Curriculum Framework Cambridge Primary Mathematics 0845: Title: Maths

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T1W4 2021

Title: Maths
Curriculum Framework Cambridge Primary Mathematics 0845

Brief Description of Objectives, Outcomes, Content.

Unit 1A: Numbers and problem solving

Unit 2A: Number and problem solving

1A: Numbers and the number system

3Nn3 Count on and back in ones, tens and hundreds from two- and three-digit numbers.
3Nn4 Count on and back in steps of 2, 3, 4 and 5 to at least 50.

1A: Calculation (Multiplication and division)

3Nc19 Understand the relationship between doubling and halving.

1A: Problem solving (Using techniques and skills in solving mathematical problems)
3Pt1 Choose appropriate mental strategies to carry out calculations.
3Pt3 Make sense of and solve word problems and begin to represent them.

1A: Using understanding and strategies in solving problems

3Ps1 Make up a number story to go with a calculation.
3Ps3 Explore and solve number problems and puzzles.
3Ps6 Identify simple relationships between numbers.

Week Learning Success Suggested activities Resources Cross- Evaluation

objectives & (if Criteria (Starter, Main, Plenary) curricular
Lesson applicable) Differentiated activities links
Framework (HA, MA,LA)
Week 4 Learners Starter- Learners explore what happens when they Core activity 4.1: Vocabulary
Lesson 1-5 explore what halve a doubled number and double a halved number. Doubling and double
happens when halving (Learner’s half inverse
they halve a Main – Count on and back in ones, two, tens and Book p14)
doubled number hundreds from any two- and three-digit number.
and double a Some learners may need the Number line 0 to 1000 Resources: The
halved number. (marked in 10s) from Core activity 1.3 for support. Number line 0 to
Ask the learners to tell you what they know about 1000 (marked in
even numbers. They should be able to tell you 10s) assembled in
that an even number of objects can be arranged in Core activity 1.3.
pairs (twos) with none left over and that even Doubling and
numbers have 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 ones. halving photocopy
Give each learner a copy of the Doubling and halving sheet master (p26), one
and ask them to look at the ! rst set of copy per
columns. The middle column is the even numbers. Each
learner. (Optional:
number can then be doubled and written in
the right hand column, then halved and written in the left hand Doubling towers
column. Ask the learners to complete all photocopy master
three columns. They can work down each column or across (CD-ROM), one
the three columns. copy per learner,
Once the learners have completed the three columns, pencil or pen.)
ask them to look at the numbers in each
column and tell you what they notice. They should
notice that the ! rst column increases in ones,
the second in twos and the third in fours. Remind the
learners that they started with the middle
column and halved each number to get the column
labelled ‘half’. Ask them to look at the half
column and mentally double the ! rst few numbers.
Ask what they notice. They should notice
that when they double the numbers in the column
labelled half, they get the numbers they started
with. So halving is ‘undone’ by doubling. We could
say that doubling and halving are opposites.
Ask the learners to look at the column labelled
‘double’ and mentally halve the ! rst few numbers.
They should notice that when they halve the numbers
in the column labelled ‘double’, they get
the numbers they started with. So doubling is
‘undone’ by halving – again, they are opposites.
Explain that the mathematical word for this is
Ask the learners to complete the second set of columns. You
may need to work through the ! rst few with
learners to make sure they get the idea. You could continue to
support some groups while others continue
on their own. Once completed, they should check if the
doubling is undone or reversed by halving, and if
halving is undone or reversed by doubling. Talk the learners
through the checking if necessary.
End the session by asking the learners to describe
how doubling and halving are related to each

Look out for!

Learners who ! nd doubling and halving dif! cult.
Give them cubes or counters to work with. For
two-digit numbers, give them place value cards and
counters or cubes to work with so that they can
halve (or double) the tens and ones practically
before adding the two parts together.
Learners who ! nd these tasks straightforward.
Challenge them to extend the repeated doubling on
the doubling towers even further. In addition, they
could start with an even three-digit number and try
repeatedly halving.

Plenary –Summary
Learners begin to understand that doubling and
halving are inverse operations, they each
reverse or undo the other.
Notes on the Learner’s Book
Double and half (p14): learners answer doubling and
halving questions and match up the
inverse calculations. Challenge some learners to
make up a grid of doubles and halves for a
friend to identify inverses.

Check up!
Give learners a number to double and then ask
them to undo (or reverse) the doubling, saying what
they did.
If you gave learners four, they could say, “Double
4 is 8 and half of 8 is 4.”

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