L150G Transmission Spec

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Transmission, specifications

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Valid for serial numbers

Model Production site Serial number start Serial number stop
L150G Volvo

Operating temperature 50–90 °C (122–194 °F)
Main pressure 1.5–1.8 MPa (218–261 psi)
Torque converter pressure, 1,800 ±120 rpm, 60–65 °C (140– 149 0.3–0.5 MPa (44–73 psi)
Lubrication oil pressure 0.16–0.25 MPa (23.2–36.2 psi)
Lock-up pressure 1 MPa (145 psi)
Calibration pressure 0.5 MPa (72.5 psi)
Lubrication oil pressure 0.1 MPa (14.5 psi)

Transmission oil pressure

At start, no alarm is activated for 5 seconds after the engine has started.
Alarm limit 1 < 0.5 MPa (72.5 psi) at 600 rpm When engine speed is below alarm limit 2, Display text: Low transmission
transmission pressure is not monitored for 3 oil pressure
Alarm limit 2 < 1.1 MPa (160 psi) at 1,200 rpm When engine speed is below alarm limit 2, Display text: Low transmission
transmission pressure is not monitored for 3 oil pressure
Alarm limit 3 < 1.2 MPa (174 psi) at 2,100 rpm At engine speeds above alarm limit 2, there Display text: Low transmission
is no monitoring of the transmission oil pressure
pressure for 2 seconds

Transmission oil temperature

Alarm limit 110°C (230°F) > 2 sec. High transmission oil temp. remains Display text: High transmission oil temp.
active until the temperature has
dropped > 2 °C (1.8 °F) below the
temperature condition for more than >
2 seconds
Alarm limit 120°C (248°F) > 2 sec. Transmission protection is active until Display text: High transmission oil temp.
the temperature drops > 2 °C (1.8 °F)
below the temperature condition for >
2 seconds

Transmission disengagement
Pressure level 1 0.8 MPa (116 psi)
Pressure level 2 1.4 MPa (203 psi)
Pressure level 3 3.0 MPa (435 psi)
Pressure level 4 3.5 MPa (508 psi)

Clutch pressure at PWM-valve's current

The clutch pressure in the transmission should stay within these values for each PWM-valve at the given current. The pressure
cannot exceed the main pressure. See VCADS Pro test 42106–3, 42107–3, 42108–3, 42110–3, 42111–3, and 42112–3.
Min. current at fully applied clutch: 620 mA

Current Max. pressure Min. pressure

mA MPa psi MPa psi
300 0.4 58 0.1 15
400 0,8 116 0.5 73
500 1.2 174 0.9 131
600 1,6 232 1,3 189
700 2,0 290 1,7 247
800 2,4 348 2,0 290
900 2,7 392 2,4 348

Figure 1

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