Advanced Engine Performance Diagnosis: Course # 942600
Advanced Engine Performance Diagnosis: Course # 942600
Advanced Engine Performance Diagnosis: Course # 942600
Course # 942600
This course and workbook were specifically designed to
work with Audi A4 vehicles and repair manuals. The tests
and pmedures found here may not apply to other vehicles.
All rights reserved. All information contained in this manual is based on the
latest product information available at the time of printing. The right is re-
served to make changes at any time without notice. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the publisher. This includes text,
figures and tables.
Always check Repair Manuals, Technical Bulletins and the microfiche system
for information that may supersede any information include in this booklet.
Name: Date:
1. Technician A says a lazy oxygen sensor can cause extremely quick flank rise
and flank fall times (less than 50 ms).
Technician B says the VAG- 1551 displays active flank rise and flank fall times
in function code "08." display group "032.'
Who's right? j/o 9
A. Aonly
B. Body
C. BothAand B
Neither A nor B
2. What should the oxygen sensor signals look ltke at normal throttle, steady
Front and rear fured at 600 mV
Front varying from 200 mV to 800 mV; Rear fixed at 400 mV to 600 mV
Front fixed a t 400 mV to 600 mV: Rear varying from 200 mV to 800 mV
D. Front and rear varying from 200 mV to 800 mV
8. Function code "08." display code '000" field 4 shows an idle speed learning
value of 4. What could this indicate?
A. Rich idle mixture
B. Knock signal
Increased load
D. Throttle position sensor drift
4. For the computer to relearn correctly:
Technician A says you should enter function code '04" with the engine idling
at normal operaUng temperature.
Technician B says there shouldn't be any diagnostic trouble codes in memory.
Who's right?
A. A only
@ E Z a n dB
Neither A nor B
5. To repair diagnostic trouble code P1509/ 17917 successfully, in which order
should you perform these steps?
1. Reset readiness code
2. Interrogate diagnostic trouble codes
3. Clear diagnostic trouble codes
4. Diagnose and repair the problem
5. Perform a system relearn procedure
A. 1,2.4.3,5
B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3.4. 2. 1. 5
43 ,
. 2.4, 3. 5. 1
vi What does this indicate?
The readiness code has been set correctly.
The readiness code couldn't be set correctly during the OBD-I1 trip.
The readiness code hasn't been set yet; an OBD-I1 trip must be driven.
D. The readiness code is in the process of being set and the OBD-I1 trip is
8. The EGR system on the '96Audi A4 (2.8LV-6)monitors EGR flow with an EGR
valve potentiometer.
A. True
9. On function code '08,"display group "017,"the VAG-1551indicates engine
load is 45% and EGR temperature is 206"C. What does this indicate?
A. EGR is inactive due to engine overheating
B. EGR is inactive due to vehicle deceleration
EGR is active
EGR request is active. but there's no EGR flow
10. Technician A says, if the computer stores a diagnostic trouble code, the MIL
will light.
Technician B says, to clear the codes, you should f i s t interrogate the memory
with function code '02."
Who's light?
Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
1 1. The readiness code reads: 000 00 0
Which of these is true?
The MIL won't be on.
All OBD-I1 monitored systems were tested successfully at least once since
the codes were cleared
C. Trip status will read 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
@ All of the above.
Page 2 19602151 O 1996 Audi of America. Inc.
Advanced Engine Performance Diagnosis - Pretest
Bank 1 is compensating for a rich mixture:
Bank 2 is compensating for a lean mixture
Bank 1 is compensating for a lean mixture:
Bank 2 is compensating for a rich mixture
Bank 1 oxygen sensor is biased positive:
Bank 2 oxygen sensor is biased negative
Bank 1 cylinders' ignition timing are advanced;
I ? 1x3
Bank 2 cylinders' ignition timing are retarded <; W M M ~
14. Display group "000" captures a 'freeze frame" of data w z n g a diagdostic
s b l e code sets.
A. True
B. False
15. All of these fields appear in display group '000," except:
A. Coolant temperature
Idle speed control learning value
Oxygen sensor voltage
D. Throttle position voltage
16. What effect does turning the A/C on have, with the VAG-1551 set to function
code '04." display roup "0
C i 3 ~ j ; . ~ . ~ . ~ ~
No display
. . fie1 should ge
does n o t e y f c u ~ *
Engine speed and idle speedcontrol learning value should increase
Engine speed should remain constant, idle speed control learning value
and idle speed feedback should increase
D. Engine speed should increase 50 RPM,and idle speed feedback should
remain at 128
17. To allow the computer to relearn idle speed and air/fuel ratio properly after a
repair. you should enter function code "08," display group '000."
A. True
@ False
20. Technician A says, during the transition from cold operation to normal operat-
ing temperature. the coolant sensor has si@cant authority over pulse width.
Technician B says the VAG- 1551 is capable of turning the oxygen sensor
control off and on.
Who's right?
4 I h
Both A and B
Neither A nor B
Program Objectives and Goals ......................................... 4 Readiness Fallure: Case Study 1 ...................................... 64
Introducuon to VAG- 1551 diagnostics ................................. .... Readiness Fallurn: Case Study 2 ...................................... 66
Coding m d D l ~ o a t i Tmublc
Module 1: V M Menu Nadgatioo Computer Software d
Code Rcprir h e e d u r e a 7
Display So. for most engine control diagnostics, choose '1" to enter
Three digit codes
that display the the Rapid Data operating mode, then choose '01" to
actual vehicle data enter the Engine Electronics address word. In most
cases, Engine Electronics will provide everything you
could get from the OBD-I1 scan tool mode ... and more.
I Functions
From there, the path you take depends on where you want-
ed to go. Function "01"lets you examine the computer
code number. This is a good k t check, to make sure the
computer is coded properly, before beginning any diag-
nostic procedures.
Function '02" lets you examtne any diagnostic trouble
codes in memory, and '05" lets you erase those codes.
and clear the memory.
Function '03" is an output check. This mode lets you
activate the different computer outputs, to make sure
they're working properly when the computer sends an
output command.
Functions '04" and '08"will probably be your most com-
mon diagnostic choices. '04" lets you exmine engine
control parameters during a fixed set of operating condi-
O 1996 Audi of America, Inc. [960223] Page 9
VAG-I 551 Menu Structure
Here are the fields in display group 000 on the VAG display.
1. Which fields indicate idle speed control?
Q 1.2.3 $4.5.6 07.8.9 Q1.5.10
2. I s the oxygen sensor reading valid?
& yes
3. I s the engine ten ing to run rich or lean?
6 Lean Q Normal
4. What is the coolant temperature?
a 60" C Q 70" C Q 80" C 90" C
5. What is the idle speed?
Q 675 G700 Q 750 Q 800
6. What is the mass airflow sensor voltage signal?
Q 0.75 V K1.50V 0 2.48 V Q 1.42 V
7. What is the throttle position sensor learning value?
&SO mV Q 255 mV Q 140 mV Q 405 mV
8. If the engine doesn't have an oxygen sensor. what would
appear in field 81
Q 1
Where does display group
Q 128 Q 256
'000" appear in your repair
page 1-171
There are two ways the VAG tester displays information. The
first - and most common way - is using standard val-
ues: degrees, voltages, percentages.. . in decimal notation.
But there's a second type of notation that appears on
several display groups. This is a binary code, that
consists of a series of zeros and ones. Each digit repre-
sents a specific piece of information: yes or no, pass or
fail, on or off.
A good example of this type of code is field 4 in display group
'004." This is a good example of a binary information
code, because it's an easy one to watch as it changes.
I To enter display group '004":
I Connect your VAG-tester to the diagnostic connector,
and turn the key on, engine off.
I Choose operating mode '1 - Rapid Transfer."
- Engine Electrical."
1 Choose address word '01
Choose function "08 - Measuring Blocks."
Then choose display group '004." Here's how the display
will look:
1 2 3 4
Functions el
For the computer to initiate these tests, the vehicle must
first be driven through a 'trip": that is, the specific
driving conditions necessary for the vehicle to perform
Blocks its monitors. On Audi's, a trip consists of a warmup
cycle, followed by ll/z to 5 minutes of driving at 50 to 63
MPH, with the automatic transmission in drive, 4'h gear.
Manual transmissions can be driven in either 4" or 5"
gear, under the same conditions, though 5" gear seems
Display to complete this process faster.
Display During this 'trip." the vehicle reaches the conditions
necessary for the computer to perform a series of moni-
tors. which it then uses to determine system condition.
and to alter specific system operation, such as fuel and
timing control.
One of the big questions is always whether the vehicle has
performed its rnonitors. and. if not. whether it's met the
trip requirements.
Display group '029" answers these questions, so you can be
sure whether the other information you're reading is valid.
Readiness Trip or whether the vehicle requires further conditioning before
Code Status you test it. Display field one is the vehicle readiness code,
and display field two is the trip status display.
These fields are a series of ones and zeros: Each digit lets
you know about one aspect of the vehicle's readiness
and its trip status. First. let's see how to interpret the
readiness code.
After the vehicle's been driven through its trips, and the
diagnostic monitors have taken place the fust time,
here's how the readiness code should look:
VAG-1551 Display
Zero means one of two things: either the system passed its
diagnostic monitor, or the system isn't used on that
vehicle. The number 1 means either the diagnostic
monitor wasn't performed yet, or the system failed its
diagnostic monitor.
Readiness Tri~
Code stitus The readiness code values work completely
opposite any other codes. On all other codes.
RQdinesscode k n ' t swltch ifthe zen, means incomplete or failed, and one
readiness code is a zero. don't bother means it passed. Don't let this difference con-
looking at the trip status.
1 fuseyou when reading the readiness codes.
Suppose you're working on a vehicle; you clear the codes
and drive the vehicle. After the road test, the readiness
codes read all zeros - w e p t for the catalytic converter
monitor. That's still reading a one. How can you tell
whether the converter failed its monitor, or the monitor
just didn't run yet?
Page 20 [960223] O 1996 Audi of America, Inc.
Understanding Display Groups
I Choose address word '0 1 - Engine Electrical."
Choose function '05 - Erase Faults."
This will erase any codes in memory, but only after you
Erase read the codes. If you fail to read the codes, your tester
Faults won't let you clear them from memory.
And after clearing the memory, always enter function '04"
to allow the computer to relearn idle control, under a
&ued set of parameters.
The one thug youll notice isn't here is anything that says
the EGR itself is bad. That's because the conditions
necessary for testing EGR flow don't provide enough
information to determine the cause of the problem. To
isolate the root cause of this failure. you must follow
Mode 1 - Rapid the diagnostic chart in your workbook.
Data And it's important that you follow these steps, in order,
without skipping any steps. If you look through your
repair manual, youll see the final step on many of the
procedures is to 'replace the computer." That's because
the steps before it were carefully designed to eliminate
Word 01 - Engine any other causes of a problem.
If you sldp any of those steps. you'll be basing a repair
decision on incomplete information - and your likeli-
hood of success will be about as good as if you blind-
folded yourself, and picked a part at random.
Functions 08
There are two other pieces of information that show up on
Measuring this chart: MIL status and the display group.
Blocks The MIL status indicates the precise conditions necessary
to light the malfunction indicator lamp. If the MIL is on,
you know the computer recognized this problem in two
consecutive trips.
Display And to verify this problem, you can use display group
017 '0 17." Display group "017" appears on pages 01-202
Groups EGR and 202 in your repair manual. This display group lets
you examine many of the same data fields the computer
used to set the code. This lets you v e e whether the
problem is there right now, and allows you to baseline
the system: that is, check it's operation before and after
your repairs, to see whether your repairs were effective.
Read the notes that appear on these pages - they explain
in detail how the system checks EGR operation, when
the EGR monitor takes place. the conditions necessary
for the EGR monitor to run.what the timers are - all
the information you could want to understand just how
much information display group '0 17" is providing.
-- - --
Jump the reference voltage to the signal wire. Now
the computer should store a code for a shorted
sensor (circuit high input). If not, look for an open in
the signal circuit.
As long as the circuit behaves properly, the circuit's okay:
replace the sensor if it isn't opera- properly.
1 ,
Never by to test an output circuit by shorting
circuit -you COUM damage, computer.
Never try this procedure on a mass airflow
sensor. This sensor uses a 12 volt power
feed, but only develops a 5-volt signal.
Jumping power to the signal wire could
damage the computer.
Sensor Testing
1 O C
7. What happened?
-1 00%
-1 00%
Rich Trend
Range The coarse fuel trim adjustments should be around zero,
and remain fairly steady during normal operation. That
means fuel delivery is where it was designed to be. If the
fuel delivery has to increase to compensate for lean
operation, the coarse fuel trim value increases. If the
fuel delivery has to decrease to compensate for rich
operation, the coarse fuel trim decreases.
100% Fine For example, suppose you put a vacuum leak into the sys-
tem. For a few moments. the fine adjustment would
increase, because the mixture was sitting lean. But within
a few seconds, the coarse adjustment begins to increase.
Control until the fine adjustment becomes centered again.
0% What about forcing the mixture richer, by flowing a small
amount of propane into the intake manifold? This time
the fine adjustment drops, and tends to sit low for a few
seconds. But almost immediately, the coarse adjust-
ment begins to decrease, until the fine adjustment
becomes centered in its range again.
-1 00%
Lean Trend That's the goal of the coarse adjustment: to keep the fine
adjustment centered, where it provides the greatest range
Your repair manual includes the procedures for perform-
ing a computer adaptation. 3Rk ,
What is OED?
I MMS 200
MMS 300
08 - 1 display group
09 - 16 channels
08 - 20 display groups
MMS 311 08 - 20 display groups
MMS 313 08 - 20 display groups
MMS 314 08 - 20 display groups
I MMS 410
08 - 47 display groups
08 - 47 display groups
The fact is... cars aren't getting any simpler. With ever-
tightening emissions standards and fuel efficiency
requirements, computer controls are becoming more
complex and comprehensive than ever before.
In 1988. the California Air Resource Board and the Society
of American Engineers developed a new set of standards
for vehicle control systems, called OBD-11. These stan-
dards required:
a common set of terms and definitions (51930)...
a common set of diagnostic trouble codes and defini-
tions (52012) ...
a common diagnostic connector and connector location
(51962) ...
a common diagnostic scan tool (J1978)...
a common set of diagnostic test modes (51979 and
a common way for technicians to get service informa-
tion (52008)...
a common SAE-recommended serial data communica-
tion system (J1850). and...
a common international serial data communication
system ( I S 0 91411...
Good upstream more, until they look the same as the pre-cat oxygen
H02S levels. If the OBD-I1 computer sees the oxygen readings
becoming similar, it sets a code that catalyst efficiency
may be reduced.
To see whether the computer has performed the converter
monitors. check the 6th digit on the readiness codes,
and the 8th digit in the trip status codes.
Time (see)
To examine the results of the catalyst efficiency monitors.
Good downstream
check display group '044" - these fields indicate
no* whether the vehicle has performed the tests necessary
to examine the catalytic converter efficiency, and what
the results of those tests indicated.
Remember, the system must evaluate the oxygen sensors.
I and be satisfied that they're working properly before it
Time (sec) can evaluate the converter operation.
7 7 computer
~ looks a t both oxygen sensor
signals: the pre-sensor should switch
nannally. But $the converter's storing
oxygen normally, the post sensor signol . ~,
should be almost straight [above). A -.~;:+...."
*:.& , Large A = high
variation in the post sensor signal (below) I
cat. emcirncy
Micates a problem in the converter egi-
Good Upstream
Time (sec)
- ...-.
.:: .&*.
? Small A = poor
cat. rfflclrncy
Time (sec)
Bad Downstream
Time (sec)
We're lookingfor a difference in the switching
pottern between the pre-sensor and post sensor.
A s long as there's a large difference. the convert-
er's probably working okay. As the catalyst's
oxygen storage capabllLty drops, the dtfference
Time (sec) drops. too.
Before you can perform this procedure. you must clear the
computer memory - wen if there are no diagnostic
trouble codes stored.
Interrogate the computer memory (function 02). then clear
the memory (function 05).
Two people should take the car for a road test: one to
drive, the other to read the VAG tester.
Each time one digit changes on the readiness code,
hit the 'print" key.
Then use the nip chart to And the appropriate dis-
play group to examine the monitor that passed.
Switch to that display group, and hit the 'print" key
Then switch back to display group '029". and contin-
ue driving until the next digit changes. Repeat the
procedure, until all of the digits switch over.
Group Number:
Monitor Type:
Group Number:
Monitor Type:
Group Number:
Monitor Type:
Group Number:
Monitor m e :
Group Number:
Monitor Type:
Group Number:
Monitor Type:
Before you can perform this procedure. you must clear the
computer memory even if there are no diagnostic
trouble codes stored.
Interrogate the computer memory (function 02). then clear
the memory (function 05).
8. Did the system perform its catalyst monitor?
Q Yes Q No
9. Did the catalyst pass its monitor?
p Yes Q No
10. Are there any diagnostic trouble codes in memory?
D No
Yes - What code?
11. Was there any freeze frame data stored in memory?
D No
p Yes - Retrieve the freeze frame data, and print it
from the VAG.
12. Did the malfunction indicator lamp light?
C] Yes No -Why not?
Readiness ~ a i u r e casestudy
: 2
I Here's a procedure you can use to identify mixture prob-
lems, or bad oxygen sensors:
I Oxygen
whole time it monitors a
sig~L 'Jl~isis a great
( Sensor
Signal Wire I I
way to test M axygen
sensor's operation.
Medmum Volts: tvlhimum Volts: Average Volts:
m a 2 0 Dl\' on P a t 50:;
If the sensor signal staysfured at minimum
voltage, the exhaust isfured Leon. I
Partial Switching
A Three-Point Strategy
Oxygen ~ e n s o r ~ e e d b a c k S ~ s t e rn the ~ i x =
The two active points of the triangle are the exhaust oxygen
levels and the oxygen sensor feedback system. When
they're working together properly, they set up the correct
conditions for the three-way converter to do its job em-
The oxygen sensor feedback system controls - and is
controlled by - the exhaust oxygen levels. Here's what
that means:
The 0 2 sensor constantly monitors the amount of oxygen
in the exhaust. and sends a signal to the computer
indicating how much oxygen it measured.
Since exhaust oxygen is directly related to the fuel mix-
ture, the computer can use this signal to control the
When the air/fuel mixture is lean, exhaust oxygen levels
are high. The oxygen sensor measures this, and signals
the computer to add more fuel to the mixture.
Then, as the exhaust oxygen levels start dropping, the
sensor signals show the computer the mixture is now
rich. The computer reduces the amount of fuel it adds
to the mixture, and mixtures go lean again.
We call this closed loop. When the engine is in closed loop,
we say the computer is 'in control" of the mixture. And
it's the computer's job to keep the mixture right near
the stoichiometric level - 14.7:1 (Lambda = 1).
Fuel <&In-
nick mhs ( 0 2 ..nror out
of aallbntlonl
Tlme (SMJ
over 450 millivolts.
The computer knows the oxygen sensor voltage should
average right around 450 millivolts, so it adjusts the
mixture to try and hold the oxygen sensor right around
450 millivolts.
h L.n mhs 102 monaor out
Alr of sollbmlon)
Cue1 14111- But remember, this sensor's out of calibration: To keep the
notlo Wn Aw.02
sensor voltage right near 450 millivolts, the computer
- leans the mixture out, to keep the exhaust oxygen level
high - too high for the mixture to remain in that 14.7: 1
Tlmo ( u s )
- -
Every bit of the &/fuel mixture that goes into the engine
comes out -just in a different form. Exhaust analysis
is, in large part, a measure of the fuel delivery system's
( Every engine produces these exhaust gasses:
Hydrocarbons (HC)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Oxygen (02)
Carbon Dioxide ((202)
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)
HC - Gasoline is hydrogen and carbon atoms combined
in hydrocarbon compounds. When you find HC in the
exhaust you're measuring the unburned fuel from
incomplete combustion or a misfire.
CO - Carbon monoxide is formed when there isn't enough
oxygen to support combustion. CO percentages increase
when C02 percentages decrease.
02 - Free oxygen in a properly tuned and adjusted engine
typically constitutes 1.5 percent of the exhaust. When
CO is low, 0 2 percentages can tell you the relative
richness or leanness of a mixture.
C02 - Carbon dioxide is a desirable component of ex-
haust. Under ideal conditions C02 reaches levels of 13
to 17 percent. The higher the C02 percentage, the more
efficiently the vehicle is running.
NOx - Oxides of nitrogen are present during all phases of
I cornbustion: However. en-es produce much more NOx
Universal Theory
co +
co +::
If at all possible, you should take exhaust readings before
the catalytic converter. because converters reduce HC
and CO and limit what you can learn. All of the follow-
ing information relates to a vehicle with the readings
taken ahead of the converter.
An engine bums fuel by combining the fuel with air and
igniting the mixture. When an engine bums HC in the
presence of creates H20. C02 and CO.When
there isn't enough 02 for the fuel, the engine runs rich
- combustion forms more CO and less C02.
The trick to controlling CO emissions during combustion is
to make sure you have the nght amount of 02 and fuel
in the mixture. You want enough 02 to form C02 but not
so much that you develop a lean misfire. A lean misfire
0- decreases performance and increases HC emissions.
1011 1511 2011
When the mixture's rich, the engtne produces a lot of CO.As
AIR-FUEL RATIO the mixture gets leaner, CO decreases until just after the
7his chart shows the relationship between mixture passes the stoichiometric ideal and goes lean.
the airlfuel rat&and the CO levels in the
exhaust. As you can see. CO drops sharply When the mixture's lean. CO levels out and the curve no
until the mixturejust crosses the stoichio- longer indicates anything. CO is only a useful indicator
memc point then U levels oV: This is why for rich mixtures.
CO is such a good rich exhaust indicator.
0 2 and CO
The CO and 0 2 lines cross each other at 14.7:l. the sto-
-RICH- I. - L E A N d
ichiometric point. If 0 2 and CO readings are equal
.. .. before the converter. your mixture is exactly 14.7:1.
... ... If you measure the gasses before the catalytic converter,
.. ..
\ .. . . the following will always be true:
If 0 2 is higher than CO: Lean mixture.
If CO is higher than 02: Rich mixture.
... ...
.. .. By addlng oxygen to the readings, you
have a much clearer picture of mixture
settings. 'Ihe C O provides an occurate rich
mixture indicator. and Mygen shows when
the mixture'sgemng too lean
1011 1511 2011
C 0 2 : Efficiency Indicator
h ,
., ,
, I I
IC 0 2 indicates combustion efficiency. The more efficient
the burn. the higher the CO2 readings: the less effi-
cient, the lower the C 0 2 .
m ,
When C 0 2 goes up. CO always goes d m . Also notice that
, , the C 0 2 peak is at about 14:1. on the rich side. When
1 adjusting the mixture to produce maximum C 0 2 with
1 minimum 0 2 before the cat, you can bring the mixture
very close to the ideal 14.7:1 &/fuel ratio,
1 Onegood
problem with the C 0 2 reading is that you can have a
C 0 2 reading - say 13 percent - on either the
1 rich or lean side. To use C 0 2 as a measure of rich and
lean ratios, you have to look at another gas to confirm
which condition is present. CO and 0 2 readings make
C 0 2 more useful.
C 0 2 and CO
InstructorS Notes:
Instructor's Notes: