Using The Brain (Not The Nose) To Smell
Using The Brain (Not The Nose) To Smell
Using The Brain (Not The Nose) To Smell
ver the past 10 years I have had actually think about how I smelled and write
the pleasure of instructing more down these techniques for others. This pro-
than 6,000 students via online cess of stopping and thinking about the way
42 courses and in-person workshops and private we do something is enlightening and proves
courses. Their ages have ranged from eight to make the techniques one may already
to 80, from complete beginners to some of unconsciously know and use far more effec-
the most experienced professionals in our tive and powerful.
industry. One of the first questions I ask in
the workshops is, “Have you ever had lessons
in how to smell?” I usually raise my hand in How We Smell
the hope of encouraging a positive response. Smells, or the molecules that carry them,
Usually receiving none, I will dig further and Stephen Dowthwaite drift on the air and are inhaled through
add something like, “Maybe your mother sat the nose. The molecules enter deep within
with you and went through smells with you.” Still, without the nasal cavity and there fall upon the olfactory bulb.
fail, I will receive no response. It seems incredible that The olfactory bulb, an outgrowth of the brain, holds the
the most important and fundamental of techniques to olfactory nerve with some 10 million receptor sites that
the perfumer’s and flavorist’s skill—smelling—is hardly. if receive the odorous molecules and generate a signal to
ever, systematically taught, even for those in the industry. the thalamus, a complex relay station, and then onto the
Smelling, then, is largely left to practice and chance; limbic system—the area of the brain responsible for the
I have to be honest and admit that I too was not taught emotions, feelings of pleasure, fear, aggression, and (in
directly, but instead picked up techniques as a byproduct part) the formation of memory—and the hypothalamus,
of working in perfumery. In the 1970s I was lucky to work the area responsible for controlling blood pressure, heart
in one of the last small creative perfumery houses in the rate, hunger, thirst, body temperature and sexual arousal.
United Kingdom, Picot Laboratories. As a young laboratory The signals are relayed to the cerebral cortex where the
assistant I would sit in on the morning perfumery smell- conscious mind processes the information and attempts to
ing sessions and pick up techniques through observation. perceive the odor as a recognizable smell.
But another 25 years would pass before I would stop and
Eyes Closed Experiment • Write on the smelling strip, “30 minute sample.”
• Keep it about 30 minutes. Then dip the same eau
• Dip a sample of an eau de toilette, allowing it to fully de toilette and write on this second smelling strip,
absorb into the smelling strip so that there is no “Newly dipped sample.”
lingering wetness. • Sitting down, smell the “30 minute sample” gently,
• Sitting down, eyes open, smell the sample gently— but deeply, until the smell fades (this may take about
not too intensely; just enough to enjoy it. 20 times).
• Now, still sitting down, smell the sample again with • Now, quickly (within 5 seconds) sniff the sample
eyes closed. marked “Newly dipped sample.”
Was there a difference in the odors? Did it appear What did you notice? Was there a difference in the
to be stronger smelling with eyes open or closed? If a odors? If so, describe the difference. If there was a
difference was detected—ask yourself why. difference, think about why.
breath, even I could not have passed the smelling test. onds for the material to be absorbed, as mentioned. This
During smelling sessions it is good to be relaxed and allows full spreading of the material and fuller release
alert. Sitting down allows the blood pressure to drop and of all the components of the sample into the headspace.
release more of the body’s resources for the session. It Smelling a still wet smelling strip will give an effect simi-
should be noted, however, that many companies want lar to smelling the liquid material from the open bottle.
to avoid the smelling experience becoming a “time out”
event and frequently design out the opportunity to sit Smelling Techniques
during smelling (see Smelling Experiment: Standing The main difference between an amateur and a profes-
vs. Sitting). sional smelling evaluator is that the amateur uses the
Finally, it is important that participants prepare a note- nose to smell, while the professional uses the brain.
book and pen for note-taking during the smelling session. During smelling, if one regards the nose as the detec-
tor and the brain as the integrator and processor of the
Sample Preparation information derived from each sniff, great effects can be
As one doesn’t want to contaminate the room chosen achieved. The nose/olfactory bulb has a high, but limited,
for a smelling session, preparation of smelling strips is number of receptor sites and therefore is subject to
best carried out in a separate room or area away from overloading, as can be demonstrated by odor fatigue
the smelling space. Smelling strips made carefully (discussed below). There are no odor receptor sites in
from neutral paper stock free from traces of chemi- the throat or lungs, so one should try not to inhale any
cal or bleaching agents give the best results. My own deeper than necessary, producing a sniff that draws air
favorite is chosen from chromatography paper and is through the nose and straight out the mouth in an almost
useful because of its availability to those requiring only rhythmic circular flow.
moderate quantities. The subject of paper thickness, Instead of holding a smelling strip under the nose
strip length and width, fiber characteristics and non- and continuously sniffing, it is more effective in the long
paper alternatives are subjects for a separate article. term to sniff, evaluate, sniff, evaluate and so on. This is
But in essence, the strip should be long enough and similar to wine drinking, in which the very first sip gives
stiff enough to remove the hand from smelling range the clearest flavor, but subsequent sips blur the individ-
of the nose during evaluation. A thinner strip giving ual flavors into each other, some of which may fade into
maximum spread of the sample is better for analytical oblivion. Thus, with each sniff, the nose is used to detect
smelling; a slightly thicker strip is generally preferable the odor and then the strip is removed from the vicinity
for presentation of samples to customers as it gives a of the nose for a period of evaluation using the memory
more homogenous odor. When comparing one or more of the smell for the analysis.
Top Notes
T/N have evaporated T/N
Blind to
46 B/N B/N B/N
A few rules of thumb: • What is it not: Frequently, especially for new evalu-
ators, it can be quite difficult to overcome the initial
• Smell short and sweet: One should hold the smelling mental block in smelling—that period of orientation
strip with the upbent part perpendicular to the nose so when the smell has been detected but not yet recog-
that the dipped section is 1–2.5 cm (1/2–1 inch) from nized. When this happens, it can help if the evaluator
the nostrils. The first light sniff is then taken and the systematically goes through a complete list of classifi-
smelling strip removed from the vicinity of the nose as cations of smells and identifies whether the detected
the data collected by the olfactory system is mentally characteristics are present or not.1 This, by a method
evaluated. Subsequent sniffs are carried out in a likewise of elimination, means the negative results become as
manner, short small sniffing procedures followed by revealing as the positive results. Does it have aliphatic
longer evaluations. This technique minimizes fatigue, notes—yes/no? Does it have fruity notes—yes/no? And
allowing the olfactory receptors to recover between so on. Thus, as Sherlock Holmes said in Arthur Conan
each sniff. Also, as each named ingredient (note) found Doyle’s “The Sign of the Four,” “When you have
in a perfume sample clears at different rates from the eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however
receptors, some separation of individual notes can be improbable, must be the truth.”
detected. Another beneficial effect of this process is that
it increases the evaluator’s ability to hold the odor in • Eyes closed: The simple act of closing one’s eyes helps
his or her memory for longer and longer periods, thus filter out outside distractions and can focus the mind
stretching and enhancing odor memory capability. on the act of smelling (see Eyes Closed Experiment).
• Build a network of connections: It is recommended • Smell through the mouth: Holding the tip of the
that evaluators make prolific notes of any of the smelling strip about 2 cm below the nose and about
connections, impressions and feelings that they experi- 1 cm away from the mouth and gently breathing in
ence during smelling and listen to others’ ideas. These through parted lips enables one to experience the odor
should then be transferred onto cards or searchable slightly differently—retronasally. The vapor passes over
computer records so that they can be cross-referenced the tongue into the throat and up the back of the nasal
by the odor characteristics of other records. The passage to the olfactory receptors. The effect is that one
evaluator must believe in his or her own senses; I adds the taste sensations to the appreciation of the scent.
strongly discourage students asking if their impres- In addition, the longer route over wet mucous mem-
sions or comments are correct. branes alters a fragrance or flavor profile sufficiently to
*A word of warning:
This method should only be used very sparingly as it is very tiring and long
term sensory and health effects are un-researched.
My own recommendation is that this technique should only be carried
out towards the end of the day so that the respiratory system may be
completely flushed out afterwards with fresh air away from the perfumery