Traditional Learning and Distant Learning On The Academic Performance of Grade 12 Humss of Fatima National High School
Traditional Learning and Distant Learning On The Academic Performance of Grade 12 Humss of Fatima National High School
Traditional Learning and Distant Learning On The Academic Performance of Grade 12 Humss of Fatima National High School
The covid-19 pandemic has brought so many changes in our lives and
dramatically altered our everyday living across the globe. This pandemic has brought a
wide impact on the economy of a country, in tourism, health sectors, and most
especially in the education system of the world. As a response to this problem the
Philippine higher education, secondary, and even primary education suddenly shifted
from traditional learning to emergency remote learning to continue education despite the
global health threat (Alvarez Jr., 2020). The Department of Education come up with
different distant learning modalities such as online learning, modular learning, blended
learning, and radio learning (in remote areas around the country).
learner and provide more convenient and conducive learning. With these continuation of
by this. Moreover, financial stability and lack of resources affect student learning
engagement and increase academic pressure students and educators were custom to
Thus, the researchers aimed to know the impact of distance learning and
and to make a positive on the development of the general economy of our country.
This study will be undertaken by the administration, the teachers, the students
with the hope that what can’t be the result of this study will provide useful information.
This study aims to determine the Impact of Traditional Learning and Distant Learning on
the Academic Performance of Senior High Students in STEM Strand in Fatima National
High School.
To the administrators, this study will offer a new lens of knowledge about the
To the teachers, through this study, educators can think of more strategies and
teaching techniques.
To the students, this study will give knowledge about the impact of Traditional
Additionally, this study may provide other researchers with additional knowledge
and learning in this field of study. This can help them in pursuing their studies that are
parallel in this research and serve as a future reference that is essential for their
School. Precisely, our study aims to improve the answer to the following questions:
This study will be limited to recognizing the impact of Traditional Learning and
National High School. This study will be conducted in Fatima National High School,
General Santos City in the school year of 2020 - 2021. The respondents will be the
Grade 12 Senior High students in HUMSS Strand Fatima National High School.
Distance Learning
Distance education is defined, the various approaches for effective research are
summarized, and the results of major research reviews of the field are explained in this
article. Additionally, two major areas of research are included—research on barriers to
the adoption of distance education and research summaries that explain and support
best practices in the field. This paper concludes with the summary statement that it is
not different education, it is distance education; what is known about effectiveness in
education is most often also applicable to distance education (Simonson, Schlosser &
Orellana, 2011).
Distance education is defined, the various approaches for effective research are
summarized, and the results of major research reviews of the field are explained in this
article. Additionally, two major areas of research are included—research on barriers to
the adoption of distance education and research summaries that explain and support
best practices in the field. This paper concludes with the summary statement that it is
not different education, it is distance education; what is known about effectiveness in
education is most often also applicable to distance education (Simonson, Schlosser &
Orellana, 2011).
Blended learning has received increasing attention with the infusion of web-
based technologies into the learning and teaching process. Virtually all courses in
degree. These technologies create new opportunities for students to interact with their
peers, faculty, and content. The infusion of information and communications technology
in higher education draws attention to the theory and practice of blended learning
human loyalty, despite the temptation of handing over many educational functions to
“informatization”(Nazarenkoa, 2015)
Traditional Learning
educational process within the higher education area, for many decades. Over the
the university sector, becoming an icon of the 21st century higher education
provision (Selwyn, 2007). The primary reason has been the possibilities for
technologies to expand opportunities regarding communication, interaction, and
Face to face learning (Qureshi, 2019 & Miles et al. 2018) contended that F2F
interpersonal contact. These interactions can create a support network among students
and teachers. Students may feel more comfortable and thus, learn easier in a
familiar, traditional classroom setting. They may also access more information and
Kirkup and Jones (1996) offered a similar perspective and claimed that it was quite
F2F learning environment. Chen (1997) also supported this perspective and further
stated that interactions not only allowed students to assess their own learning but
themselves. Moreover, this community and fraternity can sometimes increase their
learning in isolation. Thus, F2F allows students to have greater scope of learning.
F2F is the more traditional type of learning instruction and it involves the transmission
of information from the lecturer to the students (Bandara and Wijekularathna, 2017).
conducted daily and may vary from early morning to afternoon and night. A
In this chapter, the researcher will present the research design, the respondents,
the research instruments and the procedures used in data gathering, and the
Research Design
compare the two variables in order to enhance one's understanding of the other variable.
This research is designed to assimilate the Distance Learning and Traditional Learning on
Research Respondents
The respondents will be the Senior High Students under the class of Grade
Research Instruments
The research instrument is consisted of two parts. The first part is consist of
the items which gathers respondent profile such as their name, sex, age, parents
education attainment and parents occupation. The second part of the research
instrument is where the respondent is required to fill or answer each number. Each
of number that they answer has following response option and corresponding
strongly disagree.
The researchers had allotted vigorous time, effort and cooperation in making
the questionnaire so as to serve its intended respondents. The survey was created
using suitable questions modified from related research and individual questions
formed by the researchers. The survey comprised of 2 main parts subdivided into
different parts. After approving the questionnaire, copies were distributed to the
Grade 12-HUMSS A Students of FNHS. The respondent were given time to respond
and then the researchers collected the survey questionnaire the next day.
Statistical Treatment
To identify how distance learning and traditional learning will affect the
with the used of Likert's Five- Point rating scale the data were analyzed and