A New Normal Way in Freemasonry: by WM Sinsuat C. Andang, JR

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By WM Sinsuat C. Andang, Jr.

Despite this pandemic, lodges within the State of California

endeavor to thrive and continue to labor for freemasonry. But I guess

there will be some changes in our masonic system and this is apparent

when GM _____ allows the holding of virtual installation in every lodges

in California of which its implementation might conflict with the ancient

practices of the craft.

We are now adopting a new normal in freemasonry. We need to

move on as changes will go with times. We need to adopt to changes.

Although this is unlikely masonic way but this is the wisest and healthiest

reaction to any transition. We need to change our system in freemasonry

to continue to promote our purpose of making good men better,

otherwise, freemasonry will be a thing of the past.

Change, as they are saying, is the very constant process on earth.

Everything changes and only changes does not change. To adopt to a new

normal, we need to gather enough information to be able to create a plan

in coming days for our lodge to move on and accomplish our obligations.

Although, in freemasonry we don’t have choices, we only follow the

edicts of our Grandmaster. This is the nature of freemasonry. We don’t

even have to make some innovation as this is proscribed among us. We

have to follow the dictates of our Grandmaster. We should be subservient

to him as we are subservient according to our ancient landmarks.

In order to operate in a changing environment, we need to think in

a bigger picture to see every challenge and hardship as an opportunity.

Let us all join hands in doing what is incumbent upon us, as officers of

the lodge and as members thereof. There is no isolation to be done, we

need to work as a team. As a team means arriving altogether at a possible

resolution to every hardship that we will face even when some disagree to


The first ever virtual installation is an indication of a challenge.

How to do it requires preparation. In everything that man should do to

make it successful requires preparation. Preparation demands planning

and it is in this that we should work as a team. Every plan decided by the

team should be questioned beforehand. Let it be a habit of questioning the

plan whether it is sustainable or not, beneficial or less burdensome to the

members or not. Once the plan has been unanimously carried, the act of

questioning should not anymore surface. We should labor for our plan to

realize our goals.

We welcome year 2021 with arms open wide. We are ready to face

challenges for we will turn this into an opportunity. Freemasonry which

existed in 1717 might belong to Year of the Ox as the attributes and

virtues enunciated by our craft surely belongs to an ox as it attaches the

symbol of diligence, persistence and honesty.

In Chinese culture, Ox is a faithful friend that made great

contributions to the development of the society. Like the ox, freemasons

are industrious, cautious, hold their faith firmly, and always glad to offer


An Ox work on his tasks and steadily bring them to

completion. Let us labor like an Ox, altogether brethren.

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