Training Report ON Landslide Control Measures: Submitted By: Submitted To
Training Report ON Landslide Control Measures: Submitted By: Submitted To
Training Report ON Landslide Control Measures: Submitted By: Submitted To
1. Landslide
2. Types and causes
3. Effects of landslide
4. Why study of landslide is critical
5. Landslide control measures
5.1 Retaining wall
5.2 Stabilization of landslide by vegetation
5.3 Soil Reinforcement
5.3.1 Anchoring Introduction Principle Characteristics Types of Anchors Installation Procedure Applications Case study
5.3.2 Soil Nailing Introduction Principle Types of soil Nailing Installation procedure Merits and demerits Applications Case study
5.4 Geosynthetics
5.4.1 Introduction
5.4.2 Categories
5.4.3 Advantages and Disadvantages
5.4.4 Applications
5.4.5 Case Study
List of Figures
Fig 1 : Landslide near Cusco, Peru 2018
Fig 2 : Placing of Reinforcement ( soil anchors)
Fig 3 : Inclined Ground Anchor
Fig 4 : Type 1 Rock Anchor
Fig 5 : Type 2 Earth Anchor
Fig 6 : Type 3 Ground Anchor
Fig 7 : Installed Ground Anchor
Fig 8 : Slope failure at Formosa Freeway
Fig 9 : Original Ground Anchor Slope condition
Fig 10: Crack or Flake off the concrete block
Fig 11: Anchor Head Corrosion
Fig 12: Sol Nailing in Railway construction
Fig 13: Components of soil nail
Fig 14: Slope Failure
Fig 15: Construction Progress
Fig 16: Geogrids
Fig 17: Geocomposite
Fig 18: Application of geosynthetic – Seperation
Fig 19: Placement pattern for reinforcement
Fig 20: Application of geosynthetic – Reinforcement
Fig 21: Application of geosynthetic – Drainage
Fig 22: Application of geosynthetic – Soil Containment
Fig 23: Very Soft Clayey soil
Fig 24: Typical Fill section
Fig 25: Jet Grouting Device
1. Landslide
Landslide, also called landslip, the movement downslope of a mass of rock,
debris, earth, or soil (soil being a mixture of earth and debris). Landslides occur
when gravitational and other types of shear stresses within a slope exceed the shear
strength (resistance to shearing) of the materials that form the slope.
Shear stresses can be built up within a slope by a number of processes. These
include oversteepening of the base of the slope, such as by natural erosion or
excavation, and loading of the slope, such as by an inflow of water, a rise in
the groundwater table, or the accumulation of debris on the slope’s surface. Short-
term stresses, such as those imposed by earthquakes and rainstorms, can likewise
contribute to the activation of landslides. Landslides can also be activated by
processes that weaken the shear strength of a slope’s material. Shear strength is
dependent mainly on two factors: frictional strength, which is the resistance to
movement between the slope material’s interacting constituent particles,
and cohesive strength, which is the bonding between the particles. Coarse particles
such as sand grains have high frictional strength but low cohesive strength,
whereas the opposite is true for clays, which are composed of fine particles.
Another factor that affects the shear strength of a slope-forming material is the
spatial disposition of its constituent particles, referred to as the sediment fabric.
Some materials with a loose, open sediment fabric will weaken if they are
mechanically disturbed or flooded with water. An increase in water content,
resulting from either natural causes or human activity, typically weakens sandy
materials through the reduction of interparticle friction and weakens clays through
the dissolution of interparticle cements, the hydration of clay minerals, and the
elimination of interparticle (capillary) tension.
4. Rotation of a mass of rock, debris, or earth outward from a steep slope face
is called toppling. This type of movement can subsequently cause the mass
to fall or slide.
Earth materials can become detached from a steep slope without significant ,
fall freely under gravity, and land on a surface from which they bounce and
fall farther. Falls of large volume can trap enough air to facilitate the very
rapid flow of rock or debris, forming rock avalanches and debris avalanches.
3. Effects of Landslides
Lead to economic decline
Landslides have been verified to result in destruction of property. If the landslide is
significant, it could drain the economy of the region or country. After a landslide,
the area affected normally undergoes rehabilitation. This rehabilitation involves
massive capital outlay. For example, the 1983 landslide at Utah in the United
States resulted in rehabilitation cost of about $500 million. The annual loss as a
result of landslides in U.S. stands at an estimated $1.5 billion.
Decimation of infrastructure
The force flow of mud, debris, and rocks as a result of a landslide can cause
serious damage to property. Infrastructure such as roads, railways, leisure
destinations, buildings and communication systems can be decimated by a single
Loss of life
Communities living at the foot of hills and mountains are at a greater risk of death
by landslides. A substantial landslide carries along huge rocks, heavy debris and
heavy soil with it. This kind of landslide has the capacity to kills lots of people on
impact. For instance, Landslides in the UK that happened a few years ago caused
rotation of debris that destroyed a school and killed over 144 people including 116
school children aged between 7 and 10 years. In a separate event, NBC News
reported a death toll of 21 people in the March 22, 2014, landslide in Oso,
Affects beauty of landscapes
The erosion left behind by landslides leaves behind rugged landscapes that are
unsightly. The pile of soil, rock and debris downhill can cover land utilized by the
community for agricultural or social purposes.
Landslides are a serious geologic hazard common to several State in the India. As
people move into new areas of hilly or mountainous terrain, it is important to
understand the nature of their potential exposure to landslide hazards, and how
cities, towns, and counties can plan for land-use, engineering of new construction
and infrastructure which will reduce the costs of living with landslides.
Although the physical causes of many landslides cannot be removed, geologic
investigations, good engineering practices, and effective enforcement of land-use
management regulations can reduce landslide hazards. It is also important to
understand the science of landslides – their causes, movement characteristics, soil
properties, the geology associated with them, and where they are likely to occur.
5. Landslide control measures
Landslide control measures are implemented after adequate study and
understanding of the causes of the landslide occurrences, the landslide inducing
processes and their mechanism. The foremost requirements for slide control are
reliable information on the geologic structure of the ground adjoining the land
under considerations, hydro-geological study as well as geomorphological attribute
which may directly lead to a failure of the slope. Landslide control measures
include two types of works,
(i) prevention works and
(ii) detention works.
The former intends to stop or mitigate a landslide motion by changing the natural
conditions, such as, topographical, geotechnical and water conditions at a landslide
site, while the latter aims at detaining a part of the landslide motion or the entire
landslide motion using structural control works. If a slope has already set into
motion, the control measures aiming stopping the movement is needed to be
adopted to counteract the processes which started the slide. Most slides are due to
an abnormal increase of the pore water pressure in the slope-forming material or in
a part of its base. In such cases, meticulous drainage works are of much help. Introduction
Ground anchors consisting of cables or rods connected to a bearing plate are often
used for the stabilization of steep slopes or slopes consisting of softer soils, as well
as the enhancement of embankment or foundation soil capacity, or to prevent
excessive erosion and landslides. The use of steel ground anchors is often
constrained by overall durability in placement (due to weight), and the difficulty in
maintaining tension levels in the anchor. Anchor systems fabricated from fiber
reinforced composite materials show a number of benefits compared to
conventional systems for the following reasons:
In most cases, it is possible to use conventional jacking systems and still realize
greater flexibility in placement and tensioning in difficult ground formations. Applications
Earth anchors are typically used in civil engineering and construction projects, and
have a variety of applications, including :
Retaining walls as part of erosion control systems.
Structural support of temporary buildings and structures.
Tethering marine structures, such as floating docks and pipelines.
Supporting guyed masts, such as radio transmission towers.
Anchoring utility poles and similar structures.
Drainage systems, for loadlocking and restraining capability to happen
Landscape, anchoring trees, often semi-mature transplants. .
General security, as in anchoring small aircraft.
Sporting activities, such as slacklining or abseiling.
At milestone 3.1 km of the Formosa Freeway in northern Taiwan, a landslide
occurred on April 25, 2000, causing nearly 200,000 m 3 of earth and rock to slump
down onto the freeway below. Four people trapped in cars beneath the collapsed
slope died. How such a tremendous slope failure could happen in dry weather
without advanced warning is attributed to two key factors:
(1) Long-term groundwater infiltration resulting in the softening of thin interlayer
between sandstone and shale;
(2) Ground anchor corrosion resulting in a decrease in slope stability.
Together these two factors caused the slope to reach a critical limit resulting in a
collapse. In Taiwan ground anchors have been widely used to improve slope
stability along roadways for more than 40 years. After the Formosa Freeway slope
collapse the government began a comprehensive survey to examine anchors on the
slopes along all freeways. This paper uses finding from this survey as well as
information from other slope failure investigations to examine the performance of
ground anchors in Taiwan. The factors contributing to the failures of the permanent
ground anchors and the required inspections/maintenances are discussed in
addition to recommendations for improving design and construction.
(1) Failure of anchor head: visual inspection for cracks or flaking of the concrete
blocks, tendons shifted up, and departure or rotation of the anchor head.
Efflorescence or groundwater seepage, rupture of the bearing structure and topsoil
hollowed, along with other signs of disturbance.
(2) Integrity of components and corrosion: chisel out the concrete block to
check the anchor head component and the tendons behind the head, an endoscope
is used to observe the corrosion and breaking condition of the tendons behind the
anchor head and the free length. Common problems include tendons with angular
bending. Other conditions to look for include tendon shrinkage, corrosion of
anchor heads and wedges, lack of grout in the free length and corrosion.
(3) Residue loading (decrease or increase): The prestressing load after lock-off
may decrease or increase because of creep, and/or wedge installation. An up-lift
test is usually carried out to check the loading of the ground anchor. Under normal
conditions, loading should be keeping between 0.8 to 1.2 times the design loads.
However, the prestressing load may decrease because of soil creep, tendon
corrosion and hollowed topsoil. On the contrary, the prestressing load may increase
because of slope sliding, increased ground water pressure or swelling of the slope
Fig 10. Crack or Flake off the concrete block Fig 11 : Anchor head corrosion
A special corrosion protection should be applied for the ground anchor in
aggressive environments such as salt water, hot springs, waste yards, mining areas,
etc. The investigation should carry out additional soil and ground water chemicals
tests (e.g. PH value, resistivity, sulfate content).
(3) For effective grout that prevents corrosion in the free length of ground anchor,
at least three key points are relevant: setting up the vent near the highest point of
the anchor hole; keeping the grouting process in a fully exhaust condition; let the
slurry be mutually complementary at any time during the bleeding and shrinkage
process of the grout. Ground anchor free length corrosion grouting should achieve
full grouting conditions. Respecting whether or not such corrosion performance
can fit the expected function in design life is still worth discussing.
(4) If the angle between the surface of earth retaining structures and ground
anchors is not orthogonal, or the angle plate is not fixed in the retaining structures,
then ground anchors will produce angular bending or loss of function, and may
cause serious damage. It is recommended that the bearing plate and trumpet be
welded and put together with the embedded hole pipe, to avoid angle offset and
produce angular bending after the anchor stressing.
(5) Detecting the function of the existing ground anchors and providing
reinforcement is imperative at this stage. Using visual inspection, endoscopic
detection instrument and lift-off test methods to detect degradation is
recommended. Anti-corrosion methods and load measurement after the lift-off test
is completed, in addition to the anchor load cell is recommended, to monitor the
change of ground anchor force, thus ensuring the safety of the retaining structure.
5.3.2 Soil Nailing Introduction
Soil nailing is a construction technique used to reinforce soil to make it more
stable. Soil nailing is used for slopes, excavations, retaining walls etc. to make it
more stable.
In this technique, soil is reinforced with slender elements such as reinforcing bars
which are called as nails. These reinforcing bars are installed into pre-drilled holes
and then grouted. These nails are installed at an inclination of 10 to 20 degrees
with vertical. Principle
Soil nailing is used to stabilize the slopes or excavations where required slopes for
excavation cannot be provided due to space constraints and construction of
retaining wall is not feasible. It is just an alternate to retaining wall structures.
As the excavation proceeds, the shotcrete, concrete or other grouting materials are
applied on the excavation face to grout the reinforcing steel or nails. These provide
stability to the steep soil slope. Soil nailing technique is used for slopes or
excavations alongside highways, railway lines etc.
2. Driven Nails:
Driven nailing is used for temporary stabilization of soil slopes. In this method, the
nails are driven in the slope face during excavation. This method is very fast, but
does not provide corrosion protection to the reinforcement steel or nails.
Installation of nailing along the slope face increases the resisting force against the
driving force of the soil mass in the failure zone. Hence, it can be regarded as a
slope stabilization method. The fundamental principle of soil nailing is the
development of tensile force in the soil mass and renders the soil mass stable.
Although only tensile force is considered in the analysis and design, soil nail also
resist bending and shear force in the slope. Through finite element analysis by
Cheng (1998), has demonstrated that the bending and shear contribution to the
factor of safety is relatively insignificant and the current practice in soil nail design
(of considering only tensile force) should be good enough for the most cases. Nails
are usually constructed at an angle of inclination from 10° to 20°. Depending upon
the climate of a particular region some sort of thickness of corrosion zone is
assumed for an ordinary steel bar soil nail. As in Hong-Kong practice, a thickness
of 2 mm is assumed as the corrosion zone so that the design bar diameter is totally
4mm less than the actual diameter of the bar. The nail is usually protected by
galvanization, paint, epoxy and cement grout. Alternatively, fiber reinforced
polymer (FRP) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) may be used for soil
nails which are currently under consideration. There are several practices in the
design of soil nails. The effective nail load is usually taken as the minimum of
the bond strength between cement grout and soil,
the tensile strength of the soil nail and
the bond stress between grout and the nail.
Design Considerations
Soil nail walls are particularly well suited to excavation applications for
ground conditions that require vertical or near vertical cuts. They have been
used successfully in highway cuts; end slope removal under existing bridge
abutments during underpass widening; for the repair, stabilization, and
reconstruction of existing retaining structures; and tunnel portals.
Soil nail walls can be considered as retaining structures for any permanent or
temporary vertical or near-vertical cut construction, as they add stabilizing
resistance in situations where other retaining structures (e.g., anchor walls)
are commonly used and where ground conditions are suitable. The relatively
wide range of available facing systems allows for various aesthetic
requirements to be addressed. In this application, soil nailing is attractive
because it tends to minimize excavation, provides reasonable right-of-way
and clearing limits, and hence, minimizes environmental impacts within the
transportation corridor.
Soil nail walls are particularly applicable for uphill widening projects that
must be constructed either within an existing right-of-way or in steep terrain.
The objective of current study is to emphasize on the feasibility of soil nail
wall as an effective technique of stabilization of vertical cuts, restoration of
failed slopes and in underpass construction. To accomplish this purpose
three case studies are described. Case Study - Stabilization of Slope of Reservoir
Tables 1 and 2 provide the soil parameters used in the stability analysis and the
results indicate that the critical factor of safety varies depending on cohesion of the
casing material. Table 4 shows that the factor of safety reduces to values lower than
unity when the cohesion reduces to values in the range of 2 kPa. It may be noted
that compacted soils such as the casing materials have cohesion values due to
capillary stresses which get reduced during the rainy season. It is likely that the
water entering through the tension cracks at the crest of the bund and also from the
bund surface would have resulted in loss of cohesion in the casing material in
general contributed to the sliding of the casing zone of the embankment. Loss of
cohesion leads to overall reduction in shear resistance of the soil and when the
driving forces under the influence of infiltrating water, seepage pressures through
the tensions cracks increase, the available resistance being less, slopes fail as
happened in the present case. In order to increase the available shear resistance,
introduction of reinforcement is useful. Hence tor steel (with yield strength
of 415 MPa) rods of 20 mm dia and 5 m length, spaced at 0.5 m vertically and 1m
horizontally are suggested and the section is analyzed. It is reported that the
stability of the bund section is satisfactory.
It is important that in cases like the above, shear strength properties of the core and
embankment materials need to be determined based on effective stresses and also
the back pressure saturation of compacted samples need to be ensured.
5.4 Geosynthetics
5.4.1 Introduction
Geosynthetics are synthetic products used to stabilize terrain. They are
generally polymeric products used to solve civil engineering problems. The
polymeric nature of the products makes them suitable for use in the ground where
high levels of durability are required. They can also be used in exposed
applications. Geosynthetics are available in a wide range of forms and materials.
These products have a wide range of applications and are currently used in many
civil, geotechnical, transportation, geoenvironmental, hydraulic, and
private development applications
including roads, airfields, railroads, embankments, retaining
structures, reservoirs, canals, dams, erosion control, sediment
control, landfill liners, landfill covers, mining, aquaculture and agriculture.
5.4.2 Categories
Geotextiles form one of the two largest groups of geosynthetics. They are textiles
consisting of synthetic fibers rather than natural ones such as cotton, wool, or silk.
This makes them less susceptible to bio-degradation. These synthetic fibers are
made into flexible, porous fabrics by standard weaving machinery or are matted
together in a random non woven manner. Some are also knitted. Geotextiles are
porous to liquid flow across their manufactured plane and also within their
thickness, but to a widely varying degree. There are at least 100 specific
application areas for geotextiles that have been developed; however, the fabric
always performs at least one of four discrete functions: separation, reinforcement,
filtration, and/or drainage.
Geogrids represent a rapidly growing segment within geosynthetics. Rather than
being a woven, nonwoven or knitted textile fabric, geogrids are polymers formed
into a very open, gridlike configuration, i.e., they have large apertures between
individual ribs in the transverse and longitudinal directions. Geogrids are
(a) either stretched in one, two or three directions for improved physical properties,
(b) made on weaving or knitting machinery by standard textile manufacturing
methods, or
(c) by laser or ultrasonically bonding rods or straps together. There are many
specific application areas; however, geogrids function almost exclusively as
reinforcement material.
Fig 16 : Geogrids
Geonets, and the related geospacers by some, constitute another specialized
segment within the geosynthetics area. They are formed by a continuous extrusion
of parallel sets of polymeric ribs at acute angles to one another. When the ribs are
opened, relatively large apertures are formed into a netlike configuration. Two
types are most common, either biplanar or triplanar. Alternatively many very
different types of drainage cores are available. They consist of nubbed, dimpled or
cuspated polymer sheets, three-dimensional networks of stiff polymer fibers in
different configurations and small drainage pipes or spacers within geotextiles.
Their design function is completely within the drainage area where they are used to
convey liquids or gases of all types.
Geomembranes represent the other largest group of geosynthetics, and in dollar
volume their sales are greater than that of geotextiles. Their growth in the United
States and Germany was stimulated by governmental regulations originally enacted
in the early 1980s for the lining and sealing of solid-waste landfills. The materials
themselves are relatively thin, impervious sheets of polymeric material used
primarily for linings and covers of liquids- or solid-storage facilities. This includes
all types of landfills, surface impoundments, canals, and other containment
facilities. Thus the primary function is always containment as a liquid or vapor
barrier or both. The range of applications, however, is great, and in addition to the
environmental area, applications are rapidly growing in geotechnical,
transportation, hydraulic, and private development engineering (such as
aquaculture, agriculture, heap leach mining, etc.).
Geofoam is a product created by a polymeric expansion process of polystyrene
resulting in a “foam” consisting of many closed, but gas-filled, cells. The skeletal
nature of the cell walls is the unexpanded polymeric material. The resulting
product is generally in the form of large, but extremely light, blocks which are
stacked side-by-side providing lightweight fill in numerous applications.
Geocells (also known as Cellular Confinement Systems) are three-dimensional
honeycombed cellular structures that form a confinement system when infilled
with compacted soil. Extruded from polymeric materials into strips welded
together ultrasonically in series, the strips are expanded to form the stiff (and
typically textured and perforated) walls of a flexible 3D cellular mattress. Infilled
with soil, a new composite entity is created from the cell-soil interactions. The
cellular confinement reduces the lateral movement of soil particles, thereby
maintaining compaction and forms a stiffened mattress that distributes loads over a
wider area. Traditionally used in slope protection and earth retention applications,
geocells made from advanced polymers are being increasingly adopted for long-
term road and rail load support.
A geocomposite consists of a combination of geotextiles, geogrids, geonets and/or
geomembranes in a factory fabricated unit. Also, any one of these four materials
can be combined with another synthetic material (e.g., deformed plastic sheets or
steel cables) or even with soil. As examples, a geonet or geospacer with geotextiles
on both surfaces and a GCL consisting of a geotextile/bentonite/geotextile
sandwich are both geocomposites. This specific category brings out the best
creative efforts of the engineer and manufacturer. The application areas are
numerous and constantly growing.
Fig 17 : Geocomposites
5.4.3 Advantages and Disadvantages
The manufactured quality control of geosynthetics in a controlled factory
environment is a great advantage over outdoor soil and rock construction. Most
factories are ISO 9000 certified and have their own in-house quality programs
as well.
The low thickness of geosynthetics, as compared to their natural soil
counterparts, is an advantage insofar as light weight on the subgrade, less
airspace used, and avoidance of quarried sand, gravel, and clay soil materials. [1]
The ease of geosynthetic installation is significant in comparison to thick
soil layers (sands, gravels, or clays) requiring large earthmoving equipment. [1]
Published standards (test methods, guides, and specifications) are well
advanced in standards-setting organizations like ISO, ASTM, and GSI.
Design methods are currently available from many publication sources as
well as universities which teach stand-alone courses in geosynthetics or have
integrated geosynthetics in traditional geotechnical, geoenvironmental, and
hydraulic engineering courses.
When comparing geosynthetic designs to alternative natural soil designs
there are usually cost advantages and invariably sustainability (lower
CO2 footprint) advantages.
Long-term performance of the particular formulated resin being used to
make the geosynthetic must be assured by using proper additives including
antioxidants, ultraviolet screeners, and fillers.
The exposed lifetime of geosynthetics, being polymeric, is less than
unexposed as when they are soil backfilled.
Clogging or bioclogging of geotextiles, geonets, geopipe and/or
geocomposites is a challenging design for certain soil types or unusual
situations. For example, losses soils, fine cohesionless silts, highly turbid
liquids, and microorganism laden liquids (farm runoff) are troublesome and
generally require specialized testing evaluations.
Handling, storage, and installation must be assured by careful quality control
and quality assurance.
5.4.4 Applications
The juxtaposition of the various types of geosynthetics just described with the
primary function that the material is called upon to serve allows for the creation of
an organizational matrix for geosynthetics; see table below. In essence, this matrix
is the “scorecard” for understanding the entire geosynthetic field and its design
related methodology. In the table the primary function that each geosynthetic can
be called upon to serve is seen. Note that these are primary functions and in many
cases (if not most) cases there are secondary functions, and perhaps tertiary ones as
well. For example, a geotextile placed on soft soil will usually be designed on the
basis of its reinforcement capability, but separation and filtration might certainly
be secondary and tertiary considerations. As another example, a geomembrane is
obviously used for its containment capability, but separation will always be a
secondary function. The greatest variability from a manufacturing and materials
viewpoint is the category of geocomposites. The primary function will depend
entirely upon what is actually created, manufactured, and installed.
Geosynthetics are generally designed for a particular application by considering
the primary function that can be provided. As seen in the accompanying table there
are five primary functions given, but some groups suggest even more.
Soil Reinforcement
1) Basal reinforcement
Basal reinforcement is provided at the foundation level of the reinforced structure.
A standard penetration test is conducted to assess the soil’s bearing capacity. If the
bearing capacity comes out between 10 and 60 Kpa, basal reinforcement is
provided in the form of Geogrid reinforcement, which is laid out to counter for the
failure that could have occurred due to the un-drained shear stress of the
2) Soil reinforcement
The technology of soil reinforcement, using geosynthetics, involves labor force to
cut the geogrid to the required length, place it on site. Soil reinforcement is usually
laid in one of the following scenarios: when either the soil bearing capacity is low
or the layers are compressible; when in a landslide-prone zone; when there is
excessive rutting and; when there are uneven settlements.
It allows the steepening of the slope, enabling to maintain the construction within
the boundaries, as well as saving on earthmoving and importing of soil. The
geogrids used are high-tensile polyester, encased in a LLDPE (linear low-density
polyethylene) coating to prevent installation damage acting as primary
Soil Data
Bore log data furnished by the client suggest a general subsoil profile consisting of
soft surficial deposit of peat overlying laterite in some areas and clayey sand in
other areas. SPT N-values and laboratory test results show very lower shear
strength for peat deposit, where as laterite and clayey sand exists in medium to stiff
Fill Height
Placement of earth fill over soft peat deposit, which exists at shallow depth, will
cause consolidation. This consolidation, being dependent on soil parameter, will be
different at different locations. As per soil report furnished by the client, the total
settlements due to 1m fill at different locations are varying from 55mm to 160mm.
The present level of ground +0.50m and considering extra fill height of 250mm
and to archive final FGL as +2.25m the required fill height is 2.0m. Assuming
linear variation of settlement of fill with load, the estimated settlements for 2.0m
fill are varying from 240 to 320mm.
Typical Earth Fill Section
Earth fill on the soft peat deposit may give rise to problem of short-term stability.
Therefore in order to improve short- term stability, 2 layers of geotextile of
“PROPEX 6086” with drainage layer sandwiched in between were provided. A
slope of 2H: 1V is considered at the edge of fill.
Polypropylene is one of the excellent filter materials for drainage. It has been
observed physically last 2 years and we have not faced any problem for Kandaleru
reservoir dam. We are proposing the use of Polypropylene as a filter material for
present similar kind of projects in our country. The basal reinforcement technique
for short-term shear parameter improvement is the best and economical method.
We have also noticed that the basal reinforcement technique presented here have
been used in most of the countries like UK, Germany, USA and in India. It is
recognized as a best method of construction.
5.5.5 Chemical, thermal and mechanical treatments
The high energy jet produces a mixture of the ground and a continuous and
systematic "claquage" with only a local effect within the radius of action without
provoking deformations at the surface that could induce negative consequences on
the stability of adjacent constructions. The projection of the mixture at high speed
through the nozzles, using the effect of the elevated energy in play, allows the
modification of the natural disposition and mechanical characteristics of the
ground in the desired direction and in accordance with the mixture used (cement,
bentonite, water, chemical, mixtures etc.). Depending on the characteristics of the
natural ground, the type of mixture used, and work parameters, compression
strength from 1 to 500 kgf/cm² (100 kPa to 50 MPa) can be obtained in the treated
The realisation of massive consolidated ground elements of various shapes and
sizes (buttresses and spurs) within the mass to be stabilised, is achieved by acting
opportunely on the injection parameters. In this way the following can be obtained:
thin diaphragms, horizontal and vertical cylinders of various diameter and
generally any geometrical shapes.
Thermal method
Another method for improving the mechanical characteristics of the ground is
thermal treatment of potentially unstable hillsides made up of clayey materials.
Historically, unstable clayey slopes along railways were hardened by lighting of
wood or coal fires within holes dug into the slope. In large diameter holes (from
200 to 400 mm.), about 0.8-1.2m. apart and horizontally interconnected, burners
were introduced to form cylinders of hardened clay. The temperatures reached
were around 800 °C. These clay cylinders worked like piles giving greater shear
strength to the creep surface. This system was useful for surface creep, as in the
case of an embankment. In other cases the depth of the holes or the amount of fuel
necessary led to either the exclusion of this technique or made the effort
9. Lambe & Whitman