Extraction and Characterization of Guava Seed Oil - A Novel Industrial Byproduc
Extraction and Characterization of Guava Seed Oil - A Novel Industrial Byproduc
Extraction and Characterization of Guava Seed Oil - A Novel Industrial Byproduc
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/lwt
Keywords: Guava processing industry generates seed and peel as major waste fractions with seeds being a promising source
Super critical fluid extraction of oil. Guava seed oil extracted from the dried seeds using solvent extraction resulted in 13.63% higher oil yield
Viscosity as compared to supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. Guava seed oil as characterized by Gas chromatography
Linoleic acid
(GC) was found to be rich in poly unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), particularly linoleic acid (75.25%), one of the
Thermal properties
essential fatty acids whereas among mono unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), oleic acid contributed majorly. Total
saturated fatty acids amounted up to 13.52% of total fatty acids. Physico-chemical properties revealed guava
seed oil to be quite stable due to its low acid value (0.40 � 0.02 mg KOH/mg) and peroxide value (0.62 �
0.05%). Sufficient amount of tocopherols (654 � 11.00 ppm) and carotenoids (19.24 � 0.38 ppm) were found in
guava seed oil. Antioxidant activity was found to be 58.90%. Thermal properties like melting and crystallization
behavior was also studied. Around 33 volatile constituents were found in guava seed oil with major contribution
by fatty acid esters. The study outlines nutritional significance of guava seed oil to be utilized as functional
ingredient for the development and formulation of new food products.
1. Introduction Amin, and Shuhaimi (2015). These oils are either used as salad oils,
spray oil for bakery products, specialty fats or for non edible purpose
Fruit processing plants generate massive by-products of nutritional such as in soaps and cosmetics.
significance. Guava fruit is widely processed in the form of fruit juice, Guava seeds are known to contain around 16% oil, 61.4% crude fibre
instant guava powder and puree with waste index reported to be around and 7.6% protein (Prasad & Azeemoddin, 1994), making it a good
30% post processing (Triechel, 2016). Among the waste generated, fruit source of edible oil. Until recently, guava seed oil has only been
seeds forms major waste fraction that are discarded yearly in landfills exploited to prepare food ingredients such as mono-acylglycerol and
resulting in disposal problems and burdens environmental load. di-acylglycerol (Raihana et al., 2015). As per Uchoa-Thomaz et al.
By-product obtained from fruit-processing plants offers untapped po (2014) guava seed oil being a good source of palmitic acid and stearic
tential of producing fruit seed oils of financial benefits as they are loaded acid could be used in soaps, lubricants, as a softener or lubricant. The
with natural bio-components having both edible and non-edible fruit seed oil from non-conventional sources could also be blended with
applications. other edible oils to modify and enhance nutritional properties.
Presence of bioactive components such as polyphenols, tocopherols Utilization of these seeds in any form will help reduce waste,
and phytosterols in these fruit seed oils make them highly wanted due to improve commercialization and procure neglected substances for tech
their beneficial effects on human body. The oil generated from waste nological and nutritional applications. Hence, there is need to give
sources could be used to enhance rheological and sensory characteristics attention to utilize tons of fruit seeds produced each year to address
of the food product. Some of the nutritionally rich fruits seeds with high environmental issues and generate new income source. Therefore, the
oil content are pumpkin (27.84–45.4%), papaya (29.16–30.7%), hon present aim of the research study was to utilize guava waste residue by
eydew (25.0–32.3%), mangosteen (21.8%), rambutan (38.0–38.9%) extracting seed oil, evaluation of extraction efficiency and character
and watermelon seeds (22.1–35.65%) as reported by Raihana, Marikkar, ization of oil in terms of physico-chemical properties, antioxidant
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Kapoor).
Received 25 May 2020; Received in revised form 9 July 2020; Accepted 11 July 2020
Available online 17 July 2020
0023-6438/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Kapoor et al. LWT 132 (2020) 109882
properties and thermal stability in order to establish its potential for & Boskou, 1992). Required amount of oil sample was refluxed with 80%
application in the food sector. methanol at 45–50 C. The refluxed sample was filtered using Whatman
No.1 filter paper. Briefly, 200 μL of oil extract was mixed with 3 ml of
2. Material and methods distilled water followed by 250 μL of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. After 3
min, 750 μL of sodium carbonate (7%) was added followed by 800 μL of
2.1. Raw material distilled water. The resulting mixture was kept in dark for 2 h and
absorbance was measured at 765 nm against blank. Gallic acid was
Guava pomace consisting of seeds, skin and residual flesh was pro taken as reference standard for standard curve and the results were
vided by Food Industry Business Incubation Centre (FIBIC), Punjab expressed as mg GAE (Gallic Acid Equivalent)/100 g.
Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
2.5.1. Antioxidant activity
2.2. Extraction of guava seed oil Antioxidant activity of oil extract was determined by 2,2 di phenyl
picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) method according to Brand-Williams, Cuvelier,
Guava pomace was washed under normal tap water to remove and Berset (1995) with some modifications. Methanolic extract of
adhering pulp. Washed seeds were dried till 8 � 0.2% moisture content samples was taken for antioxidant activity analysis and calculated ac
in hot air tray cabinet drier (Narang Scientific Works, New Delhi). Prior cording to the following formula. The assay contained 2 ml of sample
to oil extraction, dried guava seeds were ground in hammer mill to aliquot, 2 ml of tris HCl buffer (pH 7.4) and 4 ml of 0.1 mM DPPH. The
coarse grits. Guava seed oil was extracted using supercritical carbon contents were mixed immediately and the degree of reduction of
dioxide and solvent extraction method. Supercritical CO2 extraction was absorbance was recorded continuously for 30 min at 517 nm.
conducted using speed SFE model 7071 instrument (Applied Separa
ControlODð0minÞ SampleODð30minÞx100
tions, Allentown, PA, USA). A thick walled stainless steel cylindrical Radicalscavengingactivityð%Þ¼
extractor vessel equipped with pressure unit was filled with crushed
guava seeds. Temperature and pressure were maintained at 50 � C and 45
Mpa, respectively. Ethanol was used as co-solvent @ 3 ml/min and total 2.6. Fatty acid composition
extraction time measured for 20 gm of each sample was around 1hr. For
solvent extraction method, oil was extracted from the seeds using n- Guava seed oil was analyzed for fatty acid composition using GC with
hexane as solvent for 6 h at 40–60 � C in Soxhlet extraction unit (Perfit, FID (Thermo Scientific-Trace GC Ultra). Seed oil was esterified by
India) followed by solvent separation using rotary vacuum evaporator saponification method using trans methylene mixture as per Ranganna
(Stuart, Cole-Parmer, UK). The crude oil obtained was stored in sealed (2000). Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed in GC with column
glass jars under refrigeration (0–4 � C) till further analysis. HP-88 (100 m � 0.25 mm x 0.20μ), helium carrier gas, oven tempera
ture, 250 � C; injector temperature, 60–140 � C; injection volume 1 μL in
2.3. Physico-chemical properties split mode with total run time of 41.87 min using flame ionization de
tector (FID). Certified reference material FAME-37 MIX (Supelco, Sigma
Physico-chemical properties of guava seed oil such as refractive –Aldrich) was used to compare and calculate relative percentage of fatty
index was determined using Abbe refractometer at 40 � C. Saponification acids in oil.
value (mgKOH/g), iodine value (g I2/100 g oil), peroxide value (meq/
Kg), acid value (g/100 g) and energy content (Kcal/100 g) was measured 2.7. Volatile constituent analysis
using BIS IS 548-1: 1964 (R2015) standard methods.
Guava seed oil was analyzed by GC/MS using Thermo Trace 1300GC
2.4. Viscosity measurement coupled with ThermoTSQ 8000 Triple Quadrupole MS. Column used
was BP 5MS (30 m � 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm) crosslinked with 5% phenyl
Viscosity of guava seed oil was measured using Rheometer, Rheolab Polysilphenylene-siloxane. Sample volume of 2.0 μL was injected using
QC (Anton Paar), a rotational type rheometer. The viscosity of oil sample splitless injector with injector temperature of 250 � C. Following oper
was measured in triplicates at different shear rate ranging from 0 to ating conditions of GC were used: helium carrier gas with a flow rate of
70s 1 at constant temperature of 25.5 � C. Around 20 ml of oil was placed 1.0 ml/min; column temperature 50 � C for 3 min, 50–220 � C (8 � C/min)
in measuring cup (C-CC27/QC-LTD) with 28.920 mm diameter. The and hold for 10min. The Mass Spectrometer (MS) operating parameters
concentric cylinder (CC27) with bob length, 40.006 mm and bob were as follows: MS transfer line temperature 250 � C, Ion source tem
diameter, 26.672 mm was used for measurement. The viscosity and perature 230 � C and Mass range 40–700 using MS TSQ 8000 detector.
torque were recorded till the viscosity values achieved apparent equi
librium (relatively constant for reasonable time). The mean viscosity 2.7.1. Identification of oil components
was calculated at twenty different shear rates and expressed as mPa.s Volatile components were identified on the basis of their retention
(Yalcin, Toker, & Dogan, 2012). indices RI, (determined with reference to a homologous series of normal
alkanes), and by comparison of their mass spectral fragmentation pat
2.5. Bioactive components and antioxidant activity terns with those stored on the MS library (NIST 2.0 database). The
concentration of the identified compounds was computed from the GC
Total tocopherols were determined in guava seed oil through peak total area without any correction factor.
AFNOR, NF ISO 9936 (1997) using High Performance Liquid Chroma
tography (HPLC). Phytosterols were determined using GC-MS as per 2.8. Thermal analysis
AOCS (1998). Total carotenoid content in guava seed oil was estimated
using spectrophotometric method (Franke, Frohlich, Werner, Bohm, & Thermal properties of guava seed oil such as crystallization and
Schone, 2010). Carotenoids were extracted from the oil using petroleum melting behavior was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry
ether: acetone (1:1, v/v) until dissolved. Absorbance of resulting extract using DSC3 STARe system with FRS 5þ sensor (Mettler Toledo, USA)
was measured at 445 nm using spectrophotometer (Analytik Jena, equipped with an IntraCooler. Samples of 24–25 mg were sealed in 40-
Germany). Total carotenoids were calculated using β-carotene standard μL aluminum crucibles. The samples were cooled from 25 � C to 80 � C
curve and expressed as ppm. Total phenols were determined using at the rate of -2 � C/min and hold at 80 � C for 5 min and again heated to
Folin-Ciocalteu spectrophotometric method (Tsimidou, Papadopoulos, 25 � C to 80 � C at the rate of 5 � C/min. The nitrogen flow rate was
S. Kapoor et al. LWT 132 (2020) 109882
Fig. 1. Yield of guava seed oil using solvent extraction and Super critical carbon dioxide (SC–CO2) fluid extraction.
Fig. 2. Solvent extracted (a) and SC-CO2 fluid (b) extracted guava seed oil.
maintained at 40 ml/min. The data was analyzed by STARe v.16.10 3. Results and discussion
software (Mettler Toledo, USA) with exothermic reactions being shown
by upward peaks from baseline and endothermic reactions being shown 3.1. Physico-chemical properties of guava seed oil
by downward peaks from baseline.
Guava seed showed promising results with respect to oil yield. Guava
2.9. Statistical analysis seed oil yield from solvent extraction and supercritical CO2 extraction
was found to be 12.10 and 10.45%, respectively (Fig. 1). Eller, Moser,
Data pertaining to physico-chemical properties and bioactive com Kenar, and Taylor (2010) reported 13.5% higher yield of tomato seed oil
ponents was calculated using triplicate values and expressed as Mean � using hexane-accelerated solvent extraction method than super-critical
standard deviation (SD). carbon dioxide extraction. As per the authors, higher solvent: feed
ratio could have improved tomato seed oil yield using SC-CO2 extractor.
Considering the yield of oil, solvent extracted oil was chosen for further
S. Kapoor et al. LWT 132 (2020) 109882
analysis. The oil content of guava seed in our study was higher than Table 2
Bioactive composition and antioxidant activity of guava seed oil.
reported by Arain, Sherazi, Mahesar, and Sirajuddin (2017) (11.12
g/100 g) but almost similar to as reported by Uchoa-Thomaz et al. Bioactive compounds Guava seed oil
(2014) (13.93 g/100 g). Guava seed oil as extracted using both the Phytosterol (%) 0.42 � 0.02
methods was a pale yellow liquid at ambient temperature (Fig. 2). Tocopherol (ppm) 654 � 11.00
Results pertaining to physico-chemical properties of guava seed oil Total carotenoids (ppm) 19.24 � 0.38
Total phenols (mgGAE/100 g) 124.03 � 0.13
have been compiled in Table 1. Refractive index of guava seed oil was
Antioxidant activity (%) 58.90 � 1.31
noted as 1.4651. The refractive index being a physical property relates
to structure, particularly number of double bonds in triglycerides (de All the values are mean of three replicates � standard deviation (Mean
gree of saturation) and extent of conjugation (O’Brien, 2008) with � SD).
additional conjugated double bonds leading to higher refractive index.
Therefore, each oil has a specific refractive index at a certain tempera
Table 3
ture due to varying composition of fatty acids. Most of the vegetable oils Fatty acid composition (%) of guava seed oil.
have refractive index in the range of 1.44–1.47 with palm oil being
Fatty acid Carbon number Composition (%)
saturated in nature having lower RI (1.44–1.45) compared to other
vegetable oils (1.46–1.48). Tridecanoic acid C13: 0 0.03
Myristic acid C14:0 0.56
Saponification value, a measure of average molecular weight of fatty
Palmitic acid C16:0 9.51
acids or chain length of fatty acids, was recorded as 170 for guava seed Stearic acid C18:0 0.16
oil. As per Endo (2018) low molecular weight triacyglycerols have Heneicosanoic acid C21:0 0.54
higher saponification values and vice-versa. The saponification value of Behenic acid C22:0 2.72
guava seed oil as observed by Kobori and Jorge (2005) was around Ʃ Saturated fatty acids 13.52
Cis-10 Pentadecanoic acid C15:1 0.02
189.1, higher than reported in this study. Low saponification value of
Oleic acid C18:1 7.11
guava seed oil might be due presence to high percentage of linoleic acid Cis-11-Eicosenoic acid C21:1 0.05
(75.25%), a long chain fatty acid having fewer number of carboxylic Nervonic acid C24:1 0.10
functional group per unit mass of the fat in comparison with short chain Elaidic acid (trans-9) C18:1 3.56
Ʃ Mono Unsaturated fatty acids 10.84
fatty acid (Folayan, Anawe, Aladejare, & Ayeni, 2019). Less number of
Linoleic acid C18:2 75.25
ester bonds or negligible interaction of fat molecules among each other Cis-11, 14-Eicosadienoic acid C21:2 0.39
(Denniston, Topping, & Cariet, 2004) also contributes to low saponifi Ʃ Poly Unsaturated fatty acids 75.64
cation values.
Fig. 3. Shear rate vs. shear stress behavior of guava seed oil.
S. Kapoor et al. LWT 132 (2020) 109882
guava seed oil. The differences might be due to variation in fatty acid Energy value of guava seed oil was noted as 894.86 Kcal/100 g.
composition of guava seed oil owing to cultivar disparity. Major available oilseeds are reported to have energy value ranging from
Quite low peroxide values (0.62 meq kg-1) were observed in our 598 Kcal/100 g (sesame seed) to 103 Kcal/100 g (olives) (McKevith,
study (Table 1), indicating good quality of guava seed oil. However, the 2005). Energy values of safflower oil, canola oil and soybean oil were
peroxide value observed by Kobori and Jorge (2005) in guava seeds was reported as 883 Kcal/100 g, 883.9 Kcal/100 g and 884 Kcal/100 g en
lowest (0.2 meq kg 1) compared to orange (29.4 meq kg 1) and passion ergy, respectively (Gebhardt & Thomas, 2002) which is more or less
fruit seeds (0.59 meq kg 1). The acid value of guava seed oil was found similar to energy value of guava seed oil.
to be around 0.40 mg KOH g 1, indicating it to be quite stable oil with
low acidity and less free fatty acids. Previous reports suggests acidity
3.2. Viscosity properties
index of crude guava seed oil as 1.2 mg KOH g-1 and 3.74 g/100 g (Iha
et al., 2018; Arain et al., 2017, respectively).
The rheogram shown in Fig. 3 describes the viscosity behavior of
S. Kapoor et al. LWT 132 (2020) 109882
Table 4 common vegetable oil varies from 142.64 to 1891.82 mg/100 g (Yang
Relative content of volatile components in guava seed oil. et al., 2019) that help reduce cholesterol absorption in the gut resulting
No. Name of the component Retention Area in lower blood cholesterol levels.
Time (min.) (%) Tocopherols are known to be efficient free radical scavenger and
1 N-Acetylethylenediamine 4.00 0.93 contribute significantly to antioxidant activity of food. Tocopherol
2 Cyclobutylsilane 4.75 5.71 content of guava seed oil in our study was found to be sufficiently high
3 2-Pentanone,4-hydroxy-4-methyl- 5.64 23.56 (654 ppm) as presented in Table 2. In an attempt to characterize seed
4 Oxirane, (propoxymethyl) 7.12 0.36 oils from kiwi, passion fruit and guava, Piombo et al. (2006) reported
5 Valeric acid, 2-ethoxyethyl ester 7.54 0.29
6 2-Heptenal, (Z) 8.21 1.26
highest tocopherols in guava seed oil (665 ppm) which is quite close to
7 D-Limonene 9.84 0.85 the one found in present study. The authors reported highest content of
8 Decane 11.33 0.26 γ-tocopherol followed by α-tocopherol whereas a lesser amount of δ- and
9 2,6-Dimethyl-6-nitro-2-hepten-4-one 12.13 0.30 β-tocopherol were noted. Isomer, α-tocopherol, related to vitamin E
10 Bicyclo [2.2.2]octa-2,5-diene, 13.01 0.40
activity is known as “chain break” compound inhibiting lipid peroxi
11 4,7-dimethyl undecane 13.28 1.15 dation reaction and hence provides oxidative stability to unsaturated
12 2-Decenal,(E) 14.37 0.24 oils (Issaoui & Delgado, 2019). Similar observations were also derived
13 2,4-Nonadienal 14.96 1.66 by Narva
�ez-Cuenca, Inampues-Charfuelan, Hurtado-Benavide,
14 4,7-dimethyl Undecane 15.10 0.25 Prada-Alfonso, and Vincken (2020) in guava seed oil.
15 Silane, difluorodimethyl 15.37 2.01
16 9-methyl-1-undecane 15.79 0.15
Total carotenoids in guava seed oil was recorded as 19.24 ppm
17 3-Cyclohexene-1-methanol, 15.91 0.13 (Table 2). As per Uchoa-Thomaz et al. (2014) guava seed powder was
2,2,4-trimethyl,-acetate reported to have 12.5 ppm of carotenoids. Food carotenoids are tetra
18 2, Cubebene 16.51 0.27 terpenoids built from isoprenoid units with a distinctive characteristic,
19 2,4-dihydroxy-6-methyl Benzaldehyde 16.66 0.11
conjugated double-bond system that is primarily responsible for the
20 4,7-dimethyl undecane 16.81 0.93
21 Caryophyllene 17.27 0.96 excellent ability of β-carotene to physically quench singlet oxygen
22 1,6-Octa dien-3-ol, 17.84 0.22 (Rodriguez-Amaya, 2001). Total phenols were noted as 124.03
3,7dimethyl, propanoate mgGAE/100 g in guava seed oil which is quite high as compared to the
23 2,4,6-Tris (1,1dimethylethyl)-4- 18.48 0.54 value reported by Prommaban, Utama-ang, Chaikitwattana, Uthaipi
bull, and Srichairatanakool (2019) i.e. 46 mg GAE/Kg in guava seed oil
24 Naphthalene,1,2,3,5,6,8a-hexahydro-4,7- 18.80 0.29
dimethyl-1-(1-methylethyl), (1 S-cis-) whereas Abd-El Haleem (2016) reported 100.59 mg/100 g of poly
25 Caryophyllene oxide 19.81 0.19 phenols in guava seeds. Various authors have documented a positive
26 2,4,6-trimethyl octane 19.95 0.37 linear correlation between total polyphenols and oil stability as poly
27 6,9-Heptadecadiene 20.95 0.27
phenols have strong metal chelating and radical scavenging properties
28 2,7,10-trimethyl dodecane 22.75 0.14
29 n-Hexadecanoic acid 24.87 9.85 (Baldioli, Servili, Perretti, & Montedoro, 1996).
30 11,14-Eicosadienoic acid, methyl ester 26.84 0.30 As per DPPH assay, the radical scavenging capacity (RSC %) of guava
31 2-Chloroethyl linoleate 28.01 44.53 seed oil was noted as 58.90% (Table 2). However, Abd-El Haleem (2016)
32 Octadecanoic acid 28.45 1.24 noted slightly lower antioxidant activity (49.24%) in guava seeds as
33 7-Nonenamide 33.69 0.26
measured by N,N-Dimethyl-p-Phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride
(DMPD) assay. DPPH assay is based on the combination of single elec
guava seed oil with respect to shear rate (γ) and shear stress (τ). Mean tron transfer and hydrogen atom transfer, thus, it can be hypothized that
absolute viscosity of guava seed oil was observed to be 43.4 MPa s at 25 bioactive compounds capable of efficiently donating electron and
C. Viscosity of guava seed oil became almost constant after 30 s of hydrogen atom contribute significantly to antioxidant activity. Both
operation where shear rate was 15.5s 1. Kinematic viscosity of guava carotenoids and phenols undergo single electron transfer and hydrogen
seed oil was observed as 28.8 cSt at 40 � C by Iha et al. (2018). Rheogram atom transfer (using hydroxyl group) whereas tocopherols undergo only
analysis shows that initially shear stress increased with increase in shear hydrogen atom transfer to eliminate free radicals (Santos-Sanchez,
rate and thereafter, attained more or less similar values. Guava seed oil Salas-Coronado, Villanueva-Canongo, & Hernandez-Carlos, 2019). As
exhibited Newtonian fluid behavior as all the plots in the range of 4.63 carotenoids and phenols are excellent peroxyl radical scavenger, vege
to 70s 1 showed straight line suggesting Newtonian behaviour. Some of table oil rich in both of these bioactive components might have better
the vegetable oils with absolute viscosities similar to guava seed oil were oxidative stability against lipid peroxidation reaction, thus, reducing the
walnut and safflower oil (42.9 and 44.5 Mpa.s at 26 � C, respectively) need to use artificial antioxidants to maintain oil stability.
that exhibited Newtonian behaviour as reported by Diamante and Lan
(2014). Viscosity values generally depend on chain length, unsaturation, 3.4. Fatty acid profile
saturation and position of hydroxyl groups in fatty acids. Oil viscosity
was found to decrease with increase in polyunsaturated fatty acid and Fatty acid composition and relative percentage of each component of
decrease in monounsaturated fatty acids, as fatty acids with more double guava seed oil has been shown in Table 3 and Fig. 4. It could be inferred
bonds do not have a rigid and fixed structure, being loosely packed and from the data that guava seed oil is a promising source of omega-6
are more fluid-like (Yalcin et al., 2012). essential fatty acid, linoleic acid (C18:2) with major contribution
being 75.25%. The seed oil was noted to have 10.84% MUFA, pre
dominantly, oleic acid as major fraction. Among saturated fatty acids
3.3. Bioactive components (SFA), palmitic acid was present in major quantity (9.51%) followed by
behenic acid (2.72%). Previous studies also support predominance of
Data pertaining to bioactive components and antioxidant activity of linoleic acid and oleic acid in guava seed oil. However, various other
guava seed oil has been presented in Table 2. Sufficient amount of studies on fatty acid profile of guava seed oil shows variable results.
phytosterol was observed in guava seed oil (420 mg/100 g). Previous Arain et al. (2017) reported around 26% SFA, 13.5% MUFA and 60.15%
reports indicate slightly lower values of phytosterols in guava seed oil PUFA in guava seed oil, whereas, Uchoa-Thomaz et al. (2014) reported
(329 mg/100 g) with major contributions being made by stigmasterol 12.94% SFA, 9.56% MUFA and 77.5% PUFA. Among major oilseeds,
(97%) followed by campesterol (3%) and traces of β-sitosterol and Δ5- fatty acid composition of safflower oil containing 73.9% of linoleic acid,
avenasterol (Piombo et al., 2006). The total phytosterol content of 11.4% of oleic acid and 6.6% of palmitic acid (McKevith, 2005) was
S. Kapoor et al. LWT 132 (2020) 109882
Table 5
Thermal properties of the guava seed oil.
Transition Melting Crystallization
Onset temp (To) Peak Temp (Tp) Enthalpy of melting (ΔHm) Onset temp (To) Peak Temp (Tp) Enthalpy of crystallization (ΔHc)
(� C) (� C) Jg 1 (� C) (� C) Jg 1
found to be quite close to guava seed oil whereas among fruit seeds, amine.
watermelon seeds were also found to be rich in linoleic acid
(45.1–51.2%) and oleic acid (20.2–23.0%) (Milovanic & Pcuric-Jovanic, 3.6. Thermal properties
2005). However, the presence of elaidic acid (3.56%), a trans-form of
oleic acid in guava seed oil was a matter of concern that might have been Thermal behavior of any vegetable oil is usually characterized by its
formed due to eladinization reaction (oleic acid is converted to elaidic melting and crystallization behavior. Fatty acid composition of vege
acid) during drying and oil extraction operations in guava seed oil. table oil has profound effect on these two thermal properties. Therefore,
Pomegranate seed oil was also reported to contain elaidic acid (Mahesar, each vegetable oil has characteristic DSC profile pertaining to its fatty
Kori, Sherazi, & Laghari, 2019). acid composition and serve as its fingerprint. The thermogram of guava
seed oil has been shown in Fig. 6. When oil is subjected to crystallization
3.5. Volatile component analysis condition from molten state, it undergoes series of actions such as
nucleation, activation, crystal growth and crystal lattice stage due to
The gas chromatogram shown in Fig. 5 shows relative concentrations complex mix of triglycerides (Srivastava, Semwal, Sajeevkumar, &
of around 33 volatile components present in guava seed oil. The con Sharma, 2017). DSC cooling curve of guava seed oil depicts three
centration of each component present in the oil is indicated by the peak distinct exothermic peaks that correspond to crystallization temperature
height. Retention time and area (%) of each identified volatile compo of various components in the oil, preferably saturated fatty acids
nent has been shown in Table 4. The nature and structure of each showing high temperature peak, mono unsaturated fatty acid leading to
component eluted at particular retention time was analyzed by mass medium temperature peak and polyunsaturated fatty acid showing low
spectrometer. The mass spectra obtained for each compound act as its temperature peak (Tan & Che Man, 2000). Quite low crystallization
fingerprint that can be identified from the data library. The mass spectra temperature (Tp-64.76 � C) was witnessed for majority fraction of oil
reveals presence of three prominent components identified in guava components in guava seed oil that might be due to presence of linoleic
seed oil i.e. 2-Chloroethyl linoleate (44.53%), 2-Pentanone,4-hydroxy- acid as a major fatty acid component in guava oil (Table 5). However,
4-methyl (23.56%) and n-Hexadecanoic acid (9.85%). Overall, guava some of the minor fraction of guava seed oil started to crystallize around
seed oil comprised a mixture of eight alkanes, four carboxylic acids, four To 13.42 � C and the enthalpy of crystallization (ΔHc) ranged from 4.77
aldehydes, three alkenes, three ketones, three terpenes, two epoxides, J g-1 to 25.84 J g-1 throughout cooling phase. The melting curve pre
two alcohol esters, one amide, one alcohol, one alkyl halide and one sented in Fig. 6 exhibited two endothermic peaks and one exothermic
S. Kapoor et al. LWT 132 (2020) 109882
peak. During heating cycle from 80 � C to 25 � C, minor fraction of fatty Aocs. (1998). Official methods and recommended practices of the American oil chemists’
society. Champaign: American Oil Chemists’ Society.
acids components in guava seed oil started melting around (To) 47.8
Arain, A., Sherazi, S. T. H., Mahesar, S. A., & Sirajuddin. (2017). Spectroscopic and
C, the first endothermic peak. Immediately, a quite sharp and tall chromatographic evaluation of solvent extracted guava seed oil. International Journal
exothermic peak was seen at (Tp) 37.02 � C, representing cold crys of Food Properties, 20, S556–S563. sup.1.
tallization of approximately 1/3rd fraction of fatty acids in guava seed Baldioli, M., Servili, M., Perretti, G., & Montedoro, G. F. (1996). Antioxidant activity of
tocopherols and phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil. Journal of the American Oil
oil. Cold crystallization is usually a characteristic of polymers and is a Chemists Society, 73, 1589–1593.
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