Reckless Sexual Intent
Reckless Sexual Intent
Reckless Sexual Intent
So, how do you make women feel horny and wet between the legs
for you – even if you’re not the best looking guy?
What most men do, is that when they see an attractive woman that
they like, they actually bury their sexual feelings and desires deep
down inside of them.
They look away from the girl, maybe they just peek at her from the
corner of their eye, but they don’t want the woman to know that
she’s checking her out.
Or, the guy goes up and says hello to the woman, maybe opens by
asking her opinion about something, and maybe tells a story or
joke to make her laugh. But he still hiding his sexual desire to fuck
her by being super friendly, and as a result the interaction doesn’t
have any sexual tension, it doesn’t have any sexual undertone or
He’s not being raw and masculine, so the woman cannot feel raw
and feminine in return. He has no chance awakening a primal lust
in her.
So the guy might be liked by the girl, but she’s putting him into the
nice guy “let’s just be friends” category because no hard attraction
is being sparked.
And the reason that guys hide and bury their masculine sexual
intent is because they want approval from the girl, they want to be
liked by the girl. They’re more worried about being liked then to
actually get the girl into their bed. They want to be liked more than
actually risk a rejection by showing their true feelings of attraction.
And when you do this, it’s very easy to get the girl to giggle and
laugh, but generally the interactions won’t go anywhere farther
than that if the girl doesn’t know why the fuck you’re talking to her.
If you want a girl to feel that tingle of lust, you have to go there
first. You lead her state.
On some level, you need to feel that testosterone fueled fury, that
fire blazing up through your body of sexual intent.
On some level, the girl has to feel like you are deeply attracted to
On some level the girl has to feel that she is in imminent danger of
being fucked.
On some level, she has to feel like you would follow her to the
ends of the earth to pursue her all the way to better.
On some level, the girl has to feel like a sex object and this is going
down at any moment.
And you expressing your sexual intent openly will allow her to feel
that rush of underlying sexual tension.
So the first thing is, to embrace that identity of being a sexual man.
That you were born with a Dick, and you make no apologies for
your sexual desires as a man. But you won’t bury your true self or
your true feelings or your true desires, but you let them shine
through and you make no apologies for it.
You embrace that role as a man who lets women know what he’s
about and why he’s talking to her. Any make no excuses for being
a sexual guy. Any make no excuses that fucking hot girls and
expressing yourself is your manifest destiny.
And by doing so, women will feel that shine through, and feel hard
attraction as a result just as a side effect of who you are.
What can you do to feel alive, to feel vital, to be happy, to have fun,
despite whatever else is going on, despite if sex is happening or
not — and yet you’re still attracting massive quantities of women
in your life, as a side effect of who you are?
Your goal each day, and your motivation for going out, is most
healthy and sustaining when it’s about being a man who expresses
recklessly his masculine sexual intent. That’s the magic formula to
stay motivated and be healthy about this.
Reckless sexual intent is looking hard-core into a woman’s eyes,
and then her lips, and then at her breasts, checking out her body
shamelessly as he talked to her.
That’s the core sexual expression that makes you feel like a raw,
alive, blood coursing through your veins, masculine man. And
that’s what will ultimately make you feel a rush, feel alive, feel
young, feel happy, feel complete freedom, feel proud about
yourself and happy that you are you, that you can make women
feel this way at your will. You feel like a man.
Sex Cannot Be The Only Goal
Regardless of whether sex comes from that, because the sex
cannot be the goal. Getting laid cannot be the goal. Pining after a
girlfriend cannot be the goal. Expressing your sexual masculine
intent can be your only goal for the day. And when you express
your sexual intent, shamelessly, recklessly, without permission
from anybody, that’s far more powerful then the act of getting laid
And that’s what attracts women as a side effect of who you are,
and you can just allow the sex to happen when it comes, without
reaching for, without grasping for, without dreaming about it,
without it being part of your agenda, in your head as some
thought based goal. Because the thought based goals set in the
future come into the present moment and destroy it. Thought-
based goals basically cancel out your happiness for today because
of the goal you feel you haven’t succeeded, you feel you aren’t
complete. So self acceptance and happiness go right out the
But if you’re out there, in the field, taking action, expressing your
sexual masculine intent to women, that’s its own reward because
that’s what will make you feel awesome and feel like a complete
man. It’s not getting approval from the woman in the form of
getting laid that will make you feel that way.
And listen, this is why so many relationships fall apart. Because the
guy was originally motivated to get laid or find a girlfriend. So he
gets into a relationship, has his girlfriend, and gets laid.
It’s not about the girl. It’s not about the sex. Those things don’t last.
What it is about is you, and who you are, and how you act – that’s
what lasts. That’s what brings you lasting fulfillment and joy,
happiness, and motivation to keep going out.