MCCRS Standards:: Literacy Lesson Plan Grade Subject
MCCRS Standards:: Literacy Lesson Plan Grade Subject
MCCRS Standards:: Literacy Lesson Plan Grade Subject
Grade Subject
3rd ELA - Phonics
Learning Objectives:
MCCRS Standards: RF.3.3.c Decode multisyllable words.
RF.3.3.d Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
L.3.2.f Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word
families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending
rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.
Lesson Objective(s): Students will be able to read and write words with /ow/
spelled ow and ou_ and /o¯/ spelled _ow, learn new high
frequency words by participating in blending and dictation
routines, as well as, reading a decodable story in order to
build their oral, writing and reading fluency skills.
Assessment of Student will spell words with /ow/ spelled ow and ou_
Objective: and /o¯/ spelled _ow that will be dictated to them.
Students will be placed in small groups in break out rooms
to read a decodable story and discuss comprehension
questions at the end of the story. Then on Schoology
students will independently complete comprehension
questions about the decodable story.
Child-Friendly We will read and write words with /ow/ spelled ow and ou_
Objective: and /o¯/ spelled _ow, learn new high frequency words and
read a decodable story in order to build our oral, writing
and reading fluency skills.
Guided Practice -Review the blending words -Students will echo read the
with the students by having words in different voices.
them echo read some of the Different students will lead
words in different voices. their peers in the echo
-Ask students to identify reading.
which of the words from the
blending routine have a long -Students will participate and
o sound spelled ow and identify the words from the
which words have /ow/ blending routine that words
spelled ow or ou_. from the blending routine
-Prompt students to state have a long o sound spelled
words that rhyme with ow and which words have
specific words from the /ow/ spelled ow or ou_.
blending routine: -Students will share rhyming
brown, power, about, stowed, words.
-Have students echo read the -Students will echo read the
sentences from the blending sentences in different voices.
routine. Ask students to
identify words in the
sentences with either the
long o sound spelled ow or -Students will provide
/ow/ spelled ow or ou_. guidance to the teacher on
-Ask students to direct me in how to spell the words.
how to spell one word (one
word spelled with /ow/
spelled ow and one word
spelled with long o spelled -Students will participate in
_ow). [flower and yellow] spelling and dictation
-Students will then participate
in the independent practice of
spelling and dictation. -Students will identify and
-After the independent read the high frequency
practice of spelling and words as a group.
dictation, we will review high
frequency words.
-Instruct students that as I
highlight different high
frequency words that they
should read the words out
loud as a group.
-Students will be introduced
to two new sight words and I
will use them in example
-Students will be told that
they may see these words in
the decodable text that they
will read in their breakout