Assignment # 2 (Problem)

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Assignment # 2

Course Code: IS2511

Problem Statement
Chapter 4: Exercise 4.27 (page 143)
Consider the following EER diagram that describes the computer systems at a company.
Provide your own attributes and key for each entity type. Supply max cardinality constraints
justifying your choice. Write a complete narrative description of what this EER diagram

Consider a GRADE_BOOK database in which instructors within an academic department

record points earned by individual students in their classes. The data requirements are
summarized as follows:
1. Each student is identified by a unique identifier, first and last name, and an e-mail
2. Each instructor teaches certain courses each term. Each course is identified by a course
number, a section number, and the term in which it is taught. For each course he or she
teaches, the instructor specifies the minimum number of points required in order to
earn letter grades A, B, C, D, and F. For example, 90 points for an A, 80 points for a B,
70 points for a C, and so forth.
3. Students are enrolled in each course taught by the instructor.
4. Each course has a number of grading components (such as midterm exam, final exam,
project, and so forth). Each grading component has a maximum number of points (such
as 100 or 50) and a weight (such as 20% or 10%). The weights of all the grading
components of a course usually total 100.
5. Finally, the instructor records the points earned by each student in each of the grading
components in each of the courses. For example, student 1234 earns 84 points for the
midterm exam grading component of the section 2 course CSc2310 in the fall term of
2009. The midterm exam grading component may have been defined to have a
maximum of 100 points and a weight of 20% of the course grade.
Design an enhanced entity–relationship diagram for the grade book database and build the
design using a data modeling tool such as ERwin or Rational Rose.

Submission Deadline
 Last date to submit assignment 06 April 2021 @ 01:00 PM.

 Presenting others work (including students) as your work, without appropriate references is
defined as plagiarism.
 Penalties for late submission (deduction of half grade points).

Total Grade Points

Total grade points for assignment#2 is Five

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