How Should Apples Be Prepared For A Fruit Salad? A Guided Inquiry Physical Chemistry Experiment
How Should Apples Be Prepared For A Fruit Salad? A Guided Inquiry Physical Chemistry Experiment
How Should Apples Be Prepared For A Fruit Salad? A Guided Inquiry Physical Chemistry Experiment
ABSTRACT: In this guided inquiry experiment, students extract catecholase enzyme from
apples to catalyze the oxidation of catechol. They follow the reaction using the UV−vis
absorbance of the p-benzophenone produced to determine the Michaelis−Menten kinetic
parameters. Students make selected experimental choices within a structured framework such as
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selecting the apple varietal, the pH of the reaction mixture, and the reaction inhibitor. The
experiment has been tested at multiple universities in physical chemistry laboratory courses with
both large and small enrollments. We describe the experiment and its implementation in both
synchronously and asynchronously taught courses.
Enzyme kinetics is a topic central to the study of biological
Kinetic studies of enzyme/substrate reaction systems have
proven fruitful as subjects for a wide variety of undergraduate
systems. In a physical chemistry context, enzyme kinetics experiments. Targeted courses for these experiments include
represent a unique opportunity for students to be introduced general chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry,
to the physicochemical phenomena that underpin the biochemistry, biophysical chemistry, and even middle and
functioning of enzyme−substrate systems. According to a high school science.6 The majority of the inquiry-based
recent survey of instructors to assess the state of physical experiments were project-oriented experiments that required
chemistry courses across the U.S., the topic of “rate laws” was multiple lab meetings (even up to an entire semester). For
the fifth most covered of 16 topics in thermodynamics/kinetics example, in these project-oriented experiments, the students
with 69% of respondents reporting a “great” level of coverage determine the Michaelis−Menten kinetic parameters as a part
of the topic.1 This finding indicates that the topic is one that of a larger biochemical study of the enzyme and substrate7−10
experts in physical chemistry designate as important for or as part of a comparison of enzymatic reactors.11 Different
students to explore. One approach to making this topic measurement techniques have been used to determine the
amenable to student exploration is to situate the learning concentration of products with UV−vis spectroscopy being the
experience in the context of a system that is both familiar and most common.8−10,12,13 Other experimental apparatus used
relevant to students.2,3 include ion-selective electrodes,14 pressure sensors,15 displaced
Enzymatic browning of fruits, such as apples, is mediated by volume apparatuses,6 fluorescence spectroscopy,16 and blood
the enzyme catechol oxidase. Pyrocatechol is the substrate of glucometers.17 An important feature of all these experiments is
the enzymatic reaction and is an antiseptic compound released their appeal to student interest, including the use of yeast,6
by the fruit once its outer layer is penetrated. The enzyme ethanol,9 urease,12 and the production of vanilla.7 The enzyme
interacts with pyrocatechol and oxidizes the catechol to in most reports may be purchased commercially, while in a few
benzoquinonethe compound whose electronic absorption
properties are responsible for the brown color observed in
oxidized fruit.4 This natural enzymatic browning process is Received: May 25, 2020
estimated to be responsible for up to 50% of commercial losses Revised: September 28, 2020
and therefore has significant economic impact.5 We chose the
browning of apples as a highly relevant system for students to
investigate in an inquiry-based, physical chemistry laboratory
(a) fit a nonlinear function to data students monitor the reaction progress of three mixtures each
(b) convert a nonlinear relationship to a linear form containing catechol:
(c) extract relevant information from the results (i.e., • 2.0 mL of catechol in water with 0.5 mL of water
slope, intercept) • 2.0 mL of catechol in water with 0.5 mL of apple juice
(2) choose experimental conditions to obtain appropriate extract (the enzyme)
data for analysis • 2.0 mL of catechol in buffer with 0.5 mL of apple juice
(3) describe the Michaelis−Menten mechanism for enzyme extract (the enzyme)
catalysis, including the meaning of the Michaelis− During this phase, the instructor may choose to give the
Menten parameters students the opportunity to make some experimental decisions.
(4) determine which apple has the slowest rate of browning, For example, the students can make the catechol solution and
making it the best choice for a fruit salad design and make the buffer solution, or the instructor can
(5) determine the mechanism of inhibition for a particular prepare the buffer in advance to save time. The students can
inhibitor based on changes in Michaelis−Menten decide how to best extract the catecholase from the apple (i.e.,
parameters juice the apple) or be provided with a protocol. If the
experiment is carried out with the whole class simultaneously,
Description of the Experiment the students can decide how to divide up the necessary tasks,
The experiment discussed in this paper is rooted in these two such as solution preparation or which students will test which
questions: mixtures.
After collecting the kinetic data, the Thinking About the
• Which apple would be best for a fruit salad?
Data questions lead the students to describe the effect of the
• What is the best way to keep cut apples from browning? enzyme on the oxidation reaction and to predict how to inhibit
The experiment has four cycles, each of which follows the the enzymatic catalysis of the oxidation. Students are asked to
format in Figure 1. Each cycle focuses on the kinetics of the decide whether or not to repeat the experiment using buffered
oxidation of catechol to quinone under different reaction or unbuffered mixtures based on their results from Cycle One;
conditions. The heart of the experimental protocol is the same the question foreshadows enzyme inhibition (Cycles Three
for each cycle: Students monitor the time-dependent UV−vis and Four). Data modeling takes place in Cycle Two, described
absorbance at 540 nm of mixtures of catechol with catecholase next. Thus, instructors could implement Cycle One as a
extracted from apples. Any spectrometer may be used; a standalone inquiry experiment for an entry level chemistry
spectrometer with a kinetics package is preferable because the laboratory course.
data are recorded in tabular form. The quinone produced in Cycle Two
the oxidation of catechol is colored, so the data collected
Data modeling using the Michaelis−Menten reaction scheme
represent the rate of change in the concentration of quinone.
is introduced in Cycle Two. In answering the Pre-Experiment
Students are required to make a prediction of an experimental
questions, students predict the appearance of a graph of the
outcome in each cycle. They also have opportunities to make
initial reaction rate versus substrate concentration after
decisions about how to carry out the experiment. For each
examining the Michaelis−Menten equation, which is provided
cycle, we summarize the pre-experiment questions, the
to students without derivation. The derivation of this equation
predictions made by the students, the variations of the basic
from the mechanism is done by students in the Post-
protocol, and the “Thinking About The Data” questions; the
Experiment questions.
steps in each cycle are made bold.
To test their prediction, the students repeat the protocol
Detailed options for timing for this experiment are described
from Cycle One but with varying amounts of substrate.
in the Supporting Information (instructor handbook).
Students may also be given the option of choosing which apple
Completing all four cycles is expected to require three to
varietals to test. The students decide which substrate
four 3 h lab periods. If solutions are prepared for students, the
concentrations to test given a range of concentrations;
first two cycles can be completed through the second round of
instructors should encourage students to be sure to obtain
data collection in one 3 h lab period. The modeling for Cycle
initial rates for enough trials at low substrate concentrations.
Two and prelab experiment questions for design Cycles Three
As noted in Cycle One, students can choose to run the
and Four could then be completed out of class or in a second
experiment in unbuffered mixtures, but if the apple varietals are
lab period. Alternatively, a single 4 h lab period is sufficient to
acidic, there may be little to no browning observed.
carry out the first two cycles, including the modeling. Data
The Thinking About the Data questions in Cycle Two
collection for Cycles Three and Four can be completed in a
guide students through linear and nonlinear data analysis to
single 3 h lab period, but students must be well-prepared and
arrive at the Michaelis−Menten kinetic parameters, KM and
efficient in order to obtain quality data.
vmax. Students are guided to linearize the Michaelis−Menten
Cycle One equation and construct a double-reciprocal plot of 1/vinit vs 1/
The experiment handout begins with a brief introduction to [S]. This Lineweaver−Burk plot is used to obtain a reasonable
the chemical basis of the browning of fruit. Students then estimate of the KM and vmax. An example of a Lineweaver−Burk
answer Pre-Experiment questions designed to get them plot based on pH ∼ 7 data from multiple student groups is
thinking about the oxidation of catechol to produce quinone displayed Figure 2. All student groups used the same buffered
and about enzyme kinetics. They are prompted to suggest a apple solution.
method for monitoring the reaction progress over time, and Students use the resulting KM and vmax estimates to fit the
they review the protocol. The students are required to predict full (nonlinear) Michaelis−Menten equation to the data,
the appearance of the absorbance versus time graph for a refining their parameters to get the best fit curve. The
solution of catechol and enzyme. To test this prediction, nonlinear analysis requires a minimization routine such as
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment
Supporting Information). The initial rubric was based on an
Excel rubric published in this Journal.27 The published rubric
IMPLEMENTATION was modified using categories from the ELIPSS rubrics28,29 to
Different variations of the experiment were implemented at add criteria to reflect explicitly the focus on critical thinking
multiple institutions over the last 15 years. The POGIL−PCL and argumentation. The grading rubric has also been imported
version was used at over five institutions with over 400 into the learning management system to facilitate scoring and
students. It was implemented multiple times both with all feedback to students. Instructors’ evaluation of student reports,
students in a section completing the experiment simulta- in both course settings, showed that students were generally
neously and in a rotation style where different student teams successful with respect to achieving the desired process and
complete the experiment in different weeks throughout the content skills.
semester. In addition, this experiment was tested with about 50 Students successfully analyzed and manipulated equations
faculty at three different POGIL−PCL workshops. and graphical representations to model experimental results,
This experiment can be implemented in full, which takes including using the parameters extracted from the Line-
three or four laboratory sessions (each typically about 3 h in weaver−Burk plot to inform their initial guesses for the
length) depending on how much time students are given in the nonlinear fit of the data to the Michaelis−Menten equation.
laboratory to work on data analysis. The first cycle could be Students were able to successfully choose experimental
used in an introductory laboratory course as long as the conditions to obtain appropriate data for analysis most of
instructor provides the buffer solution. The first and second the time, although they often struggled to articulate the
experiment cycles could be implemented as a standalone rationale for their choices. It was also observed that students
experiment in one or two lab-class periods as part of a standard tend to want to use serial dilutions, even when cued to
physical chemistry laboratory sequence. The instructor hand- consider that this approach will not generate the most useful
book, included in the Supporting Information, provides data set.
suggestions based on different institutional constraints. One area of concern, based on student reports, was the
Although not always possible, carrying out the experiment tendency of students to neglect explicitly addressing the
with the whole class simultaneously has some advantages. The guiding question of the activity. The students’ focus on
instructor leads a discussion of the pre-experiment questions equations is problematic given that a fundamental practice in
and guides students as they brainstorm experimental choices, science is to ask questions to inform investigations. The
especially making the buffer and arriving at a consensus National Academy of Sciences recommends that students build
decision regarding buffering in the second cycle. Doing the competence in asking questions to inform investigation, listing
experiment with the whole class simultaneously makes it easier this competence as one of eight science and engineering
for students to study different apples of their choosing. essential practices.23 Thus, instructors should tailor their
Students can be prompted to share their predictions. Including assessment tools (i.e., rubrics) to guide students to explicitly
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment
considered part of the broader effort to lead students away
from viewing the purpose of a laboratory activity to “get a
number” or a set of numbers and toward viewing it in a way
that is conducive to using, and interpreting, evidence to We acknowledge financial support from National Science
address research question(s). Foundation grants DUE-1044624 and DUE-
1726066,1726071. We appreciate the efforts of the many
CONCLUSIONS students and instructors who have completed the experiment
and provided valuable feedback over the years.
The experiment we describe here is guided inquiry (with some
elements of open inquiry); can be completed in two to four
class periods for a physical chemistry laboratory course; and REFERENCES
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