Seismic Analysis of G+5 Framed Structures With and Without Floating Columns Using ETABS-2013 Software
Seismic Analysis of G+5 Framed Structures With and Without Floating Columns Using ETABS-2013 Software
Seismic Analysis of G+5 Framed Structures With and Without Floating Columns Using ETABS-2013 Software
In order to have more area for parking space
and for other amities, concept of floating columns in
multi-storey framed structure is becoming popular
stability used structural integrity of such structures
while resisting earthquake becomes critical. In the
paper G+5 storey RCC structure in considered for
earthquake analysis. For comparison of three models
are used, one with normal structure, second with shear
walls and third with masonry infill walls. All the three
methods Equivalent static method, response spectrum
and time history method were used for analysis ETABS-
Fig 1: Floating Columns
2013 Software was used and structure was assumed to
be situated in earthquake Zone III on a medium The floating columns will be provided above the ground
soil(type II). The parameters evaluated were Base floor, there will be more space is available for parking
shear, Storey drift and Displacement. The multi-storey purpose, auditorium purposes and assembly hall. The
building with shear walls which had performed better column is assumed pinned at the base and it will be acting
than other models(normal building and multi-storey as point load on the beams or girders and all loads will
building with masonry infill walls) in resisting transfer to beam to foundation.
earthquake as per IS 1893:2002.
Shear Wall
Key words: Floating columns, Shear wall, Masonry
infill wall, Equivalent static method, Response A shear wall is vertical structural element that will resist
spectrum and Time history. lateral forces in the plane of the wall through shear and
bending. Such a wall acts as with a beam part of its
1. INTRODUCTION strength derives from its depth. The shear wall provides
large strength and stiffness to buildings in the direction of
Floating Columns their orientation, which way to reduced lateral swing
(sway) of the building and there by reduces damage to
A column is supposed to be a vertical member structure. Shear walls carry large horizontal earthquake
starting from foundation level and transferring the load to force; the overturning effects on them are large. The
the ground. The term floating column is also a vertical opening will be provided in shear walls, but their size must
element which ends at its termination level rests on a be small to ensure least time interval (interruption) to
beam which is a horizontal member. The beams in turn force flow through walls.
transfer the load to other columns below it. Such columns
where the load was considered as point load.
W= Width of masonry infill wall.
λ= Co-efficient to determined equivalent width
of infill.
t= Thickness of masonry infill wall.
h= Height of masonry infill wall.
H= Height of RC frame.
l= Length of infill.
d= diagonal length of the masonry infill.
Modulus of elasticity of masonry infill.
= Modulus of elasticity of concrete.
= Moment of inertia of the column.
Fig 2: RC Shear wall
= Moment of inertia of the beam.
Masonry infill wall
The infill wall is the supported wall that closes the
perimeter of the building constructed. The infill wall will 2.1 Without floating columns
be provided at inner and outer frames. It will bear its own
weight, infill wall also acts as a non load bearing wall and
also load bearing wall.
The below formulas are used for the masonry infill wall
width calculation.
Fig 4: Plan of the building Without floating columns
W=0.175 (
walls infill
3.2.3 Displacement
Chart 6: Displacement
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