A Comparison of Cultivation and Wild Collection of
A Comparison of Cultivation and Wild Collection of
A Comparison of Cultivation and Wild Collection of
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Abstract. With the increased realization that many wild medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) species are
being over-exploited, a number of agencies are recommending that wild species be brought into
cultivation systems. Others argue sustainable harvest to be the most important conservation strategy for
most wild-harvested species, given their contributions to local economies and their greater value to
harvesters over the long term.
Besides poverty and the breakdown of traditional controls, the major challenges for sustainable wild-
collection include: lack of knowledge about sustainable harvest rates and practices, undefined land use
rights and lack of legislative and policy guidance.
Identifying the conservation benefits and costs of the different production systems for MAP should
help guide policies as to whether species conservation should take place in nature or the nursery, or both.
Keywords: domestication; plant breeding; livelihoods; health care; plant trade; poverty alleviation;
income generation
Since time immemorial, people have gathered plant and animal resources for their
needs. Examples include edible nuts, mushrooms, fruits, herbs, spices, gums, game,
fodder, fibres used for construction of shelter and housing, clothing or utensils, and
plant or animal products for medicinal, cosmetic or cultural uses. Even today,
hundreds of millions of people, mostly in developing countries, derive a significant
part of their subsistence needs and income from gathered plant and animal products
(Iqbal 1993; Walter 2001). Gathering of high-value products such as mushrooms
(morels, matsutake, truffles), medicinal plants (ginseng, black cohosh, goldenseal)
R.J. Bogers, L.E. Craker and D. Lange (eds.), Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 75-95.
© 2006 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands
also continues in developed countries for cultural and economic reasons (Jones et al.
Among these uses, medicinal plants play a central role, not only as traditional
medicines used in many cultures but also as trade commodities that meet the
demand of often distant markets. For the purpose of this paper the term ‘medicinal
and aromatic plants’ (MAP) is defined to cover the whole range of plants used not
only medicinally sensu stricto but also in the neighbouring and often overlapping
fields of condiments, food and cosmetics.
Demand for a wide variety of wild species is increasing with growth in human
needs, numbers and commercial trade. With the increased realization that some wild
species are being over-exploited, a number of agencies are recommending that wild
species be brought into cultivation systems (BAH 2004; Lambert et al. 1997; WHO
1993). Cultivation can also have conservation impacts, however, and these need to
be better understood. Medicinal plant production through cultivation, for example,
can reduce the extent to which wild populations are harvested, but it also may lead
to environmental degradation and loss of genetic diversity as well as loss of
incentives to conserve wild populations (Assessing the impacts of commercial
captive breeding and artificial propagation on wild species conservation, IUCN/SSC
Workshop, 7-9.12.2001, Jacksonville. Draft workshop report 2002).
The relationship between in situ and ex situ conservation of species is an
interesting topic with implications for local communities, public and private land
owners and managers, entire industries and, of course, wild species. Identifying the
conservation benefits and costs of the different production systems for MAP should
help guide policies as to whether species conservation should take place in nature or
the nursery, or both (Bodeker et al. 1997; Schippmann et al. 2002; Schippmann et al.
As a baseline element of the ecosystem approach it has to be recognized that
humans, with their cultural diversity, are an integral component of ecosystems. In
conceptual terms, the essence of sustainable development is expressed by the long-
term relationship between people and the ecosystem around it. This implies that
ultimately one is entirely dependent upon the other. Human and ecosystem well-
being need to be assessed together. When both the human condition and the
condition of the ecosystem are satisfactory or improving, then a society is
considered to be sustainable. The system improves only when both the condition of
the ecosystem and the human condition improve (Prescott-Allen and Prescott-Allen
Sustainability is more commonly viewed from an ecological perspective in terms
of plant or animal populations. A sustainable system for harvesting MAP is one
where fruits, seeds or other plant parts can be harvested indefinitely from a set area
without detrimental impact on the structure and dynamics on the harvested plant
populations (Peters 1994; Cunningham 2001). What is needed, however, is a
sustainable harvest approach which takes four interlinked scales into account at the:
(1) landscape level; (2) community and ecosystem level; (3) plant population level;
and (4) genetic level (Noss 1990). Disturbance processes can directly affect
sustainable harvesting through their influence on plant populations. Positive links
between plant diversity and disturbance factors exist for medicinal plants. One
example is Arnica montana in traditional meadows in Europe, where annual mowing
and seasonal grazing by livestock without artificial fertilizer inputs enable diverse
and often rare species populations to thrive (Ellenberger 1999; Myklestad and
Saetersdal 2004).
estimated. An enumeration of the WHO from the late 1970s listed 21,000 medicinal
species (Penso 1980). However, in China alone 4,941 of 32,200 indigenous plant
species are used as drugs in Chinese traditional medicine (Groombridge 1994), an
astonishing 15.3 percent. If this proportion is calculated for other well-known
medicinal floras and then applied to the global total of 422,000 flowering plant
species (Bramwell 2002; Govaerts 2001), it can be estimated that the number of
plant species used for medicinal purposes is more than 70,000 (Table 1).
Table 2. The 12 leading countries of import and export of medicinal and aromatic plant
material, 1991–1998 (Lange 2002)
Iqbal (1993) estimates that about “4000 to 6000 botanicals are of commercial
importance”, another source refers to 5,000 to 6,000 “botanicals entering the world
market” (SCBD 2001). A thorough investigation of the German medicinal plant
trade identified a total of 1,543 MAP being traded or offered on the German market
(Lange and Schippmann 1997). An extension of this survey to Europe as a whole
arrived at 2,000 species in trade for medicinal purposes (Lange 1998). Recognizing
the role of Europe as a sink for MAP traded from all regions of the world, it is a
qualified guess that the total number of MAP in international trade will be around
3,000 species worldwide.
Low prices, whether for local use or for the international pharmaceutical trade,
ensure that few species can be marketed at a high enough price to make cultivation
profitable (Cunningham 1994). Domestication of a previously wild-collected species
does not only require substantial investment of capital (up to 200,000 US$; Plescher
in litt.) but also requires several years of investigations (e.g. 12 years for Alchemilla
alpina; Schneider et al. 1999).
Health-care needs
There is a worldwide trend of increasing demand for many popular, effective species
in Europe, North America and Asia, growing between 8 and 15% per year
(Grünwald and Büttel 1996). Rapid urbanization and the importance of herbal
medicines in African health-care systems stimulated a growing national and regional
trade in Africa (Cunningham 1993). A similar situation exists in Latin America,
where large volumes of medicinal plants are sold in urban markets (Shanley and Luz
2003). Demand for medicinal plants also reflects distinct cultural preferences. In the
USA, for example, only 3% of people surveyed had used herbal medicine in the past
year (Eisenberg et al. 1993), whereas in Germany, with a strong tradition of
medicinal plant use, 31% of the over-the-counter products in pharmacies in 2001
were phytopharmaceutical preparations (BAH 2004).
The level of herbal medicine use in most developing countries is much higher
than this. While most traditional medicinal plants are gathered from the wild, these
are not static health-care systems, and introduced species are commonly adopted
into the repertoire of plants used by African or South-American herbalists. In many
cases, herbal medicines can also be cheaper than western medicines, particularly
where access to traditional healers is easier. Demand for traditional medicine
continues in the urban environment even if western biomedicine is available
(Assessing the impacts of commercial captive breeding and artificial propagation on
wild species conservation, IUCN/SSC Workshop, 7-9.12.2001, Jacksonville. Draft
workshop report 2002; Mander et al. 1996).
Income generation
Wild-harvesting of medicinal plants is a chance for the poorest to make at least some
cash income. Especially those people who do not have access to farm land at all
depend on gathering MAP to earn at least some money. However, local people
generally get a low price for unprocessed plant material. Although income from
Prunus africana bark sales is an important source of revenue to villagers in
Madagascar, in some cases generating >30% of village revenue, the price paid to
collectors is negligible compared to Madagascan middlemen (Walter and
Rakotonirina 1995). In Mexico, Hersch-Martinez (1995) found that medicinal-plant
collectors only received an average 6.17% of the medicinal-plant consumer price.
Whether fruits, roots, bark or whole plants are involved, the potential yield from
wild stocks of many species is frequently over-estimated, particularly if the effects
of stochastic events is taken into account (Nantel et al. 1996). As a result,
commercial harvesting ventures based on wild populations can be characterized by a
‘boom and bust’ situation where initial harvests are followed by declining resource
Large-scale cultivation
As outlined by Leakey and Izac (1996), large-scale cultivation has a number of
socio-economic impacts on rural people: “Commercialization is both necessary and
potentially harmful to farmers. It is necessary in that without it the market for
products is small and the opportunity does not exist for rural people to generate
income. A degree of product domestication is therefore desirable. On the other hand,
commercialization is potentially harmful to rural people if it expands to the point
that outsiders with capital to invest come in and develop large-scale monocultural
plantations for export markets. Rural people may benefit from plantations as a result
of available employment and hence off-farm income […]. However, plantations may
also distort market forces to their advantage, for example, by imposing low wages
which will restrict the social and economic development of local people. The major
beneficiaries of large-scale exports will probably be the country’s elite and, perhaps,
the national economy”.
Also, those socially disadvantaged groups who actually depend on gathering
MAP for their survival and cash income may not have access to farm land at all, and
are therefore not able to compete with large-scale production of MAP by well-
established farmers ((Vantomme in Conservation impacts of commercial captive
breeding workshop, December 7-9, 2001, White Oak Foundation, Jacksonville,
Florida USA. Selected briefing notes 2002). Other limitations to the domestication
approach include boom-bust and fickle markets that let farmers down when
consumers turn their attention elsewhere (Laird and Pierce 2002).
Geographic distribution
Habitat specificity
Local population size
somewhere large least concern
everywhere small
somewhere large
everywhere small
somewhere large
everywhere small
somewhere large
everywhere small highly susceptible
Table 5. Susceptibility of species to overcollection as a function of life form and plant parts
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& it puts wild plant populations in the & it relieves harvesting pressure on
continuing interest of local people very rare and slow-growing
species that are most susceptible
& it provides an incentive to protect to threat
and maintain wild populations and but ...
their habitats and the genetic
diversity of MAP populations ' it devaluates wild plant resources
but ... and their habitats economically
and reduces incentive to conserve
' uncontrolled harvest may lead to ecosystems
the extinction of ecotypes and even
species ' it narrows the genetic diversity of
the gene pool of the resource
' common access to the resource because wild relatives of
makes it difficult to adhere to cultivated species become
quotas and the pre-cautionary neglected
' it may lead to conversion of
' in most cases knowledge about the habitats for cultivation
biology of the resource is poor and
the annual sustained yields are not ' cultivated species may become
known invasive and have negative
impacts on ecosystems
' in most cases resource inventories
and accompanying management ' reintroducing plants can lead to
plans do not exist genetic pollution of wild
Table 6 (cont.)
Table 6 (cont.)
The market demands …
& it is often believed that wild plants & resource price is relatively stable
are more powerful over time
but … & certification as organic production
' there is a risk of adulterations is possible
but …
' there is a risk of contaminations
through non-hygienic harvest or ' it is more expensive than wild-
post-harvest conditions harvest
Table 6 (cont.)
From a perspective of the people it is better to …
& it provides access to cash income & it secures steady supply of herbal
without prior investment medicines (home gardens)
' this income and health-care resource ' benefits are made elsewhere and
is becoming scarce through over- traditional resource users have no
harvesting benefit return (IPR)