CPHQ Candidate Handbook
CPHQ Candidate Handbook
CPHQ Candidate Handbook
examination handbook
April 2010
CPHQ Examination
Program Administered by the
Healthcare Quality Certification Board of
the National Association for Healthcare Quality
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 1
Statement of Nondiscrimination
The certification examination is offered to all eligible candidates,
regardless of age, gender, race, religion, national origin, marital
status or disability. Neither the HQCB nor AMP discriminates on
the basis of age, gender, race, religion, national origin, marital
status or disability.
2 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 3
CPHQ pr o gr a m o v e rv i e w
Definition of the Quality Each successful candidate will receive a certificate that is suitable
for framing, identification card, CPHQ pin and recertification
Management Professional information approximately 6-8 weeks after completing the
The practice of quality management occurs in all healthcare
settings, is performed by professionals with diverse clinical and
non-clinical educational and experience backgrounds, and
involves the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to perform
Following successful completion of the certification examination,
the tasks significant to practice in the CPHQ examination content
the CPHQ is required to maintain certification by fulfilling
outline. (Refer to the Examination Content Outline found later in
continuing education (CE) requirements, which are reviewed and
this Handbook.)
established by the HQCB annually. The current requirements
include obtaining and maintaining documentation of thirty (30)
A Certified Professional in CE hours over the two-year recertification cycle and payment of
Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) is ... a recertification fee. All continuing education must relate to areas
covered in the most current examination content outline. Current
an individual who has passed the HQCB’s accredited,
employment in the quality management field is not required
international examination, demonstrating competent
to maintain active CPHQ status. The process for obtaining
knowledge, skill and understanding of program development
recertification is described on the website at www.cphq.org and
and management, quality improvement concepts,
is provided to each CPHQ upon initial certification and at the
coordination of survey processes, communication and
beginning of each subsequent recertification cycle.
education techniques, and departmental management.
Eligibility Requirements
The examining board’s goal is to produce examinations that test All candidates have complete access to the examination process.
generic concepts that can be applied to any healthcare setting Those who aspire to excel and demonstrate their competency in
globally. Candidates who pass the CPHQ examination must the field of healthcare quality management have a chance to do
also understand how all of these important elements of quality so and achieve certification.
management, case/care/disease/utilization management and
risk management, as well as data management and general After years of extensive experience in testing research and
management skills integrate together to produce an effective development and after observing the extraordinarily diverse
and efficient system to monitor and improve care. backgrounds of exceptional candidates who have been successful
on the examination and as CPHQs, the Board is confident that the
To become certified, each quality management professional between candidates who are able to demonstrate competence
must pass the CPHQ examination. The examination is available and those who are not. It is with this confidence that the Board
in computer-based format at Assessment Centers in the United celebrates the elimination of barriers such as minimum education
States and multiple international locations. Certified professionals and/or experience requirements that are not objectively linked to
are entitled to use the designation “CPHQ” after their names. success on the examination and effectiveness as a healthcare
4 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
Each candidate must take time to assess and judge his/her own About the Examination
readiness to apply to take the CPHQ examination, particularly if The international quality management certification examination
you have not worked in the field for at least two years. A careful is the only fully accredited, standardized measurement of the
review of all available information about the tasks covered in knowledge, skills and abilities expected of competent quality
the CPHQ examination content outline, the sample examination management professionals. The examination is available in
questions, reference list and any other available data is essential a computerized format on a daily basis at AMP Assessment
before you make the decision to apply for the examination. centers.
The Examination Committee develops and writes the examination The certification examination is an objective, multiple-choice
to test the knowledge, skills and abilities of effective quality examination consisting of 140 questions. 125 of these questions
management professionals who have been performing a are used in computing the score, as discussed later in this
majority of the tasks on the examination outline for two Handbook. The HQCB uses the following percentage guidelines
years. The examination does not test at the entry level and is in selecting the three types of questions that appear on each
not appropriate for entry-level candidates. If you are new to examination: 32% recall, 53% application, and 15% analysis.
healthcare quality management, have worked in the field less Recall questions test the candidate’s knowledge of specific facts
than two years or your experience as a quality manager was and concepts. Application questions require the candidate to
not specifically related to healthcare, the HQCB cautions interpret or apply information to a situation. Analysis questions test
that you may not be ready to attempt the examination. Refer to the candidate’s ability to evaluate, problem solve or integrate a
the content outline later in this Handbook for detailed content variety of information and/or judgment into a meaningful whole.
information and other tools to assess your readiness.
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 5
6 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
Telecommunication Devices for Depending on availability,
the Deaf If you contact AMP by
3:00 p.m. Central Time on...
your examination may be
scheduled as early as...
AMP is equipped with Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf
Monday Wednesday
(TDD) to assist deaf and hearing-impaired candidates. TDD calling
is available 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) Monday-Friday at Tuesday Thursday
913-895-4637. This TDD phone option is for individuals equipped Wednesday Friday/Saturday
with compatible TDD machinery. Thursday Monday
Friday Tuesday
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 7
8 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
Taking the Examination that has NOT been inspected may result in dismissal from the
• Calculators are not necessary as all calculations found on the • talks or participates in conversation with other examination
examination can be performed without the aid of a calculator. candidates;
However, if you wish to do so you are permitted to bring a • gives or receives help or is suspected of doing so;
personal calculator and use it during the examination. The
• attempts to record examination questions or make notes;
only type of calculator permitted is a simple battery-powered
pocket calculator that does not have an alphanumeric • attempts to take the examination for someone else; or
keypad, and does not have the capability to print or to store • is observed with notes, books or other aids.
or retrieve data. You MUST present your calculator to the
examination proctor for inspection PRIOR to the start of
the examination. Using a calculator during the examination
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 9
Copyrighted Examination Questions Only one examination question is presented at a time. The
All examination questions are the copyrighted property of HQCB. question number appears in the lower right portion of the screen.
It is forbidden under federal copyright law to copy, reproduce, Choices of answers to the examination questions are identified as
record, distribute or display these examination questions by any A, B, C, or D. You must indicate your choice by either typing in the
means, in whole or in part. Doing so may subject the candidate to letter in the response box in the lower left portion of the computer
severe civil and criminal penalties. screen or clicking on the option using the mouse. To change an
answer, enter a different option by pressing the A, B, C, or D key
or by clicking on the option using the mouse. You may change
Practice Examination your answer as many times as you wish during the examination
Prior to attempting the timed examination, you will be given the
time limit.
opportunity to practice taking an examination on the computer.
The time used for this practice examination is NOT counted as
To move to the next question, click on the forward arrow (>) in
part of the examination time or score. When you are comfortable
the lower right portion of the screen or select the NEXT key. This
with the computer testing process, you may quit the practice
action will move you forward through the examination question by
session and begin the timed examination.
question. To review any question, click the backward arrow (<) or
use the left arrow key to move backward through the examination.
Timed Examination
Following the practice examination, the actual examination will An examination question may be left unanswered for return later in
begin. Before beginning, instructions for taking the examination the examination session. Questions may also be bookmarked for
are provided on-screen. later review by using the mouse and clicking in the blank square
to the right of the Time button. Click on the hand icon or select
the NEXT key to advance to the next unanswered or bookmarked
question on the examination. To identify all unanswered and
bookmarked questions, repeatedly click on the hand icon or press
the NEXT key. When the examination is completed, the number of
examination questions answered is reported. If not all questions
have been answered and there is time remaining, return to the
examination and answer those questions. Be sure to provide
an answer for each examination question before ending the
examination. There is no penalty for guessing.
Candidate Comments
During the examination, comments may be provided for any
question by clicking on the button displaying an exclamation
point (!) to the left of the Time button. This opens a dialogue box
where comments may be entered. Comments will be reviewed, but
The computer monitors the time spent on the examination. You will individual responses will not be provided.
have three hours to complete the examination. The examination
will terminate if testing exceeds the time allowed. Click on the
“Time” box in the lower right portion of the screen or select the
Time key to monitor testing time. A digital clock indicates the time
remaining to complete the examination. The Time feature may be
turned off during the examination.
10 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
Following the Examination Fees
After you finish the examination, you are asked to complete a short Fees for the CPHQ examination are shown in the table that
evaluation of your testing experience. Then, you are instructed follows.
to report to the examination proctor to receive your score report. CPHQ Examination Fees
Scores are reported in printed form only, in person or by U.S. mail.
Special NAHQ
To assure confidentiality, no candidate examination scores
Examination member or NAHQ
will be reported over the telephone, by electronic mail or by Fee (In U.S. international society
facsimile. Neither the HQCB nor the testing agency will release dollars) affiliate member fee
a copy of individual score reports to employers, schools or other
All Examinations: $440 $370
individuals or organizations without your written authorization.
The special member fee applies to current or new National
The score report you receive as you leave the Assessment Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) members or members
Center will include your photograph, taken prior to the start of the of a non-U.S. national society NAHQ affiliate. The special member
examination. The score report will reflect either “pass” or “fail,” fee does not apply to members of U.S. state NAHQ-affiliate
followed by a raw score indicating the number of questions you associations unless they are also members of NAHQ. If you wish
answered correctly. Additional detail is provided in the form of to join NAHQ you must send the separate membership application
raw scores by each of the four major content categories. This and dues directly to NAHQ, not to the HQCB. Contact NAHQ at
information is provided as feedback to help you understand 800-966-9392 or visit www.nahq.org.
your performance within the major content categories. Your
pass/fail status is determined by your overall raw score for the Fees may be paid by credit card, personal check, or money
entire examination. Even though the examination consists of 140 order for the total amount, payable to HQCB. Checks drawn on
questions, your score is based on 125 scored questions. Fifteen of non-United States banks must state “Payable in U.S. Dollars”.
the questions on the examination are “pretest” questions and are Please write your name on the face of your check. An additional
not included in the final score. $25 charge will be added for any returned checks or rejected
credit cards to cover additional handling fees and service charges
Failing candidates may reapply for subsequent examinations. imposed by the bank or credit card company. Your canceled
Candidates may test one time per 90-day period. There is no check or credit card receipt serve to document payment for the
limitation on the number of times the examination may be taken. examination.
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 11
12 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
If You Pass the Examination If You Do Not Pass the Examination
If you pass the HQCB examination, you are entitled to use the If you do not pass the certification examination, you may
designation Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality and reapply for subsequent examinations. You may test one time per
registered acronym “CPHQ”, with your name on letterheads, 90-day period. There is no limitation on the number of times the
business cards, and all forms of address. Certification is for examination may be taken. Repeat candidates must submit a new
individuals only. The CPHQ designation may not be used to imply application and full examination fee. Names of candidates who
that an organization, association, or private firm is certified. do not pass the examination are confidential and are not revealed
under any circumstances, except by legal compulsory process.
HQCB mails a congratulatory letter and information packet for
each new CPHQ, which includes an identification card, certificate Appeals
and a CPHQ pin. You should expect to receive this packet Because the performance of each question on the examination
approximately one month following the end of the month that is included in the final score has been pretested, there are no
within which you took and passed the examination. appeal procedures to challenge individual examination questions,
answers, or a failing score.
HQCB reserves the right to recognize publicly any candidate who
has successfully completed a CPHQ certification examination, Actions by the Board affecting eligibility of a candidate to take
thereby earning the certification credential. the examination may be appealed. Additionally, appeals may be
considered for alleged inappropriate examination administration
Replacement certificates can be purchased by sending a written procedures or environmental testing conditions severe enough to
request and the required $15 fee to the HQCB. Replacement or cause a major disruption of the examination process and which
extra CPHQ pins are available for $7. could have been avoided.
Continuing Education Credit All appeals must be submitted in writing. Equivalency eligibility
Some organizations accept successful completion of a appeals must be received within thirty (30) days of the initial
certification examination for continuing education (CE) credit. HQCB action. Appeals for alleged inappropriate administration
Check with your licensure or registration board or association for procedures or severe adverse environmental testing conditions
acceptance and CE credits allowed. must be received within sixty (60) days of the release of
examination results.
Refer to the “Recertification” section in this Handbook for details
about CE requirements to maintain CPHQ status after passing the The HQCB Chair will respond within thirty (30) days of receipt of
examination. the appeal. If this decision is adverse, the candidate may file a
second-level appeal within thirty (30) days. A three-member panel
Verification of CPHQ Status of the HQCB will review the Chair’s decision and respond with a
Information on the current certification status of an individual will final decision within forty-five (45) days of receipt.
be provided to the public upon request. Employers who request
verification of CPHQ status must provide the individual’s name Duplicate Score Report
and social security number to assure correct identification in the You may purchase additional copies of your score report at a cost
CPHQ database. Annually, a listing of successful candidates will of $25 per copy payable to AMP. Requests must be submitted to
be published in the program newsletter and on the CPHQ website AMP, in writing, within ninety (90) days after the examination. The
(www.cphq.org). request must include your name, Social Security number, mailing
address, date of examination and authorization signature. Use the
form in the back of this Handbook to request a duplicate score
report. Duplicate score reports will be mailed approximately two
weeks after receipt of the request.
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 13
Preparation for the CPHQ 15. “A Dash through the Data! Using Data for Improvement”,
an educational DVD on the basics of using data for QI by
Certification Examination Sandra K. Murray, www.nahq.org
The HQCB neither sponsors, endorses nor financially
16. Quality Improvement Methods for Healthcare Manual.
benefits from any review courses or published materials for
the CPHQ certification examination. Examination questions
are written from a wide variety of publications and resources in 17. MacSherry, R and Pearce. P (2008) Clinical Governance:
the field. Some suggested preparation for the examination might A Guide to Implementation for Healthcare Professionals
include but should not be limited to the following resources: Blackwell Publishing (2nd Edition) ISBN 978-1-4051-3920-5
1. The CPHQ Self Assessment Exam: This self assessment can
18. Patient Safety-Achieving a New Standard for Care: Quality
help identity areas of strength/improvements for the CPHQ
Chasm Series
examination. www.cphq.org
19. The Team Handbook-3rd Edition 2004
2. Q-Solutions (NAHQ) www.nahq.org
20. The Lean Enterprises Memory Jogger. Richard L. Macinnes
3. The Healthcare Quality Handbook: A Professional Resource
and Study Guide. Brown, Janet A. www.jbqs.com.
11. Improving Healthcare Using Toyota Lean Production Methods. The CPHQ Examination Committee uses this terminology
Chalice, Robert, 2007. crosswalk as a reference when reviewing and approving questions
for the examination. They may decide to include both or several
12. The Quality Toolbox, Tague, Nancy, 2005.
words that have a similar meaning in the context of an individual
13. Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook. George, Michael, Rowlans, question, separated by a “slash” mark, to help candidates
David, Price, Mark & Maxey, John. 2005. understand the question and/or answer choices.
14. The Memory Jogger™ 2, 2nd Ed. Brassard, Michael.
14 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
Terminology Crosswalk of Terms • healthcare organization = healthcare entity
• HMO = health maintenance organization
• administrator = leader or facility (hospital) director
• legal standard = requirement of law
• aggregate = summarize (usually referring to data)
• LOS = length of stay (LOS)
• ambulatory care unit = outpatient care unit
• managed care setting = a facility with managed care contracts
• appointment = initial acceptance for membership in a
• “Meals on Wheels” = meals in home
healthcare service, such as a medical staff or medical group
• member = patient, in the context of a managed care program
• behavioral health = behavioral/mental health
• modality = type of service
• capitation = capitated = predetermined or pre-negotiated fee
• pathway = pathway/guideline
• case management = case/care/disease management
• performance improvement = quality improvement
• case mix = patient groupings
• proctor = mentor = coach = supervise = observe
• CEO = chief executive officer (CEO)
• providers/practitioners = physicians or other licensed
• charter = start = assign
independent practitioners
• clinical pathways = clinical/critical pathways/guidelines
• quality council = steering council = QM committee
• compensable = payable
• reappointment = renewal of membership in a healthcare service,
• CQI = continuous quality improvement (CQI) such as a medical staff or medical group
• credentialing = initial evaluation of credentials or initial • reappraisal = re-evaluate competency = periodic competency
credentialing process review
• credentials = qualifications (e.g., licenses, certifications, • recredentialing = periodic re-evaluation and renewing of
education, experience) credentials
• delinquency rate = non completion rate (usually referring to • senior management = directors = administrators
medical records) • sentinel event = sentinel/unexpected event
• deploy = implement = start = initiate • severity = mental or physical dependency = acuity
• DRG = the diagnosis related group (a method of categorizing • sues = takes legal action against
illnesses for purposes of payment or statistical analysis)
• third party payor = payer = insurance company
• ED = emergency department (ED)
• transcriptionist = secretary = typist
• equipment = device = supplies
• unit = unit/ward/floor
• FTE = full time equivalent = full time employee
• workers compensation = injured workers
• generic screening = concurrent screening
• “written off” = erased = waived (usually referring to a financial
• governing body = board of directors = board of trustees
• H&P = history and physical
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 15
16 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
B. Measurement B. Implementation
1. Use or coordinate the use of process analysis tools 1. Coordinate the performance improvement process
to display data (e.g., fishbone, Pareto chart, run 2. Lead performance improvement teams
chart, scattergram, control chart) 3. Facilitate performance improvement teams
2. Use basic statistical techniques to describe data 4. Participate on performance improvement teams
(e.g., mean, standard deviation) 5. Participate in the credentialing and privileging
3. Use or coordinate the use of statistical process process
control components (e.g., common and special
6. Coordinate or participate in quality improvement
cause variation, random variation, trend analysis)
4. Use the results of statistical techniques to evaluate
7. Participate in the process of:
data (e.g., t-test, regression)
a. medication usage review
C. Analysis
b. medical record review
1. Use comparative data to measure or analyze
c. infection control processes
d. peer review
2. Interpret benchmarking data
3. Interpret incident/occurrence reports e. service specific review (e.g., pathology,
5. Interpret data to support decision making f. patient advocacy (e.g., patient rights, ethics)
D. Communication 8. Perform or coordinate risk management:
1. Interact with medical staff and support personnel a. risk prevention
regarding individual patient management issues b. risk identification
2. Promote organizational values and commitment c. mortality review
among staff d. failure mode and effects analysis
3. Compile and write performance improvement reports e. collaborate with quality department
4. Integrate quality concepts within the organization 9. Perform or coordinate risk management: risk
5. Coordinate the dissemination of performance prevention
improvement information within the organization C. Education and Training
6. Ensure accuracy in public reporting activities (e.g., 1. Develop organizational performance improvement
organizational transparency, website content) training (e.g., quality, patient safety)
7. Facilitate communication with accrediting and 2. Provide performance improvement training
regulatory bodies 3. Evaluate effectiveness of performance improvement
3. Performance Measurement and Improvement training
(47 items or 38%) 4. Facilitate change within the organization through
A. Planning education
1. Facilitate establishment of priorities for process 5. Develop/provide survey preparation training (e.g.,
improvement activities accreditation, licensure, or equivalent)
2. Facilitate development of performance improvement D. Evaluation/Integration
action plans and projects 1. Evaluate team performance
3. Facilitate development or selection of process and 2. Analyze/interpret performance/productivity reports
outcome measures 3. Analyze patient/member/customer satisfaction
4. Facilitate evaluation or selection of evidence-based 4. Conduct or coordinate practitioner profiling
practice guidelines (e.g., for standing orders or as 5. Perform or coordinate complaint analysis
guidelines for physician ordering practice)
6. Incorporate performance improvement into the
5. Participate in the development of clinical/critical
employee performance appraisal system
pathways or guidelines
7. Incorporate findings from performance improvement
6. Aid in evaluating the feasibility to apply for external
into the credentialing/appointment/privilege
quality awards (e.g., Malcolm Baldrige, Magnet)
delineation process
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 17
CPHQ e x a m i n at i o n c o n t e n t o u t l i n e
8. Integrate results of data analysis into the 1. Contribute to development and revision of a written
performance improvement process plan for a patient safety program
9. Integrate outcome of risk management assessment 2. Coordinate a patient safety program
into the performance improvement process 3. Assess how technology can enhance the patient
10. Integrate outcome of utilization management safety program (e.g., computerized physician order
assessment into the performance improvement entering (CPOE), barcode medication administration
process (BCMA), electronic medical record (EMR))
11. Integrate quality findings into governance and 4. Integrate technology to enhance the patient safety
management activities (e.g., bylaws, administrative program
policies, and procedures) 5. Integrate patient safety goals into organizational
12. Integrate accreditation and regulatory activities (e.g., Joint Commission, JCI, NQF, IHI)
recommendations into the organization 6. Participate in the process of patient safety goals
4. Patient Safety (20 items or 16%)
7. Perform or coordinate risk management
A. Strategic
a. incident report review
1. Facilitate assessment and development of the
b. sentinel/unexpected event review
organization’s patient safety culture
c. root cause analysis
2. Identify applicability of patient safety goals (e.g.,
Joint Commission, JCI, NQF, IHI) 125 TOTAL ITEMS
3. Facilitate development of a patient safety program
4. Link patient safety activities with strategic goals
5. Integrate patient safety concepts within the
6. Integrate patient safety findings into governance and
management activities (e.g., bylaws, administrative
policies, and procedures)
B. Operational
18 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
The following ten questions have been removed from active use from the Certified Professional for Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) examination
item pool that is established, maintained and owned by the Healthcare Quality Certification Board (HQCB) of the National Association for
Healthcare Quality (NAHQ). The purpose of releasing these questions is to provide information that could assist prospective candidates
to prepare for the examination and to further their understanding of the examination process.
In releasing these questions, the HQCB has attempted to provide examples that represent a range of content and difficulty that would be
typical of an actual examination. However, HQCB emphasizes that this small number of sample questions does not provide a complete
depiction of the overall diversity that candidates should expect to encounter on an actual examination form.
Following each question is the correct response (key), the cognitive level (Cog) required for a response, the linkage to the current test
content outline (TCO), and a description of other relevant question characteristics and notes about the history of the question, where
applicable. Additional information about the CPHQ examination and certification program is available from a variety of other sources.
These sources include but are not limited to: other sections in this Handbook, the HQCB worldwide website (www.cphq.org), the
HQCB-sponsored item writing workshop (“Secrets of Competency Testing: Writing Questions for the CPHQ Examination”) presented at
the annual NAHQ conference or in co-sponsorship with NAHQ-affiliated state associations, and course work offered by NAHQ or other
educational providers independently from and without endorsement by the HQCB.
1. The primary benefit of adopting a countrywide or global uniform set of discharge data is to
2. In order to perform a task for which one is held accountable, there must be an equal balance between responsibility and
A. authority.
B. education.
C. delegation.
D. specialization.
Key: A Cog: Recall
3. A patient was in the operating room when a piece of a surgical instrument broke off and was left in the patient’s body. The patient
was readmitted for removal of the foreign object. Which of the following would most likely apply in this situation?
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 19
CPHQ e x a m i n at i o n c o n t e n t o u t l i n e
4. Which of the following types of budgets itemizes the major equipment to be purchased in the next year?
A. capital
B. variable
C. operating
D. fixed
Key: A Cog: Recall
5. A quality professional needs to assign a staff member to assist a medical director in the development of a quality program for a
newly established service. Which of the following staff members is MOST appropriate for this project?
A. a newly hired staff member who has demonstrated competence and has time to complete the task
B. a knowledgeable staff member who works best on defined tasks
C. a motivated staff member who is actively seeking promotion
D. a competent staff member who has good interpersonal skills
Key: D Cog: Application
6. A surgeon’s wound infection rate is 32%. Further examination of which of the following data will provide the MOST useful information
in determining the cause of this surgeon’s infection rate?
A. mortality rate
B. facility infection rate
C. use of prophylactic antibiotics
D. type of anesthesia used
Key: C Cog: Application
7. Pharmacy and Nursing are having difficulty developing an action plan for medication errors. Pharmacy Services states that Nursing
Services causes the majority of the problems related to errors, while Nursing Services states the opposite. The quality professional’s
role in resolving this problem is to
20 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
a d d i t i o n a l s a m pl e qu e s t i o n s w i t h p e rf o r m a n c e d e ta i l
8. Which of the following is MOST likely to be a benefit of concurrent ambulatory surgical case review?
9. A well-designed patient safety program should include all of the following EXCEPT
10. Discharge planners regularly monitor the number of inappropriate referrals, the timeliness of discharge planning, and the number
of days of discharge delays. What additional monitor should be added to evaluate the appropriateness of discharge planning
A. save time.
B. centralize demographics.
C. reduce cost.
D. evaluate data.
12. Which part of a job description should be used in a criteria-based performance evaluation?
A. salary grade
B. duties and responsibilities
C. working conditions
D. qualifications
C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k 21
14. One major difference between traditional quality assurance (QA) and quality improvement (QI) is that QI
22 C P H Q e x a m i n at i o n c a n d i d at e h a n d b o o k
HQCB Handbook, page 23
3. Social Security Number – Fill in your United States- 7. Educational level – Select the highest academic level you
issued social security number. This will be your confidential have completed from the list provided; enter that two-digit
examination identification number. Your social security code in the boxes provided.
number is required for us to verify CPHQ status for 8. Years of experience in healthcare quality management
employers. HQCB will assign a confidential examination – Select the category from the list provided to indicate
identification number for candidates who do not have a social the number of years of experience you have completed
security number. performing QM/CM/UM/RM activities, by the application
4. Preferred Mailing Address – Print one number or letter of deadline for the examination.
your street address in each box and leave a blank box for 9. Previous Examination date – If you have taken the
each space between words or numbers. This is the address examination before, enter the month and year of the
to which all examination information and post examination examination taken most recently.
materials will be mailed, including certificates and pins for
passing candidates. HQCB recommends candidates use 10. Fees – Indicate the correct member or non-member fee, in
their home address (not a business address) to assure mail is the box(s) provided. Add the amounts you have entered, if
forwarded if your address changes. needed, and fill in the appropriate total amount in the box.
City – Print the name of the city of your mailing address. 11. Licenses or Registrations – Check the appropriate box to
State/Province – Print the two-letter initials for your state or indicate any license(s) or registration(s) you currently hold.
province for your mailing address.
Apply online at www.goAMP.com or mail the completed application and appropriate fee
(checks payable to HQCB) or credit card information to:
Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc.
18000 W. 105th Street
Olathe, KS 66061-7543
(Note: If sending by facsimile, do not mail the original as this may result in a duplicate entry and duplicate charge to your credit card. If
paying by check, you must mail your application and check; do NOT also send it by facsimile as this may result in a duplicate entry.)
HQCB Handbook, page 24
HQCB Handbook, page 25
The Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) Examination
1. PRINT Last/Family
NAME First Name
Middle Initial
2. Are you a member of NAHQ or a non-U.S. national quality society NAHQ-affiliate? (State, regional, local or non-affiliated national association
membership does not equal NAHQ membership.)
No (Non-member exam fee applies) Yes; NAHQ or affiliate member ID # ___________________________ or
Yes; new member; dues sent to NAHQ on _____________________ (date) (Member exam fee applies; call NAHQ at 800-966-9392 to join.)
3. SOCIAL – –
Required to verify CPHQ status for U.S. employers) (AMP will assign ID number for candidates without SS #s)
Use of home State;
Province Zip/Postal Code –
recommended Country
Work Phone – Phone –
Area/Country City Code Number Area/Country City Code Number
Code (If applicable) Code (If applicable)
Fax – – *E-mail
5. GENDER (optional)
Male Female
6. Primary place of employment: 8. Years of full-time and/or part time experience in healthcare quality,
(01) college or university (non-hospital case/care/disease/utilization and/or risk management activities:
(02) outpatient/specialty facility or clinic (01) fewer than two years
(03) consultant (02) two to five years
(03) more than five but not more than 10 years
(04) extended care facility
(04) more than 10 years
(05) hospital or medical center
(06) private review agency/third party payer/HMO/PPO/MMO/ 9. Have you previously taken the CPHQ examination?
insurance company Yes No If yes, most recent date:
(07) government agency (non-hospital) Month Year
13. Declaration
I authorize the Healthcare Quality Certification Board (HQCB) to make whatever inquiries and investigations that it deems necessary to verify my credentials and
professional standing. Further, I understand that the HQCB will treat the contents of this application as well as all documents relating to certification as confidential,
except when required by legal compulsory process, with the following exception. If I successfully pass the examination and attain the CPHQ designation, I
authorize the HQCB to release my name and address to the National Association for Healthcare Quality and its affiliated organizations for the purpose of mailing me
association information. I also authorize HQCB to use information from my application and subsequent examination for the purpose of statistical analysis, provided
my personal identification with the information has been deleted. I understand that the initial certification period is two calendar years following successfully passing
the examination and agree to meet current requirements if I wish to maintain active certification status thereafter. I further understand that the governing body has
the authority to change requirements to attain and maintain certification from time to time.
I have read and understand the information provided in the Candidate Handbook or on the cphq.org website. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that the
foregoing statements are true.
I understand that false information may be cause for denial or loss of the credential. I understand that I can be disqualified from taking or continuing to sit for an
examination or from receiving examination scores if the HQCB determines through either proctor observation or statistical analysis that I engaged in collaborative,
disruptive, or other prohibited behavior during the administration of the examination.
______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Candidate signature (Required) Date
Payment must be by credit card, check or money order payable in U.S. dollars to the “Healthcare Quality Certification Board”.
Please write your name on the face of the check. (HQCB/NAHQ tax ID #95-3062349)
No telephone or e-mail applications will be accepted. Completed forms may be sent by facsimile ONLY if paying by credit card.
Complete and mail this application with a check or credit card information to:
AMP/Examination Services
18000 W. 105th Street
Olathe, KS 66061-7543
FAX 913-895-4650
HQCB Handbook, page 27
If you have a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please complete this form and the Documentation of
Disability-Related Needs on the reverse side so your examination accommodations can be processed efficiently. The information you
provide and any documentation regarding your disability and your need for examination accommodations will be treated with strict
Candidate Information
Social Security # __________ – _______ – ____________
Name (Last, First, Middle Initial, Former Name)
Mailing Address
City State Zip Code
Daytime Telephone Number
Special Accommodations
I request special accommodations for the _____________________________________________________________________ examination.
Return this form with your examination application and fee to:
Examination Services Department, AMP, 18000 W. 105th Street, Olathe, KS 66061-7543.
If you have questions, call the Examination Services Department at 913-895-4600.
HQCB Handbook, page 28
HQCB Examination
Please have this section completed by an appropriate professional (education professional, physician, psychologist, psychiatrist) to
ensure that AMP is able to provide the required examination accommodations.
Professional Documentation
I have known ___________________________________________________ since ______ / ______ / ______ in my capacity
Candidate Name Date
Professional Title
The candidate discussed with me the nature of the examination to be administered. It is my opinion that, because of this candidate’s
disability described below, he/she should be accommodated by providing the special arrangements listed on the reverse side.
Description of Disability:_________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signed:_________________________________________________________________________ Title:_________________________________
Printed Name:______________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number:_ ________________________________________________________________________________________
Return this form with your examination application and fee to:
Examination Services Department, AMP, 18000 W. 105th Street, Olathe, KS 66061-7543.
If you have questions, call the Examination Services Department at 913-895-4600.
HQCB Handbook, page 29
Directions: You may use this form to ask the testing agency, AMP, to send you a duplicate copy of your score report. This request
must be postmarked no later than 90 days after the examination administration. Proper fees and information must be
included with the request. Please print or type all information in the form below. Be sure to provide all information and
include the correct fee, or the request will be returned.
Fees: $25 US Dollars per copy. Please enclose a check or money order payable in US Dollars to AMP. Do not send cash.
Write your test identification number on the face of your payment.
Street_ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Country_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If the above information was different at the time you were tested, please write the original information below:
Street_ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Country_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I hereby request AMP to send a duplicate copy of my score report to the first address shown above.
You may use this form to request that HQCB enter a change of address, including e-mail address, into our database once you
have registered for the examination. To protect your confidential record and assure that no unauthorized person is able to alter your
record, we require that all address changes be submitted in writing and include your authorizing signature.
HQCB will forward your address change to the testing agency AMP. If you have questions, contact HQCB at 913-895-4609 or toll
free 800-346-4722 or e-mail: [email protected].
Mail or fax your request to: Healthcare Quality Certification Board (HQCB)
P. O. Box 19604
Lenexa, KS 66285-9604, USA
Facsimile 913-895-4652
Print your NEW name and address (use of home address recommended):
Street_ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Country_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street_ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Country_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I hereby authorize HQCB and AMP to change my address in the examination database as shown above.
Candidate signature Date
HQCB Handbook, page 32
HQCB Handbook, page 33
Diana L. Martin, RN, MS, BSW, CPHQ, QMRP Greg Smith, MRC, CRC, CCM
Chair Public Member
Evanston, WY Cincinnati, OH
[email protected] [email protected]
Michael L. Greer, RN, MS, CPHQ, CMCN David S. Loose, MSN, CNAA, RN, CPHQ
Chair-Elect Past Chair
Brentwood, TN Alameda, CA
[email protected] [email protected]
Christina Ordonia, MPH, RHIA, CPHQ Anita Garrison, RN, MSN, CPHQ, FNAHQ, CMC
Director Memphis, TN
New Kent, VA [email protected]
[email protected]
Marie Kehoe, RGN, MScN, CPHQ
Terri Morris-Nichols, BHCA, RN, CPHQ Western Rd, Cork
Director [email protected]
Vancouver, WA
[email protected]
Healthcare Quality Certification Board
Of the National Association for Healthcare Quality
P.O. Box 19604, Lenexa, KS 66285
Facsimile 1-913-895-4652
Toll free U.S./Canada 1-800-346-4722