Silo - Tips - Dnastar Lasergene 12 Network Client Installation Guide For Windows and Macintosh
Silo - Tips - Dnastar Lasergene 12 Network Client Installation Guide For Windows and Macintosh
Silo - Tips - Dnastar Lasergene 12 Network Client Installation Guide For Windows and Macintosh
DNASTAR Lasergene 12
Network / Client Installation Guide
Quick-Start Guide..........................................................................................................................5
Technical Requirements.........................................................................................................6
Technical Requirements.......................................................................................................19
Trouble-Shooting .........................................................................................................................37
Licensing/Authorization ......................................................................................................46
Network Installation.............................................................................................................48
• E-mail: [email protected]
This document pertains to Lasergene® version 12 and was last updated on September 15, 2014.
For copyright and trademark information, please see the Legal Information page of our website.
Note regarding 64-bit Windows computers: Most Windows paths shown in this guide apply to
both 32- and 64-bit machines. An exception is that files shown as being located in C:\Program
Files are located in C:\Program Files (x86) on 64-bit machines.
1) Download the DNASTAR Lasergene License Server for Windows or Macintosh from your
web account onto the computer that is currently running your Lasergene license server. If
you need to install the license server software on a different computer, please contact our
support staff for help facilitating the transfer.
2) Run the installer on the computer acting as the license server for the Lasergene network.
After the installation finishes, you will be asked to enter a product key for authorization. You
can find your key under the License Details tab while logged into your DNASTAR web
3) Once authorized, a new LasergeneClient’x’ folder (where ‘x’ is the version number) will be
placed on your server’s desktop. This folder will contain a text file with your server’s IP
address, several *.lshost files (needed only for advanced installations), and an HTML file
with client installation instructions.
Note: The LasergeneClient’x’ folder is no longer the installation folder for local installations.
Now, the end-user simply needs a Lasergene Client installer plus the server IP address in
order to access the Lasergene network.
4) If the server machine uses a firewall, follow the instructions in Handling a Firewall on the
Server Machine.
5) Download the DNASTAR Lasergene ‘x’ Client Installer for Windows or Macintosh onto the
client machine.
Note: We recommend saving a copy of this in the LasergeneClient’x’ folder in case you need
it in the future.
6) Run the client installer and accept all defaults. When prompted, type in the IP address for the
license server computer. For deployment, simply provide the local access points/installations
with the appropriate installers, and the correct IP address of the license server computer listed
in the new LasergeneClient’x’ folder.
For detailed installation instructions, please refer to the remainder of this Installation Guide,
beginning with Downloading Installation Software.
1) Go to the sign-in page of the DNASTAR website. After signing in, you will be transferred to
your Account pages. Click on the Installers tab:
2) Click a link or a globe icon ( ) to download the software. Network installation requires
download of both License Server software and Windows/Macintosh Client software. You
may download the software to any location on your computer, but downloading to the
desktop is usually most convenient.
Technical Requirements
For a list of technical requirements related to the network license server, please refer to our
DNASTAR License Server Technical Requirements web page.
1) If you are using downloaded software, double-click on the DNASTAR Lasergene License
Server Installer executable (*.exe) file to initiate installation.
If using a USB drive, insert the LASERGENE‘x’ USB drive (where ‘x’ is the version
number) into any USB port. Browse to the USB drive and double-click on the executable.
2) In the Welcome dialog, read the instructions, and then click Next.
3) This installation requires the server machine to have a static IP address manually configured
in the TCP/IP setting. If your machine instead has a dynamic IP address, you will see the
Important Notes dialog. Follow the on-screen instructions and click Next.
If you do not see the dialog below, skip to the next step.
5) In the Choose Destination Directory dialog, observe that the Space Required and Space
Available for installation is displayed in the bottom right corner of the dialog.
If you are upgrading from a previous Lasergene Network License Server, the new version
should be installed in the same directory as the previous version. Once the new version of the
License Server is installed, you will still be able to run previous network client versions
during your client upgrade process. After choosing a location, click Continue.
Click Next.
6) In the Choose Components dialog, you can highlight a component to see information about it
in the Description pane. Leave both Components boxes checked and click Next.
You will see a progress bar, and a new folder named LasergeneClient‘x’ will appear on the
Please proceed to License Server Authorization for information on authorizing the license server.
1) Using a downloaded file or the LASERGENE‘x’ USB drive (where ‘x’ is the version
number), double-click on the Lasergene License Server Mac Install package (*.pkg) file to
initiate installation.
2) In the Welcome dialog, read and follow the instructions, and then click Continue.
7) This installation requires the server machine to have a static IP address manually configured
in the TCP/IP setting. If your machine instead has a dynamic IP address, you will see the
Important Notes dialog. Follow the on-screen instructions and click Continue.
If you do not see the dialog below, skip to the next step.
If you are upgrading from a previous Lasergene Network License Server, the new version
should be installed in the same directory as the previous version. Once the new version of the
License Server is installed, you will still be able to run previous network client versions
during your client upgrade process. After choosing a location, click Continue.
6) When prompted, type in your Macintosh password. You will see a progress bar.
7) The final dialog will display the following message: “The installation was completed
successfully.” Click Close.
1) Uncheck boxes for software you do not want to associate with the License Server, if any.
Note: If you do not have this information, follow the procedure below:
a) Click Find to go to the License Details page of your DNASTAR account. If not already
logged in, you will be prompted to do so.
b) From the License Details page, copy the appropriate Product Key to your clipboard.
c) Returning to the License Server Authorization dialog, paste the text into the License
field, then click Authorize.
You will see a progress bar, followed by the Licensed Applications dialog:
This dialog displays the applications (or suites) associated with this License Server
authorization, and the number of user licenses for each. Applications (or suites) that are not
associated with this authorization are shown as “unavailable.”
Note: Before installing a network client, all steps for the Network License Server Installation
must already have been completed.
Technical Requirements
For lists of technical requirements related to the network client, please refer to the web pages
1) If you are using downloaded software, double-click on the DNASTAR Lasergene Installer
executable (*.exe) file to initiate installation. If using a USB drive, insert the
LASERGENE‘x’ USB drive (where ‘x’ is the version number) into any USB port. Browse
to the USB drive and double-click on the executable.
2) In the Lasergene Software License Agreement dialog, read the agreement, and then click Yes
to accept.
Check the components you want to install and uncheck those you do not want to install. To
verify that your computer has enough disk space for the selected applications, review the
Space Required and Space Available (in KB) displays in the bottom right corner of the
dialog. Click Next.
4) In the Installation Options dialog, we recommend that you select Run Installation Silently.
This choice will install the software in the default location: C:\Program Files\DNASTAR (or
C:\Program Files (x86)\DNASTAR for 64-bit machines). For custom installations, choose
Display Installation Dialogs.
• If you selected Run Installation Silently, you will see one or more progress bars in
sequence, one for each component you selected:
• If you instead selected Display Installation Dialogs, you will see the first progress bar,
followed by a Welcome dialog (as in Step 1). Follow the instructions in the installer
dialogs. If you would like to choose a custom installation location (optional), use the
Browse button. The default Windows installation location is C:\Program
Files\DNASTAR\[ApplicationName] (or C:\Program Files
(x86)\DNASTAR\[ApplicationName] for 64-bit machines).
Click Close or Finish to complete the setup. You will be prompted to repeat the steps in
this "bullet-point" again for each component that you are installing.
During installation, you will be prompted to authorize the software. For detailed information
about the authorization procedure, see Network Client Authorization.
2) Double-click on the DNASTAR Lasergene Installer disk image (*.dmg) file and enter your
Macintosh password when prompted.
6) In the Installation Type dialog make sure that the items you wish to install are checked. If not
already expanded, click the expand arrow to the left of "DNASTAR Lasergene" to reveal all
available applications. Check the components you want to install and uncheck those you do
not want to install. To check all applications, click Select All.
Note: You must have Parallels Desktop installed to run ArrayStar and QSeq.
To read a brief description of an application and to see its size in MB, click the question
mark ( ) icon to its right. Then click OK to return to the Installation dialog.
7) After installation has finished, the Finish Up dialog will appear. Click Quit to complete the
Note: If you installed Lasergene from a folder with the correct *.lshost files present, you will not
be prompted to authorize, as authorization is not necessary in this case.
1) Read the message carefully. Check or uncheck boxes, as desired, and click Next.
Then enter the Network License Server’s Hostname or IP address. If you don’t have this
information, contact your IT administrator.
Note 1: To open the authorization dialog at a later time, you may do so from the Navigator.
If the Navigator is not already open, launch it from the Start menu. Click on the License
Manager button in the bottom-right corner to open the authorization dialog.
Note 2: If you receive an Unable to authorize error message, consult If You Have Trouble
Authorizing the Client Software.
3) If prompted, choose whether or not you wish to share anonymous platform and usage
statistics with DNASTAR.
4) If it is not already open, launch the DNASTAR Navigator from the Start Menu or
Applications folder.
After installation and authorization are complete, you then need to manually move the file
GenVision.aip into the Adobe Illustrator Plug-ins folder.
However, if the installation included one or both of these applications and you wish to launch
them directly through the command line, then you will need to restart the client machine before
launching the application.
Note: The installer will not prompt you to restart the machine.
2) Open the LasergeneClient‘x’ folder and copy the three files with the extension *.lshost into
DNASTAR Lasergene ‘x’\Contents folder:
3) Copy the entire DNASTAR Lasergene ‘x’ folder to a USB drive or a shared network drive
that can be accessed by each client.
4) You may now run the DNASTAR Lasergene Installer for Macintosh or Windows on each of
the client machines. Be sure to run the installer from the modified DNASTAR Lasergene ‘x’
folder to ensure that the *.lshost files are automatically recognized by the installer.
Note 1: AppData is a hidden folder in Windows 7 and higher. To unhide the folder, go to Organize > Folder and Search Options >
View > Show Hidden files and folders.
Note 2: Files shown as being located in C:\Program Files are located in C:\Program Files (x86) on 64-bit machines.
If you enter unrecognized information and click Authorize, you may receive one of the error
messages shown in the table below. To address the issue, click the OK button in the error
message. This returns you to an enhanced version of the original authorization dialog:
If you receive the error message again, you may wish to perform a manual authorization.
Note: Manual authorization is only for the License Server and Standalone versions of Lasergene,
and does not apply to Client installations.
1) From the enhanced version of the License Server Authorization dialog, click the Manual
button. This will initiate a four-step process.
2) In the “Step 1 of 4” dialog, click the Copy Computer ID button to copy the unique ID
number to your computer’s clipboard. Then click Next.
• Paste your clipboard contents into the Your Computer ID field by using Ctrl/Cmd+V
or by right-clicking and choosing Paste.
6) Click Submit. A page with your authorization keys will load in the browser.
7) Highlight all the text below the term "Keys:" and copy the text onto your clipboard.
8) Go back to the Manual DNASTAR License Server Authorization dialog and click Next.
9) Click Paste Key to paste the copied text into the Key field.
If you are the system administrator, you can find the license server's IP address by opening the
LasergeneClient‘x’ folder (where ‘x’ is the version number) located on the desktop. The number
in the file name IP Address [x.x.x.x].txt is the authorization key for the network clients.
2) Choose Edit>Defined Server List, add the IP address of your Server, and click OK. Then
click the plus sign (+) next to Defined servers.
3) In the ensuing list, click the plus sign (+) next to your server.
4) Click on any of the modules listed, then look on the right side of the dialog to find the
Feature Information section (under Statistics).
5) Confirm that the “Total” column contains the correct number of uses. Confirm this with all
the modules, including Lasergene 6.
Note: “6” is part of the feature name, which is the same for all versions, and does not reflect
what version you are running. For example, versions 9 and later clients can be run from a
version 6 server.
On Macintosh:
1) Go to Hard Drive:Library:DNASTARLicenseServer.
2) Drag and drop lsmon into Terminal (usually located in Hard Drive:Applications:Utilities).
3) Type a space followed by the IP address of the License Server computer. Then click Enter.
A string of text will appear, broken into sections based on the total number of modules plus
one. Lasergene will be one of these sections. Each section will list the module and the “Max
concurrent user(s).”
4) Verify that all the correct modules and correct number of uses appear on the list.
5) Navigate to Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor. Look at “All Processes” to verify
that lserv is running.
3) After restarting, check WlmAdmin to confirm the server is running with the correct
number of modules and licenses.
On Macintosh:
4) Run lsmon to confirm that the server is now running with the correct number of modules
and licenses.
On Windows:
1) Determine whether a firewall is present by navigating to Control Panel (Classic View) >
Windows Firewall. Check whether the firewall is on or off.
2) If a firewall is present, allow an exception for the lservnt.exe file. Click Windows 8,
Windows 7, or Windows XP & Windows Server 2003 for instructions.
4) If prompted, make sure that Domain, Private, and Public are all selected.
On Macintosh:
2) If a firewall is present, make sure that lserv is set to Allow incoming connections. See
OS X Mountain Lion or OS X Lion for details.
After installing DNASTAR software on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or
Windows 8, I receive the message "This program might not have installed
correctly." What should I do?
A notification like the one below appears occasionally after installing DNASTAR software on
Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8:
(The name of the .exe file varies according to the application you are installing). This message
can be safely ignored. Simply click on This program installed correctly and proceed with
using the software.
In order for Navigator to locate ArrayStar on a Macintosh running Parallels Desktop, Parallel
Tools must first be installed. To do this, open Parallels Desktop and select Virtual Machine >
Install Parallels Tools from the menu bar. The next time you open Navigator, you will be able
to launch ArrayStar from the console.
Before installing ArrayStar with QSeq 4 or higher, the *.exe file extension must first be
associated with Windows Explorer. By default, Macintosh associates the *.exe extension with its
own Text Edit application. When you install Parallels Desktop, the association is usually
changed to Windows Explorer. If Parallels Desktop did not change the association, this can be
done manually as follows:
Open the Contents folder of the DNASTAR Lasergene 9 (or higher) disk image or installer,
right-click on ArrayStar 4 (or higher) Installer.exe and choose Get Info. Expand the Open With
section and choose Windows Explorer from the drop down menu. ArrayStar with QSeq can
now be installed by double-clicking on its *.exe file.
Macintosh programs downloaded on Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion may not install
properly after moving them to the Mac side of the machine. You may receive an error message
such as: "Assertion failed!" This is because the Windows operating system does not support
certain Mac resources during file download.
To fix this issue, download the software on the Macintosh side rather than on the Windows side
of your Mac machine.
In the normal course of business, DNASTAR frequently grants the user of our software a
perpetual license for the use of such software. A perpetual license is defined as the use of the
license for the software version purchased, for an unlimited period of time. A perpetual license
does not permit users to place DNASTAR's software on more computers than were licensed for
use in the initial purchase.
DNASTAR is not under any obligation to provide users of the software with support or
additional copies of the original version of software purchased for backup, upgrades to new
computers, or for any other purpose. In addition, DNASTAR is under no obligation to update its
software for new computer operating systems, hardware configurations or for any other reason
after initial purchase of the license by the customer. Users may continue to use a particular
software version after DNASTAR support has been discontinued as long as the use of such
software is not in conflict with any more recent license agreement agreed upon by the customer
and only on the number of computers originally covered in the purchase agreement with
DNASTAR or one of its distributors or agents.
Lasergene, SeqMan NGen, and ArrayStar are sold as standalone systems, networked systems or
site licenses. GenVision is available as standalone systems or site licenses only.
Standalone systems: Purchasing a standalone system allows you to install your DNASTAR
applications on a single computer. Buying a standalone system allows you to install the
applications on a computer and always have access to the programs.
Networked systems: Purchasing a network system allows you to install a License Server on any
Macintosh or Windows computer. (See our technical requirements for details). The License
Server limits the number of simultaneous uses to the number of systems you purchased.
Therefore, you can install the client software on an unlimited number of Macintosh or Windows
same network as the License Server. This computer must be running constantly so that all client
machines will always have access to the client software. Also, the server computer must have a
static IP address, manually configured in the TCP/IP settings of the network card on that server.
In addition, if one computer is running two or more applications this computer would count for
Site Licenses: Via a negotiated agreement, organizations can request a large number or an
unlimited amount of Lasergene, SeqMan NGen, or ArrayStar systems. Please contact your
DNASTAR representative for more information.
General Networking
Can I run a DNASTAR network if I already have a SentinelLM network
running for another program?
Yes. If you already have a SentinelLM network running on the same server where you want to
install the DNASTAR License Server, you will simply need to combine the license files for both
The DNASTAR Network License Server can be either a Macintosh or Windows computer and
can serve any combination of Macintosh and Window client machines up to your license limit.
After contacting your DNASTAR representative and placing the order, you will need to
reauthorize the server. (No changes will be required for the client machines). To reauthorize the
server, launch the LicenseManager application from the following directory:
Enter the Product Key provided by your DNASTAR representative. After successful
authorization, restart the service (see How do I restart the DNASTAR License Server service?) to
ensure the changes are in effect.
A Commuter License Manager is installed on each client machine in the same directory as the
Lasergene or ArrayStar applications. A user can use the Commuter License Manager to check
out one simultaneous use of a license for up to 30 days. This checked out license decrements the
overall available licenses for all users.
Once a license is checked out, this client computer can be disconnected from the network and the
client applications will continue to function. A commuter license is useful if someone has
Lasergene or ArrayStar on a laptop and checks out a license to use the laptop in a remote
location. By policy, the user should check the license back in when returning so that others can
utilize that license.
You may change the percent of licenses that can be checked out as commuter licenses. By
default, 100% of all licenses are available to be checked out by commuter licenses, if they are
not in use. For more information on changing the percentage of available commuter licenses, see
How do I change the percent of licenses that can be checked out as commuter licenses?
Network Installation
Do I need to install my DNASTAR Network License Server on a Windows or
Macintosh machine?
You may install your License Server on a Windows computer (Windows Server 2003, Windows
Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XP [32-bit only], Windows Vista, Windows 7 or
Windows 8), or a Macintosh computer (Mac OS X 10.6 or higher [64 bit] with Intel processor),
but you can only install on one. Therefore, choose a machine that will always be turned on,
accessible from your network, and which has a static IP address.
The Lasergene network installer for Macintosh places an uninstall utility in the following
location: /Library/Application Support/DNASTAR/License Server/uninstall_ls.command.
To uninstall the network software, double-click on the file uninstall_ls.command. You will be
prompted to log in as an Administrator before the uninstallation commences.
DNASTAR has set the configurations such that a log file is automatically created upon
installation of the License Server. For information on log file maintenance, see What do I need to
do to maintain the log file?
Windows XP/Windows 2003: Go to the Start Menu, select Run and type in cmd.
The Usage Summary report can be limited using other variables such as a date range. See the file
documentation.html installed with your License Server for more information.
Commuter licenses can be checked out for an extended period of time. Therefore you may want
to limit how many licenses can be checked out as commuter licenses. You will need to indicate a
certain percentage that can be used as commuter licenses in environment variables.
1) Open the Control Panel and go to the category System and Maintenance (or System
and Security) > System.
2) Select Advanced System Settings and then click on the Environmental Variables
3) Double click on LSERVOPTS in the System variables list. This variable value will
contain -l followed by the path to the log file.
4) After the path, enter a space, then -com, followed by another space, then a 2-digit number
indicating the percent. For example, -com 50 would indicate 50% of all licenses can be
used by commuter licenses.
For Macintosh:
2) Drag the com.dnastar.license-server.plist script file onto a text editor icon such as
TextEdit or BBEdit.
How do I monitor who is using the licenses and how many are checked out?
On the server itself, you can get a snapshot of who is currently using the licenses and how many
are checked out.
From the Windows Start menu, find and select DNASTAR License Server>WlmAdmin under
All Programs. Open WlmAdmin and find your server in the list on the left side. The right side
of the window will provide information about your license and who is using the software at that
instant. Use View>Refresh to get updated information.
Note that for Lasergene, each application will appear followed by the number 6 (e.g. GeneQuest
6), however this does not reflect the version of Lasergene you are running. For additional
information, see I've installed the latest version of the DNASTAR License Server, but the feature
list continues to display Lasergene 6. Why?.
A usage log file is automatically created by the DNASTAR Network License Server installer. By
default, the maximum size of the usage log file is 1 megabyte. Also by default, once the
maximum size of the file is reached, the license server will create a backup log file. The
maximum number of backup files is 99.
For more information regarding viewing the log file, see Can I get an audit report about
Lasergene, ArrayStar of SeqMan NGen usage?
Network Troubleshooting
What should I do if clients receive the message "All licenses are in use" but I know that some
licenses are available?
Licenses may not be released if a client shuts down or reboots their computer without closing a
DNASTAR application, or if an application crashes. There is a two hour timeout period before
these 'inactive' licenses are released by the server. To release the license before this timeout
period is over, either restart the application on the client and close the application properly or
restart the DNASTAR License Server service. For information on restarting the service, see How
do I restart the DNASTAR License Server service?
I've installed the latest version of the DNASTAR License Server, but the
feature list continues to display Lasergene 6. Why?
In order to allow companies to run previous network client versions during the client upgrade
process, we retained the original license server feature names of Lasergene 6, SeqBuilder 6,
SeqMan 6, etc. As a result, you will always see "Lasergene 6" in the feature list on the server. A
quick way to verify you have installed the most recent version of Lasergene is to open the
LasergeneClientx folder (where 'x' is a number) and look at the version numbers of the *.lshost
On Windows systems, you may need to add an exception to the firewall. On Macintosh, the
lserv service should be added to the Firewall settings on the server. For directions, see
On Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows
Server 2012:
3) Click on Inbound Rules from the upper left corner of the window.
4) Select New Rule from the upper right corner of the window.
5. From the New Inbound Rule Wizard, click the radio button next to Program, and
then click Next.
5) Click the radio button next to This program path: and then browse to C:\Program
Files (x86)\DNASTAR-LicenseServer\Server\lservnt.exe. Click Next.
6) On the Action page of the wizard, click the radio button next to Allow the
connection, and then click Next.
7) On the Profile page of the wizard, make sure Domain, Private, and Public are all
selected, and then click Next.
3) Click the Advanced button, then click the plus sign icon.
5) Click the Add button, and verify that lserv service is set to "Allow incoming
7) Click OK.
What if the applications on the client machine can no longer access the
If clients get the message "Cannot connect to license server" it is likely being caused by one of
the following:
• The client machine is no longer connected to the network. To verify, try launching a web
browser and connect to an external website or use a different application to open a file
that is on your network.
• The License Server machine is down or the service is not working. To remedy, restart the
license server machine.
• A new security patch or firewall prevents the machine from locating the license server.
For information on allowing clients to access the server through a firewall, see What can
I do if a firewall is preventing the connection between my clients and the DNASTAR
Network License Server?
• The License Server machine does not have the same IP address or name. If the IP address
or name has changed, this information will need to be changed in the lshost file for every
client machine. lshost is a text file that can be opened and modified with a text editor like
Notepad or TextEdit. For Lasergene clients, the filename is LG10.lshost. For ArrayStar
clients, the filename is AS5.lshost. These files are located in the following directory: