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corazon salvacion castle
laurence mcgonnell

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with teach yourself
Corazon Salvation Castle (M A in TESUApplied Linguistics) is an author, writer, translator
and teacher of English and Tagalog at SOAS, Laurence McConnell MA. M P S is a member
of St. Joseph’s M issionary Society and lives and w orts in the Philippines.

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Introduction___________________ __________ 1
Pronunciation g u id e _____________________ 2
Sa paliparan A t the airport_______________ 5
Introducing yourself and addressing others; Greeting
people at different times of the day; Saying hello and
goodbye; Language skills: Si, sina. Simple sentence
construction. Formal or informal? Ka, kayo You
2 Anong oras ang almusal
What time is breakfast?__________________ 17
Checking in to your hotel; Language skills: Verb ‘to be’;
Enquiring about meals; Language skills: May, mavroon
Has/have, there is/are; wala None (no). Question words:
Sino? ano? Who? what?
3 Para sa inyo ang regalong ito
This gift is for you_____________________ 32
Meeting your friend’s family; Language skills: The
indefinite article, a and an; Ang The definite article, the;
Saying ‘thank you’; Language skills: Hindi No/nor,
Wala None
4 Nasaan ang post office?
Where’s the post office?__________________ 46
Asking ‘where?’; Language skills: Nasaan? Where?;
Buying stamps and sending a parcel; Language skills:
5 Pera M on ey _____________________________ 5 9
Asking the price of goods; Language skills: Isa, dalawa,
tatlo, etc. One, two, three, etc. Counting money. Anong
oras na? Telling the time; Magkano, magkakano How
much, how much each?; Haggling; Changing currency
and travellers’ cheques at the bank

6 Saan ka nakatira? Where do you live?_____ 76

Using the question word saan; Language skills: Saan?
Where?', Finding an address on a map; Language skills:
Masyado So, very, quite, too, etc. Find the right
7 Ang pamilya ko My fa m ily________________ 8 9
Introducing the members of your family; Language
skills: Ko, mo, niya, namin, natin, ninyo, nila;
Possessive pronouns: Ng Of/of the-, ni/nina + name of
person/s\ Using ‘ay’ in a sentence; Language skills: Ay
8 Sa restawran A t the restaurant____________ 104
Ordering your drinks; Language skills: Mga Making
words plural'. Choosing some typical Filipino food;
Language skills: Other uses of mga; Asking for the bill;
Language skills: Ito, iyan, iyon This, that, that (over
there)-, Mga + ito, iyan, iyon
9 Sa botika A t the pharmacy________________ 1 1 9
Asking for medication; Language skills: Para sa For,
Para kanino For whom; para saan for what;
Consulting a doctor; Naming the parts of the body
10 Tulong? (Need) H elp?_____________________1 3 2
Asking for help; Language skills: Sa akin, sa iyo, sa
kaniya Mine, yours, his/hers; Mga kulay Colours;
Shopping for a gift; Language skills: Kanino Whose; Sa
To/to the, in/in the, on/on the, at/at the
11 Gusto kong magpagupit / want a haircut___ 1 4 8
Making an appointment; Language skills: Pseudo-verbs;
Describing what you want done; Language skills: More
about pseudo-verbs; Language skills: More on the sa
12 Bagay ba sa akin? Does this suit m e?______ 1 6 3
Dying something on in a store; Language skills: Verbs:
Active voice/passive voice; Transitive/intransitive; The
um verb; Asking about alterations; Language skills:
Verbalisation of adjectives; Describing the weather;
Language skills: Verbalisation of acts of nature

13 Sa istasyon ng bus A t the bus station______ 181

Asking about tickets, destinations and departures;
Days, months and years; Language skills: Mag verbs;
Enquiring about arrivals; Language skills: Ma verbs;
Finding out what your journey will be like; Language
skills: Maka + urn verb stem To be able to, to happen
to, to come to, to manage to, makapag + mag verbs
To be able to, to happen to, to come to, to manage to
14 Sa tabing-dagat A t the beach______________ 201
Hiring a boat; Language skills: Mang verbs; Particles;
Going swimming; Language skills: Makapang
To be able to
15 Sa simbahan A t church__________________ 2 1 8
Becoming a godparent; Language skills: In Passive
verbs; Attending a baptism; Language skills: Changing
the tense of in verbs; More on particles
16 Maari bang gawin mo ito?
Could I ask a favour o f you?______________ 2 3 5
Making requests and suggestions; Language skills:
Passive ‘P verbs; May + verb; walang + verb; Requests,
commands and suggestions
17 Isang kasalan A wedding_________________ 2 5 0
Understanding Filipino customs and traditions: a
wedding; Language skills: Passive an verbs; Expressing
the circumstantial in passive verbs; Talking about
customs; Language skills: Sarili ko/aking sarili etc;
Reflexive; mismo intensive
18 Sa isang pistang bayan A t a town fie sta ___ 2 6 8
Celebrating a Filipino fiesta; Language skills: Pag +
verb root; Nominalised verbs - the gerund; Ka + verb
root + an, ang + verb; Other nominalisations; Language
skills: Maki, makipag, makipang; Participational verb
forms in active verbs; Handling a water buffalo!;
Language skills: Ganito Like this; Ganiyan Like that;
Ganoon Like that (over there)

19 Ang buhay sa baryo Life in the barrio_____ 2 8 7

Living in the barrio; Language skills: Magpa + active
verb To cause, to let, to have, to permit, to ask, to make;
Helping on the farm; Language skills: Pa-in (ma/um
verb roots), papag-in (mag verb roots), papang-in
(mang verb roots); Language skills: Ipa (In and i verbs),
pa-an (an verbs) To cause, to let, to make, to allow, to
have, to permit
20 Paalam Goodbye_________________________ 3 0 4
Expressing embarrassment; Language skills: Kasing/
sing As... as; Doing last-minute shopping; Language
skills: Making nouns with pang; Saying your last
goodbyes; Language skills: Mas, lalong, kaysa sa
Key to the ex ercises______________________3 2 3
Verb list_________________________________ 3 3 4
Tagalog-English g lo ssa ry _________________ 3 4 5
English-Tagalog g lo ssa ry_________________ 3 5 6

A ck n ow led gem en ts
Cora expresses her gratitude to the people who made this book a reality. To Sue
Hart of Hodder and Stoughton for commissioning her to write this book. To Dr
Nigel Philips of the University of London for persuading her to continue with this
project. And most especially to Larry, for agreeing to co-author this book,
contributing valuable cultural tips, and for patiently going through the original
manuscripts. Also to Rebecca Green for her infinite patience, to friends Eric,
Shirley and Aman, and to Dr Doming Landicho for his helpful advice. Her
heartfelt love and gratitude also go to Roy, her husband, for his endless assistance,
and her special thanks to Louie, Baby, Elian and Divin for their support.
Lany would like to express a word of thanks to Fr. lose Leslie Andre who kindly
offered advice in the preparation of some of the cultural tips in this book. Thanks
also go to Nenet Penetrante for her behind the scenes assistance and to my family
and colleagues at St. loseph’s College, Mill Hill, for their support. Thanks to Bert
and Leting Tronosco for providing some of the photographs reproduced in this
book Finally, a word of thanks to Sue Hart and Rebecca Green at Hodder &
Stoughton for their patient assistance throughout this project.
The Publishers would like to thank Roy Castle for the illustrations.

This Teach Yourself Tagalog course is intended to supply the

beginner with a simple and well-selected stock of words in easy-
to-understand lessons.
This book is a fascinating introduction to not only the Tagalog
language, but also the Filipino way of life. Here, we will follow the
day-to-day ‘adventures’ of the Cook family: Bill, Louise and Roy.
Follow them from the minute they touch down at Ninoy Aquino
International Airport, as they check in to their hotel, visit places of
interest and attend local festivities while travelling around the
country by bus, jeepney and boat. By following them, we will learn
much about the ways and customs of the Filipino people, and of
course plenty of Tagalog!
The chapters are graded in complexity and each includes a
dialogue, a vocabulary box, a comprehensive grammar explanation,
drills, practice tests and plenty of cultural tips. Prepare to be
informed and entertained: Learn how to haggle at a Sunday market,
discover your ability to mix with the locals while enjoying the
pleasures of Tagalog learning. Teach Yourself Tagalog is a veritable
treasure trove of information, activities - and learning.
The phonetic pronunciations in this book are specifically designed
for native English speakers and follow standard English
pronunciation. They offer the nearest possible approximation of
Tagalog sounds, available to the native English speaker. For a
highly polished Tagalog pronunciation, listen carefiilly to native
Tagalog speakers.
A list of common words can be found as an appendix for your
convenience and interest.
The authors want you to be able to learn Tagalog as painlessly as
possible and to develop self-confidence in speaking and writing
your new language. So relax and Teach Yourself Tagalog]

The Tagalog language is relatively easy to pronounce for the

English speaker. It is in fact read or pronounced as written or
printed, making it almost phonetic. We can safely say that the
pronunciation of Tagalog more or less rests on the five vowels:
a ah e eh ie e o aw u oo
The consonants are as follows:
b bah k kah d dah g gah h hah 1 lah m mah n nah
ng ngah p pah r rah s sah t tah w wah y yah
The letters C, F, J, Q, V, X and Z are not strictly part of the Tagalog
alphabet though they do appear in the names of people, i.e.
Corazon, Josefa, Victoria; places, i.e. Quezon, Luzon, Virac,
Zamboanga; and names of things, i.e., Xerox, Kleenex etc.
The letters b, p and t are not aspirated in Tagalog. An easy way to
test whether your b ’s, p ’s and t ’s are aspirated is to hold a piece of
paper in front of your mouth while pronouncing each letter. The
paper should not move whenever these letters are pronounced.
Why not try it out? If the paper didn’t move then congratulations,
you have pronounced them the Tagalog way.
Every syllable in Tagalog is pronounced. Even if a word has two
successive vowels, then each vowel is treated as a separate syllable
and pronounced. For example, the Tagalog word Oo (meaning:
yes) is not pronounced as ‘ooh’ but rather as aw-aw. This rule does
not however apply to foreign words that have been assimilated into
the Tagalog language, for example, Quezon (a personal noun of
Spanish origin).

Aa (ah-ah) dirt; filth {used only when
speaking to small children about
anything dirty. Also used by
children themselves).
Saan (sah-ahn) where
Leeg (leh-ehg) neck
Iniiwan (ee-nee-ee-wahn) being left {passive voice)
Uuwi (oo-oo-wee) will go home {active voice)
Biik {bee-eek) piglet
Tsaa (tsah-ah) tea
Maasim {mah-ah-seem) sour
The more you study and listen to Tagalog, the more foreign words
(mainly Spanish and English) you will begin to notice in the
Garahe (gah-rah-heh) garage (origin: Spanish)
Recibo (reh-see-baw) receipt (origin: Spanish)
Kalye (kahl-ye) street (origin: Spanish)
Tseke (tseh-keh) cheque (origin: English)
Notbuk (nawt-book) notebook (origin: English)
In Tagalog, ch is pronounced like the ‘eh' in ‘cheque’ or ‘cha cha’.
There is no sh combination in Tagalog, hence the English word
‘shoes’ is likely to be pronounced ‘syoos’ and the word ‘shame’
becomes '’syaym'. The soft th as in ‘thing’ does not exist and so is
pronounced as ‘teeng’. The hard th as in ‘that’ is also absent from
Tagalog and so the word is pronounced as ‘daht\
The final s is never pronounced as a z in Tagalog. Any word ending
in s is therefore pronounced as an s.
The letters F, PH and V are replaced in Tagalog by P and B
Father pronounced ‘p ah-dehr’ pader
Philip pronounced 'Pee-leep’ Pilip
Vanilla pronounced ‘bah-neel-yah’ banilya
Victory pronounced ‘beek-taw-ree ’ biktori

B, D and G tend to be voiceless and heard as P, T and K.

When a group of consonants (non-vowels) appear at the beginning
of a word, they tend to invite the softening touch of a vowel. These
vowels are known as intrusive vowels. For example:
School becomes eskul (es-kool)
Start becomes istart (is-tart)
Scheme becomes iskim (is-keem)
The endings of words can sometimes be dropped or changed, and
this is most apparent in the pronunciation of words ending in D or T.
Stand becomes stan (stahn)
Trends becomes trens (trehns)
Wants becomes wans (wahns)
Canned becomes can (kahn)
There are no WH sound in Tagalog pronunciation. The straight-
forward W sound replaces it.
What becomes wat (waht)
When becomes wen (wehn)
Which becomes wits (weets)
Why becomes wahy (wigh)
Tagalog makes no regular distinction between the I in ‘hit’ and the
I in ‘heat’, between the U in ‘tool’ and the U in ‘puli’.
Kit becomes keet (keeht)
Keats becomes keets (keehts)
Sit becomes sect (seeht)
Seat becomes seet (seeht)
Rule becomes rool (roohl)
Accents have been provided on all words in the Tagalog-English
glossary at the back of the book to assist with a more accurate
A t the airport

In th is unit you w ill learn h o w to

■ introduce yourself and address others
■ greet people at different times of the day
■ form simple sentences

SI Introducing yourself and addressing others

G D ialogu e 1
The Cook family has arrived at Ninoy Aquino International Airport
(NAIA) in Manila. It is 7.30 in the evening. A friendly customs
official approaches them.

Opisyal Magandang gabi po sa inyo. Kumusta kayo? Si

Ginoong Santos ako. Anong pangalan ninyo?
Bill Mabuti naman, salamat. Bill Cook ang pangalan ko.
Louise Mabuti rin naman. Maraming salamat. Louise Cook
ang pangalan ko.
Roy Mabuti po naman. Salamat po. Roy Cook po ang
pangalan ko.
Opisyal Ikinagagalak ko kayong makilala.
To help build your confidence, we have included two simple pronunciation aids in the Unit
Dialogues throughout this book. The bold typeface syllables in each word indicate where to
add stress, while the italicised words indicate a glottal stop.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
magandang gabi po good evening (polite)
sa inyo to you (plural)
kumusta kayo how are you (polite)
anong pangalan ninyo? what’s your name? (formal)
ang pangalan ko my name is
mabuti naman fine also (lit.)
maraming salamat Thank you very much
ikinagagalak ko kayong makilata I ’m pleased to meet you
mabuti rin naman I'm fine too
mabuti po naman I ’m fine too (formal)

Officer Good evening to you. How are you? I’m Mr. Santos.
Bill (I’m) fine. Thank you. My name is Bill Cook.
Louise I’m fine too. Thank you very much. My name is Louise
Roy I’m fine too. My name is Roy Cook. Thank you.
Officer I’m pleased to meet you.
Did you notice the different ways in which the official and the
Cook family introduced themselves? Bill Cook simply said: ‘Bill
Cook ang pangalan ko’, whereas Roy Cook said ‘Roy Cook po ang
pangalan ko.’ Filipinos traditionally place a high value on respect
and politeness. They often insert the word ‘po’ or ‘opto’ into a
sentence as an indicator of respect, especially when addressing
older people or persons in authority. It is good practice for the
visitor to the Philippines to show sensitivity to this cultural value
from the outset. By using the more formal ‘po’ or ‘opo’, you are
assured of making a good first impression. Now try using the two
different ways of introducing yourself (formal and informal). Write
the sentences down, this time using your own name. Why not try
recording the new sentences and listening to your own voice and
pronunciation. Listen once again to Dialogue 1 and compare your
Tagalog pronunciation with that of Bill Cook.
A n on g p an gala n m o? W hat is your nam e?

^ Did you notice how the official asked Bill Cook for his name?
There are different ways in which people may ask your name.
Look at the following examples and listen carefully to their
pronunciation on the accompanying tape. Tagalog word sounds are
quite different from English word sounds. Try to repeat what you
hear as closely as you can.
Magandang umaga po. Good, morning.
Anong pangalan mo? What’s your name?
Joe Bulman. (I’m) Joe Bulman
Sino ka? Who are you?
Si Phil ako. I am Phil.
Sino po kayo? Who are you ? (polite)
Si Ginoong John Smith ako. I am Mr Jofm Smith
Sino po kayo? Who are you?
Si Margaret Hough ako. I am Margaret Hough.
A d d ressin g o th ers I, you, he/she etc.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
anong pangalan mo what's your name?
pangalan mo your name
sino who

In our day-to-day conversations, we do not always use people’s

names. Sometimes we drop the names in favour of words such as
I, he, she, etc. These are known as personal pronouns.
The following table shows both singular (only one person) and
plural (more than one) personal pronouns.
Tagalog sometimes uses the plural form (normally reserved for
addressing more than one person) to address a single individual.
For the Tagalog speaker, this has the same effect as using ‘po’ or
‘op o\ in that it conveys politeness and respect to the listener. For
example, we would normally understand ‘kumusta kayo?’ to mean,
‘how are you (all)?’ However, when addressed to a single
individual, it can be understood as a very polite way of asking how
someone is.
Airport tip

Singular Plural
1st person ako/ kami we (excluding
(speaker) listener)
tayo we (including
2nd person ka/ikaw you (informal) kayo you (plural)
(spoken to) kayo you (formal)
3rd person siya he/she sila they
(spoken about)

(J) Notice that ‘you’ (singular) has two forms: ka and ikaw. The

On arriving in Manila, you may be reluctant to carry any heavy

luggage by hand through the airport. You may wish to make use
of an airport trolley, but be aware that there is a charge of around
40 pesos. You will need to buy a trolley ticket from the booth
clearly marked near the luggage retrieval carousel.

n i V T F O U N D A T IO N IN C .

S .$ l

« « n il m

This servos as your Official Receipt

e TlgJQI -662-321 -OQO-NONVWr

simple difference is that ka is always used as part of a sentence,

‘kumusta ka?’ (how are you?), whereas ikaw can stand alone
(without being used in a sentence).
E xercise 1
IS Listen to the following Tagalog sentences on the tape. Practise
reading each sentence aloud. Follow the pronunciation closely
until you can repeat each word and sound with confidence.

Tagalog Literal translation Translation

Si Mary Smith ako Mary Smith I I am Mary Smith
Si Letty Zapanta ako Letty Zapanta I / am Letty Zapanta
Si Doktor Rivera kayo Doctor Rivera you You am Dr Rivera (formal)
Si Ramon Tenoso siya Ramon Tenoso he/she He is Ramon Tenoso
Pilipino kami Filipinos we We are Filipinos
Estudyante tayo Students we We are students
Amerikano sila Americans they They are Americans
10______________________ TAGALOG

D Exercise 2
Underline the correct word.
1. He/ she is a nurse. Nars (ka, ako, siya).
2. We are Americans. Amerikano (kami, kayo, sila).
3 .1 am a tourist. Turista (tayo, ako, kami).
4. You are a teacher. Guro (ka, siya, ako).
5. They are priests. Pari (kayo, tayo, sila).
6. You (plural) are doctors. Doktor (kami, ka, kayo).
7. We are students. Estudyante (tayo, ako, sila).
8. You (polite) are British. British (ka, ikaw, kayo).
9. They are engineers. Inhinyero (siya, sila, kayo).
10. He/she is a lawyer. Abogado (kayo, siya, ka).

Greeting people at different times

of the day

a E xercise 3
Match up the correct sentence with the correct drawing.
1. Magandang umaga Good morning
2. Magandang tanghali Good noon (midday)
3. Magandang hapon Good afternoon
4. Magandang gabi Good evening

TO E xercise 4
What greeting would you use at the following times of day?
1. 6:00 a.m. Magandang
2. 6:30 p.m. Magandang
3. 12:00 a.m. Magandang
4. 3:00 p.m. Magandang

Saying hello and goodbye

How you say ‘hello’ in Tagalog depends very much on who you are
talking to. Four possible ways of saying hello follow, ranging from
the informal ‘kum usta’, commonly used with friends and family,
to the very formal and polite ‘K um usta po kayo’. Why not try
practicing each of the examples given and think of someone you
would use each example with. Saying goodbye in Tagalog is much
less complicated than saying ‘hello’. Any of the three examples
given are acceptable in most circumstances.
m Look at the different ways of saying hello and goodbye. All are
commonly used. Listen carefully to the pronunciation on the
accompanying tape. Try to copy what you hear by repeating each
H ello, g o o d b y e
1. Kumusta? Hello/how are you?
Mabuti naman Fine, thank you
Paalam na! Goodbye fo r now
2. Kumusta ka? Hello, how are you?
Mabuti naman Fine, thank you
Hanggang sa muli 7ill next time

3. Kumusta kayo? Hello, how are you?

Mabuti po naman Fine, thank you (formal)
O, sige ha? Until next time
4, Kumusta po kayo? Hello, how are you? (formal)
Mabuti po naman Fine, thank you
^ Dialogue 2
5 ] Using what you have learned so far, translate the following
dialogue into English. Use the vocabulary box to help you with
words you have not yet met. See how much you have learned in
only a few pages!
Jobert meets the Cook family at the airport.
Bill Jobert, kumusta kayo?
Jobert Mabuti po naman, at kayo?
Bill Mabuti naman.
Jo b ert Kumusta kayo, Ginang Cook?
Louise Mabuti naman.
Jo b ert Kumusta ka, Roy?
Roy Mabuti rin naman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
at kayo and you
Ginang Mrs
rin too, also, as well

a Exercise 5:
How would you say hello to the following people? Align the
correct answer with the right person.
a. your mother 1. Kumusta ka
b. close friend 2. Kumusta kayo
c. doctor 3. Kumusta po kayo
d. young shop assistant 4. Kumusta kayo
e. the local mayor 5. Kumusta po kayo
f. taxi driver 6. Kumusta

>DLanguage Skills
1 Si, Sina
In Tagalog, when using a person’s name (including your own)
always place the word ‘si’ before the name, i.e. si Cora, si Larry
(Cora, Larry). When Cora or Larry are with their friends (i.e., more
than one person) then ‘sina’ is used which is the plural of si, i.e.,
sina Cora, sina Larry (Cora and her friends, Larry and his friends).
In jargon, si and sina are known as markers.
2 S im p le se n te n c e con stru ction
Broadly speaking, a simple English sentence consists of two main
a subject (that is, ‘who’ or ‘what’ is being talked about) and a
comment or a word which tells us something about the subject. For
example, Bemie (subject) eats (comment), Tina (subject) sings
(comment). Of course, there are different types of words and
exceptions involved, but we will address each of these as we come
to them. Look at the following table and compare the English
sentence construction with that of Tagalog.

English Tagalog
Manny is an engineer Inhinyero si Manny
subject comment comment subject
You are beautiful Maganda ka
subject comment comment subject
This is a table Mesa ito
subject comment comment subject
Bemie is eating Kumakain si Bemie
subject comment comment subject

You will notice that the Tagalog is much simpler than its English

0 Cultural tip

You may have noticed that the Filipino approach to time is quite
different from a Western approach. Filipinos commonly have a
more relaxed approach to time. This sometimes irritates
Westerners. Just relax and be patient! This is normal. A Filipino
may not consider himself ‘late’ for an appointment until he is at
least an hour beyond the arranged time. This is known as ‘Filipino

3 Form at o r in form al? Ka, kayo You

The emphasis on politeness in Filipino culture comes through
clearly in the language of the people. In the Philippines, the
English word ‘yon’ is represented in two forms: One form is
informal: ka, the second is the formal, polite form: kayo. At work,
Filipinos address their superiors with kayo (you, polite singular)
and use ka (you, familiar singular) with their colleagues and
friends. Here is a table showing the differences in use:

Situation Polite Informal Plural

formal familiar
Child to parent kayo kayo
Parent to child ka/ikaw kayo
Friend to friend ka/ikaw kayo
Worker to superior kayo kayo
Superior to worker ka/ikaw kayo
Person to stranger kayo kayo
To older people kayo kayo
To people in authority kayo kayo
Colleague to colleague ka/ikaw kayo

a Exercise 6
Look at the pictures. Can you decide which is the correct word to
use? Is it ka or kayo?

a. A little boy kissing his

grandmother’s hand

b. A father to a son

c. A husband to wife

d. A child to another child


One-minute phrases

Segunda mano (seh-gooti-daw mah-naw) Of Spanish origin,

meaning second hand
Bilugin ang ulo (bee-loo-geen ahng oo-law) Literally, to make
the head round. A common colloquial phrase meaning to fool
Aywan ko sa iyo (eh-one-ko-sah-ee-yo)
Literally, I don’t know with you. A common Tagalog phrase,
used to mean it’s up to you
Huwag naman (hoo-wag-nah-man) This phrase is used as a
polite way of saying: please don’t
Hindi na bale (hin-dee-nah-bah-lee) Can be used to mean not
to worry or it’s not worth worrying about

Cultural tip

Whenever you meet someone for the first time, always use a
formal address. Filipinos tend to begin new relationships on this
more ‘formal’ level, progressing to the informal when they feel
more comfortable with you. If you appear relaxed and friendly
in their company, they will soon feel relaxed and friendly with
you, too.
What time is breakfast?

In this unit you will learn how to

■ check in to your hotel
■ ask simple questions
■ use the verb ‘to be’

1 Checking in to your hotel

I S D ialogu e 1
Bill Cook and family arrive at their hotel. They will be staying here
for five days, before moving on to the Abiva home in White Plains.
Try to notice the different sounds of the Tagalog words.
BUI May kuwarto ba kayo?
Manedyer Mayroon po. Ibig po ba ninyo ng pang-isahan o
Bill Ibig namin ng pandalawahan at pang-isahan para sa
anak kong si Roy. Magkakano ba ang mga
Manedyer Ang pandalawahan po ay P900 isang gabi at ang
pang-isahan ay P750 isang gabi. Puwede na po ba
para sa inyo?
BUI Oo, mabuti, salamat. Saan ako pipirma?
Manedyer Dito lang po sa ibaba, sir.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
may kuwarto ba kayo have/has
mayroon there is/th ere are
ibig po ba ninyo ng do you want/like a
pandalawahan double
at and
pang-isahan single
ibig namin we want/like
para sa anak kong for my son
magkakano how much each
ang mga kuwarto the rooms
isang gabi per night
puede na po ba is it alright sir / ma ’am ?
para sa inyo fo r you
oo, mabuti yes, good
salamat thank you
saan ako pipirma where do l sign?
dito lang po sa ibaba just here below

Bill Do you have a room?
Manager Yes sir, we have. Do you want a single or a double room?
Bill I need a double room and also a single room for my
son, Roy. How much are the rooms?
Manager The double is ¥900 per night and the single is ¥750.
Is that all right, sir?
Bill Yes, that’s fine. Thank you. Where do I sign?
Manager Just here below, sir.
Asking for a room... or anything else
Did you notice how Bill enquired about the rooms? He asked:
‘May kuwarto ba kayo?’ It’s very easy to make an enquiry in
Tagalog. Whether you want to ask about rooms, tee-shirts, sun tan
lotion or banana splits, just remember to use the word ‘may’
(sounds like MEH) before the subject (thing) you want to ask
about. Notice the word ‘ba’. This is a simple word which follows
the subject and lets the other person know that you are a s k i n g a
question. Let’s look at a few examples:

Tagalog Literal translation English

May tsinelas ba kayo? Have sandals you? Do you have any sandals?
May kuwarto ba kayo? Have room you? Do you have a mom?
May mangga ba kayo? Have mango you? Do you have a mango?
May panahon ba kayo? Have time you? Do you have time?

Q E xercise 1
Here are pictures of some everyday items you might need to ask
for in your hotel. Practice asking for them using the formula; ‘May
(name of item) ba kayo?’


0 Cultural tip

Hospitality is very important in Filipino culture. Filipinos will

warmly welcome a visitor into their home. However, if you wish
to avoid drawing a Filipino into an embarrassing situation, try to
avoid calling in unexpectedly at mealtimes. Out of politeness,
you will be offered food or a place at table. You are not really
expected to accept the invitation. Such a situation is potentially
very embarrassing for your hosts as they may not have prepared
enough food. Refuse politely. If you are offered a second or third
time by the same person, then you should eat something, even if
it is just a small amount. Filipinos are very sensitive to body
language, so try not to grimace, even if you don’t really like the
taste of what you’re eating!

E l Language skills
1 Verb ‘to b e ’
Remember the ‘comment’ we met in Unit 1? A comment tells us
something about the subject. When the comment is a verb, then we
know that an action is involved. Verbs are ‘doing’ words which
describe an action. For example, Bob (subject) is reading (verb /
action word). The dog (subject) is barking (verb / action word).
The verb ‘to be’ is used as a helping verb to form parts of other
verbs. For example, we say T am working’, not T working’. The
verb ‘to be’ has eight different forms. They are: be, am, is, are, was,
were, being, been.
There is no direct translation of the verb ‘to be’ in Tagalog. It is
usually implied in the construction of the sentence. For example:

Tagalog Literal translation English

Guro ako Teacher I I am a teacher
Doktor kayo Doctor you You are a Doctor
Nars siya dati Nurse she formerly Formerly she was
a nurse
Nanggaling si Anna Came from Anna Arum has been to
sa palengke the market the market

Look at the Tagalog equivalent of the verb ‘to be’:

Singu lar T agalo g Plural T agalo g

1 a m /w a s Ako W e a re /w e re Kami, tayo
You a re /w e re Ka, ikaw You a re /w e re Kayo
H e /s h e is /w a s Siya They a re /w e re Sila

(There are more ways in which the verb ‘to be’ may be used in a
sentence. We will look at these in later units.)

r a Exercise 2
Listen to the following sentences.
Tagalog Literal translation English
Turista ako Tourist I 1 am a tourist
Amerikano siya He/she American He/she is American
Pilipino kami We Filipinos We are Filipinos
Matangkad ka Tall you You are tall
Doktor tayo Doctors we We are doctors
Maganda sila Beautiful they They are beautiful
You will notice that each sentence is spoken slowly. Try to repeat
what you hear during the pause after each sentence. Carry on until
you become familiar with the words in each sentence.
[ 5 Exercise 3
Now let’s see how well you’ve mastered what you heard on the
tape. Write down a Tagalog sentence to translate the English. The
first one has been done for you.
They are doctors.
"Doctor sila/.
I am a tourist.

They are tall.


She is beautiful.

You are an American.

( [ ) Cultural Tip

Avoid giving offence in all things. Western culture tends to be

more ‘direct’ in approaching any problem or difficulty that may
arise. Be discreet and you will find that many potential problems
will simply evaporate.

Enquiring about m eals

Dialogue 2
We join Bill Cook at the reception desk of the hotel. He is asking
the receptionist about mealtimes.
Bill Magandang umaga ma’am. Ano ang mga oras ng
pagkain dito sa hotel?
Receptionist Aba opo. Ang almusal ay buhat sa alas sais y
medya hanggang alas nuwebe y medya. Ang
tanghalian ay buhat sa alas dose hanggang alas
dos nang hapon. Ang hapunan ay buhat sa alas
sais hanggang alas nuwebe nang gabi. May room
service po sa lahat ng oras.
Bill May makakainan bang malapit dito?
Receptionist Aba, opo. Ang ‘Lola’s Litson’ ay may pagkain
hanggang hatinggabi.
Bill Mabuti kung ganoon. Hindi ba mahal?
Receptionist Hindi po. Masarap ang pagkain at mura ang
Bill Maraming salamat.

Tulasatitaan Vocabulary
inagandang umaga good morning
uno ang mga oras ng what are the times of...
pagkain dito food here
ubaopo certainly sir
ulmusai breakfast
buhat sa from
alas sais y medya 6.30
hanggang until
alas nuwebe y medya 9.30
tanghalian lunch
alas dose 12.00 midday
alas dos nang hapon 2.00 p.m.
hapunan supper
alas sais 6 o'clock
alas nuwebe nang gabi 9.00 p.m.
sa lahat nang oras at anytime
may makakainan bang is there any place to eat
malapit dito near here
may pagkain there is food
hatinggabi midnight
mabuti kung ganoon that's good
bindi ba mahal? not expensive (/ hope)!
hindi po no sir
tnasarap ang pagkain the food is delicious/great
mura ang halaga the price is cheap/ right

Bill Good morning, Madame. What time are the meals
in the hotel?
Receptionist Of course, sir. Breakfast is from 6.30 until 9.30.
Lunch is from 12.00 until 2.00pm. Supper is from
6.00 until 9.00pm. Room service is available at
anytime sir.
Bill Are there any nice places to eat nearby?
Receptionist Certainly sir. ‘Lola’s Litson’ serves delicious food
until midnight.
Bill That’s good. Is it very expensive?
Receptionist No sir. The food is good and the price is cheap.
Bill Thank you.

g j Language skills
2 May, mayroon H as/h ave, th ere/th ere are
Wala N one (no)
Remember the word ‘may’ we met on page 18? May always
expresses possession of some specific but previously unidentified
object or objects. May is always followed by the word or phrase
expressing the object possessed. Confused? Don’t panic! Take a
look at these examples:
May problema sila. They have a problem
May suldi ba kayo? Do you have change? (formal)
May taksi na po. There is a taxi now (formal)
May tao pa sa banyo. There is still someone in
the bathroom (lit.)
or Someone is still in
the bathroom
May lapis ka ba? Do you have a pencil?
Mayroon (also meaning has / have, there is l there are) is very
similar to the word may, differing only in that it is used as a form
of reply which stands alone. Whereas may must always be used in
conjunction with a sentence, mayroon can be used as a one word
reply. Don’t be surprised if you often hear people say meron
instead of mayroon. Both words have exactly the same meaning!
Q: May aklat ba si John? Has John got a book?
A: Oo. Mayroon Yes he has (a book)
Q: May problema ba kayo? Do you have a problem?
A: Mayroon We have
Exercise 4 Listening and understanding
Listen to the following example sentences:
1. Q: May guro ka ba? Do you have a teacher?
A: Oo. Mayroon Yes. I have (a teacher)
2. Q. May barya ka ba? Do you have change?
A: Oo. Mayroon Yes. I have ( change)
3. Q: May lapis ba kayo? Do you have a pencil? (formal)
A: Oo. Mayroon Yes. I have (a pencil)

4. Q: May asawa ba kayo? Do you have a husbandAvife?

A: Oo. Mayroon. Yes. / have (a husband/wife).
5. Q: May anak ba kayo? Do you have any children?
A: Oo. Mayroon. Yes. I have (children)
Repeat each sentence as you hear it, following the sound of the
words as closely as possible. Why not try repeating the same
exercise, this time without the help of the tape?
Exercise 5
Try constructing five sentences of your own, using the vocabulary
provided. Answer all sentences by using Oo, Mayroon ( ‘Yes.
There is/there are’).

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
nasakyan vehicle
payong umbrella
kutsilyo knife
pinggan plate
baso drinking glass
ka you (singular)
kayo you (formal)

This time practise answering in the negative. The opposite to may,
mayroon (there is, there are, has, have) is wala (no, none). This
time, answer using wala or wala akong (I do not have).
1, Q: May asawa ba kayo? Do you have a wife/husband?
A: Wala (Wala akong asawa) No (I don’t have a wife/husband)

2. Q: May problema po ba kayo? Do you have a problem?

A: Wala (Wala akong No (I don’t have a problem)
3. Q: May anak ba kayo? Do you have children?
A: Wala (Wala akong anak) No (I don’t have any children)
E Exercise 6
Use the pictures to help you fill in the space with the correct
answer (using may and wala). The first one has already been done
for you. The vocabulary box will help you, too.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
barko ship
dagat sea/ocean
mesa table
kuwarto room
walang kuwarta no m oney
pitaka w allet
basura rubbish
daan road
sombrero hat
lalaki man
walang pasahero no p a ss e n g e r j
taksi taxi
sanggol baby
babae woman

3. sa kuwarto.

4. ang pitaka.

5. sa daan.

6. .ang lalaki.

7. ang taksi.

8. a n g babae.
28 T A G A IO G

0 Cultural tip

Filipino culture is very family oriented. If you want to make a

good impression with your new Filipino friends, show genuine
interest in their family. Learning names and nicknames of family
members as quickly as possible is a good indication of your
desire to be friendly. Typical Filipino nicknames include Toto,
Nene, Boboy, Boy, Pinky and Baby.

3 Question words: Sino? ano?, Who? what?

When we want to ask a question we start with words such as who,
what, why, when, whose, where, how etc. Let’s take a closer look
at two of these words.
The Tagalog question word sino (meaning ‘who’ or ‘whom’ ) is
used in three different ways:
1. with personal pronouns: ako, ka, siya, kami, tayo, kayo and sila
(I, you, he/she, we, you (pi.), they)
2. with si plus a person’s name (see Language skills, Unit 1)
3. with ang plus a word that tells us something about the subject.
The word which tells us something about the subject is called a
noun; it tells us the name of a person, place or thing. As the
question word we are using is sino or ‘who?’, the noun tells us
something about a person, rather than a place or a thing. Don’t
worry if this sounds daunting. Listen to the following examples on
the tape and then repeat them.
Question Translation Reply Translation
Sino po kayo? Who are you ? Si Larry ako I am L arry
Sino siya? Who is h e ? Si Louie siya H e is Louie
Sino ang guro? Who is the teacher? Ako ang guro l a m the teach er
Sino ang Who is you r Si Cora ang C ora is m y teacher
guro mo? teacher? guro ko

Sino ang bisita? Who is the Ang babae ang The wom an is
visitor? bisita the visito r

Sino ang Who is the Ikaw ang You are the

estudyante? student? estudyante student

Did you notice how sino has been substituted with si, followed by
the name of a person? Remember that every time you ask a
question using sino (who?), the reply you receive will either be a
person’s name, ang + a noun, or a personal pronoun. Look at these
Sentence Translation Reply Translation
Sino ang British Who is the B ritish Siya ang British H e is the B ritish
dito? (one) here? dito (one) here?

Sino ang guro? Who is the teacher? Ako ang guro I am the teacher

Sino ang Who is the student? Ikaw ang You are the
estudyante? estudyante. student

Sino ang mga Who are the Kami ang mga We are the
turista? tourists? turista tourists

This is the most versatile of all Tagalog question words and is used
to mean ‘what?’. It may be used in connection with any of the
a noun (a name of a person, place or thing)
an adjective (a word that describes a noun, e.g. big, dirty, small)
a verb (a ‘doing’ word, e.g. drink, eat, sleep, sing).
Sentence Translation Reply Translation
Ano po kayo? W hat are you?* Guro ako. I am a teach er
(very formal)
(* = what do you do?)
Ano siya? W hat is sh e? Nars siya. She is a nurse
Ano ang pangalan W hat is you r John Joseph (My name is)
mo? nam e? John Joseph
Ano ito? W h a t is th is? Lapis iyan T h at is a p e n c il

S 3 Exercise 7
Let’s try using the words sino and ano. Look at the pictures. Can
you ask a simple question using either sino or ano? Use the
examples and the vocabulary box provided to help you.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
pagod tired
oras time
reyna queen
bandera flag
kulay colour
ng o f the
na naw/already

English: Who is tired? English: Who is the Queen?

Tagalog:__________ Tagalog: __________

English: What time is it now? English: What is the colour of the flag?
Tagalog:__________ Tagalog:__________ _

One-minute phrases

Laman ng kalye (lah-man-nang-kal-yeh) Literally, contents o f

the street. This phrase is commonly used to refer to a person
who seems to spend more time on the streets than at home.
Lutong Makaw (loo-tong-mah-kao) Literally, cooked in the
Portuguese colony o f Macau. This phrase is used to refer to
something that has been manipulated or ‘fixed’ behind the
scenes in order to ensure a particular outcome (i.e. the results of
an election or a beauty contest, etc.)
Pantulak (pahn-too-lahk) Literally, something to push with.
This popular and common Tagalog expression applies to any
kind of drink consumed following food. The implication is that
it will help the food slide down more easily to the stomach. For
example: ‘Ako ang bibili ng pansit at tinapay, ikaw ang bahala
sa pantulak.’ I ’ll buy the noodles and bread and you take care o f
something to wash it down with [drink]
Kape at galas (kah-peh-at-gah-tas) Literally, coffee and milk.
This phrase is similar in meaning to the English expression
‘chalk and cheese’. It can be used to express notable differences
between two people.
Kanang kamay (kah-nang-kah-my) Literally, right hand. This
phrase is almost identical to the English expression ‘my right
hand’. It denotes a clear level of dependability.

(J) Cultured tip

A smile will get you everywhere! Many Filipinos are very shy
by nature. They may feel nervous when interacting with
foreigners, mainly because they are not sure how to behave. A
smile frequently offers the reassurance they need and
communicates friendliness. If in doubt, try it out!
This gift is for y o u

In this unit you will learn how to

■ meet your friend’s family
■ say ‘thank you’
■ use the definite and indefinite article
■ make a statement negative

U Meeting your friend’s family

S Dialogue 1
Roy Cook goes to the Abiva house to say hello to Jobert’s family.
He feels a little nervous, but Jobert is at hand to introduce him to
Jo b ert Halikayo, ito ang kaibigan ko na taga England.
Roy Magandang hapon sa inyong lahat. Si Roy ako, Roy Cook.
Jobert Ang nanay ko ito, si Teresita.
Teresita Kumusta ka, Roy?
Jo b ert Ang tatay ko ito, si Juan.
Juan Kumusta ang England?
Jobert At si Pinky at Lovely, ang kapatid ko.
Pinky Maligayang pagdating, Roy.
Jo b ert At ang Lolo at Lola.
Roy Ikinagagalak ko kayong makilala!

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

halikayo com e on everyone

ito this
kaibigan fr ie n d
ko my
taga fro m
magandang hapon g o o d afternoon
sa inyong lahal to you a ll
nanay m other
tatay fa th e r
kapatid sister/broth er
lolo gran dfath er
tola grandm other

Jobert Come on everyone, this is my friend from England.
Roy Good afternoon to you all. I’m Roy, Roy Cook.
Jobert This is my mother, Teresita.
Teresita How are you, Roy?
Jobert This is my father, Juan.
Juan How is England?
Jobert And Pinky, my sister.
Pinky Pleased to meet you, Roy.
Jobert And finally, grandfather and grandmother.
Roy I’m pleased to meet you all!
Did you notice how Jobert introduced his family? Study the
Tagalog dialogue for a few minutes, reading it aloud. Can you see
how easy it was for Jobert to introduce everyone? You can use the
same formula for introducing other relatives or friends, too. Take a
look at some more examples:
Kapatid ko ito, si Anne. This is my sister, Anne.
Pamangkin ko ito, si Lina. This is my niece, Lina.
Pinsan ko siya. He/she is my cousin.
Bayaw ko si Bob. Bob is my brother-in-law.
Hipag ko ito, si Elizabeth. This is my sister-in-law, Elizabeth.

Pamangkin ko ito, si Paul. This is my nephew, Paul.

Pamangkin ko ito, si Beth. This is my niece, Beth.

E3 Exercise 1
Using Jobert’s words as a guide, try to introduce your own family
to your Filipino friends. Use the examples just given and the
vocabulary box to help you.
English Tagalog
a. Good Afternoon to you all. _________________________
b. This is my g r a n d m o t h e r . _____________________ _
c. This is my father,______ . _________________________
d. A n d ______ , my brother. _________________________
e. This is my grandfather.
f. This i s ______ , my s i s t e r . ________________________ _
g. And finally, my mother. _________________________

El Exercise 2
The plane journey to the Philippines is very long and tiring. Roy
still has a bit of jet-lag and needs your help. Look at the picture
gallery of different members of the Cook family. The names and
pictures appear to have been mixed up. Can you help Roy place
them in the correct order?

c) Pamangkin d) Lola at Lolo


g) Bay aw

(J) Cultural tip

Never be afraid to try out the Tagalog you know, even if you
don’t feel too confident yet. What you say may not be ‘perfect’,
but it will be highly appreciated by your Filipino friends. You
will be surprised just how far a little goes!

^ Language skills
1 The indefinite article, a and an
The English words ‘a’ and ‘an’ are known as indefinite articles. We
use these words when referring to a person or thing about which
we do not want to be specific. For example, a house, a car, a doctor,
a tree. When the word begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o or u), then the
indefinite article becomes ‘an’, for example, an apple, an
aeroplane, an elephant. In Tagalog, there are two basic ways of
representing the indefinite article. First, the indefinite article is
implied (i.e. estudyante = a student, lapis = a pencil, aeroplano =
an aeroplane). Second, both ‘a’ and ‘an’ are represented by the
word ng pronounced (nang) when there is an action word (verb) in

the sentence followed by an object. For example, ‘Domingo has

bought a book.’ Bumili ng aklat si Domingo. ‘Mario ate an apple.’
Kumain ng mansanas si Mario.
Look at these sample sentences:

Tagalog Literal translation English

Kumakain si Manny Eating Manny an apple M anny is eating an ap p le
ng mansanas
Arkitekto si Roy Architect Roy R oy is an arch itect
Doktor si Jonathan Doctor Jonathan Jonathan is a d o cto r
Nagbabasa si Joe Reading Joe a book Joe is reading a book
ng aklat
Bumili kami ng mapa Bought we a map We bought a m ap

E Exercise 3
When you arrive in Manila, you may need to buy a few things
before travelling around the country. Complete the sentences below
using the sample sentences and the vocabulary box to guide you:

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

kailangan ko l needAvant
gusto kong bumili I ’d like to buy
payong um brella
posporo a b o x o f m atches
nagtitinda ba kayo d o you se ll
shampoo sh am poo
tee-shirt tee-sh irt
street guide street guide
tinapay brea d
mapa m ap

Tagalog English
1. Kailangan ko n g _____ . I need a map.
2. Gusto kong bumili n g _____ . I want to buy an umbrella.
3. M ay_____ba kayo? Do you have a box of matches?
4. Nagtitinda ba kayo n g _____? Do you sell shampoo?

W Exercise 4
Translate into Tagalog.
English Tagalog
1 .1 need a tee-shirt, (use ng) ______________________
2 . 1 want to buy a ticket (use ng) ______________________
3. Do you have a street guide? ______________________
4. Do you sell bread? (use ng) ______________________
0 Cultural tip

If you don’t know the Tagalog word, use the English one.
Mixing Tagalog and English is known as Taglish and is quite
acceptable. It is much more acceptable than just speaking
English. If you have a keen ear, you may also have noticed many
Spanish words in the Tagalog vocabulary. This is hardly
surprising, given that the Spanish occupied the Philippines for
more than 300 years. Spanish, however, has not been used as an
official language in the Philippines for over 100 years.

2 Ang th e d e fin ite a rtic le , th e

In English, when we want to be specific about a person or a thing,
we use the word ‘the’. This word is known as the definite article.
In Tagalog, the word ‘the’ is translated as ‘ang’. For example:
masarap ang pagkain = the food is delicious; matangkad ang
estudyante = the student is tall; maganda ang dalaga = the girl is

E Exercise 5
Bill Cook had a little too much to drink last night and is now
having trouble with his Tagalog. His sentences are a bit jumbled.
Can you help him sort them out? Use the vocabulary box to help
you. Don’t forget, the correct Tagalog sentence structure should be
comment - definite article - subject. The correct English sentence
is on the left:

English Jumbled words Tagalog

1. The weather is hot. panahon mainit ang
2. The street is dirty. ang kalye marumi
3. The car is clean. kotse ang malinis
4. The house is beautiful, bahay maganda ang
5. The man is a doctor, ang lalaki doktor

Bill has now sobered up a little, and some of his sentences are
correct. However, he is still making a few mistakes. Can you tell
which sentences are correct and which ones are not?
English Tagalog
1. The room is small. Maliit ang kuwarto.
2. The Jeepney is colourful. Jeepney ang makulay.
3. The flower smells fragrant. Mabango ang bulaklak.
4. The family is happy. Masaya ang pamilya.
5. The fish is fresh. Isda ang sariwa.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

panahon w eath er
mainit hot
kalsada stre e t
marumi d irty
kotse car
malinis clean
bahay house
maganda beautiful
isda fish
sariwa fresh
pamilya fa m ily
masaya h appy
bulaklak flo w e r
mabango fra g ra n t
mukulay colourful
maliit sm all

QSaying ‘thank you4

3 Dialogue 2
Roy gives a pasalubong (gift) to Jobert’s parents.
Roy Para sa inyo ang regalong ito. Magustuhan sana ninyo.
Mrs Abiva Isang kahon ng tsokolate! M ukhang masarap!
Maraming salamat, Roy.
Roy Wala pong anuman. Para sa inyo naman ito.
Mr Abiva Ang paborito kong tabako buhat sa Inglaterra!
Maraming-maraming salamat na muli.
Roy Wala pong anuman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
para sa inyo f o r you
regalong ito this g ift
magustuhan sana ninyo I hope y o u ’d like it
rin also
isang kahon one box
mukhang looks/appears
ang paborito kong m y fa vo u rite
buhat sa from
muli again/once m ore

Roy This gift is for you. I hope you’U like it.
Mrs Abiva A box of chocolates! They look delicious! Thank you
very much, Roy.
Roy You’re welcome (polite). And this is for you.
Mr Abiva My favourite cigars from England. Thank you very
much again, Roy.
Roy You’re welcome (polite).

Expressing gratitude
Filipinos have many different ways of expressing their gratitude.
This is part of the cultural stress on politeness. It is a good idea to
learn as many different ways of saying ‘thank you’ as possible.
Here are some commonly used examples:
Salamat Thanks/Thank you
Salamat sa iyo Thank you (used with friends,
informal, and
family members)
Salamat sa inyo Thank you (formal)
Salamat sa inyong lahat Thank you all (informal)
Salamat po sa inyo Thank you (very formal)
Maraming salamat po sa inyo Thank you very much
(very formal)
Maraming salamat Thank you very much
Maraming salamat sa iyo Thank you very much (informal)
Maraming-maraming-salamat Thank you so very much
Maraming-maraming salamat Thank you so very much
sa iyo (informal)
Maraming-maraming salamat Thank you so very much
sa inyo (very formal)
Naku, nag-abala ka pa, salamat Oh, you should not have
bothered! Thank you
Naku. Nag-abala pa kayo, salamat Oh, you should not have
bothered! Thank you
(very formal)
Salamat na lang I can only say thank you
E Exercise 6
Which of the forms of ‘thank you’ would you use with the following
people? Can you see more than one answer for some of them?
a. Guest to waiter
b. Waiter to guest
c. Guest to guest (of same age)
d. Young guest to an older guest
e. Older guest to a young guest

When someone says ‘thank you’ to you in any of these ways, a

simple and polite response is walang anuman. Cover up the list of
common expressions. How many different ways of saying ‘thank
you’ can you remember? Try to recall five of them and use them on
your Filipino friends. They will be impressed not only by your
knowledge of Tagalog, but also by your good manners!

Q| Language skills
3 Hindi N o /n o t
Hindi is the most common and versatile way of saying no in
Tagalog. Hindi transforms a positive statement into a negative
statement. The word hindi comes before the comment (what is
said about the subject) and the subject. For example, hindi masarap
ang pagkain = the food is not tasty; hindi mainit ang kape = the
coffee is not hot; hindi malayo ang palengke = the market is not

Tagalog Literal translation English

Hindi + noun Hindi doktor N ot doctor Fred Fred is not a
si Fred. doctor.
Hindi + adjective Hindi malinis N ot clean the car The car is not
ang kotse. clean.
Hindi + ba Hindi ba nars N ot nurse Letty? Isn’t Letty
si Letty? a nurse?
Hindi + pa Hindi pa hinog N ot yet ripe the The mango is
ang mangga. mango not ripe.
Hindi + verb Hindi umiinom N ot drink(ing) The visitor
ang bisita. the visitor isn’t drinking.
Hindi + personal Hindi siya N ot he/she He/she is
pronoun Pranses. French not French.
Hindi + pronoun Hindi ito N ot this fresh This is not
sariwa. fresh.

C l E xercise 7
Look at the pictures. Each picture is followed by a statement.
Using the word hindi, turn each of these sentences into a negative
1, Barko ito. Neg.___________
(This is a ship.) (This is not a ship.)

2. Malinis ang mesa. Neg.______________

(The table is clean.) (The table is not clean.)

3. Estudyante si Amy. "jxj Neg.

(Amy is a student.) I t t j ) (Amy is not a student.)

4. Tumatakbo ang Jeepney Neg._______________

(The Jeepney is moving.) (The Jeepney is not moving.)

4. Wala N one
The word wala expresses absence of something. Wala is a reply to
a may or mayroon question. Unlike hindi, wala is followed by a
ligatured pronoun. Example: Wala akong lapis, I don’t have a
pencil. Wala kaming guro, We don’t have a teacher. Wala itong
takip, This has no cover. However, when followed by a noun, wala
takes a ligature. Example: Walang kotse si Shirley, Shirley doesn't
have a car. Walang pera si Maria, Maria doesn’t have money.
Walang panahon si Julie, Julie doesn’t have time. Look at the
sample sentences:

Question Reply:
May pera ba si Ginoong Cruz? Wala. Walang pera si
Ginoong Cruz.
Has Mr Cruz got money? No. Mr Cruz hasn’t got money.
May asawa ba kayo? (formal) Wala. Wala akong asawa.
Do you have a husbandAvife? No. I don’t have a
May problema ka ba? (informal) Wala. Wala akong problema.
Do you have a problem? No. I don’t have a problem.
May bus na ba? Wala. Wala pa.
Is there a bus now? No. There’s no (bus) yet.
May pagkain ba dito? Wala. Walang pagkain dito.
Is there food here? No. There’s no food here.
May Coke o Pepsi ba kayo? Wala. 7-Up lang.
Do you have Coke or Pepsi? No. Just 7-Up.
Q Exercise 8
Using the formula already given in the sample sentences, give the
reply to the following questions:
1. May sasakyan ba sa bus stop? Neg.___________________
Is there a vehicle at the bus stop? No. There is no vehicle at the
bus stop.
2. May yelo ba kayo? Neg.____________________
Do you have any ice? No. We have no ice.
3. May katulong ba si
Ginoong Reyes? Neg.____________________
Has M r Reyes got a helper? No. M r Reyes has no helper.

More on Hindi? N o/not?

Wala? N o/n on e ?
It is common for English speakers to experience some confusion
between the use of hindi and wala. When we use the word ‘none’
in English, the Tagalog translation of this is ‘wala’. The problem
arises when we realise that in English, the word ‘no’ can also be
used to mean ‘none’. For example, the response to the question,

‘do you have a ticket?’ can be ‘no’. In this situation, the word ‘no’
expresses an absense of something. That’s why non-Tagalog
speakers sometimes make the mistake of saying hindi instead of
wala when they mean ‘none’; for hindi also means ‘no’!
Confused? Don’t panic! Study the sample sentences:
Sentence N egative Question Reply
Amerikano si Hindi British British ba Hindi.
Jim. si Jim. si Jim?
Jim is Am erican. Jim is not British. Is Jim B ritish? No. Jim is Am erican.
Tagalog si Elvie. Hindi B isaya Bisaya ba si Hindi.

Elvie is Tagalog.
si Elvie. Elvie?
Elvie is not Visayan, Is Elvie Vtsayan ? No. Elvie is Tagalog.
Malaki ang Hindi maliit Maliit ba ang Hindi,
Australia. ang Australia? Australia?
A u stralia is big. A ustralia is Is A u stralia sm all? No. It is big.
n ot sm all.

Remember: If you want to express the absence of something or

someone, then the correct word to use is wala.
One-minute phrases

Walang wala (wah-lang-wah-lah) Literally, no nothing. This

commonly used Tagalog phrase means: I have no money or I ’m
May sama ng loob (my-sa-mah-nang-law-awb) Literally,
having a bad feeling inside. If Filipinos feel hurt or offended,
they will typically not express their feelings in a direct manner.
This phrase suggests a common Filipino way of expressing
feelings in more general terms. ‘May sama ako ng loob sa
kaniya.’ I have a bad feeling towards her/him.
Magmahabang dulang (mag-ma-hah-bang-doo-lang)
Literally, a long dining table. This expression indicates a
forthcoming marriage. ‘Magmamahabang dulang ang anak ni
Ginoong Cruz.’ The son o f Mr Cruz is getting married. The long
dining table is typical of buffet-style meals used during Filipino

May sinasabi (my-see-nah-sa-bee) Literally, to have something

to say. This Tagalog expression denotes wealth. ‘May sinasabi
ang pamilya Santos.’ The Santos family are well-heeled/wealthy.
Maraming kuskos-balungos (mah-rah-ming-kus-kus-bah-loo-
ngoos) Literally, a lot o f scrubbing and fussing. This expression
is used in connection with a person who has difficulty in making
his or her point. ‘Maraming kuskos-balungos si Pedro.’ Pedro
beats around the bush a lot.

P Cultural Tip

You may have noticed some Filipinos kissing the hand of a

senior member of the family or people of social standing. This
custom, known as mano, is seen as a mark of respect. Do not be
surprised if Filipino children do this to you! It is also a way of
showing respect to the visitor.
Where’s the post office?

In this unit you will learn how to

■ ask ‘where?’
■ buy stamps and send a parcel
■ use adjectives

EB Asking ‘where?
H I Dialogue 1
Louise Cook wants to go to the post office. Let’s join her as she
asks the hotel receptionist how to get there. Listen carefully to the
sound of the words. You will notice that when a question is asked,
the tone of the final word goes up. All question words in Tagalog
have this feature.
Louise Nasaan ang pinakamaiapit na post office dito?
Receptionist Nasa Kalye Maningning po.
Louise Puwede bang lakarin?
Receptionist Aba, opo.
Louise Maaari bang bigyan mo ako ng direksiyon?
Receptionist Ganito po. Paglabas ninyo sa hotel, tumawid kayo
at kumanan. Dumiretso kayo. Pagkatapos
kumaliwa kayo sa Kalye Rondolo. Ikalimang
gusali buhat sa kanto ang post office.
Louise Maraming salamat.
Receptionist Wala pong anuman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

nasaan w here
pinakamalapit n earest
nasa at/on /in /at the/on th e / in the
puwede bang is it p o ssib le
lakarin to w alk (it)
aba o f course/hey/m y
opo y e s (formal)
maaari bang is it p o ssib le (see also puwede bang)
bigyan mo ako g ive me
direksiyon direction
ganito po like this
paglabas ninyo once you ’ve com e out
tumawid kayo you cross (the street)
dumiretso kayo w alk straigh t ah ead
kumanan turn right
pagkatapos then
kumaliwa turn left
ikalimang gusali fifth building
kanto corn er
wala pong anuman you ’re w elcom e (formal)

Louise Where’s the nearest post office here?
Receptionist It’s located at Maningning Street ma’am.
Louise Can 1 walk it?
Receptionist Yes, ma’am.
Louise Could you give me directions? [Could you tell me
where it is?]
Receptionist It’s like this ma’am. When you leave the hotel,
cross [the street] and turn right. [You] Walk straight
ahead. Then turn left onto Rondolo Street. The post
office is the fifth building from the corner.
Louise Thank you very much.
Receptionist You’re welcome.

E Exercise 1
(HI Listen carefully to the ‘direction’ words on your tape. The pictures
should help you.


Match the Tagalog with the correct English:

English Tagalog
1. Turn left kumanan
2. Turn right diretso
3. Straight ahead tumawid kayo
4. Right kaliwa
5. Cross (the street) kumaliwa
6. Left kanan

Language skills
1 Nasaan? W here? (location)
In Dialogue 1, Louise Cook introduced you to a new question
word: ‘nasaan’ or ‘where’? She asked: ‘Nasaan ang Post Office?’
(Where is the post office?). Nasaan is a commonly used question
word which asks where a thing or a place is located, e.g. nasaan
ang aklat ko? (where is my book?), nasaan ang immigration
office? (where is the immigration office?). Notice that the hotel
receptionist began her reply with nasa. This has nothing to do with
American astronauts but is the way to answer a nasaan question in
Tagalog. The reply to nasaan should always begin with the word
nasa followed by the location of the subject of the sentence. For
example, ‘nasaan ang bahay mo?’ (where is your house?), ‘nasa
Kalye Cruz ang bahay ko (my house is in Cruz Street).

H Exercise 2
[ H Listen to the following nasaan questions and answers on your
tape. Repeat what you hear until you feel confident. Why not try to
make up a few nasaan questions for yourself? Ask your Filipino
friends to help you. First try asking the nasaan question, then
change places and try giving the nasa answers.
Question Reply:
Nasaan ang Maynila? Nasa Pilipinas ang Maynila.
Where is Manila? Manila is in the Philippines.
Nasaan ang May on Volcano? Nasa Albay ang Mayon Volcano.
Where is the Mayon Volcano? Mayon Volcano is in Albay.

Nasaan ang barko? Nasa dagat ang barko.

Where is the ship? The ship is on the ocean.
Nasaan ang mga bata? Nasa bahay ang mga bata.
Where are the children ? The children are at home.
Nasaan ang sombrero? Nasa silya ang sombrero.
Where is the hat? The hat is on the chair.

Note: In English, two vowels may occur commonly together (a,

e, i, o, u) and be pronounced as one sound. For example, hoop,
keep, people, tea, beach. These double vowel sounds are known
as diphthongs. In Tagalog, each vowel is pronounced separately
and so there are no diphthongs. For example, the word nasaan
is not pronounced nasan but rather nah-sah-an. Both a’s are
pronounced separately. Remember: This applies to all Tagalog
words where two vowels occur together.

E Exercise 3
Look at the pictures. Roy Cook is confused and doesn’t know
where each of these places are. He needs to ask a passer-by for
help. What question would Roy ask and what reply would the
passer-by give? For example: ‘Nasaan ang Robinson’s Shopping
Mall?’ ‘Nasa Edsa ang Robinson’s Shopping Mall.’ Use the clue
words accompanying each picture to help you formulate your


Read out your answers and practise them with your Filipino
friends. You will be surprised how quickly you can ask where
something or somewhere is!

Buying stam ps and sending a parcel

Dialogue 2
Louise Cook has arrived at the post office and is talking to a clerk.
Louise Gusto kong bumili ng selyo para sa mga postcards ko.
Clerk Saan po ang punta ng mga postcards?
Louise Sa Inglatera at sa Amerika.
Clerk 3.80 po ang isang selyo. Ilang selyo po ang kailangan
Louise Labinlima. May pakete rin ako papunta sa Inglaterra,
Clerk 57.00 pesos po ang selyo. Pakilagay po sa timbangan ang
pakete. Ano po ang laman ng pakete?
Louise Isang aklat. Magkano naman ito?
Clerk 240.00 pesos ang pakete. Paki-abot po sa akin ang pakete.
Louise Salamat. Eto ang bayad ko.
Clerk Wala pong anuman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

gusto ko I lik e /1 w ant

bumili ng selyo buy som e stam ps
para sa mga f o r (plural)
saan w here (direction)
ang punta the destination / going to
isang selyo one stam p
ng mga o f the (plural)
ilang selyo how m any stam ps
ang kailangan ninyo w h at you need
labinlima fifteen
papunta sa goin g to
pakilagay p le a se p u t/place
sa timbangan on the scales

ang pakete the p a rcel

ang laman the contents
isang aklat one h oo k / a book
paki-abot sa akin p le a s e p a ss to m e / hand to me
magkano naman how much is it?
eto here is
bayad ko m y paym en t

Louise I want to buy some stamps for my postcards.
Clerk Where are they going to?
Louise To England and to America.
Clerk One stamp costs 3.80. How many stamps do you want?
Louise Fifteen (stamps). I also have a parcel going to England
by airmail.
Clerk The stamps cost 57 pesos. Please put the parcel on the
weighing machine. What is the content of the parcel?
Louise A book. How much is it?
Clerk The parcel will be 240 pesos. Could you please hand me
the parcel?
Louise Thank you. Here’s my payment (money).
Clerk You’re most welcome.


Exercise 4
Read through Dialogue 2 again. Imagine that you too are making a
trip to the post office. Using the dialogue and the vocabulary box
provided to help you, how would you say the following in
1. I want to buy stamps for my parcel.
2. I want to buy stamps for a letter to America.
3. How much are the air letters each?
4. Where are the scales?
5. Kindly weigh the parcel for me.
Listen to the tape. The clerk at the post office asks you: ‘Ano pong
maipaglilingkod ko sa inyo?’ or ‘How may I help you?’ You may
respond by using the answers you have already provided in this exercise.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
papunta sa going to
sulat letter
magkakano how much (each)
para sa akin for me

Exercise 5
Listen to the following words on the tape and then try repeating
them. Cover the list up and try to see how many you can recall
without looking at the book. Why not ask your Filipino friends to
help you?
Listen and repeat
stamp selyo
envelope sobre
parcel pakete
scales timbangan
to post ihulog
letter sulat
pen bolpen
string tali
box kahon
wrapping paper pambalot
O Exercise 6
Q Look at the drawings. Listen to the list of items read out on the tape
and tick or circle the ones you can see:

El Language skills
2 A d jectives, w o rd s th a t ‘d e s c rib e *
Pretty, tall, good, large, far, terrific, amusing, runny, fat, tired etc.
All of these words are describing words. They create a picture of a
person or a thing. These words are known in English as adjectives;
words that describe a noun (the name of person or thing).
Remember pronouns we first met in Unit 1 (page 8)? Adjectives
also describe pronouns. For example, he is tall, they are old, we are
wealthy. Sometimes we use both adjectives and nouns together.
When we do this, then the adjective always comes before the noun
it describes. Confused? Don’t panic! Look at these examples: clean
(adjective) table (noun) = clean table. Good (adjective) news (noun
= good news. Short (adjective) story (noun) = short story. The good
news is that this is written the same way in Tagalog (adjective
followed by noun). In Tagalog, there is only one simple addition to
remember: if the adjective ends with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), then
‘ng’ is added to the end of the adjective. If the adjective ends with
a consonant (any letter other than a vowel), then ‘na’ comes in
between the adjective and the noun. Let’s take a look at some

Adjective + ng + noun = phrase

maganda + ng bahay = magandang bahay
(beautiful house)
mahaba + ng pila = mahabang pila (long queue)
mabuti + ng guro = mabuting guro (good teacher)
maligaya + ng Pasko = maligayang pasko
(happy Christmas)
matalino + ng estudyante = matalinong estudyante
(intelligent student)
Adjective + na + noun = phrase
masarap + na pagkain = masarap na pagkain
(delicious food)
maliit + na kotse = maliit na kotse (small car)
mahirap + na buhay = mahirap na buhay (hard life)
madilim + na kuwarto = madilim na kuwarto (dark mom)
pagod + na kabayo = pagod na kabayo (tired horse)

B Exercise 7
Look at the four cartoon drawings. Each one is numbered. Now
listen carefully to a description of three of the women. Can you
identify which ones are being described? Use the examples and
vocabulary just given to help you. Can you write down a
description of the woman who is not mentioned on the tape?

E Exercise 8
Look carefully at the following pictures. Using the vocabulary box
below, describe what you see in as many different ways as
possible, using as many adjectives as you can. For example,
‘Magandang, maliit na bahay’ {beautiful, small house)

Well done! Whether you are in the house, taking a break at the
office or sitting outside, look around you for a moment. Try to
describe some of the things you see using the vocabulary you have
learned so far in this book. Why not try it out with your Filipino
friends, too?
Talasalitaan Vocabulary

mabango fragrant
maganda beautiful/pretty
malaki big
masaya happy
mabilis fast
makulay colourful
mabaho bad smelling
mabait kind
mahaba long
siksikan crowded
mabagal slow
maikli short

malinis clean
marumi dirty
kaakit-akit attractive

One-minute phrases

Balat-sibuyas (bah-laht see-boo-yahs) Literally, ‘onion-

skinned’ or ‘thin-skinned’. This phrase is used when referring to
a very sensitive person.
Pabigja-bigia (pah-beeg-lah beeg-lah) - lacking in self-control,
hasty, abrupt, impulsive. For example Kung magsalita siya’y
pabigla-bigla. He/she has an abrupt way o f speaking.
Suwerte sa buhay (soo-wer-teh sah boo-high) Literally, lucky
in life. A common Tagalog phrase meaning someone has been
bringing good luck to the family. The opposite is:
Malas sa buhay (mah-lahs sah boo-high) Literally, bad luck in
life. A common Tagalog phrase meaning someone has been
bringing bad luck to the family.
Malinis sa katawan (mah-le-nees sah kah-tah-wahn) Literally,
clean in the body This expressions refers to a person who likes
being physically clean and tidy.

Cultural tip

Filipinos will rarely use their hands or fingers to point when

giving directions. Instead, they may purse their lips or even nod
their heads to indicate the general direction you need to go in.
This is normal, so don’t be surprised if it happens.
0 M oney

In this unit you will learn how to

■ ask the price of goods and haggle
■ ask ‘how much?’ and ‘how much each?’
■ change currency/travellers’ cheques at the bank
■ tell the time

QQAsking the price of goods

S i Dialogue 1
All over the Philippines you will find small stores selling basic
items such as food and school supplies. These small businesses sell
various and ‘assorted’ items. The Tagalog word for assorted is
sarisari. These small shops are known in the Philippines as
‘sarisari stores’. In this dialogue, we join Bill Cook at a local
sarisari store.
Bill Tao po!
Owner Magandang hapon po.
Bill Magandang hapon po naman. May sobre ba kayo?
Owner Mayroon po, maliit po ba o malaki?
Bill Iyong maliit lang. Magkano naman?
Owner Limang piso po isang dosena.
Bill O sige, isang dosena nga. At ang bolpen?
Owner Tig-tatlong piso po. Anong kulay p o l
Bill Itim. Bigyan mo nga ako ng isa.
O wner Heto po. Disi-otso pesos po lahat-lahat. Ano pa po sir?
Bill lyan lang. Heto ang bay ad ko.
Owner Salamat po.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

may h a s/h a v e
mayroon h a s/ have (used in replies)
bigyan give
itim black
limang piso fiv e p e so s
isang dosena one dozen
sige a lt rig h t/ okay
nga please/in deed/really
iyan lang th a t’s a ll (ju st those)
tig-tallong piso three p e so s each
anong kuiay what colou r
tao po? anyone a t hom e?
naman to you toolon the oth er hand
heto here y o u are
disi-otso pesos eighteen p e so s
lahat-Lahat a ll in all/altogeth er
ano pa? anything else/w h at else?
bayad ko m y p aym en t

Bill Anyone at home?
Owner Good afternoon.
Bill Good afternoon to you, too... do you have any
Owner Yes we have sir, small or large (ones)?
Bill Just the small ones. And how much are they?
Owner Five pesos a dozen sir.
Bill All right, a dozen please. And the ballpens?
Owner Three pesos each sir. What colour?
Bill Black. I would like to buy one.
Owner Here you are sir. Eighteen pesos altogether. Do you
want anything else?
Bill That’s all. Here you are. (lit., here’s my payment)
Owner Thank you sir.

P3 Language skills:
1 Isa, dalawa, tatlo, etc. One, tw o, three, etc.
Filipinos tend to use both Tagalog, Spanish and English when
counting. This is hardly surprising when we look at the history of
the country. The Philippines was under Spanish rule for over 300
years and American rule for 50 years. Both countries have left their
mark on the Philippines in both its culture and language. Note,
however, that the Spanish spelling and pronunciation used in the
Philippines is not the same as the standard Spanish spelling and
pronunciation. Look at this table:
Listen to the correct pronunciation on your tape and repeat the

English Tagdog FXpino Spanish spelng

on e isa uno
two dalawa dos
three tatlo tres
four apat kuwatro
five lima singko
six anim sais
seven pito siyete
eight walo otso
nine siyam nuwebe
ten sampu diyes

Memorising tip

Cover up both the Tagalog and Filipino Spanish columns. Try

repeating first the Spanish numbers, then the Tagalog numbers.
How many can you remember? Do not move on to the next set
of numbers until you feel confident with numbers one-ten. If
you want to memorise the numbers effectively, then try not to
swallow too much at once. You will be surprised to see how
much more quickly and effectively you are learning! Follow this
pattern for all subsequent groups of numbers.

Listen to the correct pronunciation on your tape and repeat the words.

English Tagalog filipex) Spanish spelling

e le v e n labing-isa onse
tw elve labindalawa dose
thirteen labinfatlo trese
fourteen labing-apat katorse
fifteen labinlima kinse
six teen labing-anim disisais
se v e n te e n labimpito disisiyete
e ig h t e e n labingwalo disiotso
n in e t e e n labinsiyam disinuwebe

Follow the memorising tip!

|S j Listen to the correct pronunciation on your tape and repeat the words.

Engfish la gd o g FSpino Spanish sp d n g

tw enty dalawampu beinte
tw enty o n e dalawampu't isa beinte uno
tw enty tw o dalawampu't dalawa beinte dos
tw e n ty three dalawampu't tatlo beinte tres
tw en ty four dalawampu't apat beinte kuwatro
tw enty five dalawampu't lima beinte singko
tw en ty six dalawampu't anim beinte sais
tw enty se v e n dalawampu't pito beinte siyete
tw enty e ig h t dalawampu't walo beinte otso
tw en ty n in e dalawampu't siyam beinte nuwebe

Follow the memorising tip!

For the following numbers, repeat the process as in 21-29 in both
Tagalog and Spanish.

EngSsh Ig g d o g Filipino Spcrish speBng

thirty tatlumpu treinta
forty apatnapu kuwarenta
fifty limampu singkwenta
sixty animnapu sisenta
se v e n ty pitumpu sitenta
e ig h ty V/alumpu otsenta
nin ety siyamnapu nubenta

Listen to the correct pronunciation on your tape and repeat the word.

EngSsh FXpino Spanish spelling

one hund red isandaan siyento
tw o h u n d r e d dolawandaan dos siyentos
three h u n d r e d tatlongdaan tres siyentos
four h u n d r e d apatnaraan kuwatro siyentos
five h u n d r e d limandaan singko siyentos
six h u n d r e d animnaraan sais siyentos
se v e n h u n d r e d pitongdaan siyete siyentos
e ig h t h u n d r e d walongdaan otso siyentos
n in e h u n d r e d siyamnaraan nuwebe siyentos
o n e th o u sa n d isanlibo mil

pTJ Exercise 1
Why not try out your new knowledge of Spanish and Tagalog
1. What is the Spanish number for 19?
2. What is the Tagalog number for 64?
3. What is the Spanish number for 99?
4. What is the Tagalog number for 27?
5. What is the Spanish number for 115?
6. What is the Tagalog number for 480?

B Exercise 2
i ^ Louise Cook was delighted to discover that there is also a weekly
lottery draw in the Philippines. She chose the numbers 4, 11, 16,
34, 39 and 45. Can you help Louise to check her lottery ticket?
Listen to this week’s numbers as they are broadcast on the radio.
M O N EY 65

2 Counting money
The Philippine peso comes in the following denominations:





Q 911613
M O NEY 67

T agalo g Sp an ish English

piso peso o ne p eso
dalawang piso dos pesos tw o p e s o s
tatlong piso tres pesos three p e s o s
apat na piso kuwatro pesos fo u r p e s o s
limang piso singko pesos five p e s o s
anim na piso sais pesos six p e s o s
pitong piso siyete pesos se v e n p e s o s
walong piso otso pesos e ig h t p e s o s
siyam na piso nuwebe pesos n in e p e s o s
sampung piso diyes pesos ten p e s o s

Exercise 3
Louise Cook found some peso notes in her purse. Using what you
have learned so far in this unit, can you help her count the money?
Put the subtotal in the column on the right. How much money does
she have in her purse altogether?

1. Limang piso + sampung piso =
2. Limang piso + limang piso =
3. Dalawampung piso + limampung piso =
4. Limampung piso + limampung piso =
5. Limandaang piso + limandaang piso =

Now try repeating this exercise, this time using Spanish numbers.
3 Anong oras na? Telling th e tim e
Now that you feel confident with numbers, you will be pleased to
hear that telling the time in the Philippines is done almost
exclusively in Filipino Spanish. The hours in Filipino Spanish are
as follows:

Filipino Spanish English

Ala-una One o ’clock
Alas dos Two o ’clock
Alas tres Three o ’clock
Alas kuwatro Four o ’clock
Alas singko Five o ’clock
Alas sais Six o ’clock
Alas siyete Seven o ’clock
Alas-otso Eight o ’clock
Alas nuwebe Nine o ’clock
Alas diyes Ten o ’clock
Alas-onse Eleven o ’clock
Alas dose Twelve o ’clock
To say ‘half past’ the hour, simply mention the hour followed by
*y medya’ (pronounced: ‘eeh mehd-yah’). For example, 3.30
would be ‘alas tres y medya’.
To say XX minutes past the hour, simply mention the hour
followed by the minutes in Filipino Spanish (see table). For
example, twenty five minutes past six would be ‘alas sais beinte
singko’. Quarter past ten would be: ‘Alas diyes kinse’.
To say XX minutes before the hour, simply say: ‘menos XX
______ [number o f minutes] para a la s_________ [the hour]’.
For example, twenty minutes to three: ‘menos beinte para alas
tres’. Ten minutes to eleven would read: ‘menos diyes para alas
onse’, and so on.
To ask the time, simply say: ‘Anong oras na?’

C l Exercise 4
‘Anong oras na?’ Can you tell the time?
1- 2. 3
M O N EY 69

2 Magkano, magkakano How m uch, how much each?

In Dialogue 1 of this unit, Bill Cook purchased some envelopes
from the local sarisari store. The question word he used was
magkano (how much). He said: ‘Magkano naman?’ (How much is
it?). Magkano simply means how much. For example: ‘Magkano
ang Tee-shirt?’ How much is the tee-shirt? Magkano may also refer
to the total sum of your purchase/s. Be careful, however, not to
confuse magkano (how much) and magkakano which means how
much each. For example, if there are many mangoes in a basket,
unless you want to buy the whole basket of mangoes, you need to
ask: ‘magkakano ang mangga? How much are the mangoes each?
Responding to ‘magkano’ and ‘magkakano’
Now that you are confident in asking ‘how much’ or ‘how much
each’, how do you respond to these questions? There are two basic
ways of responding: 1) Replace magkano or magkakano with the
price of the item and then repeat the whole sentence; 2) simply
give the price.
Question Reply Quick reply
1. Magkano ang isang ¥35.00 ang isang yarda ¥35.00.
yarda ng lace? ng lace.
How much is a yard A yard of lace costs ¥35.00.
of lace? ¥35.00.
2. Magkano ang ¥95.00 po ang sombrero ¥95.00 po.
How much is the hat? The hat costs ¥95.00 ¥95.00 sir/madam.
(formal) (formal)

3. M ag k ak an o ang P 15.00 ang isa. ¥15.00.

How much each are The candles are P 15.00.
the candles? P 15.00 each

23 H assling
ClO Dialogue 2
While sightseeing Louise Cook finds herself at an open market.
She begins speaking with a woman standing behind one of the
market stalls.
Tindera Bill na, bill na. Murang-mura.
Louise Magkakano ang sombrero?
Tindera M a’am mura lang po. Tig-siyento singkwenta pesos
Louise Mura? Kay mahal nga eh!
Tindera Aba, maganda po iyan. Buntal po, tingnan ninyo -
isukat po ninyo.
Louise (Isinukat) Medyo maliit. Wala bang tawad?
Tindera Mura na po. Magkano ba ang gusto ninyo?
Louise Sitenta y singko pesos.
Tindera Kayo naman! Hindi po. Malulugi po ako. Sige, siyento
beinte pesos po.
Louise Eto lang ang pera ko, otsenta pesos.
Tindera Isandaan po, mura na po iyan.
Louise Otsenta lang talaga.
Tindera Nobenta po, mayaman naman kayo.
Louise O, sige, otsenta y singko, kung hindi, hindi na bale.
Tindera Sige na po, otsenta y singko.
Louise Salamat, eto ang bayad ko.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

tindera ven dor

bili na com e a n d buy
murang-mura very cheap
tig-siyento singkuwenta pesos P I 5 0 .0 0 each
M O N EY 71

kay mahal nga in fa c t i t ’s expensive

huntal a kind o f P hilippine fib re
tignan ninyo you have a look
isukat ninyo you try
medyo maliit sligh tly sm all
wala bang tawad? any chance o f a discount?
gusto ninyo you like
kayo naman Oh, you
malulugi I ’ll lose
eto lang ju s t this
talaga really
mayaman naman kayo anyw ay you are rich
o, sige a ll rig h t/ okay
kung hindi i f not
hindi na bale never m ind

Vendor Come and buy, come and buy. Very cheap.
Louise How much each are the hats?
Vendor Ma’am so cheap. (They’re) ¥150.00 each.
Louise Cheap? Actually they’re expensive!
Vendor They’re pretty. Made of buntal. Just look at them - why
don’t you try one?
Louise (Trying one on) A little bit small. No discount?
Vendor That’s ever so cheap. How much do you want to pay
(for it)?
Louise ¥75.00.
Vendor Please! I can’t. I’ll lose out. (It won’t even pay for my
overheads!).Okay, ¥ 120.00 ma’am.
Louise This is all the money I’ve got, ¥80.00.
Vendor One hundred pesos ma’am, that’s ever so cheap.
Louise I can only really pay ¥80.00.
Vendor ¥90.00 ma’am, anyway you are rich.
Louise Okay, ¥85.00, if not, never mind (I won’t buy it).
Vendor Okay ma’am, ¥85.00.
Louise Thank you, here you are. (lit, here’s my payment)

E Exercise 5
Imagine you are at a local market in the Philippines. Try asking
how much different items are, using both m agkano and
magkakano. Use the vocabulary box to help you. Why not ask
your Filipino friends to help you, too!

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
mangga mango
guyabano soursop
dalandan oranges
papaya papaya
pinya pineapple
saging banana
Ianzones Ianzones (tropical fruit, similar to lychee)
bayabas guava
talong eggplant (aubergine)
ampalaya bitter melon
kalabasa squash
sili hot pepper
kamatis tomatoes
pechay pakchoi (Chinese cabbage)
repolyo cabbage

2 ] Changing currency and travellers’

cheques at the bank
D ia lo g u e 3
Bill and Louise Cook want to change some money at the bank. Bill
strikes up a conversation with one of the bank tellers.
Teller Magandang umaga po. Ano po ang maipaglilingkod ko sa
Bill Magandang umaga naman. Gusto kong magpapalit ng
sterling pounds.
Teller Magkano po?
Bill Limandaang sterling pounds. Magkano ba ang palit?
Teller Sisenta y otso pesos po sa isang sterling pound.
Bill O sige. Heto. (Iniabot)
M O N EY_______________________________________ _________________ 7 3

Teller (Bumilang). O, heto po ang pera at recibo ninyo.

Bill Nagpapalit din ba kayo ng travellers cheques?
Teller Opo. Pero sisenta pesos po ang palit. Kailangan po namin
ang pasaporte ninyo.
Bill Heto ang travellers cheques at ang pasaporte ko.
Teller Sige po, pirmahan lang po ninyo ang mga tseke.
Bill Salamat.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

ano po ang maipaglilingkod ko w hat (service) can I d o l

gusto kong magpapalit ng 1 w an t to change som e
ang palit the exchange rate
sa isang to o n e / again st one
iniabot handed o ver
bumilang counted
pera at recibo ninyo y o u r m oney a n d receipt
nagpapalit din ba kayo d o you a lso change?
kailangan po namin w e n eed
pasaporte ninyo yo u r p a ssp o rt
pirmahan lang (just) p le a se sign
ang mga tseke the cheques

Teller Good morning sir. What can I do for you?
Bill Good morning to you too. I’d like to change some sterling
Teller How much sir?
Bill £500.00 What (how much) is the exchange rate?
Teller (It’s) 68 pesos to a sterling pound.
Bill Okay. Here you are. (Handing him the money)
Teller (Counting). Here’s your money and receipt sir.
Bill Do you also change travellers’ cheques?
Teller Yes sir. But the exchange rate is 60 pesos to a sterling
pound. W eil need your passport.
Bill Here are my travellers’ cheques and my passport.
Teller Kindly (please) sign the cheques, sir.
Bill Thank you.

E Exercise 6
How much of the conversation at the bank can you remember?
Listen to the tape again and follow Dialogue 3 (page 72). The
following statements or questions appeared in the dialogue.
True or false?:
1. Ano po ang maipaglilingkod ko sa inyo? True / False
2. Magkano ba ang palit? True / False
3. Sisenta pesos po ang palit. True / False
4. Nagpapalit din ba kayo ng sterling pounds? True / False
5. Pirmahan lang po ninyo ang mga tseke. True / False

E Exercise 7
How do you ask the following in Tagalog?
1. I’d like to change some dollars.
2. What is the exchange rate?
3. The exchange rate is 40 pesos.
4. Do you also exchange Australian dollars?
Use the dialogue and the vocabulary box provided to help you.

E Listening
Exercise 8
and understanding
A common form of recreation for Filipino men is cockfighting.
Many men rear and train fighting cocks in the hope of w inning
prestige and of course, making money. Let us now join a group of
men at a ‘sabungan’ (cockfighting pit).
1. How much money are they betting on the red fighting cock?
(‘sa pula’)?
2. How much are they betting on the white fighting cock
(‘sa puti’)?
M O N EY 75

One-minute phrases

Atik (ah-teek) Street word for pera, money. Someone who has
a lot of money is maatik.
Perahin na lang (peh-rah-heen nah lahng) Literally, just to
make into money, meaning just give cash/money instead o f
goods etc.
Nakatuntong sa numero (nah-kah-toon-tawng sah noo-meh-
raw) Literally, stepping on numbers. This Tagalog expression is
used to refer to someone who is constantly subject to scrutiny,
making him/her feel uneasy. A person who has to constantly
watch his/her ps and qs.
Isang katutak (ee-sahng kah-too-tahk) Literally, One/a load
of/more than plenty. This phrase is used in connection with
surplus or abundance. For example: Lsang katutak ang
pagkain sa pinggan ko! I've got plenty o f food on my plate!
Nagmimiron (nahg-mee-mee-rawn) Derived from the verb
nagmamayroon meaning pretending to possess something. This
phrase is often used in connection with a person who is seen to
be ‘showing off’ or ‘bragging’, or for someone who is ogling.

Cultural tip

As in so many countries around the world, prices often increase

when the shopkeeper, vendor or salesperson sees that the
customer is a foreigner. Be patient with this. Don’t be afraid to
try out your Tagalog, even if they speak back to you in broken
English. You will find that with a smile and even a little Tagalog,
the price will go down. Don’t be afraid to haggle in the markets
and in small stores. Don’t try to haggle in big stores as prices
there are fixed.
Where do y o u live?

In this unit you will learn how to

■ use the question word saan
■ follow directions

HI Using the question word saan

^ D ia lo g u e 1
Roy Cook is waiting at a bus stop. He’s off to Makati, the heart of
the business and commercial district of Manila. While waiting,
Roy notices his old friend Manny and strikes up a conversation
with him.
Roy O, ano Manny, kumusta ka?
M anny Roy, ikaw ba talaga? Bakasyon ka ba?
Roy Ako nga. Oo kasama ko ang mga magulang ko.
M anny Saan ang punta mo?
Roy Sa Makati Mega Mall lang kasi masyadong mainit
Manny Doon din ang punta ko. Sabay na tayo.
Roy Mabuti. Saan kayo nakadra ngayon?
Manny Sa Sikatuna Village, malapit sa Diliman.
Roy Saan sa Sikatuna Village? May kilala ako doon.
Manny Sa may simbahang Katoliko, numero uno, tres, otso.
Pumunta ka sa bahay ha? Heto ang mapa.
Roy Salamat. O, Makati na pala ito!!!

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

ikaw ba talaga is it really you?

sa in /o n / a t/ in th e / on th e / a t the
bakasyon ka ba are you on vacation ?
nga in d e e d /it’s true
kasama ko I ’m with
mga magulang ko m y paren ts
saan where (direction)
ang punta mo yo u r destination
masyadong mainit too/very/qu ite hot
ngayon n ow /today
doon there
din a ls o / to o / as w ell
sabay na do it to g eth er/ a t the sam e tim e
nakatira living / residence
may kilala ako I know som eone
sa may n ear
simbahan church
numero num ber
uno, tres, otso one, three, eight
pumunta ka you g o / you v i s i t / s t o p by
sa bahay a t m y p la c e
ang mapa the m ap
Makati na pala ito ah, w e 've a rriv e d in M akati already
(literally; so this is Makati already)
Z®_________________________ _______________________ TAGALQG

Roy Hey, Manny, how are you?
Manny Roy, is it really you? Are you on vacation?
Roy I am indeed. I’m with my parents.
Manny Where are you going?
Roy To Makati Mega Mall because it’s so hot today.
Manny I’m also going there. Let’s go together.
Roy Good. Where are you living now?
Manny At Sikatuna Village, near to Diliman.
Roy Where in Sikatuna Village? I know someone there.
Manny Near the Catholic Church, number one, three, eight (Why
not) Stop by the house? Here’s the map.
Roy Thanks. Ah, we’ve arrived in Makati already!

EH Language skills
1 Saan? W here?
In Dialogue 1, Roy Cook introduces us to a new question word:
saan or ‘where’. He asks Manny: ‘Saan ang punta mo? (Where are
you going?). ‘Saan kayo nakatira? (Where do you live?) Be careful
not to confuse saan with the question word nasaan we first met in
Unit 4. Although both saan and nasaan can be translated into
English as ‘where’, both question words perform different
functions in Tagalog and so need to be addressed separately.
Saan has two major uses: 1) it represents the place where the
action expressed in a sentence occurs. For example: Saan ka bumili
ng selyo? ( Where did you buy stamps?); 2) it represents a
continuing condition. Example: Saan ka nakaupo? ( Where are you
seated?) When using saan as a question word, the reply should
begin with ‘sa’ followed by the place where the action occurred in
the sentence.
In summary, the difference between nasaan and saan is quite
simple: whereas both questions may refer to location (‘where?’),
only saan questions refer to either the place o f action, or to a
continuing condition. For example: Nasaan si Richard? Where
[location] is Richard? Saan matutulog si Richard? Where will
Richard sleep [action]? Don’t worry if this sounds a bit heavy
going. It will soon become clear to you. Study the following
examples and then re-read the explanation.
1. Tagalog: Saan tayo kakain?
Literal: Where we will eat?
English: Where are we going to eat?
Reply: Sa Dad’s (At Dad’s)
2. Tagalog: Saan ka nagpagupit?
Literal: Where you have a haircut?
English: Where did you have a haircut?
Reply: Sa Rudy’s Barber Shop (At Rudy’s Barber Shop)
3. Tagalog: Saan sila matutulog?
Literal: Where they will sleep?
English: Where will they sleep?
Reply: Sa bahay ko (At my house)
4. Tagalog: Saan mag-aaral si Tessie?
Literal: Where will study Tessie?
English: Where will Tessie study?
Reply: Sa St Paul’s (At St Paul’s)
5. Tagalog: Saan nakahiga ang bata?
Literal: Where lying down the child?
English: Where is the child lying down?
Reply: Sa kama (On the bed)
6. Tagalog: Saan sila nakatayo?
Literal: Where they standing?
English: Where are they standing?
Reply: Sa harapan (At the front)
7. Tagalog: Saan naupo ang babae?
Literal: Where sat the woman?
English: Where did the woman sit?
Reply: Sa bagong silya (On the new chair)
8. Tagalog: Saan bumili ng sorbetes ang mga bata?
Literal: Where bought ice cream the children?
English: Where did the children buy ice cream?
Reply: Sa Ben & Jerry’s (At Ben & Jerry’s)

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
kakain will eat
nagpagupit had a haircut
matutulog will sleep
mag-aaral will study
nakahiga lying down
nakatayo standing
naupo sat
bumili bought
sorbetes ice cream

E Exercise 1
^ Listen to Dialogue 1 again and follow the conversation on page 76.
You will notice that the dialogue has been repeated for a second
time on the tape, but this time, Manny’s voice has been omitted.
Using the text provided, why not try out the role of Manny.
Exercise 2
E Here are some sentences with the word jumbled up. Can you put
the words back into the correct order to make a good saan
sentence? Use the explanation and examples to guide you.
1. nakatira / sila / saan.
Translation: Where do they live?
2. kayo / matutulog / saan.
Translation: Where will you sleep ?
3. Nag-aaral / saan / sina Lucy.
Translation: Where do Lucy and her friends study?
4. bumibili / saan i po kayo/ ng sorbetes.
Translation: Where do you buy ice cream? (formal)
5. Si Adam / kakain / saan / ng almusal.
Translation: Where will Adam eat breakfast?

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

nag-aaral studying/study
bumibili buying/buy

2] Finding an address on a map

| 2 D ialogu e 2
Roy decided to call Manny on the telephone. Manny is giving Roy
instructions on how to get to his house.
Roy Hello Manny, si Roy ito.
M anny Kumusta Roy, pupunta ka ba rito?
Roy Oo, pero pakiulit mo nga ang tirahan mo. Hindi ba
masyadong malayo iyan?
Manny Okey lang. Masyadong malapit nga eh! Tingnan mo ang
mapa. Nakikita mo ba ang simbahang Katoliko?
Roy Oo. Nasa Kalye Vito ito.
M anny Una, bumaba ka sa McDonald’s. Iyan ay Kalye Sanchez.
Dumiretso ka buhat sa McDonald’s. Nakikita mo ba ang
Kalye Roxas?
Roy Oo.
M anny Tumawid ka doon - iyan ang kalye namin, Kalye Simeon.
Kami ay numero uno, tres, otso. May kasama ka ba?
Roy Wala. Nag-iisa ako. Hintayin mo ako.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

pupunta ka ba are you going to

pakiulit mo nga p le a se repeat
tirahan residen ce/ address
nakikita mo you s e e /y o u are seeing
Katoliko C atholic
una fir s t
bumaba ka you a lig h t/ g e t o ff
iyan that
kalye namin our street
kami ay w e are
kasama com panion
nag-iisa alone
hintayin mo ako w a it f o r m e

Roy Hello Manny, this is Roy.
Manny How are you Roy, are you coming over?
Roy Yes, but can you repeat your address for me? Isn’t it very
Manny It’s ok. In fact it’s quite near. Look at the map. Can you
see a Catholic church?
Roy Yes, it is along Vito Street.
Manny First, get off at McDonald’s. That is Sanchez Street. From
McDonald’s walk straight ahead. Can you see Roxas
Roy Yes.
Manny Cross there. That’s our street, Simeon Street
We are (Our house is) number one three eight. Do you
have somebody with you? (Literally, do you have a
Roy No, I’m alone. Wait for me.

More useful words

Talas alitaan Vocabulary

plaza town square

ospital hospital
munisipyo municipal offices
kapitolyong panglalawigan provincial capital
korte court
istasyon ng pulis police station
sementeryo cemetery
Bulwagang Pambarangay Barangay Hall
palengke market
LRT light rail transit

Q E xercise 3
Fill in the right word using a word from the box..

bahay kasama ka mapa nakikita

1. Pupunta____ba sa hotel?
2. Sa Kalye Simeon an g _____ __ namin.
3. Saan s a _______ ang simbahang Katoliko?
4. _________ mo ba ang McDonald’s?
5. Si no ang _________ mo?

E xercise 4
Match up the question with the correct answer:
Question Answer
1. Masyadong malayo ba ang a. Walang kasama si Roy
tirahan ni Manny?
2. Saan nakatira si Manny? b. Nasa Kalye Vito ito.
3. Saan dapat tumawid si Manny? c. Sa Sikatuna Village.
4. May kasama ba si Roy? d. Hindi. Masyadong malapit ito.
5. Nasaan ang simbahang e. Sa Kalye Roxas.

!§j Language skills

2 M asyado S o , v e r y , q u it e , to o , e tc .
Remember the adjectives (describing words) you met on page 55?
Well, the good news is that there are some interesting ways of
‘spicing up’ your adjectives with small words such as too, quite,
very, so, etc. These small words are known as ‘adverbs’. You can
spot them easily because in addition to being small, they always go
in front of the adjective. For example, quite (adverb) + handsome
(adjective) = quite handsome; so (adverb) + hot (adjective) = so
hot, etc. Adverbs give additional information about adjectives.
This means that if you want to give extra impact to your adjectives,
you need to use an adverb or adverbs. In Tagalog, adverbs such as
so, very, quite, too are represented by a single word: ‘m asyado’.
Adverbs work in Tagalog in just about the same way as they do in
English. As with English adverbs (e.g. ‘quite’), masyado can
appear on its own. However, when masyado is used in connection
with an adjective, it is placed before the adjective. In order to help
the sentence flow better, ‘ng’ is attached to the end of the word
‘m asyado’. For example: masyado + ng (very) + marumi (dirty) =
masyadong marumi (very dirty); masyadong mataas (too high),
masyadong mahaba (very long) and so on. Of course, there are
other kinds of adverbs but we will deal with those as they come
Here are some examples of adverb + adjective combinations:
Masyado + ng + adjective = Combination English
Masyadong + malaki = masyadong malaki very big
Masyadong + malamig = masyadong malamig too co ld
Masyadong + mabilis = masyadong mabilis so fa s t
Masyadong + mainit = masyadong mainit very hot
Masyadong + madaldal = masyadong madaldal very talkative
Masyadong + mataas = masyadong mataas quite high
Masyadong + madilim = masyadong madilim very dark
Masyadong + malakas = masyadong malakas quite loud,
very strong
Masyadong + mahina masyadong mahina too soft
very weak

Masyadong + mabagal = masyadong mabagal too slow

Masyadong + mahaba = masyadong mahaba quite long

E E xercise 5 S e n te n c e building
Can you fill in the spaces with the right word combination words
that you can find in the box?

Magbabakasyon si Philip at si Tina sa Pilipinas!

Phil and Tina will go on Holiday to the Philippines
Nasa eroplano si Phil at si Tina.______ ____ sila sa
Pilipinas. ____________________ (40 c) sa Pilipinas
pero doon sila magbabakasyon. __ _______
________daw ang Pilipinas (17,000 milya_________
Heathrow). Ang eroplano ay ___________
___________ na. Sabi ng
_________ alas 9:30 daw nang umaga _ _ _ _
_________ng eroplano sa paliparan.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

masyadong mainit very hot

masyadong mataas quite high
kapitan ng eroplano captain of the airplane
magbabakasyon will go on vacation
ang dating time o f arrival
masyadong malayo quite fa r
buhat sa from

g Finding the right Jeepney/bus
D ia lo g u e 3
Roy has decided to take a Jeepney to Manny’s place. There are
many Jeepneys in Manila so Roy wants to make sure that he gets
on the right one.
Roy Papunta ba ito sa Sikatuna Village?
Drayber Opo. Saan po ba doon?
Roy Sa McDonald’s sa Kalye Sanchez.

D rayber OK po, hihinto ito sa McDonald’s.

Roy Magkano ang pamasahe hanggang sa Sikatuna?
D rayber Dos singkwenta lang po.
Roy Heto ang bayad. Pakipara mo sa Kalye Sanchez ha?
D rayber Opo.

TaJasalitaan Vocabulary
papunta ba ito sa is this going to
saan po ba where sir ?
hihinto ito this will stop
ang pamasahe the fare
hanggang sa until
dos singkewenta 2.50 pesos
heto ang bayad ko here i my fare
pakipara mo please stop at

T ra n sla tio n

Roy Is this going to Sikatuna Village?

Driver Yes sir, where (in Sikatuna Village)?
Roy McDonald’s on Sanchez Street.
D river OK sir, we will be stopping there, (literally, this will
Roy How much is the fare to Sikatuna Village?
D river It’s 2.50 pesos sir.
Roy Here’s my fare. Please stop at Sanchez Street, OK?
D river Yes sir.

E E xercise 6
Imagine that you are going to visit a friend in the Diliman area of
Metro Manila. Use Dialogue 3 and the vocabulary box to help you
form your own dialogue. Use your tape to make the exercise more
realistic and more fun:
D rayber Opo. Saan po ba doon?
Ikaw _____ ____________ _____________ _____________
D rayber Okay po, hihinto ito s a _________________

Ik a w ______________________hanggang sa___________
Drayber Tres singkwenta lang po.
Ikaw ______ ____________________________________
Drayber Opo.
O n e-m inu te p h ra ses

Kilala ko siya (kee-lah-lah kaw see-yah) Literally, I know

him/her. This expression is used to mean that a person knows
‘o f’ someone (has heard of them/shook hands with them or they
have been introduced to each other). The expression does not
necessarily mean that they know the person as a friend or
acquaintance. For example: Kilala niya ang asawa ng
gobernador. He/she knows the governor's wife/husband.
Do not mistake the above with
Kakilala ko siya (kah-kee-lah-lah kaw-see-yah) Literally
He/she is an acquaintance. For example: Kakilala ko si Bobbie
Rodero. Bobbie Rodero is my acquaintance.
Matalik na kaibigan (mah-tah-leek nah kah-ee-bee gahn)
Meaning best friend. For example: Matalik na kaibigan ko si
Jun Terra. Jun Terra is my best friend.
Mabilis magpatakbo (mah-bee-lees mahg-pah-tahk-boo)
Literally, fast to run a vehicle. Meaning: a fast driver. For
example: Mabilis magpatakbo ang aming drayber kaya
maaga kaming nakarating sa paliparan. Ours was a fast
driver so we arrived at the airport early.
Huling biyahe (hoo-leeng bee-yah-heeh) Meaning: last trip.
For example: Anong oras ang huling biyahe ninyo papunta sa
Calapan? What time is your last trip to Calapan ?

^ Cultural tip

The Jeepney is a mode of transport unique to the Philippines.

Originally modelled on the US army Jeep, it has since been
transformed into the most common form of public transport on
Philippine roads. Jeepneys are easily identifiable by their
typically colourful and lavish decoration. They are probably the
cheapest means of transport available, although not always the
most comfortable! If you wish to ride on a jeepney, don’t forget
that there are few official ‘stopping’ places and so you will have
to inform the driver when and where you want to get off.
Destinations and routes are usually written on both the front and
the side of the Jeepney. You can hail Jeepneys in most places
except on main roads where stricter traffic regulations apply. If
in doubt, ask a local!
My family

In th is unit yo u w ill learn h o w to

■ introduce the members of your family
■ use ay in a sentence
■ use possessive pronouns

Introducing the members of your family

D ia lo g u e 1
At the Abiva house, Tita Abiva is showing her family album to Bill
and Louise Cook.

Tita Ito ay larawan ng pamilya ko. Sa likuran, buhat sa kaliwa ay

si Tatay, si ate Azon at si Jake ang asawa niya, si Edith ang
asawa ni Jose, si Louie ang asawa ni Citta, at ito ay si Nanay.
Bill Ang mga nasa harapan?
Tita Ang mga nasa harapan, buhat sa kaliwa ay si Ely walang
asawa, si Dino na katabi ko ay binata at pinakabunso sa
pamilya namin, at ito si Toto ang asawa ko.
Bill Malaki-laki ang pamilya ninyo.
Tita Oo, pero ang malaking pamilya ay masayang pamilya.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

pinakabunso youngest
larawan photograph/picture
ng pamilya ko o f my family
sa likuran behind/at the back
ang pamilya ninyo your family
tatay father
asawa spouse
pero but
ang asawa niya her/his partner
binata bachelor
na katabi ko (who’s ) next to me
katabi ni next to
nasa likuran at the back
ng pamilya namin o f our family
ang asawa ko my partner
malaki-laki quite big
ate elder sister
harapan front
malaking pamilya big family
kapag if/when
masayang pamilya happy family
nasa harapan in front

Tita This is a photograph of ray family. At the back, from the left
that is (my) father, (my) older sister Azon and her husband
Jake, Edith the wife of Jose, Louie, the husband of Citta and
this is (my) mother.
Bill [and] Those in the front?
Tita The ones in front, from the left are Ely who is unmarried,
Dino (who is) seated next to me, (he) is a bachelor and the
youngest in our family, and this is Toto my husband.
Bill Your family is quite big.
Tita Yes, but a big family is a happy family.

IQ E xercise 1
Look at the picture of the Abiva family on page 89. Imagine that
Tita Abiva has asked you to explain to the Cooks ‘who is who’ in
the picture. Remember, your answer should begin with ‘nasa’ as
you will need to show the location of the person. In your answers,
use the words from the box. The dialogue and vocabulary box may
also be of help to you.

nasa likuran kaliwa katabi ni nasa harapan kanan

Example: Tatay. Answer: Nasa likuran, sa kaliwa.

i. Si Ate Azon at si Jake. Answer:
2. Si Ely, Answer:
3. Si Tita. Answer:
4. Si Citta. Answer:
5. Si Toto. Answer:
6. Si Dino. Answer:
The Filipino family tree

Tagalog Pronunciation English

nanay/inay nah-nigh/ee-nigh mother
tatay/itay tah-tigh/ee-tigh father
ate ah-te older sister
kuya koo-yah older brother
kapatid kah-pah-teed sibling
kapatid na lalaki kah-pah teed nah lah-lah-kee brother
kapatad na babae kah-pah teed nah bah-bah-ee sister
tiyo tee-yaw uncle
tiya tee-yah aunt
lolo law-law grandfather
lola law-lah grandmother
apo ah-paw grandcild
bayaw bah-yao brother-in-law
hipag hee-pahg sister-in-law
pamangldn pah-mahng-keen nephew/niece
asawa ah-sah-wah husbandAvife

3 Language skills
1 Ko, mo, nlya, namin, natin, ninyo, nila
P o sse ssiv e p ro n o u n s
If you look closely at Dialogue 1, you will notice that the words ko
(my), niya (his her) and namin (our) have one thing in common:
they express ownership or possession. These words are known as
possessive pronouns. Possessive pronouns are used in two basic
ways: 1) they tell us about ownership, i.e. ‘ang pasaporte ko’ (my
passport), ‘ang guro namin’ (our teacher), 2) they show
relationship with a person, i.e., ‘ang nanay ko’ (my mother), ‘ang
tatay namin’ (our father). You will notice that in English the
possessive pronoun goes in front of the thing (noun) it possesses.
For example: your name, his house, my father, our country and so
on. In Tagalog, the order is reversed with the possessive pronoun
being placed after the word it possesses. For example: pangalan
mo (your name), bahay niya (his house), tatay ko (my father),
bansa natin (our country) and so on. One small but important
difference to watch out for is the first person plural. In English, we
simply say ‘our house', ‘our street’, ‘our village’. Tagalog has two
possibilities: one which includes the listener (natin), and another
which excludes the listener (namin). For example, if I were to
speak to you about ‘tatay natin’ or ‘our father’, then the use of the
inclusive form (natin) makes it clear that he is also your father. If
however I talk about ‘tatay namin', then the use of the exclusive
form (namin) indicates that he is ‘our’ father (me, my brothers and
sisters) while not implying that he is also your father. Look at the
following table:
Personal possessive pronouns:

Num ber English T a g a lo g

1st person (singular) my ko
(plural) our nam in ( e x c l u s i v e o f l i s l e n e r / s )
our natin ( i n c l u s i v e o f l i s i e n e r / s )
2nd person (singular) your mo
(plural) your ninyo
3rd person (singular) his/her niya
(plural) their nila

Here are some example sentences:

English Tagalog
1. He/she is my friend. Kaibigan ko siya
2. Is he your driver? Drayber mo ba siya?
3. We are their guest. Bisita nila kami
4. Cora is our teacher. Guro namin si Cora
5. Are you his friend? Kaibigan ka ba niya?
Exercise 2
Translate the following sentences, using the vocabulary box to help
1. Margaret is my friend.
2. John is his brother.
3. Ann is their visitor.
4. They are my classmates.
Exercise 3 Listening

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
bisita guest
mga kaklase classmates
guro teacher

r o Listen carefully to the accompanying exercise, then look at the

■m pictures. Can you tell who is related to whom?

Pflj Language skills

2 Ng O f/o f th e
Ni/nina + N am e o f p e rso n /s
Another new word used in Dialogue was ‘ng’ (pronounced nang).
Ng is also used to show possession. For example: ‘ang laruan ng
bata’ (literally, the toy o f the child = the child’s toy), ‘baso ng
tubig’ (a glass of water), ‘ang pintuan ng bahay’ (the doorway o f
the house). These examples show that ng can be translated into
English as ‘o f’ or ‘of the’. Try to remember, however, that in
English, the word of often disappears completely and is replaced
by an apostrophe + ’s For example, ‘the mother of the bride’
becomes ‘the bride’s mother’, ‘the book of the student’ becomes
‘the student’s book’. When using a person’s name, however, we
use the word ni instead of ng, indicating that the person concerned
is the possessor. For example, Tto ang bahay ni Mary’ (this is
Mary’s house). If more than one person is involved, then nina is
used (the plural of ni). For example: ‘Ka-opisina siya nina Tony’.
He is an officemate o f Tony and his friend/s.

Look at the following examples:

Tagalog English
ni Jose of Jose/ Jose’s
nina Jose of Jose and his friend/s’
ni Mary of Mary/ Mary’s
nina Mary of Mary and her friend/s’
ng bata of the child / the child’s
ng mga babae of the women/ the women’s
ng Presidente of the President/
the President’s
ni Queen Elizabeth of Queen Elizabeth/
Queen Elizabeth’s
Here are some full sentences to show this expression in use.
1. Anak n i Queen Elizabeth si Prince Charles.
Prince Charles is the son o f Queen Elizabeth.
2. Kotse ng Presidente ito.
This is the car o f the President.
3. Doktor n i Bennie si Doktor Cruz.
Doctor Cruz is Bennie’s doctor.
4. Maleta ng mga babae iyan.
That is the women’s suitcase.
Exercise 4
Fill in the blank with the correct word. Refer to the Language skills
on pages 94-5.
1. Kailangan mo b a __________ (ng/ni) tulong ko?
2. H indi__________ (namin/nina) alam ang tirahan ni Phil.
3. A nak__________ (ni/ng) ginoong Abiva si Jobert.
4. Sino ang kapatid______________ (ng/ng mga) guro?
5. G usto______________ (ko/nina) ang bagong kotse mo.
6. Nasa mesa ang pagkain_____________ (ng/ni) mga bisita.
7. Bukas, narito ang guro_____________ (niya/nina).

B Exercise 5
Look at the pictures and write a sentence about each using either
ng, ni or nina.

2 ] Using ‘oy’ in a sentence

^ Dialogue 2
At the Abiva house, Bill, Louise and Tita continue their
Louise Ilan ang anak ninyo?
Tita Lima. Isa lang ang walang asawa. Heto ang larawan
ng mga anak at mga apo ko.
Louise Sila ay magaganda.
Tita Kayo, ilan ang anak ninyo?
Louise Dalawa lang. Si John at si Roy.

Tita May anak ba si John?

Bill Oo. Dalawa. Si Adam at si Lucy.
Tita Maliit ang pamilya ninyo!
Louise Oo nga.
Katulong Eto po ang pampalamig.
Tita Salamat. Tayo ay magpalamig muna.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
ilan how many
ang anak ninyo your child
lima sila there are five
isa lang only one
walang asawa not married
ng mga anak o f the children
pampalamig refreshment
mga apo ko my grandchildren
dalawa lang only two
anak ninyo your children
pamilya ninyo your family
oo nga 1 agree
eto po here you are
magpalamig muna have some refreshments first

Louise How many children do you have?
Tita Five. Only one is not (yet) married. Here is a photo of
my children and my grandchildren.
Louise They are beautiful.
Tita How many children do you have? (literally, and you,
how many children do you have?)
Louise Just two. John and Roy.
Tita Does John have children?
BiU Yes. Two. Adam and Lucy.
Tita Your family is small!
Louise I agree.
Maid Here is your refreshment ma’am!
Tita Thank you. Let’s have something to drink first
(literally, refreshments).

El Exercise 6
Read the following story. You will notice that several words are
missing from the Tagalog dialogue. Using the vocabulary box
provided, fill in the missing words. Use the English translation to
help you.
Donna visits Chit’s family in Batangas
Donna Magandang araw po. Kumusta po kayo? Si Donna po
ak o ._______________ ako ni Chit.
Host Ikaw ba si Donna? Pasok k a ._____________ ka pala.
Ilan kayong_____________________?
Donna Tatlo po. Ako, a n g __________________ , si Eloisa ang
pangalawa, at si Mila, an g __________________ . Lahat
po kami walang asawa.
Host Ganoon ba? Kumusta ang mga magulang mo?
Donna Mabuti po naman sila. Kayo po, ilan po a n g ________
__________ ?
Host Apat an g ___________________.
Donna __________ ang may asawa?
Host Isa l a n g ___________ . Si Zeny at dalawa na
_____ _________________________ . Magpalamig ka
Donna Maraming salamat po. Ang sarap nito! Kung gayon may
________ na pala kayo.
Host Oo at maligaya naman ako!
Donna Mabuti naman at nakilala ko kayo sa wakas.
Host Ako rin!
Donna Good morning {polite). How are you? I am Donna -
Chit’s friend.
Host Are you Donna? Ah, please come in! You are indeed tall!
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Donna Three ma’am. I’m the eldest, Eloisa the second and Mila
is the youngest. We are all still single.
Host I see. And how are your parents?
Donna They are fine ma’am. And how about you ma’am, how
many children do you have?

Host I have four children.

Donna Are any of them married yet?
Host Only one so far. Zeny. She has two children. Please have
some refreshment.
Donna Thank you. This is delicious! So, you now have
Host Yes, and I am very happy about that!
Donna It is so nice to meet you at last.
Host You too!

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
pinakabunso youngest
matangkad tall
magkakapatid siblings
apo grandchild
pinakamatanda eldest
ang anak niya her children
ang may-asawa (the) married (one)
anak ko my children
ilan how many

Exercise 7
Which question matches which answer?
1. Anak mo ba siya? A. Oo. Asawa yata ni Azon
si Jake.
2. Nasa silangan ng Pilipinas B. Kuya.
ang Davao.
3. Ano ang tawag sa matandang C. Hindi. Sa tindahan tayo
kapatid na lalaki? bumibili ng selyo.
4. Asawa kaya ni Azon si Jake? D. Hindi. Hindi ko siya anak.
5. Sa ospital tayo bumibili ng E. Wala. Nasa Timog ito.

E Exercise 8 Speaking and listening activity

|gg| Listen to the dialogue on the tape. How many of the words or
phrases from the conversation between Pepot and Donna can you
remember ? Listen to the tape again. Here are some snatches from
the dialogue. Fill in the missing parts. When you have completed
the task, why not ask one of your Filipino friends to help you act
out the dialogue?
Donna O, tuloy b a ______________________________ kina
Peps? (our picnic)
Pepot Sino ba ang____________________________________ ?
(older o f the two?)
D o n n a _______________ ang tanda ni Romy kay Peps, (three
P e p o t _____________________ si Peps, (younger)
D o n n a __________________________ ng anak ni Romy. (what
is the name)
P e p o t _____________________________________. (Don’t you
Donna O o . ________________________ ________ ________
_______ . (she is my mother’s sister).
Pepot Bibili a k o ____________________________________ .
(some cold drinks)
Donna Sa palagay ko, magiging m a say a________________
__________(this picnic).

Ei Language skills
3 Ay
Life and language would seem rather boring if we had only one set
way of communicating correctly with one another. Fortunately, we
can vary sentences in order to add spice, variety and colour to our
language. For example, ‘Hello Boh, how are you this morning?’
becomes ‘Morning Bob, how are you?’ or perhaps ‘How are you
this morning, Bob?’. All of these simple sentences communicate
the same message, but all are slightly different. Tagalog does much
the same thing with the simple word ay (pronounced eye). This
little word has no direct English translation but is a veritable gold

nugget when it comes to adding variety to our spoken Tagalog. The

good news for English speakers is that the word ay follows the
normal English language sentence structure. It inverts the usual
sequence of Tagalog words making it resemble its English
equivalent. For example, he is good (mabuti siya) becomes siya ay
mabuti. You may be forgiven for thinking that ay means ‘is’ or that
ay is the equivalent of the English verb ‘to be’, but this is not so.
A sentence involving the use of ay does not differ in meaning from
the sentence without ay. It simply offers variety and assists the
flow of the sentence. Ay can also be used as a more formal style
and as such is commonly found in writing, lectures, sermons and
so on, although this is only used after vowels. You will no doubt
have noticed the use of ay in Dialogue 1, together with the
shortened form of ’y. Both forms are correct. You will notice that
the shortened ’y form is most commonly used when following
words which end with a vowel. This is not always the case
however. For example: Ito’y maganda, This is pretty. Ikaw’y
guro, You are a teacher.
Here are some more examples.
English Tagalog Inverted (ay sentence)
They are Americans Amerikano sila Sila ay Amerikano
The queue is long Mahaba ang pila Ang pila ay mahaba
Is the chair clean? Malinis ba ang silya? Ang silya ba ay malinis?
Ann is industrious Masipag si Ann. Si Ann ay masipag
They are nurses Mga narses sila. Sila’y mga narses
The vegetable is fresh Sariwa ang gulay Ang gulay ay sariwa.
The mango is sour Maasim ang mangga Ang mangga ’y maasim
The car is at the garage Nasa garahe ang kotse Ang kotse’y nasa garahe
He is a doctor here Doktor siya dito Siya ay doktor dito
Exercise 9
Convert the following standard Tagalog sentences into their
equivalent ay form sentences:
1. Anak mo siya.
2. May tiket ako.
3. Malamig ang tubig.
4. Mainit ngayon.
5. Masarap ang handa mo.

Talas alitaa n Vocabulary

tiket ticket
malamig cold
tubig water
masarap delicious
hand a food preparation

One-minute phrases

Maghabol sa tambol mayor (mahg-hah-bawl sah tahm-bawl

mah-yor) Literally, to chase the principal drum (o f a marching
band). This expression is applied to somebody who has been
cheated (i.e. in money, relationships, financial deals etc.). The
expression implies that the victim has no chance of finding
justice. Marching bands are a common sight in the Philippines,
especially during fiestas, funerals and weddings. To chase the
principal drum, as the saying goes, takes some doing, as it is a
heavy instrument to run away with! The phrase is similar in
meaning to the English expressions, caught napping or caught
with his pants down!
Mukhang Biyernes Santo (mook-hahng beeyer-ness sahn-taw)
Literally, a face like Good Friday! This expression is applied to
a person who looks gloomy. As a Christian country, the
Philippines traditionally observes the celebration of Holy Week.
Part of Holy Week is the observance of Good Friday, the solemn
remembrance of the day Jesus died. Filipinos tend to disapprove
of festivities on Good Friday as a sign of respect for the Santo
Intiero or Dead Christ. Anyone who wears a solemn expression
on their face at other times may find themselves on the receiving
end of the comment, Mukhang Biyernes Santo ka! You ’ve got
a face like Good Friday!
Parang pinagbiyak na bunga (pah-rahng pee-nahg-bee-yahk
nah boo-ngah) Literally, Looks like a fruit chopped in two.
When a piece of fruit is chopped into two halves, the two halves
are generally identical. This expression is commonly used
therefore to refer to twins.

Kaibigang matalik/matalik na kaibigan (kah-ee-bee-gahng

mah-tah-leek/mah-tah-leek na kah-ee-bee-gahn) a term which
means best friend.
Kasa-kasama (kah-sah-kah-sah-mah) This expression is used
to identify a person commonly seen with another person. For
example: Laging kasa-kasama ni Jun si Bobbie. Bobbie is
always seen in Jun’s company.

P Cultural tip

When meeting the family of a Filipino friend for the first time
do not be surprised if they appear to be more ‘formal’ than
relaxed with you. This is normal. Many Filipinos often feel
initimidated by foreigners, but as they gradually get to know
you, they will begin to feel more relaxed. Don’t be afraid to try
out your Tagalog, even if you make mistakes. They will
appreciate your efforts and will warm to you more quickly.
At the restaurant

In this unit you will learn how to

■ order your drinks
■ choose some typical Filipino food
■ ask for your bill
■ make words plural using ‘m ga’

Ordering your drinks

[SI Dialogue 1
Bill, Louise and Roy have decided to eat dinner at the local
Kamayan restaurant.
W aiter Magandang gabi po. Maligayang pagdating sa ‘Kamayan’.
Bill May mesa ba kayo para sa tatlo?
W aiter Mayroon po. Heto po ang mesa ninyo.
Bill Salamat. (Naupo ang mag-anak)
W aiter Sir, heto po ang menu namin. Ano po ang gusto ninyong
Bill Sandali lang. Louise?
Louise Malamig na tubig lang muna. May mineral water ba
W aiter Mayroon po. Kayo po sir?
Bill San Miguel beer.
W aiter (kay Roy) Sa inyo po, sir?
Roy White wine ang sa akin.
W aiter Okey po. Pulutan sir, Ibig po ba ninyo.
Bill Oo. Ano ang pulutan ninyo?
W aiter Tapa at litson po. Isang plato o isang platito p o l

Bill Parang masarap. O sige. Isang plato. Salamat.

Waiter Wala pong anuman.

TaJasalitaan Vocabulary
maligayang pagdating welcome
may mesa ba kayo do you have a table
para sa tatlo for three
malamig na tubig cold water
ang mesa ninyo your table
ang menu narnin our menu
ang gusto ninyo what you like
platito saucer
muna first/for the time being
parang seems/like
kay to (+ name)
ang sa akin mine
pulutan finger food to go with drinks
tapa sliced fried beef
litson suckling pig
plato plate

Waiter Good evening sir. Welcome to Kamayan.
Bill Do you have a table for three?
Waiter Yes sir. Here is your table, sir.
Bill Thank you. (The family sits down)
Waiter Sir, here’s our menu. What would you like to drink?
Bill Just one moment. (You) Louise?
Louise I ’ll have cold water (for the time being). Do you have any
mineral water?
Waiter Yes, we have ma’am. And you sir?
Bill San Miguel beer.
Waiter (to Roy) And you, sir?
Roy I’ll have a white wine.
Waiter OK sir. Finger foods (to go with the drinks) sir, would
you like some?
Bill Yes. What are your pulutan?
Waiter Sliced fried beef and suckling pig sir. One plate sir, or
one saucer?

Bill Seems delicious. OK, one plate (of finger foods). Thank
W aiter You’re welcome sir.

d E xercise 1
Can you say the following?
1. There are four of us. (We are four)
2. Do you have a table for four persons?
3. I want (a glass of) cold water.
4. I would like (a bottle ol) San Miguel beer.
5. Do you have a big table?

H E xercise 2
Look at Dialogue 1 again. Based on this dialogue, can you tell
which of the following sentences are true and which are false?
1. Para sa dalawa ang mesa.
2. Ang mesa ay para sa tatlo.
3. Mabuti para kay Louise ang malamig na tubig.
4. Gusto ni Louise ng malamig na beer.
5. Hindi gusto ni Bill ang inumin.
6. San Miguel Beer yata ang gusto ni Bill.

E l Language skills
1 Mga M aking w o rd s p lu ra l
Dialogue 1 introduced us to the word ‘mga’ (pronounced mah-
ngah). In jargon, this word is known as a pluraliser. A pluraliser is
a word which lets us know that more than one person, place or
thing is being referred to. In English, there are three basic ways of
indicating the plural: 1) by adding the letter ‘s’ to the end of the
pluralised word. Hence, suitcase becomes ‘suitcases’; 2) by
changing a single letter in the pluralised word. Here, woman
becomes women; 3) by adding ‘es’ to the pluralised word. Here,
mango becomes mangoes . Tagalog has a far less complex way of
making words plural. Simply add the word mga before the noun
you wish to pluralise. For example: tiket (ticket) becomes mga
tiket (tickets); babae (woman) becomes mga babae (women);
Pilipino (Filipino) becomes mga PHipino (Filipinos). What could
be easier?!
Exercise 3
Find the correct Tagalog words for the following and then pluralise

Did you know...?

Sometimes Tagalog will pluralise adjectives, too. For example

mabuti (good) can become mabubuti, malaki (big) can
become malalaki. Here the mga pluraliser is dropped in favour
of repeating the second syllable of the word. In this type of
sentence the plural adjective must always precede a plural noun
or pronoun. For example: maliit siya - maliliit sila. Don’t
worry if this seems to complicated for you at this time - you can
come back to it later when you feel more confident. Just stick to
the mga form for the moment.

Q Exercise 4
Using the vocabulary box provided arrange the following muddled
up words into correct Tagalog sentences.
1. bisita/ sa bahay/ na/ mga/ may.
2. kayo/ mga/ ba/ estudyante?
3. pilipino/ sila/ mga/ hindi.
4. kailangan/ ang/ ko/ at mesa /mga silya.
5. sariwa/ mga prutas/ na ito/ ang.

T a la s a lita a n Vocabulary
na already
estudyante student
hindi no
kailangan need
silya chair
sariwa fresh
prutas fruit

EB Choosing som e typical Filipino food

I S Dialogue 2
The Cook family are ready to order. The waiter approaches them.
W aiter Ibig n’yo na po bang umorder?
Bill Oo. Ako, gusto ko ng adobong pusit, mechado at
ginisang gulay. Ikaw, Louise? Ano ang order mo?
Louise Ako, gusto ko ng apritada, sinigang na bangus at kanin.
May napili ka na ba, Roy?
Roy Opo. Mukhang masarap ang adobong manok. Gusto ko
rin ng pansit at piniritong lumpiya.
W aiter Ano po ang starter ninyo? Mayroon pong sopas manok o
kaya’y sariwang lumpia.
Bill Sariwang lumpia!
W aiter Sariwang lumpia, sir. M asarap po ang sarsa.
Bill Salamat.
W aiter Wala pong anuman.

Tblasalitaan Vocabulary
ibig n’yo na would you like now
umorder to make your order
sopas manok chicken soup
adobong pusit squid adobo
mechado mechado
ginisang gulay sauteed vegetables
ano what
apritada apritada
sinigang na bangus fish
kanin boiled rice
may napili has selected/chosen
mukhang masarap seems tasty
abobong manok chicken adobo
starter ninyo your starter
o kaya’y or
sariwa(ng) lumpia fresh spring rolls
rekomendado recommended
sarsa sauce/dressing
gusto ko rin / also like

Waiter Would you like to order now?
Bill I would like adobong pusit, michado and sauteed
vegetables. (And) You Louise? What would you like to
Louise I would like apritada, sinigang na bangus [fish] and rice.
Have you chosen, Roy?
Roy Yes, mum. The chicken adobo looks tasty. 1 would also
like noodles and fried lumpia.
Waiter Sir, what would you like for your starter? There is
chicken soup or fresh lumpia.
Bill Fresh lumpia!
Waiter Fresh lumpia sir. The salad dressing is delicious!
Bill Thank you.
Waiter You’re welcome.

M c w ty S C m e o tv y K c w ia y c o n / R e s t a u r a n t
H c n u w ’B o u l e v o w d / , M a n i l a /
ii Starter
j; Tapang baka P I 75.00
fi Sopas Manok P100.00
ii Lumpiang ubod P125.00
Sariwang lumpia P125.00
Ensaladang seafood P200.00
Pansit luglog P125.00
A dobong manok sa gata P250.00
A dobong baboy at baka sa toyo P300.00
Pansit bihon P280.00
Pansit miki P280.00
Pansit m iki at bihon P280.00
Kaldereta P300.00
Sinigang na bangus P280.00
Pritong tilapia P280.00
Ginisang pusit P300.00
M enudo P200.00
Sinigang na bakang m ay saging P250.00
Kanin P100.00
Chinese fried rice P120.00
Ginisang m unggo P65.00
Chop suey P150.00
Inihaw na talong P60.00
Pamutat: \
Leche Flan P100.00
Halo-halo P I 50.00
Sorbetes P150.00
Minatamisang saging na m ay yelo P150.00
San M iguel beer P35.00
:! Soft Drinks P25.00
I? Fruit Shake P40.00
Kape P25.00

Service charge not included

........ ..... ' 1

Al THE RESTAURANT _______________________________ __________ 1 1 ^

Ix e rc is e 5
( house from the list of condiments in the box and tell the waiter
wlml you want. Use the dialogue to help you.
Wuiter Para sa inihaw na bangus po ba?
You (Clue: ask for some vinegar for your bangus.)
Waiter Bakit, matabang po ba?
You (Clue: ask for some salt.)
Walter Ito po ay para sa ensalada
You (Clue: ask for some sauce/ salad dressing.)
Waiter Ibig po ba ninyo ito para sa pansit?
You (Clue: ask for some soy sauce.)

Tolasalitaan Vocabulary
loyo soy sauce
paminta pepper
suka vinegar
sarsa sauce/salad dressing
asin salt
ibig po ba ninyo would you want
gusto ko ng / would like/l want

Cultural tip

Whether at comer stores or in small (turo-turo) restaurants

along the highway, some delicacies are always on the menu and
are sure to tickle Filipino taste buds. Here are a few of the most
popular dishes:
Leche flan - A sweet dish consisting of evaporated milk,
condensed milk, egg yolks, sugar, lemon peel and vanilla
essence. Similar in appearance and taste to creme caramel. It is
always the main attraction on the buffet table at fiestas and
Bilobilo - this popular snack is prepared by mixing water and
sticky rice flour. The mixture is then shaped into small balls

which in turn are dropped into a pan quarter filled with boiling
coconut milk where sugar, shredded jack fruit, pineapple and
vanilla have already been added.
Bibingka - Cooked in smouldering coconut husks, bibingka
has its own unique taste. It is prepared from rice flour, sugar and
the flesh of a young (i.e. unripe) coconut. Bibingka is placed
under a smouldering coconut husk until it turns a slightly
brownish colour. Sometimes the top of the bibingka is
decorated with chopped cheese. Nice to eat when warm, but
tends to harden when cold.
Adobong manok - Made by marinating pieces of chicken in
vinegar, pepper, garlic, then cooked in coconut milk until tender
and aromatic. Seasoned with soy sauce. Served hot as a side
dish. Masarap!

E l Language skills
2 O th er u ses o f Mga
Mga is also used in Tagalog to express approximation. When used
in connection with numbers, it can be understood to mean
‘approximately’, ‘about’ or ‘around’.
Tagalog: Mga apat na kilo ang kailangan ko.
English: I need about 4 kilos.
Tagalog: Mga pito siguro ang darating.
English: Perhaps around seven (people) will be arriving.
Tagalog: Mga isang yarda ang bilhin mo.
English: You [need to] buy around one yard.

Mga can also be used when approximating time.

Tagalog: Mga alas dos nang hapon ako babalik.
English: I ’ll be back by around 2.00 p.m.

Tagalog: M ga alas onse sila natulog kagabi.

Hnglish: They slept at about 11.00 last night.
Tagalog: M ga alas sais nang umaga ang Simula ng misa.
English: The mass starts at around 6.00 a.m.

Q E xercise 6
Complete the following sentences:
1. Gusto ko ng (around 2 kilos) dalanghita.
2. Kailangan namin ng (approximately 3 yards).
3. (Around 2 o’clock) ba ang alis ng bus?
4. (Approximately nine) ang mga bisita nila.
5. Siguro (about eight people) are in the Jeepney.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
gusto ko I likeAvant
dalanghita oranges
kailangan need
alis departure
siguro perhaps

[23 Dialogue 3
r a The Cook family are enjoying their meal, but they would like to
order some more food.
Bill Umorder pa tayo ng pansit. Ubos na.
Louise Ubos na rin ang gulay at hipon.
Roy At saka adobong manok. Tiibig rin.
Bill (to waiter) Gusto pa namin ng: isang platong pansit,
isang platong gulay, isang platong hipon at adobong
W aiter Kanin rin po sir?
Bill Oo. At saka malamig na tubig.
W aiter Opo sir. Salamat po.
Bill Walang anuman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
umorder pa tayo let's order some more
ng pansit some noodles
ubos na ran out/consumed
tubig rin water too
gulay at hipon vegetables and prawns
at saka and also
gusto pa namin ng we want some more
isang plato(ng) a plate of
gulay vegetables

Bill Let’s order some more noodles. (There’s) Nothing left!
Louise No more vegetables and prawns either.
Roy And chicken adobo too! Water also.
Bill (to waiter) We would like another plate of noodles,
some more vegetables, also prawns and chicken adobo.
Waiter Rice as well sir?
Bill Yes, and some cold water too.
Waiter Yes sir. Thank you.
Bill You’re welcome.

El E xercise 7
On the tape you can hear people ordering different dishes at a
Manila Kamayan restaurant. Did you notice what each person
ordered? Look at the waiter’s ordering slip. Write down what each
person has ordered.
M ang Simeon's Kamayan Restaurant
_________________Roxas Boulevard, Manila______
Customer 1: MC&y'Buyco-_____________________________

C ustom er 2: Veto-

Customer 3: M i t o GtMwvfrOn/

Table 1 4 W aiter V o m l n g o -

U Asking for the bill

^ D ialogu e 4
The Cook family have enjoyed their meal. Bill Cook now wants
to pay.
Bill Ang chit nga namin.
Waiter Aba opo. Sandali lang po. (Waiter returns and hands him
the bill)
Bill (Pointing at something) Ano ito?
Waiter Ivan po ang starter ninyo.
Bill Iyan, ano iyan?
Waiter Iyan po ang inumin ninyo.
Bill Ganoon ba? Kasama ba ang service charge dito?
Waiter Hindi po.
Bill O, ano naman ang mga ito?
Waiter Ang mga iyan po ang pulutan ninyo.
Bill Ganoon ba? Okey, mabuti, Heto ang bayad ko.
Waiter Salamat po sir.
Bill Walang anuman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

ang chit nga namin our b ill p le a se

aba opo sure , s ir
medyo nagulat som ew h at su rprised
ano ito w h at is this?
ang mga ito these
ang mga iyan those
magkano how much
pangalawang order secon d order
kasama ba is it included
heto ang bayad h ere’s the p aym en t

Bill (May we have) Our bill please.
Waiter Of course sir. One moment please.
Bill (Checking bill) What is this?

Waiter That’s your starter sir.

Bill And that, what is that?
Waiter That is (those are) your drinks, sir.
Bill Is that so? Is the service charge included here?
Waiter No, sir.
Bill What are these here?
Waiter Sir, those are your side dishes that came with the drinks.
Bill Is that so? Ok, that’s fine. Here’s the payment.
Waiter Thank you sir.
Bill You’re welcome.


3 Ito, iyan, iyon This, th a t, th a t (o ver there)

Ito (pronounced ee-taw) 'This' refers to something close to the
speaker, approximately within arm’s reach. For example: Relos ko
ito. This is my watch.
Iyan (pronounced ee-yahn) ‘That’ is used to refer to anything close
to the person/s addressed (approximately within arm’s reach) but
not too close to the speaker. For example: Sariwa ba iyan? Is that
Iyon (pronounced ee-yawn) ‘that’ is used to refer to things at a distance
from both the speaker and the person/s addressed. For example: Anong
halaman iyon? What [kind of] plant is that [over there]?

Practise reading the following sentences:

Tagalog Literal English
Pasaporte ko ito Passport my this This is my passport
Ito ba ang pila? This ? the queue Is this the queue?
Ilog Pasig iyan River Pasig that That is Pasig River
Bulkang Mayon iyon Volcano Mayon that That (over there) is
Mayon volcano
Masarap ito Delicious this This is delicious
Bolpen ko rin iyan Pen my also that That is also my pen
Hindi ba barko iyon? Not ? ship that Isn’t that a ship
(over there)?

4 Mga + ito, iyan, iyon

Remember mga from page 106? By adding the pluraliser mga to
ito, iyan, and iyon, we get mga ito, mga iyan, mga iyon. Strictly
speaking, as ito, iyan and iyon are pronouns, it is theoretically
correct just to add mga. In practice however, this does not happen.
The problem is solved by simply annexing ang before mga, thus
mga ito becomes ang mga ito, mga iyan becomes ang mga iyan
and mga iyon becomes ang mga iyon. Look at the explanation:
Process Meaning
ang mga ito the /pluraliser /this = these
ang mga iyan the/ pluraliser /that = those
ang mga iyon the/ pluraliser /that = those (over there)
Here are some further examples;
Singular Plural
1. Tagalog: Maleta ko ito. Maleta ko ang mga ito or
Mga maleta ko ang mga ito.
English: This is my suitcase. These are my suitcases.
2. Tagalog: Malinis ba iyan? Malilinis ba ang mga iyan?
English: Is that clean? Are those clean?
3. Tagalog: Bahay iyon. Mga bahay ba ang mga iyon?
Bahay ba ang mga iyon?
English: Is that a house Are those houses
(over there)? (over there)?

One-minute phrases:

Dala-dala (dah-lah dah-lah) Literally, load-load. Meaning a

load carried around. For example: Laging maraming dala-
dala si Bing. Bing has always a lot to carry around.
May padala (meh pah-dah-lah) Literally, has something (an
item) to be delivered. Meaning a delivery. Something sent either
through the post or delivered in person. May padala(ng)
Barong Tagalog si Ate Ely sa akin. Ate Ely sent me a Barong
Mabuting makisama (mah-boo-teeng mah-kee-sah-mah)
Literally, nice to conform with others. Meaning a person who
gets along well with everybody. For example: Mabuting
makisama si Doktor Rivera. Doctor Rivera gets along well
with everybody.
Tirhan mo ako (teer-hahn maw ah-kaw) Meaning leave some
(food) fo r me. Tirhan is derived from the verb tira meaning to
portion out. For example: Tirhan mo ako ng leche flan. Leave
some leche flan fo r me.
Sabi-sabi (sah-bee sah-bee) Literally, say-say/talk-talk. This
phrase is used to refer to idle gossip. A common and very
popular Tagalog saying is as follows: Ang maniwala sa sabi-
sabi walang bait sa sarili. You are not kind to yourself if you
believe in gossip.

Cultural tip

In rural Philippines, it is still very common for people to eat with

their hands. This was the way Filipinos ate for hundreds of years
before the arrival of the Spanish. Kamayan restaurants
(kamayan comes from the Tagalog word kamay which means
hand) offer people the opportunity to sample local delicacies in
this traditional way. Why not try it out for yourself? If you show
a willingness to enter into Filipino traditions, it can only serve to
strengthen the ties with your Filipino Mends.
At the pharmacy

In this unit you will learn how to

■ ask for medication
■ consult a doctor
■ name the parts of the body

(XI Asking for medication

I S Dialogue 1
Louise Cook is at the pharmacy. She wants to buy some medicine
for Roy who has been experiencing stomach trouble.
Louise May gamot ba kayo para sa pagtatae?
Pharmacist Meron po. P ara sa inyo po ba?
Louise Hindi. Para sa anak ko.
Pharmacist Anong edad po ang anak ninyo?
Louise Dalawampung taon siya.
Pharmacist Heto po ang gamot sa pagtatae. Masakit din po ba
ang ulo niya?
Louise Hindi naman. Kailangan ba niya ng reseta ng
Pharmacist Hindi na po. Iinumin po niya ito tatlong beses
isang araw. Iwasan lang po niyang uminom ng
tubig na may yelo.
Louise Maraming salamat. Heto ang bayad.
Pharmacist Waia pong anuman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
may gamot has/have medicine
(para) sa pagtalae for diarrhoea
anong edad how old
anak ninyo your child
dalawampung anyos 20 years old
ang gamot the medicine
masakit hurting/painful
ang ulo niya his/her head
hindi naman not quite
reseta ng doktor doctor’s prescription
hindi na po not anymore
iinumin will swallow
tatlong beses isang araw three times a day
i was an tang please avoid
uminom to drink
tubig na may yelo water with ice

Louise Do you have anything for diarrhoea ?
Pharmacist Yes ma’am. Is it for you?
Louise No. It’s for my son.
Pharmacist How old is your soil?
Louise Twenty years old.
Pharmacist Here’s the medicine for diarrhoea. Does he have a
headache too?
Louise No. Does he need a doctor’s prescription?
Pharmacist No. He must take this three times a day. He needs
to avoid drinking water with ice.
Louise Thank you very much. Here’s the payment.
Pharmacist Don’t mention it.
Exercise 1
How much do you remember from the dialogue between Louise
Cook and the pharmacist? Can you match column A and column B?

1. gamot a. para sa anak ko
2. reseta b. tubig
3. edad c. ulo
4. para sa inyo po ba? d. doktor
5. masakit e. dalawampung anyos
6. uminom f. sa pagtatae
Other items commonly found at the pharmacy can be found in the
vocabulary box.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
termometro thermometer
‘band aid’ sticking plaster
ontiseptik kreraa antiseptic cream
gamot sa pagtatae medicine for diarrhoea
gamot sa sakit ng ulo headache tablet
gamot sa sipon medicine fo r colds
bulak cotton wool
gamot sa nagsusuka medicine for vomiting
‘bandage’ or pantapal bandage
tintura de yudo iodine
gamot sa ubo cough medicine

P3 Language skills
1 Para sa For
When Louise Cook asked the pharmacist for some medicine for
her son, she said: ‘May gamot ba kayo p ara sa pagtatae? Do you
have (any) medication for diarrhoea? The Tagalog words ‘P ara sa’
used in this example are translated into English as ‘for’. P ara sa
can be used in three different ways:-
1. To indicate where or who something is for: for example, ‘P ara
sa guro ang bolpen’, The ballpen is fo r the teacher. ‘P ara sa
kusina ang mga silya’, The chairs are fo r the kitchen.
Sometimes Tagalog drops the word ‘p a ra ’ and so the sentence
becomes simply ‘sa guro ang bolpen’ or ‘sa kusina ang mga
silya’. When para is deleted, however, the resultant sentence is
often ambiguous, since the sa phrase may be interpreted as a

possessive sa phrase ‘sa guro ang bol pen’ may also mean the
pen belongs to the teacher, Para, therefore, cannot be dropped.
When the name of an individual is involved, then para sa
becomes para kay, for example, ‘Para kay Amy ang silid na
ito’ or simply ‘kay Amy ang silid na ito’, This room is
fo r Amy.
2. To indicate favour or support for an individual or group: for
example, ‘Para sa Partido Mabuhay si Ignacio’, Ignacio is
fo r the Mabuhay Party', ‘Para sa Newcastle United F.C. si
John’, John is fo r Newcastle United F.C. Once again,
sometimes the word ‘para’ is dropped and the sentences
become ‘sa Partido Mabuhay si Ignacio’ and ‘sa Newcastle
United F.C. si John’.
3. To indicate the purpose of or for something: for example,
‘Para sa paglalaba ang sabon’, The soap is fo r washing
clothes; Para sa pagtulog ang kulambo’, The mosquito net is
fo r sleeping; ‘Para sa pagsulat ang lapis’, The pencil is fo r
writing. Notice that in this type of sentence, the word para
cannot be dropped.

2 Para kanino For w hom

Para saan For w h a t
The related Tagalog question words are ‘para kanino’ (for
whom?) and ‘para saan’ (for what?). Both question words look for
an answer in the ‘para sa’ form. For example: ‘Para kanino ang
pasalubong?’ (for whom is the gift?), ‘para kay Alice ang
pasalubong’ (the gift is fo r Alice). Para saan ang gatas? (what is
the milk for?), para sa kape ang gatas (the milk is fo r the coffee).
Use the following table to guide you through the different
variations of the para sa form:
Tagalog English Question word
1st person para sa akin for me Para kanino
para sa amin fo r us (exclusive) Para kanino
para sa atin for us (inclusive) Para kanino
2nd person
para sa iyo for you Para kanino
para sa inyo fo r you (plural and Para kanino
singular formal)

3rd person parakay for + person’s name = para kanino

para kina for + person’s
and friend/s’ names = para kanino
para sa kaniya for him/her para kanino
para sa kanila for them para kanino
para sa tao fo r a person para kanino
(personal noun)
para sa paa fo r the foot (thing) para saan
para sa bintana fo r the window para saan

Take a look at the following examples:

Tagalog: Para sa bata ang gatas
English: The milk is fo r the child
Tagalog: Para sa lola ang pamaypay
English: The fan is fo r grandmother
Tagalog: Para kay Patricia ang mga bulaklak
English: The flowers are fo r Patricia
Tagalog: Para sa akin ba ang mga ito?
English: Are these fo r me?
Tagalog: Hindi para sa kanila ang pagkain
English: The food is not fo r them
Tagalog: Para sa bagong meyor ako
English: I am fo r the new mayor
Tagalog: Para sa mga bata ang mga laruan
English: Th e toys are fo r the children
Tagalog: Para sa organisasyon ko ba si Liam?
English: Is Liam fo r my organisation?
E x erc ise 2
Now try answering the questions by saying what each item is for.
Choose the correct answer from the vocabulary box provided.
Para saan ang mantikilya? Para sa tinapay ang mantikilya.

Is Para saan ang gatas?

2. Para saan ang kurtina?
3. Para saan ang selyo?
4. Para saan ang payong?
5. Para saan ang kama?
6. Para saan ang maleta?
7. Para saan ang yelo?

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
ulan rain
mantikilya margarine
gatas milk
silid-tulugan bedroom
kurtina curtain
selyo stamp
tsaa tea
bintana window
biyahe travel
kama bed
maleta suitcase

33 Consulting a doctor
Dialogue 2
Roy Cook’s stomach trouble had still not cleared up by the
following day and so he decided to pay a visit to the doctor. We
now join him at the surgery.
Doktor Anong masakit sa iyo?
Roy Masakit po ang tiyan ko at nagtatae ako. May binili
akong gamot sa botika para sa pagtatae.
Doktor Mabuti. Ano ba ang kinain mo?
Roy Pansit, litson at San Miguel beer.
D oktor Tingnan ko nga ang mata mo.
Roy (Ibinuka ang mata)


Doktor Tingnan ko naman ang bibig mo at ilabas mo ang dila

Roy (Ibinuka ang bibig at inilabas ang dila).
Doktor Dang beses kang nagtatae sa isang araw?
Roy Mga limang beses po.
Doktor Sobra siguro ang nakain mo. Bibigyan kita ng dalawang
reseta. Isa para sa sakit ng tiyan.
Roy Para saan po itong isa?
Doktor Para sa pagtatae. Toasted bread lang muna ang kainin
Roy Salamat po.
Doktor Walang anuman.

Talas alita an Vocabulary

ang tiyan ko my stomach
nagtatae ako I ’m having diarrhoea
may binili ako(ng) I bought
ang kinam mo what you ate
tingnan ko nga let me see/examtne
ang mata mo your eyes
ibinuka opened
ang bibig mo your mouth
ilabas show
ang dila mo your tongue
ilang beses how many times
sa isang araw in one day
mga lima about five
sobra siguro perhaps too much
ang nakain mo what you have eaten
bibigyan kita I ’ll give you
dalawang reseta two prescriptions
para sa sakit ng tiyan for stomach ache
para sa pagtatae for diarrhoea
lang muna first
ang kainin mo what you have to eat

T ra n sla tio n

Doctor Where are you feeling the pain?

Roy I have a stomach ache and I’ve got diarrhoea. I bought
some medication for diarrhoea from the pharmacy.
Doctor Good. What have you eaten?
Roy Noodles, suckling pig and San Miguel beer.
Doctor Let me examine your eyes.
Roy (Opening his eyes)
Doctor Now let me look in your mouth. Show me your tongue.
Roy (Opening his mouth and showing his tongue).
Doctor How many times a day are you going to the toilet?
Roy About five times sir.
Doctor Perhaps you’ve over eaten. I will give you two
prescriptions. One for your stomach ache.
Roy What is the other one for?
Doctor For your diarrhoea. Just eat toast for the meantime.
Roy Thank you.
Doctor Don’t mention it.

^ Naming the parts of the body

Mga bahagi ng kata wan P a rts o f th e b o d y
Listen to the tape for the correct pronunciation of each word. Use
the pronunciation guide to help you remember the words.
English Tagalog Pronounced
1. ankle bukongbukong boo-kawng-boo-kawng
2. arm bisig bee-seeg
3. back likod lee-kawd
4. backside puwit poo-weet
5. breast dibdib deeb-deeb
6. cheek pisngi pees-ngee
7, chin baba bah-bah
8. ears tainga/tenga teh-ngah
9. elbow siko see-kaw
10. eye(s) mata mah-tah
11. eyebrow kilay kee-ligh
12. eyelashes pilikmata pee-leet-mah-tah

ulo braso




tainga/ ilong


13.face mukha mook-hah

14 .foot paa pah-ah
15. fingers/toes daliri dah-lee-ree
16. hand kamay kah-migh
17. hair buhok boo-hawk
18. head ulo oo-law
19. heel sakong sah-kawng
20. hips balakang bah-lah-kahng
21 .ja w panga pah-ngah
22. knee tuhod too-hawd
23. leg binti been-tee
24. lower arm braso brah-saw
25. mouth bibig bee-beeg
26. nape batok bah-tawk
27. neck leeg leh-ehg
28. nose ilong ee-lawng
29. palm palad pah-lahd
30. penis buto boo-taw
31. scalp anit ah-neet
32. shoulder balikat bah-lee-kaht
33. sole talampakan tah-lahm-pah-kahn
34. stomach tiyan tee-yahn
35. teeth ngipin ngee-peen
36. tongue dila dee-lah
37. vagina puki poo-kee
38. waist baywang/bewang beh-wahng
39. wrist pulso pool-saw
E Exercise 3 Understanding and speaking
Imagine that you are at the pharmacy. Complete your part of the
following dialogue. Once you have completed the dialogue,
why not ask one of your Filipino friends to act out the dialogue
with you:
Parmasyotika Magandang umaga po, sir.
ikaw _______________ . (Say good morning )
Parmasyotika Ano po ang kailangan nila, sir?
Ikaw Masakit an g ___________________. (Say: I have
a toothache) M ay_________ (medicine) ba kayo
para dito?

Parmasyotika Opo. Mayroon po.

Ikaw (Sav all right. Thank vou
Parmasyotika Gusto po ba ninyo ay yung iinumin?
Ikaw (Say Yes, that’s fine)
Parmasyotika 0 sige po. heto po ang tabletas. Iinumin ninyo ito
tatlong beses isang araw.
Ikaw ? (Ask how much it is)
Parmasyotika Treynta pesos po.
Ikaw Heto . (Sav Here’s the
Parmasyotika Maraming salamat po.
Ikaw . (Sav don’t
mention it)

[F] Exercise 4
Can you place the following list of body parts in their correct
order? For the correct order, begin with the top of the body and
work down to the feet.
1. ulo
2. paa
3. mata
4. daliri
5. binti
6. kamay
7. buhok
8 . panga
9. talampakan
10. tiyan

Exercise 5
Say whether the following statements are tama (true) or mali
(false). Use the vocabulary box to help you. Remember: a mali
answer should follow this format: Nasa ___________ ang

Example: Nasa kamay ang mata. Answer: Mali. Nasa mukha

ang mata.

1. Nasa gitna ng binti ang tuhod. Answer:

2. Nasa likuran ang dibdib. Answer:
3. Nasa kamay ang mga daliri. Answer:
4. Nasa bisig ang talampakan. Answer:
5. Nasa tenga ang labi. Answer:
6. Nasa bisig ang kamay. Answer:

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
nasa harapan at the front
nasa tabi ng besidefnext to the
nasa gitna ng in the middle of
nasa pagitan ng between the
nasa ilallim ng at the bottom of
nasa ibaba ng below the
nasa itaas ng above the
nasa likuran at the back/behind

Exercise 6 Listening and understanding

Look at the pictures. On the tape you will hear a number of people
complaining about their ailments. Can you match up the picture
with the ailment?

One-minute phrases

Parang kabute pronounced (pah-rahng kah-boo-teh) Literally,

‘like mushroom This term is applied to a person who seems to
have the ability to appear and disappear. In Filipino tradition,
mushrooms are said to appear almost overnight. An example of
this is the child who regularly plays truant from school,
attending class only occasionally.

Ang sakit ng kalingkingan ay damdam ng buong kata wan

(ang-sah-keet nahng kah-leeng-kee-ngahn igh dahm-dahm
nahng booawng kah-tah-wahri) This is a popular Filipino saying
which can be translated as the pain o f the little finger is fe lt by
the whole body. For example, in a situation where a worker
makes a mistake, the consequences of that mistake may be
experienced by all or many of his / her co-workers.
Ganito ’yon (gah-nee-taw ‘yawn) Literally, it’s like this...
A phrase roughly equivalent to the English expression, ‘beating
uround the bush’. The expression is often used when someone
wants to give a long (boring ?) explanation. Example: Saan ka
gating? Ganito ’yon... . Where have you been? Well, it’s like
this... .
Nakapamburol (nah-kah-pahm-boo-rawl) Literally, dressed in
funeral attire. This is a very common Tagalog expression
applied to a person dressed in his/ her Sunday best (best
clothing). Similar in meaning to the English expressions,
dressed to the nines or dressed to kill. Example: Nakapamburol
si Mario kasi abay siya sa kasal. Mario is dressed to kill
because he will be a sponsor at the wedding.
Dedbol na ako (ded-bol-nah-ahkaw) Literally, I ’m like a dead
bull. Similar in meaning to the English expressions I ’m
exhausted, I ’m shattered.

Cultural tip

Filipino people are generally very modest about their bodies,

particularly the women. Revealing swimming costumes and
other garments are not commonly worn, especially in rural
areas. In Filipino culture, modesty and respectability go hand in
hand. Respecting local culture in this regard will ensure a
healthy respect for the visitor too! Tourist beaches and resorts
do, however, offer a more relaxed environment for the sun
worshipper. Don’t forget the after-sun lotion!
(Need) Help?

In this unit you will learn how to

■ ask for help
■ use the sa possessives and kanino (whose)
■ shop for a gift
■ use sa as a preposition

[J] Asking for help

^ Dialogue 1
Bill Cook needs some assistance. He bought a tee-shirt but it
doesn’t fit him. He’s gone back to the department store.
Tindera Magandang hapon po. Ano pong maipaglilingkod ko
sa inyo?
Bill Magandang hapon naman. Itong T-shirt na binili ko
dito, maliit sa akin. Size L lang ito.
Tindera Ganoon po ba? Sa inyo po ba? Ano pong size ninyo?
Bill Size XXL ako. Oo sa akin. May XXL ba kayo?
Tindera Sa palagay ko po. Sumunod po kayo sa akin sa T-shirt
department. Dito po ba ninyo kinuha iyan?
Bill Oo. Dito sa lugar na ito.
Tindera Pumili po kayo ng size ninyo at papalitan namin iyan.
Bill Maraming salamat.
Tindera Wala pong anuman.

Tulasalitaan Vocabulary
lindera assistant (female)
ilong T-shirt this tee-shirt
mi binili ko dito that I bought here
maliit sa akin small for me
lung ito this is only
ganoon po ba is that so
sa palagay ko in my opinion
sumunod po kayo sa akin please follow me
ninyo kinuha iyan you got that
sa lugar na ito here in this place
pumili po kayo please choose
ng size ninyo your size
papalitan namin iyan we will replace that

Tindera Good afternoon sir. What can I do for you?
Bill Good afternoon to you, too. The tee-shirt I bought here,
it’s small for me. (It’s) Only size L.
Tindera Is that so sir? Is it yours sir? What size do you take?
Bill I take XXL. Yes it’s mine. Do you have size XXL?
Tindera I think so sir. Please follow me to the tee-shirt
department. Did you get that from this department?
Bill Yes. Here in this area.
Tindera Please choose your size and we’ll exchange it.
Bill Thank you.
Tindera You’re welcome sir.
pT| Exercise 1
Can you supply the correct question to Bill’s answer?
1. Bill: Ttong T-shirt na binili ko dito, maliit sa akin ’
Did the tindera ask:
a. Gusto po ba ninyo ng T-shirt?
b. Ano pong maipaglilingkod ko sa inyo?
c. Magandang hapon po.

2. Bill: ‘Size L lang ito.’

Was he asked:
a. Sa inyo po ba?
b. Anong size po?
c. Ganoon po ba?
3. Bill: ‘Size XXL ako.’
Did the tindera ask:
a. Ganoon po ba?
b. Size L po ba?
c. Ano pong size ninyo?
4. Bill: ‘Oo. Dito sa lugar na ito.’
The tindera asked:
a. Saan po ninyo kinuha iyan?
b. Dito ba ninyo kinuha iyan?
c. Dito mo ba kinuha iyan?

KHLanguage skills
1 Sa akin, sa iyo, sa kaniya Mine, you rs, h is/h ers
The words mine, yours, his/hers, ours, yours, and theirs all tell us
about who owns or possesses something. In English these words
are known as possessives (see also Unit 7). There are two main
ways in which the possessive is expressed in Tagalog: 1) by the use
and of may or mayroon (see Unit 2), 2) by the use of the
possessive sa form. In the possessive sa form (sa akin, sa iyo, sa
kaniya, sa amin, sa atin, sa inyo, sa kanila and sa + personal /
common noun) sa is used together with the possessor in order to
express possession of the subject. For example: Sa akin ang aklat.
The book is mine. Sa inyo ba ang maletang ito? Is this suitcase
yours? Sa babae ang payong. The umbrella belongs to the
woman. Remember: the sa form changes depending on who or
what is the possessor. For example, sa becomes kay or kina when
used with a person or people’s names. Try not to worry about this.
You will pick up more as you go along. Just look at the following

1. Sa bata ang bisikleta The bicycle belongs to the child

2. Kay Joe ang malamig na inumin The cold drink is Joe’s
3J Kina Ely ang regalo The gift belongs to Ely and
4. Sa atin ba iyan? Is that ours?
5. Sa Amerikano daw ang lapis Apparently the pencil belongs
to the Am erican

Sa p o ssessio n ta b le

Tagalog English
Ist person sa akin mine
sa amin ours (exclusive)
sa atin ours (inclusive)
2nd person
sa lyo yours
sa inyo yours (plural and
singular polite)
3rd person
kay Sally Sally’s
kina Gary Gary’s and his friend/s’
sa kaniya his/hers
sa kanila theirs
sa + personal noun belong/s to
sa + common noun belong/s to

flF] Exercise 2
Using what you have learned so far in this chapter, re-arrange the
following jumbled up sentences into their correct form. The literal
English translation should give you a clue.
1. Tagalog: maletang / ito / ang / sa akin
Correct order: ______________________
Literal: Mine the suitcase this.
2. Tagalog: Sa bata / bisikleta / ang / ba?
Correct o rd e r:______________________ ______
Literal: Belonging to the child the bicycle?

3. Tagalog: ang / Jeepney / bagong / sa kanila .

Correct order: _____________________
Literal: Belongs to them the new Jeepney.
4. Tagalog: sa /iyan / hindi / iyo.
Correct order: _________________
Literal: Not yours that.
5. Tagalog: tsinelas / Beth / ang / kay.
Correct order: _____________________
Literal: Beth’s the slippers.
6. Tagalog: ito / kina / ba / Philip?
Correct order: _____________________
Literal: Belong to Philip and his friend/s does this?
2 Mga kulay C olours
We have already met some of the Tagalog words for colours. Here
is a fuller list:

Tagalog Pronunciation English

berde behr-deh green
azul ah-sool blue
pula poo-lah red
puti poo-tee white
dilaw dee-lao yellow
itim ee-teem black
rosas raw-sahs pink
kayumanggi ka-you-mang-gee brown
kulay dalandan koo-lie da-lan-dan orange
kulay-abo koo-lie-ah-bo grey
biyoleta/murado bee-yaw-let-ah purple
kulay-pilak koo-lie-pee-lak silver
kulay-ginto koo-lie-gin-taw gold

B E xercise 3
Read through the list of Tagalog colour words again. Now cover
the list up and line up the English words with their correct Tagalog
(Nl HD) HELP? 137
1. yellow berde
2. white kulay-pilak
3. red itim
4. blue puti
5. silver biyoleta
ft. purple kulay ginto
7. black dilaw
H, green pula
l). gold azul
Exercise 4 Reading and listening
Hj ] I-isten to the tape. Margaret, Bob and family are on a visit to Mines
View Park in Baguio. They are trying to decide who will carry each
of the bags. Follow the text then try to answer the questions that
Sa Mines View Park sa Baguio
Nasa Mines View Park sa Baguio si Margaret at ang asawa niyang
si Bob. Marami silang bag dahil kasama nila si Stephen, Amy,
Lucy at Paul. Pakinggan natin sila:
Margaret Kanino itong pulang bag?
Amy Sa akin po.
Bob Kanino naman ang itim na tote bag?
Stephen Hindi sa akin. Kay Paul iyan.
Margaret Kanino ang dilaw na plastic bag?
Paul Kay Lucy yata.
Bob Itong itim na duffel bag, sa iyo ba ito, Stephen?
Stephen Opo. Salamat po.
Margaret Sa iyo ba ang denim na tote bag, Paul?
Paul Hindi po. Kay tatay iyan.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

nasa parke at the park

ang asawa niyang her husband
marami many/plenty
dahil sa because
kasama nila accompanied by
kanino whose
pulang handbag red handbag
itim black
hindi sa akin not mine
dilaw yellow
yata 1 think
itong itim this black (one)

Margaret Whose red bag is this?
Amy (It’s) mine mum.
Bob: (And) who does this black tote bag belong to?
Stephen Not mine. That is Paul’s.
Margaret Whose is the yellow plastic bag?
Paul I think that’s Lucy’s.
Bob This black duffel bag, is this yours, Stephen?
Stephen Yes sir. Thank you.
Margaret Is the denim tote bag yours, Paul?
Paul No ma’am. That belongs to Dad.

Answer in complete sentences.

1. Kay Paul ba ang itim na tote bag?
2. Kay Stephen ba ang pulang plastic bag?
3. Kay Paul ba ang duffel bag?
4. Kanino ang denim na tote bag?
5. Kay Lucy ba ang dilaw na plastic bag?
(NEED) HELP? 139

32Shopping for a gift

® Dialogue 2
The Cook family are at a handicraft shop shopping for pasalubong.
Louise Magaganda ang mga panyolito, pamaypay at burdadong
napkins dito. Bibili ako ng isang dosenang panyolito.
Bill Tama. Para kanino ang mga panyolito?
Louise Para sa mga ka-opisina ko.
BUI Kanino ang mga pamaypay?
Louise Sa akin. Bibili ako ng tatlo.
Bill Bibili naman ako ng laruang Jeepney.
Louise Kanino ang laruang Jeepney?
Bill Kanino pa? ’di sa akin at kay Roy.
Louise Kanino naman ang burdadong napkins?
Bill Sa kapitbahay natin. Pasalubong!
Louise Tama.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
magaganda beautiful (plural)
ang mga panyolito the handkerchiefs
mga pamaypay fans
burdado(ng) embroidered
sa kapitbahay natin for our neighbours
bibili ako ng I'll buy/l’m going to buy
isang dosenang one dozen
tama that’s right
para kanino fo r whom
para sa fo r
mga ka-opisina ko my officemates
laruan(g) toy
kanino pa whose else
'di sa akin of course it's mine
pasalubong gift

Louise The handkerchiefs, fans and embroidered napkins here
are gorgeous. I’m going to buy a dozen handkerchiefs.
Bill All right. For whom are the handkerchiefs?
Louise For my officemates.
Bill Whose are the fans?
Louise Mine. I’m going to buy three.
Bui r m going to buy a toy Jeepney.
Louise Whose is the toy Jeepney?
BUI Who else’s? Of course, it’s for Roy and me.
Louise And whose are the embroidered napkins?
BUI They are for our neighbours. Homecoming gifts!
Louise Exactly!

Bg Language skills
3 Kanino W hose
Whenever we use a sa form sentence to express possession by a
person or persons, then the accompanying question word is always
kanino (whose). For example, ‘Kanino ang payong?’, Whose is
the umbrella? / To whom does the umbrella belong? or Who does
the umbrella belong to? You will notice that there are three
variations given in English. The Tagalog form is much simpler
using only kanino. To form a kanino question, simply use kanino
in place of the sa possessor. Note that Tagalog sometimes uses
kanino in connection with ng as a linker, thereby becoming
kanino + ng = kaninong. The main difference is that kanino is
used on its own to represent the question word ‘whose’, whereas
kaninong may only be used when followed by the noun it
describes or modifies. It can never stand alone. Here are some
examples of this form:
1. Kaninong sombrero (noun) iyan? Whose hat is that?
Kaninong kotse (noun) ang nasa garahe? Whose car is in the
garage? Kaninong anak (noun) si Sophie? Whose child is Sophie?

2. Kanino ang lapis? Whose is the pencil? Kanino ang kotseng

itim? Whose is the black car?
Look at the following examples:
Question: Kanino ang mga maleta?
Reply: Sa amin ang mga maleta.
Question: Kanino ang bansang Pilipinas?
Reply: Sa mga Filipino ang bansang Pilipinas.
Question: Kaninong anak si Prince Charles?
Reply: Kay Queen Elizabeth na anak si Prince Charles or
Kay Queen Elizabeth.
Question: Kaninong pamasahe ito?
Reply: Sa aking pamasahe ito.
Question: Kaninong pasaporte ang nasa mesa?
Reply: Kay Corang pasaporte ang nasa mesa.
Question: Kanino ang computer dito?
Reply: Sa mga estudyante ang computer dito.
Exercise 5
Why don’t you translate the following sentences into Tagalog? Use
kanino or kaninong + noun.
Example: Whose is this? Kanino ito?
Whose child is Beth? Kaninong anak si Beth?
1. Whose are those?
2. Whose house is this ?
3. Whose teacher is Cora?
4. Whose is that?
5. Whose are these vegetables?
6. Whose are the green mangoes?
7. Whose is this suitcase?
8. Whose child is Joanna?
9. Whose is this suitcase?
10. Whose camera is that?

H Exercise 6 Listening and speaking

Listen to the tape. You will hear items mentioned that belong to
one of the groups of people in the cartoons. Can you identify which
item belongs to which group? You will be asked: Kanino ang
[+ item]? Your reply should be:
l.s a m g a ta o s a beach, 2. sa mga turista or 3. sam gabata.
Use the vocabulary box provided to help you.

'hilasalitaaa Vocabulary

Iwuch ball beach ball

pala spade
Imlde bucket
luwalya tow el
pasaporte p a ssp o rt
tlket ticket
lapis p en cil
notbuk notebook
pisara blackboard
kamera/Kodak cam era
sunglasses sunglasses
radyo radio
all mango crab
desk desk

f^| Language skills

4 Sa T o/to the, in/in the, o n /o n th e, a t/a t th e
We have already met ‘sa’ and looked at its uses in connection with
other words. A further use of ‘sa’ is that it represents the place
where the action expressed in a sentence occurs. For example:
Bumili si Roy ng posporo sa tindahan. Roy bought some matches
from the store. By far the most common usage of sa is when it
represents the English words in/in the, on/on the, at/at the. English
refers to these words as prepositions. Prepositions tend to be used
in two main ways: 1) to represent a place, 2) to represent time. We
can try to make this a little clearer by looking at a few examples of
each: Lumalangoy si Louie sa dagat, Louie is swimming in the
sea. May kumakain ba sa kusina?. Is someone eating in the
kitchen? May pagkain na sa mesa, There is fo o d on the table now.
Umiyak siya sa Simula ng tula, He/she cried at the beginning o f
the poem. All of these are prepositions of place. Prepositions can
also be used to express the time in which an action occurred. For
example: Matutulog ako sa hapon, 7 will sleep in the afternoon.
Mananahi ako sa Sabado, I will do some sewing on Saturday.
Nagtatrabaho si Greg sa gabi, Greg works at night.

Study these further examples:

Tagalog: Bibisita ka ba sa kamakalawa?
English: Will you be visiting in a fortnight?
Tagalog: Wala kami sa bahay kahapon.
English: We weren’t at home yesterday.
Tagalog: Pupunta ka ba sa kaarawan ko?
English: Are you coming to my party?
Tagalog: Kayo ba ang manedyer sa tindahang ito?
English: Are you the manager in this store?
The vocabulary box contains some useful time words and phrases.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

ngayon to d a y
kahapon yesterday
bukas tom orrow
sa isang araw the d a y before yesterday
sa isang araw the d a y after tom orrow
ngayong linggo this w eek
noong isang linggo la st w eek
sa isang linggo next w eek
ngayong umaga this m orning
ngayong hapon this afternoon
mamayang gabi tonight
kahapon nang hapon yesterd a y afternoon
kagabi la st night
bukas nang umaga tom orrow m orning
bukas nang gabi tom orrow night
bukas nang hapon tom orrow afternoon
bukas nang tanghali tom orrow m idday
mamaya la te r
linggo-Iinggo every w eek
tuwing Linggo ev e ry Sunday
(NEED) HELP? 145

Q Exercise 7
Fill in the space with the correct sa (preposition of place) reply.
Use the vocabulary box to help you.
Talasalitaan Vocabulary

dagat sea
tindahan store
palengke m arket
palaruan playgrou n d
kalye street/road
tindahan ng laruan to y store
paliparan airp o rt

1. Bibili (buy) si Boy ng sorbetes_________ .

2. Maraming eroplano (aeroplanes)________________
3. Maliligo (bathe) ka b a _______________ .
4. Magaganda ang mga laraan (toys)_______________ .
5. Sariwa (fresh) ang mga gulay (vegetables)_____________ _
6. Naglalaro (play) sina Eileen_______________ .
7. Tumatakbo (run) ang mga sasakyan (transportation)

n Exercise 8
This time, provide a sa (preposition of time) reply. Use the
vocabulary from the box to help you.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

tanghali m idday
gabi a t night
hapon afternoon
umaga m orning
Sabado Saturday
Linggo Sunday
hatinggabi m idnight

Example: Aalis daw siya sa umaga.

Appparently he/she is leaving in the morning.
146 T A G A IO G

1. Narito ang mga magulang (parents) ni Elizabeth

_______________ . (afternoon)
2. _______________ kami sisimba. (will go to church)
3. Maraming bituin (stars)_______________ .
4. Mainit (hot) ang araw _______________ . (midday)
5. Lumulubog (sets) ang araw _______________.
6. Sumisikat (shine) ang araw _______________ .
7. Pupunta (will go) si Jayne at si John d ito _________
One-minute phrases

Sigurado ka ba? (see-goo-rah-daxv kah bah) Literally, sure you

are? This phrase is commonly used to express doubt about
information. For example: Sigurado ka bang darating ang
bisita mo mamaya? Are you sure your visitor will be arriving
Palabiro (pah-lah-bee-raw) Literally, fond o f joking. A person
with a good sense of humour! For example: Palabiro si Juanito
kaya laging masaya ang barkada niya. Juanito is fond of
cracking jokes that’s why his friends are always in a happy mood.
Tayo-tayo (tah-yaw tah-yaw) Literally, we-we or us-us. First
person plural. This phrase seems grammatically unusual.
Anybody who uses the expression ‘tayo-tayo’ automatically
excludes other people from their group. For example: Sinu-sino
ang iimbitahin mo sa party mo? Who are you going to invite
to your party? Reply: Wala. Tayo-tayo lang. No-one. Just
Sila-sila (see-lah-see-lah) Literally, they-they, exactly the same
connotation as ‘tayo-tayo’ except that this time, it is in the third
person plural. For example: Sila-sila lang ang nag-uusap. They
themselves are just talking to one another.
Maasim ang mukha (mah-ah-seem ahng mook-hah) Literally,
the face is sour. This applies to someone whose facial
expressions indicate disapproval. For example: Parang galit si
Mister Cruz, maasim ang mukha eh. / think M r Cruz is angry,
his face looks sour.
[NEED) HELP? 147

[) Cultural tip
For the visiting westerner, clothing in the Philippines can seem
very good value for money. Be careful, however, as things may
not always be as they seem! Always check a garment carefully.
As regulations tend to be more relaxed, there are plenty of ‘fake’
goods on the market. Check the size carefully, too. Filipinos
tend to be smaller in physical stature than their western cousins.
A good rule of thumb would be to always try the next size up.
For example, if you normally buy XL tee-shirts at home, look
for a Filipino size XXL.
I want a haircut

In this unit you will learn how to

■ make an appointment
■ describe what you want done
■ use pseudo-verbs

2 ] Making an appointment
S Dialogue 1
Bill Cook wants to have his hair cut. He telephones a nearby barber
BUI Magandang umaga. Gusto kong magpagupit.
Barbero Magandang umaga po naman. Anong oras po ang ibig
BUI Kailangan kong magpagupit ngayong alas dos. Puwede ba?
B arbero Titingnan ko po. Aba, may bakante po kami. Puwede
po. Kung gusto po ninyo, mas maaga.
BUI Ayaw ko nang mas maaga. Alas dos na lang.
B arbero Opo. Maraming salamat po.
BUI Walang anuman.
Talasalitaan Vocabulary
gusto ko(ng) I like/w ant
magpagupit have a haircut
ang ibig ninyo? w h at you w ant?
ngayon(g) alas dos to d a y a t tw o o ’clock
puwede ba is it p o ssib le
titingnan ko le t m e see
aba oh!/say!
may bakante has/have a vacan cy
ayaw ko 1 d o n ’t like
mas maaga e a rlie r

Bill Good morning. I want to have a haircut.
Barber Good morning to you, too. What time do you have in
Bill I need to have a haircut today at 2.00 p.m. Is this
Barber Let me see. Yes, we have a vacancy. It’s possible sir. If
you like, we have an earlier time.
Bill I don’t want an earlier time. 2.00 p.m. would be all right.
Barber Yes sir. Thank you very much.
Bill Don’t mention it.

Ixtday & N en et S ty lin g S a lo n

D el P ila r S tr eet
Ilo ilo C ity 5000
Telephone: 56534
Price List
Gupit (lalaki) P50.00
Kulot (perm) P200.00
Manicure P60.00
Pedicure P60.00
Masahe P75.00
Hair Colour & Wash P300.00
Wax P400.00
Cut & Wash P150.00

TamatasigtyoLp kaAnv n ^U o m & B o o k iru ^

Q Exercise 1
Listen once again to Dialogue 1 on the tape. Try playing the part
of the barber, then reverse roles and play the part of Bill Cook.

EH Language skills
1 P seu d o -verb s
kailangan need(s) (to), ought to, must, should
dapat ought to, must, should
maaari can, may, could, might
puwede can, may, could, might
gusto hke(s) (to), would like (to) want(s) (to)
ibig like(s) (to), would like (to), want(s) (to)
nais like(s) (to), would like (to), want(s) (to)
ayaw do(es)n’t like (to), wouldn’t like (to)
Just one look at this lengthy list is probably enough to send a chill
down the spine of the most hardened language learner... - but fear
not! Although the list looks complicated, it is in fact quite
straightforward. All of the words in the list appear at first glance to
be ordinary verbs (doing words). However, although they do have
verb-like meanings, they do not change in the same way that
genuine verbs do and are therefore called pseudo-verbs. As the
translations show, some of the pseudo-verbs are similar to one
another in meaning: kailangan and dapat; maaari and puwede;
gusto, ibig and nais. There are however certain subtle differences.
For example, in sentences where kailangan or dapat occur,
kailangan suggests internal necessity or need, whereas dapat
suggests external necessity or appropriateness. Look at the
following sample sentences: a. Kailangan matalino ang
estudyante b. Dapat (na) matalino ang estudyante, may be
translated as The student must be intelligent. Sentence (a) suggests
that the student feels the need to be intelligent, whereas sentence
(b) requires that the student be intelligent.
In sentences where maaari or puwede occur, both denote ability,
permission or possibility. Maaari is common in both formal and
informal contexts; puwede is common only in informal contexts.
Gusto, ibig and nais all denote preference or desire. The three
differ from one another in level of usage and in some cases, in
connotation as well. Gusto is the most common. Ibig is more
formal than gusto, and occurs more frequently in writing than in
speech. Nais is the most formal and is rare in ordinary conversation.

Ayaw is the contrary of gusto, ibig and nais in that it expresses

Iliese pseudo-verbs are commonly used in conjunction with ng
which we first met in Unit 7 (more on this later in this unit). The
usage table will help you to decide which is the most appropriate
pseudo verb to use:
Usage table
l*seudo-verb English Use
gusto like(s) (to), would most common; mild inclination to
like (to), want (s) a stronger desire
ibig like(s) (to), would more formal than gusto and occurs
like (to), want (s) more frequendy in writing than in
speech; a fairly strong desire
nais like(s), (to) would specify stronger preferences than
like (to), want (s) gusto; a strong desire
ayaw do(es)n’t like (to), contrary of gusto, ibig, nais (similar
wouldn’t like (to) in meaning to hindi)
dapat ought to, must, connotes external necessity or
should appropriateness
kailangan need(s) (to), ought connotes internal necessity or
to, must, should need
maaari can, may, could, denotes ability, permission, or
might possibility; common in both
informal and formal contexts
Puwede can, may, could, denotes ability, permission, or
might possibility; common only in
informal contexts

Tagalog: Kailangan mo ba ito?
English: Do you need this?
Tagalog: Hindi ko gusto ang pagkain kagabi.
English: I didn’t like the fo o d last night.
152 T A G A IO G

Tagalog: Puwede tayong matulog doon.

English: We can sleep (over) there.
Tagalog: Ito ba ang nais mo?
English: Is this what you want?
Tagalog: Iyan ang ibig ko sa kaniya.
English: That’s what I like about him.
Tagalog: Ayaw ko ng kapeng walang gatas.
English: I don’t like coffee without milk.
Tagalog: Dapat na narito sila bukas.
English: They should be here tomorrow.
Tagalog: Maaari bang dito muna tayo?
English: Might we stop here first?

Q Exercise 2
Complete the following sentences with an appropriate pseudo­
1 . Ano ang (gusto, kailangan, ibig, nais) [like] mo?
2. (Kailangan, nais, ibig) [need] namin ng malamig na tubig.
3. Bakit (ayaw, ibig, gusto) [doesn’t like] niya ng halo-halo?
4. (Dapat, nais, ayaw) [should] nasa bahay na ang mga bata.
5. Ano ang (ibig, puwede, dapat) [want] kainin ng bisita?

M Describing what you want done

Dialogue 2
Bill Cook is at the barber’s. He is describing to the barber the
haircut he wants.
B arber Sir, ano pong gupit ang gusto ninyo?
Bill Gusto ko hindi masyadong mahaba.
Barber Ibig po ba ninyo hanggang itaas ng batok?
BUI Puwede na, pero hindi ko gusto ang crew cut.
Barber Nais po ba ninyo maikli sa tabi?
BUI Oo. Pero kailangan medyo makapal sa tuktok.
Barber Okay lang po. Huhugasan ko lang po ang inyong buhok.
BiU O sige, gusto ko rin ng konting masahe.

Barber Opo sir.

Bill Salamat.
Barber Wala pong amunan.

Inlasalitaan Vocabulary

lino pong gupit w h at (kind of) haircut

no tabi a t the sides
hindi masyado(ng) n ot very
mahaba long
ibig po ba ninyo d o you w ant
hanggang itaas reaching the top
batok nape
puwede na w ill suffice
gusto ko tin I ’d a lso w an t
hindi ko gusto / d o n ’t like
nais po ba ninyo d o you w ant
medyo sligh tly
maikli sh o rt
makapal thick
sa tuktok a t the top
liuhugasan ko lang I ’ll ju s t w ash
ang inyong buhok y o u r h air
konting masahe a little m assage

Barber Sir, what kind of haircut would you like?
Bill I like it not too long.
Barber Would you like it just above the nape of the neck?
Bill That would do, but I don’t want a crew cut.
Barber Would you like it to be short at the sides?
Bill Yes. But it needs to be thick on top.
Barber That’s OK sir. I just have to wash your hair.
Bill OK, I’d also want a massage.
Barber Yes sir.
Bill Thank you.
Barber You’re welcome sir.

El Exercise 3 Writing and speaking

Sagutin sa Tagalog (respond in Tagalog):
1. Anong ldaseng gupit ang gusto ni Bill?
2. Gusto ba ni Bill ng crew cut?
3. Saan dapat maikli ang gupit?
4. Ano rauna ang gagawin ng barbero?
5. Ano pa ang gusto ni Bill na gagawin ng barbero?

H Language skills
2 M ore a b o u t pseudo~verbs
Since kailangan, gusto, ibig, nais, maaari, puwede, ayaw and
dapat are considered as action words, it is clear that they have to
be used in connection with a word which identifies those actually
‘doing’ the ‘action’ ( ‘subjects’ or, perhaps more appropriately, we
can refer to them as ‘actors’).
In Tagalog, the general rule is as follows: pseudo-verbs take only
ng form ‘actors’. The ng form consists of the following: ni (of /
singular - personal), nina (of / plural - personal), ko (my), mo
(your), niya (his / her), namin (our / exclusive), natin (our /
inclusive), ninyo (your / plural), nila (their), nito (of this), niyan
(of that), noon (of that over there) and ng (of). These pseudo-verbs
may also need an object or objects.
Remember the difference between a definite and an indefinite
object? A definite object is always preceded by the word ‘the’,
whereas an indefinite object is always preceded by the word ‘a’.
The connecting word used with an indefinite object is ng whereas
ang is used for definite objects. Although this may sound horribly
complicated, try not to feel intimidated by the jargon. Look
carefully at the table below and then study the examples:

Pseudo-verb Actor Object

Definite or indefinite
kailangan (ng) ni.nina, ko, mo, (ang) si sina, ako, (ng)
gusto niya, namin, natin ka, siya, kami same as A
ibig ninyo, nila, nito tayo, kayo,sila
nais niyan, noon ito, iyan, iyon
puwede ng + noun ang + noun
(Note: ko + ka = kita)

To produce a pseudo-verb sentence: 1. Choose a pseudo-verb. 2.

Choose an ‘actor’ from column A. 3. Choose a definite object from
column ‘B ’ ‘or’ 4. Choose an indefinite object from column C.
The basic formula is as follows:
Pseudo-verb +A + B or C = sentence
Look at the following example sentences. Note the differences
between a pseudo-verb and actor used in connection with a definite
object, then with an indefinite object.

Pseudo-verb Actor Indefinite object Definite object

Ayaw ni Judy ng hilaw na mangga
Judy doesn’t like unripe mangoes
Ayaw ni Judy ang hilaw na mangga
Judy doesn’t like the unripe mango
Gusto mo [ba] ito?
Do you want/like/Would you want/like this?
Gusto mo [ba] nito?
Do yu want/like Would you want/like some o f this?
Kailangan ko ng bagong sapatos
J need a new (pair of) shoes
Kailangan ko ang bagong sapatos
I need the new (pair of) shoes

D id yo u n o tice ...?

The first example could be literally translated as ‘doesn’t like of

Judy unripe mangoes’. However, as explained earlier, all
pseudo-verbs require ng form actors. Although these ng form
actors are required in Tagalog, we do not need to translate them
into English. The correct translation of the sentence thus reads,
Judy doesn’t like unripe mangoes.

TO Exercise 4
Match up columns A (pseudo-verb with ng actor) and B (definite /
indefinite object) correctly. When you have done this, use a
preposition of time or space from the box to expand the sentence
A B Place
Gusto namin ng malamig na Pepsi sa bahay
A (pseudo-verb with ‘actor’) B (definite or indefinite object)
Gusto ni Tessie magpagupit
Kailangan nila ng malamig na kape
Nais po ba ninyo ang bagong kotse
Hindi ko gusto (ng) ng katulong
Ayaw ng mga bisita ng aking tulong

H Exercise 5
Fill in the space with a pseudo-verb and then translate your
sentence into English.
1. ____________ mo ba ng lapis (pencil)?
2. ____________ bumili ni Baby ng saging (banana) sa palengke.
3. Bakit m o ___________ _ ng malaking pisara (blackboard)?

4. Sino a n g ____________ mong isama (go with you) sa sine?

5. ____________ mo ba ng malamig (cold) na Pepsi?

2| Dialogue 3
^ Louise Cook is at the hairdresser’s. She is discussing hairstyles
with the hairdresser (HD).
HD M agandapo ang buhok ninyo ma’am, A nopo ang gusto
ninyong gawin ko?
Louise Puwede bang cut, and blow dry?
HD Maaari po. Gusto po ba ninyo ng maiklil
Louise Bagay ba sa akin ang maikling gupit?
HD Opo. Babagay po sa inyo. Maganda po sa inyo ang
maikling buhok.
Louise Mas bagay yata sa akin ang mahaba.
HD Bagay po sa inyo ang mahaba at maikli.
Louise O sige, maikli.
HD Okay po. Huhugasan ko muna ang buhok ninyo.
Louise Salamat.
HD Wala pong anuman.

Taiasalitaan Vocabulary
maikling buhok short hair
ang buhok ninyo your hair
ang mahaba a longer one
gawin ko I ’d do
puwede ba(ng)? is it possible?
maaari po it's possible (formal)
bagay ba sa akin does it suit me
ang maikling gupit short cut
babagay po sa inyo it will suit you
mas bagay suits better
huhugasan ko muna I will wash first
maganda sa inyo beautiful/nice on you

T ra n sla tio n

HD You’re hair is pretty madam. What would you like me to

Louise Can I have a ‘cut and blow dry’?
HD Y s possible ma’am, would you like a short cut?
Louise Does a short cut suit me?
HD Yes ma’am, it would suit you. A short cut would be nice
on you.
Louise I think a longer (one) is prettier.
HD Long hair and short hair both suit you.
Louise OK, a short one.
HD OK ma’am. I’ll have to wash your hair first.
Louise Thank you.
HD Don ’t mention it.

E l Exercise 6
Try playing the part of the hairdresser. Based on the dialogue, tell
Mrs Cook the following:
1. Her hair is very long.
2. That long hair suits her too.
3. You’ll have to wash her hair.
More words used at the barber shop / hairdresser can be found in
the vocabulary box.

Talas aiitaan Vocabulary

magpakulot to have a perm
magpagupit to have a cut
putulin/gupitin to cut (the hair)
putulan/gupitan to give the hair/person a cut
x-set to set the hair
gunting scissors
tuwalya towel
silya chair
tuwid -'a buhok straight hair
minamanikyur being given a manicure
pinipedikyur being given a pedicure

jJ5 Exercise 7
Listen carefully to the tape. You will hear three different people
explaining to their hairdresser / barber what they want. Use
Dialogue 3 and vocabulary boxes to help you understand. Write
down on the task sheet what each customer is asking for:

Exercise 8 Understanding and speaking

You are off to the stylist to have your own hair cut. Listen to the
tape and respond to your stylist’s questions:
Stylist Magandang umaga po. Welcome sa Toto Mario’s.
Ikaw (Say good morning)

Stylist Ano po ang maitutulong ko sa inyo?

Ikaw (Tell him you want to have your hair cut)
Stylist Ibig n’yo na po bang magpagupit ngayon o gumawa ng
appointment para bukas?
Ikaw (Tell him you would like it now, if possible)
Stylist Aba opo. Gusto rin po ba ninyong hugasan ko ito?
Ikaw (Tell him no thank you. You just want it cut)
Stylist Ibig po ba ninyo mahabang gupit o maikli?
Ikaw (Tell him you want it cut short)
Stylist Ibig rin po ba ninyo ng masahe?
Ikaw (Tell him politely you just want the haircut)
Stylist Okay lang po sir.
Ikaw (Say thank you very much)


1. Don’t forget to tip 10-15%

2. Ask if they have worked with non-Asian hair before (if you
are non-Asian)
3. Ask them to repeat what you have requested (to make sure
they have understood)
4. Stylists often love to chat. Don’t lose the opportunity to
practice your Tagalog!

SI Language skills!
3 M ore on th e sa p rep o sitio n
During the conversation between Louise Cook and the hairdresser,
the hairdresser said: Babagay po sa inyo. Maganda po sa inyo
and maikling buhok. It will suit you ma’am. A short cut would
be nice on you. In this example, the word ‘sa’ was used in yet
another way. It wasn’t used as a preposition of time or place, but
rather with the describing word maganda. Sa can also be used
with adjectives. For example: Mabait sa akin si Cora. Cora is
nice to me. Mabuti sa kanila ang mga guro. The teachers are

Hood to them. Mapagmahal si Jonathan sa mga kapatid niya.

Jonathan is affectionate to his brothers. When sa is used as an
ordinary preposition, then it is translated into English as either to,
for, on, in, into, about, or at.
Some further examples:
1. Tagalog: Malaki sa iyo ang blusa mo
English: Your blouse is big on you
2. Tagalog: Maliit sa bata ang sapatos
English: The shoes are small on the child
3. Tagalog: Maluwang kay Larry ang sombrerong ito
English: This hat is loose (big) on Larry
4. Tagalog: Mabuti raw sa iyo ang gamot
English: Apparently, the medicine is good fo r you
P3 Exercise 9
Why don’t you see how much you have remembered - choose the
correct answer from the box:
1. M agalang_____________ (to the old people) si Rosita.
2. M abuti________________ (to you) ang magpahinga.
3. Malaki y ata______________ (on him) ang tsinelas.
4. Hindi ba m aliit_______________ (on me) ang pantalong ito?
5. M abait_______________ (to us) ang bisita ni Margaret.
6. Masyadong mahaba______________ (on her) ang damit na ito.

One-minute phrases

Matigas ang ulo (mah-tee-gahs ahng oolaw) Literally; hard the

head. Meaning hardheaded/stubbom. For example: Matigas
ang ulo ni Boy. Boy is stubborn.
Hindi yata pupuwede (heen-dee yah-tah poo-poo-weh-deh)
Literally; not I think it will do Meaning I don'/ think it’s possible J
l don’t think it can.
Pagbutihin mo (pahg-boo-tee-heen maw). Meaning make it
good. This phrase is commonly used when offering
encouragement. For example: Pagbutihin mo ang pag-aaral

para maging doktor ka pagdating ng araw. Study hard so that

you’ll become a doctor in the future.
Lakad-takbo (lah-kahd tahk-baw) Literally; walk-run.
Meaning a brisk walking pace. For example: Lakad-takbo ang
ginawa ko para maabot ko ang hiding biyahe ng tren. I half
walked, half-ran in order to catch the last train.
Mabilis pa sa alas-singko (mah-bee-lees pah sah ah-lahs-
seeng-kaw). Literally, faster than five o ’clock. This phrase goes
back to the time in the 1950s and 1960s when Filipino
employees in Manila used to listen out for the five o’clock
whistle from the port area of the city. The whistle signalled the
end of the shift for the dock workers. Anyone finishing their
work before the five o’clock whistle was deemed by his or her
workmates to be faster than the five o ’clock [whistle].

0 Cultural tip

Whether you want to make an appointment with a hairdresser or

buy something from a department store, you may sometimes
find it difficult to attract the attention of a shop assistant.
Invariably, they know that you are there but are hesitant to give
you eye contact or approach you because of a lack of confidence
in their own English. The assumption is always that foreigners
do not understand Tagalog. This is just shyness and can easily be
overcome with a warm and friendly smile, coupled with a few
words of Tagalog. Never be afraid to try out your Tagalog. Even
a few words will go a long way towards giving you a positive
and memorable experience of the Philippines.
Does this suit me?

In this unit you will learn how to

■ try something on in a store
■ use the passive
■ describe the weather

Trying something on in a store

B Dialogue 1
Louise Cook is trying something on in the changing room of a
departmental store.
Store Gusto po ba ninyo iyan? Magsukat pa po kayo ng iba.
assistant Palda at blusa po kung ayaw ninyo ng diretso. May
ibang kulay rin po. Magsukat po kayo ng palda at
Louise Sige. (Isinukat) Medyo masikip yata ang blusa pero
maluwang naman ang palda. Gusto kong pumili pa.
Store Sige po. Pumili pa po kayo. Ito pong may bulaklak?
assistant Diretso po ito.
Louise Napakaganda niyan at kung tama ang sukat, b:bili
ako ng dalawa. Gusto ko ring bumili ng bandana.
Store M aram i po kam ing bandana. Nasa kabilang
assistant departamento po ang mga ito.
Louise Maraming salamat.
Store Wala pong anuman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

gusto po ba ninyo d o you like/w ou ld yo u like

magsukat pa try som e m ore
ngiba o th er ones
may palda at blusa w e have blou ses a n d skirts
kung ayaw ninyo i f you d o n ’t like
diretso straigh t (dress)
ibang kulay rin oth er colours also
bibili ako I w ill buy
isinukat trie d it on
medyo masikip sligh tly sm all
ng bandana a sc a r f
pero maluwang bu t loose
pumili pa ch oose som e more
may bulaklak w ith flo w e r s
napakaganda so p retty
niyan that
kung tama i f right
ang sukat the size
ang kamay the arm s
nasa kabila(ng) departamento in the departm en t store

T ra n sla tio n

Store Do you like that ma’am? Why not try a few others,
assistant We have skirts and blouses if you don’t want a dress.
They come in other colours too. Why not try on a skirt
and a blouse ma’am.
Louise All right. (trying) I think the blouse is a little tight but
on the other hand the skirt is loose.
Store Okay ma’am. Please try on some others. How about
assistant this flowery dress?
Louise That is so pretty, and if it’s my size, I will take two. I
would also like to buy a scarf.
Store We have many scarves. They’re in the department
assistant next door.
Louise Thank you very much.
Store You’re welcome,

[P] Exercise 1
Drawing from what you have learned so far, replace the words in
italics with a different adjective, verb, noun or pronoun, to form
coherent Tagalog sentences.
Example: Gusto po ba ninyo iyanl
Answer: Gusto po ba ninyo itol
1. May palda at blusa po kung ayaw ninyo ng diretso.
2. Magsukat po kayo ng palda at blusa.
3. Medyo masikip yata ito.
4. Ito pong may bulaklakl
5. Napakaganda niyan at kung mabuti ang sukat, bibili ako ng
6. Gusto ko ring bumili ng bandana.
7. Marami po kaming bandana.

SI Language skills
I Verbs: A c tiv e vo ice / p a s siv e voice
Transitive / in tra n sitive
When forming a simple sentence, action words play a key role:
they let us know what is being done. These action words are known
as verbs. Verbs have two distinct ways of indicating an action, each
giving a different flavour or ‘voice’ to the sentence. We can call
these distinct flavours the active voice and the passive voice. The
‘voice’ of a sentence tells us something about the relationship
between: 1) the subject of the verb; 2) the ‘doer’ of the verbal
action; 3) the person or thing that the verbal action is done to.
We use the active voice when the subject of the verb is the ‘doer’
of the action. The active voice is used in most English speech and
writing, because we usually want to inform our listeners or our
readers about who or what carried out the action oi the verb. For
example: Roy read a book yesterday. Jack and Jill carried a pail of
water. I bought a pair of slippers.
The passive voice is used when the subject is not the person or
thing ‘doing’ the action of the verb. It is the person or thing that is

acted upon by the verb. For example: The ball was thrown by the
boy. The ribbon was cut by the mayor. These words were said by
him. We also use the passive voice to direct our listener’s attention
to the most important pat: of our message. The passive voice can
be used when we do not know who carries out the action expressed
by the verb. For example: The food has been eaten.
Before moving on to um verbs, it is important for us to understand
the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs. Very
simply, a transitive verb is a verb that has a direct object. For
example: Bumili si Roy ng sombrero (bumili is the verb while ng
sombrero is the direct object). Roy bought a hat. An intransitive
verb, by way of contrast, is a verb that has no direct object. For
example: Namili si Mary. Mary went shopping. Some verbs are
always transitive (with an object), others are always intransitive
(without an object), but just to keep us on our toes, many verbs are
used both transitively and intransitively. We will further explore
both transitive and intransitive verbs as we go along.
2 The um verb
We now turn to the first active verb type, known as the um verb.
The um verb type forms major transitive and intransitive verbs.
There are two major ways of forming um verbs: 1) by adding um
in front of a verb stem or ‘roof that begins with a vowel. (A verb
root is a verb in its simplest form. For example, the verb kumain
to eat. The root I stem of kumain, is kain = eat)', or 2) by inserting
um inside a verb root that begins with a consonant (non-vowel).
Look at some examples.
How to change the tense of an um verb stem beginning with a vowel:
Example: Verb stem: alis (leave)
um + alis = umalis (to leave) infinitive
a+ alis = aalis future
um + a + alis = umaalis present
um + alis = umalis past
Note: Did you notice that in the um verb the infinitive and past
tense look the same? They are distinguished only by their use.
While the infinitive is only used in commands, suggestions and

requests, (For example: Umalis ka! ‘You go’), the past tense
usually takes a time element in the sentence (for example: Kumain
kami kagabi, We ate last night).
Fo u r m ajor w ays o f ch an g in g verb ten ses in T a g a log

1. Infinitive (used in commands, suggestions and requests only)

For example:
Command: Huwag kang tumayo diyan! Don’t [you] stand there!
Suggestion: Kumain na tayo. Let’s eat now
Request: Puwede bang kumuha ka ng plato sa kusina?
Could you fetch a plate from the kitchen?
2. Future: will/shall + infinitive, the future perfect tense (will have
+ past participle), be going to + infinitive the future progressive
tense (will be + present participle)
For example: Uuwi ako. I am going home. I will/shall go home
3. Present: the simple present tense, the present progressive tense
For example: Kumakain ako ng gulay araw-araw. I eat
vegetables every day
4. Past: the simple past tense, the past progressive tense
Example: Bumili si Ronald ng sorbetes. Ronald bought some

; 2 Listen to the pronunciation of each of the following verbs, then try

to pronounce each word yourself, without the help of the tape.
Verb root Meaning Infinitive Future Present Past
akyat clim b umakyat aakyat um aakyat umakyat
asa rely upon umasa aasa umaasa umasa
inom drink uminom iinom umiinom uminom
iyak c ry umiyak iiyak umiiyak umiyak
uwi go home umuwi uuwi umuuwi umuwi
utang borrow umutang uutang umuutang umutang
m oney

How to change the tense of an uni verb stem beginning with a


Example: Verb stem: basa {read)

b + um + asa = bumasa (to read) infinitive
ba + basa = babasa future
b + um + abasa = bumabasa present
b + um + asa = bumasa past
Listen to the pronunciation of each of the following verbs, then try
to pronounce each word yourself, without the help of the tape.
Verb root Meaning Infinitive Future Present Past
bili buy bumili bibili bumibili bumili
kain eat kumain kakain kumakain kumain
kuha get kumuha kukuha kumukuha kumuha
gawa make gumawa gagawa gumagawa gumawa
hiram borrow humiram hihiram humihiram humiram
lakad w alk lumakad lalakad lumalakad lumakad
More verbs can be found listed at the back of this book.
This is the formula:
Verb + actor
Kumain si Louie
Ate Louie
Louie ate
Verb + actor + object
Kumain si Louie ng sorbetes
Ate Louie ice cream
Louie ate (some) ice cream
Verb + actor + object + place
Kumain si Louie ng sorbetes sa restawran
Ate Louie ice cream at the restaurant
Louie ate (some) ice cream at the restaurant
Verb + actor + object + place + time
Kumain si Louie ng sorbetes sa restawran kahapon
Ate Louie ice cream at the restaurant yesterday
Louie ate (some) ice cream at the restaurant yesterday
Did you notice how you are able to expand a very simple sentence
easily? You can lengthen a sentence by merely adding a
preposition of time or place or an adverb etc.

Exercise 2
Using the sentence structure provided (verb + actor + object +
place + time), build a Tagalog sentence around each of the
following verbs. Use the vocabulary box provided to help you:
1. Bibili
2. Kumakain
3. Gumawa
4. Humihiram
5. Iinom

Thlasalitaan Vocabulary

kahapon yesterday
ngayon today
humihiram borrow ing
ng kape coffee
kumakain eating
iinom w ill drink
nglaiuan to y
araw-araw everyday
gumawa to make
bibili w ill buy

A note about recent action

There is a minor, yet important, aspect of active Tagalog verbs
known as the recent action. The recent action is used to express
events in the very recent past. It is formed by prefixing ka to the
future tense of the verb. For example, the future tense of the um
verb alis is aalis. To form the recent action aspect of the verb,
we simply add ka + aalis = kaaalis. Remember, however, that
the recent action takes the ng form as the ‘doer’ of the action. In
order to underline how recent the action is, the word lang
(only/just/only just) is always used with the recent action form.
For example, Kaaalis lang ni Stephen at ni Amy, Amy and
Stephen have only just left. Huwag na tayong magmeryenda,
kakakain lang natin ng tanghalian, L et’s not have a snack as
we’ve only just eaten lunch. Kadarating mo lang ba?, Have
you just arrived?

BP Asking about alterations

^ Dialogue 2
Louise Cook is at the dressmaker’s.
Louise Magandang hapon.
M odista Magandang hapon po naman.
Louise Bumili ako ng telang pambistida sa palengke, at gusto
kong magpatahi ng bestida.
M odista Aba opo. Nasaan po ang tela n’yo?
Louise Heto. Ayokong masyadong maikli ito.
M odista Hindi po. Puwede po bang sukatan ko kayo?
Louise Aba oo naman.
M odista Ang sukat po ng dibdib ay tatlumpu’t anim na pulgada.
Ang baywang po ay dalawampu’t walong pulgada. Ang
hips po ay tatlumpu’t walong pulgada. Ang manggas po
ay walong pulgada. Ang balikat ay labing-anim na
pulgada. Ang haba ng palda ay dalawampu’t apat na
pulgada. Iyan lang po.
Louise Kailan ko maaaring makuha ang damit?
M odista Sa Biyemes po. Mga alas kwatro nang hapon.
Louise Maraming salamat.
M odista Wala pong anuman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

ang sukat ko m y m easurem ent

bumili bought
telang pambistida dress m aterial
haba length
sukatan to m easure
pulgada inches
paikliin be sh ortened
nasaan where
heto here
ayoko(ng) don't like
sukat ng dibdib b u st line
palengke m arket
kailan when
magpatahi have cloth es m ade
bukas nang hapon tom orrow afternoon
baywang w aistlin e

hips h ips
manggas sleeves
balikat shoulders
palda sk irt
makuha to collect/get

Louise Good afternoon.
Dressmaker Good afternoon to you, too.
Louise I bought some cloth at the market and I would like
to have a dress made up.
Dressmaker Yes ma’am. Where is your cloth?
Louise Here. I don’t want it to be too short.
Dressmaker No ma’am. Can I take your measurements?
Louise Of course.
Dressmaker Your bust line is 36. Your waist line is 28. Your
hips are 38. Sleeve length is 8 inches. Armhole is
14 inches. Shoulders are 16. Skirt length is 24
inches. That’s all ma’am.
Louise When will I be able to collect the dress?
Dressmaker On Friday ma’am, at about 4.00 in the afternoon.
Louise Thank you very much.
Dressmaker You’re welcome.
Some useful words for a visit to the sastre ( t a i l o r ) can be found in
the vocabulary box.
Talasalitaan Vocabulary

medida tape m easure

sinulid thread
karayom n eedle
iklian to make sh ort
habaan to m ake long
lakihan to m ake big
liitan to m ake sm all
palitan change
temo g o togeth er
itupi to f o ld
kalsahan to lo w e r the hemline

E Listen
Exercise 3
to the list of items on the tape. The tailor has misplaced his
spectacles and can’t see where he has left things. Can you help him
find them? With a pen or pencil, circle each item mentioned as you
hear it.

E Exercise 4
How do you say the following in Tagalog?
1. You want a green skirt.
2. You don’t want a long skirt.
3. You need it on Monday.
4. Your skirt is at home.

E9 Language skills
3 V erbalisation o f a d je c tiv e s
Louise Cook used the word umikli in her conversation with the
dressmaker, ayokong masyadong umikli ito. Umikli is derived
from the adjective maikli (short). In Tagalog, adjectives can also
become action words (verbs). When this happens, the resulting
meaning of the newly formed action word is ‘to becom e____’. To
do this, simply drop the prefix ‘ma’ from the adjective, e.g., maikli
(short), add ‘um’ = um + ikli = umikli (to become shorter). When

the adjective root begins with a vowel (e.g. asim, ‘sourness’),

simply add ‘um’ before the root word to produce the infinitive (e.g.
um + asim = umasim to become sour). When the adjective root
begins with a consonant (e.g. ganda beauty), then ‘um’ is placed
niter the first letter (e.g. g + um + anda = gumanda, to become
beautiful). Here are some more examples:
Example: Adjective stem: sama (badness) source: masama (bad)
s + um + ama = sumama (to become/ get worse) infinitive
sa + sama = sasama (will become/ get worse) future
s + um + asama = sumasama (becoming/ getting worse) present
s + um + ama = sumama (became/ got worse) past
Listen to the pronunciation of each of the following verbalised
adjectives on the tape. Why not try to repeat them without the help
of the tape.
Adjective Meaning Infinitive Future Present Past
(ma)laki big lumaki lalaki lumalaki lumaki
(ma)ganda p re tty gumanda gaganda gumaganda gumanda
(ma)liil sm all lumiit liliit lumiliit lumiit
(ma)sarap delicious sumarap sasarap sumasarap sumarap
(ma)layo fa r lumayo lalayo iumalayo lumayo
(ma)buti good bumuti bubuti bumubuti bumuti
(ma)linis clean luminis lilinis lumilinis luminis
A further list can be found at the back of this book.
Some example sentences:
Tagalog: Gumaganda ang hardin ni Patricia
Literal: becoming more beautiful the garden of Patricia
English: Patricia’s garden is becoming more beautiful
Tagalog: Lumilinis ang kotse mo
Literal: becoming cleaner the car your
English: Your car is becoming cleaner
Tagalog: Hindi bumuti ang panahon
Literal: (did)not improve the weather
English: The weather did not improve
Tagalog: Bumibilis yata ang takbo ng relos mo
Literal: becoming fast I think the running of watch your
English: I think your watch is running fast

H Exercise 5
Provide the correct tense of the following verbalised adjectives.
The stem of each adjective is given in the bracket:
1. __________ ang problema ni Jose araw-araw. (laki, present)
2. Ang bahay ni Aling Maria a y __________ . (ganda, present)
3. Hindi b a __________ ang kotse ni Les? (linis, past)
4. Kailangang__________ tayo sa gulo. (layo, infinitive)

E Exercise 6
See how many verbalised adjectives you can find in the crossword.


L u M A L A K I


1 H







■ A





X Describing the weather

® Dialogue 3
The weather is bad. Bill, Louise and Roy Cook are talking about it
in their hotel room.
Bill Mukhang sumasama ang panahon. Babagyo yata!
Louise Kagabi, umulan nang malakas at humangin din.
Roy Noong isang linggo, kahit umuulan, sumisikat ang araw.
Louise Mabuti kung ganooon.
Bill Mahirap kasi dito sa Pilipinas, kapag umulan, baba ha
Roy Dumidilim na naman ang langit.
Louise Mabuti yata dito muna tayo sa hotel hanggang sa
gumanda ang panahon.
Bill Sang-ayon sa radyo, bubuti raw ang panahon bago gumabi.
Roy Magbabasa ako ng aklat.

Tulasalitaan Vocabulary

umulan to rain
sumasama becoming/getting worse
ang panahon the weather
babagyo there will be a typhoon
na naman again
ang langit the sky
umulan rained
humangin was windy
noong isang linggo last week
kahit even though
umuulan raining
sumisikat shining
ang araw the sun
gumabi to become night
kung ganoon if that’s the case
mahirap difficult
kapag iffyvhen
babaha will flood
kaagad immediately
dumidilim becoming dark

dito muna here (for the moment)

hanggang until
gumanda to become fine
sang-ayon sa according to
radyo radio
bubuti will become better
bago before
magbabasa will read

T ra n sla tio n

Bill The weather seems to be getting worse. I think a typhoon

is coming.
Louise Last night, it rained hard and there was wind too.
Roy The other week, even though it was raining, the sun was
Louise It’s good (when it’s) like that.
Bill The trouble here in the Philippines is that when it rains
there are floods.
Roy The sky is getting darker again.
Louise It might be a good idea to stay in the hotel until the
weather settles.
Bill According to the radio, the weather will be fine by
Roy I will read a book.

C l Exercise 7
The following sentences need to be expanded. Can you add an
adverb of time (e.g. bukas, tomorrow) or preposition (e.g. sa in,
at) to expand each sentence? Use the vocabulary box provided to
help you:
Example: Kumikidlat kanina add: pero hindi yata uulan.
1. Bumubuti ang panahon kasi
2. Umuulan nang malakas lagi
3. Hindi bumabaha sa Pilipinas kung
4. Lumiliwanag ba ang langit kahit na
5. Sasama ang panahon bago gumabi sapagka’t

liilasalitaan Vocabulary

kasi because
lagi always
kung if/when
kahit na even though
sapagka’t because

ffj Language skills

4 V erbalisation o f a cts o f n a tu re
Most Tagaiog words describing acts of nature can also be made
into verbs. For example, if the sun is shining, Filipinos merely say
‘Umaaraw!’ (from araw = the sun). If there is a flash of lightning,
lhey exclaim: ‘Kumikidlat!’ (from kidlat = lightning). Umulan
kasi kaya hindi kami sumimba, It rained that’s why we didn’t go
to church. The following list gives further examples of other
verbalised acts of nature. Notice that they also form their tenses in
the same manner as the urn verb.
Infinitive Present
& past tense continuous Future
baha -flo o d bumaha to flood bumabaha babaha
araw - sun umaraw to shine (sun only) umaaraw aaraw
ulan — rain umulan to rain umuulan uulan
kidlat - lightning kumidlat to flash (lightning) kumikidlat kikidlat
kulog - thunder kumulog to thunder kumukulog kukulog
sikat - shine sumikat to shine (sun, moon) sumisikat sisikat
lubog - set lumubog to set (sun, moon) lumulubog lulubog
bagyo - typhoon bumagyo to have a typhoon bumabagyo babagyo
hangin - wind humangin to become windy humahangin hahangin
umbon - drizzle umambon to drizzle umaambon aambon
lindol - earthquake lumindol to have an e ’quake lumilindol lilindol

C h a n g in g the ten ses o f th e urn acts o f nature:

Infinitive Future Present Past

umulan uulan umuulan umulan
Example: I t ’s going to rain It is raining It rained
Sample sentences:
Tagalog: Sumisikat ang araw sa silangan
Literal: Shine/shining the sun in the east
English: The sun shines in the east
Tagalog: Bumabagyo lagi sa may China Sea
Literal: Typhoon always near the China Sea
English: There’s always a typhoon near the China Sea
Tagalog: Kapag umaambon may bahag-hari daw
Literal: If/when drizzling there is rainbow apparently
English: Apparently, when it drizzles, a rainbow appears

H Exercise 8
Basing your answers on the verb in italics, supply an appropriate
reply to the following questions:
1. Hindi ba bumabaha sa Maynila?
2. Lumulubog ba ang araw sa silangan?
3. Mga anong oras sumisikat ang araw sa Pilipinas?
4. Wala bang ingay kung kumukulog at kumikidlatl
5. Umaaraw ba kung sumisikat ang buwan?

E l Exercise 9
Look at the pictures showing some acts of nature. Can you say
them in Tagalog using the tense or form indicated?

|^j Exercise 1 0
listen to the radio weather forecast on the tape. In your own
words, try to give the following weather forecast. Use the
vocabulary box to help you:
Today’s weather: Cloudy, possible rain in northern Luzon.
Tonight: Warm
Tomorrow: Plenty of sunshine

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
makulimlim cloudy
maaaring umulan it might rain
hilagang Luzon northern Luzon
mainit warm
mainit ang araw plenty o f sunshine
mamayang gabi tonight
sa hapon in the afternoon

One-minute phrases

Ilista sa tubig (ee-lees-tah sah too-beeg) Literally, list in water.

Meaning not to make a note of something, to forget all about it.
This phrase is commonly used in connection with a
‘conveniently forgotten’ debt.
Di-mahulugang karayom (dee mah-hoo-loo-gang kah-rah-
yawm) literally, cannot drop a needle Meaning a crowded area/
a tightly packed space. For example: Napakaraming tao noong
dumalaw ang Papa sa Luneta at ito’y di mahulugang
karayom. Luneta was so crowded when the Pope visited that it
was so difficult to move around (find a needle).
Sisikat din ang araw (see-see-kaht deen ahng ah-rao) Literally,
the sun will also rise. Similar in meaning to the English
proverb:’Every cloud has a silver lining’. Kalimutan mo na
ang nangyari sa iyong pananim dahil sa baha. May
kasabihan tayong: sisikat din ang araw, Try to forget what
happened to your crops because o f the flood. We have a saying:
every cloud has a silver lining.

Isukat mo nga (ee-soo-kaht maw ngah) Literal and true

meaning why don’t you try it on? Trying an article of clothing
etc. something on in a shop.
Bahag-hari (bah-hahg-haa-ree) Literally, the king’s loin cloth.
This is the Tagalog word for rainbow!

Cultural tip

Dress sense is very important in Filipino culture. Formal

occasions require formal clothes. If you are unsure what to wear,
don’t be afraid to ask your Filipino friends for advice. If you are
attending weddings, business meetings or baptisms, why not
invest in a Filipino ‘Barong Tagalog’. This is Filipino national
dress and very acceptable as formal attire. Good-quality material
is easily obtainable. There are many tailor shops where they can
take your measurements and make the garment up for you.
Made-to-measure suits and dresses are generally very good
value for money in the Philippines.
A t the bus station

In this unit you will learn how to

■ ask about tickets, destinations, departures and arrivals
■ express days of the week, etc.
■ use mag and m a verbs

J Asking about tickets, destinations

g and departures
Dialogue 1
The Cook family are going to the north of Luzon. They are at the
ticket office enquiring about departures.
Bill Magandang umaga. Gusto kong bumili ng tiket para sa
tatlo papuntang Banaue.
Opisyal Magandang umaga po naman. Ibig po ba ninyo tiket
na papunta lamang doon o balikan?
Bill Kung puwede balikan at sa Biyernes ika-lima ng Abril
ang balik.
Opisyal Kailan po ninyo ibig magbiyahe?
Bill Kung puwede sa Martes.
Opisyal Sandali lang po at titingnan ko.
Bill OK lang, maghihintay ako.
Opisyal Tatlo po ang biyahe sa Martes, ika-dalawa ng Abril.
Ang una ay aalis sa alas 4.30 nang umaga, tapos alas
10.30, at alas 2.30 nang hapon. Mabuti po ang alas
4.30 nang umaga kung maaari kayong magbiyahe nang

Bill Oo. Puwede kaming magbiyahe nang maaga. Saan

kanii puwedeng mag-almusal?
Opisyal Hihinto po ang bus nang mga alas 7.30 sa Pampanga
upang makapag-almusal kayo.
Bill Mabuti kung ganoon.
Opisyal Eto po ang tiket ninyo para sa tatlong pasahero.
Maligayang paglalakbay po\
Bill Maraming salamat.
Opisyal Wala pong anuman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
balikan return
kung puwede sana if possible
dating arrival
gusto kong bumili I want to buy
ng tiket tickets
para sa tatlo fo r three
papunta sa going to
naman too, also
hihinto will stop
aalis will go etc.
kung puwede sana if possible
ang biyahe the trip
sa araw during the day
nang umaga in the morning
tapos afterwards/ then
nang hapon in the afternoon
magbiyahe to travel
maghintay to wait
alis departure
nang maaga early
mag-almusal to have breakfast
upang in order to/ so that
makapag-almusal can have breakfast
kung ganoon if that's the case
eto po here sir
tiket ninyo your tickets
maligaya(ng) happy
paglalakbay trip

Bill Good morning. I’d like to buy tickets for three (persons)
to Banaue.
Official Good morning sir. Do you want single tickets or return?
Bill Return tickets, please if possible coming back on Friday
April 5.
Official When do you want to travel sir?
Bill If possible, on Tuesday.
Official Please wait sir while I check.
Bill Yes. I'll wait.
Official Sir, there are three trips on Tuesday April 2. The first is
at 4.30 in the morning, then at 10.30 and at 2.30 in the
afternoon. The 4.30 (departure) is the best (one) if you
can travel early.
Bill Sure. We can travel early. Where can we have
Official Sir, the bus is going to make a stop at 7.30 at Pampanga
so that you can have your breakfast.
Bill That’s good.
Official Sir, here are your tickets for three passengers. Have a
good trip!
Bill Thank you very much.
Official You’re welcome.
Other useful vocabulary for travelling can be found in the vocab

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
pasahero passenger
tiket ticket
pamasabe fare
biyahe trip
pang-isa single
sasakay will board
bababa will alight/get off
sukli change
upuan seat
bakante vacant

parahin to stop (a public vehicle)

konduktor conductor
drayber driver
umangkas to get a lift
siksikan packed to capacity
mama term a passenger uses to call
driver’s attention
barya change

El Exercise 1Listening and understanding

Listen carefully once again to the conversation between Bill Cook
and the clerk. Based on the dialogue, identify which of the
following statements are true and which are false.
1. Gustong bumili ni Bill ng tiket papuntang Davao.
2. Kung puwede sana gustong umalis nang maaga ni Bill.
3. Sabi ng opisyal: ‘Mag-almusal kayo at titingnan ko.’
4. Sabi ni Bill sa opisyal: ‘Maghihintay ako.’
5. Tatlo ang biyahe sa araw.
6. May biyahe sa gabi at maaga ito.
7. Hindi puwedeng magbiyahe sina Bill nang maaga.
8. Maaari silang mag-almusal nang maaga.
9. Sa Pampanga hihinto ang bus.
10. Hindi sila mag-aalmusal sa Pampanga.

El Exercise 2
Can you say the following sentences in the negative?
1. Gusto kong bumili ng tiket.
2. Puwede bukas nang umaga.
3. Humihinto ang bus nang mga alas 7.30.
4. Malapit ang Babauae buhat sa Maynila.
5. Mabuti ang alas 4.30 nang umaga.

Days, months and dates

In Dialogue 1, Bill Cook mentions that he wants to travel on
Tuesday April 2. To give the date in Tagalog, simply use ika +

Tagalog number. For example: ika-apat ng Disyembre =

December 4.
Question: Kailan ang kaarawan mo? When is your birthday?
Answer: Sa ika-apat ng Disyembre. On December 4.
Here is a complete list of the days of the week and months of the

Days of the week Months of the year

Lunes Monday Enero January
Martes Tuesday Pebrero February
Miyerkoles Wednesday Marso March
Huwebes Thursday Abril April
Biyemes Friday Mayo May
Sabado Saturday Hunyo June
Linggo Sunday Hulyo July
Agosto August
Septyembre September
Oktubre October
Nobyembre November
Disyembre December

Q Exercise 3
What comes a fte r________ ? Can you fill in the blank with the
correct answer?
1. Miyerkoles _______________
2. Agosto _______________
3. Oktubre _______________
4. Sabado _______ _ _ _ _ _
5. Martes ________________
6. Mayo _______________
7. Biyemes _______________
pF] Exercise 4
Can you translate the following into Tagalog? Use the vocabulary
box provided to help you:
Example: July 4 Answer: Ika-apat ng Hulyo

1. His birthday is on August 30.

2. School begins on Monday.
3. We will be visiting you on Saturday, May 10.
4. The conference was last Tuesday, June 14.
5. We are going to the zoo on Sunday, September 3.
6. Are you leaving on Saturday?
7. Who is arriving on Thursday, January 5?

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

Simula sta rt
bibisita b e visiting
kumperensiya conference
pupunta going
aalis leaving
darating arrivin g
paaralan sch ool

P i Language skills
1 M ag v e r b s
Most Tagalog verbs begin with mag. Like the um verbs we met in
Unit 12, mag verbs can also be transitive (with an object) or
intransitive (without an object). You will remember that um verbs
take either a prefix (an addition before the verb root), or an infix
(an addition within the verb root). Mag verbs are easier in that they
take only a prefix. Mag verbs also need an object. As with the um
verbs, the connecting word ‘ng’ is used before the object. For
example: Magbili ng bigas. Sell rice. Mag verbs need a subject,
but they do not always need: 1) a time element; 2) a preposition; 3)
an adverb.
The mag verb is very versatile in that while it forms both major
transitive verbs (verbs with a direct object) and intransitive verbs
(verbs without a direct object), it continues to carry the word that
the verb suggests. For example: magtennis (to play tennis),
maglaba (to wash clothes), magbihis (to put clothes on),
magdasal (to pray) etc. Although most verb stems can be used
with the mag prefix, it is important to remember that some verbs
ure um verbs only, while some verbs are mag verbs only. Listen
curefully to how each verb is used by native Tagalog speakers.
Through listening and repeating what you hear, you will soon be
able to distinguish between the different verb types. If you are
unsure, check out the verb list at the back of this book or check
your Tagalog dictionary.
The versatility of the MAG verb becomes clear when we see the
variety of ways in which it can be used:
1. mag + noun, e.g. mag + bus = magbus, to go by bus
2. mag + noun designating a member of a profession, e.g.
abogado (lawyer) = mag-abogado, to become a lawyer
3. mag + article of clothing, e.g. mag + kamiseta = magkamiseta,
to wear a tee-shirt
4. mag + language, e.g. mag + Tagalog = magTagalog, to speak
5. mag + item designated by the noun, e.g. magbunga, to bear
6. mag + noun expressing action involving two or more actors,
mag + salubong (greet one another) = magsalubong, to meet
7. mag + adjective, e.g. mag + mabagal (slow) = magmabagal, be
slow in, mag + mayaman = magmayaman, to pretend to be rich
8. mag + times of day, e.g. mag + madaling-araw (dawn)
magmadaling-araw, be dawn
Changing the tense of the mag verb is easy. Take for example the
verb stem laba (wash clothes):
mag + laba = maglaba infinitive (used only in
requests, commands
and suggestions)
mag + la+laba = maglalaba future
*nag + la+laba = naglalaba present
*nag + laba = naglaba past
kapag + la + laba = kapaglalaba recent action
(*Note: the prefix mag is used in the infinitive and future tenses
and changes to nag in the present and past tense.)

E | Here are a few commonly occurring mag verbs. Listen to how they
are pronounced on the tape:
mag-ayos to arrange
mag-alis to remove
mag-abang to wait fo r someone
mag-aral to study
magbantay to guard
magbigay to give
magbili to sell
magbintang to accuse
magdasal to pray
maghain to serve food on the table
maghugas to wash
maglaba to wash clothes
maglakad to walk
maglaro to play
maglinis to clean
magluto to cook
magmana to inherit
magmasid to watch
A further selection of mag verbs can be found at the back of this

Q Exercise 5
Look at the pictures and try to find the correct verb to describe
each activity? Give your answers in the mag verb form:


A guide to expan ding the m ag sentence:

A) Transitive verbs (with object)

Verb + actor + object

Nagbibili si Jose ng lumang alahas
Selling/sells Jose old jewellery
Jose is sellin g /s e lls old jew ellery.
Verb + actor + object + place
Nagluto kami ng pansit sa bahay ni Letty
Cooked we noodles at Letty’s home
We cooked som e n oodles at L e tty ’s home.
Verb + particle + actor + object + place + time
Nagdala pala sila ng pagkain sa party kagabi
Brought so they some to the party last night
So they brought som e fo o d to the p a rty last night.
B) Intransitive verbs (without an object)

Verb + actor
Maglalaba si Margaret
Will wash/ will be washing clothes Margaret
M argaret w ill be washing clothes.
Qualifier/ Verb + actor + place and/or time
Hindi nagsalita si Gener sa pulong kahapon.
Did not talk/speak Gener at the meeting yesterday.
G ener d id n ’t talk/speak a t the m eeting yesterday.

E Exercise 6
Using the verb, form and scenario provided, see if you can do the
following in Tagalog:
1. Suggest to a friend to play, (laro) (infinitive)
2. Say that you cleaned die car already, (linis) (past)
3. Say that Maria is washing the dishes, (hugas) (present)
4. Suggest to everyone you want to pray, (dasal) (infinitive)
5. Say that Lina and her friends will be cooking, (luto) (future)

Mag and recent action

Just to keep us on our toes, when using the recent action with
mag verbs, we must be careful to remember that mag changes
to pag. For example:
ka + future = recent action
ka + maglalaro (will play) = kapaglalaro
ka + maglilinis (will clean) = kapaglilinis
ka + mag-aaral (will study) = kapag-aaral
See Unit 12, page 169.

SI Enquiring about arrivals

I S Dialogue 2
Jobert is enquiring about the arrival of the Cook family on the bus
from Banaue.
Jobert Anong oras ang dating ng bus ngayon galing sa
Manager Alas 7.45 po nang gabi.
Jobert Bakit, anong oras ba itong umalis buhat sa Baguio?
Manager Kanina pong alas 9.00 nang umaga.
Jobert Saang mga lugar ba ito hihinto?
Manager Sa Ilocos po, sa, Tarlac, Pampanga at Bulacan.
Jobert Ganoon ba? Maraming salamat.
Manager Wala pong anuman.

‘Ihlasalitaan Vocabulary

ung dating the arriva l

ngayon today/now
gating sa from
mga lugar p la c e s
bakit why
umalis d ep a rted

Tra n sla tion

Jobert What time will the bus from Baguio arrive?

Manager Sir, 7.45 in the evening.
jobert (Why) What time did it leave / depart from Baguio?
Manager A while ago at 9.00 this morning.
Jobert What places will it make a stopover?
Manager At flocos, Tarlac, Pampanga and Bulacan
Jobert Is that so? Thank you very much.
Manager You’re welcome sir.

Pj] Exercise 7
Use Dialogue 2 to answer the following questions:
1. Ilang oras ang biyahe ng bus galing sa Baguio?
2. Hihinto ba ang bus sa Zambales?
3. Alin ang ikatatlong probinsiya na hihintuan ng bus?
4. Ilan lahat-lahat ang probinsiya?

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

ilan(g) how m any

alin which one
ikatatlo(ng) th ird
lahat-lahat alto g eth er

E Exercise 8
Give a Tagalog summary of the schedule in Dialogue 2 in the
second column.
English Tagalog
1. Departure from Baguio: 9.00 co.nv
2. Arrival from Baguio: 7A 5 p.nv
3. Stopover: Ilo co ss Pcwo^ci^Cna+v, T a rla o
Pcwipfua^a/fi- Suiaccuv

E Exercise 9
Look at the bus ticket. Can you answer the following questions?
1. Magkano ang halaga ng tiket?
2. Ang numero ng tiket ay: anim, dalawa, dalawa, apat, apat, anim.
3. May petsa ba ang tiket ng bus?
4. Ilang kilometro ang layo ng biyahe?
5. Sinasabi ba sa tiket kung anong oras ang alis?
6. Sinasabi ba sa tiket kung anong oras ang dating?

fTJ Language skills

2 Ma v e r b s
maligo to have a bath
matulog to sleep
maupo to sit down
maldnig to listen
mahiga to lie down
There are five special verb stems that are neither um verbs nor
mag verbs. These verbs are known as ma verbs due to them taking
the prefix ma. The five ma verbs are intransitive and their tenses
cannot be formed by using um or mag. As there are so few ma
verbs, the best approach is simply to try to memorise them. Like
um and mag verbs, ma verbs can be used with pseudo-verbs.
Example: Gusto kong maligo I ’d like to have a bath.
Fo rm in g ten ses w ith m a

Ma + ligo = maligo = infinitive (used with

requests, suggestions
and commands)
Ma + li + ligo future
Na + li + ligo present
Na + ligo past
Example sentences:
Verb + actor + time
Naliligo ako araw-araw
I have a bath every day
Question marker + verb + direction
Sino ang nakikinig sa kaniya?
Who is listening to him / her?
Verb + actor + particle + preposition
Naupo ka ba sa silyang ito?
Did you sit on this chair?

D Exercise 10
Choose the correct form from the brackets:
1. Ayaw mo bang (maligo, naliligo, naligo) tayo sa dagat?
2. (Makikinig, nakikinig, nakinig) ako sa awitin niya. (present)
3. Maraming (naupo, nauupo, maupo) sa sahig kagabi sa
awditoryum. (past)
4. Gusto po ba ninyong (mahiga, nahiga, mahihiga) sa kamang
iyan? (infinitive)
5. Si Patricia yata ang (natutulog, natulog, matulog) sa bahay ni
John kagabi. (past)

EP Finding out what your journey will be like

S Dialogue 3
TTie Cook family are on the bus from Banaue to Manila. Bill Cook
is talking to the conductor.
BUI Anong oras tayo darating sa Maynila?
Konduktor Mga alas-siyete y medya po nang gabi.
BiU Saan tayo hihinto upang makapagbanat ng
Konduktor Sa Pampanga po at meron ding kubeta at paliguan
BiU Magdadagdag ba kayo ng gasoUna?
Konduktor Opo.
BiU May telepono ba doon para makatawag ako?
Konduktor Meron po.
BUI Salamat.
Konduktor Wala pong anuman.

nilasalitaan Vocabulary

magdadagdag w ill a d d
d«rating w ill a rrive
ntga alas siyete y medya around 7.30
luing gabi a t night
nmkatawag be ab le to call
makapagbanat to b e ab le to stretch
kubeta toilet
paliguan show er/bathroom
gasolina p etro l
lelepono telephone
para so th a t/ in o rd er to

Tran slation

Bill What time are we arriving in Manila?

Conductor Around 7.30 in the evening.
Bill Is there any place where we can stop to stretch
ourselves (lit, our body)?
Conductor In Pampanga sir. There are also bathroom facilities
Bill Are you going to top up your petrol?
Conductor Yes sir.
Bill Are there any telephones there for me to make a
Conductor There are (telephones there) sir.
BUI Thank you.
Conductor You’re welcome sir.
E xercise 11
Using the dialogue as your guide, can you do the following?
1. Ask the conductor what time the bus is stopping at Pampanga.
(use Anong oras)
2. Ask him where else you will be stopping, (use pa)
3. Ask the conductor if there are bathroom facilities at the stop,
(use Mayroon)
4. Tell the conductor you want to use the bathroom, (use Gusto

| Exercise 12 Understanding and speaking

Imagine that you are on a bus bound for Batangas, south of Manila
Why not have a go at speaking with the conductor. Listen carefully
to the conductor’s responses. Using the hints and the vocabulary
box to help you, write out your part of the dialogue and then
practice speaking it:
Ikaw (greet the conductor, saying good morning)
Konduktor Magandang umaga po. Didiretso po ba kayo sa
Ikaw (say yes, but that you are unsure about what time
the bus returns to Manila)
Konduktor Babalik po ba kayo pa-Maynila bukas?
Ikaw (we will return tomorrow afternoon)
Konduktor Ganoon po ba? Mayroon pong bus na paalis sa
istasyon sa alas 3.00
Ikaw (three o’clock, that’s fine)
Konduktor Ibig po ba ninyong bumili ng tiket na papunta
lamang doon o balikan?
Ikaw (just singles please. Three adults)
Konduktor Iyan po ay tres siyentos treynta pesos.
Ikaw (Say here you are / here’s my payment)
Konduktor Maraming salamat po. Marunong kayong managalog!
Ikaw (say thank you very much, too)

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
didiretso straight on
babalik will return
bukas tomorrow
ganoon po ba? is that so ma ’am/sir?
paalis leaving
istasyon station
balikan return
tres siyentos treynta 330
marunong know/knows how to
managalog to speak Tagalog

iy Language skills
l Maka + um verb stem To be able to, to happen to,
to come to, to manage to
Makapag + mag verb stem To be able to,
to happen to, to com e to, to manage to
In Dialogue 3, Bill Cook used the words makapagbanat and
niakatawag. These verb forms seem new and in jargon are known
ns circumstantial verbs. These verb forms above all give us a
glimpse into Filipino culture. According to Filipino beliefs, some
actions are brought about purely by circumstance, by accident or
by occurrences beyond the actor/s7 control. The active verbs um
and mag verbs have special prefixes to express the circumstantial
or involuntary nature of these actions. With um verbs, use the
prefix maka. For example: makabili to be able to / to happen to /
to come to / to manage to buy. With mag verbs, the prefix is
makapag. For example: makapag + laro = makapaglaro to be
able to / to happen to / to come to / to manage to play. Look at the
guide on how to use the maka and makapag prefixes in the active
um and mag verbs:
um verbs
Maka = (prefix) + alis (verb stem)
Maka + alis = makaalis = infinitive
to be able to leave
to happen to leave
to manage to leave
to come to leave
Maka + ka + alis = makakaalis = will be able etc. to leave = future
Naka + ka + alis = nakakaalis = is able etc. to leave = present
Naka + alis = nakaalis = was able etc. to leave = past

Some examples:
makakain = to be able etc. to eat
makabili = to be able etc. to buy
makabasa = to be able etc. to read
makasulat = to be able etc. to write
makakanta - to be able etc. to sing
makaalis = to be able etc. to leave
mag verbs
makapag + (prefix) luto (verb stem)
makapag + luto = makapagluto = infinitive (used in requests,
commands and suggestions)
to be able to cook
to happen to cook
to manage to cook
to come to cook
maka + ka + pag + luto = makakapagluto = will be able etc. to cook = future
naka + ka + pag + luto = nakakapagluto = is able etc. to cook = present
nakapag+ luto = nakapagluto = was able etc. to cook = past
Here are some examples:
Makapagsimba to be able to go to church
Makapagsalita to be able to talk/speak
Makapagbili to be able to sell
Makapagluto to be able to cook
Makapaglakad to be able to walk
Makapaglinis to be able to clean
Makapaglaba to be able to wash clothes

Some variations of maka and makapag sentences:

Verb + actor + object + preposition
Nakabili kami ng magandang damit sa palengke
We managed to buy a beautiful dress from the market.

Verb + actor + particle

Nukapagluto ka na ba?
Were you able to cook?/ Did you manage to cook?
Verb + particle actor + object Prepostion
Nnkagawa na raw ang mga bata ng saranggola kahapon.
Apparently, the children [already] managed to make a kite yesterdcr

Exercise 13
l-ook at the following sentences. Can you supply the missing verb
1 . Araw-araw. kami sa palaruan. (laro)
2. Hindi ang mga turista kanina dahil sa
bagyo. (alis)
3. ba tayo ng mga pasalubong bukas?
4. Sa Sabado, maraming ng masasarap
na pagkain. (luto)
5. Sino sa mga babae ang sa bus noong
linggo? (tulog)
One-minute phrases

Magmeryenda muna tayo (mahg-mer-yen-dah moo-nah tah-

yaw) Literally, to have a snack first let us. (Please note that
‘first’ should not be given emphasis here.) An expression of
casual but polite invitation meaning Why don’t we have a snack?
or Could I invite you to have a snack?
Mag-beer muna tayo/ mag-kape muna tayo (mahg-bber-moo-
nah tay-yaw/mahg-kah-pe moo-nah fay-yaw) Could 1 invite you
to a beer?, Shall we have coffee? etc. (These expressions have
the same connotation as above except that meryenda is replaced
with beer or coffee) ‘Mag +___muna tayo’ has a p tential to
expand and can be used as a structure for other invitations.
Sa ibang araw na (sah ee-bahng ah-rao nah) Literally, in other
days already. Meaning Some other day/Next time. Sa ibang
araw na is a nice way of turning down an invitation.

Medyo tagilid (mehd-yaw tah-gee-leed) Literally, somewhat

tilted. Similar in meaning to the English expression The dice are
loaded. This phrase pertains to a situation the result of which is
not positive. For example: Sa palagay mo mananalo si
Ginoong Santos sa eleksiyon? Do you reckon Mr Santos will
win the election? Hindi yata. Medyo tagilid ang resulta. I
don’t think so. The results are not in his favour / the dice are
loaded against him.
May panahon ka ba? (migh pah-nah-hawn kah hah?) Literally,
Do you have time? Meaning: Are you available?, Do you have a
moment? etc. Students of the Tagalog language sometimes think
that Filipinos are asking about the weather when they hear this
question! Be careful not to mix up the two meanings of the word

Cultural tip

It will not take you very long to recognise that the Philippines is
a country where ‘snacks’ are an essential part of life. In the west,
we speak of ‘three square meals a day’. Filipinos tend to eat
more frequently, but in smaller amounts. If you take a long trip
by bus or jeep, it is not uncommon to stop off at a small town or
even a sarisari store for a snack. Bus stations and Jeepney stands
abound with hawkers selling everything from grilled fish to
chewing gum. If you are travelling anywhere with Filipino
friends, make sure you take a supply of snacks along with you.
If you take nothing on a long journey, they may not complain but
you can be sure that they will be hungry!
14 At the beach

In this unit you will learn how to

■ hire a boat and prepare for a picnic on the beach
■ use m ang verbs and particles

X Hiring a boat
9fl Dialogue 1
Bill, Louise and Roy Cook are at a beach resort. The surrounding
islands look beautiful and so they decide to hire a boat.
Bill M aganda na ang panahon ngayon, magandang
Louise Oo nga. Mamasyal kaya muna tayo tapos magtanong
kung saan maaaring umarkila ng bangka. Roy, gusto mo
bang sumama?
Roy Gusto ko. Tena. (Namasyal sa tabing-dagat ang mag-
Bill Marami pang mangingisda sa laot. Nakikita ba ninyo?
Louise Oo. O, heto na pala ang pa-arkilahan ng bangka.
Bill Magandang araw. Gusto naming umarkila ng bangka
para sa tatlo. Magkano ba?
May-ari Dalawandaang piso po sa bawa’t oras.
Bill Sino naman ang tsuper namin?
M ay-ari Heto po siya. Les ang pangalan niya. [Ngumiti si Les)
Bill Magbabayad na ba kami ngayon?
May-ari Pagbalik na po ninyo.
Bill Maraming salamat.
M ay-ari Wala pong anuman.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
para sa tatlo fo r three (persons)
magkano how much
maniangka to go boating
oonga I agree
mamasyal to take a stroll
kaya muna tayo why don’t we first
tapos then
magtanong enquire
kung saan where
magbabayad will pay
umarkila ng bangka to hire a boat
sumaina to come/go with
marami(ng) many
bawa’t oras each hour
pa(ng) still
tsuper (boat) driver
mangingisda fishing
laot sea
ang pangalan the name
ngumiti smiled
paarkilahan a place to hire
pagbalik when you return

Bill The weather is lovely now, it would be nice to go
Louise I agree. Why don’t we take a stroll first then we can
enquire where there are boats for hire. Roy, would you
like to join us?
Roy I’d love to. Let’s go. (The family go for a stroll on the
Bill There are still many fishermen at sea. Can you see
Louise Yes. Look, here’s the place to hire boats from.
Bill Good day. We would like to hire a boat for three people.
How much will it cost us?
Owner Two hundred pesos an hour sir.
M THE BEACH________________________________ 203

Bill (And) who is the captain of our boat?

Owner Here he is sir. His name is Les (Les smiles)
Dill Do we have to pay now?
Owner When you get back sir.
Bill Thank you.
Owner You’re welcome.
U Exercise 1
Answer the following questions with complete Tagalog sentences:
1. Bakit (why) sabi ni Bill ‘magandang mamangka’?
2. Sila ba ay mamamangka muna (first) o mamamasyal muna?
3. Ano ang nakita nila sa dagat habang (while) namamasyal sila?
4. Sa palagay mo (in your opinion), mura ba ang pag-arkila ng
5. Nagbayad na ba kaagad (immediately) sila sa may-ari ng

1 Language skills
1 Mang verbs
We have already met the um and mag active verb forms. The third
form of active verbs are known as the mang verbs. In Dialogue 1,
you will have noticed a few mang verbs: mamangka, to go
boating, mamasyal, to go fo r a walk and mangisda, to go fishing.
Mang verbs form transitive (e.g. mamili - to go shopping) and
intransitive (e.g. mangawit, be tired) sentences. Broadly speaking,
mang verbs could be described as um verbs where the action has
been pluralised. This may sound confusing at first to the native
English speaker but it is in fact quite simple.
For example, if we were to say bumili ako ng sapatos, then this
um verb sentence would be translated as I bought some shoes. The
act of ‘buying’ shoes is a one-off event. However, if we pluralise
the action described by the um verb, then we end up with a very
different sentence - namili ako ng sapatos, I shopped fo r shoes.
The mang verb form suggests that the action of ‘buying’ was
broader than a one-off event. As such, namili ako ng sapatos

would be translated as I shopped fo r shoes. As the verb ‘to shop’

implies the possibility of a process or more than one action (i.e.
moving from shop to shop in order to buy more than one pair of
shoes), Tagalog would therefore consider it as a plural action.
Don’t worry if this seems to be confusing. Listen carefully to how
native Tagalog speakers use mang form verbs. You will soon
become accustomed to them.
Apart from the pluralisation of action, a further characteristic of
mang form verbs is that they can be used to express an action
which is either ‘deliberately harmful’ (e.g. mangain, to devour) or
an ‘activity directed towards more than one object’ (e.g.,
manguha, to gather). Another notable use of mang is to indicate
an intensive or repeated activity directed toward a single object
(e.g. a young man repeatedly dating a young woman = mangibig.
to date).
Formation of mang verbs
1. Words that begin with p and b e.g. mang + pasyal (take a
stroll), mang + buhay (life).
Formula: Change mang to mam. Drop first letter of word
(pasyal becomes asyal) (buhay becomes uhay).
mam + asiyal = mamasyal to go fo r a stroll = infinitive
mam + uhay = mamuhay to live/conduct one’s life = infinitive
2. Words that begin with d = mang + dukot (put one’s hand into
a pocket).
Formula: Change mang to man. Add the word to man.
man + dukot = mandukot to go pickpocketing = infinitive
man + daya = mandaya to go cheating others = infinitive
3. Words that begin with t and s = mang + takot (afraid), mang +
saksak (stab).
Formula: Change mang to man. Drop first letter of word
(takot becomes akot), (sakit becomes akit).
man + akot = manakot to frighten [several people]
man + akit = manakit to cause pain

4, Words that begin with k = mang + kuha (get).

Formula: Retain mang. Drop first letter of word (kuha
becomes uha).
mang + uha = manguha ‘to get’ = infinitive
5. Words that begin with a, i (and other vowels) = mang + anak
Formula: Merely add mang to word that begins with a vowel.
mang + anak = manganak to give birth to = infinitive
Mang + isda = mangisda to go fishing = infinitive
Mang + agaw = mang-agaw to go grabbing = infinitive
Mang + alok = mang-alok to offer = infinitive
r j Listen to the following verb forms on the tape. Can you see the
difference between the underlying verb form and the mang verb form?
Underlying verb Mang verb
bumili to buy mamili to go shopping
kumain to eat mangain to devour
dumukot to put hand mandukot to go pickpocketing
inside pocket
sumugat to wound manugat to wound (deliberately)
tumaga to cut managa to slash (with intent
to hurt or destroy)
magwalis to sweep mangwalis to hit with a broom
kumuha to get manguha to gather
pumitas to pick mamitas to go a-picking
tumahi to sew manahi to sew
(a number of things)
tumakot to frighten manakot to frighten
(a number of people)
dumikit to get stuck to manikit to get thoroughly
stuck to
sumuyo to curry favour with manuyo to curry favour with
umibig to love mangibig to pay court to /
to date
pumasyal to pay a visit/drop by mamasyal to take a walk/stroll
206 T A G A IO G

Forming m ang verb tenses

Mang (prefix) + isda (fish) = mang + isda ‘to go fishing’ infinitive
(used for requests, commands and suggestions).
ma + ngi + ngisda = future
na + ngi + ngisda = present
na + ngis + da = past
M ang ( prefix) + buhay (life) =
mam + uhay = to live infinitive
ma + mu + mu + hay = future
na + mu + mu+ hay = present
na + mu + hay = past
Variations of a m ang sentence
Verb + actor
Mamimili si Anne
A n n e is g o in g s h o p p in g

Verb + particle + actor

Namamalengke kaya ■+si Elizabeth?
I w o n d e r i f E liz a b e th is s h o p p in g a t th e m a r k e t?

Qualifier + verb + actor + time

Hindi mangingisda ang mga lalaki sa Biyemes.
T h e m e n a r e n o t g o in g f is h in g o n F r id a y

Question word + actor + object + place

Sino ang mamimitas ng dalanghita sa bukid?
W h o w il l g o p ic k in g o r a n g e s o n th e f a r m ?

Qualifier + verb + place + time

Maraming namamasyal sa Luneta tuwing Linggo.
M a n y (p e o p le ) g o s tr o llin g in L u n e ta e v e r y S u n d a y

Actor + verb + object + beneficiary

Si Edith ang namili ng mga aklat para kay Manny.
I t w a s E d ith w h o s h o p p e d f o r b o o k s f o r M a n n y

Q Exercise 2
Can you translate the following?
1. I will go picking fruit tomorrow.
2. They will go fishing on Wednesday.
3. There are many people picking pockets in the market.
4. I will take a stroll tonight.
5. Let us go shopping!

Pfl Exercise 3
Can you supply the answer? (Use the explanations in this chapter
to help you.)
1. B ukas,_________ sila ng rosas at ibang bulaklak sa hardin.
(pitas/pick) (future)
2. Sino ang gustong ______________________? (isda / fish)
3. Walang___________ ngayon sa palengke kasi may baha. (bili/
shop) (present)
4. Meron bang _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sa bayan? (dukot /
pickpockets) (present)
5. ________________ siya ng blusa noong bakasyon (tahi / sew)

Mang verbs and recent action

Remember that when using the recent action with mang verbs,
the same rules apply as outlined above except that mang
changes to pang. For example:
ka + Future = Recent action
ka + mamalengke (will go marketing) = kapapamalengke
ka + mamamaril (will go shooting) = kapapamaril
ka + mamimili (will go shopping) = kapapamili
(See also Unit 12, page 169.)

|Sj Language skiUs

2 P a rticles
You may remember coming across small words such as po (a sign
of respect), pa {still), naman (on the other hand) and na {already)
in previous units. In spite of their small size, these words are
important elements in Tagalog sentence construction. Their
function is to highlight or add impact to a statement, question or
exclamation. In English these small words are known as adverbs,
while in Tagalog they are known as particles. They occur in certain
fixed places in Tagalog sentences.
As a rule, a particle is located ‘sandwiched’ in between the
comment on the left and the subject on the right. For example,
Superbisor si Edith. Edith is a supervisor, (without particle)
becomes: Superbisor (comment) pala si Edith (subject). So,
Edith is a supervisor, or Superbisor na si Edith, Edith is already
a supervisor. However, it is possible to use more than one particle.
How then do we decide the correct order of usage? Where two
particles are used together, then the basic rule of thumb is this: the
shorter particles (one syllable) go before the longer (two syllable)
particles. For example: Superbisor na pala si Edith. So, Edith is
already a supervisor!’ In some instances, you may find anything
up to four or five particles in a single sentence! Due to the many
possible combinations, it would be unfair to try to suggest a single
rule of usage. In such cases, the trick is to ask one of your Filipino
friends how to ‘string’ the particles together, then memorise a few
of the combinations that will be of use to you.
Let’s take a closer look at how two of these particles na (already)
and pa (still) are used:
Explanation of na and pa
Na denotes immediate performance of an action. It also means
already or now.
Bumili ka na (You) buy now
Arkitekto na si Manny Manny is already an architect

Bukas na ang binyag The baptism will now be tomorrow

Ayoko na I don’t like it anymore
Malaki na ang Tessie’s child is big now
anak ni Tessie
Pa is used to mean continuation or resumption of an action.
Bumili ka pa (You) buy some more
Hilaw pa ang mga saging The bananas are still unripe
Tulog pa ba si Father Fred? Is Father Fred still asleep?
Bata pa ang bagong meyor The new mayor is still young
Nagluluto pa ako I ’m still cooking
Example sentences:
1 Malalaki na ang mga anak ni Ginoong de Leon
Mr de Leon’s children are grown up now
2 Wala pa sila
They (are not here) haven’t arrived yet
3 Bukas na ako mamamalantsa
I ’m going to do my ironing tomorrow
4 Bukas na ang palabas
The show will be (held) tomorrow
5 Kumain pa po kayo
Please eat some more sir
Q Exercise 4
Look at the pictures. Each one is accompanied by two statements
(one na and one pa statement). Can you decide which statement is
appropriate to each picture?

Tulog pa si Erwin
Gising na si Erwin

D Exercise 5
Place the following jumbled-up sentences into their correct word
order. Be careful to place the particle in the correct position.
1. pasko / malapit / ang / na
2. pa / nakakakain / hindi / ako
3. ba / sa / na / Sabado / ng / binyag / ang / anak mo
4. sa / sagot / na / tanong / alam / ba / ang / mo
5. sila / pa / kumakain / ba

[J Going swimming
Q D ialogue 2
The Cook family are back on the beach after their boating trip.
Bill Mabuti at naka-arkila tayo ng bangka.
Louise Oo nga. Nakapamasiyal tuloy tayo.
Roy Nakakita ako ng malalaking isda sa tubig.
Louise Nakita ba ninyo ang mga mangingisdal
BUI Oo. Nagtataka ako kung bakit nakakapangisda sila
kahit may mga namamangka.
Roy Nasiyahan ako at nakapamangka tayo.
Louise Ako rin.
Bill Gusto kong Iumangoy na naman.
Louise M asarap ang tubig. Sige, Iumangoy tayo.
Roy Tena.

Tblasalitaan Vocabulary
tahimik calm
naka-arkila was able to hire
bangka boat (canoe)
nakapamangka was able to go boating
nakapamasyal managed to take a stroll
tuloy as a result
nakakita happened to see
malalaking isda big fish
nakita ba ninyo did you see
mangingisda fisherman
nakakapangisda are able/manage to catch fish
masyado(ng) SO

namamangka boating
nasiyahan was pleased
kung bakit why
Iumangoy to swim
nagtataka wondering
tena let’s go
212 T A G A IO G

Bill It was good that we were able to hire a boat.
Louise I agree. And the sea was so calm.
Roy I could see big fish in the water.
Bill Did you see the fishermen?
Louise Yes. I was wondering how they are able to fish while
there are boats (around them).
Roy I am pleased that we were able to go boating.
Louise I am too.
Bill I’d like to go swimming again.
Louise The water is nice. Come on let’s swim.
Roy Let’s go.

H Exercise 6
Answer the following questions in complete Tagalog sentences:
1. Sino ang nasiyahan noong makaarkila sila ng bangka?
2. Ano ang nakita nila noong sila’y namamangka?
3. Ano ang nagagawa ng mga mangingisda kahit maraming
bangka sa paligid?
4. Nasiyahan ba ang pamilya Cook sa kanilang pamamangka?
5. Pagkatapos, ano ang ginawa nilang tatlo?

H Exercise 7
The following pictures are based on Dialogue 2. Can you find the
correct verb to describe each action? Can you make up a simple
sentence to describe each picture?
For example:
Verb: mangisda
Sentence: Nangingisda si Roy Cook

d! Language skills
3 Makapang To be a b le to , to h appen to,
to m an age to, to co m e to
In Dialogue 2, you will no doubt have noticed some new verb
types: nakapamasyai {managed to go strolling), nakapangisda
(was able to go fishing) and nakapamangka (was able to go
boating). These verb types represent the circumstantial form of the
mang verbs. The actions represented by these verb forms are based
on 1) circumstances; 2) ability; 3) involuntary actions. For
example 1) makapang +■ palengke = makapamalengke, to be
able to go shopping in the market. Makakapamalengke na si
Jayne kasi dumating na si John, Jayne will be able to go to the
market because John has arrived. 2) makapang + tahi =
makapanahi to be able to sew. Nakakapanahi na si Tina kasi
ibinili siya ng makina ni Philip, Una is able to do some sewing
now because Philip bought her a sewing machine. 3) Makapang
+ pasyal = makapamasyal, to be able to go fo r a walk/stroll.
Nakapamasiyal si Bernard at si Gary pagkatapos ng hapunan.
Bernard and Gary managed to go fo r a stroll after supper. Look at
some comparisons:

Simple Mang Verb Makapang Verb

mangisda to go fishing Makapangisda to be able
to go fishing
mamaril to go shooting Makapamaril to be able
to go shooting
mamili to go shopping Makapamili to be able
to go shopping
mamalengke to go to the market Makapamalengke to manage
to go to the market
How to form the makapang tense:
Prefix: Makapang, infinitive: mamili, to go shopping
Formula: Change makapang to makapa. Change mamili to mili =
= Makapamili =infmitive, to be able to go shopping
makakapamili = future
nakakapamili = present
nakapamili = past
Prefix: makapang, infinitive: mangisda to go fishing
Formula: Retain makapang. Merely add makapang to isda =
makapangisda = infinitive, to be able to go fishing
makakapangisda = future, will be able to go fishing
nakakapangisda = present, able to go fishing
nakapangisda = past was able to go fishing
Sentence variation in makapang
Verb + actor + time
Nakakapamalengke si Rosie araw-araw
Rosie can go to the market every day.
Qualifier/verb + actor + place
Hindi nakakapamasyal ang mga bata sa tabing-dagat
The children are not able to take a walk on the seashore
Verb + particle/s + actor + time
Nakakapamaril na ba ang mga lalaki kung Linggo?
Are the men [already] able to go shooting on Sundays?

More sentences
1. Ang lalaki ay nakapandukot sa palengke
The man was able to go pickpocketing in the market
2. Nakakapamalengke ka ba kung Huwebes?
Are you able to go to the market on Thursdays?
3. Parang makakapangisda ang mga mangingisda ngayon
It looks like the fishermen can go fishing today

g| Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks with the correct circumstantial verb form maka
for um, raakapag for mag and makapang for mang).
1. I wonder if they were able to buy some coke? (bili / past)
kaya sila ng coke?
2. The children managed to play at night, (laro / past)
ang mga bata sa gabi.
3. I happened to borrow a book from the library, (hiram / past)
____________________ _ ako ng libro sa silid aklatan.
4. He can leave early, (alis / present)
_______________ siya nang maaga.
5. I want to be able to return tomorrow, (balik / infinitive)
Ibig kong_______________ bukas.
J ] Exercise 9
The following sentences are wrong because of the verb tense. Can
you correct the mistake?
1. Nakapangisda sila bukas.
2. Makabili ako ng pasalubong maraaya.
3. Hindi kami nakakakain sa party kahapon.
4. Sino ang makakabisita sa iyo noong isang linggo?
5. Makakain na po ba kayo?
g ] Exercise 10 Speaking, listening and understanding
JjrJ Imagine that you have just returned from a boat trip with your
Filipino friends. You go to pay the owner who engages you in
friendly conversation. Translate your part of the dialogue into

Tagalog before practising the conversation with the help of the

tape. Use the vocabulary box to help you.
Owner Maligayang pagdating! Kumusta ang biyahe mo?
You Thank you. It was a very relaxing afternoon. We were
able to go fishing too.
Owner Nangisda? Aba, mabuti naman! May nahuli ba naman
You Yes. We were able to catch a big tuna fish and two
lapulapu [red snapper].
Owner O, eh di may maluluto kang panghapunan mo.
You Yes! I hope we will be able to return here next year and
catch more fish.
Owner Bukas ang bahay namin sa iyo!
You Here’s my payment for the boat hire.
Owner Maraming salamat sa iyo.
You Thank you very much too.
Talasalitaan Vocabulary
pagdating arrival
nangisda went fishing
nahuli caught
makahuli be able to catch
maluluto able to be cooked
panghapunan fo r supper
makabalik be able to return
bukas open
pag-arkila hire

One-minute phrases

Sa madaling salita (sah mahdah-leeng sah-lee-tah) Literally, in

quick words. Similar in meaning to the English expression ‘to cut a
long story short’. For example: Marami pa akong ikukuwento sa
iyo, pero sa madaling salita, wala na akong panahon, I have a lot
more to tell you but to cut a long story short, I have ran out o f time.
Pagka-alis na pagka-alis (pahg-kah-ah-lees nah pahg-kah-ah-
lees) Literally, upon leaving, upon leaving. Meaning immediately

after leaving. For example Pagka-alis na pagka-alis ng eroplano,

umuwi na kami. Once the aeroplane left, we went home
Mangyari pa 0mahng-yah-ree pah) Literally, happening still. This
Tagalog phrase is equivalent in meaning to the English expression
‘of course’. For example: Umalis si Boy nang walang paalam sa
magulang niya, mangyari pa, nagalit ang mga ito sa kaniya.
Boy left without saying goodbye to his parents, o f course they were
upset with him.
Masarap maligo (mah-sah-rahp mah-lee-gaw) Literally, delicious
to take a bath/to swim Masarap (delicious) is a word we would not
ordinarily associate in English with anything other than food. The
word has a much broader usage in Tagalog, hence it can be applied
to an assortment of pleasurable activities, in this case, the meaning
is ‘It’s nice to take a bath’. For example: Laging masarap maligo
sa dagat, It’s always nice to take a bath (swim) in the sea.
Lipas na sa moda (lee-pahs nah sa maw-dah) Literally, past the
fashion. Similar to the English phrase ‘out of fashion’. For example:
Hindi ba lipas na sa moda ang malaking kuwelyo at bell
bottoms? A r e n ’t wide collars and bell bottoms out o f fashion now ?

Cultural tip

A beach picnic is a popular form of relaxation for Filipinos. Why

not suggest a trip to the beach with your Filipino Mends? Filipino
culture places very high value on ‘harmony’ in relationships.
What better way to deepen your friendships and promote
harmony than opting for a relaxing outing in a restful
environment? There are many bamboo beach houses available for
short-term rental and boats for short excursions. Even if you feel
confident in your Tagalog, it’s a good idea to get your Filipino
friends to agree on a price with the boat or beach house owner.
Chances are that you would end up paying significantly more.
Even if you are paying, let your friends do die talking. They will
feel much happier and you will probably save money!
At church

In this unit you will learn

■ more about the passive
■ ‘in’ verbs
■ more on particles

ES Becoming a godparent
EHDialogue 1
Beth and Edwin have asked Roy to be a godfather at the baptism
of their baby.
Beth Maaari bang gawin ka naming ninong sa binyag ng
aming anak?
Roy Talaga? Aba, oo - isang malaking karangalan ito.
Edwin Dalawa kayong ninong at dalawa rin ang ninang.
Roy Kailan ba gaganapin ang binyag?
Beth Sa Sabado, ika-4 ng Disyembre sa simbahan sa baryo.
Roy Anu-ano ang dapat kong gawin?
Edwin Madali lang. Tatayo lang kayo sa tabi ng magulang
habang nagseseremonya ang pari.
Roy Ganoon lang pala. Anong oras sa Sabado?
Beth Alas 9:30 nang umaga. Pagkatapos, may salu-salo sa
aming bahay.
Edwin O, sige hihintayin ka namin kasama ni Jobert. Tumawag
ka lang kung meron kang itatanong.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
maaari can
gawin be made
ninong godfather
ang pari the priest
binyag baptism
aming anak our child
pala SO
ninang godmother
kail an when
gaganapin will be held
pagkatapos afterwards
anu-ano what are
dapat must/should
ko<ng) I
hihintayin will wait for
madali lang just easy
tatayo will stand
sa tabi next/beside
kasama together with/companion
habang while
nagseseremooya officiating
ganoon like that
sa baryo at the barrio
salu-salo party
tumawag call (on the telephone)
kung if
itatanong something to ask

Beth Would you like to be a godfather to our child ? (at the
baptism o f our child)
Roy Really? Of course - this is a big honour.
Edwin There will be two godfathers and also two godmothers.
Roy When will the baptism be held?
Beth On Saturday December 4 at the barrio chapel.
Roy What will I have to do?
Edwin (It’s) Easy. You will just stand next to the parents while
the priest performs the ceremony.


Roy So that’s it. What time on Saturday?

Beth 9.30 in the morning. Afterwards, a reception follows at
our house.
Edwin All right. We’ll be waiting for you with Jobert. Please
call if you have anything to ask.
Exercise 1 Mga Tanong: (Questions)
Using Dialogue 1 to help you, answer the following questions in
1. Ano ang paanyaya (invitation) ni Beth at Edwin kay Roy?
2. Ilan ang magiging (become) ninong at ninang?
3. Saan gaganapin (will be held) ang binyag at salu-salo?
4. Tinanggap (accept) ba ni Roy ang paanyaya?
5. Sino ang kasama (companion) ni Roy papunta (going to) sa

Language skills
1. ‘IN’ Passive verbs
In Units 12, 13 and 14 we were introduced to the Tagalog active
verb types (um, mag, mang). Dialogue 1 introduces us to a
number of passive verbs (gawin, to make, gaganapin, will be held,
hihintayin, will wait for). Whereas the active verbs we have
looked at lay emphasis on the actor (‘doer’ of the action), passive
verb sentences lay emphasis on the object. With just a glance at the
comparison table, you will quickly see that both active and passive
verbs use different actors (see table). These different actors are
necessary in as far as they inform the listener as to where the
emphasis of the sentence lies: on the object or on the actor. In
Tagalog, active verbs take the ang form actors while passive verbs
use ng form actors. The basic rule of thumb is this: in passive verb
sentences, the actor you use is from the ng group (ni, nina, ko, mo,
niya, namin, natin, nila, etc.), while in active verb sentences the
actor is from the ang group (si, sina, ako, ka, ikaw, siya, kami,
tayo, kayo, sila, etc.) Stick to this rule and you won’t get lost.

The first of the Tagalog passive verbs is the in verb. This verb type
is recognised by the suffix ‘in’ added after the verb root. For
example: kain + in = kainin (be eaten). Like the active verbs, you
can expand passive sentences by adding an adverb, a particle, a
preposition, or a time element and so on. It is also important to note
that some in verbs are directional verbs. For example: Sasabihin
ko sa kanila ang kailangan mo, I ’ll tell them what you need. This
sentence has a verb, an actor, a receiver of the action (the sa) and
a goal (the object).
Passive and active verb actors: a comparison table

Uiu/mag/mang Object In/i/an Object

A Any of B B Any of A
Si Ni
Sina Nina
ako ko
ka/ikaw mo
siya niya
kami namin
tayo natin
ito nito
iyan niyan
iyon noon
ang ng

Don’t forget: ko + ka = kita

Look at the following sentences to compare active and passive verbs:
From active verb to passive verb
um verb to in verb
Verb bumili Verb binili
Actor ako Actor ko
Object ng magasin Object ang magasin
Time element kahapon Time element kahapon
I bought a magazine I bought the magazine
yesterday yesterday

mag verb to in verb

Verb magluto Verb lutuin
Actor tayo Actor natin
Object ng pansit Object ang pansit
Time element para sa party Time element para sa party
ni Caroline ni Caroline
Let us cook some noodles fo r Let us cook the noodles fo r
Caroline’s party Caroline’s party
mang verb to in verb
Verb naninigarilyo Verb sinisigarilyo
Actor si Ambo Actor ni Ambo
Object ng Marlboro Object ang Marlboro
Time element lagi Time element lagi
Ambo always smokes Ambo always smokes the
Marlboro Marlboro
In these sentences you can see that the in verbs are followed by a
definite article.

E Exercise 2
Here are some urn, mag and mang sentences. Rewrite them as in
sentences, using the guide to help you:
Example: Bumasa tayo ng nobela. (Um)
Basahin natin ang nobela.
1. Bukas ba kayo bibili ng bagong stereo?
2. Gumagawa siya ng bulaklak na papel,
3. Tumatahi ka ba nito?
4. Tumutugtog siya ng kundiman sa piyano.
5. Naglilinis pa ako ng kuwarto ko.
6. Pumili ka ng sariwang gulay.

EHAttending a baptism
O Dialogue 2
After the baptism, Roy wants to take a few pictures of the group
outside the church.

Roy Kukunan ko ng retrato ang aking inaanak sa binyag.

Beth Puwede ba kunan mo rin ng retrato ang mga
ninong at ninang?
Roy Aba oo. Kasama rin ang mga magulang ng sanggol.
Edwin Eto pala si Father Rex. Isama natin siya.
Beth Father Rex, sumama po kayo sa amin.
Father Rex O sige. Salamat. Maganda ang binyagang ito.
Edwin Salamat po, Father.
Father Rex Walang anuman.

Talasalitaao Vocabulary
kukunan will take
retrato picture
aking inaanak my godchild
sumama to join
kunan to take
aba oo o f course
sanggol baby
eto pala so here is
isama to include
o sige all right
binyagang ito this baptism

T ra n sla tio n

Roy I want to take some pictures of my godchild.

Beth Can you take a picture of the godparents too?
Roy Of course. Including the parents of the baby.
Edwin Here comes Father Rex. Let’s ask him to join us.
Beth Father Rex, Please join us.
Father Rex All right. Thank you. This is a good baptism.
Edwin Thank you Father.
Father Rex You’re welcome.

E Exercise 3
Using complete Tagalog sentences, what do you say when:
1. You want to take a picture of your friends?
2. You are asking your friend to take your picture?
3. You want to make a nice comment about someone’s dress?
4. You want to ask someone to join you?

PI Language skills
2. Changing the tense of in verbs:
The in infinitive is used for requests, commands and suggestions.
kuha = stem get/take
kuha + in = kuhain (becomes kunin) = infinitive
ku + kunin = kukunin = future
k + in +ukuha = kinukuha = present
k+ in + uha = kinuha = past
alis = stem remove
alis + in alisin = infinitive
a+ alis + in = aalisin = future
in + a + alis = inaalis = present
in+ alis inalis past
TO Exercise 4
Supply the appropriate tense forms of the following in verbs. Use
the examples to guide you:
Infinitive Future Present
1. ibig = stem love =
2. kain = stem eat =
3. linis = stem clean =
4. sulat = stem write =
5. tapos = stem finish =

More on in verbs:
As object, focus in verbs typically denote actions ‘radically’
affecting the goal, such as those causing change in its structure. For
Infinitive Stem
gawin gawa to make, do
lutuin luto to cook
tapusin tapos to finish
tadtarin tadtad to chop
Sometimes used with a directional, focus in verbs may express
motion in relation to a goal (in which case there is usually some
element of contact with the goal). For example:
Infinitive Stem
panhikin panhik to go up into
pasukin pasok to enter
pukulin pukol to throw something at
salpukin salpok to strike against
sampalin sampal to slap one’s face
Most cooking terms fall under in:
Infinitive Stem
saingin saing to cook (as in rice)
lagain laga to boil
prituhin prito to fry (in deep oil)
sangagin sangag to fry (with very little oil, as in rice)
putulin putol to cut
hi wain hiwa to slice
tadtarin tadtad to chop
Most cleaning terms fall under in:
linisin linis to clean
kuskusin kuskos to scrub
ayusin ayos to arrange/tidy up
226 T A G A IO G

Most stative actions (actions describing a state of being) are in:

gulatin gulat to surprise
takutin takot to scare
hiyain hiya to embarrass
gutumin gutom to make hungry
biguin bigo to disappoint
Illnesses can be verbalised under in: Here, there is no actor, just a
lagnatin lagnat to have a fever
sipunin sipon to suffer from cold
malaryahin malarya to suffer from malaria
To be infested by insects fall under in when verbalised. Here again,
there is no actor, just a goal.
anayin anay to be infested with termites
langgamin langgam to be infested with ants
lamukin lamok to be swarmed with mosquitoes
surutin surot to be infested with bedbugs
For example:
1. Nilalanggam ang cake.
The cake is swarming with ants.
2. Sinisipon ka ba?
Are you suffering from cold?
3. Minalarya ang mga sundalo.
The soldiers suffered from malaria.
4. Nilalagnat si Mario.
Mario has a fever.
Sentence variations
Verb + actor + object:
Hiwain ninyo ang sibuyas at kamatis.
You slice the onions and tomatoes

Qualifier + actor + verb + object:

Huwag ninyong kainin ang pagkain nila
Don't you eat their food!
Qualifier + particle + actor + object:
Binabago talaga ng araw ang kulay ng ating balat.
Indeed, the sun changes the colour o f our skin
Question marker + actor + object (directional):
Sino ang gumulat sa kaniya?
Who surprised him/her?
Qualifier + actor + object + verb:
Hindi ko siya pipilitin
I won't force her
Note: There are irregular in verbs that change when forming the
infinitive. For example: bill, buy becomes bilhin, sunod, follow
becomes sundin, kuha, get/take becomes kunin, dala, carry
becomes dalhin, sabi, say becomes sabihin.
E E xercise 5
Choose the correct verb from the brackets and translate the
sentence into English:
1. (Hinuhuli/hulihin/hinuli) ng pulis ang mga sidewalk vendors
araw-araw. (present)
2. Alam mo ba kung ilang mangga ang (kinain/kakainin/kainin)
ni Bosyo kanina? (past)
3. Kailan mo (tinahi/ tatahiin/ tinatahi) ang aking bestida?
4. Huwag mong (sasabihin/ sinabi/ sinasabi) kay Rex ang sagot
mo. (future)
5. Kahapon, (nilinis/ lilinisin/ linisin) na niya ang bagong kotse.

E xercise 6
Look at the three pictures. From the accompanying word box, see
if you can match up two appropriate in verbs to each picture:

linisin to clean
inumin to drink
biihin to buy
kainin to ea t
sirain to destroy
sipunin to have a co ld
gulatin to surprise
lutuin to cook
lagnatin to have a fe v e r
kunin to g et
biruin to tease/joke
kilalanin to know
sabihin to tell

( D Dialogue 3
| 2 | After the baptism the priest is seen speaking to Roy.
Pari Kumusta ka Roy.
Roy Mabuti po naman. At kayo p o l
Pari Mabuti rin naman salamat. Isa ka pala sa mga ninong ng
bagong binyag.
Roy Opo. Tinanong nila ako kung puwede ako at tinanggap ko
naman ang paanyaya.
Pari Mabuti. Ang mga magulang mo, darating ba?
Roy Hindi po.
Pari Pupunta ka ba sa salu-salo?
Roy Opo.
Pari O, sige mag-enjoy ka.
Roy Salamat po.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

isa ka sa mga y o u ’re one o f the

pupunta w ill go
salu-salo p a rty
bago(ng) binyag new ly ba p tised
tinanong was asked
puwede ako I'm available
tinanggap a ccep ted
paanyaya invitation
magulang mo y o u r paren ts
darating w ill arrive
mag-enjoy to enjoy

Priest How are you, Roy.
Roy I’m fine sir. And you?
Priest I’m fine too, thank you. So you’re one of the godfathers
of the newly baptised?
Roy Yes I am. They asked if I was available and I accepted the
Priest Good. Your parents, are they coming?
Roy No sir.

Priest Are you going to (attend) the party?

Roy Yes sir.
Priest All right. You enjoy yourself.
Roy Thank you sir.

d E xercise 7
Here are the answers, but can you supply the questions?
1. Oo. Ninong din ako.
2. Dalawa kaming ninong.
3. Wala rito ang mga magulang ko.
4. Pupunta siguro ako sa salu-salo.

d Exercise 8
Look at the following pictures and listen to the tape. You will
notice that the pictures are out of sequence with the story. After
listening to the story, number the pictures in their correct order:

After replaying the tape and listening to the story several times,
why not have fun by retelling the story in Tagalog to some of your
Filipino friends.

Language skills
3. M ore o n p a rtic le s
In Unit 14 we looked at the particles (adverbs) pa and na. A fuller
list of common Tagalog particles and their uses follows. The ability
to learn and use particles in your spoken Tagalog will not only add
‘polish7to your sentences but will no doubt impress your Filipino
friends too! Look at the table and study the examples that follow:

Particle When and how it is used

naman on the other hand (also used as a form
of reply meaning too/as well/ in fact)
po used out of respect in answering or
addressing an elder or superior or
person of rank
ba interrogative particle answerable by
yes or no
pala so!
nga indeed, truly
raw/daw according to them/ they say/ apparently/
she/he said etc.(raw is used with a
word after a final vowel)
kaya used idiomatically to express doubt
I wonder/ do you think
yata I think, maybe, it seems
rin/din also, too, as well (rin is used with a
word after a final vowel)
na naman again

Example sentences
1. Naupo si Phil at tumayo naman si Harry.
Phil sat down and on the other hand, Harry stood up.
2. Umuulan na naman!
I t’s raining again.
3. Kumusta po kayo?
How are you sir/madam? (very formal)
4. Nagbabakasyon rin kami taun-taon.
We also go on holiday every year.
5. Mandurukot kaya ang taong ito?
I wonder if this man is a pickpocket.
6. Ito pala ang istasyon ng pulisya.
So this is the police station.
7. Ginagamit mo ba ito?
Are you using this?
8. Hindi raw niya kailangan ang pasaporte natin.
Apparently he/she doesn’t need our passport.

Exercise 9
Here are some sentences. Fill in the blank space with an
appropriate particle, then translate the sentence into English. Use
the clues to help you:
Example: Kumakain ka ba ng balut?
Translation: Do you eat balut?
1. H indi__________ sila Pilipino. (so!)
2. M agaganda__________ ang mga bulaklak sa hardin ninyo.
3. S ino__________ ang mga bagong bisita nila? (I wonder)
4. Tinatawag k a __________ ng mga kaibigan mo. (I think)
5. N arito__________ ang mga kailangan ko? (?)

Use of ba
The particle ba cannot be translated directly into English. Its
purpose is to indicate that a sentence is in fact a question. Use of
ba is optional, except in question formulas such as hindi ba, etc.
In the more sophisticated Manila Tagalog, it is often missed out
As a particle, ba is normally found sandwiched between the
comment and the subject of a sentence. For example, Turista
(comment) ba si Ginoong Abbott (subject)?, Is Mr Abbott a
tourist? When more than one particle is used in a sentence, as a
permanent rule, ba comes after na (na ba), pa (pa ba), rin (tin ba),
raw (raw ba) and na naman (na naman ba). When a long string
of particles is used, ba can be found at the end of a sentence, thus
Namili ka rin daw ba?, Did they say you also went shopping?
Occasionally the subject is omitted altogether, such as when the
speaker raises his / her voice tone clearly indicating that they want
to ask a question. For example, Malinis na ba ang mesa?, Is the
table clean already becomes Malinis na ba? (ang mesa), Is it [the
table] clean already?
An amusing word of warning to the Tagalog learner: Be careful
when using the particle ba in connection with the second person
singular ka (informal). In this case, ka precedes ba, i.e. ka ba
(instead of ba ka which translates into English as cow\ For
example, Guro ka ba?, Are you a teacher?, not Guro ba ka?,
which would translate as teacher cow!
O ne-m inute p h ra s e s

Kunan mo ako (koo-nahn maw ah-kaw) Literally, take/get

(something) from me. Meaning take my picture/photograph!! For
example: Gene, kunan mo naman ako sa camera ko,Gene,
would you be kind enough to take my picture with my camera?
Ikaw ang masusunod (ee-kao ahng mah-saw-saw-nawd)
Literally, you’re the one to be followed. Meaning as you like it/
You’re the boss! For example: Kung gusto mong umalis tayo
nang maaga, ikaw ang masusunod. I f you want us to leave
early, then you’re the boss.
234 T A G A IO G

Dahan-dahan ang pagsasalita (dah-hahn dah-hahn ahng

pahg-sah-sah-lee-tah) Literally, slow-slow the talking. Meaning
could you speak a little more slowly. For example: Dahan-
dahan lang ang pagsasalita para maintindihan ko ang
sinasabi mo, Please speak slowly so that I ’d be able to
understand you.
Anuman ang raangyari (ah-noo-mahn ahng mahng-yah-ree)
Literally, whatever the happening. Similar in meaning to the
English expression ‘come what may’. For example: Darating
daw sila anuman ang mangyari, They said they would arrive
come what may.
Tumingin-tingin (too-mee-ngeen tee-ngeen) Literally, to have a
look/see. Meaning to have a look around/ to see. For example:
Kapag namalengke ka, tumingin-tingin ka nga kung may
sariwang lapulapu, I f you go to the market, would you have a
look if there are fresh lapulapu.

(J ) Cultural Tip

Relationship bonds are high on the agenda in Filipino culture.

Filipinos are deeply loyal to their families and are prepared to
sacrifice their own confort and personal happiness in order to
improve the lot of their loved ones. Where no blood ties exist,
Filipino culture finds other ways to forge connections. One such
way is the kumpare or kumare system. These words can be
translated literally as ‘co-father’ or ‘co-mother’. Here, a
respected person is invited by a family to become a godparent at
the baptism of one of their children. If you are invited to be a
godparent remember that it is considered to be an honour. You
are then no longer just a visitor or an outsider, but a ‘co-mother’
or a ‘co-father’ to the child. You are now ‘connected’ to the
family at a deeper level. Of course, it is good to be aware that
such connection may carry certain financial expectations or
even obligations. Saying ‘yes’ to such an invitation may have
consequences, but saying ‘no’ is potentially just as complicated.
16 M OITO?
Could I ask a favour of you?

In this unit you will learn how to

■ make requests and suggestions
■ give a command
■ give instructions

33 Making requests and suggestions

S Dialogue 1
At the Abiva residence, Louise Cook is asking Lily to do
something for her.
Louise Maaari bang ipakihulog mo ang mga sulat ko?
Lily Aba opo. Ibigay po ninyo sa akin at ihuhulog ko kaagad.
Louise Heto. Labindalawa ang mga iyan. Wala akong selyo.
Ibili mo na tuloy ako ng selyo at ipakilagay mo ang mga
selyo sa sulat.
Lily Sige po. Ako po ang bahala. Pupunta ako sa post office.
Louise Maraming salamat ha? Heto ang pera.
Lily Wala pong anuman, Ginang Cook.

Masalitaan Vocabulary
ipakihulog mo could you post
luloy as well
iiba opo of course (formal)
ibigay to give
ua akin to me
ihuhulog wilt post
kaagad immediately
Ibili to buy for
pukilagay please put
ang bahala will look after

T ra n sla tio n

Louise Could you kindly post my letters?

Lily Sure ma’am. If you give them to me I’ll post them
Louise Here. There are twelve there. I don’t have stamps. If you
could also buy some stamps for me and put them on the
Lily All right ma’am. I’ll look after them. I’m going to go to
the post office.
Louise Thank you very much indeed. Here is the money.
Lily You’re welcome, Mrs Cook.

E Exercise 1
Listen to the dialogue again and then answer the following questions.
1. Ano ang sinabi ni Louise Cook kay Lily?
2. Ilan ang sulat na ihuhulog ni Lily?
3. Bakit bibili si Lily ng selyo?
4. Saan bibili ng selyo si Lily?

0 Language skills
1. Passive ‘i’ verbs
A second passive verb form is known as the i type verb. Dialogue
1 gives us a few examples: ibigay, to give, ihuhulog, will post,
ibili, to buy for. As with all passive verb forms, it always takes a
ng form actor (either ni, nina, ko, mo, niya, namin, natin, ninyo,
nila, ninyo, niyan, noon, or ng), while the object or goal is always
an ang form word (either si, sina, ako, ka/ikaw, siya, kami, tayo,
kayo, sila, ito, iyan, iyon, ang mga ito, ang mga iyan, ang mga
iyon, or ang). For example: Ibinalik ni Elvira (actor) ang libro
(object), Elvira returned the book. The infinitive of the i verb is
easily recognised by the prefix i before the root word. For
example: i + hulog = ihulog, to post or to drop, i + tapon = itapon,
to throw and so on.

The i verb is unique in that it is object focused, meaning that we

lay more emphasis on the object rather than on the doer of the
action. For example: Isinara ko ang bintana, The window (object)
was closed by me. or I closed the window. If this same sentence
uses an active verb, the focus would then be on the doer of the
action: Nagsara ako ng bintana, I closed a window. Some i verbs
are also used as beneficiary words, meaning that an action is
performed for the benefit of another person. For example: ibili, to
buy fo r (someone), ikuha, to get fo r (someone) igawa, to make fo r
(someone), isama, to take someone along (for someone). In all of
these cases, the recipient (or beneficiary) of these verbs is
represented with an ang form word.
For example: IbinDi ko si Eileen ng sapatos, I bought (a pair of)
shoes fo r Eileen. Igagawa ko si Neneng ng manyika, I ’ll make a
doll for Neneng. The i verb is also directional, that is, it uses sa as
a goal. Example: Ibigay natin ito sa kanila, Let us give this to
them. Ipinasok ni Larry ang mga silya sa loob, Larry took the
chairs in/inside/indoors.
C o m p a re the um a n d i B e n e ficia ry

Bumili ako ng sorbetes para I bought some ice cream fo r

kay Tess Tess
Ibinili ko ng sorbetes si Tess I bought Tess some ice cream
Gumawa sila ng saranggola They made a kite fo r me
para sa akin
Iginawa nila ako ng saranggola They made me a kite
Sumama ako sa kanila sa sine I went to the cinema with them
Isinama nila ako sa sine They took me to the cinema
C o m p a re th e m ag and i fo rm s

Mag-aakyat siya ng panggatong He/she will bring/take up some

Iaakyat niya ang panggatong He/she will bring/take up the
Nagprito ba kayo ng itlog? Did you fry some eggs?
Iprinito ba ninyo ang itlog? Did you fry the eggs?

Naglalabas na sila ng mga They are taking out some

silya chairs now
Inilalabas na nila ang mga They are taking out the chairs
silya now
Some example sentences:
1. Ibinigay ni Bemie ang bolpen kay Elizabeth
Bemie gave the pen to Elizabeth
2. Isasama mo ba si Stephen sa sine?
Are you going to take Stephen to the cinema ?
3. Isasampay ko muna ang mga damit
I ’ll hang the clothes first
4. Ano ang inilagay mo sa sopas?
What did you put in the soup?
5. Isasara ko na po ba ang mga bintana?
Shall I close the windows now?
6. Itinahi ako ni Letty ng magandang blusa
Lett}’ has sewn a lovely blouse fo r me
7. Igagawa mo ba siya ng laruan?
Are you going to make a toy fo r him/her?
Changing the tense of the i verb
Prefix I
Stem tapon throw
Infinitive I + tapon = itapon to be thrown
Future I + ta + tapon = itatapon will be thrown
Present I + 1 + in + a_ tapon = itinatapon is being thrown
Past I + t + in + a + pon = itinapon was thrown
Some familiar i verbs - Listen and repeat
Listen to the correct pronunciation on the tape. Listen carefully to
the slight variations in pronunciation of each tense and then try to
repeat without the help of the tape.

Infinitive Translation Future Present Past

ibigay to give ibibigay ibinibigay ibinigay
ilagay to put/place ilalagay inilalagay inilagay
Itupon to throw itatapon itinatapon itinapon
Hugo to keep in a safe place itatago itinatago itinago
Itabi to keep aside itatabi itinatabi itinabi
Ibagsak to drop with force ibabagsak ibinabagsak ibinagsak
Itoas to take up/raise itataas itinataas itinaas
Isabit to hang on a hook isasabit isinasabit isinabit
Isampay to hang on a line isasampay isinasampay isinampay
ilulak to push itutulak itinutulak itinulak
iNukat to try something on isusukat isinusukat isinukat
Inara to close isasara isinasara isinara
Ipusok to take inside ipapasok ipinapasok ipinasok
ilabas to take outside ilalabas inilalabas inilabas
ipasa to pass ipapasa ipinapasa ipinasa
ibili to buy for ibibili ibinibili ibinili
ik a in to eat for ikakain ikinakain ikinain
Ik u h a to get for ikukuha ikinukuha ikinuha
Igawa to make for igagawa iginagawa iginawa
isuma to take someone with isasama isinasama isinama
Itahi to sewfor itatabi itinatahi itinahi
iNakay to take aboard isasakay isinasakay isinakay
Some i verbs are used in connection with activities of a social
nature (beneficiary):
Stem Meaning
ikumusta kumusta to say hello fo r
idalo dalo to attend fo r
ihalik halik to kiss fo r
iyakap yakap to embrace fo r
ibalita balita to send news fo r
Ikumusta mo kami sa kanila Say hello to them from us
Ihalik mo ako sa nanay Kiss Mother fo r me
Some i verbs denote actions affecting the position of the ang,
without causing a change in its structure. They often correspond to
mag verbs.
Stem Meaning
iakyat akyat to bring/take up
ialok alok to offer
itapon tapon to throw
iuwi uwi to take home
Inialok ni Peter ang kotse niya Peter offered his car to me
sa akin
Bakit mo iuuwi iyan? Why are you taking that home ?
In their passive form, mag verbs denoting ways of preparing food
are represented as i verbs:
iluto luto to cook
iihaw ihaw to broil/grill
iprito prito to fry
ipaksiw paksiw to make paksiw

Ipinirito mo ba ang isda? Did you fry the fish?

Iniluto ko na ang bangus 1 have cooked the milkfish

U2 Exercise 2
Look at the cartoons. Can you say what actions are being
performed? Write your answer in the space provided. A noun has


Sentence variations using i form verbs:

Verb + actor + beneficiar + object + adverb
Ikukuha ko siya ng tubig
I will get him/her (a glass of) water.
Igagawa namin sila ng laruan
We will make a toy fo r them.
Isinasama nila ako sa parke lagi.
They always take me along with them to the park
Ibili mo kami ng sandwich
Buy some sandwiches fo r us
Pseudo-Verb + particle +verb + actor + receiver of the action + object
Maaari bang ibili mo kami ng sandwich?
Could you buy some sandwiches fo r us?/ Could you buy us some
verb actor object
Ilalabas ni Tessie ang mga panindang gulay
Tessie will take the vegetable goods outside/outdoors
adverb particle actor verb object
Mamaya na namin itatapon ang basura
We will throw out the rubbish later on
Question word + object + actor + place + time
Ano ang itinulak nila sa kalsada kahapon?
What was it that they pushed on the street yesterday?

E Exercise 3 Listening and Speaking

Listen to the tape. You will hear the speaker mention different times
of the day. Each time of day is accompanied by a verb in the
infinitive form. Using your skill and knowledge of i verbs, provide
the correct tense to accompany the time element.
Dialogue 2
ijwi Jobert has been a great help to the Cook family. Bill is speaking to
Bill Jobert, masyado yatang pinapagod ka namin. Nahihiya
kami sa ginagawa mo para sa amin.

Jobert Hindi naman. Konting bagay lang ito. Noong nasa

London ako tinulungan ninyo ako. Malaki ang utang na
loob ko sa inyo.
Kill Ikaw naman. Bale wala iyon. Kalimutan mo na iyon.
Jobcrt Aba, isinama ninyo ako sa mga lugar na hindi ko
maaabot kung Hindi sa inyo. Ibinili ninyo ako ng mga
kailangan ko. Inihatid ninyo ako sa paliparan.
Kill Maraming salamat Jobert sa pag-alaala mo pero Hindi ka
dapat mag-isip ng ganiyan.
Jobert Walang anuman. Maraming salamat na muli.

liilusalitaan Vocabulary
isinama accompanied
pinapagod ka tiring you
nahihiya embarrassed
ginagawa doing
para sa amin for us
hindi naman not so
bagay thing
noong when
tinulungan helped
muli again
utang na loob debt o f gratitude
bale wala means nothing
kalimutan forget
maaabot won't be able to reach
kung hindi had not been
ibinili bought for
kailangan needs
inihatid took to
pag-alaala concern
mag-isip to worry
ganiyan like that

T ra n sla tio n

Bill Jobert, I think we are tiring you a lot. We are feeling (a

little) embarrassed by what you’re doing for us.
Jobert Not at all. This is only a small thing. When I was in
London you helped me. I owe you a lot.
Bill Oh, you. That’s nothing. Please forget about that.
Jobert Well, you took me to places that I would not have reached
had it not been for you. You bought me things I needed.
You took me to the airport.
Bill Thank you Jobert for your concern but you shouldn’t
think like that.
Jobert Don’t mention it. Thank you very much again.

C l Exercise 4
Can you answer the following questions?
1. Bakit nahihiya si Bill kay Jobert?
2. Bakit nag-aataala si Jobert?
3. Magbigay ng dalawang bagay na ginawa nina Bill para kay
Jobert sa London.
4. Kung ikaw, mag-aalaala ka rin ba katulad ni Jobert?

Fj Language skills
2. Mag = verb
Walang + verb
May + active verb or mayroong + Active verb = someone, somebody
May + passive verb or mayroong + Passive verb = something
Walang + active verb = no one, nobody
Walang + passive verb = nothing
Marami + active or Passive = a lot of/ lots of
We have already met the words may, mayroon has/have, mayroon
there is/there are and marami many.
These words are used not only to express possession but may also
be used as may phrases expressing 1) presence; 2) something

Indefinite. Simply speaking, a may phrase expresses presence

when there is no subject in the sentence and may (or mayroon) is
followed by a noun. This is in fact less complicated than it sounds.
I,ook at this example: May pagkain sa mesa. There is food on the
table (food is present on the table).
In indefinite phrases, may (or mayroon) is followed by a verb. For
cxumple: May bibili ba ng Coke bukas?, Will someone buy Coke
tomorrow?, May bumibili ng coke. Someone is buying Coke. May
nuglilinis dito araw-araw, Someone cleans here everyday.
Muyroong* kumatok kagabi. Someone knocked on the door last
night. Maraming* namimili sa palengke kung Sabado, Many
(people) go to the market on Saturdays. (* Note: as a general rule,
muyroon and marami become mayroong and maraming when
followed by a noun). No doubt you will have noticed that each of
these sentences has no subject. When the verb in an indefinite may
phrase is an active verb (um, mag, mang), then the sentence has no
subject. However, if the verb in an indefinite may phrase is a
passive verb (in, i, an) then there is a subject. For example: May
klnuha ako sa kaniya, I took something from him/her. Mayroong
lllnapon si Stephen sa sahig, Stephen threw something on the
floor. Maraming inalis sa trabaho noong bago mag-pasko,
Many (employees) were made redundant before Christmas.
You will remember that the opposite to may is wala. Wala + ng not
only expresses absence or non-possession of something, but like
may, mayroon and marami, it can be used to express the
indefinite. As with may, mayroon and marami, if the verb used with
wala is an active verb (um, mag, mang), then there is no subject.
For example: Walang kumakain ng luto ko, No one is eating what
I've cooked, Walang naglalaro ng tennis ngayon. Nobody is
playing tennis today. Wala bang mamimili bukas? Isn’t anyone
going shopping tomorrow? Again, if the verb used with wala is a
passive verb, (in, i or an) then there is a subject. For example:
Walang binili si Roy sa duty free, Roy didn’t buy anything from
the duty free. Wala ka bang ibibigay kay Sophie? Aren’t you
giving anything to Sophie?, Walang tinawagan si Amy kagabi,
Amy didn’t call anyone (on the telephone) last night.

Reference table
Active verb (um, mag, mang) No Subject + Time etc.
may kumakain kagabi
mayroong kumakain kagabi
maraming kumakain kagabi
walang kumakain kagabi

Passive verb (in, i, an) Subject + Time etc.

may kinain si Patricia kanina
mayroong kinain si Patricia kanina
maraming kinain si Patricia kanina
walang kinain si Patricia kanina

Sample sentences:
May sumigaw sa klase kanina
Someone shouted in class a while ago
Maraming nagbabasketball sa kalye hapon-hapon
Many play basketball in the street every afternoon
May tumawag raw sa akin kagabi
Apparently someone called me (on the telephone) last night
Walang kumain ng luto ni Bennie
Nobody ate Bennie’s cooking
May nagdarasal sa simbahan sa nmaga
Someone prays in church in the morning
May nangyari sa kaniya
Something happened to her/him
May kumakatok yata
I think someone is knocking on the door
May sinabi ka ba sa kaniya?
Did you tell him/her anything?
Walang ginagawa ang mga empleyado dito
The employees here are not doing anything
Maraming binili si Ginang de los Reyes sa tindahan
Mrs. de los Reyes bought a lot o f things from the store

P2 Exercise 5:
The following sentences are jumbled up. Can you put them back
Into their correct order?
1. dito marami(ng) araw-araw bumibili ng libro.
2. sa pinto may kumakatok yata.
ako kahapon may kinuha sa kaniya.
4. walang noong Linggo sa akin sa ospital sumama.
5. sa kabila ng tennis na naman may naglalaro.

y Language Skills
3. Requests, commands and suggestions
To make a simple request in Tagalog, just use maaari bang/
puwede bang followed by the infinitive form of an active or a
passive verb! What could be simpler? Look at these examples:
Maaari bang maupo kayo? Would you mind sitting down?
Puwede po bang huwag Would you mind not smoking?
tayong manigarilyo.
Exercise 6
Try making your own command, request or suggestion:
I'.xample: pumirma. (Request): Maaari bang pumirma kayo dito?
Sir/madam, could you please sign here?
1. Command: tumayo (to stand up)
2. Request: maupo (to sit down)
1. Suggestion: matulog (to sleep)
4. Request: manigarilyo (to smoke)
V Suggestion: mamasiyal (to go fo r a walk)

D Exercise 7
You are on the telephone to your local hardware store. You have
decided to help your Filipino friend make some improvements to
her house but first of all, you will need a few supplies. Complete
the following dialogue, using the vocabulary box to help you:
Ikaw Say good morning
Store Magandang umaga. Ano po ang maipaglilingkod ko sa
Ikaw Ask if they have any cement
Store Marami po kami niyan.
Ikaw Say you would like to reserve ten bags
Store Aba opo. Mayroon pa po ba kayong nais (bilhin)?
Ikaw Ask if they have any marine plywood
Store Wala po. Ordinaryong plywood lamang.
Ikaw Ask if they have any aluminium roofing sheets
Store Opo. Mayroon po, Kararating lang po ng bagong delivery
ngayong umaga.
Ikaw Good. Ask him to reserve twelve sheets fo r you
Store O, eh iyon pong pampako sa pambubong na aluminum?
Ikaw Yes. Two kilos please
Store Mayroon pa po ba kayong kailangan?
Ikaw No, that’s all thank you. I will drop by at midday
Store Ayos lang po, sir. Paalam na po.
Ikaw Goodbye
Ask one of your Filipino friends to help you practise this dialogue

One-minute phrases

Ikumusta mo ako (ee-koo-moos-tah maw ah-kaw) Literally,

Say hello you me. Similar to its English equivalent (‘say hello
for me’), this Tagalog expression is used when sending greetings
to a third person.
Ipagpaumanhin po ninyo (ee-pahg-pah-oo-mahn-heen paw
neen-yaw) Literally, Please bear with/excuse (formal) you.
Meaning ‘to make something appear less serious/ to excuse’.
This is a very polite and commonly used expression

acknowledging any form of inconvenience caused to another

l>erson. For example: Ipagpaumahin po ninyo ang sagabal na
ito sa inyong kalsada. We apologise fo r this obstruction on your
Unti-untiin (oon-tee oon-tee-een) Meaning ‘to do something
little by little/slowly’. A useful phrase used in the same way as
its English equivalent. For example, Sabi ni Nanay, unti-untiin
daw natin ang pagkain ng sorbetes, Mother said that we have
to eat the ice-cream little by little.
I,abag sa batas (lah-bahg sah bah-tahs) Meaning ‘against the
law’. For example: Labag sa batas ang magpasok sa ating
bansa ng anumang drugs, It is against the law to bring into
our country any drugs.
Pagdating na pagdating (pag-dah-ting nah pag-dah-ting)
Literally, upon arrival, upon arrival. Meaning immediately
upon arrival. For example: Sabihin mo kay Pedro na pumunta
sa opisina ko pagdating na pagdating niya, Tell Pedro to come
straight to my office the moment he arrives.

Cultural tip

As a people who consider smooth and harmonious relationships

to be one of life’s essentials, Filipinos have developed ways and
means of engendering favour and good standing with one
another. One such way is the utang na loob or debt of gratitude
system. Very simply, it is understood that any favours received
or favours granted do, indeed, have to be returned. To help
another person out places that person in your debt, and one day
they must find a way of repaying you. Local politicians have
been known to use this cultural value to their benefit,
particularly around election time. Relationship ties are
commonly strengthened by utang na loob which underlines the
Filipino cultural value of inter-dependence. Don’t be surprised
to be on the receiving end of a favour. It is culturally understood
that favours will strengthen ties with you which may come on
useful one day!
A wedding

In this unit you will learn how to

■ understand Filipino customs and traditions: a wedding
■ use reflexive verbs

EHUnderstanding Filipino customs and

[5J traditions: a wedding
Dialogue 1
It is Pinky Abiva’s wedding day. The bride and groom are talking
to their guests.
Louise Kay ganda ng damit-pangkasal mo Pinky.
Pinky Salamat Louise. Mahusay ang modista namin.
Roy Maligayang bati, Pinky. Narito na pala ang mga ninong,
ninang sa kasal, mga abay sa kasal, mga cord sponsors at
mga tagapagdala ng singsing.
Pinky Oo, tinulungan nila akong maghanda para sa araw ng
kasal ko.
Louise Maraming matatapos na gawain kung marami ang
gagawa, Hindi ba?
Roy Naayos na rin ba ang problema tungkol sa retratista?
Pinky Aba, oo. Inayos na ni Jobert.
Louise Ang tungkol sa pulot-gata?
Pinky Hindi pa namin naiisip, kasi marami kaming inasikaso.
Sandali lang ha? Maraming dumarating na mga bisita.
Louise Okay lang.
A Wl. DOING 251

IliliiHiilitaan Vocabulary

tuy ganda how beautiful

daniil-pangkasal wedding dress
nindista dressmaker
nai ill) na here now
mgu among at ninang witnesses
N i l kasal wedding
ingti ubay sa kasal wedding assistants
ingapagdala ng singsing ring bearer
ilinilungan ako helped me
maglianda to prepare
)mru sa araw ng kasal ko for my wedding day
mniatapos na gawain jobs will be finished
ilumarating arriving
ling gagawa will do
ilimyos managed to arrange
problema problem
limgkol sa about
rrlrutista photographer
1nayos fixed/arranged
pulot-gata honeymoon
Hindi pa not yet
nniisip able to think about
Innsikaso dealt with
Niindali lang wait a moment

Louise Your wedding dress is so beautiful, Pinky.
Pinky Thank you Louise. Our dressmaker is very good.
Roy Congratulations, Pinky. So the witnesses are here now,
the cord sponsors and the ring bearers.
Pinky Yes, they (all) helped me prepare for my wedding day.
Louise Things can be done if there are many (hands) to help,
isn’t that so?
Roy Was the problem concerning the photographer solved?
Pinky Oh, yes, thanks to Jobert. (Jobert helped fix it)
Louise How about your honeymoon?

Pinky We haven’t (yet) thought about it, we have so many

(other) things to attend to.
Louise That can be sorted out later, (lit:, that’s all right)

H Exercise 1
True or false? If the answer is false, try to give the correct one:
Example: Kasama sa mga abay sa kasal ang pari.
Answer: Mali. Hindi isa sa mga abay sa kasal ang pari. Ang pari
ang nagbibigay ng seremonya.
1. Maaaring walang ninong at ninang ang ikinakasal,
2. Kailangang maghanda maraming buwan bago ikasal.
3. Laging puti ang damit-pangkasal ng babaeng ikinakasal.
4. Sa Pilipinas, laging may handaan kung may kasalan.

E Exercise 2
Improving your vocabulary. Look at the puzzle. Find as many
wedding-related words as you can:

N I N O N G S 0 L S
P A I L I R o K O I
N O s 0 T I M K A N
T R A C 0 R D M H M
A W EDD IN G 253

j^g Language skills

1. P assive a n v e rb s
Dialogue 1 introduced us to a third type of passive verb known as
(lie an verb. Like the in and the i passive verb forms, the ‘doer’ of
the action (actor) in the an verb form is identified by a ng word (ni,
nina, ko, mo, niya, namin, natin, ninyo, nila etc.). The an verb is
easily recognised by the addition of an (as a suffix) to the root verb.
I'or example: hugas + an = hugasan, to be washed. In a passive an
verb sentence, the ang form (si, sina, ako, ka, siya etc.) indicates
the goal of the sentence while another ng word indicates the object.
For example: Bigyan natin ng pagkain ang bata, Let’s give the
i hiId some food.
The an form verb differs from other verb forms in that: 1) the goal
(or ang) is the receiver of the action. For example, if we were to
Ntiy: Binigyan ko si Alan ng mainit na kape, I gave Alan (a cup
of) hot coffee, then Alan is clearly identified as the receiver of the
iicl binigyan because he has received the coffee. Any action
lltcrefore that the an verb suggests is received by the goal. In
English, we would express this by using the words from, at, with,
to etc. For example: Tinapunan ko si Lewis ng bola, I threw a ball
m Lewis.
2) The goal (or ang) is treated as a ‘space’. For example:
Winawalisan ni Patricia ang balkonahe, Patricia is sweeping the
porch. For the ‘info-holies’ among us, it is interesting to note that
most an verbs are derived from transitive um or mag verbs. For
example, the um verb Bumili siya ng saging sa matandang
babae, He/she bought some bananas from the old woman becomes
hlnilhan niya ng saging ang matandang babae, from the old
woman he bought bananas, when expressed in the an form. Here,
llie emphasis is on the goal or matandang babae. In the same way,
Nngbigay kami ng damit sa pulubi, We gave some clothes to the
beggar, becomes Binigyan namin ng damit ang pulubi, the
beggar was given some clothes by us, with emphasis on pulubi as
Ilie goal. When in and i verb roots are used as an verbs, the
meaning of the verb changes. Look at the examples.

H ow to fo rm an verb tenses

Verb root: punas + suffix: an = punasan = to wipe (to be wiped)

infinitive (can be used in requests, command & suggestions)
pu + punas + an = pupunasan = will be wiped = future
p + in + u + punas + an = pinupunasan = being wiped = present
p + in + u + nas + an = pinunasan = was wiped = past
In some instances, an verbs change to han when forming the
infinitive. This depends on whether the accent on the second
syllable is hard or soft:
For example:
Verb root: sarna + suffix: han = samahan = to be accompanied infinitive
sa + sama + han = sas am ah an = will be accompanied = future
s + in +a + sama + han = sinasamahan = being accompanied =
s + in + a + ma + han = sinamahan = was accompanied = past
Listen carefully to native Tagalog speakers and you will soon pick
up the difference between hard and soft accented words. Here are a
few examples:
tira + an = tirahan/tirhan
pila + an = pilahan
para + an = parahan
sara + an = sarah an/sarhan
asa + an = asahan
bili + an = bilihan
basa + an = basahan
ganda + an = gandahan
dami + an = damihan
dumi + an = dumihan
pinta + an = pintahan
punta + an = puntahan
A W EDD IN G 255
A brief comparison between in, i and an verbs,
in an
kain (eat)
Kakainin nila iyan Kakainan nila iyan
They will eat that They will eat from that
alls (remove)
inalis ni Joe ang plato sa mesa Inalisan ni Joe ng plato ang mesa
Joe removed the plate from A plate was removed by Joe
the table from the table
punit (tear off)
Pinupunit ni Sarah ang papel Pinupunitan ni Sarah ang papel
Sarah is tearing the paper Sarah is tearing o ff from the
(into pieces) paper
You will remember that the receiver of the action in i verbs is
always indicated by sa. In the an verb form, the receiver of the
action is indicated by an ang form word. Compare the following
I An
[bibigay ni Alan kay Lina Bibigyan ni Alan si Lina ng
ang pera pera
Alan will give Lina the money Alan will give Lina some money
Itatapon ko ang sirang silya Tatapunan ko ng sirang silya
sa basurahan ang basurahan
/ will throw the broken chair I will throw a broken chair in
into the bin the bin
Isinara ni Mario ang pinto Sinarhan ni Mario ang pintuan.
Mario shut the door Mario closed the door
An verb sentence variations:
Verb + actor + object/goal
Dinumihan ni Charlotte ang kaniyang damit.
Charlotte soiled her clothes
Verb + particle + actor + Receiver of the action/goal
Sinulatan ba ni Louisa ang kaibigan niya?
Did Louisa write to his/her friend?

Qualifier + actor + particle + verb + object + goal

Hindi mo raw binigyan + ng pern si Viv.
Apparently, you didn’t give Viv (any) money.
Question word + receiver of the action + actor + time
Sino ang nginitian ni Tim kanina?
Who did Um smile at a while ago?
Pseudo-verb + verb + actor + Object + Receiver/goal
Gustong bigyan ni Lucy ng bibingka ang bata,
Lucy would like to give the child some rice cakes.
E Exercise 3
Using the examples to guide you, change the following sentences
into an form sentences:
1. Kakainin ko ang pansit sa plato.
2. Tumutulong ako sa kaniya.
3. Maglalagay kami ng rosas na halaman dito.
4. Gusto kong ibigay kay Larry ito.
5. Ilalagay ba natin ito doon?
6. Huwag mong aalisin ang libro sa mesa.

E Exercise 4
Fill in the blank spaces with the correct verb form:
1. B ukas__________ (tulong) namin sila. (future)
2. Kailan ninyo__________ (laki) ang inyong kusina? (past)
3. __________ (sukli) ka na ba ng tsuper? (past)
4. Si Wills at si Ruth ang__________ (sama) niya bukas. (future)
5. Mahusay sumayaw ang__________ (bigay) nila ng premyo sa
6. __________ (halik) ng bata ang lolo niya. (present)
7. __________ (sarap) ng tagapagluto ang handa sa parti, (future)
8. Ayokong___________ (palit) ang aking maleta. (infinitive)
A W EDD IN G 257

JFj Exercise 5:
When arranged in the correct sequence, the following sentences
will tell a story. Arrange the sentences into the correct order and
Ihcn translate the story into English. Use the vocabulary box to help
Nu kasalan
Nupagod sa pagsayaw ng Tinikling ang pamilya Cook subali’t
nasiyahan sila.
I lubang kumakain ang ilan sa mga bisita, tumugtog ang maliit na
La sa mga tugtugin ay Tinikling.
Tumulong sa paghahain at pagsisilbi ang mga kaibigan ni Pinky.
May tugtugin at ang mga panauhin ay sumayaw.
ihwang-tuwa ang lahat dahil sa marunong mag-Tinikling si Bill at
si Louise.
Maraming kumuha ng retrato sa bagong kasal paglabas nila ng
I)u mating ang bagong kasal kasunod ang mga panauhin.
Isa-i sang nagpaalam ang mga panauhin.
Nagbigay din ng speech ang ‘best man’.
inihanda ng mga tagapagluto ang pagkain at inumin dahil sa
darating na ang mga panauhin.
Maraming sasakyan ang umalis sa simbahan papunta sa bahay ng
bagong kasal.
Aug mga nagluluto sa kusina ay abala.
Paglabas nila sa simbahan, sinabugan ng bigas ang bagong kasal.
Inanyayahan ng mga panauhin na sumayaw ng Tinikling si Bill,
Louise at Roy. Maraming pagkain at marami ring inumin.
Na dulang, nagbigay ng maikling speech ang mga bagong kasal.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
napagod got tired
pagsayaw dancing
subali’t but
bagong-kasal newly wed
paglabas upon leaving
tumugtog played (a musical instrument)
banda band
inihanda prepared
tugtugin music
tumulong helped
paghahain offering
pagsisilbi serving
panauhin guests
sumayaw danced
tuwang-tuwa happy
lahat everybody
sinabugan sprinkled with/showered with
marunong know
kumuha took
nagpaalam said goodbye
nagbigay gave
tagapagluto cook
sasakyan cars etc.
nagluluto cooking
inanyayahan invited
dulang table

Exercise 6 Listening
Here are some commonly usee an verbs. Listen to the correct
pronunciation on the tape. After listening to the pronunciation a few
times, try to repeat what you heard without the help of the tape:
Infinitive Meaning Verb root
awitan to sing awit
ayusan to arrange ayos
asahan to rely upon asa
alalayan to assist/guide alalay
basahan to read to basa
A W ED D IN G 259

bigyan to give to bigay

bihisan to clothe bihis
damitan to clothe damit
damihan to make many dami
dumihan to soil / dirty dumi
gandahan to make beautiful ganda
halikan to kiss halik
habaan to lengthen haba
sundan to follow sunod
tularan to copy/imitate tulad
puntahan to go to punta
pintahan to paint pinta

fy Language skills
2. Expressing the circumstantial in passive verbs
Ma, Mai, Ma-an To be able to, to happen to, to com e to, to
manage to
The three passive verbs in, i and an form the circumstantial as
■ by adding the prefix ma to in verb roots. For example: ma +
kain = makain (to be able to be eaten)
■ by adding the prefix mai to i verb roots. For example: mai +
tapon = maitapon (to be able to be thrown)
■ by adding the prefix ma and suffix an to an verb roots. For
example: ma + hugas + an = mahugasan (to be able to be
As in active verbs, some actions are brought about purely by
circumstance, by accident or by occurrences beyond the actor’s control.
I Icre is a guide on how to use the ma, mai and ma-an prefixes with
lhe passive in, I and an verbs.
In verbs
Ma = (prefix) + kain (verb root)
ma + kain = makain = infinitive
to be able to be eaten
to happen to be eaten
to manage to be eaten
to come to be eaten

ma + ka + kain = makakain = will be able etc. to be eaten = future

na + ka + kain = nakakain = able be eaten = present
na + kain = nakain = was able etc. to be eaten = past
I verbs
Mai = (prefix) + bigay (verb root)
Mai + bigay = maibigay = infinitive
to be able to be given
to happen to be given
to manage to be given
to come to be given
mai + bi + bigay = maibibigay = will be able etc. to be given = future
nai + bi + bigay = naibibigay = able etc. to be given = present
nai + bigay = naibigay = was able etc. to be given = past
An verbs
Ma (prefix) + hugas (verb root) + an (suffix)
Ma + hugas + an = mahugasan = infinitive
to be able to be washed
to happen to be washed
to manage to be washed
to come to be washed
ma + hu + hugas + an = mahuhugasan = will be able etc. to be
washed = future
na + hu + hugas + an = nahuhugasan = able etc. to be washed =
na + hugas + an= nahugasan = was able etc .to be washed - past
Some examples of the circumstantial in passive verbs
In verbs
mabili to be able etc. to be bought
makain to be able etc. to be eaten
madala to be able etc. to be brought
malinis to be able etc. to be cleaned
maluto to be able etc. to be cooked
masulat to be able etc. to be written

maitapon to be able etc. to be thrown
maibigay to be able etc. to be given
tnaisama to be able etc. to be taken with
maituro to be able etc. to be taught
maigawa to be able etc. to be bought fo r
ntaisakay to be able etc. to be given a lift
An verbs
mahugasan to be able etc. to be washed
malinisan to be able etc. to be cleaned
mahalikan to be able etc. to be kissed
inusulatan to be able etc. to be written to
masamahan to be able etc. to be accompanied
mabayaran to be able etc. to be paid

PJ] Exercise 7
Kead each of the following sentences carefully. Using the
nlternative tense given in the brackets, rewrite each sentence. Don’t
forget to adjust the time-element, if any is given.
Example: Gusto kong malinisan ang mesa, (present)
Answer: Nalilinisan ko ang mesa.
1. Nasulatan mo na ba si Sophie? (present)
2. Naitatapon ni Harry ang basura lagi. (future)
3. May nabuksan siyang kabinet kanina. (present)
4. Hindi nasamahan ni Caroline si Phil sa bayan kagabi. (future)
5. Sino ang naisasakay mo sa kotse araw-araw? (past)

(23 Talking about customs

O Dialogue 3
At the party following the marriage ceremony, Bill Cook witnesses
some traditional Filipino wedding customs for the first time. He
strikes up a conversation with Peter, Pinky’s uncle.
Peter Kumusta kayo, si Peter ako. Tiyo ni Pinky. Sana
nagustuhan ninyo ang aming handaan.
Bill Aba oo. Masaya ang kasalang ito. Ngayon lang ako
nakakita ng pera na ikinakabit sa damit ng bagong kasal.
Peter Isa iyan sa mga tradisyong Pilipino.
Bill Napansin ko rin na nagmamano ang bagong kasal sa mga
lolo at lola at ang lola ay bumubulong sa babae at ang lolo
naman ay bumubulong sa lalaki.
Peter Oo nga. Hindi lang iyon. Mamaya, may ibibigay ang
matatanda sa kanila. Nakabalot ito sa panyo. Kadalasan
ito’y pera upang gawing puhunan ng bagong mag-asawa.
Bill Magandang kaugalian iyan. Bakit naman tumatakbo ang
bagong kasal na parang nag-uunahan sila?
Peter Ah kasi, may kasabihan ang mga Pilipino na kung sino sa
dalawang bagong kasal ang unang umakyat sa bahay,
siya ang masusunod.
Bill Ganoon ba?

Talasalitaan Vocabulary

tiyo uncle
sana I hope
nagustuhan liked
handaan reception
ibibigay will be given
ngayon lang just now
nakakita was able to see
ikinasal married
kinakabitan being attached
tradisyon(g) tradition

nupansin noticed
mtgmamano kissing the hand
Itugong kasal newly wed
niasiisunod will be followed
lolo at lola grandpa and grandma
Inimubulong whispering
buhae at lalaki man and woman
oo nga indeed
mutatanda the old ones
mikabalot wrapped
kadalasan often times
puhunan capital
lumatakbo running
nag-uunahan beating each other
kasabihan saying
umokyat climb up

Peter How are you, I’m Peter, Pinky’s uncle. I hope you like our
Illll Oh, yes. This wedding celebration is good. This was my
first time to see (paper) money being pinned to the clothes
of the newly weds.
Peter That’s a Filipino tradition.
Kill I also noticed that the newly weds kissed the hands of the
(their) grandparents and that the grandmother whispered
(something) to the girl (while) the grandfather whispered
(something) to the boy.
Pete Indeed. That’s not all. Later on, the old people will give
(something) to them wrapped in a handkerchief. Usually
this is money to be used by the newly weds as capital.
Kill That’s an interesting custom. Why are the newly weds
chasing one another?
Peter Oh, that’s because we have a Filipino saying that whoever
(between them) manages to climb up (the stairs) to the
house first will be the ‘boss’.
Kill Really?

B Exercise 8
Answer in complete Tagalog sentences:
1. Ano ang unang tradisyon na binanggit (mentioned) ng tiyo ni
2. Sino ang humahalik sa bagong kasal na babae?
3. Bakit binibigyan ng nakabalot na pera ang bagong kasal?
4. Ano ang dahilan (reason) kung bakit tumatakbo ang mag-asawa?

Language skills
3. Sarili ko/aking sarili etc. Reflexive
Mismo Intensive
‘I myself will do the painting.’ ‘Letty will feed herself.’ ‘Liam
overworks himself.’ All of these examples indicate an action done
to or on behalf of the self. The subject is the beneficiary of the
action. These are reflexive expressions. The Tagalog word used to
express the reflexive is sarili {self, own). The Tagalog reflexive is
used either in connection with a ng form personal pronoun (ko, mo,
niya, namin, natin. ninyo and nila) or a sa form personal pronoun
(akin, iyo, kaniya, amin, atin, inyo or kanila) plus a ng ending.
The sa form personal pronouns then become: aking, iyong,
kaniyang, anting, ating, inyong and kanilang. Both ng and sa
form personal pronouns can be used interchangeably. There is no
hard and fast rule suggesting when sa or ng can or cannot be used.
Look at the following examples given in both forms: sarili ko/
aking sarili = m yself, sarili mo / iyong sarili, yourself etc. Here
are some example sentences: Sinaktan niya ang sarili niya, He
hurt himself. Huwag mong saktan ang sarili mo, D on’t hurt
yourself. However, the word sarili may also be used on its own. For
example: Sarili ko ito. This is my own. Sarili ni Steve ang bahay
na ito, This house is Steve’s own. When a reflexive phrase is used
as a describing word, a ng word may be used. For example:
Tumitingin si Mamerta ng sarili niyang retrato, Mamerta is
looking at a picture o f herself.
Another way of expressing the reflexive in Tagalog is through the
word mismo. Mismo is a stronger word than sarili and so serves to
further stress the personal pronoun that accompanies it. Mlsmo takes
it ng ending when following a pronoun. For example: Mismong ako,
I myself, mismong sila, they themselves, mismong kami, we
ourselves and so on. When a personal pronoun precedes mismo, then
ng In not used. For example: Ako mismo, I myself. Siya mismo, he
himself. Sila mismo, they themselves and so on. Mismo can also be
used with a sa form word. For example: Mismong sa Cubao siya
itilkatira, It’s in Cubao itself that he/she lives.
Some example sentences:
I Kinuha niya mismo ang pera sa bangko
He took the money himselffrom the bank
2. Ako mismo ang sumalubong kay Paul sa paliparan
/ myself went to meet Paul at the airport
(or I went to meet Paul at the airport myself)
V Sinaktan niya ang sarili niya
He hurt himself
4, Siya mismo ang tumingin sa akin
It was he himself who examined me
Exercise 9
Supply mismong + noun/ pronoun or a pronoun + mismo in the
blank space: Don’t forget the linker ng if one is necessary.
1. Sumulat __________ sa akin, (he/she)
2. __________ ang bumili ng pagkain para sa party, (we)
.1. Nilinisan__________ ang kotse namin. ( they)
4. __________ b a ___________ang nagdala ng mga maleta? (you)
5. __________ ang pumunta sa kasal ni Pinky. (Fred and friends)

Exercise 10
fSfl Look at the pictures below while listening to your tape. Can you
™ match the verb with the correct picture?

One-minute phrases

Saan ang punt a mo? (sah-akn ahng poon-tah moo?) Meaning

where are you going? A very common question in Tagalog. It is
not meant to be taken literally, requiring an explanation of where
you are going. Rather, it is just another way of saying ‘hello’ or
acknowledging you. It is just another way of making small talk.
Diyan lang (dyan lahng) Literally, just there. This phrase is
usually used as a polite answer to the question: Saan ang punta
mo?, Where are you going ? As Saan ang punta mo? it is only
a form of saying ‘hello’ it commonly elicits a simple reply such
as D ’yan lang, just there.
Wala nang oras (wah-lah nahng aw-rahs) Literally, no more
time. Meaning w e’ve run out o f time/time is short. This short
phrase can also mean: Wala nang panahon, time has run out.
For example: Wala nang oras ang mga bisita upang matulog.
The guests have no time left to go to sleep.
a W IN D IN G 267

Maghintayan tayo (mahg-heen-tah-yahn tah-yaw) Meaning

lot’s wait for one another. When two people agree to meet one
another at an agreed location. For example: Maghintayan tayo
nh harap ng McDonald’s sa Kalye Lorenzo, Let’s wait fo r one
another in front o f [the] McDonald’s in Lorenzo Street.
Nug-uurong-sulong (nahg-oo-oo-rawng soo-lawng) Literally,
moving backward, moving forward. Meaning ‘hesitating’/
’cannot make one’s mind up’. For example: Nag-uurong-
Nulong si Maria kung pupunta siya sa Palawan bukas, Maria
i annot make her mind up/ is hesitating as to whether she will go
to Palawan tomorrow.

C u ltu ral T ip

Filipino weddings are formal occasions and so require formal

attire. If invited to be a sponsor at a wedding, remember that it
is an honour which carries responsibilities beyond the wedding
tiny itself. The bride and groom look to their sponsors as
dependable figures in whom they can rely for advice and other
forms of concrete support throughout their married lives.
Although Filipino weddings are formal, they are also very
I'estive occasions steeped in many fascinating traditions. Relax,
enjoy the experience and remember to make yourself at home!
At a town fiesta

In this unit you will learn how to

■ celebrate the Filipino fiesta
■ use the gerund
■ handle a water buffalo!

Celebrating the Filipino fiesta

S Dialogue 1
Bill, Louise and Roy have been invited to a barrio fiesta.
Bill Napakaraming tao sa pistang ito. M araming
dekorasyong palawit sa kalye, sarisaring bandera at
talagang makulay ang buong lugar.
Louise Oo nga. Apat raw ang banda at maraming paputok
mamayang gabi kapag nagkoronasyon ng reyna ng
pistang bayan.
Roy Nagpunta ako sa kabayanan at maraming mga may
puwesto. Karamihan ay mga tindang damit at laruan.
Louise Sang-ayon sa meyor mayroon daw reyna ng pistang
bayan. Siya ang nanalo sa ‘popularity contest.’
Mayaman siguro.
Roy Sa parke ay may tsubibo at mga labanan sa basketbol.
Meron ding iba’t ibang palaro para sa mga bata katulad
ng pag-akyat sa kawayan, pagsungkit ng laso, pagsakay
sa kalabaw, pagtakbo sa sako, pagkain ng murang niyog
at iba pa. Gusto kong manood.
Louise Manood din tayo ng parada. May karosa at ililigid daw
ang reyna at ang kaniyang mga abay. Gusto kong makita
ang mga kasuotan.

Hill Tayo ay kumbidado sa bahay ng kapitan kasi naghanda

raw sila para sa atm. Meron daw litsong baboy.
Roy O sige, pumunta tayo. Gusto kong makakita ng
Kill Oo nga.

Tulasalitaan Vocabulary

napakarami(ng) so many
pista(ng) feast day
dekorasyon(g) decoration
palawit bunting
narisari(ng) assorted
lalugang makulay really colourful
Inning lugar whole place
kawayan bamboo
pagsungkit hooking with a pole
paputok fireworks
imimayang gabi tonight
kapag when/during
iiagkoronasyon crowned
nagpunta went
knbayanan town
puwesto stalls
kuramihan many of
linda(ng) damit clothes fo r sale
Uiligid will be driven around
sang-ayon according to
royna queen
n an a lo won
mayaman rich
para sa atin fo r us
pistang bayan town fiesta
parke park
titubibo ferris wheel
labanan contest
palaro games
katulad ng like
pug-akyat climbing
pagsakay riding
pagtakbo running

sako sack
pagkain eating
murang niyog young coconut
manood watch
parada parade
karosa procession cart
kaniya(ng) her
mga abay consorts
kumbidado invited
kapitan captain
naghanda prepared food
pumunta go

Bill The (town) fiesta is packed with people. The streets are
decorated with different kinds of flags and the whole
place is really colourful.
Louise I agree. I heard that there are four bands and there will be
plenty of fireworks tonight during the coronation (of the
fiesta queen).
Roy I went to the town centre and there are many stalls. Most
(of them) are of clothes and toys.
Louise According to the mayor there will be a fiesta ‘queen’. So
she won the popularity contest! Perhaps she’s rich.
Roy There is a ferris wheel at the park and a basketball
contest. There are also children’s games like bamboo
climbing, hooking the ribbon, riding the water buffalo,
sack racing and eating young coconut. I ’d like to go and
Louise Let’s also watch the parade. There is a decorated cart and
the ‘queen’ and her consorts will be driven around (the
town). I’d like to see their costumes.
Bill We have been invited to the Barrio Captain’s house. They
have made some preparations (for us). Apparently they
are preparing lechon*
Roy Okay, let’s go. I’d like to be able to see how to cook
Bill I agree.

*Inchon: a traditional Filipino delicacy

Cooking lechon: A pole is pushed through a freshly slaughtered
mid cleaned suckling pig. The pig is then roasted on a spit over
mi open fire. The process takes between four and five hours
during which the carcass is regularly turned and periodically
daubed with oil to give it a crispy skin.

[Fj Exercise 1 Mga tanong: (Questions)

1, Anong uri ng pagdiriwang ang pinuntahan nina Bill?
2. Kailan kokoronahan ang ‘reyna’?
1. Anu-ano ang mga tinda sa kabayanan?
4, Sa palagay mo, ano ang mahalaga sa isang popularity contest?
,V Magbigay ng tatlong palaro para sa mga bata.
(>. Bakit isasakay sa karosa ang reyna at mga abay?
7. Sino ang nag-imbita sa pamilyang Cook?

(9 Language skills
1. Pag + verb root
Ka + verb root + an
Ang + verb
No doubt you are familiar with stories from your childhood where
frogs were transformed into handsome princes (or was it the other
way round?) at the wave of a magic wand. The Tagalog language
cannot endow you with magical powers but it too has its own form
of magic wand with the ability of transforming verbs into nouns.
This process is known as nominalisation, and the resulting word a
gerund. This process of transforming verbs into nouns may at first
sound rather complex, but is in fact quite simple. Notwithstanding
a few exceptions in English, a gerund is basically a nominalised
verb ending in ‘ing’ (i.e. cooking, singing, dancing etc.). In
Tagalog, the prefix pag is added to a verb stem to produce a gerund.
The gerund is commonly used in response to the question word
'how’, expressing the manner in which a word is performed. For
example: pag + kanta = pagkanta (singing). Gusto ko ang

pagkanta mo, I like your singing, pag + sayaw = pagsayaw

0dancing). Ang pagsayaw ang paborito kong libangan, Dancing
is my favourite pastime.
Another method of forming a noun from a verb stem is by using
the prefix ka together with the suffix an. Ka and an sandwich the
verb resulting in a nominalised verb. For example: Ka + gating +
an = kagalingan, goodness, ka + ibig + an = kaibigan, ‘friend’
etc. Occasionally, the suffix an may become han if this makes the
word easier to pronounce. For example: ka + ligaya + han =
kaligayahan, happiness. Ka + ganda + han = kagandahan.
beauty. When a verb stem ends with the letter ‘d’, this letter
becomes an V when forming a gerund with ka + an. For example:
tamad, lazy = ka + tamad + an = katamaran, laziness. More
examples follow.
Another way of transforming a verb into a noun in Tagalog is
simply by placing the word ang before the verb (in any tense)! For
example: 1) ang nagsasatita (the person talking) or speaker. Sino
ang nagsasatita?, Who is the speaker?-, ang maglalaba ko (the
person washing clothes for me) my laundry person, Narito na ang
maglalaba ko, My laundry person is already here.
Further example sentences:
1. Kami ang mag-aayos ng mga gamit mo
We will be the ones to tidy up your things
2. Maraming kaibigan si Larry
Larry has many friends
3. Kumusta ang pagtulog mo?
H ow’s your sleeping? [how did you sleep?]
4. Gusto ng mga guro ang pagtula ni Doming
The teachers liked Doming’s poem recitation
5. Kilala mo ba ang nagsasatita?
Do you know the person talking?
6. Ayaw ni Nanay ang pagsama ni Stephen sa barkada niya
Mother doesn’t like Stephen going out [with his gang]
7. Gabi na ang kaniyang pagsimba
His/her churchgoing is/was quite late already
8. Ano ang ipinagbili mo?
What (goods) did you sell?

j^j I Jtercise 2
( live the ka + an form of the following words (remember the rule
about verb stems ending with the letter ‘d’ ):
I palad (palm)
1, lamad (lazy)
t wala (none)
>t, yaman (rich)
1, bahay (house)
ft, mali (wrong)
Home com m only n o m in a lised verb s

Pug prefix:
pagkain eating
pug-alis leaving
pagtawa laughing
pugsalita talking/speaking
|)uglapit coming nearer
paglayo going away
pag-ibig love
Ka prefix + an suffix:
kuhinaan weakness
kubaitan kindness
kabutihan goodness
karapatan right
karunungan knowledge
kasinungalingan lies
katindihan intensity
kalimitan frequency
kalalakihan menfolk
kababaihan womanhood
katauhan personality
kutarungan justice
kakayahan ability

H Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate noun from the two preceding
1. ________ ay lakas.
2. Puro________ daw ang sinasabi ng mga politiko.
3. Dalawa ang pila. Isa sa m ga________ at isa sa mga
4. Lahat tayo ay m ay_______ _ sa mundong ito.
5. Ano an g ________ mo sa trabahong ito?
Exercise 4 Listening and recognising
Listen to the conversation on the tape. You will hear a number of
nominalised pag and ka + an words used. Can you pick out the
words used from those listed here?
karapatan pagngiti
kaligayahan kasabihan
paglabas kasunduan
pagpunta kalimitan
pag-alis kasalanan
pagsama pagtawa
kaayusan pagsulat
kasamaan pagtalima
pagkain pagpasok

Dialogue 2
The Cook family continue to enjoy their day out at the barrio
Fiesta. Bill is in conversation with one of the guests at the Barrio
Captain’s house.
Rudy Kumusta po kayo? Si Rudy po ako. Sana nag-eenjoy kayo
sa aming pistang bayan.
Bill Oo. Nagtataka lang ako. Parang gumagastos ang mga tao
kapag may pistang bayan. Kahit saan ako tnmingin, may
pagkain at may inumin.
Rudy Ganoon nga po. Nag-iipon ng pera ang mga tao sa loob ng
isang taon upang makapaghanda sa pista.
Bill Hindi yata tama iyan kasi magpapagod ka sa trabaho sa
loob ng isang taon pagkatapos gagastusin mo ng

minsanan. Biglang mawawala ang inipon mong pera

dahil lang sa pista.
Mudy Totoo iyan subali’t kaugalian na ng mga Filipino iyan.
Kapag naubos na ang pera, bahala na!
BUI Ganoon ba?
Mudy Opo. Kadalasan pa nga ang iba nangungutang para
makapaghanda lang.
Illll Mahirap din pala ang kaugaliang ito, ano?
Mudy Talaga - pero sinasabi lang namin - ‘bahala na!’

hilasalitaan Vocabulary
pagkatapos afterwards
Itagaslusin will be spent
nag-eenjoy enjoying
blgla(ng) suddenly
plntang bayan town fiesta
kuhit saan anywhere
luiningin look
may pagkain there is food
Inloo true
ganoon nga really like that
nug-iipon ng pera saving money
kapag ifAvhen
mi loob ng in(side)
iming taon one year
upang in order to
makapaghanda be able to prepare
magpapagod to become tired
mi irabaho at work
minsanan in one go
mawawala will disappear
ling inipon the savings
dahil lang just because of
Niibali’t but
kaugalian custom
naubos finished
bahala na come what may
kung minsan sometime
nangungutang borrow money
sinasabi lang just say

T ra n sla tio n

Rudy How are you sir? I’m Rudy. I hope you’re enjoying our
town fiesta.
Bill Yes (I am). I’m just wondering. It looks as though people
like to spend money when there is a fiesta. Everywhere I
look there is food and drink.
Rudy It’s really like that. People save money all year in order to
enjoy the fiesta.
Bill I’m not sure that’s a good idea because people work very
hard at work all year just to spend (their earnings) in one
go. Their savings suddenly disappear just because of the
Rudy That’s true but that’s already a Filipino custom. When the
money happens to run out, leave it to destiny!
Bill Is that so?
Rudy Yes. Often times others even borrow money just to prepare.
Bill This custom is rather difficult, isn’t it?
Rudy Indeed - but we just say ‘bahala tia' . (see cultural tip)

E l Exercise 5
Which of the following statements are true? If the statement is
false, can you give the correct answer in Tagalog?
1. Ayaw gumastos ng mga tao kapag may pistang bayan.
2. Nag-iipon ang mga tao ng pera upang bumili ng kalabaw.
3. Unti-unti nilang ginagastos ang perang inipon nila.
4. Mabuting kaugalian ang magdiwang ng pista.
5. Mabuti para sa lahat ng tao ang pista.
Exercise 6: Listening & Speaking
On your way to a fiesta, you meet some friends on the road. You
stop to have a chat before continuing. Use the suggestions to help
you fill out your part of the dialogue. Use the tape to practise the
Nonoy Kaibigan, kumusta ba? Dadalo ka ba sa pista?
Ikaw (Say yes, we are going to the fiesta)
Al A TOW N FIESTA____________________________________________ 277

Nonoy Marami nang tao doon. Mahilig ka bang sumayaw?

Ikuw (Tell him you like dancing very much)
Nonoy Mabuti!! Maganda ang tugtog at may pagkain din.
Ikuw (Ask him where the fo o d and drinks are being sold)
Nonoy Doon, malapit sa Munisipyo.
Ikuw (Thank him and invite him to join you)
Nonoy Hindi na, salamat. Busog na ako,
Magkita na lang tayo mamaya, sa sayawan.
Ikuw (Tell him that you will look fo r him)
Nonoy O, sige. Paalam na kaibigan!
Ikuw (Goodbye)

ff$j| language skills

2. Maki, Makipag, Makipang
I'articipational verb forms in active verbs
Tugalog reserves a special group of verb forms to express actions
done collectively or requiring the participation of others. These
verb forms are known as participational or social verbs. Social
verbs are characterised by die prefix maki for urn and m a verbs,
by makipag for mag verbs, and finally by m akipang for mang
verbs. Since participational verbs are actor focused (i.e., with the
emphasis on the ‘doer’ of the action), it follows logically that they
only take active verbs. For example: M akiupo tayo doon, Let’s
share the seat over there. Nakikipaglaro ka ba sa mga bagong
kupitbahay?, Do you play with the new neighbours?. Kahapon,
nukipamaril sina John, Yesterday, John went shooting (with
others). In some cases, when the ‘doer’ of the action takes part in
mi activity previously initiated by another person, this is expressed
by means of the sa form. For example: Nag-swimming sila sa ilog;
(prior action) nakipagswimming ako sa kanila, They went
swimming in the river; I went swimming with them. K um akain sila
ng pansit; nakikain ako sa kanila. They were eating noodles; la te
with them.

H ow to fo rm p a rticip a tio n a l verb s

Maki (source urn verbs)

Maki (prefix) + bili (verb root) buy
maki + bili = makibili to buy with = infinitive
maki + ki + bili = makikibili will buy with = future
naki + ki + bili = nakikibili buying with = present
naki + bili = nakibili bought with = past
Makipag (source mag verbs)
Makipag (prefix) + laro (verb root) to play with = infinitive
maki + ki + pag + laro = makikipaglaro will play with = future
naki + ki + pag + laro = nakikipaglaro playing with = present
naki + pag + laro = nakipaglaro played with = past
Makipang (source mang verbs)
Makipang becomes makipam (prefix) + balita (drop b) = alita
makipam + alita = makipamalita to share news with = infinitive
makiki + pa + ma + lita = makikipamalita will share news with
- future
nakiki + pa + ma + lita = nakikipamalita sharing news with
= present
naki + pa + ma + lita = nakipamalita shared news with = past
S en ten ce v aria tio n s

Verb + actor + social counterpart

Nakikipag-away si Joselito kay Toto
Joselito is quarrelling/ fighting with Toto.
Pseudo-verb + verb + actor + social counterpart
Ayaw makipag-usap ni Will kay Gladys.
Will doesn’t want to talk to Gladys.
Question word + verb + Social counterpart + Time
Sino ang makikipagsayaw sa akin mamaya?
Who will dance with me later on?

^2 t’lMSrcise 7
IVanslate the following into Tagalog:
I Auntie Marge will be eating with them tonight, (kumain)
1 Where did you ask for a seat? (maupo)
' Are you going shopping with Auntie Dot? (mamili)
4 Jose is getting into a tight again, (mag-away)
I’m still talking with Janet, (mag-usap)
A few participational verbs indicate a request to use other people’s
makikain to ask to share some fo o d with
makiinom to request a drink
makisindi to request a light
makitulog to request to share sleeping facilities of
makihiga to request to share resting facilities o f
inakisuyo to request to do something fo r
makipagluto to request to use cooking facilities o f
makitawag to request to use the telephone o f
makisakay to request to use other people \s transport
makiangkas to request a lift
Sentences in maki (remember that requests and suggestions use the
Infinitive form):
1. Maaari po ba kaming makiinom?
Could we ask fo r a drink?
2. Puwede bang makiupo si Kim dito?
Could Kim sit here?
3. Puwede bang makipamasyal kami sa inyo?
Could we take a stroll with you?
4. Maaari bang makisakay kami hanggang sa bayan?
Could we kindly have a lift to the town?
5. Puwede bang huwag kang manigarilyo dito?
Could you not smoke here?
6. Makisindi ka sa Making iyon.
Ask fo r a light from that man.

Some reciprocal social verbs:

makipag-away to fight with
makipagtalo to argue with
makipaglaban to fight with
makipag-usap to converse with
makipagkamay to shake hands with
makipaghiwalay to separate from
Example sentences:
1. Nakikipag-away na naman si Matthew
Matthew is fighting again
2. Nakipagtalo si Sue sa opisyal
Sue argued with the official
3. Gusto kong makipag-usap sa iyo nang masinsinan
I want to talk to you seriously
4. Nakipagkamay si Leonard sa kaniyang kalaban
Lennard shook hands with his opponent
5. Ayaw makipaghiwalay ni Anto sa asawa niya
Anto doesn’t like to separate from his wife
Exercise 8
Change the following sentences into either a request or suggestion
(remember to change the actor or the time element):
Example: Makikitawag ako sa telepono bukas.
Request form: Maaari bang makitawag ako sa telepono bukas?
1. Nakipag-usap kami kay Ginoong Reyes.
2. Nakitulog ako sa kanila.
3. Nakikipag-away kayo sa mga bata.
4. Makikisakay kami kina Baby.
5. Nakikipagluto ang mga bisita dito.

Handling a water buffalo!

Dialogue 3
Mill, Louise and Roy are visiting a farm in the barrio. Roy is
lemning how to handle the carabao (water buffalo).
Roy Ganito ba ang paghawak sa renda ng kalabaw? Baku
suwagin ako nito.
Klko Puwede na sa unang beses. Hindi, mabait iyan, Hindi ka
susuwagin niyan. Hawakan mo nang maluwag. Ganiyan
nga. Tapos medyo kausapin mo siya. Sabihin mo rin sa
kaniya ‘Tsk,..Tsk...Tsk’ kung gusto mo siyang lumakad.
N«y Ganoon lang pala. Uulitin ko. Ganito ba? ‘Tsk...Tsk...Tsk...’
Klko Oo, ganiyan. Magaling ka palang humawak ng kalabaw.
Kung gusto mo, sumakay ka.
Hoy May kaunti akong karanasan noong nagtrabaho ako sa
isang sabsaban ng kabayo sa Inglaterra.
Klko Ganoon ba, kaya pala madali kang matuto!
Hoy Hindi ba higit na mahirap ang humawak ng kabayo.
Klko Hindi naman.
K»y Sasabihin ko sa mga kaibigan ko na nakahawak ako ng
kalabaw. Puwede mo ba akong kunan ng retrato?
Klko Bakit hindil
Hoy Salamat. Teka, kukunin ko lang ang kamera ko sa bahay.
Klko O, sige.

tiilusulitaan Vocabulary
Uiinito like this
itiifl paghawak how to hold
ii-mlii reins
hnkii might
miwag in gore (bull)
nlio this (ng form)
high more
*ri uiiiing beses fo r a first time
282 ta g a lo g

ang paghawak handling

hawakan hold
niyan that (ng form)
karanasan experience
nagtrabaho w orked
sabsaban stable
kabayo horse
kaya pala no w on der
madali(ng) ea sily
matuto to learn
mahirap difficult
sasabihin w ill tell
nang maiuwag loosely
ganiyan like that
medyo so r t o f
kung gusto mo(ng) i f you w an t
lumakad to walk/ move
kausapin talk to
sabihin te ll/ sa y
sa kaniya to h im /h e r
uulitin w ill repeat
magaling g o o d a t/c le v e r
nakahawak m anaged to handle
kunan take
bakit hindi why not
teka ju s t a m om ent
kukunin w ill g e t/ fetch
sumakay ride

T ran slatio n
Roy Kiko, is this how to hold the reins of the carabao? He won’t
try to swipe me, will he?
Kiko Not bad for a first timer. No, he’s a good-natured carabao.
He won’t charge you. (Just) Hold him loosely. Yes, just like
that. Talk to him too. Just say ‘Tsk... Tsk... Tsk’ if you want
him to move.
Roy Ah ! So it’s that easy. Let me try: Like this? ‘Tsk...Tsk...Tsk...’
Kiko Yes! Just like that. You’re very good at handling a carabao.
If you like, you can even ride him.

H»y I’ve got a little bit of experience from when I used to work
at a stable back in England.
K lk o Is that so? No wonder you are learning so quickly !
I x e rc is e 9

Answer the following questions:

I Ano ang ginagawa ni Roy?
r Ano ang dapat (should) niyang gawin (do) upang (so that) hindi
siya suwagin ng kalabaw?
l Maari bang sumakay si Roy sa kalabaw?
■1 Ano ang dahilan (reason) at magaling si Roy sumakay ng

ffjj IJtnguage skills

I, Ganito Like this
<Niuiyan Like that
Unnoon Like that (over there)
In our dialogue, Roy Cook was learning how to handle a water
InilTulo or carabao. He asked Kiko to comment on how well he was
doing. You may have noticed the words: ganito, like this, ganiyan,
like that, ganoon, like that (over there). These words are commonly
lim'd in Tagalog in connection with the demonstration of an action.
<)n most occasions, ganito, ganiyan and ganoon are used together
with n gerund. For example: Ganito ba ang paghiwa ng sibuyas?,
h this how onions are cut? Ganiyan ang pagpinta ng dingding,
I'luit's (the way) to paint the wall. Ganoon ang sinabi ni Dave,
have said something like that. The words ganito, ganiyan and
giuioon may also be used in situations where two objects are
Mimpared. When this happens, then the stem of the adjective is
piidixed by the letters ka. For example: ka + layo (from malayo
hit kalayo) Ganito ba kahaba ang tali ng kahon?, Is the string
i»/ the box as long as this? Ganiyan kaganda ang bulaklak na
minus. The rose is as beautiful as that. Ganoon kalaki ang mapa
ng ( 'chu, The map o f Cebu is as big as that.

S e n te n c e v a ria tio n s in th e u s e o f g a n ito , g an iy an , a n d g an o o n .

Qualifier + ganiyan + gerund + object
Hindi ganiyan ang pagsulat ng abakada
That’s not how to write the ABC / Writing the ABC is not like that
Ganito + particle + comparison + subject/topic
Ganito pala kalayo ang baryo ninyo
So your barrio is as fa r as this
Qualifier ganoon comparison subject/topic
Walang ganoon kasarap ang luto ni Aling Puring
Nothing like that is as tasty as Aling Puring’s cooking

E E xercise 1 0
Reorganise the following into coherent Tagalog sentences:
1. sa amin kabait ganoon si Ginoong Cruz.
2. ba ng silyang rattan ganito ang paggawa?
3. ang pagsara paano ng kahong ito?
4. ang pagluto hindi ng adobo ba ganito?
5. sa akin mo ang pagtugtog sabihin ng himig (piece) na ito.

E E xercise 11
Look at the picture. Which of the words best describes the articles
listed beneath it? Use ganito, ganiyan or ganoon as your answer.
At A TO W N FIESTA_______________ _____ _____________________ 285


kuldcro ______________
kutsara _____ ________
bola ______ ______
ulap ____ _______ _
linidor ______________
punong n iy o g ______________
b a l m y ___________ __
plnggan __________ _

One-minute phrases

Saka na lang (sah-kah nah lahng) Literally, later already just.

Meaning later on. This phrase is commonly used to indicate that
something has been postponed. For example: Saka na lang tayo
imimasyal, Why don’t we just take [our] stroll later on.
Iluka sakali (bah-kah sah-kah-lee) Literally, might perhaps.
This Tagalog phrase is similar in meaning to the English
expression ‘just in case’. It denotes the need to be prepared. For
example, Maghanda tayo at baka sakaling dumating ang mga
bisita, Let us make some preparations in case the visitors arrive.
At sa wakas (aht sah wah-kahs) Literally, and at the end.
Similar to the English exclamation ‘At last !’. For example: At
sn wakas, dumating din ang lolo at lola, At last, grandfather
and grandmother [have finally] arrived!
Ako ang bahala (ah-kaw ahng bah-hah-lah) Meaning, 7 will
take responsibility. This Tagalog phrase is similar in meaning to
Ihe English expression ‘Don’t worry, leave it all to me’.
Masyadong magulo (mahs-yah-dawng mah-goo-law) Meaning,
very messy/ entangled. This expression is used to express lack of
clarity in another person’s words or explanations. Sometimes it is
used in connection with a troublemaker. For example:
Masyadong magulo ang usapan ng mga politiko sa Congress,
The conversation o f the politicians in Congress is rather messy.

C u ltu ral T ip

Certain Filipino traits may sometimes be open to

misinterpretation by the foreigner. One such trait is the common
Filipino attitude of bahala na * (literally, it’s up to God). At first
glance, this could be understood as an attitude of fatalism or
resignation in the face of difficulties or decisions. The Filipino
could be accused of giving up too quickly. While this may be
valid interpretation in some circumstances, it is not always
necessarily the case. Filipino society is an intricate web of inter­
dependent relationships which carry mutual obligations. Within
these relationships, when expectations are not fulfilled or
realised, the frustration experienced may result in the bahala na
attitude surfacing. Rather than confront the source of the
frustration, the Filipino shrugs his or her shoulders and says ‘just
let it be’. Avoidance may seem to be wiser move than open or
direct confrontation of circumstances beyond his or her control.
(* Bathala is an ancient Filipino name for god, pre-dating the
Christian era.)
19 Life in the barrio

I» this unit you will learn how to

■ live in the barrio
■ help on the farm
■ use causative verbs

COLiving in the barrio

EH Dialogue 1
Itilt, Louise and Roy Cook are enjoying their stay with Kiko and
Ills family.
1amlse Tingnan mo ang mga punong-kahoy. Nagpapaganda ang
mga ito sa paligid ng bahay.
Hill Oo nga. Ganoon din ang mga iba’t ibang halaman.
Meron silang sampagita, rosal at malaking puno ng
ilangilang. Nagpapabango ang mga ito sa kapaligiran.
Roy Alam ba ninyo na may maliit na palaisdaan si Kiko?
Nagpapalaki siya ng bangus. Sumunod kayo sa akin,
ituturo ko sa inyo.
1iOuise Moduli lang tayo kasi nagpaluto ng mga kakanin si Kiko
at ang asawa niya. Nagpa-akyat din sila ng murang
niyog para sa inumin.
Hill Anu-anong mga kakanin?
I ,ouise Bibobilo, bibingka, kutsinta at diladila.
Roy M asarap ang bilobilo lalo na kung may pansit.
Hill Talaga! Ito ang buhay.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
tingnan look
mga punong-kahoy fruit trees
nagpapaganda making (something) pretty
paligid around
kakanin rice cakes
nagpapa-akyat asking someone to climb
mura(ng) niyog young coconut
iba’t iba(ng) different kinds
halaman plants
Sampagita sampagita (the national flower)
rosal gardenia
ilangilang ilangilang
nagpapabango making (something) fragrant
kapaligiran surroundings
alara know
palaisdaan fish pond
nagpapalaki making (something) grow
bangus milkfish
sumunod sa akin follow me
ituturo will show/point
madali easy
lang only
nagpaluto caused someone to cook
anu-ano(ng) what (plural)
kakanin rice cakes (local delicacies)
bilobilo a delicacy (marble-shaped)
bibingka a delicacy (see page 112)
kutsinta a delicacy
dila-dila a delicacy (tongue-shaped)

T ra n sla tio n

Louise Look at the fruit trees. They make a beautiful sight

around the house.
Bill Oh yes. It’s the same with the different types of plants.
They even have sampaguita, rosal and a very large ilang-
ilang tree. They make the surrounding (area) smell
LIFE IN THE BARRIO__________________________________________________________ 289

Roy Did you know that Kiko also has a small fish pond? He is
trying to raise milkfish. Why not come along with me and
I’ll show you (the fishpond).
Louise We have to be quick because Kiko and his wife have
cooked some delicacies (for us). He’s also asked someone
to pick some young coconuts for us to drink.
Rill What kind of rice cakes are they?
Louise Bilobilo, bibingka, kutsinta and dila-dila.
Roy Bilobilo is delicious, especially with noodles.
Bill I agree! This is the life!
Jf] Exercise 1
Using Dialogue 1, answer the following questions in Tagalog:
1. Ano ang nagpapaganda sa paligid ng bahay?
2. Magbigay ng mababangong halaman na alam mo.
3. Ano ang ginawa ni Kiko upang magpalaki ng isda?
4. Bakit kailangang magmadali ang pamilya Cook?
3. Ipaliwanag kung bakit sinabi ni Bill Tto ang buhay’!

E l Language skills:
1. M agpa + A ctive To cause, to let, to have, to
p erm it to ask, to m ake e tc.
‘Tessie is letting the com dry’. ‘I will allow Elvira to cook tonight’.
‘Bob will let the tomatoes grow in his garden.’ ‘ I’ll ask Lagring to
sew a dress for me.’ ‘Why don’t you make Erwin clean your car?
‘Amado permitted me to walk’. All of the italicised words in these
sentences are examples of indirect action verbs, also known as
causatives. Tagalog uses causative verbs to point to an action
performed by another person. In active verb sentences the causative
is preceded by an ang form word. For example, Nagpadala si
Samantha ng regalo sa akin, Samantha sent some gifts to me.
Nagpagawa sina Kim at Sue ng garahe, Kim and Sue had a
garage built. Magpapasama ako kina Rosie at Aida sa ospital.
I ’ll ask Rosie and Aida to accompany me to the hospital. Notice
that the ang form does not indicate the identity of the person
actually performing the action, but rather, it indicates the identity of
the one causing, letting, having, asking, making or permitting the
action to be performed. The action is therefore said to be indirect or
‘caused’ by the other .
Dialogue 1 offers us a few examples: nagpapaganda (from ganda,
beautiful) meaning ‘making something beautiful’, nagpapabango
(from bango, fragrant) meaning ‘making something fragrant’,
nagpaluto (from Iuto, cook) had someone cook something,
nagpapa-akyat (from akyat, climb) having someone climb (in this
case, a tree). With active verbs, the causative is easily recognised
by the prefix magpa followed by the verb. In magpa causatives,
the causer is identified in the ang form (si, sina, ako, ka, siya,
kami, tayo, kayo, sila etc.) while the caused (i.e., the person
caused/asked/led to perform the action) is identified in the sa form
(kay, kina, sa akin, sa iyo, sa kaniya, sa amin, sa atin, sa inyo,
sa kanila etc.) The object (which may be optional) is the ng form.
In order to avoid confusion, it is worth noting that some mag form
verbs beginning with the letters pa may be mistakenly identified as
causatives, even though they don’t carry a causative meaning.
lire IN THE BARRIO 291

These verbs are commonly known as dead pa verbs. For example:

pnalam (goodbye), magpaalam, to say goodbye. Nagpaalam ka
hu kay Jayne?; Did you say goodbye to Jayne?, parusa
(punishment) magparusa, to punish. Sino ang nagparusa sa
magnanakaw?, Who punished the burglar?, palabas (show)
magpalabas, to give a show. Nagpapalabas na sila sa oras na
Ito, They have already started the show at this time, pakana (plan)
magpakana, to plan. Nagpapakana na ang meyor ng programa
para sa pista, The mayor is already planning the programme fo r
the fiesta.
Three important rules in the magpa causative form:
1. The causer is in the ang form.
2. The caused is in the sa form,
.1. The object (optional) is in the ng form.
Some exam ple sentences

Nagpapabili ako (causer) kay Stewart (caused) ng kamatis at

sibuyas (object) sa palengke (place) I had Stewart buy some
tomatoes and onions fo r me.
C hangin g th e ten se o f th e M a g p a verb:

m agpa (prefix) + um verb root:

Magpa + bill = magpabili to have etc. someone buy = infinitive
Magpa + pa + bill = magpapabili will have etc. someone buy = future
Nagpa + pa + bili = nagpapabili having etc. someone to buy = present
Nagpa + bili = nagpabili had etc. someone to buy = past
magpa (prefix) + mag verb root:
Magpa + luto = magpaluto to cause etc. to cook = infinitive
Magpa + pa + luto = magpapaluto will cause etc. to cook = future
Nagpa + pa + luto = nagpapaluto causing etc. to cook = present
Nagpa + luto = nagpaluto caused etc. to cook - past
Som e sentence v a ria tio n s in m agpa causative:

Verb + causer + caused + object + time etc.

Magpapaluto ako kay Jamie ng pansit bukas.
I will ask Jamie to cook Filipino noodles tomorrow

Verb + particle + causer + caused

Nagpapaganda raw ang make-up sa mukha ng babae.
It is said that make-up makes a woman’s face beautiful
Question word causer + verb + object + caused
Bakit kayo nagpapabili ng pagkain sa kanila?
Why are you asking them to buy food?
Verb + actor + time
Nagpalabas sila kagabi
They put on a show last night

El E xercise 2
Can you change the following into magpa sentences?
1. Kumukuha ako ng libro sa kanila.
2. Maglalabas ba tayo ng silya?
3. Nagpasok ba si Henry ng mga maleta kanina?
4. Saan ka bumibili ng gulay at prutas?
5. Bumasa siya ng aklat sa klase.
El E xercise 3 Listening, speaking and understanding
Your friend Edgar has invited you to attend his birthday party. It is
the first time you have attended a Filipino birthday party and you
are keen to watch and see what happens. Listen to the tape. Imagine
that it is you who are speaking.
1. How many magpa causative verbs can you recognise?
2. Your friend arrives late and wants to know what has been
happening. Listen again to the tape and respond to each of your
friend’s questions.

EP Helping on the farm

^ 0 D ialogu e 2
The Cook family are giving their hosts a hand on the farm.
Bill Anong oras sa umaga ninyo pinakakain ang inyong
baboy? Ako na lang ang magpapakain, Kiko.

klko O sige, bahala ka. Pinakakain ko sila sa mga alas siyete

nang umaga. Kasabay ng aming almusal. Ako kadalasan
ang nagpapakain sa kanila.
Iltll Gusto mo bang pakainin ko rin ang mga manok?
Hoy Ako na lang ang magpapakain sa mga manok.
klko Kumain muna tayo ng almusal. Pinagluto ko na si Misis
ng ating aalmusalin.
Hill Okey lang.

hiliiNiilitaan Vocabulary
•in« mga manok the chickens
Alt umaga in the morning
ptimkukain give food/feed
mngpupakain will feed
plmigluto asked to cook
imlmusalin what someone’s having for breakfast
kitAubuy at the same time
liming almusal our breakfast
ktnlulasan often
nugpapakain give them food
guslo mo ba(ng) would you like
piikuinin to serve/feed
magpapakain will cause to eat


Hill What time in the morning do you have to feed your pigs?
Could I feed them?
Klko Well all right, it’s up to you. I feed them at around 7.00 in
the morning, at [about] the same time [as] we have our
breakfast. Usually I feed them myself.
Hill Would you like me feed the chickens too?
Roy Could I feed the chickens?
Klko Let’s eat our breakfast first. I’ve already asked my wife to
prepare our breakfast.
Hill That’s OK by me.

E xercise 4
Answer the following questions:
1. Ano ang gustong gawin ni Bill?
2. Sino ang madalas nagpapakain sa mga baboy?
3. Ano ang gustong pakainin ni Roy?
4. Bakit kailangan muna nilang kumain ng almusal?

C l E xercise 5
Following the English as closely as possible, translate the
following into Tagalog:
1. ... will have someone write a letter...
2. ... had someone clean the car..,
3. ... asking someone to sew a dress...
4. ... having someone to cut [my] hair...
5. ... making yourself beautifiil...

B E xercise 6
Look at the picture of a typical rural Filipino. Using magpa and
pa-in, pag-in and pang-in words, create a present tense sentence to
describe each of the actions you can see. For example: Nagpapaligo
si Mang Kiko ng kalabaw sa ilog. ‘Mang Kiko is washing the
carabao in the river.’ Use the word stems provided to help you.

lll'.O lipad kain alis tuyo

(f| l anguage skills

Z. Pa-in (m a/um verb roots), papag-in (mag verb roots),
pnpang-in (m ang v erb ro o ts)
Having managed to digest the basics of magpa causative verbs
(causer = ang form, caused = sa form), you will be delighted to
Item that there are other variations and forms of causative verbs,
loo! Look at the simple explanation that follows. You will soon
notice that in these causative variations, the person permitting or
liaising the action is identified in the ng form (ni, nina, ko, mo,
illyu, »amin, natin, ninyo, nila) while the person caused to act (the
'tliter' of the action) is in the ang form (si sina, ako, ka/ikaw, siya,
knini, tayo, kayo, sila). Note also that these variations are used in
connection with active verbs.
O llie r cau sative fo rm s
Ma and um verbs

Prefix pa + verb root + suffix in.

For example pa + tulug + in = patulugin, to cause someone to sleep
Pn(utulugin(verb) ni Tessie (causer) ang bata (caused)
Ttssie will put the child to sleep
M ag v e r b s
Prefix papag + verb root + suffix in.
Ihr example papag + lutu + in = papaglutuin to have someone cook
1‘inapagluto (verb) kami (caused) ng guro (causer) sa klase namin
Our teacher had us cook in our class
M ang v e r b s
Prefix papang + verb root + suffix in.
Ih r example papang + ibig + in = papangibigin to cause/permit to
pay court to
Pinapangibig (verb)ng Lola (causer) si Ian (caused) kay Karen
IA>la is permitting Ian to pay court to Karen

Four important rules to remember in the pa-in, papag-in, papang-

in causative form:
1. The causer is the ng form.
2. The caused is the ang form.
3. The object (which can be optional) is another ng form.
4. There may be a receiver of the action which is a sa form.
Example sentences
pa-in Pinabili (verb) ng guro (causer) ang mga estudyante
(caused) ng aklat (object) The teacher asked/had/caused
the student to buy a book.
papag-in Papaglabahin (verb) natin (causer) sila (caused)
mamaya (time). We will have/make them wash clothes
papang-in Papamamalantsahin (verb) mo (causer) ba (particle)
si Dorothy (caused)? Will you have/ask Dorothy to
iron clothes?
C h a n g in g the ten se o f the p a-in , p ap a g -in , p ap ang -in verb:

Pa (prefix) + verb root + in (suffix) Origin: ma/um verbs

pa + higa + in = pahigain to make etc. someone lie down = infinitive
pa + hi + higa + in = pahihigain will make etc. someone lie down -
p + in + a + hi + higa pinahihiga making etc. someone lie down =
p + in + a + higa = pinahiga made etc, someone lie down = past
Papag (prefix) + verb root + in (suffix) Origin: mag verbs
Papag + linis + in = papaglinisin to make etc. someone to clean =
Papag + li + linis + in= papaglilinisin will make etc. someone to
clean = future
P+ in+a +pa+pag+linis = pinapapaglinis making etc. someone to
clean = present
P + in + a + pag + linis = pinapaglinis made etc. someone to clean
= past

I'npang (prefix) + verb root + in (suffix) Origin: mang verbs

Papang+isda+in = papangisdain to permit etc. someone to fish =
Papangi+ngisda+in = papangingisdain will permit etc. someone to
fish = future
P+in+a+pa+pang+isda = pinapapangisda permitting etc. someone
to fish = present
P+in+a+pang+isda = pinapangisda permitted etc. someone to fish =
Som e sentence variation s in pa-in, papag-in, pa pang-in causative

Verb + causer + caused + object

Pabibilhin ni Tony si Mario ng aklat
Tony will ask Mario to buy a book
Question marker + caused + causer + object + time
Sino ang pinaglaba ni Rene ng kumot kahapon?
Whom did Rene ask to wash the bedsheets yesterday?
Verb + causer + caused + place
Pinapapangisda nggobyemo ang mga mangingisda salugarnaito.
The government allows the fishermen to fish in this area
pFj Exercise 7 L isten in g , sp ea k in g an d u n d ersta n d in g
ra i Listen to the tape. You will hear a number of statements, each read
out three times. Two of the statements use the incorrect verb form
while one of the statements uses correct verb form (pa-in, papag-
In, papang-in). Which of the statements is correct? Repeat the
correct verb form aloud, then translate into English.

[ J Dialogue 3
jg | Roy and Bill are giving Kiko more help on the farm.
Kill Kiko, tutulungan ka namin sa pagtatanim. Narito rin si Roy.
Kiko Salamat. Ipalalagay ko kay Roy ang damo sa sako.
Kill Gusto mo bang ipatapon ko ang mga damo?
Kiko Mabuti. Ipapipitas ko rin sa kaiiiya ang mga hinog na
guyabano. At saka, maaari bang palagyan ko kay Roy ng
tubig ang mga bangal Kailangan ang tubig para sa inumin
ng mga hayop.

Bill Sige lang. Mabuti at makatutulong siya dito. Pinagamasan

mo ba ang iyong palayan? Mukhang malinis ito.
Kiko Oo. Oo nga pala, uminom mima tayo ng sabaw ng
murang niyog.
Bill Mabuting ideya. O, heto na si Roy.

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
tutulungan will help
pagtatanim planting
narito here
ipalalagay will cause to put
makatutulong will be able to help
ipatapon to cause to throw
damo grass
mukhang malinis looks quite clean
ipapipitas will have something picked
hi nog ripe
guyabano sour sap
at saka and
maaari can/possible
palagyan to ask to be put
banga earthen pot
hayop animal
pinagamasan had it cleaned
palayan rice field
oo nga pala by the way
sabaw thin soup
mura(ng) young
niyog coconut
ideya idea

Bill Kiko, we’re going to help you with the planting. Roy is
coming as well.
Kiko Thank you. I ’m going to ask Roy to put the grass in the
Bill Shall I get Roy to throw the grass away?

Klko Yes, that’s a good idea. I will have him pick the ripe
guyabanos too. Can I ask Roy to put some water into the
earthen pots? The animals need water to drink.
Bill All right. (It’s) Good that he’ll be able to help here. Did you
have the field cleaned up? It looks quite clean.
Klko Yes. By the way, let’s have some coconut juice to drink.
Hill Good idea. Thank you. Here comes Roy.

[F| 1Jtercise 8 Sagutin

1. Ano ang ipalalagay ni Klko sa sako?
2, Sino ang magtatapon ng damo?
1. Bakit kailangang pitasin na ang guyabano?
4. Bakit sila naglalagay ng tubig sa banga?
5. Saan kinukuha ang sabaw ng niyog?

Exercise 9
Here are some familiar daily activities. Can you identify the
causative verb?

Bj Languages skills
3. Ipa (in and i verbs), pa-an (an verbs) To ca u se, to
let, to let, to m ake, to a llo w to h ave, to p e rm it
The causative in passive verb sentences is easily recognised by the
prefix ipa for in and i verbs, and the prefix / suffix pa-an for an
verbs. The ipa and pa-an causatives both take the ng form when
identifying the causer while using the sa form to identify the person
caused to perform the action. In ipa and pa-an sentences, the object
is identified by the ang form. Let’s look at some example
ipa +tapon = ipatapon, to cause to be thrown
Ipatatapon ni Ginang Cruz kay Henry ang mga lumang kahon
Mrs Cruz will have Henry throw out the old boxes
ipa + bili = ipabili, to cause to be bought
Ipabibili ko kay Abner ang mga kailangan ko sa pagtuturo
I will have Abner buy my teaching materials
Three important rules to remember in the ipa and pa-an causatives
1. The causer is the ng form.
2. The caused is the sa form.
3. The object (optional) is the ang form.
Some example sentences:
Ipasasara (verb) namin (causer) kina Bebot (caused) ang mga
bintana (object) dito (place). We will have Bebot and her friends
shut the windows here.
Ipinalalagay (verb) po (particle) ito (object) ni Ginoong Castillo
(causer) sa mesa (place). Sir/madam, Mr. Castillo wants this placed
on the table.
Ipapabuhat (verb) na lang (particles) namin (causer) ang mga
maleta (object) sa kargador (caused) mamaya (time). We will just
have the porter carry the suitcases later on.
Pinasasarhan (verb) ng gobyemo (causer) ang tambakan ng basura
(object). The Government is having the rubbish dump closed.

( lusto (pseudo-verb) mo (causer) ba[ng] (particle) palagyan (verb)

tig asukal (object) ang kape (receiver of the action)? Would you like
some sugar (to be put) in the coffee?
+Note: The an verb takes a ng object as well as actor.
('hanging the tense of the Ipa and Pa-an causatives:
Ipa (prefix) + (in and i verb root)
Ipa + tapon = ipatapon to cause etc. to be thrown = infinitive
ipa + ta + tapon ipatatapon will cause etc. to be thrown = future
ipi +na+ta+tapon ipinatatapon causing etc. to be thrown = present
Ipi + na + tapon inpinatapon was caused etc. to be thrown = past
I'll (prefix) + (verb root) + an (suffix)
pa + hugas + an pahugasan to cause etc. to be washed = infinitive
pu+hu + hugas+ an pahuhugasan will cause etc. to be washed = future
pina + hu + hugas + an pinahuhugasan causing etc. to be washed =
pina + hugas + an pinahugasan caused etc, to be washed = past
Som e sentence v a ria tio n s in th e ip a a n d pa-an ca u sa tive fo rm s

Verb + causer + caused + object

Pinapalitan ko kay Citta ang binili kong
I had Citta exchange the (pair of) trousers / bought
Qualifier + causer + verb + object
Hindi nila ipinatapos ang bakod
They didn’t have the fence finished
Question word + verb + causer place
Sino angipinadala ng eskuwelahan sa paligsahan?
Who did the school send to the contest?
Question word + causer + verb + object
Kuilan mo pinaputulan ang buhok mo?
When did you have a haircut?

Example sentences:
1. Pinalakihan ni Ely ang kanyang kusina
Ely had her kitchen made bigger
2. Pasasamahan kita kay Manny
I ’ll ask Manny to accompany you
3. Pinatawagan niya sa akin si Citta
He/she had me call Citta
4. Ipatutulak namin sa mga lalaki ang malaking mesa
We ’ll have the men push the big table
5. Ipinasara ng Ate ang mga bintana kay A1
Ate had the windows closed by Al

E Exercise 10
Choose the appropriate causative verb form from the brackets, then
translate the sentence:
1. Bukas, (ipinalagay, ipalalagay, ipinalalagay) ko kay Sarah ang
mga halaman sa paso. (future)
2. Kailangan bang (ipapasok, ipasok, ipinasok) na ngayon ang
mga damit sa sampayan? (infinitive)
3. Kailan natin (ipamimigay, ipamigay, ipinamimigay) ang mga
lumang damit?’ (future)
4. Noong isang taon (ipinaayos, ipaaayos, ipinaayos) ni
Binibining Zapanta ang kaniyang bahay. (past)
5. Ayaw nilang (papintahan, pinapintahan, papipintahan) ang
kanilang bahay. (infinitive)
One-minute phrases

Hindi na bale (heen-dee nah bah-leh) Meaning ‘It doesn’t

matter/never mind’. For example: Hindi na bale kung hindi
sila dumating sa miting, It doesn’t matter if they don’t/didn’t
arrive at the meeting.
Pang-araw-araw (pahng ah-rao ah-rao) Meaning ‘For daily
use’. For example: Pang-araw-araw ko ang lumang jeans na
ito, I wear this old pair o f jeans daily.

himung-tama lang (tah-mahng tah-mah lahng) Literally, just

enough only. Meaning something fits perfectly (like a glove).
I or example: Tamang-tama lang sa iyo ang bagong sapatos
in», Your new pair o f shoes fit you perfectly well.
Mnhirap na lang magsalita (mah-hee-rahp nah lahng mahg-
uili-lee-tah) Literally, (it’s) difficuly already just to speak/talk.
This is a common Tagalog phrase used to suggest that it may be
difficult or inappropriate to offer comment. For example:
Mtiliirap na lang magsalita pero kailangang pagsabihan mo
ling anak mo, It's rather difficult to make any comments but you
should talk to your child.
(hiwan ng paraan (gah-wahn nahng pah-rah-ahn) Similar in
meaning to the English expression T il do anything I can to
make sure it works’. For example: Gagawan ko ng paraan
npang makabili ka ng uniporme mo, I ’ll do everything I can
to make sure you can buy your uniform.

C u ltu ral tip

Hie barrio or barangay is the traditional Filipino village or

settlement and lies at the very heart of the cultural, political and
religious life of the Philippines. A quick glance around almost
every barrio will reveal the existence of a small chapel and a
meeting hall. There is a strong sense of ‘togetherness’
(pukikisama) among barrio folk. The people draw much of
their identity from this sense of ‘togetherness’. This attitude
becomes a pattern of living wherever the Filipino finds

In this unit you will learn how to

■ make comparisons
■ express embarrassment
■ do last-minute shopping
■ say your last goodbyes

2 ] Expressing embarrassment

Bill, Louise and Roy Cook have enjoyed their stay with Kiko and
his family in the barrio. They are preparing to leave.
Roy Tingnan ninyo! Binigyan ako ni Kiko ng regalo.
Louise Anong ibinigay niya sa iyo? Gaano kalaki?
Roy Isang kalabaw na inukit sa kahoy. Huwag kayong mag-
alala. Hindi ito mas malaki sa maleta ko.
Bill Napakaganda nito. Mahiya ka naman. Wala tayong
ibinigay na pasalubong sa kanila kundi mga pagkaiu
lang. Malaking abala rin ang naibigay natin sa kanila.
Louise Nakakahiya naman. Nagpasalamat ka ba?
Roy Opo. Nahihiya nga ako nang ibigay niya ito sa akin pero
magdaramdam daw sila kapag Hindi ko tinanggap ang
Bill Ganoon ba?
UOOD B Y E ___________________________________ 3 0 5

lulasulitaan Vocabulary
lilnigyan was given
iiluila disturbance
Ihlnigay handed/gave
gumin kalaki how big
huwag don’t
mug alala worry
lundi mas malaki not as big as
ng maleta ko of my suitcase
nmgdaramdam will feel bad
Inukit carved
kalloy wood / wooden
nit|>nkUganda how beautiful
mnhlyaka naman are you without shame, don’t you feel a little
Ihlnigay gave
iiiikakahiya embarrassing
nagpusalamat gave thanks
tiling ibigay when (it) was given
kimdi instead
iliiiniggap received

K»y Look! Kiko gave me a (parting) gift.
I .oulse What did he give you? How big is it?
Kny A wooden carving of a water buffalo. Don’t worry. It’s
not too big for my suitcase.
Illll It’s really beautiful. Don’t you feel a little ashamed? We
didn’t bring any gifts for them other than a little
foodstuff. We were a bit of a disturbance to them, too.
I,« Shame on you. Did you at least thank them?
R«y Yes, Tdid. Actually I was embarrassed when (the gift) was
handed to me but (he) said he’d feel bad if I declined it.
Itlll Is that so?

C l Exercise 1
Answer the following questions in complete Tagalog sentences:
1. Ano ang regalo ni Kiko sa pamilya Cook?
2. Ano ang mangyayari kapag hindi tinanggap ni Roy ang regalo?
3. Anong uri ng regalo ang ibinigay ng mga Cook kina Kiko?
4. Bakit nag-alala ang mga Cook?

Language skills
1. Kasing/sing A s ... as
‘As old as the hills’, ‘as white as snow’, ‘as sweet as honey’, ‘as
strong as an ox’. These short sentences are examples of
comparatives, expressed in English by means of an as... as
construction. Tagalog expresses comparatives by the prefix (ka)sing
before the root of a ma-adjective. The actor is expressed by a ng
phrase (ni, nina, ko, mo, niya, namin, natin, nila etc.) and the
complement (to which the comparison is being made) is in the ang
form (namely si, sina, ako, ka, siya, kami, tayo, kayo, sila etc.).
For example: Kasinghaba/singhaba ng kalye namin ang kalye
ninyo, Your street is as long as our street. Kasinlaki ng Pilipinas
ang Inglaterra, England is as big as the Philippines. Some
speakers use kasing only and other speakers use both sing and
kasing interchangeably in ordinary conversation. Both are correct.
It is worth remembering that certain adjectives can stand alone and
are known as unaffixed adjectives. Any unaffixed adjective that
corresponds to a noun ( i.e. tulog (noun) sleep, tulog (adjective)
asleep) do not occur with (ka)sing; whereas most other unaffixed
adjectives (i.e. pula, red, tanga, dumb) do occur with (ka)sing.
Here are some examples of the (ka)sing construction:
(Ka)singtangkad ni Samantha si Sally, Sally is as tall as
Samantha. Kasingyaman ni Ginoong Ramos si Ginoong Cruz.
Mr Cruz is as rich as Mr Ramos. The prefix (ka)sing changes to
(ka)sim when the preceeding adjective root begins with b and p.
However, when (ka)sing is followed by an adjective beginning
with the letters d or t, then it becomes kasin. For example:
(ka)singbait to kasimbait, as kind as; (ka)singpula to

(kn)simpula, as red as; (ka)singdami, as many as; to (ka)sindami,

(kuisingtamad to (ka)sintamad and so on.
Comparison of inequality is expressed in English by simply using
(lie negative of the ‘as... as’ formula. For example: Bobby is not as
noisy as Fred. This is not as sweet as that (one). In Tagalog, the
Nttine basic rules used in comparison of equality apply to
comparison of inequality. For example: Hindi kasingganda ng
Nimipagita ang gumamela, (The) gumamela (flower) is not as
beautiful as sampagita. Hindi kasiasariwa nito iyan, That is not
as fresh as this (one).
il is also possible to verbalise both the comparison of equality and
the comparison of inequality through the simple addition of the
prefix mag. If this happens, then the prefix mag is understood to
mean ‘equally’ or ‘equal in’. For example: mag + (ka)sing. The
insulting formation expresses a quality shared equally by exactly
two people, things, places, etc. For example: Mag(ka)singtalino
Nina Jonathan at Manny, Jonathan and Manny are equal in
Intelligence. Magkasintaas si Joe at si Anne, Anne and Joe are
equally tall. Look at the example sentences that follow. Practice
reading them aloud in order to familiarise yourself with the word
lixample sentences:
1, Kasimbango ng rosal ang camia
(The) camia (flower) is as fragrant as rosal
2, Kasimbaho ng bagoong ang tuyong isda
Dried fish is as smelly as fish sauce
1. Kasinlinis ng mesa ang silya
The chair is as clean as the table
4, Magkasintangkad sina Erwin at Ardin
Erwin and Ardin are equally tall
V Magkasinlayo ang Australia at New Zealand buhat sa Inglaterra
Australia and New Zealand are equally fa r from England
(). Hindi magkasinlapit ang Maynila at Makati buhat sa Paliparang
Ninoy Aquino
Manila and Makati are not equally close to Ninoy Aquino

El Exercise 2
Look at the following adjectives together with their (ka)sing
prefixes. Build a Tagalog sentence around each adjective ((ka)sing
+ adjective) and then translate into English.
Example: (ka)sintanda: as old as
Kasintanda ni Joanna si Amy Amy is as old as Joanna
1. (ka) simbait: as kind as
2. (ka) simputi: as white as
3. (ka) sintaas: as high as (as tall as)
4. (ka) sinluwang: as wide as
5. (ka) singkipot: as narrow as
6. hindi (ka) singganda: not as pretty as
7. mag(ka)simbuti: equally good

21 Doing last minute shopping

M Dialogue 2
Bill, Louise and Roy Cook have to do some last minute shopping
for their pasalubong (gifts).
Louise Kailangan kong bumili pa ng mga pampasalubong.
Alam kong nakabili na ako noon pero may nakalimutan
yata ako.
Bill Naiintindihan ko. Heto na ang Priscilla’s Gift Shop. Kung
mga pamigay lang ang bibilhin natin, napakarami nating
mapagpipilian dito.
Roy O, sige gusto ko ring humanap ng laruang jeepney.
Ibibigay ko ito kay Stewart.
Louise Aba, maganda ito - kawayang tumutunog sa hangin
para kina Viv at Tim. Ito namang mga nilalang handbag
ay pangshopping nina Consuelo at Clarita.
Bill Marami yata tayong pamimilihin kaya credit card na
lang ang ipambayad natin sa halip na cash.
Louise Sang-ayon ako.
Roy Kung gayon bibili ako ng barong Tagalog na pang-
okasyon ko.
Bill Ako rin!

Louise Kayo lang ba? Bibili ako ng ternong saya na yari sa jusi.
Wala akong ganitong uri ng terno.
Hill Sige, walang problema. Dalian lang natin ang pamimili
kasi mag-iimpake pa tayo.
Hoy Oo nga pala!

Tulasalitaan Vocabulary
tumutunog making a musical sound
nakabili was able to buy
noon then/before
may nakalimutan forgot something
naiintindihan understand
pamimililiin things to buy
kaya that’s why
pamigay to give around
sa halip na instead of
bibilhin will buy
napakarami so many
mapagpipilian to choose from
pang-okasyon fo r certain occasions
humanap to find
ibibigay will be given
yari sa made of
daliin be quick
temo evening gown
nilala(ng) woven
pangshopping for shopping
ipambayad to pay with
sang-ayon agree
kung gayon if that is so
oo nga pala oh that reminds me
mag-iimpake will get packing
ternong saya a lady’s terno
pamimili shopping
ganito(ng) uri this kind
jusi pineapple fibre cloth

Louise I need to buy some more gifts to give away. I know that
I’ve already bought (some), but I think I’ve forgotten a
few things.
Bill I understand. Look, here’s Priscilla’s Gift Shop. If we
want to buy a few things to hand out, (then) there’s an
enormous choice here.
Roy All right. I also want to look for a toy Jeepney. I ’m giving
it to my friend Stewart.
Louise This is nice - a bamboo wind chime for Viv and Tim.
These woven handbags are for Consuelo and Clarita.
Bill I think we’ll be buying a lot of things so why don’t we
pay by credit card instead of cash.
Louise That’s a good idea.
Roy In that case, then I’m going to buy myself a barong
Tagalog to wear on special occasions.
Bill I will too.
Louise And you think it’s only for you (two). I think I’ll buy a
long evening gown made of jusi for myself. I haven’t got
anything like this yet.
Bill OK. That’s not a problem, but we’ll have to hurry up
with our shopping because we still have the rest of the
packing to do.
Roy Oh, that reminds m e... (good that you reminded me)

Exercise 3
Mga tanong: Sagutin sa Tagalog na pangungusap. Answer in
Tagalog sentences. Use the glossary to help you.
1. Ano ang kailangang gawin ni Louise?
2. Saan sila pumunta upang mamili ng pampasalubong?
3. Para kanino ang tumutunog na hangin?
4. Ano ang maaaring ibigay ni Louise kina Consuelo?
5. Sabihin kung paano sila magbabayad ng kanilang pinamili.
6. Bakit kailangan nilang magmadali?

EJ Language skills
2. M aking n ou n s pang
By now you will have begun to grasp something of the versatility
of the Tagalog language. One further ‘trick’ Tagalog has up its
sleeve is the ability to form nouns from verbs, simply by adding the
prefix pang to the verb root. For example ligo, lakad, tulog,
pasok, pasyal etc. can be made into nouns meaning ‘used for’
simply by adding the prefix pang: pang + ligo = panligo, ‘used for
bathing’, pang + lakad = panlakad, ‘used for going out’. You will
notice that words that begin with 1, d and t turn the pang into pan,
for example pang + tulog = pantulog; while words beginning with
p makes pang into pam. Example: pang + pasok = pampasok +
tulog = pantulog ‘used for going to sleep’, pang + pasok =
pampasok, ‘used for going to work or school’, pang + pasyal =
pamasyal, ‘used to go out in’. Look at these example sentences:
Pantulog ba ang damit na iyan?, Is that clothing used fo r
sleeping in?. Pamputol ng kahoy ito, This is fo r cutting firewood
with, May pandagdag ka ba sa pera ko?, Do you have anything
to add to my money ?
By adding the letter i to the pang prefix, the resulting word is
transformed back into a verb, but it is different in meaning from the
original verb. The new verb then carries the meaning ‘to use for’ and
is consequently known as an instrumental verb. Here are some
examples: I + pang + laba, ‘wash clothes’ = ipanlaba, ‘to use for
washing clothes’. Ipanlaba natin ang sabong ito sa blusa mo,

L et’s use this soap to wash your blouse with. I + pang + tali ‘string’
= ipantali. Ipinantali ni Divin ang lubid sa malaking kahon,
Divin used the string/ rope to tie around the big box.
Changing the tense of an ipang verb:
ipang + linis clean —ipanlinis to clean with infinitive
ipan+li+linis = ipanlilinis will clean with future
ip+inan+li+linis = ipinanlilinis cleaning with present
ip+inan+linis = ipinanlinis used to clean with past
Some commonly used nominalised words:
1. pantulak = to push with
2. pangkain = to eat with
3. pantulog = to sleep with
4. panlakad = to walk with
5. panlaro = to play with
6. pananggalang - fo r protection
1. panlaban = to fight against with
8. panulat = a writing instrument
9. panigarilyo = money to buy cigarettes with
10. panlasa = taste

E Exercise 4
Here are some everyday things we might see around the house.
What are they used for? Use the glossary to help you to find the
correct pang noun for each:

JJ] Exercise 5
Give the Tagalog ‘pang’ nouns for the following (the italicised
word will give you a clue).
Example: a hammer to break with
Answer: pandurog
1. a scratches
2. something you cut with
3. to wash clothes with
4. to write with
5. to use to go strolling in
Q Exercise 6
Having found the correct pang words for Exercise 5, can you make
a sentence out of them?
Example: Pambiyak ng niyog ang malaking kutsilyo. The big
knife is fo r cutting the coconut with
1. _ _ _ _ _ _
2. _ _ _ _ _ _
3. _______________
4 . __________ _

UJSaying last goodbyes

0 D ialogue 3
The Cook family are saying goodbye to the Abiva family at the
BUI M aram ing, m aram ing salamat sa pagtanggap
ninyo sa amin. Pasensiya na kayo sa nagawa
nam ing pang-aabala sa inyong tahanan at sa
inyong katahimikan lalo na kay Jobert.
Tita Abiva Aba, huw ag kayong mag-alaala. Nasisiyahan
nga kami at dito kayo tumigil. H igit sana
kayong magpasensiya sa aming pagkukulang.
Mas lalo kam ing humihingi ng pasensiya.
Louise Lubusan kaming nasiyahan at sana ay huwag
kayong m adadala sa amin. Nagbigay kami sa
inyo ng kaguluhan.
Tita Kami nga ang mas nag-aalala na baka Hindi
kayo nakatulog nang mabuti. Alam kong mas
tahimik sa Inglatera kaysa dito. O, tinatawag na
yata ang flight ninyo.
Mr Abiva Huw ag kayong m ag-aatubiling bum alik sa
am in sa susunod ninyong pagbabakasyon.
Sum ulat lang kayo.
BUI Gagawin nam in iyon. Pasensiya na kayo sa
aming m unting regalong ito.
Tita A ba, nag-abala pa kayo. M aram ing salamat.
Isang napakagandang kuwadro para sa laraw an
ng aking pamilya!
Mr Abiva Kay ganda! O, sige m aram ing salamat na muli.
Jobert Susulat kayong lagi at kung maaari tumawag
kayo sa akin.
Roy M aram ing salamat po sa inyo Ginoo at Ginang
Abiva, nag-enjoy ako dito at m aram ing salamat
Jobert, okey ka talaga.
Jobert Huwag kang mag-alala, Roy. Katulad mo, nag-
enjoy ako.
Louise and BiU M aram ing salamat. Aalis na kami.
Tita Walang anuman. O sige. Paalam.
{The Cooks and the Abivas kiss)

Talasalitaan Vocabulary
pagtanggap receiving
pasensiya na a ccep t ou r a p ologies
nagawa w h a t’s been done
pang-aabala disturbance
tahanan home
katahimikan peace
lalo na kay especially
sa susunod next time
pagbabakasyon vacationing
nasisiyahan p le a s e d
turnigil sto p p ed
higit m ore
magpasensiya to a ccep t ou r
pagkukulang shortcom ings
mas lalo m ore
humihingi asking
lubusan earn estly
kay ganda how p retty
huwag don't
madadala b e turned o ff
nagbigay g ave
kaguluhan chaos
mas nag-aalala m ore bothered
baka hindi m ight not
nakatulog m an aged to sleep
mag-aalaala b e w orried
paalam go o d b ye
tahimik quiet
kaysa than
tinatawag calling
mag-aatubili(ng) hestitate
bumalik return
munti(ng) regalo sm all gift
nag-abala bothered
napakaganda(ng) very p retty
kuwadro fra m e
larawan ng pictu re o f
muli again
susulat w ill w rite
lagi a lw a ys
kung maaari i f p o ssib le
tumawag c a ll
nag-enjoy enjoyed
nang mabuti soundly
alam mo ba d o you know


Bill Thank you so much for letting us stay. We

apologise if we have been an intrusion in your
home and to your peace, especially Jobert’s.
Tita Abiva Please don’t worry. In fact we were very pleased
that you stayed with us. We hope you have been
able to bear with our shortcomings. We’re the
ones who have to apologise.
Louise We are really happy and hope that we didn’t put
you off coming again. We must have caused you
a lot o f inconvenience.
Tita Abiva In fact, w e’re more worried that you might not
have been able to sleep properly. I know that it’s
much quieter in England than it is here. Listen,
I think they are calling your flight number.
Mr Abiva Please don’t hesitate to come back to our home
the next time you come for your holidays.
Please write.
Bill We most certainly will. Please accept our small
(parting) gift.
Tita You should not have bothered. Thank you so
much. What a lovely frame for my family’s
Mr Abiva How beautiful! OK, thank you so much again.
Jobert Please write regularly and if possible, give me a
Roy Thank you so much, Mr. & Mrs Abiva. I
enjoyed myself here and thank you very much
Jobert, you’re really ok!
Jobert Don’t worry Roy. I enjoyed it as much as you
Louise and Bill Thank you so much. W e’ve got to go now.
Tita D on’t mention it. OK. Goodbye.
(The Cooks and the Abivas kiss)

H E x ercise 7
Bigyan ng tamang sagot:
1. Nang huraingi ng paumanhin si Bill, ano ang sagot ni Tita Abiva?
2. Bakit nag-aalala si Tita Abiva na hindi nakatulog ang mag-anak?
3. Anong regalo ang tinanggap ni Tita Abiva buhat sa mag-anak?
4. Ano ang hiniling ni Jobert kay Roy?

El E x ercise 8
P H The Cook family don’t want to miss their flight back to London
and so are carefully monitoring the flight announcements. Listen
carefully to the announcements on the tape and write down the
correct flight numbers and departure times. W hat are the correct
gate numbers for each flight? Are there any delays?

Ninoy Aquino International Airport M anila Departures board

Destination Flight No. Arrivals Departures Delays Gate No.
Hong Kong
Los Angeles
Kualar Lumpur

Bi Language skills
3 . M as, la lo n g , k a y sa sa
Richard is tall, Justin is taller, but Chris is the tallest. You will
notice from this example that there are three levels or degrees of

comparison in English adjectives: tall, taller, tallest. These different

levels are known as the positive, comparative and superlative
degrees. Take for example the adjective good. The word good is in
its positive degree. W hen comparing two adjectives, the adjective
‘good’ (positive degree) becom es the word ‘better’ in the
comparative degree, and finally ‘ best’ in the superlative degree. In
Tagalog, mas, lalong or kaysa + the sa form are used in the
comparative degree, while in the superlative degree, the prefix
pinaka is used. Look at the examples that follow:
malaki big = positive degree
mas/lalong malaki kaysa sa bigger = comparative degree
pinakamalaki biggest = superlative degree
Mas malaki ang problema ni John kaysa kay Tony
John’s problem is bigger than Tony’s
maliit small = positive degree
higit na maliit smaller = comparative degree
pinakamaliit smallest = superlative degree
Pinakamaliit si Louella sa magkakapatid
Louella is the smallest among the siblings
Further examples:
1. Higit na malaki ang sombrero ko kaysa sa sombrero mo
My hat is bigger than your hat
2. Mas mahaba ang nilakad namin kaysa sa nilakad ninyo
Our walk was longer that your walk
3. Maganda ang hardin mo pero mas maganda ang hardin ni Patricia
Your garden is pretty but Patricia's garden is prettier
4. Higit na malayo ang Pilipinas kaysa sa India buhat sa Inglaterra
The Philippines is farther than India from England
5. Masarap ang luto mo pero mas masarap ang luto ko kaysa sa
luto mo
Your cooking is good but my cooking is better than yours

E l E x ercise 9
Look at the pictures and use the adjectives provided to produce a
statement about each picture using die comparative degree:
Tom is taller than Benny _______________

matangkad masipag

mataba masaya

El E x ercise 1 0
Pretend that you are Bill or Louise Cook and have just returned
from your wonderful holiday in the Philippines. Write to your
friends the Abivas to thank the family for their kindness. This is
your chance to impress by them writing your thank you letter in
Tagalog. Don’t forget to use polite words and as many different
types of Tagalog verbs as you can remember. Close your letter by
inviting them to England to stay with you!

O ne-m inute p h ra s e s

Alis d’yan (ah-lees jahn ) Literally, alis means leave and d’yan/
diyan, there, hence: go away from there or, more colloquially,
get lost!!!, beat it!!!
Buwena mano (bwehnah mah-naw) Literally, buwena means
good from the Spanish word buena and mano, hand, it is
believed that the first shopper cannot be turned down by the
storekeeper as he/she will bring luck for the rest of the day.
Labas-masok ( lah-bahs mah-sawk) Literally, labas means
out/outside and masok or pasok means enter. A person who
comes and goes. Labas-masok ang mga tao sa opisina ng
meyor, The people come and go into the mayor’s office.
Walang tawad (wah-lahng tah-wahd) Literally, no discount, no
bargain/last price. This is usually what vendors say to you when
you start to haggle in the markets. You can still try to ask for a
discount but they usually get annoyed if you insist. If the price
can be haggled they usually encourage you otherwise.
Hindi kasya ( heen-dee kahs-yah) Meaning it doesn’t fit. An
expression commonly used when you are trying something on.
Hindi kasya sa akin ang sombrero mo kasi maliit ito sa akin,
Your hat doesn’t fit me because it’s too small fo r me.

C u ltu ra l tip

The high value Filipinos place on harmonious relationships may

at first seem rather quaint to the visiting westerner. This is hardly
surprising when on closer inspection, the westerner tends to
value having ‘a mind of his/her ow n’ and a strong sense of
autonomy. Filipino social behaviour on the other hand is
expected to promote the sense of community and togetherness
(pakikisama). One of the principal means of ensuring socially
acceptable behaviour is through hiya or ‘shame’. Filipinos
report the experience of feeling ‘ashamed’ (mahiya) when they
receive negative feedback from others through their body

language, voice tone or verbal messages. Hiya is therefore a key

form of social control, determining how people feel about
themselves (self-esteem) as well as their social standing. A
person with a strong sense of his or her own hiya learns how to
negotiate a way through potentially sensitive or embarrassing
situations. Compromise is always a key factor, ensuring that
others involved do not lose face and feel mahiya. The Filipino
will avoid at all costs making another person feel mahiya. To do
so not only damages that person’s social standing but also gains
them a potential enemy. It is extremely important for the
foreigner to understand this. The golden rule is very simple:
Never put anyone to shame in public, even in a joking way.
Others may laugh, but only out o f politeness. Filipinos often
laugh and smile in order to cover their sense of discomfort or
embarrassment. If you have a problem with someone, look for
an appropriate time and place to speak to the person alone and
in private. Even if you are upset, always make sure you speak in
a low voice. Be prepared to compromise in order to help the
other person save face and minimise their sense of hiya, even if
they are clearly in the wrong. This will always act in your
favour, indicating to others a sensitivity on your part to the
intricacies of the Filipino social relationship system. If you are
ever in doubt, smile, keep your mouth shut and ask your Filipino
friends for advice.

Unit 1
Exercise 2 1. siya 2. kami 3. ako 4. ka 5. sila 6. kayo 7. tayo 8. kayo
9. sila 10. siya. Exercise 3 1. hapon 2. umaga 3. tanghali4. gabi
Exercise 4 1. umaga 2. gabi 3. taughali 4. hapon Exercise 5 a3, b6,
c4, dl, e5, f4 Exercise 6 a. kayo b. ka c. ka d. ka

Unit 2
Exercise 1 May tuwalya ba kayo? May sabon ba kayo? May telepono
ba kayo? May menu ba kayo? May telebisyon ba kayo? Exercise 3
1. Doktor sila 2. Turista ako 3. Matatangkad/ matangkad sila 4. Maganda
siya 5. Amerikano ka/kayo Exercise 5 1. May payong ba kayo? May
payong ka ba? Oo. Mayroon 2. May sasakyan ba? Oo. Mayroon 3. May
pinggan ba sa mesa? Oo. Mayroon 4. May kutsilyo ba? Oo. Mayroon
5. May baso ba kayo? Oo. Mayroon Exercise 6 1. May libro 2. May
barko 3. May mesa 4. Walang pera 5. May basura 6. May sombrero
7. Wala (ng) pasahero 8. May sanggol Exercise 7 1. Sino ang pagod?
2. Sino ang Reyna? 3. Anong oras na? 4. Anong kulay ng bandila?

Unit 3
Exercise 1 a. Magandang hapon sa inyong lahat b. Ito ang lola ko c.
Ito ang tatay k o ,_________d. At s i________ , ang kapatid ko e. Ito ang
lolo ko f. Ito s i_________, ang kapatid ko g. at katapusan, ang nanay ko
Exercise 2 a. Tatay b. Hipag c. Lola at Lolo d. pamangkin e. Nanay
f. Bayaw g. Kuya at Ate Exercise 3 1. mapa 2. payong 3. posporo
4. shampoo Exercise 4 1. Kailangan ko ng tee-shirt 2. Gusto kong
bumili ng tiket 3. May ‘street guide’ ba kayo? 4. Nagtitinda ba kayo ng
tinapay? Exercise 5 1. Mainit ang panahon 2. Marumi ang kalye 3.
Malinis ang kotse 4. Maganda ang bahay 5. Doktor ang lalaki

Exercise 6 a. Maraming salamat b. Maratning salamat po or

Maraming salamat sa inyo c. Maraming Salamat or Salamat d. Maraming
salamat po or Maraming salamat sa inyo e. Maraming salamat
Exercise 7 1. Hindi ito barko 2. Hindi malinis ang mesa 3. Hindi
estudyante si Amy 4. Hindi tumatakbo ang Jeepney. Exercise 8 1.
Wala. Walang sasakyan sa bus stop 2. Wala. Wala kaming yelo. 3 Wala.
Walang katulong si Ginoong Reyes.

Unit 4
Exercise 1 1. kumaliwa 2. kumanan 3. diretso 4. kanan 5. tumawid
kayo 6. kaliwa Exercise 3 1. Nasaan ang simbahan? Reply: Nasa Sto.
Domingo ang simbahan 2. Nasaan ang Jeepney stop? Reply: Nasa
Guzman Street ang paradahan ng Jeepney. 3. Nasaan ang palengke?
Reply: Nasa Cubao ang palengke 4. Nasaan ang bangko? Reply: Nasa
Makati ang bangko Exercise 4 1. Gusto kong bumili ng selyo para sa
pakete ko 2. Gusto kong bumili ng selyo papunta sa Amerika 3.
Magkakano ang Air Letter? 4. Nasaan ang timbangan? 5. Pakitimbang
mo nga ang pakete ko or Maaari bang timbangin mo ang pakete ko?
Exercise 6 Listening: kahon, bolpen, sulat, selyo, pakete, timbangan
Exercise 7 1. bata, payat, puti ang blusa, mahabang itim na buhok,
nakasalamin, nakapantalon 2. babaeng hindi masyadong matanda, itim
ang palda at jacket, itim ang sapatos at handbag 3. matabang babae,
pandak, hindi itim ang blusa, itim ang palda, nakarelos at singsing
4. Matandang babae, putting buhok, mahabang itim na bestida,
nakakuwintas Exercise 8 1. Malaking masipag na hayop 2. magandang
matalinong dalagita 3. malaking puting simbahan 4. makulay na mabilis
na Jeepney.

Unit 5
Exercise 1 1. Disinuwebe 2. Animnapu’t apat 3. Nubenta y nuwebe
4. Dalawampu’t pito 5. siyento kinse 6. apat na raan at walumpu
Exercise 3 1. Labinlimang piso 2. Sampung piso 3. Pitumpung piso
4. Isandaang piso 5. Isanlibong piso; total = 1195 (isanlibo isandaa’t
siyamnapu’t lima) Exercise 4 1. Alas dose beinte 2. Menos kinse para
alas tres 3. Alas siyete 4 Ala-una diyes 5. alas kuwatro medya 6. Alas sais
Exercise 5 Examples: Magkakano ang mangga, magkano ang
lanzones? Magkano ang bayabas? Exercise 6 1. True 2. True 3. True

4. False 5. True Exercise 7 Gusto kong magpapalit ng dolyar

2. Magkano ang palit? 3. Ang palit ay 40 pesos 4. Nagpapalit din ba kayo
ng Australian dollars? Exercise 8 1. Limandaan 2. mil singko sientos

Unit 6
Exercise 2 1. Saan sila nakatira 2. Saan kayo matutulog 3. Saan nag-
aaral sina Lucy? 4. Saan po kayo bumibili ng sorbetes? 5. Saan kakain ng
almusal si Adam? Exercise 3 1. ka 2. bahay 3. mapa 4. Nakikita
5. kasama Exercise 4 1. Hindi. Masyadong malapit ito 2. Sa Sikatuna
Village 3. Sa Kalye Roxas 4. Walang kasama si Roy 5. Nasa Kalye Vito
ito. Exercise 5 Magbabakasyon, masyadong mainit, masyadong
malayo, buhat sa, masyadong mataas. Kapitan ng eroplano, ang dating
Exercise 6 1. Dadaan ba ito sa Sikatuna Village? 2. sa Kalye
Maningning 3. Magkano + Sikatuna? Heto ang bayad. May sukli ka ba?

Unit 7
Exercise 1 1. Nasa likuran 2. Nasa harapan 3. Nasa harapan katabi ni
Toto 4. Nasa likuran 5. Nasa harapan 6)Nasa harapan katabi ni Tita
Exercise 2 Kaibigan ko si Margaret 2. Kapatid niya siya John
3. Bisita nila si Ann 4. Kaklase ko sila. Exercise 4 1. ng 2. namin
3. ni 4. ng 5. ko 6. ng 7. niya. Exercise 5 1. Bahay ni Pedro ito
2. Pagkain ng aso ito. 3. Kampana ng simbahan ito. Exercise 6 1.
kaibigan 2. Matangkad 3. magkakapatid 4. pinakamatanda
5. pinakabunso 6. anak ninyo 7. anak ko. 8. ilan 9. ang may-asawa. Ang
anak niya. 10. apo Exercise 7 1.d 2.e 3.b 4.a 5.c Exercise 8 1. ang
piknik natin 2. mas matanda sa dalawa 3. tatlong taon 4. mas bata
5. hindi mo ba alam 6. kapatid siya ng aking nanay 7. ng malamig na
inumin 8. ang piknik na ito Exercise 9 1. Siya ay anak mo 2. Ako ay
may tiket 3. Ang tubig ay malamig 4. Ngayon ay mainit 5. Ang handa mo
ay masarap.

Unit 8
Exercise 1 1. Apat kami. 2. May mesa ba kayo para sa apat (na tao)?
3. Gusto ko ng malamig na tubig. 4. Gusto ko ng San Miguel beer.
5. May malaking mesa ba kayo? Exercise 2 1. False 2. True 3. True
4. False 5. False 6. True Exercise 3 1. mga aklat 2. mga babae 3. mga
bahay Exercise 4 1. May mga bisita na sa bahay 2. Mga estudyante ba

kayo? 3. Hindi sila mga Pilipino

4. Kailangan ko ang mga silya at mesa. 5. Mga sariwang prutas ang mga
ito Exercise 5 1. Oo. Suka nga para sa bangus 2. Oo. Maaari bang
bigyan mo ako ng asm? 3. Gusto ko ng sarsa 4. May toyo ba kayo?
Exercise 6 1. mga dalawang kilong 2. mga tatlong yarda. 3. Mga alas-
dos 4. Mga siyam 5. mga walong tao Exercise 7 Customer
1. adobong manok sa gata, kanin at malamig na guyabano 2. pansit,
guinataan, malamig na buko juice 3. lechon, kanin, pansit at malamig
na Coke.
Unit 9
Exercise 1 1.f 2.d 3.e 4.a 5.c 6.b Exercise 2 1. Para sa kape ang
gatas 2. Para sa bintana ang kurtina 3. Para sa sulat 4. Para sa ulan
5. Para sa pagtulog ang kama 6. Para sa biyahe ang maleta 7. Para sa
tubig. Exercise 3 1. Magandang umaga 2. ngipin ko 3. gamot 4 Okey
lang. Maraming satamat 5. Magkano iyan 6. ang bayad 7. Walang
anuman Exercise 4 1, buhok 2. ulo 3. mata 4. panga 5. tiyan 6. kamay
7. daliri 8. binti 9. paa 10. talampakan Exercise 5 Tama. 2. Mali.
Nasa harapan ang dibdib. 3. Tama. 4. Mali. Nasa paa ang talampakan.
5. Mali. Nasa bibig ang labi. 6. Tama Exercise 6 1. Ang sakit ng ulo
ko. 2. Hatsing! May sipon ako. 3. Masakit ang paa ko.
Unit 10
Exercise 1 l.b 2.c 3.c 4.b Exercise 2 1. Sa akin ang maletang ito
2. sa bata ba ang bisikleta/ 3. Sa kanila ang bagong Jeepney 4. Hindi sa
iyo iyan 5. Kay Beth ang tsinelas. 6. Kina Philip ba ito? Exercise 3
1. dilaw 2. puti 3. pula 4. asul 5. kulay pilak 6. biyoleta 7. itim 8. berde
9. ginto Exercise 4 1. Hindi. Kay Amy ang itim na tote bag 2. Hindi.
Kay Paul ang itim na tote bag 3. Hindi. Kay Stephen ang duffel bag
4. Kay Dad ang denim tote bag 5. Oo. Kay Lucy ang dilaw na plastic bag.
Exercise 5 1. Kanino ang mga iyon? 2. Kaninong bahay ito? 3.
Kaninong guro si Cora? 4. Kanino iyan? 5. Kanino ang mga gulay na ito?
6. Kanino ang mga berdeng mangga? 7. Kanino ang maleta?
8. Kaninong anak si Joanna? 9. Kaninong maleta ito? 10. Kaninong
kamera iyan? Exercise 6 1. bata, 2. beach, 3. turista, 4. bata, 5. turista,
6. beach, 7. bata, 8. turista, 9. beach, 10. bata, 11. beach, 12. turista,
13. bata, 14. beach, 15. bata, 16. turista, 17. beach, 18. turista
Exercise 7 1. sa tindahan 2. sa paliparan 3. sa dagat 4. sa tindahan ng
laruan 5. sa palengke 6. sa palaruan 7. sa kalye Exercise 8 1. sa hapon

2. Sa Linggo 3. sa gabi 4. sa tanghali 5. sa hapon 6. sa umaga

7. sa isang lingo

Unit 11
Exercise 2 1. gusto 2. kailangan 3. ayaw 4. dapat 5. ibig
Exercise 3 1. Hindi masyadong mahaba 2. Hindi 3. Sa tabi
4. Huhugasan muna ng barbero ang buhok ni Bill 5. Gusto rin ni Bill ng
masahe Exercise 4 1. ang bagong kotse 2. ng katulong 3. ng aking
tulong 4. magpagupit 5. ng malamig na kape Exercise 5 1. Kailangan
(Do you want a pencil?) 2. Ibig (Baby wants to buy some bananas from
the market) 3. kailangan (Why do you need a blackboard?) 4. gusto Who
do you want to go with you to the cinema? 5. Ibig (Do you like a cold
Pepsi?) Exercise 6 1. Mahaba ang inyong buhok 2. Bagay sa inyo ang
mahabang buhok 3. Kailangan kong hugasan ang inyong buhok.
Exercise 7 1. Maikli sa harapan, medyo mahaba sa likuran 2. putulin
nang kaunti ang tagiliran, medyo kulot, medyo kingki 3. pakiputulan ang
hulihan, huwag masyadong maikli, hanggang batok lang.
Exercise 8 1. Magandang umaga naman 2. gusto kong magpagupit 3.
Maaari bang ngayon na ako magpagupit? 4. Hindi na salamat. Gupit lang
5. Gusto ko maikli ang gupit 6. Gupit na lang muna 7. Maraming salamat
Exercise 9 1. sa matatanda 2. sa iyo 3. sa kaniya 4. sa akin 5. sa atin
6. sa kaniya

Unit 12
Exercise 1 1. kailangan 2. pantalon at kamisadentro 3. maluwag
4. sarisaringkulay 5. maganda 6. pumili 7. sombrero Exercise 2 I.
bibili ako ng laruan bukas 2. Kumakain kami ng gulay araw-araw
3. Gumawa tayo ng laruan 4.) Humihiram si Ely ng libro sa akin 5. Iinom
kami ng malamig na beer sa kantina ngayon. Exercise 4 1. gusto ko
ng berdeng palda 2. Ayaw ko ng mahabang palda 3. Kailangan ko ito sa
Lunes 4. Nasa bahay ang palda ko. Exercise 5 1. lumalaki
2. gumaganda 3. luminis 4. lumayo Exercise 6 lumalaki, lumiwanag,
luminaw, sumarap Exercise 7 1. Kanina sumikat ang araw 2. sa amin
noong isang linggo 3. tag-init 4. umuulan 5. Madilim ang langit.
Exercise 8 1. Bumabaha sa Maynila. 2. Hindi. Sa Kanluran ito
lumulubog 3. Sumisikat ang araw sa Pilipinas mga alas 6:00 nang umaga
4. May ingay kung kumukulog at kumikidlat 5. Hindi. Sumisikat ang
buwan sa gabi. Exercise 9 Kumikidlat 2. umulan 3. bumaha

Exercise 10 1. maulap, maaaring umufan sa Hilagang Luzon

2. Mainit 3. Mainit ang araw

Unit 13
Exercise 1 1. False 2.True 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. False
8. True 9. True 10. False Exercise 2 1. Hindi ko gustong bumili ng
tiket 2. Hindi puwede bukas nang umaga. 3. Hindi humihinto ang bus
nang mga alas 7:30 4. Malayo ang Banaue buhat sa Maynila 5. Hindi
mabuti ang alas 4.30 nang umaga. Exercise 3 1. Huwebes
2. Septyembre 3. Nobyembre 4. Linggo 6. Miyerkoles 6. Hunyo
7. Sabado Exercise 4 1. Sa ika-30 ng Agosto ang kaarawan niya 2. Sa
Lunes ang Simula ng pasukan 3. Dadalaw kami sa iyo sa Sabado, ika-
sampu ng Mayo. 4. Noong Martes, ika-14 ng Hunyo ang komperensiya
5. Pupunta kami sa zoo sa Linggo, ika-3 ng Septyembre 6. Sa Sabado ka
ba aalis? 7. Sino ang darating sa Huwebes, ika 5 ng Enero? Exercise 5
1. magluto 2. maglaba 3. maglaro Exercise 6 1. Maglaro tayo 2.
Naglinis na ako ng kotse 3. Naghuhugas ng pinggan si Maria 4.
Magdasal tayo 5. Magluluto sina Lina. Exercise 7 1. Mga sampling
oras 2. Hindi 3. Tarlac 4. Lima Exercise 8 1. Alas 7.45 ang dating ng
bus galing sa Baguio. 2. Umalis ito sa Baguio kaninang alas 9.00 ng
umaga. 3. Hihinto ito sa Ilocos, Pangasinan, Tarlac, Pampanga at
Bulacan Exercise 9 1.81 pesos
2. Mali. Ang numero ng tiket ay: anim, dalawa, dalawa, tatlo, talo, anim
3. wala. 4. 10-60 5. Hindi. 6. Hindi Exercise 1 0 1. maligo
2. nakikinig 3. naupo 4. mahiga 5. natulog Exercise 11 1. Anong oras
hihinto ang bus sa Pampanga? 2. Saan pa kayo hihinto? 3. Mayroon bang
kubeta doon? 4. Gusto kong pumunta sa kubeta Exercise 12
1. Magandang umaga 2. Oo. Pero hindi ko sigurado kung anong oras ito
babalik sa Maynila 3. Bukas nang hapon ang balik naming 4. Alas tres.
Okay lang 5. Isang biyahe lang. Para sa tatlong adults 6. Heto ang bayad
namin 7. Maraming salamat din. Exercise 13 1. nakapaglalaro
2. makakaalis 3. makakabili 4. makakapagluto 5. nakatulog

Unit 14
Exercise 1 1. Kasi maganda ang panahon 2. Mamamasyal muna
3. Mga mangingisda 4. Oo. Sa palagay ko, mura ang pag-arkila ng
bangka 5. Hindi. Pagbalik na nila. Exercise 2 1. Mamimitas ako ng

prutas bukas 2. Mangingisda sila sa Miyerkoles 3. Maraming

mandurukot sa palengke 4. Mamamasiyal ako mamayang gabi 5. Mamili
tayo! Exercise 3 1. mamimitas 2. mangisda 3. namimili
4. nandurukot 5. nanahi Exercise 4 I.a2.a3.a Exercise 5 1.
Malapit na ang pasko 2. Hindi pa ako nakakakain 3. Sa Sabado na ba ang
binyag ng anak mo? 4. alam mo ba ang sagot sa tanong? 5. Kumakain pa
ba sila? Exercise 6 1. Si Bill 2. Malalaking isda 3. Nakakapangisda
sila 4. Oo. Nasiyahan sila 5. Lumangoy sila. Exercise 7 1.
Namamangka ang pamilya Cook. 2. Lumalangoy ang pamilya Cook.
Exercise 8 1. Nakabili 2. nakakapaglaro 3. nakahiram 4. nakakaalis
5. makabalik. Exercise 9 1. Makakapangisda 2. Makakabili 3.
nakakain 4. nakabisita 5. Nakakain Exercise 10 1. Salamat.
Nakapamahinga kami. Nakapangisda rin kami 2. Oo. Nakapangisda kami
ng tulingan at dalawang Lapulapu 3. Oo! Sana makabalik kami sa
susunod na taon at makahuli nang maraming isda 4. Heto ang bayad
namin sa bangka 5. Maraming salamat din.

Unit 15
Exercise 1 1. Tinanong nila si Roy kung ibig niyang maging ninong.
2. Apat 3. Sa kapilya sa bukid 4. Oo 5. si Jobert. Exercise 2 1. Bukas
ba ninyo bibilhin ang bagong stereo? 2. Ginagawa niya ang bulaklak na
papel 3. Tinatahi mo ba ito? 4. Tinutugtog niya ang kundiman sa piyano
5. Nililinis ko pa ang kuwarto ko 6. Piliin mo ang sariwang gulay.
Exercise 3 1. Maaari bang kunan kita ng retrato? 2. Maaari bang
kunan mo ako ng retrato? 3. Gusto ko ang damit mo, maganda ito/ Ang
ganda ng damit mo! 4. sumama ka sa amin. Exercise 4 1. iibigin,
iniibig, inibig 2. kakainin, kinakain, kinain 3. lilinisin, nililinis, nilinis
4. susulatin, sinusulat, sinulat 5. tatapusin, tinatapos, tinapos
Exercise 5 1. hinuhuli 2. kinain 3. tatahiin 4. sasabihin 5. nilinis
Exercise 6 1. kinukuha, binili 2. nililinis, kinukuskos 3. niluluto,
sinasaing Exercise 7 1. Ninong ka rin ba? 2. Ilan kayong ninong?
3. Narito ba ang mga magulang mo? 4. Pupunta ka ba sa salu-salo?
Exercise 8 1.4 2.2 3.1 4.3 Exercise 9 1. pala 2. nga 3. kaya
4. yata5. ba

Unit 16
Exercise 1 1. Maaari bang ipakihulog mo ang mga sulat ko?
2. Labindalawa 3. Sapagka’t walang selyo si Louise 4. sa Post Office.

Exercise 2 1. ibinibigay 2. itinatapon 3. isinusukat Exercise 3

1. ibibigay 2. isasama 3. ipinixito 4. isinulat 5. iniluluto 6. inihulog 7.
itatapon 8. inilagay Exercise 4 1. Kasi maraming naitulong si Jobert
sa pamilya Cook 2. Dahil sa malaki ang itinulong ng pamilya kay Jobert
sa London 3. Dinala nila si Jobert sa iba’t ibang lugar, ibinili nila sa
Jobert ng kailangan niya 4. Aba, oo. Exercise 5 1. Maraming bumibili
ng libro dito araw-araw 2. May kumakatok yata sa pinto 3. May kinuha
ako kahapon sa kaniya 4. Walang sumaraa sa akin sa ospital noong
Linggo 5. May naglalaro na naman ng tennis sa kabila. Exercise 6
1. Tumayo ka! 2. Maupo po kayo. 3. Matulog na tayo. 4. Maari po bang
huwag kayong manigarilyo? 5. Mamasiyal tayo. Exercise 7
1. Magandang umaga 2. May semento ba kayo 3. Puwede bang
ipagreserba mo ako ng sampling sako? 4. May Marine plywood ba kayo?
5. Aluminum roofing sheets, mayroon ba kayo? 6. Mabuti. Puwede bang
ipagreserba mo ako ng labindalawang sheets? 7. Oo. Dalawang kilo nga
8. Wala na. lyan lang. Pupunta ako riyan nang mga tanghali 9. Paalam.

Unit 17
Exercise 1 1. Mali 2. Tama 3. Mali 4. Tama. Exercise 2 ninong,
simbahan, pulot-gata, ninang, retratista, singsing, pagkain Exercise 3
1. Kakainan ko ng pansit ang plato 2. Tinutulungan ko siya
3. Lalagyan namin ng rosas ang halaman dito 4. Gusto kong bigyan si
Larry nito 5. Lalagyan ba natin nito doon? 6. Huwag mong aalisan ng
libro ang mesa Exercise 4 1. tutulungan 2. nilakihan 3. sinuklian
4. sasamahan 5. binigyan 6. hinalikan 7. sarapan 8. palitan Exercise 5
1. Paglabas... 2. Maraming kumuha.... 3. Maraming sasakyan...
4. Dumating ang bagong.... 5. Inihanda ng mga tagapagluto....
6. Maraming pagkain 7. Ang mga nagluluto 8. Tumulong sa paghahain
9. Habang kumakain 10. May tugtugin.., 11. Isa sa mga tugtugin
12. Inanyayahan ng mga panauhin 13. Tuwang-tuwa 14. Napagod sa
pagsayaw 15)Sadulang, nagbigay ng... 16. Nagbigay din 17. Isa-isang
nagpaalam Exercise 7 1. Nasusulatan mo na ba si Sophie?
2. Maitatapon ni Harry ang basura lagi 3. May binubuksan siyang kabinet
ngayon 4. Hindi masasamahan ni Caroline si Phil sa bayan mamayang
gabi 5. Sino ang naisakay mo sa kotse kagabi? Exercise 8 1. Ang
paghalik sa kamay ng mga lolo at lola. 2. Ang lola 3. Upang maging
puhunan 4. Ang unang makarating sa bahay ang boss Exercise 9
1. siya mismo 2. Mismong kami 3. nila mismo 4. ikaw, mismo 5.

Mismong sina Fred Exercise 10 1. natutulog 2. nakikipag-usap sa

kaibigan 3. naliligo 4. naglalaba 5. namamasiyal 6. umiinom
Unit 18
Exercise 1 1. pista 2.mamayang gabi 3. mga damit at mga laruan
4. dapat mayaman siya 5. pag-akyat sa kawayan, pagsungkit ng laso,
pagsakay sa kalabaw 6. upang ilibot sa bayan 7. ang tenyente
Exercise 2 1. kapalaran 2. katamaran 3. kawalan 4. kayamanan
5. kabahayan 6. kamalian Exercise 3 karunungan 2. kasinungalingan
3. kalalakihan, kababaihan 4. karapatan 5. kakayahan Exercise 5
1. False (gusto) 2. False (upang maghanda 3. False, (ginagastos kaagad)
4. False. (Hindi mabuti) 5. False. (Hindi mabuti para sa lahat.
Exercise 6 1. Oo, pupunta kami sa pista 2. Mahilig akong sumayaw
3. Saan makakabili ng pagkain at inumin? 4. Salamat, sumama ka sa
amin. 5. O sige, hahanapin ka namin mamaya 6. Paalam.
Exercise 7 1. Makikikain si Auntie Marge sa kanila mamaya.
2. Kanino ka nakiupo? 3. Makikipamili ka ba kina auntie dot?
4. Nakikipag-away na naman si Jose 5. Nakikipag-usap pa ako kay Janet.
Exercise 8 1. Maaari bang makipag-usap kami kay Ginoong Reyes?
2. Puwede bang makitulog ako sa kanila? 3. Huwag sana kayong
makipag-away sa mga bata 4. Maaari bang makisakay kami kina Baby?
5. Puwede bang makipagluto ang mga bisita dito? Exercise 9 1. Nag-
aaral siyang humawak ng kalabaw 2. Medyo kausapin ang kalabaw
3. Oo. Maaari siyang sumakay sa kalabaw 4. Nagtrabaho siya sa isang
sabsaban ng kabayo sa Inglaterra. Exercise 10 1. Ganoon kabail si
ginoong Cruz sa amin 2. Ganito ba ang paggawa ng silyang rattan?
3. Paano ang pagsara ng kahong ito? 4. Hindi ba ganito ang pagluto ng
adobo? 5. Sabihin mo sa akin ang pagtugtog ng himig na ito. Exercise
11 1. ganito 2. ganiyan 3. ganiyan 4. ganito 5. ganoon 6. ganito
7. ganiyan 8. ganoon 9. ganito 10. ganiyan 11. ganoon 12. ganito

Unit 19
Exercise 1 1. mga punong-kahoy 2. rosal, sampaguita, rosas, camia
3. Gumawa siya ng palaisdaan 4. Nagpaluto ng kakanin si Kiko
5. Maganda ang buhay sa bukid: may mga punong-kahoy, masarap ang
pagkain, may mga bulaklak etc. Exercise 2 1. Nagpapakuha ako ng
libro sa kanila 2. Magpapalabas ba tayo ng silya? 3. Nagpapasok ba si
Henry ng mga maleta kanina? 4. Saan ka nagpapabibili ng gulay at

prutas? 5. Nagpabasa siya ng aklat sa klase. Exercise 3 1) Seven

2) a) Medyo huli na ako OR Alas_____ako nakarating. b) Oo, natrapik
ako. c) Nasa kusina ang Nanay ko. d) Hindi lahat. Nagpaluto ako ng
ibang putahe. w) Oo. d) May kilala akong masarap magluto. Chef siya.
Exercise 4 1. Gusto niyang magpakain ng mga baboy 2. Si Kiko
3. Mga manok 4. Kasi pinagluto na ni Kiko ang Misis niya ng almusal.
Exercise 5 1. pasusuiatin 2. pinaglinis ng kotse 3. pagtatahiin ng
bestida 4. nagpapagupit 5. nagpapaganda Exercise 6 1. Nagpapaligo
si Mang Kiko ng kalabaw sa ilog 2. Nagpapakain ng manok si Roy
3. Nagsasampay ng damit ang asawa ni Mang Kiko 4. Pinaaalis ng
batang babae ang mga ibon 5. Nagpapalipad ng saringgola ang batang
lalaki. Exercise 7 3. Pinagbuti ni Elvie ang kaniyang trabaho kagabi
1. Pasasamahin ko si Michael kay Jim sa bayan sa isang linggo
2. Pinamili namin si Lisa kahapon 1. Pinapag-aral ni Lina si Georgina
kanina. 2. Pinasulat daw ni Patricia si Larry noong isang buwan.
Exercise 8 1. damo 2. si roy 3. hinog na ang guyabano 4. para inumin
ng mga hayop 5. sa loob ng murang niyog. Exercise 9 1. pinatutulog
2. pinatatakbo 3. pinaglilinis Exercise 1 0 1. ipalalagay 2. ipasok
3. ipamimigay 4. ipinaayos 5. papintahan

Unit 20
Exercise 1 1. Isang kalabaw na inukit sa kahoy 2. magdaramdam si
Kiko 3. mga pagkain lang 4. Malaking abala ang ibinigay nila kay Kiko
Exercise 2 1. Kasimbait ni Remy si Bing. (Remy is as kind as Bing)
2. Kasimputi ng camia ang rosal. (Camia is as white as rosal)
3. Kasintaas ng St. Paul’s Cathedral ang BT Tower (The BT Tower is as
tall as St. Paul’s Cathedral) 4. Kasinluwang ng pantalon ko ang pantalon
mo (My trousers are as wide as your trousers) 5. Kasingkipot nito iyan.
(This is as tight as that) 6. Hindi kasingganda ang hardin ko ng hardin mo
(My garden is not as pretty as yours) 7. Magkasimbuti ang gulay at
prutas (Vegetables and fruits are equally good) Exercise 3 1.
Kailangan niyang bumili ng pampasalubong 2. sa Priscilla’s Gift Shop 3.
para kay Viv at Tim 4. nilalang handbag 5. sa pamamagitan ng credit
6. mag-iimpake pa sila. Exercise 4 1. panlakad 2. pambayad
3. pangkain Exercise 5 1. pangkamot 2. pamputol 3. panlaba
4. panulat 5. pamasiyal Exercise 6 1. Pangkamot ng likod ang patpat
2. Pamputol ng kahoy ang itak 3. Panlaba ang sabon 4. Panulat ang lapis

5. Pamasiyal ang gomang sapatos. Exercise 7 1. Aba, huwag kayong

mag-alaala 2. Mas tahimik sa Inglaterra 3. Magandang kuwadro para sa
kaniyang pamilya 4. sumulat lagi si roy o kaya’y tumawag.
Exercise 9 1. Mas matangkad si Tom kaysa kay Benny 2. Higit na
masipag si Benny kaysa kay Tom. 3. Mas mataba si Benny kaysa kay
Tom. 4. Mas masaya si Benny kaysa kay Tom
Exercise 10 Self-assessment (Ask your Filipino friends to help)
Stem Meaning -um- mag-f mang+ +in i+ +an
abang to waitfor X X mang-abang x X abangan
abay to accompany umabay X X X X abayan
abot to arrive, reach umabot X X abutin X abutan
ako to claim umako X mang-ako akuin X X
aksaya to waste (time) umaksaya mag-aksaya X aksayahin X X
akyat to climb umakyat X X akyatin X akyatan
alaala to remember umalaala X X alalahanin X X
alam to know X X X alamin X X
alay to offer/dedicate X mag-alay mang-alay X iaJay alayan
alibadbad to be nauseous X X X alibadbarin X alibadbaran
alis to leave umalis X X X X X
alis to remove X mag-alis X alisin X alisan
alsa to raise/rise/strike umalsa mag-alsa X X X X
ambag to contribute umambag mag-ambag X X iambag ambagan
anak to treat as one’s X mag-anak X anakin X X
own child
anak to have a baby X X manganak X X X
aral to study X mag-aral X X X X
araw-araw to do something daily X X X araw-arawin X X
awit to sing umawit X X awitin X awitan
ayos to tidy up umayos mag-ayos X ayusin X ayusan
baba to descend/go down bumaba X X babain X babaan
bago to change bumago X X baguhin X X
bagsak to drop/fall bumagsak magbagsak X X ibagsak bagsakan
bagyo to be hit by typhoon bumagyo X X bagyuhin X X
bahin to sneeze bumahin X X X X bahinan
balik to come back bumalik X X X X X

balik to return something X magbalik X X ibalik X

bangon to get up bumangon magbangon X X ibangon X
(from lying down)
bantay to guard X magbantay X X X bantayan
baon to bring provision X magbaon X baunin X X
baon to bury bumaon magbaon X X ibaon X
basa to read bumasa magbasa X basahin X basahan
basa to wet X magbasa mambasa basain X X
basag to break (as in glass) bumasag magbasag mambasag basagin X X
bastos to he bad mannered! bumastos X mambastos bastusin X X
bata to become young bumata X X X X X
bata to suffer X magbata X batahin X * *
batid to know X X X batirin X X
bili to buy bumili X mamili bilhin ibili bilhan
bili to sell X magbili X X X X
bola to fool someone X X mambola bolahin X X
bubo to spill X magbubo X X ibubo bubuan
bukas to open by itself bumukas X X X X X
bukas to open something X magbukas X X ibukas buksan
bukid tofarm X magbukid raambukid bukirin X x
buhay to give life bumuhay magbuhay X buhayin X X
buhay to live X X mamuhay X X X
buuga to bear fruit bumunga magbunga X X ibunga X
busog to make full (appetite) bumusog X X busugin X X
buwis to pay tax X magbuwis X X X buwisan

kaibigan to befriend kumaibigan X X kaibiganin X X

kailangan to need kumailangan X mangailangan kailangan in X X
kain to eat kumain magkain mangain kainin ikain kain an
kagat to bite kumagat X mangagat kagatin ikagat kagatan
Stem Meaning -um- mag-f mang+ +in i+ +an
abang to waitfor X X mang-abang x X abangan
abay to accompany umabay X X X X abayan
abot to arrive, reach umabot X X abutin X abutan
ako to claim umako X mang-ako akuin X X
aksaya to waste (time) umaksaya mag-aksaya X aksayahin X X
akyat to climb umakyat X X akyatin X akyatan
alaala to remember umalaala X X alalahanin X X
alam to know X X X alamin X X
alay to offer/dedicate X mag-alay mang-alay X iaJay alayan
alibadbad to be nauseous X X X alibadbarin X alibadbaran
alis to leave umalis X X X X X
alis to remove X mag-alis X alisin X alisan
alsa to raise/rise/strike umalsa mag-alsa X X X X
ambag to contribute umambag mag-ambag X X iambag ambagan
anak to treat as one’s X mag-anak X anakin X X
own child
anak to have a baby X X manganak X X X
aral to study X mag-aral X X X X
araw-araw to do something daily X X X araw-arawin X X
awit to sing umawit X X awitin X awitan
ayos to tidy up umayos mag-ayos X ayusin X ayusan
baba to descend/go down bumaba X X babain X babaan
bago to change bumago X X baguhin X X
bagsak to drop/fall bumagsak magbagsak X X ibagsak bagsakan
bagyo to be hit by typhoon bumagyo X X bagyuhin X X
bahin to sneeze bumahin X X X X bahinan
balik to come back bumalik X X X X X

balik to return something X magbalik X X ibalik X

bangon to get up bumangon magbangon X X ibangon X
(from lying down)
bantay to guard X magbantay X X X bantayan
baon to bring provision X magbaon X baunin X X
baon to bury bumaon magbaon X X ibaon X
basa to read bumasa magbasa X basahin X basahan
basa to wet X magbasa mambasa basain X X
basag to break (as in glass) bumasag magbasag mambasag basagin X X
bastos to he bad mannered! bumastos X mambastos bastusin X X
bata to become young bumata X X X X X
bata to suffer X magbata X batahin X * *
batid to know X X X batirin X X
bili to buy bumili X mamili bilhin ibili bilhan
bili to sell X magbili X X X X
bola to fool someone X X mambola bolahin X X
bubo to spill X magbubo X X ibubo bubuan
bukas to open by itself bumukas X X X X X
bukas to open something X magbukas X X ibukas buksan
bukid tofarm X magbukid raambukid bukirin X x
buhay to give life bumuhay magbuhay X buhayin X X
buhay to live X X mamuhay X X X
buuga to bear fruit bumunga magbunga X X ibunga X
busog to make full (appetite) bumusog X X busugin X X
buwis to pay tax X magbuwis X X X buwisan

kaibigan to befriend kumaibigan X X kaibiganin X X

kailangan to need kumailangan X mangailangan kailangan in X X
kain to eat kumain magkain mangain kainin ikain kain an
kagat to bite kumagat X mangagat kagatin ikagat kagatan
kaliwa to turn left kumaliwa X mangaliwa kaliwain X X
kamay to use the hand X magkamay X kamayin X X
kanta to sing kumanta X X kamahin X kantahan
kapit-bahay to visit neighbours X X mangapit-bahay X X X
kilala to know kumilala X mangilala kilalanin X X
kilos to move kumilos X X X ikilos X
kita to earn kumita X X kitain X X
kita to meet up X magkita X kitain X X
kuha to get/take kumuha X manguha kunin ikuha kunan
kulang to lack X magkulang X kulangin X X
kulay to colour X magkulay X X ikulay kulayan

dala to carry X magdala X dalhin X X

dala to bring to someone X x X X X dalhan
dala to catch fish with a net X magdala mandala dalahin X X
dalangin to pray dumalangin X manalangin dalanginin idalangan dalanginan
dalaw to visit dumalaw X X dalawin idalaw
dali to make quick X X X daliin X dali an
dama to feel du mama magdama X damahin X X
damihan to make many
damit to wear clothes X magdamit manamit damitin idamit damitan
dapat to be a must/ ought to X X X X X X
dumi to dirty dumumi magdumi X X X dumihan
dusa to suffer X magdusa X X X X

eskandalo to create a scandal x mageskandalo X eskandaluhin X X

eskoba to brush clothes X mageskoba X eskubahin X eskubahan

gabi to be overtaken gumabi X X gabihin X X

by night

galing to come from X X manggaling X X X

galing to become well gumaling X X X X X
galit to be angry X X manggalit galitin X X
gamit to use gumamit X X gamitin X garnitan
gamot to treat/ cure gumamot X manggamot gamutin X X

gana to have appetite X X X X X ganahan

ganda to make beautiful gumanda X X X X gandahan
gata to cook in X maggata X X igata gataan
coconut milk
gawi to turn towards gumawi X X X igawi gawi an
gjbik to shout fo r help gumibik X X X X gibikan
giling to grind gumiling X X gilingin X X
gising to wake up gumising X manggising gisingin X X
gusto to like gumusto X X gustuhin X X
gutom to feel hungry gumutom X mang gutom gutumin X X

hakot to load baggage humakot maghakot X hakutin X hakutan

hagilap to search for/look for humagilap maghagilap manghagilap hagilapin ihagilap X
hagis to throw humagis maghagis manghagis X ihagis hagisan
hangin to blow (as in wind) humangin X X X X hanginan
hapo to suffer from tiredness X X X hapuin X X
hasik to plant seed X maghasik X X ihasik hasikan
hayag to reveal X maghayag X X ihayag X
higa to lie down (a ma verb) mahiga X X X ihiga higaan
hila to pull bumila maghila manghila hilahin X X
hindi to say no/ turn down humindi X X X X hindian
hintay to wait X maghintay X hintayin X X
______________________________________ _____________
kaliwa to turn left kumaliwa X mangaliwa kaliwain X X
kamay to use the hand X magkamay X kamayin X X
kanta to sing kumanta X X kamahin X kantahan
kapit-bahay to visit neighbours X X mangapit-bahay X X X
kilala to know kumilala X mangilala kilalanin X X
kilos to move kumilos X X X ikilos X
kita to earn kumita X X kitain X X
kita to meet up X magkita X kitain X X
kuha to get/take kumuha X manguha kunin ikuha kunan
kulang to lack X magkulang X kulangin X X
kulay to colour X magkulay X X ikulay kulayan

dala to carry X magdala X dalhin X X

dala to bring to someone X x X X X dalhan
dala to catch fish with a net X magdala mandala dalahin X X
dalangin to pray dumalangin X manalangin dalanginin idalangan dalanginan
dalaw to visit dumalaw X X dalawin idalaw
dali to make quick X X X daliin X dali an
dama to feel du mama magdama X damahin X X
damihan to make many
damit to wear clothes X magdamit manamit damitin idamit damitan
dapat to be a must/ ought to X X X X X X
dumi to dirty dumumi magdumi X X X dumihan
dusa to suffer X magdusa X X X X

eskandalo to create a scandal x mageskandalo X eskandaluhin X X

eskoba to brush clothes X mageskoba X eskubahin X eskubahan

gabi to be overtaken gumabi X X gabihin X X

by night

galing to come from X X manggaling X X X

galing to become well gumaling X X X X X
galit to be angry X X manggalit galitin X X
gamit to use gumamit X X gamitin X garnitan
gamot to treat/ cure gumamot X manggamot gamutin X X

gana to have appetite X X X X X ganahan

ganda to make beautiful gumanda X X X X gandahan
gata to cook in X maggata X X igata gataan
coconut milk
gawi to turn towards gumawi X X X igawi gawi an
gjbik to shout fo r help gumibik X X X X gibikan
giling to grind gumiling X X gilingin X X
gising to wake up gumising X manggising gisingin X X
gusto to like gumusto X X gustuhin X X
gutom to feel hungry gumutom X mang gutom gutumin X X

hakot to load baggage humakot maghakot X hakutin X hakutan

hagilap to search for/look for humagilap maghagilap manghagilap hagilapin ihagilap X
hagis to throw humagis maghagis manghagis X ihagis hagisan
hangin to blow (as in wind) humangin X X X X hanginan
hapo to suffer from tiredness X X X hapuin X X
hasik to plant seed X maghasik X X ihasik hasikan
hayag to reveal X maghayag X X ihayag X
higa to lie down (a ma verb) mahiga X X X ihiga higaan
hila to pull bumila maghila manghila hilahin X X
hindi to say no/ turn down humindi X X X X hindian
hintay to wait X maghintay X hintayin X X
______________________________________ _____________
hinto to stop huminto X X X ihinto hintuan
hipo to touch humipo X manghipo hipuin X hipuan

hiram to borrow humiram X manghiram hiramin ihiram hiraman
hithit to smoke (ie cigarette etc.) humithit X X hithitin X X
hiyaw to shout humiyaw X X X ihiyaw hiyawan
hubad to undress X maghubad X hubarin X hubaran
hugas to wash X maghugas X X X hugasan
hulog to drop X maghulog X X ihulog hulugan

iba to change X mag-iba X ibahin X X

ibig to love/ like umibig X mangibig ibigin X X
idlip to have a short nap umidlip X X X X X
igib to fetch water umigib X X X X X
imik to talk/ speak umimik X X X X imikan
isip to think umisip mag-isip X isipin X X
init to become hot uminit mag-init X initin X X
inom to drink uminom X X inumin X inuman
isda to go fishing X X mangisda X X X
idm to become dark umitim X mangitim X X X

laba to wash clothes X maglaba X X X labhan

labas to go outside lumabas X X labasin X labas an
lakad to walk iumakad maglakad X lakarin ilakad lakaran
lagay to place/ put lumagay maglagay X X ilagay lagyan
laglag to faiVfall lumaglag maglaglag maglaglag X ilaglag laglagan
lala to become seriously ill lumala X X X X X
lamok to be infested with X X X lamukin X X
lapit to come close/ near lumapit X X X ilapit lapitan
laro to play X maglaro X laruin X X
lasap to taste/ experience lumasap X X lasapin X X
lasing to get drunk lumasing maglasing X lasingin X X

lawig to take a long time lumawig maglawig X X ilawig lawigan

layag to sail lumayag maglayag X X X X
layo to distance oneself lumayo X X X ilayo layuan
libak to mock, humiliate lumibak X manglibak libakin X X
libing to bury X maglibing X X ilibing X
ligo totakeabath(amaverb) maligo X X X X liguan
ligpit to keep / tidy up X X X X X X
limos to give alms X maglimos X X ilimos limusan
limot to forget lumimot X X limutin X X
lindol to have an earthquake lumindol X X X X X
linis to clean X maglinis X linisin X linisan
lingkod to serve X maglingkod X X X X
lipad to fly lumipad X X liparin ilipad X
litaw to appear lumitaw X X X ilitaw litawan
liwanag to become brighter lumiwanag magliwanag X liwanagin X liwanagan
loko to fool lumuko magloko manloko lokohin X X
lukso to jump lumukso X X luksuhin X luksuhan
lugas to fall off lumugas X X lugasin X x
lulon to swallow lumuion X X lulunin X X
VERB TABLES________________ ________ ___________

may-ari to own/ claim X magmay-ari X X X X

meryenda to have a snack X magmeryenda X meryendahin X X
mahal to make dear/ expensive X magmahal X X X mahalan
mahal to love X X X mahalin X X
minindal to have a snack X magminindal X minindalin X X
miting to have a meeting X magmiting X X X X
mukha to be similar to/ look like x magmukha X X X X
X imungkahi X
_ _________________

mungkahi to suggest X magmungkahi X

mura to become cheaper X magmura X X X murahan

nakaw to steal X magnakaw X nakawin X nakaw an

nais to desire/ wish X magnais X naisin X X
hinto to stop huminto X X X ihinto hintuan
hipo to touch humipo X manghipo hipuin X hipuan

hiram to borrow humiram X manghiram hiramin ihiram hiraman
hithit to smoke (ie cigarette etc.) humithit X X hithitin X X
hiyaw to shout humiyaw X X X ihiyaw hiyawan
hubad to undress X maghubad X hubarin X hubaran
hugas to wash X maghugas X X X hugasan
hulog to drop X maghulog X X ihulog hulugan

iba to change X mag-iba X ibahin X X

ibig to love/ like umibig X mangibig ibigin X X
idlip to have a short nap umidlip X X X X X
igib to fetch water umigib X X X X X
imik to talk/ speak umimik X X X X imikan
isip to think umisip mag-isip X isipin X X
init to become hot uminit mag-init X initin X X
inom to drink uminom X X inumin X inuman
isda to go fishing X X mangisda X X X
idm to become dark umitim X mangitim X X X

laba to wash clothes X maglaba X X X labhan

labas to go outside lumabas X X labasin X labas an
lakad to walk iumakad maglakad X lakarin ilakad lakaran
lagay to place/ put lumagay maglagay X X ilagay lagyan
laglag to faiVfall lumaglag maglaglag maglaglag X ilaglag laglagan
lala to become seriously ill lumala X X X X X
lamok to be infested with X X X lamukin X X
lapit to come close/ near lumapit X X X ilapit lapitan
laro to play X maglaro X laruin X X
lasap to taste/ experience lumasap X X lasapin X X
lasing to get drunk lumasing maglasing X lasingin X X

lawig to take a long time lumawig maglawig X X ilawig lawigan

layag to sail lumayag maglayag X X X X
layo to distance oneself lumayo X X X ilayo layuan
libak to mock, humiliate lumibak X manglibak libakin X X
libing to bury X maglibing X X ilibing X
ligo totakeabath(amaverb) maligo X X X X liguan
ligpit to keep / tidy up X X X X X X
limos to give alms X maglimos X X ilimos limusan
limot to forget lumimot X X limutin X X
lindol to have an earthquake lumindol X X X X X
linis to clean X maglinis X linisin X linisan
lingkod to serve X maglingkod X X X X
lipad to fly lumipad X X liparin ilipad X
litaw to appear lumitaw X X X ilitaw litawan
liwanag to become brighter lumiwanag magliwanag X liwanagin X liwanagan
loko to fool lumuko magloko manloko lokohin X X
lukso to jump lumukso X X luksuhin X luksuhan
lugas to fall off lumugas X X lugasin X x
lulon to swallow lumuion X X lulunin X X
VERB TABLES________________ ________ ___________

may-ari to own/ claim X magmay-ari X X X X

meryenda to have a snack X magmeryenda X meryendahin X X
mahal to make dear/ expensive X magmahal X X X mahalan
mahal to love X X X mahalin X X
minindal to have a snack X magminindal X minindalin X X
miting to have a meeting X magmiting X X X X
mukha to be similar to/ look like x magmukha X X X X
X imungkahi X
_ _________________

mungkahi to suggest X magmungkahi X

mura to become cheaper X magmura X X X murahan

nakaw to steal X magnakaw X nakawin X nakaw an

nais to desire/ wish X magnais X naisin X X
mngas to have flame X magningas X X X X
ngiti to smile ngumiti X X X X ngiti an
nguya to chew ngumuya magnguya X nguyain inguya X

obsetba to observe X mag-obserba X obserbahin X obserbahan

opera to operate umopera mag-opera X uperahin X uperahan
oo to say yes umoo X X X X uuhan
oras to measure the time of X mag-oras X orasin X orasan

paa to be barefooted X magpaa X paahin X X

paalam to bid goodbye X magpaalam X X X
pakli to reply/ answer pumakli X X X ipakii X
paksiw to cook this native dish X magpaksiw X paksiwin ipaksiw X
pakumbaba to be humble X magpakumbaba X X X pakumbabaan
pakundangan to have respect X magpakundangan X X X
pagitan to be a go-between pumagitan X mamagitan X ipagiian pagitanan
pahimakas to say farewell X magpahimakas X X ipahimakas pahimakasan
pahintulot to give permission X magpahintulot X X ipahintulot pahintulutan
pahinga to take a rest X magpahinga mamahinga X X pahingahan
pait to become bitter pumait X X X X X
palamuti to decorate X magpalamuti X X ipalamuti palamutihan
palayaw to nickname X magpalayaw X X ipalayaw palayawan
palengke to go to the market X X mamalengke X X X
panaginip to dream X X managinip panagiiiipin X panaginipan
panaiangin to pray X X manalangin X ipanalangin panalanginan
pangako to promise X magpangako mangako X ipangako pangakuan
paniwala to believe X X maniwala X X paniwalaan
pangamba to worry X X mangamba X X pangambaban
pasok to enter pumasok X X pasukin X pasukan
para to stop a bus/ Jeepney pumara magpara X parahin ipara parahan
pasko to spend Christmas X magpasko X X X X

pasiya to decide X magpasiya X X ipasiya pasnyahan

pasyal to take a stroll X magpasyal tnamasyal X X X
patay to die X X mamatay X X X
patay to kill pumatay magpatay X patayin X X
patnubay to guide pumatnubay magpatnubay mamatnubay X ipatnubay patnubayati
verb tables

patnugot to direct pumatnugot X mamatnugot X X patnugutan

patubig to irrigate X magpatubig X X X patubigan
patuloy to continue X magpatuloy X X X X
pawis to sweat X magpawis mamawis pawisin X pawisan
pikit to close eyes pumikit magpikit X X ipikit pikitan
pihit to turn pumihit magpihit X pihitin X X
pila to queue up pumila X X X ipila pilaban
pili to select/ choose pumila magpUi mamili piliin ipili pilian
pilipit to twist pumilipit magpilipit mamilipit pilipitin ipilipit X
pilit to insist X magpilit mamilit X X X
pinna to sign puminna X X X ipirma pirmahan
pisan to put together/ to join pumisan magpisan X X ipisan X
pista to attend fiesta X magpista mamista X X X
pito to whistle pumito X X X X pituhan

radyo to have the radio on X mag-radyo X X X X

rikisa to search X magrikisa mangrikisa rikisahin X riklsahan
regalo to offer a gift X magregalo X X iregalo regaluhan
relos to wear a watch X magrelos X X X relosan
repeke to peal (as in bells) rumepeke raagrepeke X repekehin irepeke X
rosaryo to recite the rosary X magrosaryo X X X X
reseta to prescribe X magreseta X X ireseta resetahan
resibo to issue/ give a receipt X magresibo X X iresibo resibuhan

sabi to say X magsabi X sabihin X sabihan

sakal to choke magsakaJ manakal sakalin X X X
sakay to ride sumakay magsakay X X isakay sakyan
mngas to have flame X magningas X X X X
ngiti to smile ngumiti X X X X ngiti an
nguya to chew ngumuya magnguya X nguyain inguya X

obsetba to observe X mag-obserba X obserbahin X obserbahan

opera to operate umopera mag-opera X uperahin X uperahan
oo to say yes umoo X X X X uuhan
oras to measure the time of X mag-oras X orasin X orasan

paa to be barefooted X magpaa X paahin X X

paalam to bid goodbye X magpaalam X X X
pakli to reply/ answer pumakli X X X ipakii X
paksiw to cook this native dish X magpaksiw X paksiwin ipaksiw X
pakumbaba to be humble X magpakumbaba X X X pakumbabaan
pakundangan to have respect X magpakundangan X X X
pagitan to be a go-between pumagitan X mamagitan X ipagiian pagitanan
pahimakas to say farewell X magpahimakas X X ipahimakas pahimakasan
pahintulot to give permission X magpahintulot X X ipahintulot pahintulutan
pahinga to take a rest X magpahinga mamahinga X X pahingahan
pait to become bitter pumait X X X X X
palamuti to decorate X magpalamuti X X ipalamuti palamutihan
palayaw to nickname X magpalayaw X X ipalayaw palayawan
palengke to go to the market X X mamalengke X X X
panaginip to dream X X managinip panagiiiipin X panaginipan
panaiangin to pray X X manalangin X ipanalangin panalanginan
pangako to promise X magpangako mangako X ipangako pangakuan
paniwala to believe X X maniwala X X paniwalaan
pangamba to worry X X mangamba X X pangambaban
pasok to enter pumasok X X pasukin X pasukan
para to stop a bus/ Jeepney pumara magpara X parahin ipara parahan
pasko to spend Christmas X magpasko X X X X

pasiya to decide X magpasiya X X ipasiya pasnyahan

pasyal to take a stroll X magpasyal tnamasyal X X X
patay to die X X mamatay X X X
patay to kill pumatay magpatay X patayin X X
patnubay to guide pumatnubay magpatnubay mamatnubay X ipatnubay patnubayati
verb tables

patnugot to direct pumatnugot X mamatnugot X X patnugutan

patubig to irrigate X magpatubig X X X patubigan
patuloy to continue X magpatuloy X X X X
pawis to sweat X magpawis mamawis pawisin X pawisan
pikit to close eyes pumikit magpikit X X ipikit pikitan
pihit to turn pumihit magpihit X pihitin X X
pila to queue up pumila X X X ipila pilaban
pili to select/ choose pumila magpUi mamili piliin ipili pilian
pilipit to twist pumilipit magpilipit mamilipit pilipitin ipilipit X
pilit to insist X magpilit mamilit X X X
pinna to sign puminna X X X ipirma pirmahan
pisan to put together/ to join pumisan magpisan X X ipisan X
pista to attend fiesta X magpista mamista X X X
pito to whistle pumito X X X X pituhan

radyo to have the radio on X mag-radyo X X X X

rikisa to search X magrikisa mangrikisa rikisahin X riklsahan
regalo to offer a gift X magregalo X X iregalo regaluhan
relos to wear a watch X magrelos X X X relosan
repeke to peal (as in bells) rumepeke raagrepeke X repekehin irepeke X
rosaryo to recite the rosary X magrosaryo X X X X
reseta to prescribe X magreseta X X ireseta resetahan
resibo to issue/ give a receipt X magresibo X X iresibo resibuhan

sabi to say X magsabi X sabihin X sabihan

sakal to choke magsakaJ manakal sakalin X X X
sakay to ride sumakay magsakay X X isakay sakyan
sakdal to charge or X magpasakdal X isakdal X X
accuse in court
sakmal to snatch sumakmal X manakmal
sakit to hurt sumakit X manakit X X X
sagana to be abundant X magsagana managana X X X
saglit to visit someone for sumaglit magsaglit managlit saglitin isaglit saglitan
a short time
sagot to answer sumagot X X sagutin isagot sagutan
sagot to be answerable to X X managot X X X
one's actions
salat to feel X X manalat salatin X X
salita to speak/ talk/ say X magsalita manalita salitain X X
saliw to acc(»npflnyCmstniment) sumaliw magsaliw X X isaliw saliwan
sanay to practice X magsanay X sanayin X X
sangguni to consult sumangguni magsangguni manangguni X isangguni sangguni an
saplot to wear clothes X magsaplot X saplutin isaplot saplutan
sarap to make delicious X X X X X sarapan
sarili to live on one’s own X magsari]i manarili X X X
sayaw to dance sumayaw magsayaw X sayawin isayaw X
saysay to narrate X magsaysay X X isaysay saysayan
sigaw to shout sumigaw X manigaw X isigaw sigawan
sulat to write suraulat magsulat X sulatin isulat sulatan
Simula to start/ begin X magsimula X X X simulan
subo to put some food X magsubo X X isubo subuan
into mouth
suka to vomit sumuka magsuka X X isuka sukahan
sulak to boil sumulak magsulak X X X X
sumpa to swear an oath sumumpa X manumpa sumpain isumpa X
sunod to follow sumunod X X sunurin isunod sundan
sunog to bum sumunog magsunog manunog sunugin X X
suot to wear X magsuot X suutin isuot X
suweldo to receive salary sumuweldo X X X X X
taas to grow/ to rise tumaas X X X X X

taas to raise X magtaas X X itaas taasan

taba to become fatter tumaba X manaba X X X
tabi to be at one side tumabi X X X X tabihan
takbo to run tumakbo X X takbuhin X takbuhan
takal to measure tumakal magtakal X takalin itakal takal an
taklob to cover X magtaklob X X itaklob takluban
tadtad to chop into pieces tumadtad magtadtad X tadtarin tadtad X
tadyak to kick tumadyak X manadyak X X tadyakan
tago to hide X magtago X X itago X
tagumpay to succeed X magtagumpay managumpay X X X
tahi to sew tumahi magtahi manahi tahiin itahi X
talon to jump tumalon X X talunin X X
talumpati to make a speech X magtalumpati manalumpati X italumpati talumpatian
tama to tally/ to agree X magtama X X itama X
tanim to plant X magtanim X X itanim tairman
tanod to keep guard X magtanod X X X tanuran
tanong to ask X magtanong X tanungin itanong X
tanggap to accept/ receive tumanggap magtanggap X tanggapin X X
tapon to throw X magtapon X X itapon tapunan
tapos to finish tumapos magtapos X tapusin X X
tawa to laugh tumawa magtawa X X X tawan an
tawag to call X magtawag X tawagin X X
tawag to call on the telephone tumawag X X X X tawagan
tayo to stand up tumayo X X X X tayuan
tayo to erect (a building etc.)*. magtayo X X itayo X
tikim to taste tumikim X X X X tikman
tamasa to enjoy X magtamasa X tamasahin X X
tinda to sell X magtinda X X itinda X
tira to live (in a place) tumira X manira X X tirahan
tiyaga to be patient X magtiyaga X X X X
tubo to grow tumubo X X X X X
tugon to reply/ answer tumugon X X X X X
tugtog to play an instrument tumugtog magtugtog X tugtugin itugtog tugtugan
sakdal to charge or X magpasakdal X isakdal X X
accuse in court
sakmal to snatch sumakmal X manakmal
sakit to hurt sumakit X manakit X X X
sagana to be abundant X magsagana managana X X X
saglit to visit someone for sumaglit magsaglit managlit saglitin isaglit saglitan
a short time
sagot to answer sumagot X X sagutin isagot sagutan
sagot to be answerable to X X managot X X X
one's actions
salat to feel X X manalat salatin X X
salita to speak/ talk/ say X magsalita manalita salitain X X
saliw to acc(»npflnyCmstniment) sumaliw magsaliw X X isaliw saliwan
sanay to practice X magsanay X sanayin X X
sangguni to consult sumangguni magsangguni manangguni X isangguni sangguni an
saplot to wear clothes X magsaplot X saplutin isaplot saplutan
sarap to make delicious X X X X X sarapan
sarili to live on one’s own X magsari]i manarili X X X
sayaw to dance sumayaw magsayaw X sayawin isayaw X
saysay to narrate X magsaysay X X isaysay saysayan
sigaw to shout sumigaw X manigaw X isigaw sigawan
sulat to write suraulat magsulat X sulatin isulat sulatan
Simula to start/ begin X magsimula X X X simulan
subo to put some food X magsubo X X isubo subuan
into mouth
suka to vomit sumuka magsuka X X isuka sukahan
sulak to boil sumulak magsulak X X X X
sumpa to swear an oath sumumpa X manumpa sumpain isumpa X
sunod to follow sumunod X X sunurin isunod sundan
sunog to bum sumunog magsunog manunog sunugin X X
suot to wear X magsuot X suutin isuot X
suweldo to receive salary sumuweldo X X X X X
taas to grow/ to rise tumaas X X X X X

taas to raise X magtaas X X itaas taasan

taba to become fatter tumaba X manaba X X X
tabi to be at one side tumabi X X X X tabihan
takbo to run tumakbo X X takbuhin X takbuhan
takal to measure tumakal magtakal X takalin itakal takal an
taklob to cover X magtaklob X X itaklob takluban
tadtad to chop into pieces tumadtad magtadtad X tadtarin tadtad X
tadyak to kick tumadyak X manadyak X X tadyakan
tago to hide X magtago X X itago X
tagumpay to succeed X magtagumpay managumpay X X X
tahi to sew tumahi magtahi manahi tahiin itahi X
talon to jump tumalon X X talunin X X
talumpati to make a speech X magtalumpati manalumpati X italumpati talumpatian
tama to tally/ to agree X magtama X X itama X
tanim to plant X magtanim X X itanim tairman
tanod to keep guard X magtanod X X X tanuran
tanong to ask X magtanong X tanungin itanong X
tanggap to accept/ receive tumanggap magtanggap X tanggapin X X
tapon to throw X magtapon X X itapon tapunan
tapos to finish tumapos magtapos X tapusin X X
tawa to laugh tumawa magtawa X X X tawan an
tawag to call X magtawag X tawagin X X
tawag to call on the telephone tumawag X X X X tawagan
tayo to stand up tumayo X X X X tayuan
tayo to erect (a building etc.)*. magtayo X X itayo X
tikim to taste tumikim X X X X tikman
tamasa to enjoy X magtamasa X tamasahin X X
tinda to sell X magtinda X X itinda X
tira to live (in a place) tumira X manira X X tirahan
tiyaga to be patient X magtiyaga X X X X
tubo to grow tumubo X X X X X
tugon to reply/ answer tumugon X X X X X
tugtog to play an instrument tumugtog magtugtog X tugtugin itugtog tugtugan

c §
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Xl § U.

Trying to get your tongue around unfamiliar words in a new language is

often something of an uphill struggle. It can be frustrating to discover that
words are not always pronounced as they appear on the page. With this in
mind, we have provided three small symbols or ‘accents’ to help you find
the correct stress or sound for each word in the Tagalog-English Glossary.
The accents are as follows:
" This accent serves to lengthen the sound of the vowel. For example,
the Tagalog word lata (or ‘tin’ in English) would be pronounced ‘lah-tah
with the stress on the first syllable. The first ‘a’ sound is long, something
akin to the long ‘a’ in the English words ‘bar’ or ‘car’. (In the unit
dialogues this stress is shown by making the stressed syllable bold.)
v This accent is only ever found on the last vowel of a word. It informs
you that the vowel sound is shorter than the vowel with the ' accent. For
example, the Tagalog word kasapi (to be a member of) would be
pronounced ‘ka-sah-pee’, with a long ‘ah’ sound and a short ‘ee’ sound.
a This accent is found on a number of words ending with a vowel. It
indicates a glottal stop - a short, abrupt sound, almost as though the
pronunciation of the vowel has been interrupted, like a tape recorder being
switched off. For example, the Tagalog words basa (wet) and basa (to
read) are distinguished from one another by their very different accents.
(Glottal stops are shown in the unit dialogues by italics.)
dalis will leave adbbong pusft squid adobo
dalmusatin what someone’s having for iking inaanak my godchild
breakfast aklat (libra) book
aba oh! / hey! / well! akdrin me too
abala disturbance alam know
aba 06 / aba oo naman o f course alam mo ba do you know
4bay consort alas dds nang hipon 2.00 p.m,
ab4 6p6 certainly, sir alas d6se 12.00
(mga) abay sa kasffl wedding assistants) alas nuwdbe y medya 9.30

alas mu' s y mddya 6.30 bdbaha willflood

alin which one babde female/woman
alls departure babdgay pd sa inyd it will suit you
almiLsal breakfast babdgyo there will be a typhoon
Amdrika America baled might/cow
dining our bakdhindi might not
dming andk / anak namin our child bakante vacancy
ampalaya bitter melon bakasyon ka bd are you on vacation?
anak son/daughter/child bdkit why
ang the bakithindi why not
ang bahald will look after bdgay thing
ang dating the arrival bdgay ba sa dkin does it suit me
ang gdgawa will do bdgo new
angmgaitd these bago(ng) binyag newly baptised
ang mga iydn those bdgo(ng) kasal newly wed
ang bill nga nimin our hill, please bahdld na come what may
ang kaildngan ninyo what you need bdbay house
ang kainin mo what you have to eat baldd bucket
ang kinain mo what you ate bdle wala means nothing
ang gusto niny<5(ng) what you like bandd band
ang ibig ninyo what you want bangka boat (canoe)
ang maikling gupit short cut banddra / bandila flag
ang nakdin mo what you have eaten banga earthen pot
ang paborito ko(ng) myfavourite bangds milkfish
ang pangdlan ko my name barkd ship
ang piinta the destination / going to baryo barrio/ village
ang stikat the size bdso drinking glass
ang sukat ko my measurement bdtd child
ano(ng) what bdtok nape
and ang mga oras ng what are the times of b a sto rubbish
and naman itd? and what is this? bdwa’tdras each hour
ano pd what else bayabas guavas
ano pd ang maipaglilingkod ko what bayadko my payment
(service) can I do baydw brother-in-law
ano pong gupit what (kind of) haircut bibigyankita Vll give you
andng edad how old bfbili will buy
andng dras what time bfbjli akd ng I ’ll buy/I'm going to buy
andng pangdlan ninyd what's your name? bigld(ng) suddenly
(formal) bigyan mo akd give me
anti-and what (plural) bibig mo your mouth
apo grandchild bibilbin will buy
apritada a kind of dish bfbili akd I will buy
to w day /sun bibingkd a local delicacy
araw-tow everyday bili nd come and buy
asawa husband /w ife bilobild a local delicacy in coconut milk
asdwa niydng his/her spouse bindtd bachelor
asin salt binigydn was given
at and binydg baptism
ate older sister binydgan(g) ito this baptism
at sakS and also bintdnd window
dyaw ko / ayoko I don \t like bisita guest/ visitor

biyShe travel kamSy arm

blusS blouse kamStis tomatoes
bdlpen pen kSmera / kodak camera
bubuti will become better kami we
bukas tomorrow kanin boiled rice
bukas nang gabf tomorrow night kanina awhile ago
bukas nang hSpon tomorrow afternoon kanfno whose
bukas nang tanghali tomorrow midday kanmo pa whose else
bukas nang umiga tomorrow morning kaniya(ng) her
buhat sa from kSnto comer
buhay life kaopisina ko my officemates
buh6k ninyo (also inyong buhok)yn«r hair kapag if/ when
bulakISk flower kapaligiran environment
bumaba ka you alight/you get off kapatfd sister/brother
bumaKk return karamfhan many of
bumflang counted kapitin captain
bumilf to buy kardsa cart
bumlbili buying/ buy kasabiy at the same time
bumbbulong whispering kasabihan saying/adage
buntal a kind of Philippine fibre kasSl / kasalan wedding
buong lugSr whole place kasama companion/ together with / with /
burdido(ng) embroidered including
ka you (singular) kasama ba is it included?
kaagad immediately kasama ko I'm with
kaakit-akit attractive kasSma nils accompanied by them
kabayanan town kasf because
kabSyo horse katabf kd next to me
kadSlasan often katahimfkan peace
kailSn when (ng) katawan (of the) body
kakain wilt eat katdliko Catholic
kakanin rice cakes katuladng like
kakllse classmate kaugalian custom
kagabi last night kaunting masahe a little massage
kaguluhan chaos kausapin talk to
kahapon yesterday kawayan bamboo
kahSpon nang hapon yesterday afternoon kay [+ name] fo r [+ name J
kahit even though kay /k e mahal nga in fact it’s expensive
kShitsaSn anywhere kay gandS how beautiful
kahdn box kaya muna tayo why don’t we first
kahoy wooden kaya that’s why
kaibigan friend kaya paid no wonder
kailSn when kayo you (plural informaUformal
kailSngan ko (ng) l need singular)
kailSngan po namin we need (formal) kayonamSn oh! please!
kalabasa squash / pumpkin kSysa than
kalabSw water buffalo kinakabitSn being attached
kalimfitan forget ko my
kaliwa left kdtse car
kalsSda / kalye street kubeta toilet
kSlye road/street kukunan will take ( a photograph)
kSma bed kukunin will get/fetch

kulay colour disidtso pdsos 18 pesos

kumain eat dfto/ rfto here
kumakain eating dfto lang po sa ibaba just here below
kuminan turn right dfto miina just here
kumaliwa turn left dodn there
kumbidado invited dosdna dozen
kumuha took dos singkuwdnta 2.50 pesos
kumitsta kay6 how are you {formal dulang table
singular / informal plural) dumdrating arriving
kunan to take dumfdilim becoming dark
kundt instead dumirdtso to walk straight ahead
kung if estudyante student
kung iyaw ninyd if you don't like dto (see heto) here is
kung bSkit why dto lang just this
kung ganodn /gayon if that’s the case dtopo here you are madam/sir
kung gfisto mo(ng) if you want gaano kalakf how big
kung hindt if not/ had not been gabf night
kung maaari if possible giling sa from
kung mfnsan sometimes gamdt medicine
kung puwdde sdna if possible ganito p6 like this, sir
kung saan where ganito(ng) uri this kind
kung tama if right ganiydn like that
kurtfna curtain ganodn like that
kutsflyo knife ganodn ba is that so/oh, my!
kutsinta a delicacy ganodn ling just like that
kuwarta money ganodn ngli really tike that
kuwadro frame gaganapm will be held
kuwaito room / quarter / one fourth gagastusin will be spent
kiiya older brother ganiyin tike that
dadn road/way gasolfna petrol
dagat sea galas milk
dahil sa because gawfn be made
dahil lang sa just because o f gawinkd I ’d do
dalanddn / dalanghita oranges ginagawa be made
dalawa two gtnang Mrs
dalawandaarig piso 200 pesos ginisang gulay sauteed vegetables
dalawampung anyos 20 years old glilay vegetables
dal awing resdta two prescriptions gumab£ to become night
daliin be quick gumanda to become fine/beautiful
damft-pangkasal wedding dress gumawa to make
dam6 grass guro teacher
dSpat must /should gusto like/want
darating will arrive gusto ko(ng) 1 like / 1 want / 1 love
dating arrival gusto ntnyd you tike
dekorasy6n(g) decoration gfisto kong I ’d like
dila-dfla a delicacy gusto ko rm I also like
dflamo your tongue gfisto pa namin ng we want some more
diliw yellow gdsto po ba ninyo do you like/ would
direksiydn direction you like
ilirdtso straight guyabano guyabano fruit (large, soft white)
‘di Nn likin of course it's mine halfkayo come on everyone

habang while ikinagagaiak ko kaydng makilala I'm

haldman plants pleased to meet you
handa food preparation ikinasal got married
handaan reception ideya idea
hanggSng until ilang bdses how many times
hangging itaas reaching the top ihulog to post (literally, to drop)
hanggangsa until ihuhulog will post
hSpon afternoon iinom will drink
hapunan supper iinumin will be drunk
harapiSn front ilabas show/bring out
hatinggabi midnight ilanfg) how many/a few
hawSkan hold ilangflang ilangilang (flower)
hiyqp animal ililigid will be driven around
h£to / heto po here you are/here, sir inahin hen
h£to ang bayad here’s the payment inanyayShan invited
h6to na here comes inasikSso dealt with/attended to
higft more inayos fixed / arranged
Upon prawns iniabdt handed over
hflunto will stop inihanda prepared
hind) no inihatid took to
hindfba isn’t it? inihaw grilled
hindi ba mahSl not expensive (l hope) inipon the savings
hind) ko gusto I don ’t like inyong buhok your hair
hind) na bdle never mind Inglaterra England
hindi naman not quite/not so inumin drinks
hindi na po «of anymore inukit carved
hindi pa not yet ipakihulog mo could you post
hindi pi) no, sir ipalSlagay will cause to put
hindi sa Skin not mine ipambayad to pay with
hinog ripe ipatapon will cause to throw
hintayin mo ak6 you wait for me ipapipitas will have something picked
hipag sister-in-law isS one
huhugasan ko lang I ’ll just wash isa ka sa mga you ’re one o f the
humSnap to find isSma to include
humSngin was windy isang kahdn one box
humfhingi asking isdng dosenafng) one dozen
humihirani borrowing isang gab) per night
huwdg don't isang plSto(ng) a plate o f
ibdng kiilay rin other colours, too isSngtadn one year
iba’tibang different kinds isda fish
ibignSmin we want / like / would like isinama accompanied
ibigSy to give isindkai tried it on
ibibigay will be given isukat ninyo you try
ibig n’yo n i would you like now ititanong will ask
ibig po ba ninyd ng do you want/like a itim black
ibili to buy for itb this
ibinigdy handed/gave itong itim this black (one)
ibinuka opened ituturd will show/point
ikalimSng gusali fifth building iwSsan lang please avoid
ikatatld third iySn that
ikSw ba talagS is it really you? iyan ISng that’s ail (just those)

iy6n(g) that madalf lang just easy

labanan contest magalmg good at/ clever
labmdalawa twelve mag-aatubili hesitate
labinlimS fifteen mag-alalS worry
ia g i always mag-almusfil to have breakfast
lahat everybody maganda beautiful
lahat-lahat all in all/altogether maganddng umaga good morning
laldki man/ male maganddng gabi p 6 good evening (formal)
Iakarin to walk (it) magandang hapon good afternoon
lalo na especially mag-aaral will study
laman contents magbabakasyon will go on vacation
lang only/just magbabasa will read
langit sky magbabayad will pay
lanzdness lanzones (fruit similar to lychee) magbiydhe to travel
laol sea magkano how much
lapis pencil magkano naman how much is it?
larawan photograph / picture magkakano how much each
larudn(g) toy magdSdagdag will add
likurSn behind / at the back magdaramdam will feel bad
lima(ng) pfco five pesos mag-enjoy to enjoy
limandaan(g) 500 maghanda to prepare
Linggd Sunday mag-fimpake will get packing
lmggo-linggd every week mag-isfp to worry/think deeply
litson suckling pig magpalamig muna have some refreshment
161a grandmother first
161o grandfather magpSpakain willfeed
lubusan earnestly magpapagod to become tired
lugar place magpdpalit to change (money)
lum&cad to walk/move magpagupft have a haircut
lumangdy to swim magpasdnsiya to accept our shortcomings
maaari can magsukat pa try some more
maaari ba(ng) is it possible/( see puwede magtanong enquire
bang) magulang parents
maaabor be able to reach magus tuh^n sana ninyo 1 hope you ’d like it
mabaho smelly mahaba long
mabait kind mahfrap difficult/poor
mabangb fragrant mahiya ka naman are you without shame
mabills fast mahusay fine / very good at
mabuti good maikli short (i.e. pencil)
mabtiti kung ganodn that’s good maikling buhok short hair
mabuti rin naman I'm fine, too matnit hot
mabuti po namSn I ’m fine, too (formal) malaki big
makapag-almusdl can have breakfast tnalakf-lakf quite big
makapSgbanat to be able to stretch malamlg cold
makapSghanda he able to prepare malapit near
makapal thick malayo far
makatawag to be able to call mal6ta suitcase
makatutiilong will be able to help maligaya{tig) happy
makdlay colourful maligayang pagdati'ng welcome
madadala be turned off malinis clean
madall(ng) easily malii't small

maliit sa ikin small for me medyo masiklp slightly small

malulugi I'll lose mddyo nagulat somewhat surprised
maluwing loose mesa table
mimayS later mesa ninyo your table
mamangka to go boating mechado pork / beef with tomato sauce,
mamasyal to take a stroll pepper and potatoes
mimayang gabf tonight minsinan in one go
manggd mango mga pluraliser, similar to the English ‘s’
mangingisda fisherman mga aids siydte medya about 7.30
mandk chicken mgalimi about five
manodd watch modista dressmaker
mantikflya margarine mukha(ng) looks / appears / seems
mapa map middling malfnis looks quite clean
mapagpfpilian to choose from muli again / once more
marSmi many/plenty muna first, for the time being
mariming salamat thank you very much munrf(ng) regilo small gift
marumf dirty miira cheap
manSnong know mdra na po it’s already cheap, ma ’am
masakfl hurting / painful mura ang halagi the price is cheap/ right
masarip delicious/ great / nice/ good mtirangniydg young coconut
masayd happy miirang-mura very cheap
mas bigay suits belter na now/ already
mas 1316 more naayos managed to arrange
mas maaga earlier nanamdn again
mas malakf bigger na binili ko dito that / bought here
mag-aalala more bothered/ be worried naka-arkila war able to hire
mastisunod will be followed nakakahiya embarrassing
masyado(ng) very / too / quite / extremely nakakapaiigisda are able / manage to catch
mataas high fish
matabing bland/flat in taste nakakita happened to see / wot able to see
mata m6 your eyes nakahawak managed to handle
matatanda the old ones nakakawak holding on to
matatapus na gawiin jobs will be finished nakahiga lying down
matuto will learn nakatayd standing
matutulog will sleep nakapamasyil managed to take a stroll
mawawala will disappear nakatira living
may has/have, there is/ there are naklta ba ninyo did you see ?
mayiman rich nakiklta mo you see
mayaman naman kayo anyway, you are mig-abala bothered
rich nagawa what’s been done
miy binili akb(ng) I bought naiintindihin understand
may kilala akd I know someone nailsip able to think about
may mesa ba kayo do you have a table nais po ba ninyo do you want
may makakafiun bang is there any place nag-aaral studying / study
to eat nagbigay gave
may nakalimutan forgot something nag-enjoy enjoyed
maynaplli has selected/chosen naghanda preparedfood
mayrodn / meron has/have there is/ nagkoronasydn crowned
them are nag-itpon ng pdra saving money
mddyo sort of / somewhat nag-fisa alone
mddyo malift slightly small nagluluto cooking

nagniainano kissing the hand ngaybn ldng just now

nag-padlam said goodbye ngay6ng linggb this week
ndgpagupit had a haircut ngumiti smiled
nagpaliito caused someone to cook nildla(ng) woven
nagpdpa-akydt ask someone to climb nfnang godmother
nagpapabango making (something) fragrant nfnong godfather
nagpapakdin give them food ninyo your
nagpdpaganda making(something) pretty nit6 this, (in the ng form) o f this
nagpdpalaki making (something) grow niyd h is/her
nagpapaiit din ba kay6 do you also change ? nivang o f that
nagpasalamat gave thanks ng of/ o f the
nagpuntd went ng bandana a sc a tf
nagseseremonya officiating ng ibi other ones
nagtataka wondering nga please / indeed / it's true
nagtdtaeako I've got diarrhoea ngaydn now /today
nagtftinda ba kayo do you sell ngaybng alas dos today at 2 o 'clock
nagtrabaho worked ngayong hdpon this afternoon
nagustuhdn I liked ngayong umaga this morning
nag-uunahan beating each other (in a race) ng mga anak o f the children
nahihiyS embarrassed ng size ninyb your size
namamangka boating noon then /before
nakabaiot wrapped nodng when /during
nakabilf was able to buy nodng isang liuggo last week
nakapamangkd was able to go boating mimero number
nakatiilog managed to sleep o kaya’y or/otherwise
naman too / on the other hand okey ldng just all right
ndmin our o, sige all right
nanalo won oo, mabuti yes, good
ninay mother oo ngd I agree
nanggabi at night oo nga paid by the way
nang hapon in the afternoon 6p6 yes (formal)
nang ibigdy when (it) was given 6ras time
nangingisda fishing pa still
nang madga early padlam goodbye
nang mabuti soundly/ well/ better paarkildhan a place to hire
nang maluwdg loosely pakainin to serve /feed
nang umaga in the morning pakete parcel
nangungdtang borrow money pakiabot sa akin please pass to me / hand
napakagandd very pretty to me
napakarami(ng) so many pakilagdy please put/place
napdgod got tired pakipdra mo please stop at
napansin noticed pakitilit mo nga please repeat
ndrito nd here now f here comes pdgbabakasybn vacationing
ndsa (prefix) at / o n /in / at the / on the / pagbalfk when you return
in the paghdwak how to hold
ndsaan where pagkdin food/eating
nasa parke at the park pagkatdpos afterwards / then
nasiydhan was pleased paghdwak handling / holding
naiibos finished / consumed paglabds ninyO once you 've come out
naupd sat down pagtanggdp reception
ngayon now/ today pagtatanim planting

paiklirn be shortened panyolfto handkerchiefs

palagydn will ask to be put papalitdn namin iyan we will replace it
palaro games papaya pawpaw
palawft bunting papunti sa going to
palfgid around paput6k fireworks
pSlda skirt para so that / in order to
pangdlan name parada parade
pangalawang order second order parang seem s/ like /a s if
pang-shopping fo r shopping pdra kanlno fo r whom
pag-akydt climbing para sa for
pdg-alald concern para sa akin fo r me
pagkatapos afterwards pdra sa dmin/atin fo r us
pagkukulang shortcomings para sa anak ko(ng) fo r my son
paghahSin offering para sa draw ng kasal ko for my wedding
paglabas upon leaving day
pdglalakbSy trip para sa inyo fo r you
pagdd tired para sa sakft ng tiyan for stomach ache
pagsakdy riding parke park
pagsaydw dancing pari priest
pdgsisilbi saving pasaldbong gift
pagsungkft hooking with a pole pasahero passenger
pagtakbd running pasap6rte passport
p£gtatae diarrhoea pasensiya na accept our apologies
pala’ so! pdyong umbrella
piila spade pechay pakchoi
palaisdaSn fishpond pdra/ pera ko money / my money
palaruan playground pdro but
pal avan rice field pinakabunso youngest
paldngke market pinakakain give fo o d /feed
pdliguan bathroom pinakamaldpit nearest
(atig) palit exchange pinagamSsan had it cleaned
pdliparan airport pinagluto asked to cook/cooked for
patnangkfn niece/nephew pinapSgod ka tiring you
pamasShe fare pinggdn/plato plate
pamaypay fan p£nya pineapple
pambalot wrapping paper pirmahan lang (just) please sign
pamigay to give around pisara blackboard
pamilyi family pistd(ng) feast day
pamimili shopping pista(ng) bayan town fiesta
pamitnilihin things to buy pitaka wallet
paminta pepper platfto saucer
patnpaJamig refreshment pdsporo a box o f matches
painpasalubong gifts problema problem
panahdn weather /tim e pnitas fruit
panauhin guests puhtinan capital
pandalawahan double pula(ng) handbag red handbag
pangdlan name pumfli pa choose some more
pang-aabSla disturbance pulutan finger food to go with drinks
lamg-isihan single pul6t-gata honeymoon
pang-okasyon fo r certain occasions pumfli po kayo please choose
pansft noodles (cooked the Filipino way) pumunta ka you go/ you visit/stop by

ptinong-kdhoy fruit trees sa lugdr na ito here in this place

pupunta will go salu-sdlo party
puwrSde can sa may near
puwiSde ak6 I ’m available sampaguita the national flower
puwdde ba(ng) is it possible / could you sdna I hope
pu wede na will suffice/ that will do sandal) Idng wait a minute
puwdde na p6 bd is it all right, sir /ma'am? sang-ayon agree
puwdsto stalls sang-dyon sa according to
raw/ daw apparently sangg61 baby
resibo niny6 your receipt sa palagay kd in my opinion
rekomendddo recommended sarisari(ng) assorted
regdlo gift sarfwa(ng) fresh
regalongito this gift sarfwang lumpia fresh spring rolls
rdnda reins sarsa sauce/ dressing
repdlyo cabbage sasabfhin will tell
resdta ng doktor doctor’s prescription sasakydn vehicle
retratista photographer sa sdsunod next time
retrdto picture sa tabf next/ beside
reyna queen sa timbdngan on the scales
tin/ din also / too / as well sa trabdho at work
rosal gardenia satuktdk at the top
sa (preposition) to /in / a t/o n /a tth e /in sa umdga in the morning
the/ on the sa linang bdses fo r a first time
sadn where (direction) sdlyo stamp
sa il ako pfpirma where do I sign siksikan crowded
(ang) sa akin (what is) mine sige all right / O K /so long
sa draw during the day sfge lang OK
sabay na do it together / at the same time sigviro perhaps
Sdbado Saturday sfli pepper (chilli or bell pepper)
sabdryo at the barrio siiid-tulugan bedroom
sa bahay at my place / at my home sflya chair
sabaw thin soup / stock simbdhan(g) church
sabflrin tell /sa y sinabugan sprinkled with / showered with
sdbong cockfight sinasdbi lang just say
sabsaban stable sinigdng na bangus stewed milkfish (with
sabungan cockpit vinegar or tamarind and garlic)
sa kaniya to him /her sino who
sdko sack sdbra siguro perhaps too much
sa kdpitbdhay natin our neighbours’ sbbre envelope
saging banana sombrero hat
sa halip na instead of sopas manok chicken soup
sa inyd to you (singular formal / informal sorbdtes ice cream
plural) subdli’t but
sa inydng lahat to you all sulat letter
sa isang to o n e / against one sumakdy ride
sa isang draw the day after tomorrow sumdma to come / go with
sa isang liiiggo next week sumasdma (from masama, adj.) becoming
sa ioob ng in(stde) worse
sa (lodb ng) isang araw in one day sumaydw danced
saldmat thank you sumisfkat shining
sa lahdt nang oras at anytime sumulat write
sumundd po kayo sa Skin please follow me tiySn ko my stomach
sungiyin charge with his horn totoo true
susulat will write tiyo uncle
street guide street guide tdyo soy sauce
tSksi taxi tradisyon(g) tradition
tagd from (place o f origin) tsS tea
tagapagdalS ng singsing ring bearer tseke cheque
tagapaglUtd cook tsubibo ferns wheel
tahSnan home tsuper (boat) driver
tahimik quiet tiibig water
talagS really tugttigin music
(along eggplant / aubergine tuldy as a result / as well
tSli string tumStakbo running
tSmU right / correct tumSwag call
tandang rooster tumawidka you cross
tangfaSIl midday tumigil stopped
tanghalian lunch tumingin look
tSopo anyone at home tumugldg played
tSpa slicedfried beef tumdlong helped
tapos afterwards / then tumdtunog making a sound
tatidng buses isSng Sraw three times a day tungkol sa about
tStay father tutulungan will help
tSlayo will stand tuwSng-tuwa happy
tdka just a moment/wait a minute tuwing Linggd every Sunday
telepono telephone ubos na ran out / consumed /finished
tenydnte captain ulan rain
tUna let's go uloniyS his /h e r head
temong sSya a lady’s long gown (of umakySt climb up
Spanish origin) umaga morning
tiket ticket umalis departed
tiket ninyd your ticket umarkilS ng bangka ro hire a boat
tig/ tiga each umindm to drink
tigatldng pl'so three pesos each umikli to become short
dmbSngan scales umorder to order
tinanggSp received umdrder pa tSyo let’s order some more
tinandng n'tis asked umulSn rained
tinSpay bread Una first
tinatSwag calling Upang in order to /so that
tindShan store utang na loob debt of gratitude
tindShan ng laruSn toy store uulitin will repeat
tinda(ng) damit clothes fo r sale wala no/none
tindUra/ tmdero vendor/ sales assistant walangasSwa not married/unmarried
tingnSn look wala bSng tSwad any chance o f
tingnan ko nga let me see / examine a discount?
tingnan ninyd / mo you have a look wala pong anumSn you're welcome
tinultingan helped ySri sa made o f
dtingnanko let me see yatS l think
tirShan residence / address yelo ice
tiya aunt

All verbs in this glossary are in the root form unless otherwise indicated.

about tungkolsa banana saging

accompanied isinama band banda
according to sang-ayon sa baptism binyagan
add magdagdag barrio baryo
afternoon hapon bathroom paliguan/banyo
afterwards/ then pagkatapos / lapos beautiful maganda
again/ once more muli because kasi/ dahil sa/ sapagka't
agree sang-ayon bed kama
agree, I oo nga bedroom silid-tulugan
airport paliparan behind/ at the back likuran
alight/ get off baba big malaki
all in all/ altogether Uihat-lahat (quite) big malaki-laki
all right/ OK/ so long o, sige bigger mas malaki
alone nag-iisa bitter melon ampalaya
already na black itim
also saka; rin /din blackboard pisara
always lagi bland/ fiat in taste matabang
America America blouse blusa
and at boat (canoe) bangka
animal hayop (to go) boating mamangka
anywhere kahit saan body katawan
apparently daw / raw boiled rice kanin
apritada apritada (a kind o f main dish, fried) book aklat
arm bisig borrow hi ram
around paligid borrow money nangungutang
arrive dating bother abala
arrival dating (I) bought may binili ako(ng)
as a result/ as well tuioy box kahon
ask (for something) hingi bread tinapay
ask (a question) tanong breakfast almusal
assorted sarisari(ng) (to have) breakfast mag-almusal
at nasa (prefix) brother kapatid
at sa brother (older) kuya
attractive kaakit-akit brother-in-law bayaw
attach kabit bucket batde
aunt tiya buntal (Philippine fibre) buntal
(I’m) available puwede ako bunting palawit
(newborn) baby sanggol but pero/ subali’t
bachelor binata buy bili
bamboo kawayan (to) buy for ibili

cabbage repolyo darken dumidilim

call tawag daughter anak
camera kamera day/sun araw
can/possible maaari/ puwede decoration dekorasyon
capital puhunan (a) delicacy kutsinta/dila-dila
captain kapitan/ tenyente. delicious masarap
car kotse depart alis
cart karosa departure alis
carved inukit destination punta
Catholic katoiikii diarrhoea paglatae
chair silya difficult/ poor mahirap
chaos kaguluhan ditty marumi
(to) change magpalit disturbance pang-aabala/abala
cheap mum disappear mawaia
cheque iseke do gawa
chicken manok don’t huwag
chicken soup sopas manok double pandalawahan
child bata/anak dozen dosena
choose pili dressmaker modista
(to) choose from mapagpipilian (to) drink ummom
church simbahan drinking glass baso
classmates kaklase drinks inuniin
dean malinis drive ligid
clever/ good at magaling/ marunong (boat) driver tsuper
climb akyat during noon
climb up mnakyat each tig/tiga
clothes damit early nangmaaga
cockfight sabong earnestly lubusan(g)
cockpit sabungan easily madali(ng)
coconut, young murang niyog eat kain
cold malamig eggplant/ aubergine talong
colour kulay embarrassed nahihiya
colourful makulay embarrassing nakakahiya
come on halikayo embroidered burdado(ng)
(to) come with/ go with sumama England Inglaterra
companion kasama (to) enjoy mag-enjoy
concern pag-alaata enquire magianong
consort abay envelope sobre
consume ubos environment kapaligiran
contest lahanan / paligsahan everybody lahat
cook Into every day araw-araw
cook (noun) tagapagluto exchange (ang) palit
comer kanto expensive mahal
count bilang eyes mam
cross tawid
crowded siksikan family pamilya
crown komna fan pamaypay
curtain kurtina far malayo
custom kaugalian fare pamasahe
fast mabilis
dance sayaw father tatay/ ama/ itay
dancing pagsayaw favourite paborito

feast day pista(ng) gore suwagin

feed pinakakain grandchild apo
female/ woman babae grandfather lolo
ferns wheel tsubibo grandmother lola
fiesta pista grass damo
fifteen labinlima grilled inihaw
(to) find humanap guava bayabas
fine/pretty maganda guest/ visitor bisita/panauhin
(I’m) fine mabuti rin naman guyabano (soursap) guyabano
finger food to go with drinks pulutan haircut gupit
finished/consumed naubos (to have a) haircut magpagupit
fireworks paputok hair buhok
first una hand kamay
fish isda hand over abot
fisherman mangingisda handkerchiefs panyolito
fishing nangingisda happy maligaya(ng)/ masaya
fish pond palaisdaan tuwang-tuwa
fixed/ arranged inayos has/have may/mayroon
flag bandera/ bandila help tulong
flood baha hat sombrero
flower bulaklak hen inahin
food/ eating pagkain her kaniya(ng)
food preparation handa here dito
follow sunod
here is heto
for para sa hesitate mag-aatubili
forget kalimutan high mataas
fragrant mabango hire arkila
flame kuwadro (to) hire a boat umarkila ng bangka
fresh sariwa(ng) his/her niya
friend kaibigan hold hawak
from buhat sa/galing sa home bahay
from (origin) taga honeymoon pulot-gata
fruit prutas hook with a pole sungkit
fruit trees punong kahoy (I) hope Sana
games palaro horse kabayo
gardenia rosal hot mainit
gifts pasalubong/ regalo hour oras
(to) be given ibigay house bahay
get/fetch kuha how are you (formal singular) kumusta
give bigay kayo
(to) give around pamigay how many/ a few ilan(g)
go punta how much magkano
godchild inaanak how much is it? magkano naman
godfather ninong (informal plural)
godmother ninang (to) hurry daliin
going to papunta sa hurting/ painful masakit
good mabuti husband asawa
good afternoon magandang hapon icecream sorbetes
goodbye paalam idea ideya
good evening (formal) magandang gabi po if/ when kapag/ kung
good morning magandang umaga ilangilang ilangilang flower

immediately kaagad massage masahe

improve butnuti matches posporo
in nasa/sa measurement sukat
(to) include isama medicine gamot
including kasama midday tangbali
in order to/so that upang might/cow baka
isn’t it? hindiba milk gatas
inside sa loob (ng) milkfish bangus
instead of sahalipna money pera/kuwarta
instead kundi more higit/ mas lalo
invited imbitado/ kumbidado morning umaga
job gawain mother nanay/ inay/ ma
mouth bibig
kind mabait Mrs ginang
kinds uri music tugtugin
kissing the hand nagmamano must/should dapat
knife kutsilyo my ko
know alam
name pangalan
lanzones (fruit similar to lychees) Umsones nape batok
last night kagabi near malapit, sa may
last week noong isang linggo nearest pinakamalapit
later mamaya need kailangan
learn matuto neighbours kapitbahay
leave alts nephew pamangkin
left kaliwa new bago
letter sulat next/ beside sa tabi
life buhay next time sa susunod
(I) like gusto ko next week sa isang linggo
like (comparison) katidad ng nice masarap
like that ganiyan/ganoon niece pamangkin
living/ residence nakatira night gabi
long inahaba no Hindi
look after bahala no/ none waki
look Ungnart/ tumingin noodles cooked in the Filipino way pansit
looks/ appears/ seems mukhang noticed napansin
loose maluwag/maluwang now na/ngayon
loosely ruing maluwag number numero
lose maluhigi
love gusto of/of the ng
lunch tanghalian of course aba 00/ aba 00 naman
lying down mkahiga offering paghahain/pag-aaiay
officemates kaopisina
made of yari sa officiating nagseseremonya
(to) make gumawa often kadalasan
man/ male lalaki on nasa/sa
mango mangga one isa
many/plenty marami(ng) only/just long
many of karamihan opened ibinuka
map mapa opinion paiagay
margarine mantikilya or okaya'y
market palengke oranges dalanghita
married ikinasal (to) order umorder

other iba receipt resibo

our namin receive tanggap
pak choi pechay recommend rekomenda
parade parada refreshment pampalamig
parcel pakete reins renda
repeat ulit
parents magulang
park parke replace palitan
party salu-salo residence/ address tirahan
return batik
pass abot
passenger pasahero rice cakes kakmin
rice field palayan
passport pasaporte
pawpaw papaya rich mayaman
payment bayad rid sakay
(to) pay with ipambayad ride sumakay
right (direction) lcanan
peace katahimikan
pen bolpen right/correct tama
pencil lapis ring bearer tagapagdala ng singsing
ripe hinog
pepper paminta/ sili
road/ way/ path daan
perhaps siguro
petrol gasolina room kuwarto/ quarter/ one fourth
rooster tandang
photograph/picture larawan
rubbish basura
photographer retratista
picture retrato run takbo
pineapple pinya sack sako
place lugar salt asin
planting pagtanim Saturday Sabado
plants haUmmn sauce/ dressing sarsa
(a) plate of isang plato (ng) saucer platito
plate plato/pinggan sauteed vegetable ginisang gulay
play faro (the) savings inimpok/inipon
playground palaruan saving money nag-iipon ng pern
pleased to meet you (formal) ikinagagalak say sabi
ko kayong makilala scales timbangan
pleased nasiyahan (a) scarf ng bandana
(to) post ihulog sea dagat
prawns hipon see kita
prepare handa seems like/ as if parang
prepared food naghanda sell tinda
prescriptions reseta (to) serve/ feed pakainin
pretty ntaganda serving pagsisilbi
price halaga shame mahiya/hiya
priest pari shine sikat
problem problema ship barko
put lagay shopping pamimili
short maikli
queen reyna
quiet tahimik shortcomings pagkukulang
(to) shorten paikliin / umikli
rain ufan single pang-isahan
reach abot sister (older) ate
read basa sister kapatid
really talaga sister-in-law hipag
reception handaan

sit down upo (to) take from kunan

size sukat talk to kausapin
skirt palda taxi taksi
sky langit/himpapawid tea tsaa
sleep tulog teacher guro
slightly medyo telephone telepono
small main! tell sabi
smelly rnabaho temo (a long gown of Spanish origin)
smile ngiti temong saya
so pala than kaysa/ kaysa sa
sometimes kung minsan thank you salamat
son anak thank you very much maraming salamat
so that/ in order to para that iyan
soy sauce toyo that (over there) iyon
spade pala that’s all (just those) iyan long
spend gastos that’s why kaya
spouse asmva the ang
spring rolls lumpia then/before noon
sprinkle with sabog there doon
squash kalabasa there is/ there are may/mayroon
squid adobo adobong push throw lapon
stable sabsaban these ang mga ito
stalls puwesto thick makapal
stamp selyo thing bagay
stand tayo think mag-isip
standing nakatayo (I) think yata
stewed milkfish {with vinegar or tamarind this ito/nito
and garlic) sinigang na bangus those ang mga iyan
still pa ticket tiket
stomach tiyan time oras
stomachache sakitng tiyan tired pagod
stop para / tigil / hinto tire oneself, to magpagod
store tindahan to sa
straight diretso/tuwid today ngayong
street kalye/ kalsada/ road toilet kubeta
street guide street guide tomatoes kamatis
stretch banat tomorrow bukas
string tali tongue dila
(to take a) stroll mamasyal tonight mamayang gabi
student estudyante town kabayanan
study nag-aural toy laruan(g)
suckling pig litson toy store tindahan ng laruan
suddenly bigla tradition tradisyon(g)
suffice/ that will do puwede na travel biyahe
suit bagay trip paglalakbay
suitcase maleta true totoo
Sunday Linggo try isukat -
surprised nagulat two dalawa
swallow inom/hmok typhoon bagyo
(to) swim lumangoy umbrella payong
table mesa uncle tiyo
take kuha understand naiintindihan

unmarried waking asawa where (direction) saan

until hanggangsa which aim
vacancy bakante while habang
vacation bakasyon whispering bumubulong
vegetables gulay who sino
vehicle sasakyan whole buo
vendor/ sales assistant tinderal tindero whose kanino
very/too/quite/extremely masyado(ng) why bakit/kung bakit
village baryo wife asawa
visit/ stop by punta window bintana
windy humangin
walk/ move, to lumakad with kasama
(to) walk straight ahead dumiretso wooden kahoy
wallet pitaka (to) win manalo
want gusto/nais wonder taka
wash hugas work trabaho
(to) watch manood (to) worry mag-alala/mag-isip
water tubig worsen sumasama
water/liquid sabaw woven nilala(ng)
water buffalo kalaban wrapped nakabalot
we tayo/kami wrapping paper pambalot
weather panahon write sulat
wedding kasaV kasalan
wedding assistant(s) (mga) abay sa kasal year toon
wedding dress damit pangkasal yellow dilaw
week linggo yes (formal) opo
welcome maligayang pagdating yesterday kahapon
(you’re) welcome walapong anuman / yet pa
ano(ng) you (singular) ka
what ano (ng), anu-ano (formal) you (plural informal/ formal singular)
what time anong oras kayo
when kalian youngest pinakabunso
when/during noong your ninyo/ inyong
where (location) nasaan

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