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Bioelectric Smartwatch

Group 1

Krystal Folkes Computer Engineering

Jelani Foy Electrical Engineering
Bailey Morgan Electrical Engineering
Niabelle Thelemaque Electrical Engineering
Table of Content
List of Figures………………………………………………………………………........ v
List of Tables………………………………………………………………………..… viii
1.0 Executive Summary………………………………………………………………… 1
2.0 Project Description…………………………………………………………………. 2
2.1 Goals and Objectives……………………………………………………….. 2
2.2 Project Specifications………………………………………...……………. 3
2.3 Marketing Trade-Off Matrix……………………………………………… 4
3.0 Research………………………………………………………..…………………… 5
3.1 Existing Products……………………………………………………...…… 5
3.1.1 Fitbit………………………………………………………..……... 5
3.1.2 Life Alert…………..…………………………………………….... 6
3.1.3 Apple iWatch……………………………………………………... 6
3.1.4 Garmin ForeRunner and Chest Strap…………………..……….7
3.2 Skin Temperature Sensor…………..……………………………………... 8
3.2.1 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)…………..…………... 8
3.2.2 Thermocouple…………..……………………………………….. 9
3.2.3 Thermistor…………..…………………………………………… 10
3.2.4 Temperature Sensor Integrated Circuit…………..…………… 10
3.3 Voltage Regulator…………..……………………………………………... 12
3.3.1 Linear Voltage Regulator………………………..…………….... 12
3.3.2 Switching Voltage Regulator…………..……………………...... 12
3.4 Data Converters…………………………………………………………… 14
3.4.1 Comparison of Data Converters……………………………….. 14
3.5 Microcontrollers………….....……………………………………………... 15
3.6 Electronic Housing……………………………………………….………... 17
3.6.1 3D Printed Case…………………………………....…………….. 17
3.7 Display……………………………………………………………………… 17
3.7.1 Display Performance……………………….…………………… 18
3.7.2 Display Cost…………………………………………………..….. 19
3.7.3 Display Power Requirements……………….…………………... 19
3.8 Battery…………………………………………………………………...…. 20
3.8.1 Power Capacity………………………………………………….. 21
3.9 Power Management……………………………………………………….. 23
3.9.1 Energy Harvesting………………………………………………. 24
3.9.2 Conventional Battery Charging………………………………… 24
3.9.3 Wireless Charging……………………………………………….. 24
3.10 Battery Fuel Gauge………………………………………………………. 25
3.11 Push Buttons……………………………………………………………… 28
3.12 Pulse Sensor………………………………………………………………. 29

3.12.1 Electrocardiogram…………………………………………….. 29
3.12.2 Pulse Oximetry…………………………………………………. 30
3.13 Accelerometer…………………………………………………………….. 33
3.13.1 Capacitive Accelerometers…………………………………….. 33
3.13.2 Piezoelectric Accelerometers…………………………………... 34
3.13.3 Accelerometer Comparison……………………………………. 35
3.14 Vibrating Motor………………………………………………………...... 36
3.14.1 Vibrating Motor Circuit……………………………………….. 37
3.15 Printed Circuit Board.…………………………………………………… 37
3.16 Watch Band………………………………………………………………. 38
3.17 Bluetooth…………………………………………………………….....…. 38
3.17.1 Bluetooth Protocols……………………………………...……... 39
3.17.2 Bluetooth Range………………………………………………... 39
3.17.3 Bluetooth Pairing………………………………………………. 40
3.17.4 Bluetooth Security……………………………………………… 41
3.18 GPS………………………………………………………………………... 41
3.18.1 GPS Background……………………………………………….. 41
3.18.2 Applications of GPS……………………………………………. 42
3.18.3 GPS Alignment and Structure……………………………….... 42
3.18.4 GPS Mapping Software………………………………………... 42
3.18.5 GPS An Inside Look…………………………………………… 45
3.18.6 GPS Trilateration………………………………………………. 45
3.18.7 GPS Error Boundaries………………………………………… 46
3.19 Wireless Local Area Networking (Wi-Fi)………………………….…… 47
3.19.1 Wi-Fi Background.……………………………………….……. 47
3.19.2 Wi-Fi Security………………………………………………….. 52
3.20 Diodes……………………………………………………………..………. 52
3.21 Ordered Components……………………………………………………. 57
4.0 Related Standards and Design Constraints……………………………………… 58
4.1 Standards.…………..……………………………………………………… 58
4.1.1 IEEE Health Informatics……………………………………….. 58
4.1.2 IEEE Recommended Practice for General Principles of …..… 59
4.1.3 IEEE Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for……………………….. 60
4.1.4 Definitions and Concepts for Dynamic Spectrum Access…….. 63
4.1.5 Software Life Cycle Processes………………………………….. 63
4.1.6 IEEE Standard for Sensor Performance Parameter……...….. 65
4.1.7 IEEE Bluetooth Standard…………………………………….… 65
4.1.8 NASA Standard for Soldering………………………………….. 65
4.1.9 IEEE Wireless Local Area Network Assisted GPS.…………... 66
4.1.10 PCB Standard………………………………………………..… 66
4.1.11 IEEE Standard for I2C and SPI 1451.7.……………………... 66
4.1.12 Health Informatics Personal Health Device …………………. 67
4.2 Design Constraints…..………………………………………………...….. 68
4.2.1 Economic and Time Constraints……………………………..... 69
4.2.2 Environmental, Health and Safety Constraints……………..... 69
4.2.3 Ethical and Social Constraints……………………………...….. 70
4.2.4 Electrical Safety Constraints…………………………….……... 70
5.0 Project Design………………………………………………………………………70
5.1 Motor Design………………………………………………………………. 71
5.2 Power Design...…………………………………………………………….. 72
5.2.1 Power Consumption………………………….…………………. 73
5.2.2 Battery and Charging…………………………………………….75
5.2.3 Voltage Regulator Design…………………………………….…. 76
5.3 Pulse Sensor Design……………………………………………………….. 76
5.4 Accelerometer and Temperature Design………………….……………... 78
5.4.1 Accelerometer GPIO PIN Descriptions………………………... 79
5.5 Bluetooth Communication Design …………………………………….…. 81
5.5.1 Bluetooth GPIO PIN Descriptions……………………………... 81
5.5.2 BlueFruit LE Hardware Technical Specification………...…… 82
5.6 GPS Design………………………………………………………………… 83
5.6.1 GPS GPIO PIN Descriptions………………………………........ 83
5.6.2 GPS Hardware Technical Specification………………………... 85
5.7 OLED Display Design……………………………………………………... 85
5.7.1 OLED Display GPIO PIN Descriptions………………………... 86
5.7.2 OLED Display Hardware Technical Specification……………. 87
5.8 Switch Design……………………………………………………………… 88
5.9 Hardware Design………………………………………………………….. 89
5.9.1 General Layout………………………………………………….. 89
5.9.2 Watch Shell……………………………………...……………..... 91
5.10 Overall Design…………………………………………….……………… 91
6.0 Software Design……………………………………………………………….…. 93
6.1 Software Framework Ionic…………………………………..….………... 93
6.2 Ionic Framework Setup………………………………………….………... 93
6.3 Ionic Framework Running Application Through……………...…………93
6.4 Running Application on the Simulator vs Physical Device……………... 94
6.5 Software Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations…………………… 95
6.5.1 Software Life Cycle Process……………………………….……. 95
6.6 Software Assumptions……………………………………………….……. 96
6.7 Storing Application with Version Control Systems………………….….. 96
6.8 Common GitHub Features……………………………………….……….. 97
6.9 Software Event Table……………………………………………………... 98
6.10 Software User Interface Mobile……………………………………….… 99
6.11 Software Testing Mobile…………………………………………………. 99
6.12 Software Individual Test Cases Mobile…………………………..…… 100
6.13 Software Security……………………………….………………………. 101
7.0 System Testing…………………………………………………………………… 104
7.1 Motor Testing…………………………………………………………...... 104
7.2 Power Testing……………………………………………………...……... 105
7.2.1 Battery and Battery Charger Testing ………………………... 106
7.2.2 Voltage Regulator Testing……………………………………... 106
7.3 Bluetooth Testing……………………………………………………….... 107
7.3.1 BlueFruit Le UART Device Read and Write Data Test……... 107
7.4 GPS Testing………………………………………………………………. 109
7.4.1 GPS Device Receive Data Test………………………………… 110
7.4.2 BlueFruit LE UART Device Powered by Battery……………..111
7.5 OLED Display Testing…………………………………………………….112
7.5.1 OLED Display Test………………………………………..…… 112
7.6 Accelerometer Testing…………………………………………………… 114
7.6.1 Accelerometer Test…………………………...………………... 114
7.7 Pulse Sensor Testing………………………………………………………114
7.7.1 Pulse Sensor Test………………………………………..………114
7.8 Push Button Testing……………………………………………………… 115
7.9 Overall System Testing……………………………………………………116
8.0 Administrative Content…………………………………………………………..117
8.1 Initial project Diagram…………………………………………….…..….117
8.2 Budget……………………………………………………………………...118
8.3 Project Milestones………………………………………………………....118
9.0 Conclusions………………………………………………………………………...120
9.1 Possible Future Considerations……………………………………..……120
10 Appendices…………………………………………………………………………122
10.1 Bibliography…………………………………………………………..….122
10.2 Requested Permissions……………………………………………..…... 126

List of Figures

Figure 1: Image of Wearable Fitbit………………………………………………..….. 5

Figure 2: Different Wearable Options for Life Alert System……………………….. 6
Figure 3: Apple iWatch PPG………………………………………………………….. 7
Figure 4: Garmin ForeRunner 630 and Garmin Chest Strap………………………..7
Figure 5: Design of RTD……………………………………………………………….. 9
Figure 6: Schematic of Thermocouple………………………………………………… 9
Figure 7: Simple Diagram of Temperature Sensor Integrated Circuit……………..10
Figure 8: Basic Diagram of Linear Voltage regulator………………………………..12
Figure 9: Basic Diagram of Switching Voltage Regulator………………………….. 13
Figure 10: Image of Basic layout of a Microcontroller……………………………... 16

Figure 11: Visualization Comparison of the OLED Display vs. LCD Display……. 19
Figure 12: Power Capacity Watt-hour Formula…………………………………….. 22
Figure 13: Battery Connection Schematic Example………………………………….22
Figure 14: Battery Capacity Reduction Graph…………………………………….…23
Figure 15: Inductive Power Transmission Theoretical Display……………………. 25
Figure 16: Visualization of Wireless Charging Process…………………………...... 26
Figure 17: High-Level Visualization of Battery Fuel Gauge Process………………. 27
Figure 18: Light Emitting Diode Fuel Gauge Circuit Example……………………. 28
Figure 19: Push Button Operation Illustration……………………………………… 29
Figure 20: Pulse Oximetry Illustration………………………………………………. 30
Figure 21: High-Level PPG Sensor Diagram…………………………………………31
Figure 22: High-level LED Controller Diagram……………………………………...31
Figure 23: H Bridge Driver Design for LEDs……………………………………….. 31
Figure 24: AFE4400 Design……………………………………………………………32
Figure 25: Single Capacitive Accelerometer Diagram…………………………….…34
Figure 26: Differential Capacitive Accelerometer Diagram…………………………34
Figure 27: Diagram of Piezoelectric Technology……………………………………..35
Figure 28: Motor Control Circuit……………………………………………………..37
Figure 29:Bluetooth Protocol Stack…………………………………………………...39
Figure 30: General Satellite with Antenna……………………………………………42
Figure 31: Sample of GPS Satellites Orbiting Earth…………………………………43
Figure 32: Diagram Roadmap of Bluetooth Connection……………………….…… 44
Figure 33: General Internal Components of GPS…………………………………... 45
Figure 34: GPS Trilateration Configuration………………………………………….46
Figure 35: Illustration of Wi-Fi with Connected Devices……………………………50
Figure 36: The Voltage and Current Relationship of an Ideal Diode……………….53
Figure 37: Voltage and Current Relationship of an Applicable Diode…………….. 54
Figure 38: Voltage and Current Relationship of a Zener Diode…………………… 54
Figure 39: Voltage and Current Relationship of an LED……………………………55
Figure 40: Voltage and Current Relationship of a Schottky Diode………………... 55
Figure 41: Smartwatch Ordered Components………………………………………..57
Figure 42: Image of Temperature Measurement Characteristics…………………...61
Figure 43: Formal Soldering Technique………………………………………………65
Figure 44: SPI Standard Demonstration……………………………………………...67
Figure 45: I2C Standard Demonstration……………………………………………...67
Figure 46: Motor Schematic………………………………………………………….. 71
Figure 47: Power Block Diagram……………………………………………………...73
Figure 48: Battery Charging Design Schematic………………………………………75
Figure 49: Pulse Sensor Communication Diagram…………………………………...77
Figure 50: Pulse Sensor Schematic…………………………………………………….77
Figure 51: Data Flow Diagram of LIS3DH…………………………………………...78
Figure 52: Accelerometer and Temperature Sensor Schematic……………………..79
Figure 53: Bluetooth and Microcontroller Schematic………………………………..83
Figure 54: GPS and Microcontroller Schematic……………………………………...84
Figure 55: Display Design...............................................................................................85
Figure 56: OLED and Microcontroller………………………………………………..87

Figure 57: Switch Connection Diagram……………………………………………….89
Figure 58: Simple Switch Test Schematic……………………………………………..89
Figure 59: The general physical layout of the smartwatch prototype………………90
Figure 60: Layout of Watch Shell Prototype………………………………………….91
Figure 61: Figure of Overall System Schematic………………………………………92
Figure 62: Mobile App Prototype Layout…………………………………………….99
Figure 63: Raspberry Pi 3 Microcontroller………………………………………….104
Figure 64: Supply voltage and base voltage of vibrating motor circuit……………105
Figure 65: Motor Breadboard Testing……………………………………………….106
Figure 66: Image of Voltage Regulator attached to Power Supply………………...107
Figure 67: BlueFruit LE UART Wiring for Raspberry Pi………………………... 108
Figure 68: Bluetooth outputting “Hello World” to the terminal…………………...108
Figure 69: Bluetooth Discoverable to Mobile Device………………………………..109
Figure 70: GPS UART Wiring for Raspberry Pi……………………………………110
Figure 71: GPS Component Receiving Data………………………………………...110
Figure 72: Verified the location coordinates given by GPS are accurate………….111
Figure 73: Bluetooth Powered with Battery and Voltage Regulator………………112
Figure 74: OLED Display Wiring to Raspberry Pi.…………………………….......113
Figure 75: OLED Display demonstration executing………………….…113
Figure 76: Accelerometer outputting three-directional axis to the terminal……...114
Figure 77: Pulse Sensor output to Terminal…….……………………………..........115
Figure 78: Push Button Breadboarding……………………………...........................115
Figure 79: Block Diagram of Assigned Roles..……………………………................117
Figure 80: Agile Software……………..……………………………..............................96

List of Tables

Table 1: Legend for House of Quality Diagram………………………………………..4

Table 2: House of Quality Diagram………………………………………………....….4
Table 3: Comparison of Techniques to Measure Skin Temperature……………..…11
Table 4: Comparison of Integrated Circuit Temperature Sensor………………...…11
Table 5: Comparison of Linear and Switching Voltage Regulators……………...…13
Table 6: Comparison of Voltage Regulator Components……………………………14
Table 7: Comparison of Data Convertors………………………………………….…15
Table 8: Comparison of Microcontrollers…………………………………………….16
Table 9: Comparison of 3D Printed Material………………………………………...17
Table 10: Basic Display Features Comparison……………………………………….18
Table 11: Overall Display Comparison……………………………………………….20
Table 12: Battery Advantages and Disadvantages………………………..………….21
Table 13: Battery Logistics Comparison……………………………………………...23
Table 14: Battery Charge Color Indication Levels……………………………….…..27
Table 15: Push Button Quick Facts…………………………………………………....29
Table 16: Comparing AFE4400 and AFE4490 Pulse Oximetry Analog Front……..33
Table 17: Comparison of 3 Different Accelerometers………………………………..36
Table 18: Bluetooth Versioning Comparisons………………………………………..40
Table 19: Comparison of 2 Different GPS……………………………………………48
Table 21: Comparison of 2 different WiFi……………………………………..….….51
Table 22: Comparison of Different Types of Diodes…………………………………56
Table 23: Comparison of 2 Diodes ………………………………………………..…..56
Table 24: Device current consumption……………………………………………..…73
Table 25: Battery Charger Indicators……………………………………………….. 76
Table 26: Accelerometer GPIO Pin Mappings to Raspberry Pi……………….……80
Table 27: Bluetooth GPIO mapping to Raspberry PI………………………………..82
Table 28: GPS Raspberry Pi 3 GPIO Mapping……………………………….……...84
Table 29: Display Raspberry Pi 3 GPIO Mapping………………………………...…87
Table 30: Software Events for Testing……………………………………………..…98
Table 31: Data Extraction Comparison Methods for Smartwatch Devices………102
Table 32: Voltage Regulator Preliminary Test……………………………………...107
Table 33: Project Budget Table…………………………………………………...….118
Table 34: Senior Design 1 Projected Schedule………………………………………119
Table 35: Senior Design 2 Projected Schedule………………………………………119

1.0 Executive Summary
Health has always been an important topic in our society. However, the exact definition
of health has constantly changed over time. Before, being healthy just meant that a person
did not have any type of disease. It wasn’t until the late 1980s that the World Health
Organization, an organized agency of the United Nations that focuses on setting norms
and and standards, policies, and providing leadership on matters related to public health,
defined health as “the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations
and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for
everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and
personal resources, as well as physical capacities.”

People are always monitoring their health, whether it is in the form of doctor check-ups,
paying attention to nutrition, or going to the gym. With innovations in technology,
tracking health progress has become easier as gadgets can provide statistics and tips
based on real-time trends and scientific studies. We wanted to create a product that not
only contained many health features to track health progress but also serve as an alert
system in times of distress. There are already fitness trackers in the market, and there are
already distress signal beacons for elderly people. The idea behind the bioelectric
smartwatch is to integrate both the lifestyle improving characteristics of a smartwatch and
an emergency GPS beacon.

The bioelectric smartwatch is a small electrical current device that has the capabilities of
monitoring a person’s vitals based on their inputted health profile and send notifications
or alerts to specified personnel in the event of a medical emergency. The bioelectric
smartwatch will be able to collect and send data wirelessly to a safe and secure mobile
web application. The user will also have the ability to allow or deny the supervisory to
their medical professional or family members. The smartwatch will also have the ability
to display helpful information and notify users through the use of vibrations, and visual
LED interface. By doing this, we are providing aid with new age medical technologies,
contributing to society, and helping in the physical therapy practices.

The bioelectric smartwatch is tailored towards elderly people, or people with an illness
that needs to be tracked. The watch will have the ability to send a signal in the event of an
emergency that will notify local authorities of the user’s location. Being that older people
and people with certain medical conditions are more at risk for accidents, having the
ability to track vitals and send out an emergency GPS signal will help save lives. To help
improve the life of the user, the pulse and temperature, and step count will help track
their exercise. Increasing exercise is a key factor to living a healthier lifestyle. The
bioelectric smartwatch’s purpose is to assist elderly and sick people to get on track to
living a healthy lifestyle, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle if they are already living a
healthier lifestyle. While being tailored towards the elderly, this watch can also be
marketed towards the general public.

2.0 Project Description
The bioelectric smartwatch is to have a small microcontroller PCB. This small
microcontroller should have the capability to monitor and detect client's health with
integrations of many vital body sensors. For example, a Parkinson’s client that may have
the possibility of having one type of motor function such as the rhythmic spontaneous
resting discharge may need the accelerometer feature of the watch to monitor the speed of
hand muscle contractions and the body impedance to send notification to user to notify
them that they are experiencing a tremor. The accelerometer will measure the hand
movement, and send data wirelessly.

The pulse sensor of the device will contain an infrared emitter and receiver. The emitter
sends infrared light through the skin, and the emitter acts like a solar cell, absorbing the
light that is reflected by the body. The emitter turns the infrared light into electrical
signals that are then amplified. The changing blood flow through a vein will reflect
different amounts of infrared light, thus the emitter will be seeing spikes that can be
interpreted as a pulse. The analog signal from the body is filtered. After filtering the
signal, the pulse can then be output to the user in beats per minute (BPM).

Skin temperature can be implemented using a thermistor, a type of resistor that changes
resistance based on its temperature. This component will be integrated into the
smartwatch to directly make contact with the user’s skin. The thermistor will be able to
aid in the measurement of a person’s electrodermal activity, also known as skin
conductance, which is activated by an increase in sweat gland activity.

Data from these tests will be sent wirelessly to a monitoring device web platform (smart
device, computer, etc.…) to help with, collecting data of progress and be used to help
medical professionals. The mobile web platform will be secure and make sure the privacy
of the user medical records is not compromised. A GPS system will also be integrated
with the watch to track the user’s location that will communicate to client’s mobile
device. In the event of an emergency, the user will be able to send a distress signal that
will help authorities pinpoint their location.

2.1 Goals and Objectives

The bioelectric smartwatch works toward essentially being a hub for health and a monitor
of a person’s health conditions. The objective of this project is to create a smartwatch that
can be used by sick and elderly. A user will be able to create an online health profile to
specify any type of health conditions they may be suffering from. For example,
customers with Parkinson's and anxiety and high stress. Some of the health conditions
that we will factor into the watch include measuring pulse, skin temperature, movement.
Furthermore, this apparatus will utilize a mobile web application capability to store
private information that can be used for medical records and progress. Additionally, this
information can be securely sent to approved family and medical personnel. The
smartwatch mobile web application will be able to send out alerts and notifications to
specified authorized personnel, when there is need for medical or considered high risk

situation for the client.

2.2 Project Specifications

● Watch Shell
o 10cm x 7cm
▪ Prototype will be larger than actual product after integrating
components into a chip
o Weighs under ½ lb
o Will have a wrist strap
▪ Wrist strap will be universal fitting wrist strap for any user
o Will be comfortable for the user
o Will contain an LCD screen
▪ Will be able to read pulse
▪ Will be able to read temperature
▪ Will be able to navigate through menus
▪ Will be able to read the screen at night
▪ Will have the time
▪ Will have battery status
o Will contain a Lithium battery to power the watch
▪ Will supply 3.7V DC to the microcontroller via a power supply
▪ Will be charged from a power outlet via a cord
o Will have buttons to navigate menus
o Will have a motor that alerts user
▪ Motor will be controlled via transistor
● Accessibility
o Will be lightweight
o Will be portable
● Wireless Communication
o Can send and receive data up to 50ft.
o Measurement and control information send and receive accurately to web-
based application
● GPS Signal
o Can detect user location with 90% accuracy
● Measurements
o Will be able to measure user’s pulse within +/-3 beats per minute
o Will be able to measure temperature within +/- 1 degree Fahrenheit
o Will be able to measure user’s movement within +/- .1g
o Will be able to measure user’s position within +/- 50ft.
● Smartwatch features
o Detect if user is active
o Detect shaking
o Alert user of shaking
o An alert button to notify authorities
o Detect speed of shaking

o Measures body impedance
o Measure skin temperature
o Measure skin moisture
○ Measure pulse

2.3 Marketing Trade-off Matrix

A House of Quality Diagram is a diagram that helps determine how a product will meet a
customer’s need. This diagram, seen in Table 2, was used to help determine some
important tradeoffs and marketing requirements. Some things that were considered were
predictions of the customers’ expectations and what aspects they would be looking for
when considering our product. A legend explaining the symbols that were used can be
seen in Table 1.
Table1: Legend for House of Quality Diagram

↑ Positive Correlation

↓ Negative Correlation

+ Positive Polarity (Increasing the Requirement)

- Negative Polarity (Decreasing the Requirement)

Blank spaces mean no correlation

Table 2: House of Quality Diagram

Watch Adaptability Weight Accuracy in Battery Size

Dimensions of measurements

- + - + -

Small Size - ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑

Low Cost - ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑

Easy to Use + ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑

Long Battery + ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Durable + ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

Targets for 10cm x 7cm Covers at < ½ lb > 95% < ¼ lb

Engineering least two user
Requirements cases

3.0 Research
This section gives an overview on the research and background information implemented
when designing and creating the bioelectric smartwatch. Included in this section are as
● Information on existing products
● An overview of the research done in picking components
● Technology used for the bioelectric smartwatch’s features
Analysis was done on the different methods to best meet the bioelectric smartwatch needs
and the advantages and disadvantages of the potential components were considered.
3.1 Existing Products
Monitoring one’s health has increased in popularity as people focus on their well-being.
With these new health trends and diets emerge, devices in the market are geared to
include ways to track their activity. This section discusses and reviews pre-existing
and/or similar products where some of the attributes were included or improved on in the
bioelectric smartwatch.
3.1.1 Fitbit
The Fitbit is an activity tracker and wireless enable device. It can measure a variety of
personal metrics related to a person’s fitness like quality of sleep, number of steps
walked, and heart rate. Most of the Fitbit products can be worn on the wrist. There is also
a mobile app and website that Fitbit users can use to log in calorie consumed and burned,
track their progress over time, and set goals for themselves. The Fitbit also includes a
USB to sync data to the mobile app and website. Fitbit also offers their products in a
range of designs and colors so that users can customize their Fitbit to their liking.

Figure 1: Image of Wearable Fitbit

Courtesy of

Although this product is widely popular, it comes with a few criticisms. One major
criticism is privacy concerns. Although Fitbit has its own account set-up, there was an
issue with the website with their user’s descriptions of and inputted information was
available for the public to view. Another issue is the cost of the Fitbit. Since the market is
a competitive atmosphere, many other devices offer similar services that the Fitbit must
offer, but at a cheaper cost.
3.1.2 Life Alert
Known for its catchy slogan, I've fallen and I can't get up! ®, Life Alert is a small
wireless help button that a user wears at all times. in the event of a medical emergency.
This device is geared toward someone who is handicapped or elderly person. If they are
in trouble, the user can press the button on the pendant which acts as an automated dialer
that is connected to a telephone line. The pendant serves as a speakerphone so that the
emergency dispatcher can alert authorities of the issue at hand. Some of the Life Alert’s
features are that the device is waterproof, has 800ft range, and has a battery life up to 7-
10 years (Website).

Figure 2: Different Wearable Options for Life Alert System

Courtesy of

The biggest issue facing the Life Alert system is its reputation in society. Although the
commercials for the Life Alert system are informative and serve as a reminder of the
importance of the device, many potential users are dissuaded from buying the product
because of its stigma. It has been mocked on social media and television. Another
drawback to this system is its design. Although, the pendant can be worn on the wrist or
around the neck, the design of the pendant itself is bland. Reviews have stated that Life
Alert was a reliable system; however, it's not the best option for people who have active

3.1.3 Apple iWatch

Apple watch uses PPG to measure its user’s pulse. It makes use of LEDs that are both
Green, and infrared light. Blood absorbs green light very well, thus the green is a better

indicator. The infrared light is used when the user is sleeping. Photodiodes measure the
amount of light absorbed by the blood to see how the blood is flowing. The apple watch
can also connect to a chest strap, that can measure the BPM of the heart by EKG, which
is more accurate. Other watch manufacturers use the same method to get the user’s pulse,
including FitBit, Garmin, and Polar.

Figure 3: Apple iWatch PPG

Courtesy of

3.1.4 Garmin ForeRunner and Chest Strap

Figure 4: Garmin ForeRunner 630 and Garmin Chest Strap

Courtesy of

The Garmin ForeRunner series is used by fitness enthusiasts that use heart rate to
improve their workouts. Newer Garmin ForeRunners also include PPG, but may
communicate to an external chest strap via Bluetooth for improved accuracy. The chest

strap utilized Electrocardiography (ECG), to more accurately measure the heart rate of
the user while they are more active. Other fitness watches can communicate to an
external chest monitor like the abovementioned, but for our design it is not necessary
because this watch is not intended for fitness purposes.

3.2 Skin Temperature Sensor

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It protects our body from external elements,
regulates our internal temperature, and helps produce necessary vitamins. A person’s
average internal temperature is 37°C (98.6°F); however, internal temperatures can vary
due to the outside environment. Internal temperatures can also vary due to a person’s
health. Because of these fluctuations in temperature, medical professionals pay special
attention to temperature because it can be an indicator of any health problems. There are
many ways to measure skin temperature but the most accurate method are internal
measurements or in a body cavity. An example can be seen when doctors measure a
person’s temperature in the tympanic membrane, also known as the eardrum.
A traditional thermometer works with the thermal expansion or contraction of fluids with
respect to temperature changes. Usually the fluid used is mercury because it grows bigger
when heated and smaller when cooled. It’s measuring range is -37-356°C (-34.6-
672.8°F), unlike earlier methods that used water which freezes at 100°C (32°F). When
the material is heated, or loses heat, it must reach its final pressure in order to obtain an
official final temperature. In heated materials, the liquid in most of the thermometers is
forced to rise, either going up or down.
The bioelectric smartwatch will measure skin temperature on the wrist. Due to its
placement, there will be loss in accuracy. When measuring skin temperature on different
parts of the body, it must satisfy a set of standards, known as the “Golden Standard”
(Please refer to section 4). There are many types of components and methods to measure
skin temperature in the market; however, we narrowed our search to focus on digital
thermometers. Within this category the following have been considered:
● Resistance temperature detectors (RTD)
● Thermocouples
● Thermistor
● Temperature sensor integrated circuit
3.2.1 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
Resistance Temperature detectors are detectors that sense temperature by using the
change in resistor values to calculate temperature. The relationship between resistance
and temperature is described as the change in resistance of the sensor per temperature
degree change. An RTD probe is designed by wrapping a fine-coiled wire around a
ceramic core. A pure resistance element, usually platinum, nickel, or copper, is used to
best determine temperature. This device can be easily placed on the bottom of the
bioelectric smartwatch so that it can direct contact the user’s skin. The main issue with

this detector is that the price for this component is expensive.

Figure 5: Design of RTD

Courtesy of

3.2.2 Thermocouple
Thermocouples are temperature sensors that are very sensitive to changes in temperature.
A thermocouple has two metal elements that form two junctions. One junction is used as
a reference while the other junction is connected to the unknown body temperature. With
these two junctions, the unknown temperature is measured in reference to the known
temperature. The thermocouple works when the two wires are joined at both ends, a
continuous flow of current flows and when this circuit is broken, the voltage produced is
correlated to the temperature. The image in Figure 6 below shows the schematic for a
typical thermocouple design. This image shows the two wires at different temperatures,
one ambient temperature and the other at a higher temperature. A voltage difference
between the two wires was measured and found using the equation below, In this
equation. S1 and S2 are the Seeback coefficients of the two elements, which can be found
using online reference tables.

Figure 6: Schematic of Thermocouple

Courtesy of

𝑡2 𝑡2
𝐸𝑀𝐹 = ∫ 𝑆12 ⋅ 𝑑𝑡 = ∫ (𝑆1 − 𝑆2 ) ⋅ 𝑑𝑡
𝑡1 𝑡1

3.2.3 Thermistor
A thermistor is a semiconductor device that measure temperature using electrical
resistance. They are usually made from ceramic or polymer. The resistance of a
thermistor will change with the change in temperature and temperature and resistance
have a nonlinear relationship. Due to its size, it quickly responds to any temperature
3.2.4 Temperature Sensor Integrated Circuit
An integrated circuit temperature sensor is a two-terminal integrated circuit temperature
device that produces an output current. This output current is then used in proportion to
absolute temperature. With integrated circuit like this temperature sensor, there is
extensive signal processing circuitry included, enabling the use of lesser parts.
Temperature is also measured continuously. The Figure below shows a schematic of a
simple temperature sensor integrated circuit that houses an internal operational amplifier.
The internal amplifier acts as a comparator to measure the differences in a reference
voltage and the temperature of the unknown material/ object. The diodes aid in the
measurement of the actual temperature sensor. The voltage drop across the diodes depend
on temperature to operate. All of these components are internalized into an integrated
circuit component such as the LM35. Further studies will be conducted to determine the
best component for the bioelectric smartwatch.

Figure 7: Simple Diagram of Temperature Sensor Integrated Circuit

Courtesy of

Table 3 shows a comparison of the four different types of methods that skin temperature
can be measured. Some of the similar characteristics for the different types of methods
were weighed against each other.

Table 3: Comparison of Techniques to Measure Skin Temperature

Type RTD Thermocouple Thermistor IC Temp


General -260-750 °C -180-1480 °C -50-300 °C -55-150 °C

Temperature Range

Accuracy Most accurate Variation Depends on Wide

between model variation
models between

Input/ Output High power High power Low power Low power

Linearity Nonlinear Non-linear Non-linear Linear

Cost Expensive Can be Can vary Cheapest


Table 4: Comparison of Integrated Circuit Temperature Sensor

Name LMT70 MAX6613

Supplier Texas Instruments Digi-Key

Temperature Range -55-150°C -55-130°C

Accuracy ±0.05°C or ±0.13°C from ±4.0°C from 0°C to

20°C to 42°C 50°C

Size 0.88mmx0.88mm Not given

Cost $0.80 $0.86

From research and comparisons, using an integrated circuit temperature sensor will meet
the requirements of the bioelectric smartwatch.

Based on research comparison on the two components, the LMT70 was chosen for the
bioelectric smartwatch because it has a better accuracy and is slightly cheaper than the
3.3 Voltage Regulator
Voltage regulators are designed to maintain a constant voltage level automatically. They
prevent the occurrence of damaging surges and provide enough voltage that is required
for a device to work. There are two types of voltage regulators: linear and switching.
3.3.1 Linear Voltage Regulator
A linear voltage regulator controls the voltage drop between the input and output to keep
the output voltage constant or at a desired value. A simple linear voltage regulator can be
made using a transistor and an operational amplifier to perform output regulation.
However, to simplify components and due to spacing constraints from the size of the
actual watch, a voltage regulator component will be used. Linear voltage regulators are
required to have a higher reference voltage than the output voltage because the output
voltage is derived from the reference voltage.

Figure 8: Basic Diagram of Linear Voltage Regulator (Courtesy of

Courtesy of Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design

The image in Figure 8 shows a basic schematic of a linear voltage regulator. The portion
encased by the dotted lines make the feedback loop. Part of the output voltage goes back
into this feedback loop to ensure that the feedback is equal to the reference voltage, thus
acting as a regulator. One main concern of the linear voltage regulator is that it may cause
a device to overheat because of the large amount of energy dissipation. This can be an
issue for the bioelectric smartwatch because users must be able to wear the watch
comfortably, and safely, without worrying about being burned.
3.3.2 Switching Voltage Regulator
Switching voltage regulators are regulators that vary its duty cycle to rapidly switch a
device on and off to maintain a constant output voltage. If the output voltage gets too
high, energy flow is cut while energy flow is taken from the input if the output voltage is
too low. The use of capacitor and inductors are also used for energy storage purposes.

Figure 9: Basic Diagram of Switching Voltage Regulator
Courtesy of

The image in Figure 9 shows a basic diagram of a switching voltage regulator. A simple
switching voltage regulator usually has a MOSFET and a pulse width modulation. A
pulse width modulation is a modulation technique that controls power to electrical
devices and loads while the MOSFET controls the flow of voltage. The capacitor in the
diagram serves as a storage element, storing the peak voltage. The capacitor can also
serve as a DC source voltage even when the output voltage is at a higher voltage.
Table 5: Comparison of Linear and Switching Voltage Regulators

Type Linear Voltage Regulator Switching Voltage Regulator

Relationship between Input is higher than output Output can be higher than
input and output input

Ease of use Simple Complex

Efficiency 50% or < 70-90%

Cost Inexpensive Can be expensive

To fit the purposes of the bioelectric smartwatch, a switching voltage regulator will be
used. Three types of voltage regulator have been reviewed to determine the most
applicable to the project. They are the TPS61200 voltage regulator, the U1V11F3, and
the 102-27758-ND. Table 6 shows the comparison of the three voltage regulators. Based
on the research and comparison, the best voltage regulator for the bioelectric smartwatch
is the U1V11F3.

Table 6: Comparison of Voltage Regulator Components

Name TPS61200 102-2758-ND U1V11F3

Also, known as PDS1-S5-S5-S

Supplier Texas Instruments Digi-Key Polulo

Max current 600 mA 200 mA 1.2 A

Max voltage 5.5 V 5.5 V 5.5V

Min voltage 0.5 V 4.5 V 0.5 V

Price of 1 $4.49 $4.31 $4.95

3.4 Data Convertors

With the features that will be included in the bioelectric smartwatch, data will be
gathered and sent. This will require the use of a microcontroller that will be able to read
and send information to a computer or application to either be calculated or processed
into a format that is suitable for the user to read. As a result, multiple microcontrollers
that fit the needs of the bioelectric smartwatch were researched and compared.
3.4.1 Comparison of Data Convertors
One avenue to consider for the bioelectric smartwatch capabilities is to use a low-cost
integrated analog front-end for weight-scale and body composition measurement, also
known as AFE 4300. This device applies a sinusoidal current into the body between two
terminals. As a result, body impedance is measured back with a differential amplifier
(Datasheet). Another device similar to the AFE3000 is a complete low power integrated
analog front-end for ECG applications, also known as ADS1292. This component has
features required in portable, low-power ECG, sports, and fitness applications. The last
device is the ADS1115. This component has a programmable gain amplifier and
comparator. One thing to note about this component is that it reduces power consumption
during idle period. Table 7 shows a comparison of the three data convertors and weighs
the pros and cons to determine which best suits the bioelectric smartwatch’s purpose.

Table 7: Comparison of Data Convertors

Name AFE 4300 ADS1292 ADS1115

Supplier Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Adafruit

Max. Supply 3.6 V 5.5V 5.5V


Input Current 30 μA 10 μA 10 mA

Capabilities -Weight scale -Biopotential -Temperature

measurements measurements Measurement
-Supports up to 4 load -Multichannel signal
cell inputs acquisition -Performs

Cost $4.86 $11.72 $14.95

The ADS1115 component was ultimately chosen for the bioelectric smartwatch for its
multiple features and concentrated focus on temperature prices.
3.5 Microcontroller
This section describes the research done to determine the best fit for the bioelectric
smartwatch’s purposes. A microcontroller is a mini computer that is encompassed on an
integrated circuit. A microcontroller is often confused with a microprocessor which is
very similar; however, it is different from a microprocessor such that a microcontroller is
used for embedded applications and many peripherals while a microprocessor is used for
has only a CPU inside of it.
A basic microcontroller is usually comprised of the following elements:
● CPU- Microcontrollers have a central processing unit which is the circuitry that
is within a computer that performs instructions delegated by a computer program.
● Fixed amount of memory- Microcontrollers are built with a specified amount of
ROM. RAM, or flash memory.
● Inputs and output ports- These include interacting with different interfaces such as
LED’s LCD’s or ports for USB capabilities.
● Serial ports- Typical ports on microcontrollers are serial ports like universal
asynchronous receiver/transmitter, also known as a UART.
● Timers- Many microcontrollers have a variety of timers used as oscillators, clock
functions, or pulse generation.

● ADC/DAC- Analog to digital converters and digital to analog convertors are used
to modify an input signal depending on a device's functionality and application.
● Interpret Control- This type of controller gives delays that are necessary for a
program to run optimally.
The image in Figure 10 shows a couple of the components that can be found within a
microcontroller and shows the typical layout.

Figure 10: Image of Basic layout of a Microcontroller

Courtesy of

Multiple microcontrollers were researched; however, three microcontrollers were

compared to determine the best fit for the bioelectric smartwatch. The comparisons can
be seen in the Table 8.
Table 8: Comparison of Microcontrollers

Name Arduino Pro Mini MSP430FG6626 Raspberry Pi 3

Company Adafruit Texas Instruments Adafruit

DC Input (V) 3.3-12 3.6-5.5V 3.3-5V

I/Os 14 8 35

Price $9.95 $11.14 $39.95

The Raspberry Pi 3 was ultimately chosen because of the amount of input and output
ports and for easier testing purposes.

3.6 Electronic Housing
With all of the components that will go into the bioelectric smartwatch, a cover will be in
order to house them. Some factors that are needed to be taken into consideration for that
type of material used are that it will not irritate the skin, it is durable, it is lightweight,
will provide proper insulation. This section goes over the types of materials considered
for the smartwatch.
3.6.1 3D Printed Case
3D printing is a process that prints a solid object based on a digital model. It was invented
in 1983 and since then, advancements in technology have made 3D printing easily
available, cheaper, and faster. Using some computer-aided design, also known as CAD, a
design is created. Once the design has been completed, special software is used to split
the design into thin cross-sections. Each cross section is printed one layer at time until the
design has been properly completed. Specialized materials are used for the printed
material. For the structure of smartwatch, materials like stainless steel, nylon, or
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). Table 9 gives a comparison of the materials to
determine which meets the criteria for the bioelectric smartwatch.
Table 9: Comparison of 3D Printed Material

Material Stainless Steel Nylon ABS

Strength Very strong Strong and flexible Strong and


Thickness 3mm 1mm 1mm

Color Limited Can be changed Can be


Cost Most expensive Cheap Cheap

From the Table 9 comparison, the best material is ABS because it is strong and harder
than the nylon and seems lighter than stainless steel. Also, ABS may most likely be able
to withstand heat caused by loss.
The advantages of 3D printing allow for customization of each watch and specified
additions for the features of the bioelectric smartwatch. One main drawback to 3D
printing is time that will need to be dedicated to learn how to use the CAD software. The
Manufacturing Lab in the Harris building on campus offers 3D printing services. The cost
of these services is $5/cubic inch for print jobs.

3.7 Display
The display of the bioelectric smartwatch will be one of the most important components
of the device. The display is the component of the device that the user will interact with
the most. The display will also be responsible for exhibiting many of the watch’s
functions as well as aesthetics. Being that the watch cannot be excessive in size, the
display will play a major role in determining the overall size of the device. Since the
screen cannot be very large, the display should have a moderately high resolution so that
the results presented on the display are easily readable.
There are a few common types of displays that are normally utilized within this type of
technology. These displays are the liquid crystal display and organic light emitting diode.
Both displays would be suitable for the bioelectric smartwatch. There is also a third type
of display that could possibly be used. This third display is SHARP’s Memory Liquid
Crystal Display. This display is a hybrid of both Electronic Ink (E-Ink) technology along
with Liquid Crystal Display technology.
However, before a decision can be made on which display is best, there are a few factors
that must be taken into consideration that will determine which display would be most
suitable for the bioelectric smartwatch. All three displays are obtainable, as well as
utilized within this type of technology. Therefore, there will be a few significant features
or performance attributes that will set one of the displays apart from the other displays.
Table 10: Basic Display Features Comparison

Type of Display Basic Features

Organic Light Emitting Diode Low power dissipation compared to the

Display Liquid Crystal Display, higher quality
imaging, and low price

Liquid Crystal Display Many suppliers, medium power dissipation

and lower quality compared other displays,
low price

Sharp Memory Liquid Crystal Low power dissipation, higher quality

Display imaging high price

3.7.1 Display Performance

The display of the device is what’s going to be most appealing about the watch.
Therefore, the display should perform well and be appealing at the same time. Organic
Light Emitting Diode displays are composed of thin layers of organic molecules that
generate light when electricity is applied to them. Liquid Crystal displays are composed
layers of polarizing material that use liquid crystals to operate the pixels in the display.

Comparing the displays, there were some interesting findings. Organic Light Emitting
Diode displays are seemingly more preferred than the Liquid Crystal display counterpart.
Organic Light Emitting Diode displays are thinner than the Liquid Crystal display. The
Organic Light Emitting Diode display poses more pixels per inch (ppi) which offers
better black levels and better viewing angles for the user. Thus, producing a higher
quality output which is more efficient. The Organic Light Emitting Diode display also
consumes less power that the Liquid Crystal display. However, there are some major
disadvantages that come along with the Organic Light Emitting Diode display that its
counterpart does not experience.
Liquid Crystal displays last longer than that of the Organic Light Emitting Diode.
Another disadvantage is that Organic Light Emitting Diode displays are more sensitive to
moisture. These disadvantages can be viewed as serious concerns given the unknown
conditions in which the device may be used under. Therefore, those two major
disadvantages of the Organic Light Emitting Diode display could in turn be the deciding
factor in which display we decide to incorporate in the makeup of our device. A visual
comparison of the Organic Light Emitting Diode and Liquid Crystal displays are pictured

Figure 11: Visualization Comparison of the OLED Display vs. LCD Display
Courtesy of

The SHARP Memory Liquid Crystal Display utilizes the low-power consumption of E-
Ink and the quick refresh rates of the Liquid Crystal for its output. This display produces
higher resolution outputs than its regular Liquid Crystal Display counterpart.
3.7.2 Display Cost
Although performance is very important, cost also plays an important role in the overall
aspect of the project as well as which display we will choose to incorporate in our device.
The bioelectric smartwatch can potentially be used by many people of different
demographics. Therefore, we want to utilize the most cost efficient parts to develop our
device, while making sure that those parts are efficient and appealing to the user as well.
In doing so, the bioelectric smartwatch will be desired and obtainable to many


3.7.3 Display Power Requirements

The power requirements differ for both displays. For the displays that we have found so
far, the power requirements are dependent on how often the display will be lit. However,
there are some figures that represent the on average power requirements for the displays.
The OLED display will demand current based on the number of pixels in use. Typically,
it will draw about 25mA, but the precise figure is relative to the usage. The Liquid
Crystal display will demand current based on the usage of the backlight. When the
backlight is at capacity it will demand 50mA. Both displays require a power supply of
3.3V - 5V.
The SHARP Memory Liquid Crystal display will demand current based on the refresh
rate of the device. The refresh rate is defined as however often the buffer of the display
is updated per second. The refresh rate consists of the measurement of however often a
recurrent drawing with an identical number of frames is outputted via the display.
Table 11: Overall Display Comparison

Categories Monochrome OLED TFT LCD SHARP Memory

Cost $19.95 $19.95 $39.95

Display Size 1.30” 1.80” 1.30”

Display 128x64 128x160 96x96


Weight 2.18 g 2.75 g 2.55 g

Current Draw 40mA 50mA 4 uA

Power Supply 3.3V or 5V 3.3V or 5V 3.3V or 5V


3.8 Battery
Battery life could potentially be a vital concern when it comes to the bioelectric
smartwatch. The users of the bioelectric smartwatch should be able to use the device for
at least an entire day without worrying about the device. Due to its lightweight and small
that we’re trying to achieve with this device, the power of the battery may be limited.
Our goal is for the battery to supply all devices that compose the device, to the best of its

ability for a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, the battery must be able to power all
components of the watch as well as be reliable.
The major factor that could be an issue with the battery for our device is how long it will
be able supply power for the device before the battery needs to be recharged. Essentially,
that all depends on how the respective user of the device and how they go about using the
device. Therefore, we must conduct the appropriate amount of research to determine
which components will work best together and allow for a decent amount of battery
lifetime so that the users of the device will be satisfied. To conserve and efficiently use
battery power as well as extend the run time of the device, there are a few approaches that
we could undertake to achieve those characteristics within our device. There are a few
types of batteries that can be utilized within the design of our device. However, the
foremost utilized types of batters within most smart watch devices are Lithium Polymer
(Li-Po) and Lithium-ion polymer (Li-Ion) batteries. Table 12 provides a comprehensible
comparison of both types of batteries.
Table 12: Battery Advantages and Disadvantages

Battery Advantages Disadvantages

Lithium Polymer Slender profile Lower power capacity

Light weight Production is expensive

Protection circuit

Lithium-ion Higher power capacity Protection circuit required

polymer (Li-Ion)
Low maintenance Deteriorates over time

Slower discharge Thicker profile

Cheaper to produce

3.8.1 Power Capacity

Polymer batteries prove to be the best choice for these types of devices due to their higher
power capacity. Power capacity is defined as the amount of energy that is stored within
the battery. The power capacity is normally conveyed in Watt-hours (Wh). A Watt-hour
is the amount of voltage supplied by the battery, multiplied by the amount of current the

battery can provide per hour. In order to obtain the Watt-hours, the Amps per hour is
multiplied by the nominal voltage. For example, if there is a 5V nominal battery that has
one Amp-hour capacity, that means the battery has 5 Watt-hours of capacity. One Amp-
hour indicates that one Ampere of current can be drawn per hour, 0.1 Amps over a time
period of ten hours, and 0.01 Amps over a time period of 100 hours. However, before a
decision can be made on which battery is most suitable, the two should be compared to
determine which battery would be best for our device.

Figure 12: Power Capacity Watt-hour Formula

Figure 13: Battery Connection Schematic Example

Courtesy of

Although, no matter which battery we decide upon to be utilized in the bioelectric

smartwatch, the battery capacity will naturally decrease over time. This is known as
battery self-discharge. This occurs overtime due to the aging of the battery as well as the
amount of charge-discharge cycles the battery endures over time. The figure below
provides a representation battery capacity throughout multiple charge-discharge cycles.
Upon our we research, we decided that the best battery for our device would be the Li-
Ion battery. We believe that the advantages of this battery will work well within our
device. There are a few options of Li-Ion batteries available. In choosing which Li-Ion
battery will most suitable for our device, one of major deciding factor could possibly end
up being the capacity of the battery. A milliampere hour (mAh) describes the capacity of
energy charge that a device can operate on before having to recharge the battery. A few
options for Li-Ion batteries that would be usable in our device and that will meet our
specifications are compared in Table 13.

Table 13: Battery Logistics Comparison

Figure 14: Battery Capacity Reduction Graph

Courtesy of

3.9 Power Management

The microcontroller unit (MCU) and display will more than likely consume the most
power in the device. The MCU needs to compute lots of data meanwhile keeping power
consumption to a minimum. The display must output data for the user. To conserve
power, the display can have minimal outputs and send more data to the web-based
application. There are a few available options to be researched when it comes to

extending battery life and effective power management for our device.
3.9.1 Energy Harvesting
The first method researched when it comes to extending battery life is the energy
harvesting method. The energy harvesting method utilizes energy that is collected from
the body, due to body heat or movement. Energy harvesting can also utilize energy from
the surrounding environment, for example, ambient light. Ambient light is lighting that
incorporates the immediate surroundings or environment. The energy collected from the
ambient lighting does not provide enough energy to power a device like ours. Usually,
this type of energy harvesting option provides a range of microwatts to milliwatts.
However, there are devices that can convert as much as much as 300 - 400 millivolts and
amplify the energy collected via this method of energy harvesting to anywhere from 3 – 5
volts, which would be able to power a device such as ours.
3.9.2 Conventional Battery Charging
The next method researched when it comes to extending battery life is the conventional
battery charging method. The device can be charged via a battery charger in which an
electrical current will be forced into the device supplying energy to the rechargeable
battery located inside of the device. The size of the battery will be the determinant of the
amount of current over a certain amount of time, the amount of voltage, and protocol for
when the battery is completely charged. When a battery is overcharged, it is still
connected to the power source even though the battery is already completely charged.
When overcharging occurs, the battery may overheat or, at times even explode, which
would be detrimental to any device. Some batteries have the propensity to be
overcharged, while some can tolerate overcharging. In this method of effective power
management, the charging source will be disconnected manually when the charging cycle
is completed. There are also some charging devices in which there may be a cut off
timer. The charging device can contain voltage and temperature sensors along with a
microcontroller that will adjust the voltage and charging current. This charging device
can also establish the state of charge (fuel gauge) of the battery and turn itself off at the
completion of the charging cycle.
3.9.3 Wireless Charging
The last method of effective power management researched that our device could
potentially use is wireless charging, also known as wireless power transfer. This method
utilizes a transmitter and receiver to transfer power via electromagnetic fields to charge
or recharge a battery. This is accomplished without physically connecting the charging
source to the device via any cord. The principle of Inductive Power Transmission is used
for wireless power transfer to be accomplished. The theoretical aspect of Inductive Power
Transmission is portrayed in the image in Figure 15 and description below.

The basic principle of an inductively coupled power transfer system is shown above. It
consists of a transmitter coil L1 and a receiver coil L2. Both coils form a system of
magnetically coupled inductors. An alternating current in the transmitter coil generates a
magnetic field which induces a voltage in the receiver coil. This voltage can be used to
power a mobile device or charge a battery.

Figure 15: Inductive Power Transmission Theoretical Display

Courtesy of

When it comes to how wireless charging works, first, within the transmitter circuit the
voltage from the DC source is transformed to a high frequency alternating current. Next,
the alternating current is passed on to the transmitter coil, thus generating an
electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic field produces a current within the receiver
coil in the receiver circuit of the device. The current in the receiver coil is transformed to
direct current and that current is used to charge the battery contained within the device.
The figure below portrays the process by which the battery of the device can be charged
during the wireless power transfer process.

3.10 Battery Fuel Gauge

Battery fuel gauge which is also known as battery charge indication, which is the exact
same as portraying the amount of charge remains in the battery, will be very useful to the
users of the bioelectric smartwatch. Without proper battery charge indication, the users of
the bioelectric smartwatch will not be able to determine how much longer they will be
able to utilize the device without having to charge the battery of the device. With not
being able to determine how much battery power remains in the device, this will hinder
the situations in which the bioelectric smartwatch may be utilized. For example, if a user
of the bioelectric smartwatch is going camping and they need to use the device, if they
have no way to determine how much power remains in the battery and they become stuck
in a situation in which they need to alert someone or signal for assistance and the device
dies while they need it, then the bioelectric smartwatch would basically be no use to
them. The user of the bioelectric smartwatch will need to know how much power remains

in the battery so that they may utilize the device and its functions when need be.

Figure 16: Visualization of Wireless Charging Process

Courtesy of

There are a few ways in which the battery level can be indicated within our device. The
battery level can be indicated either via dot or bar form, as well as via Light Emitting
Diodes. Within the bioelectric smartwatch we can go about indication the battery level in
either one of these ways. The battery indication can either be integrated along with other
functions of the device, or we can use Light Emitting Diodes to display the percentage of
battery power that remains for the bioelectric smartwatch to carry out its functions with.
When it comes to the integrated battery fuel gauging, systems normally consist of a
couple analog-to-digital converters in which one measures current of the battery, while
the other measures the voltage of the battery or battery temperature. The data that is
measured by the analog-to-digital converters is transmitted to the microprocessor. The
calculations for the fuel gauging is essentially housed within the microprocessor, which
contains the necessary data to determine an accurate reading of the battery. The figure
below portrays the process of integrated battery fuel gauging.

Figure 17: High-Level Visualization of Battery Fuel Gauge Process
Courtesy of

When it comes to utilizing Light Emitting Diodes to display the percentage of battery
power, this method could either be more complicated due to the amount of hardware, or
simpler when compared to the integrated battery fuel gauging, due to software aspect that
is utilized in implementing that method. Based on the current-divider rule, this method
will utilize a voltage divider network and Light Emitting Diodes of different colors to
enable the user of the device to determine exactly what range of battery percentage the
device has remaining. Using different colored Light Emitting Diodes enables the user of
the device to distinguish exactly how much battery charge percentage remains based on
the color coordination of the battery percentage range and a certain color.
Table 14: Battery Charge Color Indication Levels

Light Emitting Diode Color Battery Charge Level

Red Power to be Connected (0%)

Orange Power to soon be connected (25%)

Yellow Power is at halfway mark (50%)

Green Power is more than halfway (75%)

Blue Power is a full charge (100%)

An example of a circuit that utilizes Light Emitting Diodes to display the percentage of
battery power is displayed in the figure below.

Figure 18: Light Emitting Diode Fuel Gauge Circuit Example
Courtesy of

To determine which version of fuel gauging we will utilize for the bioelectric
smartwatch, we will design using both versions, then make a decision via trial and error
as well as whichever version cooperates best with the infrastructure of the overall device.
3.11 Push Buttons
Believe it or not, but push buttons can play a major role on the overall make-up of the
bioelectric smartwatch. The amount or the size of push buttons can affect as many things
such as: how large the size of the watch will be, how many settings or functions can be
assigned to each push button, as well as how appealing the watch might be.
A push button is essentially a switching type instrument that controls some type of
feature or characteristic of a process or mechanism. Push button are usually composed of
some type of firm material such as metal or plastic. Push buttons typically possess a flat
shape and are suited to adapt to the human hand or finger so that the button can be easily
operated. Push buttons are usually biased switches. A biased switch is a switch that is
normally in its set position, and returns to that position once engaged. Biased switches
include an instrument that returns the button to its original position once the button is
pushed then released by the operator. Usually, push buttons are normally open
mechanisms. When the push button is pressed, contact is made. When the push button is
released, contact is broken.

Figure 19: Push Button Operation Illustration
Courtesy of

For the bioelectric smartwatch, we decided on a four-button configuration. The

operations in which the four push buttons will be used for are one button for selection,
one button to cancel, and two buttons for movement up or down on the display. There are
a couple types of push buttons that we can use for the bioelectric smartwatch. The first
option is an illuminated push button. These types of push buttons include a light within
the button which saves electricity and space within the hardware of devices. Next is the
long-life push button which typically last for an extended period of time. Lastly, there’s
the low-profile push button which are not as large as typical push buttons and allow
designers to save space within their applications.
Table 15: Push Button Quick Facts

Illuminated Long Life Low Profile

Contact Rating 0.1A 50mA 20mA

Expectancy 50,000 Cycles 100,000 Cycles 100,000 Cycles

3.12 Pulse Sensor

Pulse sensors can be useful in a watch, because heart rate can be connected to many
different things. Today, fitness watches are able to measure pulse in 2 different ways. The
first, and most conventional method of taking heart rate is by using an electrocardiogram
(EKG). The second method is Pulse Oximetry.

3.12.1 Electrocardiogram
The first method discussed the EKG. The EKG is either attached around the chest with a

sensor near the heart, or a clamp goes on the fingertip. An EKG is made up of an
electrode that attaches to the body to measure the current flow, an amplification and
filtering stage, and a data processing stage. The electrode sends the voltage signal from
the body to the amplification stage. From the amplification stage, the signal then passes
through multiple filters to filter out certain bodily and power system frequencies that are
unnecessary noise. The output waveform will be a voltage representation of the pulse;
thus you will see the peaks and troughs of the heartbeat.

3.12.2 Pulse Oximetry

Figure 20: Pulse Oximetry Illustration

Courtesy of

The second method of reading pulse is by using photo plethysmography (PPG). PPG is
the technique used by more advanced watches today like the Fitbit, and the iWatch. The
act of using PPG to analyze the amount of oxygen in the blood is called Pulse Oximetry.
Pulse Oximetry uses the light reflecting and absorbing properties of hemoglobin to
analyze heart rate, amount of oxygen in the blood, and blood flow rate. The Lambert-
Beer law defines how much light is absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood with light of
different wavelengths and distance traveled. LEDs are used to illuminate the blood, and
light sensitive diodes absorb the light to measure how much light is reflected, or absorbed
through the blood. Typical frequencies of light used are red (650nm), and infrared
(940nm). Sensors on the finger measure the amount of light absorbed by the hemoglobin,
because the LED shines on one side of the finger, and the light collecting diode is on the
other side. 2 different wavelength LEDs are used in conjunction to observe the difference
in reflection of each. In a watch application, the amount of light reflected by the
hemoglobin is used, because it would be difficult to measure the absorption of blood
through a thick body part like a wrist, and the watch band would need to have a
component in the clasp. If the collector was in the clasp, then it would be difficult to have
a one size fits all type of design, and have the collector line up with the emitter.

Product list of a working heart rate monitor utilizing PPG:

● PPG sensors (LED emitter, diode collector)
● Analog front end (amplification, filtering)

● Low-powered microcontroller
● Wireless module for exchanging data
● Motion sensor (accelerometer) monitoring user’s motion
● RAM for data logging
● Lithium battery
● Battery charger
● Battery fuel gauge

Figure 21: High-Level PPG Sensor Diagram

Figure 22: High-level LED Controller Diagram

The driving LED circuit is an H-bridge driver. The circuit controls the on and off times of
the IR and red LEDs by using pulse-width modulation (PWM). The analog signal is
amplified by BJTs to drive the LEDs. Typical designs use 25% duty cycle for each LED.
The quality of the photodiode can change the life of the battery, because you can scale
the PWM down if the photodiode is of good quality.

Figure 23: H Bridge Driver Design for LEDs

Courtesy of

Figure 24: AFE4400 Design
Courtesy of

Companies put together the analog front end (AFE – amplification, and filtering of input)
and the LED driver circuitry in one package. This can make it convenient for this project,
instead of having to design separate circuits, we could purchase this product. Or, products
like this can be observed to create a similar product to fit the needs of this project. An
example of such product is Texas Instruments’ AFE4400 Integrated Analog Front End
for Heart Rate Monitors and Low Cost Pulse Oximeters.

The AFE4400 is a fully-integrated AFE that is tailored towards pulse oximetry. The
device contains a low noise receiver (to filter possible noise from measurements, outside
60Hz interference, and bodily interference), and analog to digital converter, LED control
circuit, and LED fault detection.

The timing of the AFE is configurable, meaning that the PWM is able to be controlled to
change sampling frequency. An external crystal oscillator provides the clock function of
the AFE, thus reducing jitter – deviation from keeping true time. This AFE device is
designed to communicate to an external microcontroller via Serial Peripheral Interface
bus (SPI). The AFE4490 model offers the same solutions in one single package, but
contains a few upgraded features. The feature comparison is shown below.

Table 16: Comparing AFE4400 and AFE4490 Pulse Oximetry Analog Front Ends
AFE4400 AFE4490

Fully Integrated AFE Yes Yes

Dynamic Range (allows 95dB 110dB

low noise at low LED

LED current 50mA 50mA,


Power Consumption 100μA+LED 100μA+LED current


LED timer Yes Seems like more features?


Filter Flexibility Less More

Temperature Range 0C-70C -40C-80C

Cost $6.32 ea. $17.27 ea.

As one can see, the AFE4490 is a more robust AFE design than the AFE4400, but costs
almost 3 times as much. The AFE4400 may be enough for this project, but further
research must be conducted. It may be beneficial to order both products to test each, and
see which is the better fit for the smartwatch project. The AFE4490 does have many more
features that reduce noise, make it more useful in a variety of colder climates, and to
drive more powerful LEDs. Whether this is necessary is what must be considered.

3.13 Accelerometer
An accelerometer is a device that measures dynamic and static acceleration. Dynamic
accelerations are essentially vibrations, and quick movements, and static accelerations are
steady accelerations like gravity. Accelerometers can measure as little only 1 axis, or as
many as all 3 axes. 3 axis accelerometers are more common now, and are reasonably

3.13.1 Capacitive Accelerometers

Capacitive accelerometers work off changing capacitance. The 2 main types of capacitive

accelerometers are single capacitor accelerometers, and differential capacitor
accelerometers. Single capacitor accelerometers measure the change in resistance that
occurs when two capacitive plates move closer or farther away from each other.
Differential capacitor accelerometers measure the change in capacitance on multiple
plates while the plates shift due to movement. Differential capacitor accelerometers give
a more linear output signal, because it measures the difference between different
capacitor values. Some advantages of capacitive accelerometers are: DC measurements,
good stability in different temperatures, long life, and good repeatability. Some
disadvantages are: complex design, and sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.

A basic voltage divider can describe the output voltage of the accelerometer circuit. Thus,
when movement causes the change in capacitance, the output voltage will also change.
The voltage divider equation for the above circuit is given by.

Figure 25: Single Capacitive Accelerometer Diagram

Courtesy of

Figure 26: Differential Capacitive Accelerometer Diagram

Courtesy of

3.13.2 Piezoelectric Accelerometers

A piezoelectric material is a material that creates an electric signal when a force is

exerted upon it. This is very useful for an accelerometer, because it makes it possible to

change motion forces directly into a measurable electric signal. Typically, a spring with a
mass on the end is attached the piezoelectric material. The movement causes the mass to
move slightly, which then compresses and contracts the piezoelectric material.
Piezoelectric accelerometers can be separated into 2 separate categories: single crystal,
and ceramic materials. Single crystal accelerometers consist of 1 crystal, typically quartz,
are the most common and have a very long service life. The drawback of single crystal
accelerometers is that they are not very sensitive. The second type of accelerometers,
ceramic material accelerometers, are more sensitive and less expensive to produce. They
some piezoelectric materials in the ceramic accelerometers are barium titanate, lead-
zirconate-lead-titanate, lead metaniobate. The main drawback of ceramic material
accelerometers is that their sensitivity degrades over time. Thus, single crystal
accelerometers should be used for projects that are designed to require less maintenance,
and a higher service life.

Figure 27: Diagram of Piezoelectric Technology

Courtesy of

3.13.3 Accelerometer Comparison

All 3 accelerometers in Table 17 are MEMS capacitive accelerometers. Capacitive are
the most common accelerometers. Table 17 highlights the main parameters that need to
be observed when considering an accelerometer. The size of each accelerometer is very
small, but the smallest of the 3 is the LIS3DH.
The accelerometer needs to be as small as possible to fit in a watch application. The input
voltage of each accelerometer is approximately the same, and is a standard voltage range
that works with most microcontrollers. Accelerometers are sensitive to overvoltage; thus,
the input voltage needs to be considered a priority. The current consumption of the

LIS3DH is also very low in comparison to the other 2 accelerometer choices, which is
favorable because the watch battery will not be very large. The accelerometer will also be
running often, so low power consumption is a key factor.
Table 17: Comparison of 3 Different Accelerometers


Size 3x5x1mm 4x4x1.45mm 3x3x1mm

Input Voltage 2-3.6V 1.8-3.6V 1.7-3.6V

Max Current 145µA 350µA 100µA


Min Current 40µA 320µA 2µA


Measurement Range +/- 2g - +/- 16g +/- 3g +/- 2g - +/- 16g

Sensitivity 232 - 286 270-330 mv/g 1mg/digit -

LSB/g 12mg/digit

Data Rates 6.25-3200 Hz 0.5-550 Hz 1Hz-5 kHz

Temperature Sensor No No Yes

Price $18 $15 $5

Both the LIS3DH and ADXL345 accelerometers have more programmable measurement
ranges, however this will not be quite as crucial as the other factors. The LIS3DH also
has a very sensitive sensor. This is of interest, because the forces exerted by the user are
very insignificant when compared to 16g’s. the LIS3DH also contains a temperature
sensor, and is the cheapest option. The LIS3DH is the ideal accelerometer for this project,
but the ADXL345 will also be purchased, because it may work better in practice.
3.14 Vibrating Motor
The smartwatch will need to provide silent notifications to the user, thus a vibrating
motor will need to be used. A small vibrating motor will be installed in the watch to alert
the user of something happening. When choosing a motor for this project, a few specs
need to be considered. The first, and perhaps the most important spec for this project is
the size. Motors are generally large devices; thus, compact configurations are needed.
Disk motors work well, because they are flat, and can fit in tight spaces. The next spec to
consider is the voltage and current draw of the motor. This smartwatch is limited by
lower voltages and current capabilities, so the motor cannot require a large supply voltage
and current. The motor also cannot be overwhelmingly loud and powerful.

3.14.1 Motor Control Circuit
Most microcontrollers cannot output enough current to supply a motor safely. A
transistor may be used to control throttle the motor with minimal output required from the
microcontroller’s output pin. The transistor will act as a throttled switch, with the output
of the Arduino connected to the base of the Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). As the
current from the microcontroller is increased, the flow of current from the emitter to
collector of the BJT increases. The microcontroller will be able to change the PWM of
the output to adjust the current flow to the base of the BJT. The collector of the BJT will
be hooked up to the voltage supply. A diode will be placed in the opposite direction of
the flow of current to prevent from an inductive current spike caused by the motor. A
common BJT to use for this circuit is a PN2222, and a common diode used for this is an

Figure 28: Motor Control Circuit

Courtesy of

The motor chosen for this smartwatch will be the vibrating motor mini disk that is sold
from The motor can work with voltages from 2V-5V, and currents from
40mA-100mA. The 40mA current draw is ideal for the smartwatch application, thus the
low voltage 2V threshold will be where the watch will be set to. The user will not need a
large vibration to be alerted, but the option is available if a more powerful jolt is
3.15 Printed Circuit Board
All the components that will be incorporated in the bioelectric smartwatch will be placed
on a printed circuit board (PCB), a necessary component in the fabrication and testing of
electronic circuits. A PCB is a thin sheet that has conductive etched or printed tracks on,
usually made of copper, on its surface which is also known as the substrate. to connect
electrical components to each other. Holes are placed throughout the circuit so that
components that are “through hole” can be placed and soldered. A PCB can have one
side, double-sided, or have multiple layers, depending on its functionality. Double-sided
PCBs are used when one side becomes too cluttered by the number of components that
are placed, which can cause sparks. This can pose potential health risks especially in
wearable applications like the bioelectric smartwatch. Multiple-layered PCBs have the
different layers compressed into one sheet, allowing for a greater number of components

to be placed and interconnections to occur.
PCB’s can be designed using computer softwares like Easily Applicable Graphical
Layout Editor (EAGLE). This software is a free automation design tool to layout the
placement of components. As a result, many parameters can be specified to fit any
design. Due to its popularity, many tutorials and guides are available for reference and
ease of use.
3.16 Watch Band
The watch is a seemingly unimportant piece of the smartwatch project, but the user must
have a comfortable, well-fitting wrist band to secure the watch to their wrist. An excellent
watch cannot have a low-quality watch band. a few things need to be considered when
choosing a watch band. First is the material. The material of the watch needs to be
comfortable, but durable. A few common materials for watch bands are silicone, steel,
titanium, and nylon.
Steel and titanium are premium materials that offer long life, but are very expensive.
Silicone and nylon are more popular for smartwatches, and are the cheaper options. They
also offer many color combinations to give the customer more of a selection to choose
from. The next thing to consider is how the watch band attaches to the watch. The watch
band will have to be wide enough to stabilize the watch face, while still being able to line
up with the pins on the watches edges. Silicone watch bands offer many sizes and
connection configurations. Silicone will be the material used for this project, because it is
durable, cheap, comfortable, and adaptable to many different situations. Other
smartwatches like the Apple Watch, Fitbit, and Garmin Forerunner have all had success
with silicone wrist bands.
3.17 Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a wireless standard for sending and receiving data over short wavelengths
and distances from fixed network and mobile devices. It was invented to by telecom
vendor Ericsson as an alternative to data cables. It can connect to up to seven devices at a
time, thus solving problems with technology that older devices faced. Bluetooth is
managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), all manufacture of Bluetooth
device must meet the Bluetooth SIG standards.

Bluetooth operates at the frequencies between 2402 and 2480 MHz, or 2400 and 2483.5
MHZ including guard bands 2MHz wide at the bottom end 3.5 MHz wide at the top.
Bluetooth use radio technology called the frequency hopping spread spectrum, the data
divides transmitted data into packets, and transmits each packet on one of 79 designated
channels. The frequency-hopping spread spectrum is a method of transmitting radio
signals by rapidly switching a carrier among many of the ranged frequencies channels,
using a pseudorandom sequence known to both transmitter and receiver. It used as a
multiple access method in the code division multiple access. Bluetooth use low energy
and performs about 800 hops per second, when the Adaptive Frequency Hopping is

3.17.1 Bluetooth Protocols

Bluetooth has a master-slave structure for the packet-based protocol. Meaning that one
master may communicate with up to seven slaves in a piconet. A piconet is an ad hoc
network that links a wireless user group of devices. It consists of two or more devices
occupying the same physical channel. All the devices share the master clock with the
master. Packets exchange is based on the basic clock, defined by the master, which ticks
at 312.5 picoseconds intervals. The simplest case of the clocks of a single-slot packets the
master transmit in even slots and receive in odd slots. The slave receives in even slots and
transmits in odd slots. The packets may be 1,3, or 5 slots long. However, the master
transmission starts in even slots and slave in odd slots.

The Bluetooth protocol stack is defined as a layered protocol architecture that consists of
cable replacement protocols, telephone control protocols, and adapted protocols. The
Core protocols for the all the Bluetooth stacks are: LMP, L2CAP and SDO. LMP is the
Link Management Protocol is used to set-up and control of the radio link between two
devices. L2CAP – the Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol is used to multiplex
multiple local connections between two devices using higher level protocols. The SDP-
Service Discovery Protocol allows a device to discover services by other devices, and
their associated parameters.

Figure 29: Bluetooth Protocol Stack

Courtesy of

3.17.2 Bluetooth Range

Bluetooth range varies due to the conditions, material coverage, antenna configurations
and battery conditions. The typical conditions for Bluetooth are for indoor condition,
where the attenuation of walls and reflections are minimal and lower due the specified
line of sight range for the devices. To use the Bluetooth a device must be able to interpret
the certain Bluetooth profiles, which are definition of possible application and specify
general that Bluetooth-enabled device to communicate with.

Table 18: Bluetooth Versioning Comparisons
Bluetooth Version Maximum Speed Maximum Range

3.0 25 Mbit/s n/a

4.0 25 Mbit/s 200 feet (60 m)

5 50 Mbit/s 800 feet (240 m)

3.17.3 Bluetooth Pairing

Implantation of Bluetooth of the pairing the two devices establish a relationship by

creating a shared secret know a link key. When both devices store the same link key, they
are considered bonded or paired. Then when a divide want to communicate only with a
bonded device can authenticate the identity if the other device. Link key is generated, an
authenticated and Asynchronous Connection-Less between devices may be encrypted to
protect changed data against eavesdropping.

The Asynchronous Connection-Less is important to avoid latency to help when the

payload. In this type of link, if a payload encapsulated in the frame is corrupted, it is
retransmitted. A secondary returns an ACL frame in the available odd-numbered slot if
and only if the previous slot has been addressed to it. ACL can use one, three or more
slots and can achieve a maximum data rate of 721 kbit/s. The user can delete link keys
from either device, which remove the bond between the device. It is possible for one
device to store a linked key for a device it no longer paired with.

There a few paring mechanisms the current one that being use right now for Legacy
pairing, which is method that available with Bluetooth 2.0 and before. Each device must
enter a PIN code. The pairing would be considered successful if both device enter the
same PIN. The other mechanism Secure Simple Pairing (SSP) device may only legacy
paring to uses a form of public key cryptography, and some types can help protect against
man in the middle attacks. The SSP is used commonly now because is considered simple
for many reasons.

● It doesn’t require a use to generate a passkey.

● Using OOB and NFC enables pairing when devices simply get close, rather than
requiring a lengthy discovery process.

● MITM protection can be achieved with a simple equality comparison by the user.

● Uses-cases not requiring MITM protection, user interaction can be eliminated.

3.17.4 Bluetooth Security
Bluetooth implements confidentiality, authentication and key derivation with custom
algorithms based on the Secure And Fast Encryption Routine SAFER+ block cipher. This
cipher use the same round function consisting of four stages: a key-mixing stage, a
substitution layer, another key-mixing stage, and finally a diffusion layer. Bluetooth key
generation is generally based on a Bluetooth PIN, which must be entered both devices.
Though being exposed in 2008 this technology is commonly used for small powered

3.18 Global Positions System (GPS)

This section gives an overview on the research and background information that will be
implemented when designing and creating the global positioning system features for the
bioelectric smartwatch. Included in this section are as follows:

● a brief background of about global positioning systems

● application of global positioning systems
● a comparison of a couple global positioning modules
Analysis and research was done in order to best meet the needs for the bioelectric

3.18.1 GPS Background

The Global Positioning System is space- based radio navigation system owned by the
United States government and operated by the Unites States Air Force. GPS provides
geo location a and time location to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth where
there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. The GPS system
typically operates independently of any telephonic or internet reception, through these
technologies can enhance the usefulness of the GPS positions information. The GPS can
be sued commercial, civil, and military uses. The US government can selectively deny
access to the system as the seek fit for the protection for the country.

Since being launched during the Cold War to overcome the limitations of previous
navigation systems. Transit was the first satellite systems launched by the USA and tested
by the US Navy in 1960. Then the soon thereafter launched five satellites orbiting the
earth allowed ships to fix their positions on the seas every hour. That made the Transit
successful because of the highly accurate atomic clocks could be operated in space.
Navstar completed the modern GPS constellation of satellites that network 24. The GPS
21 of the constellation are active and they have 3 spares.

3.18.2 Application of GPS
The most common application after the initial military uses were for commercial civilian
application. Millions of users rely on the GPS system navigation in vehicles, aircraft, and
ships. This allows with a receiver to pinpoint their speed and positions on land, air and
sea, with incredible accuracy GPS also available for uses like hikers and ramblers can use
GPS receivers to ensure they following their chosen route to the points along the way.
Another, example services for instance, can use GPS not only to find their way to an
incident quicker than ever before and pinpoint the location of accidents and to allow the
correct assistance to arrive faster. This can and be sued for rescue teams that are looking
for rescue during extreme conditions. Research in the STEM fields have also use
applications to make sure for monitoring geographical activity. The GPS can help with
predicting climate change and produce accurate map.

Figure 30: General Satellite with Antenna

Courtesy of

3.18.3 GPS Alignment and Structure

There are three part to the GPS a constellation of 24 to 32 powered satellites orbiting
earth. The satellites are orbiting at the altitude about 20000 kilometers. They have master
control station and four control and monitor stations across the globe. Each of the orbits
of the satellites the receivers to detect at least for of the other four operational satellites.
The satellites send out microwave signals to a receiver where the built-in computer uses
the signals to work the accurate distance from each of the four satellite and then
triangulate you positions on the planet nearest based on these directions. The fourth
signal is redundant and is used to confirm the results of the initial calculation. If the
position calculation from 1-2-3 does not match the calculation for 1-2-4 then the

combinations of other satellites are tested till they are consistence. There is a process to
measuring the distance is based on time interval signals. There are time lags when a
receiver picks up signal from a different satellite.

3.18.4 GPS Mapping Software

The main use for use for the GPS is the navigation so the GPS mapping software has
been up to date. Generally, the road and structure are changes by 5 percent every year.
Thus, when new infrastructure is built, that changes the speed limits, and traffic signals
for examples. The mapping structure need to be often updated.

Figure 31: Sample of GPS Satellites Orbiting Earth

Courtesy of

The advantages to digital mapping include not rely on traditional method road map atlas
that can be obsolete in some areas. Companies in digital mapping work constantly to
update the GPS software to make it more available to their customers and most have the
most reliable navigation device. Most of the GPS satellites do not provide the maps
software, they instead offer the position lock that is then overlaid on the maps by your
GPS receiver.

All navigation devices come with preloaded maps, but to make sure you have the latest
maps for your navigation device, you must install updated GPS mapping software
regularly on your devices. Map updates are available in two forms: either purchase an
expansion card from a retailer or go online and download the updates to your computer
ready for installing next time you connect your navigation device.

The components inside a navigation device has a specific purpose and each is essential to
the functioning of the device. There are circuits too that control the information, map and
route displayed as well as to produce spoken directions and camera alerts in some

In order to carry out its main job of locking on to the global positioning system (GPS).
The GPS receives the microwave signals from the satellites in the GPS constellation. The
signals are then amplified and fed to the integrated circuits that analyze the signals and
calculate your position.

The circuitry uses a system known as trilateration, which is the 3D equivalent of

trilateration on a map. The trilateration process depends on the GPS device being able to
determine the distance to the satellites by timing the signals using its inbuilt clock. The
clock itself is an electronic circuit known as an oscillator.

Figure 32: Diagram Roadmap of Bluetooth Connection

3.18.5 GPS An Inside Look

Figure 33: General Internal Components of GPS

Courtesy of

3.18.6 GPS Trilateration

The trilateration is to determine the positions of the surface by the earth's timing signals
from three satellites in the GPS. The network that orbit the earth and send a signal to the
GPS receivers providing precise details of the receiver location, the time of the day, and
the speed of the device is moving in the relation to the three satellites. The signals travel
at the speed of light, but there is a delay because the satellites are at an altitude of tens of
thousands of kilometers above the earth.

Once a GPS device has distances for at least three satellites, it can perform the
trilateration calculations. Trilateration works in a similar way to pinpointing your position
on a map knowing the precise distance from three different landmarks using a pair of
compasses. Where the three circles centered on each of the landmarks overlap is your
location given the radius of each circle is your distance from each landmark.

Calculations are processed happens fast that allows the GPS device to pinpoint its
location, altitude (if it is in an aircraft), speed and direction. The transmissions are timed
to begin precisely on the minute and the half minute as indicated by the satellite's atomic
clock. The first part of the GPS signal tells the receiver the relationship between the
satellite's clock and GPS time. The next portion of data gives the receiver of the satellite's
precise orbit information.

Figure 34: GPS Trilateration Configuration
Courtesy of

3.18.7 GPS Error Boundaries

The main GPS error source is due to inaccurate time-keeping by the receiver's clock.
Microwave radio signals travelling at the speed of light from at least three satellites are
used by the receiver's built-in computer to calculate its position, altitude and velocity.
These small discrepancies between the GPS receiver's onboard clock and GPS time,
which synchronizes the whole global positioning system, mean distances calculated can
implicate false readings. There are two solutions to this problem.

● The first would be to use an atomic clock in each receiver.

● The second is to use some mathematical equations to account for the time-keeping
error based on how the signals from three or more satellite signals are detected by
the receiver, which essentially allows the receiver to reset its clock.

Thus, the second option is used due to the low costs by manufactures. Intrinsic error
source in GPS associated with the way the system works. When the GPS receivers
analyze three signals from satellites in the system and work out how long it has taken
each signal to reach them. This allows them to carry out a trilateration calculation to
pinpoint the exact location of the receiver.

The signals are transmitted by the satellites at a specific rate. Unfortunately, the
electronic detector in standard GPS devices is accurate to just 1 percent of a bit time. This
is approximately 10 billionths of a second (10 nanoseconds). Given that the GPS
microwave signals travel at the speed of light, this equates to an error of about 3 meters.

That means the standard GPS cannot determine position to greater than 3-metre accuracy.
More sophisticated GPS receivers used by the military are ten times more accurate to 300

Other errors arise because of atmospheric disturbances that distort the signals before they
reach a receiver. Reflections from buildings and other large, solid objects can lead to GPS
accuracy problems too. There may also be problems with the timekeeping accuracy and
the data onboard a satellite. These accuracy problems are circumvented by GPS receivers
which endeavor to lock on to more than three satellites to get consistent data.

3.19 Wireless Local Area Networking (Wi-Fi)

Wireless Local Area Network or Wi-Fi/Wi-Fi is a technology with devices networks in

the IEEE 802.11 standards. It has been trademarked by the Wi-Fi Alliance that certifies
products that have access to successfully operate with the network. Devices that use Wi-
Fi technology are considered compatible devices can connect to the internet via WlAN
network and Wireless access point. Theses access points have a range on average about
20 meters (66 feet) indoors and a greater range outdoors. Hotspot coverage can be as
small as a single room with walls that block radio waves, or a large as many square
kilometers with overlapping access points.

Wi-Fi generally has uses the 2.4 GHz Ultra High Frequency (UHF)and 5 GHz Super
High Frequency of Industrial, Scientific and Medical Radio Bands (SHF ISM). Having
no physical connections, it is more vulnerable to attack wired connection, such as

3.19.1 Wi-Fi Background

In 1991, NCR Corporation with AT&T Corporation invented the precursor to 802.11,
intended for use in cashier systems. The first wireless products were under the name
WaveLAN. They are the ones credited with inventing Wi-Fi. The name Wi-Fi,
commercially used at least as early as August 1999, was coined by the brand-consulting
firm Interbrand. The Wi-Fi Alliance had hired Interbrand to create a name that was "a
little catchier than 'IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence. Wi-Fi nodes operating in ad-hoc
mode refers to devices talking directly to each other without the need to first talk to an
access point (also known as base station). Ad-hoc mode was first invented and realized
by Chai K. Toh in his 1996 invention of Wi-Fi ad-hoc routing, implemented on Lucent
WaveLAN 802.11a wireless on IBM ThinkPad’s over a size nodes scenario spanning a
region of over a mile. The success was recorded in Mobile Computing magazine and later
published formally in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

Table 19: Comparison of 2 Different GPS Modules


Satellites 22 tracking, 66 searching 22 tracking, 56 searching

Antenna Size
15mm x 15mm x 4mm 18.4mm x 18.4mm x 4mm

Update Rate 350µA

1 to 10 Hz

Position Accuracy
3 meters 2.5 meters

Velocity Accuracy
0.1 meters/s 0.1 meters/s

Warm/Cold Start 29 seconds

34 seconds

Sensitivity -145 dBm -148 dBm

Sensitivity -165 dBm -165 dBm

Maximum Velocity
515m/s 515m/s

Vin Range
3.0-5.5VDC 3.3VDC

Operating Current
25mA tracking, 20 mA 30mA tracking, 20 mA
current draw during current draw during
navigation navigation

9600 baud default 9600 baud default

PRN 210 -

Jammer Detection Yes -

Cost $39.95 $15

The IEEE 802.11 standard is a set of media access control (MAC) and physical layer
(PHY) specifications for implementing wireless local area network (WLAN) computer
communication in the multiple different frequency bands 2.4, 3.6, 5, and 60 GHz. The
standard and amendments provide the basis for wireless network products using the Wi-
Fi brand. While each amendment is officially revoked when it is incorporated in the latest
version of the standard, the corporate world tends to market to the revisions because they
concisely denote capabilities of their products. As a result, in the marketplace, each
revision tends to become its own standard.

To connect to a Wi-Fi LAN, a computer must be equipped with a wireless network

interface controller. The combination of computer and interface controller is called a
station. For all stations that share a single radio frequency communication channel,
transmissions on this channel are received by all stations within range. Wi-Fi technology
may be used to provide Internet access to devices that are within the range of a wireless
network that is connected to the Internet. The coverage of one or more interconnected
access points (hotspots) can extend from an area as small as a few rooms to as large as
many square kilometers. Coverage in the larger area may require a group of access points
with overlapping coverage. Routers that incorporate a digital subscriber line modem or a
cable modem and a Wi-Fi access point, often set up in homes and other buildings,
provide Internet access and internetworking to all devices connected to them, wirelessly
or via cable.
Similarly, battery-powered routers may include a cellular Internet radio modem and Wi-
Fi access point. When subscribed to a cellular data carrier, they allow nearby Wi-Fi
stations to access the Internet over 2G, 3G, or 4G networks using the tethering technique.
Many smartphones have a built-in capability of this sort, including those based on
Android, BlackBerry, Bada, iOS (iPhone), Windows Phone and Symbian, though carriers
often disable the feature, or charge a separate fee to enable it, especially for customers
with unlimited data plans. "Internet packs" provide standalone facilities of this type as
well, without use of a smartphone; examples include the MiFi- and WiBro-branded
devices. Some laptops that have a cellular modem card can also act as mobile Internet
Wi-Fi access points.
A wireless access point (WAP) connects a group of wireless devices to an adjacent wired
LAN. An access point resembles a network hub, relaying data between connected
wireless devices in addition to a (usually) single connected wired device, most often an
Ethernet hub or switch, allowing wireless devices to communicate with other wired
devices. Wireless adapters allow devices to connect to a wireless network. These adapters
connect to devices using various external or internal interconnects such as PCI, miniPCI,
USB, ExpressCard, Cardbus and PC Card.

Figure 35: Illustration of Wi-Fi with Connected Devices
Courtesy of

Wireless routers integrate a Wireless Access Point, Ethernet switch, and internal router
firmware application that provides IP routing, NAT, and DNS forwarding through an
integrated WAN-interface. A wireless router allows wired and wireless Ethernet LAN
devices to connect to a (usually) single WAN device such as a cable modem or a DSL
modem. A wireless router allows all three devices, mainly the access point and router, to
be configured through one central utility. This utility is usually an integrated web server
that is accessible to wired and wireless LAN clients and often optionally to WAN clients.
Wireless network bridges connect a wired network to a wireless network.

A bridge differs from an access point: an access point connects wireless devices to a
wired network at the data-link layer. Two wireless bridges may be used to connect two
wired networks over a wireless link, useful in situations where a wired connection may
be unavailable, such as between two separate homes or for devices which do not have
wireless networking capability (but have wired networking capability), such as consumer
entertainment devices; alternatively, a wireless bridge can be used to enable a device
which supports a wired connection to operate at a wireless networking standard which is
faster than supported by the wireless network connectivity.

Table 21: Comparison of 2 different Wi-Fi


Wi-Fi Protocols 802.11 b/g/n 802.11 b/g/n

Frequency Range 2.4G-2.5G (2400M- 2.4G-2.5G (2400M-

2483.5M) 2483.5M) ~ 2.5 GHz

Tx Power 802.11 b: +20 dBm Not Given

802.11 g: +17dBm
802.11 n: +14 dBm

Rx Sensitivity 802.11 b: -91 dbm Not Given

802.11 g: -75 dbm
802.11 n: -72 dbm

Types of Antenna PCB Trace, External, IPEX Not Given

Ceramic Chip

Peripheral Bus UART/SDIO/SPI/I2C/I2

UART/SDIO/SPI/I2C/I2S/I S/IR Remote Control
R Remote Control

Operating Voltage 3.0~3.6V 2.2 ~ 3.6V

Operational Current 80mA 80 mA

Security WPA/WPA2 WPA/WPA2/WPA2-


Network Protocols IPv4, IPv4, IPv6, SSL,


Price $9.99 $8.95

3.19.2 Wifi Security

Wireless network security is its simplified access to the network compared to traditional
wired networks such as Ethernet. With wired networking, one must either gain access to a
building (physically connecting into the internal network), or break through an external
firewall. To enable Wi-Fi, one merely needs to be within the range of the Wi-Fi network.
Most business networks protect sensitive data and systems by attempting to disallow
external access. Enabling wireless connectivity reduces security if the network uses
inadequate or no encryption.
Wi-Fi Protected Access encryption (WPA2) is considered secure, provided a strong
passphrase is used. A proposed modification to WPA2 is WPA-OTP or WPA3, which
stores an on-chip optically generated one time pad on all connected devices which is
periodically updated via strong encryption then hashed with the data to be sent or
received. This would be unbreakable using any (even quantum) computer system as the
hashed data is essentially random and no pattern can be detected if it is implemented
properly. Main disadvantage is that it would need multi-GB storage chips so would be
expensive for the consumers.
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption was designed to protect against casual
snooping but it is no longer considered secure. Because of WEP's weakness the Wi-Fi
Alliance approved Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) which uses TKIP. WPA was
specifically designed to work with older equipment usually through a firmware upgrade.
Though more secure than WEP, WPA has known vulnerabilities.

3.20 Diodes
Diodes are used in many applications, from solar power generation, frequency mixing in
radio frequency communications, and AC-to-DC power conversion. Diodes are electrical
components that control the direction of the flow of current and prevents this flow from
going in the opposite direction by acting as a block. A diode has two polarized terminals:
one is called the anode and the other is the cathode. The anode is the positive end of a
diode while the cathode is the negative end of the diode. Current flows from the anode to
the cathode.
An ideal diode’s primary function is to perform like a precise conductor when current
flows forward from the anode to the cathode and like an insulator so that no current can
flow from the cathode to the anode. The relationship between the voltage and current can
be seen in the image below. Ideal diodes have two operational modes: forward-biased and
reverse-biased. The graph in Figure 36 shows when the voltage is negative, the diode is
reverse-biased. This means the diode is turned off, current is zero because current cannot
flow, and the diode performs like an open circuit. When the voltage is zero or becomes
non-negative, the diode is forward-biased. The diode turns on, current conducts and
increases to an infinite amount, and the diode performs like a short circuit.

Figure 36: The Voltage and Current Relationship of an Ideal Diode
Courtesy of Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design

In applicable cases, diodes are not ideal because of a number of factors. Some diodes,
depending on the material can have forward resistances and use some power when it is
forward-biased. Applicable diodes have similar characteristics as the ideal; however, one
of the biggest differences is that applicable diodes operate in three modes: forward-
biased, reverse-biased, and breakdown.
A diode is forward-biased when the voltage across it is positive and the voltage is greater
than the forward voltage. Depending on the material, diodes can have a barrier potential
and forward resistance that it takes into consideration. As a result, the forward voltage is
the set voltage where the current becomes significant. In diodes made from silicon
material, the forward voltage is 0.7 volts while a diode made from germanium is 0.3
volts. Once it surpasses the forward voltage, the diode is turned on and current flows
A diode is reverse-biased when the voltage is less than the forward voltage and greater
than the breakdown voltage. This voltage can positive and negative, depending on the
value of the forward voltage. The diode is turned off and the flow of current is blocked.
However, a very small amount of current is able to flow back through the diode in the
direction of the cathode to the anode.
The breakdown mode in a diode is when the voltage applied across it is immensely
negative. As a result, current flows in the reverse direction, from the cathode to the anode
in large amounts.

Figure 37: Voltage and Current Relationship of an Applicable Diode
Courtesy of Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design

There are many types of diodes and the main types are Zener, light-emitting, and
Schottky. A Zener diode a semiconductor diode allows current to flow from the anode to
the cathode. However, Zener diodes allow current to flow reversely, once it reaches a
voltage known as Zener voltage. This voltage is a very specific breakdown voltage can be
as low as -24 volts. The image in Figure 38 gives a visual of the relationship of the
current and voltages.

Figure 38: Voltage and Current Relationship of a Zener Diode
A light-emitting diode, also known as LED, is a semiconductor diode that allows current
through one direction. An LED is very similar to a general diode; however, the LED has
a higher required forward voltage so that the light can emit. This forward voltage can
range from 1.2 volts to 4 volts, depending on the color that the LED produces. Infra-red
has the lowest forward voltage while the color white has the highest forward voltage. The
image in Figure 39 shows the relationship between the voltage and the current.

Figure 39: Voltage and Current Relationship of an LED

Courtesy of

Figure 40: Voltage and Current Relationship of a Schottky Diode

Courtesy of

A Schottky diode is a semiconductor diode that is formed with another metal. This diode

has a smaller forward voltage than a general diode, ranging from 0.15 volts to 0.45 volts.
The images below show the graphs of the relationship between the voltage and current.
The image in Figure 40 below shows the voltage and current relationship of the Schottky
diode compared to a general diode.
The main types of diodes were compared to determine the best diode for the bioelectric
Table 22: Comparison of Different Types of Diodes

Type of Diode General Zener Diode LED Schottky


Forward Voltage 0.3 0.65 1.2- 3 0.15-0.45


Breakdown Low -24 to -3 Low Low

Voltage (V)

Ultimately, it was decided that a general diode would be used. Two types of diode were
researched and a comparison of their characteristics can be seen in Table 23.
Table 23: Comparison of 2 Diodes

Name 1N4148 1N4454

Company Digi-Key Mouser Electronics

Max. Forward Voltage (V) 1 1

DC Forward Current(mA) 300mA 600

Breakdown Voltage (V) 75-100 75

Max. Reverse Current(μA) 5 100

Reverse Recovery Time (ns) 4 4

Price $0.10 $0.10

The type of diode that will be used in the bioelectric smartwatch is the 1N4148 diode
because of its availability. This diode has a fast switching speed and can be used for
rectification purposes. For the bioelectric smartwatch, the diode will prevent sudden
inductive voltage spikes. In a circuit when the connections are broken, a high voltage
pulse can occur. Thus, a voltage spike can occur. To prevent this spike from occurring
and from causing possible damages to the rest of the components, a diode is placed in
parallel to the inductive load so the current flow through the inductor is not blocked. This

will allow current to dissipate over time.

3.21 Ordered Components

The electrical components to create the smart watch were ordered, and most have arrived.
The arrival of the components means that testing can be conducted, and breadboarding
can be conducted before the PCB is designed.

Figure 41: Smartwatch Ordered Components

The components ordered are listed below:

● A.) Bluetooth module
● B.) Lithium battery charge controller
● C.) ADC
● D.) Arduino Pro Mini Microcontroller
● E.) Tactile switches
● F.) 3.7V lithium battery
● G.) AFE4490
● H.) Vibrating motor
● I.) GPS module
● J.) OLED screen

One thing to note is that not all of the components are pictured, because not all have

4.0 Related Standards and Design Constraints (IEEE)
Standards define characteristics of a product, process or service, such as dimensions,
safety aspects and performance requirements. Standards play a very important role in the
process of essentially all designs. There a quite a few standards that apply to design of
the bioelectric smartwatch. The standards utilized in our design process will be collected
from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standards Association.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is a professional association
geared towards the educational and technical advancements of electrical engineering,
telecommunications, computer engineering, and allied disciplines, develops standards to
maximize the reliability of materials, products, methods, and services that people use
4.1 Related Standards
For this project, many health measurements will be acquired. As a result, many of the
related standards deal with making sure that regulations are enforced and that protocols
will be taken into consideration in the design of the bioelectric smartwatch. The related
health standards created by IEEE will be acknowledged below to prevent any health and
safety issues from occurring.
There are several organizations in which develop and provide standards. Some of the
organizations are The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and NSSN: National
Resource for Global Standards, just to name a few. Standards yield a set of requirements
in which assist in the connection of one system to another.
Additional standards that are considered for the design and production of the bioelectric
smartwatch are the IPC standards. The IPC is an administration in which links electronic
industries. The IPC is authorized by an organization which is known worldwide. The
organization is The American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The American
National Standards Institute well known for their standards within the industry of
electronics. Their standards are broadly accepted worldwide. The IPC develops standards
industry wide for printed circuit boards (PCB’s), design, assemble, development, and
plenty other aspects. Although not many of the standards developed by the IPC impact us
directly for the design of the bioelectric smartwatch. These standards do however impact
the manufacturers of the elements utilized in the design of the bioelectric smartwatch. If
these standards did not exist for manufacturers, components needed for our design may
not operate correctly, or might not even exist. That being the case, while these standards
do not directly impact the design of the bioelectric smartwatch, they do impact the device
4.1.1 IEEE Health Informatics
The IEEE Std 11073-10441 is a portion of standards outlined for personal health device
communication devices. This standard, in particular, establishes a normative definition of
the communication between personal cardiovascular fitness and activity monitoring
devices and managers in a manner that enables plug-and play interoperability. This
standard was created so that users can be better informed in managing their health.
Managers are defined as cell phones, personal computers, personal health appliances, and
set top boxes. Some key factors to take into consideration from this standard, especially
regarding the bioelectric smartwatch measurements are heart rate and speed.
In the standard, heart rate is measured as a numeric value. Heart rates can be observed
either as the maximum, minimum, or mean values for a session or sub session, or as an
instantaneous value. The rate is a key indicator of physical exertion. In particular, the
maximum observed heart rate is an important observation that might be used to calculate
the VO2max of a user. VO2max, also known as maximal oxygen consumption, is the
maximum rate of oxygen consumption as measured in exercise that increases intensity
over time. With activity intensity, calculations can be made to find VO2max by
multiplying the maximum recommended heart rate by 0.70. Another calculation that can
be made is the maximum recommended heart rate which can be given by the estimation:
Maximum recommended heart rate= 220 - age.
Where age can be inputted manually by the user. The maximum recommended heart rate
can be useful in providing context for the other values like the maximum, minimum, and
mean observed heart rates achieved during an exercise session.
The bioelectric smartwatch will also have an accelerometer to inform the user about the
number of steps taken. From the defined standard, this is a numeric measure called stride
length. It defines this measurement as a measure of the distance covered in a single
stride/step when walking or running. It is either captured as a minimum, mean, and
maximum value over a session or sub session or as an instantaneous value. For the
smartwatch, the accelerometer will be able to calculate the distance by using programmed
algorithms and the vibrations that arise when a person moves their hands when walking.
That swinging motion will then be able to show the distance.
Since the bioelectric smartwatch measures activity over a period of time called a session,
information will be included about the date and time of the session, as well as the session
duration and the activity that was measured during the session. The bioelectric
smartwatch will provide measurements periodically as defined in section 12 of the
standard where physical activity monitors are required to have some form of continuous
monitoring sessions.

4.1.2 IEEE Recommended Practice for General Principles of

Temperature Measurements as Applied to Electrical Apparatus
The IEEE Std. 119-1974 discusses guidelines and techniques for proper temperature
measurement in applications. Accurate determination of the temperature can be within a
degree or two may satisfy the need. The most general guideline mentioned is that when
temperature is expressed in Celsius, it can be changed to Fahrenheit by using the equation
𝐹= ⋅ (𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑖𝑢𝑠) + 32
The standard also states that when determining the technique to determine temperature,
the factors below must be considered:

1) Accuracy of the measurement is required
2) Physical characteristics of the component be monitored
3) Accessibility of the part to be monitored
4) Permanency of instrumentation to be installed (short-term study/ life of the equipment
5) Range of temperatures to be monitored
6) Location of readout device (local/remote)
7) Electrical potential of component being monitored
The image in Figure 42 shows the characteristics of the different temperature
measurement techniques and special directions and precautions that need to be taken
under consideration. The type of skin temperature sensor that will be used in this project
go under temperature-sensitive materials. In this category, it is required that access to the
surface being monitored is necessary.
For applications, such as the bioelectric smartwatch, the sensor should be in direct
contact with the medium being monitored rather than separated from it by a wall, like a
thermometer well. In section 3.6 of the standard, the procurement of constant or
insignificant change in temperature reading is not necessarily adequate because of a
process known as temperature equalization. This natural tendency is the flow of heat
from regions where higher temperatures are to lower temperatures. Also, the time the
sensor takes to measure this change in temperature needs to be taken into consideration.
Because of this lag in measurement, it should be indicated to the user that a change in
temperature occurs.

4.1.3 IEEE Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Portable

IEEE Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Portable Computing is a standard that is
used as a guide for the design and manufacture of lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-ion
polymer (Li-ion polymer) rechargeable battery packs used for portable computing. In
order to prevent battery system failure, this standard has provided clear approaches to
design, test and evaluate a cell, battery pack and host device. System reliability is
dependent upon the compliance of the provisions of the standard, including subsystem
interface design responsibilities for each subsystem designer/manufacturer/supplier and
the end user being properly educated.
Due to the fact that this standard covers rechargeable battery systems for portable
computing, criteria has been established in order to ensure maximum operational
performance in terms of design analysis for qualification, quality and reliability. The
battery technologies covered within this standard only include Li-ion and Li-ion polymer
but also mentioned are
● Battery pack electrical and mechanical construction
● System, pack, and cell level charge and discharge controls

● Battery status communications.

Figure 42: Image of Temperature Measurement Characteristics

Courtesy of

Furthermore, this standard focuses on and addresses:

● Qualification process
● Manufacturing process control
● Energy capacity and demand management
● Levels of management and control in the battery systems
● Current and planned lithium-based battery chemistries
● Packaging technologies
● Considerations for end-user notification as well.

Although this standard cannot guarantee protection or safety for battery users, it does
provide recommendations for design analyses and certain testing procedures to ensure
reliable user experience and operation of batteries in portable computing environments. It
is the responsibility of the manufacturer/supplier to comply with such standards as well
as the end user. It is also important to note that this standard cannot provide a complete
guarantee against hazards to the end user (such as fire, explosion and leakage) as it can
only contemplate reasonable intended use by the end user.

The battery pack will be designed in order to reduce hazards from contamination of
electronic circuits by electrolyte from leaking cells. Minimizing hazards from foreign
objects and external sources of liquids will also be incorporated into the design of the
battery pack and connector. Strategic implementations are included in the design of the
circuit board and in the assembling process of the battery packs such as:
● providing accurate runner spacing, soldering area size, and distance from each
other, especially for power traces
● providing adequate process control from solder balls, solder flashes, solder
bridges, and foreign debris. Sufficient electrical, thermal and mechanical ratings
will be applied to all components such as connectors, cables, tabs, insulators and circuit
Whether the battery pack is installed in the device or removed from it, the output current
will be limited in the event of an external short circuit. Battery packs will have methods
to limit current, such as including protective circuits at the cell level and including
connector structure to minimize the possibility of an accidental external short circuit of
the battery terminals.
Over-temperature precautions will be incorporated to prevent hazards from occurring due
to operation above maximum temperature or time limitations. Temperature ranges will be
set based on surrounding environment temperature and the heat interactions between cell,
battery pack and host device by the ranges recommended by the manufacturer/suppliers
of the cells, battery packs and host devices. The battery pack alone will contain at least
one thermal protection circuit or device independent of internal cell devices or
mechanisms whereas the combination of cell, battery pack and host device will contain
two. Upon temperature and time limitations being exceeded, the battery pack will shut
down or use another protective action whereas the host device only may take action by
shutting down or using another protective action.
The upper voltage and current limits of the cell, as specified by the
manufacturer/supplier, will determine the maximum charging voltage and current in
accordance with the agreement set by the cell, battery pack and host device
manufacturers/suppliers. The charge control will be located in the battery pack and it will
be a circuit or device in order to prevent overcharging. The combination of cell, battery
pack and host device will control the charge if overcharging occurs by detecting the
voltage of each cell block. In doing so, they will have at least three independent
overcharge protection functions.
Similar to the precaution for overcharging, the minimum discharge voltage and current
will be determined by the lowest voltage and current limit of the cell as specified by the
cell manufacturer/supplier in order to prevent over-discharge.
In terms of overcurrent precautions, the battery pack will contain at least one overcurrent
protect circuitry, such as a fuse or PTC resistor, to comply with the upper limit discharge
current and time limitations set by the manufacturers/suppliers of the cells, battery packs
and portable devices.
The focus of the design of the connector/terminal will be to prevent shorting by contact

with a conductive object in order to minimize the chances of an accidental short circuit.
The finals aspects of this standard are identifying the final underlying uses and functions
of the battery. This standard allows us, the developers of the Bioelectric Smartwatch, to
understand all the functions and capabilities of the battery along with how it should be
used to successfully be able operate it within the Bioelectric Smartwatch.
4.1.4 Definitions and Concepts for Dynamic Spectrum Access
The IEEE Standard Definitions and Concepts for Dynamic Spectrum Access:
Terminology Relating to Emerging Wireless Networks, System Functionality, and
Spectrum Management presents standard provides definitions and explanations of key
concepts in the fields of spectrum management, cognitive radio, policy-defined radio,
adaptive radio, software-defined radio, and related technologies. This standard goes
further that straightforward definitions by elaborating upon terms in the circumstances of
technology that utilize them. This standard also explains how these technologies develop
new capabilities meanwhile supporting new prototypes of spectrum management such as
dynamic spectrum access.
4.1.5 Software Life Cycle Processes
The 12207-IEEE Software Life Cycle Processes provides a general framework for the
development of software. The standard explores the different aspects throughout the
lifetime of a software from system. It covers the development, operation, maintenance, as
well as the removal of software from a system. This standard overall:
● Specifies the Technical Management processes from ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 that
are required to be implemented for planning a systems engineering project
● Gives guidelines for applying the required processes.
● Specifies a required information item, a plan for the technical management and
execution of the project that is to be produced through the implementation of the
Project Planning process.
● Gives guidelines for the format and content of the required information item, and
provides normative definition of the content of the information item that results
from the application of these processes to that end. In this part of ISO/IEC/IEEE
24748 that plan for technical project management is termed the Systems
Engineering Management Plan (SEMP).

4.1.5 Systems Life Cycle Processes

15288-2015-IEEE: Systems Life Cycle Processes standard demonstrates an engineering
standpoint of a common structure of process descriptions for describing the life cycle of
systems by defining a set of processes and related terms. These processes are applicable
at any level in a system’s structure and certain sets of these processes can also be applied
throughout the life cycle for managing and performing the stages of a system’s life cycle.
To the benefit of an organization or a project, this standard also offers processes that
support the definition, control and improvement of the system life cycle processes to be
used for acquiring and supplying systems. Included within this standard are man-made
systems that may be configured with one or more of the following system elements:

● Hardware
● Software
● Data
● Humans
● Processes
● Procedures
● Facilities
● Materials
● Naturally occurring entities

Providing a defined set of processes to ease communication among acquirers, suppliers

and other stakeholders in the life cycle of a system while being applied to organizations
as both acquirers and suppliers is the purpose of this standard. The processes can be used
as a foundation for establishing business environments, including methods, procedures,
techniques, tools and trained personnel.
This standard covers the importance of effective communication between a group of
individuals as well as what the most beneficial way for us to reach the goal of our design.
The standard kickoff is the initiation process. We achieved this criterion of the standard
by completing our initial project document scope.
The next aspect of the standard is the development of the system concept. In this aspect
of the standard, we mapped out the main goals for the project. After identifying the goals
of the project the next aspect is the planning phase. Within the planning phase, a lot of
uncertainty or disorder of the project is rectified. This is where we laid out certain goals
and deadlines for the project such as deadlines for having parts ordered and when to
begin testing components. After the planning aspect is the requirement analysis in which
to delve into the specifications as well as the requirements as well as the scope of our
In order to achieve this, similar technologies to what we are using were researched to see
what components and technologies would be most useful to us and why. Throughout this
aspect of the standard is where we realized what components would be most suitable in
the design of the bioelectric smartwatch. The next aspect is the development aspect.
Within this aspect of the standard, physical components come into play. This is when we
start to test as well as construct and layout integrations as well as testing of components.
The final aspect of this standard is the results aspect. Within this aspect of the standard
we map out complications and issues in which we encounter then go back to design a
new aspect of the issue. We essential identify an issue and use new designing as well as
trial and error to rectify the issue.
The finals aspects of the standard are identifying the final underlying uses and functions
of the device. This allows the user of the bioelectric smartwatch to understand all the
functions and capabilities of the device along with how to operate it.
4.1.6 IEEE Standard for Sensor Performance Parameter Definitions
IEEE Standard for Sensor Performance Parameter Definitions standard introduces an
established system of methods used in determining sensor performance. This standard

satisfies the necessity that sensor performance is specified and will relieve non-scalable
integration challenges. This standard outlines a collection of performance variables in
which distributions, units, and conditions for sensors. This standard outlines the
accuracies in which the pulse sensor within the Bioelectric Smartwatch will utilize.
4.1.7 IEEE Bluetooth Standard
The Bluetooth IEEE standard 802.15 will not have much impact on our design. This
being because we will be utilizing already developed Bluetooth modules for use within
our design. We will only be designing how we will incorporate the use of these already
established components and how we will incorporate them within the infrastructure of the
Bioelectric Smartwatch.

4.1.8 NASA Standard for Soldering

Nasa Technical Standard: Soldered Electrical Connections is a standard that was
developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). In this
standard, NASA examine numerous significant factors which should be utilized in order
for one’s soldering technique to be deemed acceptable. In this standard, NASA utilizes
numerous diagrams as well as tables in order to portray exactly just how contacts should
appear when they are properly soldered. This standard incorporates multiple surface
mount soldering approaches, such as, round-lead termination. It also includes through-
hole soldering techniques as well. The figure below describes a few of the surface mount
techniques for soldering.

Figure 43: Formal Soldering Technique

Courtesy of

4.1.9 IEEE Wireless Local Area Network Assisted GPS in Seamless

The IEEE Wireless Local Area Network Assisted GPS in Seamless Positioning states

that, “Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is a new information access platform
which can be used to achieve positioning, monitoring and tracking in wide area. Self-
positioned of the network node is the basis and prerequisite for most applications,
although the current popular Wi-Fi positioning technology is a position solution for
WLAN series standard” [37]. This standard describes satellite navigation as well as
positioning technologies. This standard also describes various calibration procedures as
well as satellite positioning and navigation. Our Bioelectric Smartwatch utilizes this
standard because our watch utilizes GPS for both outdoor as well as indoor.

4.1.10 PCB Standard

The IPC is an administration in which links electronic industries and has developed a
Printed Circuit Board standard. The IPC is authorized by an organization which is
known worldwide. The IPC gained its accreditation from the American National
Standards Institute to develop standards. The Association of Connecting Electronic
Industries creates standards that cover the assembly as well as the production
requirements that is utilized within electronic equipment. Listed below are some printed
circuit board (PCB) standards

● The IPC 2615 establishes the standard for the Printed Circuit Board Dimensions
and tolerances.
● The IPC-D-325A indicates the necessary documentation requirements needed
for Printed Circuit Boards.
● The IPC-ET-652 indicates the necessary guidelines as well as requirements for
Electrical Testing of Unpopulated Printed Circuit Boards.
● The IPC-2221A indicates the necessary general standard used within Printed
Circuit Board Design.
● The IPC-6011 indicates the necessary general performance specification for
Printed Circuit Boards.
● IPC J-STD-001ES indicates the necessary requirements utilized within soldering
electrical and electronics fabrications.
● IPC J-STD-004B indicates the necessary requirements for soldering fluxes.

4.1.11 IEEE Standard for I2C and SPI 1451.7

The IEEE standard 1451.7 describes the smart transducer interface for sensors. This
standard is created to make it possible to connect a multitude of transducers (sensors) in
a network. The network may be wired, or wireless. This relates to our project, because
it contains the standards for using SPI, and I2C communication with sensors. The
sensors in the Bioelectric Smartwatch use both SPI and I2C communication methods.

The SPI (serial peripheral interface) standard describes that SPI is the method of
sending data out of the SO (serial output) of one device into the SI (serial input) of the
other. Each bit is sent is sent serially, or one bit per clock cycle to make up a total of 8
bits. This is how information is exchanged between two devices that utilize SPI. It is
common to use frequencies of 10kHz to 100Mhz for SPI, but this standard suggests

2Mhz. For SPI sensors, a chip enable (SS) pin is implemented to allow for a single
master microcontroller to control multiple slave sensors. Figure 44 displays this
relationship. SPI is the easiest method to communicate on serial busses. The hardware
implementation of the master and the slave can be carried out with ease.

Figure 44: SPI Standard Demonstration

Courtesy of

The next part of the IEEE 1451.7 standard describes the I2C (inter-integrated circuit)
standard for interfacing sensors. I2C is also an option for most of the sensors in the
project, and may be used for the accelerometer.

With I2C circuits, the bus only contains one clock line, and the input/output trace is
combined into one trace. The master, or microcontroller, will control the clock to
synchronize the data. The data being sent from the MCU to the sensor contains the
address, so multiple sensors can be connected to the same input/output line.

Figure 45: I2C Standard Demonstration

Courtesy of

I2C is a common bus communication protocol. The advantage of the I2C bus is that it
only uses 2 wires to send and receive data. However, because it only uses two wires, it
is more difficult to program the interchange of communication.

4.1.12 Health Informatics Personal Health Device - 11073-10404-2010

In this standard pulse oximetry is described. This is pertinent, because the pulse sensor is
the most difficult to implement and important part of the smartwatch.

Pulse oximetry analyzes the amount of SpO2, or amount of Oxygen saturated in the
blood. The standard refers to measuring the pulse of the user. During moderate, or low
stress activities, using pulse oximetry may not be sensitive and give either unrealistic or
fluctuating measurements. “Modality” of the pulse measurements may be employed to
gather more realistic data. Modality is an algorithm that smoothes the measurement data
via averaging or by other means. This modality is also called “slow response.”

Pulse sensors will send measurements on a periodic base. They may send a
measurement once every second. The standard also mentions that the pulse oximeter
may send a data point every time that an acceptable value is measured, or converge on a
“best value.” This best value technique is also called a “spot check.” The device does
not simply show the first data point, but shows the “best” value.

This standard also mentions that while measuring the blood Oxygen levels is
convenient, it is not the same as measuring the heart’s pulse directly. The heart needs to
beat, and then needs to send blood to the artery, and create enough arterial pressure for
the pulse sensor to register a measurement. This means that there can be more error
within pulse oximetry. This also means that an ECG (electrocardiogram) may be more
accurate than a pulse oximetry measuring device because the ECG directly measures
the pulse of the heart by measuring the voltage across the heart. The heart pulsating
produces an instant pulse indication with the heartbeat signal.

There are also multiple ways to use the blood Oxygen levels collected by pulse
oximeter. To use Pulse Oximetry, at least one of the uses of blood Oxygen must be
collected and sent to a data manager. The data can be stored on the device and sent later
(hours or days depending on storage), or the data can be sent immediately to the
manager. Either method constitutes a pulse oximetry design.

4.2 Design Constraints

Any project or endeavor that a group of individuals, team, or company embarks on will
have some challenges, which are also known as constraints. Design constraints are design
decisions that sets limits on any project. These constraints anticipate potential problems
that may arise and take into consideration other factors that may have a negative impact
on the final design.
The major challenges of implementing a pulse sensor in a watch will be noise and
position. Typically, pulse is measured from the hands, or finger tips, but our goal is to be
able to read the pulse from the wrist. This means, that the group will need to find a way
to obtain a steady pulse signal from the wrist by means of amplification, infrared device
selection, or physical position in the watch. The user of the watch will also move around
quite a bit; thus it will be difficult to get a steady signal. Noise can be introduced from the
movement of the sensors, and the ambient light. This means that filters, and light
isolation must be implemented to obtain a usable signal.

Though GPS technology has been around for a few years the only constraint is when
there is no internet connection then the system would only have to rely on the closest cell

tower for calibration. If due our client possibly being in a remote location, it may
interfere with smartwatch emergency alerts and pinpointing location in an emergency.

Another constraint is not getting enough participants to train and verify our bioelectric
smartwatch, test usability of the different functions of the smartwatch, and accuracy of
measured results. We must work together to really push ourselves to create a real novice
medical device and contribute to the research community.
In addition to the challenges that we will fill in designing and building the bioelectric
smartwatch, some other constraint factors need to be taken into consideration for this
project. The main categories are listed below:
● Economic
● Environmental
● Ethical
● Health and Safety
● Social
● Time

4.2.1 Economic and Time Constraints

Economic constraints will limit the type of components used in the bioelectric
smartwatch. Although this project will be funded by the members of the group, it is
important to take costs in consideration to make this device a feasible and marketable
product for potential consumers. Consequently, price, among other factors, has been a
factor in picking the type of components used for this project. Another economic
constraint is that currently, the market for body composition smartwatches has been
going down. If this device were to be marketable for users, the main goal would be to
present additional features that existing watches do not have.
One of the largest constraint of this project is time. Instead of completing Senior Design
II in the fall when there are sixteen weeks in the semester, our group will completer
Senior Design II in the summer. This summer semester only has about eleven weeks.
This duration of time will include implementing and testing our design to ensure that
everything is working properly and that time will be assigned for any issues that occur,
Time will also be allocated in the event that components need to be reordered or any
modifications made to the layout of the printed circuit board can be received and tested
accordingly. As a result, it is important to practice time management and be strict on
meeting deadlines in order to successful.
4.2.2 Environmental, Health and Safety Constraints
Because the bioelectric smartwatch will perform health measurements, it is important to
consider the health and safety of the user. Electrical components need to be properly
insulated and covered to ensure that it doesn’t pose a risk to the person wearing it.

An environmental constraint involves the wireless communication used in the bioelectric
smartwatch. Although GPS technology has been around for a few years and has many
advantages, it comes with slight setbacks. When there is no internet connection, the
system would only have to rely on the closest cell tower for calibration. In the event that
the user is in a remote location, it may interfere with the smartwatch’s emergency alert
system and make pinpointing their location difficult during an emergency.
Health concerns that may occur to design are skin irritation. The main causes of skin
irritation are the belt and elevated parts of the sensor. Belt width and softness are
extremely important for the prolonged use. Optical sensor features an elevated, dome
like, structure to allow better contact with the skin. However, the sensor creates more
pressure at the contact with the skin.
Wrists are not very convenient for physiological sensors, mostly because of the motion
artifacts, access to the skin (e.g. hairy skin), or skin complexion darker skin provides less
reliable measurements.
4.2.3 Ethical and Social Constraints
The bioelectric smartwatch is advertised for anyone who is interested in monitoring their
health. We must ensure that this product is user-friendly and adaptable to meet the user’s
needs. Our goal is to make this device not only easily available but secure.
One main social and ethical constraint is the accuracy of the health information. The
bioelectric smartwatch will be worn on the wrist. Because of its placement, similar to
wearable health monitoring devices on the market, the data that is collected is not
necessarily of use to physicians. Most of these devices are not certified medical devices
so physicians are skeptical to use the information that these types of devices record. In
addition to meeting the accuracy standard as defined in section 4.1, external factors can
also affect the accuracy of the device such as PCB layout or excessive movement. In
order to ensure that there is transparency and that users are aware of all aspects of the
bioelectric smartwatch; a disclaimer will be created.
4.2.4 Electrical Safety Constraints
Because the bioelectric smartwatch will perform many tasks at once, it will rely heavily
upon the proper operation to be safe for users. All components within the bioelectric
smartwatch must be safe. These components must be safe for those designing as well as
the users of the device. First and foremost, no wires should be exposed on any part if the
device. Also, we must try our best to prevent short circuits. A short circuit could be
detrimental to the device and can bring harm to the use of the bioelectric smartwatch. A
short circuit can cause battery failure. This failure could in turn lead to an explosion of
the battery as well as the device. These electrical safety constraints will be taken into
consideration within the design as well as development of the bioelectric smartwatch to
keep the developers out of harm’s way, but most importantly the users of the device.

5.0 Project Design
The project design section is intended to describe the designs that will be implemented to
allow the smart watch to function. The project’s overall design will be broken down into
subsystems to better analyze how the watch will be implemented, and how it will

5.1 Motor Design

The motor is one of the more simple parts of the smart watch. The motor will be used to
bring the attention of the user to the watch’s notifications. This means that the motor
must vibrate enough to alert the user, without vibrating too much and creating unwanted
noise. The motor used in the design is the Adafruit Mini Motor Disk because it is small
enough to fit in the watch, was the cheapest option, and works with the voltage supply

Figure 46: Motor Schematic

The datasheet for the vibrating motor claims that it works with voltages from 2V-5V.
Testing was conducted on the motor with the Agilent E3630A Triple Output DC Power
Supply as the power supply. The power supply output voltage was increased until the
motor produced just enough vibration to be felt by the hand. The motor began vibrating

noticeably at 0.5V. The voltage was then increased to 3.7V to see if that was enough
voltage to create sufficient voltage to alert the user, because the supply battery’s voltage
is 3.7V. The motor produced sufficient force to alert the user.

The schematic of the vibrating motor design is shown in Figure 46. The BJT base pin is
connected to a general input/output pin on the microcontroller to throttle the motor. It
only needs to be a general digital pin, because the voltage at the base can be a constant
value. A resistance of 5kΩ is used in place of R5 to drop the output voltage from 3.5V to
0.8V at the base.

5.2 Power Design

The power design of the watch is a crucial element to the success of the watch. The watch
must be able to power many components simultaneously, while also having a long
enough lifespan to satisfy the user. If this design is not properly designed, insufficient
voltage could turn off components, overvoltage could damage components, and voltage
fluctuations could cause bad performance of the device.

The watch is a portable device, thus when the watch is not being charged a lithium
battery will act as a supply. The battery being used is a 3.7V, 500mAh battery. This
battery will be connected to a charging circuit, and a voltage regulation circuit. While a
battery is charging, and discharging, the voltage will fluctuate. This is not acceptable as
an input for a circuit, because components like the AFE have sensitive inputs that can be
affected by these fluctuations. This creates a need for a voltage regulation circuit that can
keep the secondary components supplied.

The voltage regulator that will be used is a boost regulator that has linear down regulation
capability. This regulator will keep the output at 3.3V, which will work with every
component in the watch. The maximum voltage that can be supplied by the battery or the
charger when it is fully charged is 4.2V. This regulator will down regulate up to 5V, so it
will keep the components properly supplied even when the battery is charging. This is
important if the user would like to turn on the device while it is turned on. The voltage
regulator claims an efficiency of up to 90%, which is an excellent efficiency for this

The motor will not be regulated by the voltage regulator because it will reduce losses that
are introduced by the power supply. Instead, the motor circuit will be directly supplied by
the battery, and will not be a secondary power component. The motor is able to handle
the full voltage of the battery; thus, it will not be necessary to regulate the voltage to the
motor. Also, the difference in force output by the motor between 3.2 and 4.2V (operating
voltage of the supply battery) is not noticeable to the user. The reason for choosing not
regulate the motor’s voltage is essentially to save power.

It can be seen in Figure 47 that the microcontroller, screen, analog to digital converter,
AFE, temp sensor, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth will all be receiving the 3.3V DC. Components
were chosen strategically to have compatible input voltages, to minimize efforts on

designing power supply circuits.

Figure 47: Power Block Diagram

5.2.1 Power Consumption

Table 24: Device current consumption
Component Max Current Draw

Microcontroller 150 mA

Wifi 215 mA

Bluetooth 50 mA

ADC .15mA

Temp Sensor .012 mA

Screen 200 mA

AFE 50 mA

Motor 100 mA

Total 765 mA

When considering what to power the smart watch, power consumption is the most
important calculation. One must know how much power is being drawn to match the
correct power supply. Data on current consumption can be found within the datasheet for
each component, however, the amount of draw on each of these components can vary
drastically depending on what the component is actually doing. Many of the components
in the watch can be drawing much more than their max, depending on what function that
they carrying out and depending on what mode they are in (operational, rest, shutdown).

When calculating how much current a device draws, it is important to calculate the
maximum power drawn to make sure that both the supply and the regulation can handle
the current draw. Table 24 shows that the calculated maximum current draw from the
watch components is 765mA if all of the components are working at their maximum at
the same time. This obviously is not likely, nor will it be programmed to do so, but it is
important to make sure that the upper bound is calculated to make sure that the correct
battery and regulator are chosen.

The voltage regulator is rated to handle up to 1.2A of supply current. This seems to work
with the voltage regulator, because the maximum draw is 765mA, but the voltage
regulator is also not an ideal voltage regulator. The voltage regulator has an efficiency of
upwards of 90%, but also as low as 70%. To calculate the current draw on the supply side
of the voltage regulator, the formula below can be applied. If the efficiency of the
regulator is 70%, then using the equation,
𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑤
𝑆𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑦 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦

𝑆𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑦 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 0.7

the efficiency is 1.07A. On the lower bound, the supply current could be as little as

𝑆𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑦 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 =
which is 833 mA. Realistically, the supply current will be something between 1.07A and
833A, and both of these currents are below the rated 1.2A stated in the datasheet.

The battery chosen needs to be analyzed as well. The battery is a 3.7V, 500mAh battery.
500mAh is the amount of current that the battery can supply before it reaches its low
voltage operational threshold. To see how long this battery will last before the watch
shuts off with all components operating at maximum capacity, the formula

𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 =
𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑤
will be applied. In this case, the battery can last 750𝑚𝐴 , which is 0.67 hours, or 40
minutes. After efficiency of the regulator is considered, the max time possible to attain

from this battery is 36 minutes. This is reasonable, because the components in the watch
either will be programmed to idle in rest mode, or will not be used constantly. If one’s
cell phone were able to use every feature at once, it would not last very long either. The
watch will use much less current, and hopefully it can be reduced to 5% of its max
current. At 5% of its max current, the watch will last 37.5𝑚𝐴 , which is 13.3 hours.

5.2.2 Battery and Charging Design

Lithium-ion polymer (Li-Ion) batteries possess certain charging requirements so that the
battery can be charged efficiently. The charger we are using within our design is the
Adafruit Mini Lipo with mini USB jack charger. Efficiently charging the battery
protects the battery, thus protecting the device in with the battery is supplying power to.
Overcharging the battery may damage and or significantly lessen the overall lifetime of
the battery. When charging this battery, it’s important to keep the charge rate in mind.

The battery and battery charger will be attached to the regulator. The system of the
regulator, battery and battery charger will work in unison to ensure that the components
of the Bioelectric Smartwatch will receive the correct amount of voltage that will remain
constant for each component so that no components are damaged.

Figure 48: Battery Charging Design Schematic

Charging of the battery is carried out in three stages:

1. Preconditioning charge
2. Constant-current fast charge
3. Constant-voltage trickle charge

This charger utilizes charge indicator LEDs. The indications of these LEDs are outlined

in Table 25.

Table 25: Battery Charger Indicators

Color Indication

Red Battery is charging

Green Charge cycle is complete

Both Battery is damaged or is not plugged in

5.2.3 Voltage Regulator Design

The main purpose of the voltage regulator is to regulate the power from the battery and
maintain it at a certain voltage. A simple test will be done to ensure the voltage regulator
was working properly and maintaining an output of 3.3 Volts. Only the three of the four
pins on the voltage regulator will be used for the bioelectric smartwatch. The voltage
regulator will be placed between the battery and the rest of the components used in the
bioelectric smartwatch.

5.3 Pulse Sensor Design

To main goal of the pulse sensor design is to feed coherent data to the microcontroller,
that can then manipulate and send the data to the user in an understandable format. A few
key functions must happen to accomplish this. The first is driving the LED with a current
and voltage that is controlled by PWM. The second is obtaining the analog values from
the photodiode. The third function that must be performed is filtering and amplifying the
input analog waveform, because of induced noise from the surroundings. The last
function that must be performed is analog to digital conversion of the data that is pulled
from the photodiodes. This information is then passed serially to the microcontroller one
bit at a time.

The components that were chosen to accomplish the task of measuring the user’s pulse
were the infrared LED and photodiode from Sparkfun, and the AFE 4490 from Texas
Instruments, TI. The TI AFE takes much of the design work out of getting a working
LED transmitting, because it comes with most of what is needed within one package.
Contained within the AFE4490 is a trans impedance amplifier, gain stage, analog filter,
analog to digital converter, digital filter, serial interface, timing controller, LED
controller, and an oscillator. This means, that the design challenge of measuring the pulse
will be in coordinating the PWM of the LEDs to output the correct frequency of light to
accurately measure the blood flow of the user. Also, coordinating the serial

communication between the microcontroller and the AFE will be done by trial.

Figure 49: Pulse Sensor Communication Diagram

Figure 50: Pulse Sensor Schematic

The design of the pulse sensor also includes activating the LED drivers and controlling
how often the pulse is taken. The AFE has a significant current draw of 50mA when it is
operating at maximum capacity, thus checking the user’s pulse every minute will be
sufficient in gathering relevant data. This smartwatch is not a precise fitness tracker that

will track heart rate each second because the users will not need data that precise.
Typically, that data is only necessary for knowing current physical effort during an
interval training workout.

Another design aspect of the pulse sensor is the power diagram. The AFE4490 takes two
voltage supplies to properly function. The transmitting pin takes 3-5V DC, and the
receive pin takes 2-3.6V DC. Both inputs overlap from 3-3.6V DC. The voltage regulator
used for all of the components will provide 3.3V DC, thus wiring the voltage inputs in
parallel and attaching to the output of the voltage regulator will be sufficient in powering
the AFE chip.

The pin connections can be seen in Figure 50. The schematic shows the connections
between the microcontroller and the AFE 4490 pulse sensor IC.

5.4 Accelerometer and Temperature Design

Figure 51: Data flow diagram of LIS3DH

The goal of the accelerometer is to sense whether the user is active, or at rest, and assist
in tracking the movement of the user. The accelerometer will act as a switch that will
send a signal to the microcontroller to activate more features of the watch. To save
power, the watch should be in rest mode. Rest mode will reduce the number of samples
measured from the sensors, reduce processing. This will save power because, the sensors
and communication use a majority of the watch’s power.

The main purpose of the skin temperature is to feed temperature measurements of the
user to the microcontroller. From the microcontroller, the data can be manipulated into a
format that is understandable to the user. In order for the user to get this information and
for the design process to be simplified, an analog to digital convertor was required.

The accelerometer and temperature sensor will be attached to the regulator as a power
source. The regulator can operate off of the 3.3V that the voltage regulator provides. The
output pins will be hooked up to the microcontroller. The LIS3DH chosen has a built-in
ADC that converts the analog movement and temperature measurements into digital that
can be sent via serial communication. Using this data, the microcontroller can detect
whether the user is moving, how much the user is moving, what type of movement the
user is doing, and be able to read the temperature. The movement data can also tell the
user how many steps that they have taken.

Figure 52: Accelerometer and Temperature Sensor Schematic

Figure 52 shows the schematic of the accelerometer and temperature sensor interfacing
with the microcontroller. The voltage regulator also contains a temperature sensor. Only
4 of the pins on the accelerometer need to be connected, because the device has a very
simple SPI (serial peripheral interface) communication protocol. The data pin (SDA/SDI)
gets connected to the microcontroller’s SDA pin, and the clock of the microcontroller is
connected to the accelerometer clock pin to synchronize the two devices.

5.4.1 Accelerometer GPIO PIN Description

Power Pins
● Vin - this is the power pin. Since the chip uses 3 VDC, we have included a
voltage regulator on board that will take 3-5VDC and safely convert it down. To
power the board, give it the same power as the logic level of your microcontroller
- e.g. for a 5V micro like Arduino, use 5V
● 3Vo - this is the 3.3V output from the voltage regulator, you can grab up to
100mA from this if you like

● GND - common ground for power and logic
I2C Pins
● SCL - I2C clock pin, connect to your microcontroller's I2C clock line. Has a 10K
pullup already on it.
● SDA - I2C data pin, connect to your microcontroller's I2C data line. Has a 10K
pullup already on it.
● To use I2C, keep the CS pin either disconnected or tied to a high (3-5V) logic
● SDO - When in I2C mode, this pin can be used for address selection. When
connected to GND or left open, the address is 0x18 - it can also be connected to
3.3V to set the address to 0x19

Table 26: Accelerometer GPIO Pin Mappings to Raspberry Pi

Accelerometer Raspberry Pi 3 Pin name

VCC Pin 1

GND Pin 6



VDDIO Not used

RES Not used

CS/MODE Not used

INT1 Not used

INT2 Not used

ADC1 Not used

ADC2 Not used

ADC3 Not used

SPI Pins
All pins going into the breakout have level shifting circuitry to make them 3-5V logic
level safe. Use whatever logic level is on Vin!
● SCL - this is the SPI Clock pin, it’s an input to the chip
● SDA - this is the Serial Data In / Master Out Slave In pin, for data sent from your
processor to the LIS3DH
● SDO - this is the Serial Data Out / Master In Slave Out pin, for data sent from the

LIS3DH to your processor. It's 3.3V logic level out
● CS - this is the Chip Select pin, drop it low to start an SPI transaction. It’s an
input to the chip

5.5 Bluetooth Communication Design

The purpose of the Bluetooth communication is to make it possible to send data from
smart watch to the user’s smart phone. To minimize the amount of memory that the
smartwatch has onboard, the smartphone will have an app that can store the user’s data,
creating a profile. To do this, Bluetooth must be implemented to transmit and receive

The output of the microcontroller will be attached to the I/O pins of the Bluetooth
module to send data to the phone. No data will be sent from the phone to the Bluetooth
module, thus we will not need to consider this aspect.

The Bluetooth will take 3.3V, thus it will be paralleled with the rest of the components
that are on the low side of the voltage regulator. On a side note, this Bluetooth module
offers more features than just Bluetooth capability. It also can be configured to obtain
pulse, which will be explored further in testing.

5.5.1 Bluetooth GPIO PIN Descriptions

The image below shows the pin layout from the Bluetooth device to the
microcontroller. The pin layouts for the device are described below.

Power Pins
● VIN: This is the power supply for the module, supply with 3.3-16V power supply
input. This will be regulated down to 3.3V to run the chip.
● GND: The common/GND pin for power and logic.

● TXO - This is the UART Transmit pin out of the breakout (Bluefruit LE -->
MCU), it's at 3.3V logic level.
● RXI - This is the UART Receive pin into the breakout (MCU --> Bluefruit LE).
This has a logic level shifter on it, you can use 3-5V logic.
● CTS - Clear to Send hardware flow control pin into the breakout (MCU -->
Bluefruit LE). Use this pin to tell the Bluefruit that it can send data back to the
microcontroller over the TXO pin. This pin is pulled high by default and must
be set to ground in order to enable data transfer out! If you do not need
hardware flow control, tie this pin to ground it is a level shifted pin, you can
use 3-5V logic.
● RTS - Read to Send flow control pin out of the module (Bluefruit LE --> MCU).
This pin will be low when it’s fine to send data to the Bluefruit. In general, at

9600 bauds we haven't seen a need for this pin, but you can watch it for full flow
control! This pin is 3.3V out.
Other Pins
● MOD: Mode Selection. The Bluefruit has two modes, Command and Data. You
can keep this pin disconnected, and use the slide switch to select the mode. Or,
you can control the mode by setting this pin voltage, it will override the switch
setting! High = Command Mode, Low = UART/DATA mode. This pin is level
shifted, you can use 3-5V logic.

● DFU: Setting this pin low when you power the device up will force the Bluefruit
LE module to enter a special firmware update mode to update the firmware over
the air. Once the device is powered up, this pin can also be used to perform a
factory reset. Wire the pin to GND for >5s until the two LEDs start to blink, then
release the pin (set it to 5V or logic high) and a factory reset will be performed.

Table 27 explains the exact pin names attached to the Raspberry Pi microcontroller.

Table 27: Bluetooth GPIO mapping to Raspberry PI

Bluetooth(JP4) Pin name Raspberry Pi 3 Pin name

DFU_5V Not used


RTS_O Not used

VCC Pin 1

TX/RX Pin 10

TX_O Pin 8

CTS_5V Pin 21

MODE_5V Pin 19

5.5.2 BlueFruit LE Hardware Technical Specification

● ARM Cortex M0 core running at 16MHz
● 256KB flash memory
● Peak current draw
● Transport: UART @ 9600 baud with HW flow control (CTS+RTS required!)
● 5V-safe inputs
● On-board 3.3V voltage regulation
● Bootloader with support for safe OTA firmware updates

● Easy AT command set to get up and running quickly

Figure 53: Bluetooth and Microcontroller Schematic

5.6 GPS Design

The main purpose of the GPS system is to help the authorities pinpoint the exact location
of a user who is in distress. Once a user presses the alert button, signals will be sent from
the microcontroller to the GPS system which, with the aid of the wireless communication
and localized satellites, will get accurate coordinates of a user’s location, and send it to
the correct point of contact.

A simple test that can be done, includes interfacing the GPS system to a microprocessor
correctly and ensuring that module can work indoors and outdoors with a specified
accuracy that will meet the smartwatch’s requirements.

5.6.1 GPS GPIO PIN Descriptions

The image below shows the pin layout from the Bluetooth device to the
microcontroller. The pin layouts for the device are described below.

Power Pins

● VIN: This is the power supply for the module, supply with 3.3V
● GND: The common/GND pin for power and logic.

● RXI - This is the UART Receive pin
Table 28 explains the exact pin names attached to the microcontroller.

Table 28: GPS Raspberry Pi 3 GPIO Mapping

GPS (J1) Pin name Raspberry Pi 3 Pin name

EN Not used

GND Pin 6

RX Not used

TX Pin 10

VCC Pin 1

Figure 54: GPS and Microcontroller Schematic

5.6.2 GPS Hardware Technical Specification

● 56-Channel Receiver (22 Channel All-in-View)

● Sensitivity: -162dBm
● 2.5m Positional Accuracy
● Cold Start: 29s (Open Sky)
● 40mA @ 3.3V
● 3-pin JST Terminated Cable

5.7 OLED Display Design Schematic

Figure 55: Display Design

The main purpose of the screen is to allow the user to easily read and see information that
the bioelectric smartwatch will provide. The screen that was chosen, the OLED graphic
display is the size of a typical digital screen. The screen itself is 23mm by 35mm. It was
chosen because as was mentioned earlier, no backlight is required and this reduces power
that would have been used if a backlight was needed.

The microcontroller will perform the switching and functioning between the components
of the device. The microcontroller will also be able to display all the data and
information to the user. The display is what the user will interact with the most when it

comes to the functionality of the bioelectric smartwatch. User inputs via sensors as well
as switches will allow the user to interact with the device. The inputs from the user are
communicated to the device via the microcontroller. Thus, displaying whatever
information that we select to be visible via the display to the user. An outline of the
process is illustrated in Figure 55.

In order to test just the screen, header pads that came with the screen will be soldered on
the back of the screen. Header pads are electrical connectors that make testing and
implementing components easier. In addition, two jumpers will need to be soldered to the
back of the OLED.

5.7.1 OLED Display GPIO PIN Descriptions

The image below shows the pin layout from the Bluetooth device to the
microcontroller. The pin layouts for the device are described below.

Power Pins
● VIN: This is the power supply for the module, supply with 3.3V.
● GND: The common/GND pin for power and logic.

● CS - Clear to Send hardware flow control pin into the breakout (MCU -->
Display). Use this pin to tell the Bluefruit that it can send data back to the
microcontroller over the TXO pin. This pin is pulled high by default and must be
set to ground in order to enable data transfer out! If you do not need hardware
flow control, tie this pin to ground it is a level shifted pin, you can use 3-5V logic.
● RTS - Read to Send flow control pin out of the module (Display --> MCU). This
pin will be low when it’s fine to send data to the Bluefruit. In general, at 9600
baud we haven't seen a need for this pin, but you can watch it for full flow
control! This pin is 3.3V out.

Other Pins
● CLK: Clock connects to the System Clock.
● DC: Display connects General GPIO Pin.
● RST: Reset connects to Rest GPIO Pin.
● Data/MOD: Mode Selection. The Screen has two modes, Command and Data.
You can keep this pin disconnected, and use the slide switch to select the mode.
Or, you can control the mode by setting this pin voltage, it will override the
switch setting! High = Command Mode, Low = UART/DATA mode.

Table 29: Display Raspberry Pi 3 GPIO Mapping

OLED (JP1) Pin name Raspberry Pi 3 Pin name

GND Pin 14

VCC Pin 17

3.3V Not Used

CS_5.0V Pin 24

RST_5.0V Pin 18

DC/SA0_5.0V Pin 16

D0/SCLK/SCK_5.0V Pin 23

MODE_5V Pin 19

Figure 56: OLED and Microcontroller

5.7.2 OLED Display Hardware Technical Specification

● PCB: 38mm x 29mm (1.5" x 1")
● Screen: 25mm x 14mm
● Thickness: 4mm
● Weight: 8.5g

● Display current draw is completely dependent on your usage: each OLED LED
draws current when on so the more pixels you have lit, the more current is used.
They tend to draw ~20mA or so in practice but for precise numbers you must
measure the current in your usage circuit.
● This board/chip uses I2C 7-bit address between 0x3C-0x3D, selectable with

5.8 Switch Design

In order to alternate between what is displayed on the smartwatch’s screen, tactile

switches were purchased to make for easy transitioning. Each switch placed on the
smartwatch will have its own functionality. One switch is designated to enable the
smartwatch’s alert system. Once pressed, this button will notify the microcontroller to
obtain the user’s location using the wireless communication. Once the location has been
found, a message will be sent to local authorities, notifying them that there is an
emergency and that assistant is needed. However, the same switch will also have an
alarm cancellation in the event that the switch was pressed by mistake. The
microcontroller will be able to determine if an emergency is occurring by the number of
times the switch is pressed.

Another switch will be to obtain current temperature reading. When this switch is
pressed, if the temperature sensor is set to single-shot mode, the microcontroller will be
notified of request in temperature. This will resume the ADS1115 power mode and
update the temperature per user request. Another switch will be used to request the data
on a user’s pulse. The microcontroller will send a signal to the AFE4400 to allow for
quick measurements on the user’s pulse. One switch is designated on the accelerometer
measurements. Because the accelerometer will be used to determine whether the user is
active or in a resting position. As a result, once the switch has been pressed, the LIS3DH
accelerometer will be in a rest mode until a certain frequency has been met. At the
specified range, the LIS3DH will be placed in active mode and record the movement and
be able to tell the user the amount of steps taken. A diagram of the initial design of the
switches connected to its respective sensor/ features through the microcontroller can be
seen below in Figure 57.

A simple test that will be conducted to check that the switches are a simple circuit check.
An LED is required for this test. A DC voltage supply from will power the circuit. A 50
Ohm resistor and a red LED will be placed in series with this power supply closing the
circuit. Ground will also be placed on the circuit. A switch will be inserted in series
between the power supply and resistor. A successful test is evident when the red LED can
be turned on and off with each press of the switch. A circuit diagram can be seen in

Figure 57: Switch Connection Diagram

Figure 58: Simple Switch Test Schematic

5.9 Hardware Design

The hardware design of the watch is an important consideration, because it will greatly
influence how the user interfaces with the watch. Currently, the physical design of the
watch is in a prototyping phase until the electrical design can be tested and in working

5.9.1 General Layout

The general layout of the watch will be as such: A single case will contain all of the
components of the watch. The case will be either made of molded plastic, or 3D printed,
because the shape of the watch may very well need to be custom. The OLED screen will

be on the face of the watch so that the user can easily see the watch. The push buttons
will be mounted to the side of the watch so that they are not in the way of the screen. The
USB port for charging the watch will be placed on the opposite side of the push buttons
so that the user may push the buttons while the watch is plugged into a USB cable. The
watch will accept a mini USB cable. On the back of the watch (side that touches the
user’s wrist) will contain the sensors. The sensors will be centrally located to help
eliminate outside temperature and light from affecting the measurements. The wrist strap
will contain several slotted holes to allow for the user to adjust the size to properly fit
their wrist. A clasp will be on the end of one side of the wrist band to lock into one of the
slotted holes and keep the watch secure to the user’s wrist. The back of the watch will
either be flat or slightly convex to hug the user’s wrist. Testing will need to be conducted
to see which yields better results and which is possible from a construction standpoint.

Figure 59: The general physical layout of the smartwatch prototype. Frontal view
(left), back view (right)

More research is needed to determine the best material for the strap of the bioelectric
smartwatch. Most plastics that have been researched use a flexible hypoallergenic
material in order to minimize skin irritation.

5.9.2 Watch Shell

Figure 60: Layout of Watch Shell Prototype

The goal of the shell design is to accommodate all of the components internally, allow
functionality of the watch’s sensors, allow the user to see the screen easily, be
comfortable, and allow the user access to the buttons and USB port. The shell will be
square, and can either have rounded or square corners (rounded may be more ergonomic).
4 columns, one in each corner of the shell, will be tapped to house a machine screw. The
machine screws will attach the two separate pieces of the shell together. The shell needs
to be two separate pieces because access to the inside components will be necessary for
assembly and testing. Dimensions of the prototype are currently unknown, because the
electrical design has not been constructed, but they will be measured when the final
product is assembled. On the face of the shell, a hole will be mortised to attach the OLED
screen. The sides of the shell will have holes milled out for the buttons and USB port.
The back of the shell will be milled out to allow for the LED, photodiode, and
temperature to be mounted in a way that will allow them to touch the user’s skin.

5.10 Overall Design

After completing the system design of the full schematic was created to show all the
components that were listed and their connections. To avoid confusion, the wires are
named to show their connections instead of directly connected to each other to avoid
any improper connections. The Eagle software allows every net with the exact name to
be connected. The image below shows the schematic.

Figure 61: Figure of Overall System Schematic

6.0 Software Design
Software application should include integrated systems the that show the users daily
tasks, notify them accordingly, and safely record the user’s performance based on the
completion of those tasks. The primary function of our smart watch is to monitor
personal attributes of the user for example walking steps, and time elapsed in tasks and
tracking like and provide adequate and simple feedback to the user. The design of the
software application should be intuitive and user friendly interface for interconnecting
user health status which include a smart phone. Smart watch application also includes an
network to connect to one portable network device and a server. Our proposed solutions,
and one of the few target audience of our product are about to extend the scope of support
for elderly people, who want to stay in their familiar home in a safe and self-determined
way, as long as this can be justified by medical reasons.

6.1 Software Framework Ionic

For the purpose of this project we will are using Ionic an open-source mobile application
framework. Ionic is powerful because it cross platform between Android and IOS Mobile
devices, well documented and supported with native mobile- plugins. Ionic have
capabilities for mobile design prototyping, multiple device testing simulators, and
buildable. Ionic is an MIT-licensed, front-end framework for creating hybrid mobile
apps. Ionic is also a Node module that helps with the process of creating, building, and
packaging hybrid apps. The Ionic framework and module are backed by the same
company, Drifty. In the context of this article, Ionic will be used in both cases. Either
way, Ionic empowers developers to leverage their AngularJS and HTML5 skills to create
beautiful, high-performing apps.

6.2 Ionic Framework Setup

Ionic relies on Node.js. For that reason, you must install Node.js if you haven't done so
previously. You can get the Node installer from Once installed, Ionic
can be installed using Node's package manager (npm) via the following command-line.
With your console window, open, enter the following. The preceding command will
install the Ionic and Apache Cordova modules globally. The modules themselves are
installed in your user directory. If you're running Windows, the modules are at
C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\npm. If you're running Mac OS X or Linux, the
modules can be found in /usr/local.

6.3 Ionic Framework Running Application Through Browser vs Native

Browser: Ionic apps are built with web technologies. You can develop, debug, and test
Ionic apps in the WebKit browser of your choice. Browsers that support WebKit include
Apple Safari, Google Chrome, and the Opera browser. To open an Ionic app in one of
these browsers, you need to host the app in a web server. Ionic lets you run your apps

locally via LiveReload. LiveReload is a server that gets installed as a Node module. This
module was installed when a snippet was run.

You can get pretty far along developing your app in the local browser. However, your
app may need to use features that are more readily available on a real device. For
example, your app may make use of an accelerometer or a compass. These capabilities
are more likely to exist on your phone than the machine you're cranking code on. For that
reason, we need to discuss running apps on native platforms.

Native Platforms: Running apps built with the Ionic framework on a native platform
requires Apache Cordova. Cordova is an open source library that makes device-level
APIs accessible to JavaScript. In other words, things like the accelerometer or compass
become programmatically accessible through JavaScript. This bridge helps you cross the
divide between physical hardware and more malleable software. The Ionic module makes
it simple to target platforms when you're ready to start testing and deploying your app on
specific platforms. From the command line, you enter ionic platform add
<PLATFORMNAME> to prepare your app for a specific environment. For example, if
you want your app to run on the three most popular mobile platforms (Android, iOS, and
Windows Phone).

Building your Ionic app creates a package using the SDKs installed on your local
machine. You have the option of using the package task instead. That task uses the Ionic
Build service to create app-store ready bundles without using SDKs on your local
machine. This is especially useful if you're creating apps on a Linux or Windows
machine and want to pump out an iOS app.

There are two other libraries you should be aware of when building your Ionic apostle
two libraries that will help you build apps with Ionic are called ngCordova and
ngCordovaMocks. ngCordova is a set of extensions that bridge the gap between
AngularJS and Cordova. As Ionic makes heavy use of AngularJS, these extensions may
become an integral part of your development. ngCordovaMocks complements ngCordova
in that it empowers you to continue developing and testing your app in a web browser.
These libraries are optional, but highly recommended.

Once you've created your application packages, you might want to run them. You have
several options. The two most popular include running the package in a simulator or on a
physical device.

6.4 Running Application on the Simulator vs Physical Device

Running your app in a simulator can be more convenient than running it on a physical
device. Ionic makes it easy to run your app in a simulator from the command line.
Running your app in a simulator will get you closer to the real thing than the previously
mentioned browser emulation. However, there's nothing better than the real thing. For
that reason, we are considering running (and testing) your app on a real physical device.

This task requires the --device argument to deploy to run the app on a physical device.
Once run, this task builds the project, creates the application package, and deploys the
app to a connected physical device. From there, you can continue your testing.

6.5 Software Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

● API - Application Programming Interface
● HTML - Hypertext Markup Language, a language used specify the visual layout
of websites.
● JavaScript - is a computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based,
object-oriented for web development.
● Wi-Fi - is a local area wireless technology that allows an electronic device to
exchange data or connect to the internet using 2.4 GHz UHF and 5 GHz SHF
radio waves.
● GPS - Global Positioning System is a space-based satellite navigation system that
provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or
near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS
● UDP = User Datagram Protocol

6.5.1 Software Life Cycle Process

Our group will be using an Agile development process. This process is a way to empower
the group into working more effectively than our current methods. One of the biggest
issues was that each of the members of the group have divergent schedules that make
meeting difficult. The self-organizing, cross functional group nature of the Agile process
fits well with our time constraints and the multiple roles that each member of the group
will be fulfilling. Furthermore, our project has a fair amount of theory/research material
in it, which fits well with the evolving product aspect of Agile lifecycles. Using this, the
group hopes to implement deadlines adequately.

Figure 80: Agile Software Development Software

6.6 Software Assumptions

Some of the assumptions that we will utilize when incorporating can be seen below:

● All devices are smartphones .

● All devices have Wi-Fi
● All devices have GPS.
● 100MBs Memory App usage.
● Memory and processor are irrelevant to the apps functionality.

6.7 Storing Application with Version Control Systems

Git is a “version control system,” As our mobile application developers are creating
something, they are making constant changes to the code and releasing new versions, up
to and after the first official (non-beta) release.

Version control systems keep these revisions straight, and store the modifications in a
central repository. This allows developers to easily collaborate, as they can download a

new version of the software, make changes, and upload the newest revision. Every
developer can see these new changes, download them, and contribute.

Similarly, people who have nothing to do with the development of a project can still
download the files and use them. Most Linux users should be familiar with this process,
as using Git, Subversion, or some other similar method is common for downloading
needed files, especially in preparation for compiling a program from source code (a rather
common practice for Linux geeks).

In case you are wondering why Git is the preferred version control system of most
developers, it has multiple advantages over the other systems available, including a more
efficient way to store file changes and ensuring file integrity.

6.8 Common GitHub Features

Forking A Repo
“Forking” is when you create a new project based off another project that already exists.
This is an amazing feature that vastly encourages the further development of programs
and other projects. If you find a project on GitHub that you’d like to contribute to, you
can fork the repo, make the changes you’d like, and release the revised project as a new
repo. If the original repository that you forked to create your new project gets updated,
you can easily add those updates to your current fork.

Pull Requests
You fork a repository, make a great revision to the project, and want it to be recognized
by the original developers, maybe even included in the official project/repository. You
can do so by creating a pull request, so the authors of the original repository can see your
work, and then choose whether to accept it into the official project. Whenever you issue a
pull request, GitHub provides a perfect medium for you and the project’s maintainer to

Social Networking
The social networking aspect of GitHub is probably its most powerful feature and is what
allows projects to grow more than anything else. Each user on GitHub has their own
profile, which can act like a resume of sorts, showing your past work and contributions to
other projects via pull requests.

Project revisions are able to be discussed publicly, so a mass of experts can contribute
knowledge and collaborate to advance a project forward. Before the advent of GitHub,
developers interested in contributing to a project would usually need to find some means
of contacting the authors, probably by email, and then have to convince them that their
contribution is legit and they can be trusted.

When multiple people are collaborating on a project, it’s really hard to keep track of who
changed what and to keep track of the revisions that took place. GitHub takes care of this
problem by keeping track of all the changes that have been pushed to the repository.

6.9 Software Event Table

The table shows that the software events for testing of the bioelectric smartwatch during
the mobile application. This table outlines some of the major cases that we expect the
user to access on the bioelectric smartwatch as well as the events that take place within
the smartwatch’s software. Future cases will be done once prototyping is completed to
test for an even larger scale of test cases.

Table 30: Software Events for Testing

Event Name External External Responses Internal data and state


Activate User Initiated Activates the Smart Sends signal to mobile

watch and user’s application once they
location is tagged on have logged in the
Map. phone.

Send Watch Initiated Sends message to Sends message to

Message the nearby users

Sensor User Initiated Bluetooth to the Resends if failed

Activation mobile app which
will collect data
every 1-2 minutes

Emergency User Initiated Alert is sent out to Alert is sent to all users
Services all users nearby nearby

6.10 Software User Interface Mobile

Figure 62: Mobile App Prototype Layout

6.11 Software Testing Mobile

If errors are determined during testing, these bugs will be noted in the developer’s weekly
activity log. If the developer is assigned to the component that failed, the developer may
fix the component immediately. Otherwise, the developer should inform, in a timely
manner, the developer(s) responsible for the component of the test conditions and test

When testing functionality of a module test cases are written before the code itself; at that
point, they are impassable. Code is written specifically to pass a given test case. When
the written code successfully passes the test, the passing code is refactored into a more
elegant module – without introducing any new functional elements.

By using this test-driven development strategy, we can improve our iterative build
process in the following:

 It facilitates easy maintenance and helps alleviate scope creep

 Encourages granularity in testing; it is guaranteed that every standalone piece of
logic can be tested

 since test cases are written first, other programmers can view the tests as usage
examples of how the code is intended to work

At the end of the lifecycle, all test cases will be run against the total code base to verify
the functionality of the app. Communication errors will take priority over any cosmetic
errors, these are more defined test cases, and the final project depends on full
functionality of communication.

If errors are determined during testing, these bugs will be noted in the developer’s weekly
activity log Github. If the developer is assigned to the component that failed, the
developer may fix the component immediately. Otherwise, the developer should inform,
in a timely manner, the developer(s) responsible for the component of the test conditions
and test results.

When the testing functionality of a module test cases is written before the code itself; at
that point, they are impassable. The code is written specifically to pass a given test case.
When the written code successfully passes the test, the passing code is refactored into a
more elegant module – without introducing any new functional elements.

By using this test-driven development strategy, we can improve our iterative build
process in the following:
 it facilitates easy maintenance and helps alleviate scope creep
 encourages granularity in testing; it is guaranteed that every standalone piece of
logic can be tested
 since test cases are written first, other programmers can view the tests as usage
examples of how the code is intended to work

At the end of the lifecycle of the project, all test cases will be run against the total code
base to verify the functionality of the app. Communication errors will take priority over
any cosmetic errors, these are more defined test cases, and the final project depends on
the full functionality of communication. The Software should complete all the test cases
for each module to ensure no functionality was lost by changes.

6.12 Software Individual Test Cases Mobile

Listed below are a few of the test cases obtained via the mobile application for the
bioelectric smartwatch.

1. Test Objective: Connectivity

Test Description:
1. Open the application on the smartphone
2. Log in to software
3. Engage “Send” command
Test Conditions:
1. User has no wireless internet connection
2. User has no cellular service

3. User has ideal connectivity (GSM, GPS, Wifi, all options)

Expected Results: Other test candidate (mobile device) should receive a push

2. Test Objective: Test Sensor Feature

Test Description:
1. Open the application on the smartphone
2. Log in to software
3. Engage sensors to read data

Expected Results: There should Data should be sent via Bluetooth

3. Test Objective: User Location

Test Description:
1. The event will be activated
2. Obtain the GPS coordinates of the user

Expected Results: There should be a location geotagged on the map.

4. Test Objective: Messaging

Test Description:
1. Open the application on the smartphone
2. Create the message
3. Transmit the message
4. Additional user receives transmitted message

Expected Results: The additional user will receive the message transmitted to
the additional user.

5. Test Objective: Emergency Services Alert

Test Description:
1. Open the application on the smartphone
2. Create the health alert
3. Transmit the Health Alert
4. Additional users receive transmitted health alert

Expected Results: All users will receive the health alert that was transmitted.

6.13 Software Security

The increasing usage of wearable technologies and cloud services in applications, such as
health care, could result in new attack vectors for the ‘Cloud of Things’, which could in
turn be exploited to release of sensitive user data. One of the next key areas of expansion

for wearable devices will be integration with cloud computing with storage and data
communication. This amalgamation will provide wearable devices with access to a range
of confidential user information, which will greatly improve their utility when
undertaking day-to-day tasks for example, a smartwatch having real-time access to the
user’s calendar service. However, with this increase in functionality comes a risk to user
privacy, where wearable devices have not been appropriately secured.

Security may not be a major consideration for wearable device manufacturers, as the last
generation of devices generally lacked direct access to online services. In the majority of
cases to date, privacy issues with smart wearable technologies have been a result of their
recording capabilities and the privacy impact on those in the surrounding environment of
the device’s user.

Generally, fitness trackers are often in market cheaper and are also widely available but
generally have less potential to store sensitive user information. While smartwatches are
becoming increasingly prevalent, relatively little in-depth studies has been conducted into
the types of data which they store and if this data is sufficiently protected to prevent a
breach of the user’s privacy, particularly in a health care settings.

The most common privacy concern is enabling companies, manufactures and other
organizations to track them across the Internet and learn their interests and behaviors.
Since the common communication pair is via Bluetooth. Bluetooth is known to be
particularly insecure as mentioned before, with many vulnerabilities that could be
exploited by malicious attackers.

Today smartwatches tend to store only a portion of the sensitive data stored on a
smartphone. This is because of their reduced functionality and reliance on paired
smartphones. New and upcoming smartwatches, such as the Apple Watch, have a far
greater number of functions and features, including near-field communication. As the
number of features in a smartwatch increases (and their reliance on a paired device
decreases), the prediction is that that the amount of sensitive information stored on these
devices will also rise.

To enhance security, we are proposing on the encrypting the smart device to enhance
security and prevent attacking. This proposal will be especially possible if we could find
good research materials and journal articles on this topic. The leading smartwatch
manufacturers continue to increase security features on mobile devices to prevent the
exfiltration of sensitive user data. We hope to that we can build trust with our smartwatch

Table 31: Data Extraction Comparison Methods for Smartwatch Devices

USB Using the USB connection of the wearable device as an exfiltration

connection medium means that the attacker must either infect the device to
which the wearable device is connected or have physical access to
the device.

Bluetooth Bluetooth has a reasonably short transmission range for data

exfiltration. It is also a common area of security research (refer to
preceding texts), meaning the newest implementations may be very

SMS Several wearable devices can send voice dictated messages and
quick replies. This could be utilized by an attacker to covertly
exfiltrate data. Shortcomings of this medium are that it is limited by
the user’s mobile plan and the fact that some operating systems limit
the number of messages that can be sent within a time period.

NFC The newest wearable devices have the ability to communicate via
NFC. This could allow an attacker with close proximity to the
wearable device to exfiltrate data.

Wi-Fi and Newer wearable devices have the ability to directly connect to a
mobile mobile or Wi-Fi network, providing this powerful medium to
network malicious attackers.

7.0 System Testing
The system testing section is designed to describe the methods of component and system
integration testing on the breadboard and simulations. This section includes tests done in
the software and hardware aspects of the bioelectric smartwatch.

Raspberry Pi 3 Component for Testing:

Raspberry Pi 3 microcontroller was used to test the display, GPS, and Bluetooth
components. The Raspberry Pi is open hardware, with the exception of the primary chip
on the Raspberry Pi, the Broadcomm SoC (System on a Chip), which runs many of the
main components of the board–CPU, graphics, memory, the USB controller, etc. The
Raspberry Pi was designed for the Linux operating system, and many Linux distributions
now have a version optimized for the Raspberry Pi. The image below shows the
Raspberry Pi 3 Microcontroller and the GPIO PIN Layout which will be discussed in
section 5.

Figure 63: Raspberry Pi 3 Microcontroller

7.1 Motor Testing

The design to control the motor was then tested. A PN2222A bipolar transistor (BJT) was
implemented into the circuit to throttle the motor, and a 1N4148 is used to eliminate the
spike from quickly eliminating the supply current to the motor. The BJT is used to reduce
the amount of current that the microcontroller must supply to the motor to activate it. The
microcontroller can use minimal voltage to activate the motor by being connected to the
base of the BJT. During the testing, the BJT allowed current flow from the collector to
the emitter at approximately 0.7V at the base, and allowed maximum flow at a base

voltage of 0.8V. The voltage that the microcontroller will be set to output will be 0.8V to
allow for the full supply voltage to pass across the vibrating motor. The results can be
seen in Figure 64 on the Tektronix DMM4050 Digital Multimeter. The power supply
voltage was set to 3.7V, but the results show that a voltage drop occurs, giving the
vibrating motor an actual voltage of 3.4V. This voltage is sufficient to notify the user.
The base voltage was also increased over 0.8V, but that did not further increase the
voltage across the motor.

Figure 64: Supply voltage and base voltage of vibrating motor circuit

To test the microcontroller being attached to the motor, a resistance of 5kΩ was
implemented to connect the microcontroller to the base of the BJT. A simple voltage
divider formula, paired with the BJT formulas were used to solve for this resistance. The
microcontroller output 3.5V to the BJT base, and the BJT base was at 0.8V. The goal of
putting 0.8V to the base was accomplished. While the microcontroller was connected, a
voltage of 3V was observed across the motor. The motor was running, and the current
across the motor matched what was listed in the datasheet.

7.2 Power Testing

The power system testing will include the voltage regulator, battery, and battery charger
testing. The battery and regulator were also hooked up to components to test the power

Figure 65: Motor Breadboard Testing

7.2.1 Battery and Battery Charger Testing

The testing process for the battery was to simply check the voltage of the battery out of
the box, and then to check the voltage of the battery while it is charging. The battery is a
3.7V nominal, but measures 3.92V out of the box. A Craftsman digital multimeter was
used to measure the voltage while charging, and not charging. The maximum charging
voltage from the charger was 4.2V.

7.2.2 Voltage Regulator Testing

A simple test on the voltage regulator was done to ensure that it was working as specified
in the datasheet. The pin labeled SHDN was not used. The pin labeled VIN was attached
to a DC voltage power supply that was initially set to 1 volt, the pin labeled GND was set
to ground. The last pin labeled VOUT was used to determine the correct output. In Table
32, the test can be seen below. A digital multimeter was used to measure the input and
output voltages by connecting the positive terminals. From this test, it can be seen that
the output of the voltage regulator remained constant as the input voltage increased.
Figure 66 shows the test set-up of the voltage regulator where the red wire is connected to
the power supply and the yellow wire is connected to ground.

Figure 66: Image of Voltage Regulator attached to Power Supply

Table 32: Voltage Regulator Preliminary Test

Voltage Supply Input Voltage Output Voltage

1.02 1.02048 3.32781

2 2.04 3.32832

3 2.96 3.32714

4 4.01 3.33810

7.3 Bluetooth Testing

The Bluefruit LE UART Friend makes it easy to add Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity
to anything with a hardware or software serial port. The Nordic UART RX/TX
connection profile. In this profile, the Bluefruit acts as a data pipe, that can 'transparently'
transmit back and forth from your iOS or Android device.

7.3.1 BlueFruit LE UART Device Read and Write Data Test

Test Objective: Connect to Bluetooth with Raspberry Pi and confirm the Bluetooth reads
and writes data.
Result: The BlueFruit LE is discoverable and able to read and write data.

Figure 67: BlueFruit LE UART Wiring for Raspberry Pi
Bluetooth Software Installation:
To install Bluez 5.33 on a Raspberry Pi first make sure it's running the latest Raspbian
operating system and is connected to the internet with a wired or wireless network
connection. Then to make sure the Bluetooth daemon runs at boot and is run with the --
experimental flag to enable all the BLE APIs. To do this edit the /etc/rc.local file with a
text editor.
Once you confirm BlueZ is running with the experimental flag you can move to the
library install section below. There’s one final step to prepare to use the library on a
Linux machine or Raspberry Pi. Then need to install the python-dbus library to ensure
it’s available for the library to use. That's it, the library should be installed globally and
ready to use with any Python script on your system.

Figure 68: Bluetooth outputting “Hello World” to the terminal

Once you confirm BlueZ is running with the experimental flag you can move to the
library install section below. There’s one final step to prepare to use the library on a
Linux machine or Raspberry Pi. Then need to install the python-dbus library to ensure
it’s available for the library to use. That's it, the library should be installed globally and
ready to use with any Python script on your system.

Figure 69: Bluetooth Discoverable to Mobile Device

7.4 GPS Testing
56 Channel GPS Receiver (GP-20U7) The GP-20U7 is a compact GPS receiver with a
built-in high performances all-in-one GPS chipset. The GP-20U7 accurately provides
position, velocity, and time readings as well possessing high sensitivity and tracking
capabilities. Thanks to the low power consumption this receiver requires, the GP-20U7 is
ideal for portable applications such as tablet PCs, smartphones, and other devices
requiring positioning capability. This 56-channel GPS module, that supports a standard
NMEA-0183 and uBlox 7 protocol, has low power consumption of [email protected] (max),
an antenna on board, and -162dBm tracking sensitivity. With 56 channels in search mode
and 22 channels “all-in-view” tracking, the GP-20U7 is quite the workhorse for its size.

7.4.1 GPS Device Receive Data Test

Test Objective: Install and run the GPS device.

Result: GPS device tracking and activated properly.

Figure 70: GPS UART Wiring for Raspberry Pi

Figure 71: GPS Component Receiving Data

GPS Software Installation:
The first step is installing some software on your Raspberry Pi that understands the serial
data that your GPS module is providing via /dev/ttyS0.
Since properly parsing the raw GPS data, and we can use (amongst other options) a nice
little package named 'gpsd', which essentially acts as a layer between your applications
and the actual GPS hardware, gracefully handling parsing errors, and providing a
common, well-defined interface to any GPS module. This service has systemd listen on a
local socket and run gpsd when clients connect to it, however it will also interfere with
other gpsd instances that are manually run. You will need to disable the gpsd systemd
service. Start gpsd and direct it to use HW UART and run cgps -s which gives a less
detailed, but still quite nice output.

Figure 72: Verified the location coordinates given by GPS are accurate

Constraints: While the test on the GPS was done by connecting the device to the
microcontroller. Problems arose when testing inside, thus GPS was unable to recognize
its location. Better reception was achieved when moved next to the window or outdoors.

7.4.2 BlueFruit LE UART Device Powered by Battery Test Combined

Test Objective: An integration test was done connecting the battery, voltage regulator,
and microcontroller to the Bluetooth device.

Result: The Bluetooth device indicated a correct connection based on the red flashing
LED for power and blue LED for connectivity.

Figure 73: Bluetooth Powered with Battery and Voltage Regulator

7.5 OLED Display Testing

The driver chip, SSD1306 can communicate in multiple ways including I2C, SPI and 8-
bit parallel. However, only the 128x64 display has all these interfaces available. This
display are small, only about 1" diagonal, but very readable due to the high contrast of an
OLED display. Because the display makes its own light, no backlight is required. This
reduces the power required to run the OLED and is why the display has such high
7.5.1 OLED Display Test

Test Objective: Install and run the OLED display device.

Result: Display information and text to OLED display.

OLED Display Software Installation:

With the Raspberry Pi, install the RPi.GPIO library. Then, install the Python Imaging
Library and smbus library. Now to download and install the SSD1306 python library
code and examples. Inside the examples subdirectory for and
Other Software Configurations:
Along with the size of the display you also configure what interface the display uses in
these lines. The first couple examples use the I2C interface and only need to specify an
RST pin. Internally the SSD1306 library will look up the default I2C bus number for the
platform and use it--if you've followed the wiring in this guide you should be all set!
However, if you need to explicitly control the I2C bus number, the third example shows

how to specify it with an i2c_bus parameter.

Figure 74: OLED Display Wiring to Raspberry Pi

Figure 75: OLED Display demonstration executing

7.6 Accelerometer Testing

The LIS3DH is a very popular low power triple-axis accelerometer. This sensor
communicates over I2C or SPI (our library code supports both) so you can share it with a
bunch of other sensors on the same I2C bus. There's an address selection pin so you can
have two accelerometers share an I2C bus.
7.6.1 Accelerometer Test

Test Objective: Install and run Accelerometer

Result: Display information for Accelerometer
Acceleration Software Installation:
With the Raspberry Pi, install the RPi.GPIO library. Then, git install the python-lis3dh
library and run the

Figure 76: Accelerometer outputting three-directional axis to the terminal

7.7 Pulse Sensor Testing

The Gravity Heart Rate Monitor Sensor is a pulse sensor which is developed based on
PPG (PhotoPlethysmoGraphy) techniques. This is a simple and low-cost optical
technique that can be used to detect blood volume changing in the microvascular bed of
tissues. It is relatively easy to detect the pulsatile component of the cardiac cycle
according to this theory.
7.7.1 Pulse Sensor Test

Test Objective: Install and run pulse sensor.

Result: Display information for pulse sensor.

Acceleration Software Installation:
With the Raspberry Pi, install the RPi.GPIO library. The python to read and process data
from the Pulse Sensor and produce Beats per Minute (BPM) or the Heart rate. Configure
Raspberry Pi to enable I2C module.
. Also, install

Figure 77: Pulse Sensor output to Terminal

7.8 Pushbutton Testing

Figure 78: Push Button Breadboarding

In Figure 78, it shows the simple testing of the push button. The button is attached to an
LED to understand how the push button leads pass current. The battery was used as a
power supply, but no voltage regulator was used to drop the voltage, because it was not

7.9 Overall System Testing
Once testing has been completed and completely integrated into the final design and
schematic, the team will conduct multiple tests to check the overall system performance.
Adjustments will be made to the design until the results from the tests meet the required

The prototype of the bioelectric smartwatch will be tested on varying age groups for
performance analysis. Our team has acquired multiple test subjects to help provide data
for our tests. As a comparison to the health monitoring tests on our device, we will be
able to check the readings that are obtained with existing health monitoring tools. This
will allow us to check accuracies and fix any bugs that may have occurred.

The primary tests involve will involve gauging the life expectancy of the bioelectric
smartwatch under different conditions. These conditions include one test where the
bioelectric smartwatch has little to no use. Another test will be done where the bioelectric
smartwatch will be used extensively. This type of testing will look to see how quickly the
battery of the bioelectric smartwatch drains.

The next tests will be on the individual health monitoring systems. For the pulse sensor,
measurements will be taken for a person who is at rest to obtain their average beats per
minute (BPM). Once this average has been calculated, another test will be done shortly
after someone has exerted themselves to get their BPM, which should be higher than their
BPM at rest. For the temperature sensor, a test will be done in a similar fashion to the
pulse sensor tests. For the accelerometer, measurements will be taken for a person at rest
and immediately after excessive hand movement, which can be caused by physical
activities or tremors in a user’s hand.

The next test that will be done are on the communication systems. The Bluetooth system
will be tested by connecting the bioelectric smartwatch to smartphones that are on
different platforms. This will ensure that the bioelectric smartwatch is compatible with
any device. The GPS system will be tested by checking to see if the system can determine
if a signal can be picked up from indoors as well as outdoors. This will ensure that if an
emergency were to occur, the authorities will be able to locate the user, no matter where
they are.

8.0 Administrative Content
This portion of the document will be used to describe how well the group can effectively
manage time as well as portray logistics of the budget for this project. This section lists
different due dates, as well as timelines for each significant event from the kickoff of the
project up to the time that the final document is due.

8.1 Initial Project Diagram

Figure 1 below shows a diagram of how the work will be split in the team. The roles are
divided by color and are assigned per the legend at the bottom. Roles and subject boxes
are subjected to change during the implementation of the product.

Figure 79: Block Diagram of Assigned Roles

The initial project diagram is important because it laid the foundation of the project, and
researching the project. The goal of the initial project design is to get an idea of how

every component will be connected in a high-level sense. The initial project design was
the task assigned at the beginning of senior design, when the first 10-page draft was
assigned. This design will possibly change in the near future because it was only an initial
design, but it is important nonetheless.

8.2 Budget
The prices listed below in Table 33 are rough estimates from online researching. Prices
are subject to change due to availability of cheaper components found during the
implementation of the product. The components are also subject to change later when
more research has been done to find the best component that fits the bioelectric
smartwatch’s needs.

Table 33: Project Budget Table

Name Price Quantity Total

Microcontroller $10 1 $10

LED Display $10 1 $10

Accelerometer $4 3 $16

Vibrating Motor $4 1 Pack $4

Voltage Regulator $4 3 $16

Push Buttons $1 2 $2

Battery $5 2 $10

Pulse Sensor $25 1 $25

Thermistor $3 4 $12

GPS $40 1 $40

Total: $ 155

● These values are an estimate based on products already in the market.
● Total price will be divided by four.

8.3 Project Milestones

Table 34 and Table 35 below show the initial project milestones we will complete in
Senior Design 1 and Senior Design 2. We will use this to serve as a reference to ensure

that we are on track to complete the documentation and final product in a timely manner.

Table 34: Senior Design 1 Projected Schedule

Description Duration Dates

Project Idea 1 week January 9- January 13

Divide and Conquer 3 weeks January 13- February 3

Initial Project Document - February 3

Research and Writing 2 weeks February 3- February 17

Update on Divide and Conquer - February 17

Individual Research and 5 weeks February 17- March 24


Table of Contents - March 24

Initial Draft - March 31

Final Document - April 27

Table 35: Senior Design 2 Projected Schedule

Week Description

1 Test Components

2-6 Build Prototype

7-8 Test Prototype

9-11 Finalize Prototype

12 Present Project

9.0 Conclusions
Designing the Bioelectric Smartwatch has been an overall challenging and rewarding
experience. Designing and testing the Bioelectric Smartwatch incorporated all the skills
that were learned while studying the electrical and computer engineering disciplines.
Many obstacles were encountered while designing the project. Some of these obstacles
and problems were encountered in the testing phase. One of these issues being that the
GPS receiver had problems sending a signal to our board and was not working properly
when it was tested inside of many buildings. The success of testing the other components,
however, show that the smartwatch is closer to becoming a completed product.

The cutting-edge technologies that have been implemented in the design of this project
are pulse oximetry, accelerometer measurements, and GPS tracking. Pulse oximetry is the
newest technology out of every type of technology being implemented, and thus is the
most difficult to implement. The method of getting heart rate from pulse oximetry will
make for a successful fitness tracking watch because it is the forefront technology of
heart rate monitors. Integrating the pulse oximetry will be the biggest accomplishment of
the smartwatch design.

One of the major takeaways from this project has been working together as a team, in
order to take what was just an idea to becoming a tangible product of our creation. Due to
the nature of our product, we be creating something that will help the well-being of
people was the motivating factor of this project, and will motivate the group to work hard
on the final design.

The main idea behind this project is to bring a product to the market that helps the elderly
and sick live a safer and healthier lifestyle. This product will be able to satisfy the need of
this market by using cutting edge technology. The Bioelectric Smartwatch will be the
first of its kind to mesh fitness tracking abilities with the added of safety of an emergency
GPS beacon.

9.1 Possible Future Considerations

An alternative idea to this project is to include accessories, increasing the number of
features to the bioelectric smartwatch. One additional feature would be to measure a
user’s blood pressure. However, instead of incorporating this health monitoring device
within the bioelectric smartwatch, an accessory can be used instead. This accessory
would be a blood pressure cuff, gauge, and bulb that can be attached to the smartwatch so
that the smartwatch would serve as the digital monitor. The cuff would be inflated by
squeezing the bulb until the gauge reaches a specified value. Then the user will read the
systolic pressure calculated by the watch.

Another accessory would be to measure body fat percentage through bioelectrical

impedance analysis. This analysis measures the body’s electrical resistance. Body fat will

be measured with the use of two electrodes that are safely attached to the body. One
electrode would be placed underneath the face of the smartwatch, contacting the skin of
the user. The other electrode would be created in the form of an attachable band that can
be placed on a user’s ankle.

Thought research suggested feature that could be added was speech recognition. This
case was proposed due to about 90 percent of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD)
experience decreased functional communication due to the presence of voice and speech
disorders associated with dysarthria that can be characterized by monotony of pitch (or
fundamental frequency), reduced loudness, irregular rate of speech, imprecise
consonants, and changes in voice quality. This feature would help and aid in speech
treatment processes and help the recovery of common diseases.

10.0 Appendices
This section is to show the material used as reference throughout this report, and to show
the permissions requested for this material and images.

10.1 Bibliography

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10.2 Requested Permissions


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