Csit321 Project Requirements v2
Csit321 Project Requirements v2
Csit321 Project Requirements v2
Written by
Van Phuong Thanh (6859598)
Ang Ding Xun (6744333)
Goh Elshender Ernest (6462054)
Lim Xin Rou (6650193)
Yang Haoxiong (6650387)
Project: CSIT321
Document: Project Requirements Document
Submitted by: Van Phuong Thanh (6859598)
By submitting this work, we are declaring that we are the originator of this work and
that all other original sources used in this work have been appropriately
We understand that plagiarism is the act of taking and using the whole or any part of
another person’s work and presenting it as our own without proper acknowledgment.
Document History..........................................................................................................i
1. Introduction...............................................................................................................1
1.1. Purpose..............................................................................................................1
1.2. Scope and Intended Audience...........................................................................1
1.2.1 Scope...........................................................................................................1
1.2.2. Intended Audience......................................................................................1
3. Product Requirements..............................................................................................2
3.1. Target Audience.................................................................................................2
3.2. User roles...........................................................................................................2
3.3. Product features.................................................................................................3
3.4. Business Process Flow......................................................................................4
3.4.1 User Registration..........................................................................................4
3.4.2. Merchant Negotiation..................................................................................5
3.4.3 Joining Group Buy........................................................................................5
3.4.4 Group Buy interest criteria met....................................................................6
4. Design and implementation......................................................................................7
4.1. Navigation Flow.................................................................................................7
4.2. Home Page (Category selected).......................................................................8
4.3. Product detail page............................................................................................9
4.4. Account Management......................................................................................10
5. Conclusion..............................................................................................................11
Document History
Revisio Date Action By Description
1.0 13th February 2021 Van Phuong Thanh Initial Release
2.0 27th March 2021 Van Phuong Thanh Update
Project Requirements Document
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
Group-Buy (G-Buy) is a unique e-commerce platform focused on the Group-buying
experience and dedicated to making popular, sought-after products world-wide
available to Singapore e-consumers.
Project Requirements Document
3. Product Requirements
3.1. Target Audience
The platform serves customers of all ages residing in Singapore, whom are
interested in purchasing products with the following characteristics:
Typically unavailable in Singapore
In order to feasibly make such products available in Singapore, the platform employs
the Group-buying strategy to entice the merchants by proving that there are
significant interest in the merchants’ products in Singapore. Concurrently, this
strategy also helps to reduce significantly the cost of purchase for the potential users
in Singapore. Therefore, being mutually beneficial to both the e-consumers and
merchants of the product.
Guest (un-registered Potential users of the platform, who, upon registration and
user) providing valid payment methods, shall become a User.
View displayed products
Share displayed products
Admin G-Buy employees who manage and operates the platform. They
are responsible for making it possible by supporting both users and
Help merchants list items and validate price and interests
count (necessary for merchants production management)
Provide quick support to User regarding shopping
experience, item listing, payments and other relevant
Ensure that any reported issue with platform is quickly
escalated and resolve.
Project Requirements Document
Project Requirements Document
Navigation Users can intuitively navigates between the different pages within
the application to quickly access product catalog, account
management, order management, and more.
Product items listing Users can view items listed on the application ordered in different
and categorisation ways and categorised into intuitive sections.
Product search and The application supports search and filter feature to help users
filter quickly find the relevant items in the product catalog.
Sharing Users can share the item currently being viewed as a shorten URL.
Watch List Users can add item to Watch list, this creates a shortcut to the
product item for users. At the same time, this action registers the
users’ interest in the item without actually placing order for the
Checkout and When the Group-buy which the users had joined met a required
payment set of criteria, users will be requested via email and application
notification to make payment and confirming the purchase.
Privacy and security A privacy and security content page will be included during the
development of the site. This settings will be accordance to
business requirements and legal basis.
Project Requirements Document
Stretch goals The following additional features will be considered for
implementation, but will not be prioritised:
Review feature
Direct sharing to platforms
Item proposal to merchants (allow users to propose
customisation of existing items, or a totally new item to
Merchants sales statistics
Alternative registration methods (Facebook authentication,
Goodle authentication, etc.)
Project Requirements Document
Project Requirements Document
Project Requirements Document
Project Requirements Document
4.2. Home Page (Category selected)
Project Requirements Document
4.3. Product detail page
Project Requirements Document
4.4. Account Management
Project Requirements Document
5. Conclusion
In summary, the specifications discussed shall enable users access to popular and
sought after products worldwide which are typically not available to Singapore
The Group-buy purchasing model mentioned in the specification serves as the
critical feature to achieving the stated goal. This model is mutually beneficial to both
the merchants and the users in many ways as discussed. Furthermore, the business
processes, features, and requirements mentioned in this document has been well
thought out to enable an intuitive user experience while also serving the fundamental
purpose of the business. It is critical that these requirements are followed during the
development process in order to deliver the envisioned product and fulfil the core
goals and values of the business.
Additionally, it is important that the requirement specifications for the platform not be
set in stone and to be made flexible in accommodating changes to market macro
and e-consumers’ evolving needs and behaviours.