Oracle OAF Interview Questions and Answers
Oracle OAF Interview Questions and Answers
Oracle OAF Interview Questions and Answers
2. what is a Javabean?
Answer: JavaBeans is an object-oriented programming interface that lets you build re-useable applications or
program building blocks called components that can be deployed in a network on any major operating system
FND Diagnostics: required for ABOUT THIS PAGE and Diagnostic link on-page.
Personalize Self Service Definitions: To enable Personalize page link on the page.
FND Personalization Region Link Enabled: used to enable Region Personalization links at every region.
FND Migrate to JRAD: By default set to Yes. The page would run from MDS if Yes, else it will run from
FND Document root path: required for personalization
migration. It is set to the path of the MDS folder on the respective servers.
FND Branding image:
FND Banding Size: these profiles options are used for changing standard image (Oracle) on the page.
5. What is MDS?
Answer: MDS is a MetaData Service. When a web page is broken into small units like buttons, fields, etc they
are stored in a database. These are not stored as binary files but as data in tables. The data are present in JDR
tables. MDS provides service to store & return page definitions. MDS collects those definitions in
components/fields in a meaningful manner to build a page.
6. What is Personalization?
Answer: Oracle Apps Framework has an OA Personalization Framework associated with it so that you can
personalize any OAF page in an Oracle E-business Suite application without changing the basic or underlying
code of that OA Framework page, Oracle Application Framework makes it very easy to personalize the
appearance of the page or even the personalization of data displayed on to an OA Framework page.
7. What is XML?
Answer: XML is a markup language for documents containing structured information.
Structured information contains both content (words, pictures, etc.) and some indication of what role that content
plays (for example, content in a section heading has a different meaning from content in a footnote, which
means something different than content in a figure caption or content in a database table, etc.). 1/1