Piano Star Grade 1 - Taking A Naughty Dog For A Walk Lesson Ideas

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Taking a Naughty Dog for a Walk, Paul Harris

Piano Star: Grade 1


PITCH • Play a one-octave F major scale with each hand separately.

Accuracy, clarity • Can you spot two bars that use an F major tonic triad shape? Play this shape.
and definition of
notes and/or intonation • What is similar about the left hand bars 6-11 and the right hand bars 15-20?
• Play the two chords in bar 2. Which other bars do these chords occur? Are they always at the same pitch?

TIME • What does 6/8 time mean?

Suitability of tempo, stability • The rhythmic pattern in bar 1 is the same as that in bar 4. How many different rhythmic patterns are there in this piece?
of pulse, sense of rhythm
• Tap a dotted crotchet pulse in one hand and the actual note values of each bar with the other hand.
• There are a number of empty bars in this piece. How will you count those?

TONE • How many different dynamic markings can you find in this piece? Choose a note from the piece and play that note at each of those levels.
Control and projection of the • What do the dots beneath or above some notes signify (e.g. bar 4)?
sound, sensitivity and awareness
• Now play a one-octave scale using this feature.
in use of tonal qualities
• Sometimes this dot occurs at the end of a phrase (e.g. bar 9, 1st beat) – how will this affect the sound?

SHAPE • Crescendo and diminuendo are very helpful for giving phrases shape. Find a phrase where you can use both cresc. and dim.
Effectiveness and clarity of • Do you think the first bar would be most effective a) all at one level, b) with a crescendo or c) with a diminuendo?
musical shaping and detailing
• What about the final two bars?
• What dynamic shape might you use in the ‘tail wagging’ bars (e.g. bar 4)?

PERFORMANCE • This piece tells a story – tell it in your own words.

Overall command, • At various points in the piece the dog is obedient, mischievous and naughty! How might you bring these different characters to life?
involvement with the music, • Make up your own little piece about a dog using ingredients from this piece.
musical communication
• Practise the final bar, moving your left hand over to play the last note with a real flourish!

Lesson ideas & activities

Curriculum & Lesson Planning © ABRSM 2018

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