Wide-Sense Stationary Process

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Wide-Sense Stationary Random Processes

• A random process X(t) is said to be wide-sense stationary (WSS) if its mean

and autocorrelation functions are time invariant, i.e.,
◦ E(X(t)) = µ, independent of t
◦ RX (t1, t2) is a function only of the time difference t2 − t1
◦ E[X(t)2] < ∞ (technical condition)
• Since RX (t1, t2) = RX (t2, t1), for any wide sense stationary process X(t),
RX (t1, t2) is a function only of |t2 − t1|
• Clearly SSS ⇒ WSS. The converse is not necessarily true
• Example: Let 

 + sin t with probability 4

− sin t 1
with probability

X(t) = 1

 + cos t with probability 4

− cos t 1
with probability


◦ E(X(t)) = 0 and RX (t1, t2) = 21 cos(t2 − t1), thus X(t) is WSS

◦ But X(0) and X( π4 ) do not have the same pmf (different ranges), so the first
order pmf is not stationary, and the process is not SSS
• For Gaussian random processes, WSS ⇒ SSS, since the process is completely
specified by its mean and autocorrelation functions
• Random walk is not WSS, since RX (n1, n2) = min{n1, n2} is not time
invariant; similarly Poisson process is not WSS
Autocorrelation Function of WSS Processes

• Let X(t) be a WSS process. Relabel RX (t1, t2) as RX (τ ) where τ = t1 − t2

1. RX (τ ) is real and even, i.e., RX (τ ) = RX (−τ ) for every τ
2. |RX (τ )| ≤ RX (0) = E[X 2(t)], the “average power” of X(t)
This can be shown as follows. For every t,
(RX (τ ))2 = [E(X(t)X(t + τ ))]
≤ E[X 2(t)] E[X 2(t + τ )] by Schwarz inequality
= (RX (0))2 by stationarity

3. If RX (T ) = RX (0) for some T 6= 0, then RX (τ ) is periodic with period T and

so is X(t) (with probability 1) !! That is,
RX (τ ) = RX (τ + T ), X(τ ) = X(τ + T ) w.p.1 for every τ
• Example: The autocorrelation function for the periodic signal with random
phase X(t) = α cos(ωt + Θ) is RX (τ ) = cos ωτ (also periodic)
• To prove property 3, we again use the Schwarz inequality: For every τ ,
 2  2
RX (τ ) − RX (τ + T ) = E (X(t)(X(t + τ ) − X(t + τ + T )))
2 2
≤ E[X (t)] E (X(t + τ ) − X(t + τ + T ))
= RX (0)(2RX (0) − 2RX (T ))
= RX (0)(2RX (0) − 2RX (0)) = 0
Thus RX (τ ) = RX (τ + T ) for all τ , i.e., RX (τ ) is periodic with period T
• The above properties of RX (τ ) are necessary but not sufficient for a function to
qualify as an autocorrelation function for a WSS process
• The necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to be an autocorrelation
function for a WSS process is that it be real, even, and nonnegative definite
By nonnegative definite we mean that for any n, any t1, t2, . . . , tn and any real
vector a = (a1, . . . , an),
n X
X n
aiaj R(ti − tj ) ≥ 0
i=1 j=1

To see why this is necessary, recall that the correlation matrix for a random
vector must be nonnegative definite, so if we take a set of n samples from the
WSS random process, their correlation matrix must be nonnegative definite
The condition is sufficient since such an R(τ ) can specify a zero mean
stationary Gaussian random process
• The nonnegative definite condition may be difficult to verify directly. It turns
out, however, to be equivalent to the condition that the Fourier transform
of RX (τ ), which is called the power spectral density SX (f ), is nonnegative for
all frequencies f
Which Functions Can Be an RX (τ )?

1. 2.
e−ατ e−α|τ |

τ τ

3. 4.
sinc τ

τ τ
Which Functions can be an RX (τ )?

5. 6.
τ n
T −4−3−2−1 1 2 3 4
7. 8.

1 1

τ τ
−T T
Jointly Wide-Sense Stationary Processes:

We often work with multiple random processes, so we extend the concept of wide-sense stationarity to more than one process. More
specifically, we can talk about jointly wide-sense stationary processes.
Two random processes {X(t), t ∈ R} and {Y (t), t ∈ R} are said to be jointly wide-sense stationary if

1. X(t) and Y (t) are each wide-sense stationary.

2. RXY (t1 , t2 ) = RXY (t1 − t2 ) .

Let X(t) and Y (t) be two jointly WSS random processes. Consider the random process Z (t) defined as

Z (t) = X(t) + Y (t).

Show that Z (t) is WSS.

Since X(t) and Y (t) are jointly WSS, we conclude
1. μX (t) = μX , μY (t) = μY ,
2. RX (t1 , t2 ) = RX (t1 − t2 ) , RY (t1 , t2 ) = RY (t1 − t2 ) ,

3. RXY (t1 , t2 ) = RXY (t1 − t2 ) .

Therefore, we have

μZ (t) = E [X(t) + Y (t)]

= E [X(t)] + E [Y (t)]

= μX + μY .

RZ (t1 , t2 ) = E [(X(t1 ) + Y (t1 ))(X(t2 ) + Y (t2 ))]

= E [X(t1 )X(t2 )] + E [X(t1 )Y (t2 )] + E [Y (t1 )X(t2 )]E [Y (t1 )Y (t2 )]

= RX (t1 − t2 ) + RXY (t1 − t2 ) + RY X (t1 − t2 ) + RY (t1 − t2 ).

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