MCCRS Standards:: Literacy Lesson Plan Grade Subject

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Literacy Lesson Plan

Grade Subject
3rd ELA - Phonics

Learning Objectives:
MCCRS Standards: RF.3.3.c Decode multisyllable words.
RF.3.3.d Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
L.3.2.f Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word
families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending
rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.
Lesson Objective(s): Students will be able to read and write words with /ow/
spelled ow and ou_ and /o¯/ spelled _ow, learn new high
frequency words by participating in blending and dictation
routines, as well as, reading a decodable story in order to
build their oral, writing and reading fluency skills.
Assessment of Student will spell words with /ow/ spelled ow and ou_
Objective: and /o¯/ spelled _ow that will be dictated to them.
Students will be placed in small groups in break out rooms
to read a decodable story and discuss comprehension
questions at the end of the story. Then on Schoology
students will independently complete comprehension
questions about the decodable story.
Child-Friendly We will read and write words with /ow/ spelled ow and ou_
Objective: and /o¯/ spelled _ow, learn new high frequency words and
read a decodable story in order to build our oral, writing
and reading fluency skills.


Teaching Materials and Technologies Student Materials and Technologies

- Microsoft PowerPoint - Paper and pencil
- Schoology (website) - Whiteboard and markers
- Technological device - Technological device
- Anecdotal Notes Chart - Schoology (website)
- Google Meet - Google Meet

Responsiveness for All Children/UDL:

IEP/504 Plans: Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP
Classifications/Needs Goals
-There will be images to represent the sounds that will be
taught to students. Students can connect the images with
the sounds that are taught in order to support their
retention of how to pronounce the sounds and spell them
correctly within words.
- In order for their learning needs to be best met, students
will be placed in an appropriate breakout room during the
time when students will read the decodable story together
in small groups.

Instructional Considerations (MSDE Literacy # 7, 8, 9, 10, 11):

CONSIDERATIONS How does the lesson address each consideration?
Academic Language Academic Language:
Supports - High frequency words
- Decodable
- Comprehension
There are visuals that support the understanding of
the academic language mentioned. The academic
language will also be addressed as the objective is
Vocabulary (Tier II, Tier III) Tier II:
-The high frequency words and words from blending

Teaching Procedure: (MSDE Literacy # 3-10)

Teacher Action Student Action
Introduction and -Unpack the objective and -Students will attentively
Link to Prior identify what, how, and why listen to the objective and
Learning -Show students the sound recall the sounds and echo
cards from previous lesson the sounds after the teacher.
and ask student to recall the
Motivation and -Ask students to type in the -Students will participate and
Child-Friendly chat two words with a long o type in the chat two words
Objective sound spelled _ow and two with a long o sound spelled
words with /ow/ sound _ow and two words with /ow/
spelled either ow or ou_ sound spelled either ow or
(Give students 30 seconds to ou_.
come up with two words for
the first sound and 30
seconds to come up with two
words for the second sound)
Child Friendly Objective:
We will read and write words
with /ow/ spelled ow and ou_
and /o¯/ spelled _ow, learn
new high frequency words
and read a decodable story in
order to build our oral, writing
and reading fluency skills.
Direct -Restate the two sounds and -Students will participate in
Instruction/Modelin their corresponding spellings echoing the sounds.
g that are being taught. Guide
students in echoing the
pronunciation of the sounds.
-Provide students with the
prompting cue of the short
story that corresponds with
sounds to support them in
remembering the sounds. -Students will mirror the way
-Model for students of how they should listen for the
they should listen to the sounds based on the
distinct difference in teacher’s actions.
pronunciation ow as a long o
and as /ow/ spelled ow and
-Throughout the guided
practice students at various
times will echo my reading of
certain words and sentences.

Guided Practice -Review the blending words -Students will echo read the
with the students by having words in different voices.
them echo read some of the Different students will lead
words in different voices. their peers in the echo
-Ask students to identify reading.
which of the words from the
blending routine have a long -Students will participate and
o sound spelled ow and identify the words from the
which words have /ow/ blending routine that words
spelled ow or ou_. from the blending routine
-Prompt students to state have a long o sound spelled
words that rhyme with ow and which words have
specific words from the /ow/ spelled ow or ou_.
blending routine: -Students will share rhyming
brown, power, about, stowed, words.
-Have students echo read the -Students will echo read the
sentences from the blending sentences in different voices.
routine. Ask students to
identify words in the
sentences with either the
long o sound spelled ow or -Students will provide
/ow/ spelled ow or ou_. guidance to the teacher on
-Ask students to direct me in how to spell the words.
how to spell one word (one
word spelled with /ow/
spelled ow and one word
spelled with long o spelled -Students will participate in
_ow). [flower and yellow] spelling and dictation
-Students will then participate
in the independent practice of
spelling and dictation. -Students will identify and
-After the independent read the high frequency
practice of spelling and words as a group.
dictation, we will review high
frequency words.
-Instruct students that as I
highlight different high
frequency words that they
should read the words out
loud as a group.
-Students will be introduced
to two new sight words and I
will use them in example
-Students will be told that
they may see these words in
the decodable text that they
will read in their breakout

Independent -Words with /ow/ spelled ow -Students will use either

Practice and ou_ and long o spelled paper with pencil or
_ow will be dictated to whiteboard with markers to
students to spell. A sentence participate spelling and
that includes words with /ow/ dictation.
spelled ow and ou_ and long
o spelled _ow will be dictated
to students to write. Students
will write these words on a
paper or whiteboard.
-I will check for correct
spellings of the words after
they spell each word and the
sentence. Students will be
asked to put their paper or
whiteboard up to their
devices camera.
-As the students spell the
dictated words there will be a
slide visible for students that
will have the sounds spelling -Students will go into small
patterns written with groups and collaboratively
corresponding pictures in read the decodable story in
order to support students with the small groups and discuss
spelling the sounds. the questions at the end of
-Students will be told that the story.
they will be put in break out
rooms to collaboratively read
the decodable text and they
will discuss comprehension
questions as a group after
they read the story.
Closure -After students have -Students will listen to the
completed those tasks, they instructions on how they
will return to the main Google should go on Schoology to
Meet to have a whole group complete the comprehension
discussion. Then students question independent
will be given instructions on assessment.
how they will go to Schoology
and complete the
independent assessment of
answering comprehension
questions about the
decodable story.
-The whole group discussion -Students will participate the
and closure will consist of whole group discussion and
asking students questions: reflect on what they learned
What two sounds did we by answering prompting
review today? In 10 seconds questions.
drop in the chat as many
words as you can with the
long sound spelled ow or /ow/
spelled ow or ou_.
What did you all learn from
the story about what people
used to use to buy or get the
things they needed before

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