Routconf 5

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Chapter 1 Basic Router Configuration

Configuring Basic Parameters

Configuring Basic Parameters

To configure the router, perform one or more of these tasks:
• Configure Global Parameters
• Configure Fast Ethernet LAN Interfaces
• Configure WAN Interfaces
• Configuring a Loopback Interface
• Configuring Command-Line Access to the Router
A configuration example is presented with each task to show the network configuration following
completion of that task.

Configure Global Parameters

Perform these steps to configure selected global parameters for your router:

Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode, when using the
console port.
Example: If you are connecting to the router using a remote
Router> enable terminal, use the following:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# telnet router name or address
Login: login id
Password: *********
Router> enable

Step 2 hostname name Specifies the name for the router.

Router(config)# hostname Router

Step 3 enable secret password Specifies an encrypted password to prevent

unauthorized access to the router.
Router(config)# enable secret cr1ny5ho

Step 4 no ip domain-lookup Disables the router from translating unfamiliar

words (typos) into IP addresses.
Router(config)# no ip domain-lookup

For complete information on the global parameter commands, see the Cisco IOS Release 12.3
documentation set.

Cisco 850 Series and Cisco 870 Series Access Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-5332-01 1-5

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