Modesdeco 2

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ModeSDeco2 20180429

Highly recommend to specify the option --location <arg> of your receiver's

This value will be used to correctly decode the positions of aircraft when missing
odd or even frames in the Compact Position Reporting (CPR) pair.
It does not require high precision coordinates, just specify values in decimal
format with one or two decimal places (for example: --location 32.51:104.98)

Example for RTL:

C:\modesdeco2.exe --gain 49.6 --freq-correction 62 --location 32.51:104.98 --web
8088 --db D:\data\basestation.sqb --frdb D:\data\flightroute.sqb --silhouettes
D:\data\silhouettes --pictures D:\data\pictures --beast 10003 --msg 30003
--sbs10001 10001 --metric

Example for AirSpy:

C:\modesdeco2.exe --airspy --location 32.51:104.98 --web 8088 --db
D:\data\basestation.sqb --frdb D:\data\flightroute.sqb --silhouettes
D:\data\silhouettes --pictures D:\data\pictures --beast 10003 --msg 30003 --metric
--add-reference-point 56.39252:85.22168:THR21 --add-points 56.23667:83.98861:NN
56.69139:85.32917:SP 57.00722:82.05972:BA --web-auth admin:admin

C:\modesdeco2.exe --help
ModeSDeco2 v.20170429
Program options:
-h [ --help ] This help message
--device-list List available devices
--device-index arg Select RTL device (default: 0)
--device-serial arg Select RTL device by serial number
--gain arg Set Gain in RTL Receiver chip, dB (default: auto)
--agc Enable Automatic Gain Control in RTL2832 chip (default:
--freq-correction arg Set RTL frequency correction, ppm (default: 0)
--airspy Select AirSpy device
--airspy-sn arg Select AirSpy device by serial number
--airspy-lna arg Set LNA gain in AirSpy Receiver chip (default: 15)
--airspy-mixer arg Set Mixer gain in AirSpy Receiver chip (default: 15)
--airspy-sr arg Set AirSpy sample rate (default: max available)
Example: 4, 6, 10
--airspy-rfbias Enable AirSpy RF Bias (default: off)
--airspy-if arg Set IF gain in AirSpy Receiver chip (default: 13)
--airspy-workers arg Set Airspy decoding worker threads (default: 1)
--airspy-decimation arg Set Airspy decoding decimation factor (default: 1)
--airspy-fecbits arg Forward Error Correction (FEC) bits (0..2) (default: 1)
--airspy-linearity arg Select Airspy linearity gains (0..21)
--airspy-crc-valid Select only CRC valid frames (default: off)
--disable-correction Disable correction of corrupted signals (Default: on)
--input-file arg Set input filename with I/Q signals
Format: type:filename (type: rtl,airspy10,airspy6)
--rbs Enable RBS decoding (default: off) - for RTL devices
--beast arg Enable BEAST output listen port (default: off)
--avr arg Enable AVR output listen port (default: off)
--avrmlat arg Enable AVR MLAT output listen port (default: off)
--avrmlatas arg Enable AVR MLAT AirSpy output listen port (default:
--sbs10001 arg Enable SBS-3 output listen port (default: off)
--msg arg Enable MSG output listen port (default: off)
--web arg Enable Web Server on port (default: off)
--google-key arg Google Maps key
--web-auth arg Enable web auth username:password (default: off)
--disable-web-log Disable Web Log (default: on)
--silhouettes arg Set Silhouettes directory
--pictures arg Set Aircraft Pictures directory
--db arg Set BaseStation DB Filename
--frdb arg Set FlightRoute DB Filename
--location arg Receiver location Lat:Lon Example: 36.27:-15.89
--add-reference-point arg Add a new reference point for calculating distance and
azimuth to the map Example: 38.5:-12.6:[Label1]
--add-points arg Add additional points (single or list) with coordinates
to the map Example: 36.2:-15.3:[Label1] [38.5:-12.6:[Label1]] ...
--verbose Verbose mode (default: off)
--localtime Local Time in MSG format output (default: UTC)
--filter-expire arg Filter record expire time, sec (default: 20)
--filter-count arg Filter record min count (default: 6)
--filter-time arg filter record min time, sec (default: 60)
--filter-nocountry Disable ICAO Country check filter (default: on)
--filter-ic Enable Interrogator Code suppression filter (default:
--filter-nodup Disable Duplicate filter (default: on)
--flight-expire-time arg Flight expire time, sec (default: 3600)
--nmea arg Enable GPS Emulation. Format: ICAO:Port:BaudRate
--nmea-logfile arg Set GPS Emulator logfile
--metric Switch to metric system of distance measurement
(default: imperial)

If running the program with one option "--help" and a description of the command-
line options will be printed on console.
To stop the program, press the key combination <Control+C>

After command <Control-C> for stop the program, be sure to wait for save data in
the database file!
On the console will display a special message. Depending on the number of observed
aircraft the time for safely save data in the database can be up to one minute.

When you run this version of modesdeco2.exe you can get an error that msvcp141.dll
and msvcr141.dll are missing in your OS.
Please, download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable from the Microsoft
This package installs run-time components of Visual C++ libraries and can be used
to run such applications on a computer even if it does not have Visual Studio 2017

You could download Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable

from here: - Microsoft Visual C++
Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 - the second paragraph from the bottom and
check option for x86.
You will need to install file of 32 bit version VC_redist.x86.exe regardless of
what bitness has your operating system!

The decoding algorithm for AirSpy was provided courtesy of Youssef Touil
The aircraft and tower icon was provided courtesy of Andrew Whewell
The silhouettes was provided courtesy of Ian Kirby (copyright)
The WEB page "Charts" use Highcharts


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