8.3 Description of The Hydraulic System (Face Shovel) : 8.3.1 Technical Data

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8.3 Description of the hydraulic system (Face shovel)

8.3.1 Technical Data

The Technical Data of the hydraulic system are listed in chapter 2 ‘Technical Data’.

8.3.2 Circuit diagram

Components of the hydraulic circuit diagram 6040 / RH170B (Face shovel)

The position nos. refer to circuit diagram no. 3 748 762 (00)

Position Quantity Designation Location

1 2 Diesel engine engine comp.
2 2 Pump transfer gearbox engine comp.
3 4 Main pump A4VSO pump gearbox
4 2 Swing pump (Double pump) pump gearbox
5 ----
6 2 Pilot pressure pump A11 VO pump gearbox
7 ----
8 2 Fan pumps (Double pump, 2xA10VO) pump gearbox
9 - 11 ----
12 2 Cooling charge pump pump gearbox
13 - 15 ----
16 2 Charge pump pump gearbox
17 - 18 ----
19 1 Grease pump lubrication system
20 - 22 ----
23 2 Proportional valve engine module
24 ----
25 1 Pilot pressure control block Operator cab module
26 1 Solenoid valve bank Operator cab module
27 - 31 ----
32 1 High-pressure filter with pressure relief valves (rh) hydraulic tank
33 2 Distributor block engine module
34 4 Filter (swing system) engine module
35 ----
36 1 Filter (pilot pressure system) engine module
37 1 High-pressure filter with pressure relief valves (lh) hydraulic tank
38 1 Accumulator for pilot oil Operator cab module

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Position Quantity Designation Location

39 4 Check valve engine module
40 ----
41 1 Pressure reducing valves engine module
42 ----
43 4 Check valve engine module
44 2 Check valve engine module
45 ----
46 1 Solenoid valve (-2Y21) engine module
47 2 Logic valve engine module
48 - 49 ----
50 1 Assembly plate engine module
51 1 Check valve Operator cab module
52 1 Accumulator for emergency lowering Operator cab module
53 1 Solenoid valve (-2Y19) Operator cab module
54 - 59 ----
60 1 Hydraulic tank superstructure
61 1 Gate valve hydraulic tank
62 2 Return-flow filter hydraulic tank
63 ----
64 4 Tank-line pre-charging valve hydraulic tank
65 - 66 ----
67 1 Gate valve hydraulic tank
68 1 Gate valve hydraulic tank
69 – 71 ----
72 2 Collector engine module
73 - 79 ----
80 2 Hydraulic oil cooler oil cooler module
81 2 Fan motor for hydraulic oil cooler oil cooler module
82 ----
83 1 Filter housing oil cooler module
84 – 89 ----
90 1 Travel block complete superstructure
91 1 Rotor superstructure
92 1 Travel control-block (rh) superstructure
93 1 Travel control-block (lh) superstructure
94 - 96 ----

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Position Quantity Designation Location

97 4 Anti-cavitation valve rotor
98 – 99 ----
100 3 Swing gearbox superstructure
101 1 Valve Engine module
102 3 Swing motor superstructure
103 4 Blocking valve engine module
104 ----
105 1 Pressure regulating valve (swing balance valve) engine module
106 1 Flushing valve engine module
107 – 108 ----
109 1 Pressure relief valve engine module
110 2 Solenoid valve (Safety valve) operator cab module
111 - 119 ----
120 2 Travel gearbox undercarriage
121 4 Travel motor undercarriage
122 - 129 ----
130 2 Track tensioning cylinder undercarriage
131 2 Diaphragm accumulator undercarriage
132 2 Ball valve undercarriage
133 1 Track tensioning block undercarriage
134 2 Pressure relief valve (track tensioning) undercarriage
135 – 139 ----
140 2 Fan motor for radiator counterweight
141 – 142 ----
143 2 Water cooler counterweight
144 ----
145 1 Hydraulic cylinder service lift
146 1 Control valve service lift
147 1 Check valve service lift
148 1 Accumulator service lift
149 ----
150 1 Hydraulic cylinder for access ladder superstructure
151 1 Accumulator for access ladder superstructure
152 1 Control valve for access ladder superstructure
153 1 Check valve operator cap module
154 - 160 ----

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Position Quantity Designation Location

161 2 4-spool control valve boom
162 – 163 ----
164 2 Float valves (boom and stick) boom
165 - 181 ----
182 2 Boom cylinder boom
183 2 Stick cylinder boom
184 2 Bucket cylinder
185 ----
186 2 Clam cylinder
187 1 Distributor Bucket
188 1 Distributor boom
189 ----
190 1 Check valve
191 2 Filter engine module
192 Check valve engine module
193 Oil cooler engine module
194 Throttle check valve engine module
Table 1

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8.3.3 Components of the hydraulic When the maximum working pressure of 300 bars
system 6040 - FS is reached in the system, the automatic pressure
cut-off becomes active.
When the travel drive is switched on by depressing
Attention! one or both travel pedals, the pressure threshold of
the cut-off valves is increased by a solenoid valve
The following item numbers refer to hydraulic (Pos. 26 – -2Y24) to 350 bar.
circuit diagram Part-No.
When the working and traveling functions are
3 748 762 (00 initiated simultaneously, the maximum pump
pressure is 300 bars.
Some items are numbered on the schematic
but not mentioned here since they are not
important for the hydraulic functioning Oil-contamination monitor
If the oil in the pump is contaminated by metallic
particles, an oil-contamination monitor (magnet)
Drive unit Pos. 1 activates a warning (optical and acoustical signal)
on the display in the driver's cab.
In the diesel version, the drive unit consists of two
water-cooled engines. The engines are turbo-
charged 12-cylinder V engines.
Swing pump Pos. 4

The 4 pumps for swing of the superstructure are

Pump transfer gearbox Pos. 2 axial-piston variable displacement pumps in
swash-plate design.
Each drive unit includes 2 pumps. The pumps are
The pump transfer gearbox is flange-mounted tandem pumps.
direct to the diesel engine and driven via an elastic The volume flow is continuously variable and
coupling. The gearbox drives the hydraulic pumps increases from zero to maximum flow with the
which are flange-mounted to the gearbox. swiveling angle increasing. If the swash-plate is
(For further details concerning the pump transfer tilted through the zero position, the flow is
gearbox refer to chapter 7.4) smoothly reversed.

The pumps are torque-controlled by a torque

regulating valve (105).
Main pump A4VSO 500 Pos. 3
On the high-pressure side, the closed swing circuit
The 4 main pumps for attachment and drive train is protected by two pressure-relief valves
are axial-piston variable displacement pumps in incorporated into the pump housing and adjusted
swash-plate design. One drive unit consists of two to 400 bar.
pumps each.
Each pump is equipped with a pressure-controlled The swing pumps are also equipped with a
regulator with a control range of between 8 and 43 contamination switch and a temperature switch. In
bar. At a control pressure of 43 bars at the X1 port case of metallic contamination of the oil or an oil
of the regulator, the pump is swiveled out to temperature of more than 92 °C, a warning is
maximum flow-rate. At a control pressure of 8 bar, displayed on the BCS screen in the driver's cab.
it is swiveled back to "zero" flow-rate.

The regulator is controlled by an electro-magnetic

proportional valve connected to the electronic load- free Pos. 5
limit regulation unit.

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Pilot pressure pump Pos. 6 Proportional valve Pos. 23

Two adjustable axial-piston pumps (one per drive The two electro-hydraulic proportional valves get
unit) are installed to supply the servo system with their power supply from the electronic load-limit
the necessary amount of oil depending on the regulators.
working conditions. The control oil pressure determined by the
respective proportional valve for the working
pumps is proportional to the output current of the
electronic load-limit regulator of the respective
free Pos. 7 drive unit and thus dependent on engine load.

Fan pump Pos. 8

free Pos. 24
The hydraulic drive of the fan wheels for hydraulic-
oil cooling and for water cooling of the diesel Pilot pressure control block Pos. 25
engines makes use of two adjustable axial-piston
pumps per drive unit designed as tandem pumps.
The volume flow of each pump and thus the speed The pilot pressure control block contains the
of the fan wheels are electronically controlled as a pressure relief valves for the servo and auxiliary
function of the hydraulic oil resp. water circuits and the proportional valves to control the
temperature. pilot pressure oil for the main valve blocks (161),
the travel valve blocks (92 & 93) and the swing
balance valve (105).

free Pos. 9 – 11
Solenoid valve bank Pos. 26
Cooling-charge pump Pos. 12
The 4 solenoid valves with the following functions:
A large-volume gear-pump per drive unit transports
the hydraulic oil through the oil cooler. - travel motor displacement (-2Y22)
- traveling pressure increase (-2Y24)
- swing parking brake (-2Y23)
- not used
free Pos. 13 - 15

Charge pump Pos. 16 free Pos. 27 - 31

The charge pump for the closed-circuit swing

system is a gear-pump for each drive unit feeding
into the swing circuit with a feeding pressure of 25
bar via a filter (34) for each swing pump.

free Pos. 17 – 18

Grease pump Pos. 19

free Pos. 20 - 22

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HP-Filter block with pressure relief valves serving as primary protection of the main
valves (P3/3 & P3/4) Pos. 32 pumps.
The high-pressure filters in the pressure lines of
the main pumps protect the downstream units (e.g.
The double high-pressure filter housing for the two control blocks and cylinders) against abraded
right-hand main pumps consists of two high- metal particles from the main pumps. The filters
pressure filter elements and two pressure-relief are equipped with a differential-pressure-proof filter
valves serving as primary protection of the main element without bypass valve in which the medium
pumps. flows from the outside to the inside.

The high-pressure filters in the pressure lines of The double high-pressure filter housing comprises
the main pumps protect the downstream units (e.g. a primary pressure-relief valve per working pump.
control blocks and cylinders) against abraded It protects the hydraulic system of the working
metal particles from the main pumps. The filters pump against pressure peaks occurring as a
are equipped with a differential-pressure-proof filter consequence of the regulator adjusting times of
element without bypass valve in which the medium the working pump when the pressure cut-off valve
flows from the outside to the inside. is active.

The double high-pressure filter housing comprises

a primary pressure-relief valve per working pump.
It protects the hydraulic system of the working Accumulator for pilot oil Pos. 38
pump against pressure peaks occurring as a
consequence of the regulator adjusting times of
the working pump when the pressure cut-off valve The hydraulic diaphragm accumulator is part of the
is active. pilot pressure system to compensate capacity

Distributor block Pos. 33

Check (Non-return) valve Pos. 39
Filter Pos. 34
The four non-return valves in the pressure lines of
the main pumps prevent the reflow of high-
The charge pumps (13) supply oil via one filter per pressure oil in case of single-engine operation.
swing pump to the closed swing system and thus Destruction of the filter elements can thus be
make up for leakage oil losses. avoided.

Free Pos. 35 free Pos. 40

Filter Pos. 36
Pressure reducing valve Pos. 41
Through this filter the pilot pressure control block
(25) and the solenoid valve bank (26) will be
supplied with oil. The valve limits the pressure for regulating of the
swing pumps to 35 bar.
HP-Filter block with pressure relief
valves (P3/1 & P3/2) Pos. 37
free Pos. 42
The double high-pressure filter housing for the two
left-hand main pumps consists of two high-
pressure filter elements and two pressure-relief

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Check (Non-return) valve Pos. 43 Accumulator Pos. 52

The four non-return valves in the pressure lines of Accumulator for emergency lowering.
the main pumps prevent the reflow of high-
pressure oil in case of single-engine operation.
Destruction of the filter elements can thus be
avoided. Solenoid valve Pos. 53

The solenoid valve is operated with a button in the

Check (Non-return) valve Pos. 44 joystick. It allows lowering of the attachment if both
drive units should not work.

In single-engine operation e.g. the left hand engine Free Pos. 54 - 59

is running the non return valve prevents the oil to
flow from the servo pump to the blocking valves
and servo pump at the right hand engine. Hydraulic tank Pos. 60

The hydraulic tank comprises:

free Pos. 45 2 return-flow filter Pos. 62
4 bypass valves
Solenoid valve (-2Y21) Pos. 46 4 tank line pre-charging valves Pos. 64
3 shut-off valves
1 magnet
The solenoid valve controls the logic valves (47) 2 tank breather filters
depending on which of the engines are running.

Gate valve DN 300 Pos. 61

Logic valve Pos. 47
The shut-off valve can be used to close the suction
In the event of two-engine drive, the travel motors line for the main pumps, fan pumps and charge
receive pressurized oil from one pump each per pumps to the hydraulic tank.
drive unit.
The two logic valve blocks, equipped with two logic
elements, ensure that traveling and the actuation
of the cylinders are also possible if the excavator is Return-flow filter Pos. 62
driven by one engine.

The filter basket contains 7 filter elements filtering

the return-flow oil passing through the filter
free Pos. 48 - 49 chamber.

The bypass valves in the filter chamber of the

Assembly plate Pos. 50 hydraulic reservoir prevent bursting of the return-
flow filter elements in case of too high flow
resistance (e.g. when the oil is cold or when the
Check valve Pos. 51 filter elements are contaminated). The opening
pressure is 1.5 bars. In this case, the oil flows back
unfiltered into the tank. A filter sieve with a mesh
The non return valve keeps the pressure for size of 0.5 mm prevents contamination of the
emergency lowering in the accumulator (52). reservoir with larger particles.

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free Pos. 63
Fan motor Pos. 81
Tank-line pre-charging valve Pos. 64
The fan motor drives the fan wheel of the oil
The tank-line pre-charging valves are installed in The fan motor is a gear-wheel type with
the return lines at the hydraulic tank. They have a incorporated replenishing function.
fixed setting of 12 bar and ensure that sufficient oil
is available at the anti-cavitation valves of the
control spools for the cylinders.
free Pos. 82

free Pos. 65 – 66 Filter housing Pos. 83

Gate valve DN 150 Pos. 67 Cooled hydraulic oil from the oil coolers is filtered
before it returns to the hydraulic tank.

The shut-off valve can be used to close the return- The bypass valves in the filter chamber of the
flow line from the oil cooler module to the hydraulic cooling system prevent bursting of the return-flow
reservoir. filter elements in the event of too high flow
resistance (e.g. when the oil is cold or when the
filter elements are contaminated). The opening
pressure is 1,5 bar. In this case, the oil flows back
Gate valve DN 200 Pos. 68 unfiltered into the tank. A filter sieve with a mesh
size of 0.5 mm prevents contamination of the tank
with larger particles.
The shut-off valve can be used to close the suction
line for the cooling charge pumps and servo
pumps to the hydraulic reservoir.
free Pos. 84 - 89

free Pos. 69 – 71 Travel block Pos. 90

Collector Pos. 72 The travel block comprises the following elements:

Rotor Pos. 91
Collectors of leak oil. Travel control-block (rh) Pos. 92
Travel control-block (lh) Pos. 93
Anti-cavitation valves Pos. 97

free Pos. 73 - 79

Hydraulic oil cooler Pos. 80 Rotor Pos. 91

The hydraulic oil coolers pass the heat generated The rotor ensures the hydraulic connection
in the hydraulic system transferring the heat from between the superstructure and the undercarriage.
the hydraulic oil to the atmosphere.
Cooling is achieved through the air stream The rotor has 8 channels:
produced by the fan wheel.
4 x traveling
1 x chain tensioning
1 x traveling motor swiveling
1 x brake

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1 x leakage-oil The multiple disk brake must NOT be used as a

service brake and be applied exclusively when
Travel control-block, right Pos. 92 the superstructure is stationary.

Shuttle valve Pos. 101

Servo-controlled single control block for operation
of the right track with flange-mounted replenishing
valves. The shuttle valve is connecting the line with the
The control function is ensured with electro- higher servo pressure for the swing function to the
hydraulic proportional valves (25). pressure relief valve (109).

Travel control-block, left Pos. 93 Swing motor Pos. 102

Servo-controlled single control block for operation The swing motors are axial-piston motors with
of the left track with flange-mounted replenishing constant displacement volume. The speed is
valves. proportional to the inflowing amount of oil, and the
The control function is ensured with electro- torque produced is determined by the pressure
hydraulic proportional valves (25). difference between high-pressure and low-
pressure side.

free Pos. 94 - 96
Blocking valve Pos. 103
Anti-cavitation valve Pos. 97
The blocking valves are installed between the
swing pumps and the swing motors. The two
The 4 anti-cavitation valves are flange-mounted to blocking valves belonging to each of the drive units
the traveling spool. are controlled and opened by the pertinent servo
The valves permit replenishing of the travel motors pump (6) when the engine is running. When the
from the pre-charged return-flow lines and prevent engine is stationary, the blocking valves are closed
an interruption of the oil columns in the travel and prevent the engine when stopped from being
motors. driven via the swing pumps and the transfer

free Pos. 98 – 99
free Pos. 104
Swing gearbox Pos. 100
Pressure regulating valve (swing
The 2-stage planetary gearboxes, driven by an balance valve) Pos. 105
axial-piston motor, transmit the swing movement to
the roller-bearing swing ring.
The pressure regulating valve continuously varies
To prevent inadvertent swing movements of the
the magnitude and the direction of the swing
superstructure, the machine has multiple disk-
pressure and thus the magnitude and the direction
brakes between swing motor and swing gearbox
of the momentum at the swing motors depending
as parking brakes.
on the preselected control pressure.
The multiple disk brakes are applied by spring
loading and released by servo oil pressure.
The proportion between control pressure and
The brake is activated manually with a switch on
operating pressure is 1:16, i.e. a control pressure
the instrument board in the driver's cab.
of e.g. 10 bars at one of the control pressure ports
(Y1 or Y2) corresponds to an operating pressure of
ca. 160 bars at the swing motors.

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Flushing valve Pos. 106 Each motor is equipped with a mechanical holding
brake (multiple disk brake) which is actuated by
the traveling pressure available. This brake serves
The flushing- and feed-pressure valve ejects a as a parking brake and closes automatically when
defined amount of oil from the closed swing circuit the operating pressure is lower than that required
at the low-pressure side during each swing by the incorporated spring unit. As soon as an
operation. The corresponding amount of filtered operating pressure exceeding the spring force is
and cooled oil from the hydraulic reservoir is fed re-applied, the mechanical parking brake is
back into the swing system by the charge pumps released.
(16). Each travel motor is equipped with an integrated
travel retarder valve.
The travel retarder valve prevents excessive rolling
of the excavator when driving downhill by throttling
free Pos. 107 – 108 the output side of the travel motor in such a way
that there is always a certain minimum pump
pressure at the inlet side to ensure filling of the
Pressure relief valve Pos. 109 axial-piston motor with oil. This ensures safe
downhill driving by positive engagement and
The pressure relief valve is limiting the pilot oil for without cavitation.
the pressure regulating valve to 22 bar. The pressure-relief valves in "cross-over" design
integrated in the motor protect the hydro-motor
against pressure shocks.
The valves are factory-adjusted to 380 bars.
Solenoid valve (Safety valve) Pos. 110

The 3/2 way solenoid valves are installed in line free Pos. 122 - 129
with the proportional valves for the swing function.
They function as safety valves in case of a
malfunction of a proportional valve. Track tensioning cylinders Pos. 130

The two single-acting hydraulic cylinders

pretension the track chains with a defined force.
free Pos. 111 - 119

Travel gearbox Pos. 120

Diaphragm accumulator Pos. 131
The travel gearbox is a 3-stage wheel-hub
planetary gearbox. It is driven by two variable Pressure peaks are compensated by one
displacement axial-piston motors for each gearbox. diaphragm accumulator per chain-tensioning
cylinder which are produced by external influences
on the tracks and thus act as a shock absorber.

Travel motor Pos. 121

Ball valve Pos. 132
The motors driving the travel gearboxes are
variable displacement axial-piston units. One of the
two predetermined swivel angles is set by applying The ball valve can be used to close the supply line
the corresponding control pressure to pre-select to the track tensioning cylinder (130).
either high-traction forces at reduced traveling
speed or a high traveling speed at reduced
The travel mode is pre-selected manually with a
switch in the dashboard.

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Track tensioning block Pos. 133 Control valve Pos. 146

The block contains the valves for the automatic This solenoid valve is used to operate the cylinder
track tensioning system which are changing the of the service lift.
track tensioning pressure depending on the
operating condition of the machine.

Check (Non-return) valve Pos. 147

Pressure relief valve Pos. 134
The check valve avoids the drain of the hydraulic
cylinder for the service station.
The track-tensioning assembly comprises 2
pressure-relief valves with hand wheel and 2 test
The hand wheels can be used to relieve the Accumulator Pos. 148
hydraulic track tension independently for each
Accumulator for service lift.

free Pos. 135 - 139

free Pos. 149
Fan motor Pos. 140
Cylinder Pos 150
The fan motor drives the fan wheel of the water
cooler. This hydraulic cylinder is lowering or lifting the
The fan motor is a gear-wheel type with access ladder.
incorporated replenishing function.

Accumulator Pos. 151

free Pos. 141 – 142
The accumulator supplies pressurized oil for
Water cooler Pos. 143 emergency lowering of the access ladder in case
of a sudden engine shut-down.

The water cooler is cooling the water for the

Control valve Pos. 152

free Pos. 144 This hand valve is used to operate the cylinder of
the access ladder.

Cylinder Pos 145

Check (Non-return) valve Pos. 153
This hydraulic cylinder is lowering or lifting the
service lift.
The check valve avoids the drain of the hydraulic
cylinder for the access ladder.

free Pos. 154 - 160

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4-spool valve block Pos. 161 Bucket cylinder Pos. 184

The two 4-spool valve blocks control the working The two double-acting hydraulic cylinders are
cylinders of the working attachment. installed between stick and bucket and move the
One valve block is located on the right side of the bucket inwards and outwards.
boom and one on the left side.
For each function a secondary pressure-relief
valve and an anti-cavitation valve is installed.
free Pos. 185

free Pos. 162 - 163 Clam cylinder Pos. 186

Float valve Pos. 164 The two double-acting hydraulic cylinders are
installed on the back wall of the bucket to open
and close the front lip.
The float valve permits pressure-less retraction of
the boom and stick cylinders by gravity. The valve
opens a connection between the piston- and the
rod-side of the cylinders to ensure the supply of oil Distributor Pos. 187 - 188
to the rod-side without having to use the main
For pressure-assisted lowering of the boom, the The distributor blocks are mounted on the boom to
lowering function of the hand-lever can be distribute the various oil flows from the control
switched over from float valve to main control blocks to the cylinders.
spools by pressing the button in the hand-lever.

Free Pos. 189

free Pos. 165 - 181

Check (Non return) valve Pos. 190
Boom cylinder Pos. 182
Filter Pos. 191
The two double-acting hydraulic cylinders are
installed between superstructure and boom. They
serve as lifting or lowering elements for the boom Filter for gear oil cooling.
and thus for the complete working attachment

Check (Non return) valve Pos. 192

Stick cylinder Pos. 183 The non return valve prevents the oil cooler (193)
against damage. It is set to 6 bar.
The two double-acting hydraulic cylinders are
installed between boom and stick and serve to
extend and retract the stick. Oil cooler Pos. 193

Hydraulic oil cooler for gear oil cooling.

Throttle check valve Pos. 194

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The Throttle check valve for gear oil cooling is set

to 1 bar.
8.3.4 Hydraulic circuit diagram

The position nos. in the circuit diagram Part-

No. 3 748 762 (00) are referred to chapter 8.3.2.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
detailed information about the electrical signals
Signals to actuate the excavator Electrical switchs can be found on the electrical schematic of the specific machine
pos. electrical signal function electrical signal function attached to: pos.
Legend pumps at the transfer gearbox rh
25: A1 -2Y9/1 clam-cylinder in -3B6 contamination swing pump 1 (first) 4/1
25: A2 -2Y10/1 clam-cylinder out -3B14 temperature swing pump 1 (first) 4/1 hydraulic-oil- 80/2 80/1
A Switch cooling 12/2 cooling charge pump
25: A3 -2Y11/1 travel right reverse -3B7 contamination swing pump 1 (secound) 4/1 Pressure sensor A
25: A4 -2Y12/1 travel right forward P KF6/400
-3B15 temperature swing pump 1 (secound) 4/1 Temperature sensor
25: A5 -2Y13/1 travel left reverse -4B6 contamination swing pump 2 (first) 4/2 control of the logic elements: 300/350 14 n=1938 U/min
25: A6 -2Y14/1 travel left forward 81/2 81/1
XD X1 X2
-4B14 temperature swing pump 2 (first) 4/2 Hight pressure lines
KM3/100 KM3/100 servo pump -4Y6
25: A7 -2Y7/1 stick-cylinder in -float -4B7 contamination swing pump 2 (secound) 4/2 1.) two engines operation: 34
25: A8 -2Y8/1 stick-cylinder out -4B15 temperature swing pump 2 (secound) 4/2 A+B open Low pressure lines <12bar 6/2 16

131/2 130/2 Servo lines 60/80bar A M G T1

55bar C+D closed Servo lines 50bar
25: B1 -2Y1/1 bucket-cylinder out -3B8 contamination pump transfer gearbox 1 2/1 2.) one engine operation:

25: B2 -2Y2/1 bucket-cylinder in rh -4B8 contamination pump transfer gearbox 2 2/2 A+B closed
Servo lines 35bar A11VO40
B MB main pump
25: B3 -2Y3/1 boom-cylinder in -3B16 pressure pump transfer gearbox 1 2/1 C+D open
Q=56 l/min
25: B4 -2Y4/1 boom-cylinder in -float 132/2 -4B16 pressure pump transfer gearbox 2 2/2 Main lines max. min.
n=1448 U/min
133 track tension Leckoil-, return-,control lines
Vg min Vg max
25: B5 -2Y5/1 boom-cylinder out
25: B6 -2Y6/1 stick-cylinder in -pressure -3B2 contamination main pump 1 3/1 Component lines
25: B7 -2Y16/1 swing right -3B3 contamination main pump 2 3/2 M1 R T K2 K1 MS S

B 25: B8 -2Y15/1 swing left 330

-4B2 contamination main pump 3 3/3 3/4 B
134/1 -4B3 contamination main pump 4 3/4 72/2 72/1
4bar 4bar
S M1 T2 R
-4B3 9 A4VSO500
Q=702 l/min
25: intern -2Y18/1 solenoid-valve servo -on/off rh lh 83
25: intern -2Y20/1 solenoid-valve track tensioning -2B1 pressure service lift
30 37 31 32 33
collecting of leckoil
23 22 21 27 20
filterblock 13
-5B5 contamination filter 36
26: A1 -2Y22/1 second speed (travel) 134/2 191/2 3mm
26: A3 -2Y23/1 swing brake 34 35 36 24 25 26
X2 X1 1bar
26: A4 -2Y24/1 drive-pressure increase 330

110/1 -2Y25/1 control-valve swing left fan pumps 194/2

110/2 -2Y26/1 control-valve swing right 193/2 -4B16
23/1 -3Y1 proportional-valve pumps left T P 47/2 A1 B

rh drive unit A C A
swing circuit:
23/2 -4Y1 proportional-valve pumps right Z

35 -2Y19 solenoid-valve emergency drop

T blocking valves B2 B1

C 46 -2Y21 logic-valve 120/2 logic valve

R n=1750 U/min
A4VSE250 A4VSE250 37 -4B28
T -4B29
abbreviations 121/4 121/3 0-100bar
P 1/2
360 L3 L4 S2 L1 L2 S1
ps = piston side ps 35 36
rs = ring side
rs T1 T1 Z
P 10 12
2xA10V071 140/2 143/2
P 34/4 -4B12 34/3 Q=121 l/min
A1 B
rh= right hand 360 T2 T2 -4B22
43/4 103/3 engine KM3/100
lh= left hand bucket 43/3
-4B6 -4B14
32 n=1750 U/min 48 rh engine
B3 rs
ps T1 Fa T1 Fa
184/2 360
D boom (74/1) -2B8 D
188 48 42 43 P 0-2,5bar
cylinder stick 360
49 40
B2 ps hight pressure (73/1) 400 400
182/2 rs
filters rh n=2571 U/min
A2 B

360 32 basin with return-oil

25 25
39/4 380 P3
184/1 boom 360
400 400
swing pump
39/3 X2 X1 X2 X1
cylinders A1 4/2
360 380 P4
105 X5 X1 X2
Q=312 l/min
Y2 Y1
90 101
E rh travel T
60 hydraulic tank 300/350 E
161/2 97/3 XD X1 X2

attachment: 97/4 A B
106 41
rh control valves T1 B1 A1 T2 T
109 P 35bar
64/4 67 P 2/2
92 P
A L M2

stick 12 suction connections T P main pump

cylinder 164/2 C
for the pumps 1,6
33/2 33/1
183/2 8
64/3 -4B10 16/2
max. min.
n=1448 U/min
6 5 2 T P
-2B33 KP3/100
B A C rh P 0-100bar Q=140 l/min
12 14 13
L L 11 M1 R T K2 K1 MS S
St2 St1
52 charge pump 3/3
93 64/2 B A -2Y21 A4VSO500 -4B11 -4B8
T 68 7 6
-4Y1 -3Y1 -4B2
Q=702 l/min
164/1 T1 B1 A1 T2 T
23/2 T
23/1 7-42 33 8
attachment: 97/2 12 46
lh control valves 97/1 T T
-3B10 T P A T P A
pumps at the transfer gearbox lh
161/1 lh travel T
P -4Y1
64/1 12 11 10
0-100bar P
hight pressure 9 8 36 -5B5 12/1 cooling charge pump
filters lh 7 KF6/400
360 12
44/2 44/1 servo pump
B4 ps 300/350 n=1938 U/min
rs 61 2 1
XD X1 X2
37 lh
360 380 P1 6/1 24 16
39/2 5 4 3
183/1 A M G T1
39/1 50 assembly plate
stick 360 M2

cylinder rs A11VO40 P main pump

ps 121/2 121/1 Q=56 l/min
380 P2 2/1
(74/2) 52
(73/2) max. min.
360 Vg min Vg max n=1448 U/min

stick 360
P P M1 R T K2 K1 MS S
B2 ps
0-400bar 43/2 3/2
A2 -3B3 2 A4VSO500
boom 43/1
186/2 cylinder 360
S M1 T2 R
Q=702 l/min
6 192/1
190 bucket 47/1B D
187 B1 ps St St P
191/1 1bar 3mm
rs T T
A1 T2 T2 logic valve swing circuit: 34/2 34/1
360 drive unit -5B10 194/1
T1 T1 -2B19 100/2 B
-3B7 -3B15
-3B6 -3B14
193/1 -3B16 H
clam 102/2 T1 Fa T1 Fa 0,5bar

A4VSE250 A4VSE250
102/3 A
186/1 A

cylinders 132/1 120/1 lh drive unit B 400 400
n=2571 U/min
-5B9 103/2 -3B28 lh engine
100/1 B A
A1 B 0-100bar -3B29
55bar -2B17 P P -2B18
25 25 P 1/1 42
400bar 400bar
102/1 swing circuit: Z

131/1 130/1 lh blocking valves 400 400

swing pump 140/1 143/1
attachment R
X2 X1 X2 X1
4/1 M1
I 27 2xA4VG125 engine KM3/100
R Q=312 l/min
n=1750 U/min
X2 X1
A1 B

communication of contents thereof, are forbidden whithout express

rights are reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the
Copying of this document, and giving it to others and the use or

authority. Offenders are liable to the payment of damages. All

emergency 30bar
lowering fan pumps
B2 B1
53 n=1750 U/min
26 control plate
J 38 J
registration of a utility model or design.

P 0-100bar -2Y22 -2Y24 -2Y23
40bar L3 L4 S2 L1 L2 S1
MA8 A8 MA7 A7 MA6 A6 MA5 A5 MA4 A4 MA3 A3 MA2 A2 MA1 A1 P2 P3 P1 50bar 50bar 50bar 50bar
25 26
3 5 2xA10V071
A A A A A A A A 50bar Q=121 l/min

T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P a P1 P2

-2Y8 -2Y7 -2Y14 -2Y13 -2Y12 -2Y11 -2Y10 -2Y9

A B A1 A4 A3 A2 300/350
T P4 XD X1 X2
b 80bar

-2Y15 T P -2Y16 T P -2Y6 T P -2Y5 T P -2Y4 T P -2Y3 T P -2Y2 T P -2Y1 T P

main pump
0,5 0,5 a b
25 grease pump 19
control block 145 service lift
MB8 B8 MB7 B7 MB6 B6 MB5 B5 MB4 B4 MB3 B3 MB2 B2 MB1 B1 T
max. min.
K 151 16/1 n=1448 U/min
Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der Patenterteilung oder

-5Y6.1: up
65bar 148
"Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser Unterlage, Verwertung

-5Y6.2: down
146 KP3/100
und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts nicht gestattet, soweit nicht aus-

110/2 A -2Y26 Q=140 l/min
drücklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu

ladder -5Y6.1 -5Y6.2 charge pump M1 R T K2 K1 MS S

153 -2B1 4 3/1 -3B11 -3B8
147 20bar
-3B2 A4VSO500
Q=702 l/min
152 49 1
110/1 A
Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten."

43 ISO/128 Oberflächenrauheit Schweissprozess 135 nach ISO 4063, Schweissposition PA, PB, PC nach ISO 6947, Schweisszusatz nach SN 3698016
P T Methode Vorzugsreihe
Welding process 135 according ISO 4063, welding position PA, PB, PC according ISO 6947, weld filler according PN 3698016
Schweisstechnik nach SN 3698007
Welding technique according PN 3698007
Bewertungsgruppe B für Schweissnähte nach DIN EN ISO 5817
Rating group B for welding seams according DIN EN ISO 5817 Werkst.-Nr.
Werkstückkanten ohne Angabe nach: DIN Surface roughness Allgemeintoleranzen für Allgemeintoleranzen Oberfl.-Angabe n.: Gewicht (kg)
Chamfers w/o dimension as per: selected range Schweisskonstruktionen. General tolerances DIN/ISO 1302 Werkstoff/Material
6784 Dim f. roughness per: Weight
simplified symbol General tolerances for Rohteil-Nr/Blank No
Aussenkante -0.5 Innenkante +0.5 welding constructions. ISO 2768-mK Rauheitsmessgrösse.:
outer edge -0.3 inner edge +0.3 beliebig EN ISO 13920-BF roughness crit.: DIN 4768 Modell-Nr/Pattern No
L optional
Datum Name Benennung/Description Masstab:

Hydraulikschaltplan 6040 FS 1:1

geschliffen Scale:
Aussengewinde bis auf Kern- Bearb./Prepared 04.01.12 Kawi
Gewindebohrung bis auf Gewinde- a = Rz max. 50
= Gepr./Checked
unter 45° angesenkt.
Passmass/Dim. Abmass/Tol. Norm/St. Check MDG+Camp+Cat
250 500 750 M 1:5 Chamfers w/45deg: x = Rz100
Berab.Abt./Prep.by dept. 2430 hydraulic schematic
296 00
external thread: down to core dia
100 200 300 M 1:2 internal thread: up to thread dia
Sach-Nr 0 Blatt
0 50 100 150 M 1:1 y = Rz25 Sheet
Typ BG UBG Part No F.K. Blätter
Brennschnitte ISO 9013-331 1
50 Datum Size Sheets
Index Änderungs-Nr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
flame cutting per ISO 9013-331 z = Rz6.3
6040 CH: Change No Date Name
Urspr./Origin. Ers.für/Replacing Ers.durch/Replaced by

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