Realidades 1b Unit Plan 1
Realidades 1b Unit Plan 1
Realidades 1b Unit Plan 1
Students will be able to talk about personality traits, ask and tell what people are like, use
adjectives to describe people, and will understand cultural perspectives on friendship.
DI.6-8.7 I can accurately and respectfully describe ways that people (including
myself ) are similar to and different from each other and others in their identity
● Soy/Eres/Es
● Me gusta/Le gusta/ Te gusta
● Segun..
● el/ ella
● Descriptive Adjectives
CMC.1 Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze
what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
● CMC.1.1: What can I understand, interpret, or analyze in authentic
informational texts?
● CMC.1.3: What can I understand, interpret, or analyze in conversations,
discussions, and presentations?
CLT.1 Cultural Products, Practices, & Perspectives: Learners use the language to
investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the products, practices,
and perspectives of the cultures studied.
● CLT.1.2: How can I examine the relationship between cultural practices and
CMN.2.1 Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using
languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.
Lessons Learning Objective AR Standard
7, 10, 14, SWBAT make judgements using key details CMC.1.3, CNN.1.1,
16 CMC.1.1
Persona SWBAT communicate key details about their interests CMC.2.1, CMC.3.1
10, 13, 14 SWBAT compare cultural practices of their own and of the CLT.1.2, CNN.2.1
target culture
10, 13, 14 SWBAT compare cultural perspectives of their own and of the CLT.1.2, CNN.2.1
target culture
DAY #1
I can listen to and comprehend a level-appropriate listening
DAY #2
I can listen to and comprehend a level-appropriate listening
DAY #3
I can listen to and comprehend a level-appropriate listening
DAY #4
I can comprehend a level-appropriate listening
DAY #5
I can answer questions about myself and others.
DAY #6
I can write a short, understandable essay in a limited time
DAY #7
I can recall facts from a narrative.
DAY #8
I can consider options and make a choice.
DAY #9
I can compare the perspectives of my culture to those of another culture.
DAY #10
I can recall facts from a narrative
DAY #11
I can sequence a set of events
DAY #12
I can compare the perspectives of my culture to those of another culture.
DAY #13
I can write a short, understandable essay in a limited time
DAY #14
I can discuss my preferences and express my opinion.
DAY #15
I can consider options and make a choice.