Juniper With ISE 2.0+ Configuration
Juniper With ISE 2.0+ Configuration
Juniper With ISE 2.0+ Configuration
The default MAB protocol used on this device and version was EAP-MD5. The device also does
support PAP but must be manually specified by using the “pap” operator in the “mac-radius
authentication-protocol” command below if desired. Specifying PAP will make the MAB request
look similar to a Cisco device MAB so you must ensure that the Juniper device is specified as
such using the Network Device Profile and adding that as a condition to the Policy Set decision
802.1X on this device and version does not send a RADIUS Service-Type therefore the only
matching we can do to differentiate 802.1X from MAB is to look at the Authentication Protocol
as shown in the Authentication policy below.
ISE Configuration
Network Device Profile Configuration
Cisco ISE 2.X comes with many pre-imported Network Device Profiles on the system. The
Juniper Network Device Profile is not one of those that at this time. Cisco ISE allows the import
of profiles in XML format to enable integration with any 802.1X network device. Juniper
switching devices have been tested with Cisco ISE by the BU and the Network Device Profile is
provided at the link below.
To import the Network Device Profile in ISE you must navigate to Administration > Network
Resources > Network Device Profiles and click “Import” at the top of the table. You will also see
the “Cisco Communities Import” button which will direct you to the link above. Once imported
you should see the “Juniper_Wired” profile listed as shown.
Now that the Network Device Profile is imported we can add the switch to the Network Device
database and specify it as a Juniper_Wired device. Navigate to Administration > Network
Resources > Network Devices and add a new device as shown. Note the “Device Profile”
selected at the bottom of the capture.
The device is now added to the database correctly as a Juniper device and we can now setup
the policy for AAA functions for this device.
Policy Set Configuration
Navigate to Policy > Policy Sets and click the plus sign in the top left corner to create a new
Policy Set. For the Policy Set configuration I recommend using a dedicated Policy Set specific
to Juniper NAD RADIUS connections. This can easily be done by creating a new Policy Set and
using the Device Vendor group as the condition to use the Policy Set as shown below.
Authentication Policy
Next is to setup the Authentication Policy under the newly created Policy Set. In this example
we will only use two rules with the default being a DenyAccess result. The Network Device
Profile that was imported earlier does allow the default Wired_MAB and Wired_802.1X
conditions to be used to specify the difference in authentication, however in this example I
wanted to be more absolute and defined on what is matching for 802.1X and MAB. The Juniper
MAB policy is matching NAS Port Type as Ethernet and Service Type as Call Check. It is also
requiring that the MAB Authentication EAP type is EAP-MD5 which we discussed earlier. This
rule is pointing to Internal Endpoints. The Juniper 802.1X policy is only looking for NAS Port
Type from RADIUS however I am also specifying that the EAP Authentication protocol must be
either EAP-TLS OR EAP-MSCHAPv2 and referencing the Identity Source Sequence that has a
Certificate Authentication Profile as for DNS name extraction from the certificate and/or Active
Directory authentication.
Before we configure the Authorization Policy we must setup the Authorization Profiles that we
will assign based on successful AuthC and AuthZ. Navigate to Policy > Policy Elements >
Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles and click Add to create a new Profile.
First we will create the Full Access profile for successful 802.1X authenticated PCs. This profile
will send an ACCESS_ACCEPT as well as the desired VLAN name in this example. See example
Note: The Network Device Profile of Juniper_Wired OR Any must be selected to properly send to a
Juniper_Wired designated NAD.
Repeat for Voice MAB devices and all other AuthZ Profiles you may need in your environment.
Authorization Policy
Now that the AuthC Policy and AuthZ Profiles are built we can complete the ISE configuration with
the Authorization Policy. Navigate to the Policy Set that you created earlier and expand the
Authorization Policy section.
We will have a simple policy here in the example. One rule for profiled Cisco IP Phones and another
for authenticated domain machine/user credentials. Each of these will be accompanied with the
Authorization Profile we just built. See the example below.
Now we can connect the devices and verify successful authentication to the network.
To verify we will look first at the live logs on ISE and will see that the phone and PC have
authenticated successfully and ISE has applied the correct AuthZ profiles.
Second on the switch we can run the “show dot1x interface ge0/0/0.0 detail” command and see
that the phone session has the VOICE VLAN assigned and the PC has the INTERNAL VLAN
assigned as we configured it.