Ryo Brill It - 2204: Lab - Implement Dhcpv4
Ryo Brill It - 2204: Lab - Implement Dhcpv4
Ryo Brill It - 2204: Lab - Implement Dhcpv4
IT - 2204
Lab - Implement DHCPv4
Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
VLAN Table
VLAN Name Interface Assigned
Part 1: Build the Network and Configure Basic Device Settings
Part 2: Configure and verify two DHCPv4 Servers on R1
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Lab - Implement DHCPv4
Background / Scenario
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network protocol that lets network administrators
manage and automate the assignment of IP addresses. Without DHCP for IPv4, the administrator must
manually assign and configure IP addresses, preferred DNS servers, and default gateways. As the network
grows in size, this becomes an administrative problem when devices are moved from one internal network to
In this scenario, the company has grown in size, and the network administrators can no longer assign IP
addresses to devices manually. Your job is to configure the R1 router to assign IPv4 addresses on two
different subnets.
Note: The routers used with CCNA hands-on labs are Cisco 4221 with Cisco IOS XE Release 16.9.4
(universalk9 image). The switches used in the labs are Cisco Catalyst 2960s with Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)
(lanbasek9 image). Other routers, switches, and Cisco IOS versions can be used. Depending on the model
and Cisco IOS version, the commands available and the output produced might vary from what is shown in
the labs. Refer to the Router Interface Summary Table at the end of the lab for the correct interface identifiers.
Note: Ensure that the routers and switches have been erased and have no startup configurations. If you are
unsure contact your instructor.
Required Resources
● 2 Routers (Cisco 4221 with Cisco IOS XE Release 16.9.4 universal image or comparable)
● 2 Switches (Cisco 2960 with Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2) lanbasek9 image or comparable)
● 2 PCs (Windows with a terminal emulation program, such as Tera Term)
● Console cables to configure the Cisco IOS devices via the console ports
● Ethernet cables as shown in the topology
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Lab - Implement DHCPv4
Subnet C:
Type your answers here.
Record the first IP address in the Addressing Table for R2 G0/0/1.
b. Disable DNS lookup to prevent the router from attempting to translate incorrectly entered commands as
though they were host names.
c. Assign class as the privileged EXEC encrypted password.
d. Assign cisco as the console password and enable login.
e. Assign cisco as the VTY password and enable login.
f. Encrypt the plaintext passwords.
g. Create a banner that warns anyone accessing the device that unauthorized access is prohibited.
h. Save the running configuration to the startup configuration file.
i. Set the clock on the router to today’s time and date.
Note: Use the question mark (?) to help with the correct sequence of parameters needed to execute this
Step 5: Configure G0/0/1 on R2, then G0/0/0 and static routing for both routers
a. Configure G0/0/1 on R2 with the first IP address of Subnet C you calculated earlier.
b. Configure interface G0/0/0 for each router based on the IP Addressing table above.
c. Configure a default route on each router pointed to the IP address of G0/0/0 on the other router.
d. Verify static routing is working by pinging R2’s G0/0/1 address from R1.
e. Save the running configuration to the startup configuration file.
Close configuration window
b. Disable DNS lookup to prevent the router from attempting to translate incorrectly entered commands as
though they were host names.
c. Assign class as the privileged EXEC encrypted password.
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Lab - Implement DHCPv4
At this point, what IP address would the PC’s have if they were connected to the network using DHCP?
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Lab - Implement DHCPv4
Step 1: Configure R1 with DHCPv4 pools for the two supported subnets. Only the DHCP
Pool for subnet A is given below
a. Exclude the first five useable addresses from each address pool.
Open configuration window
b. Create the DHCP pool (Use a unique name for each pool).
c. Specify the network that this DHCP server is supporting.
d. Configure the domain name as ccna-lab.com
e. Configure the appropriate default gateway for each DHCP pool.
f. Configure the lease time for 2 days 12 hours and 30 minutes.
g. Next, configure the second DHCPv4 Pool using the pool name R2_Client_LAN and the calculated
network, default-router and use the same domain name and lease time from the previous DHCP pool.
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Lab - Implement DHCPv4
e. Issue the show ip dhcp server statistics on R1 and R2 to verify DHCP messages.
End of document
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