Wanted: Wellington. 12

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The Evening Post.


VOL. XCVI. No, 132. r Begiatered v a newspaper Id the

I General Post
the ISth November, 1918, in
COCHRANE.—On sickness, THANKS.
ANY sum, from £5 upwards,
--_». by easy instalments iipon
V New Millinery
and R^ady-to-Wear
landed—tt« very newest
France, died of Private J. G. Coch-
rane, 43136, 24th Reinforcements, eldest be- MR. AND MKS. DB CLIFFORD and Family up VACUUM CLEANING
Money any approved security, including In COTTON OTTON FABRICS and at very moderate pnow. Call
sincerely Thank all kind friends for expres- Money Furniture without removal. useful Cotton Fabric, suit- - Early.

CO., and make your arrangements. Hosiery, Under- " " ■"
■ ■ ■■
loved son Of G. H. Cochrane, 856, ■Adelaide- offering Sheetings, Calicoes, Quilts, "-
a Late
able . for ladies' house or seaside CARTER AND 00., Cuba-street, far Not*
sions of sympathy and floral tributes in their Money Business and professional men YJSTE are Shipment '
road (late of Brooklyn). Deeply regretted. recent bereavement. Single Carpets and Upholstered Furni- Money requiring temporary assistance TV of Smart clothing, and Corsets. Tootal's Piques, 14 smart shades, also in dresses, also for Children's WathingDresi- cities in Hoe©, Gloves, Ribbons, Lac*,
BERNARD.—KiIIed in action on theR.4thBernard,
and Family desire to express ture Collected, Cleaned per Vacuum Pro- for week or two can obtain same
ber 1918, Lieutenant Victor
youngest son of Manuel .1. Bernard, No. 87,
their heartfelt to all kind friends cess, and Returned same day if required.
for messages of sympathy and floral tributes
Money immediately. No publicity J TAGEL READY-TO-WEARS,
Not 1 on account of any sign of reduced
white, 43in wide, 3s lid yard
Tootal's Gabardines, in pink, maize, saxe, es, in clear checks, broken checks, plain -
Embroidery, and hundreds of other
and stripes. Full range of colourings, 38 . nice Fancy Drapery. Keen Prides.
Freyberg-street, Lyall Bay (late of the Wai- received during their recent bereavement. Our Big Red Motor Machine—the finest Money strictly confidential. vieux rose, tussore, sky, 42in wide, 4» inches wide. CARTER AND 00., Cuba-street, for

rarapa. R.I.P. Money Apply personally or by letter, prices in the Home Market. Ud yard ■■■"-'
in tho world—is at your service,

MARTIN COOK, of Taumarunui, desires to re- Monoy enclosing stamp. Tootal's Suitings, in helio, eky, pink, YARD I/it YARD Washing Summer Drew Materials and
DUNCAN.—On the 25th November, 1918, at turn Sincere' Thanks for all kindness and Blousings, Jap Crepes. Special Line
Walton-on-Thames Hospital, of pneumonia, Mcney eaxe, white, L. grey, tussore, 48in
expressions of sympathy in his recent sad Worth 22s 6d to 27s 6d. All-wool Serge, 6s lid quality for 5s
Lance-corporal ArthurPercival, dearly loved
third son of Lizzie and the late John Dun-
bereavement of his dearly beloved one, Ruby
Larkin. Dearly loved; sadly missed.
Money Boulcott Chambers, Boulcott-st.,
L. EVANS & CO., LTD., Tootal's wide, 6s lid yard
Plain Voiles, 42in wide, 25 fa»h-
. ""■'"■ ONLY AT.;" ■"' lid yard. .' ;'
can; aged 20 years and 9 months.
Only good-night, beloved, not farewell, MRS. E. L. EATON, of No. 20, Hector-street,
Petone, desires to Thank all kind friends,
Just off Willis-street.
TelepHon6 2664A. WHITEHEAD PEARS, DRAPERS, MILLINERS, & CORSET ionsble shades, 3s 6d yard JAMES SMITH, LTD., CARTER AND CO., Cuba-street, an
offering loto of Useful Drapery at
HARE..—On the 28th November, 1918, at.lnver-
especially the Druids Lodge, for help and "Phone—Office 2333. Warehouse and Money Open week days to 6 p.m. Fri- SPECIALISTS, C. SMITH, LTD., Famous for Low Price), '.lower prices than, they .can Buy to-
cargill, Jack (late of the 7th Reinforcements,
Signalling Corps), the beloved brother of
Frank and George
ways; aged 26 years.
Hare, New Zealand Rail-
sympathy in her recent sad bereavement.
MRS. GODDARD and Family, Devon-street,
"wish to Thank all kind friends for messages
Factory, 2349 (to be
office 'phone is
used only when
Money days to 9 p.m. Also evening by
Money Appointment.
144-146, CUBA-STREET, Wellington. "THE PEOPLE'S STORE,"
80. CUBA-STREET.. day. Call Early and get Value for
'. . ............
IRONS:—Killed in action on the 27th October, of sympathy in their sad bereavement, especi-
WANTED, Gardener, for 7 or 10 days. WANTED, Woman, for housework, 3
hoars daily, ss. Apply Mrs. Brad- WANTED to Exchange, 5-rd. House WANTED, Engineer's Fitter; per-
WANTED to Buy, Ptuh Chair. Ap-
1918, in France, Lauce-Corporal Norman
Charles S. Irons, fifth and youngest dearly
beloved (twin) son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Irons, 23, Central-terrace, Kelbnm.
ally Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Sims, and
Sister May.
of Brooklyn, wish to Thank all friends for
Apply John Myers, 178, Wellington-

ANTED to Sell, Garage and Work-

sha-w, 21, Brougham-gtreet
'ANTED Known—Rent free, for 12 Post.
weeks, lock-up Shop, concrete cel-
for 4-rd. House, good locality,
cheap rent. Apply 2d Section, Evening Newlands, Johnsonville.
WANTED to Sell, good quiet Cow, in
full profit. Price £10. Apply Hoy,

'ANTED, respectable Woman (baby

manent position
ply Collett's, Ltd., Dannevirke.

to good man. Ap-
ANTED, for one month, at seaside,
- j ply Push Chair, Evening Post.
ANTED, urgently,
us 3conveniences. Reply to L.M.,.
Flat or Rcomv
MAYNARD.-On the 28th November, 1918, at
their messages of sympathy in their recent
sad bereavement. >
260 DOZEN SMART shopl Will extend present building
if required; reasonable deposit taken. C lar, 3 h.p. c. motor, outhouses, double WANTED, Renovating, children's and
plain sewing, at home. Address good home. Apply Clean,
no objection), for household duties, to take
a trustworthy and capable Person, Evening
charge of house and three chil- Post. .
Miramar Hospital, Private Fredrick William,
the beloved husband of Edith Maynard,- No. MR.' W. HARRIS and Family wish to Thank NEW NECKWEAR, Tandy, 12, Shannon-street. windows, suburb, train stop door, suit
upholsterer, greengrocer, M.M., Post Agency, Newtown.
Evening Post dren.' Addreas Seaside, Evening Post
WANTED to Let, Double Furnished
Bed-Sitting-room, all conveniences.
their many kind friends for expressions of cabinetmaker,
56, Hopper-street.
McCOMBIE.—On the 9thH.November, 1918, died sympathy received during their recent sad Worth Is 6d to 2e 3d. WANTED Sell, 3£-h.p. Triumph Motor bootmaker, dressmaker,' milliner, kindred
and Lamp, in good order, £20. 32, trades. No opposition. "F. Simeon, 77,
'ANTED to Sell, lady's free-wheel WANTED, work,
Girl, 16 years, for house-
nice place to suitable girl.
ANTED to Sell, nearly new Oak 13, Windsor-place,
Rustic Trap, Harness, and quiet off Ghuznee-street.
bereavement. Special thanks are accorded Bicycle,., good brake, in good run- .Apply Kind, Evening Poet.
of wouuds, Rev, R. B. McCombie, 31st
New Zealand Reinforcements, beloved young- Mr. H. L. Nathanand Mrs. Wilson, for their
untiring help. ;
All shapes, fine Lawns, Lace, etc. Jessie-street, Sunday morning. Nairn-street. . ning order, £4 10s. Corriok, 120. Man-
ners-street. "ANTED. Sell, Confectionery Busi-
horse; cheap for quick sale. Apply care
Oliver, Humber-etreet, Island Bay.
'ANTED, a Relieving Girl. Apply,
at once, Masonic Hotel. v
est son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. McCombie, ANTED Sell, latest Cabinet Singer to Buy, Cylinder, for air-
"Laurel Bank," Kingstown, Dublin, Ireland. MRS. M. HARLEN and MRS. P. G. TONKS
wish to Thank all kind friends for expres-
Sewing Machine, practically new. WANTED cooled Humber motor-car, bore
ness, central; price includes soda,
ANTED to Sell, another workman's fountain, showcases, large fresh stock; ANTED, by elderly widowor~(work- 'ANTED to Buy, Push Chair, good
McNMSH.—On the 10th November, 1918, at St. Apply Machine, Evening Post. 3 5-16in., stroke 3 5-Bin. Reply Cylinder, Bicyole, coaster hub, a bargain, price £150. Apply Leonard Taylor, 326, ing man], Board and Rpsidence, condition. Apply Baby Facing,
sions of sympathy in their sad bereavements vicinity Taranaki or Cuba,streets. Apply Evening Post.
■lohn's Hospital, Wellington, of pneumonia,
. James Alfred McNelsh, 2/76S (Main Body),
beloved husband of Louie McNelsh," of 16,
of the loss of their dear ones—son and hus-
band. COLE'S DRAPERY CO., ANTED to Sell, 2 Rooms Furni- Evening Post.
ture, also W.L. Fowls and 9 Chick- ANTED Sell, Kelburn, 5 Rooms,
£3 15s. Corrick, 120, Manners-street.
"ANTED to Sell, 4-rd. Bungalow
Lambton-quay. - Home, P.0., Te Aro. YK7ANTED to Sell (Kauri), 4-piece Bed-
Kensington-street, Wellington, and eldest son
of Mrs. and the late Jame3 McNeish, of
MRS. J. E. HODSON and Famiiy wish to t.en-
der their Sincere and Heartfelt Thanks to
108, 110, 112, CUBA-STREET. ens, 3 Mandolins and Music, cheap. 89, enamel bath, h. and c water, gas Cottage,- all conveniences, gas cali- WANTED, Housekeeper to bachelor,
small house; widow preferred (one
'ANTED to Sell, Bakery Business,
doing 4£ tons flour weekly; in- Apply 16, Taft-street, Brooklyn. '""
room Suite; owner leaving town.

Cambridge; aged 37 years. all kind friends for messages of sympathy Closed Between 1 and 2 for Lunch. Queen's Drive, Lyall Bay. stove, c.1., hoating points; gift, £1050. phont, copper, stove, concrete paths. Ap- child not objected to). Apply Quiet
spection invited. For particulars apply T^TTANTED, at once, several competent
ANTED, Second-hand Camera, good Ranaon, Agent, Cooper's Buildings.

and flowers received during their recent sad ply William Smith, 23, Miramar-crescent, Home, Evening Post. -..
IN MEMORIAM. bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. MaoKen-
[Card] condition. Particulars to Amateur, "ANTED—On every dainty hand a Kilbirnie. - —
'ANTED Known Camping Tents
Bread, Evening Post. ,^T Mol*6 ?riv«rs. Apply at Stable*.
PETERSON.—In loving memory of Sergt. Wil-
liam Cuthbert Peterson, 7/1885, killed in action
zie and the Rev. B. Hutson.
Evening Post. W Japanese Pearl Ring, reasonably
ANTED Sell, Lemons 3d, Cherries priced from 255: Large' variety at Heine-
"ANTED, the Care of an invalid, or made to order. Book early. Also
' as nurse-companion, experienced. Flags, Awnings, Stack Covers, etc. R.
"ANTED Purchase, -Bicycle, suitable 150, Uinakon-road,- Monday morning
girl 8 years/ Reply Newton, 53,. early. Munt. Cottrell and Co." '":.
on the 30th November, 1917, dearly loved Island. Bay, wish to Thank all kind friends owing to his slow recovery from Murphy-street, City. ■
ANTED Known—Bedding and Bed-
younger brother of Ada Masters. for assistance and sympathy in their recent
sad bereavement. illness, will not resume practice until
Is 6d lb, Strawberries 2s, Tomatoes mann's, 108, Willis-street.
Is 8d lb. Home-made Sweets. Boolieris's, Sell, 4 Rooms, Petone; all
Apply Nurse, Evening Post.
'ANTED, builder's Labourers, for
G. Knight, 6, Herbert-street.
ANTED to Sell, SherwinWilliams' W room Furniture of every 'descrip-
MRS. H. HUGHES and MISS HUGHES and MR. 23, Manners-street. « WANTEDconveniences; section 40 x 100 fbus Nowtown and Thorndon. Apply E.
"ANTED Sell, Wall Papers. We
have just landed latest in Wall Heavy Body and' Gloss White, 19s tion. See windows for Bargains. ~Te Aro
per gallon, guaranteed. Red 9s 6d, Furnishing Co., 91, Cuba-street." "." """!
Cream 16a, White 17s 6d. . T. A. Wells, TXT'ANTED, Second-hand Magneto, for
BIRTHS. and MRS. DALLINGBR wish to Thank the 6th JANUARY. to 'Sell, Van, Horse, Har- etops at door); £425: £25 down. Wilson, S. Knight, Contractor, 165, Vivian-st. Coverings at prices that will tempt you to
COMBER.-On Cuba-street, Petone, 1918,
Nurse Preece's,
the 27th November, at
ttr Mr.
Staff of the Automatic Exchange, also the
Sisters of Compassion, and all hind friends,
TAMFORD & CO., 123, Cuba-street—
WANTED ness, good as new; terms 'to good 77, Willis-street.
man. 17, Dee-street, Island Bay.
ANTED, Housework, by a middle- decorate. T. A. Wells, Manners-street Manners-street. ". 90deg. twin engine or small 4-cylinder
and Mrs. W. J. Comber—a sou; both well. for their sympathy and assistance in their ANTED Sell, nice little Home, 5 aged woman. Apply H. 8., Evening ANTED 801, Bakery BurinesT; ANTED to~Rent, in or near Trent- Magneto, clockwise. Particulars and price
KERR (nee MELVILLE).—On the'23rd Novem-
ber. 1918, at Nn. 16, Apu-cresccnt, Lyall Bay,
sad bereavement.
MR. R. JENKINS and Family, of 107, Nelson-
: Goods in stock include Waving
Irons and Curlers, Powders, Cremes, ANTED, 2 or 3-rd. Furnished or W rooms, built 6 years, sun all day; Post.
Unfurnished Cottage, near city, 1 owner leaving, sacrifice, £510; Govern- TOTANTED, smart young GIRL, for any investigation. Full particulars Leon-

W average weekly (turnover £150, bear ham, amall Hcruse; with conveni- to Manager, City Carriage- and Motor
Rouge, Henna, Shampoo, Scalp Tonic, ences. Apply Haste, Evening Post. Works, Ltd., 77, Kent-terrace.
to Lieut, and Mrs. J. H. Kerr—a daughter. street, Petone, wish to Thank all kfnd friends lady. Write M.A., Evening Post. ment mortgage. Ranson, Agent,'Cooper's ard Taylor, 326, Lambton-quay.
messages sympathy and floral wreaths and all Hairwork some kind person lo Adopt
STOW.—On the 21st November, 1918, at Ag-
lionby-street, Lower Hutt, to Mr. and Mrs.
for of
sent on the occasion of their recent sad
ANTED7by~elderly lady and little W" ANTED, Board, in or near city, by
young man. Apply W.F., Evening
Buildings. ' retail stationery shop. Apply
ANTED, on Central-terrace, Kel- WANTED, healthy baby girl, 6 weqke old;
'ANTED to Sell, well-furnished Ap-
artment House, 14 rooms, ..all mod-
"Edgar Stow, Whangarito, North Auckland— bereavement.
Sell, Muritai, modern' Bun- BOX 931, G.P.O. burn, or vicinity, good modern 5 premium. Apply Box 865, G.P.O. ern conveniences, central locality, always
a daughter.
November, 1918, at
MRS. CHAS. T. LAMBERT and Family,
Victoria-street, Lower Hutt, wish to Thank
of girl, small Furnished Cottage; care-
ful tonants. Particulars Suburbs, Even-
Post. WANTED galow, 5 rooms, just completed,
ANTED to Sell, 3i h.p.
or 6 roomed House, with every conveni-
Ariel Motor ence, sea view.. Send details, urgently, WANTED, Light General; references full withgiven good paying tenants, satisfactory
WOODWARD.—On the 26th to Sell, Indian Motor Cycle spot restore health; £700, terms. Ran- required. Mrs. Hayman, 60, Hob- reasons for selUng. Apply Cash
No. 16, Murphy-street, to Frank H. and Helena
Woodward—a daughter(premature).
their many kind friends for their expression*
of sympathy with them in their sad bereave
ing Post.
to~genera"E WANTED and Side Chair, in good order. eon, Agent, Cooper's Buildings.
Apply 94, Mein-streot, Newtown.
Cycle, latest model, nearly new. H Ernest Leighton, 182, Featheratoa-st.
Apply T. R. Empson, Farmers' Union, or
to Sell, Ramsay's Best
son-street, Thorndon. Telephono 2743.
Required, Evening -Post.

DEATHS. MRS. R. MOTHES and Family desire to Thank

all kind friends for letters and telegrams of
WANTED, a General; no washing;
good wage?; references. Mrs. ANTED to Rent, by married
ANTED, a Cabinetmaker, must be T. H. Qates, Motor Cycle Manufacturer,
good man, constant job. Apply S. Upper Willis-streot. WANTED Canadian Paint*;, in gallon tins,
from 12s to 20s per gallon. These goods
'ANTED, fiiffir~upTo"sate Coffee ,L
Stall, Horse, Harness, and Plant;
\J\T ANTED, at once, several
3°^ P"Ters- .Monday
Apply at Stables.
couple, Cottage or Flat, Unfurnish- K. Murray, 88, Vivian-street. good going concern; splendid return af- 150, Tinakon-road,
early. Munt, Cottrell and Co. moraine
21st November, 1918, J. J.
BLACK.—On thePostmaster, Metz, 353, The Terrace, south end.
A Black (late Tauherenlkau), be- sympathy and floral tributes in their recent
ed. Apply E.C., Evening Post. ANTED, a respectable Woman, *a are exceptionally good value. T. A.
bereavement. ANTED to Let, a furnished single Housekeeper to small family, no Wells, Manners-etreet ter paying all expenses; wc&k's trial be-
husband of Minnie Black; also father
of Peggy and Freda Black, of 102, Macan- MRS. H. PEACH, of 21, Boston-terrace, Wel-
to Sell, well-established
WANTED, by young widow, position W Room. Apply 88, Vivian-street. children, all duties, good home to suit- fore buying. Coffee Stall, Evening Post. TTTANTED to SeU, Stretcher, complete*
drew Road, South Dnnedin.
the 29th November, 1918, at
lington, wishes to Thank all kind friends for
telegrams and letters of sympathy in her
Fruit and Confectionery Business; as Waitress, few hours daily. Ap- i
ply Capable, Evening Post. ,
'ANTED Known—Delicate Silver Fili- able person. A.8.C., Post Agency,
. W "ANTED, by young business man, Ac-
commodation, Board, refined private ANTED, smart Youth, to assist in sickness, *» 275; also Wicker Chair, 7sf no
owner leaving. Apply 5, Ho-
CAMERON.—On Temporary recent sad bereavement. 5 rooms;
shop and rent 30s;
lease, price gree Brooches, just the rage, choice Petone. family. Apply Taunton, Evening Post. grocer's shop. Apply by letter ■
Sydney-street Hospital, Welling-
NURSE POTTER and Family wish to Thank £150. Fred. Fanning and Co., 18, Grey- ANTED to Purohase, a Dinghy or assortment, favourite butterfly designs, "ANTED, 2 Apprentice* to Millinery. only, stating age 2 experience, and salary nina-road, Hataitai.
ton, John Cameron (late of Muntal and
Gollan's Valley); aged 49 years.
CHIRNSIPE.—On the 29th November, 1918, at
the Wellington College Temporary Hospital,
all kind friends for messages and letters of
sympathy in their recent sad bereavement.
MR. AND MRS. PVEand Family wish to Thank
Punt: Apply Dinghy, Evening from 4s 6d. Heinemann's, 108, Willis-st.
WANTED, by 2 young men, Board Lambton-quay.
and Residence, near Government.
Apply Mathewson's, Ltd., 264-266,
WANTED Selli Boardinghouse, ~T6
rooms, Buitable for apartments, nice
locality; £300. Apply Leonard Taylor,
strong respectable Young 326, Lambton-quay.
required, to Assistant, Post Office, Kel-
burn. ........ Y\^ ANTED to Lease, an Unfurnished
*». House, in Lower Hutt District.
ANTED, capable Maid, undertake Particulars to Natal, Evening Post
James, beloved husband of Mary, Josephine
Chirnslde, of 39, Childer's Terrace, Kilbirnie;
aged 31 years.
all kind friends for messages of sympathy and
floral tributes; also the Doctors and Nurses
of the Children's Hospital, for their untiring
WANTED to Soil, 4-roomed House,
every convenience, good position,
51ft frontage; price £725, easy terms.
Evening Post.
to Sell, Great Dane Bitoh,
18 months; cheap. Apply Dane, Buildings prefarred. Apply to Temper-
ance, Evening Post
WANTED, Woman, for housework. Apply
191, Hanson-street, Newtown. ANTED Sell, Singer Drophead, best all duties, family of 2: "evenings
and 2 afternoons free; £I.< 123, Sydney-
'ANTED to SeU, Piano, £14 cash.
Address at Evening. Post
November, 1918, at attention to dear wee Phyllis. Call for keys/ J. Fanning and Co. (our ANTED Sell, 4 and 5 Rooms, oity round shuttle, £7 10s; Hand Mach- street. " .'.■■'. ."■■"■■
'ANTED, by lady, no children, Un-
'ANTED to Sell, Humber Motor- ines, £2 and £2 10s.
CHIKNSIDE.—On the 29thTemporary
the Wellington College Hospital, MR. AND MRS. J SMALL and Family wishes only address), 74, Manners-street. WANTED, olean, comfortable Accom-
modation or Furnished' Whare, at cooker;(select looality); hot water, c.1., gas Cyde, running order, £15. Apply House, Manners-street.
Globe, Opera
'ANTED .Known —Hareton Hall, . furnished" Bedl-Sitting-Hoom, use
James, beloved brother of Annie and Kate
Chirnside; aged. 31 years.
CRAIG.—On Friday, 22nd November, 1918, at
to sincerely Thank all kind friends for tele-
grams and letters of sympathy and condolence
with them in their sad bereavement by the
Sell, nicely-situated 6-rd.
Titxhi Bay, Paekakariki, or similar sea-
side resort, Christmas, fortnight; married Willis-street
£850 and £650- Wilson, 77, Great Bargain, Evening
AOANT in Oriental Bay, Furnished
W ANTED, Purchaser new modern
Seasido Cottage, with large veran-
Mahora-street, * 3 minuteV ■ walk conveniences, Kelburn- preferred."' Reply
from Kilbirnie car and Post. Office, .has Room, Evehing:;Postrr, . '.^T—-'■...7':^Z^'
Vacancies for Boarders. 'Phone 3135
her late residence. Main Koad, Upper Hutt,
Mary Philomena Craig, beloved wife of John
loss of their son.
MRS. GEORGE McWHIRTER and Family wi3h'
Residence; fine large section, sunny
and sheltered position; house in good con-
couple, throe children. Replies Beaob,
Evening Post. W ANTED, Engine-driver, with first-
olass ticket. Apply Cook and rooms. Apply 7, Hay-street.
Self-contained Flat of 4" sunny dahs, good section, Lowry Bay, handy to
beach. Price only £400 to cash purchaser.
rings). . (3.' WANTED>
■ *$ onoe> »*eral competent
," H0"6 Drivers. Apply at Stable*.
to Thank all kind friends, also the Sisters in dition, and having every modern conveni- Lady's Bicycle, ~Beoond*- 150, Tinakon-road. Monday moraine
Craig; aged 46 years. R.I.P.
charge of St. Patrick's Temporary Hospital, ence, and located only 2 minutes from ANTED Sell, Single Stretcher-bed, 0Dok; Petone. 'ANTED to Purchase, Section or 6- H. Ernest Leighton, 182, Feathemrton-st. WANTED, early. Munt, Cottrell and Co.
CRARfcß.—On' the 29th November, 1918, at Dr. Rawson and Dr. Fyffe, and Mrs. Mark tram; price £1100. For terms apply G. Bodroom Easy Chair, Brass Curtain TNTED to Sell, 50 pair Fowls. Ap- roomed House, vicinity Mount Vic- hand, with accessories. Apply
Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, Ada, dearly beloved ply E. Holmes, Koro Koro, Pe~ toria, Oriental Bay, or Hataitai; no
ANTED, good General, downstair Brentwood, Trentham. \CfANTED, Private Board, near city,
wife of -Robert Crarer, hotelkeeper (late of Tonks, for theirkind and untiring attendance Stanley OhUholm, 219, Lambton-quay. Rods, Wooden Curb, Gas Griller. Apply work only. Mrs. Gibbs, 240, Wil-
in her recent trouble. 60, Hopper-street. '
agents. Reply Victoria, Evening Post. to SeU, eight large Forms ' 7 I,?st Jojl from
Pahiatua, Konini, and Makuri), andand
C. H. and W. H. Fisher, of Buller
sister of
Owen MRS. MAUDE WALKER and Mr. and Mrs. A,
ISLAND BAY. tone. ■

"ANTED Lawn. with

lis-street; * WANTED (new kauri), suitable for halls; also ply X.Y.Z., Evening Post ■
Preferred. Ap-
streets. Wellington. J. WALKER desire to express their heartfelt
WANTED Sell, compact 5-rd. House,
in sunny position, having h. and o.
to Ront, for term, Unfur- :
price; good
price W roller,
Sell, Mower,
order, £2 10s. J. WANTED to Sell, 5-seater Fond Car,
cheap, splendid condition:; any
a large Table Top. Apply Strand Cafe,. -ITTANTED to Sell, High-grade 1
DRUMMOND.—On the 29th November,
Sea View Road, Remuera, Auckland, of in-
fluenza, Sylvia Frances (nee Bayly), widow
1018, at Thanks to all kind friends for expressions
and letters of sympathy in their sad bereave-
ment. ' Special thanks to Miss Woodward,
water, gas
cooker, coal range,
only £725. For terms apply G. Stanley
el. Price WANTED nished House, Lyall Bay or Sea- given. Apply Over Mortgage, Evening Hyndman
toun preferred. Apply M.8., Evening Post. ' . Cuba-street.
(lato Richardson Bros.),' 206, trial. Apply Criterion-
"-"■ ' ' Taranaki-stroet
Motor-Works, 114, 35, Molesworth-etreet. ;
'ANTED to Correspond with, a re- « 25, v *iPly 6veranf?,
Mrs- Ernest Clarke,
of Reay Mackay Drummond; aged 22 for her kindness and unremitting attention Chisholm, 219, Lambton-quay. Post. . ANTED Sell, 5-rd. Bungalow, Kel- ANTED Known—Sewing Machines spectable woman, view matrimony. 'ANTED to Sell, large House, seven
years. during the late Mr. Walker's illness. ~~~ ;
ISLAND BAY. TO MACHINISTS. W burn, near car, contains every mod- bought, sold, or exchanged; cart-
oonvenienoe; £900; now vacant Key age paid. Globe, Opera House, Manners- year-oldin child.
W ANTED, Furnished Rooms, or Flat,
good locality, for lady with 3-
Apply Worker, Evening Po&t. rooms, near Rintoul-ttreet. Apply
FRYER.-On the 29th November,
Brooklyn School Temporary
1918, at the
Hospital, William .
Family, Hataitai-road, desire to sincerely T^T ANTED to Sell, Residence, 6 ample
jJ^--^Rooni»,-~in;»tuii>T-,po«ition-^-lw'g«- WANTED, at once, experienced Girl, ernWiren'g,
at 33, PanJoaa^treet*. street. . 'Phone 4214. " "'"":" Apply N.Z., Evening ANTED, a cfcpabTe~Cook-G«neral; Room 9, oL Hunter-street.
two afternoons and most evenings
Thomas Stanley Fryer, aged 35 years, be- Thank alt friends who have "expressed-tlwrr- ""for hemstitching machine; good "- -*
Post. \KTANTED, at once, several competent
loved son of Mrs. Rice, Talta; also beloved kind sympathy in the sad. loss of their dear ---section laid oat m lawns, flower and wages' Apply No. 39, Vivian-street. 'ANTED Sell, Lyall Bay,. 6-roomed ANTED, good General, family three free. Apply Mrs. Barclay, TheResidence, T v Horee Drivers. Apply at Stables.
ANTED to Let, ground Boor, Un- Wellington Hospital.
brother of Mrs. Leer, 78, Rtddlford-street,
Mrs. Baimbridgei Mrs. Randall, Miss D. Fryer,
son and brother, who was killed in action
on the 4th November, 1918.
vegetable gardens, sunny verandahs on
three sides, conservatory; a really -fine pro- '
modern Residence, nearly new,
l near oar and beach; £900. Wiren, 33, Telephone 1944.
adults. Apply 54, Hobson-street. W furnished Flat, three living; rooms, 150, Twakori-Toad, Monday morniiur
ANTED to Rent, comfortable Fur- early. Munt. Cottrell.and Co.
and James Fryer. Deeply regretted.
perty. '
Price £1250; very reasonable V\T ANfED, by young married couple, Panama-gtreot kitchenette, c.1., gas stove, and other con-
Sell, 3 acres rioh fiat Land, veniences, situated Willis-st.; references W ' nished Cottage, Paekakariki^ four
W ANTED, by middle-*ged woman,
Normal School
the 28th November, 1918, at
HAWKINS.—On Temporary Hospital, Catherine
(Kitty), widow of the late F. W. Hawkins,
ANDREWS.—In loving memory of our darling
children—Raymond, aged 3} years, who died
terms. Apply G. Stanley Chisholm, 219,
Lambton-quay. home.
Board and Residence,
*▼ Replies to Sydney, Evening Post. in refined
W ANTED to Lot, 3 Furnished Rooms, WANTEDLower Hutt; cottage, stable, trap- required. Apply Separate Entrance,
for month at' Xmas. Apply 130a, shed, glasshouse, fowlhouse, etc.; price Evening Post. ■'
weeks, Christmas. Rent and particulars
to R.G.T., Evening Post.
Work of any kind, by the day.
Address Work, Evening Post?
of Dannevirke, and fifth daughter of Eliza-
beth and the late William McNamara, of
on the 20th November, 1917; also his twin
brothers, Keith and Eric, aged 16 months, Sell, 6-rd. Dwelling, handy
£50 IN ADVANCE. Queen's Drive, Lyall Bay. - £825, terms. Apply Leonard T-aylor, 326,
WANTED, first-class Motor Mechanic. WANTED, Repairs and Alteration, by
"ANTED to SeU, Pedigree
Spaniel Puppies, cheap; alsoCocker
Wellington. R.I.P. who died on the 29th and 30th November, WANTED to beach, handy to tram, Island WANTED to Lease, in good locality.
House, 6 rooms. Apply Careful ANTED to Sell, full-size wooden Lambton-quay.
to Let,"well-rurnished Bed-
Apply Lerew and Heale, Napier. competent Carpteners; estimates
given for large or small jobs. Apply brod Persian Kittens. Apply pure-
5, Levy-st
HARRISON.—On the 26th November, 1918, at
Brooklyn School Temporary Hospital, Pauline,
Fare thee well, sweet buds of beauty, Bay; immediate occupation will allow of
full enjoyment of holiday and summer
Tenant, Evening Post. Bedstead; also child's drop-side
Cot. Apply Box 667, G.P.O. WANTED sitting Room, harbour view, 3 'ANTED to Let, Single Furnished Carpenter. Evening Post.
denrly beloved daughter of Mrs. E. Owens, Little angels, fare thee well;
For thou wert too pure and lovely. season; on beach; deposit only £75. Ap: LADIES' COSTUMES. a Girl or Soldier's Wife minutes Willis-street, use conveniences. -.
Room,. also another Room, share
with working girl, use conveniences. Ap- ANTED Rent, email House, furnish- W
ANTED to Rent, 5-Toomed House,
Wellington or suburb; Government
and loving sister of Flossie
Costumes, WANTED,
Owens, of No.
In a world like this to dwell. ply without delay to G\ Stanley Chisholm, for general housework, no wash- Apply 'Phone 4565. ed or unfurniehed, Seaside or Sub- tenant. David,
160, Ohiro-road, Brooklyn; aged 26 years.
WANTED Known—Ladies; ■
ply 16, Gurretfc-street. urb. Reply Wanted Urgent, Evening Taranaki-sfereet oare
of Constable Hall,
IVAR.—On the 30th November, 1918, at Wel-
lington College Temporary Hospital,
Gerald, son of Anders Magnus Ivar; aged
DEACON.—In memory of our loving mother,
Annie Deacon, who departed this life on the
30th November, 1914.
219, Lambton-quay.
C^ Smith's. _
best materials, lowest prices. Order ing. Apply Mrs. Lennie, 19, Daniel-
early at Lewis's, 95, Cuba-street, opposite street, Newtown.
to SellTMethylated" Spirits,'
9s 6d gallon; Knotting, 14s; Gen- ANTED to Sell, 14-foot half-decked,
centreboard Yacht, all gear, good
80s cwt; Brunswick condition. Price £11; bargain. Call 10a,
"ANTED to Sell, Genuine Linseed
Police Station.
Known—Private Correspon-
38 years.
KING.—On the 28th November, 1918, at Wood-
vtlle, Samuel Leonard, beloved husband of
She Is gone, but sot forgotten,
She was always kind and true;
Never murmured at her suffering,
Still we know what she went through.
WANTED to Sell, compact, Residence,
with all conveniences, handy tram,
harbour view. Price only £950. -Terms',
or exchange for 5-rd. House, on one floor.
Sell, near V.M.C.A., 5-rd. street, 'phone 3593.
House, conveniences,' immediate
a 400-gallon
rugated Tank. Russell, 69, Herald-
38s, dry
Oil 50s, dry 365; Oxide in
15e. T. A. Wella, Manners-street. or Sunday.
to Sell, gent.'s free-wheel
Oil Oriental-terrace, Oriental Bay, Saturday Oil 9s gallon, Boiled 9s 3d. cases or
barrels;" Finisol, 8s 6d; Gloss Oil, 6s 9d; assured;
Tereblni, 8s 3d; "Rogers' Creosote Stains,
dence undertaken, absolute secrecy
private addresses arranged.
Write Reliable, Bos 519, Wellington.
Ella King (nee Dew, of Masterton), eldest
so of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel King, Petone,
aud" nephew of Mr. and Mrs. O. Rose, Wood-
Inserted by her three daughters and son. H. G. Rutter and Co., Panama-street. possession; £875. J. Fanning and Co.
(our only address), 74, Manners-street. WANTED" furnished House, family WANTEDBicycle, good order,
four; two months. ' Reply Mrs. man (late Richardson Bros.),455. J. Hynd- RANTED to Sell, Overland Car, Eve-
seater, newly painted cream
206, Cuba-st. guaranteed thoroughly overhauled, colour,
6e 6d; Genuine Turpentine, 6« 9d;
Droalene, 3a 9d. T. A. Wells, Mannerg-st. W
ANTED, active, energetic Man for
Country General Store; must un-
FAIRMAN.—In loving memory of my dear wife, 4 ROOMS, ISLAND BAY, £600. MACHINISTS AND IMPROVERS. Clayton, care Hotel Cecil. any derstand bookkeeping. Apply, stating age
ville; aged 26 years and 4 months. Caroline Fairman, who died on the 30th Nov- ANTED SeU, 5-roomed House, all and experience, to Grcenway Bros., Okato,
the 26th November, 1918, at Wel-
KINO.-On College
lington Temporary Hospital, F.
ember, 1913. R.I.P. WANTED to Sell, well-built Villa, 4
rooms, gas and c.1.; lovel section, WANTED, experienced
Machinists and Improvers; good
W "ANTED, Girl, to assist; no wash-
ing. Apply 33, Buller-street (corner
ANTED Sell; Stationery and Fancy trial given. An undoubted bargain, £325.
Goods Business, attractive shop and On view, Alexander and Petherick, 49, convonienoes, furnished or unfur-
nished, Muritai. Apply Muritai Park Taranaii.
. '
We who loved you sadly miss you 46 x 126ft., alongside tram stop. Terms ar-
iGordon) S. King, beloved husband of E. F. wages. Apply sharp, 4, Boulcott-etreet. Buller and Vivian streets); 6-roomed dwelling; rent 335; price £110, Lower Cuba-street. ANTED to Sell,' Triumph Motor

As it dawns another year ; ranged. H. G. Rutter and Co., Panama- going Apply Leonard Tay- Store.
King, and son of" the late Alfred King, ~ as a concern. ANTED to Sell, or would Exchange, Cycle, good condition,, free engine,'
Evening Post. R.I.P.
In the lonely hours of thinking.
Thoughts of you are ever dear. street, TO MERCHANTS.
energetic man requires Posi-
. WANTED to Buy,~quantity~good qual- lor, 326, Lambton-quay.
ity second-hand Corrugated Iron. nice 5-rd.' House, best part Petone. WANTED to Sell, four Costumes- etc.; cheap. Apply Triumph, Evening
green, blue, check. . Also, four Post
LEONARD.—On the 29th November, 1918, at Inserted by her loving husband and sons. YOUNG ANTED Sell, Kelburn, modern ~S Would take house or sections, Wellington. ' .-
beloved third
Hamilton, James Gibbs, dearly
son of James and Florence Leonard, late of
Khandallah, and beloved brother of Leslie P;
Leonard; aged 30 years.
FAIRMAN.—In loving memory of Caroline Fair
man, who died on the 30th November, 1913.
R.I.P. Gone, but not forgotten.
WANTED to Sell, superior-built Bun-
galow, 5 large and lofty rooms,
with every modern convenience; i acre
ping work, also stock and wool. Apply
Pelenna, Evening Post.
tion ; experienced commercial, ship- Particulars to Roof, Post Agency, Petone.
roomed Residence, on level, near Box 570, G.P.0., Wellington.
several Gas Pendant*; Kiosk; cheap, £1200. Manley and
must be in good order. Partiou-
Meadows, A.M.P. Buildings. WANTED to Let, House of seven large
rooms, balcony, etc., near Rintoul-
Coat Frocks, the same, all new. Price 25s
to 355. Apply 26, Rolleston-street. ANTED to Buy, 3 or 4-h.p:. Motor
ANTED, a kind person, to Adopt 1 and in good order. Apply Wilson, Even-
Marine Engine, must be complete'
Inserted by in-law,
her loving sister-in-law and brother- land, laid out garden and shelter hedges, TO YOUNG GIRLS. lars to Inverted, Post Agency, Petone. Baby, from birth. Premium, Even- ing Post
LEWIS.—On the 2Cth October, 1918, at San Sell, Confectionery Busi- street; rent 355. Apply Room 9, 31, Hun- .-;-..
Francisco of iDfluenza,, Reginald (Bnlly), be-
'oved husband of Kathleen Lewis, .128, Queen's
A. and P. Stone.
KNIGHT.—Inloving memory of Leonard Knight,
panoramic view, alongside tram; posses-
sion next week. Price £1300; cash £500.
WANTED, 2 young Girls, for sewing
on buttons and learn blouse and ANTED, Gas Stove. Particulars to
Stove, Post Agency, Petone:
WANTEDness, very central,_ clearing £15 ter-street
weekly over expenses. Price and nortiou-
ing Post
respectable Woman, for
ANTED, Furnished Bedroom, with.
Drive, lyall Bay, and only son of Mrs.son-in-
nard Lewis. Takapttna, Auckland, and
Ber- who was killed at Masterton on the 30th
November, 1908. H. G. Rutter and Co., .Panama-street. shirt trade. Apply 77, Vivian-Btreet.
ANTED to Exchange, lewt of White lars from Sole Agent, Leonard iWylor, WANTED to Buy, at Kelburn, a
modern 6 or 7-rd. Residence; can
WANTED, sleeping-out convenience if possible,.
domestiQ duties, good home, no by young lady. State price 8.8., Even-*
law of Mrs. X Miller, 83, Roxburgh-street, To memory ever dear. 7 ROOMS, i ACRE, £750. BERHAMPORE. Lead for lewt of Red Lead. Lead, 326, Lambton-quay. - pay big deposit. Apply Rion, Evening washing; wages £1., Mrs. Harry Smith, ing Post. ■■"■ ■;,."' :'
MOORE.—On the 29th November, 1918, at John-
Inserted by his loving parents, brothers, and
sisters. WANTED to Sell, superior 7-rd. Resi-
dence, alongside Athletic Park, WANTED Sell, modern 6-roomed Post Agency,
Residence, 'c.1., gas, hot water,
built-in wardrobes, largo back balcony, 44
ANTED to Sett, at Featherston, W "ANTED—Hundreds of Pounds of Post.
Drapery, Men's Boots and Shoes, ANTED Sell, Millinery Business/
Inglis-street, Seatoun. 'Phone 3776 (1 long,
1 short ring). .""'"". iT|rANTED. by CarpenterrAlterationa
IT and Additions, or any kind of Job-
sonville, Oswald James, dearly beloved young: practically new, with every modern con-
est son of Marion Moore and the late J. J.
Moore, in his 23rd year. R.I.P.
MINIFIE.—In loving memory of Victor Roy,
the beloved youngest son of Ellen Constance
Minifie, of 63, Roxburgh-street, who died on
venience; stable and trapshed; £ acre
level land (leasehold 40 years at low
x 100; £1050, terms. J. Fanning and
Co. (our only address), 74, Mannere-atreet. starter,
3-seater Car, eleotrio light and self- etc., sacrificed. Hayvico's,
just been overhauled and guaran- vertise. Mrs.
Prices too cheap to ad- W showing handsome profits, central
149-151, Man- position; £500. Full particulars Leonard WANTED to. Rent, by young.married bing; also Concrete Work: Apply Cheap,
oouple, small House or Flat, fur- Evening Post.
: tools, ners-street, below King's, opp. side. ' nished. Apply Clerk," Evening Post.
McLEOD.—On the 29th November, 1918,at the the SOth November, 1909. rental). Price only £750; terms £200 and SALESWOMAN. ' . teed in thorough order; full kit Taylor, 326, Lambton-qu*.y. ANTED to Rent, immediately, 4-
Wellington College Temporary Hospital, Inserted by his loving mother, sister, and £2 weekly. Buildings alone worth £1200. Young "Lady, as assistant, spare tubes, etc. Price for quick sale, ANTED, a respectable young GirT, roomed Cottage; rent well in ad-
Amelia Ann Forman (Dolly), wife of Private H.
M.' McLeod, 26th Reinforcements (late of
brother. Great Bargain. H. G: Rutter and Co., WANTED, tr> our Millinery Department. Ap- £175 cash, or nearest offer. Apply Sol- WANTED— Piano playing taught in
10 to 20 lessons. No special music, W' ANTED, choice small
and Wellington suburbs; good buy-
Homes, city
as "Waitress. "Apply "
231, The. Ter- vance. Write Ngaio Preferred, Evening
Eltham); aged 30 years RILEY.—In loving memory of my dear father, Agents, Panama-street. j ply Mathowson's, Ltd., 264-6, Lambton- dier, Evening Post.
■ i
no scales; saves time, money, and drudg- era waiting. Send details, urgently, H.
race.' ■' ■
Post.'. " "■..'":.".."" .;" i
John Patrick Riley, who passed away on the ,
McßAL'.—On the 26th November, 1818, the at Dee- BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. quay. 'ANTED to Sell, Contents of 6-rd. ery, same results. Birloy's College, Boul- Ernest Leighton, 182, Featherston-etreet. 'ANTED Known—Round Oak Exten- ANTED, Bach, furnished, near
street, Timaru, Isabella, widow of
P. D. Mcßae, and mother of O. Mcßae, Wel-
late 30th November, 1911.
Years may pass away, dear father.
WANTED to Sell, highly-lucrative
Business, in city, takings £60 week-

House, with option of renting oott Chambers.

Known—Numbers of Un- House. Apply Good Value, Evening Post.
ANTED to Sell, a Piano, in good
order; going oheap.
sion Tables, Oak CEests, Wardrobes,
Beautiful Bedsteads; special values. Bird
W Lambton Station or within penny
section. Reply X.,. Evening Post. . ..
SMITH.—On the 29th November, 1918, at the
But your face will never fade;
For I love you just as dearly
Though you're silent in your grave.
ly, will stand strict investigation, genuine
reasons for selling. Price £200, walk in
WANTED claimed Suits in dark grey and
brown worsteds to be sold at ridiculous
'ANTED to Sell, Hataitai, modern WANTED
. to Sell, white and gold
Cups and Saucers, 5s half-dozen. Dixon-rtreet.
House, 5 rooms, every convenience, J. Hyndman (late Richardson Bros.), 206,
Apply 87, and Co., Ltd., opp. V.M.C.A...
ANTED to Sell, Kilbirnie, nice s ;rd.
ANTED, Plain Sewing and Reno-
vating, by the day. Apply No. 6,
Children's Hospital, Ngarita Evelyn, dearij walk out, less than value of stock. H. G. WANTED, Gentleman Boarder in ..
loved third daughter of Sydney and Jean
Smith, and beloved granddaughter of Mrs. E.
Inserted by his loving son Harry (on active
service.) Rutter and Co., Panama-street.
prices. They are in many different sizes lovely view; cash abovo Government
and fit perfectly. Schneideman, Tailors, mortgage. Apply Departing, Evening Cuba-street.
private family ; nice looality. Ap-
Villa, all conveniences; immediate Jessie-street.
possession; only £§25; Government mort- -
Sell, Drapery and Fancy ply Evening Post. ' ANTED, by soHier'e wife, Washing,
Scott; aged 2 years and 7 months. Deeply
SMITH.—In loving memory of Sidney William
Smith, of 47, Nalra-str-it, who died at Wel-
NICE HOME, KARORI. 86, Manners-street. Post © ' WANTEDGoods Business, having good turn- Sell, 4 Rooms, Miramar;■
gage; cash required £395; absolute snip.
Apply, quickly, 99, Overton-terrace. by the day. Apply M.J., Evening
STOWELL.—On the 29th November, ISIB, of lington on the 30th November, 1917.
WANTED Sell, 6-roomed Residence,
best part Karori, nearly half-acre BULLDOG.
to Sell, the White Bulldog
'ANTED to Sell, boat-shaped Pram, over, in busy locality; good lease, low
almost new. Apply 48, Waipapa- rent, no goodwill asked, everything at a concrete paths, etc.; £540. WANTED , all conveniences; i-acre section;
ANTED, Flat, unfurnished, Oriental Post.
'"' ■ ■

influenza, in Hawera Hospital, James Farley,

only beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Inserted by his loving widow and family.
land, lawn, garden, hotcharming
water, electric WANTED Burbank Baron, by champion Am- road, Hataitai. fair valuation, owner retiring. Apply Willis-street.
Wilson, 77, Bay, Kelburn preferred,. 2 or: 3 WANTED, smaU Furnished CotUge
Stowell, of 3, Stirling-street, Berhampore;
oped 19 years. Deeply regretted.
WALTON.—On the 26th November, 1918, Bruce THANKS.
light, sweetly decorated,
Price £ljl50; £300 deposit; immediate
poesession. Apply quickly, M'lntyre and
Co., 215, Lambton-quay.
home. hurst Baron, age 2 years; fit to show and
quiet. For quick sale £6 6s. Address 9,
Kenwyn-terrace, Newtown.
ANTED to Sell, about 80 sacks of
good Seed Potatoes, not large size
but real good seed, mostly Northern
Taylor, 326, Lambton-quay.
Purchaser choice 4-roomed
'ANTED Known—P.
forte Tuner and Repairer, 11,
bathroom, electric light, Ghuzneo-street. Ring, write, or oa-U.
Bitoesi, Piano-
rooms; no children. Apply J.J., Evening
Post. ."; ..' ;,., "".'. ." . .:■.
TmTANTED—Special Values' in- Uphol- ; ing..Post. ■_ ,". " '. ..
.... or.Bod and Sitting
private family, use all conveniences, "stat-
ing price. Apply Rent in Advance, Even-

;■" , .
Meredith, dearly loved and only child of MISS C. AND MR. I. GOLDBLATT, Brooklyn,

House, TT Goods; beautiful Settees
Frederick C. and Dorothy Walton, of Oriental desire to Thank the Brooklyn State School DARLING HOME, SEATOUN. £630—PRIVATE HOTEL. Stars, with a few Up-to-Dates; 10s per every convenience, 2 minutes from tram going cheap; nigh-class 'workmanship. ANTED, '.Woman,::, for. housework.;
"ANTED, experienced General, no
Bay.; aged 1 year and 6 months.
WELLER.—On the 28th November, 1918, at
Wellington College Temporary Hospital,
Hospital Committee for their kind attention
and care during their recent illness. "
MRS. POSSELT and Family desire to Thank
Sell, very pretty villa, 5
rooms, alongside tram; a paragon
quaintness and sweetness; large sec-
J Fanning and Co.
to Sell, 22 Rooms, nicely sack. Apply E. Till, Waikanae.
furnished, situated best part city.
(our only address), A^TED~"Kopd
stop and beach, Island Bay, in tip-top
Driver. Apply Mon- order. Price £900; terms £175 cash.
day morning. A. Keilaway, 61, Immediate possession. Owner leaving Dewsbury-torrace, Oriental Bay.
W washing, good wages. Apply 190, Bird and Co., Ltd., opp. .V.M.C.A.
WANTED, for "really Higlwdass Fur-
soldier's widow with child' not ob-'
ject'ed to.' Apply 30, May-street.-...
ANTED'£ell. Lady's Cycle, thorough
George Stephen, eldest son of George and
Mary Weller, New Maiden, Surrey, England
(late Roseneath), and dearly beloved brother
of May Lyon, 1, Garrett-strcet; deeply re-
the Brooklyn Epidemic Committee for their
kind attention during their illness, especi-
ally the attendants of Ward 2, Brooklyn Hos-
tion ; laid out in beautiful lawns; con-
crete paths, garden, contains hot-cold
water, electric light, patent drainage. The
74, MaxineTß-6treot.
ANTED Known Just to hand, —
182, Fea.hherßton-_treet.
H. Ernest
a Midday Waitress. Ap-
W' ANTED "to Let, self-contained 5
large roomed unfurnished Flat,
with all conveniences; also a separate
niture, at moderate prices, inspect
our goods. "' Bird and .".Co.",,Ltd., opp. £'4 iOscondition,,
V.M.C.A. _
coaster hub, equal new;
cash.'- -Apply -49, Martin«juare,
pital, for their unremitting care and attention
interior is perfectly delightful and would WANTED, smart Boy. Apply, in own
splendid range Summer Suits, at WANTED,
ply Luncheon Bran- kitchen. Apply 178, Cbutts-street, Kil- to Rent, a small House _or
prompt.'" ■"'
'.".'"".' .""'■"" ■":''."".".■.'.""
WHLLER.—On the 28th November, 1918, at the
Wellington College Temporary Hospital,
to Master Vincent Posselt.
I wish to Thank Mrs. Hodgson and others for charm the most fastidious. Buy this and
enjoy everlasting happiness. Price £1175:
handwriting, to
BOX 118, GJP.O.
T. Shields,
High-class Tailor, 21. Willis-
birnie. WANTED 3 Unfurnished Robins, with conve-
niences, references can be given. Apply
'ANTED, to Let,., well-furnishea
Double Bed-Sitting Room, also
at once, an experienced
George Stephen, eldest eon of Mr. and Mrs.
Weller, Surrey, England (late Roseneath),
kindnesses to me during my recent illness;
also Dr. Ada,Paterson and the Staff of St. £400 deposit or near. M'lntyre and Co., LOWER HUTT. W~~~A*raD~Se~u7~Pn.vate Hotel, 80
well furnished throughout,
ANTED Sell, 10-gallon
Basket Grate. 22, Yule-street, Kil-
Copper, WANTED,
Nurse for baby 1 year old, refer- H.F., Evening Post. Double Room, all "conveniences. 8, Ter-
dearly be|oved eldest brother of Jessie Wil-
John's Hospital. Special thanks to Miss 215, Lambton-quay.
WANTED, Section, Lower Hutt, every, rooms, ences necessary. Apply Mrs. Clay, 325, ANTED to Rent, immediately, .Ber^ race Gardens, off Bouloott-street.
£1000. , Apply Leonard birnie^
kins, of 28, Broadway-terrace; deeply re-
Neale <Nurse), for voluntarilygiving me con-
MODERN VILLA, £100 DEPOSIT. eighth to quarter acre; terms. Re- going concern, modern convenience; price, as Willis-street. General,.. Lower Hutt,
valescent treatment in her home.
Sell, 5-rd. modern Villa, ply Deposit, Evening Post
.__ to Let, in private family,
hampore or Newtbwn, Unfurnished WANTED,.
Apply Holmes, 24, Portland-cres-
WOODWARD.—On the 25th November, 1918, at
her mother's residence (Mrs. I. Corieh),
EILEEN M. CLARK. WANTED Brooklyn, 5 or 6 minutes tram, built
3 years; contains hot cold water, electrio PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO.
Taylor, 326, Lambton-quay. WANTED
nice Furnished Room,.with
£25 to £50 deposits (rev conveniences. Address at Evening Post. able, Evening
of to Buy or Hire, Tent, 10
i 12, or larger. Apply Reason-
House. Rev. J. R. Hervey, 488, Adelaide-
road. ......'...,."
. '.. ■"" cent." Telephone 1353. . . ■

Hciena (Lena), the beloved wife of Frank H.

Woodward, and niece of the late Captain
WE -wish to Thank the Brooklyn Influenza Com-
mittee for soups, etc., and to all kind friends light, also hot point, also hot water over WANTED, in central position, large WANTED, spectively)
Room, with ante-room attached, lows, also on Houses, city and suburbs;
on 2 up-to-date Bunga-
'ANTED Known —Unique assort-
Post. 'ANOJED to Sell, Tank, second-hand]
gal. iron, corrugated, 800gal. 16, WANTED,.
small adult
competent Housekeeper,.»
family. Apply between
wash tubs, porcelain bafh; really sweet ANTED, situation by good Cook;
Frandi; aged .30 years. -, wbo rendered assistance in' any form during
our recent illness; also the Boy Scouts. little home; corner section, splendid pros-
suitable for photographic studio, Willis- balance easy rental. Lingard, Grey-street ment of beautifully carved and sober and reliable, 2 years last North-terrace, Kelb'urn. " .'.. —T..'."". 6. and 8 any evening, 28, Central-teTraoe..'
WOOD.WARD.—On the 26th November, 1918, street or Lambton-quay preferred. Apply, artistically mounted Cameo Rings, from ■place; country hotel, station, or board- 'Phone 1667\
MRS. STOCBRIDGE and Family. pective value, new tram will pass within stating terms, Studio, Evening Post. ANTED Sell, old-established Carrier 20s at Heinemann's, Jeweller, 108, Willis- inghouse. Apply Soldier, Evening Post. ANTED Dispose, Lease, 6-rd. House,
tha infant daughter of Frank H. and Helena
Washington-avenue, Brooklyn. 50 to 100 yards. Price £750. £100 deposit.
Bargain. Immediate possession. Apply FIRST-CLASS BOARDINGHOUSE. W Business, averaging £50 month; street
<?t- assured £400
. four acres, large. sheds, .big garden.
Apply Kirkpatrick, Ohariu Valley. I
ANTED, for 2 or 3 months,. Cottage
W at seaside, Seatoun district pre-
TVKLLS.—At the' residence of her parents, 25, Sell, Thorndon, 20 Rooms, house, stables, plant, Sell, 4 Rooms (Aro-street,
Crawford-road, Thelma Grace, beloved dangh- ROLLESTON (qualified London
quickly. M'lntyre and Co., 215, Lambton-
WANTED beautifully furnished, leaee, mode- year dear profit.
LJngard. Grey-street. ANTED Sell, 6-roomed Villa, Kel- WANTED off); hot water, eJ., gas cooker,
WANTED to Let, nicely: furnished ferred. Apply Beach, Evening Post.
ter of Albert E. and Annie Wells; aged 13
months. Thy will be done. MRS. and Paris), Specialist in modern
Hair and Paoo Treatments. Diploma,
Tato rent; £775. J. Fanning and Co. (our
only address), 74, Manners-street. W House, all conveniences, large rich "lreefc.
buru (three ininufce* cable car);
ANTED, £450, charming 4-roomed harbour view;. £850. Wilson, 77, Willis- etc; £600; £50 deposit. Wilson, 77,
double Bedroom and Sitting-room,
use of kitchen and conveniences.. Apply
ANTED to Sell, 4-rd. Cottage,. all
W conveniences, Island B»y; *ea view,
WILSON.—On the 28th November, 1918, at the Sell, 4-roomed Villa, about Bright, Evening Post. (rood section, no climb. Price £575;
Wellington Hospital, Eileen Gladys, dearly
beloved and only daughter of D. and S.
Boston, U.S.A., for Electrolysis, Trans-
formations, Switches, etc., 256, Lambton- WANTED ten minutes tram, sunny situation, PAINTING—RELIABLE AND
section, £50 cash, 22s 6d rent, pays prin-
cipal and 5 por cent, interest. Lingard.
WANTED, a Position as lady help in
ANTED to Sell, groomed House, <
every, convenience, including sewer- ANTED to Sell, Side-cat mortgage £315.- Apply Early Possession,;
and Chassis" Evening Post. ' " .'»
Wilson, of IGBa, Riddiford-street, Newtown, quay. built heart timbers, owner left only reason REASONABLE.
'ANTED SeU (compulsory oale), a small adult family; Lower Hutt age, immediate possession. Price £475, (Indian)) good -order; Apply -97,
or pneumonia following influenza; aged 10
, MILSOM, Qualified Specialist,
for selling; bathroom, electric light and
WANTED Known —There is a man for
Charming Villa, Newtown; close preferred. Apply Lady Help, Post cash or terms. Mrs. Barlow, Petone. Tasman-street. :'. '.... .:...'.
WANTED to Buy, good.secondhand
year.*: R.I.P.
MISS Hair. Face. Up-to-date Hairwork.
hot point, washhousQ, copper, tubs, pat-
ent drainage. Price £400; £170 deposit.
every job and a job for every man.
The man to do your Painting and Paper- tnim, fine view; 4i per cent, mortgage: Agency, Lower Hutt. to Buy, second-hand child's WANTED, Carpenters, good .wages, Reasonable, Typewriter,
Evening Poat
visible wnter. Apply
WILLIAMS.—On the 28th November, 1918,' by
accident on Paekakariki Hill, Frederick Wil-
liam, beloved husband of Jessie Williams, of
Modern Treatments Hair, etc., Skin..
Shampooing, Manicuring, Electrolysis.— quay.
Snip. M'lntyre and Co., 215, Lambton-
. '
hanging is Jas. J. O'Donoghue, 131, Kel-
want £200 down or best offer. Lmgard.
WANTED toßßuryr Separator, in thor- WANTED Push-Chair. Apply Cheap, Post plenty overtime. Apply Lower
by tall lady, Walkmg-«Bt
Paraparaurau; aged 65 years. Barnett's Buildings, 94, Willis-street. WANTED Sell, Thorndon, handy rail-
way station, comfortable 4-rd. Cot-
ough order.
Rata-road, Taita, Lower Hutt.
Apply. Mrs. Chflds, Agency, Newtown. Taranaln-street ' M. Browman, Builder. WANTED,Coat or Furs, black preferred.

ROW BOAT. to Sell, English concert
WANTED, Home for infant (2 weeks Apply Coat,
Funeral leaves St. Paul's, Paraparaumu, on
Sunday, l6t December, 1918, at 1.30 p.m. for
PTTOBACCONIST and Stationery Busi- WANTED to Buy, Row Boat, 10ft to tage, all conveniences. Price £600; £50
to Let, 2 or 3 Unfurnished
WANTED Banjo, with music; perfect order. old), for 3 months. Apply'Nurso
Evening Post. '■'■■■.'
Cemetery, Paraparaumu. T\/fRS. CAMERON, Boudoir Camillo,
It.L Cooper's Buildings, . Willis-street, X. ness, in busy centre of city; plenty
room in shop for hairdressing saloon; Post.
12ft. Replies Seaworthy, Evening
cash, balance rout. Lmgard, Grey-st. WANTED Rooms; every convenience
"ANTED, £500, comfortable 6-rd. ren). Apply for address Post Agency, cheap. Write Banjo, Kilbirnie P.O.
(no child- What offer? Also lady's Evening Coat, Wilding, Linden Hospital,- 175, yivian-st.
good 7-roomed' Houbd, wiih
section, Kelburn, Hateitei, or
BEREAVEMENT NOTICES. Specialist in Hair Work and Facial Treat-
ment. All Hair, Scalp, and Skin troubles lease 3 yeaTs to run at £1 10s per week; £750—BROOKLYN. W House; good section, £50, balance 1 Lower Hutt to Buy, Tent, 6 x 8, or WANTED to Purchase,". at Hataitai
or North Kilbirnie, a 5 or 6-rd. other firatHjlass' city.locality; buyera limit
ME. AND MBS." A. BARKY and Family, New- successfully treated. 'Phono 4535. good proposition. Bruce and Lush, 27,
WANTED to Sell, neat 5-roomed 203 week, near station, return Hutt 2s,
House, every convenience, close cheaper than tram fares. Lingard, Grey-st to Sell, Hay, comprising WANTED small size. State price to A. House. Reply to A.J.C^ Evening Post. 4)2000. Send details
ton, 182, Featherston-street
to H. Brnost Leigh-
town, wish to Iho.Dk all kind friends for ,TtfRS. MIIXWARD, Clairvoyanto a.nd
expressions of sympathy in their recent sad XtX Tolepathiet,
tram; immediate possession. Caah.£lso.
WANTED, £650 (Id section, G.P.0.). WANTED three acres, buyer to cut and cart White, Seatoun Post Office.
W ANTED SeU, Soda Fountain Busi-
Buy, Engine and DyaaokV
MBS. BEAGLE and Family wish to tender theii
Boulcott Chambers (top
floor), Bouloott-street, near corner Willie
SHOP, Bakehouse, 5 living- rooms; rent
30s; electric machinery, gas pio ma- '
J. Fanning and Co. (out only address),
74, Manners-street. ' Te Aro, close train, comfortable 4 away. Apply F. Khouri, Main-road, Ka-
rooms and scullery, Cottage; £50 deposit, ron, next Golf Links. WANTED, two capable Housemaids.
Apply Matron, St. Helens Hos-
ness; clear profit exceeds-'£l2oo
per annum. Full .particulars from Sole WANTED
for cinematograph purpaaea; good
and Manners streets. 10 a.ro. to 9 p.m. balance rent; hajidy home; LingaTd. Agent, Leonard -Taylor", 526, Lambtoa-qy. -j condition. Price and particulars Price
heartfelt Thanks to the Mayor of Lower Hutt, chines, and all bakery utensils and shop Lady, of good address, pital, Coromandel-street, Newtown.
CORRUGATED IRON. WANTED, Reasonable, Evening"Post..','.' :.'V7
Mr. Brongh. Taita, and Matron and Staff of
Lyceum flospital, for their unremitting care, PHILLIPS, 56, Taranaki-street,
the old established Secondhand
fittings, Dayton scales, cash register; tak-
ings £60 per week. Price £200. Stock WANTED to Sell, 2-3rd ton, almost
new ; i-ton. second-hand ; 10ft, 7ft,
ANTED Sell, Hataitai, close tram, with small
up-to-date 6 (large) r, Homo, fine ' with experience in starting tearooms or
capital, tol join another ANTED- Known—lf your Piano 3
out of order, ring, write, or call .
WANTED, Man used to horses, small
farm work, Lower Hutt; cottage WANTED to Hire, Piano. Apply,

.and all kind friends for their kindness and

sympathy and floral tributes in their sad Dealer. Ring 'Phone 3266, or send letter.
iKo-ftavement. Fall t*lu» civen few Boots, Suite, Jewel-
at valuation. A firat-class burinoss.
Bvuoo and L'ueh, 27, Panama-street,
6ft, 6ft. Apply W, E. S_undor», Black- view, largo aectioi), motor shod; £200 de- any business.
bridge, Lower Hutt, posit. Lingard. Necessary, Evening Post,
Apply Experience Nob for P. BitoMU. Prompt atUntioa, rattan-
able ohurg«».
lor married man. Apply Alpha, Evening
Jrp* '
■' ■
itatine ' tenu, to LF.,

. -■....''.■

;- "CASKS. ■*■--._;{:' : i:, wanted to buy. last night, outside Clarendon rp B T.

to Sell, 14 SOUND, SOLID
WANTED to Sell, Edison's
Amberol LOST,
Phonograph, £5; 48 Bluo Hotel, Manners-street, Upper Plate
0 l
WANTED INK CASKS; capaoity about 40 . "'.igJAFE"
Gallons. Apply
__„_,_ WANTED ;:. any" good make. Piano, £25, good order. Apply Cash,

Records, 2s 6d each; 11 4-minute wax, containing 4 falso teoth. Findr return to Rooms:
Is 6d each; 67 2-minute, 6d each; Cottagei s.s. K_hu.

Post Agenoy, Newtown. LOST,

by schoolboy, Parcel, containing 5 Khandallah
2 Miramar
6 Seatoun
- Rooms:
7 Kelborn
8 Belmont
10 Lower Hutt
Engineer, State 6i-e.' and price, .to
ANTED to Sell, English light Car, turn. Apply Evening Post.
two College caps. Finder please re-
for tho following
the Epidemic is now abating, fee
Office Hours until further notice
will be from
The Evening Post. BOX 1083,
"Calcott," 4-cyluider, magneto, Gold-mounted Cameo Brooch. Rooms:
eleotrio light, excellent order Nattrass LOST,Finder rewarded. Apply 'Phone 3 Belmont.(Flat)
events close on Friday, 6th DECEM-
ALL Tuesday Evening Parades CAN- 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. \ BILL.
' WANTED, :."': I I
■'-. -'. ■
;' : - , G.P.O. and Harris, Molesworth-street.
ANTED—We have Carbolicide, for
4072 (3 rings').
3 Thorndon (Flat)
4 Island Bay ;
6 Central-terrace.
6 Newtown
7 Riddiford-street
BER, at 9 p.m-: —
Hack Hurdles, 175 soys; H miles
CELLED till 14th JANUARY, 1919;
Saturday Parade to be held as ordered. After that urgent cases may be attended
to through the Hospital, "Phone 936.
(mm» run uaoatAtton.—copx-U-t.)
Purse, containing; £5 17s, 5 Brooklynv Dash Hack, 150 soys; 6 furlongs A. 3. PETHERICK, SYDNEY, 29th November.
end GIRLS, for Confection- washing and cleansing, an excellent LOST, of New Zealand, Te Aro; pay- 7 The Terrace Major.
ery Department.
**Xr , A N T E B, Liquid Sanitary Soap, Is per bottle.- The mentBank
Sims Hardware.
stopped. Seward, 13, Tonka-grove.
5 Berhampore
5 Muritai
8 Tinakori-road
9 Kelburn
Juvenile Handicap, 200 soys; 5 furlongs
Marton Cup, 600 soys; li miles
Ladies' Bracelet, 130 soys; 8i furlongs
Officer fn Charge.
There are drastic provisions in the
Venereal Diseaees Bill, which was intro-
".,..,:";., BRICKLAYERS; LOST, between Kent-terrace and Island 6 Kelbum Exten. Railway Handicap, 350 soys; 6 furlongs GEORGE FROST,
WINDSOR MANUFACTURING CO.*,' ANTED to Buy, any quantity. of Bay, 2 Paint Brushes; rewitrd. Ap- -uoed in the New South Wales As-
Household Furniture and Furnish- ply- Evening Post. Also, Shops, Offices, and Warehouj* New Year Hack, 150 soys; 7 furlongs LABOUR DAY COMMITTEE. Chairman.
, LTD., Good wages; 60 hours per week. in the business parte of
ings; highest cash price paid. Palace ' Accommodation
the city.
Stewards' Wolter, 240 soys; 8i furlongs. J. B. HOPKIBK, sembly. These include' provisions for
Quin-atreet, Wellington. CAMPBELL AND BURKE, Furnishing Mart, Vivian-street. 'Phone LOST, off cart, one Side of Bacon, in ARTHUR WAY, Secretary, nrtHE Final Meeting for 1918 of the Secretary. compulsory notification, the prohibrtwm
3473. Wellington or on Hntt-road (brand- J. H. BETHUNE AND CO. Marton. A above Committee will be held in the
Cable-street. ; ed). Would finder kindly leave at Bray
of advertisements, medicines, and treat-
T ;, B ' Known—Linoarnish will Bros., Blair-street, rr\ p LET. TO LET. Trades Hall, 126. Vivian-street, on WED-
■""-.~_L'J.S." MOTORS. WANTED '
last 12 months on your/ floor; pol
ished floors are slippery and dangerous LOST, Second Mate's Foreign-going
In the Estate, of CAPTAIN ALLEN NESDAY, 4th December, at 8 p.m.. '
OWEN BISHOP, late of Hastings
meat; penalties of a year's imprison-
ment and a fine of £600 for persons in-
Tingey's, Manners-street, also all Groc Certificate, No. 653. Reward, Mer- Rooms: UNFURNISHED. (deceased). Delegates are requested to attend. TAKE NO-IOT.
Age, 16 to 18, Rooms: fecting others, wai five yean' imprison-

1912, 1914, 1916, and ere; Is 9d and 3s tin. chant Service Guild, Featherston-street. J. READ, Secretary.
Apply by letter, WANTED-to-Sell,1918'models A.J.S. Motors, with or Gold Medal Brooch, inscribed 7 Kelburn
6 Kilbirnie 9 Lower Hutt is requested that all moneys owing ment with a fine of £500 for infected
MANAGER, without side-cars; R.S., Triumphs, All-
ANTED Known Excelsior
Dyes, dull and bright, may still be
Hat LOST, H. Tempest. Reward, 158, Cuba- 8 Johnsonville
10 Lower Hutt
10 Thorndon IT to and all claims against the above perraons marrying.
National Mutual Life Association. . Cheap at ......
days, Matchless, and a lot of other makes, procured from Tingey's, Manners-street. street^ . FURNISHED
' deceased be sent to the undernoted not
later than SATURDAY, 30th NOVEM-
The doctors ore authorised to notify
Makes old hats new for Is bottle. either party that the other is infected.
74, Lambton-quay. . .
Tested with Septio and:
LOST, return
Pen, Finder kindly Rooms:
Evening Post. Re- Rooms: BER, 1918. QWING

MAKERS. WANTED— Putrefactic Bacteria, Carbolicido va-rd.

has moat deadly effects. The Sims Hard-
i - ■
2 Seatoun
4 Belmonfc
6 Day's Bay
7 U->per Hutt
Solicitors to tho Admin'stratix. RULES of tho Health De-
OST, Fox Terrier Bitch, aged; an- 4 Broug'ham-st. Tinakori-road
WE require First-class CABINET-
- HOUSE-wanted by re- ware Co. I; -f swers to the name of Nell. Reward 5 Khandallah
8 Lowry Bay
P.O. Box 66, Hastings.
partment, we have been
ANTED—Gent's best Box ChromeI at 20, Milton-street; 6 Dixon-st (Flat) 13 Dufferin-street
■"" ". spectable married couple; must be
eood-wages; constant employment.
.* .*. THE.MANAGER, central and no climb. . price 21s.
Derby Boots, elsewhere, 27s 6d, our
Martin's, Tram Terminus, LOST,
Lower Hutt, Petone. Sprocket 5 Brooklyn
and Dust-cap, off motor bike, about 5 Upper.Hutt
the Hilly Bueh BRETHREN
are requested to note that OOMPEUXED TO CLOSE OUR
-- communi- and " 6-roomed Cot-
Also, purchased the Meeting called for Monday, 2nd
Or, Factory, Waltei-sfereet.
.":.-' " Lambton-quay. * Apply

R.M.C., a!^TES^_6l crepe and voilei oating J. Fox, Upper Hutt.

Blouses, plain and striped; all one
13th October. Good reward on number
tages, Pelorus Sound.
of 4
Section at the back of Mr.iCameron, December, 1918, is CANCELLED.
TEA ROOMS INDEFINITELY, (Received November 30, 8.30 a.m.)
'■■ oft" car, 935 x 135 Miohelin Also, Shops, Offices, etc., in various Muritai, Eastbourne, the By Command Wor. Master.
Evening Post. price to clear 8a lid. Only at Morgan's, LOST,Cover. Reward return to Tren- parts of City. Apply Removal of Ti-Tree or other Shrubs or SAN FRANCISCO, 29th Nov.
.' .WANTED,'-.' 115, Cuba-street Material is herewith forbidden. The sentence of death passed on
grove's Garage, 9a, Courtenay-place. HARCOURT AND CO.,
ANTED Known—Use Linoarnish. 195, Lambton-qo»y. STANTON HARCOURT. desptt* the fact that Three Health Thomas J. Mooney, who was convicted
CARPENTERS, Seote-cUle^, Mira- u;s:s:„co., ltd. Beeswax and turpentine injure your
OST, Coupons 603, 729, 1025. Please
Mann's Shoe Store, IT7, 29th November, 1918. Inipectori
of complicity in the bomb outrage in the
mar; top wage* and trim fares.. return
LET, bare examined oar streets of San Francisco, has been com-
linoleum. Linoarmsh, applied with ab Cuba-street.
brush once a year, does the work better. TO? 2-rpqmed Furnished Wbare,:
Paekakariki, riicefy situated; 20s NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. muted to life imprisonment by Governor
Apply "■'-■-'..-'.-
'■■* .*.
Tingey's, Manners-street in Main-street, Lower Hutt, Fri- week. Apply View, Evening Post.
LOST,:. day afternoon, Parcel containing Room* and have declared them a Stephens. The case has .been in the
courts of California for more than two.
Special this week,, well- silk blouse.
for Mangling and Folding; also
WANTED— Sewing.
made stylish Blouses, in voile andf{ Main-etreet, Lower Hutt.
crepe; all to clear, at the low price of
Finder return to Miss Burt, CENTRAL OFFICES.
TITO LET, best part of Willis-street, one
J- or two Front Offices, firrt floor, gas
Staff Housemaid/ Welling- The Company's motor'leaves Wellington- 8s lid each. Morgan's, 115, Cuba-street. LOST,book. Finder .kindlyblack
Coat, containing pocket and electric light. Apply Most Central, Ist DECEMBER, 1918, the Regular Meeting of the above GAMBLE AND CREED,
WANTED; ton .and Christchurch, and all. ' road .daily. Apply . . . , '

ANTED ' Known Excelsior Hat; to James Hyndman, 206, Cuba-street.same Evening
Post. " ' AFTERtrain which leaves Palmerston North
at 7.18 a.m. for Wellington will leave
THE Lodge for 4th December will NOT
take place.
Workers,, induding " Dye will change the colour of your STORAGE. Palmerston North at 7.10 a.m.', Shannon
I: classes.of. Domestic. ' " > "- Hat. Don't go to the expense of buying LOST, Returned Soldier's Badge, 2/Ul3. nm LET, Ground Floor Space, 40 x 40, 8.8 a.m., Levin 8.42 a.m.,'Otaki 9.27 a.m., By order of the W.M.
Willie-rtreet, CubMtreet, ud
'. '. Day Workers. References required-""Wo-

'.""men's Branch Labour Department Hours: ""'

" ""*""" ""*""*"*Evans Bay
new hat when you may have one for Is.
Manners-street. Association.
Kindly return Returned S6ldiers' J- centre of city, monthly or by lease.
, 'Phone. 807A._ and arrive Wellington 12.10 p.m.
The train which leaves Otaki at 12.45
M. W. THEW, Secretary. Lambton-quay. TWO MILLION ACRES TO BE

8;30 to 12.30, L3O to 4.30 p.m. *

APPLICANTS for this Position, ad- ANTED to Sell, new Pushcarts LOST, by charwoman, Friday Morning, "^"seatounT ~~ p.m. for Palmerston North will leave at WELLINGTON GIRLS'~COLIjSGET~
. . _i_ vertised
on the 26th
has been
are (shipment just
arrived); usual price
between Northland and Brandon npo LET, for 2 or 3 weeks, at once, 8-
con- -■- Toomed Furnished House (new), every 12.40 p.m. riTHE College will Not reassemble this
X year, but Pupils must attend on SYDNEY, 29th November.
ENGINEERS' TURNER AND FITTER. notified £7 10s; our £fi 10s. Pram Ex- small Brown Crochet Bag,
The train which leaves Wellington iot
change, King's Theatre, Courtenay-place. taining money. Rew"ard. Apply Even- convenience, closo to beach and tram; Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, the The State Premier (Mr." W. A. Hol-
work, and with
First-class" TURNER--and-
Fitter, one accustomed to fine
a knowledge
j;.'ening preferred,; ,Only men",,worth ;top; .
of case hard-

ticulars apply Sectus, Eveniffg.Post.
Section;--situated Kil-
level; price £160.
Known—Try our special cut ing Poet.
Glace Ward
Martin, Tram Ter-
Shoes, OST—LeftliTWaiting
Gardens Gate, or in Tmakori-road
Shed, Botanical Post. L ,.
rent £4 45., Apply.Immoditttely, Evening

. ,
Johnsonyille at 9.45 p.m. on Saturday
nights will leave at 10.20 p.m.
3rd, 4th, and sth December, to remove
books and return sports ticket 6 and
money. The First Term of 1919 will
man), in outlining the future policy of
the New South "Wales National Party,
foreshadowed ■ a resumption of railway
'*-.* wages need apply. - ■--- 1" ex- WANTlSD.rby'^-adiilta,*..
Bay or Eastbourne, 2 weeks Christ-
House, Day's ■riinus, Courtenay-place Car, on Thursday, 7th November, Pair of TO part December and January,
Furnished Cottage, in country; good
begin on 3rd FEBRUARY.
:'} CHAS. P. POWLES, construction by which over two million
"'" Replies, giving full particulars*""""* as to to Buy, Pianos, any make ing
Opera Glasses. Reward. Address Even- bathing and fishing-. Apply Holidays, acres of land would be opened up for
.mas.. Reply, Very Careful, Evening Post. WANTED . WELLINGTON TAILORS' UNION. Secretary. :
■; __
w°& p.O; box 488; G.p.o.r;* ":; ■

Wellington. - WANTED to Let, 'Furnished Bed- or wood frame. We pay highest prices,
. room, to young, man; breakfast if spot Sons,
required. Apply 11, Hopper-street. "I iid
or condition, old or
cash Send full particulars, Nimmo
42, Kent-terrace.
iron Post. P. 0 ., Upper Hutt.
Lethaby's for stylish new Um- nnO LET, comfortably-furnished Rooms,
brellas, guaranteed fast dye, Para- -*- telephone, all conveniences; only re-
gon frames, 10s 6d to £3 3s. Umbrellas fined people need apply. Quietness, Even-
THEheldMEETING of th* above, to be
on 4th December, 1818, will be
College will Not reassemble this
soldier settlements.
WANTED, for month; from 23rd Dec ANTED Known- Tingey's, Man- re-covered, 6s lid to 21s. Lethaby's, Dm- ing Post. . POSTPONED until further notice. THEyear. A.O.F. PURCHASED
SADDLERY SALESMAN. " ember, Bach, at bay. Apply M.R., am'S-street. See our new Bhop front breila Specialists, opp. G.P.O. rpo LET, Day's Bay, partly-furnished C. M'FADGEAN, The First Term of 1919 will begin on Meeting on Monday- Next, 2nd Dec- "
First-class Salesman,
Evening Post ■

to Let large clean Double tists Materials, eto.

For display of Pictures. Wall Papers, Ar-
WIDOW wants Accommodation on J- 5-roomed House, for months, sunny,
farm, for few weeks at Xmas with 3
President. TUESDAY, 4th FEBRUARY, for New
Pupils, and. the sth FEBRUARY for NO ember. All Sick Claims^ieceived by acmui-Hoiiw uA-_n> cuu _nbcunoii.)
for our Saddlery Retail Depart- WANTEDBed-Sitting-, oom to respectable homely people; no trouble given. Par- near
wharf. Apply J.B. Fmlay, Evening
Post Buildings. Tel. 2501. .-__ WELLINGTON" CORPORATION" Former Pupils. the Secretary, up to 8 p.m. on that even- LONDON, 27th November.

Known—Ex-English sol- ticulars ing, will be paid by
tial. , '
Full knowledge of the trade essen- married couple, without ohildren, all con- WANTED dier, aocustomed to barrack roonr : to Change, Evening Post.
rpo LET, furnished, ~to nioe "people, TRAMWAYS.
her at her residence. It is understood that the British Go-
Contributions forwarded will be duly ac- vernmenfc is purchasing the Argentine
: veniences, 'phone. Apply 14, Turnbull- cleaning, wants work, scrubbing and REAKFAST for a"T*enny-Gran-Bits, ■*- whole or part 7-roomod superior knowledged. output of batter for two seasons," at
Apply, with references, to street, Thorndon. cleaning, warehouses, or any class of the new Cereal Food. Wants no Home, near »ea and oar. Apply Kilbir- TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. NAOMI HUTCHINSON,
cleaning; expert, very reasonable charges. cooking, delicious with milk or cream. nie, Evening Post.
Day or .night or weekly. Apply Sanitas, 'All Grocers, y SUNDAY', the Ist Deoember, the 878, Tinakori-road.
Secretary, 8261. 170s per cwt., f.o.b.'

LTD., WANTED to Sell, beautiful

Terrier Male Puppies; price 35s Evening- Post.
SAVE your Money, Freshen up old TO LET, Large well-furnished" Double
Bed-Sitting-room, central, select,
Usual Service will be run up to 6.30 TERRACE SCHOOL.
P.O. Box 921, Christchurch. each. , Send your address to Breeder, Those suffering from clothes with M'Kenzie's Safe Cloth and every convenience! Address Evening p.m., after which hour the service will be TON SOUTH.
Evening Post. * . Rheumatism. Neuritis, ' Sciatica, Cleaner. Aoto like Magic; Stores only. Post. .-' . entirely suspended. rtiHE School will be Open on MONDAY SYDNEY, 29th No-amber.

NOTE.—The Sunday Morning Care will. X MORNING, 2nd December, from 9
Sprains, Liver, Indigestion, Obesity, etc., "TTOW Beautifu; th 6
JUNIOR SALESMAN, COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. to take special treatment. Corns pain-
Al it's been
LET, furnished, l' Double "Room, run as usual . till 11, so that Pupils , !
TADIEB AND GENTLEMBN,— The Bank of New Sooth Wales half-
yearly profit amounts to £273,560. A
CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. WANTED, Ambitious.Lady about 30, lessly
to train as teacher for above, view KinT'° -extracted.- Massage
C'-amW' WMlis-s'reet. Tel. 3525. ture
Aquarias, Yes;
M'Kenzie's Drawingroom Cream Furni- 123, Vivian-street.
use of all conveniences. . Apply W. H. MORTON,
General Manager. (1) May remove their Books from the
I have decided to accede to thes dividend of 10 per cent, has been d«-
previous experience not ne- Renovator. Shops only. desk«
"byTXeading City ' Firm,: partnership J-thoroughness 30th November, 1918, request to Contest the Seat rendered - 1 clared.
WANTED, SMART JUNIOR, with two to cessary,
but and intelligence r,r.M|H(H.l>* HOME, ISLAND BAY.
Sell, 6-roomed Bungalow OAK Furniture—Special Bargain ; Bed-
-*- Home
LET, Lyall Bay, well-furnished
4 rpomß, bathroom, wash-
(2) May return Library Books
(3) May return Cricket Material.
vacant by the death of Mr. A. H. Hind-
' '' three years* experience in the above de- in
partment ; quick advancement for suitable ing, able
learning esential; £3- per week when
take charge. .Apply, own WANTEDhandwrit- Residence, best part Island Bay; 2
room Suite (Duohesse Chest, Pedes- house,
Chest, Wardrobe, and Bedstead). Call piano,
every convenience, large shed,
opposite beach, on tramline. Arj- WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. J. A. THOMSON,
mareh, and will be pleased to receive from
you \ the same liberal support that you \ TRAVELLING RESTRICTIONS
applicant. . Apply with testimonials or school reports, mine, tram, beautifully situated, sun, all and inspect. Te Aro Furnishing Co., 91, ply Monday, 76, Lyall-parade. ■
Chairman, School Committee. have so position generously given me in my more> REMOVED *
Fidelity, Evening Post. ■ day,, sweetly appointed and most artisti- Cuba-street. humble as one of jyour represen-
BOX 382, GJP.O., Wellington. cally finished, only built a few months; npO LET, Furnished Front Double Bed- Wellington City Council.
BWWr~. hot eIT, tatives on the
PAINTERS AND PAPERHANGERS. the timber is the best heart obtainable,

Junior; school references required. road, Berhampore. 'Phone 3420 (1 short

WANTED,,. two. or . three Good Men and the workmanship excellent; the in-
only. A. C. H. Beu, 515, Adelaide terior is carrara and panelled, oriel and Cuba-street, and all Chemistn, Is 6d.
ROWN Peas for the Liver. Purely ■*-
vegetable, safe and good.
Smith-streot. ■
Sitting-room,' fireplace, gas stove,
Brien conveniences. 13,. Crosby-terrace, off Abel ALL Volunteer Cars available for work
in connection with fighting the
EPIDEMIC, ami which already
are not
Under New Management. :
Youra faithfully,
SYDNEY, 28th November.
Restriction on travelling between
liingland and Australia through war
casement windows, slate roof, hot water I*-! RAN-BITS for breakfast. No cook- ■rriO LET, furnished, Double Bedroom, 2 working in their own districts, are re- GEORGE FROST.
Cuisine and Attention Special Features. zones have been removed.
Apply, in own handwriting, to and 1 long ring). . service, electric light,,gas cooker, lovely VJT lng. for this- porridge. Splendid -t
bathroom, porcelain bath-; a perfectly de- health-builder. 'Ask the Grocer.
beds, use of sitting-room, piano.
quested to line, up in Mercer-street .by.
the Electric Light Power House and, take "This old'established and> popular house P.B.—Bee that your name ie on the
AND AGENCY SHOP AND 8 ROOMS. Apply 2, Courtenay-place. instructions from Motor Inspector's Of has been renovated throughout. ' Roll, as the time is short.
■ MERCANTILE to Sell, Thorndon, Corner lightful homo, with very pleasant out- Lofty and well-ventilated Bedrooms. SYDNEY WAR CHEST FUND
".:■."■' PJO. Box 1498,
Shop and B.Rooms;
ence; good position; price £950; terms, per
every conveni- look ; motor entrance. Price
deposit; Government mortgage £450, 4>s keepers. MAIDS
£1490; £400 are scarce, use Wilton's Sydal, fr\O LET, 2-stall Sfablo, corner Edge
it will help you. Sold by all store ■*- Hill and Kent-terraoe. Key and
JOHN P. LUKE, Mayor.
Eleotric light, hot and cold showerbaths. WELLINGTON SOUTH ELECTION.
Wellington. £200 deposit. Fred. Fanning and Co,- appreciated.
18,'Grey-street. .
cent. 'Hi's house must be seen to be
Possession to-day. Sole. AFETY Razor
Blades re-edged: ..GiT-!
particulars, apply Mr. Hamey; Bootmaker,
All,trains and boats met,
Telephone 963. . - ";.
" ,'.

SYDNEY, 28th November.
About £30,000,was collected for the
Ar;ents. M'lntyre and Co.. 215. Lambton- lettes, Is 6d; Duplex, 2s; Sexton, mo LET, Kelburn, Furnished Front GEORGE HEALE, Manager,' TITR.meet R. C. REED'S Committee will War
■fff Chest Fund to-day.

A. W " T E D. Late Grand Hotel, Invercargill;' Empire ' ITX

.-to- Let,
House, 7 rooms, good looality, Wel-
Sell, 6-roomed
. Villa, with
Is 6d; Gems, Is per dozen. Globe Mach-' -*"
mo Co.. Manners-street.
Sunny . Bed-Sitting-room, balcony,
conveniences, Id section, references. Tele-
phone 2780. HTIHIS

Hotel is Closed for Disinfecting,

Hotel, Wellington.
on WEDNESDAY,. 4th De-
cember, at 8 o'clock.
; -.;, ;' ■; :Appbr :: - lington -Southj ".-Write ;Box, 342, or-256,
-■"*-■ ;■ -j-- Adelaide-road* ..■»-* - WANTED
harbour view, about T minutes from saddlebag and moquet; last opportu- ff(6 LET, nicely
Botanical Gardens Gates; hot water ser- nity at old prices; 18 guineas. Te Aro J- Sitting-room, Furnished Single"Bed- Fumigating, and Cleaning through-
HOUSE"-Visitors to
Wellington will find "Caulfieid Hon. Secretary. ZEALAND
' ■ ' ■ quiet, superior >homo. out, and will reopen under New Manage- HoUße'" a high-class boarding establish-
MITCHELL AND KING, PARTNER WANTED. vice and gas. caliphont, also gas cooker, Furnishing Co., 9L Cuba-street. 26. Hawkos* one-street. ment during ensuing week. ment combined with comfort and refine- MELBOURNE, 29th November.
WANTED, a Partner in an establish ylectric light, porcelain bath, lovely home,
Flat, furnished, to Let, ment. It is entirely under new manage-
Corner Jervois-quay and Cable-etreet. ed^Land Agency Business, Welling built heart timbers. Price £1000; £150 I*jIIRST-CLASS
ton Citji no previous experience peces deposit; Government, mortgage £400, 4j moms, large grounds. 'Phone
best part of Wellington, large airy rpO
LET, Rooms, close Moiling Station,
■*- kitchen, garden, entrance, all sep-
ment ; situation mo3fc central; one minute INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. In the Federal House of Representa-
tives, the Acting-Prime Minister (Mr.
VJCT a" ~~n t c d. sary; £50- cash required; sleeping part- per cent; big snip. Sole Agent's. Pos- 798A. arate. Grey Bungalow, Camp-road, Mel-
from Parliament Buildings; next Crown
Picture Thearre. Sydney-street;' terms Watt) stated that New Zealand's pur-
SMART JUNIOR CLERK. ner would suit. Address' Hustler, Even- Lambton-quay.
session one week. M'lntyre and"Co., 215,
BATHING Caps, new stocks just opened ling.
up Prices no higher than last

JJATAITAI EPIDEMIC COM- moderate; permanent by arrangement— chases of Australian wheat totalled
years, viz., from Is cd upwards. Quality rpo
ing Poßt. ;., I LET, Unfurnished Sep. Flat, cen- MRS. C RTJSSELL. Proprietress. ORDERLIES WANTED 1,150,000 bushels at 6s 6d, and 4,000,000
Shorthand-Typiste. Permanent position; BATH CHAIR. SUPERIOR HOME, KELBURN
Sell, 7-roomed one-floor as141.usual,
the best.' R. M. Green, Chemist. ness ladies preferred. Apply
tral, sep. gas meter and cony. busi-
A.L., Even-
MITTEE. 'Phone Nos. 1763. S6T9 "__ HOSPITAL FOR NORMAL SCHOOL. bushels at 5s 7id.
wholesale house. State salary and experi-
ence, to
WANTED, a good Bath or Invahd's
Chair. State price and full par- WANTED Residonce, best. part Kelburn,
car, with harbour view.
3 Vivian-street, Wellington. ing Post.
latest 66, Singer Drophead, ITpO LET, newly furnished (Double) Front
107, Cuba-street
CENTRAL, 4 for shift from 4 p.m. to 12 p.m.
. ....:.,,. .ADVANCE. ... 'phone 3595. T
ticulars, to S. Rnssell; 69, Herald-st.; minutes cable
Three lovely large rooms, practically SINGER, cheap; Drophead, as new, £5 10s;
-■- Bed-Sitting-room, ground floor, a'eo
The Headquarters will be OPEN TO- (Few Doors above Royal Oak).
Commodious,' Convenient, Comfortable,
4 for shift from 12 p.m. to 8 am.
Evening Poet. '
equivalent to an eight-roomed dwelling, Treadle, £3 10s. Globe, Opera House, balcony, double and single rooms, DAY, AS USUAL. * Influenza bacilli first lodge in the pas-
moder- Civility and Attention. For salary and further particulars apply sages of the nose and throat. As the
TO TAILORING. contains hot and cold water, eleotrio light,, Manners-street. ate, or would board, breakfast and tea; From Sunday until further notice the Ideal to the Travelling Public. Eight
WANTED,., a "Machinist; also Trouser gas cookor, wardrobes, cupboards, linen IRAN-BITS, ready to eat, easily di- full Sundays. 231, Thorndonqqay. BT. ANDREWS DEPOT, ' mucous membrane of these passages is
TT*rANTED, SECOND OFFICER for and Vest Hands; constant employ- press; nice large/section, croquet
Government mortgage thereon Price .world. MadeThe
€ lawn; r gosted.
from Australian cereals. rpo LET,
best breakfast in the No. 401, Adelaide-road, 4-rd.
Depot will be Open from 9 until 10 a.m. Modern Bathrooms. Electric Light. Elec-
tric Fire Alarm. Fireproof Building. sensitive and delicate, powerful irritants

- ment,- Kitto and Son;; 15,.- Manners-st. and 7 until 8 p.m. 28, Wellington-terrace. like formalin should on no account be
Terras moderate.
Barque Rtfupo. Apply— - " ~~^ MOTOR'.GARAGE
to Lease, Premises suit- duced to enable
£2300; £650 deposit. Price has been re-
a quick 6ale to be effect-
Ask the Grocer for Gran-Bits. -*"
House and stable. Apply 80,
Daring the above hours, Ring 1788, and Teleerams "Edilson," Wellington.
used. ' Nazol, one of the speediest, and
most effective of antiseptics and germi-
able for,motor..repair,garage; mod-
ONBOARD. ef.ate renJa^M^orJEngmeerj-.0/o Even- Lambton-quay.
ed. Sole Agents, M'lntyre and JOHN
Co., 215, PAGE. Interviews
No public meetings until further
1, Home-et. /p5 LET, Furnished Flat,~3
kitchenette, Terrace. Apply Own
rooms and at other times Ring 477 (Mr. Tolan), or
'Phone 3049. S.
cides, is a safe inhalant.—Advt.
ing Po»t. -' '.
> -._- '...- : . "TTdusiri-ACRE, KARORI. SNIP.
notice. ,
"*" Entrance, Evening Post. ' 4560 (two rings, Mrs. Dowling).
**■ Corner- A few drops on the handkerchief, re-
BROWN ing Liver Pill so much spoken about. rpp LET, Superior Bed-Sitting-room, all
Sell, 7-roomed Residence, Peas, the genuine health-giv-
--■--^WANTED, BROOKLYN WANTED one floor, Karori. excellent petition,
"So" Buy," teopmeA House; sunny with nice outlook, beautifully pap Sold by Geo. Mcc, Lambton-quay, and all day -*■ conveniences; persons" engaged by
Will Patients please return any loaned CUBA AND GHUZNEE STREETS
Now under Management of Mr. J. R. ISLAND
newed every few hoars, will enable you
BAY VIGILANCE COM- to carry everywhere yo_ go a pleasant
■"TXPISTE.--"■;-■"- ■;"■;_- n
age'ijts. -. Apply.Cash Up, Evening Poet.
handy tram; no: ered and painted,
electric light, porcelain Chemists Is 6d preferred; references. Waimea, 278,
Bottles, Jars, Basins, etc., and Helpers
kindly claim them at the Depot 1 Whetter, late Chef, Grand Hotel, Dunedin. MITTEE. and convenient protection against in-
fection. Being highly volatile, Nazol
bath, pantry, scullery, two rooms, 20ft x MAKE Keys and mend Keys, sell Kitchen under his personal supervision. is able to penetrate tine innermost: nose

'. '
; pondence. .
an Experienced TYPISTE
and STENOGRAPHER,'for corres- WANTED"*to..SeII,-5-r6ls. Rankin
C. M. BANKS, LTD.,. ..
., „.„, , , ing nedy's Books of Electrical

ply 19, .Hay-street, Oriental Bay.

13ft each, woodshed, storero6m, also shed
Ken- suitable for large motoricar, nearly half to any lock. Wycherley, under No. 1, 12s.
"ah'd'Con'tif'uctioh";' price"£Z 15s. (Ap- House insured for £550; built heart' totara
., Price
lar>d, practically
Keys and lend Keys, and fit Keys ."pO room,
level, valued £575. Willis-street. 'Phone 568.

£825; £125 deposit; absolute snip. CREOZEEN, for Spraying about

LET, large Double Bed-Sitting-
all conveniences, o.L, h.w.b.,
Maraama-ereacent, up Aro-streel.
LET, in gentleman's residence, «x-
The Inhalation Chamber will Close
Down on Sunday Night.
Renovated throughout.
ences. Permanent Boarders, 30s
'Phone 2202. or write Management.

Ghuijnee-street, Wellington.
per week. Centra] Office*
'Phone 3660 (two rings).
throat passages, and used constant-
ly is assuredly one of the most reliable
safeguards against the present epidemic.
BE OPEN AS FROM MONDAY, Sold everywhere, Is 6d a bottle.-—-Advt.
- 11, Grey-rtreet.' - : ENGLISH LAWN MOWER. See sole agent quickly, immediate pbs- Drains, etc., an absolute Disinfect- HPO ----1 oeptionally large Sitting and Bed- Officer in Charge. The Travelling Public will be pleased to WILL
-essioii. M'lntyre and Co., 215, Lambton ant, Is and Is 6d. Bring your bottle. The rooms. 'Phone 4534. 2nd DECEMBER: BEST FOR INFLUENZA.
Sell, Green'sSJlenß Messor, quay. Sims Hardware Co. note the above has been taken over by
WANTED to Sell, full-size Rimu Bed^: WANTED
'suitable large lawns, mowling green, to Lend, from £10 to £1000, rpo
LET, on The Terrace 2 very nicely Mr. and. Mvs. Fix..
10 : am. to 12 o'clock; 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.; as Many authorities consider that Nazol

... ONEY BANK OF SfEW ZEALAND. Every Comfort assured.

steads £1 9s 6d, Single
' all fitted with my patent joints, rigid as Vendor, Evening-Post.
£1 6s 6d, 50s; also 2 Gent's Bikes, 35s and 50s.
- NAPTHALENE Crystals—Wanted,
fers 6cwt clean English Crystals,
of- upon Furniture, Pianos, Life Poli-
suitable furriers, woollen goods, etc. Bur- cies, War Loan Certificates, and Bonds. 155, Featherston-sbreet.
furnished Rooms, with use of con-
Apply M'Neill and Co., Ltd., Letters and telegrams receive immediate 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
a preventive of Influenza and
Pneumonia is absolutely one of the
a rock, -over 3000 sold in Wellington alone;, . ..: . ,-"£so DEpoSIT.
finest specifies in the : market. .Un-
: also Wire and Kapok Mattresses, all sizes - Sell,' 5 Rooms (one floor),
bery. Chemist, Hataitai. Apply; THOMAS RICHARDSON, 33,
Willis-street. Tel. 718. r¥TO LET, very nicely furnished Rooms, NOTICE is hereby given that the Half-
yearly General Meeting of the Pro-
Tel. 348. Box, Te Arc, 46.
W. FIX. Proprietor.
Until Further Notice.
questionably, as as inhalant it it vast-
in stock, factory to public direct.
Newtown; hot water, porcelain TLTAIRDRESSER'S
bath, c.1.,' gas cooker; deep section (near aJL
Tradesman desires
Employment, or would lease sal- . THE PEN DOCTOR. J- in different parts of the city. Apply
M'Neill and Co., Ltd., 155, Feathenston-
prietors of
the Bank of New Zealand will
be heW in tho Banking House in Welling- "NOTICE. C. C. ODLIN, ly superior to formalin and other pre-
parations possessing the serious draw-
The best fountain Pens are
Famous Wooden Bedstead Maker, . tram); price.£550. Solr agent", R. Wil- ing oon. State terms to Hairdresser, Even-
WANTED— Onoto, Waterman, and Swan, easy street. ton on FRIDAY, tho 6th day of DE- Official Organieer. back of being decided irritants. Ob-
39, Cambridge-terrace.
(1) son
immediately for a term
of 12 months, 5 or 6-roomed fur- with returned soldier (about 35 years) tak-
means, would consider partnership
are invited for a nished House, any suburb. Reply Care- ing up land. Apply Land, Evening Post. Uhristchurch. efficient. J.C., Sun Office, rpo LET, close to car, Newtown, 2 un-
filling. I
Lady, educated, Jeffery, 218. Lambton-quay.

eoII and

them. Geo.
for engage-
LET, furnishedFlat, eJ., gas range,
private entrance. Apply 90, Kel-
'Phone 2254.
CEMBER, 1918, at 11 o'clock a,m.
The Transfer Books of the Bank will be
Closed from Friday, the 15th day of
November, to Friday, the 6th day of
T\ON'T forget that the CENTRAL
is under entirely new management. Best EPIDEMIC COMMITTEE.
tainable everywhere. Is 6d sixty doses.

Position as Traveller upon the staff of fUl Tenant, 80x*"489," G:P*O.
L. D. Nathan and Co., Ltd., Auckland
- "S^TACANT, large Furnished Bedroom,
,-T 2 beds; also single room; ladies or
TAFF Officer requires Board and Re- ences, suit married couple, no children.
furnished Rooms, with conveni-
December (both days inclusive).
By order of the Board.
Is meal in town. Open every Sunday.
rfIHE Committee of the above -svill Dis-
_L continue Operations, and tho Inhala-
tion Chamber will be Closed ac from 6
Thorough knowledge wholesale-grocery
'and foreign fancy trade essential; experi-
ence of wind and spirits preferred. Sal-
ary and allotment of Eorritorj' depferidettt' piano;-11-rooms;- 2 -kitchens, £350, imme- -
WANTED Sell, balance of Leasehold,
with .furniture, ...including new. Vivian-street.
gentlemen in business preferred. 159, handy sidence, private family preferred, Apply Post Agency, Nowtown.

Woman requires Light Du-

ing Post.
to city. Apply Junior Sub, Even- njlO LET,
Double Bed-Sitting Room,
■*" electric light, hot and cold, all coo-
General Manager.
Wellington, Bth November, 1918. . WANGANUI.
p.m. on SUNDAY NEXT, let DEC.
Until then all calla and inquiries are to
Department of Public Health,
District Health Office, Wellington.

upon applicant's experience. diate possession, very central. A. E. RELIABLE ties, business house preferred. Write MILKTNG~PIant for Safe, Zealandia, venieaces,
4 stand plant, famous 1.H.C., 2 Oak.
■ 49, Dixon-street, opp. RoyaJ "FORBES'S" IMPERIAL be made at the Inhalation Chamber. Tele- MARBLE BARS, REFRESHMENT
::::::,;.. notic_Tto'_meloyers. *.. : Carver, 149, Lambton-;quay. ■-.- Trust, Evening Post. h.-p. engine, vacuum, pump, spare bucket, HOTEL,
WANTED,: Buyer?: ,WiJnu.t_ Is 2d lb, and Residence required by all accessories, in good order; only in use ROOMS to Let, in Majoribanks-street. LAND AGENTS. .
.".preference of employment . . Brazil JNiite. Is. 9,dTjb, S.qft-.shell Almonds moderate.
Barcelona (new season) BOARD Is 6d lb, young business lady, city terms; one season. Address Milko, Evening Post. 3 Address Evening Post. mo TAKE NOTICE that my Property Centrally situated. After Sunday any Urgent Calls may be
Convenient to train, made or asawtance obtained from the WHEREAS in pursuance of the powew
conferred upon him by Section IS
Reply Permanent, Evening
HOUSEKEEPER. "-V. at Khandallah is WITHDRAWN tram, and steamer. Town Hall. Telephone 2281. of The Publio Health Act, 1908, the
''. for returned.: soldiers. 2s -lb,- Sicily-Almonda 2s-6d- lb, Jordan Post. N. MACKENZIE FORBES, District Health Officer at Wellington did,

English Lady Position from Sale.
you have a Vacancy to fill, you can a limited quantity Lemon Squash on
*Slmb"lidS 5s lbf TMu'scatck'Ts"*lb. We have INSURANCE. YOUNG m Housekeeper to gentleman; reli-
who hae for over 20 -1 able, capable. Apply Liverpool, Evening
wants I
Proprietor. The final meeting of the Committee will by notice dated the fifteenth day of Nov-
be held at 5 p.m. on FRIDAY NEXT, ember, 1918, require that for the purpose
IF ■ possibly secure a SUITABLE MAN hand;'-quart bottles, 2s, made only from ADVERTISER,
lemons. We guarantee each bottle. years held the position of Insurance i Post. Of
29th November, 1918.
PRIVATE HOTEL, Oriental 6th DECEMBER, when a Report and a of more effeotually checking or'prevent-
of Accounts will be presented " ing the spread of influenza, air marble
by communicating with
. THE OFFICER-IN-CHARGE, MRS. LEMPRIERE, 90, Willis-street a CHANGE, and would be glad of Ap-
(Three doorß abovo Evening Post).
Manager for.a, Leading Company, desires
resses, Helps, Nurse (one child, ALLIED MANUFACTURE
ORIENT Bay.—The most charming spot in Statement
Wellington, facing the harbour. Cross to the members.
■ | * - bars, refreshment rooms, and tern rooms
DISCHARGED:SOLDIERS' INFORMA- ":--;- : BOOT TRADE. pointment elsewhere. Thorough know- "jYj" A S 8 TO-MORROW. the road stay time and have a dip. Seven All persons having claims against the be olosed except during certain speoified
ledge of all branches of Fire,, Accident, boy, assist cook), Housemaids, Porter. and whereas it is now desirable to
an Operator for Welter and and Marine Business. Apply, in first in- ;
'Phone 3880.
HAVE undoubtedly proved their ex- minutes from the city. Tram terminus at Committee are requested to forward their ' hours,
Aitken-street, Wellington.- -■■■■-"■-■". WANTED,
Blake*;for fortnight, or permanent; stance, to , SECRETARY.
ceptional worth, and in this great
conflict of arms victory has gone to the
tho door Beautifully furnished. Excel-
lent cuisine. Country visitors specially accounts - modify to some extent snch restrictions,
at once, to the undersigned, at in regard to Wellington City and Suburbs:

* Telephone _18<*£ obliging. Apply F.A.M., P.O. Box 1491, WeUington. Now, therefore, I, Michael Herbert
—-'- '■■■ wages
-no- Object-
P. Thomson," 182. *Tinakori-road,*t
LADY, well educated and experienced,
of obtaining above Posi- famous countries which manufacture such world-
pianos as WADESTOWN—7.4S a.m. catered for. Terms on application to
Box 757, G.P.O*
Watt, District Health Officer, in pur-
, Purchasers for Seaside SAINT-JAMES, . Apply Experienced, Evening Post. J. J. M'GRATH, suance of the said power and for the
to Sell, Contents of 7-rd. WATERLOO-ROAD, LOWER HUTT. THE BRINSMKAD NORTHLAND-9 a_n. Telephone 354A. Telegrams Kiosk,
Officer ia Charge. said purpose, do hereby revoke suoh no-
Cottages facing beach and near,
6 rooms £480, 4 rooms £460, 4 rooms
well-furnished house, option of
renting; prioeu £150; every modern con- BOARDING
French Violin for Sale; no deal-
era. Apply F.W.C., Evening Post
J Wellington. ■ ' "
tice in so far as it applies to marble bars,
refreshment rooms, and tea rooms in
leasehold £160. Now is the time to se- venience, . telephone, eto.; superior looali- N GIRLS. THE ROGERS. WHERE TO STAY IN CHRIST' Wellington City and Suburbs, and do
cure one of these properties, ask any doc- ty. Particulars ring 'Phone 234. Principal: VACANCY for a Lady Boarder. Ap-
ply 146, The Terrace. These names represent Pianos which are
CTTY FISH MARKET. CHURCH. rjOOKHAM HOUSE, hereby require that all marble bars,_ re-
MISS GERALDINE FITZGERALD. throughout the world, and are ,-.'.'' freshment rooms, and tea rooms., within,
tor and lie.will advise you to get out of ANTED, Pupils for Piano, Mando- E R A I* MANNERS-STREET. Wellington City and Suburbs be closed' ex-
for Boarders. Next recognised as incomparable for their con-
the town "thei to seaside,^and inhale the
lin,". violin, Guitar, Banjo, VACANCIES £1 Is Term commences
Signor Vadala, 163, Willis-st. 1919. School Telephone No. 115, Lower home, to people away during day;
FEBRUARY, Bedroom to Let,
private struotion, durability, touch, and tone. /■\ WING to the Epidemic, the City Fieh
Victoria-square, Christohuroh.
D. COLLINS Proprietor Alfour cept between tho hours of 8 a.m. and G
p.m., as from and including Monday, the
tea air and be clear of'the epidemic.
Wahted" Sell, 'M-nddlihg*,'* Violin. . use
Hutt. dining room, kitchen, conveniences; THESE FAMOUS PIANOS Market, Jervois-quay, has been (Late Clarendon Hotel). second day of December, 1918.
The advertiser has. learned"frdiu experi- Prospectus may be obtained ivova the fa-L Apply Healthy, Evening Post, cen- Have stood the All comnaunioatkuw receive prompt GIRLS' BOOTS Dated at Wellington this 30th day of
ANTED Known—We are cutting the
ence Only genuihe.^purchasers dealt "..prioa. ;.,.Ladies'„One:Bar Walking Secretary, P.O. Box 486, Wellington, or ! test of time and wear, and
maintain their distinguished reputation cloeed, but will REOPEN ON MONDAY attention.
Telephone 1040. 2279. Awl November, 1918.
with Address Epidemic,l Evening Post. Shoes, 12s 9d. Martin's, Terminus, Cour- from the Principal. RICHARDSON BROS., for superb quality of tone. Box 532. M. H. WATT,
Buyers of Household Fnrnitur* NEXT, 2nd DECEMBER, when bneineaj
" tenay-place.
. ANTED Known—Leonart
'"'"-.- ■-' ■"'
CASH or surplus stocks in any quantities.
Highest prices, given. 'Phone 2684a. 206, oharming
We are Agents for theso beautiful and
instruments, and we would be will be transacted as usual. CARLTON HOTBL, SBOKS District Health Offioar.
A . N *VJB_**".,;-.*J>, etc.
Wood Stains for floors,
Satisfaction gu.arg,nteed. Sole prcj- HAVE
furniture, you ever realised what a va_t, Cuba-street, opp. People's Palace. I delighted to have the opportunity of de-
monstrating to you, at our Parkmre, their FRESH AND SMOKED CLEANLINESS
An setootsd for Comfort, Appeaxtnoa,
and INFLUENZA: .>-
T-y *-, T. :
-prietors,- Tingey's, Manners-street. -2s, do to-day compared
amount of reading, and writing you
and Convalescent Cooking. great splendour.
SAlisWOMAif":' :i.'x.:'.largo.3>6ttle. INVALID
For our
R HANNAH ANDpO,,* LTD., "**"..
Apply to
'.. :*.... *"*;.
-Known—-Now*s.'your chance,
"overjstock:"*Ladies' filace- Court tense work your eyes are doing, it i»
parents ?
When you. consider the amount of in-
See National Cooking Book, Is od
Dropheads, round spool, or terms.
Wo coll these instruments for cash, or,
27, Te Aro, or Booksellers, if necessary, can offer particularly liberal
contains the most
be?t-_pjakgs. ~*!.Be 9d.-;, Martin's, little wonder that your vision becomes SINGERS,
Boot Warehouse, Leods-sS., Wellington Shoes, Tor., long shuttle, £5 15s; Standard Rot- MRS. PAULSENV Propriety**. powerful germicide known to medical
Tram- Oourfepy--placy.'. '
defective. ary, £3 10s; White, £3 10s; Wortheiru, NEW ZEALAND EDUCATIONAL IN- FUNERAL CARD. ' science, and will, if taken at the onset,
-AT LOWER HUT-T.- Correct glasses relieve the eyes by help- £2 10s; latest 66 Cabinets, cheap; Hand, CHAS. BEGG & CO., LTD., STITUTE (Reg.). DESTROY ALL EVIL INFLUENCE
JEWELLER'S ASSISTANT.".. :by._respe6i'abTe couplo and ing them. £2 10s and 30s. Wellington Machine Co., MANNERS-ST., WELLINGTON. WELLINGTON BRANCH-
X Moore Fris-de of the late to Oswald James OF INFLUENZA or SPANISH GRIPPE
REQUIRED are invited attend his 1 GERMS within twelve hours.
dow dresser
for Christchurch,- GOOD
ASSISTANT'; must be good "win- Bcpiy
Apply first inetanfle*,
- child (3^),

Half Unfurnished House.
J^ngDnial,'Evening. Post:
Make an appointment with'
41, Kent-terrace.
Widow wishes meet re- ■JVfRS. HUNT., Magnetic He»ter,
MEMBERS are urgently requested *o
forward Arrears of Subecription-
Palmerstou North.
Situated in Rangitikei-stfeet.
Funeral, which will leave his late resid-
ence, Johnwouvillo, p.m.,
let December), at 4
To-morrow (Sunday,
for tbe Oba-nu
Hunter-etreet Evening Posti
rt-SPEED, clutch and kiok start, now
& tires, any trial. Apply Urgent Sale,
Customhouss-quay. .WeUiagtan^ , stances,
_! fined elderly

Widower, fair circum- "*"*" "
view to above. Apply C.G,, Post 27, Home-street, off Kent-Uti'nc*.
Lower Huij,
Health Specialist. Medical Di*«noso. J, C. BURNS,
Hon. Treat.
W. S. SMITH. Manager.
Guests guaranteed Attention, Comfort,
Catholic Cemetery.
Und-rt-k-rawl Emhebaer. 1
Chemist and Publio Vaccinator,
56, Manners-street.


CITY SANITATION housee habitable or in securing their de-
molition. The council and its officer*
hare invariably given effect to the re-
quirements of the Public Health Depart-
Those, it /V l3C«i" """"ifik of
8 a.m.—Holy Communion. TO-MORROW: meat, and no complaint has been re- AUCKLAND'S ANNOYANCE AN OWNER'S POINT OF VIEW *, MUNITIONS AND SUPPLIES
11 a-m.—Matins and Holy Communion.
Offertories Riven to the Diocesan Clergy WESLEY CHDRCH, Tarunki-strMt—
Pension Fund.
ceived. On the other hand, the coun-
cil's officers have frequently requested A CITIZENS' MEETING. "The other side" is put by the owner INTERESTING STATEMENT. 'Of the KIDDIES:" *' '.' "^^Kr '

CITY ENGINEER'S REPLY the District Health Officer to inspect, of some cottage property let out to
with a view to condemnation or to re- weekly tenants. The imprecations so will make lovely ■

jgT. PETER'S PARISH. Divine Service at 11 a.m., R«r. 3. quiring that steps be taken to render (IT XHJKJBAPI.—FMM ASSOCIATION.) An interesting statement in' regard to

houses habitable and to put same into AUCKLAND, 29th November. often invoked upon the landlord are re-

G. Chapman. RESPONSIBILITY AND RECOM- the Munitions and Supplies Department
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
MENDATIONS. a sanitary condition. There has at no
time been any real difference of opinion.
The statement made by the Minister re-
ferred to Auckland, but leaves the im-
At a citizens' meeting the Mayor (Mr.
Gunson) said that if the matter lay with
Dr. Frengley, the city had nothing to
sented by tho correspondent, who de-
scribes the housing legislation as unfair
and unjust. It was passed, the writer
was made by the^ Minister in Charge
(Hon. Arthur M. Myers) yesterday even-
11 a.m., Matins and Holy Communion. Divine Serrioa at 11 a.m. Mr. Recently a good deal has b'eon heard ing.
fear, but if left to the Minister in Wel- complains, without calling evidence for
No Sunday School.
No Evening Service.
Charlton. o{ the allegedly insanitary state of Wel-
lington City, and the Mayor (Mr. J. P.
pression that the same conditions apply
in Wellington.
In some cases action taken by the
lington, who might telegraph that a ves- the other side—the landlord's side. In The Minister stated that as regards
priority permits, the work had already Sec our line selection of-XMAS'-CAKOS j . 1 H||^
QT. MARK'S. DUFFERIN-STREET. TUTETHODIST CHURCH. Ljke) asked the City Engineer to pie- council in conjunction with the Public
Health Department in securing the de-
sel should be cleared, ag he had done in
the case of the Niagara, there was cause
a great many cases owners of small cot-
tages have become so as a reeult of dropped considerably, and lie was at pre- and CALENDARS! ; / # SilP
pare a report on th« subject. Mr. Mor-
— for alarm. The statement by the thrift on their part. They have put their sent in communication with tpa High
molition of insanitary buildings has
8 ».m.
WELLINGTON SOUTH CIRCUIT. ton's report is as follows: been defeated, as also were steps taken Minister that measles was rife in Auck- savings into cottages as an investment; Commissioner, inquiring as to what the
11 a-m.—Litany and Holy Communion. "I desire to draw attention to state- to require the cleaning up of premises. land was contrary to fact and contrary moreover, they supplied at the time 1a wishes of the Imperial authorities were
THE TRINITY AND DONALD ments recently made by the Hon. the There can be no doubt that in Wel- to Dr. Frengley's opinion. public want. Those interested ■in house in this connection. It would appear
M'LEAN-STREET CONGREGATIONS Minister of Public Health in connection lington—particularly the district known Mr. Savage assured the meeting that property should be heard by a, commit- that the Ministry of Munitions in the
11 a.m.—Holy Communion. as Te Aro flat—there are many houses no ship would be allowed by the water- tee of inquiry before further legislation United Kingdom would gradually relax
St. Mark's Sunday School will not meet will units at 11 a.m. for a SERVICE OF with the epidemic which has spread which were built on insufficient land siders to berth if there was the slightest on this matter is placed pn the Statute control over the export of various com- 44 WILLIS STREET
again until after the Summer Holidays. INTERCESSION, conducted by Rev. E. dancer of infection. modities, but until such'relaxation they
Drake. throughout the Dominion, and to bring and in areas much too congested. These
TbVMayor is supported to the full by Book. Property owners were entitled would exercise a supervision over the
buildings have, however, been erected to a fair return on their money, say, 6
the following points before your notice:
Wellington South.
„ISLAND BAY—II a.m., Rev. Dr. Pin-
"It is necessary to differentiate be- for many years, and before the corpora- other civic authorities. per cent. net. The rent value is based various orders executed, and therefore,
no doubt, they would meantime require
tween (a) The introduction and spread of
tion had obtained the powers which it upon the Government valuation, which
--- V'v [
The Demobilisation "*fll§r**Nv \
his comments on the local aspect of each
XSO a.m., Litany; 8 a-m., Holy Com-
munion ; 10.30 a.m., Matins and Sermon; mHORNDON METHODIST CIRCUIT. infectious
diseases; (b) the general pub-
lic health of the city; (c) the health of
now possesses. In Wellington the en-
forcement of regulations to prevent over- MINISTERIAL STATEMENT is wrong in principle, inasmuch as the
valuation is a depreciated one. Figures order. As regards coal control, this work
during the last two years had involved
11.30 a.m., Holy Communion. crowding has for many years past been are quoted in support of this assertion,
Molesworth-street—ll a.ra., Mr. H. P. the city as affected by the epidemic. considerable discretion to secure the con-
ST. CUTHBERTS, .Berhampore. Mourant; 3 p.m., Rev. G. W. Jack- ''The measures to be taken in prevent-
stringently exercised, and any com- "CLEAN UP THE FILTHY SLUMS." and concrete instances of dwelling-pro- I
tinuity of business to the satisfaction of
11 a.m., Matins and Sermon.
(Special Offertories for Diocesan Pennion son. ing the- introduction of infectious dis-
Karori—ll a.m., Rev. J. H. White; 3 eases must be considered as one of tha
plaints of congestion must refer to
buildings which were erected many years The Minister of PuHic- Health inform-
perties at Thorndon are furnished. ■In
the case of two seven-roomed houses the ' all interests. The Minister signified Bfc
was disposed to relinquish control as
*li§siiilß /STjRSb^
Is a matter-which concerns many
people at the present, time, and
IT** ■*§®M WEPW%&\
Fund.) ed a reporter last night that he had for-

p.m., Rev. A. Reader. .primary duties of a Public Health De-

ago. " valuation for both in 1907 was £1345— soon as the conditions warranted such a
Northland—ll a,m., Rev. A. Reader; 3 partment, and must necessarily be made RESULT OF WAR CONDITIONS.
warded the following reply to the Mayor
of Auckland in response to his tele-
houses £1100, land £245. The rental at step. As regards the control of petrol,
men will be requiring various■*"""■
/t""vV?*wJ^^fflßßS \
PARISH 8 per cent, on these properties would be

OF WADESTOWN-NORTH- p.m., Rev. W. Day.
Wadestown —St Luko's: Holy
munion, 8 a.m.; Morning Service and
Litany, 11 a.m..

Hatsutai—ll, Chaplain Seamer.

Northland—St. Anne's: Tho Bishop of Maramii—ll, Rev. P. T. Read, C.F.
to the whole of the Dominion.

for preventing the spread of
infectious disease must also be deter-
Public Health Department,
as the health of the whole Dominion is
During the war there has been a great
influx of people to Wellington, conse-
quent upon the military camps and other
military establishments which have been
created here. There can be no doubt
"The statement I made will not be con-
tradicted by me on any assertions made
by you in opposition to the information
I received. It appears to me that by
equal to £108 per annum. But on the
1914 valuation they are valued
£1070—houees £780, land £290; and the
return on, the 8 per cent basis is but
£86 per annum, or £43 per annum per
the situation largely depended on th«
facilities afforded by the U.S.A. and
British Governments for export. The
Minister hoped shortly to secure- useful
information which, when received, he
Clothing ®.Mercery I
When.il«Bf come back to civilian
aWhesT M; "would remind you
WHESf^Uf/ si.
. endangered by insufficiency of the meas- that many houses are badly overcrowd- house. Again four houses, also at would place before the Bo><tfd of Trade, that you can shop to best advan- "lil<%S \illiJkL. ./
Wellington will hold a Confirmation at 11
' a.m. Woraer Bay—3, Rev. F. T. Read, C.F ures adopted.
"The general public hoalth of a city
ed. It is difficult to say how this could
endeavouring to..inflame the people of
Auckland against the Public Health De- Thorndon. were valued in 1907 at £3000 who would ij» *>üB% in considering tage at our store. We are agents. WlMmrj^^
No Evening Services and no Sunday have been prevented. During the war partment you are seeking to distract (land and dwellings). The rental from suns.,-«oiisult the representative oil trade for Burberry'i, Stetson's,- and ■

Schools. " No Sunday Schools or " Evening Ser- should be the care of the local author- period from August, 1914, to date, there public attention from the revolting con- them at 8 per cent., each house let at' committee., with whom they have, so other makes that count.
ity, which can take measures for com- far, co-operated when tendering advice


bating disease only within its boun-

I "The health of a city during an epi-
have been erected in the city -of Wel-
lington 1179 dwellings and 16 shops and
dwellings, showing an additional accom- ...
ditions proved to exurt in your city.
As Minister of Public Health I
am acting on the advice -of experienced,
£60, was £240. The same properties in
1914 were valued at £2680, and the
rentals at 8per cent, totalled £214. The
on important questions arising out of the
la*«' aJ G«tle«ei's Outfitter,
modation for about 6000 persons. The scientific men, which I prefer to that gross total valuations of these properties During the last three yeans the Minis- LJI7 D O DTD 1017 54-56WiUi.St.;
Roy. G. W Dent, Vioar.
Rev. G. Knowles-Smith. demic requires extraordinary care and
measures to be adopted by the local
erection of buildings during this period
received from you. The papers here were as follow : — ter has controlled the expenditure of
Fl£iAD« 1 I\.lV>Ej9 WELLINGTOir;.,
8 a.m.—Holy Communion.
11 a,m. —Holy Communion.
11 a.m., Webb-stneet—Short Interces- authority and the hospital authorities in
sory Service. order to wip<> out the disease.
has been greatly retarded by reason of
the conditions prewuling during the
war, particularly the scarcity of labour
and materials and the high cost of same.
quote you as saying, That if the Minis-
ter of Public Health will not protect
this community it will become my duty 1907
Land Houses Rent
about £4,500,000, which has procured
upwards of 90,000.000 articles. At the
present time the Department is busy
cancelling and adjusting existing con-
.'. "■■ :" ■
r'" '::."."." J ■: J) .:.:
The Missioner will be pleased if friends j DISEASE FROM OVERSEA.
It is perfectly clear that had it not as Mayor to take adequate steps to1 1917 1010 3750 300
tracts to meet the demobilisation pro-
will give information of any special cases. The epidemic prevailing in New Zea- afford "the protection which is its due. The rent is taken in both instances at
QT. HILDA'S CHURjDH, ISLAND Telephone A2622. land was introduced from overseas, and been for conditions arising out of tho Well, go, and do it now. Clean up the
ceeding in the training camps. The Min-
war ■ and the establishment of military 8 per cent. In the seven years period ister is able to report that he and his
BAY. it lias spread through the-entire length
BAPTIST CHCRCH I I and breadth of the Dominion. camps in this district tho number of filthy slums and disease-breeding places above dealt with land values have been advisers have for somo months past act-
WELLINGTON of your city. There lies your oppor-

Rev. S. Beckingham.
It is clear that the steps taken to
j prevent the introduction and spread of
houses provided for the permanent
population of Wellington would have
sufficed, and it is difficult to isee under
tunity. Please also remember that you
must obpey the law and set an example.
increased £165 and house values have.
been decreased on the Government
showing by £760, and the houses ore
ed on the side of caution in arranging
fresh contracts, and coneecpiently the De-
partment is not involred in commitments
Great Beace Sale I
No Sermon.
at 11 a.m. the
Morning*—ll; "The Attractiveness of ths completely
disease were totally inadequate, and
failed. No portion of the
the circumstances what action apart
from private enterprise and necessity
If you choose to take matters into yonr
hands and defy the law you will find
as Minister of Public Health, wiD
bat twelve years old. The net decrease
on the valuation of the premises is
beyond those reasonably necessary to
procure needful supplies. This policy at SCHNEipfeMAN & SONS
WEDNESDAY, 4th DECEMBER;- Dominion has been isolated. could have been taken to provide housing that I,out £595, and the rent is decreased on the
J. G. CASTLE, Vicar.
Thank Offering Day. Pastor will be in From the instructions issued from time for a temporarily increased population.- carry my responsibilities \o the let- 8 per cent, basis'by £48.
will also have its bearing on the stocks ' (Tailors iintt'CattaaMJiV''"■'" -■.'-. - |K^^_
NOW ON,,' ■-"igf~~
held in the military stores when peace
5.30 p.m., and 7 to 8 to time by the medical profession it is ter without fear." The correspondent showa how a gross
JAMES'S CHURCH, LOWER p.m. from 3 to
Veatry is finally reached.
clear that the spread of the disease is
caused..by discharges from the mouth CIENT. MEASLES ON THE MAKURA. return of 12 per cent, on house property
would only yield a net return of 6 per SHIPPING.

nose of a person suffering from the In replying to a telegram from the 750 HAND-MADE SUITS (Made on the Knee)
ADVENT SUNDAY, Ist DECEMBER. "DROOKLYN BAPTIST CHURCH. and disease, and which may be inhaled or
The existing powers ' for the inspec- Auckland Citizens' Committee, the Min- cent to the property owner. This is ar- As regards shipping, especially as far
Holy Communion, 11 a.m.'; Evensong 3 tion of the interior of dwellings is not ister states that the Department realises rived at as follows:—lnterest on as it affected the tonnage available in- made on the premises ' '
Rev. W. S. Rollings. swallowed by healthy persons. There is sufficient. Under the Public Health capital 6 per cent., £6; rates, 15s; wards to New Zealand from Australia, Schneideman & Sons are offering these suits mWiV/}msfimks
' p.m.
Christ Church, Taita—Holy Communion,
9 cum.
11 a,m. to 12, Divine Service.
Strangers and Visitors Welcome.
no. evidence that the disease is spread
through filth or ..insanitary conditions,
Act an inspector can enter business pre-
mises during ordinary business hours.
its full responsibilities, and that it is act-
ing on the advice of the Chief Health insurance, 10a; repairs, plumbing,
maintenance generally, £1; allowance
the Minister expressed the hope that the
situation would improve early next
at greatly reduced prices to celebrate the end,
of the Great War, and they will make this
Epuni Schoolroom—Service 11 a-m. but it is clear that the spread is brought Officer, that it will not permit the Mayor
BAPTIST CHURCH. aboct by human intercourse. In dwellinghouses *h« entry must be be- and Citizens' Committee to take what- for bad debts, legal expenses, rent year, but tho present dislocation due to great Peace Sale the talk of Wellington.
No Evening Services allowed yet. TTJERHAMPORE tween the honrs of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., collection, and sundries, £1 ss; de- the prevailing epidemic made it difficult
It would appear that an attempt is and the inspector may not enter any ever steps they may consider necessary if
preciation of house, £2 10s; total, £12 for bim to say that a definite improve- JUST A REMINDER flffiSlftftM
11 a.m., Service. these Bteps in any way contravene the
MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS, being made to distract public attention room of a dwellinghouse unless the occu- per cent, per annum. ment could be expected at an early date.
ST. KELBURN. \ All Are Welcome. from the failure to prevent the intro-1
duction of the disease, and the subse-
pier consents. These restrictions as to
right of entry into dwellinghouses can
law, and that if such steps axe taken the
law will be fully vindicated. "With the There has to be taken into account For some time past the importations of
that these suits are not Box-Suits, but ate
made' the same way as' the suits yon get }Mm ifli^i*^B^
FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. view of adequately protecting Auckland in, the matter of repairs and mainten- coal have been down to the barest mini- measured for, by your tailor.' The only CTffPi
TSLAND BAY BAPTIST CHURCH. quent failure to isolate the locality into only be removed by an order from the
from the possibility of a visitation of ance the tremendous increase in the mum, whilst hardwood required for many difference is YOU -PA-^-; HALF THE PRICE. ; -t.ffl|K4 i^M
Services will be as follow:—

which it was first introduced by draw- District Health Officer or a Magistrate measles," added the Minister, " the fol- prices of all materials and higher paid 1
important..undertakings has received no
8 a.m.—Holy Communion. SUNDAY SERVICE. ing attention to and magnifying the evil in respect to a particular dwelling. Dur- lowing steps have been taken, and I may labour. The opinion is firmly held by attention' whatever for some time past,
11 a.m!—Matins and Holy Communion. Honing—ll a-m., results that might arise from insanitary ing the present epidemic it has been say that the Government has in no way the correspondent that the Government i/ooking to the future, the Minister ex-
There will be no Sunday Sohooland no :,|^l
Evening Service. "Interoessory." conditions in the cities which have been
found; imperative to ignore these re-
strictions. In many cases the occupant been influenced in this connection by any
agitation set on foot by the Mayor of
should itself purchase the house proper-
ties if it will not permit their owners to
pects to see more tannage employed next
year in the importation of- wheat than
We guarantee to-fit aH figurosi and, 3 nec«»-
sary, make alterations .free 61.'charge."-...'.■-. -'■ jflSlti '
I^ONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. of the house is absent at the time of in- receive » net return of 6 per cent, on was ithe case this year, but no doubt, ■"'""""■■■
THE TERRACE-11 a.m.. Rev.
spection. The power of entry and in-
spection of private houses is attended
Auckland:—(l) Measles have been de-
clared an infectious disease under the their capital. As it is the property-
owner, who is letting houses, is willy-
vrader the altered conditions, tranship-
ment cargoes landed at Sydney and Mel-
SERVICES TO-MORROW: Glasson. Communion Offertory for
Pastors' Provident Fund.
It would be almost impossible to find
a city—more particularly an important
with considerable difficulty in many in-
stances, and I have come to the con-
Public Health Act, and consequently will
be notifiable and all the usual precau- nilly made to render at his own expense bourne would decrease, whilst there
We advise overyone to come and see for them-
selves and be convinced that -what ■,we say it ' Jljl|

'Jffi |j{|
Morning, at 11 o'clock—In the Concert CAMBRIDGE-TERRACE—Prayer Meet- seaport—where isolated oases of insani- tions taken. (2) In my previous tele- public service that the State should un- should be a prospect of tonnage available
ing 10.30 a-m.; Brief Service at 11. tary buildings, or where insanitary con-
clusion that such powers should be ex- gram to tho Mayor of Auckland I stated dertake. for .intercolonial employment increasing COTTec: ■". . come now; ".7",'^..'.'.l.ft»|
; "
'. M
Schneidemaa's Great-Peace Sale,""-"

Chamber, Town Hall. tended, and that for the inspection of that all passengers belonging to the Ma- during 1919, instead of being'depleted
Communion. (Rev. A. E. Hast). ditions due to the habits of a small sec- ill! Jag.
the interior of dwellinghouses a propor- ■by ..the. necessities,,',of,war pressure, as and yon
a.m., R«r. W. A. Evans.
(Newtown).—if tion of the community, did not exist.
The general public health of a city
tion of qualified women inspector*
should be provided.
kura would be held on board, and not
allowed to leave the ship until they had
passed through an inhaling chamber, and TAX-FREE LOANS
our experience proved during 1918. At |
th present time the Department is in
*" have no,reason to,repent it. ;■'■""■ ' —! "ml

sM W
S|J "

ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN mast be estimated by its death-rate. In frequent collaboration with the officials ;■
Vivian-etreet Citadel.
ARMY. Wellington the death-rat© compares fav-
ourably with that of any city in the
In conclusion, it appears necessary :—
that if it were found that there were
persons on board who proposed to land DANGER OF REPUDIATION. of the Union and other shipping com- A few Indigo Serges, latest models— ;,..
To be sold ..from £5/5/-
. J^i <M
NO SERVICES TO-MORROW. world, and equally with that of any city (a) That more stringent precautions in Auckland and were affected by panies concerned, and who are endea-
measles, they would be despatched to an vouring to utilise the limited space avail- Come now, and hay« your choice of Schneide- !Wo^ ffs
Special Intercessory Knee' Drill, 7 a.m. in this Dominion. should be taken to prevent infectious dis- infectious diseases hospital and isolated. In the course of a formal protest in able to the best advantage of the Do- man's great stock of Suits and Costumes. Wr

Our people are earnestly requested to Meeting, The present epidemic* has had no re- eases being introduced from other coun- the Legislative Council yesterday against minion. This work occasions consider-
Engage in Worship in their Own Homes Dedication and Holiness 11
spect for any class of the population or tries, and to prevent the dissemination If on arrival at Auckland it is found
the system of tax-free war loans, as con- able discernment, but, fortunately, all
and to make Special Intercession for the a.m.
many Sick and Bereaved.

any rlistrict within the city or suburbs,
but has treated all alike.
of such disease throughout the Dominion.
(b) That tho local as well as other au-
thorities should have their duties more
necessary to quarantine the Makura,
Motuihi Island will be employed for the
i purpose.
I cases
If only a small number of
require isolation, the buildings on
tinued by the Finance Bill, tho Hon. J.
T. Paul said that the ultimate result of
the creation of a large body of capital
businesses affected have so far been main-
tained, and those interested have patri-
otically accepted the decisions which
clearly defined. There should be no
overlapping with the hospital and chari- Motuihi used for the accommodation of —some fifty millions—not subject to
taxation and held by th© wealthier class,
pressure of circumstances have imposed.
When this branch of the Department 86 and 38 MANNERS STKEET, WELLINGTON
I bethefound
staff will be taken over. Should it
.. Service, 11 a.m.
Rev. W. Day.
11 a.in.—Celebration of the Lord's Sup-
per. Address: "Thankfulness in
About twenty-five extra sanitary in- table aid boards regarding
spectors, all of whom »re volunteers, which sliould be taken in connection
and inspired solely by a, sense of publin with the spread of infectious disease
the measures that a considerable number of
people require to be quarantined, the
.Chief Health Officer," and the District
would be to start a movement in the
country which might mean repudiation.
Another Government was bound to re-
work can be discontinued, the Minister
will be exceedingly pleased to return
to th(Jold order of business procedure,
I ' (Opposite'Everybody's Picture Theatre.)
"TTENT-TERRACE PRESBYTERIAN Heaven." duty, have been appointed in Welling- through a city, and greater powers are
"Ml , CHURCH ton, and the results of their inspections necessary for the local authority to enter, Health Officer will decide whether they verse this course. Other countries which is conducted exclusively between
Phillip*, Minister.
Wm. i have on the whole been very satisfac- inspect, and require proper sanitary con- shall be placed in the quarantine build- were quoted, but they bad reversed the companies and their clients.
SUNDAY, Ist DECEMBER. ings now occupied by the German pri- their course.
tory. As. might be expected, the worst ditions to be observed in the interior of
Preacher—Rev Dr. J. Kennedy Elliott. RINTOUL-ST., SOUTH. WELLINGTON soners of war, or in the canvas camp A member: Departed from it.
11 a,m. only. 11 t.m.—The Lord* Supper. conditions have been found in Central dwellings. occupied formerly by the Rarotongans. „ Mr. Paul: They have reversed their
. . NOT
-;! /UKL-\'y
Sunday School and Evening Servico will Wellington and in the district known m (c) While recognising that there should
'course. There might have been an If you in bed lio eick and sad,
j Te Aro flat.. . It is entirely left to the discretion and
be held on above date.
N.B.—Offertory for Presbyterian Or-
phanage is Postponed until further notice.
KILBIRNIE (Bay-road).
11 a,m.—The Lord* Supper. ' j
be some general control by the Public
The extra inspections included the in- Health Department in order that all ac-
teriors as well as the exteriors of dwell- tions regarding the spread of infectious
decision of the- two officers mentioned,
whether the Germans shall leave the
emergency calling for such a course in
the beginning, but it should not have
Because you've influenza bad
Or if-a. wheezy, chesty cold
Upon your lungs has taken hold, i
jSl^^^y TheBest Footwear Styles <>'
are PEARSON'S \\
irighouses, hotels, boardinghonses, and diseases shall be co-ordinated, I am of buildings and use the canvas camp, or been pursued. All lenders to the State To keep that cold from getting worse,
PRESBYTERIAN 11 a,m.—The Lord* Supper. restaurants. opinion that each of the four centres vice versa. It 'will be seen, therefore, should receive the same rate of interest. You'll need but littlo from your purse; at
ST. CHURCH. As might be expected, a number of would be better served if it had its own that every possible arrangement has been (Hear, hear.) t
Belief with promptness you'll assure,
Adelaide-road and Wellington South. LOWER HUTT. defects in roof coverings, eaves, gutters, medical officer, under whom would be
and down-piping have been found..Dar- placed the sanitary inspectors depart-
made, and that the agitation has been
entirely unwarranted. A clear line of
Sir Francis Bell said: "We have had By taking Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. I'
this protest from my honourable friend —Advt. ■ uWz^W&llsW&L
i I m&siisW**!?mgig&: '
difficulties are experienced by
patrons in obtaining: the footwear
11 a.m.—The Lord's Supper. 1 S^i^^^^^^^'
before, but not under the veiled threat
* they require at our premises, this 'i'
Morning, 11 o'olock.
For Meditation—Psalm rxxiii., 20 to 22. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY j
ing the war the scarcity (indeed, the al- ment. In addition to such work this
most impossibility) of obtaining sufficient officer could attend to numerous other
materials for renewals and the scarcity matters now necessary to be investigated

demarcation, added .the Minister, would
be kept between the quarantine patients
and the other occupants of tho island.
of repudiation."
Mr. Paul said he made no threat. He
only stated what the logical result of
1 11 " V^S^^^pi^^^- cater
'-teMS: due_to_the_.fact that we
" never i?r-^
le requirements Tor all,
failing-,to. provide the best
Minister—Rex. William Shirer. of labour—particularly plumbers—has and reported upon by a medical prac-
been acutely felt, but sanitary plumbing titioner. such a system must be.
Sir Francis Bell said that he did not I ' T^mriiW- quality styles which the world's I
PRESBYTERIAN to the decision of the Govern- and.drainage have' generally been found (d) Th« medical officer of the local HIGH TRIBUTES
ment that no Meetings are to be held
in good order and condition. authority should be. charged with the
Apart fromi defective roof coverings, responsibility of taking all measures ne-
think even those for whom Mr. Paul
spoke would do more than say to the ', CltWt if«l«ftrrSWli..Ore«t#r
Quality.:' |

after 5 p.m., the ChristianScience Society gutters, and (Bown-pipes, the most no- cessaTy to cope with the spread of infec- TO TWO V.M.C.A. OFFICERS. lenders that they must take their money Herewith we bririgr 'to .your' notice a few of the many really elegant |
SUNDAY, Ist DECEMBER. .-, .■...,■,.,..,■. '..line'sTwe"afe now. offering.-■:.
Kilbirnie, 11 a.m.—Rev. Hugh Beggs, will meet for the usual SUNDAY SER- ticeable of insanitary conditions were tious disease, and should act in conjunc-
due entirely to the dirty habits of a tion with the engineer in connection with
back. They would not break an honour-
able contract. If New Zealand started
(i Cents' Crockett and Jones' Tan Willow Calf Boots—On the 103
'. .'
1 'i>
VICE at 3 p.m. ■....■..:. ..
Roseneath, 11 a-m.—Mr. S. Mirams.
No Sunday Schools or Evening Ser- Sunday School will NOT assemble,
small section of the community. the condemnation and repair of buildings.
(c) The hospital and charitable aid
Feeling reference was made last even-
ing at the annual meeting of the Wel-
repudiating bargains she would soon
have the name of the worst country in < ',toe ,
Ladies' Havana Tan Clafie Court Shoes—Louis heels; in half
Price 55/- . 1
. ... ■:.' .: u-......... ... '.' .PMce 45/-*
I Dressmakers
vices. "
and for the same reason the Wednesday QUESTION OP RESPONSIBILITY. board should be responisble for the pro- lington Young Men's Christian Associa- the world, ami would find none to'do sizes- ■■" i>
The responsibility of dealing with in- vision of all additional and temporary tion to the death recently of Mr. A. E. business with her. He pointed out that , Ladles' Clace Court Shoes—lmitation brogue caps; jet buckle \ |
Evening Testimony Meeting -will NOT feetioug diseases was, by the Hospital hospitals
necessary to deal with an epi- Smith (acting general secretary). Mr. C. the greater part of the twenty million The World's ( ornaments,' Louis heels; half sizes : ~, ... .'... /Price «2/6

CHURCH.—II a.m., Public Worship. be held. This arrangement will remain

Preaoher—Rov. J. M. Thom6on, M.A. No until furthor notice. ;
and Charitable Institutions Amendment demic of infectious disease, together
Act of 1910 transferred entirely from the medical supervision ami attendance, nur-
with M. Luke (who was in the chair), moved
that the meeting put on record' its high
loan had already been subscribed, and
the Finance Minister would probably most famous 1
' ""■"■■

Ladies' Patent Two-Eyelet T'eShoes^Smart and good fitting:33/6
■'■' -"' Price ■
Sabbath School or Evening Service until
existing restrictions are removed.

HELPING169, Vivian-street. MISSION,
local authority to the Hospital and sing, etc.
Charitable Aid Board.
The local authority shduld
have and be required to ex«rcise all ne-
The disinfection and destruction cessary powers in connection With
of bedding, blankets, clothing, etc., of inspection*l of dwellings and buildings the
persons suffering from infectious dis- all descriptions, with additional cowers

appreciation of Mr. Smith's magnificent
service. "We have suffered a loss," he
said, "which is keen, and our late sec-
retary will be very difficult to replace.
It has been our object in th© past to
not require to raise all of the ten mil-
lions now authorised. As a matter of
fact, the question was considered, but
they could not have two systems of war
loans. Minor loans for other purposes
: are making change*in styles
to which this season's
D fir A Corset* are perfectly I
* '"' '
Cernar of Cuba and Gkuznea Street*.
Morning Service at 11. No Evening
SUNDAY. ease, also the disinfection and cleansing to d«al with emergency cases, affecting" find a cliief executive officer, who was a would not be Taised except on the basis adapted. 1' Also at; Corner Willisand Mercer Streets (opp. Evening Post). (
Service, so all will attend in the morning. of houses, is by the above Amendment the public health, no matter from what man of irreproachable character, of of liability for taxation.,* It would prob-
13 a.m.—lntercession with Thanksgiving. The D A Corjets «re fitted on
B. HUTSON, Minister.
3 p'jn.—Tbo immeasurable satisfying full-
ness of the Gospel of Christ.
Act a duty devolving upon the Hospital cause arising.
and' Charitable Aid Board, but the de-
known ability, and onesrwho could make
himself the intimate associate of the
ably be found that the sinking fund pro-
vided and to be provided would enable *
living Canadianmodeli and fcrina;
to Australian women the l*t«t
"tyles adapted specially to their
SEATOUN CHURCH. All welcome. struction of infected bedding ha» had
to be carried out by the Corporation at
young men of this city. Mr. Smith
filled all those qualifications to a. very
tho country to pay off its war loans
much earlier than the period fixed if


HELD AT 11 a.m.
the refuse destructor.
The local authority obtains most of its
power in connection with public health
NARROW NECK CAMP high degree. He was a young man of
very great promise, and was possessed
of a high Christian spirit. At any time
this was desired. The prices of D A Conets
average very much leaa than
foreign made Coreeti. *

No Sabbath School or Evening Service.
Preacher, Mr. J. Nowlands.
OWING to the Influenza Epidemic and
from the Public Health Act, but in
practically all clauses relating to such
work the' district health .officer is the
HOSPITAL IDEA ABANDONED, of the day' or night he was prepared to
meet the need's of his office, and make
any requisite /sacrifice that was necessary
Mr. C. R. Bowater, of Messrs. Tinge}
and Co., Ltd., who has been laid aside
D tf A Ctrstli «)« mmdt h Ike
mrnktrtt/thtLa Diva Ctrtiltand
tit D «V A G**i Sis/i" Mrmt-
Fashidimfele Footwear
at the request of the Health Auth- official specifically charged with the It was decided recently to use Narrow
to meet that need. Our hearts go oat
for three weeks with influenza and pneu-
monia, is making a good recovery. "*"" |.l 7
KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, orities all activities have been suspended duties of directing the steps necessary Neck which
Camp as an observation camp, in
returned soldiers suspected of to his wife and two bonny children and
Lower Hutt. until further notice. to be taken. Lieutenant-Colonel. Brereton, who has
to his sorrowing parents." The motion .." , -'.■■_ Am ip«oi«lliW;fcy.;r, ;v..",

SUNDAY, Ist DECEMBER, 1918. The Municipal Corporations Act, sec- tubercular trouble could be held for
was carried in silence, members present bean suffering from influenza, is making V
"'■ ""■- —""■-'■lt"*" - ■"

tion 279, states:—The council may do medical examination. This idea has been standing. satisfactory progress towards recovery
Memorial Service, 11 a.m. Minister— In response to representations made abandoned. In announcing this decis- Mr. H. Kersley also paid a high tri- in the Wellington College Hospital.
Chaplain D. D. Scott.
by Mr. A. Harris, M.P., the Minister
There will be no Sabbath Schools, but for
Bible Classes will meet at .2.30. Railways states that, following last
all things necessary
»nd convenience and for
from time to

for the preservation of public health ion, the Director-General of Medical Ser-
into vices (Surgeon-General
effect the provisions of tha Public son) stressed the point that it had never
R. S. F. Hender- bute to the late Mr. W. C. Badden, The death occurred at the public hos-
who died at' Wellington recently from pital at Pabnerston North on Thursday
Cookham House
■"■"'.■.' '"' ' 'iComtort, mnasi- apptaruiof, «*..""■."■..'■"-.■ ■■■-If*?" "
'..■/i^^'jpt;: :;-|t
At Woburn-road there will be a Service year's practice, a limited quantity of
at 2.30 p.m. only. strawberries will be carried in the Health Act,
to boroughe."
1908,-so far as they apply been intended to use the camp as a con-
sumptive sanatorium in the ordinary
influenza. Mr. Baadden was one of the of Mr. Robert Raeburn. Deceased was
earliest members of the Board of Man- a returned soldier. He left New Zea- ■
vie* kn4 latitfidMae—ftl) o( th*M
eema witfc thi w»aTinj of -t: jj- ■J'--
W**^ ''"" *'\'.
■ "'
guard's van of the Main Trunk express
from Auckland to Wellington. An ex- This, in view of the fact that the sense. He had decided to abandon the
however, in view of the alarm
agement, and had. devoted a great deal land with the 9th Reinforcements, but
of his time to the work of the Associa- ■was later transferred to the artillery.
";■ ■
r\RDER OF THE STAR IN THE tra wagon will not be attached to the dealing with infectious diseases is a idea, tion. A motion of sympathy to his re- During his two and a-half years' ser-
duty cast upon the Hospital and Charit- which had been expressed by the people
express,, as it would entail the use of
another engine for a great pant of the
able Aid Boards by the Amendment Act said, of Devonport. Narrow Neck Camp, he
of 1910, clearly shows that the local cent hospital
authority is charged only with the pre-
would now be used as a convales-
for the treatment of non-
latives was also carried in silence. vice At the front he took part in fivo
battles, including the Somme and Mes-
sinas. He was, however, gaeeed at Ar- Cookham House /"p
The usual Monthly Meeting will NOT
be held on Sunday, the Ist December.
The position of the hardware market
in New York is, according to a cable-
gram received by an Auckland hardware,
firm, still unsettled. The firm's agent
servation r,t the genera! health of
citizens, and is not authorised to exer-
cise the powers necessary to deal with would
an epidemic of dangerous infectious dis-
the infectious
cases among returned soldiers,
the general demobilisation
be made into a permanent Terri-
Advice ha* been received from Trent-
mentieres and invalided home.
A Press Association telegram from
Xapier states that Mr. Arthur M'Carthy
died last night from pneumonia. Mr.
Tk« UlutnHoi ihowa eae o« eat nr»»«
jjm&jm^sjffl Oihtt^
SOCIETY, reported that he did not expect any The Minister of Defence, when the ham Military Camp that 57410 S. B. M'Carthy, who wae a Deputy-Mayor, a

radical reduction of forward prices as a
ease. matter was referred to him, said Gen- Speedie died at Quarantine Island on member of th» Harbour Board and other Bto>el»—«a*rl pktaai ▼MBy4 with K&jjtffiPS&i'*^ taart StjUs
Whitmoro-street result of the cessation of hostilities, but CONDEMNING OP BUILDINGS. eral Henderson's recommendation would the evening of the 27th November, 1918. local bodies, was the most prominent of ai^kdul)kU top, t»W wltk
**ia ".■«"/
As tho Institute is now used as a he anticipated export facilities to be The condemnation of insanitary dwell- be adopted. Personally, however, he
was very sorry that the soldiers in ques-
Next-of-kin, Mrs. M. A. Hudson, 116, the younger public men, and topped the b^mtofirtui towi23/0» W/
Sailors' Hospital, there will be no Ser- much easier. The principal of the firm ings ie, by the Public Health Act, clear- tion Hanson-street, Newtown, Wellington. poll at the last municipal elections, and
vices on Sunday. said hardware supplies, notabty fencing ly the duty of the Health Department. were not to have the benefit of the 90582 Pt». J. T, Green, B Company, was generally regarded as possessing a
Mr. Moore, Missioner, desires to thank wire and nails, were very low in New In connection with the powers pre- use of Narrow Neck. 01, died at 10.40 a.m. to-day at the brilliant political future.
all who so readily responded to his appeal Zealand, but if freight facilities in Amer- scribed for the condemnation of dilapi- Racecourse Hospital, Featherston, from
for the sick sailors. ica were easier, as was likely to be the broncho pneumonia. Next-of-kin, Mrs. Mr. H. E. A. Picton, who died at
dated or insanitary buildings, the Min- Botorua on Saturday last, was well
OF GOD, TABERNACLE. case, supplies in New Zealand would ister in vis statement would make it ap- MOERAKI HELD UP AT SYDNEY. d F. Cocker, Mangamaire.
CHURCH Tasraan-street.—TO-NIGHT, 7.30 begin to get back to normal. He con- pear that difficulty is experienced in 15,000 Flueiwol bottles are aboard known in commercial circles iii Auck-
land and Waikato. He ■was secretary of
—Lessoo. "Family Discord." Gen. 37. sider*! prices of hardware in tho Domin- Wellington in securing the demolition of '. the Moeraki, and this and the huge de- the Bartholomew Land and Timber Co.,
TO-MORROW, 11—Subject: "Esau, ion would shortly be easier, on account buildings which have been condemned. I mand has caused a temporary shortage Light Boots for rammer wear, up-to-
Edom. Idumea, or Turkey, Destroyed at of freight rates being reduced and there date ihaoes, 22s 6d, 25a 6d, 27s 6d up. and his death wa» brought about through
desire to emphatically state that no such of FlnenzoL In the meantime a smaller his exertions in organising and assisting
the Harvest, by Him that Cometh from being no further necessity to pay war difficulty has presented itself, and that bottle (the only kind procurable locally Geo. fowlds. Ltd., Mmnera-street.—Advt.
Edom, with Dyed Garments from Boz- on cargo. to cope with the outbreak of influenza
rah." Isa. 63, 1-6. The Last Battle for risks
Jerusalem. Zech.. 14, 1-4. Young
Nominations for the Marton Sfeeting
in. uo instance hois' the council or it« offi- in quantities) is to be sold at Is. Sniff
cers had a dispute with the Public up a few drops of warm Flueiizol twice
Health Department, regarding the meas- ; ; daily, and dispel microbe* from noee
Groats have great body building power,
and Doctors' Cream o' Groats are the
at the mill, where he worked among the
patients till worn out, and contracted
close on Friday next at 9 p.m. with tha best. Make delicious gruel. All grocers. the disease himself, succumbing after
People's Meeting, 6.30.
DAVID NIBLD, Paetor. secretary, Mr. Arthur Way. ures' to be adopted in rendering the and throat.—Aart. -, Art da»' iltaufc
Reported Prisoner of War,
Now Reported Repatriated.
J., 10/0482, L.-Cpl., W.I.R.
if you
s '
For 3 Weakly
Souffles p
(Mn. Duffey. Scotland, ».)
Allen, G., 6/V67, C.I.R. (M. Allen,
Tetter, J., 55313, 0.1.R.
Otago Peninsula, f.)
(R. Telfer,

'Only eighteen members (including the J


why not havethemoftener?
You can easily make the
lightest, frothiest, most deli-
" I Dr. Cassell's Tablets
Davies, R. J., 42476, L.-Cpl., E.B. (Mrs.
On Face, Scratched-and Grew to =| 19 M yM#if-~~ TOTAL OF 71 NAMES. p. D. Davies, CaveraJwin, m.,1 Minister of Defence and the Chairman ■j cious soufflci, with the I ■" Strengthen delicate
Eruptions. Formed Scales. Could Foss, P. 0., 32810, E.B. (Miss E. Jf. of Committees) were in the House of Be- % help of p Children and Build Pine
[Not Sleep,- Gtiticura .Healed.:
"Small pitqples came on my fac.e and s^jj^ W A V| gj M, W$M ai§cs Army issued last night reported 2 men
Fobs, Oamaru, s.)
) A casualty list of the New Zealand Hickey, H., 64508, KB.
Hickev, Mornington, m.) .
(Mrs. A.
prcsentatives when the Defence Esti-
mates came up at 10.20 last
killed in action, t men died of wounda, Mowbray, J. H., 42544, L.-Cpl., E.B. 11 o'clock the number Had risen 28.'
By CesstMatious.
were itchy and used to burn terribly- I
scratched them for they '/>Z>y
very irritating and ,yy
1 officer and 6 men died of sickness. 1 Sharpe, (Mm. M. Mowbray, N.E. Valley, m.) The Hon. A. T. Nga-ta said that on
1., 29874, E.B. (J. Sharpe, behalf of the Native race ho wished to J C©m Flour, g For weakly or backward children
there is nothing *o ioml as a. conrae
of Br. Caesell'* Tabdets. These incoip-

. officer and 38 men wounded, and 19 men The recipes Eor mmiy dilerent ft pi'.rable rartorathes oxort tiio eairi^,
r they grew into eruptions y#"""".. . xssX-"" ;
- repatriated—a total of 71 names. Th«
Owak»j f.) pay a tribute to the Minister of Defence
for his work. He doubted whether this ■
kiacb—for cheese souffle*, had- U . streT2Sth*nin»f and buMine-up power
wh«tß»r the liiffwor be it child or tax
" which were red and in- (//. -m< tot'■. m Sc^sxl WOUNDED. " Jack touflle, nailli seuiDf and r
flamed, and formed scales. % 1 tie
I could not sleep for they '/// . .*. «
W.Orld S
YVV\> ■ .. SSS^ list is as follows: —
Weaver, J., 9/461, Sgt., 22nd Corps
Mounted Regiment (P. Weaver,-
huge department could have been better Pf
administered. There had been mistakes,
maßy others—are quite simple.
They «re given in the " Brown & j;
adn.lt. Mothers
j^| toßtiCed
«»r/where Jiata
to th«ir quite wonderful
effect in cfUHss of weakceea
used to get so sore.
' "Afrieridtoldmetogive Wf
"///> NN\S\ Prov. Rep. Wounded, Now Declared by Clyde, f.) but in aucli a time of stress mistakes
were inevitable. There had been much
i Ptlson" recipe book, pott tree, el ntd wasting, and also ia infantile
Court of Inquiry Killed in Action. Wounded, Admitted Hospital. talk of waste, but there had been waste J from J. B. GilfilUn & Co., P.O. G
, Cuticura Soap and Oint- //I
ment a trial so I sent, for This new SiUCC
/// rich—thick—fruity,
■- -,-■■ c ..-■ .

Hanley, T. A., 12602, A.M.R. (Mis. A. M'Lean, J. D., 39289, Sgt., 0.1.R, (D. in every country. Much of the abuse Bj Box 848. AucU.nJ. p Goad f«r Old or Youig.
Hanley, Victoria, m.). Ist April M'Lean, Balfour, f.) of the Minister had been due to mis- Dr. Chas. W. a*tw«*!l, O.Sc, Ph.D..
samples. I bouglxt.sornemore and in a. J.udd, R.B. Judd, 7-1. MinUles.Vct, Yerk. Eng.. sayss-" I
DIED OF WOUNDS. G. J.? 58774, (J. W. understanding. am now in a position to ttsta that as
Gooding, A. J., 71394, W.I.R. (Mrs. E. Dunedin, f.) Mr. Forbes (Hurunui) paid tribute a, a saf»and raiiabl* rtmttiy l»r less of
Dnchunga, N. Z.,Sept-4?. 1916. come,.change to OOAV R. X., 58f743, R.B. (Mrs. R, to Sir James Allen's enthusiasm as Min- finsfi and vigour, nepvo aSfeeti»r» «n*
ft E. Goodißg, Featherston, m.), 22nd Corrio, fccsdsiy v;aakn#s«, Br, £as*«l!'s Tablet*
Improve your complexion, by using //// . ii; -1
tilt-OKI fasu: onecl
AVVV November .
M'lntosh, c/o P.0., Winton, s.) ister.
My. J. C. Thomson (Wallace) aaidthat
appear to tie uniqua, and' I have no i *
I Cuticura for'every-day toilet.purposes.
Samples Free by Post. (Soap to//// //// kmds Or Sauces. \\\\V
\\\\\ Murdoch, W., 69616, E.B. (R. Humph- Slightly Wounded, Remaining with Unit. the Medical
rie3, Adelaide, Australia, m.), 21st Nolffn, D. J., 51426, C.1.8. (Mrs. M. Boards should be reduced
to a minimum immediately, as there waa
ycung and "Id,"
in reownmtntline tti«m far
Dr. Oa8«oll'» Tablets cxc nerTß
cleanse, Ointmenttoheal.)- Address: ///) AWv November Nolan,. Moonlight, m.) urgent need of additional doctors for the iintuonts uid restoratives of proved
fessssis^s&ssa^-^-- "■ Allen, B. H., 53191, R.B. (Mrs., F.
Amon, Taranaki, a.), 23rd November
general public, especially as a number of
doctors had died during the epidemic.
BfHeany. and the recognised modern
rocsedy for:—
Nerve Troublts indigestion
DIED OF SICKNESS. Mr. H. G. EH (Christchurch South) Neurasthenia Slmplossntss
Duncan, A. P., 73157, C.I.R. (Mrs. L. also praised the work of Sir James'Al- N«n/» Paralysis Kidney WeakiMtt The Story ot your Summer can'g>»c you lots
Duncan, Webb-street, Wgfcn., m.), A hospital and progress report, issued len, and expressed a hope that the Gov- infeutile Paralysis Anemia

— of delight in the years to come—if you Kodak.

25th November last night, stated (all are privates unless ernment would give him n.n opportunity SjhUllj vslutu tor Nursing MtUttn «af
twine tin Critical rwi«j| "! UK.
"For the Blood is the Life." Lyons, J. 0., 70581, 0.1.H. (Mrs. otherwise mentioned) :
Lyons, Sydney), 16th November, WELLINGTON DISTBICT.
to visit the battlefields. Mr. Ell said
that the whole pension scheme should be
reviewed. For example, he had met a
Sold by Chemists ami Storekoeperi in
all parts of New Zealand.
The Kodak records jest those happy hoars yoa
Prey. Eep. Prisoners of War, Now Rep. Dangerously 111. <
log. The Prices 1/9 and 4/-, the </" size being th» wish never to forget—scenes and gatherings and
returned soldier who had lost a
Hopkins, J. J., 69<89, W.I.R. (H. Hop-
Cranby, J. L., 15/2422, Napier
Dangerously 111.
man was married, and had three child- "A Drinli lobe more economical.
folks associated for ever in your mind with glad
Still ren, but his pension was only 30s a
Dr.Cassell's care-free outings.

kins, Taranaki, f.)

FergiHson. 11., 6t*7B, E.B. (Mrs. S. Fer- Palmer, J. (M.M.), 25303, Waiiana West week. This was not enough
disability. I£ so happened that this
for such a grateful for!* \ A Kodak or a Brownie costs so little, too—and
gusson, Brisbane, m.) Warner, D. &., 61916, Ngutuwera
Kelsen. S. W., 15375, E.B. (H. Keken, Seriously 111. man had an occupation at which he HEALTHFUL* Tablets there's a model exactly to fit your ideas. Simple
Normaaby, f.) could earn fair money, but othera, simi-
Little, S. H., 10/3000, L.-Cpl., Wgtn. larly injured, might not be so well situ-
Reilly, L., 59720,. E.B. (J. Eeilly, Now M'Lean, N. D., 17160, Wellington ated.
INVIGORATING. —you can learn to use it in half-an-hour. Con- .
YOU aie_troubledl. with W1J 1 YOU are suffering the
Plymouth, v.)
Siruiett, C. L., 41642, E.B. (J. Sinnett,
Karioi, b.)
Still Seriously 111.
Vercoe, 8., 2t/6M, L.-Cpl., E.B. (Mrs. Perry, C. M.. 4/229a, T.-Sgt.,
Wgtn. The
The Hon.,D. Buddo advocated an in-
Humphreys, F. W., 57090. Wellington crease in the rate of temporary pensions.
cabling charges for inquirins about
venient—so many handy little features not to be
found in other cameras.
Br'Eczema, Blotches, Spots, ■** aches and pains' of Bad S. Sprangsr, Inglewood, s.) Karo'a, W., 20735, Kangitukia soldiers in hospitals were too high. He
SPECTACLES ..* Asthma CAN be Cured! You eon buy a Kodakfor #9/- wpiMmi*—<
would favour a subsidy by the State as
Pimpes;Bdils,Carbuncies, Sores Legs, Abscesses, Ulcers, Scro- : Still Seriously 111. Improving. SPECTACLE* JtSi» JJK^^'" .; An»w SIMPLE home treatment based on entirety §, Brownie (the Kodak 1!"LUtle poutm*)

CORRECTION. a means of giving relief in this matter.
orEjuptionsofanykindcontinu- fulous and Ulcerated Sores, Prey. Rep. AVounded, Now" Rep. Not Jones, R., 14644, Kaimato Sir James Allen said that the camps SPECTACLES #rJ^ theory. Hundreds of testimonials prove it*
for lO\~ up. Ask any Kodak Dufar,
Pcbera, V. C, 3/917, Miramar wera nearly empty now. J3e expected SPECTACLES V* -aJ®^ correctness. Pleasant and easy to use. Abolishes
I burning powders and cizatettea. No internal
ally bursting through the skin. Glandular Swellings, etc. Wounded. Smith, A., 6/725, Karioi drugging to upslt system. Equally effective (or
i to
have them cleared early next week, HEADACHES m s^£9' lntl
,have|that;pon»tant "|"ffi» YQjLJ are!'irs the grip of
M'Neil, A. W., 30391, R.B. (Mrs. E. S.
M'Ncil, Ha-wera, to.) Still Seriously 111. Good- Progress. except for the men required for hospital ' young and old. Goes right to seat of disease,
and quickly checks severity and frequency of at-
f]Ci YOfcT
itching and inflammation **- Rheumatism^ Sciatica, WOUNDED. Colclough, C. M.,. 39760, L.-Cpl., Ha- duty and other necessary
Department had no .object in holding
work. The HEADACHES *® Ur Hi!AIM tacks. Can be carried In pocket.
FREE—Valuable medical trejtise "New Asthma KODAK (Australasia) LTD.
of *
Piles and Fistula. Lumbago, Gout, etc
Galpin, G. H., 63596, C.I.R. (Mrs. E.
G. Galpin, Blythes-st., Wgtn., w.) Still
Seriously 111. Improving Slightly. men unnecessarily in camp. If shipping
was available the men overseas would SSfi SSMANNERS SI Theory" sent on receipt of Sd in stamps for
Leigh, F. R,, 44391, C.I.R, (Mrs. E. Tarrant, F. 1., 73202, Wanganui 'be brought back at the rate of 10,000 J^S^ WELLINGTON. BRIDGE DRUG STORES, Corner Lwnbton Quay and Willis Street " " WELLINGTON
All thoso are aors siens sf oioKging Blood impuri/y, oalling for immedi»t«
treatment through the blood, so don't waste your time and money on useleis
lotions and messy ointments, which cannot get below the surface of th« skin.
Leigh, Hawera, m.)
Pritchard, H., 54389, C.I.R; (Mrs.
'Removed from Setiously 111 List. a month. The garrisons at the forts '
W. Fostelin, S. V. M., 22/231, S.-Nurse, would be reduced as rapidly as possible. g|s£@sCONSULTATIONS FREE 3 M%t Milezs, lunt&WRA, AukluJ
Hall, Kilbirnie, s.) They were being retained temporarily
What you want and what you must have is a medicine that will get right to
Watson, J. S., 73973, C.I.R. (Mrs. R.
Wellington by direction -of the Imperial Govern-
free the blood of Ac
the root of your trouble, a medicine that will thoroughly
poisonous matter, which alono is the true cause of all your Buffering. CUck«'« Reed, Dannevirke, m.) Severe Cases. ment.
g^ Keep your kitchen sinks
just such a medicina. It is composed of ingredients which
Blood Mixture isovercome, Ince, J., 57093, R.B. (Mrs. J. M'G. Ince, M'Kinstry, F. T., 11/1043, Sgt., Port The Minister gavo an assurance that
quickly attack, and expel from the blo<.d all impurities (from what- 323, Willis-st., Wgtn., w.) v Ahnriri he would have inquiries made into tho
ever cause arising), «nd by rendering it oleiyi and pur*, oaa ba relwd ob to j M'Callum, C, 55995, R.B. (Mra. Not Reported as Sever* Cases. case of Private- 11. H. Thompson, who
<<s^fjsa spotlessly clean

effect a lasting our*. M'Callum, Scotland, m.) Allan, J. ; 26063, Manutalii was imprisoned (military detention) as
Wounded, Admitted Hospital. Cochrane, J. G., 43136, Wellington the result of a court-martial's decision,
The 'True Value of tl^^^ \-' " '
Anderson, C, 6/4684, L.-Cpl., C.I.R, Gibbs, G. H., 18455, Wellington
Goodwin, J. A., 25Q70, Lower Hutt
because he had made a charge of drunk-
enness against Dr. Hotop, who was at-
j<£\ V^^
\ "
Merely apply Clever Mary on a damp
doth. It removes the moil tenacious marks
" THUja
is certified by a most remarkable
n«*LVSmKf.Sm. K^
(J. Anderson, Hawkes Bay, f.)
Foster, F. T., 57250, L.-Cpl., C.I.R.
(Mrs. W, Dorreen, Bulls, s.)
Parkin, V. G., 15296, Lt., 0.1.R, (&. JAPAN AND THE PACIFIC sonMr.shouldA.beYoung
tached to tho Featherston
eral members have urged that Thomp-
C.imp. ' Sev-
} °f «rease and grime, and leaves the enamel
white and dean. Excellent, too, for keeping f inQ |-
collection of unsolicited testi- _^jfM
of all
frbW grateful' patiantr %m®
' monialuclaßses—patients who have

tf^S)"B _JB
OlAOu "''-"' (IP

Parkin, 185, Cuba-st., Wgtn., f.)
Lawler, j. F., 59813, R.B. (Mrs. L
Lawler. Petono. w.)
at the
ed that tho valuable dental
Sir.—Under the heading of "Why? benefit of; school children and the gen-
(Hamilton) suggest-
shoukl bo used
for the
}r~ps^&&F J die woodwork around the sink clean and
,■ Sauce
se "Cjever Mary to clean eume}
— R%a\\____VMes3l
hospitals have given them up as " 1 JHIaJ^jSbITHQP© '*" Wilkie, C. H., 55328, T.-Sgt., R.B. Japan and tho Pacific," you .publLeh eral public.
patients who' have ' ' B ■"" (F. K. Wilkie, Argyll, b.) ■pacts of a written protest from Mr. Sd^mNyil^aaA^?B bath;, dishes and pots and pant, and
incurabla: ■■■,'.-;.'"' Owen, H. H., 62117, R.8.. (Mrs. W. Ooleman Phillips against the-ratention The Minister said that he hoped the
been cured after trying many , :.. VHHWM^IKaNRSIiWMMMV
other treatments without auccesß , . Department ■would bo able to do some- pj|gMil& dc« *«« ffuit »*« with il-
—patients who, not only havo
been cured of the particulai Skin
. Owen, Gisborae, m.)
Stratford, f.)
of the Cavolin© and Marshall Islandß by thing in tho direction suggested. , He
Gibson, T. H., 48017, R.B. (Ji Gibson, iJapan. Mr Phillips bases his argu- hopsd that the men
ment on the assumption' that Japan is &
in Egypt ivo;ild have jj
Katp iJ i»lUh«mo. B get in lUelt »t your *»rabepg'«.
rt ■"!"■■"■
kJCillSictCllUfl |
or Blood Complaint from which «,. nr Ar iil'« R«c* Bland Varifi»r Papworth, G. A.. 44306. L.-Sgt., R.B. future enemy Pow«r, and sii!>ports it an opportunity to visit England. 5 I Th«Ajtot, F. E. READING, Box 230, Wellington.
suffering, but also 188 Wunn S BCUDllWlrwlinr The whole Defence vote passed short-
they wera
have found great improvement
in thsir gensral health.
pamphlet round b0tt1e.}.....,..
.. .. ..
ii'--if'""■» ■■■■<.'■■
:i*S«,';' '.J^,,." .:.,;r"';:
. ■
(Mrs. Papworth, Fairfiold, N.5.W.,m.) by truckling to local and American sus- ly before
Paul, W. J., 69723, R.B.
(W. J. Paul, picion of the "little brown man." To
urge the case of Heligoland is to delib-
CLEVER. MAB2.Y | . /w&W "*s nee(^ess cxtrava- i
M'Donald, C. C, 74980, "8.8. fJ. J. erately. ignoro tha facts;. to place Ger- MAILS BY AIR |
Clarke's Bleed Mixture UpteMtnt O^llV k . BLUUIi
M'Donald, Marton, f.)
! Wounded, Embarked for England.

many and Japan in the same category 10

TME ENEMY OF GREASE ■f sk gance ,to pay the high
to take and wtrmated free Jrsai
anything Injurlou* to the most
James, W., 2/1367, N.Z.F.A. (Mrs. I. to.our
is an insult to a nation that is entitled
respect aad gratitude, especially, A SCHEME FOil REMOTE
. '". -TRICrS. , . \ DIS- t hi ii mi inn ii ii ii i 11 in i<i i
■ iiiiiwi—wiiiwm——n—r——^> ~mm*£S^
o~mm*£S^0 cost "of Sauce brought j
delicate constltutioa of elilier kx, James,. 39, Scarborough-ter., Wgtn., in .this par,t of tho world. Germany, ■

—:—i ,
ironi iulancy to old-ue. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES m.) made war on Denmark, Austria, and
France, and humiliated each in turn! Improvements in mail services foi' re-
Japan, under the greatest provocation, mote districts \vefß strongly urged by fj& *Beaver'—New Zea-*
Previously Reported Wounded and went to \rar with Ohina and then with Mr. Wilkinson (Elthum) and Mr. Jen- "*■% land's Best Sauce—is a
Massing, novv.Rop. Killed in Action.
S .
-.^.^l,. relish equal in quality
Russia. After beating each of them ningß (Taumarumu) when the Postal es- hurt's Edina Drinking Fountain
Mansfield, A. 8., 33906, Cpl., 0.1.R. soundly, Japan granted terms of peace timates wore under consideration yester-
. "At'mo£ (A. Mansfield, Victoria, f.), oOtfb. Sep. so magnanimous that tho British Em-
or Ist October
day. Mr. Jennings
pire might woll have been proud to have a settler in a fairly well settled portion
Prey. Rep. Prisoner of War, now treated her. en«rnie3 likswiss.
gave an instance of
of his district who did not receive news
/fvssy affords a safe, hygienic means
jtoM&^sij:so"§lii3i*l\ schools, factories, public places,
drinking water at y^^^^^^^^^^\.
(^ j^
to any itnrorted kind,
yet coi?*£nar ©??-^ H<ds
Reported Repatriated. Japan has never broken faith'with an that hJK son had been wounded at tho yf^i-&i!^^rW£^^&M B*iC* 'onSer
** "* necessary t»
Tunibull, J., 29516, W.I.R. (T. Turn- ally, and during the past four and. a front for six weeks.' /*^ *&4r common continue using the disease-infected
/ xfe II » I a vy* i aiiT'ii n bull, Waikato, f.) , half, years has fulfilled her obligations Sir Joseph^ Ward said with the ab-
to us to the full; firstly, by cleaning sence of 3000 men from the Postal De- // $<?'' ;syri{sL
drinking cup -which has
I\ \ id? «XIL
Horanell, H. N., 62066, E.B. (Mrs. N. iip the German nests at Kko-Cbau tmd partment on military duty maintenance § J spread so much disease in the
Horsnell, Hamilton, m.)
Joy, E. J., 37065, E.B. (Miss M. Joy, the Pacific Islands in a moat -workman- of services could not he ospected. It /if alii >ast* *n us"1*'
England, a.)
Macey, R. W., 21524, E.B. (J. Maccy, East,
like way; secondly, by jiolicing ' the was fortunate that they had been able
convoying Australasian troops, to do as much as they had. At the
helping in the Mediterranean patrol and same time, he realised the position of / 'r./#~I3L EDINA


England, b.) assisting Russia, and, lastly, by inter- the remote districts, anil would do the
vening with great success in Siberia. best for them. "I ;un quite satiafied
Warren, R. W., Lt., M.G.C. (Mrs! M,
Japan, moreover, occupied those is- that after the war is over we shall bo
E. Warren, Mt. Eden, w.), 26th Nov. lands before America commenced to fire able toservioe give many of the small places a
"" n°k come SAUCE
j**W s contact
Brown, .A. V.,. 2/1289, N.Z.F.A (Ma-sV Notes, let alone shells. Japan, there- better by air than wo have ever Kldttl itow"
A new andBetter^ W. Harvey, Portsmouth, s.}, 18th N«r. j fore, hasrfthe obvious right to retain Hb had
been able to give them before by land." WWW *>® fsNI "vr'*'n mß^' knt ars applied direct
OOEREOTION. them, and her claim is as unassailable had an interview with the head W»W^ ' ?$1 P
'*» the tiny fountain of water.
Pure Piquant Palatable
'-jffi^P'"' way iobuy cocoa\ as that of Australia to German New of the Auckland air establishment, xuid
Previonsly Reported Wounded, now Be- Guinea, or of New Zealand to German was satisfied that a mail service could be
Samoa, and, in each case, the request to worked from that contre to many of the
By this means, infection is made

ported Not Wounded.
Made from an old English recipe. ThnrougHjr „

IIf| No longer'!" ft w&^^'xi'^t^^'^, , nd \\,

Gibson, J., 65970, M.G.S. (Mrs.' B. E. act came from London.
v Gibson,
Auckland, w.)
outlying districts, almost as cheaply,
I submit that enlightened men on and far more efficiently, than under the
both sides of the Pacific (as well as at present system. This was distinct horn.
M (
EDINA LOCALLY MADE . matured before being bottled. Keeps good hecavae
ofits wholesome ingredients. " -

WOUNDED. Home) are looking forward to a great the big development of which lie spoko
L-^fl^Jl^X^M flisffj Pillars cast-iron in attractive de-
jfterw^nlt to add «gar .»d >ilk: ' t)wini.to
tcictific .
methods of manufacturmg, yoil cin'"^^''"Ev'tneM \\H Graham, F., 70272, C.I.R.
Graham, Pukekohe, m.)
(Mrs. E. Triple Alliance of "the West, the Middle,
and the East—Britain, America, and
on his Toturn from Great Britain.
Sir Joseph stated subsequently to a I»■w "" If
■ IpSitSl
signs> N.P. basins. Continuous
fountain or press-knob actions.
Take a 4little'Beaver' with your hot and cold
meats, fish, game, pies, soups, stews and gravies. ''
,. wtth .the su»r Paiik «lre«dy in it—Highlawier
""|il ■":";;:;"■:;■;.;.:;,"■■:■::"^ Milk-!Coco«;.^:;: ::p-:i ?:.:.■-■■
Wouuded, Admitted to Hospital. Japan—an alliance so powerful that it reporter that Canterbury (which has an
will ensure the peace of the world for aviation school) would be in tho same
Cox, W. F:, 31040, E. (Mrs. F. M. Cos, many yeaxe to come. position as Auckland. Ho thought that
§I>^mk!\ \ S^lla Further particulars from
The tonic flavour of this delicioussanoe
will make you eat with greater zest— ami help
The «dv«nt«fe ? Saves time in making.
i : ":■: and milk. Makes nicer and better Gkm..u«.r ~
Mt. JGden, m.)
Chapman, H., 42788, C.I.R. (Mts. J.
Knight, Hondersoji, s.)- if
In conclusion, let roe point out that, the well-established schools should be
Japan had had sinister designs on encouraged
Australasia, her "chanco was surely in pair shops and other equipment going.
Poiter, H., 49739, R.B. (Mrs. B. Porter, 1914, and suoh
Kihi mill, ffl.) "
to keep
an opportunity will Mail contracts %vould be let to them to
their staffs and re- ' |A £jf|| A.'&T.BtlRT,Ltd. COURTENAY FLACK
you to digest what you eat.
If your Grocer cannot supply send post-card to
Boyd, H. 8., 71715, .8.8. (Mis. J. R. never recur. But, both then and since, deliver small mails within a radius of,
she has assisted the very countries that say, 130 miles of the main centres. In THE EMPIRE MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., WELLINGTON
Williamson, Auckland) ■
. .
was supposed, by the ignorant and this way 4 daily delivery could be as- ' ■

Ramsay, K. C, 60314, L.-CpL, R.B. she suspicious, to have envious eyes on. sured to the outside centres. He thought
(A. A. Ramsay, Rotorua, f.) The moral is plain, that Japan has that within eight or nine months the
Wishart, S. 8., 18735, E.B. (S. Wishtrt, earned the title
England, v.) of which the is 80 Canterbury and Auckland aerodromes
Nicholson, H. P., 54771, R.B. (W. ftfoud, viz., the "Britain-of tb« East." would be delivering small maito, but
—I etc., the main lines of aerial mails must re-
Nicholson, Auckland, b.) H. ALEX. GOODWIN. main in the hands of the Government.
CANTERBURY DISTRICT. i^^^|^H|^;^ St. George Jam keeps in perfect |
condition because it it madefrom | . J
CAMP NOTES SWEEPING THE MINES unblemished, unbniited fruit* and sf <^§I§§j?!&
MVpaughlin, J., 60438, E. (J. JkfLjmfh-

Ma^lf^/^irßritish CapiU lin, Ngahere, f.), 21st November.

Jardirie, P. F., 21933, E. (Mrs. W Mat-
eer, Brisbane), 26tfi &a*Mnber.
Th« following temporary appointments
have been approved by the Camp Com-
Bryant, F. C, 27168, C.R. (Mr*. 9, C mandant at Featherston :—
Bryant, England, w.), 26th. Novembef. Opl., A Co., 47th Eeinforcement: To fee
PH. B. N. Blackett

"Tho regulation, is far too drastic,

far too comprehensive," said Mr. Veitch
S° direct iTom 4^e Central Otago | '^^M^^s [I tMi.«Mt R*(tetw«f
KIM 11
Ask Specially far- "%M'
'^C'¥*lk f* 'W%
Previously Reported Prisoner of War,
Since Repatriated.
Hislop, J. A., 58530, 0.1.R. (Mrsi J. His-
B Co., 49fh Reinforcement: To be
Q.M.S., Sgt. K. Andrews.
(Wanganui), in referring to the restric-
tions on shipping as a precaution against
the danger of mines. Tho efficiency of
lop, Sydenham, m.) the shipping, already much short of the I Patralesa JaOy "" J&*fJ

VITAL STATISTICS FOR DUNEDIN need, had been nrucW impaired. He re- H
f| \t***- - : WHISKY
Previously Reported Wounded, Now Re-
ported Not Wounded.
Latimer, A., 26/186, L.-6pL, R.B. (F. t The vital
(»i TMUAra.—ram AsracuTiM.)

DUNEDIN, 29th November.

ferred particularly to the difficulties of
the Wanganui port.
The Hon. T. M. Wilford praised the

frtti* marts is avoided. Try this
freih-fruit-pure-sugar jam; r<s-
ra?W T"^F2^
Et<«tM irriteti»Bs «f throat a«l
nosa meabnuoas aad |raatly
I .*'" _ ... ONLY ONE QUJUJTY—THE BEST ■» Latimer, Cihristchnrch, I.) I ■.
statistics for the month of
1918, as compared" with thfl-
; work of the Naval Adviser. The Min-
ister declared that the precautions taken
rSC^Svi^F^ tS^ra made in »lB«m-he«tedthiny alumin- g: 3 j |j^^
I'] haatoM raMVery from eoUi. eZSSwu vl
■ ■
'■*"" '"
"ai te* fcsiV (JH'"aeafMl-r s): *c U|
"■' 'C^^H' \WOUNDED.
\ Guthrie, M. J., 57987, N.Z.F.A. (J. S. are :— figures for the same month of 1917 were in accordance with tbo principles
of public safety. Marvellous work had
been done. The country owed a tre-
ium boiWi. The Tins you buy it in
in the top* and
are m*^e ''yrollingaoldtr—unpther BatTSSg? I ""/^^
BsJ^ iBB//aw» II|| Put up i* \umAj tin tuba*. F«r
a«la at all akeaiittc aad laaaral
MACKIE I CO. DISTILLERS LTD. Island ef Isliy, Utbnni Qasgtw > ■Hi
, Guthrie, 9 Oarlton-street, St. Alh»n«, Nov., 1918. Nov., 1917. (J^'^?limL§^wiii bottom* without »u^Mi^^i'"S-
mendous debt of gratitude to the Naval
CSSB j Christchurch, b.) Births 165 127
Est»b. 1742 -
Drummond, A., 72935, C.I.R. (J. T>. Marriages 22 34
Adviser and those under him—the offi-
cers and men of the trawlers.
Drummond, Nelson f.) Deaths 221 77 As peace will soon be concluded with fl Chesebrough Manufacturing Qo.
Grooby, L. G., 68405, 0.1.R. (Mrs. E.
Grooby, Motueka, m.)
The deaths during the four previous
months were : July, 102;
September, 107; October 79.
August, 121;
Germany, suggested Mr. M'Combs in
the House of Bepresentetives yesterday,
could not the Germans who laid mines
H Immtm
. 17 State
Stt»at, Naw Y»Wk, U. S.VA.
, MaHaw . ■

mHHSs. W tf^ALL and inspect "the BROOKS RUPTURE APPLIANCE. WOUNDED. ADMITTED HOSPITAL. on the coast of New Zealand be brought
XL 'iM Instantly Relieves and Positively Cures RUPTURE. Suit. WaCsuP, H. 0., 18046, N.Z.F^A. (— Wat- out to remove them? They would know
[pO'fflly ~ p.blo for Men, iWonien, and' Children. NaVel Rupture Appli- son, 12 Bath-street, CSmstchurch, f.)

ALL SKIN TROUBLES where they were.
W^ Sjm^ anoes," Uterine, and Abdominal -Supporters/1 Suspensories, etc. Kerr, H., 72490, 0.1.8. (Mrs. H. Kerr, ABE SPEEDILY BELIEVED. Sir Joseph Ward: That is being done
J^^m^ 94' wmiiWstreefc Sole CorAroller in N.Z.—MARJC SMITH. Office Address, Fairlie, m.) now in the North Sea.
flsllltli fl?*liS& (opp- sh<>rtt's Theatre)." WRITE FOR BOOK-
Morriss, F. W., 64913, L.-OpL,
(Mrs. P. Morriss, Ashbnrton, m.)
R.B. When the effective remedy—Bee Oint-
ment—is applied. The healing power of
Mr. M'Combs: Could it not be done
-3tlSSjSßiSSS^!^"ililS<MlW^.YtsisaiikiSWKßßiH'W IHI llMwiiifflMMiil——————W Watson, J. R., 23/1229, Sgt., R.B. (T. this Ointment is so great that even after Sir Joseph Ward said the Germans
Pipson, Greyniouth) only one or two applications, the irrita- had been asked to indicate the positions
O'Shea, W. J.. 17/152, D.E.C. (Mrs. M. tion is subdued and soon the trouble of the mines, co that they might be re-
(^HES'^B'bß'^ W" !®^%S wHKltSkiri _^^!5k norspurt TheyglUe O'Shea, CJhristchurch, m.) vanishes—permanently. Eczema, rash, moved.
Kjj^H.a (Js!?ej3 u(Sia r wBII *i^^Stfrt(?^«r'« over the roughest WOUNDED. EMBARKED FOR pimples, boils, and other skin troubles

paper witlt the ease
ENGLAND. disappear when Bee Ointment is used.
-■ ' pK^S^fSi
I <&aSi3.
'"'"'■ y^RSWfvaU^S» of »soft lead pencil. This grand old remedy has been in con- That annoying burning irritation of
Attention is also W«fls. H. A., 31006, Cpl., R.B. (A. stant use for 50 years—and is in greater tha skin is probably a form of eczesma.
;.-, lSßyal :, ; j^^^^^^m^^ ■■-■■' . drawn<o their patent ■
Wells, Cheviot, f.) demand to-day than ever. Buy a tin
fj rom your Chemist and Grocer—price
Your blood is out of order. You need
OTAGO DISTRICT. Vivific, the powerful blood tonic. Vivific
Pri&o BVledals. j^j?St£pip%glr

s jj your Storekeeper for an
astcytedSamgeßoxI__1__ - 1 Und, U, 25*h N^poaber
Q., 64901, R.B. (T. H.Lttllo>£t«-
I eighteenpeace. . Genarous Free Sample
i posted on application, to Bee Ointment
PropricUry, Box 383, W*Uin|ton,~
I AdvV
Ointment should also.be applied to the
affected part to heal the skin. Sold at
all oheraiita' and gtoi-ei. Tonic 3b W
bottle, Ointment 2* 6d a jm.—Advi * Baking Powder 55:


(Offices all over the World).
is haling a big silo.
BAIIiNGER BROS., Our Splendid
OF ALL PLUMBERS' REQUISITES." ' Oxygen NaO method for
FURNISHINGS Universal Electric
INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL BOOK BERTHS Its effects are TRULY MARVELLOUS! painless extraction of teeth
(Weather and circumstances permitting.)
Subject to Alteration without Notice.
By And the united' testimony o! grateful
patients pronounces it to be
is really wonderful. Why
take chloroform or ether, Radford & Co. Iron Makes Light J^ggF
Monorwii Monday
Mararoa Tuesday

Receives Cargo till Noon.

All Ferry Steamers sail from New Ferry
Deo. 2 4.30 p.m.
Dec. 3 4.30 p.m. MELBOURNE,

No Commission Charged.
Trouble Saved. Price 3s
per bottle; postage
regulations (fragile), lO&d.

under new

8.8. BRAND.
[ as the after effects are any-
| thing but pleasant, when we
can extract 32 teeth in a few
I minutes without any after
out a
and 35/-
Work of Heavy
4|3p "■—Tr—***
Wharf. ,;"■ ISSUED. CHEMIST, 56, MANNERS-STREET. of all kinds of | effects, and it is 5/6,8/6
Hearth Rugs at and
"teamen fitted trith Wireless Tel«-
Tickets available for' stop-over or rs-
N.B.—lf no benefit
willingly returned. MANUFACTURERS
derived money
Lead Traps, Bends,. Syphons, etc., |
»tc., and Lead and Compo Pipe.
ABSOLUTELY SAFE? 12/6 These Electric Irons are clean and economical. They save
PORTS AND PERMITS. Traps made to any weight, length, or | labour, and are always ready for use. They are so constructed
turn by U.S.S. Co.'* steamers, or vjos
Travel made Easy by Booking at
Boilermakers, eic.,
AND SONS, ingle, to sketch or template, in all sizes,
SETS TEETH £3 3g. Door2/6 Mats 3/6
at and that the heat can only
Rarawa leaves New Plymouth on arriv*.l Head Office for New Zealand: Qneea'*
of Mail Train, from Wellington. (Se« Chambers, Wellington. .Colliery.
"pedal advertisement.) Agents for Hcbburn
Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders,
from li to 4 inches diameter.
Strips, Lead Wiro, Frost & Frost
Lead-head Carpet
2/6 Runners, yd. Radiate Through the Bottom of Ironing Surface.
V&TINDING Engines, conditions equal Telephone Nos.: Warehouse 99, Office SURGEON DENTISTS Blankets— 7/6 up It cannot rise owing to a non-conducting space surrounding the
ROYAL MAIL SERVICE OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA ping Trucks, with steel wheels quantity
* t toequal
new; Air

to new;
*nd Re-
Side Tip- WARING
3415. P.O. Box 18.
119 - Willis Street Wellingtti
Sheeting1/6 yd. up
top and side surfaces of the iron. The heat is scientifically dis-
tributed over the face, a greater amount being conducted to the
point where the most heat is needed.
of Steel Matting Squares
12/6 up
From Wellington,
Cargo Service from
1916 5-Seafcer 6-Cylinder Oakliuid, 1917
Casement 8/6 doz. Electric Kettles £^\
November. SYDNEY to MANILA, JAPAN, Overland Light 5-Seater, 1917 Dodge 3-
Bugs /Ok Bugs Curtains 4/6 from pair With an Electric Kettle in your 3Ke^»Ses£
'Arahura leaves Napior
to Tokomaru Bay and Auckland on
on Mondays and
Wednesdays* on arrival of Mail Train
from Wellington. *Proceeds through Red" Route.
ALL Return and Round Tour Tickets and the EAST. Transhipment Cargo Seater, 1917 Chevrolet 5-Seater, 1916
interchangeable with C.A. Line "All accepted for all EASTERN PORTS, Chevrolet 5-Seater, 1917 Buick 5-Seater,'
Apply to
terms arranged
. . if CO.,
required. Bugt, Flew, R»t». Mice »nd
«fcer Vermin ate completely ex-
yd. house you can have boiling water for
the tabte in a. few minutes by simply
turning a switch. ,
]fi 1 | ~ '
CANADA. AMERICA. LONDON. Vi* necessary to obtain Passports,
Travellers to any place
minion are reminded that it is absolutely
outside the Do-
and that it
Particulars apply
Telephone 502.
. ASf (SOUND fS j
."' : of Gat
terminated, our Patent
Table Covers 12/6
Each Kettle has a Fusable
Safety Device built into it, its
K=J|^-^«). (fcj!l "'fr^Wi "* "
New Zealand Agents. The System worlc» Quickly,
VANCOUVER. is advisable to make early application to HARLEY-DAVIDSON'S STEEL BODY Effectively and HygienicaUy,
From Auckland. the Department of Internal Affairs for THE AMERICAN TRADING C 6. 0^ SIDE-CARS. without harming the mott deli- Best Variety and Lowest To Prevent the Burning.Out
MAKURA, 16th DECEMBER. them. It is essential that passengera pro- AUSTRALIA, LTD.,
ceeding to Amerioa should have their cate furnishings.
Australasian Managing Agenfa. LARGE Stock of the above are nori. "*"}}. Prices at of the heating element should the liquid become exhausted while
passports vised by the United States
'Phons 2852. A1 ready for inspection, and as there is\
Client, have no bother
Rug«, Lino*. Picture* or Wall-
the current is on. This plug switch is made of lead, and can be
RAROTONGA, AND TAHITI, .Consul. a limited supply those interested should replaced in a moment, an extra plug always being supplied with
From Wellington.
For particulars regarding passages and
freights, apply
make an early call on
The Harley-Davidson Agent, Radford & Co.
paper need hot be removed ex-
cept intreatment for Wood-borer.
W«undertake CityCall mm!«r Cwj"**
the Kettle.

FIJI (Suva), TONGA (Nukualofa, Haa-

pai, Vavau). SAMOA (Apia.).
Willis-street, opp. V.M.C.A., Wellington.


Cantracti. Write.
fer Inf»rm»ti«.
Patent G«s Fumigating Co
Most Complete Furnishers E. W. Mills & Co., Ltd.,
Sailingsand all particulars on application
Tickets available for atop-over or r§ THE DIRECT LINE OP STEAMERS
Cars £or Hire, Stored, Cleaned,
Repaired, etc.
Bank of Australasia Chambers,
r.O. Box 741. WellinjUn. 'Phone 2288 Hunter Street andJervois Quay, Wellington.
turn by Messrs. Huddart. Parker, and TO ENGLAND. l^'W^fT*' ' HAINM-*
All accessories.
Co.'* steamer*.
Berths .will only be allotted to pawen- TmASTBOURNE FERRY SERVICE. E. E. MOVES, Proprietor,
reri on production of passage ticket* at
Company^ office. ,
The following Trips will NOT bo run: — 'Phone 914A:
Cambridge-terrace.- Just What's Needed Now
PaMengers will only be allowed aboard

on production of passage ticket. SATURDAY, 30th INST.
Latest timo for receiving cargo may be Fine Twin-screw Passenger Steamers of Htyal Disinfectant ;
had in application at Company* office. 12,000 tons register, with accommodation From
Railway ticket* from Lytteltbn to for First, Second, and Third Class Pas- From Day's 8ay—1.35,
Christchurch and to principal Southern sengers.
Town—l.2o, 4.15, 9.30, 11.15 p.m.
3.5, 6.50, 10.20
MESSRS. beg to
announce that
Stations, available for three days, may From' Bay—l.4o, 3.15, 7.0, 10.10 Opened a Garago in Lloyd-fitreefc (off
Kent-terrace, near Messrs. Rouse, Black- SOAP
be obtained upon application at the Intending Passengers are requested to
Company* office register their names with Agents, who will SUNDAY, Ist DECEMBER. and Sons), where all classes of Repairs,
will be practically and promptly executed.
advise them as soon as passenger steamers Y\
are available.
the Agents, "
From Day's
p.m % POUND—
A trial solicited. Telephone 3413.
Spring Blossom Ointment
cures poisoned wounds,complaints,
sore legs, JEYES' FLUID— V&
THE "ALL RED" ROUTE. For full particulars apply to Y»

JAS. S. DAY, burns, and all skin Genuine; not adulterated. '5-gallon A "HAND" CLEANER—
uore eyes, drums, l-gallon, j-gallonj also pints,
LEVIN AND CO., LTD. Manager. price Is tin; Bloomine, the great corn,
DALGETY AND CO., LTD. wart, and bunion cure, 6d, at chemists, Now, moreHhan ever, quarts, and bottles ■Ml , IT IS AN
MURRAY, ROBERTS, AND CO., LTD. PELORUS—Visitors storeß, and wholesale druggists; Haw-
CANADA. PICTURESQUE can have good accommodation at Bol- kins's Instant Relief Asthma Powder, Is
is it necessary WILTON'S FUMIGATORS—
Every room and office should be
ton Bay, in "Beautiful Mahau, the Gem of and 2s, post free. Address:
thoroughly, fumigated. ,
the Sounds." Ten hour* from Wellington, C. W. HAWKINS,

via Picton, or direct. Good beach for Herbalist, George-street, Dunedin.
R.M. LINE. . ORIENT LINE bathing, tennis courts, Post
graph Office. Regular mail services. Terms
and Tele-

These are essential now in every fc CLEANER.
Steamer. Tons. From Auckland, '■".'. of
■'"■',"' 12,
per day,
Mahau, Pelorm Sound.
40s per -week; children
Apply W. T. Erskine, FORunder Furniture, Ironmongery,;
ery, Glassware, Tinware, Enamel-
w-aro; best variety, lowest prioes. Cups
the SICK ROOM and the HOME
Crock- house.
Makiira 16th December. Tumblers, Plates,
and Saucers, Nobblers, These we can deliver at once.
l\ * %W»'A

ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Call and in- Starts instantly—cleans e»ery-
etc. Wholesale or retail..
FOR A spect. Manners and Willis streets. WALKER'S BLOCKETTES— ?a»i^ -"'" Always ready—jiwfc
: where
In Conjunction with Canadian-Pacific ""
Railway. LEFT-OFF CLOTHING. DOES HE LIKE IT ON i Very useful. Purifies anß sanitizes
\ »' r
-all '"n »t-
AUSTRALIA-ENGLAND... . the atmosphere.
»\fY**i\rvi sturdily built j beautiful in


"ITRS. PIGGOTT, 121, .Vivian-street
AM. (next Skatijg Rink), Cash Buyer o
Ladies', Gents', and Children's Left-off
Destroys all Dangerous Germs in
the run of the
Just let the kiddles have
— pantrg
they'll pick out « j-j .»

You can cut your own hair with this
machine. Every family should have
_ %. ' aw"\
iL >
design It is one-half the
price of any Vacuum Cleaner

to, All Parts .of CANADA, UNITED FARES NEW ZEALAND to LONDON: Clothing and Boots, etc. j|
STATES, and BRITISH ISLES. Letters receive prompt attention.
objection. the Washtub. KQX p one.
Distance no

In: conjunction with all the Capo, Suez, SALOON-Single, £90 to £130. 121, VIVIAN-STREET,
' Next Skating Rink. 'Phone 2651A. Makes Soiled Linen Sweet and More economical and more effective
China, and Japan Lines, at Lowest
Wholesome. Cheese everp time. I [ „than.ordinary Primus Shoves. ;<>-


THIRD-CLASS-£3B, £40, £42. it ever occurred to you that you It' 3 economical \ too J 'For '
First and Seoond-clasj Passengers se; "**"
HAS have Clothing., Boots, or Jewellery
NOISSEURS TO .BE ABSO- lying about that you can turn into cash?, USE LIFEBUOY SOUP IN YOUR "Rex" is just as tastp with-
out butter—and that's a Very much more economical than
electric irons.
consideration at the prices y
Travellers to any place outside the. Do- cure special advantages by. booking LUTELY We buy Clothing o£ all descriptions,
jewellery of any kind; and givo highest BATH AND DEFY INFECTION. now, ruling. Get a tin from P PETROL LAMPS—
minion are reminded that it is absolutely through from New Zealand, being pro-
nooessary to obtain Passports, and that it
is advisable to make early application to vided with Saloon Passages to Australia,
the Department of Internal Affairs for which are included in the above fares.
prices. Letters promptly attended to.
The Allies' Second-hand Dealer,
127, Manners-street, Wellington. Tel. 4107. Recommended by Medical Officers S
\ pour grocer and try it.
|', Take a little after meals ft)
, for pour digestion's sake. ■
|J A splendid system of lighting. Much
more economical than electric light
or gas. " ■.'■.'
~^Z^f®3£^^ WELLINGTON.
them. It is essential that passengers pro- "Rex" is afull creamcheese *M
ceeding to America should have their UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF
Sanitary I perfectly matured.^ Sold 3A Not the slightest advance on our usual
passports vised by: the United States N.Z., LTD., BREWERY AND OFFICES: THE BONDAGE OF ALCOHOL. of Health and other Ii vmergwhere. ', | famous low prices.
Consul. Authorities., s hv»ist on "Rex" brand. k\
Agents in New Zealand. MOLESWORTH AND MURPHY nnHERE'S a friend, or maybe » relation f, Agonts: h"

All Return and Round Tour Tickets STREETS. A near and dear to you, who is firmly <ti TWPBoKßßoß.,Weliiniton |T
interchangeable with Union Steam Ship
Company s R.M. Lino. Pamphlets, Maps,
and all information Free.
in the grip of drink. Abstinence means
happiness and prosperity .to him. You
can cure him by commencing the Drinko
to-day. Inexpensive, sure, per- Special Appointment I
to the Governo-
iPodted by
Fi^itt, Jones
& Co., Ltd.
(Circumstances permitting.) manent. Being odourless and tasteless
Drinko can be given in liquid or food. mHE BEST MOTOR CARS IN
UNION S.S. 00. OF N.Z., LTD.,
FOR NELSON, WESTPORT. GREY- It will not harm the most delicate con- 1, CUBA AND MANNERS STS.
Managing Agents. ■ MOUTH. AND HOKITIKA. stitution.
■ is unwilling to help
WAIMEA—MONDAY, at 5 p.m. rrtHE WELLINGTON MEAT EX- himself Even if patient "Phone 2240. ' 'Phone 2240.
WRIGHT. STEPHENSON, AND CO., -"-"\ PORT COMPANY, LTD., is pre- retly 'if Drinko
can be administered sec-
desired. Hundreds testify to its
Disinfects and Rooms,
Motor Garaffe, 15. Molesworth-sfcreet.
LTD., Agents.
[ pared to PURCHASE FAT SHEEP efficacy. : Write for free booklet. Al Clothing, Drains, Sewers, Etc., Etc.
F. & S.

Telephone 40J0. confidential, plain sealed
AND LAMBS by weight or at per head. eorrespandanca
(FEDEKAL AND SHIRELINES;) FOR NELSON. MOTUEKA, TAKAKA, envelopes used. State if Mr., Mrs., or
Miss.' LadyLambton-quay. Manager, Drinko Proprie-
TO MANUFACTURERS. By Special Appointment to HisExcellency
Used entirely in the Town Hall, Public
Nov. 30 11 a.m. tary, 212E, Wellington. the Governor-General.
Library, Schools, Etc., Etc.
Saturday The Company also offers Clients every
MOUTH. LIVERPOOL. MAN- anNote—All passengers must pass they through
facility for freezing on tfieir own account. MILD CURE .■'.". ROBERTS'S IRON, STEEL, AND In 4-Ga11.., 1-Gall., f-Gall., and frtllei. SPRAYERS STOCKED
' CHESTER, AND GLASGOW. TAK- bark.Inhalation Chamber before em- ,#~mOWN BRAND' BACON AND SHARP'S
VA HAMS, .'■;■,' OVEN WORKS, Holland-street. WHOLESALE:
AND GENERAL CARGO AT LOW- Stewardess carried.

For Freight and Passage, apply to

These Steamers have superior accom-
modation for Saloon Passengers.
Prices can be obtained on application at As supplied by the:British Bacon Factory,.
the Company's Offices' or from any of
Passengers must produce tickets at out the Buyers in the country. Is
Palmerston North,
in Quality and Value. T EVIM.—Foxton Motor Mail Servicn.
Orders promptly executed.
RfclD & REID, Harris Street, Wellington
Office before they embark. JU .Quickest route to Foxton. Loava
HAROLD Wellington Agents. BROWN '& CO., LTD., Foxton 7 am-, arrive Levin 8 ».m.; leave
THE NEW. ZEALAND & AFRICAN W. M. BANNATYNE AND CO., LTD., 12; leave Foxton Courtena'y-place
; STEAM ; SHIP CO., LTD., 'Phone 1540. Aeurta. W. G. FOSTER, Levin 11, arrive Foxton Cuba-street 'Phone, 2217.
3 p.m. leave Levin 7.50 p.m. Fares- 'phone 818A. '
Agents, Single, 4s od; Return, 6s 6d. Motors for


Managing Director.
Union Chambers, ■ Customhouse-quay. Hire Sundays.
; ; Telephone 1780. rf-URPET, CHIMNEY, WINDOW, PERCY WHITEHEAD, Proprietor. "
NEW ZEALAND 'SHIPPING rTtHE undermentioned . Steamers will
;; : —
JL leave (circumstances permitting) as BE SURE
The Cheapest and Best in Wellington.
jlpf||s2S Est., 1880.
Tel 113S
Prices—£s 10s. to £14. Others:-Hands. £3/10/-., Golden 0«k
Drophead. £5/17/6
GER STEAMERS. LYTTELTON, Via KAIKOURA- Purest and Best. . 68, Molesworth-street. and every 'piece guar- ] By Special Appointment to. His- .Excel-

-PIECE Suites
It is intended, until further notice, to
The s.s. WAKATU,
On MONDAY, at 4 p.m.
Obtainable at all Refreshment Rooms,
Kiosks, etc.
6 anteed: Uimu Suites, SA 7s 6d and
£6 ss; Oak Suites, £7 18s. ?*■■
lency the Governor-General.
t .
. .

deSDatch a Passenger Steamer from time

to'time to a Port, in the United Kingdom. : :'.' FORFOXTON— Picnic Parties, Dances,
Hotels, etc., : TILED, FIREPLACES.
Known—Splendid selection One only. Special Oak Suite, £9.155. PRANK (5-RADY,
Return .Tickets available by P. and O, Th« QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, Prompt Delivery by Ra.il and otherwise. WANTED Fires and Ranges, all: makes- Place orders now for early delivery. , WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER.
'"" ' .' '
Also, from time to time, as opportunity
.' "" On MONDAY, at 5 p.m. ■
" " Ice Delivered —Is
6d,-2e, and 3s blocks. Ranges
or repaired.
for cottage
The s.s. OPAWA, (Next to Te Aro Post Office). on faulty range Ring up
s^mvrKmm~mmimtmmml 48, WILLIS-STREET.
10, Rintoul-st, and 128, Riddiford-st.

CARGO STEAMERS. . THIS DAY, at 7 p.m. 'Phone 4162 or 2405. J. M. REID,
. ,
TOTE b^Hurt Unaed .t reMOB»W« cost m very Em election ot uuiqu. -4
For particulars as to passages,
freight, (No cargo received after 4 p.m.) Salts 2s, Clement's Tonic
Range ana Fire Specialist, Free■ Delivery. " RINGS A SPECIALITY.
STERLING SILVER. GOODS. !.?V ' " " artistic dwigns in both
KRUSCHEN 139..'Willis-street.
TSoafL- \nrVHE ©HOP . T^OR X\f ATCHES.
etc., apply to ■Phono 3214.
For freight or passage, apply to ■3s, Doom's Backache Pills 2s lOd, SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF
LEVIN AND CO.. LTD../A*ent«.
Follows' Syrup (largest) 7s 9d. Our Own
Hypophosphites (an ideal tonic), 4s, ~VJCT ANTED

X N, O W N.


Blaud's (soft mass) Pills for ladies and
men 2s per 100. Our Pharmacy is noted All kinds of Cemetery Work executed. THE' Secretary will be in attendance at
the Rooms, Bridge's Buildings, 119, ARTICLES.
- - j
Includins— *
.. .
for our extreme care and absolute fidelity Granite arid' Marble Curbs, Reinforced Willis-street, on TUESDAY and FRI- TRAYS,-VASES, " ?
in compounding Physicians' Prescriptions, Walls. Direct Importer' Granite DAY MORNINGS, from 10 ti 12.30. Manufacturing, Repairing, Engraving. COMB
all other branches of Pharmaceutical and Marble Memorials.. strictly orders receive -- .-- WATER KETTLES, with or without rt»ad,

and ' All communications confidential. Country prompt attention. HOT >

fTIHE following vessel* aru appointed to Work.. C. and 11. V. Evens, Chemists,
'Phone 1185. mHE chop xpoß rnROPHiEs. v
,;\ " r' ."'7v4Ses,-hw. jugs,_ photo frames, eto^
/COMMONWEALTH & DOMINION X ■ Sail m under: : 38. Manners-street. Wellington: H. GLOVER/

LINE. LIMITED. For WANGANUI—The s.s. INVERCAR- ~ ~ Monumental Sculptor, 59, Kent-terrace. A» these goods »re now »lmo«t prohibitif*
Head Office: 9 and 11, Fonchurch-avenue,
-. London, E.G. *
GILL, Early.
For NAPIER (Inner Harbour), GIS-
Purest and Best Eucalyptus on .
'Phone 3243. ';

Makinr Terr aerrioeaWe presenW.
import, you will be wiw to make your selection whilst opportunity *"


the Very Best Work at Reason-
Regular despatches from' New Zealand BORNE WHARF, and AKITIO- the market. . Recommended by the SCRAP METALS.
for. London of full-powered high-class Tho s.s. RIPPLE, Early. medical profossion. For Asthma., Bron- We are : Cash- Buyers of
steamers, fitted with wireless, installations chitis, Coughs and Colds, Chest Affections, WANTED— Zinc, Copper, Iron, SEND IT TO BARBER'S, '

Tfce Stewart rimber, Glass, & Hardware Co., lid.

PELORUS Lead, Brass,
ud refrigerating machinory, in charge ForHAVELOCK & SOUNDS Influenza, Catarrh, Sore Throats, Whoop-
—The s.s. BLENHEIM, 9th Dec., at 8 ing Cough, and Diarrhoea. Also for Rags, Rope, and Rubber. 125, Cuba street, 147, Riddiford-street. "
of experienced engineers. The Com-
p.m. No cargo r«oeived after 3 p.m. Cuts, Bruises, Toothache, and Neuralgia. "Phone 725. 'Phone 226. '
pany's steamers are noted' for the satis-
factory condition in which refrigerated JOHNSTON AND CO., LTD., Agenta On cale at Chemists' and Stores, at Is. JONES AND CO.,
Accommodation in Christ- D Doij^ Goitre Treatment restores the
"( 80. 82. 84, COURTENAY-PLACE.
cargo shipped by them is delivered at port
of destination.
Telephone No. «4-
the Australian Market with
Clyde-quay, Wellington.
(Established 20 SUPERIOR
years). church at "St. (west
Elmo" House, 52,
end), two minutee
at neck it» its former rraccfal Bbape
Ji in
* few months. A young lfcay
The Company is prepared to carry Worcester-street
froien meat, dairy produce, wool, and SUPPLY High-class HOME-MADE SWEETS,
Knowa to all Motorists— from G.P.O. and central tram terminus.
M -writeaj-"Sfinoe takin^aeonrseofDole's
Bj Goitre Tteatment about two yeari ato',
general cargo at lowest current rates of
:<er which there » a Great and Growing;
Demand. I teach this Art by post, ana Repairs WANTED That the Firm for every class of Ifcautiful
grass' lawn, flower plots, etc.
S3 I have never been tronbled withGoitre
SI agajD." itesulU are usnulWnoticeable
freight. and Overhauls is the S in two o> \hreo weeks. Goitre Beoklet

Fpr full particulars, apply to " WANGANUI—The s.*.'KAPITI, have pupils in all Australian States aoid Sweeten, and SI nail dctaVa twit poitfree.
XjTOR New Zealand who are Making Good In-
comes. Enclose Id stamp for free booklet
Johnston-street BLOCKETTES
Produce a Delightful Fragrant. The 1 *A. DOtG, Family Chemist
OFFICE, On MONDAY, at 3 p.m. MISS EVA GIBSON, Sirna Hardware Co. - greatest scientific bmihs have been brought to bear upon the lighting o»
Maritime Building, toCustomhouse-quay, Australian Suga.r Expert ; Cycla anr Motor Supplies Buildings,
Featherston-street. City. 'Phone 4640.
B 115 M Vicf(:>ri» Avenae WANOANUI ■■■
THE tho Studio where the exapt afmospherio effects m*y be seen which wiU w
Or DALGETY AND CO., (Dept. 82), 228. Pitt-atreet. Sydney. WANTED TO BUY, . SHIELDS, Military Tailor, 21, produced in ycjr home. Colourschemes and combinations of P*]*" *r"n*ed_^
W. M. BANNATYNE AND CO., LTD., . A cents. Cylinders reborod, fitted with new pistons,
T" a momenL's notice—displaying a hundred ideas to suit any individual »»e-
'Ph»n» 3011. ;
from £2 10s dot cylinder. . 400-gallon NEW TANKS «nd Willis-street, for Officers' and Pri-
cordially mvite tho Public to visit our Studio, whore the very latest in Wallp»pera
■."'.:'■■ "':
vates' Uniforms, Broaches, Forage Caps

STEAMSHIP CO. — and Hats; Puttees', Trench Coats) and Oil- may be sren <n
. -

Carriers, Lower Hutt.
Hutt-Wellington Service Daily.
Standard Motor is THE machine.
Call and inspect. English Cycle Chains
Experienced Men. 12s 6d and 15s, Douglas Chains 14s 6d,
1918 Reading
57,- Lower Cuba-street, City.
skin Coats, Service Stripes and Taiint'a When -planring 'the. good thin|i3
Gold' Gilt Buttons. All

' to grace the feast remember .
Powder, is
and' Ameiioan Wjllpapais*
TTNGEY'S havo onlj lecontly opened a very fine sclectiou ot the best tngum
Set* of magnificent and exclude designs, the agencies of which »re held by us.

Furniture Removed by that Edmonds Baidiig If you arr seeking ultia-spociahties then come along to TINGEY S
LEAVES NEW PLYMOUTH BREAK- STEAMER-EARLY. We quote for Townand Country Removals Duckworth Motor Chains 17s and 30s, 30 Our Correspondence Department attends to the requirements of clients nitjj
INFLUENZA. the cook's greatest aid in making

WATER, for ONEHUNGA, AUCK- x 3i Michelins £5 2s 6d, Tubes 255, 700 x WELLINGTON SOCIETY FOR THE country, and o^ receipt ot'si?e and shape of room, schemes will bo submitted ""«
85 £3, 920 x 120, 815 x 120 38s. Large stock PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO delicious, wholesome, plain and
LTD.. Hutl 'Phon« 37. Town 'Phone 3770 (two ANIMALS. earnestlj requested
4 p.m. (Weather, etc., permitting.) 13, King's Chamber*. ' :' rings). . 20of Second-hand
all kind* at the very lowest prices; Vucuo are to attacked with Cough or Sleeplessness, .fancy
Pastry, Biscuits, and Cakes. WeYave now competed Hie alterations to our shop front and are now show-
* p.m., for NEW PLYMOUTH
BREAKWATER. (Weather, etc., permit- ■ METALLURGIC MOTOR CAR.
Tel. 870.


road's a royal roid for the

Agents. 74, Lambton-quay.
Motors. Boucher's, Motor

to . Sell, 5-roomed House, their notice Exchange

kindly communicate any act' of
cruelty to animals that may come under
to A. M. Anderson, Secre-
Building, 113, Cus-
send AT ONCE for
"Sure to Rise:" AH grocers. 12 ■

Colours of Sydney Harbour. j .
ing a. fine selection of Framed Picturee. Amongst them being a.penes ot W»t«r
„ _, ,
Courtesy is our motto, and tho same attention is given to small, and* l*rg«
' '

tary, Royal by the best method
ting-) ■ Shock-absorbing Cradle Spring Scarborough-terrace; 5 Rooms, ■
P.O. Box 195.' 'Phone under He will build you up
' Brooklyn; 3 of 5 Rooms, Basin Reserve; "tomnousß-quay. . the sun.

30s; Return, 60s. Steer- to Sell, 12-14-h.p. 4-Seat«r Frame of the 1918 Indian Motor Cycle.
■ ■
. ■
9 Rooms, Oriental Bay; also largo Sec- BAKIING
I N G E Y'S,

age, 22s 6d;; Return, 355. Motor Gar, in first-class condition. We terms to suit
: ■

Further, information can be obtained Flush-sided Body, One-man Hood. Price

Inspection invited
tion, Rhodes Estate; 2 Houses and Sec-
tions in Pctone; cheap; easy terms. FOR
SALE, Ford Delivery Van, in per-
fect order; only had six months' use,
10, Seddon-terrace, off Coromandel-street, \JF T
from Union S.S. Co., Ltd., and Northern "18235 RADFORD AND CO., bargain; al6o Two-soater. Particulars Wellington South.
Car and Indian Motor Agents,
Ford 34-36,
S.S. Co., Joint Asreni*. MOTOR, a
Box 449, Wellington. MERCER-STREET. Mansers-street. G. Spinley, Palraerston North. 'Phow ...» 5643 (2 ring*).
LEVIN AND CO., LTD.. Agents.

HAWKES BAY WINES. DR. D.D.S., LITCHFTELD, immense programme of reform that A Press Association message from
SHIPPING Univ. of Peima., might otherwise been delayed for a
LOCAL hay«
AND GENERAL London states that the value of the POLITICAL NOTES
MUTUAL and Matured at
Grown L.D.S., R.C.S., Edin.,
generation or more. In the year after estate of the late Hon, J. D. Ormond
LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRA- THE FAMOUS DENTAL SURGEON, From 11.30 yesterday morning till 2.35
Resume Practice at bis Rooms, 29, the passing of the First Triennial Act thia (of New Zealand) in the United King-
Molesworth-street, on 19th January, 1919. meriting the House of Representa- dom has been assessed at £3132. VOTING THE ESTIMATES
XE MATA VINEYARDS, H.B. Charles L set up his standard at Notting- tives was occupied with the Esti- "
CLARET 38s doz. quart*. ham, and while Britain was once more mates, which all went through. The Sir James Allen said in the House of
HIGH WATER. Established 1859. 38s „ Representatives last night (in reply to
~ House rose at 2.40, till 2.30 p.m. Mon-
To-da> ~lh 50m .a.m.; Sb 18m p.m.
To-mora. ow—2h 35m aan.; 2h 55in pjn. Total Funds in hand, over
Assurances in force
.. £11,000,000
£37,600,000 TWO QUALITIES
38s „
48s „
486 „
„ Evening Post. contemplating civil war the Kaiser set
up hia standard in Belgium. In neither
case was the British Parliament so silly
day. The Legislative Council put the
Finance Bill through all stages. The
only discussion was a protest from the
the Hon. A. T. Ngata) that adequate
reference would be made to the Maori
soldiers in the history of New Zealand's

ARRIVALS. Claims paid

Bonuses allotted
£10,750,000 OF JAMS-
£5,800,000 * NOTE TO CONSUMERS.—If your
own Wine Merchant be unable to eupply, as to tie its hands by a pedantic homage Hon. J. T. Paul against tax-free loans, part m the war. Yesterday the House of Representa-
with the suggestion that the logical re- Registration of J. E. Fitzgerald, Limi- tives had a varied run on the Estimates.
November o
tons. Wins, fromlU" 011"
v'8-s- (^ P-=>->, 1W
please communicate direct with the
Growers— SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1918. to the doubtful virtue of consistency.
The late Parliament did something sult of such & system would be repudi- ted, a. private company, is reported by The members bad divers moods—here a
November 23-OpaWvll,^; Uo'3o zioSODm)p-m-;> lw
YEAR, 30th SEPTEMBER, 1918.

Reginald Collins, Ltd. ation. This drew from Sir Francis 801 l the Mercantile Gazette. Office: 111-113 halt and there a gallop. The day be-
tons, Nicholas, from Ik
November 30-Mararoa.
,o on 'ia'm-)l
B (8'20
m ) -DBH AU Policies effected under " With-Profit Proprietors, Te Mata Vineyards.
more, however, than merely revoke the
extension which li had itself enacted. It
a brief but interesting reply. The Coun-
cil rose at 4.30 p.m. until 11 a.m. on
£4000 into
Wellington." Capital!
4000 shares of £1 each. Sub- gan with a "stonewall" on the first class,
lons, Cameron, Lytfc. """ Tables." on or before 30th September,
1918, will therefore secure an additional
G.P.O. Box 426, Wellington. RECORD-BREAKING prolonged its bwn life not only beyond Monday. ambers: Wellington-J. E. Fitzgerald Legislative Department*, because soipe
DEPARTUfK* 8- 3490 fully paid up, and 500 contributing; members felt that their dignity and con-
year's Bonus at the next Allotment.
JAM LADIES' WHITE FOOTWEAR. PARLIAMENT the limit of five years established by its The Telegraph Office notifies that from J. W. Fitzgerald 10 contributing. Ob- venience had not been properly con-
November 29-Port Alma, s.s. v'H°Ol"a Pjmi)>
-1 fl3
tons, Hoad, for lyttelton and Port „ - M„ A BONUS AT RIGHT PRICES. own legislation, bnt beyond the seven to-day telegrams may be accepted at jects : Motor and cycle agents, importers sidered in the shaping and making of
Noyember 29-Monowai, s.s. (5.19 , »"*■'" ACCRUES EVERY YEAR. years' limit fixed by the Septennial Act. ordinary rates for all offices in the etc. the new building and its furnishing.
tons. Williams, for Lyttelton ■!„ i". fITHIS beautifully ligrhfc and stylish Foot- The British. Parliament, w,hich was South Island, All offices will continue
: X wear will be very popular this The Government has made an arrange- Eventually peace was made by an assur-
November 29-Ngatoro,
Duttiie, for Oreymouth
s.s. (6 p.m.), U »'
■■.- WAR
AND OTHERS! summer. What could be nicer for the
promenade a.nd the lawn? The prices are
dissolved on Monday, would have been a Even before the passing of that Act
only two Parliaments had lasted more
to close at 5 p.m. ment with the officer who is caring for ance from the Minister that he wonld
act with a Committee of the
November 29-Putiki, s.s. (6.85 p.m.), memorable Parliament if it had come to House in
tons, liobertson, for Timaru
tons, Deiley, for Blenheim
and Danedin
November 28—Wairau, s.s. (6.55 p.m.), ®
November 20—Wootton,. s.s. (8.20 p.m.), 151 8
| _ General Manager for New Zealand. ,
Head Office for Now Zealand—
Oustomhouee-quay. ■
extremely moderate:
SHOES, covered buckles and heels,
8s lid
an end five years ago, yet it is during
the last five years that its most arduous
and momentous work has been done, and
than seven years. One was the Long
Parliament already mentioned (1640-
---1653) j tho other, which ought to be
Owingl to the influenza epidemic and the preservation of the graves
of Maori
the death of the acting general secretary War veterans that he shall perform
(Mr. A. E. Smith), the annual meeting of similar service in connection with the
the Young Men's Christian Association jfraves of members of the
the planning of improvements to the
Chamber. In contrast with this hold-
up came a rapid slide on Defence, which
tons, Larscn, for Lyttolton SIGN.AN ARMISTICE WITH LADIES'. WHITE CANVAS DERBY which was to have been held last even- Force in New Zealand. The Hon. G. W went through in an hour. The custom-
November 30—Wakatu, s.s. (10.35 a.m.); 157 YOURSELF. called the Longer Parliament, spent its ing was adjourned until some future Russell said that the ary curiosity and criticism characterised
tons, Wills, for Pioton . , SHOES, toeca-ps, covered Cubanheels, its most enduring titles to fame estab- took the
November 30-Nikau, s.s. (10.40 a.m.), 248 tons
■ /TIHE dftlicioosnees and fruity 9s lid lished. Its war record is absolutely nearly eighteen years of cheerful and date. Mr. C. M. Lake announced that greatest interest jn his officer
work, and had
the discussion, but the remarks were
Hay, .for Nelson .. ;. . . LADIES' WHITE CANVAS BROAD inglorious existence at peace with the report and balance-sheet were at done splendidly in the renovation of the mainly not of a new kind. There were
goodness of "X" JAM place unique, and, let us hope, will always many
C<T6P for a while and work out how BAR WALKING SHOES, rosette or- Charles 11., and folly earned its title of present being prepared, and it was hoped veterans' graves. echoes of other discussions, ques-
tions and replies, already reported dor*
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. nament, 9s lid remain so. But before the war its to call the
KJ much you are spending each week itin a claw by itself- LADIES' WHITE POPLIN COURT the Pensionary Parliament by taking in January.members together again early Investigation of the mosquitoes of ing this session. The last olass went
Kofomlko, Weatport, SOth
Waltorao, Calcutta,', via Auckland, 30th
Qqsen of the Sqntb, Toxton, SOth
* on Groceries. Then come along to SHOES, smart covered buckles and
Cuban heels, 18s 6d
achievements in social and constitutional
reform had made ineffaceable landmarks bribe? impartially from the Courts of "When will the embargo laid upon tra-
New Zealand, £100," is an
item on the
The Hon.
through at 2.3S a-.m. to-day.
Invercargill, Sounds, 30th PORTEE/S in British history, and, strange to say, England and France. On all essential velling aoross the Straits be removed?" said last night that the G. W. Russell
Wakatu, Picton, 30th LADIES' SUPERIOR POPLIN PLAIN points no greater contrast could well be asked Mr. Witty when the House of Government had THE MAGISTERIAL "MOVE ON."
Monowai, Lyttelton, Ist .. .
Baden Powell, New Plymouth, Ist CASH GROCERY,
medium round toes and Cuban heels, the colossal burdens of the war have not
imagined than that between this Parlia- Representatives was discussing mines on
an exceedingly competent officer, scienti.
fically equipped, and this vote was put When the item Justice was under
19s 6d prevented it from eclipsing these per- the Naval estimates. The Minister for review yesterday, the Minister was
. on the Estimates in order to enable him
Kemuera, Dunedin, Ist
Abo, White Nubuck, Suede, Derby, Ankle ment and the one which has just been asked why he did not wait till, the end
" Ripple, Napier and Gisborne, Ist
Kirftona, Napier, Ist
Kapuni, Fatea, Ist
and prove it to your own satisfaction tiiat
there is MONEY TO BE SAVED each
Bar, and Low Court Styles, in variety
formances in both fields. In other minor
and incidental directions the Parliament dissolved. The Parliament of 19U-18
Marine (Hon. T. M. Wilford) did not hold
out any hope of this being done until
to carry out an investigation in the mov
qmto infected parts of New Zealand. If of the war before he appointed the new
Navua, San Francisco, 2nd week by shopping here. It is extrava- ALWAYS ORDER "X" JAM! CALL and SEE OUR WIDE DISPLAY. of 1911-18 haa also been breaking has crowded into less than eight years Commandsr Kiely returned from an- his report helped them to get rid of Stipendiary Magistrates.
Waverley, Patea, 2nd gance to pay more tha.n Porter's charge such works of peace and war as the other field of work to which he had been these poisonous little insects, it would The Hon. T. M. Wilford replied that

"records." The liberties that it has despatched. Mr. Witty : "As soon as be well worth the expenditure. when the appointments were made- it
Kapiti, Wanganui, 3rd normal Parliamentary activities of eighty
Kamo, Greymonth, 3rd
Moerakl, Hobart and Sydney, indefinite
. 106, CUBA-STREET, Wellington,
taken with its own term constitute the
years would hardly have sufficed to
possible?" Mr. Wilford : "Yes."
In reply to Dr. Thicker, who urged
was not known ' when the war would
end. He was then short of five Magis-
most interesting instance of this kind, Though the galleries of the House of that the Plunlwt nurses should be en- trates, engaged on ' Military Service
PROJECTED DEPARTURES, WE SELL FOR CASH AND SELL FOR ARGAINS FOE! THIS LAST The Parliament which has just been dis- cover. Representatives are still closed to the couraged to the utmost, the Board*. Elderly Magistrates found
THREE DAYS OF THIS solved was the first for nearly two hun- public, by reason of the epidemic, two Public Health stated in the Minister of
ofRep- themselves with larger districts and cur-
resentatives last night thatHouse
'Arjan, San Francisco, SOth
Opawa, Blenheim, 30th WEEK: dred years to tamper with the Parlia- visitors come regularly—-and no questions the Govern- tailed railway , services. They were
-iWaimea, Nelson and West Coast, 80th '■ BUSINESS NEEDS OF THE are asked. They are strangers,but they ment bad aerreed to grant a suhsidy at required to work harder than ever.""ln
Mararoa, Lyttelton, 30th
Moana; San Francisco, 30th

. .. EVERY LINE IS REDUCED. . Ladies' Poplin Ready-to-W«ar Haia, % 6d mentary term. The Septennial Act was RAILWAYS are becoming well known to members the rate of £100 a year for every Plunket the circumstances he had deemed it
Koraata, Westport, SOth for 2b lid placed on the Statute Book in 1716, and of the Press Gallery. The intruders are nurse employed on the society's work. necessary to retire the older Magistrates

Kahu, East Coast, SOth ■

it remained there until the passing ol the a pair of sparrows. Tney fly through The Government also paid the travelling without fear or favour, and to appoint
Ngakuta! Greymonth, 80th ' Panama Hats, with band of ribbon, % rid Parliament fanlights, and play about in the nooks and nursine Mtpensej. Mr. J. A. Young men of an age to cope with the work.
Hu}». Foxtoa, 30th
., ■■-..">"-. PORTER'S Act of 1911. The objects During the last financial year, ended of the gilded caps on the columns. It remarked that not penny of the Gov- This course was imperative. He had
Wairau, Blenheim, 2nd
Baden Powell, New
Invercargill, Wanganui, 2nd
Plymouth, 2nd
MR. JAMES KAY, White Pique Skirts, this Mason's style, and circumstances of the two measures 31st' March, the Government Railways
50b for 21s were certainly as different as thsy well had to bear heavy imposts due to war
is b«lieved that they have a nest some-
wherein the interior. They make many
ernment subsidy in the past had gone
towards the payment of salaries.
to get young active men. A man
Queen ol the South, Foxton, 2nd , . has had oonskkrabte ex-
WHO could be. The Septennial Act was not a conditions. Financial concessions to
trips in and out of the room.
Tho question of the likelihood of
should he at his best at the age of forty.
If he was not good enough at that age
r Hawera, Patea, 2nd 239, RIDDIFORD-STREET. perience m a Cutter in London,
Kiritona, Gisborne, 2nd
and who. ia well up in West End AIM STRAIGHT FOR limiting -but an enlarging measure. A employees "added a sum of about Mr. J.P. Luke asked, in the House of being made to obtain a remission efforts
of the to be a Magistrate, he never would be.
Ripple, Napier, 3rd Representatives last night, whether Sir The Minister, remarked that he regarded
Mapourika, Picton and Nelson/ doubtful '
l'aparoa, London, 6th ■"" " "- 'Phone
■ 2450. styles, has joined "" ARCHER'S,
Triennial Act had then been in operation £230,000 to. the. expenditure of the year
for twenty-two years, htft the Pre- under review ; war-prices increased the
Joseph Warcl had considered the ques-
sentences passed on those reservists who
retimed to perform military service when the present provision for retiring allow-
ance (one sixteenth part of the salary,
" m MILLIGAN'S, UPPEE CUBA-STEEET. tender's standard had been set up in cost of materials (in seventeen items " tion of obtaining a steamer to replace
the Tutanekai for cable-laying. Such
called upon, and on persons convicted of
sedition during the war period, wa» con- £700, for each year of service) was not
PROTECTION a steamer could also be used for carry- sidered by the executive of the Returned sufficient. '/a believed that Magis-
OVERSEA VESSELS. FOR ESTATES OF SOLDIERS Scotland during the preirious years, and alone) by nearly £200,000; and to this trates should have something better to
Makura, dne at Auckland PROCEEDING MERCHANT TAILORING he had not been drives back to France must be added the enhanced cost of ing coal from the West Coast. The Min- Soldiers Association in Auckland this
Sunday next from ON ACTIVE SERVICE. SERVICE, ister replied that both the Tutanekai and week. Motions were carried emphasis- anticipate than a maximum retiring
" iVancouver; to leave Auckland for Vancouver till February, 1716. The Whigs were many other materials,, especially coal. allowance of about £300 a Year (tha
the calling up of the Beoond EGGS,
NEW-LAID the-^Hinemoa would be sold. They would ing the opinion thao there should be no
about the 9th December.
Niagara, left Auckland for Vancouver on th«
16th November; due back on 29th December
Division many business men and
responsible heads of families will be con-
KELBURN-AVENUE. afraid of an appeal to the country in tho Indeed, the coal bill alone will be, in be repJaoed by one larger vessel, which
would not do cable work. The Eastern
remission of such sentences, and that the. amount which would be payable after
about twenty-five years' service).
" Arawa, dne at Wellington, via Auckland, from excited state of popular feeling, and on the current year, about £200,000 greater Government should use every means at
Sydney, about 9th December; then loads Lyt- cerned for the safe administration of their Company would do any repairing neces- its disposal to bring to trial all men who
PEE DOZ i/o PER DOZ. the ground that " a Popish faction were than it was in 1913-14. War-prices,
telton, Dunedin, Auckland, Gisborne, and Na- affairs while away on service.
pier; leaves Wellington about 20th December, guarding of securities and investmenta,
The- safe- 1/o designing to renew the rebellion in this moreover, have not merely hit the rail-
sary. The new vessel would be suitable
for taking cargo when necessary.
have been called in the ballot and who
have failed to parade, also all men who
for London, via Panama. collection of rents and interest, and may have deserted after being attested. Up to this year, the amount allocate!
. Ruahine, due at Wellington 26th January from watchful attention to finanajal require-
London. . ' ment* in general, are points about which
A Kingdom" and that "an invasion from ways through
the cost of railway mate-
abroad" was imminent, Parliament ex- rial. They have also tended to reduce Mr. G. W. Forbes (Hurunui) remark- The resolutions have been forwarded to annually by the Government (but not
Eemuera, at Port Chalmers; loads at Timaru
»nd Wellington for London; sails for London persons will bo
seriously concerned at the
PORTRAIT, OUE REPUTATION AT BACK OF tended its own life and that of succeed-
the carrying business, and the war upon
ed in the House of Representatives yes-
terday that some fanners escaped taxa-
the Minister for Defence. always wholly spent) for
dustrial research has been £250. In "
scientific in-
abont sth December," present time. Amongst prominent Auckland district this year's Estimates the old item (£250)
Opihi, due at Wellington from Vancouver THE GUARDIAN TRUST AND EXE- EVEEY EGG WE SELL.
ing Parliament* from three years to shipping has had the effect of reducing tion because forms were not sent in.
residents who have died from influenza reappears, but there is also a grant to
tbout 15th December; left Vanconver 18th Nov- OF NEW seven. It was as a result of the bitter transport by land as well as transport Some system of checking was needed in
CUTORS COMPANY small, even a single' this week were Mr. James Thorpe, offi- the New Zealand Institute for research
Durham, doe in New Zealand from England
"fijruro from a group, can be struggle with the House of Lords which by sea.. Goods which would have come
country districts. The form was also ao
complicated that some persons had diffi- -
cer in charge of local service, Public work (including £250 for binding books),
during January. Has been authorised by Parliament to effectively Enlarged and finished was precipitated by its rejection of Mr. into the country for handling did not culty in filling it in. He knew of men Works Department, who served in the and there is also a laboratory item of
Dorset, dne at Wellington from Sydney, via .undertake., all such administrative work, .
'Auckland, about 9th December; sails on "the
14th December for.Tort Said. .. .
and may with oonfidenoe be appointed by Lloyd Geurge's Budget in 1909 that the come, and other goods which should have who had saved money in this matter by
going to lawyers. The form should be
Boer War, and was recently married;
Mr. D. H. Gray, managing director of
£500. Even this increased amount is
infinitesimal compared with the money
Devon, due New Zealand from Egypt, via .'. ■"."EXECUTOR,'TRUSTEE,. OR
.. SMITH, B. Liberals, received a mandate at the gone out have remained in store. The

one which should not puzzle an average the Wainku Steam Shipping Company, provided by the Governments of Aus-
[Australia; no New Zealand cargo. ■. ATTORNEY. . BARTLETT General Election in December, 1910, at ramification' of effects and consequences farmer. It was unfair to offer practic- and a member of the Northcote Borough tralia and Canada. All over New Zea-
Port Hacking, leaves London end November, This service will be
for Wellington, via Melbourne and Auckland; desirous of obtainingl the protection,
appreciated by all And once to paralyse the veto of the Lords is illustrated in the reduction of live ally a premium to the dishonest and the Council; Mr. W. J. M'Nicol, the well- land there is a demand for scientific in-
due about 10th February. ' ANDREW, FOOD SPECIALIST, and to strengthen the power of the stock tonnage. Owing to the cold stores unscrupulous. Mr. M'Callum (Wairau) known Waikato 'stock auctioneer; Mr. vestigation, but the provision is small-
Port Lyttelton, left London 26th Ootober, for eeourity, guidance, andf able management S. J. Crawford, secretary of the Auck- The Minister of Internal Affairs said
Wellington, via Australia and Auckland; dne which' the Company provides. Prompti- 10, Willis-«treet. by reducing from seven to bemg full, stock had to remain on argu«d that a person of fifth standard
sth January; loads here for Egypt tude and strict secreoy in all transaction* 'Phone 1233- COURTBNAY-PLACE AND BER- democracy tEe education should be able to fill in the land Earthenware Pipe Company; Mr. last night that he would prefer to ccc
M. Maddison, th« noted Rugby goal- £50,000 on the Estimates, but it .was
five years the maximum interval between farm, and the railways lost the revenue
Port Sydney, to leave Sydney on the 7th are. special features of the Company's
December for New Zealand
---lin.Tt6n. ■
ports, including W«l-
The Guardian Trust Js merged in and
Tonawanda, left New York for Auckland and guaranteed "Ky the South British Insur-
. HAMPORB. successive General Elections. that the transport thereof would have
In the first instance, the action of the represented. Increased cost, of working,
present form.
Search for phosphate rock* and other
deposits of value in agriculture was urg-
kicker ; and Mr. Samuel Dickey, far- necessary to wait till conditions becanw
mer, Katikati, formerly of Thames, normal.
whose two brothers at Dargaville have
Admiral Ceclle, left New York for Auckland ance Company, Ltd., with assete exceed-
and Wellington in November
Kent, from London, leaves Sydney to-day for
ing.,£1,300,000. ,
Call or.,write for free booklet, giving r
-'-v;- ......
---0. W. MARTIN,
.. Parliament
01/ UMBER AND HOT WATER ]Yf"R. BRIDGE, Dentist (late Upper/ nial Act was of an exactly opposite from coming, and business that had to
which' repealed the Septen- business; that war-conditions prevented ed upon the Minister for Mines by sev-
eral members in the House of Represen-
tatives yesterday as work which should
also died.
Mr. Laurence (Laurie) Murphy, a vic-
Under a section of the Finance Bill
Auckland, Wellington,Lyttelton, and Port Chal- full particulars and charges. ENGINEER, character to that of the Parliament refused through motives of economy, tim of the iafluenaa epidemic, wai edu- the Postmaster-General is authorised to
mers ; thenloads for London. communications
AddressInsurance Co., in any town._ The care South WillU " street), MACAETHY<B which passed it. The one reduced tho be combined to make up a tax which any
be undertaken bjr the Geological Depart-
ment. The Minister explained that the cated at St. Patrick's College, and was make free issues of official postage
■ Henriette (sailer), left San Francisco for. Wel- well known in athletic circles. He was stamps of a total value not exceeding £2
British 13, LOWER TORY STREET. Willig-Mreet Geological Survey Branch was down to
management of the two Companies i» CHAMBERS, 60, (nfxt term of all Parliaments, including its carrying concern was bound to feel and bedrock in the matter of staffing, and a member of the clerical staff of the in any one month (bo be used for post-
,Joan Craig (sailer), left Newcastle 28th Nov- Railway Workshops, Petone, having age, telephonic, or telegraph purposes)
ember for Hew, Zealand ports. identical. Ring 1720 for Estimate*. Grady, Jeweller). own, while the other extended its own to feel severely. In 1917-18 the passen- the 'few expert officers remaining had
SCOTT. $F.P.A.N.Z.), Auditor term, but did so under the cover of gers were over 2f millions less than in requests for their services from all parts been transferred from the head office to each member of Parliament, and £1
-and Publio Accountant, The Dal-
Hour»—9 to 5. Tel.
Tel 4431.
4731. general legislation. If this is stating the the preceding year, and the goods ton- of New Zealand. A valuable work had
been carried out, however, by Dr. Hen-
a.bout seven years ago The funeral took to each member of the Legislative Coun-
place yesterday, the chief mourner* be- cil. This was allnded to by Sir JosepS
LONDON, 23th November "gety Building, Featherstdn-istreet. Tele- ANDERSON DAVID DAY AND SCHOOL matter too strongly, it is certainly the nage, decreased by over 450,000. On derson in. the preparation of a report ing his father (Mr. T. Murphy), his Ward yesterday afternoon. It was not
Sailed—Wanganni, for Wellington phone 4078. SON, fact that, whatever the inconveniences the other side of the account are the covering the lime deposits in all parts father-in-law (Mr. G. W. Jenkins), his making a present to members, he sajd.
SYDNEY, 80th November FOR cousin, (Mr. L. Members' correspondence had greatly in-
Sailed—Arawa, for New Zealand. mEA MERCHANTS AND FAMILY of the Triennial Act of 1694 had proved economies, effected) and the. 10 per cent, of New Zealand. That report would be Moody), and his brotlier- creased
in-la,w (Mr. Percy in the past war years. Last
printed shortly, and the information Jenkins). The Sail-
AUCKLAND, 29th November to be, the fear of the Jacobites and a increase in fares and freights. These
Arrived—Arahura (5.50 p.m.), from Glsborn* GROCERS, would then be available for farmers and way Department was represented by year the Government came to the con-
69-75, MOLESWORTH-STREET. desire to prolong its own life were the factors, did not prevent a fall in the Mr. Hutchison (chief clerk) and a num- clusion that it was fair to allow. mem-
PATEA, 89th November
Arrived—Waverley (6.40 a.m.), from Welling-
NEW PMTMOTJTH, 29th November
Sailed—Earawa (4.50 p.m.), for Onebunga
: 'WANTED— . . Tojephon* 331. Boys axe at j.rosent at-
tending the Primary 9-nd Second-
chief motives influencing the Parliament percentage of profit to capital invested,
which repealed that Act. But by the which was 5.30 in 1916-17 and 4.60 in
others who wished to know the extent
and situation of lime deposits.
The Board of Governors of the Wel-
ber of fellow-employeee. Mr. Mnrphy bers a further sum of £25; but it was
leaves a widow and child, trio are at found that this could not be done as an
present in hospital. addition to salary; so a grant vof £2 a
WANTED, Competent Short- ZEALAND INSURANCE ary Departments at irony of fate, the Parliament which waa 1917-18. The Department claims—and
Arrived—Baden Powell (2
SOth November
a.m.), from Wel- hand-Typist for Commercial ■jyEVT lington College has made provision for month to help meet postal, telegraph,
The sinking of the mine recently by and telephone charges made. His
elected in December, 1910, to settle ac- justly—that it is a creditable fact that, all State school children who will be en- the Waimea does not seem to have been own opinion was that was
lington Office. Permanent position
and good prospects for reli-' COMPANY. LIMITED. BANKS COLLEGE. counts with the House of Lords and, despite war-prices, the total increase ia titled t< free places in the Wellington the country did
WANGANUI, 29th November
Arrived—Kapiti (1 n.m.); from Wellington able young lady. " Boys' College and the Girls' College nest such a simple task as the brief announcer not pay its members or its Minister*
NAPIER, 29th November ■.»:,.
":' ■:. . -..: ■ ■■
In the recent Education Board's shorten its own term was afterwards gross expenditure in four years of tha
seven out <)l eight boys pre-
Exam,, gained
year. The increased accommodation at ment by the N_a,val Adviser made it ap- enough, and they must commence to re-
pear. The mine was at first sighted at cognise that. Much hearty " hear-hear-
th«tt Standard VI. liament of to1716
Sailed—Karamn (1.30 p.m.), for Wellington compelled follow the lead of the Par- war from 31st March, 1914, to 31st the Girls' College has been made under
LYTTKLTON, 30th November sented, 7 o'clock in the morning, when the ing" came from a number of members
Arrived—Monowaj (7.35 a.m.), from Welling- FIRE, MARINE, AND 'ACCIDENT Proficiency Certifiestes. by extending the term March, 1918, is only £162,584, which is, an amicable arrangement with the Wel-
lington Education Board, which will steamer was bound from Wanganui to at the Ministerial mention of a necessary
AKAEOA, 29th November -£\- to the above ■ appear in the INSURANCE Candidates prepared for Publio again. For a parallel to this apparent not a large sum considering the bonus hand over to the Governors the control Greymouth. After steaming slowly increase of salary
Arrived—Hinemoa (9 a.m.), from Wellington newspapers day after day. Service, Entrant Army, Navy, aad inconsistency it is necessary to go nearly given and the increase in the price of round Germany's colonial representative,
all University Exams. of that building attached to the Normal the ship's officers "opened fire," but,
The demand for Trained Steno- ACCEPTED AT LOWEST RATES. a century further back. The third Par- material, and compares very favourably School (at Thorndon), which was former- owing to the heavy sea at the time, ORGANISATION OF POLICE.
earning £4 per week.
-grapbers is such that many ar* D. J. BEWS,
Mr. W. T. Foster, M.A., B.Litt
liament of Charles I.—the Parliament with the increases in gross expenditure
which passed the Petition of Right and in such States as New South Wales,
ly used as the manual and technical de-
partment of the old Teachers' Training seventy rounds were fired without any re* The Minister of Justice was asked by
Captain A. C. Hoad, master, of tha Port Manager.
(Oxon), First Claaß Honours Lan- College, and which adjoins the Girts' suit. Several other ways of dealing with Mr. S. G, Smith (New Plymouth) in the
'Alma, who owing to Illness, was left behind held Speaker Lenthal in his chair in Queensland, and South Australia." The the n»ine were tried, but all met withfail- House of Representatives yesterday whe-
has taken charge of his vessel "
again Office—Lainbton-quay , and Grey-»treet, guages and literature, Principal; College grounds iji Brook-street. This
at Sydney,
at. Wellington. '.' " ". BANKS ■
COLLEGE, Mr. T. S. Atkinson, "B" Certifi- order to prevent hii. from adjourning comparison of New Zealand and Aus- building {now being used for the pur- ure. However, the holes made in the mine ther he would object to the formation of
Mr. C. White has taken Mr. D. McLaren's Wellington. cate; Mr. J. W. Russell, "C", the House as directed by the King tralian figures, to the marked advantage poses "of a hospital) will be thoroughly allowed a considerable quantity of water an association by members of the Police
place as third engineer of the Ngatoro. Mr. ..._.-. Woodward-street, Certificate. to enter, and the dangerous object finally Force.
James Neville, second engineer, has come
ashore: ' .
Mr. J. W. Weir signed on the Monowai as
fourth engineer yesterday, and Mr. M. Sul-
'■ ...... WELLINGTON,
OPTICB, Mies Tucker, "D" Certificate, for
many yettrs with the Hawkes Bay
Education Board, is in charge of
until it had passed other resolutions of the former, is a conspicuous feature of
asserting its privileges—was so_ little to the Statement.
the King's liking that he did not summon It is satisfactory to note that the de-
fumigated, cleansed, repainted, furnished
anew, and the four large classrooms it
contains will amply accommodate the new
year's rush of proficiency certificate hol-
sank from sight. Although the attaok Mr. Wilford replied that this matter
lasted for seven hours, the time is not had been discussed with him by deputa-
regretted by the men, as their work prob- tions. Eventually he had decided to
7, WILLIS-STREET, the Junior Boys. ably averted a serious shipping disaster. take a ballot. As a result about 700
(fifth engineer) signed oft the vessel's ar- has prepared hundreds of ambi-
tjous young women for high-sala..
Lat* Optician for the Wellington He*
pital and Charitable Aid Board.
Pupils are now being enrolled for
janother Parliament for eleven years. crease in the goods train mileage is only ders. Owing to the epidemic it has not
been possible to hold an examination The following letter has been received members of the force expressed a pre-
ried positions. next y<<ar. Boys from the age of five I
This was the longest interval without a partly due to the falling off of traffic in this year-end, and the certificates for- by Mr. T., Young, ohairman of the Wel- ference for joining the Public Berrieo
The Kahu, which has been held np at Wel-
Patient* unable to obtain advice from
Optical Department may obtain ad- entered. Parliament since regular meetings had goods and live stock. It is also partly general proficiency aro to be allotted by lington Centre Bed' Cross Society, from Association, i and about 87 voted for a
lington for about two weeks owing to the epi- Write or call To-day for Pros- the H. AMOS, been instituted, and it was followed in due to economy arising His Excellency the Governor-General, separate association. He would be meet-
demic, will probably leave port to-day with a pectus on the Shorthand and vice at the above address between 9 a.m. from grade ease- the headmasters of the schools in confer- president of tho New Zealand branch of ing the executive of the Public.Service
Typewriting Courses—it will give and 5.30 p.m. Director. 1640 by the shortest of Parliaments ments and the ence with the inspectors.
loa/1 of oil for JTa.pier. Telephone 2098. use of larger engines. the British Eed Cross Society and. Order Association next day to announce the re-
you an idea tne of very practioal within that period. After sitting far That fact raises the question of general of St. John of Jerusalem :—"Dear Mr. sult of the ballot. Personally he would
Richardson's steamer, the Kiritona, is due at MOORE AND CO.'S Motor Ser- The effect of the education campaign
Wellington on Sunday next from Napier, and.is
to leav.e for Gisborne on the following day.
value of oirr instruction.
vice Station. Goods, Furniture,
Builders' Materials
moved" daily by
three weeks, an Assembly which refused improvements, a. scheme of which, pro- recently conducted throughout New Zea-
land was plainly shown by the. protract-
Young,—On the completion of another be willing to allow the police to have
effort for the funds required in response their own association and send delegates
A full crew ha3now been obtained for the
Business men know the value of
On Sundays Motor 'Buses LEARN SHORTHAND AND TYPE- to support Charles I. in Ms Scotch war pounded in 1914, was expected to be ed debate which took place on the Edu- to 'Our Day /Appeal,' I feel >I must to him every three months to dieouss
Banks College Instruction—it is motors. leave WRITING AT GILBY'S COLLEGE. was sent about its business, and to the
Kgatoro, and the vessel sailed for dreymouth
proof of ability to serve efficiently. lor Titahi Bay at 10 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. completed by 1919, but which has now cation Estimates in the House of Ee-> send to all who have fought, so splendid- matters of interest, just as the executive
at 6 o'clock last night.
Only individual instruction. Term . (summer fares), and for Tnenthara. at 1.0 Short Parliament the Long Parliament overlapped by a secondary scheme presentatives last night. Members gen- ly in the cause of the sick and wounded of the A.S.B.S. did with the" Minister
Commencing next week the Nikau and Kaitoa commences with Studant. Morn- p.m. 'Phone 4427, Bovfen-street, and 3712 Gilby student, you will succeeded. The liberties which the King been erally referred to the condition of some my heartiest congratulations for the re- of Railways, or the police could link up
■will leave Wellington for Nelson and Motueka
*t 11o'clock instead of 10 o'clock. The Kaitoa ing-, Afternoon, and Evening (2 Tings), Johnsonville. 1
- a
"get on" well at our classes, and
had previously taken with the life of
intended to be put in hand m 1919-24. of the schools in the Dominion, and de- sults achieved. Your workers, through with the Public Service Association, and
leaves on Tuesdays and Fridays, and the Nikau ClassesT Gst a Prospectus at " LOGIC.
"get on" well subsequently in business. If the qninquennial programme drawn nounced the Government for not provid- their untiring efforts, have succeeded in state their case through the executive of
on Wednesdays and Saturdays. once. Last year 87 out of 89 Shorthand Students Parliament were to be repaid in liiv up in 1914 was urgent then, what shall ing a largely increased vote for educa- not only placing the finances of our New that body.
passed. Typewriting results were equally before
this famous Assembly had nm its be said of it now that its successor has tional purposes. They made it' plain Zealand branch in the strongest'■possible
The Union Company announces that the de-
parture of the X.M.3. Makura for Vancouver
from Auckland htts been postponed until the
Director. results. NATURAL
methods grow natural good. Gilby students aro in great de-
mand by employers. Sco the full details comae. also reached the stage of urgency? In
that thoy were not satisfied with the in- position, so far as its needs are con- "DELICATESSEN"
18th December. NATURALLY in our free prospectus. Write for a copy, In order to guard against such sa in- this connection the General Manager, crease of £200,000 for buildings, and cerned, but have secured for our parent Somehow the marbledconcrete columns ,
Telephone 2095. call the increased votes generally. The Min- organisation a magnificent contribution (a mimicry of Aberdeen, granite) in the.
The Eemnera, due to-morrow morning from GOOD-HEALTH follows treofcneni under or on ns.
terregnum as that which had preceded Mr. E. H. Hiley, reports:
Tiraarn, to complete her Homeward loading,
ister (Hon. J. A. Hanan), replying, said at a time when there iB so much need galleries of the House of Representatives
GARNET SIMS, Ask for prospectus A. its election, the Long Parliament at that he was not responsible for the con- for assistance. I felt I could not *llow suggest to honourable members the con-

will leave Wellington on tho 10th December for
London, via Panama. . . 135, Riddiford-etrxt. ALL INSTRUCTION IS INDIVI- once passed an Act providing for the The completion of the 1914 programme
cannot now be expected earlier tnan the
ditions that obtained in regard to the the occasion to pass- without expressing tents of a pork butcher* shop, the ar-
my deep appreciation to all who have ticles popularly known before the war as
" The Corinna, which has been detained at

Port Chalmers for a considerable- time, will
summoning of a Parliament every three year 1924 The Department will lie
overcrowding of many of the schools,
which were built lonj; before he came contributed to this auecees." "delicatessen." One member has pre-
probably be »ble. to leave Dunedin on. Tjies-
day next for northern ports. ; MAIL NOTICES
Thorough Tuition of the above by
; years. In due course it broke its own Greatly in need of the improvements
bodied in this scheme as soon as tho
into office, by the Education Boards. The celebrated QoHen Rule School viously alluded to them as, "brawn."
R. J. G. TURNER, M.I.U.M-, GLLBY'S COLLEGE, LTD., law, for it remained in existence nearly blighting effect of war ha 3 lifted from He had done what he could with the ltuler with brass edge, etc., may be ob- Yesterday Mr. Payne came out with tb,e
The American schooner Oakland, which hu ♦ ■"
Tl/f New Zealand, and unless sanction is limited amount that had been appro- tained wholesale from Sargood, Son. and expression "These awful German sausage
Horace Gilby, F.C.I. (Eng.), Director, ten y«ars beyond the term thus fixed. granted for a second programme of im-
been undergoing extensive repairs at Lyttelton,
was to be ready for cleaning and painting
to-day. y

On Mondaytafternoon next th» Monowai,

Snbject to necessary alterations Bttfli wfß
close at the Chief Post Office as under:—
For Wanganui, New Plymouth; also Mana-
with pupiL
Trams stop at door. Terms commence
NOTE.—lnstruments lent " 'to Puffy free WINDER'S BUILDINGS,
Lower Cuba-etreet, Wellington.
" A Parliament which many before that provements to run concurrently with the
time thought would never have had a 1914 programme Now Zealand railway
priated by Parliament during tho tim«
he had been in office. During the recess
he would more fully deal with some of
Ewen, Ltd., and Bannatyne and Hunter, columns"—and suggested that they '
Ltd. Stationers and storekeepers pleaee should be whitened. After Mr. Payne's
note this.—Adrt. : description, it might have been expected
facilities will be insufficient to oope'with the criticisms that had been levelled Furniture-removing is our forte. Specia) that there would have been a demaq^
sailing for Lyttelton, will take. civilian pas-
sengers. For the ltist two trips her accom-
watu,- Rangitikel, and laranaki Districts, S of chars* fo* practice at home.
p.m. previous day.
'Phone 2502. P.O Box 203. beginning, and afterwards that it would the business offering in tho near future. agrainst the Department, and would,' for the proscription of the offending tft-
at never have had an end," remained in I propose to submit for consideration, on inoton.. Removal* conducted about, into,
modation ha3been wholly taken up by soldiers OF SHORTHAND AND (And. Chtistemuolu) without fear or favour, place the re-> or out of town. « The New Zealand Ex- ahitectural features under the Aliens
discharged from the camps.

The Baden Powell Is due »t Wellington to-,

For Wanganui;
tikei Districts, 1.40 p.m.
also Mantwatu and

For Wairarapa District, S p.m. previous

TYPEWRITING, SCHOOL existence till it was violently dispersed completion of my service with the Gov-
ernment at the termination of the current
by Cromwell and his musketeers in 1653. financial year,
sponsibility on the right shoulders. press Co., Ltd., 87-91, Customhouse, Bill, but there was pot.
morrow from New Plymouth, and Is' to sail day; at coon. a memorandum embodying For the preservatjoji of aboriginal rock quay.—Advt,
paintings the Government last year voted . Novelty overdresses for day or even- A GENTLE STOPPER.
also Though the circumstances of the Parlia- a list of additional railway works which
for the Taranakl poet again on' Monday. For Napier and Hawkeg Bay District, 8 p^a, Principals: MRS. E. CARR, MISS YOUNG MAN!
previous day; also at 1.40 p.m. ment which a King, and lived to should be taken in hand as soon as circum- a sum of £250, but it was not spent. ing wear now on view at Kirkcaldia and When the Estimate* for the Pott ami
KOWNTREE. WHAT'S AHEAD OF YOU!, killed stances will permit, and also dealing with
For Auckland and District; also N«w Ply- Chambers, 93, "ffJIXIS-ST. be forcibly dissolved by the dicta-tor who certain questions in connection _with rail- This year the voto is to be reinstated. Stains, Ltd. These are a special London Telegraph Department came on in tha
month, Wanganui, and Kapler, 10.80 a.m.; lacs Caledonian The Hon. D. Buddo asked the Minister purchase, bought at a heavy discount, House of Representatives yesterday, aevr
fee, G.P.0., a.m.; Station, decided on ! succeeded, were in most essentials as way organisation and administration
11.30 Hallway 12.48
life work yet? Wireless is
different as possible from those of the which, in my opinion, should in the gen*
be brought up
eral interests of efficiencyearly
for Internal Affairs last night to see that and now offered at one|third under their
something waa done with tho money. usual values. Showing in Silk Depart-
oral member* showed a disposition to be
critical. Sir Joeeph Ward shortened th»
nationai/drink. Parcel mails for Auckland and District, 5 p.m. i"\RDER tint COSTUME'
SATURDAY, 80th NOVEMBEB. ---y/. sure its
now to «n-
being oompli^ted in good
one of the great professions—
jvax opportunity to get' ahead. Parliament which has just been constitu- for serious review at an date- Mr. Russell replied that the Government ment and windows.—Advt.
had received two very interesting reports
threatened discussion by stating that s,
Bill would he introduced, by &vernor-
i"N OLDEN in GoodnesEr-sp»rfclmg For West Coast, per Eaiapol, 7.45 pjn. time. Don't wait until the actual rush You can soon qualify for a tionally dissolved after peacefully estab- This country is under an obligation to Hemstitched handkerchiefs, 6d each, or

V7itl» Life and Vim—Foaming commences, but consult us ijow when wfl Wireless Operator's ticket. lishing the foundations of constitutional incur no risk of a railway break-down; on the subject of tho rook paintings, ono 2s 9d half-dozen; grand value. Geo. General's Message on Tuesday. This Bill
with Piquant Fragrance—Refreshing ' MONDAY, 2nd DECEMBER. from Professor Benham, who had niada Fowlds, Ltd., Manners-etreet.—Advt. wonld make provision for married men
in Summer—Bribing in Winter^ '. For Nirlboroogh and Nelson, per Uapoa- are in the position to giv» full attention The pay is good—the -work is monarchy and responsible government to push forward hydro-electric powerand a. collection of thoso specimens, and one Stetson's, Tress's and Battersby'e.— and others, and would deal with the De-
rika, » a.m,: to your requirements. interesting. upon broader and firmer foundations than new trunk railways; and to repatriate from the Canterbury College Board of Just landod, latest styles and shades from partment as wtrato. <
«3AM300" DRY GINGER AT.X Parcel mall for Australian States and th« Our tailoring is acknowledged ac the "
You travel the World as jou Governors. Tho Government would these popular makers. Geo. Fowlda, Ltd.'
AH Hotols, CltdK, and Stores. EsSfc, 9^o a.m. standard of excellence by all good dressers corn your pay. ever, the resemblance between the two the soldiers, especially upon the land. It agreo to any, work in tho way of fencing —Advt.
Parcel mail lor Expeditionary Forces, Egypt, who know the true vahio of good clothing.
cases really goes deeper than a common is a heavy burden, requiring courageous INSURANCE TAXATION
9.30 a.m. GET FULL INFORMATION and protecting tho caves which tho > When the summer comes again! It
THOMSON, IBWIB, AND CO., letter mail for Expeditionary Forces, Egypt, . THOS. M'EWAN, TO-DAY.
inconsistency of policy in regard to the finance. Never before has. New Zealand scientific men might recommend, if it j may bo sooner than you exnect, madam, 'Hie question f« ukad by the Hob.
0. Bamuel in A* Legislative Council
'Pbona 2627A. Welluigton. ■10.30 a.m. ■' "
For Australian States, Ceylon, India, China, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Installation of Marconi duration of Parliament. Ineach case the. stood ni greater need of statesmanlike was found practicable. A member: "Tho i Aro you prepared for the quick change o£
Japan, Straits Settlements. Egypt, and South TAILOR, Apparatus.
inconsistency sprang from the compKca- intelligence, the subordination of party Ofcago men surroptiticraslv removed some weather we may expect any day now t C. yesterday whether' the exemption fron|
Af/ica, per Maknra at Auckland (Main Trunk
Wellington, 'Phone of these paintings, did they not?" Tha Smith, Ltd., Cuba-street, are showing special taxation grsarttd to life insuiv
Cuba-street, 6SBA. tkm of constitutional issues with a state, politics, and tho suppression of class many suitable stylos for summer wear, ance companies undw At Finance fftll
train), 10.30 ajn. DOMINION COLLEGE OF RADIO- Minister regretted that some- iv Otago viz.,
iTy"ONJOBp V. A, AEON, For Kaikoura, per Wakatn, 1 pjn.
¥or-South Island, per Monowai, 1 pJB.
MUSIC TELEGRAPHY, LTD- of war. But in the first case the war friction. bad been removed, but those in Canter- White CottonCheok
Cotton Coetnmes from Kip;
Gabardine Costumes from,
applied only_ to. their Ble JBiurance is*
For Marlborough, per Wairau, 5 pJ». H. MULfiBR -123. WJLUS-STREET, WELLINGTON. was a civil war developing onb of tho bury had not been touched. Dr. New- com* or to income derived from umafe
13ENTI8T. 47s 6d; Striped Palm Beach Ccetumos,
(Dfrforna Swis9 Uwvennty, Baaal). man emphasised tlx> value of-these traces 49s sd: Cotton Shantung Costumes from meate and other womb. Hr FraMfe
x PIANO VJD. Box 922. 'PJwt»-36a constitutional issue itself; in the lecond, An Assurance waa given by the Min- of earlier inhabitants of Now Zealand, 635; Tussore Shantung and Assam Silk Bell e«d that there wm poaribilit* «|
For Marlborough and Nelson,
AND TUKNEB, 'For Sooth Island, per Mararo*, 1 pja.
per Ealtoa,-"
forte, haj3jmony, etc.
is also prepared to
a foreign -war, after quenching tha ister of Internal Affairs to Mr. Ell lasfc snd asked if tho Minister would have the Costumes from 89s od. Those are a few *
the interpretation io|aHM by My.
SamueJ being pat aptm 9m «Uuse. Ha
C 3 B&rruton »nd Solicitors. take a limitild number of ates. S didsbury" kindled
w7 smouldering fires which might have night that there was every intention of reports of the -existence of similar paint- of the splendid values now offering at The,
would haye it referred % tfc* Miniite
pl.pils for french, german, a civil war, produced a harmony endeavouring to place on tae island sanc- ings at East Capo investigated. Mr. Pooplo's Storjik-^Advt.
HONEY TO LENJD on approved Fimt
Mort«w» &Bonri*y »i 6 per oept Apply
subloct, to cfmorihlp. .
Correspondence for all neutral caantan i» LATIN,
m, wrijyß-s«&BB& T*(rich jnada the inconsistency Tirtoc» tuaries
specimens of native bird His Russell replied that he would aak tho For Qhildwa'i Hackm» Ooogh at aigky
Minister lor Lands to Inm hi* mßcm* WoSjnSST
Ps^^unt Cum, 1» 6d>.
of Finance, and if nMpar h m*jf>
ment "Wild be intrnih^i By, Oqtqbot
agricultural and fishing district. The
ARMISTICE TERMS population is bitterly anti-German, and
the Prince was obviously ill at ease on
his arrival. Not a cheer was raised or GERMANY
BRITISH ELECTIONS The Oriental Bay and Roseneath Epi-
THE EPIDEMIC OUTLOOK demic Committee held » meeting last"
AFFECTED, GERMAN PROFESSOR'S a hat doffed. The parsonage in which night. The visitors reports were «B
THE TIE BETWEEN BRI- APPEAL he lives is rented. for £50 per year. It LABOUR'S PROGRAMME CLEAR OF THE
BELGIUMEMEMY satisfactory, and it was agreed that them
(HOUR'S HtBGRAK.) is so small that the half-dozen servants GOVERNMENT'S STATUS was no longer any reason for contina-
TAIN AND FRANCE LONDON, 27th November. will have to sleep out. The Prince
IMPROVED VERY FEW FRESH CASES ingthe committee's operations. It ■■
"Mi. Winston Churchill, in an address CONDITIONS ARE UN-CHRISTIAN sleeps on a small iron bed in a tiny com- AN ECONOMIC WAR OPPOSED
bined sitting-dining room, in which there MONS SHOWS NO SIGNS OF WAR
decided to keep the inhalation clumber
KING GEORGE IN PARIS at Dundee, said that while folly gym- is an old French billiard table with a The prevailing feeling' in the city and open until Sunday next, from which,
ptthiang with the idea of a League of SOCIALIST PARTIES IN time the committee will suspend it*
Nations, such a, league could be no sub- (UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION.—COPYIUBHT.) sorry array of cues and old balls. There HOW TO PAY .THE WAR DEBT. auburbe to-day ie one of great grati- operations. The final-meeting will be
stitute for the supremacy of the British (AOSSTRAUAN-NSW ZBAUND OABI.B ABSOCIAMON.) Prince's stay he will be in the charge of PRISONERS AND CIVILIANS. ' tude. While, of course, the epidemic held at the headquarters on -Friday next
FRENCH NATION. Navy, which, was vital to us. None of LONDON, 28th November. at S p.m., when the, officer-in-charge wilt
the burgomaster. (UNITED JBBSS ASSOCIATION.—OOPTRWHI.) has nob altogether subsided, it appears
the German colonies or the conquered Professor Deissmarin, of Berlin, has (AUSTRAUAN-KEW ZEALAND CASU ASSOCIATION.)
RUSSIAN MONEY FOR LIEB present a repori- and statement of 1
part* of Turkey should ever be restored. (DHtTIDPBIBS iSSOCIATIOM.—COTTMOK.) to have, in the main,.run ite course, and accounts. A notice elsewhere request*
{rorran mess aotociatioji.—«ot«*imx.) appealed to the Anglo-Saxon Christian WHEN ALL IS SAFE HE WILL (Received November 30, 10.50 ajn.) KNECHT. CPDBUSBED in TBi TIMES.) most gratifying rejjorts to this effect are all persons having claims against til*
(Ana. and n.z. ami assn. and uotib.) leaders through the Archbishop of Can- RETURN LONDON, 27th November.
AUSTRIAN PRISONERS (Received November 29, 11.30 a.m.) to hand from almost all centres. Hos- committee to send in their eUioa»ai'
(Received November 30, 10 ajn.) terbury. Ho says that the condition The Labour Party's election pro- pital beds and convalescent homes are once.
(ram* puss association.—commoti.) ■

LONDON, 29th November. of the armistice are un-Christian and' an (RECITER'S TBLBSRAM.) gramme refers to Labour's share in the LONDON, 28th November. gradually being vacated, and the new
The Press Bureau reports : The King, SAND IN ITALY. unpardonable sin against the new spirit AMSTERDAM, 28th November. victory, and states: "Democratic diplo- (Received. November 30, 8.30 ajn.) Mr. Perry Robinson writes: "Bel- cases are very few indeed. The volun- HATAITAI
speaking at a banquet at the Palace of ■which is passing through mankind. The Crown Prince, en route to Wier- macy as expressed in Labour's war aims NEW YORK, 29th November. gium is free at last. The enemy's troops tary workers are chiefly eng\\;ed in at-
ingen, has arrived at Amsterdam. He
the Elyßee, said it was a pleasure to The Archbishop of Canterbury, in re- has been a powerful factor in ■winning Mr. Arno Doech Fleurot, the New crossed the frontier on the 27th. Our tending to convalescent people in tiieir
(AOTTIAUAN-HBW ZEALAND CABIB ASSOCIATION.) told a reporter of the Handelsblad that The Hataitai Epidemic
.notifies that from to-morrow Committal
be the guest amidst the great nation ply, refers to Germany's terrible crimes, the war, and will also be in rebuilding cavalry is fifteen miles east of Namur. 1
ROME, 27th November. a turn could already be observed in the York WorWfl correspondent at Berlin, homes. An excellent indication of the until fur- j
with which the British had mingled their The Austrian prisoners in Italy num- and says that righteousness must be German revolution. He would return .
the world. Labour demands a peace of states : The Independent and Majority The countryside east of Mons is in euri-
reassuring nature of the position, is ther notice the depot will be open from ]
sorrows and joys for fonr years, but ber over seven hundred thousand. vindicated. to Germany if and when all was safe. international co-operation, opposes secret Socialist© having decided to work to- ooe contrast to the desolated regions found in the fact that several of the 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., and 7 p.m. to 8 p:m. i
, which had been, now triumphantly diplomacy, and any form of economic gether, the Government is now is a eJsewhere, not showing any signs of war depots are "going out of business" Patients a,re asked to return any loaned j
crowned by an overwhelming victory
over the common enemy. Thanks to the
TRIPOLI RHEINISH PROVINCES NO EXCUSES war. It demands as an essential part
of the peace treaty that an international
much sounder position. There ia still
danger of a bolt by the Independents,
a, valley covered by agricul-
sheep, and cattle.
directly, while not actually disbanding
in view of the possibility of their ser-
bottles, jars," basins, eta JV>r the first-
time since the activities of the committee
commenced no calls were received yester-
bravery of the splendid French Army Labour charter be incorporated in the ''The Mona and Charleroi mines are vices being required later on in any day for doctors or assistance, and no J
TURK DECLARES HIMSELF SOLF'S PROTEST NOT YET structure of a league of free people. owing to the objections to Dr. Self and capacity. Taken on the whole, the posi- ■

and Marshal Foch's skilful strategy, the RECEIVED IN U.S.A. GERMANY AND THE WAR working, factory chimneys pouring out tion to-day in regard to the epidemic is fresh cases were reported, while another
GOVERNOR. Labour welcomes the extension of liberty Hew Erzbergw, but so far the combina-
repeated and desperate German efforts PRISONERS of the democracy in Europe, and de- tion i< working well. A rapture amongst
smoke, shop windows brilliantly. dress- most cheerful. . .^ signal of the decided abatement of the :

to reach Paris had been defeated, and

the enemy which
for peace.
the frontier
had been hurled across
compelled to sue
(Received November 30, 10 a.m.)
LONDON, 27th November.
A telegram from Horns, on the Tripoli-
NEW YORK, 28th November.
The New York Times Washington
correspondent says that the State De-
partment has not yet received the new
mands the immediate withdrawal; of the
Allied forces in Russia."
Its proposals include freedom for
the Socialists would be the signal for a
bourgeois movement, which has been
growing stronger daily. The bourgeoisie
ed and full of good things. All kinds
of foodß and wines are abundant. Ap-
parently the East Belgium population
fared luxuriously, suffering none of the
.epidemic in that' district is the fact
that the inhalation chamber closes down
to-morrow night. ' -
The Hataitai Relief Committee ac-
- !
His Majesty congratulated the noble tan coast, states that a Turkish general Note from Dr. Solf protesting against
Ireland, abolition of conscription, repeal are willing to remain behind the Gov- hardships of war inflicted on the ma- PITALS knowledges l with thanks additional ;
French nation on the great viotory, in landed at Cape Misurata-from a German of the of the Realm Acts, ernment if the Government will convoke jority of their fellow-countrymen. The donations to its fund as follow:—Mrs.
the annexation of the Rheinish. pro- UK mMMPM.—MUSS ASSOCIATION.)
nationalisation of land, mines, railways,
■which British armies were proud to have submarine and proclaimed himself Gov- vinces. AND IU. CABLB ASSN. AND RICTEE.)
(AT!B. the Constituent Assembly. It seems cer- people do not charge the Germans with VACANT.BEDS INCREASING. "H." £1 Is, Mr. "N." £1, Mrs. "W."
participated. The British and French ernor of Tripoli, LONDON, 28th No^smber.
shipping, armaments, and electric tain that the stability of the present brutality, but are enthusiastically de- i £1, "WQ." 10s, "C.L," 10s, Mrs. '■;
during a life and death conflict, The Press Bureau states that, in re- power j free and open education for all, working status is likely to be attacked lighted at their deliverance. "M'K." Sa, "OS." 6s, small contribu-
THE GERMAN FLAG a million good houses, a levy on capital, only from the extreme Left, led by Dr. "Every road to the frontier is littered la the temporary hospitals far the'24 tions
nad created a union of hearts and iden-
tity of interests which, he trusted, would POST WAR WORK sponse to Britain's protest in reference and freetrade. Liebknecht and Herr Leumumburg. with abandoned German transport. The hours ended at noon yesterday there
25s 6d.
to the shocking condition of the released Labour proposes to pay the war debt Their success depends upon the condition were 24 admissions and 24 discharges.
ever grow: closer, and contribute ma- ADMIRAL BEATTY REFUSES IT TO prisoners of war, tie German President by a special tax on capital, also those enemy deliberately set fire to great num-
terially to the consolidation of peace and PRIORITY CLASSES SPECIFIED, of their finances, which are reported to bers of lorries and cars. The roads are The vacant beds in the hospitals at soon CITY FIRE BRIGADE
BE FLOWN. stated that the German High Command who have mado fortunes out of the war be considerable and of Russian origin. yesterday were as follow:—
the advancement of civilisation. is doing its utmost to deliver the prison- swarming with returning prisoner* and
must pay for it. All interests, except the Extreme Right civilians." Make. Fault*.
(IDS. tSD JiJ. CAILI ASSN. ADD MOTM.) (ACS. AND N.Z. CABLE ASSN. AND MUTER.) ers in good condition, but that the sever- The programme concludes with a pro- and Extreme Left accept the present Sydney<*peefc „„._ At the time of the big.fire-in.,Tara- >


The Press Bureau, on the advice of the
LONDON, 28th November.
Admiral yon Reuter, commanding the
ity of the armistice conditions presented
difficulties. test against a large part of the youth, of Government's the best possible, compro-
2- 11
-—naW-street the City Fire;'Brigade" ;was !

the nation being arbitrarily disfran- mise. *. Wellington College 15 thirteen men short, and it has'been seri- '.
Council on Post-War Priority, announces interned German fleet, protested against To which Britain Teplied: "No excuses chised.
MAGNIFICENT RECEPTION AT that the following classes of work will Admiral Beatty's instruction forbidding will be accepted, and full reparation will St. Patrick's College 31 ' ously
hampered since.by the absence
men suffering from influenza;* a»
the display of the German flag. Yon be exacted for unnecessary suffering. If ANOTHER STORY Normal School ...;..-.-*u. 16
STRASBURG. have first claim upon war materials and ASQUITH ON THE PLATFORM UNIFORM MARKING OF Missions to Seamen „. 14 many as six at a time -bemg' down at j
producing capacity released from war Reuter claims that this is a breach of reparation in kind cannot be made it MR. GRAVES ..„....,.
8 7 the Central. Station. "."'Luckily;'^during j
work, namely : Repair of exisiting ma- international custom, and contrary to the will be made in person by the officials Brooklyn School that period there has been no serious !
LONDON, 28th November. chinery the United Kingdom; main- idea of chivalry between honourable responsible." (REUTBR'S TiLBGRAH.) COUNTER-REVOLUTION IN FDUi call on the activities of the brigade, but |
A French communique states : Marshal in The German High Command replied: SWING. DECISION OF WAR GRAVES Totals ..-.„„ 83 84
tenance and repair of railways, roads, opponents. LONDON, 27th November,
i?ooh, accompanied by General Castehwu, and docks; repair of merchant ships; Admiral Beatty replied:
"The armis- 'The Government fully realises the seri- Mr. Aajuith, in an election address COMMISSION. The vacant beds in the convalescent even now four of the hands at' Thtjrn-
don are affected, and.two'station
homes at noon yesterday were as fol- are suffering, from pneumonia, officers j
visited Strasbnrg, reviewed the troops manufacture of agricultural, mining, and tice suspends hostilities, but a state of ousness of the situation, and will do its in East Fife, condemned any tampering LONDON, 29th November. though |
of occupation, and took possession of the textile machinery used in public utility war still exists between Germany .and utmost to alleviate the prisoners' condi- with the essentials of Free Trade. He (M TELEGRAPH.—PSBSS ASSOCIATION.) low ;— now pronounced out of danger. Even i
city. He had a magnificent ovation. services in the United Kingdom; and the Allies. No enemy vessel ban be tions." advocated prompt Home Rule for Ire- A German counter-revolution is in full (ICB. AND N.Z. CAtll ASSN. AND REBTIR.)
Males. Females. if all the men were well, however, the !
An attempt to dissolve the Sol-
land, and dwelt upon strengthening the swing. and
— ——
the manufacture of approved orders permitted to fly its national ensign in The majority of th© main prisoners' LONDON, 28th November. Wellington South _.... 20 staff is about four below its full
British ports while under custody." camps in Germany have informed the diers Workmen's Councils is re-
ARMIES placed by the Governments of the over- Imperial ties with the Dominions. As ported. The Press Bureau states that the Im- Oriental Bay
~~~ 7 strength. ' ; :"
seas Dominions and of the Allies.
British War Prisoners' Department that
they require no more food.
the result of the war, ho anticipated a
stimulated inter-Imperial development of
perial War Graves Commission has de-
cided upon the principle of uniform
Salvation Army ..—_
St. ITioinas's ..„ 18
— 9
FORWARD MARCH CONTINUES, common resources. AGAINST BOLSHEVISM headstones for marking the graves of all St. Anne's ■— THE HUTT VALLEY
THE TAY BRIDGE Mrs. Hope, widow of Colonel Hope ranks, and is pointing out to those who
A TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT (killed in action), is opposing Mr. As- anticipated supplying memorials of their
LONDON. 28th November. quith's candidature at Ladybank (Mr. RETURNED SOLDIERS' MANI- own choosing, that it is of the highest Lower Hutt reports that yesterday was
Sir Douglas Haig reports: Our forward
inarch'was continued. The advance on
There are two disturbances operating Asquith's
constituency). FESTO, significance—community of sacrifice
that there should be no differentiation,

the brightest day yet experienced. It U
hoped to close the hospital early next

the night of C6th November reached a (AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND (MBDB ASSOCIATION.) at the present time—one centred off (AHBTCAUAN-HEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) and that there should be co-operation of week. As regards the assistance being
general line from Beho to Werbomont, North Cape and the other to the south COPENHAGEN, 28th Nov. given to outside patients it is stated
Aywaille, and southward of Liege.
LONDON, 27th November.
(Received November 30, 10 a.m.) of the Chatham Islands. These are hav- POPE AND PEACE action. The Commissionrecommends a
The German troops at Cologne have headstone 30 inches high by 18 inches The Minister for Public Health (Hon. that only 21 are now being supplied with
LONDON, 28th November. W. Russell) stated last night that re-
Sir Douglas Haig reports: Our for- T?he Dundee Advertiser publishes de- Mr. Churchill, speaking at Dundee,
ing a neutralising effect on e^ch other, issued a manifesto denouncing Bolshev- wide, bearing the fallen man's rank, G. ports received from all parts of the coun-
comforts, as against 80 on Friday. It is
ward troops have reached the German tails of the frustration "of a submarine us is shown by the improvement in the ism, adhering to the present Govern- name, regiment, and date of death, the try believed that this number will be further
frontier between the neighbourhood of attempt to destroy the Tay bridge.,. An
said the expenses of the war could not
possibly be recovered from the Germans.
weather this morning over njost of the
South Island and the southern districts
CONFERENCE ment, and favouring a National Assem- next-of-kin being permitted to add a no sign
bly. The manifesto adds : "Unless the three-line inscription.
indicated that there appeared to be
of a recrudescence of the disease.
reduced to-day. .'
Beho and Stavelot. We have taken pos- airman discovered a submarine lying at All we could get was reparation for the There had been a general abatement At Petone, also, the Mayor reports that i
session of fourteen hundred German guns the bottom of the river near Dundee. of the North Island. Such conditions, people resist the Bolsheviks, the return- Mr. Rudyard Kipling has submitted to the disease is steadily dying out, and it ;
damage done. There was ton for ton in
since 11th November. A depth charge was dropped, and wreck- shipping, but Germany must be fed.
however, are unstable. t Rain fell yester- VATICAN AND QUIRINAL. ed troops will be compelled to fight the the Imperial War Graves Commission a right through. He added that at noon is''hoped that by the end of, next week, i
age rose. The divers found the bodies day and during the night in most parts Bolsheviks." suggestion, for the inscription for the yesterday there were 117 beds vacant unless the unforeseen' occurs, the hospi- '■
of thirteen of the crew inside the wreck.
Therefore we might make the Germans of the country. Fog and rain are still (UMTBD PRESS ASSOCIATION,—COPTRtQHT.) The Soldiers' Council of Yon Macken- great war stone which will form the cen- in the various emergency . hospitals." in tal may be closed; The patients- all had
KING GEORGE AT HEAD- build ships for us instead of taking 2'eport.ed north of Kawhia and Napier, (AUSTRAMAN-NBW ZEALAND CABLB ASSOCIATION.) sen's army, and also the German troops tral feature in all the cemeteries abroad. Wellington. The admissions'during the afl excellent night, "although bite .or. two -;
QUARTERS Portions of other bodies floated to the ships from them. and in the southernmost districts. from Turkey, have pronounced that they He suggested the passage from the Book 24 hours had been 24, and the dis- cases are very serious. Outside, .the doc- ;
surface. The wreck was salved.
Locally, there was a shower last, night, -
(Received November 30, 10 a.m. )
ROME, 27th November. will support the Government against of Ecclesiasticus in the Apocrypha :*"The charges 29. tors report a steady diminution of fresh '
Prelates at the Vatican confirm the Bolshevism. namo liveth for evermore" (Chap. 44, cases. The Mayor, Mr. J. W, M'Ewaa, ;
of the year, two degrees of frost being
report that the Holy See will submit the verse 14). HAIRDRESSING SALOONS states that he entirely endorses., the opin- !
registered. HINDENBURG'S INTER- The Commission approved the recom- ions expressed by tfc« city engineer as "
The King and Prince Edward crossed
th& Channel in the warship Broke, and DIFFERENCES NOT YET SETTLED.
The forecast is for increasing south- Roman question to the Peace Conference,
east wirtls north of Westport and Kai- requesting a settlement between the FERENCE
mendation. -. A deputation representing the Welling-
regards the powers of borough councils,
and also as to the responsibilities of ther
lunched at Boulogne, and then proceed- A REQUEST FOR REPAYMENT. koura, and southorlies elsewhere. Cloudy Vatican and the Quirinal. ton Hairdressers' Association -waited Public Health Department.
ed to General Headquarters. (RCOTBB'3 TELBGIUV.)
and misty weather with heavy rain is It is also stated that the Pope has 1
The War Graves Commission Is con- upon the Minister yesterday and raised
{Received November 30, 10 a-m.)
NEW YORK, 29th November. probable in the north and east coast personally prepared a plan under which PROTEST BY BAVARIAN sidering the question of the reburial of the question of the opening of the sa-
Despatches Santiago state that PARIS, 28th November districts the North he will have greater liberty of movement, PREMIER. soldiers now in isolated "g_raves"scattered loons. The deputation was introduced by
A TISSUE OF NONSENSE the differencesfrom between Chili and Peru The Municipal Council proposes to ask
of Island, and cold,
changeable, and showery conditions may while the installation of a wireless plant across the battlefields which will shortly Dr. A. K. Newman, M.P. The members MAKURA HOLD-UP
are not yet settled. The announcement the Peace Conference to demand that be expected elsewhere. at the Vatican will enable the Holy See COPENHAGEN, 27th Nov. be again brought into cultivation. It of the deputation pointed ont that in
AMERICAN YELLOW JOURNAL'S by Senor Ruiz at Now York a few days Germany shall repay the war levies made to communicate with foreign Govern- The Bavarian Premier, Herr Eisner, has been decided that it will be neces- some oases saloons were open,' and that
TALE. ago was incorrect, and due to a misun- after the Franco-Prussian War, totalling, ments and Nuncios. The Pope is also complains that Yon Hindenburg lately sary to remove them to cemeteries, where in others they still remained closed. Ask- In connection with tin snggMtdm
■with compound interest, nearly two issued proclamations likely to disturb they, can be reverently cared for. Over ed why certain of the shops had not that the Makura ig not to be worked in '"
derstanding. FATAL MOTOR ACCIDENT lire, willing to accept an annuity of a million Auckland, the Mayor (Mr. J. P. Lake)
thousand millions sterling. which Italy has offered since 1870, the peace negotiations. Herr Eisner 150,000 isolated graves are known to be opened, the deputation informed the
(Received November 30, 9 a.m.) has sent the following telegram to the
but which has never yet been accepted. protests against this inadmissible inter- in France and Belgium, notably on the Minister that it was because the inspec- Hon. G. W. Russell, Minister of Public
WASHINGTON, 29th Nov. BIRTHS AND MARRIAGES ference in politics by Yon Hindenburg, Ypres and Somme battlefields, where tors had not been satisfied regarding the
Referring to a yellow journal's tale, AUSTRIAN DUPLICITY ON THE PAEKAKARDU HILL.
and says : "The time is now past for they are thickly strewn over a space of carrying put of the condition* as to fumi- Health :—"Public here greatly concern-
ed threatened action of Auckland not to
published in Baltimore, that jealousies SUDDEN DEATH stirring up the German people against several miles in length and breadth. Any gation and disinfection. work Makura. . Respectfully protest
existed between Sir Douglas Haig and Thereturn of births and marriages for AN ATTEMPT TO TRICK ITALY, A very serious motor accident, which their enemies." other course would he excessively pain- In reply, the Minister said'■""""
that bar-
General Pershing and Marshal Foch and Wellington for the month of November, resulted in the death of Mr. William against directing ship to , Wellington.
with the figures for the corresponding An inquest was held by Mr., P. V. ful to the relatives and unfair to the bers' shops had been closed for a period Urge you exercise exacting safeguards
Sir Douglas Haig, Mr. Baker (Secretary Frederick Williams, a partner in the landholders. "Volunteers from among the of about ten days, and if in thai time
month of 1917, and for the eleven
for War) ridiculed the whole as a tissue LONDON, 28th November. firm of .Tones and Co., scrap metal mer- Frazer. S.M., Coroner, yefltewky after- SLAVS IN AUSTRIA- comrades of the fallen will carry out a hairdresser had not thoroughly spring
against infection being spread by South-
of nonsense. The relations between themonths' period ending tO;day, are as The Evening, Standard publishes the chants, Clyde-quay, and severe injuries noon regarding the " sudden death of ern-bound passengers, either, by nil or
Mrs. CeciliaJosephine M'Partland, while HUNGARY the reburials under the chaplains. There cleaned and disinfected his premises he
Allied High Command were of the hap- under.:— text of the agreement whereby Austria sustained by his mother-in-law, Mrs. engaged are overwhelming reasons against the ex- deserved to have the place closed up a steamer."
handed over the Austrian Navy to the in charring at the 'Public Trnst
piesJ description. Haig, Petain, and
Pershing had not only co-operated
hewrtily under Marshal Foch, but co- Birth*
Southern Slav Council. The document
contained the following clause :—
"All material to be handed over with
Robertson, a lady. 74 years of age, re-
siding at Lyall Bay, who was the only Office yesterday moping at about half-
other occupant of the car, occurred on
I'aokakariki Hill on Thursday night.
past seven.
Dr. Kington Fjrffe, who had mad« a
humation of bodies for removal to few days longer.
UNION WITH MONTENEGRO AND soldiers' native countries. It would be
contrary to the principle of equality of
operated themselves with the greatest Marriages ' 45 85 -; treatment, while few could afford the
the express that the owner- It appears that Mrs. Robertson, with post mortem examination of the body of (RIOTER'S TELIGRAH.) (it nwaura.—fiim assocuhoiO
enthusiasm. During the past month eleven mar- ship rights reservation
of the non-southern Slav her niece, Mrs. Williamson, went the deceased, said that there were no LONDON, 28th' November.
expense. The task of emptying four
riages were celebrated in the Registrar's hundred thousand graves would he "There ii practically nothing doing CHBISTOHUBCH, This D»y.
compared with States of Austria-Hungary are vindi- up early last week to Plimmerton,. to bruises or oxternal marks of violence. A conference of representatives of all colossal. now in Wellington East," reports Mr. It is now generally admitted that the
TRESPASS AT LIMBURG office, as twenty-four
during the same month last year. cated." her son, who was seriously ill with in- The lungs were in a condition of acute
due to influenza. parties, held at Agram, proclaimed the Foster. He has been able to reduce the most acute phase of the influenza epi-
Obviously Austria-Hungary hoped,
For the eleven months' period the fig- firstly, fluenza. ' Oh Thursday Mr. Williams oedema, Mary Elizabeth Jeffries, charwoman, union of all ehe Southern Slav districts staff and restrict the hours during which demic pawed a week ago, and steady
to trick Italy in drawing up the
armistice conditions three days later;
left Plimmerton with Mrs. Robertson in
his car, tb take her to his home at residing at 170, Hanson-street, deposed of Austria-Hungary with Serbia and
WAR IN TOWNSVILLE the depot is open. The organisation is improvement has been recorded daily
just being kept together in case of need ever since. The admissions to the hos-
* 1918
1917 and, secondly, to cause a quarrel be- Paraparaumu. As they did not arrive that she knew the deceased, and lost
for its services arising again. The new pitals yesterday totalled nine and the
tween Italy and the Southern Slavs. at their destination a search party set saw her alive at 5.15 a.m. yesterday, (rKOU OUR OWN CORRESPONDHJT.)
Births 1998 2300
when phe was going into the Public STATE OF SIEGE AT hours for attendance at the depot are:— deaths five.
Marriages 853 948 The plot failed, but it showed that Aus- out with lanterns on Thursday night, Trust Office. Deceased bad SYDNEY, 20th November Week days: Morning, 9 till 12; afttr- HOKITTKA, This Day.
THE HAGUE, 28th November. tria's duplicity wasshepersisted in at the but saw no signs of them, and it was complained MOSCOW There has been another merry cam- There have been twenty-sis deaths Jot
During the period 261 marriages were
The Dutch Premier has denied that celebrated had resolved fully not till 1 p.m. yesterday that a gentle- that she did not feel well, and did not paign—Moderates versus Bolsheviks—in noon, 2 till 5; evening, 7 till 9. Sun-
in the office, as against 310 | very moment when days : Morning, 10 till 12; evening, the two weeks, and a-half the epidemic
the Entente Powers in any wise object- for the corresponding period of 19f7. to seek an armistice. , man who was passing along the Pae- quite feel fit for work. Witness knew Queensland. This time the scene of the 7 till 9. has been prevalent, fourteen of which
ed to the passage of German troops that deceased had
kakariki Hil! discovered the missing enza. Mrs. M'Partland keipt on work- suffered from influ- PROCLAIMED BY BOLSHEVIKS. excitement was Townsville, which is not were of country residents. The deaths
through Limburg. car, together with Mr. Williams, who far away from Hughenden, the village
which recently arose in itsinto wrath and included three ex-soldiers and two hos-
WELLINGTON SOUTH SEAT THE SUBMARINES had apparently been killed instantly, and her ing, but an hour later witness found
lyinsj unconscious, and at once sent
chased the "rod-raggers" far the sur- WELLINGTON NORTH pital nurses. " A third nuree lies dan-
Mrs. Robertson, suffering from a broken STOCKHOLM, 27th November. gerously ill. The hospital rtaff is thus.
Owing to a counter-revolutionary plot roundiner
leg and a broken arm. In spite of her for Dr. Hardwick Smith. Mrs. M'Part- country.
"OUR UNBEATEN OVER A HUNDRED DELIVERED UP terrible ordeal she was quite conscious, land died shortly after his arrival. The Townsville Bolsheviks, certainly The Rev. S. Robertson Orr reports:— seriously depleted,.and further nurses are
ARMY" Mr. George Frost announces that he and was able to talk coherently. She Edward M'Partland, factory manager,
the Bolshevik authorities in Moscow have went out looking for trouble. They were Our work has at last slackened down, urgently required. The general posi-
has decided to accede to the request that proclaimed a state of siege. disgruntled over events in Hughenden, and last night was the 'easiest on record. tion appears to be that the serious caees
he should stand as a candidate for the LONDON, 27th November. was transferred to the Paekakariki of 296, Tjnakori-road, in .the course of and they told each other what they would We closed down at 9 o'clock instead of are disappearing, and actually danger-
vacancy in the Wellington South elec- A fifth group of twenty-five submar- Hotel, and was attended by a doctor, his evidence, said that his wife, who was do were respectable citizens and returned midnight, and on Saturday our staff will ous cases with one or two exceptions,
RETURN OF GERMAN SOLDIERS torate caused by the death of Mr. A. quitted Germany for England. and ti>-da^ was to be removed to Otaki. about H years of age, had been suffer- soldiers to threaten them. Then they felt
ines has DISORGANISATION IN SYDNEY only be available from 9 a.in. to 8 p.m. are mending slowly. The fresh cases
H. Hindmarsh. . Twenty-seven surrendered at Harwich to- An inquest is being held at Para- ing from influenza for about a fortnight.
She had thought it a slight attack, and
bo brave that last Thursday night about
fifteen or twenty of them formed into a the Thankful acknowledgment, is made of reported appear to be mostly mild.
A FORCED W-ELOOME. day, bringing the total to 114. pammu to-day. following donations towards con- The epidemic in South Westland is
The late Mr. Williams was about 55 considered that she did not require medi- (FROM OUR OWN CORBGSFONSINT.) procession and marched through the main
etreet singingr "TheRed Flag/ It is said valescent cases :—Colonel Moorhouse, fortunately not proving very eerions,
WOOL WORKERS years of age. He leaves a widow and cal attention; but she obtained medi- SYDNKY, 20th November. .
A RECALCITRANT COM- two sons. The-latter arrived at Wel- cine There was no reason why she 1
The accounts of the position in New that the real cause of the demonstration £10; airs. Walter Blundull, £5 ss; though several patients are down.
peace celebrations of the two pre- Mrs. W. M. Hannay, £3 3s; Mr. W.
LONDON, 27th November.
MANDER lington last evening from Ocean Bay should have gone to work, and witness Zealand as the result of the influenza was the
days, when Townsville showed its Ferguson, £2; Mr. C. W. Smith, £1
TMARU, 29th November.
The Daily Chronicle's Amsterdam cor- WANT MORE WAGES. College on their Chrittmas holidays. told her not to do so. She was earn- epidemic have caused the utmost uneasi- vious loyalty and its regard for soldiers. This
The influenza epidemic here shows a
respondent states that the German news- ness in this country, and most drastic annoyed the "red-raggere" to the extent 6s; Mrs. Milward, £1; Mr. A. J. marked improvement, but the voluntary
papers contain long accounts of how the Mr. Frank H. Williams, of 54, Leraud- ing £6 a month, and had a military pen-
Fatherland's vanquished army is pour- "WE JUST THREW HIM OVER- etreet, Wellington, is a brother of the sion of pension £10 per month, while witness methods are being adopted to keep the that they went forth and "trailed the tail Hardy, £1; Mrs. Rose, £1; Mrs. and official workers will not relax their
Brown, £1 5 Anonymous, £1; Mrs. efforts until it is completely stamped
A "stop-work" meeting of the mem- BOARD !" deceased. had a of £6 10s per month, disease out. All communication with of their coat"
ing in in good order and speedily to- bers of the wool section of the Welling- and was earning from £2" to £3 per

the Dominion is now practically under Theynotmarched halfwith. a mile, but they Herbert, 10a weekly; Miss Chalmers, 5s out. There was only one fresh admis-
wards and over the Rhine. Since Sat- ton United Storemen's Union was held LONDON, 28th November. week. Excitement weekly; Mrs. Stewart, 5s weekly; sion to the hospital to-day and, one
urday two armies have marched through an embargo, while the quarantine re- were interfered
main like a Friend, 3s weekly. death. There are 36 patients in hospi-
in the Trades Hall, Vivian-street, yes- A naval officer who participated in the SUNDAY TRAM SERVICE A rerdict was returned in accordance strictions have been increased and spread away from the street
Cologne. The city was lavishly decorat- terday afternoon to discuss the questions surrender of the German destroyers ■with the medical evidence. tightened. The Government has made ripple, however. began The Bolsheviks entered tal exclusive of 13 members of the hos-
ed and the troops w,ere enthusiastically of increased rates of pay, overtime pay, states that in one case a junior officer arrangements, in the event of the epi- a hotel and to sing "The Red pital nursing staff, and 19 in the con-
"welcomed. Rifles, guns, and horses were Wellington residents who wish to take and were thereupon attacked by a NORTHLAND
decked with flowers, but the German and certain other concessions. presented himself. When asked. "Where advantage of an outing to-morrow will, demic appoaring here, to close all places Flag," few soldiers and civilians. Youths and
valescent home. Since the outbreak the
The outcome of the meeting is that is your commander?" lie replied: "I
given fine weather, find the tram ser- IN THE CAMPS of public resort, undertake wholesale boy eooute saw the disturbance start, and total cases for the district have been
flag wae forbidden by the Soldiers and
Workers' Councils. The Dusseldorf the union is desirous that another con- command. The commander gave us some vices fairly full, though stopping earlier vaccination, and issue respirators. It is they rushed away prying, "Diggers to the There are very few freeh cases in the about hotels
1250. Hairdressers' saloons and
are still closed, but other shops
ference between delegates from tho Wel- trouble, so we just threw him over- in the evening than usual. The ordinary hard to see how \t can be kept out, but rescue!" In a few minutes the soldiers Northland district, but several patients
Council states: "Criminal Imperialism lington Wool Brokers' Association and board," The health reports from the military bo far quarantine has been successful. all quarters. still require, careful watching and nurs- now remain open till-5 p.m." each day.
has ko greatly dishonoured the Prussian Sunday morning cars will run to the out- training camps continue to show a satis- were coming hurriedly from
"and G>->rrt?ai! colours that they would
from the union should be held early lying suburbs, and in the afternoon the factory decrease in sickness. Following The shipping' service between Aus- The civilians had been receiving rough ing. Mr. and Mrs. Kenn«rley have made 'have-now recovered.beenThe
Jour-doctors have down,.but> two
now hn completely inappropriate for
next week.
THE KAISER Sunday timetable will be adhered to up are to-day's reports:— tralia and New Zealand is disorganised. handling, but the arrival of the khaki re- 4 donation of £5 towards the funds, total "deaths
At present the main difference is one The Union by Company's offices are throng- inforoements altered the whole oom- for the district since the outbreak h»ve
worthily greeting our soldiers." of wage3, the man asking for Is lOd per till somewhere about 6 p.m. Last cars Trent-Featb-Awfc- ed every day people anxious to secure plezion of affaire., Sofjn the offensive Bol- been about 50.'
Th- people's we!.tnnj3 is rather forced, will run as follow:—From Lambton Sta- being
hoar for casual work, made up of Is od, ham. erston. puni. passages or freight space, but the posi- sheviks were running hard, anjl KHANDALLAH WANGANUI. 29th ITovembeT.
but great effort* are being made to pluß 3d war bonus, and the "association ALLIES TO DEMAND HIS tion : For Lyall Bay, 6.9 p.m. ; Kilbimie, Paraded sick 14 0 tion gets worse as time passes. Only hunted like rats. Tlie position as to the epidemic in Wa-
maintain an appearance of genuine wel- declining to pay more than 1b 9d per SURRENDER 6.16; Oriental Bay, 6.8 j Miramar, 5.26; Admitted to hospital 0 0 0 those with the most urgent business are Townsville was thoroughly aroused and ngamii continues to improve. Approxi-
cpme. The soldbrs themselves are un- Seatoun, 5.41. From Government Build- Total in hospital 180 226 angry, and the "red-raggers" were for a The report from KhandaHah yester-
feignedly glad that the war is over. hour (Is 6d, plii3 3d war bonus), last ings : For Newtown, 6 p.m.; Karori, Influenza cases 122 184 not
13 being allowed passages, but even they time in the very gravest danger. Tho day
was to the effect th*t the condi- mately only 20 fresh cases have been re-
year's rats was la sjrd an hour, plua li<s CBEUIBR'S mECRAM.) now make a big total. Those who should polioe, of couree, interfered vigorously in tions ported during the lart 24- boors, and all
The newspapers carry great headlines: war bonus. The proposal that pertno- 5.53; Botanioal Gardens,1 6.3 ;. Wades- stated. have sailed laet week are in the worst an attempt to stop murder being done, that many were still on the up-grade,'and ,'siKi'very mild. ... .. '.'.. ".'.".
VANCOUVER, 28th November of the influenza; patients are
"Our Unbeaten Army."
The biggest army now marching net workera should receive £3 15h J»f The London Daily Express says that
town, 6.5. There are four serious pneumonia cases position. . and they seized three of tho Bolsheviks
and locked them up, out of harm's way. pow. convalescent.
through the Rhine province is Yon ffa-
week (£3 lCs, pips 5s w»r btmia), to- the Entente Allies have decided to de- and two c.s.m. at Trentham, " where

" ■-"

tier's 18th Army, of a million and a

gether wiffi any oveitinu <piruzd, liivi yrOTil. that .Hi)Pac<i surrender the Kaiser. Mr. William H. Coffey, aged 39 there was one death yesterday. Feath- Sir Robert Stout, who caught a dull, Most of the gang got away in asomewhat SEAMEN IMPRISONED
half men, with 160,000 horses.
been agreed to by the assooliJioii.
years, died at New Plymouth on Wed- erston reports eighteen serious cases and is still ■confined to bed. His condition, is batteredOn
Friday evening-, in anticipation of
The latter body also ajfi«ia to pay an nesday. The Taranaki News states that one death. During the recent epidemic not serious. another row, the Townsville streets seeth-
increase in overtime rateo prcportioiial* THE ARCH-CRIMINALS he was the youngest son of ex-Sergeant at this camp there were twenty c.s.m. Private J. F, Smyth, N.Z.M.C., who ed with excitement, and soldiers were muoh FOR BEFUSING TO SAIL 808
DEMOBILISATION to the increase in- ordin»ry pay, but
Martin Coffey, late sergeant in the Im- cases, of which two were civilians. To- has been awarded the Military Medal, is in the foreground. But never a Bolshevik The epidemic is well in h»nd in the NEW ZEALAND.
wherethey propose to pay 2s Id per hour l^t-nor] their lesson. W^destown district, there being only
tot work done between 7 a.m, arS 8 a.m. A REWABD ON THEIR HEADS. perial forces, and for years sergeant of day's report is that there are nineteen the son of Mr. J. Smyth, of Hamilton was eecn. T^"-"- fenH
one serious case and a do?en mild one*.
police at Waitara. "Sergeant Coffey c.s.m. cases in hospital. Twelve pf these East. He enlisted with the 9th Rein- Special work ha» been, done by Meg- (trjntgD rust association.—oorxsnn.)
OENT3IAL SCHEME HAS NOT and 6 p.m. and 1Q p;m., tho union 3sk' five are serious cases,
BEGUN. for 2& S4d, and wpjiere t]i« proposal Us (4«IRAt,UN-KBW ZSAMOT GABLE ASSOCIATIOH.) was a highly popular official, being are convalescent, forcements as a lad of 19, and has seen DAYLIGHT SAVING (Jiunes Hamilton, Harris, Wiffln, Gqdt- SYDNEY, 29th November
that 3s per hour shotild be jaiid for work well-known amongst the Maoris, of which and two dangerously ill. There has been considerable service in France. gchall;, Stewart, Cook, Hilliie,, the Twelve members of the crew of th»
LONDON, 27th November. death from c.s.m.
(ABSITIAMAH-KBW ZEALAND CA6LB ASSOCIATION.) done between the hours of 10 p.to. and . Advices from Berlin state that the, language he- was probably one of the
proficient in the Taranaki district.
The death has occurred at Wellington Misses Cook and Halse, also Messrs- steamer Arawa were sentenced to twenty-
Mr. one days' imprisonment each for refus-
7 a.m., the men ace asking 3a 6d. The crowds at Cologne are clamouring for the j most He was a master of six languages. Ser- College Temporary Hospital of Mr. TO TUB EDIIOB. Edward Lowe and Blake, the Rev. and
LONDON, 28th November. association has agreed to supply over- Cjordon Kingreoji of the late Mr. Alfred Su'j-^To my mind, one of the na*in Jones, and MaeterNorman Portmaii ing to sail for New Zealand because of
The Admiralty, War .Office, and Air alls to men engaged in handling skits,
extradition and execution of the Kaiser geant Coffey was bo popular amongst A recent death from influenza at New
and the Clown Prince, Placards have; the English and Maori peoples that it Plymouth was that of dairy Mi-. John M'Leod, Kmg, one time sub-editor of Oie Even- things to
be included in any new health the B°yjs Scouts under Ijis control. \(lie the influenza there. The evidence in- -
Ministry iague reminders to the public hides, and certaiu other 'good?, hut has beep posted all over the city, signed l>y\| of the Okato factory. He ing Post, and Mrs. Kipg of Elliee-Street. d^pot now closed, but any inquiries cluded a cablegram received by Mr. Hol-
that general demobilisation has not yet declined to allow the institution of the Executive Committee of tike Soldiers' 1 shouldis only due to his memory that wo manager The deceased leaves a widow and three enactments
is the Daylight Saving Bill,
which would «nable the people to take will be answered by any member of th.c man (the State Premier) from Mr. Mae-
begun, and that the navai and military sympathise with those who are for yearsfootball field, and wa^ province
represented Taranaki committee. soy (Prime Minister of New Zealand),
situation does not admit of any general "smoke-oh's." Association, ■ offering a reward equal to left in their young children. '
over the death his on the captain mote outdoor exercise in the evening. To that the epidemic i3rapidly .de-
s'eleaso of men from the forces. When ers' One of the officials of the Wool Brok- £4000 to the person or persons who will son." grief of
of the team in the sensational game Lieutenant R. B. Bernard, who was make a New Zealand summer day any- Further donations as follow have been stating creasing, and owing to the extreme' pre-
killed in action on 4th. November, was, thing like equivalent in hours of day- received: —Mr. Weir, £5 Ss; Miss A.
general demobilisation does begin the; Association eaid that the decision of bring the arch-criminals from Holland. Taranaki annexed the Ranfurly
when prior to the war, in the Government light to an English summer day, tlje Louise Hall, £5; Mr. A, Colmer, £2 cautions there was little or_no danger of
priority wHI be 'given to officers and ing men to holdsurprise, a "stop-work" meet- The appointment of Mir. W. S. Hardy Shield from Auckland ip August, 1913.
Mr. Is; infection.
who have camo as a. for the first
definite employment notification received was given by an A MODEST ABODE as collector of rates for Haura]4 and He ajso represented hjs province ?<t Audit Department.. He enlisted with the. clock should be put back at least two 2s; H. Thpmson, -£1 Mrs.
awaiting them. However, a strictly Bangitikei Ijand Drainage JHstrigts is cricket, and was a gpgd All-rpynd Sujnaan Contingent, wd afterwards left hours. ' Surely when our Boys " (capital Olere, £1; Mr. E. A. Golding, £1; [As stated yesterday, the Arawa has
which appeared in last gazetted. Mr. Hardy wilj also retain atthiete.. New Zealand with the 3StJj Rejnfprflfl' B, please, Mr. Editor) Teturn they will Mr, A. Hamilton, £0,; Miss J. Gertrude left Sydney for Auckland.]
limited number of men will be released advertisement
evening's Post. Further, he mentioned THE GROWN PRINCE'S HOUSE OF his present position of supervising sales- Mr. Robert Bajn, who died, at AuekT jnents, and gained bis coeimiwipi* at miss the long North European gumme*: Hall, £1; Mr. B. Wiffin/ JOs; Mr. B.
before genera) demobilisation for pivot- that th<3 association had paid all casual EBFUGE. man,, Department of Land? and Survey. land a prqminenii member nights.^l sm, etc., Cook, 10s; Mr. H. Golding, Kte; Mr.
al industries aiff profefqione, which ifl- a few days agq, at the age of 86 Oxford. He was College W, 'Nash., lQs.
cjude agricultural machine makers, agri- ■worke.iT!
full pay during the recent ar-
they wera The final meeting for 1918 of the years, had bean a. resident of that city pf the Wellington Old Boys' As^ , TEMPTJS FUGEC. MEDIC UNDER SUSPICION
mistice celebrations, although UDSTULMN-KHW ZEALAND CABIH ASSDCHHO3.)
Day since 1853. His only surviving relative sociatipn, and took a, keen iflteres(i in all 29th November.
CVilturiaU-. bootmakers, brickmakers, ee- not compelled to do so. (Received November 30, JO a.m.) Labour Committee is called for Wed? pf sport, ooly death
fliont m.". ,era, builders, miners, wharf-
nesday next. is Mrs. B. White, of Elthain. forms During the last 24 hours <*>" Hos-
men, fnodmakwr-s, paper majors, rail- LONDON, 28th November. There will be no evening services in the Mr. H. E. Turrell, dentist, who hae Messrs. E. Johnston and Co. advertise has occurred at Wellington College MELBOURNE, $tK Npv«anh#r,
[The cable hbws In tills Issue accredited to Mr. Eenwickj the Daily Chronicle's Captain W. J. H. Hislop, N.Z.M-C, pital. Three patients were discharged An inquiry Ijas been instituted 'regard-
wayman, shipbuilders, ship brokers, "The relating to been seriously ill with influenza, is Blowly a. sals next week, on the ground, oothoi1 of
Times" has appeared In that Journal, but
oversea commercial agents, account-ants, only whtre Mpmaly tttted In mch n«wi tb* covrcwpondent at Amsterdam, visited the churches tomorrow. Nofcioea Tcoava'ing, and will vtcunut Urn Araetiee Thonipwn-Mra^t mm) W«bb-«re*t, pt rspoiied for duty d.t Xrantbwn Cu»X> to-day, and good report* wen m#4» oi ing reports that the officers c£ the Medic
and architects. Cjown Pyincc'« Japi»e afc .Wiwiiisea,'' fts JM94. oft Mix. Jihmiwk-
/AST IMPROVEMENT CONTINUES. The Base Records Office supplies the
Latest reports concerning the epidemic following list'of names and next-of-kin

(Received November 30, 2 p.m.)
LONDON, 29th November.
The Minister for Public Health (Hon.
G. W. Russell) made the following state-
ment to a Post reporter regarding the
resumption of businesses and other ac-
The Liquor Bill has been a distinctly
fluid measure; it has taken various
shapes in the many-chambered mind of
the National Government. It was be-
in Cabinet to-day. The Minister of De-
that the final touches were not yet ;tons,
The Bill proposes wide powers for the '
fence stated' after the morning's sitting tona,Lambert, from Napier8.8.
Perriam, from
(11.15 a.m.),
Nov«tn»er 30—Kiritona, s.s. <2.E p.nk),

continue to reveal a most satisfactory of New Zealandera who had honours and The Press Bureau Sales that Prince (AIiSTRAUAB-NSW XKAL.MD SABLB ASSOCIATION.) tivities temporarily interrupted by the lieved that the final form had been Govornor-General-in-Conncil for the ap- i November 30—Ngaknta, s.s. (1.5 p.m.), 1775
pointment of officers and the general ad- "tons, DowSll, for Greymonth
improvement, the. work of the helpers awards conferred upon them. All the re- SITUATION IN Antoine of Orleans^has died as the re-
sult of a flying accident oe Tuesday,
(Received November 30, 2.30 p.m.) epidemic: "Provided' all reports con-
tinue favourable with regard to the
reached, and some parcels of copies came
to Parliament Buildings this morning. ministrative operations.
generally having been very considerably cipients are on active service :— GERMANY while bringing despatches from Trance.
LONDON, 29th November. check of the epidemic, the following However, Cabinet, at this morning's sit- JffOASA SAILING TO-DAY.
lightened. There was only one ambu- In the course of a series of interviews programme will be carried out:—Marble ting, made another alteration, and the It is expected that loading operations will
lance call fast night, and to-day the men 3/2859 Capt. P. A. Ardagh (Sister Ar-
dealing with the freedom of the seas,
Lord Charles Beresford said the British bars in Wellington and Auckland health Bill will be reprinted. THE LABOUR CANDIDATE be completed In time for the E.M.B. Moana to
leave Wellington this afternoon for San Fran-
have had another easy time. A good dagh, 3rd N.Z. General Hospital, MACKENSEN'S ARMY Fleet had ensured the victory, and Ger-
districts may resume at once, opening The Bill will probably be introduced cisco, via the usual ports. The advertbed
Codford, England, w.) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. All churches will in the Honse of Representatives on Mon- time of departure Is 3 o'clock, bat it is prob-
indication of the position is that it has 11/340 2nd-Lt. Alan H. Miller (Mrs. E. many's view of the freedom of the seas TO TUB EDITOR, able that she win not leave until later.
THE PEAR OP BOLSHEVISM, was the same as her view of the freedom resume full services on and after Sun- day.
been found to make arrange- Miller, Chichester, Sussex, in.)

WHICH ARMISTICE APPLIES. day, Bth December. PnbKc sales of it is stated that if the Bill is passed, Sir,—It will be very'pleasing to many
ments with Dr. Barclay, medical super- .2/2123:2nd-Lt. Leslie. B. Foster (W. H. of the land. The League of Nations liquor in hotels, chartered clubs, and by the first poll (on the two issues Continu- of those who, like the writer, have in the MAPODRIKA STILL DELAYED.
intendent at the General Hospital, for L. Foster, c/o Clyde-quay School,
(TOUTED PRESS ASSOCIATION.—COPYRIGHT.) was no counterpoise to the command of wholesalers and breweries may be re-
the seas by the British Fleet. Britain ance and Prohibition with compensation) pas* taken an active part in the Labour Mapoorika The Union Company hoped to despatch the
ins accommodation of a-limited number -Wellington, f.)
- sumed on Monday, 9th December, bat
■ (ADSTttAUAN-NaW ZEALAND CABIB ASSOCIATION.) will not be taken before March. -movement, to learn that Mr. M. J. day, but when for Pieton and Kelson at noon U>
of women patients-. This is. gratifyingin _:.. ?: --D.G.M.-: (Received November 30, 2 p.m.)
(Received November 30, noon.) will not consent to give up the command if in any district it is found that there Reardon has decided to allow his name was still short ofthat hour arrived tbe Mid
view of the fact that up till the last few 59391 COPENHAGEN, 28th November. of the seas, but will gladly welcome the is congestion and drunkenness- inimical to go to the preliminary ballot for .selec- bad consequentlyfonr firemen. Her departure
Pte.,,Edgar.Lanauze,(T> H. Lan- A message from Budapest states that to be postponed until
days the accommodation at the Hospital auze, Chatham Islands, b.)
LONDON, 29th November. assistance of the English-speaking na- to public health, in these particular dis- PRISONERS OF WAR tion of a Labour candidate for Welling- o'clock this afternoon, btrfc It is difflcnlt to "«■'
has been taxed to its utmost capacity. The Daily News correspondent at General D'Esperey (the Allied Comman- tions to retain that command. tricts the closure will again be applied. South. manyof say whether she win get away then or not.
2/305,. Sgt... E. Baia. (A. Bain, .Gordon der), has telegraphed General Macken- Mr. H. G. Wells says: "The freedom ton To those at present
Georgetown;" Invercargill) ". Munich states that, though outwardly All publuic meetings may resume on, and taking- an active part in labour matters, The small steamer Wakatn left for Pieton
sen demanding the disarming and intern- this morning on a daylight trip. She carried

of the seas means a guarantee by the after Monday, 9th December. All stock METHODS OP RETURN. \ Mr. Reardon's special claim for consid- over 100 passengers.
DEATHS DURING 6/4099 2nd-Lt. William G. Munn (Mrs. calm, the situation in Germany pre- ing of the litters army acaording to the League of Nations of transit without dis-
■ales may resume on and after Satur-
, M:'.M. Murin, Holborn, E.C., w.) sents disquieting possibilities. The terms of the Bulgarian armistice. Mack- crimination in freight and fares over all eration on this occasion, are not so gen-
NOVEMBER day, 7th December. All auction rooms erally known as to the men with whom
BAR TO M.M. Central Government at Berlin is con- ensen replied claiming tSiat the terms of seas and international land routes." may reopen on Monday, 9th December, The Minister for Defence has received he was
associated in the past, and as THE MAHARA.
Cpl. Dudley S. Broughkm, M.M. the German armistice were applicable to Colonel Repington said : "I have not the the following cablegram from the High the selection
(Capt. S. . Broughton, Pouto,
trolled by men whose political careers him. slightest idea of what the freedom of the
with, the embargo that no sales of sec-
Commissioner with regard to the repatri- likely to have a very material
of a Labour candidate is The local office of the 8.8. and A. Line
received cabled advice this morning- that th«
C..H: do not inspire confidence. The Soldiers ond-hand clothing or bedding will be ation of New Zealand prisoners of war: on the result of the influence
Kaipara, f.) seas means, nor have I met anyone who allowed. AD schools, private and pub- liner Mahara arrived at Sydney, yesterday from
20460-Pte. Joseph T.'Turley, M.M. (J. and Workers' Councils are ruling the can tell me." —"New Zealand prisoners of war are tion, I would like Parliamentary elec- come Port Said. It Is probable that the vessel will;
Many alarmist rumours "" have been 1
PRESIDENT WILSON Mr. Pollen aays tbat Germany was
lic, will continue closed until further now returning to England in small to state the point of on to New Zealand ports. Captain Ker-
current during the last few days con- Turley, Waipukurau, b.) Federated Republics. The upper and defeated because she was successfully
notice, aa al»o will all picture theatres drafts, mixed with British prisoners of view (by courtesy of your paper) of ahaw', formerly in charge of the Matatna, is"
cerning the toll taken in the local com- ■"■"...
M.M. " ■ ■
middle classes accept the dictatorship and other places of entertainment which many staunch Labourites who by force master of the Mahara.
war. On arrival, their health is first of circumstances are precluded
■ ■
GERMAN GOVERNMENT WILL besieged iby sea. Had neutrals been have been closed by.the health oflfcere."
munity of the epidemic. In aJmost all 24/1732 L.-Sgt. Charles E. M'lntyre with forced cheerfulness, looking for- free to supply her, the war might have consideration, and they are given 28 from
REQUEST A VISIT. The Minister stated further that .this
days' leave if and when fit; then priori- more active
grossly participation in election af-
cases the totals stated have been (Mrs. E. M'lntvre, Ohakune, m.) ward to the National Assembly, but the continued for another year. Non-com- Mr. Long has Joined the Moan* m third
exaggerated, but the popular impression 25065 Spr. Harold" C. Ferrand (Mrs. E. babanits by trading with Germany had
was his decision, arfd the health officers ty of return to Now Zealand. Names fairs. As a pioneer of the movement, Mr. officer.
generally seemed to be. that the deaths difficulty of compiling voting lists stands " (UOTIS'I TILBQRAM.) wild ptrt it into effect if reports con- Reardon carried the banner of Labour in The Union Company's collier Eamo is to
Ferrand, Bayldon," England, m.) cost Europe and America nrillions of tinued favourable. and regimental numbers of all prisoners
of war have been and are being cabled the
in the way. So Germany must drift (Received November 30, noon.) Rangitikei election of 1902, advocat- leave Grerntouth early to-morrow morning for
numbered between 800 and 1000. En- 11432 Pte. James R. Dawson (Mrs. H. Eves and fifty billion dollars. If this
quiries made by a Post reporter to-day
went to show that this is quite incor-
- M.- Dawson, Oparau, Kawhia, m.)
12/1576 Sgt. Kelvin E. Cameron (Mrs.
for two months in fsar of Bolshevism, COPENHAGEN, 28th November.
The Lokal Anzeiger states that the were the freedom of the seae, it was a you as soon as they arrive in England. ing
Prisoners of war from Turkey report to stituency where
the leasehold tenure of land in a con- Wellington with a load of coal.
snch advocacy could have The Union Company's cargo steamer Kai
and this is resulting in the hoarding of costly luxury. FREE OF INCOME TAX more hope of success than serving ramn arrived at Wellington thle morning from
rect. From Ist November to 29th V. L. Cameron, Wefitmere, Wanga- money.
German Government will pobably re- Mr. Archibald Hxad, naval carreapon- the N.Z.E.F., Egypt, and are then given no propagandist
Napier* and was cleared by the Port Health
■November inclusive the total number of nui, m.) quest President Wilson to visit Germany priority of reimu to New Zealand, with purposes, and polled very Officer.
dent of the Daily Telegraph, and Me. Later in 1911 he was allot-
burials at Karori Cemetery, was 676. Of 14318 L.-Cpl. Edmund B.Parker (Frank while in Europe.
Raiph Bhanenfeld, editor of the Daily the option, of going either direct or via creditably.
ted to contest the Hntt seat, at that time
this number 97 were soldiers, the ma- Parker, Caton, Lancaster, Eng., f.) England."
jority of whom were interred in" the; "12/3075 Pte.; Thomas J. Leigh (Mrs. J.
STARVING AUSTRIA Express, say: "There can be no free-_
dom of itibe seae until there is no more Siiy—ln your issue of the 28th Sir the most difficult of the constituencies
special portion of the- cemetery.set-.,apart Joseph Ward defends his inconM-tax- about Wellington to win, and again did
for the purpose some time ago by the
Leigh, Mangaweka, m.) SANITATION OF AUCKLAND war." eiemption-of-war-loan-interest on the good Bervice to the cause by fillingsecond
25289 Cpl. Percy B. M'Mahon (Mrs. A GRIM STORY PALMERSTON SEAT
place on the poll, quadrupling Labour's
City ■ Council. A.-;- few soldiers were. M'Mahon, Kingsland, Auckland, m.) grounds that had the loan been issued WELLIKOTON'S WEATHE*.
boned in the general part of the ceme-
tery in private p10t5.,... .
The total deaths in Wellington during
...... - ....
'42186 Cpl'." William C. Paddy (Mrs. M.
-.. A.,Paddy, Horotiu, ,m.) , , (R. L.
J2./19Q5,Sgt. Norman T. Brunton
at 5J per cent., subject to income tax,
there would have been a loss to the coun-
of £60,000 per year, and that the
former vote. These services to the cause
should snreiy be weighed heavily by
those ■having the choice of selection be- BASBEMY, »tt> VOVnfMS.
October of this year amounted to 94, as Brunton, Kaipara Flats, f.) .
%v free-of-moome-tax condition proved » the
At the request of a large deputation, fore fixing oh » candidate
Mayor (Mr. J. A. Nash) decided to- Labour for what is « purely Labour
to represent
against 88 for the corresponding month 47911' Pte. William J. Mackay (-Hugh (ABITRALIAK-NIW ZEALAND CABU ASSOCIATION.)
of 1917. '
. Mackav, Matawhero, Gisbome, b.) AUCKLAND, This Day. (UHITID PRESS ASSOCIATION.—COPTEIGJIT.)
great incentive to investors.
then, that the £60,000 has been saved
It appears, day to contest the Palmerston seat in the Haying done the pione- and spade seat. work loss to-iUf, it 13a ajß.; nta Th «n pjav
, . (Received November 30, 2 p.m.) interest of the National Government. of the movement in difficult constituen- Rim to-morrow—lh 13m a.m.; seta 7h 1m p.m.
For the ten months of this year ended 23305 Pte. John H. Davis (Mrs. L. A. LONDON, 29th November
A meeting of the City Council and the (AUSTRALIAN-TOW ZK4LAHD CABIB ASSOCIATION.) at the expense of the less wealthy in-
Mr. E. H. Crabb is also standing as an cies over 16 yeans it wonM be a gra- BRIGHT SCH3HIXK.
31st October the total deaths in the city Davis, Coromande], m.) The Daily Express correspondent at Citizens' Committee was attended by re- (Received November 30, 2.30 p.m.) vestors while the seven-and-sixpenny Independent. cious reeocmtion of services rendered Ttrteadaj—Morning, & 10m; rftouMua, ' '
28316 Pte. Lionel C. Arthur (Mrs. L. C. Vienna presentatives of the seamen's, water-
and suburbs were 805, and for the first
ten months of 1917 the total' was 823. : Arthur, Gisborne, w.) '"- "

a grim account concerning
siders', and other labour organisations. THE HAGUE, 28th November. man draws the equivalent at 7£ per cent.
But why assume 5i per cent.? At 5£ that wouldbe much appreciated by many 30m; 1»M, Sh 40m. *
35476%t' JJohri; P.'Barr P. sixty thousand human wrecks, with their
flfra.J. It was resolved to protest against the The latest arrivals from. Germany
speak of a growing revolution of feeling per cent, the cost of tbe loans would be INFLUENZA IN THE ISLANDS pronew- of those associated with the Party in its THB HOOK.
Barr, Yaldhurst, Canterbury, w.) bones protruding under theirskins', haunt- unfounded charges by the Hon. G. W. and developmental periods if Mr. '- (CMntaM for Hew Ze«l«nd Mean TtaM.)
NORTHLAND DISTRICT of an no greater than at present, and subscrib-
31407 L.-Cpl. Robert H. FlayeH (Mrs. onlythe
ing public soup kitchens and getting for the Kaiser, and the possibility -Reardon s candidature obtained the unit- D. H. JL
litre of soup daily. This soup is Russell against the Mayor and Corpora- attempted coup d'etat. This movement ers of all classes would be placed on an ed support of Labour. „
E..'Flo-veil, Kamo, Auckland, m.) a tion in connection with sanitation and <*x maoß4ra.—pksss New noon 4 I S ».m.
The Northland district has received a made of rotten cabbages and flour boiled the epidemic. The meeting expressed is' based on the surprising loyalty of a equal footing. That "the free-of-income- AtfCKLAOT), Thia Day. By the result of recent by-elections it first qwhr 11 4 M ajn.
donation of two guineas from Messrs. 19/116 Pte. William Hermiston (Mrs. B. in washing tubs. Hundreds die daily, large proportion of the returning army, tax condition proved a great incentive Reports from Nukualofa states that would appear the ejectors are inclined last (juti'tei
fan mcon M 7 S p.m.
Hermkfcon, Leith, Scotland) and are buried in paper coffins. unbounded confidence in the Mayor, of which it is estimated that 50 per cent, to investors"—at any rate to those in
25 9 55 p.m.
Isaac Clark and Son, and sundry dona- and demands the withdrawal of the Min- the influenza is serixre in Tbnga. to place great reliance on the promise
7/2427 L.-Cpl. James Smillie (James The whole of Germany and Austria is are true to the Kaiser, and led by gen- receipt of large incomes—wfll hardly be TUOTBATOH IH TEX SHADE.
tions amounting to £5 16s 2d. The kit-
chen,' which has been doing such excel- .
Smillie, Glenavy, f.)
Cpl. W. Linn, afraid of Bolshevism, and the people are ister's telegram, otherwise Parliament
will be asked to appoint a Commissionto erals who are devoted to IheKaiser, and questioned. On similar reasoning our
There have been about forty deathe, of Labour representation, but as one who
including two European ladies, up to views Government from a place "where CLWog.; TtstanisT—MtMJnr"11. S9.4Asg. ', nbaflßinn,
lent service at St. Anne's (under the 20370 Ernest J. linn (R. buying rifles and machine-guns. The who have fomented a large and power- voluntary system might have been made 25th November. The Consul has ap- the wheels go round," members of Par-
nata, JSOMcg. ■

management of Miss Edith Howes and Normanby, f.)

officials angrily complain that Hungary ihuire into the truth of the charges made .
ful militaristic cEquo, thirsting for re- a success by accepting the patriots at BADfTAIX.
by the Minister. pealed to Suva for medical help, which liament have little more voice in the ToUl fertile Mbonn preeedtag S»a. t<x}»»
a band of lady helpers), has now closed 11/2646 Cpl. Harry J. Brandt (Mrs. M. refuses to give\food to Austria. venge. Projects are openly discussed in 6s per day and offering £1 per day as has arrived. affairs of the than the pro- —Tnae.
A. Brandt, Aoraiigi, m.) cafes and beer-gardens and other pnblic an "incentine" to volunteers to make up Tho epidemic in Fiji is serious from verbial man in Dominion

down, but anyone requiring urgent as- 23004 Pte. Clifford C. Lord {C. P. Lord, the street. Total todmte dafa» the north—».«m.
Strangers are being asked; the deficiency. I think it safe to say

sistance in the way ■of soups, lemons, LW.W.-ISM AND ONE BIG places. the native standpoint, But mOd regard- The pathway of material economic Total ratoiaU for WOT). Oetober-e.481n.

etc., should make application to the
■j4 awerfli f \

officer-in-charge' of the district, 'phone 13701 SgtT Alexander D..Mair (J. C.

KAISER AND " Are yon true to the Kaiser or pie you that very few individuals who do not
pay income tax put their small savings
ing Europeans. There have been only change to emancipate the workers—and . ,
Mair, Pohonui, Hunterville, b.) PRINCE UNION for the revolutionaries V two European deaths, but the overage this writer
classes evaybody imiit
in this cate- laeeeding I «Jn- iaiajthe7Svted
idorito fcr tbeM hown
1307. The depot at the Northland school into war bonds tor the safes of the in- native and Indian, jnortaEty has been gory whorenders service to the eomnnm- | mmct per hoot. '
;will remain open for a few days longer. 44535 Pte. Colin Thompson (W. M. vestment, but rather as a patriotic duty, ten daily. The situation is well in hand, ity worthy of their hire or reward—can ' awnm. ' i:
Thomson, South Norsewood, f.) ABDICATION DOCUMENTS DE- (nom ocb own coRBUFonmrT.) BOYCOTT OF GERMANY and Sir Joseph implies that they should and there is no cause for alarm. .
. only be opened up when labour sit* on
70738 Sgt. Frederick M. H. Hanson
(Mrs. E. Hanson, 15, Upland-rd., Kel-
burn) . "' "" ", '
Sisbera of Mercy at St. Anne's 25503 Pie. Stanley J. E; " Fowler (Mrs.
* _ (Received

November 30, 1.30 jxm.)

SYDNEY, 20th November.
Tbe I.W.W. friends and
who new oontrol the Sydney Labour
sympathisers 6EB NORMAN HILL'S VIEWS.
receive only 44 per cent, to provide the

"incentive" of up to 7± per cent, for
their gilded brethren. I write this with
somewhat troubled conscience, as I
the Treasury Benches, with all the com-
plicated network of special knowledge, i
TIMBER METHODS AND experience, and loyal assistance provided I
tO^Kf-t *&. 9L»: BOOt.JMt.
atwuaia oviast v houss.
Convalescent Hospital desire to thank the T. Fowler, Hiwinui, Palmerston N., LONDON, 29th November. Council are working enthusiastically on The Liverpool' oorrespondteni of the must by an efficient CivS Service it
following for gifts:—Mr. J. E. Heniys, .:■ :■.■.- ■
The United Press Agency reports that their One-Big-Union schome, iaunohed in London Daily Telegraph recently inter- admit that the Minister of Finance TREE WASTE behind Brim Ml jMtetdar
To this end it is essential that the can- parti tf «*" uuilij. sad tog and nia are
ani Imt mgbt in nanr
m.) ;
\ ■"■ Sydney some months ago. The One Big has proved a loving friend and pro-
£2 2s; Captain.Monro, fitting up shower 64113 Pte. Rasmus W. E. Nielsen fR. a' message from Berlin states that the Union, as most people know| is simply viewed Sir Norman Hill, secretary of tector
to m».~I am, etc,, didates selected should be men of as wide ■HI nn»M iwiawili at KawhU "ndKs-
bath; W.F.C.A., case of tinned .fruit; Nielsen, Kaitiek'e, f.) German Government has telegraphed to syndicalism—the binding of as many the Liverpool Owners' Steamship Asso- TO IB! IWTO*. » range of experience as possible, so as to pfar and in Urn watlMninost dWricti. 11*
THE LAST SHn,LETO. ■when tsir wrther »»» gamttty in crideoce
Salvation Army, money Jor " comforts ; 24/1426 Sgt.- John-Millar (Mre. J. the Kaiser and the Crown Prince in unions together in one organisation with ciation, on the subject of Mr. Havelock Sir,—Touching your leader in to-day's ensure a grasp of all practical, poEtical, this owing to the neatnlteiog effect
Mr. Turner, Champion-factory, tin of M'Pherson/ Dunbartortsßire, Scotland, Holland, demanding their abdication
- a view to aggressive action in any par- Wilson's proposal for a German boycott. 29th Sbwmber. issue it should be noted that log-hauling commercial, imperial, and varied other of
two dMartMaees, on* eatced oil Horto.
and the other south at Cbathsm laiands.
sweets; the Mayor, cigarettes, dominoes, m.) ticular industry. Questioned regarding hia views general- (as was pointed out by the Auckland questions, sometimes outside the range of C«pe Moderate to itroßg HMtlMsst wtato now pre-
and draughts; Commercial Travellers 2/1815 Cpl. Harold tf. Pric« (W. G. The 6no-Big-Unicn advocates held a ly on the matter, Sir Norman said: "I Weekly News some months back) is not the Labour platform, or tht» theories of domfaiate te tt» uuttham dMrieta, and aoa*-'
(every day), chocolates,.fruit, jellies, and Price, Levin, f.) ' ,'," further oonferenoe last week, and have have difficulty in understanding the COST OF MOTORS bad, out good for the ruiaral regeneration economics taught by any school of
mineral waters;^ Anonymous donor, a 10/2932 Sgt. Edward M. Finuoane (Mrs. KAISER'S DAY OVER now announced an inter-Stato conference
at Melbourne " on.. 9th January, with a principle upon which Mr. Wilson bases of the native forest. It is good in two thought.
football. The Sisters wjll be thankful: \Finucane, Wairoa, m<),
for gifts of cigarettes, tobacco, flour, .62499 Pto. Stanley R. Burns (Mrs. a OPINION IN HOLLAND,
view to extending the organisation over
Australia. The proceedings at last week's
his proposal. I have the deepest sym-
pathy with the men of the mercantile
—Tour report of the meeting at
ways: — Mr. Reardon has had wane of thi* ex-
(1) It breaks up the ground which is perience as a newspaper proprietor and
fruit, small cakes; end jellies, for the ■ R. Burns, Addington, Christchurch, conference have been published, and fol- marine who have been murdered by theSir, Town Hall .referring to the question the chief factor in the production of self- claimed, journalist, and although this is not
*uae of tfce patients. (Received November 30, 2.45 p.m.) lowing on the loyal demonstrations which the German pirates, and -with their sown seedlings. Kauri, totara, rimu, to be an abaolnto qatiifr-ntinn.
7/1794 Gnr. Arthur Tnrnbull (Mis. F. THE HAGUE, 29th November. marked the armistice celebrations, they fatniEes, and to the utmost of my power of motor-cai-and expenses, conveys a wrong
and white pine bear plenty of seed, but there is no doubt it is handy knowledge
Turnbull, Colby, -Isle of Man). have aroused a storm of indignation. It I have at all times done my Best to ■those private does an injustice to
what stops more young trees coming up to have in stock. . .

GOOD NEWS FROM FIJI ■12/3105 It is stated that the Dutch Govern- motor-car owners who
Cpl. Neil M'Millan (Mrs. A. ment regards the Crown Prince as a dan- appears that the conference carried the minimise the riske to which the men is the den3e growth of the ground herb- It is recognised that Mr. 0. H. Chap-
following resolution: voluntarily from the beginning placed
" .M'Millan; Great Barrier Island, m.) h»v« been exposed, and to see that the their age. Log-hauling provides a good seed- man has a substantial dnm to tbV
gerous intriguer, but thinks the Kaiser's "That this conferenoe'tender their fellow- cars at the disposal of. the group
IWFLUKNZA CHECKED, 9/1432 Dvr.- George H.-Hansen (C. Han- day is over. Therefore the latter is "injured *nd their dependent* received bed. Go into a forest' that has been Labour nomination,, hawing contested
' son, Frankton, Quee-nstown, t) allowed free communication with Ger-
workers in Russia, Germany, Austria,, and promptly the pecuniary relief to which officers. Tour report states "that in worked and then protected against fire the seat in the past and considerably
other countries their warm and whole- they are entitled. It is not only the Christchurch the motor-people had ral-
Gnr. David W. Coubrongh (Mrs. increased the Labour vote; bat, unter--
The Governor-General hasreceived the, 21661 M. Coubrough, Glasgow, m.)

many, of which the fullest advantage is'
taken. He is daily receiving a vast
hearted congratulations on the magnifi-
cent achievement of political liberty after men of. tbe British mercantile marine lied round and given their services. Wel- and cattle ; you will see the young native
trees coming up along the lines of the ttmately, the union of which Mr. Chap-
following cable message, dated 29th No- 21873 Eflmn. David J. M'Clure fli/Irs. F.
and growing correspondence, which he the long straggle against official tyranny, who have been murdered. One cannot lington, however, was different, etc" old paths and log-hauling, tracks. man is president, the Typographical, i»
vember, from the Governor- of Fiji:— ' B. 'Magson, s.), South Rakaia persecution, and despotic mooarchism, forget those who have been murdered or Some six or seven private motor-car (2) There are a great number of valu- not affiliated to the Labour Representa- WH&CABT.
"For the information of your Excellency 44316 Rflmn. Stanley Smith (Mrs. W. answers personally. whose health and happiness have been owners in the Hataitai district did not
and express the hope that the spread of able foreign trees only waiting to be in- tion Committee. This is probably, due A* ♦a.m. to-day the fotlorag foreea«* «■§
and your Ministers, the following is the . Doyle, s.), Napier South shattered by the use of poisonous gas, hold back, and without any question of aw
troduced to the native forest;. Oregon, not so much to want of sympathy with lamed tnt-mnmt M bom:-
revolutionary propaganda among the tor
position regarding the influenza out- 20949 L.-Cpl.' Howard Baker (Mrs. M.
TO SHOCK THE WORLD peoples of all countries in Europe will and one cannot forget Belgium, Serbia, fee or reward unreservedly placed their hardwood timber, etc, to be produced in the Labour Party, but.to the fact that aouth-east Winda-Moderato to atrong aad awmanig
treak at Suva: Until the 18th inst. Baker, Otorohanga, m.) ovorywhore help forwaxd the oaueo of the and the occupied provinces of France. cars and iheir own services at our dis- New Zealand . instead of imported. Offi- a large proportion of the membership of Kaikoara; wmtbntr prerafflng dsevftere.
wtodf nortbvardi of Watpnt ukl
tbere was no ground for regarding the 25/1650 Rflmiu Frederick W. Ansin (Mrs. peoplo towards complete emancipation Apart altogether from tbe crimes of posal at any hour, day or night. Our
outbreak as other than a mild visitation J. Ansin, sen., Asbhurst, m.) GEBMAN CRIMES AGAINST from capitalism." U-boats there are overwhelming grounds organisation was largely dependent in
cial figures show that the cost of young the union is employed in th« Govern- Barometer—Biw. ■ .
on all tbe eastern coast aad
not unusual in Fiji. Since then it has 8/3744 -Spr. ■-David D; Rennie (Andrew PRISONERS. Having thus distinguished itself, Che for caningl Germany to tbe strictest jx>s- its work upon thie service so splendidly trees of these grown in the State nurser- ment Printing Office, and, as Govern- on Seaa—Rough ■

tee wot coast ofthe Ifortfc Island; mode-

assumed serious proportions among the conference sang tbe revolutionary song sible account, brat I have the gravest rendered, and this correction is due in ies is only 14s 6d per 1000, or little over ment employees, forbidden to' belong to rate elsewhere.
Rerinie, Drlimlithiej Kincardineshire, known as "The Bod Flag." It aJao half a fartfung per plant ("Forest-tree a political organisation. Nevertheless
Natives, but among Europeans, , al- Scotland, in.) issued a manifesto to returned soldiers, doubts at to the practicability or even order to prevent a misunderstanding as Tides—Moderate «o the ««t ooawt of the
fONITED PRESS ASSOCUrtOM.—COPIKIOBTj Growing in the South Island^" by R. G. the fact frequent]}' stated, rather than North Irtwd; good an Vm mat ooast of
though many have been attacked, the 8/2855 Sgt. James Brown (Mrs. R. L. (jtDSTKALUK-NEW ZEALAND CABLS ASSOCIATION.? ■addressing them as "deaT comrades," beg- the wisdom of Mr. Wilson's proposals." to the position in this and probably other Robinson, Lands Department, 1914, page the explanation often reiterated, " may the'Warning Sooth Island; high ttmswtmn
disease has not token a severe form in Port Chalmers) ging- them to join up with the organisa- "What would be the effect, in your districts.—l am, etc., signal* lor sootb-aaatarty gale* are
the majority of cases, and hitherto 13595 L.-Cpl. Philip Henry (Mrs. S. T. (Received November 30, 3 p.m.) 30). In artificial plantations in the open, have an injurious influence on Mr. Chap- exhibited at Cape Maria Van Dtemen and Tin-
tion, and assuring them of on earnest opinion, of those proposals?" the inter- H. W. TOiLAN, it is the planting that piles up the man's candidature among a section of tirJ (Sast Cape interrupted).
there have been only two European Henry, Waitoa-road, Hataitai-, ~m.) PARIS, 2ath November. desire to help them, protect them against viewer asked. "If no British ship," ob- sSth November.
deaths. The Government has taken or- 8/4144 Pte'.'Charles W. Humphries (Mrs. M. Ignace, Under-Secretary for the charges—the pitting, the weeding, the electors. '' % Weather-Cloud; aod mirty, with heavy rain
.the biased Government and the plotting, servedl Sir Norman, "enters German probable ttie northern and east const dis-
ganised measures with the assistance of 0. J. Humphries, Fortrose, Southland, Military and Justice Department, in- capitalists, and fight their battles with (be ports for the nert five years we may in- fencing, the fire-protection. But when The electors, of Wellington South, as trict* of in tbe North Wand; cool, ehaageable,
volunteers, and, in the opinion, of the " iiO ■ , formed the Chamber of Deputies that employers, who desired to reduce wages, log-hauling has opend. up roads through the first to return a pledged Labour and Bboverj weather probabledwvhere.
chief medical officer, the .outbreak is, 23204 £te., Herbert " C." Germany captured 884,000 Allied prison- further too their dependents, and plunder
convenience but we shall certainly not
destroy Germany's oversea traded We
ORDER OF ST. JOHN the forest (the wider tbo better) all that member in this late Mr.- A. H. fiind- B. V. PDtBBBTOIf.
under control, and a. climax has been ;. ]er,;H6pe-.r^elson,. f.) ' '
Miller (G. J. Mil- ore, including 464,000 French, and had all other sections of the community. have sacrificed our trading ships freely is required when the. work in that marsh, deserve the ablest man available
reached." abandoned, after the armistice, 170,000 This,' from the vary men who, at public carry on the war, but neutral na- section of forest is done, is to walk down in the movement at the present time as
12/2809 T.-Sgt. Andrew Otto (Margaret prisoners without food west of the .meetings, referred to the soldiers as "six- to ■■ TO THB CDITOH. the centre of the log-hanling road* and its Labour candidate. This writer, as To-day being Si. Andrew* Day. was
Otto,' Remuera, Auckland, m.) ■
"bob-a-day murderers," and did their ut- tiona and the United States have been Sir,—l ccc by the papers the Govern- insert a row of the half-farthing plants. one who has done the secretarial work observed
Rhine. Eighty per cent, of the food a Government holiday, and
ONLY FOUR FATAL CASES most to stop recruiting and prevent fur- doing their utmost to maintain and in- ment
is suggesting that a nursing asso- The log-hauling has prepared the ground of the New Zealand Political Labour the hanksasand legal offices were dosed.
parcels sent to prisoners had been ther reinforcements» going to oar jrnen crease their trading fleets, and there is ciation
should be formed to teach the for the planting: Nature does the rest.— League over a few past years, withont
stolen. Spanish and Swiss commission- oversea, is nauseating. About 46 unions every indication that they will press any fee or reward other than the hope, The Town Hall will be closed on Snn-
810 DEGBEASE-BEOORDED. RAILWAYMEN'S DEMANDS ers had notes of crimes agninst prisoners support the movement here, but some- forward this policy of shipbuilding after public a certain amount of home nurs-
ing, and I would like to follow up a
I am, etc.,
then distant, shared with others, that dayj except for the sate of medicine,
which would shock the world. thing like 150 have taken no action. The peace is declared. Are we to stand short article which OREGON. which
skilled- workers regard the scheme with on one side and see the whole of the valuable paper, referring appeared in your 28th November. the victories now coming to" the Labour will be obtainable between the
The Mayor (Mr, J...P.;,1,uke) kuidly would one day be achieved, are hours of 3 and 5 p.m.
communicated to a Post reporter-'&M A deputation from the Engine-drivers, hostility. oversea commerce of Centra! Europe and to this matter, P.£k—lf the man employed in walk- Party looking on with interest, after listening
Firemen, and Cleaners' Society met a EPIDEMIC ELSEWHERE pass into other hands? Even if every the asking, "What is the matter with ing down the old log-hauling roads and Mrs. Man defend, of the late
afternoon the position in regard to the'
number of .'members of Parliament yes- country in tSw world refused to send its
St. John Ambulance Association?" inserting a tree-plant in the loose soil, with! pleasure to the undoubted platform R. M. Cleland, whoseretici nwtch-regretted
various temporary' hospitals and'conval-
terday, and explained, the demandi CONCESSIONS TO ANZACS shipping into German ports wo should The Order of St. John was formed in be a returned soldier, the "New ability the party has developed, whether death took place recently at her resid-

escent homes. '"''""'■'■ "" " ■

which have been: the subject of numerous

(IT TBLBGBAPH.—PRBSB ASSOCIATION) Jerusalem many hundreds of years ago Forestry" accomplishes two good things: it is a-lsa going to exhibit the equally Kel-
In regard to the hospitals, there were not destroy the oversea commerce of to nurse the sick ence, " Branscombe," Upland-road,
petitions-to Parliament this session. Mi DUNEDIN, This Day. TO TBS IHKK. Central Europe so long as Rotterdam then poor, and ever since (1) Many young trees are planted where admirable qualities of tact, gratitude, burn, a pioneer resident of Welling-
only four deaths during the 24 hour Every student at the Otago Medical
,W. M'Arley, spokesman for the deputa- and Antwerp and Genoa remain open. they have fought on «t their noble they can best grow at a cost of about a and discretion in the, selection of its ton. . was With her parents, she arrived iv
period ended »t noon to-day, while there Sir,—I read with interest a 1 letter
candidate office,—l am, etc.,
■were 14 admissions and 19 discharges.
School is
tion, said the society was not disposed serving during the epidemic in
in your last nights issue If we refuse to sail in and out of Ant- voluntary work, "j?ro tJtjlitate Homi- farthing per tree. (2) A permanent for
New Zealand from England in 1841, and
some part of the Dominion. Notifiable which
to wait until the men on military ser-
werp we should drive home the ruin of their nuni," down to tie present day, when livelihood is found for a man on the A.D.R.
had lived in'.,Wellington for pra&ically
porary hospitals., ...
There are 114 vacant beds in tie tem-
In regard to the convalescent homes;
cases and the numbers in hospital show- the
vice returned before having its wages
ed a substantial drop to-day. The con-
and other demands .considered. After
dition is generally improving.
hearing the views of the deputation, the
of The Post, written by "Father," under
heading "Concessions to Anzacs,"
and agree with, him that some practical
Questioned agio the wisdom of the the
proposal, Sir. Norman was equally em- fifty civilised
headquarters are at St. John'B
London, with branches
world. Between forty and
all o*er
soil, a livelihood that displaces no one,
but in producing moreraw material helps
to create a livelihood for others I
The Auckland Cricket Association has earthquakes.in 77 years. She experienced the severe
given Mr. MkHane, who will be visit- mafkable memory, many an interesting
1855., Possessing a te-
*he position is equally satisfactory. Dur- : acknowledgment should be given to those years ago the idea of holding classes Tng Wellington, shortly; full authority incident' of the early outbreak of the
ing ; the period mentioned. 15 patients members of Parliament present decided of the Anzacs who have been returned phatic. "I <Jo not believe," he said,
to wait upon the' Minister for Railways "that whatever we do it will be possible to teach first aid and home nursing to try and arrange a match between .Wel-
Maori War was narrated by her. She

■wet© discharged and 13 admitted. There DISEASE FROM OVERSEAS

themselves, and- place their opinion of
to New Zealand and discharged without
to eliminate from the oversea market* on originated, and these have been carried There was a "dean sheet" at the lington and Auckland, starting on Christ- :will long remain alive in the memory of
are 17 beds vacant in the various con- having an opportunity of receiving fur- Magistrate's Court to-day, not.one case
valescent homes. '..„ . '■'. ',„..". the demands before him. Mr. W. A. VESSELS lough in the land of their forefathers. of the world the influence of the popu- hag ever since. In some cities the: Order
being called. mas Day and continuing on the succeed- her friends because of her sali-sacrific-
"This information,'' Baid.._Mrr Lake, Veitch, M.P., and,' Mr. S.. G. Smith, ; The Main Body and early Reinforcements lation of Central Europe both as pro- Wellington. been well but not co in ing days. mg life.' She i» am-rived by her daugh-
It has been an uphill fight
"indicates a very distinct improvement, M.P., both ex-members of the Eailway who fought in the Gailipoli campaign ducers and., consumers, *nd even if this against
big odds all' the line;
The Hon. T. W. Hislop k? mentioned Mr. Jennings (Taumarunui), in the ter, Mb. M. M. "Venabtes, and four
and I desire to express unbounded service, were appointed spokesmen, but
I received no furlough in Egypt, and many were possible I think the destruction of many workers along as a likely candidate for the Wellington House of Representatives yesterday, said grandchildren.
Mr. Smith, owing -to other duties, will AUCKLAND, This Day. tbeir productive power must cause world- and have fait disheartened South seat! that 1 old-age pensioners had been penal:
thankfulness for it, and. I am;-sura the be unable to attend. The deputation of those who retnrned to Egypt from inclined to "slack arms," but have The death has occurred from influenza
citizens generally will unite with me in Mr. Burns, president of the Chamber the Peninsula sick or wounded were wide suffering. , Its destruction would kept Mr. Bernard Page, Wellington City ised merely because they .had earned a of Mr. WilEam Greenhalgh, formerly, of
will wait on the Minister early next
of Commerce, has telegraphed to th© given no option but t*j return to New most certainly put it out of the power the war plodding on. At the beginning of
thai spirit. I am »nro all the nurses week. ,' ."'.'»[■.:, .'.'...' .';
Premier stating that the telegram in the Zealand for discharge, where they were of Germany to make good the material examination, hundreds of women passedtheir Organist, who has been very iH with little moneyin war-time during the scar- the mechanical staff, of the Evening
and; workers wOTte,delighted at! this afterwards offering their pleurisy and pneumonia, is now able to city of labour. They had been punished Post, and latterly chief electrical engin-
grent result. ' ■
*"* *-
morning papers reporting a statement by given the usual three weeks' free railway loss it has inflicted on the Allies."
services in any capacity, but were not leave his bed for a few hours each day. because they had made themselves useful. eer for A. and T. Burt, Ltd., electrical
Tte number of deaths--recorded during Second-jieutanatot ;> .Victor " Raymond the Hon. G. W. Russell seems to be so pass, which concession is being granted ['What form of penalty, then, would you accepted; only those who went to Eng- As it will be some time yet before he is Sir Joeeph Ward said that he would engineers. He leavss a wife/whose homo,
W» "preview"24-honr period wae.ls.' *, inaccurate that it has aroused strong to those returned soldiers who were impose upon Germany?" "As to the quite strong, he will be unabte to re- refer the matter to the Minister con- is at Northland. His parent* reside m
Bernard, " youngest son of- Mr.' M. J. resentment. He asks that a Royal Com- drawn in the ballot. It simply means fotm of the penalty suggested by Mr. land at their own expense and volun- sume teaching this year. cerned. Auckland.
Bernard,' of .LyaTT B'^V, and. brother-in- missionsbe
law of Mr,.'"W.; W. Samson, Official As- truth of theappointed
to investigate the that those who were most dilatory in Havelock Wilson," replied Sir Norman, teered—when they were immediately ac-
cepted. We have formed classes, medi- "Probably 75 per cent, of the
BOW STRATFORD SUFFERED signee atiJunedin, was killed in action diate reply. "matter, and for an imme- answering the Empire's call in her hour "I can understand the civilised nations cal A Press Association telegram from Some surprise mi eipremed by hon.
of the world taking up the position that St. men
lecturing, with the aid of the Christchurch states that Hope Whitfield people think that the Stamp Duty members of the House of BepiuMitotives
on the- 4tt, November. ' He went to of need are being better treated with re- John
Germany has abused her position on the officers aaAmbulance
[The telegram mentioned, with Mr.. gard to leave before embarkation in Nursing sisters or Home waa yesterday sentenced to twelve Department is for the sale of when the Hon. J. A. Hanan, duwag the
in nwtin.-pbe9s assocjaik*.) Samoa witji:*the Advance Body, and on Bußsell's reply, appears 3 demonstrators; and many months' imprisonment by court-martial stamps," remarked the Minister of debate on the Education Estimates, re-

STRATFORD, This >Day. his return- left as paymaster-sergeant this issue.] on page of New Zealand, dependents' allowances, high seas, that for a period of years ho of the pupils and demonstrators are for disobeying the order of a superior Justice in the House of Repre- ferring to the restrictive powers of Cab-
the ;ilth Reinforcements to Egypt. and furlough in England, then are those vessel under the German flag shall be nursing in this epidemic,
Stratford and'district suffered severely, with
one having officer. sentatives last night. "But the chief inet control over Ministerial .expendi-
to Ojrford to who took part in, as is officially report- allowed to sail, and that no coal station laid down her life in this cause. duty is tha assessment and collection of ture, said that sums of money might be
during the month from the ravages "of From there! he. waft.sent; getting or harbour of refuge shall be open to Hundreds of these pupils, disappointed
the epidemic, business- being almost en- sit for a commission, on which ed, "One of the greatest military feats in Despite the dark and distressing aide the duty on deceased estates." Mr. placed estimate and ap-
foe, the three weeks. he came out to New Zealand, and went THE POLICE FORCE history."—l am etc, German shipping. I can understand at the result of their work, have gone of the workers' experiences, they have M'Callum (Wairau), after appi«eciaitive provedonbya Ministerial Parliament, bot before »
tirely suspended past the civilised nations imposing as a into offices to release the men for the been brightened here and there by reference to the efficient work of the Minister could
But the outlook has now so much im-, back with the 38th.Reinforcements. He MATER. ■
authorise the expenditarc
evidently killed: in the battle of Le 291*h November. penalty for the crimes Germany has com- war; hence, when the call came for this touches of humour which have helped to able officers of the Department—pitted of a sum over £250 he nraM fin* obtain
proved that it has been decided that was Quesnoy. He was an old Wellington Commissioner J. O'Doaovao -mas ad- mitted on the high seas the condition epidemic could not leave their em- lighten the burden of daily effort (re- against the keenost. minds, of the Do- the approval of Cabinet.
the'shops will reopen as usual on Mon- vised of the death at Invercargfll, from
boy, and a good all-round ath- influenza this morning of Constable J. S- that for a, given number of years all ployment.many The result of years of la- ports Auckland Herald). A worker was minion—urged that these experts should
day. Two temporary hospitals became College English auctioneers are having the that Germany requires to import and all bour was to establish the District Nurs- greeted one day in trembling tones by be much better paid. The Minister re- Baxter's Long Preserver i» friend
lete, representing Wellington province at Doak,
necessary in Stratford, in addition to the football. He also won some running This a married man with two children. time of their lives, said one of the pro- Germany is able to export shall be ear- ing Guild of St. John before thinking of her patient, a woman in elaborate crepe- plied-that the fixing of salaries was not you can always depend upon. When *
general hospital, to accommodate ths races, and was a good swimmer (Lyall makes the fourth death of a police fession to a London paper. There are ned in ships under flags other than the a building in which to house ourselves. de-chine night attire somewhat inconr under his control, bujt'ho recognised that head is stuffed'with cold, when throat »
more severe cases.- The splendid :or- Bay Club). He was, an examiner in the officer in lirvercargill of influenza. hundreds of estates already on the German flag. That would be a proper We tried a few weeks ago to get the gruously covered with a man's old over- they deserved much*larger amounts. sore iind painful, when chert cough keep*
ganisation by the Citirena' Committee, Audit Department, Wellington, having, Tho nnmber of members of tbo Police market, increased income tax will cause

piivrishment for Germany's crimes on the City Corporation to help in this matter, coat and, a dilapidated tablecloth in lieu you awake at night, Baxter's can always
She hospital staff, and the volunteer been in Depart- Force in the Auckland district who were the sale o£ many more, and the casual- high seas, but a policy which would but were turned down. However, our of blankets. "Oh, my dear, I'm much Following a request from the national be relied upon to give yoa relief. Keep
■workers saved, many lives.. The ..total previously
ment at Wellington: He'was a good, ill with influenza was 63. There are ties in France resulted in the winding force Germany to rely only on the neu-. hearts have not failed, and we still worse to-day. ..." I'm all fluttery. executive of the Federated Seamen's it handy. Large bottle 2s 6d. All chem-
deaths in the Stratford hospital district, clean-living" boy,' always with " a (£6617 now only 43, and all are doing well. np of many others. Moreover, there is . tral nations or to use her utmost exer-' hope to have onr quarters in Wellington Look at my hand? I must have some Union, the Union Steam Ship Company ists and stores.—Advt.
with a population of 9000, during the and liked by all. He acted'ae temkmt The Commissioner states that Superin- a steady flow of purchasers, and high tions to re-estabKsh her own shipping as in other centres, and aJso intend to stimulant at oncef" "Certainly," was has agreed to carry but alterations re-
hat- three weeks* nnmber 46. In the out-, smile,"padre" withY the Thirty-eighths, tbere Kieley, Inspector Johnstono, and prices are rnling. One large firm of would punkh us, and not Germany." help the Government in this nursing the ready response. " I've brought you specting
the lavatory and bathing accom- INFLUENZA SIGNALS.
back centres the establishment of small either,, not being one aboard the trans- tbo
men under them who have not London auctioneers -recently asked to
scheme. Apologising for taking up so modation of the
some nice mutton broth." "Oh, that isn't pany's vessels. men
on board the com- Nature gives a warning when Influena*
temporary hospitals ; helped greatly: to port, or;else sick.; '.;;.,.'.
been laid low with influeriiw. have work- conduct the sale of a thousand-acre mnch of your space.—I am, etc., what I need at all," was the disappoint- Up to the present, re- approaches: Just a sneeze—that's the
minimise the spread of the disease. ed magnificently during the epidemic and estate replied that they had every day "The. I.W.W.'s have long been the ed reply. " I mnst have some real regarding quests for improvements havn be made sign of ft cold. Neglect is followed by
Shortly after 3 o'clock yesterday after- he also praises members of tho Force in booked until the end of the year and most impudent lot of males loose in the MAUD C. L. BOBIESON, the accommodation the
country," remarks New York Life. Lady Superintendent, Wellington stimulant—a little drop of spirits! ' My Monowai, Moaua, Kittawa, Mapourika, on Influenza—anil, maybe,, serious complica-
noon the Fire Brigade was .called to other parts of the Dominion for their could undertake no more commissions at With the 'first sneeie or
CHILDREN ATTACKED AT 132y Riddifojjd-street, where the cabinet- great oxertions during a most trying present. They had fairly definite ideas of what Nursing Division, St. John im- doctor ordered it." Unfortunately she Kaiapoi, Kamo, and Karma. An inspec- tions. take Nazol and be free from
.miiking'business of Messrs. Cooper and time. they waited, and proposed to have it balance Brigade. had forgotten the name of the doctor; tion of vessels will also be made by the "sniffle" by chasing"' away that cold.
THAMES Thomson ifi 1 isitttated. ■"■" -Some shavings The Sing and Queen each subscribed or destroy society, or both. The female 28th November. when she finally-recalled it, it transpired
Auckland and Dnnedin.
sixty doses of Nasol. Order
that the gentleman had expired some five union The Is 6d buys
,tfad-c£bgh£ laligtav b'iit the outbreak had £100 to the funds of the Housing As- militant suffragists have been of much Anchor Shipping Company and other Bow^-any chemist or store.—Advt.
t«i iBiieMPB.-SiEi«i«lsocuiib».>" 7 _" beea«ubdu«L:bef.ore the .brigade arrived. The Detroit United Railway Company sociation for Officers' Families. The .
the same sort. It is a sort that looks
The Inhalation Chamber established
years ago. She accepted the mutton shipowners are also being approached
« THAMES, Thi* Day,-
is operating 3)1 street cars in Detroit by first block of flats for officers' widow* for trouble, and glories in proportion broth with woe-begone resignation, the with a view to having the sanitary Junket and Fruit.—For a cool, sooth-
The eptdamic .isnow attacking, the -B/yiUl&»O^er:in_.-CDHn.cilJ ga?ptted last women conductors, owing to the short- and disabled officers provided by the to the amount it finds. The militants by tlie General Post Office in Nathan's fluttery symptoms , developing acutely on board ship improved. ing dessert easily prepared there is no.
children here, and ten serious cases of night measles is declared an' infections age of men. The company's proposal association was recently visited by the have never yet found a complete supply, Buildings in Featherston-sfcreet wilt be when assured that there was no hope conditions thmgi like Junket and Fruit. Good for

years weie admitted to hospital to-day. Health. Act. ..

children from eleven months to seven disease within meaning of the Public was submitted to the men of the local Queen, who expressed her satisfaction
carmen's union. The union was not with their suitability. It consists of
but when about a hundred I.W.W.'s available for use by the public to-morrow
were convicted the other day of con- between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
whatever of. the National Reserve sup-
plying the special stimulant desired.
Three patients were discharged yes- the whole family—from the tiniest tot to-
terday from St. Patrick's College Hos- grandfather. To make a success of junket

The death rate among the Natives in For Inßuoaza take Woods' Great2step- opposed to the measure unless it was twenty-four flats. The association spiracy to upset the war programme, Persons wishing to avail themselves of For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' pital and one to-day. To-day's report on every time use Bettle's Rennet. Obtain
need as a means of displacing men in bought six big houses at Cheltenham their aspirations at trouble-seekers were the convenience are asked to provide Great Peppermint Care, 1« 6d, 2i 6d the condition of the patients is very a Is 3d bottle from yonr grocer to-day.
the Haoraki Blmbb is reported to be permint Cure. Ne?er fails, la 6d, 6d, tba,.sftcvice. '%.jm Jwfeys.Jtafe* thjSt£ tfTB. *HVtflW ttttefactaq?. Be sure you get Bettle'a.—■Advt,
JW. .-Ad**.


WARNING ! America's -: "":

~~~ -"■'■■"'

Cracked Crockery The cheerful workers at the Town

Hall in the various directions continue
to go "afc top" so far, as there are still
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Frazer, who have
been staying at Sage's Court for the past
few months, have now taken a house at
Late sjt
Doctors tell us that cracKed or c;iij»p«d CrocKery are
the mcst common mediums of spreading disease.
many coming in for invalid cookery and
drinks, also medicine, while the tele-
phone communications under Miss
Portland-crescent, Thorndon.
One of the most effective and useful
Experiments have shown that in a cradled cap there Myers are many and well and promptly
may tarK hundreds, perhaps millions, of bacteria. articles yet evolved from waste material Hardly out of their tissue wrappings, imported direct from America's leading
attended to. Aatgreat radiation of work was displayed at the annual meeting
It is impossible to dislodge these microbes with the is accomplished the Town Hall. Not of the Medical Red Cross Guild (says millinery House, Messrs. Hyland & Co., Chicago, these delightful hats will win
/ ordinary casual washing. only are food and medicine distributed, the Australasian). It had been made the hearts of every lady of discrimination.
invalids and sick people transferred by by Mrs. Clendinnen from the selvedge i

| For your Summer |

DONT USE A CRACKED CUP ambulance, etc., to homes and hospitals, of flannel used for Red Cross bandages. We can honestly say that this " millinery ranks amongst the smartest we shave iuw
and later to their own homes, children With a large crochet-needle she had
It is equally dangerous to mo other food receptacles collected and transferred in the Bamo worked the selvedging into a heavy ported. Each model is an exclusive creation—no two are alike. And whatfca
way, with all details kept in a busineM- bath-mat of an oval form, and it was charming variety of both large and small shapes.is here.
that are chipped or cracKe*. like manner, but a host of details con- both solid and serviceable. The article

Frocks wear \V\
White and Gold CUPS AND SAUCERS—
White and Gold Stone Worcester CUPS AND SAUCERS—EngIish
»/11 half-dozen
cerning the well-being of those who are
laid aside by sickness, and of the families
of those taken by death, are considered
and regulated. Many strange stories
is to be sold, and the money go gained
will be spent on flannel.
A picturesque feature in a recent
Of course, these are summer hats, yet manyare most appropriate for-specjal>dress
occasions. Just read the descriptions given below, and then come in soonwhile
the selection is complete.

D-I-C Silks. White and Gold Stone China CUSS AND SAUCERS—Minton
White and Gold China CUPS AND SAUCERS—EngIish Cups—lo/6
6/8 half-dozen
6/3 half-dozen
could be told by the band of workers
concerning the marvellous amount of
good and evil which has arisen out of
this emergency, and of the varied ex-
American Red Cross drive was the
journey of a dog team from the far
north tft New York oity (says an ex-
change). The driver was a fur trader,
A LARGE AMERICAN SAILOR—In burnt sienna, fine lisere straw Crown slightly
fI)'I D.tC. silks are the silks of satisfaction, and that \ Teas, etc., 9/3 half-dozen Breakfast
White and Gold China CUPS AND SAUCERS—EngIish
half-dozen periences which have come to the lot of
most of them. It is a thing to be
who one day during the winter, on his
silver fox farm, read in a newspaper of
tarn, the wide brim being overlined with cream hatters' silk, the flat finishes being
' is all there is to it \ . Breakfast—9/3 half-dozen Teas—7/3 and 8/3 half-dozen greatly thankful for that the strength roads in Europe, impassable to horses in rich cord ribbons Price 84/-
To create such an ideal position means "spade
woric"—the bring-ing of selection and buying to the
\«B! Plain White China CUPS AND SAUCERS—Worcester shape
6/3 half-dozen
of the* Mayoress and her band of work-
ers has outlasted the stress of work, and
and .motors, on which dogs were used to
haul provisions and munitions. He A*,CHARMING CREATION, SUITABLE FOR .YOUNG LADY—A wide brita, slight-
ly drooped. Composed of shell pink crepe Georgette,' with many tiny -frills picot ' I
point of a fine art. //, there are good reasons to hope that tho had a dog team—great Danes—which he
* White and Gold JUGS—Tankard shape 3 Pt- i pt- iJ pt. worst is well over and past. had trained with the,help of a dog, half
edge, around ■which nestle wee silk roses in dainty profusion Price 63/« , |
I ) 1/9 " 2/- 2/6 each
\\\ That means the elimination of all makes that have
Wfiite JUGS—Tankard shape i pt. ij pt. 2 pt. timber wolf. This one he drove as A-CHIC MODELS—In grey tage! and white satin, trimtned'.with'"noveltyif!flattwhite wing a
\\ ' th» slightest suggestion of doubt ha their obviously
and theinclttsion of those makes that are
make up / /
'I «"■■
2/3 2/9 3/9 each A; worthy continuation of the great ieader. He volunteered his services,
work accomplished at the Pved Cross and those of the dogs, and his journey design " ; Price 55/-
\M why D.I.C. silks are !/ White and Gold BREAD AND BUTTER PLATES—4/3 half-dozen depot in Mercer-street during the war for the Red Cross wae the first stage of
V of good quality. That is just
White MEAT DISHES—I4-inch 3/6 each has been carried on during the epidemic. his advance into Prance. A- LARGE NAVWXISERE—The right side slightly rolled up-tEe-soft>tam, crown being '|
the sillcs of satisfaction, and that is just why you i 7/6 each The workers have been untiring in their silk velvet, wehed to effect, finished with silk tassel Price 89/«
"y can depend upon every yard you buy.. ' \V Flown Blue SAUCE BOATS— . 2/6 each efforts, early and late, week days and At a recent meeting of the Zoological
Sundays; and Miss_ Nathan is able to AS?FASCINATING POKE—In rambler pink tagel and gros-grain silk, .the,-trimming
j-lj These Values in Silks are W
Fancy Floral SWEETS—
V", t/3
1/> each report that in no instance have goods Society of London a special appeal was
been refused or delayed, however great made by Dr. Chalmers Mitchell, the
a bewildering- maze of soft tones in bead embroidery ' Price 13^
If Unequalled. jM
//, (
1/6 each
3/6, 3/9 each
the demand might be. If a special need secretary, for some discrimination as to
aroee, workers, old and new,'combined to the use of the rarer fur animals. He
ivory satin
TRAVELLING HAT—In white tagel and Georgette, lined with rich'
Price U/fl
1 STRIPED JAP. SILKS—27 in. wide, latest 'Ameri-
Ij Glass SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS—Sri., 9d., and 1/- each meet it, and all concerned are to be stated that in his opinion there was
considerable danger of the most valuable

v ,Vk
, can stripes
*/» ytrd.
SILKS— 30in. wide, in plain
colours, and a large assortment of latest stripes
f/ 'I
'/ I
3/- esch
2/9 e«h
M; 1/6, 1/9 each
7d each
con^ratiilated on the success of their or-
ganisation and efforts to help in the great fur animals becoming extinct through
emergency. A visitor to :the depot can- ruthless and improvident extermination
not fail to be impressed with ,the num- by hunters. He also stated that these
READY-TO-WEAR HATS—In all shades, in fine tagel,'large-and small shapes, trim-
med with ribbon and novel finish Pricellt/6 and 21/-
A'MEDIUM SIZED READY-TO-WEAR—In silk' tagel, trimmed wiflfband and bow^t2/6
-- '
\ m ■""■■■. '
8/.11 and *ill yard
'/ Glass SWEETS—
Glass JAM DISHES— 1/'» V»i 2/6
ber and variety of the demands that rarer animals were often trapped in an
come in. Representatives of hospitals, exceptionally cruel manner. It seems to A LEGHORN READY-TO-WEAR—With bound edge and trimmed withribbon, finished
V STRIPED JAP. WASHING SATIN—31-32 in. wide, homes, and other^arganisations come in bo about time that those who sell and * with ribbon, finished with bow in the front; a charming shape and g-Ood service
in smart American stripes, for sports coats, etc. I *;. with lists that seem appalling to the those who wear the rarer furs should hat; colour of trimmings, navy, black, pink, jade and rose
. . "/« wo XV VALUE AtVPAVS! Pries 12/6
fij " uninitiated, but they are soon tackled clear their mind 3as to what the facts are
\ and fulfilled in good! time and with a and exercise somo foresight before it, is Have you secured one, of our JAPANESE PANAMAS, so suitable for tennis or outing:
r'l IVORY WASHING SATIN— 40 in.; wide, for frocks, !
minimum of "fuss." Individual peopte too late. The animals which Dr. wear; wide-brimmed and shady only?
TfA blouses, etc. 7/11 yard jU|| who come in for a pneumonia jacket, an Chalmers Mitchell mentioned as being
8/11 \

(/{ STRIPED sports CREPE-DE-CHTNES—4Om. wide, for \j overall, a respirator—whatever may be liable to extermination before long are
blouses, coats, etc.
13/8 yard
wide j/'J
My needed—all are kindly and cheerfully seals, mink, marten, chinchilla, otter,
received and their wants supplied. This Australian opossum, lynx, ermine, wolv-
depot, and its big neighbour over the erine, and beaver. The only real remedy
\V 19/6 to 25/- yard // way, the Town Hall, are indeed a credit for this coming danger would be the
alike to their officers, organisers, and establishment of farms and reservations LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON
\ViYA BLACK SILK" CREPE-DE-CHINES—4O in. wide ¥ j workers. of these rare animals, where their breed-
V J)

8/11 to 22/6 yard f
J ing could be systematically encouraged
The Mayoress has gladly received' the and humane methods of killing the,ani- ■.
\f NATURAL'FUJI SILKS—2B'-29 in. wide, for frocks,
5/6, 5/11, 6/11 yard B
following; donations towards the Influenza mals strictly enforced.
f'\ blouses, underwear, etc,
I) NATURAL TUSSORE SILKS—33-34in. wide yard "'AA
Relief Fund: Mrs. Louis Blnndell, £5
\ j 2/e to 6/6
55.; Mrs. James G«ar, £5; Mr. T.
win, £2 25.; Mrs. Chisholm, SI; Mr. A.
In those days when more and more
women of the educated classes "VTOU say. To secure some of the lovely
R. Arden, £1; "Friend," 10s.6d. Thanks young
'I j HEAVY-WEIGHT TUSSORE SILKS-33-34in. \\| are due to Mr./D. Nathan for a further portingbe lookinginforward
must to a self-sup-
the future, the fact
-*-' VOILES now showing for Summer
supply of Glaxo, Mellin's Food, and jam; career Dresses.
'hi,/ , wide, for costumes, coats, etc. .7/11, »/n, 11/6 yard j
\V the Hutt Patriotic Society for eggs; the that a share of dental work is being

A in. -wide l'j\ ■

/f MILITARYMAN requites»time \y Ngahanrangft Meat Works for soup; and given the
the Sanitarium. Health ; Cafe for white (says
to them is not to be overlooked
Queen). Some possibilities
2/11, 3/6, 4/6, 4/11, 5/11 yard jJ j Jffl&vA^^^^J^fek toondy
/"* —correct t*me»aD^ we cah vegetable soap. open in this direction' have been, indi-
cated last -week, when the Essex Edu-
'Phone 937A. 143. Vivian-street.
J 36 in. wide 5/11, 7/11 yard |/ ' l^'^M'^^^^Wi recommend ourService WristWat- Mrs. Spear is cuttingl out garments for cation Committee appointed a woman as ■^TOU CAN HAVE LOVELY LUXURI-
\\\ lit m^^^"^^*^^^^^
ches. They aiethotougHy accurate
and reliable, have luminous bands
children at the Town Hall, and workers school dentist to have charge of the
are making up as fast as possible. An- children .attending the Epping,
other fine roll of flannel has been sept in in Dunmow, Braintree,
Council Schools
and Saf-
' and dult'ud are fitted on t0 *
by the Wellington Woollen Company, fron Wakten. Dentistry as a profession
and a useful roll of material by Messrs. may have few attractions generally.
Thin, falling hair, dandruff, and in fact
yd. ll lip

Dawson and Mausley. Mrs. Lobe wishes Nevertheless, it does afford steady all hair troubles, can best be remedied by
Box 14^6 Wellington U iPii^Pilf^ 'e-eaforced cover to protect the to thank all those who have remembered and, in many coses, highly remunerative a course of "Tresso." Six weeks' course
the chiHren so kindly, both, in forward- work, candidates for which cannot but new life to even tho pool est head of
y&fijsj lip jjtw. la strong «ilver cases, 57/-, ing donations, and working for them. be reduced in number by the exigencies fives air.

8 Hm
"- -^ M

91/6, £5/2/6) and £6. of the war. The Royal Dental Hospital
Tie medicine department at the wes- now admits women students to its school
tern upstair corridor at the Town Hall, and wards on the same, terms and condir
where cough mixtures and tonics are so tions as men, but at present only 'eight
untiringly dispensed by the voluntary women are 'taking .advantage of the op-
workers under Mrs. A. H. Waters, will portunities offered. Possibly this ap-
Sold Everywhere.
■'■■ Mail Order: Send Postal Note for 6s
for a bottle. Post free. Sold by J. R.
M'Kenzie, Fancy Importer, D.I.C. Fancy

— Wrist Watches from 62/- bo open between three and .five o'clock pointment und!er the educational authori- Department. W. S. Wallace, Chemist,
b James Smith, Lt<L, U.F.S. Dispensary, PRETTY BOUDOIR CAPS— \ !ip,_j>J/ \ Mi

' "
~— to-morrow afternoon fop the > benefit of ties will attract more women to the and King's Prescription Pharmacy, 4,
' Ahoso who have either "run out" of profession, the general exercise of which Courtonay-place. Traced for working and I
v,,"%ft?*"' , , ffli SI
8g W.LITTLEJOHN & SON, LTD. medicine, or find a special necessity for may appear^hardly congenial.
I it. It is hoped that all availing them- dental mechanics, however, a field is
malting up in several designs. ILV fV\ \ /!N!n / /

REVISED PRICE LIST. 11l JEWELLERS AND WATCHMAKERS Jj selves of this privilege will endeavour open which seems peculiarly suited to
to bring clean bottles for what is re- women or, at any rate, to those who MADE TO ORDER.
Pink or hdio voile; also in
\,\\\ / ['/%//'
\ \j\
The great
to slightly
advance in price of Tarantulle compels
advance prices of our famed traced under-
us V
\S^ 222-224 Lambtdn Quay |.-::: Wellington j quired. have the natural dexterity and fineness
of touch usnallu possessed by them.
white or cream nroslin
*rice 2/6 each / ■>\K \ ' //
\\ I* «\"A \^'
clothing. '
Even at these POST FREE FOR CASH The following letter has been received Dental mechanics do not, of course, ex-
WITH ORDER figures they are much less than you JA- Costumes are guaranteed Tailor-
by Miss Sybil Nathan, Iran, secretary of tond their training to the surgical side made and to give satisfaction. Our
purchase bare material for. the Wellington Branch of the Red dross of their undertaking, though those quali- Tailor (Mx. Griffiths) is a cutter who
Thi» list only holds good till 30th November Society, from Colonel Collins, N.Z.M.0.: fying as dental surgeons have to be knows hie business, and his productions
place him in the forefront of the Tailor-

"I wish to thank the Wellington Centre adequately expert mechanics—the greater
Traced Magyar Nighties on Tarantulle, 7/6,
Traced Camisoles and Nightdress Yokes, 2/9.
Fresh as Daisies of the British Red Cross and Order of St. includes the less, here as elsewhere—
John for the generous manner inVwhioh but the Work is fairly lucrative and dis-
ing profession in Wellington. " ■ ■

Traced Tarantulle Knickers, 4/9; Chemise, 6/3. it responded to the request of Matron tinctly regular, so that it seems certain
It is not only the dainty touches—so TRY
Traced Crepe Nighties on white, blue, helio., pink, 9/6. new and smart—that make these frocks' Gilmer in supplying comforts for the that mote and more of tt will fall into
Traced Crepe Knickers, si-. soldiers on the hospital ship. I feel sure the hands of competent women, in the JAMES SMITH'S, LTD.,
Traced Crepe Dressing Sacs, 5/6, on heho, blue, pmk.. «uch irresistible creations. The cvi and the soldiers will be grateful, not only for future.
the colours—Sky, Champagne, Putty and " FOR YOUR NEXT COSTUME,
PRINGLE'S Ltd. Reseda-help.
11l Favoured Fabrics
the gifts supplied, but also will have the
feeling that their friends in New Zealand
aro thinking of them and all the hard- "They will cheat you (the Allies) yet,
ships they liavo gone through, at this those Junkers! Having won Half the

A "Art Needlework Specialists" : Lambton Quay -M Christmas season of the year." Another world by bloody murder, they are going
Postal address 80x^32, Wellington §S Then there are the materials that gratifying letter is from Major Sandle, to win the other half with tears in their
speak of charm and beauty. Here they
■re.:—Georgette, Voiles, Taffetas and
R.N.Z.A., who says: "I have to acknow- eyes, crying for mercy."—Carl Rose-
ledge the receipt of your contribution to- meier, a, German in Switzerland. (For nine-years with Huyward's, Tailors).
Own Material Made Up.
X /p
* "'jliii'f^r^>"'/?
W*' ti'Med. in
pink, helto, blue and

— n
wards the comfort and amusement of the
troops on board this transport. These COSTUMES from £5 ss. t, (^^'l*o ♦'"iffM \\-wSft*' white; design 9418
' .I,
..i n '11 ' -)'—i- .'-.
We have just lately landed these
Summer Frocks, so you are assured of
getting a. Dress just as new and stylish
articles have been handed over for dis- Smart original styles in Footwear
tribution to a gift committee, which com- have linked the name of Dorothy Dodd
prises representatives of all units on with thoughts of beauty, grace, quality,
CostumesRemodelled at lowest prices.'
144, VIVIAN-STREET (four doors from
\\ ' -1 'rvI \^\

At Five-and-Six you cannot

Cuba-street). v
as possible" board. The gift goods supplied have- and comfort in the discerning .woman's >vi\ \ '■ x T J
" been considerable, and all ranks deeply mind. Nothing better is -made any- rfTHIS IS THE SUMMER DRINK.

A WWe Selection Awaits You
find Better Value anywhere; ■"
'OM 1
' Prices from £5/5/-- -'
appreciate the kindness wiiioh prompted where. So many styles—so many fit-
their despatch, and for the trouble taken tings—so easy to be exactly saited. ' The
in procuring them." best stores sell- Dorothy Dodd Footwear
CYPHON " / V)& Ready for
Madam ! ■
[I/ ,
"When tHe Smart H»ts. ar«f*
■ The death has occurred in Wellington
College Temporary Hospital of Miss (I cry
Coral Clifton Inglis, eldest daughter of
for Ladies.—Advt.
The demand, everywhere is for millin-
of a simple nature, and we. specially
recommend a very charming hat in Java
(I V So. 0407
" . I?-? Working
* lAMBTON QUAY - WELLINGTON the late Mr. Williani Inglis, chemist,
whose widow lives at Petone. She: was straw as being most suitable for country
a sister of Miss Gladys Inglis, of and beach wear. Daintily trimmed,
t-rica 15s 6d. Miss Abrahams, 236,
Blenheim, and of Mr. Bert Inglis, of Lambton-qjia-y,
4d, 4d, 4d.

MADAPOLAM NrGHTEES—Now style, with
sleeves to be itlset; design 9<!07 Price 10/6

gaDL- —mi inr—iaezz ' meg Kelvin Grove. Miss Inglis, who wa«
27 years of age and a general favourite,
Beauty of character is always en-
was educated at Petone State School. hanced by beauty of features —and every
J|||m Exclusive Designs!
a New Ready-to-Wears
At Ecoiomic Prices
D "
' The interment was made at the Taita. woman, despite her natural facial hair
blemishes, can know perfect immunity
Mrs. R. W. Dalton, who has been from them by using Rusma (reg.), which
occupying Mrs. Phil Nathan's house in removes hair by destroying the root*.
(Cve>- H. D. Bennett's),
Interesting- indeed is the
showing- of new Ready-to- '^^^^^^^^^^^SBlSS^^' Hill-street, is leaving for England by Mrs. Hullen, Dept. (P), Courtenay-place
the Remuera, due to sail next week. Tram Terminus, Wellington. 'Phone WILLIS-STREET.
wear Hats, which arrived 1 ""
J~ "q&g 1047.—Advt.
by a recent mail. The \ s* t-jS *jf«v Miss L. Clark and Miss R. Bock, who
There is a coupon in every tin pf mHESE LUNCHEON, TEA, AND
styles are unusually smart, ; y'«
have been among the energetic workers
Hudson's Balloon Brand Baking Powder J- SUPPER ROOMS ARE NOW
and the prices moderate in at the Town Hall, have joined Mrs. that
\g j I^. Stott and others who have borne the of theentitles you to receive a free copy OPEN, and ©vary attention is paid to
famous Balloon Baking Book. visitort' wants.
and untrimmed —
newest shapes
' :
"'ifvdfJF*/ /

w f'
' j^^ty'
\.§'^r^1^ if'?
0' ■
"burden and heat of the day" as Buy
At a meeting of district health cap-
tin to-day at H. D. Bennett,
V.A.D.'s at Sydney-street Emergency Lta., aLambton-quay
and Willis-street.—

Smart Sport Suits for boys' summer

browne, etc., from 27« 6d
Three-Course Dinner (2s), from 5.30 p.m.
to 7.30 p.m.
All Cakes are Home-made.
"Rooms will be open until 7.30 p.m. on
Saturdays. '
' There are Blouses too, in
splendid variety, includ- ■§?^r - w'
tains held yesterday it was announced
that Dr. Platts-Mills, of Karori, had
wear, in
to 625.
Greo. Fowlds, Ltd., Manners- SMOKING ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN.
stroet.-^-Advt. MTSS BEAD. Proprietress.
LADIES' SILK HOSE ing Dainty Voiles from 7/6 f broken down through overwork. Mr. A.
M'Kenzie, district captain for Karon, Beauty and sympathy are delicately .
paid the lady a glowing tribute for the our "OTT A N T E JJ KNOWN.
combined in the willarrangementa of
Here's a line of Stockings
thoroughly recommend—for wear, for
beauty, for fit, a«d for complete satisfaction.
we can

£" fffs'
a " Dbtai - lamzziDr- — \ur ladLJ ■work she had co unflinchingly done in
the district. Thsy had supplied her with
a car, not that she was not only too
wiljing to use her own, only it would
wreaths, which prove
tribute at the funeral of relatives or
friends. Miss Murray. Vice-Regal Flor-
ist, Willis-street, Wellington.—Advt.
Send your Suits or Costumes to be Dry-
cleaned at
85, VIVIAN-ST. (opp. Army).
not take the steeper bills as swiftly as See our boys' panama hate, 7s lid Wi don't wash clothes. Wo are Dry
They have strong Lisle Tops, Heels (SJ// was desired under the circumstances. to 15s 6d. Washing hats in cotton,
poplin, pique, silk, etc., from Is to 5s
Cleaners and Dyers only.
'Phone 2608A.
and Toes. They are Seamless and Shaped, f The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. M. lid. Geo. Fowlds, Ltd., Manners-
Segrief, of Daniel-street, Wellington, will
and have a rich lustrous finish. . ' hear.-with deep regret of the death of streot."—Advt,. USE SNOW-WREATH FLOUR. j " I' A / *
r fciK their fifth daughter, Miss Emily Segrief, Ladies cannot foil to be delighted differ, but whenever Flour ' No. 9417
In Navy, Champagne, Gray, Mole, which occurred yesterday, after a long
illness. The late Miss Segrief was a
with our American crochet boudoir caps,
also fugi rompers (hand-worked).
is included your wisest plan i» to
The u«e tho pure, silky-fine, fresh Snow-
Noi 9«9
sleeves nem-
Light Fawn and Creme; also White and PAIR great favourite- among a wide circle of Exclusive, 37, Willis-street, Wellington. Wroath Brand. All Grocers. Wholesale —Mude -up and traced for made up, neck and
friends and acquaintances; and much —Advt. Agents: W. J. GAUDIN AND SON, working; dogign 9419; in pink, stitched; square or V necks; in
Black. sympathy will be felt with her parents Coal, Grain and Produce Mefonants, bine, heUo. or white white, pink, blue, or hoho. design
War against dirt! Every day tho neces- Ghusnee-si;., Wellington ('Phono 271); also PHce 14/G
Come and see them—you will recognise their sterling
VALUE instantly,
■■ '. - W^
?s ' ■
8" ■ ■
in their bereavement. During the whole
period of the war she had been inde-
fatigable in patriotic endeavours, and
for a considerable period assisted at the
sity of keeping tho home tree from dirt at Kilbirnie ('Phone 5716. 1 short, 1 long).
is brought home to us with tragic foroe.
Influenza, must be checked, and the most
important thing-/ is to procure a. Daisy
Price 7/11 941? or 9418
Ask for Bsoklet shewing full ruge of New aid Dainty Designs.

soldiers' dances at the Town Hall, or- "Vacuum Cleaner. By using- tho Daisydust, BEG to Apologise to my numerous
YOUR Teeth ar« worth talcing car* of, too—Health. in

i/- IN THE £ DISCOUNT Appe»»ne», »nd Oood Spirit* demand Sound Teeth,
If any of your Teeth »re deaayed or broken, delay
ganised by the Mayor and Mayoress, and
inthat capacity greatly assisted in pro-
tho homo you are free from dirt and Customers that, owing to sickneSß, of
(the greatest known germ-carriers). Call my staff, I have had to closo my premises
meant extra trouble and expemte for you. viding a pleasant evening for soldiers on in,and let us prove that the Daisy is the' at times in order to overtake the pres-

D. S. PATRICK & Co. Hesitate no longer.

Crown, Bn<J*e (TeethWhether
you require » FiHinr.
without Plttai), or a oomplutß
otnf T»u pan rely on gettine supreme uatiß-
faotion here. Decide to oome IJOW !
week-end leave. Somo time ago ill-
health necessitated a health trip to Roto-
rua, but that proved unavailing, and the
deadly enemy of dust and dirt. Oscar sure of work. I have now secured the
Hewett and Co., 66, Cuba-street (just bo- services of *. Qualified
low Bank of N.Z.).—Advt.
Chemist,- liberated
from Military Camp, to assist me, and
hope from now to maintain my usual
AU end came yesterday.
1 Corner Cuba and Vivian Streets, Wellington aS'^J**lnlJ'Sl. met
Attention of Principals only.
reweiv«« Skilful, CwMful
*""!*"■*Nunei in Attendance.
The friendship existing between' No prompt service.
Rubbing Laundry Help and thrifty wives X, M. GREEN,
gAMDOILiCHAMBEftUIN, «,Mtt JSgjggg^^.. Mib. George Vealo and .Miss Connie is very delightful. la 3d packet suffi- Chemist,
Veflle are improving after their severe cient for teven weekly family wMhiags.
attack of influenza. Wellington Grocers.—Advt. 141, VIVIAN-STREET.
Tokomara Hurdles, at 300 son.; 1$ Terrace Hack Welter, of 150 sow;
THE TURF mile. seven furlongs.
Otara Arlington Paddington Green War March
Rari Poto Forum Battle- Array The Speaker
NOTES AND COMMENTS Zola Yarilla Zela Hurry Up
Ore Ore Miss Satun Mystified Sea Foam
(By "Sir Lancelot.**) The Summit Record Kohu Vigilo
Master Boris First line jDry Up Beloved
Otter Aurora First Saltrte Warrawee
Of the local horses engaged in the Tornea Eio Intermezzo Bine Gown

Auckland Cup the writer considers Gwynne Vacuum Papanui Idle Talk
Bonny Maid (7.9) the best treated. She Lord Nelson Tangihon Athens 11. Khataiandu
raced twice at Ellerslie last autumn. In Woollahra ' Waipunw Ulsterman Philomela
the Oaks she was beaten by a length by Warmth Kurapai Utuwai Glentour
Impediment, who won the St. George s

Gang Awa Ahi Ka Namur
Handicap, a mile and a half, on the Cross Words Red Signal
second day. On her other appearance Gillies Hack Handicap, of 150 bow. ; sir Lepanto Quinn's Post
Bonny Maid won the St. Leger, beating furlongs. Grand Duchy March On
Estland. In the Champion Plate at Ttrticom Belle Noire Sacramento Courtfield
Trentham she- ran third to Gloaming Crystal Palace livland Old Gold La Pucille
and Menelaus. The unplaced division Missland Tigritiya Moutoa Camp Some Girl
were Sasanof, Client, Snub, and Rose Zela The Speaker White Banger Willys Knight
Pink. Sasanof was evidently short of a Mystified Hurry Up Livland Evening Glow
gallop, and the distance was probably Kohu Sea Foam Awa,puni Handicap, of 400 soys;
not far enough for Snub. Any excuse Penury Row Vigilo six furfongs.

FOR' 15 YEARS Hair Now

is better than none. Bonny Maid's only
appearance at Riccarton was in the
Jockey Club Handicap, in which she
finished next to the placed horses in a
Dry Up
Mill Queen
Athens 11.

King's Aimaar "
fast-run mile race. With a stone less Kbatnta&du
Day Treatment than weight-for-age, the writer con-
siders Bonny Maid nicely weighted.
Recently the writer mentioned that
Mias Eileen
Gold Problem
Ahi Ka
Red Signal
All Over
Sweet Corn
Taviatock Tressida
Remarkable Experience of Prominent Soldier-Poet with 11 imported Winkie had only two year-
lings in the sale ring in two years.
Lard Muekerry
White Ranger
Inah Parisian Diamond

Bonny Briw Nystad
American Scalp Treatment, I
**r,-; Famous
Guaranteed to Satisfy, or Money Back.
begin Crysiolis. Crystolis will either succeed or it won't, I
For 15 years" (She crown of "my head had been as Innocent of hair
Mr. J. B. Reid writes me that Winki©
will have several representatives at the
clearing sale. Honesty, Divinia, Bris-
selette, and Ngahere have colte, and
Arai te Uru, Strathpetter, and Wendo-
Mamwaiu Cop, of 1000 aovs.; oo« and Lady General
Dusky Eve
a half miles.
Silver Tongne
Sweet Tipperary
Hupana '
Cherry Mart
Bo Peep
Jean Laddo
11 as anemu egg, and:l had:lone relinauislied the idea of inducingbut tllc on jy way to is to try it. Yon can easily I Scornful Vagabond ' Camp Handicap, of 250 soys; one niile
a Jd^S
I V'io could do notliing for tome.growBefore completing-
find out by a lew days' use. Fortftw.
days' treatment
one course of with Crystolis according to directions is guaranteed to I
line fillies. Charmilla had twins by the
eon of William the Third and Conjure.
Seven horses are engaged in both the
Bonny Maid
Master Montoa Hyttns
and 55 yards.
/^3sj^\ A S Spinners with over a hundred years* f/^&^lf
1 c^-stolis ray hair started 0£
again, to my immense surprise, giye satisfaction, or your Cfcemist will relund
fl?e ha'r
.^Sjffi^Sß&S^-.-Sayc paid for it.
all YOU I Auckland Cup and Railway Handicap-
viz., Gazique, Bedford, Punka, Tauna-
BatUe Song
Bewi Poto
Green Signorella (ov*^/ /~~V experience, and as Manufacturers of a^^y))
I Hems at last is good news for men and women whose Crystolis is perfectly harmless, not oily, greasy nor I ha, Winter Cherry, Housewife, and
Sanacre. The handicapper has taken
Henry Clay
Glorify r^/"r^K the world-famous "Viyella'Wi.)Blouse ?b^\C
l| hair, is falling; who are
II scalps away,
growing bald and; grey, whose stic ky. It comes in concentrated liquod form. Yon mas- 1
are snn>«hereU in dandruff that nothing seems to sa ge it morning and night into yonr scalp, whrte It is I
care of Taunaha, in placing him within
lib of Rose Pink, runner-up in the New
Rose Pink
Orleans Maioha
All Over
Rude (Wr^O and Shirting Cloth,
'II111keep whose heads itch like mad. absorbed into the roots to cleanse, dissolve and discharge I
You vonrsell may benefit, as have hundreds of people all foreign germinal matter, and to stimulate the papillae,. I
the hair may burst forth anew in abundance all I
Zealand Cup. A three-year-old, with
two six-furlong races to his credit, the
> Bronk Delaval Tavistock
First Salute
Quinn's Post
stpSft) hollins & co., ltd., {ft&rjl
like those who Jtitire give voice to the phenomenal re. so that
suits-ofitained Worn Crystolis;'.tne--new- American-pro^, over yonr head. Folks blessed with good hair don't 111
writer cannot agree with Mr. M'Mena-
men that Taunaha 16 entitled to 21b more
Juvenile Handicap, of 250 sow; five Munster
furlongs. Orleans i^^^S call attention lo their TRADE MARK as above. Whether on P^sS^>T
Ladify Bronk Delaval
I duct known as
M the real hair=grower found ai last"— want Crystolis to create this condition. Their scalps do 11
without help. But the scalps of thin-haired I
in a two-mile race than in a six-furlongs Bonny Briar Mcli |
Dribble Hyginas CpTc^^) 'he Selvedge of Piece goods, or on the Tab on made-up Garment*, j' "
j-« tZj ■
I event. Gazique has 131b less in the
that has been "cattid the most wonderful-scalp discovery their duty
of its time-havintf been awarded-dold»Meaals-and: Dipio- -folks do not. Nourishment'nature intended for their I long distance race, Bedford 111b, Punka
Miss Gold
(^^Qj*S this MARK is a GUARANTEE that the fabric bearing r2/7Cr'?tM
■II mas vi of Hononr at ithree o
by the dangerous dandrull I
great- International Exhibitions, 'scalps is largely made uselesscrystolis 111b, Winter Cherry 81b, and Housewife Farce Night Tim* TUST . HALF A MINUTE, /^yjy it is their genuine production, andtha\ the utmost CONFIDENCE RA yW?vV
m You onl need tr to prove if this Is I 41b. Sanacre has 0.7 in both events. Torfreda Solace w MR. CAROWNER! VOlwS^C may be placed on its perfection of make, and on its good-wearing
> x^ytif-N I
iSffi &^^«HH&*-
have now.a\clean. healthy scalp,.and that hair
1B y°Ur 0W" CaSe Why »Ot begiD t°'nlght?
People interested in Crystolis for its peerless qualities I
Mr. G. H. Redwood, whose death oc-
curred recently at Woodville, was a
VATED NOW? rC^Vy^u qualities. "AZA" (Siyd.) and "CLYDELLA" (Rtgd.y only fjVC^fc^/
I say they falling member of the well-known Marlborough inoUf 'han "ViyelJa," are made by the same firm. . LJ^\^'>!x '
::l| stopped after a;,y few applications of this wonder- as an elegant hair dressing alone should note that one ji'J family of that name. For upwards of
Rose Wreath
'*** "'""
?$m j
n|| |ul new prepartion. bottle ol .the concentrate makes up three-quarters of a 111 twenty years the late Mr. Redwood was PAINTING.
■'*""" It matters not whether you aref troubled with falling pint of .liquid. An expensive

hair prematurely grey hair, matted hair, brittle hair,
stringy hair, you are cheating yourself unless you at once twice
or "hair tonics" in
wjual quantity of the old-fashioned I
to three times as much.
bottles and packing costs I
connected with the Woodville District
Jockey Club in an official,capacity.
Killowen, who bolted with two races
Arch SahiU
Victoria Cross f.
War Baby
We use the beet materials.
We have a Dust-proof Varnish Room.
Wm. HOLLINS & Co., Ltd.,
at Randwick, is topweight amongst the Import Nursing Sister | We satisfy personal tastes.
We are Modern in our methods. Atv^Ojs Viyella House, Newgate St.,
liirWa"When I beean Crystolis tiay hair 'and there:is Me"Crystolis-haa
in it.'" declares Mrs. _J§iPiilsiisfiSiL. three-year-olds in the Railway Handicap
I 'i> so thin I could clo nothiiK with f.';Covenhoer.
' How thenew hair ?a hvool three *?
tt £"
I at Ellerslie, with 8.7, Onslaught (7.13)
and Punka (7.11), each of whom won
two races at Riccarton, come next. On-
Yankee Dan
North Loburn
American Beauty
Sweet Song
We take a pride in doing better work.
Consult us and we will give you an
py^gS LONDON, ENGLAND. f/fy^^^
Sunburst Repairs to Car Accessories Undertaken.
slaught, who won the Jockey Club Han- KipliDg Guinea Gold LET US MAKE YOUR CAR LOOK
dicap from end to end, may prove to be Golden Bubbles Solfanello LIKE NEW!
the best of his age if sent up. Other Tamaiti Chaeronia
three-year-olds engaged include Torfreda Sycorax Borealis
(7.10), 80-peep (7-.10), Taunaha (6.12), For Sample of Our Work see the Biff
Taiarua Hack Handicap, of ISO arm; White Hupp now on Lambton-quay.
Cyresian, and Kipling. The three last- Taxi Stand.
named have each scored two wins this one mile and 55 yards.
season. Taunaha won on his only ap- Paddington Green Army Service
pearances down the Trentham and Ric- Battle Array War March PALMER & CO.,
carton straights. He has not yet beatenZela Mann MOTOR AND COACH PAINTING
anything up to Railway' Handicap form,
but win probably improve. Claverhouse First Salute Sea Foam HUTT-ROAD, KAIWARRA.
and Spyglass, who finished behind him Dick ■ Blue Gown 'Phone 1976.
at Riccarton, afterward* won at the War Seat Rienzi
Cross Word* Idle Talk to Lend on Mortgage; turns
The imported mare Winter Cherry, en- Arihia Voloma MONEY
fro.i £500-£IOOO. Apply Thom-
son, Brown, and
East. 189, Feathentou-
gaged in the Auckland Cup and Railway Signorella Quinn's r >oßl
Handicap, is now trained by Murray Sabine Conrtfield "traet. .
Hobbs for Mr. Luttrell. Winter Cherry Moutoa Camp Willys Knight
is well bred, and goes back to a well- Fiteherbert Handicap of 500 sots.,
known Australian racing family, §ome six furlongs.
of the members of which were bred to Chimera
English time, and sent Home with a Nanna
view to winning the Derby. Florette
(dam of Winter Cherry) isbyFlorizel 11.
from Acmena, by Martini-Henri. Acme
(winner of the Maribynong Plateand De-
— the Tyre of supreme . ,',)//%ss
butant Stakes), by Chester—Acmena, Crowhurst Tigritiya
after producing a filly (sent to Italy), by
Matchmaker, died in 1913, as the result
AH Over
Maioha. ,
Sweet Corn
Parisian Diamond
for Light 9 Heary
Motor Cart, Cycle
is the Palmer Cord TTre—for its wonderful
resilience, ease in running, and its freedom from ..
\f . *
/M^^^^^^S^^M "'*
of an accident. Other members of the
family appearing in the English Stud
Book are : Accurate 11. (Martini-Henri
Bo Peep
*mi A«ro»laae».
trou bles The Palmer Cord Tyre has the
Palmer Cord foundation, which saves your petrol
* ;
—Acme), Achray (Martini Henri—
Acme), Aliaa Mac (Uncle Mao—Ac-
Sweet Tipperary Lady General jI
" ;

Kipling Jean Laddo

curate II.), Cookstoun Lass (Board's
Head—Florette), and Hegemony (Sir
Hugo—Acmena). Among other progeny Grandstand Hack Handicap of 300 botr.,
Palmer Fabric miles per gallon of petrol—more miles for every w ,-» _/fej "^^H^f>^Bg3S^^^^^§^^-'' ?V
she had a colt by Collar, that was sent one mile 155 yards.
to Brazil. An unnamed mare by Match- Hyttua Bagdad
maker, dam Acmena, had colts and filKes Scornful Rude
I *Mk
i.t I B^^F*D if PnAPS^ffiiklff*
by Berrill and Birk Gill. .

heated in the last Railway Handicap,

King Lnpin and Hymestra, who dead- Paddington Green
Henry Clay
are again engaged in the Ellerslie race; Hydros Risingham
also Nanna, who filled third place twelve All Over The Speaker
months ago. Of the older performers Maioha Detroit
engaged Gazique (8.9), Birkenvale (7.9), Tavistock Cherry Mart '
Want .
third in the Avon Welter at Riccarton, RoyalQninn's Post
Downham (7.5), Rockfield (7.3), Sheil* Park Elocution
(6.9), have some recent form to recom- Munster Multive
mend them. Downham, a previous Ladify Orleans
winner of the race, won at Poverty Bay Dribble Tanphon.
and Avondale. Goldstream Hyginaa
Biplane, top weight in the Railway Kelvin Hack Handicap, of: 150 gov«;,

| BB ■
'*skiff J§nr/9IM
Handicap, is enjoying a spell on Mr.
Greenwood's station in the North.Can-
terbury district. ' ■

Torpedo and 80-Peep were placed on Railand

' one mile and :55 .yards.

Crystal Palace Sabine

r y/Tffiffi ":■ mellow glow" of a
: WZP//A illfliiil ' \ \ l\ Ore
the same mark at Woodville and Feild- Penury RoseOre Army Service Kin
M0(i?Mllr kdia Ru^bor, GutU Perch* and Telegraph Work* Co. Ltd. \jjfinvlw^^^^^^^o^
I \*SSS7§ ;.'Laurer.bnrning |am P : is |Hjfjj§| ' ,| l|fj M'tfT/iiSBl ing. The, Auckland handicapper follows First Salute
the lead, and gives the two three year Dick
Blue Gown
% %m from the material and the'"r^ ■■';^^^^ W Tffft-iwWpHl old fillies the same- weight in the Rail- Royal Park
way Handicap.

artistic points of view. y. 'il|§|lij!|l I I f «flfu«HHl Cutts Brothers are spelling Papanui
Wrestler War Scot Volonia
Reading or working, your
will suffer no strain from the
Vj \\
1 II UrarailfinU
and Long Range, but the remainder of Piraeus
their big team are in steady work,' with, Cross
a viow to summer engagements. It is ArihiaWords
Quinn's Post
expected that several of them, including Courtfield
Onslaught, Heathercote, Royal Stag, and Signorella
'Willys Knight.
Macduff, will be available for th* sum- Te Matai Hurdles, of 200 soys; one
mer meeting of the Auckland Racing mile and a-half.
Stepniak and Birkenhead mares have Rewi Otara Toddy
made a name for themselves for produc- Zola Poto Arlington
ing winners. At Riccarton, offspring of

earned the title of "the most-mileage" front
Ukraine, Pedometer, and Jessie Lewars
won five races. Arai te Uru and Sun- Rising
Ore. Ore
Mies SaHon
Want m

mmm^mmmm^mm^mmmmmmmm^mmml^^.^^mmmmmmm^-m m^m—mm wheel tyres. It is because they are "bal-

light credited Birkenhead with three The Summit
wins, which record was also put np by Master Boris Record anced" tyres. Tread and shell give equal
Gold Treasure, Gold Thread, and Fairy Otter First Line SMmniiiminiituniiiiniiiiiiiinnttiiiiiiiniiuiiiiuuiiiufniitiuiiitiuiiiiiuuiutiiu^ ffo*^^^^^ wear

IiraLEIEH ■ Jjl
Gold, for Gold Reef. Madwhirl (dam of Tornea Aurore S WIDE A RIGID, RAPID, RELIABLE sJS"" /4 ■

Gwynne Rio
Onslaught) is a daughter of Treadmill.
Drowsy (dnm of Punk*) is a daughter of Lord Nelson
Moßtyn. The following sires were each Woollahra
Tangihon OriMCStales
with one winner:—Bill of Port-
land (To-morrow), San Fran (Mangao- Gang
Eager (Light), Clanranald (Scottish

wester (Dexterity), Soult (Salute), San

■ Waipunoa
Star), The Officer (Lady Disdain), Sou'- Highden Hack Handicap of 150 sotb.,
furlongs. .
|!s%!!»!KG |^P|
~ rust-proof by the frame being specially sg£*3jP v__<^
main' leadrryms
are tyres ofsteadfast enduranceand steady satisfaction.
Francisco (Culmination), amd Martian Tuireom Moutoa Ivanora = coated with rust - proof preparation before ii=J.iJL
(Telescope). They mean smooth riding. They mean quick response
F. D. Jones still has Cynic under his Crystal Palace
care, and the imported horse m«y re- Missland
White Ranger
enamelling. All plating and enamelling Mf\7jj\
of the most brilliantly permanent class. M'Jf/Jp to steering wheel, clutch and accelerator. They mean ■

main at Riccarfcon until the time arrives Zela . Belle Noire S -^jjb/Il lowest final cost per mile.
for sending him on to Ellerslie for the
summer meeting of the Anckland Racing
Dry Up
Tigritiya g a^LL'TM^WQITL
«w. .mc ttmkww OVER
v»biv 0!? **eM&^[ 'Plain' treads on the front and one of the other (bar
Club. Mill Qnaen The Speaker
PfjflL types of United States tyres on the rear wheels and
Satnanng Volito =S tik|/-»| |^ DDAC
tJKVjO. C C^Cln^ you could not be better tyre equipped. For they form
IINoL.IZ> v^?aV\lf\\l complete line of United States tyres, the products.
Athens II
Beloved jj= Ar^fTMTQ
4>> *"
of the largest rubber company inthe world At&B^.
CLUB Esperance
= ■ —that in itself is your guarantee that they


Gold Problem
Ahi Ka
True Jby
C"^ l^^y^'^j-^r^lf^ili
aretfood tyres.
All good motor dealers stock United States r"
Rokeby-Mosot c
Red Signal aiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiim^^

tyre9>; Please ask yours about them s^^ ■^i^
Guinea Gold

■ . . ""^
United States Rubber C©.(Anstralaia) Limited
Trial Plate of 150 sots. ; 7 furlongs. Lord Muskerry
Crystal Palace OH GoH President's Handicap of 700 soys,, one
Railand Montoa Ivanava mile and a quarter. SOLID TIRES I SOLID TIRES f " ■

Battle Array Lhrland

Yankee Jack WaT Maroh Ladogenr
Dusky Eve
Bagdad Wanted Owners of Commercial Motor Vehicles to know that we are able _^_ Hyls xKr§i WsF W^M ■
Kohu Hn«y Up Scornful
Silver Tongue
to supply and fit any size solid tires with the utmost despatch. ■■froff .]xk!t( ■■ Tn^H Jl<^L^rlßfim».Bi.jii-fl&fc—^Bfc.
Dry Up Beloved * Multaine Galore
Intermezzo Warrawee Bonny Maid Vagabond
March On fiweranoe Battle Song Tressida
Athena IL
Tn» Sej
Bokeby-Mosca c Rewi Poto
Parisian Diamond Quotations given for Tires and Fittings complete, abo New Wheeb. ■ ,
Bed Signal
Cherry Mart ROUSE, BLACK & SON . en
U ttUt.t ITD
Lopanto Stmburet Royal Park Elocution

Grand Duchy Seance Teka . Classification Motor Body and Coach Builders :: KENT TERRACE
Tuneatua Coui-tfietd Dribble ' Multive.
Tamatai La Pncille Rose Pink Bo Peep Pfap°«"»« WAKEFIELD STREET .- WELLINGTON
.^■rß^HflAD EMgRVWJIERE^^SI^f \mS^^S^lMtt^iS^ Tycbe BD^aß-Qid Hobtaww Meoakm

See<fcman by Special Appointment to His


(By "Experience.")
Excellency the Governor-General.
Revised Price List
Sow cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, R, A. NICOL,
savoy, kale, turnip, carrot, parsnip, red The great advance in price of Tarantulle
beet, silver beet, peas, French beans, RELIANCE SEED STORE,
broad beans, ruaner beans, lettuoe, rad-
compels us to slightly advance prices of
ish, hardy cucumbers, marrows and all
the tribe. Plant tomato, cabbage, Brus-
sels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, lettuce,
our famed traced underclothing. Even
potatoes. The above should be under- CHRYSANTHEMUMS—
stood to indicate what may be sown or Good hardy" plants. Now ready for at these POST FREE FOR CASH
planted with advantage, rather than what
should be done; this should, to a large
extent, bo ruled by what has previously Try the RELIANCE TOBACCO DUST
been done. The writing of a calendar of
IN YOUR OWN HOME. WITH ORDER, figures they are much
instructions is not by any means an eaey for Slugs and Snails.
matter, because 'allowanea must be made Water your Cabbage, Cauliflower, Let-
less than you. purchase bare material for.
for some who are beginning operations at 1

tuce and Onion Plantswith NITRATE 'Areal musical treat for yon—your family and friends—to hear
all sorts of times, and for those who have the renditions of the Classio masterpieces of the World's
not sown or planted when they should. OF SQDA.
It would bo quite easy to write a calendar Greatest Artists. A revelation, of artistic performance, which
that would provide a suto guide for the For Loaf Carl and Potato Blight, Spray every musio lover may use for his own guidance—Popular This List only holds good till 30th Nov.
maintoniMice of a supply throughout tho with BORDEAUX MIXTURE. Song?, Rags, Two Steps, etc, for lighter moments, Band or
year if followed from the beginning, but

causes confusion, but it seems the judg-

plan, and gardeners must use their
best _
that appears to be insufficient. The plan I For Codlin Moth, spray at once with
followed has somo djsad vantages, and j SWIFT'S ARSENATE OF EEAD.
Orchestral Concerts at a moment's notice. AH this and more
is possible with a
Traced Magyar Nighties on Tarantulle, 7/6
Tarantulle Camisoles and Nightdress Yokes, 2/9
ment as to when they have sown or
planted'sufficient. The dates indicated ard
Boy aa AUTO SPRAYER. Absolutely
the BEST on the market. ORAFONOLA. Traced Tarantulle Knickers, 4/9; Chemise, 6/3
suitable .for (he various crops, and usually NSW GUINEA BUTTER BEANS, 6d Wi» «wty a complete line of Columbia and Regal Instruments
if a thing is not mentioned it is not a
suitable timo for it to be sown or planted, per packet andRecords. There is a decided advantage in obtaining your
as the case may be. planted With regard to cab- supply <Kr»c*-&om us. The Instruments and Records are ab- TRACED CREPE NIGHTIES on white,
bages, they ca-n be at any tini© solutely new, e%6h instrument is in perfect tune and running
from the end of June to the end of Janu- BEDDING PLANTS. order, and YOU tFILL RECEIVE THE LATEST AND
blue, helio, pink, 9/6
ary, or, with less success,. till the middle Annuals and Perennial* in
of February. Savoys should bo planted
in January, broccoli from November to raixsd from our Celebrated
great varieties. CHOICE All Seedling*
Traced Crepe Knickers, 5/-
Strain Send for Catifoguos.
January inclusive, cauliflowers from the of Flower Seeds, and are rtrong,
end of Jane to e«a-iy in January; turnips healthy, thoroughly hardened-off plants. Traced Crepe Dressing Sacs, 5/6, on hello, blue,
begin in August, and cow small lote every With the most ordinary attention
seventh or eighth week till March, when to cultivation oannot fail to bit* every
winter use. . Lettuces satisfaction. Also, we specialise in To- pink.
sow a large lot forplanted
can be sown and practically fee
mato Plants, best heavy-cropping varie-
year TOund, always in small lots. When ties, suitable for city and suburban grow- ,-«« CHIVERS $ CO.
lettuces are planted
they are sown in lines, as
out sow
again, or if ing.
should be CarterTe Aro Seed Co. 's Main Crop,
1! Sunrise, Palmer's Selected, Buck's
during dry weather, sow again soon after Tresco, Prince Borghese (big clusters of
pH34, WiHi«.»treet, WelUngton,fjJ NOTE—AII above price* are cuh with order. .We Pay Pottage
thinning the rows of those last sown. egg-shaped fruit), Clark's Favourite, etc.,
poas—xhe gToater part of the crop is etc. All our Tomato Plants and Seedlings
taken in two weeks; they crop a little are sturdy, best in the city, and price*
longer, but the bulk of the crop ie used are right. Vegetable and Flower Seeds,
9vS The Columbia Specialists■"wraaar PRINGLE'S LTD.
up in that timo. Therefore, to maintain BEST THAT GROW. "Art Needlework Specialists" :: , Lambton Quay
a supply, it is necessary to sow twice each
month from July, the last sowing being TE ARO SEED CO.,
made early in January. French beans 58, Courtenay-place, Wellington. 'Phone
A Portal Addre*: Be* 32, G.P.0., Wellington. tk
last a little longer; intervals of three 701A. G.P.O. Box 320.
weeks between sowings are not too long.
One sowing of ruuner beans is sufficient.
It is of the- utmost importance to keep
peas and beans closely gathered. If podß
of cither are loft to ripen, or oven to
become too old for use, growth soon be-
comes stunted. Anyone desiring to save GARDEN SEEDS. Wednesday Next at 10 o'clock
THE RIGHT SUITS seeds of peas or beans should leave a
row or part of a row for the purpose,
partly for the reason stated above, -and
also because the remnant of a, crop it not
likely to produce seeds that will keep the
Avoid Experimenting with

| strain strong. Incloment weather still Uncertain Seeds, and Plant

FOR SUMMER continues, giving this spring the distinc-

tion of being tie worst rcoord._ There
an unmixed evil. Peas and
is, however, the consolation that it is not
cabbages are
doing extra well; if a little late in the rjIHE triumph of., years of scientific GREAT SALE
j Good things come in threes, and so it is with "H. 8."
suits case of poas, crops are extra heavy. JL breeding by Seed Specialists. The
Scarcely any moths c-r butterflies aro fly- initial cost of the Seeds is the smallest OF
materials, perfection of workmanship, arid distinctive style—three very excel- ing as yet, sowe are likely to bo spared any part of the expense— and yet it io the
great injury from grubs and caterpillars. most important item.
lent points. The new suits we have just opened up, whether for Business or
I Sport, are claiming ,a lot of well-merited attention. Come along and slip one
The cabbage moth is never /-troublesome
daring wet summers, and in any case, it
will not appear sb early as usual, so
Tomato In Buying
ill *
or two.coats on. ' thoro will be' fewer broods.
Wholesale Warehouse Stock
planting will bo a bit late, but bettor late


than too early, so far as the home garden BUTTON'S AND YATES 1 SEEDS
is concerned. With the homo garden "it
is less important to get fruit early than
it is to secure a good crop, a<nd this may
certainly be expected even from late plant-
ings. Plant' in open, sunny situations, in
soS not made too rich, and do not try to WE HAVE EVERY VARIETY OF
You know you are StartingRight.


hurry tho plants on by frequent watering. THESE WORLD-FAMOUS GARDEN
1 811^^*/ Men's Tweed Sports Suiter-la Englisk The plants usually grow induces
out watering. Water
too strong with-

growth, which predisposes the plants to

a soft
This stock is the cleanest and most up-to-date range we
, blight. Water should not bo given, except Seeds that with ordinary care and atten-
tion Cannot Help Growing! You can't scour paint without spoiling it, but you can clean savings of ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF OFF TO-
grade, .tailor-..cut. and[finish; in nigger in cases whero the soil, either naturally or
I ,; ?br ownSs slate greys, and
tweeds and
d g B uits-I n fi^e merino
Engl .
tailor 4
because of the
. situation,
dry. Usually.the soil is becoming
is. abnormally
dry by
this time, and it is considered too late to CULTIVATE A SUTTON OR YATES
it beautifully with Bon Ami.
Bon Ami looks like a seouring-soap, but is made of much
have ever tendered for —on to-day's prices it represent*
DAY'S VALUE. We intimate a few of the lines here,
plant potatoes. The season is so excep- ■
GARDEN! finer, softer, crumbly mineral that does not scratch. but the bargains could easilyfill the whole paper.
tional that it is quite reasonable to expect
" All Cnc Special Value, 59/6 Pockets and cuff i) botto^ Sj ph^S*
a good crojv from sote put in now. Tho You will be Well Rewarded' for your .'
hoe" will do far more good
than manure or watering for some time
in the garden . Trouble.. " ,.
It rubs off the soil and stain that plain water will not remove!
It restores the fresh, new look to the paint SEE FURTHER ITEMS TUESDAY NEXT.
to come. The soil is cold for the time of
year; keep the hoe going to keep Alsofor windows, mirrors and pol- .
and dark erev browns etc-
tailor-cut; the
all with hip pockets, cuffs, and I weeds down and an open surface; this FULL STOCKS NOW IN HAND. isxicd mcuus* fc^feSaft^BSife^
\/ if " ""~)MiL~*r""n*ans*ip^?3H
1"' 37 Smart LINEN COSTUMES— 19 dozen Maids' STATBANDS—9, 10,
° ."■'■■■. minia tnoni
70/v 79/6,t090/-
nip straps; all sizes, oOm. to 44in. waist
* *
i will allow the suryto warm the soil. Thin Worth 60/- For 35/- and 12in. Worth 4/6 All at 2/11
19/6, 27/6, to 35/- all crops that require it as soon, as pos-
sible. '
fl||lffKM*^| 19 Smart INDIGO SERGE COSTUMES Infants' Long SLlPS—Trimmed embroi-
LOCAL AGENTS: 1 Worth 80/- For 59/6 dery
WAIRARAPA FARMERS' Worth 3/6 For 2/6

-j I-1| mEIKSsSSI
Spring-flowering bulbs are mostly past, CO-OP. ASSN., LTD., W. M. BANNATYNE & CO., LTD. A P^rbltshin?&C!eartngl To Clear 6/6 sorted sizes,'good.quality 1/6 pair
N.Z. CLOTHING FACTORY but should be looked after till tho foliage
is dead. The foliage should be allowed to
I die off naturally, it being
tho proper finishing of tho bulbs. Keep
necessary for
\\\'^ ■■■ ■■ ■' " »l
50 Irish Hand-embroidered BLOUSES— 19VESTS—
Worth 15/6 To' Clear 9/11
dozen -Children's White WOVEN


All - -
at x/ -
■'I NEW ZEALAND \ I AMRTON OIIAY anrl NEW ZEALAND 1 the soil free from weeds and in a ' designs ' . "Sale Price 6/11 "—Wide knee, Vor square neck
Lmmmmbj . MarXLTIMJ I VJl* \^U/i 1 dllvl I*, as« I loose the
JBWBL'WJi condition. If there, are cracks
in down soil,the slugs, woodlice, etc.,
' __j__ LI_ 11-1 - 210 Fine SATIN UNDERSKIRTS—
About half value '\ ' ■"■"■-.-
Worth 8/11 For 5/11
5 dozen Ladies' Hand-made NIGHT-i
get to bulha, and do a good
Wlz^ml&PM CUBA STREET El^fil^S deal of damage^
cinths neod special
Secure labels.
care, as the bulbs are
easily injured. It is much better to lea.ye
'them in the soil.andProvided

the soil is of
Sale Prices 7/11 to 10/6

DRESSES—Worth 13/6- For-

DRESSES—Worth 16/6
110 Hand-embroidered Ladies' NIGHT- 6 dozen Children's Fine LONGCLOTH
— 8/11-""■■NIGHTDRESSES.—

For 9/11

97 Good MOIEETTE' UNDERSKIRTS— -"- --broidery V. M:.' "Worth 6/6 :. For 4/11
~ ■em-.
't free nature, drainage good, they
keep better in: the soil than in stores.
Many shades Worth 11/6 to 21/- 8 dozen Ladies' Two-piece Na*-y
Anemone seed may now be 6own in the . .: : ";.. For 7/11.to. 14/11 BATHING-.COSTUMES—Worth 7/11
open ground where the plants are to 65 Ladies' Fii» L.C. COMBINATIONS -■ -■ For 5/11
flower. By this treatment they can bo .:; :;... : Worth 9/6 -For .6/11 13 dozenMaids' PIQUE HATS—
got into flower earlier than by any other Worth
means. Tho soil should be free, well dugl 39 Superfine' Sample VOILE COMBINA- - dozen.Ladies'. White WOVEN VESTS
■ " 5/6 For f/11

TIONS^-Wbrth 11/6 ;. , For 6/11 .12
and broken up; a moderate quanting; of

I The Aged and Infirm .

stable manure well dug in will benefit 13 Samplei-in Extra Quality CREPE- \—Fine,trimmed lace ■;-.■■. 2/11 value
them. If this is not obtainable use super- , For 1/6

Donnelly's Hair Restorer

phosphate and bonedust in equal quan- ; . ; Sale Prices 49/6 to 59/6' 8 dozen Ladies' Fine WOVEN COM-
tity, and give two ounces per square yard. BINATIONS—Trimmed lace ':
■re *ometimc* more suiceptible to COUGHS and COLDS on the TWENTY YEARS LATER If "it is not convenient to sow in the open -131 NOVELTY BLOUSES—In , dozens
'W/ ground the seed may be sown in boxes and of styles- Sale Prices-6/11, 8/11 to 19/6

Worth-.6/6 For 3/H


, CHEST tK«n the young and vigorous. When an aged person geta
WIHil WILL 11/1/ IT BE T the seedlings pricked out in other boxes, Ladies' LACE ;and NET-CAMISOLES— Children's Silk "PULL-ON" HATS—
a Cold, it ia of the utmost importance that not only is the BEST Iff finally transferring them to the open
"" ■■"■■■-'■" Worth 6/6 For 4/11
- For 2/H
REMEDY taken immediately, but that the Remedy is one that
doe. NOT cause an. Heart Depression, nor in any Way weaken
tTVERY woman, torn* lime or other, ground in autumn, but the flowers will
// not appear so early as on those sown in
the open and never transplanted: Finish
The Great Hair and Scalp Tonic Girls' -"■fW-:PBINCESS: SLIPS-Five
patterns; ■36-inch ■- Worth 8/6 -
Eine '^i** Drill SAILOR■"' JUMPERS—
-Trimmed in coloured zephyr 7/11,8/11
an already frail constitution. In such a case, HEARNE'S Bronchitis ' / will look in Jwenly yean' lime. ' '

— .
Children's GALATEA ROMPERS— ";v-
For 5/11'
planting chrysanthemums and dahlias and
Cures Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Falling Hair, and MaKes Hair Grow

Cure i» just THE proper Medicine to use, as it is the QUICKEST,
a rreT

and BtSF—» t>
Remedy j »i.

that ts n- "
just as effective with - i

If *»,*»

<**■ ■
k«p» properly
■ood look! cannot rail and wrinkle* can-

OATINE shonld be and remiarly. lor them a

sible. .
stuff generally. Planting is late this
not come, fora wrinkled skin is a. slamd season. Get it completed as soon a6pos-
Before transplanting seedlings give
good watering. When they are
k atone pouewea properties wherebT it carried for some distance, when purchas- i
THREE to be considered before spending any money
---27-inch Girls' PRINCESS SLIPS
Trimmed H.S. and £n« lace Worth 8/6
200 Sample COMBINATIONS—In fine
For 5/11
Worth' 4/9 For 3/11
Children's White PIQUE JUMPERS—

To. Clear from 3/11
3 dozen All-Wool FLANNEL BARRAS

«■■ ■■> fk
, H WM jp supples naturaloil totheminute oil elands ed from shops, for instance, it is best to ' on Hair Preparations. Swiss and English makes. Half to- ....;. "vyoj.fjj
5^5 p or j^j
O M ir
- _, mM^mmAm^ j***
" ' beneath ike skin aad enablea them tokeep temporarily heel them for a
a sheltered spot. Give a. good watering
few days in day's values From 2/11 10 dozen Smart TAGEL ;"RHADY-TO^
when they are heeled, in a few days, they
will have freshened up, and be in good
condition for planting- out.
DO YOU BEALLY NEED A HAIR OR-SCALP TONIC? 120 dozen Infants'-" "Kumphy" STAY-
BANDS- From 7^d to 1/11
WEAR" HATS—Worth 25/-
" . ', .... ; Sale Price 14/fl
w^J.-' Bronchitis Cure |\ O^TIJP© THE GREENHOUSE. VirKt THE SYMPTOMS. The first symptoms of Hair or Scalp Troubles are: The hair gets either

_ _ Cineraria seed should be sown if speci-

111 31
tOO (jry or too oy yj starts splitting- at the ends, and lies flat and looks lifeless. ,The scalp gets ]
tight and the hair roots sore when you rub them. The hair starts falling out, and the bulb on the end

pC Cash Drapery Co.

mens are wanted, but if small plants are
preferred it is not necessary to sow until is hard and dry. The scalp gets covered with dandruff and becomes very itchy: If you have any ot
Jjnxm- lilk The Finest Remedy in the World J^*«s. *
k Wimble for the bands. January. Primulas should be ready for these symptoms then you do need a Hair, and Scalp Tonic. .
(rrti ytßiM&tssSjf 'J/ iy\

r making Ihe»kin »ofs and pricking off. They should have this atten- in the mattero| selecting haiT tonics.
*>'s»rnnd WHATTONIC WILL I US£? One should be very careful
MIWXX ! rm\

For Coughs, Croup, tion as oarly_ as possible, the smallor they

aro whon pricked off the better the pros-
«.CIUUU There have been numerous cases where someone or other will put a hair preparation.on the
market just for sale purposes, utterly ignorant and regardless of what harm it may do the hair. The j 108-110-112 CUBA SI.
ra'la^^C W c-aa*
v/OiOS on *il r'lu^o*" Ij*/ k it and use
prove pects for good plants. The same remarks
it ! apply to tuberous begonias and gloxinias. makers of Donnelly's Hair Restorer ("Messrs. Donnelly and Son), have made a lifelong study of hair and |
WnJ^P/^ \\ the L-OCSt WL- j^ Either of these may still be sown; a little
bottom heat is necessary to ensure suc-
scalp conditions. Here you have combined half a century of actual experience of Mr. Donnelly, senr.,
with the latest knowledge of hair science gained by Mr. Donnelly, junr., in ten years' association with
Please Nole! We close from 1 to 2 p.m. Daily for Lunch
///1J j££^*K Xfae REMEDY with the *^
~-"t«u -..- must MJbe .
cessful raising of the seed. Insect pesta
kept in check. Vistoleno and
X.L. All fluid should bo applied in a line
the, leading hair colleges of America. So who could be more competent than we to solve the numerous
hair and scalp toubles, and compile tonics for their cure.
/fimwSjf WilllW 9*m3sk ii. Thiril WHAT WILL DONNELLY'S HAIR RESTORER DO? Donnelly's Hair Restorer is a real
Summer Costumes

REPUTATION » spray. Plenty of fresh air is necessary to
IUUIU Hair Ton ic an(^ Scalp Food that will build up the hair tissue, feed the scalp, and bring the
plants; it should bo given in such a way
as to avoid unduly drying the atmosphere, hair back to good health. It will make the hair grow long, and make it nice, soft, and glossy. It
which causes attacks of thmp. Careful gives the hair that buoyancy that makes a woman's hair easy to dress. It will cleanse the scalp of all |
watering js necessary; too much sours the 1
soil, too little is sure to bring pests.
dandruff annd scurf, and will stop the hair falling out. Donnelly's Hair Restorer has been used for
the last fifty years, and is to-day a household word, for not only is it used by the adult members of
| For £4/4/-
| the family, but can be used on a baby's head, for Donnelly's Hair Restorer is non-poisonous and pure. Right now—at, the very commence-
SEED AND FLORAL i rVkmcilitino We are always pleased at any time to give you the best of our knowledge at our rooms,
DEPOT, RIALTO tUUauiuug 6s Vivian Street, free of any charge, and when necessary we treat the hair and scalp ment of the Summer Season—you can
in the latest and most up-to-date methods at a very moderate charge. Hours: 10 a.m. to 8
45, Manners-street. p.m. (Friday,
buy a Six-Guinea Grey Flannel Cos-
Seeds, Plants, Cut Flowers, etc. '■ op.m.) Close Saturday at i o'clock. If you live out of town and can t buy Donnelly s Hair Restorer from
Everything for the Garden at Reasonable your dealer, write us and explain the condition of your hair and we will supply you direct. Enclose 4/- tume for Four Guineas.
Chrysanthemums 10s per dozen, Cut Flow-
(induding 6d. extra for postage). All packages sent out in plain wrapper.
ers Is per bunch. EV»«. *\\* C\\\\Aran scalp Mothers, if you would have your little girl's hair look at its best give her These Costumes are the very Latest
for UK *#UUUieil a so^ massage with Donnelly's Hair Restorer once a day for a few
Agency for Gibbons and Co. (W. J.Drake) and Smartest—exact duplicates of all
Genuine Seeds only 6old. weeks, and see what a wondeis£ul difference it will make.
It is impossible to make one preparation that will suit both'dry and the popular models. Each reflects the "
!?/>" Tit»v Ul flilv
Ullj Hia3i»
Irlir MJlj rtl» AMU
o;] v k a;n Donnelly's Hair Restorer is made in two grades, No. 1 very acme of dress distinction. Smartly
ipTn^i^^^^^ 111 P"cc^/®and*/®(doubleßiz<s) W,B State Security - r Book on for Dry Hair, and No. 2 for
Oily Hair. Be sure when buying to tell your dealer whether your hair is
Oily- Both have exactly the same qualities except for dry or oily hair. cut and well finished, they are exr
S^vlf IP Frant all Chemists and Stores. '
ifw/illiif /^2\ Dog Diseases Dry
30 Days 1 Supply 3/6 per Bottle (By Mall 6d. extra for Postage). ceptional bargains.
I Siilwllffl '1 iffirafS
SHI *\w!sm\ iwiw '
' <^'str'ct' «end direct
HEARNE & Co, Ltd.

to Liberal Treatment
Lar?e Bonuses
TfPl^ /
Mailed Free to any
adi«ss ky Ha Author
H. Clay Glover Co. Or direct from
Hairdressers, Chemists, Stores and Toilet Counters In the Dominion.
Sold by all
Ladies would do well to see our comprehensive
stocks—many bargains are here for the most
critical to enquire into and appreciate. ~
America» w,
ng, a t 3i it St>
DONNELLY & SON, Consulting Hair Specialists
Ipi, |l Sydney, N.S.W.. Weiiirgton, N.z. * ft>d keep your money«a tbe Dominlo* Pioneer New York, U.S.A.
V»^ JL MmS MmJf JLa/ \^^
65 VIVIAN STREET, WELLINGTON. Also at Sydney and San Francisco
n°B FOR SALE ii i
u I
A. & W. McCarthy, Ihinediß.
Alsx. Ginriie& Co,Ounedln,. I ' (ElUbliibed Half-a-Centnry.) j LADIES' TAILORS,

la=sSSt : : ■

R. 2Brsnob Office—K«oaady BoikHa«», 33, CDBA-STREET, WELLINGTON.

I v fa fMftfjLARQWH,
" ' ~
i Km. H.Hazard, AacWand. j
w ._. ... "; -» , ■-* 27 £fj»jQjictCJi^St.s Wellington
CEMBER, 1918.
111, Customhouse-quay, A. WARBURTON & CO., J. H. BETHUNE & CO., fiONSIDER
By order of the Mortgagee pursuant to
CHARMING OLe-story 9-rd. Residence,
Full particulars of Sections on application. "*" SHAREBROKERS, ■"" 154-156. Foathereton-strect. WHY YOU SHOULD BUY ONB OF rrCENDERS will be received by the un-
A dorsigned up to the 14th Decem-
113: CUSTOMHOUSE-QUAY. Telephone 64. ber, 1918, for the supply of grass seed to
leave granted by the Supreme Court, PRINCE-STREET (Oriental Bay)—9-rd. nice entrance hall, bathroom, lav. HATAITAI—SoIe Agency for large and 164, FEATHERSTON-STREET. THE VALUABLE SITES Soldier Settlers in the Wellington Land
and under conduct of the Registrar of Residence, porcelain bath, electrio basins, p.w.c 'a, built;in wardrobes well-cultivated Section, good 5-TOomed BOULCOTT-STRBET—WeII-buflt Re»i- District for a period of fix months from
the Supreme Court of New Zealand,
at Wellington. MODERN
light, gas stoves, hot water from
rjinga. lovely city and harbour view.
linen pantry, gas,
basing, p.w.c.'s, built-in wardrobes,
House, with largo basement;
sion 2nd December; owner going dence of 9 rooms, 3 minutes from Lamb-
HATAITAI (Kainui-road)—Land 43x216,
superior Dwelling of 5 rooms and
At Ist January, 1919.


ItJL Auctioneer, has received instruc-
tions from the Registrar of the Supreme KILBIRNIErrA V well-built . »nd newly
This house is in splendid condition,
and is cheap at £1400. About £550
s cash required.
ISLAND BAY—S Rooms, electrio light,
polished hardwood floors and ceilings,
built of brick, washhouse, copper,
farming. Price £925; Government
tubs, gas stove, telephone, etc., J acre BROOKLYN (overlooking City and Har-
rich flat land, orchard, garden, croquet
bour)—Seven Rooms, good property.
ton-quay, and " containing usual conveni-
ences; corner section, 50ft x 86ft; room
for motor garage.
Price £1850; cash
ecullery, bath, hot and cold water,
range, electric light, bay window,
basement for two moro rooms; gar-
den, trees, shrubs, hedges; lovely view.
WADESTOWN ! Department
Schedule of seeds and tender form may
be obtained on application to this office.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Court at Wellington, to sell by Publio papered and painted House of 6 largo enamel bath, hot water aervico. Price vegetable,
lawn, flower and arranged. £110. Government mortg-ago; immediate of Lands and Survey,
Auction,. at the Chamber of Commerce, rooms, c.1., gas cooker, porcelain bath, £675- cash £100; another (near Price £2500; terms HATAITAI (for one week only)—Six- mily Residence of eight rooms and conveni- possession. Prioo £925. Wellington, 29th November. 1918. .
Prioe £675; cash ences, 'level section, 40ft x 120ft, within 143 The Property of the Rhodes Estate.
Customhouse-quay, Wellington, on Thurs- ' and ,ca)ipbont, spacious hall 7ft wide, beach), 5 rooms. TWO ACRES rich fiat Land, orchard in roomed House, exceptionally well HATAITAI '(Waipapa-road, 1 minute
day, the sth day of December, 1918,. at well grate, plenty cupboards and large £75. We have several at Island Bay full bearing, good 4-rd. house, largo built; Government mortgage. Price 5 minutes of city. Buy here and elimi- FOR SALE.
nate tram and train difficulties. Cash car)—Section 50 x 180, woll-built Rcsi-
2.30 o'olock in the afternoon, the following- pantry, linen press, glorious sea view, for sale on £50 deposit. outbuildings, fowlhouse, brooder-house, £1390. denco of 7 rooms, tiled roof, designed CONVENIENCE-
property:— no climb, and handy to caT, situate TASMAN-STREET;-6 Rooms, hot water, etc. Titlo, L.I.P. Prico only £1000. HATAITAI—LeveI Section, 40 x 120 feet. £250. Price £1350. 332 From Lambton-quay to Highland Park TENDERS, endorsed "Ten-
AT.T, THAT PIECE OF LAND containing near' top";,;ijf,.!Constable-street; large
level section. A cheap property at
gas and conveniences.
cash £50.
Price £650; Terms, about half cash. STRONGLY
£200. HIGHLAND PARK—New Bungalow
of 6 large rooms, replete with every mod-
under architect's supervision; neat,
nice, modern home with every modern
is only a 10 minutes' tram rido, the
lines passing through the Estate.
der for Dynamo and Generator," and
addressed to "TheQuartermaster-General,
thirty-one perches and eight-tenths of
a parch (31.8p.), and being part
5 of the Town District of
£950. ':;■. :': ... ■?v ■"..",
House of 7 large

BERHAMPORE Well-built 7 rooms,
electric light, gae stove, all conveni-
CONVENIENT 5-rd. House, hot and cold "O O R
water, washhouse, copper, tubs, etc.
SALE. ern convenience and ready for immediate
occupation; sunny section, 39ft x 132ft;
convenience; Government mortgage.
Price £1750. 147 ATTRACTIVENESS— N.Z. Military Forces, Wellington," with
The healthy sunny slopes of Highland deposit cheque for £5, guaranteed for 30
Prioe £825; cash £100; Within 5 minutes' walk of station. MOUNT , VlCTOßlA—Convenient 9-rd. close to tram stop. Cash £350. Price MOUNT VICTORIA (-EUicel«treet)-One- Park command magnificent views of days, will be received up to 12 Noon, 20th

and being the whole of the land in room 3, oil.; gas cooker, h. and c., ences. cash; floor Residence of 6 large rooms, h.
Certificate of Title Volume 123, Folios range, porcelain, bath,'Jarge Toom in another of 5 rooms. Price £725; cash Price £675. Terms about £100 House, h. and c, c.1., gas stove, bath, £1400. 998 City and Harbour. Mans sections are DECEMBER, 1918, for Purchase of th«
£100. balance arranged. KELBURN Substantially-builtResi- and c. water, electric light, 4 hot fringed with beautiful Native Bush. following Plant. Highest or any tender
130 and-232, together with water right base suitable for .billiard room, house MELROSE—4 Rooms, besides scullery, lav. basin, built-in sideboard, cup- dence of eight rooms, recently renovated, points, gas 6tovo, nicely papered, bal-
and all other rights granted in and beautifully.-decorated, -2 minutes Kil- THREE AND ONE-HALF ACRES rich boards, etc., p.w.c.'s, all conveniences, conveniences, SOLID VALUES— not necessarily accepted :—
by Deed of Conveyance registered in birnip"P.O., sea view, and no climb. tube, etc. Price £320; terms £50 flat Land, good 5-roomed House and good large section. Price £2300; and containing modern well cony, verandah, bay window, very
The district has a great future. Prices Wostinghouse Machine Company (Pitts-
. /the Deeds Registry Office at Welling- "'" "Price "£l2oo^---'.-- ";"..".V 6754 down.' By paying £1 per week this
house is your freehold in about six
outbuildings, stables, coachhouse, etc.
Best of land, large prospective value, terms £500 cash; balance for long tenanted; land 39ft x 160f t; 10 minutes
from car. Cash £450. Price £1650. 1000
nunny position. Price £900.
KELBURN (Parade)—Half-minute cablo
144 aro reasonable. Terms are easy: 10 burg) Standard Engine (steamdriven),
No. 4580, size 6£ x 6'; Direct Current
ton as Number 64087. Subject to the NEWTOWN—A well-built House of 5 term. Immediate possession. per cent, cash, 10 per cent, in six
right of the proprietor of the land in rooms,, newly painted, and papered,
years. outside borough. Price £1650; about KELBURN (close to Bishopscourt)— car; land 40 x 160, superior Residence months, 10 per cent, in 12 months, Generator, 10 k.w., 125/ c.m.'f., 8C ,
Certificate of Title Volume 97, Folio ga«, gas stove, and all conveniences,
liYALL BAY—S-roomed Bungalow
Onepu-road, nice level section, up-to-
in £300 cash.
ARTISTIC HOME of seven rooms, on Charming 6-rd. Bungalow Residence, QEASIDE HO ME S. of 8 large and lofty rooms, with every balance in 5 years. Interest at 5 per amps, speed 375-400, Serial . No:
192, to lay and maintain pipes handy to oar, no climb; section 34 x date in all respects. ■ Price £900;
all conveniences, nice entrance hall, modorn convenience; immediate pos cent, per annum. Undoubtedly the 113788, Diameter Flywheel 2ft 6in,
one floor, verandah two sides, porce-
through the; above land. in continu-
100..; Price £850.
of the above-mentioned water NEWTOWN—Large , House of 5 rooms,
7315-- cash £200. .
KILBIRNIE—New Bungalow, 5 rooms,
lain bath, lavatory b»sin,_hot and cold
water, gaa, p.w.c, built-in wardrobes,
built-in wardrobes, por. bath and basin,
gas stove, c.1., wachhouse, copper,
THE SOUNDS—IO-roomed Bungalow,
fully furnished, h. and c. waterj etc.,
session. Price £2275; terms arranjr-
ed. 164
most attractive buying opportunity
for home building and investors.
Height 4ft 9in, Length 7ft, Width 3ft.
For further particulars, apply to Trans-
right. The land is a vacant corner just painted and'done up throughout, porcelain bath and basin, caliphont, tubs, etc., splendid section and view. and l.acre ground, with sea frontage. KELBURN (1 minute from tram)—Large port Shipping Officer, X Shed, Welling-
section situate the corner
at of Der- linen cupboard, pantry, acullery, all Price only £1350. Terms about section and nice dwelling of 5 spacious
went and Dee streets, Island' Bay, ] ■■'-
gas cooker,' porcelain bath, and cali- leadlight windows, slate roof, nicely conveniences, concrete foundations, £225 cash; balance arranged.
Price for lot £550. This house was
built about 10 years ago, and is a rooms, built by day labour of all heart Get Plan and Prices NOW from the un- ton, where delivery mustbe taken.

and has a frontage to Derwent-street j ." .."phont;. fine..level section,..4o x 150, in finished; possession almost at once. etc.; first-class locality; splendid cor- KILBIRNIE—Large 7-rd. House, bath- picked timber, every modern conveni- dersigned, who have been appointed by H. C. NUTSFORD, Major, ,
garden, conservatory. Price £850. £1100; cash £300. ner section, over half an aero of land remarkable bargain at the price. the Trustees SOLE AGENTS for the sale
". of .ninety-foui feet and a frontage to .:.;■..:. ":::".;■:,:;:;:..,:■:.. :.;:. 7277 room, porcelain bath, lav. basin, h. About £200 cash required or offer. ence. This desirable property is shel- the
Assistant Quartermaster-General. ;
Dee-street of one hundred and sixteen laid out in ornamental trees, live and c, every convenience, steel ceil- THE SOUNDS—IO-Toom'cd Bungalow tered, nunny, and has a splendid view of HIGHLAND PARK ESTATE. Headquarters, New Zealand Military
feet. The title is under "The Land NEWTOWN ..(best part Owan-atreet)— - hedges, garden, etc., motor garage.
Price £1751 Terms about £500 cash ;
ings, washhouse, coppor, tubs, close to and 16 acres freehold. £950. of Botanical Gardens and vicinity. J. H. BETHUNE AND CO., Forces,
Transfer Act."
Terms—2s per cent., on th« fall of, the
Well-built one-story House of 5
looms, scullery,, bathroom, h. and c.
water, gaa cooker, all in'splendid
balance arranged.
car, first-olasa locality. Price for
prompt sale only £1200 to purchaser
paying cash above Government mort-
YORK BAY—Two Cottages for Sale or
to Let, fully furnished.
RONA BAY—S Rooms, £700; 5 Rooms,
£1500; £200 cash.
THORNDON (near Parliament Build-
ings)-p4sft x 144ft, splendid 10-roomed
154, Featherston-street.
Wellington, 23th November, 1918.

hammer and the balance in one month order;- good section, in sunny, situa^ gage. Immediate possession. £575. S. GEORGE NATHAN AND CO., TENDERS.
tion. Price only. £825'; cash £200. Dwelling, containing all modern con- CLEARING GORSE, YORK BAY. ■
from date of sale.... 7-roomed Gentlem«n's AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT, KELBURN—Superior 8-rd. House, bath- veniences, ample room for three 115, Customhouse-quay.
Particulars and conditions of sale may
be seen at the office of the Auctioneer.
".■.:"■;; ■;-■;/■"-." "■".--"--■-
KELBURN—Modern Bungalow of five
Residence, one Boor, most select
part, 3 minutes cable car, harbour
182, Featherston-st., Wellington,
room, por. bath, lav. basin, h. and c.,
scullery, built-in wardrobes, pantry, P. DE. HODGKINS, motor cars; fino view of city from
balcony. £2250, or near offeV; torrro. HARCOURT AND CO.,
ALTERNATIVE, Tenders for the
■c\. above work will.be received up till
The Mortgagee's application toselland room's and kitchenette, situate 5 mins. And Lower Hutt. gas, electric light, every possible con- 195, Lambton-quay. Noon of the 4th December, 1918, at the
the estimate of the "value of the property view, best rooms very large, hot water venience, tiled roof, splendid harbour 119, LAMBTON-QUAY. 96
level walk from cable; oar, on very offioes of Messrs. A. L. Wilson and Co.,
may bo seen at the Registry, of the
Supreme Court at Wellington, or at. the
offioes of the Auctioneer as above, or at tho
sunny section^ laid out in turfed banks
and asphalt '
footpaths, sea view. Price
service and gas caliphont, gas cooker,
K>rcei»in bath; large section, with
wns and shrubs. Price £2300; £800
view, large section, good garden.
Price only £2650. Toms' £500 cash;
balanoe for a term. Could be pur-
Tji 0 R S ~A L E.
PIRIE-STREET—IBft x 112ft and6-room-
ed Dwelling, gas stove, range, scul-
lery and washhouse, garden. £600; FOR
Land Agents, 151-3, La-mbton-qiiay, where
SAL *^E. specifications, etc., may be seen. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily ac-
£1500. deposit (about). Superior home. £100 cash; 143 NEW FURNITURE—NEW.
office of tho Mortgagee's Solicitors, WADESTOWN'(adjacent car line)—New Tel. 1107. 32, Hunter-street. chased fully furnished if desired. cepted. .''■■"
Messrs. | Salek and. Turner, 219■■■":■
Lambton- Bungalow .of. 6,r00m5,,on one floor, THORNDON—S-roomed House, one floor, Choicest of furniture at a reasonable NEWTOWN—WeII situated 6-rd. Dwell- ONE WEEK ONLY-ONE WEEK.
quay. dining room 20 x 14, breakfast xoom sweetly papered, electrio light, bath- ROXBURGH-STREET (Locality)—Supe- KARORI—S-roomed Semi-Bungalow, in ing, with h. and o. water, tiled hearths GENUINE SAMARANG KAPOK
room, copper, tubs, house in perfect rior 6-rd. Residence, in splendid or- HATAlTAl—Artistic 6-rd. House, bath- 6plendid condition, c.1., iron and radi- and grates; good order; asphalt paths MATTRESSES: BUILDERS, NOTE.
16 xll, large kitchen...c.l., gas cooker, order, situate best site Thorndon der, replete with all modern require- room, porcelain bath, lav. basin, ator point, h. and c. water. and concrete steps. Price only £600. £ s d
oaliphont, range, h.. and c. water, Price
Tadiator points and iron points,' good quay; land sold in this vicinity re-
ments, room for motor car. Price every possible convenience, good sec- £650. Cash required £100. 7077 easy terms. Possession now. 174 4ift, full 617.0 ; 2 2 6
cently »t £50 por foot. Price £825; £1350. Sole agents. tion, splendid view, handy to car, 4ft, three-quarter size 1 17 6 NEPONSET PRODUCTS.
AUCKLAND* CITY COUNCIL. view and sunny. Price £1400. 7305 deposit £100; Government valuation HIGHLAND PARK—Choice new 6-rd. tiled roof, every possible convenience, KILBIRNIE r 7-roomed House, tiled eMALL~r!ESIDENCES"F"6RTSALE. 34ft, lar^e single 1 13 0
LYALL BAY—A well-built!modern Bun- ; over £1100. Great spec. Bungalow, built of heart timbers, easily added to if desired. Price roof, 1 minute from tram. Price BROOKLYN—S Rooms, good spot, all 3ft, ordinary jingle 1 10 0
galow of 6 large rooms, in the best
part of this desirabla locality; built
two years, and in splendjd order.
Good level section and eunnysituation,
MOUNT VICTORIA 7-roomed Resi-
dence, close Brougham-street, " select
position, hot water, electric light, gas
large, hall, casement windows, etc.,
very'roomy house, fine view and close
tram. Price £1400. Immediate pos-
£1550. Terms half cash. £800. £50 deposit.
7056 conveniences. Owner will take £100
deposit. £800.
Rooms, section 50ft x
2ift,* stretcher size
3-Drawer Duchesso Chest
15 0
2 17 6 BUILDINGPAPERS, Us 6d and 18s 6d
roll 600 square feet.
-2 10 0 PAROID ROOFING. 42s 6d, 52b Cd, and 1

OAMUEL VAILE AND SONS, LTD., 2 minutes to beach and car. Nothing cooker, porcelain hath: . desirable session. AUCTIONEER.
NEWTOWN (best part)—Superior Resi- LAND and PROPERTY SPECIALIST,
and all conveniences; land 30ft x 130ft. Deposit £150. Price £650. Mirror backed Sideboards, from 3 0 0
Rimu Morris Chairs 1 15 0 60s per roll. ■

homo Price £1250, £300 deposit; 140ft. Price £050; terms arranged. SEATOUN HEIGHTS—4 Rooms, every
*^ favoured with instructions from the cheaper in district at price of £975.
decidedly cheap. dence, containing 6 large rooms, speci- 182, Featherston,-st.., Wellington, 7079 6-piece Diningroom Suites from 4 7 6 WALLBOARDS—Price on application.
above body, will HATAlTAl—Undoubtedly the choicest ally well buil* for owner, leadlight And Lower Hutfc. convenience possible; land i-acre; Rimu Wooden Beds from , 1 9 0
and best built 7-roomed Residence ons 6 rooms, | NEWTOWN—Superior Villa, doors, casement windows, etc., sunny ISLAND BAY—New 4-roomed Bungalow, with furniture £750. without furniture SAMPLES ON APPLICATION TO
£650. Immediate possession. De- Also large quantity of SECOND-HAND
one floor in this select locality. House
close Athlotio Park, hot water, gas position, nice view. Price £1150. c.1., gas cooker, hot point, porcelain i
FURNITURE. A few of the lots
BELL, M'KAIN & CO., posit £150.
decorations regardless of cost, and
cooker, built for owner, tastefully
i cry modern appliance installed. The
papered and vecently painted; large
section is the pick of the district, and,
section Price £875, £100 deposit;
Immediate possession.
KELBURN (on level, near Kiosk)— Mo-
dern 6-rd. Residence, having all Con- PROPERTY SALESMEN, LOWER
bath, washhouse, copper, tubs, etc.,
all possible conveniences; land 40ft x
100ft. Price £775; cash required
— Homes and Sections,
prices. Intending buyers personally
all comprise—
Lino., Kitchen Chairs, Kitchen Table,
Iron Bed and Wire Mattress, Kapoks, CORNER TARANAKI AND WAKK.
is laid out in lawns and garden.
valued £975 Snip.
Situation sunny, and commands un-
veniences, no climb, well worth price
asked, £1200
PRETTY HOME—Farm, 1 acre, planted £175. . " 6958 conducted.
Carpets, Hall Carpets, Rugs, Duchesse, FIELD STREETS.
KELBURN—6-roomed Villa, 8 minutes with all Icinds of fruit trees (in crop), Sideboards, Pots, Pans, Kettles, Iron Fen- Wellington.
surpassed view of Evans Bay. Large
cable car, 2 minutes electric-car, hot
concrete motor gara?e. An ideal home
ISLAND BAY—Splendid 5-rd. Residence,
all newly papered, having bathroom;
hedges, etc., together with well-built E. J. BARNETT, ders, Portmanteaux, Knives, Forks, and
water service and gas catiphont, eleo
at a price far below cost, viz., £2200. h. and c. water, gas cooker and range. 6-roomed House, now vacant. Secure BRUCE & LUSH 94, WILLIS-STREET, and SEATOUN. Spoons, and various other articles too nu-
At 2 p.m. sharp. trio light, gas cooker, lofty rooms, this at £995, buy a cow and fowls, merous to mention, all at, less than half
A deposit of £600 will bo accepted.
12ft stud. Price £950, £150 deposit; Also detached Workshop, large sec- then see your kiddies enjoy pure milk, the original cost. ROOFING SLATES.
absoluto bargain. 7118 tion. Cheap at £850. oreain, home-mado butter and jam. 27, PANAMA-STREET. " J. HYNDMAN ASBESTOS
NORTHLAND 4-roomed Villa, very
sunny spot, ornamental and shelter
— LYALL BAY (one minute beach)—Mo-
dern 5-rd. House, having casement win-
dows and all conveniences. A cheap
Home grows
and eggs.
fruit, vegetables, poultry,
HARCOURT & CO., (Late Richardson Bros.),
'Phone! 2684A. 206, Cuba-€t.
<,Grey, Rad, Blue.
trees; land 60ft x 120ft, 2 frontages; MARKRT GARDEN .or POULTRY T AND AND ESTATE AGENTS. T AND, HOUSE. AND ESTATE
' AUCKLAND CITY EAST, LTD., porcelain bath, gas cooker.
£550, £100 deposit; Government
mortgage thereon.
Price property at £700.
cheap Properties: 5 Rooms, 40ft xi
FARM—3£ acres rich Land, fruit
trees also 6-rd. House and outbuild-
ings (now). Why live in the city when
35, Panama-street (opp. D.1.C.). AGENTS ... " Al», i "■. '' ' ■

: 189."■■' FEATHEKSf'ON-STREET. 132ft, £550; 5 Rooms, close wharf, with only £300 cash you can purchaso ■AUCTIONEERS, Etc., ASBESTOS BUILDING SHEETS.
'And fronting HATAITAI—7-roomed House, one floor, £550 and £525; :5 Rooms, with two this gem for £1600. Now vacant. RONA BAY-MURITAI-3 Rooma, new, 196, LAMBTON-QY., WELLINGTON. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. ASBESTOS BUILDING SHEETS.
H. F.M'NEJLL&CO., LTD., tiled roof, 1 minuto tram, sea view, sections, £675; also several Beach DAIRY FARM (first-class), 34 acres, with furnished; land 40 x 132. Price £415.
bo«it sida street, hot water and gas Sections for sale.
estate ;. agents, all cows, calves, and plant, and 9-rd. 4 Rooms, 40 x 100, £700. s.Rooms SIX-ROOMED HOUSE.
caliphont.' Price £1050, £200 deposit.
Cheapest house HataitaL residence. Great bargain for quick (garage), 40 x 132, £585. 7 Rooms, splendid Building Section,
< Wellington. A. L. WILSON. & CO., sale at £2850; only £1100 cash. This i-acro, beautifully sheltered. £1250., KELBURN—A with a frontage of 74ft by a. depth of BRISCOE & CO., LTD.,
farm has returned a solid income for .Easy terms. Sections from £105, each TO SELL, 6-roomed House
Titles will be given under the Land Trans- HATAITAI-6-rd. House, 1 floor, with LET US T AND AGENTS ft- AUCTIONEERS,
Xi years. .with water laid on. about 220 ft; owner loft district and
Price £180, or reasonable
WANTED and One Acre Land, stables and
Most Modern Bungalow of 6 rooms, con- HIGHLAND PARK-Modern Bungalow, " offer; soil.
151-3, Lambton-quay. must large paddock, suitable for a carrier; WELLINGTON.
fer Act as unencumbered FREE- all conveniences, largo lofty rooms,

— you a Property easy terms. 1699 property

HOLDS. The TERMS will be very and get 3 sun all day, on best sec- SHOW
HIGHLAND PARK—Modern Residence crete foundations, every possible con- just completed, 6 rooms (dining room plenty accommodation for horses; 2
easy, namely: tion in Hataitai, 80ft x 150£t, and: 1 SATISFY your Requirements -1 veniince, gaa, electrio light, drainage, situated Berhampore; land level;
of 5 rooms, built 2 yeare, electric motor garage, tool-houso, Urge sec- 20 x 14), every modern domestic con- HIGHLAND PARK—Modern 5-roomed sections tram, handy to city.
minute from car Etop, a very cheap SELL you what you have been light, gas cooker, hot points, cali- venience; land 40 x 132; price £1400. House, fitted with all up-to-date con-
property at £1200 £500 cash. 264 looking for, and phont, b.c. wat»r, and every possiblo tion, handy station and Post Office. Terms £350 cash and immediate pos- veniences; splendid view. Price Apply
15 per cent, cash, balance in 5 years
at 5g per cent., the whole de-
COURTENAY-PLACE (end Cambridge-
terrace)—Valuable Block, comprising SETTLE, your worries. convenience, faithfully built and
highly finished; large section, with a
See it quickly; it's yours at only
£1150. Built picked timbers and day session. . 2207 £1300; terms arranged. See this at
Willis-street >
posit to be refunded if the Pur- 4 Houses of a 91ft frontage by a labour. Wo are Sole Agents. KILBIRNIE NORTH-Modern Villa, 5
chaser builds to the value of glorious view. Prico £1400; favour- rooms, 1 floor, gas, 0.1., hot water ser- KlLßlßNlE—Residence containing five

depth of 132ft and 100ft. Price able terms. QUITE CONFIDENTIAL.—Owners TTAS proved that not only in
MARTIN M'INTYRE & CO large rooms and kitchenette, bath-
twice the amount of his deposit
within two years.
£8200. Terms arranged.
ORIENTAL BAY-«-rd. Bungalow, with
every modern convenience, in the best
part of the bay, just off tiam line.
(Corner Grev-streetl.
BELMONT Modern Bungalow of 6
rooms, on one floor, h.c. water, acety-
lene gas plant. 6eptic drainage, wood-
and Purchasers of Property in_ Lower
Hutt are of the consensus of opinion that
vice; level section, good garden.
Price £750; terms
we are a most reliable FIRM to conduct HATAlTAl—Superior Villa, 5 rooms, one
their Sale or Purchase, us OUR BUSI- floor, all modern conveniences; level
- 2175 room, porcelain bath and basin, call-
phpnt, c.l. throughout, gas oookor,
built-in wardrobes, oupboards, etc.
"*"*" Service, bat in Durability,
no Range equals the
The lota are in the very best AVAIL-
ABLE SITUATION in Auckland, being
contiguous to the projected NEW RAIL-
WAY STATION and on the main lines
There is a delightful garden *nd glori
ous view. Section about i acre. Price
£2000. Tfirms.. P-77 W. H, MORRAH&CO.,
shed, coalshed, store and linen cup-
boards, tiled roof; rough cast ex-
terior ; section about i acre, well
planted. Price £850, caeh £150; pos-
NESS is concentrated and conducted
solely for and in Lower Hutt: therefore
we have overy particular of any property
section, 40 x 200. nice garden. Price
£1100; terms £500 cash.
Price £1000; £250 cash' wanted, 5408
2176 HATAlTAl—Bungalow containing five
roome, bathroom, porcelain bath, hot
LYALL BAY—6rd House, with nil mod AGENTS AND VALUERS. for sale, and are always here to person- cold, range, gas cooker, c.l. and
of traffic era conveniences, including pantry,
cupboards, wardrobes,, and outbuild-
session now.
CITY (5 minutes from Post Office)—A
ally conduct your inspection. Telephone
70. Hutt Exchange.
P. DE. HODGKINS, hot points, tastefully fitted inside.
Price £1050; terms arranged 5376 jpHEY resist any degree of heat with- ECONOMICAL IN FUEL!
very fine 9-roomed Residency with PROPERTY AGENT,
and will be 110ft WIDE and level. v ings, and fowl rmvl minule from car
stop and beach. Price £950. Tojith FOR SALE. commanding appearance, built by COME OVER HERE. LICENSED 119, LAMBTON-QUAY BERHAMPORE—One hundred pounds "■" out crumbling or cracking. Are
ANZAC-AVENUE (80ft wide) is laid in
arranged. ,' ;
WADESTOWN—S roomsy-'gdod "basement,
. 263 Houses, in
good order. £900 each.
leading architect,, highly finished in
every way, electric light, h.c. water, (Near Public Trust); deposit secures this newly-built Bunga-
low of 5 largo rooms, fitted with ail
most economical and satisfactory. Do
not need replacing. Best for furnaces,
CONCRETE and the grade is ONE IN
. gas, c.1., hot points, andeunny
all conveni- ADELAIDE-ROAD-IO Rcons, well built
and in good condition. £1150.
and all conveniences. Price £1850.
KTr.BIRNIE (near Post Office)-Well- " £500 PER ANNUM RETURN.
KARORI (beautifully situated)—Char-
modern improvements. Price £875;
easy terms arranged for balance. 5407
Bakers' Ovens, Gas Retorts, Locomotives. Ask your Ironmonger to show you a
encei on beautifully section. built Houbo of 7 rooms and large Fire Grate Backs.
been offered to the public to obtain
well sheltered from winds and with
frontage to two roads. A very cheap
property at £675. . Terms: £200
LYALr. BAY—LpvoI Section. 40ft x 110ft,
partly fenced. £260.
CLYDE-QUAY—6 Rooms, harbour view.
basement, on section 60 x 95, Shack-
lock range, h.c. water, usual conveni-
MODEL ORCHARD, MOTUEKA. ming 5-roomed Bungalow, built about CITY
four years ago. all heart timbers, fit-
tod with every modern convenience,

Commodious 7-roomed House,
with all modern conveniences, c.1., gas Call, write, or 'phone for quotations for SHACKLOCK'S ORION.
cooker, etc.; large section, level. these and for special work.
FREEHOLDS with such prospective value
in tho very best part of the largest city " cash. . 257 £1400.
LYALL BAY—S Rooms, well built, per-
' ences, highly finished with metal ceil-
ings, etc.; Government mortgage.
OKI ACRES, close to School and
.494 14 acres in commercial apple or-
P.0., interior very nicely designed
perfect order; about i-acre of land,
and in Price £1200; terms arranged. 5400 TO BUILDERS.
in the Dominion. LOWER HUTT—Modern 6-rd. House, level Price £1300. year's 4 in Price
nearly new, with all modern con- fect order; large section, 50ft x chard, last returns £320, over laid off lawns and gardens. HIGHLAND PARK-Just out of build- SAMUEL BROWN, LTD.,
Further particulars and
plans from
veniences (except gas), beautifully laid
out with lawn and flower gardens in
front and large lawn and vegetable
garden at the back. A very nice-
prope-ty. Section 40ft x 230ft. Price
222ft. £1100.
OWEN-STREET, Newtown 5-roomed
House, in perfect
x lOCft. Cheap, £900.

order; section 33ft
LYALL BAY—S-roomed House, large sec-
Accommodation House at a Wellington
favourite Seaside Resort, $ acre sec-
tion, with 13-roomed Residence, gaa
plant, reservoir, septic drainage, fully
furnished, including piano, cutlery,
acres in raspberries, lost year's crop (6
return this year, modern bungalow of 5
rooms, bathroom, office, and washhouse,
new apple barn of galvanised iron, 30 x
tons) realised £180, but will show larger KILBIRNIE (Rodrigo-road, no climb)—
Very well built, large 7-roomed mod-
orn House, one floor, with large base-
ment, suitable for billiard room, fitted
er's hands, a 6-rd. one-floor Residence,
all modern convenisv>ces, c.1., bath-
room, hot and cold range, etc., no
climb. Price £1400. Terms. 5403
W-33, JOHNSTON-STREET, Wellington.
¥TirRITE or call for Timber Prioe-list.
TT Quotations given for supplies for
any district in North Island. Deal direct
with the Sawmiller.

£825. Terms arranged. 278 tion, 80ft x 120ft, well laid out with china, etc., as a going concern. £1250 20, trapshed, sprayer shed, and large loose with all modern conveniences nnd in KELBURN—A modern 6-rd. Residence
SAMUEL VAILE AND SONS, LTD., trees and shrubs. £1100. oash required, balance can remain. box, all neoessary implements for work- (built under architect's supervision), Tory-street Depot—'Phone 2648A. AGENCY CO..
perfect order. Land 66ft x 90ft.
Auctioneers to the City Council, LABATT & CO., LYALL BAY—Level Section, 40ft x 100ft, ing- the orchard can be taken over at Price £1350. replete with every convenience, stand-
Willis-atreet Depot—'Phono 124. 17. King's Cb*mb«rg.
new 5-roomed House, one Boor, all piOR SALE.
FOR SALE. ing on a section of 93ft x 154ft. nicely
12 AND 14. PANAMA-STREET. under pre-war price. The only reason for KILBIRNIE (near tram and sea)—7rd. laid out in garden, kitchen garden,
AUCKLAND.... conveniences. £875; £?00 cash. soiling is ill-health. Tha owner is'open modern Bungalow, gae, c.1., gas stove, carry the largest stock of■! SEA-
56ft x I4oft. £168.
one floor, just on
6-rd. House,
completion. The
to consider residential property as part
payment. £1200 may romain on mort-
caliphont, porcelain bath and basin,
otc.; large section, 60ft x 150ft, in
etc., room to build two more houses on
section. Price £2100. An ideal home. WE
PURPOSES in New Zealand, ;
HATAITAI—IdeaI Semi-bungalow, con- house has all conveniences, c.1., gas 5398
~ taining 6 rooms, built about 12 SEATOUN-ROAD-Level Section, 38ft x gage. Price only £2500. If you want it, sheltered sunny, nook. Price £1500. TO PURCHASE PAINT Correspondence promptly attended to.
AUCTION SALE OF 151£fc. £7 10s rer foot. cooker, range set in til^s, giving hot communicate quickly. CITY (Tcrraco vicinity)—s rooms, c.1., KILBIRNIE—S-roomed Houso and Kitch- ITTHERE
months;-: fitted- with every modern wator circulation to porcelain bath hot points, gas stove, caliphont, every enette every convenience, c.1., gas WANGANUI SASH AND DOOR FAC-
appliance; sunny posi- and basin, slate roof; section 40 x 184. DIRECT FROM THI
tion, good view. Price £1450;. terms £1100. This property is strong- modern convenience, in perfect order, cooker, porcelain bath, hot and cold, TORY AND TIMBER COMPANY,
DESCRIPTIONS. DO NOT WAIT Prico P. B. LOMAX & CO., no climb; good view. Price £1450. Govt. mortgage, good section with LIMITED.

on application. "■■-.- ly recommended. CITY (Brougham Hill vicinity, on car FACTORY.
LYALL BAY—Fine Home of 5 largo Rooms, with every motor garage. Price £1000. Terms.
. ORCHARD SPECIALISTS, MOTUEKA line, suitable for professional man) Telegraphic Addrest—"Doornwdalist."
200 SI*EETS OF HEAVY- IRON, " rooms, nicely designed, built of picked
timbers under architect's supervision, UNTIL ADVANCE.
modern convenience, workshop, con-
crete paths, beautiful sea view, large IDEAL POULTRY FARM OF 6J
Good 7-roomed Houss with all mod-
ern conveniences, gas, c.1., etc.; room LYALL BAY—Bungalow
of 4 rooms and
various lengths, etc., etc. and rhaving latest domestio offices;
Toom for oar. Price £1475; terms
glassed-in balconies. The house is AN ACRES. for, motor car. Price £1400. bathroom, porcelain bath, hot and EXPANDED METAL
On tho Ground, Corner of Thompson- arranged. ■
: ' YORK BAY—An attractive new3-roomed
Bungalow, living room panelled in
solidly built and in excellent order
throughout. The land is i an acre
NEWTOWN (close to Constable-street cold, c. light, tiled roof; immediate
possession can be given. Price £850; NO MIDDLE PROFITS. For . "
car)—s;roo.med House, gas stove, c.1., CONCRETE CON-
ISLAND HAY—New 5-roomed Bungalow, in extent, and Has frontages to Rose-

street., and .Webb-street... .'.' Oregon pine, built-in window seat, hot points, coal range, good view, no terms. 5248
just completed, sleeping porch, electric kitchen with Champion range, sink, neath and to the Evans Bay-road, and STRUCTION.
light, h. and c. water, porcelain'bath, etc., casement windows, large detach- has a good kitchen garden; within 7 FOR SALE, climb, and in perfect order; very HATAITAI Newly-built 5-room«d EXPANDED STEEL LATHING FOR
EARLY NEXT WEEK.' etc., and. .all. modern, appointments. minutes' walk of the OrientalBay Car
enug little home. Price £875. House, bathroom, porcelain bath, cali- You can see the Paint ground and FIREPROOF WALLS and CEILINGS..
Price £1100; ternus £250 onsh. ed shed. Price £430. Anyono want-
Terminus. Ample room for another 6i ACRES, close to City, carry ascullery,
cow to phont, c.1., gas cooker, handy to car. RUBEROID ROOFING, DAMPOOUP.SE
JOHNSTON AND CO. have re- BROOKLYN—4 Rooms, square bay win-
ing a Seaside Cottage for the holidays
should not let this opportunity 6lip. house on section. Exceptionally good
the acre, with 7-roomed hou6e,
bathroom, washhouse, etc., verandah on . Price £1185; terms amjiged. 5268 material prepared. AND FLOORING.
E" ceivod instructions to soil, at Webb- dow, verandah and usual conveni-
ences; no climb. Price £525. 6 property at a reasonable figure. Price
£2200; cash required £600.
three sides, hot and cold water,, p.w.c,
telephone, school half mile, 6tation one
streets, as above— KILBIRNIE—6 Rooms, h. and o. water, ISLAND BAY—A Property combining Rooms: land 50 x
Site, frontage to Main-road of 74ft, by DOORS.
porcelain bath, and all modern con- all the delights of the seaside and ad- BOLTON-STREET-78
100, pleasant situation, within one
mile, post office half mile; watered by a depth of 156ft 6in. Intending pur- OUR LEAD AND OIL GUARANTEED DREADNOUGHT FIREPROOFDOORS
'A LARGE QUANTITY OF FIRST- running stream; ono aore orchard, Bower chasers should see' this at once. Price
CLASS BUILDING ' MATERIAL— veniences, healthy position, fine view.
Price £775; terms £100 down.
vantages of town : A modern 5-room-
ed Bungalow on largo section, 100ft x minutes' walk of The Terrace; excel- »nd vegetable garden, nioe lawns. Stock ABOUT HOUSES. £550 Terms. PURE RANSOME ver MEHR CONCRETE
3 x 2, 4 x 2, 4 x 3, 8 x 1, 12 x 1, 6xl, 110ft (about), two living rooms each lent position for boarders. Price at present about 4000 fowls, with all
T. and G Lining, Flooring, Veran- £1350.. ' buildings, incubators, brood house, and ISLAND BAY—Cheap 4-roomed, Cottage, By OLSINA WATER PAINT.
dah complete, 10 Doors, 20 Sashes,- A. E. CARVER, 12ft x;l6ft, with archway between, h.
and o. water, c. light, radiator point W. G. MORPETH. everything necessary for the carrying on bathroom, hot and cold, large sec- GOLDEW BAST CEMENT.
Hunting? Then tion. Price £575; terms. 5334 THE STEWART TIMBER, GLASS,:*
Electric Wire, i x f-inch Water Pipes,
100 TotaraPiles, etc., etc. LAND AND ESTATE, AGENT,
in living room and front bedroom, hot LAND AND ESTATE
point for iron, pantry, linen press, AGENT AND
of successful poultry farming. ■^OUcallaxeandHouse
tell us exactly what HATAITAI—6-rd. Bungalow, every mod- WELLINGTON'S
Opposite Wairarapa Farmers. 'Phone' 2934 good garden. Price £1200; terms can SHAREBROKER, Also, you want, and leave us to do the . ern convenience, no climb, sunny posi- COURTENAY-PLAOE. Wellington.
..Full details and Date of Sale Later. 170, Featherston-etreet. 'Phone 1804. tion. Price £1550. Terms arranged.
ORIENTAL BAY—B :roomed Residence, bo arranged. 61 A NEW 5-ROOMED MODERN HOUSE spade work for you. Wo will se- should write to
E. JOHNSTON, Auctioneer. on sea front, choicest part of Bay; HATAITAI—Best position in this popu- '
5385 EVERYTHING IN THE PAINT LINE ACHINERYonowners Hayward Bros., Ltd.,
c.1., gas cooker, porcelain bath, cali AND GARAGE on beach at Day's lect for you just what you are or call
phont, two p.w.c.'e, sun balcony, level lar Suburb, on good section, 498 x
165ft (about), 6 rooms, all convent PAEM POR A CITY MAN Bay.
wanting. From lib to Ton*.
Christchur6h, for quotations and details of
section, 6un all day. Full particulars encee; c.1., gas cooker and caliphont,
North British Belting. Best (or «11
CLEARING SALE AT PARA- For particulars, apply classes of machinery. Act now!
as to price and terms given on per- good garden; room for motor garage. Just have a look At our Offices WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL.
PARAUMU: sonal application, It would be possible for purchaser of H. H. COOK AND CO., when next at the G.P.O. We are J. FANNING* CO., Keep up your mileage, but reduce your
PARADE (overlooking Kel- this home to have the added comfort OQC ACRES! tire bill. Fit Clincher Cross C«t Tires.
burn Park)—B-roomed Residence, all of lunching at home, 'Price £1600;
24, Grey-street, City.
on tho ground floor of Nathan's LAND, ESTATE. AND FINANCIAL
They're used on the Western Front—the
TIfESSRS. ABRAHAM AND WIL-' one floor, c.1., gas cooker, hot point,
porcelain bath and basin, hot and cold
terms.. ■
■" " 34
Building Then you will know
whore to find us, and if you do ' 74, (Our
MANNERS-STREET JACKSON & CO., supreme tost. Ask at any garage.
The tire that has leapt on to fame is^he
water, gjaesed-in v...;—da-h; level sec- ROSENEATH—A very cheap Property, only address).
New North British Clincher Cross. Gives
LIAMS, LTD., in conjunction with tion, room for motor garage. Full close to town, 5 rooms, on section 30ft ONLY TWO MILES FROM PETONE
x 100ft (about); house has every con-
"¥TI7"E have for Sale the latest designs in not call and take advantage of John Fanning.! [Frank Fanning. 21, WINGFIELD-STREET^ big mileage. Big satisfaction. Try it
RAILWAY STATION. Papers. Inspection invited. our sen-ice and find what you re-
IJJIVIN AND CO., LTD., notify that, MOUNT particulars'on application
VICTORIA—7-roomed Resi- venience, including electric light, gas ~» Wall
Also, a !a.rgo etock of Ramsay's Best quire it won't be our fault. LOWER HUTT—New House, 6 rooms ' Off Molesworth-street. Britain makes the best motor tire*—the
dence; on; tram. line,, c.1., and every
cooker, and caliphont, balcony and Good Sheep and Cattle Country. Well Canadian Paint, from 14s to 20s per Im- and scullery, all conveniences, neat famous- North British Clincher Cross—
acting-under instructions from the Health verandah, beautiful view of harbour. and attractive in Btyle, good outlook, made in the Empire's largest rubber
possiblo convenience, beautifully fin-
ished inside; very sunny spot. Price Price only £975. 22 subdivided with new fences. Watered by
perial gallon:
lawn and flower beds in front, large 'Phone 3344. works. .
Department, this Sale, advertised for
£1550; /terms arranged, KELBURN —Attractive modern6-roomed streams. T. A. WELLS, & lawn and vegetable garden at roar. 5000 British workers are employed mak-
Monday, 2nd December, is POSTPONED BROOKLYN—S-roomed House, scullery

House., all conveniences, not long WILL CARRY 600 BREEDING EWES 'Phone 883. 145a, Mannors-gtreot STODDART & PROCTOR, Price £800. Terms. 4002 ing North British Tires. Fit a North
and bathroom,'B-minutes tram, new built; deep section, frontage 46ft BROOKLYN--A neat 5-rd. Residence,

British "Dreadnought" to your motor-
(about), 5 minutes from cable car. AND A NUMBER OF CATTLE. ■O 0 R S A 1 L E. 181, F=EATHERSTON-STREET, one floor, gas cooker and conveni- oycle, and get your money s worth. in-
tram will almost pass door, gas
"otcr,"cancrete "paths; nice gar- This property is well worth inspection. ences, good section, close trams. Price
£750. Terms. Immediate possession.
W. A. CHOTE, LTD., quire now
den and healthy outlooks Owner leav- Price £1500; £300 cash required. WELLINGTON. FARISH-STREET. 'PHONE 763. For your motor-cycle, enquire at any
K.E. 8. 7-ROOMBD HOUSE, TERRACE. 2119 garage or cycle shop as to sizes and prices
ing desires immediate sale. Price BAY CEMENT.
G. S. HILL & CO., \" £750 (offers wanted); £150 cash re-
□uirecl. -- MOUNT COOK (off Wallace-street)—6
rooms, house just been papered and
Laigo basement suitable for biUiard- ISLAND BAY—An up-to-date 5-rd. Resi-
dence, all conveniences, i-acre section, GOLDEN
OLDEN BAY CEMENT. of the British "Dreadnought Motor-
Cycle Tire. Mileage from 5000 to 12,000
hot and cold water, elcotrio light.
■ ■
360, LAMBTON-QUAY (next Stewart

painted throughout: fine view of har- Toom, beautifully laid otit, good position and Milburn Lime, J. J. Craig's Hydraulic proved.
Daweon and Co.). 'Phone 2456. A On ACRES, fronting good metalled bour; all conveniences, gas cooker, PRICE ONLY £4000, AND ONLY £1000 Splendid viow of harbour. Built of best
outlook. Price £1000. Terms. 2130 Limo, Mauriceville Lime, Brunner When you fit a North British "A Won"
5 rooms, ono floor; only
ytOU- road,-and 3 miles from railway

station, hestfvy bush land, 200-acres felled,

. .h.. and c. water; largo section of half- materials. APPLES. APPLES. SEASIDE COTTAGET A 5-rd. verandah
Cottage and conveniences, close boach.
Fire Bricks, Fire' Tilea, and Fire
Clay, Chimney Pots, Drain Pipes, etc. Tire to your bicycle, you aro protected by
built 2j years electric light, hot
and cold . water, casement windows, all
of.which 100 acfes~is 'in' good ""grass; is
acre, vinery, and good garden.
M.C. 13
POSIT' AND TAKE OVER ALL Owner leaving town.
APPLES. APPLES. Price, including furniture, £500.
Terms 2029
a6to 15 months guarantee. Ask any
cycle dealer.*
nice papers. week.
ance 226 6d
Price £750; £60 cash; bal-
HATAITAI—S rooms, one floor, allnice
good ' grazing land, and all sunny faces;
Titlo, O.R.P. ■at 15s;. price for. goodwill
355. This is only on the -market for a
few weeks, and early .inspection is desir-
NGAIO—Very well-built House. 5 min-
utes from station, 5 rooms, tiled roof,
electrio light, hot point, h. and c.
ARRANGED FOR 5 YEARS. Immediate possession. Easy
Price £2500.
WE have for Sale 1500 Cases of
case f.o.b. Nelson, cash
HATAITAI (just through Tunnel)—s-rd.
' Residence, one floor, two bay win-
dows, 0.1., hot water, gas, lovely view.
WE have a Farm
Manawatu Line,
Price £72
nice50 acres,
30 cows.
acre. £800 cash. Owner
For heavy loads and bad roads -fit
Clincher Solid Band Tires to. your commer-
cial truck. Solid British quality. Enquire
large rooms, bay window; section 47ft x-
-130ft.. Price. £925. Near car.
MOUNT VICTORIA—S rooms; very
able. L. L. JOHNSTONE, Land Agent, ■water, -porcelain, bath and lavatory
basin, built-in wardrobes and cup-
boards; never failing supply of
ERS, at
or more only accepted. All apples will
15s per
with order. Orders in lots of five cases Price £1000. Terms. Early possos-
sion 2010
going into Also, 95 acres Kairanga
land, close Palmerstcn, £100 per acre.
Also, 206 Acres Rich River Flat, nearly
at any garage as to sizes and prices.
When you buy Garden Hose get the

'water from good spring on property; ABRAHAM & WILLIAMS bo carefully graded, papered, and repack-
.CTVS Medical ;Men:-H3ocid House, with ING CO., KARORI—r6-rd. Residence, two bay win- best. There's nothing to equal North
.good home, fireplace in every room, ga9
■JL garage, otc., where two doctors, who ed in imperial bushol cases before leaving dows, 0.1., hot water and conveniences, all ploughed; carry 90 cows. Price £52 British Rubber Company's brand. Best
and electric light, tiled hearths; beautiful quarter-acre section. Price £800; Wellington.
cool store, and will be guaranteed to bo i section 43 x 165. Price £800. Terms. per acre, including milking machines. fabric. Best, rubber. High quality;
view. Price £1085. Terms arranged. airo leaving,N^Z.,-are. coitducttng largo terms. 17 BRANDON-STREET. Or- 4879 Send for particulars. Long service. .
BROOKLYN — Very good 5-roomed
House, near car, nice bathroom, electric
practice; stands back from Toad on lead-
ing Auckland thoroughfare.—Rooms:
U O'E '■ SALE, of the highest standard of quality.
dors of TEN Cases or more will be de-
livered to any part of tho city of Wel-
WALLACE-STREET (off)—6-rd. Resi-
dence, 0.1., gas cookor, every conveni-
Palmerston North.
See to it that you. get the right brand
when you invest in & Garden Hose. Aak

light and electric radiator in front room,drawing,, dining, .4 bed, bath, Kitchen,
consulting, waiting,- detached man's, elec-
lington, or Railway Station, at 16s 6d per
Cost £169, Government Valuation £120. case.
ence, nicely situated. Price £930. .'or North British "Rubber Co.'» make.
hot and cold water and gas; all very Terms £50; balance arranged. 4846 EASY TERMS. Lasts -for years Doe« not burst, crack, or
large rooms. Price £675: £100 cash. tric ,light' and, .all conveniences, lawn,
■asphalt path and yard ;■ £2500, terms.
You need a good Sprayer to thoroughly
Cash prico £100.
TWO SECTIONS AT LOWEB. HUTT, BISLEY BROS AND CO., TJtOR SALE, 5-roomed House, Berham- bend. Sold everywhere. '
JP pore, all modern conveniences; land
N.S.W. Building, Lambton-qnay.
STOCK AND SHARE BROKERS AND Disinfect your Premises. Wo have still a
limited number, ranging from small For-
, .
£100 and £120. Nelson. CELEBRATE
VV Flags, Flags
your Victories: Flags,
of all Allies, 4d to 2s 33 x 92. The building is in good order,
1111GHEST Cash or Prices given for Bank of
~~~~. bargain. Price £685; deposit
' Printed and published (or Bldnduu.ilitos.. Ltd:.
~~ 1 PRIVATE OWNER, caro Evening Post. /IARBIDE—High grade, in wholesale and ia6
XX Ladies', Gents', -
Children's Left-
ofE Clothing and Boots; Jewellery of any ~~~' FOR SALE,
malin Sprayers to powerful 'Success' Foot
Pumps, "Auto" and "Alpha" Spraying 'PHONE 2224. Vyl parcels, lump, or granulated, packed
each. The Sims Hardware Co.
£85; balanoe by easy instalments. Ap-
by LOOM fKOCTOR Bujndell, of S3l. Tbe Ter-
race, Wellington, printer and publisher, at tM
Registered OMc« «t th« Company, WUlit-
description bought; letorg promptly at- Horse-power Eiectrio Motor, in Machines. Call and inspect. |~1 BAN-BITS, a perfect breakfast food, in drums. Arthur H. Hasell, Sydney, REEP your Liver in order by talcing ply " A. ■"ODLIN, LTD.;

tended to. Mra. Steen, 96, Vivian-street,

next to Salvstion Army.
firat-claea condition. W. R. Bock,
Engraver, 320, Lnabton<ru*<r.
(BttooaHot* to A. T. Bate tad FlachO [
; Mercex-ttr««*.
vK* require* no cooking, Good lor cluJ- Melbourne, and Adelaide, Agent for Manu-
dxan and adult*. AU Grocer*. {"oturers.
Brown Pea*. Buy them at Castle's,
Ouba-ttreet, or any Chemist, le 6d.
Cable-street, near Town Hall.
"treet. Wellington.
Satanhy, November 30, 1918.

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