Scheina, Robert L. (2) - 1984, 110-3-973
Scheina, Robert L. (2) - 1984, 110-3-973
Scheina, Robert L. (2) - 1984, 110-3-973
Those Argentine
By Robert L. Scheina
The maze offathom lines didn't lead the war would be appointed Commander of South Atlantic
Rritish to the Argentine Navy's eight-year-old Theater Operations. Both "Guppys" suffered from the
effects of old age. The Santiago del Estero(ex-USS Chivo
conventional submarine which operated for [SS-3411) had been decommissioned in September 1981.
almost six weeks against the ASW-oriented She was stationed at the submarine base at Mar del Plata
Royal Navy. Much of the story of the Argen- and was being used for static training. The operational
tine submarine war in the South Atlantic has capabilities of the Santa Fe (ex-USS Caffish [SS-339])
were considerably reduced. In particular, the sensors were
been hearsay until now. unreliable, and the batteries could take only a limited
charge. Argentine efforts to keep these boats operational
umors persist concerning Argentine submarine had been severely hampered by the U. S. arms embargo,
R operations during the Malvinas War. What follows which had been in effect since 1976.
is based primarily on interviews with Argentine The strength of the Argentine submarine force was its
submariners who fought in the war and who spoke freely two "Type-209" submarines. The Salta was undergoing
and without notes—or a senior officer looking over their major yard work, and she was scheduled to undergo trials
Shoulders. A few dates used here are approximated and in mid-April in Golfo Nuevo. The work may have been
stated as such. rushed, possibly because of the events in the Georgias,
These interviews underscore some political truths con- and on 2 April, the Salta sailed from Mar del Plata to
eriling Argentine naval operations in the South Atlantic Golfo Nuevo for evaluation operations. The Salta made
war. First, the submarine command—like the marine excessive noise on her trials, which rendered her unfit for
e°rPs and naval aviation—was not ordered to prepare for combat operations. The Salta could not be made ready
the recapture of the Malvinas until well into 1982. In fact, before the end of the conflict. The San Luis, the second
the Argentine submarine force was in a state of transition. "Type-209," was technically fully operational, but her
tt was preparing for the arrival of new boats being built in crew had only recently been assembled.
West Germany, and many of its experienced personnel
Were in Europe. The first new boat was scheduled to be- The Santa Fe, the only submarine to be used in the
come operational early in 1984. Second, Argentine forces recapture of the Malvinas, departed Mar del Plata on 26
Were ordered to avoid inflicting casualties in the recapture March under orders to put a small group of commandos
of the islands. Only one submarine took part in the recap- ashore off Cape Pembroke Lighthouse at the entrance of
lire of the Malvinas, and she did not have permission to Port Stanley. The lighthouse had been equipped as a look-
Ilse her torpedoes. out post with a direct telephone line to police headquar-
When Argentine naval commands were told to prepare ters. The commandos were to capture the position without
or the recapture of the Malvinas, the Commander of the inflicting casualties, if possible. The Santa Fe did not
ubrnarine Force controlled four boats, two old U. S. have permission to attack any shipping, and she was or-
„Guppy" units and two modern, German-designed dered to break contact with any ships that made contact
, Type-209s." The commander was directly responsible with her. She was ordered to remain undetected. The
`o the Commander of Naval Operations, who during the Santa Fe initially traveled on the surface; but as she neared
oceedings / March 1984 115
the islands, she submerged to snorkel depth. The boat ar- British surface ships and submarines. Two approaches to
rived off the Malvinas on 29 March and monitored British the Georgias appeared possible. The first was to run
activity. During that night, the Santa Fe detected a ship straight in and reduce the time in transit. The second was
leaving Port Stanley on a northern course. Based on her to circle the islands to the north and approach Grytviken
sound signature, those on board the submarine believed from the south. This route greatly increased the transit
this to be HMS Endurance. However, they were wrong. time but possibly reduced detection. Following consulta-
The Endurance had sailed on 21 March for South Georgia. tion on board, the direct route was chosen. The approach
The Argentines may have detected a survey ship, which was made submerged—part of the time using the snorkel
carried 40 Royal Marines for the routine relief of the de- in order to conserve the battery. As the submarine passed
tachment on the Malvinas. east of the islands, she reached waters that were more
During the evening of 31 March, the Santa Fe received protected from the heavy seas. At about this time, the
a radio message stating that the element of surprise had Santa Fe detected the transmission of a high-frequeneY
been lost and that the lighthouse was now fortified. The sonar, about ten or 12 kilocycles. The decision was made
commandos were now ordered to land more to the north to continue the mission. At about 2200 on 24 April, the
and secure the beach for amphibious vehicles. The sub- Santa Fe surfaced in front of Cumberland Bay. The night
merged submarine moved to within 200 meters of the was dark, cloud covered, and without a moon. The sub-
beach and surfaced at 0200 on 2 April; the commandos marine entered Cumberland Bay on the surface. In front of
paddled ashore in three Zodiac boats. They carried out Grytviken, very high-frequency communications were es-
their task without incident. The Santa Fe submerged and tablished. Launches from Grytviken transported the ma-
proceeded to a position to the east of Port Stanley. Follow- rines and supplies to the island. The transfer began at
ing the recapture of the islands by Argentine forces, the about 0230 or 0300 and took about two hours to complete.
submarine patrolled the area for five days before being The Santa Fe departed Grytviken sailing along the
ordered to return to Mar del Plata on about 8 April. shoreline of Cumberland Bay in order to be less visible
The Santa Fe was ordered to prepare for a 60-day pa- and looking for a favorable location to submerge. As she
trol. Fuel,food, and torpedoes—U. S. Mk-14s and Mk-37 was departing, the Santa Fe was attacked by a helicopter
Mod. 3s—were loaded. The Mk-14 is an antisurface tor- coming from the land side. The helicopter fired missiles or
pedo with a maximum range of 9,000 yards, although its rockets, and at least two hit the submarine. A second heli-
optimum range is between 1,500 and 3,000 yards. The copter joined in the attack. Rifles in the submarine's ar-
torpedo entered service in 1938 and has a top speed of mory—the only weapons on board except torpedoes--
approximately 46 knots. The Mk-37 Mod. 3 is an antisub- were passed up to the bridge and used against the helicop-
marine torpedo which entered service around 1960. Since ters. A third helicopter teamed up with the other two, are
it does not run in a straight line, the maximum range is the Santa Fe was damaged further. At least one torpedo
dependent upon the movement of the target. Given the was dropped by a helicopter believed by the Argentines to
ages of Santa Fe's fire control system and sensors, the be from HMS Endurance. However, this caused Ito
Mk-37 could not be used effectively beyond 2,000 yards damage and may have failed because of the very shallow
or possibly a shorter distance, depending upon such condi- water. The Santa Fe, now in a sinking condition, returned
tions as water temperature. The Santa Fe was not capable to Grytviken where she was abandoned and later captured
of firing the newer wire-guided torpedoes. by British forces.
The Santa Fe's immediate task was to transport 20 men During the attack, Petty Officer Alberto Macias, the
to the Georgias. Eleven of these individuals were techni- mess steward, was passing up rifles and ammunition frorn
cians needed to restore services on the islands, and nine inside the sub's sail when a rocket amputated his foot.
were marines. The Argentine Marines who captured the Without anyone's help, he climbed down the ladder, sat in
islands on 3 April had only small arms. These marine the control room, and told his shipmates, "I know what
reinforcements were personnel trained in antitank weap- has happened, never mind, go on fighting, just send Me
onry. The submarine also carried communications equip- the medic." He was later decorated for valor. Some days
ment and Bantam antitank missiles. The passengers em- later, when the crew members were already prisoners of
barked during the night at Mar del Plata, and the Santa Fe the British, Chief Petty Officer Felix Artuso was killed bY
departed. The submarine headed for the principal island, a sentry in an episode described by the British as an "un-
San Pedro (South Georgia), and initially ran on the sur- fortunate incident." These were the only casualties suf-
face. Shortly after departing, the Santa Fe encountered a fered by the Argentine submarine force during the war:
winter storm typical in these waters with winds between Had the Santa Fe escaped the attack in Cumberlano
40 and 50 knots from the south-southwest. On 21 April, Bay, it seems likely that she would have been used against
the submarine submerged and continued her approach, ei- the British supply lines between Ascension and the GNP.
ther completely submerged or snorkeling. However, the gias. Argentine naval intelligence had predicted the
intensity of the storm increased, and the Santa Fe could should negotiations fail, the British would first move
not snorkel because of the height and force of the waves; against the Georgias and that this would happen in late
so the submarine continued her transit on the surface. April. The Santa Fe and her torpedoes were obsolete and
On 23 April, when within 100 nautical miles of San would have been at a real disadvantage against a British,
Pedro Island, the Santa Fe received a message from Mar carrier task force. However, the Santa Fe would have he'
del Plata stating that she could expect opposition from a better chance of success against the unescorted British
solely on the San Luis. This boat, like her sister Salta, had
been built in Germany and assembled in Argentina in the
mid-1970s. The following is an interview with her com-
manding officer, Commander Fernando Maria Azcueta,
conducted on 20 September 1983.