Russell - On Some Difficulties in The Theory of Transfinite
Russell - On Some Difficulties in The Theory of Transfinite
Russell - On Some Difficulties in The Theory of Transfinite
When Dr. Hobson speaks of the necessity of a norm for constituting
an aggregate, he appears sometimes to suppose that the norm is absent
or ill-defined in the case of inconsistent aggregates, at other times to
suppose it absent where Zermelo's axiom requires it. But the two
cases are, in reality, quite distinct. The doubt as to the truth of
Zermelo's axiom arises from the impossibility of discovering a norm by
which to select one term out of each of a set of classes, while the difficulty
of inconsistent aggregates arises from the presence of a perfectly definite
norm combined with the demonstrable absence of a corresponding
aggregate. This suggests that a norm is a necessary but not a sufficient
condition for the existence of an aggregate; if so, the complete solution
of our first set of difficulties would consist in the discovery of the precise
conditions which a norm must fulfil in order to define an aggregate.
Logical determinateness, it seems, is not sufficient, as Dr. Hobson supposes
(p. 173), and the meaning which he attaches to the term aggregate (ib.)
appears to be too wide. This is proved by a perfectly strict argument,
which I shall try to state after explaining some ways of generating
inconsistent aggregates.
In the first place, since the discussion belongs to symbolic logic,
which already possesses technical names for the ideas we require, it is
desirable to compare Dr. Hobson's terms with those in current use.
What he calls a norm is what I call a propositional function. A pro-
positional function of x is any expression <p\ x whose value, for every
value of x, is a proposition; such is " x is a man " or " sin x = 1."
Similarly we write <j>! (x, y) for a propositional function of two variables;
and so on.
In this paper I shall use the words norm, property, and propositional
function as synonyms.
The word aggregate is used sometimes with an implication of order,
sometimes without; I shall use class where there is no implication of
order, and where there is order I shall consider the relation of before and
after which generates the order. This last is necessary because every
class which can be ordered at all can be ordered in many ways; so that
only the ordering relation, not the class, determines what the order is to
be. A relation will be used in an extensional sense, i.e., so that two
relations are identical provided each holds whenever the other holds. We
shall find that a propositional function <f>\ x may be perfectly definite, in
the sense that, for every value of x, <p\ x is determinably true or determin-
ably false, while yet the values of x for which <p! x is true do not form a
class. And, similarly, we shall find that a propositknal function 0! (re, y)
may be in the same sense definite, without there being any relation R
which holds between x and y when and only when <j>\ (x, y) is true.
In order to eliminate at the outset a number of considerable but
irrelevant difficulties, I may point out that the argument we are about to
consider does not depend upon this or that view as to the nature of
classes and relations. The refutable assumption as to the nature of
classes and relations is only this: that a class is always uniquely
determined by a norm or property containing one variable, and that two
norms which are not equivalent {i.e., such that, for any value of the
variable, both are true or both false) do not determine the same class, with
a similar assumption as regards relations. It is in no way essential to
the argument to suppose that classes and relations are taken in extension,
i.e., that two equivalent norms determine the same class or relation.
Thus the argument proves that a norm itself is in general not an entity ;
that is, if we make statements of the form <p! x about a number of
different values of x, we cannot pick out an entity <f> which is the common
form of all these statements, or is the property assigned to x when we
state (j>\x. In other words, a statement about x cannot in general be
analyzed into two parts, x and what is said about x. There is no harm
in talking of norms or properties so long as we remember this fact; but, if
we forget it, we become involved in contradictions.
The two contradictions first discovered concerned respectively the
greatest ordinal and the greatest cardinal.* Of these the cardinal con-
tradiction is the simpler, and lends itself more readily to the removal from
arithmetic to logic which I wish to effect for both. I shall therefore
consider it first.
The cardinal contradiction is simply this: Cantor has a proof t that
there is no greatest cardinal, and yet there are properties (such as
" x = x ") which belong to all entities. Hence the cardinal number of
entities having such a property must be the greatest of cardinal numbers.
Hence a contradiction.
If every logically determinate norm defines a class, there is no escape
from the conclusion that there is a cardinal number of all entities. For,
in that case, the norm "x=x" defines a class, which contains all
entities: call this class V. Then the norm " u is similar to V" defines a
set of classes which may be taken as being the cardinal number of V,
* The contradiction concerning the greatest ordinal was first set forth by Burali Forti, " Una
questione sui numeri transfiniti," Rendieonti del Cireolo Matematico di Palermo, 1S97. The con-
tradiction concerning the greatest cardinal is discussed in my Principles of Mathematics,
t Jahrexbericht der Deiitschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Vol. i., 1892, p. 77.
32 MR. B. RUSSELL [NOV. 14,
By the same method, we can easily construct other such norms. Take
any class u for which we can correlate all entities to some u's by a one-one
correlation. By the method of the proof of the Schroder-Bernstein
theorem, construct an actual one-one correlation of all the members of u
to all classes contained in u, and then consider the norm : " x is a member
of u which is not a member of its correlate according to the correlation in
question." This norm does not define a class. Thus from the class of all
relations we obtain the norm: " B is not a relation which is a member of
its own domain." From the class of all couples we obtain the norm :
" v is such that the couple whose members are (1) the class of all entities,
(2) v, is not a member of v." Thus it appears that the contradiction dealt
with in chapter x,. of my Principles of Mathematics is a special case of a
general type of contradictions which result from supposing that certain
propositional functions determine classes, when, in fact, they do not do so.
The above method of discovering such propositional functions is not re-
quired for proving, when they are discovered, that they are of the sort
that do not define classes. In each case it is easy to discover a definite
simple contradiction, analogous to that discussed in the above mentioned
chapter, which results from supposing that the propositional functions in
question do determine classes.
In like manner propositional functions of two variables do not always
determine relations. For example, " B does not have the relation B to
S " does not determine a relation T between B and S, i.e., it is not equi-
valent, for all values of B and S, to " B has the relation T to S." For, if
it were, substituting T for B and for S, we should have " Tdoes not have
the relation T to T," equivalent to " T has the relation T to T," which is
a contradiction.
The following contradiction, of an analogous type to those discussed
above, shows that a norm or property is not always an entity which can
be detached from the argument of which it is asserted. Consider the
norm " x does not have any property which it is." If this assigns to x
the property 6, then " x has the property 6 " is equivalent to " x does not
have any property which it is." Hence, substituting 6 for x, " 6 has the
property (9" is equivalent to " 6 does not have any property which it is,"
which is equivalent to " 6 does not have the property 0 " ; whence a con-
tradiction. The solution, in this case, is that properties are not always
(if ever) separable entities which can be put as arguments either to other
properties or to themselves. Thus, when we speak of properties we are
sometimes (if not always) employing an abbreviated form of statement,
which leads to errors if we suppose that the properties we are speaking of
are genuine entities.
8BR. 2 . VOL. 4 . NO. 9 1 4 . D
84 MR. B. KUSSELL [Dec. 14,
We have thus reached the conclusion that some norms (if not all) are
not entities which can be considered independently of their arguments,
and that some norms (if not all) do not define classes. Norms (containing
one variable) which do not define classes I propose to call non-predicative;
those which do define classes I shall call predicative. Similarly, by exten-
sion, a norm containing two variables will be called predicative if it
defines a relation; in the contrary case it will be called non-predicative.
Thus we need rules for deciding what norms are predicative and what are
not, unless we adopt the view (which, as we shall see, has much to re-
commend it) that no norms are predicative.
I come now to Burali-Forti's contradiction concerning the greatest
ordinal, and I shall show how this too reduces to a simple logical contra-
diction resulting from supposing that a certain non-predicative function is
Burali-Forti's contradiction may be stated, after some modification, as
follows:—If u is any segment of the series of ordinals in order of magni-
tude, the ordinal number of u is greater than any member of u, and is, in
fact, the immediate successor of u (i.e., the limit if u has no last term,
or the immediate successor of the last term if u has a last term). The
ordinal number of u is always an ordinal number, and is never a member
of u. But now consider the whole series of ordinal numbers. This is
well ordered, and therefore should have an ordinal number. This must
be an ordinal number, and yet must be greater than any ordinal number.
Hence it both is, and is not, an ordinal number, which is a contradiction.
To generalize this contradiction, put <p\ x in place of " x is an ordinal,"
and f'u* in place of " the ordinal number of u." Then in the case of the
ordinals 0 and / are such that, if all the members of u satisfy <p, then f'u
satisfies <p and is not a member of u. Whenever these two conditions are
satisfied for all values of u, one or other of two conclusions follows:
namely, either (1) <j>\ x is not a predicative property; or (2), if <f>\x is
predicative and defines the class w, then there must be no such entity as
f'w. This is proved very simply as follows:—If there is such a class as
w, and such an entity as f'w, then, since every member of w satisfies <p,
it follows that/'w satisfies 0 ; but, conversely,/'w must be not a member
of w, and must therefore not have the property $, since w consists of all
terms having the property 0. In the special case of the ordinals, our two
alternatives are : (1) the ordinals do not form a class ; (2) although they
form a class, they have no ordinal number. The second alternative is
* The inverted comma may be read " of." The notation ^'M means the same as f{u), but is
for several reasons more convenient.
* This supposition can be disproved (by the generalized form of induction which applies
throughout any well-ordered series) by means of the theorem that every segment of the series of
ordinals is well ordered. It is not disproved by Jourdain's theorem, that every series which is
not well ordered must contain a part of type *w ; for this theorem depends upon Zermelo'a axiom,
of which the truth is doubtful.
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36 MR. B. EUSSELL [Dec. 14,
We have now seen the nature of the contradictions which beset the
theory of the transfinite : we have seen that they are not an isolated few,
but can be manufactured in any required number by a recipe; we have
seen that all of them belong to a certain definite type, and we have seen
that none of them are essentially arithmetical, but all belong to logic, and
are to be solved, therefore, by some change in current logical assumptions.
I propose, in this section, to consider three different directions in which
such a change may be attempted. I shall endeavour to set forth the
advantages and disadvantages of each of the three, without deciding in
favour of any one of them.
What is demonstrated by the contradictions we have considered is
broadly this: " A propositional function of one variable does not always
determine a class."*
In view of this fact, it is open to us, prima facie, to adopt one or other
of two theories. We may decide that all ordinary straightforward propo-
sitional functions of one variable determine classes, and that what is needed
is some principle by which we can exclude the complicated cases in which
there is no class. In this view, the state of things is like that in the
differential calculus, where every commonplace continuous function has a
derivative, and only rather complicated and recondite functions have to
be excluded. The other theory which suggests itself is that there are no
such things as classes and relations and functions as entities, and that
the habit of talking of them is merely a convenient abbreviation.
The first of these two theories itself divides into two, according as we
hold that what classes have to avoid is excessive size, or a certain charac-
teristic which we may call zigzagginess. Of these, the second is the more
conservative, i.e., it preserves more of the theory of the transfinite than
the first. Both preserve more of it than does the theory that there are
no such things as classes. I shall consider these three theories in the
following order, and by the following names :—
A. The zigzag theory.
B. The theory of limitation of size.
C. The no classes theory.
* Here it is to be understood that the arguments which show that there is not always a
class also show that there is not always a separable entity which is the propositional function (as
opposed to its value) ; also that some propositional functions of two variables do not determine a
relation either in intension or in extension, if we mean by a relation a separable entity which
can be considered apart from related terms.
38 MR. B. EUSSELL [Dec. 14,
• For suggestions of a solution more or less on the above lines, see my Principles of Mathe-
matics, §§ 103, 104.
• I use like to mean ordinally similar to. For the precise definition cf. Principles of Kathe-
matict, § 253.
• This definition is due to Frege. See his Grundlagm der Arithmetik, Breslau, 1S84,
pp. 79, 85.
t For a development of this point of view Bee §2 of " L a Logique des Relations,"
Jievue de Mathematiques, Vol. vn.
42 MR. B. RUSSELL [Dec. 14,
that " the mind " recognizes such entities, I am unable to agree: if he
said "my mind," I should have taken his word for it; but, personally,
I do not perceive such entities as cardinal numbers, unless as classes of
similar classes.
* This view has been advocated by Jourdain, "On the Transfinite Cardinal Numbers of
Well-ordered Aggregates," No. 4, Phil. Mag., January, 1904 ; also " On Transfinite Cardinal
Numbers of the Exponential Form," Phil. Mag., January, 1905.
44 MR. B. RUSSELL [Dec. 14,
diction which we obtained in the first part of this paper. The funda-
mental proposition is : " Given a property <j> and a function / such
that, if <f> belongs to all the members of any class u, then f'u always
exists and has the property <p, but is not a member of u, it follows that
either <p is non-predicative or, if <p is predicative and determines the
class w, then f'w does not exist."
The theory of limitation of size neglects the second alternative (that
f'w may not exist), and decides for the first (that <f> is not predicative).
Thus, in the case of the series of ordinals, the second alternative is
that the whole series of ordinals has no ordinal number, which is
equivalent to denying the predicativeness of " a and /3 are ordinal
numbers, and a is less than /3." The adoption of this alternative would
enable us to hold that all ordinals do form a class, and yet there is
no greatest ordinal. But the theory in question rejects this alternative,
and decides that the ordinals do not form a class. The only case in
which this is the only alternative is when flu is u itself; otherwise we
always have a choice.
A great difficulty of this theory is that it does not tell us how far up
the series of ordinals it is legitimate to go. It might happen that w
was already illegitimate: in that case all proper classes would be finite.
For, in that case, a series ordinally similar to a segment of the series
of ordinals would necessarily be a finite series. Or it might happen that
co2 was illegitimate, or co" or (ax or any other ordinal having no immediate
predecessor. We need further axioms before we can tell where the series
begins to be illegitimate. For, in order that an ordinal a may be
legitimate, it is necessary that the propositional function " /3 and y are
ordinal numbers less than a, and (3 less than y " should be predicative.
(Here, of course, " less than a " must be replaced by some property not
involving a, but such that, if a is legitimate, the property is equivalent
to being less than a.) But our general principle does not tell us under
what circumstances such a function is predicative.
It is no doubt intended by those who advocate this theory that all
ordinals should be admitted which can be defined, so to speak, from
below, i.e., without introducing the notion of the whole series of ordinals.
Thus they would admit all Cantor's ordinals, and they would only avoid
admitting the maximum ordinal. But it is not easy to see how to state
such a limitation precisely : at least, I have not succeeded in doing so.
The merits of this theory, therefore, would seem to be less than they
at first appear to be.
* It must be understood that the postulate of the existence of classes and relations is exposed
to the same arguments, pro and eon., as the existence of propositional functions as separable
entities distinct from all their values. Thus, in the theory we are considering, anything said
about a propositional function is to be regarded as a mere abbreviation for a statement about
some or all of its values.
46 MB, B. RUSSELL [Dec. 14,
Instead of saying " The class u is a class which has only one member,"
we shall say (as above) " There is an entity b such that p — is true when,
and only when, x is identical with 6." Here the values of x for which p —
is true replace the class u; but we do not assume that these values
collectively form a single entity which is the class composed of them.
There is not much difficulty in re-wording most definitions so as
to fit in with the new point of view. But now the existence theorems
become hard to prove. We can manufacture enough different propositions
to show what is now equivalent to the existence of w and N0, though
the process is cumbrous and artificial. We shall be able, by con-
tinuing a similar process, to prove the existence of various transfinite
ordinal types. But we shall not be able to prove the existence of all
the usual ordinal types. I do not know at what point the series begins
to be non-existent; but I cannot at present, in this method, prove the
existence of c^ or NX, which must therefore be considered for the
moment as undemonstrated.
I hope in future to work out this theory to the point where it will
appear exactly how much of mathematics it preserves, and how much it
forces us to abandon. It seems fairly clear that ordinary arithmetic,
analysis, and geometry, and, indeed, whatever does not involve the later
* The reservation is merely that the initial subject must not occur in the prototype except
in the places which we wish to be variable. For example, if our prototype is " 3 > 2 , " and our
initial subject is 3, the substitution of x for 3 gives " x > 2 . " But, if we now take 2 as our
initial subject, so that our prototype is " 2 > 2 , " the substitution of x gives iix>x," which is
not the propositional function we want.
I come now to the second of our difficulties, namely, the doubt as
to the truth of Zermelo's axiom. This is dealt with by Dr. Hobson in
his Nos. 10 and 11, with which I find myself in complete agreement.*
All that I wish to do is to state the question in various forms, and to
point out some of its bearings. I shall assume the existence of classes
and relations, for the sake of simplicity of statement. The difficulty is
of a different kind, and is more easily apprehended by this form of state-
Zermelo's axiom asserts the possibility of picking out one from each
of the classes contained in a given class (excepting the null class). It has
hitherto been commonly assumed by mathematicians, and Zermelo has
the merit of explicitly mentioning the assumption. The axiom may be
stated as follows :—" Given any class w, there is a function f'u such that,
if u is an existentt class contained in w, then f'u is a member of u."
That is, the axiom asserts that we can find some rule by which to pick out
one term from each existent class contained in w. The axiom may also be
stated : " Given a set k of all existent classes contained in a certain class
w, there is a many-one relation B, whose domain is k, which is such that,
if u is a member of k, the term to which u has the relation B is a member
of u." The axiom can be stated in a form which does not involve classes,
functions, or relations, but I shall not give this form of statement, as its
complication makes it almost unintelligible.
A simple illustration may serve to show the nature of the difficulty as
regards this axiom, and to introduce the analogous "multiplicative axiom."
Given N0 pairs of boots, let it be required to prove that the number
of boots is even. This will be the case if all the boots can be divided into
* Though I do not agree with his special criticism of Mr. G. H. Hardy in No. 12,
according to which the second figure in Mr. Hardy's sequences " would have indefinitely great
values for all numbers fi of the second class, and thus that for sufficiently great ordinal numbers
of the second class the corresponding sequences can have no existence."
t An existent class is a class having at least one member.
4.8 MR. B. RUSSELL [Dec. 14,
two classes which are mutually similar. If now each pair has the right
and left boots different, we need only put all the right boots in one class,
and all the left boots in another: the class of right boots is similar to the
class of left boots, and our problem is solved. But, if the right and left
boots in each pair are indistinguishable, we cannot discover any property
belonging to exactly half the boots. Hence we cannot divide the boots
into two equal parts, and we cannot prove that the number of them is
even. If the number of pairs were finite, we could simply choose one out
of each pair ; but we cannot choose one out of each of an infinite number
of pairs unless we have & rule of choice, and in the present case no rule
can be found.
The problem involved in the above illustration raises grave difficulties
in regard to many elementary theorems about multiplication of cardinals.
Multiplication has been defined as follows by Mr. A. N. Whitehead :—*
Let k be a set of classes no two of which have any common terms.
Then we define the " multiplicative class of k " (denoted by X lk) as the
class formed by picking one and only one term out of each class belonging
to k, and doing this in all possible ways. That is, one member of X lk is
a class consisting of one member of each class belonging to k. Then the
number of terms in X'k is defined to be the product of the numbers
of the various classes belonging to k. This definition is perfectly
satisfactory when the number of classes which are members of k is finite,
and also when each class which is a member of k has some peculiar term
(for example, if each is given as a well-ordered series, and we can pick out
the first term). But in other cases it is not obvious that there is any rule
liy which we can pick out just one term of each member of k, and there-
tore it is not obvious that X 'k has any members at all. Hence, as far as
the definition shows, the product of an infinite number of factors none
of which is zero might be zero. Thus, in the case of the boots, we
wished to pick out one boot from each pair, but we could find no rule by
which this was to be done.
AVhat is required is not that we should actually be able to pick out one
term from each class which is a member of k, but that there should be
(whether we can specify it or not) at least one class composed of one term
from each member of k. It there is one, there must be many, unless all
the members of k are unit classes ; for, given one such class, if u is a
member of k, and x is the member of u which is picked out, we can
substitute for x any other member of u—say y—and we still have a
member of X'k. Thus the axiom we need may be stated: " Given a
* Burali-Forti has shown that the two definitions of the finite can be identified if we assume
the following axiom:— " If u is any class of existent classes, the number of members of w is lees
than or equal to the number of members of members of « . " (" Le Classi finite," Proceedings
of t)i£ Accademia Beale delle Scienze di Torino, 1896-7.) This axiom leads at once to the result that
the number of classes contained in a finite class must be finite, whence the conclusion follows, as
above indicated. The axiom as it stands is untrue : it is necessary to assume that the classes are
mutually exclusive, or something analogous. Whether it will then give the desired result I do
not know.
SEB. 2. VOL. 4. NO. 915. E
50 MR. B. RUSSELL [Dec. 14,
* Assuming that there is a class of all entities. But, if there is no such class, we only have
to adopt the statement of Zermelo's axiom which does not assume that there are classes,
f Math. Ann., Vol. LIX., pp. 514-516.
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52 ME. B. RUSSELL [Dec. 14,
respect the problem considered in our second part is dependent upon that
considered in our first part.
The general position advocated in the foregoing paper may be briefly
stated as follows : —
When we say that a number of objects all have a certain property, we
naturally suppose that the property is a definite object, which can be
considered apart from any or all of the objects which have, or may be
supposed to have, the property in question. We also naturally suppose
that the objects which have the property form a class, and that the class
is in some sense a new single entity, distinct, in general, from each
member of the class. Both these natural suppositions can be proved, by
arguments so short and simple that they scarcely admit a possibility of
error, to be at any rate not universally true. We may, in view of this
fact, adopt one of two courses: we may either decide that the assumptions
in question are always false, or endeavour to find conditions subject to
which they are true, these conditions being such as to exclude the cases
where the falsehood of the assumptions can be proved. The latter course
has the advantage of being more consistent with common sense, and of
preserving more of Cantor's work ; but it has, as yet, the disadvantage of
great uncertainty and artificiality in detail, owing to the absence of any
broad principle by which to decide aa to which functions are predicative.
The former course, in practice, merely involves abstaining from the
doubtful assumptions, and does not commit us to the view that they are
false; it is therefore, so long as any doubt subsists, the prudent plan to
pursue the former course as far as possible. It appears on examination
that, without supposing either of the suspected assumptions to be ever
true, we can construct ordinary mathematics and most of the theory of
the transfinite ; and in this development we meet with no contradictions,
so far as is known at present. Whether it is possible to rescue more of
Cantor's work must probably remain doubtful until the fundamental
logical notions employed are more thoroughly understood. And whether,
in particular, Zermelo's axiom is true or false is a question which, while
more fundamental matters are in doubt, is very likely to remain un-
answered. The complete solution of our difficulties, we may surmise, is
more likely to come from clearer notions in logic than from the technical
advance of mathematics ; but until the solution is found we cannot be
sure how much of mathematics it will leave intact.