Seamanship Ii Stress Tables and Stress Calculating Equipment
Seamanship Ii Stress Tables and Stress Calculating Equipment
Seamanship Ii Stress Tables and Stress Calculating Equipment
S1.1.1 Application
S1.1.2 Definitions
Loading Manual:
A Loading Manual is a document which describes:
- the loading conditions on which the design of the ship has
been based, including permissible limits of still water bending
moment and shear force
Stress tables and stress calculating equipment
Functional requirements:
1. deadweight data
2. lightship data
3. trim
Loading Instrument
A loading instrument is an instrument, which is either analogue
or digital, by means of which it can be easily and quickly
ascertained that, at specified read-out points, the still water
bending moments, shear forces, and the still water torsional
moments and lateral loads, where applicable, in any load or
ballast condition will not exceed the specified permissible values.
An operational manual is always to be provided for the loading
instrument. Single point loading instruments are not acceptable.
Stress tables and stress calculating equipment
Category I Ships
Category II;
Category II Ships