7 Wonders Rules
7 Wonders Rules
7 Wonders Rules
• 1 Senate board
• 24 Influence cubes (12 bronze and 12 silver)
• 13 Senator cards (7 Politicians and 6 Conspirators)
• 2 Wonder cards
• 16 Conspiracy cards
• 16 Decree tokens
• 2 Progress tokens
• 4 Military tokens
• 1 score pad
• 1 Player Aid card
• This rulebook
Decisions are made within the walls of the Senate that will shape the
destiny of civilization… while conspirators work towards their own goals
in shadowy corridors.
This expansion for 7 Wonders Duel adds Senators and their influence on
the Senate. Try to control these Chambers to benefit from Decrees or call
on Conspirators who could very well overthrow the situation.
Senator cards
These cards represent Senators who can join your cause. They come in
two categories: Politicians (white cards) and Conspirators (black cards).
These cards are added to the Age cards from the base game, but have a
different back.
Conspiracy cards
These cards represent Conspiracies that you can prepare and trigger
during the game. Each Conspiracy card has a unique name and effect on
the front, as well as a Preparation zone on the back.
Front Back
Decree tokens
These tokens represent Decrees that are found in each of the Chambers
of the Senate. Each Decree token has a unique effect.
Face Back
Influence cubes
These cubes represent the influence you have in each Chamber of the
Senate. They come in two colors, one per player.
Senate board
This board represents the Senate. It is divided into 6 political Chambers,
organized as follows: 2 in the left section, 2 in the middle section, and 2
in the right section.
Left section Middle section Right section
Each Chamber has an Influence zone, Decree zone, and Control zone.
Each Chamber also grants victory points at the end of the game.
Influence zone
Victory points
Control zone
Decree zone
Wonder cards
Curia Julia and Knossos are only used if playing with this expansion.
They are added to the Wonder cards from the base game.
Progress tokens
Corruption and Organized Crime are only used if playing with this
expansion. They are added to the Progress tokens from the base game.
Military tokens
These tokens add a new effect that is only used if playing with this expansion.
They replace the Military tokens from the base game.
Score pad
This score pad assists you in counting victory points gained through
the Agora and Pantheon expansions.
Wonder cards and Progress tokens from the Agora expansion have
a logo next to their name to help sort them after each game.
Setup follows the normal 7 Wonders Duel rules, with the exception of
the following rules:
1 Fit the Senate board under the base game board.
2 Prepare the Age cards:
• Take all the Senator cards and shuffle them.
• Prepare each Age deck as in the base game (remember to
remove 3 cards from each deck).
Then randomly add:
- Age I : 5 Senator cards
- Age II : 5 Senator cards
- Age III : 3 Senator cards
Shuffle each deck of Age cards face down.
3 Prepare the card structure for Age I (see p. 8).
4 Shuffle the Decree tokens face down. Randomly take 6 of them
and place 1 on each Decree zone on the Senate board according to
the symbol shown:
Put the remaining Decree tokens back in the box without looking
at them. They will not be used during the game.
5 Shuffle the Conspiracy cards to make a face down deck.
6 Put the new Military tokens on the corresponding zones of the
base game board.
7 Each player takes 12 Influence cubes of one color.
8 Shuffle all the Progress tokens and follow the rules from the base game.
9 Shuffle all the Wonder cards and follow the rules from the base game.
Age I
Age II
Gameplay follows the normal 7 Wonders Duel rules, with the exception
of the following five points:
A. Recruit a Senator
B. Prepare a Conspiracy
C. Trigger a Conspiracy
D. Control a Chamber
E. Achieve Political Supremacy
New cards are now available in the card structure: Senator cards.
You can play a Senator card to recruit a Senator, construct a Wonder,
or discard it to take Coins from the bank (like with any Age card).
When you recruit a Politician, you can take a number of Senate actions
according to the number of Blue cards in your City:
• Place Influence : each Politician card is associated with
a section (left, middle, or right) that determines in which Chamber
of the Senate you can place your Influence.
Place 1 of your Influence cubes in the Chamber of your choice
within the indicated section.
When you place an Influence cube in a Chamber with a face-down
Decree, flip this token face up.
- There is no limit to the number of Influence cubes that can be in the
same Chamber.
- Each player has a total of 12 Influence cubes. If you don’t have any
more Influence cubes in front of you, you can no longer take the
Place Influence action.
- If you Place Influence multiple times on the same turn, you can split
your Influence cubes between the 2 Chambers in the indicated section.
- You can move an Influence cube that you just placed.
- You can move the same Influence cube multiple times.
Example: You recruit a Politician that indicates the left section and you
have 3 Blue cards in your City. You can therefore take 2 Senate actions.
You choose to Place 1 Influence and Move 1 Influence.
When you recruit a Conspirator, you can take only one of the following
• Place Influence : place only 1 of your Influence cubes in the
Chamber of your choice.
• Conspire : draw 2 Conspiracy cards. After looking at them,
choose 1 to place in front of you face down and put the other on
the top or bottom of the deck (your choice).
When you take a card from the structure, you can
use it to prepare a Conspiracy in your possession.
To do so, place the chosen card face down on the
Preparation zone of this Conspiracy card, so that half
of it is covered. The Conspiracy is now prepared and
your turn ends. This action doesn’t cost anything. Prepare a
Note: You can use any card available in the structure to prepare a Conspiracy.
This card has no other use than preparing the Conspiracy.
At the beginning of your turn, if you have a prepared Conspiracy, you
can trigger it. To do so, reveal the triggered Conspiracy card and apply
its effect. Keep the Conspiracy card face up in front of you and leave the
Age card you used to prepare it underneath.
On your turn, you can:
1. Trigger a prepared Conspiracy (optional).
2. Use any card from the structure to take one of the 4 following
actions (mandatory):
• Construct a Building or Recruit a Senator
• Discard the card to gain Coins
• Construct a Wonder
• Prepare a Conspiracy
When you have strictly more Influence cubes than your opponent in
a Chamber, you control this Chamber.
To represent your control, move 1 of your Influence cubes in this Chamber
to the Control zone (the cube still counts when calculating your majority).
You now benefit from the effect of the Decree (see Decrees p. 14).
Example: In one of the Chambers of the Senate, you have 1 Influence cube
and your opponent has none. You have the majority and therefore place your
Influence cube in the Control zone of this Chamber. You benefit from the effect
of the Decree in this Chamber.
In case the number of Influence cubes is tied, neither player controls the
Chamber and no one benefits from the Decree. In this case, no cube is
placed in the Control zone.
At the end of the game, each Chamber you control grants you victory
points (1, 2, or 3 points depending on the Chamber).
The game ends immediately if a player achieves Military, Scientific,
or Political Supremacy. If no player achieves Supremacy at the end
of Age III, proceed to scoring victory points using the score pad.
You can either place 1 Influence cube in the Chamber of your choice or
draw 2 Conspiracy cards and choose 1 to keep.
Each time you or your opponent constructs a card of this color, take as
many Coins from the bank as the current Age (1, 2, or 3 Coins).
Each time you or your opponent constructs a Wonder,
take as many Coins from the bank as the current Age
(1, 2, or 3 Coins).
Pay 1 Coin less for each resource (Brown or Grey) that you buy
from the bank.
Important: You cannot obtain resources for free from this effect;
the minimum cost you pay is always 1 Coin.
The two new Wonders have an effect (in the upper left corner) that is
applied immediately when they are chosen.
Progress tokens
Choose 1 Progress on the board or that your opponent
has or out of game and place it face down on this
Conspiracy. No one can use it during this game.
Take all the Progress tokens removed at the beginning
of the game and choose 1 to play.
- For the remainder of the game, one Chamber will have no Decree and
another will have 2.
- The Chamber without a Decree will still grant victory points at the end
of the game and will aid in achieving Political Supremacy.
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Designer: Antoine Bauza & Bruno Cathala
Illustrator: Miguel Coimbra
Development and publication: Cédrick Caumont & Thomas Provoost
aka « Les Belges à Sombreros »
and the Repos Production team