Brit. J. Anaesth. (1968), 40, 648: D. W. Hill
Brit. J. Anaesth. (1968), 40, 648: D. W. Hill
Brit. J. Anaesth. (1968), 40, 648: D. W. Hill
The saturated vapour pressure of most volatile vapour pressure of halothane is 243 torr at 20° C.
anaesthetic agents is generally much greater than From a knowledge of the s.v.p. of a particular
the partial pressure in the inspired gases required agent over the required temperature range, it is
to produce clinical anaesthesia. The function of now possible to arrange to systematically dilute
an anaesthetic vaporizer is to bring about dilu- the saturated vapour to levels commensurate with
tion of the saturated carrier gas in a controlled clinical administration.
fashion which is reasonably independent of both When a gas stream is passed through the vapor-
changes in the ambient temperature and the izing chamber in order to remove the saturated
volume flow of gas perfusing the vaporizer. vapour, it will sweep away the most energetic
molecules, since these are the ones that will have
THE VARIATION OF THE SATURATED VAPOUR overcome the inwardly-directed attractive forces
PRESSURE WITH TEMPERATURE present at the liquid-vapour interface. As a result
When a liquid is in contact with its vapour inside the mean energy, and hence the temperature, of
a closed container, a state of equilibrium is at- the liquid falls as evaporation proceeds.
tained in which as many molecules leave the
liquid by evaporation per second to escape into PLENUM VAPORIZERS
the vapour phase as rejoin the bulk liquid per The usual models of vaporizers found on anaes-
second. Under these conditions, the vapour above thetic machines are of the plenum type which is
the liquid is said to be fully saturated, and this is perfused with fresh gas from the machine. The
the condition that is obtained in the vaporizing term is derived from the plenum system of venti-
chamber of a calibrated vaporizer. The vapour lation in which gas is forced into the system. The
molecules bombard the walls of the vessel and vaporizer (fig. 1) consists basically of a vaporiza-
give rise to a definite pressure, known as the tion chamber which is perfused with a fraction
Saturated Vapour Pressure, s.v.p. It is important of the fresh gas flow and adds to this a proportion
to remember that the s.v.p. depends only upon of anaesthetic vapour. At low chamber flows, care
the nature of thi liquid and its temperature, it must be taken to ensure that the gas picks up
does not, within the range of pressures encoun- sufficient of the vapour, particularly in the case
tered in anaesthesia, depend upon the barometric of a heavy vapour such as halothane. The larger
pressure. This fact is important in discussing the fraction of the fresh gas flow is then added to the
functioning of anaesthetic vaporizers under
hyperbaric conditions. Bypass
For a given volatile anaesthetic agent, the graph Gas
of s.v.p. (P) against ambient temperature (t) is a in —
smooth curve. An equation can be fitted to each
curve, those for diethyl ether and halothane
Ether: log10P=6.78574 - (994.195)/(t +22.0)
Halothane: Vaporizing
log, 0 P=6.8468 - (1079.74)/(f + 222.06) chamber
In these equations, the s.v.p. (P) is given in torr*
and the temperature t in "C. The saturation
FIG. 1
' T o all intents and purposes 1 torr=l mm Hg. Simple plenum vaporizer.
output from the vaporizing chamber in order to expensive, vaporizers usually having wicks and
dilute the issuing vapour to the required clinical some means of compensating for the fall in tem-
concentration. perature occurring as the liquid vaporizes. How-
ever, for the low rates encountered in small
The Boyle bottle vaporizer. animal anaesthesia the cooling effect is minimal
The simplest type of plenum vaporizer is seen Parbrook (1966) describes an all-glass simple by-
in the well-known Boyle bottle vaporizer. A cyl- pass vaporizer for such applications.
indrical tap splits the gas into bypass and vapor-
izing chamber flows. Movement of a plunger IMPROVED PLENUM VAPORIZERS
allows the distance between the port delivering Pearce (1962) describes a version of the Boyle
gas into the chamber and the surface of the liquid halothane vaporizer in which the temperature of
anaesthetic to be varied. The vaporizing chamber the halothane is measured by a small bimetallic
is a simple glass bottle which does not contain strip type of thermometer. A chart is provided in
any wicks. The variation oi the output from an the model sold by the Loosco Company of Am-
ether Boyle bottle with the setting of the tap sterdam so that the correct tap setting can be
control lever and the position of the plunger has chosen to give the required halothane concentra-
been discussed by Macintosh, Mushin and Ep- tion for a given gas flow and temperature. But, of
stein (1958). Stability of the output of a vaporizer course, the tap requires resetting if vaporization
with time really means stability with regard to a lowers the temperature of the liquid halothane.
fall in temperature of the vaporizing liquid. Since Although a degree of manual temperature com-
glass is a poor conductor of heat, there is insuffi- pensation is provided in this system, the design of
cient inflow of heat to hold the temperature of the the tap will not hold constant over a wide range of
liquid constant. As the temperature falls, so the flow rates the ratio of flow split between the cham-
output concentration decreases significantly with ber and bypass. This is achieved in the Drager
time. Halothane is not so volatile as ether (its "Vapor" range of vaporizers by means of using
saturated vapour pressure is approximately one- two special conical taps, one to control the bypass
third of an atmosphere compared with one-half and the other to control the chamber flow (fig. 2).
for ether). Thus cooling problems are not so The body of the vaporizer is made from a heavy
serious for halothane vaporizers. Since lower con- block of copper having a high thermal capacity.
centrations are required for halothane than for This acts as a reservoir of heat and helps to hold
ether, the halothane Boyle bottle uses only the the temperature of the halothane constant. The
control tap and has no moving plunger, the gas actual temperature of the halothane is read from a
entering the bottle from fixed holes in the inlet built-in mercury-in-glass thermometer. The dial
pipe, above the surface of the halothane. A simple used for setting the concentration of halothane de-
glass bottle holding the liquid agent does not livered by the vaporizer carries a number of scales
always produce fully saturated vapour, so that the each corresponding to a particular concentration.
calibration from this type of vaporizer is not re- In use the dial is rotated until the required con-
producible. In addition, when the vaporizer has centration scale intersects a fixed temperature
been standing for some time, a considerable vol- scale at the temperature shown on the thermo-
ume of vapour builds up above the liquid. This meter. The opening of the bypass valve is pre-set
gives rise to a significant "surge" of vapour when by the manufacturer, the chamber valve acting
the vaporizer is first turned on (Jennings and as the concentration control. Each cone consists
Hersant, 1965). A surge ot vapour may also be of a male and a female cone, the ratio of the
delivered if the vaporizer is shaken. Seed (1967) length of a cone to its gap being of the order of
describes a baffle device fitted into the bottle of a 100:1; filters are provided to prevent the ingress
Boyle halothane vaporizer to prevent agitation of grit into the valves. The pressure drop across
of the halothane when the anaesthetic machine is each valve is linearly related to the volume flow
moved. of gas through it, both in the forward and reverse
directions. As a result, the flow-splitting ratio is
These deficiencies have led to the development little changed over the fresh gas flow range of
of a number of more sophisticated, although more
Gas inlet
Gas outlet
FIG. 2 FIG. 3
Cross-section of a Drager "Vapor" vaporizer. Cross-section of a Fluotec vaporizer.
100 ml to 10 L/min. The vaporizing chamber strip bends back, opening the valve and allowing
contains wicks. The Vapor vaporizers are the more vapour to emerge in order to hold the out-
most accurate yet made, and they are extremely put concentration from the vaporizer reasonably
useful in the laboratory as sources of accurate constant The output is independent of flow rate
concentrations of anaesthetic vapours (Hill, 1963). above 4 L/min (fig. 4). At lower flow rates, the
However, thty are very heavy and tend to be output rises to a peak at about 1 l./min due to
expensive, although since they can be operated non-linearity of the flow-splitting ratio, and falls
outside a circle with low fresh gas flow rates, they to zero if the fresh gas flow is reduced to 500
can provide a considerable saving in the cost of ml/min. There is then insufficient pressure drop
halothane. A pressure relief valve is fitted to the developed across the bypass to force enough gas
vaporizing chamber in order to prevent any build- through the vaporizing chamber. A calibration
up of vapour pressure. card for use at flow rates below 4 l./min is pro-
The need for a manual adjustment to compen- vided with each instrument. A vaporizer employ-
sate for temperature changes of the liquid can be ing similar principles is the MIE. "Halothane 4".
eliminated by the use of a temperature-sensitive This employs a mercury-expansion type of ther-
valve, but at the expense of making the output mal compensation device and does not exhibit a
concentration dependent upon the perfusing gas peak in its calibration curve like the Fluotec.
flow rate at the lower flows. Massa and Zander (1964) found that the Halo-
Automatic temperature compensation is used thane 4 vaporizer gave output concentrations
in the well-known Fluotec vaporizer (fig. 3) lower than the calibration would indicate.
»* 3 high coefficient of thermal expansion relative to
a the valve seating. As the temperature of the
2 2 emerging gas and vapour stream from the cham-
— • 1 ~n ber alters, so the valve opens or closes to adjust
Q the flow in such a way as to hold the output
concentration constant. A similar arrangement
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 operates with the fixed restriction (5) in series
Flow rate, litres per minute
with the control valve. The advantage of this
FIG. 4
arrangement is that no additional moving parts
Calibration curve for a Mark 2 Fluotec vaporizer. are needed. Figures 6 and 7 show the perfor-
mance of the Fluomatic under conditions of vary-
The problem of holding the calibration of a ing temperature and flow rate.
vaporizer reasonably constant with changing flow
rates when an automatic temperature compensa- The lower saturated vapour pressure of meth-
tion system is employed has been tackled in an oxyflurane means that a vaporizer for this sub-
ingenious fashion in the New Forreger "Fluo- stance must pass more of the fresh gas through
matic" halothane vaporizer. A sectional diagram the vaporizing chamber than would occur for
of the Fluomatic in the ON position is given in vaporizers designed to work with other agents.
figure 5. The fresh gas flowing into the vaporizer Figure 8 shows a section of the Forreger "Pento-
at (1) is divided in the usual way, the bypass matic" vaporizer. The upper section (2) of the
stream passing through the fixed restriction (2) control valve controls the bypass flow, whilst the
lower section (4) controls the outlet from the
vaporizing chamber. The two sections move up
or down as a unit when the concentration setting
dial (5) is adjusted. The valves provide automatic
temperature compensation as described for the
Fluomatic vaporizer. The isolation valve (7) is
moved through a linkage to the control knob (5)
to close both the inlet and outlet of the vaporiz-
ing chamber (fig. 9). A low-resistance bypass
channel completely bypasses the vaporizing
chamber, and the chamber is vented to atmos-
phere at (8). The pressure applied to the vapor-
izer is limited by the relief valve (6).
The mode of operation of plenum vaporizers
can be clearly seen in the following calculation.
Suppose that the vaporizer is required to produce
a 1 per cent v/v concentration of halothane in a
total minute volume (gas+vapour) of 6 L If the
ambient temperature is 22°C, the saturation con-
FIG. 5 centration of halothane in the vaporizing cham-
Cross-section of a Fluomatic vaporizer in the "ON" ber is 35.5 per cent v/v. To produce the required
U- —r- =.
FIG. 6
3 - • The variation of the output
from a Fluomatdc vaporizer
5 20 with temperature at a constant
< 20 < flow rate of 5 \./m.
X a
1 0
FIG. 7
«o ci The variation of the output
Co from a Fluomatk vaporizer
O with gas flow readings taken
__ at 70 °F after successive
< 5-minute runs at each flow for
Q each dial setting.
5 4
FIG. 8 FIG. 9
Cross-section of a Pentomatic vaporizer in the Cross-section of a Pentomatic vaporizer in the
"ON" position. "OFF" position.
FIG. 11
The connection of a Halox vaporizer to the manifold of a Boyle anaesthetic machine.
efforts pull the gas through the vaporizer, and Compact draw-over vaporizers lend themselves
their calibration would not hold under intermit- to incorporation in portable anaesthetic apparatus.
tent flow conditions. The EMO vaporizer was Stephens (1965) describes the performance of the
developed as a calibrated, low-resistance, draw- Cyprane "Haloxair" anaesthetic apparatus which
over vaporizer for use in underdeveloped coun- incorporates a compact halothane inhaler, and
tries and in emergency conditions (Epstein and Hedstrand (1966) describes the AGA "Anestor
Macintosh, 1956; Leatherdale, 1966). The water- Militar" emergency anaesthetic apparatus which
jacket surrounding the vaporizing chamber pro- uses the SOCSIL draw-over vaporizer for ether,
vides a reservoir of heat, and a metal bellows halothane or chloroform (Hallen and Norlander,
filled with ether vapour acts as a temperature- 1966; Martinez, Norlander and Santos, 1966).
compensation valve at the chamber outlet. As the The Blease Universal Vaporizer can be used as
temperature falls, the bellows contracts and opens a plenum or draw-over vaporizer, and can be
the valve. The calibration of the EMO only holds provided with a series of interchangeable control
for intermittent flows. Stetson (1968) describes a cams so that it can be used with almost any vola-
modification to the EMO vaporizer in order to tile anaesthetic agent (fig. 12). The pressure drop
prevent sticking of the concentration control knob. across it is 10 mm HjO at a gas flow rate of
This involves the substitution of a Teflon rotor 30 L/min. It offers the advantage that it can be
in the vaporizer. used with an anaesthetic machine in order to
The Oxford Miniature Vaporizer (OMV) em- familiarize anaesthetists with its characteristics.
ploys stainless steel wicks and a water-filled base, It can then be used with confidence by these
and can be used with halothane, chloroform or anaesthetists under draw-over conditions. A
trichloroethylene under continuous or intermit- detailed study of the Blease Universal Vaporizer
tent flow conditions. Its clinical performance for is that of Merrifield, Hill and Smith (1967).
halothane is discussed by Parkhouse (1966) and Although it performed in a satisfactory manner
Jensen (1967). for plenum and draw-over conditions, the con-
Concentration scale
Vapour chamber
inlet valve / Control cam Confrql valve
r / Cam fotlower / Gas oxygen »ir inlet
Control valve
sensitive unit
. J - W a t e r jacket
nuerano Anaesthetic _ / Water jacket Incoming <jases Anaesthetic
level g'Ss •*"<• Te
"Wature • Saturated vapour agent
" sensitive unit - Mixed gases
FIG. 12
Cross-sections of the Blcasc Universal vaporizer.
centration fell off rapidly with time when it was (1960) and Mushin and Galloon (I960). One ad-
placed inside a circle. This may have been due vantage of using a circle system lies in the econ-
to the uptake of water by the wicks. It is a devel- omy of consumption of the anaesthetic agent
opment of the former Gardner Universal Vapori- which is possible at low fresh gas flow rates.
zer (Dobkin et aL, 1963). Schreiber and Weis When flows through the vaporizer of 1 L/min or
(1965) report inaccuracies present in the calibra- less are used, attention must be paid to the so-
tion of a Gardner Universal Vaporizer. called "pumping effect" (Hill and Lowe, 1962;
Gordh et al., 1964), unless the vaporizer is de-
THE DSE OF VAPORIZERS WITH CIRCLE signed to eliminate this effect. When intermittent
ANAESTHETIC SYSTEMS positive pressure ventilation is employed, the in-
A vaporizer can either be placed outside the circle flation pressure is transmitted up the fresh gas
in the fresh gas supply hie, or it can be placed pipe from the drele into the vaporizing chamber
inside the circle. In the first case it receives only of the vaporizer. During the expiratory phase
the fresh gas flow rate in the form of dry gas. In when the pressure is released, the contents of the
the second it receives the patient's expired minute chamber return to the bypass not only via the
volume of gas which will be fully saturated with normal exit port of the chamber but via the inlet
water vapour. The two conditions are quite differ- port as well. This additional increment of vapour
ent, the first requiring a high-efficiency vaporizer gives rise to an enhanced outlet concentration.
which can deliver a high output concentration at For example, Hill and Lowe found that at 500
low flows, the second requiring a low-efficiency ml/min, the effect of IPPR at 10 breaths per
vaporizer which will only add small increments of minute with a 20 cm H 2 O inflation pressure was
vapour to the minute volume recirculating to increase the output of a Mark 2 Fluotec vapori-
through i t zer from the 3 per cent v/v set on the dial to
A detailed account of the functioning of 4.1 per cent. If requested to do so, the makers
vaporizers in circle systems is given by Mapleson of the Fluotec can supply a model which has a
miniature pressure regulator fitted to its outlet mer and Atabas, 1965). This prevents pressure
(fig. 13) (Edmondson and Hill, 1962; Kapfham- fluctuations from the circle getting back into the
vaporizer. Another possibility is to fit a uni-
directional valve to the outlet of the vaporizer
(Keenan, 1963). The Drager "Vapor" vaporizer
is fitted with a long inlet tube to the vaporizing
chamber. When the pressure in the vaporizing
chamber due to IPPR is released, the vapour does
not emerge into the bypass from this long tube,
and is forced back into the chamber during the
next inflation (fig. 14). A method tried by Hill
and Lowe (1962) and Lowt et al. (1962) was to
place a needle valve distal to the Fluotec and by
this means raise the pressure in the vaporizer to
40 cm H , 0 which is well above normal inflation
pressures. Keet, Valentine and Riccio (1963) de-
scribe an arrangement designed to prevent pres-
sure effects on the Vernitrol vaporizer.
FIG. 13
Pressurizing valve fitted to the output of a Fluotec Two design features Ere claimed to eliminate
vaporizer. the "pumping.effect" in the case of the Forreger
U) (b) (c)
(e) (f)
FIG. 14
(a, b, c.) The release of positive pressure from the vaporizing chamber allows vapour to rejoin
the bypass from the normal inlet to the chamber (d, e, f) this effect is eliminated by the use of
a long inlet pipe to the vaporizing chamber.
"Fluomatic" vaporizer. The gas volume of the hyperbaric operating rooms. This is borne out by
vaporizing chamber has been deliberately kept to McDowall (1964) and Vermeulen-Cranch (1964).
a minimum so that no serious volumes of halo- There will be some slight differences, since the
thane vapour can b= discharged from the chamber flow-splitting ratios will be affected by the pres-
into the bypass during the deflationary phase. sure. Similar considerations apply under hypo-
The Fluomatic also operates with a significant baric conditions encountered at high altitudes
pressure drop of 8 cm H^O/l./min of gas flow (Safar and Tenicella, 1964).
into it. This discourages any flow of vapour out
of the normal inlet to the vaporizing chamber THE "PRESSURE POT" VAPORIZER
when the pressure in the chamber is released. The idea of pressurizing an anaesthetic vaporizer
The Rowbotham and Goldman dental vapori- has been developed by Bracken, Brookes and Gold-
zers (Goldman, 1962) have found favour for use man (1968). They apply 4 atmospheres pressure,
as halothane vaporizers inside a circle (Burton, i.e. 4.2 kg/ (60 Lb./ on the gauge) from
1958; Gusterson, 1959; Hall et al., 1966). The a pipeline containing oxygen, or premixed 50 per
Goldman vaporizer is so constructed that even at cent oxygen and 50 per cent nitrous oxide (Ento-
high flow rates it cannot produce more than 3 nox) to a stout metal "pot" of 0.5 litre capacity
per cent v/v of halothane. Bodman, Gerson and (fig. 15). Assuming that the saturation concentra-
Smith (1967) measured the inspired concentra- tion of halothane contained in the pot is approxi-
tions in a circle system using a Goldman vapori- mately 33 per cent, then by bringing die pot
zer and a halothane meter. With this simple type
of vaporizer, there is an appreciable surge of
vapour when it is first used, and the cooling
effect is not negligible. However, it works well
and was never designed as a precision vaporizer
(Goldman, 1966). It is usual to allow the patient
to breadie spontaneously with the vaporizer inside
the circle. Should he lighten, a compensatory
action occurs, his increased ventilation vaporizing
more anaesthetic. If IPPR is used, there is a risk
of vaporizing an excessive amount of anaesthetic
(Marret, 1959; Mushin and Galloon, 1960). This
risk can be minimized by using some form of
halothane analyzer in the circuit to measure the
inspired concentration.
THE CALIBRATION OF ANAESTHETIC VAPORIZERS (Hill, I960), and is particularly useful for the
Nearly all manufacturers of calibrated vaporizers measurement of the concentrations of volatile
use an optical method of calibration based upon agents in blood (Butler and Hill, 1962).
the measurement of the refractive index of the For an absolute calibration of vaporizers, it is
emergent vapour mixture by means of a Rayldgh best to use known vapour concentrations prepared
refractometer (Edmondson, 1957; Luder, 1964), in alloy cylinders under pressure as described by
air being used as the carrier gas. The method Hill (1961).
has the advantage from the manufacturer's view-
point that the calibration of the refractometer,
once established, is very stable. The instrument SERVICING OF VAPORIZERS
can be calibrated from known vapour mixtures With any anaesthetic vaporizer, it is necessary to
or from a knowledge of the refractive indices of carry out a regular routine servicing procedure.
the vapours concerned. It is, however, only suit- The vaporizing chamber should be drained off
able for use with binary gas and vapour mixtures. periodically; in the case of halothane vaporizers
For accurate work, with other gases and water this will avoid a build-up of thymol in the con-
vapour present, it is convenient to use a non- tainer. The interior of the vaporizer should be in-
dispersive infra-red gas analyzer (Hill, 1958). For spected for any incipient corrosion, and the tap
clinical use with circle systems, it is desirable to checked for sticking. Grease should not be used,
have available a compact monitor, particularly as oxygen will be present when the vaporizer is
for halothane. Molyneux (1959) describes an in use In the case of calibrated vaporizers, the
ultrasonic halothane monitor. Halothane readily control knob should not bind, and the calibration
absorbs ultraviolet radiation, and by using a low- should be checked by the manufacturers at yearly
pressure mercury lamp as a source of 2537 Ang- intervals. Adner and Hallen (1965) discuss relia-
strom unit radiation, a simple ultraviolet "halo- bility aspects of anaesthetic vaporizers.
thane meter" can be constructed (Robinson, Den-
son and Summers 1962; Wolfson, 1968). Although
giving a satisfactory performance, the ultraviolet ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
analyzer requires up to 1 hour to warm-up and The author is indebted to the undermentioned manu-
facturers for permission to reproduce the various
achieve its best stability. Halothane is also de- illustrations: Dragerwerk (figs. 2, 14); Cyprane Ltd.
composed by ultraviolet light, and care must be (figs. 3, 4, 13); Forreger Company (figs. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
taken to pass the effluent from the analyzer 10); British Oxygen Company Ltd. (figs. 11, 15);
Blease Medical Equipment Ltd. (fig. 12).
through soda-lime if it is necessary to return it
to the circuit
Recently, the Drager company has introduced Adner, M., and Hallen, B. (1965). Reliability of halo-
the "Narkotest-M" non-electrical halothane analy- thane vaporisers. Acta anaesth. scand., 9, 233.
zer. This works on the principle that halothane Bodman, R. I., Gerson, G., and Smith, K. (1967). A
simple closed circuit for halothane anaesthesia.
vapour will diffuse through silicone rubber. A Anaesthesia, 22, 476.
small rise in pressure is then produced in a cap- Bracken, A. B., Brookes, R. C , and Goldman, V.
sule which is coupled to a pointer via a mechani- (1968). Pre-mixed gases—new equipment (To be
cal linkage. The pointer moves over a scale cali- Brennan, H. J. (1957). A vaporizer for Fluothane. Brit.
brated 0-3 per cent halothane. The meter is J. Anaesth., 29, 332.
slightly affected by nitrous oxide, an anaesthetic Burton, P. J. C (1958). Halothane concentrations from
a Rowbotham's bottle in a circle absorption sys-
mixture of 70 per cent nitrous oxide, 30 per cent tem. Brit. J. Anaesth., 30, 312.
oxygen being equivalent to 0.25 per cent halo- Butler, R. A^ and Hill, D. W. (1962). Estimation of
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thane. Thus the zero of the meter must first be tography. Nature (Land.), 189, 488.
set on the gas mixture used before the halothane Coflis, J. M. (1966). Concentration graphs for the
is used. It must not be used in the presence of Halox vaporiser. Anaesthesia, 21, 558.
Dobkin, A. B., Israel, J. S., Samonte, A. L., and Byles,
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