A Simple Method To Determine Double-Cage Rotor Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Induction Motors From No-Load and Locked-Rotor Tests
A Simple Method To Determine Double-Cage Rotor Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Induction Motors From No-Load and Locked-Rotor Tests
A Simple Method To Determine Double-Cage Rotor Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Induction Motors From No-Load and Locked-Rotor Tests
HE double-cage rotor is effective in construction to im-
T prove the starting performance of induction motors (IMs),
realizing high starting torque and low starting current. It is im-
portant to determine the parameters of the equivalent circuit
model of double-cage IMs, as shown in Fig. 1 [1], [2], to calcu-
late and analyze the performance of double-cage IMs. Methods
to measure or estimate r1 , x1 , xm , and rf e in Fig. 1 are well
established [3], [4]. However, no standardized methods exist to Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit models of double-cage IM. (a) Conventional model
based on physical image of double-cage rotor. (b) Reduced model in which x2
determine the parameters of the double-cage rotor equivalent is assumed to be zero.
To address this situation, many researchers have studied meth-
ods to obtain the double-cage rotor parameters. In [5], a method on the rotor leakage reactance. In [6]–[10], iterative parameter
to determine a correct set of parameters in Fig. 1(b) for the identification using tests and manufacturer name plate data is
condition x1 = x23 is presented. However, it is difficult to take proposed. In [11] and [12], an operational impedance obtained
account of the effect of magnetic saturation of the slot bridge from standstill frequency response test is used to identify the
parameters of an IM equivalent circuit model having two ro-
Manuscript received April 6, 2018; revised June 17, 2018; accepted July 8, tor circuits such as in Fig. 1. In [13]–[15], parameter calculation
2018. Date of publication August 6, 2018; date of current version December 12, strategies based on finite-element analysis are presented. In [16],
2018. Paper 2018-EMC-0260.R1, presented at the 2017 IEEE Energy Conver- free acceleration data are utilized to identify the parameters.
sion Congress and Exposition, Cincinnati, OH, USA, Oct. 1–5, and approved
for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by Furthermore, the works in [6] and [15]–[17] point out that the
the Electric Machines Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. magnetic saturation of the narrow bridge of the closed-slot rotor
This work was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science core should be taken into account. However, these methods re-
KAKENHI under Grant 16K06254. (Corresponding author: Shu Yamamoto.)
The authors are with the Faculty of Human Resources Development, Poly- quire not only complicated computer-based calculation but also
technic University, Tokyo 187-0035, Japan (e-mail:, [email protected]; extra driving test data (or motor dimension data in case of finite-
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). element analysis). If it is possible to determine all double-cage
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. rotor equivalent circuit parameters of IMs only from no-load
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2018.2864105 and locked-rotor tests standardized in [3] and [4] while taking
0093-9994 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: MALAVIYA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on February 03,2021 at 14:07:03 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
in account the magnetic saturation effect of the closed-slot ro- x23 even when r2 , r3 , x3 , and x23 are determined so that input
tor, they can be used to evaluate the performance of double-cage and rotor impedances, ZS and ZR , in Fig. 1(b) are equal to those
IMs. However, such methods have not been presented so far. in Fig. 1(a). Thus, the authors have distinguished them using the
Thus, the main objectives of this paper are to propose a sim- accent as in Fig. 1(a).
ple method to determine the double-cage rotor equivalent circuit The authors propose a new method to determine x23 , r2 , r3 ,
parameters of IMs only from no-load and locked-rotor tests and and x3 from rotor equivalent circuit impedances ZR at two
demonstrate the validity of the proposed method with experi- different frequencies f1 and f2 . Here, f1 is the rated frequency
mental results. and f2 should be less than f1 .
The authors have previously presented a method to determine A set of simultaneous equations based on the relation-
the parameters of double-cage IMs [18]. In [18], a new formula ships between four unknowns (x23 , r2 , r3 , and x3 ) and the ro-
to calculate the parameters of the reduced double-cage rotor tor impedances (ZR 1 ( = rR 1 + jxR 1 ) at f = f1 and ZR 2 ( =
circuit model, as shown in Fig. 1(b), is proposed. Although the rR 2 + jxR 2 ) at f = f2 ) can be set up as follows:
formula is sufficiently simple so that it can be calculated using
a calculator, it allows one to determine the parameters of the rR 1 = Real of jx23 + (1)
outer- and inner-cage conductors accurately. We also described 1/r2 + 1/ (r3 + jx3 )
a method to determine the double-cage rotor equivalent circuit 1
parameters considering the magnetic saturation effects of the xR 1 = Imaginary of jx23 + (2)
1/r2 + 1/ (r3 + jx3 )
closed-slot rotor. We found that, in Fig. 1(b), magnetic saturation
of the narrow slot bridge of the rotor core greatly affects the 1
rR 2 = Real of jx23 /k + (3)
mutual leakage reactance between the outer- and inner-cage 1/r2 + 1/ (r3 + jx3 /k)
conductors x23 , but has little influence on the leakage reactance
of the inner-cage conductor x3 . On the basis of this feature, xR 2 = Imaginary of jx23 /k + .
1/r2 + 1/ (r3 + jx3 /k)
we presented a method to obtain the parameters of Fig. 1(b) (4)
considering the magnetic saturation effects of the bridge of the
closed-slot rotor. We also described a fast calculation algorithm It is difficult to solve the simultaneous equations directly.
to predict the driving performance. We then considered whether However, it is possible to solve an equation in which x23 , r3 ,
these methods can be applied to not only double- but also single- and x3 are eliminated to obtain r2 , as shown in (5). The obtained
cage IMs in which the rotor equivalent circuit impedance is r2 can then be used to derive r3 and x3 , which are, respectively,
frequency dependent and magnetic saturation of the closed-slot given by (6) and (7). Finally, x23 is obtained by (8). One can see
bridge affects the rotor leakage reactance. However, the validity that (5)–(8) are very simple formulas to determine the double-
for such single-cage IMs was not discussed in [18]. cage rotor circuit parameters in Fig. 1(b)
This paper presents an improved procedure to determine the
1 k 2 (rR 1 − rR 2 )3
double-cage rotor equivalent circuit parameters. Extended for- r2 = 2 k rR 1 − rR 2 +
mulas that can employ an arbitrary frequency in the locked-rotor k −1 (kxR 2 − xR 1 )2
test are derived. An improved parameter determination method
r2 (k 2 r2 rR 2 − k 2 − 1 rR 1 rR 2 − r2 rR 1 )
that suppresses the unevenness in the locked-rotor test current r3 = (6)
is shown. This procedure has been arranged so that the parame- (k 2 − 1) (r2 − rR 1 )(r2 − rR 2 )
ters can be determined by a common process applicable to both k r2 4 (rR 1 − rR 2 )(rR 2 − k 2 rR 1 + (k 2 − 1)r2 )
double- and single-cage IMs. The proposed method is imple- x3 = 2
k −1 (r2 − rR 1 )2 (r2 − rR 2 )2
mented on four 5.5 kW-200 V-4 P-22 A-50 Hz IMs: double- and
single-cage IMs with semi-closed- and closed-slot rotors. The (7)
validity of the proposed method is demonstrated by comparing r2 2 x3
experimental and calculation results of the driving performance x23 = xR 1 − . (8)
(i.e., torque–slip and current–slip curves). (r2 + r3 )2 + x3 2
In addition, standstill testing methods using adjustable single- Since there are four parameters (x23 , r2 , r3 , x3 ) in the ro-
phase ac voltage sources and application to deep bar rotor IMs tor circuit model shown in Fig. 1(b), these parameters can be
are discussed. identified uniquely when two rotor circuit impedances in dif-
ferent frequencies are obtained at least. The rotor circuit model
shown in Fig. 1(b) physically corresponds to the rotor construc-
tion and can express the behavior of the frequency effects on
EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PARAMETERS the dual cage. For instance, to improve the starting torque, the
In Fig. 1(a), the same rotor impedance ZR can be expressed outer circuit resistance r2 should be larger than the inner cir-
by an infinite number of combinations of the rotor parameters cuit resistance r3 since the starting current is concentrated on
x23 , r2 , x2 , r3 , and x3 [19]. Among these combinations, the au- the outer conductor. The mutual leakage reactance between the
thors focus on a method to find the parameters of Fig. 1(b), which outer and inner conductors x23 exists. As a result, it is found that
is a combination when x2 = 0 in Fig. 1(a). Here, r2 , r3 , x3 , and the frequency effects on the dual cage for entire slip range (from
x23 in Fig. 1(b) do not completely correspond to r2 , r3 , x3 , and start-up to no-load operations) are not directly measured in the
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Fig. 2. Modeling of the slot. (a) Definition of slot dimension. (b) Leakage flux
paths of double-cage rotor.
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Fig. 4. Flowchart to determine the equivalent circuit parameters of Fig. 3 when the locked-rotor tests are conducted at three currents and four frequencies.
and C), from which we obtain (12)–(14) shown at the bot- C. Calculation of Current and Torque With Respect to Slip
tom of this page. Here, X1 , X2 , and X3 are the values of x23
Fig. 5 shows the procedure to calculate the driving perfor-
when the rotor currents IR are equal to IR 1 , IR 2 , and IR 3 , mance with respect to slip using the equivalent circuit shown
respectively. in Fig. 3. In Fig. 5, an initial value of x23 can be obtained by
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Fig. 6. Photograph of the test motor. (a) Stator. (b) Semi-closed-slot double-
cage rotor. (c) Closed-slot double-cage rotor. (d) Semi-closed-slot single-cage
rotor. (e) Closed-slot single-cage rotor.
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Fig. 7. On-load test circuit for measuring torque and current for each slip.
Fig. 8. Test results on double-cage IM with semi-closed-slot rotor. (a) Change in rotor impedance Z R (= rR + jxR ) with rotor frequency f . (b) Change in
rotor circuit parameters x23 , r2 , r3 , and x3 with rotor current IR . (c) Comparison between measured and calculated performances (torque–slip and current–slip
curves) when the stator voltage is 0.5 p.u.
from the winding specifications and slot dimensions. Fig. 8(b) Fig. 9(a) shows the calculation results of the rotor impedance
shows the results, demonstrating that the rotor circuit parameters ZR . It can be seen that the resistance component rR does not
do not vary with IR . Thus, magnetic saturation of the slot bridge change with IR , but xR changes with both f and IR . This result
appears to have little effect. suggests that it is necessary to consider not only the frequency-
The authors then calculated the torque–slip and current–slip dependent variation of ZR but also the change in rotor leakage
curves, following the procedure shown in Fig. 5. To verify the reactance with respect to rotor current IR .
calculation results, the authors measured the torque–slip and Fig. 9(b) shows the changes in x23 , r2 , r3 , and x3 with respect
current–slip curves by an on-load test, when the stator voltage to IR . In calculating A, B, and C using (12)–(14), the authors
is 0.5 p.u. The main reason why a full voltage is not employed is employed IR 1 , IR 2 , and IR 3 , when the stator currents in the
temperature rise. It was difficult to operate the motor in steady locked-rotor test are 5.5, 11, and 22 A, respectively. In Fig. 9(b),
state under the stable temperature at higher slip frequency. The it is confirmed that only x23 varies with IR , and that (11),
other reason is due to properly verifying the accuracy of the rotor whose parameters A, B, and C are calculated from (12)–(14),
equivalent circuit parameters under the situation that variation expresses the variation of x23 accurately.
of x1 , caused by stator leakage flux saturation occurred when a Fig. 9(c) shows the starting performances when the voltage
full voltage is applied at higher slip frequency, is little. is 0.5 p.u. In the low slip range, one can see that the proposed
Fig. 8(c) shows the measured and calculated results, which method is greatly superior to the classical equivalent circuit
agree well, thus demonstrating the validity of the proposed method.
method. It is also confirmed that the calculated results obtained Meanwhile, errors between the measured and calculated
by the classical equivalent circuit (dashed curves) do not accu- torques are observed in the high slip range. Since the calcu-
rately reflect performance except in the vicinity of slip s = 1. lated torque in Fig. 8(c) corresponded to the measured one, it
This is because the frequency of the locked-rotor test for de- can be seen that leakage flux path saturation occurring on the
termining the parameters rR and xR is chosen to be the rated semi-closed stator slots of the test motor was little under 50%
frequency 50 Hz. voltage. However, the currents in high slip range in Figs. 8(c)
and 9(c) were both above two times of the maximum locked-
rotor test current. Thus, it is thought that this error in torque
C. Double-Cage IM With Closed-Slot Rotor
in Fig. 9(c) can be reduced by employing the result of a large-
The rotor was next replaced with the closed-slot double-cage current locked-rotor test. This is because the accuracy of the
rotor and the same test and calculation were carried out as the extrapolation of x23 improves in the higher current range. How-
double-cage IM with a semi-closed-slot rotor. ever, this requires verification in a follow-up study.
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Fig. 9. Test results on double-cage IM with closed-slot rotor. (a) Change in rotor impedance Z R (= rR + jxR ) with rotor frequency f . (b) Change in rotor
circuit parameters x23 , r2 , r3 , and x3 with rotor current IR . (c) Comparison between measured and calculated performances (torque–slip and current–slip curves)
when the stator voltage is 0.5 p.u.
Fig. 10. Test results on single-cage IM with semi-closed-slot rotor. (a) Change in rotor impedance Z R (= rR + jxR ) with rotor frequency f . (b) Change in
rotor circuit parameters x23 , r2 , r3 , and x3 with rotor current IR . (c) Comparison between measured and calculated performances (torque–slip and current–slip
curves) when the stator voltage is 0.5 p.u.
The authors counted the number of iterations n required for found that these parameters can express the change in ZR with
convergence for each slip in calculating the performance. It was respect to slip frequency.
found that n was less than five regardless of the initial value of Fig. 11 shows the results on the single-cage IMs with the
rotor current IR for the entire slip range. This demonstrates that closed-slot rotor. In Fig. 11(a), it can be seen that xR varies with
a fast calculation can be achieved. IR as in Fig. 9(a), but the change in xR with respect to f is
smaller than Fig. 9(a). This accords with the physical image of
a closed-slot single-cage rotor. In Fig. 11(b), it is confirmed that
D. Single-Cage IMs With Semi-Closed- and only x23 varies with IR as in Fig. 9(b). Fig. 11(c) also suggests
Closed-Slot Rotors that the proposed method can calculate more accurate torque–
Similarly, the authors performed the test and calculation on slip and current–slip curves than the classical equivalent circuit
single-cage IMs with semi-closed- and closed-slot rotors. for the entire slip range.
Fig. 10 shows the results on the single-cage IMs with the The error in torque at higher slip frequency in Fig. 11(c),
semi-closed-slot rotor. Frequency-dependent variation of ZR of calculated by the proposed method, is much smaller than that
the single-cage IM is observed in Fig. 10(a). But this variation is in Fig. 9(c). In Fig. 11(c), it is thought that the correct extrapo-
smaller than that of the double-cage IM in Fig. 8(a). In Fig. 10(b), lation of x23 at large rotor current is unexpectedly done though
it is found that constant rotor parameters are obtained as in the locked-rotor test current is small. To surely improve the pre-
Fig. 8(b). Fig. 10(c) demonstrates that the proposed method can cision, it is thought that a large locked-rotor test current should
calculate more accurate torque–slip and current–slip curves than be employed.
the classical equivalent circuit for the entire slip range. Equivalent circuit parameters of the four tested IMs are sum-
In case of single-cage IMs, r2 , r3 , x3 , and x23 do not phys- marized in Tables I and II. In these tables, there is no x23
ically correspond to the rotor-slot shape. However, it can be for the closed-slot machines since x23 varies with IR and is
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Fig. 11. Test results on single-cage IM with closed-slot rotor. (a) Change in rotor impedance Z R (= rR + jxR ) with rotor frequency f . (b) Change in rotor
circuit parameters x23 , r2 , r3 , and x3 with rotor current IR . (c) Comparison between measured and calculated performances (torque–slip and current–slip curves)
when the stator voltage is 0.5 p.u.
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