
f. Identify the perspectives presented
g. Identify your favourite moments in the piece
h. Identify the features or devices utilised
Perspective Features or
Topic Form Purpose Audience
s devices
(add extra
rows if
you want
to explore
more than
one topic
(or use
this for
10 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
observations with different
Explanation, description or
justification of the use of
specific language or stylistic
Discusses self-awareness of
the learning process
12 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
What would you like to improve upon or experiment with next and why?
Activity 9 – sample 2
It’s time to experiment with our first suggestion: outline-explain-evaluate by applying
it to a new sample of student writing. Spend 5-7 minutes labelling the introduction
and paragraphs with the key terms from our ‘outline-explain-evaluate’ model found
in Resource 5.
Sylvia Plath's 'A Comparison' is a discursive piece in which Plath expresses her love for
poetry. This text as well as the stimulus inspired me to write a discursive piece to express
opposing ideas on the creative arts, particularly between painting and the written word.
14 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
canvas, a wall, even an alleyway these days" I use a metaphor to highlight how the
colours flow and mix together, like a wave with the sunlight flickering across the surface.
My discursive response expresses my appreciation of the arts, particularly the visual arts.
My final sentence is placed on its own to emphasise the need to express ourselves, to say
what we want to say creatively, whatever form that takes.
There is no answer space for this activity as we suggest you do it under exam conditions
using paper and pen.
Remember – to work out how long you should write for, simply double the marks for that
part of the question. A 10-mark part (b) should take you 20 minutes to complete.
There is no answer space for this activity as we suggest you do it under exam conditions
using paper and pen.
Remember – to work out how long you should write for, simply double the marks for that
part of the question. A 10-mark part (b) should take you 20 minutes to complete.
16 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
Activity 13 – sample B
Paragraph 1
I have drawn great inspiration from a speech written by J.K Rowling's “ The Fringe
Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination,” Whereby she explores the benefit
of failure in one's life in order to acknowledge and appreciate success, along with the
significance of imagination in order to recognise and empathize with others and their
Paragraph 2
Alike Rowling, I have used personal anecdote throughout my writing. Rowling speaks of
her time working at Amnesty International, answering phone calls in order to reconnect lost
loved ones from war torn countries. I too have used anecdote when interpreting my world.
As a child, I played on the “merry-go-round.” I dove into “colourful ball pits” and sucked on
Cola flavoured Chupa Chup lollipops. In incorporating this anecdote I aim to connect my
reader to the world I vividly display to them, encouraging the relation to and engagement
with my story.
1. Label the paragraphs using the W.H.Y structure in one colour and the 3D structure
in another colour.
2. Use table 9 below to check that the writer has followed our recommendations
The purpose behind the glossary is to help students prepare better for the HSC by
showing them that certain key words are used similarly in examination questions across
the different subjects they are studying.
In classrooms, teachers of different subjects could use the glossary to help students to
better understand what the examination questions in their subject require. Students should
recognise the consistent approach of teachers of different subjects and get cues about
how to approach examination questions.
For example, students would be better placed to respond to 'explain' questions if, in the
context of different subjects, they developed an understanding that 'explain' could require
them to relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide
why and/or how.
It is also important that the key words should not be interpreted in an overly prescriptive
way. Teachers must ensure that they do not use them in ways that conflict with their
particular meaning within subjects. To do this would be counterproductive. A term like
'evaluate', for example, requires a different kind of response in Mathematics from that
required in History and this needs to be respected.
When using key words to construct questions, tasks and marking schemes, it is helpful to
ask what the use of the term in a particular question requires students to do.
Key words are best discussed with students in the context of questions and tasks they are
working on, rather than in isolation.
It is important to note that examination questions for the HSC will continue to use self-
explanatory terms such as 'how', or 'why' or 'to what extent'. While key words have a
purpose, they will not set limits on legitimate subject-based questions in examination
Account – Account for: state reasons for, report on. Give an account of: narrate a
series of events or transactions
Analyse – Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and
relate implications
Apply – Use utilise, employ in a particular situation
Appreciate – Make a judgement about the value of
Assess – Make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size
Calculate – Ascertain determine from given facts, figures or information
Clarify – Make clear or plain
18 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
Classify – Arrange or include in classes/categories
Compare – Show how things are similar or different
Construct – Make; build; put together items or arguments
Contrast – Show how things are different or opposite
Critically (analyse/evaluate) – Add a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge
and understanding, logic, questioning, reflection and quality to (analyse/evaluate)
Deduce – Draw conclusions
Define – State meaning and identify essential qualities
Demonstrate – Show by example
Describe – Provide characteristics and features
Discuss – Identify issues and provide points for and/or against
Distinguish – Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; to note
differences between
Evaluate – Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of
Examine – Inquire into
Explain – Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident;
provide why and/or how
Extract – Choose relevant and/or appropriate details
Extrapolate – Infer from what is known
Identify – Recognise and name
Interpret – Draw meaning from
Investigate – Plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about
Justify – Support an argument or conclusion
Outline – Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of
Predict – Suggest what may happen based on available information
Propose – Put forward (for example a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion) for
consideration or action
Recall – Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences
Recommend – Provide reasons in favour
Recount – Retell a series of events
Summarise –Express, concisely, the relevant details
Synthesise –Putting together various elements to make a whole
A Glossary of Key Words © 2020 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on
behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales. See the NESA website for
additional copyright information.
(identify which question (explain what the instructional verb requires of you, explain what
you are exploring) knowledge or skills this verb requires)
20 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
Activity 15 – writing practice 1
“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen, 'Anthem'
“You can’t say it, but you know it’s true.” Barack Obama
Use one of the lines above as a stimulus for the opening of an imaginative,
discursive or persuasive piece of writing. In your piece of writing incorporate at least
one example of figurative language that you have learnt about through your study of
the prescribed texts for Module C. 12 marks
Explain how your writing in part (a) was influenced by what you have learnt about
figurative language through the study of your prescribed texts for Module C. 8 marks
For example: In my persuasive speech, I chose to examine the role truth plays in society
by analysing a range of perspectives.
Explaining your choices (How I did it): Use, evoke, shape, describe
For example: I used a motif of a magnifying glass throughout my response, such as in “if
we look at many Instagram posts through a magnifying glass...” to emphasise the need for
the audience to look deeper into what they are seeing and hearing.
Conclusion (Why I did it): Appreciate, shape, share
For example: Through my persuasive speech, my use of language forms and features,
particularly the ones I have highlighted in my reflection, I hope the audience begin to
appreciate the complex nature of truth....
Name your piece
Identify the text type
Explain the topic, purpose and audience.
Sentence Starters:
o My informative/persuasive/discursive piece, “Name of piece” is an exploration...
o My aim in this piece of writing was to...
o My intention in writing...
22 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
Link back to purpose with examples. Self-reference your work in the form of
evidence, this can be a quote but avoid a large chunk of text. The focus is on the
explanation and evaluation of impact.
Sentence Starters:
o This piece can... for my intended audience...
o I believe the form/structure of my writing piece allows/shows...
o My writing piece is designed to help the audience reflect/challenge/think ...
o I wrote this piece for...
o To appeal to my intended audience...
o My writing piece is likely to connect to...audience
Option 2 – my place
Utilise these as stimulus to create your own piece, try to experiment with what is
My place – lovely, ugly, interesting but sometimes boring town
Observational piece use an extended metaphor through the story
Discuss the area, past and present, and connect to the experiences to be had there
– or explore the possibilities, don’t persuade just explore
Play with the idea of the traveler writing the story
Use of specific locations to add depth and credibility
Use well-known idiomatic phrases or quotes to create sense of people, place and
Play with the narrator's commentary, make emotive reactions triggered by
immersion in landscape, experiences and or culture
Characterise place through sophisticated use of language devices
Create a highly evocative piece through a strong sense of place and personal
connection to this place and an interesting narrator’s personality
24 English Standard – Module C – Practise writing and reflecting on the discursive – Resource 4
What’s the key difference between your assessment and your latest response?
What do you see that makes you say that?
What would you like to improve upon or experiment with next and why?
Thinking routine
Complete this table to reflect on your learning from this section of the resource.