Hammers Slammers Board Game (MFG509) 1984
Hammers Slammers Board Game (MFG509) 1984
Hammers Slammers Board Game (MFG509) 1984
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this game may be reproduced in any form or by any
means, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Permission is granted to the purchaser of this book to copy the scenarios for personal use, provided that none of the
copies are sold or traded.
The names, maps, descriptions, depictions, and other plot elements used in this game are derived from works
copyrighted by and include trademarks owned by David Drake, are used by the publisher herof under license by David
Drake, and may not be used or reused without his permission.
TANKS WERE BORN IN THE MUCK Caterpillar treads had given the first tanks
and wire of World War One. Less than 60 cross-country ability; but at the cost of slow
years later, there were many who believed speed, frequent breakage, and great vulner-
that technology had made the behemoths as ability to attack. Now that power was no
obsolete as horse cavarly. Individual infan- longer a factor, even the armored bulk of a
trymen of 1970 carried missiles whose war- tank could be mounted on an air cushion.
heads burned through the armor of any The air cushion principle is very simple
tank. Slightly larger missiles ranged kilo- one. Fans fill the plenum chamber, a solid-
meters to blast with pinpoint accuracy vehi- skirted box under the vehicle with air under
cles costing a thousand times as much. Sim- pressure. To escape, the air must lift the
ilar weaponry was mounted on helicopters edges of the skirts off the ground—and with
which skimmed battlefields in the nape of the skirts, the whole vehicle rises. Fans tilt
the earth, protected by terrain irregularities. with the velocity and angle of attack of the
At the last instant the birds could pop up to blades determine the amount and direction
rip tanks with their missiles. The future of of thrust. The vehicle skims over surfaces it
armored vehicles looked bleak and brief. does not touch.
Technology had dragged the tank to the On tanks and combat cars, the lift was
brink of abandonment. Not surprisingly, it provided by batteries of fans mounted on
was technology again which brought the the roof of the plenum chamber. Each fan
panzers back. The primary breakthrough had its own armored nacelle. Mines could
was the development of portable fusion still do considerable damage, but while a
power plants. Just as the gasoline engine single broken track block would deadline a
with its high horsepower-to-weight ratio had tracked vehicle, a wrecked fan only made a
been necessary before the first tanks could blower a little more sluggish.
take the field, so the fusion unit's almost Successful protection for the supertanks
limitless output was required to move the went beyond armor and speed. Wire-guided
mass which made the new supertanks missiles are still faster, and their shaped-
viable. charge warheads can burn holes in any
Fusion units were bulky and moderately practical thickness of any conceivable
heavy themselves, but loads could be in- material—if they are allowed to hit. Recon-
creased on a fusion-powered chassis with naissance satellites, computer fire control,
almost no degradation of performance. and powerguns combined to claw missiles
Armor became thick—and thicker. With the out of the air before they were dangerous.
whole galaxy available as a source of ores, The satellites spotted missile launchers,
iridium replaced the less effective steels and usually before they fired and never later
ceramics without regard for weight. than the moment of ignition. Fire control
Armor alone is not adequate protection. computers, using data from the satellites,
Stationary fortresses can alway be battered locked defensive weaponry on the missiles
down—as the French learned in 1940, hav- in micro-seconds. And a single light-swift
ing forgotten the lesson Caesar taught their tribarrel could hose any missile with enough
ancestors at Alesia two millenia before. fire in its seconds of flight to disintegrate it.
Hand-launched, unguided rockets—buzz- mass and velocity of projectiles could be
bombs—were another problem, and in some juggled, but they could not be increased in
ways a more dangerous one despite their sum without a corresponding increase in
short range and small bursting charges. recoil or backblast. Explosive bullets were
Individual infantryman fired them from such very destructive on impact, but they had no
short ranges that not even a computer had penetration beyond the immediate blast
time enough to lay a gun on the little radius. An explosive bullet might vaporize a
rockets. But even here there was an leaf it hit near the muzzle as easily as the
answer—beyond the impossible one of kil- intended target down-range, and using
ling every enemy before they came within explosive in heavy brush was worse than
200 meters. useless because it endangered the shooter.
Many armored vehicles were already fitted Lasers, though they had air-defense
with a band of anti-personnel directional applications, were not the infantryman's
mines just above the skirts. Radar detonated answer either. The problem with lasers was
the mines when an object came within a set the power source. Guns store energy in the
distance. Their blast of shrapnel was powder charge. A machinegun with one car-
designed to stop infantry at close quarters. tridge is just as effective—once—as it is with
With only slight modification, the system a thousand round belt, so the ammunition
could be adapted against buzzbombs. It was load can be tailored to circumstances. Man-
not perfect, since the pellets were far less killing lasers required a 400-kilo fusion unit
destructive than powergun bolts, and the to drive them. Hooking a laser on line with
mines could not be used in close terrain any less bulky energy source was of zero
which would itself set them off. Still, buzz- military effectiveness rather than lesser
bombs were apt to be ill-aimed in the chaos effectiveness.
of battle, and a tank's armor could shrug off Science lent Death a hand in this
all but a direct hit by the small warheads. impasse—as Science has always done,
So tanks roamed again as lords of battle, since the day the first wedge became the
gray-gleaming phoenixes on air cushions. first knife. Thirty thousand residents of St.
Their guns could blunt all but the most Pierre, Martinique, had been killed on May
powerful attacks. They were fast enough to 8, 1902. The agent of their destruction was a
range continents in days, big enough to "burning cloud" released during an eruption
carry a battery of sensors and weaponry of Mt. Pelee. Popular myth had attributed
which made them impossible to escape the deaths to normal volcanic phenomena,
when they hunted. The only real drawback hot gases or ash like that which buried
to the supertanks was their price. Pompeii; but even the most cursory exami-
A tank's fire control, its precisely-metered nation of the evidence indicated that direct
lift fans, the huge iridium casting that energy release had done the lethal damage.
formed its turret—all were constructs of the In 2073, Dr. Marie Weygand, heading a team
highest sophistication. In all the human gal- under contract to Olin-America, managed to
axy there were probably no more than a duplicate the phenomena.
dozen worlds capable of manufacturing war The key had come from spectroscopic
tools as perfect as the panzers of Hammer's examination of pre-1902 lavas from Pelee's
tank companies. crater. The older rocks had showed inexpli-
But Hammer paid for the best, man and cable gaps among the metallic elements ex-
tank alike; and out of them he forged the pected there. A year and a half of empirical
cutting edge of a weapon no enemy seemed research followed, guided more by Dr. Wey-
able to stop. gand's intuition than by the battery of scien-
tific instrumentation her employers had
• Rules book
1. Hammer's Slammers can be played by 1 to 4 players,
• One mapboard who select a scenario and choose sides. The map is
assembled according to the directions in the sce-
• Four sheets of die cut playing pieces nario, and forces are placed on the map. 2. If the
• Two six-sided dice players choose to design their own scenario, the
players build their own force, choose mapboards
• The game box and their arrangements, and decide player move-
ment sequence.
The Hammer's Stammers map represents the various s EQUENCE OF PLAY
battlefields the mercenaries fought over during the lat- Each player in his turn does the following:
er half of the Third Millenium.
The panels are numbered 1 to 6 and are partly geo- 1. Rally (moving player).
morphic. The players must consult the scenario to de- 2. Paradrops and Counter Paradrop Fire.
termine how the boards must be setup, as they are 3. Move (moving player).
arranged differently from scenario to scenario.
There is an arrow above the number on each board 4. Ranged Combat (all players).
which indicates the compass direction (north). When A: Indirect Artillery and Counter Artillery Fire.
putting the main boards together all the compass di- B: Direct Fire.
rections should point the same way.
Lettered edge pieces are also listed for some scena- 5. Close Assaults (all players).
rios, though others do not include them. Unless other- Repeat steps 1-5 until all players have had their turn.
wise noted, partial hexes at the edge of the board are
not playable. 6. Advance the game turn marker. The player who
Be aware that starting positions are often on the moved first always fires first in each of the Com-
main numbered boards, not the edge pieces. bat sections. Order of fire is the same as the
movement sequence.
There are 328 playing pieces in the game. They in- R ALLY
clude two sets of conventional forces (green & tan), Disrupted units may be undisrupted (rallied) at the
one set of mercenaries (red), one set of armored mer- start of a player's turn. The morale level for each unit is
cenaries: Hammer's Slammers (blue), and game mark- listed in the specific scenario. In order to rally a unit,
ers (yellow). Mercenary and Slammers infantry (not roll two dice. If the number rolled is equal to or greater
conventional infantry) counters are backprinted to than the morale level of the disrupted unit, then that
show their values when they are mounted on skimmers. unit counter is immediately rallied, flipped over to its
The yellow game markers include rubble, fortress, and front side, and treated as an undisrupted unit.
turn counters. If the attempt to rally the unit counter is unsuccess-
ful, the unit counter remains disrupted. Each disrupted
Only infantry (Conventional, Slammers, and Mer-
enemy-occupied hex.
If an off-course, air-dropped unit lands in an enemy-
occupied hex, a Close Assault with special modifica-
cenary), small guns, armored cars and armored per- tions will occur during combat. The paradropped unit
sonnel carrier unit counters may be paradropped. does not get the usual Close Assault bonus for the first
The player picks a hex as a drop zone, unoccupied turn of Close Assault. Infantry, however, still doubles
by enemy units, to paradrop units. More than one drop its attack factor.
zone may be designated at beginning of movement for Overstacking may occur by paradropped units on
different units. the dropping zone hexes. If overstacking occurs (at the
Once the drop zone is designated, roll 1 die. If the first movement opportunity) the paradropped units
number rolled is a 1, 2, or 3 the dropped unit landed in must move enough units to relieve the overstacked
the drop zone hex. If a 4,5, or 6 is rolled, the unit landed condition.
off course.
To determine the landing hex of off-course units roll
a die to determine the direction. The six hexes imme- COUNTER PARADROP FIRE (CPF)
diately adjacent to the drop zone hex represent the Calliopes and Hover Tanks (Mercenary or Slammer)
various directions in which the off-course unit could may fire at paradropped units during the movement
have landed. The hex to the north of the drop zone hex turn they are dropped (and still in the air).
is hex number 1 and moving clockwise from that hex There is no extended range for Calliopes and Tanks
the remaining five hexes are directions 2,3,4,5, and 6. in Counter Paradrop Fire. Paradropped units disrupted
or eliminated by Counter Paratroop Fire are eliminated
and are immediately removed from play. They may not
return fire.
The range of the Counter Paradrop Fire is computed
by counting the hexes from the firing unit to the hex
that the paradropped unit lands in. Do not include the
hex the firing unit is in, but do count the hex the para-
dropping unit is landing on.
If the paradropping unit is on course, that hex would
be the drop zone hex. If the paradropping unit is off
course, the hex was determined by a die roll.
Units conducting Counter Paradrop Fire may not
conduct other ranged combat or Close Assault attacks.
A Calliope automatically eliminates a paradropped
unit on a CPF attack.
Slammer and Mercenary Hover Tanks attack using
the normal odds ratio for Direct Fire. The tanks com-
pare their attack factors against the paradropped unit.
However, only one unit may fire at one paradropping
unit. During Counter Paradrop Fire ignore all rubble
Units which fired CPF may not fire again at Close
Assaulting Paradropped troops.
During the movement portion of his turn a player
may move any, all, or none of his counters up to each
counter's movement factor. Movement is from one hex
to an adjacent hex expending movement factors based
After determining the direction of the off-course un- upon the cost of the hex entered at the following rate:
it, roll another die. The number rolled is the number of • Conventional troops are equipped with tracked
hexes counted out from the drop zone hex (but not or wheeled vehicles.
including the drop zone hex), through the direction
hex, to the landing hex of the off-course unit. If a unit • Mercenaries and Slammers are hover-equipped
drops off board simply place it on the first hex of the troops.
closest board edge to where the counter dropped off. • Dismounted Slammer and Mercenary infantry
Consider all off-board hexes as clear terrain. are armed like Conventional troops. However,
Any unit which lands in a lake, swamp, or river hex is when mounted on their skimmers they are treat-
eliminated. Armored cars, armored personnel carriers, ed as hover-equipped troops.
Movement factors may not be saved from one turn to successive turns, then both it any infantry unit it carries
another nor transferred from one unit to another. A hex are eliminated.
may not be entered if the moving counter has insuffi- Stacking is limited to 3 counters in a hex. Infantry
cient movement factors left to enter that hex. However, may not ride tanks. An APC carrying an infantry unit
a unit may always move 1 hex, except those units with 0 counts as 2 units for stacking purposes. Slammer and
movement printed on counters which cannot move Mercenary infantry may not ride in a conventional
except when towed. APC. If an APC carrying infantry is eliminated, the
Conventional armor and mechanized units may never infantry counter is also eliminated.
move into swamp or lake hexes. Hover units may move it costs Mercenary and Slammers infantry 1 MF each
into swamp and lake hexes, but are eliminated if dis- from its infantry movement and its skimmer movement
rupted while on them. to mount or dismount their skimmer. One movement
Conventional (non-hover) units and hover units may factor is taken from the infantry movement and one MF
move onto river hexes and cross rivers, but if they are from the skimmer movement.
disrupted while on a river hex they are eliminated. To show that Mercenary infantry is mounted, simply
A counter may move into a hex which contains an flip the infantry unit counter over to the skimmer side
opponent's counter, but the unit must immediately and use the values printed on that side for combat and
stop upon entering that hex and cannot move out while range.
an opponent's counter (whether disrupted or undis- For example: A Slammers dismounted infantry has a
rupted) remains in that hex. movement of 2. A Slammers mounted infantry (skim-
If a counter is not on the road and moves into a hex mer) has a movement of 6. A player decides to mount a
containing a road, the unit must expend the cost of the infantry unit on its skimmers at the start of its move-
hex terrain type—not the road movement cost. A unit ment turn. The unit spends 1 movement factor (MF)
may only use road movement cost if it has entered the from the dismounted infantry and 1 MF from the
road hex from another road hex. skimmer's movement. The skimmer-mounted infantry
Units may move through hexes containing other unit could move 4 hexes then spend the last movement
friendly units. factor of its infantry movement and the last movement
Players can each stack up to 3 counters in a single factor of its skimmer's movement to end the turn
hex. During a Close Assault it is possible to have 6 dismounted.
counters in a hex (3 from each side), or even 9 counters Mercenary and Slammers infantry, when mounted
if it is a three player scenario. on skimmers, are eliminated when disrupted.
Disrupted units may not move onto river or lake
LOSE ASSAULT hexes. Disrupted units may not move into a Close
Line of Sight (LOS) is the ability of a unit in one hex
(1). The line of sight passes through an intervening
forest hex (2). Since the value of the intervening hex is
greater than the values of both the hex of the firing unit
or the hex of the target, Line of Sight is blocked.
to see a unit in another hex. Measure a straight line
from the center of the firing unit's hex to the center of
the target hex.
If the line passes over any terrain, including the black
line of the hex edge, then the Line of Sight may be
blocked. Use only the dominant terrain in a hex to
determine the terrain of the entire hex. There is always
LOS into adjacent hexes.
Each hex is given a value depending on its terrain.
The Line of sight value varies depending if the hex
contains the firing unit, the target unit, or if is an inter-
vening hex (see table below).
Intervening hexes are those hexes lying in a straight
line between the center of the hex of the firing unit(s) A unit on a clear hex (0) is firing at a unit on a Hilltop (2).
and the center of the target hex. Any hex that is crossed The line of sight passes through an intervening slope
by this line, even if just the black edge of the hex, is an hex (1). The LOS is not blocked because the value of
intervening hex, but use only the dominant terrain of the intervening hex (although greater than the value of
the hex to figure LOS. one hex) is not higher than the value of both hexes.
Line of Sight is not blocked if the values of the inter-
vening hexes is equal to or less than either the value of
the hex of the firing unit or the hex of the target.
If any of the intervening hexes has a higher value
than both the hex of the target and the hex of the firing
unit then LOS is blocked.
Values for intervening hexes are not added together,
but each is compared separately to both the firing
unit's hex and the target hex.
The hex of the firing unit or the target unit is not an
intervening hex.
Fortresses are actually a series of fortifications, not
A scenario where each side has 750 to 800 points can
be normally completed in a few hours. Values under
500 tend to mean very few good mercenary units can
be picked. Scenarios where each side has over 1000
a single site. They have a defense modifier of 12 points are usually too cumbersome to play.
added to each unit stacked in the fortress. Do not
add in terrain defense modifiers for fortresses or for
units in fortresses.
Units in a fortress are placed underneath the for- Mercenaries (Red)
tress counter. Units in the same hex as a fortress, but Tank 31 (35w/ECM)*
not in the fortress itself are placed on top of the for- Combat Car 19
tress counter. Infantry 11
Only one fortress may be placed in a hex. Three Large Gun 20 (22 w/gas)*
units may be stacked in a fortress. Units may be Small Gun 14 (16 w/gas)*
attacked individually in fortresses. Howitzer 24 (26 w/gas)*
Fortresses may not be placed in city, swamp, lake, Self-propelled Artillery 20 (22 w/gas)*
or river hexes. Fortresses may only be eliminated by Self-propelled Calliope 13
being reduced to rubble (replace fortress with rubble Fortress 24
counter), though units in the fortresses can be elimi- Hammer's Slammers (Blue)
nated normally. Unoccupied fortresses may be used Tank 31 (35w/ECM)*
by the troops of any player. Combat Car 19
Fortresses may be destroyed by the occupying Infantry 11
units at the start of their movement. These units must Self-propelled Artillery 22 (24 w/gas)*
move out of that hex and not reenter it that turn. No Fortress 24
units of that player may enter that hex that turn. Conventional Troops (Tan & Green)
Tank 17
While most Mercenary and Slammer units were
Armored Car
Militia Infantry
Armored Personnel Carrier
3 **
equipped with essentially tamper proof communica- Buses 7 **
tions (line of sight laser and microwave communcation Large Gun 20 (22 w/gas)*
units), the vast majority of local defense forces were Small Gun 14 (16 w/gas)*
equipped with less expensive and more easily jammed Howitzer 24 (26 w/gas)*
radios. Calliope 10
In Hammer's Slammers a player may, in designated Self-propelled Artillery 20 (22 w/gas)*
scenarios, use ECM against his opponent's conven- Self-propelled Calliope 12
tional forces. Only hover tanks have ECM capacity. Fortress 24
Each tank may jam one unit, after the attacking player * All units must have this specific capacity or none of
announces his attacks, a defending player can decide them.
which of his units are jamming and which enemy units Paratroopcost::+2for each unit dropped. Paratroopers
are being jammed. Range is the LOS of the hover tank. may be dropped on any turn including turn 1. Para-
Only conventional forces are affected by ECM. troopers to be dropped on a later turn are kept off the
Jammed units may not combine their attack with other board.
units. Jammed units move normally.
** Militia infantry and buses do not have counters. Use
Artillery units may not use Indirect Fire attacks if the conventional infantry units for militia and armored cars
unit that is observing for it is jammed. for buses to represent these units.
ECM is automatically effective. The difference between these units and their super-
ior counterparts are that militia infantry are eliminated
ESIGN YOUR OWN when disrupted and buses have a defense factor of 1. If
SCENARIOS a player picks these units, all units of a specific color
Hammer's Slammers scenarios are only a few of the must be of this type (You can't have armored cars and
many battles that have occured in the bloody history buses in the same army.)
since makind reached the stars. This section enables RALLY COST
you to design your own scenarios. It includes a point Add points to each individual unit that the rally value
scale for the selection of weapons and forces, making it is lowered below 9. All units in the same color group
possible for each player to have mix of forces different must have the same morale.
from the other player. COST RALLY
Usually the attacker has a tougher job than the +3 6
defender. The attacker (if the created scenario calls for
one) should have an additional 20% in number of +2 7
points to compensate for this. The more experienced +1 8
player should play the attacker. 0 9
The vital offensive to the North is about to
begin. The critical observation points on board
3 (the five hilltop hexes) must be taken without
delay before Green's Long Range Artillery can
move into range and have a field day. 3
6 ED
x2 x1 x2 x2
On small border board E between
On Board 6 between south road and river on west: road and east edge of board D:
x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1
On small border board E between the road and
east edge of Board 6:
x3 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1
S E T U P : Green sets up first, and moves When 6 units are eliminated: 8
second. The defender may set up anywhere on When 10 units are eliminated: 9
board 3, but only on full hexes.
Anywhere on Board 3: On Board 6 north of the lake within 4 full hexes of
Board 3:
x3 x6 x2 x4 x2
GAME LENGTH: 6 Turns V I C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N S : Tan must have
1 undisrupted unit on one hilltop hex of each of
the three hilltops by the end of Turn 6 or lose.
A City Too Far (2 PLAYERS)
This is how it started, long before the Slam-
mers were called in. It had been a sleepy little
war; the kind that was better at keeping the
government in power than winning battles.
Then some hotshot general wanted to use all
of his shiny new paratroopers. A week later the
city was in ruins and everyone started aiming
for real. F 4 C
x2 x2 x6 x4
er who exclusively occupies the most hexes of the
large city on Board 4. The occupiying units may
be disrupted.
Hangman (2 PLAYERS)
Anywhere on Board 1:
x6 x12 x1 w/gas
Last Grasp (2 PLAYERS)
Slammers (2 or 3 PLAYERS)
x5 x16 x10 x6
S E T U P : On Board 6, Tan sets up and moves GAME LENGTH: 6 Turns
Anywhere on Board 6: VICTORY CONDITIONS:
Player who accumulates the most
victory points by the end of turn 6 is
the winner. Victory points are equal
to the cost of units found on the
design your own scenario section
of the rules.
x12 x8 x8 x4
S P E C I A L R U L E S : In the 3 player game, one player controls the Blue units, the second player controls
the Green forces, and the third player controls the Tan forces. Only in the 3 player game, Blue may not add
destroyed Green and Tan units together for victory point determination. Blue may only move a maximum of
20 units onto either board 6 or 3.
In the 2 player version, one player controls Blue, and the other player controls, moves, and fires both
Green and Tan forces. The Blue player may add together eliminated Green and Tan forces in determining
his victory point total.
x3 x6 x6
S P E C I A L R U L E S : Each forest hex on Board 6 must be entered by Blue and any infantry units encountered
eliminated. Use the blank side of the rubble counters only to show which forest hexes have been entered. The
Mercenaries must actually enter a forest hex to discover if any partisan infantry is hiding there. Ignore rubble results on
the Combat Results Table. All combat is Close Assaults. Green units may not move.
Mass Assault (2 PLAYERS)
x4 x12 x8
x4 x4 x4 x2
Break Out (2 PLAYERS)
Sometimes Col. Barthe made the mistake
of believing our employers. There wasn't
supposed to be two whole divisions on the
peninsula, so there was no reason to send
more than a couple of platoons from the
Compagnie de Barthe. Then, the satellite 1 3 C
observers began screaming about a force 50
times our number rolling towards us from the
south. The order came through to find a weak
spot and break out to the north. We had been
actively obeying the order for about twenty
minutes when it was received. 2
6 ED
x10 x8 x6 x8
On Board 6, 7 hexes south of Board 1:
x4 x6 x8
S E T U P : Tan sets up first on Board 1 and Board 3. The defender moves second.
Anywhere on Boards 1 and 3:
x6 x4 x12 x10 x2
V I C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N S : Red and Green must get as many units as possible off the north edge of
Boards 1 and 3 by the end of turn 8:
If 19 or less units get off decisive defeat 25-29 units draw
for Red & Green. 30-34 Marginal victory for Red & Green.
If 20-24 units get off board marginal defeat 35 or more . . . decisive victory for Red & Green.
for Red & Green.
The Better Part Of Valor
The Major once gave us a speech on how
much it cost to replace one combat tank. I
was glad to hear it wasn't cost effective for me
to get killed. It was one lesson I've always
taken to heart. If the battle needs fighting my
company will slug it out with the best. If the
men and tanks are being wasted... well, let's 5 4
just call it a strategic withdrawal.
S E T U P : Green sets up first anywhere on When 6 units are lost 8
Board 5 and moves first. Red sets up on west edge When 12 units are lost 9
of Board 5. Units are placed on board at start of NOTE: Mercenary Morale is different: See Special
Turn One. Rules below.
Anywhere on Board 5:
x2 x2 x8 x2 x2
Set up on west edge of Board 5:
x3 x3 x3
S E T U P : Sets up on city hexes of Board 4.
City Hexes of Board 4:
x2 x1 x6 x2 x2
most undisrupted units in city hexes on Board 5 at
the end of Turn Six will be declared the winner.
S P E C I A L R U L E S Regardless of losses to mercenary units, Morale stays 7 for undisrupted units.
However, all mercenaries may desert if any single rally roll for any single disrupted mercenary unit exceeds
a certain number. The more Mercenary units that are destroyed, the lower this number is according to the
chart below:
After 1 mercenary unit is eliminated all Mercenaries will desert if any one disrupted mercenary unit rolls
a 9 or more during his roll to rally.
After 2 mercenary units are eliminated all Mercenaries will desert if any one disrupted mercenary unit
rolls a rally roll of 8 or more.
After 3 mercenary units are eliminated all Mercenaries will desert if any one disrupted mercenary unit
rolls a rally roll of 7 or more.
If desertion occurs, immediately remove from the board all mercenaries including ones participating in
Close Assault.
Holding Out to Payday SCENARIO TEN
It's harder to get paid if the men who
hired you are the prisoners of the enemy.
That's why Colonel Hammer was so upset
when he heard the enemy was mounting a
drive on the capital. The Colonel was never
one to like losing by default. It looks bad and 3 2 5 4
it feels lousy. It would be nice, he added cas- 6
ually, if we could hold on until payday.
x2 x10 x2
Anywhere on Board 6:
Anywhere on Board 3 before Tan Paradrops:
x10 x6 x2 x2
Enter Board 2 on south road during Turn One:
x2 x4 x6 x3 w/gas Continued on
next page
Enter Board 5 on south road during Turn One:
x5 x4 x10
East edge Board 3:
x3 x4 x10 x1
S E T U P : TAN: Set up On Board 3 at least 5 hexes from east edge of board. GREEN: Anywhere on Board 4.
On Board
x2 x1 x8 x3 x1w/gas x2w/gas
Anywhere on Board 4:
x2 x3 x6 x3 x1w/gas x2w/gas
Continued on next page
G A M E L E N G T H : Until Victory Conditions V I C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N S : Player with
are met. first mercenary counter on the bridge is winner.
S P E C I A L R U L E S : Red sets up both Red and Green units. Blue sets up Blue and Tan units. Tan and
Green belong to the same army; they are trying to prevent Blue and Red from capturing the bridge on Board
4. Blue Player controls, moves, and fires the Tan forces. The Red player controls, moves, and fires the Green
Green and Tan cannot fight each other, but can stack together (no more than three units per hex). Red
and Blue can fight each other. Roll a die to see which side moves first (highest roller decides). Tan and
Green must be set up before Blue and Red enter board.
Green units are moved on the same turn that Red moves and Tan units are moved on the same turn that Blue moves.
x6 x1 x1 x2 x6
Anywhere on Boards 1 and 4:
x4 x10 x4 x4 x4 x6
it can eliminate all Tan units (the heretics). Tan
wins if it has 1 unit left after 14 turns.
Everybody Wants A Piece of the Action
Normally the Slammers get called in to A B
6 F E D
S E T U P : Tan sets up first on various boards MORALE: 8
(see troop displays) before the game starts and
moves third.
Anywhere on
Board 1: Board 2: Board 3: Board 4: Board 5: Any Board:
x1 x2 x2 x2 x2 x4
x4 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2
x2 x6
This force can
be split betwe-
en the other
forces or placed
x1 x2 on the board to-
Continued on
next page
Everybody Wants A Piece of the Action
x4 x6 x10
S E T U P : Roll a dice to see which board Blue
enters (on any outer edge). Blue moves second
and enters on Turn One.
NOTE: If RED and BLUE roll the same board for their set up, re-roll die.
x3 x5 x10 x1
V I C T O R Y C O N D I T I O N S : Winner is playerwith largest number ofvictory points which can only be
recieved by occupying and garrisoning city hexes.
Each city hex of a totally garrisoned city is worth 1 victory point. Each city hex must be garrisoned with at
least one unit. A player must garrison every city hex in a city to count that given city as owned.
Spice Madness (4 PLAYERS)