Notes For ACN002
Notes For ACN002
Notes For ACN002
*Opposite of Investment Property is Commemorative Items (Like coins and bills for
Property, Plant and Equipment display)
- Yes it is classified as PPE because it is
Property, Plant and Equipment used for display.
> Land 1. It is not used for operation so it is not as
> Transportation (Cars, Vans, and More) Cash .
> Building
2. To be used for more than 1 year (Palamuti) Cash Price Equivalent - when you buy it through
this is for economic entities ( Part of cash like for example in cell phone you can pay it
ambiance, paintings and statute) - It is as installment price and cash price.
classified as Furnitures and Fixtures.
If ever cash price is not available (Rare Item)
Measurement of PPE ● Present Value of the Note plus the Down
- At cost (acquisition price) plus Directly Payment.
attributable cost. (Cash Basis) Present Value as principal
1. Share capital account is always measured at
par value.
➔ Case 1 and Case 2 ( Day 4) Scenario 4 (Bundled Transaction w/ Liability)
Note: Capitalized- add the cost in the value of the Ways of Bundled Transaction:
asset and Appraiser fee is an example of directly - Use relative fair value method or relative
attributable cost. sales price method
- Land is not depreciated but buildings can be
depreciated. Land doesn't have a definite life in fact Note: There’s no fair value. The assess value is not
since the time was created andyan na ang lupa. considered because it is only for the computation
Land can only be IMPAIRED. for taxes obligation. So assumed the ratio not the
-Impairment is the decreased value of the land. value itself.
Amortization of Price: Effective Interest Method Note: Since there’s no effective interest rate we will
To spread out the interest you need to use an use a straight line method to spread out the
effective interest method. interest.
-To amortize the discount on notes payable: Note: We incurred additional P50,000 to remove
December 31, 2019 the old machine so it is directly attributable to
Interest Expense P63,400 cost. Machine supplies are not included in
Discount on Notes Payable P63,400 directly attributable cost because it is located
for the new asset or another account .
Effective Interest Method Table
❏ Journal Entry:
Date Payment Interest Principal Present
(10%) Value -To record the acquisition:
Machinery P2,750,000
Jan 1. P634,000
Purchase Discount Lost 300,000
Dec 2019 P200,000 P63,400 P136,600 P497,400 Cash P50,000
Accounts Payable 3,000,000
Dec 2020 P200,000 P49,740 P150,260 P347,140
Dec 2021 P200,000 P34,714 P165,286 P181,854 Note: In accounting in PPE we used the net
method. Purchase Discount Lost is classified as
Dec 2022 P200,000 P18,146 P181,854 0
Operating expense and it is not part of the
Note: Balancing Figure is used because interest is purchases.
round off.
-To record the supplies for new machine
Next Year 2020 Factory Supplies P150,000
❏ Journal Entry: Cash P150,000
-To record the second installment payment:
December 31, 2020 Note: Assume the machine supplies are used in
Notes Payable P200,000 manufacturing.
Cash P200,000
Scenario 2 (Non Interest Bearing Note Cash)
-To amortize the discount on notes payable:
December 31, 2020 PPE Measurement:
Interest Expense P49,740 ● Measures as Cash Price Equivalent
Discount on Notes Payable P49,740 If ever cash price is not available (Rare Item)
● Present Value of the Note plus the Down
Computation of Cash Equivalent Price:
Computation: Downpayment P 0
Downpayment P 500,000 PV of Note 1.585.000
Installment Payment for 4 years 5,000,000 Cash Price Equivalent P1,585,000
(1,250,000 x 4 years) .
Total Payment for Installment P5,500,000 Face Value (P500,000 x 4 years) P2,000,000
Less Cash Price (4,700,000) Less: PV of Note (1,585,000)
Interest P800,000 Interest P 415,000
Jan 1. P1,585,000
Note: If there is a present value of an annuity of 1
IN ADVANCE you will only use it if you will pay the Dec 2019 P500,000 P158,500 P341,500 P1,243,500
first installment payment at the time you
Dec 2020 P500,000 P124,350 P375,650 P867,850
purchased the equipment while you will use the
present value of an annuity of 1 if you will pay Dec 2021 P500,000 P86,785 P413,215 P454,635
another date.
Dec 2022 P500,000 P45,365 P454,635 0
Scenario 2 (Shares Transaction) Note: In the absence of share identity used share
capital because it is generic.
Hierarchy of PPE Measurement:
● Measure of Fair Value of PPE Scenario 3 (Donation by Philanthropist)
● Measure of Fair Value of the Shares
● Measure of Face Value of the Shares PPE Measurement:
● Measure at Fair Value
Fair Value of PPE: Note: Since it is donated by the philanthropist the
Land P1,000,000 credited account is Income or Miscellaneous
Building 5,000,000 Income.
Machinery 2,000,000
❏ Journal Entry:
Fair Value of Shares: Land P1,500,000
Shares 60,000 Miscellaneous Income P1,500,000
Quoted Price x 150
Fair Value of Shares P9,000,000 Scenario 4 (Cash Discount)
PPE Measurement :
Note: Since we have the fair value of PPE we used Measure as Purchase discount is deducted
it as a measurement of the PPE. whether the discount is taken or not because we
need to reflect the true value of the PPE.
❏ Journal Entry: Computational:
Land P1,000,000 Net Method
Building 5,000,000 Acquisition Price P900,000
Machinery 2,000,000 Discount x 2%
Share Capital P6,000,000 Purchase Discount P 18,000
Share Premium 2,000,000 Less: Acquisition Price (900,000)
Total Value of PPE P882,000
Directly Attributable Cost 35,000
Answer to Problem 25-6 (Exchange)
❏ Journal Entry: Scenario 1 (Ordinary Exchange Gain)
-To record the acquisition:
Machinery P882,000 Hierarchy of PPE Measurement:
Freight In 35,000 ● Measure of Fair Value of Asset Given plus
Cash P917,000 cash paid
● Measure of Fair Value of Asset Received
Note: The term to indicate the process it is called plus cash paid.
as capitalized and directly attributable cost is the ● For Lacks Commercial Substance - Same
term. If we pay it in cash we can possibly lessen model no uniqueness or some significance.
the payment due to the discount because the seller (Identical) so the measurement is Carrying
wants to attract the customer to buy it at a lower Amount Given plus Cash Paid.
(When the problem is silent there is commercial
Scenario 4 (Non Interest Bearing Note PV) substance)
Cost = Cost - Salvage Value ( Residual Value) At the time of donation we don’t have liability
Estimated Useful Life method:
❏ Journal Entry:
Note: The difference between the cost and salvage
value is called the depreciable cost. Cash P10,000,000
Income from Government Grant P10,000,000
Computation for Depreciation Expense:
Answer to Problem 26-2 (Donation affiliated to
Straight Line Method
non depreciable asset to expense)
Depreciable Expense = 80,000,000 - 0
Note: Income recognition especially for non
depreciable assets look for the compliance of the
Depreciation Expense = 80,000,000
entity. In this case the compliance is to build a
factory. If the non depreciable asset is affiliated to
Annual Depreciation Expense = 3,200,000
compliance of the entity through an expense then
the income recognition will be based on the
❏ Journal Entry: expense.
- To record depreciation cost:
Depreciation Expense P3,200,000 At the time of the receipt of Donation
Accumulated Depreciation P3,200,000 ❏ Journal Entry:
Land P12,000,000
Deferred Income from Government Grant/
Computation For Income Recognition: Unearned Income P12,000,000
Straight Line Method
Year Expense Pro rata Income
Note: Residual Value you don’t consider it in
income recognition because it is affiliated to the 2019 2,000,000 20% 2,400,000
2020 2,000,000 20% 2,400,000
❏ Journal Entry:
- To record depreciation cost:
Depreciation Expense P1,100,000
Accumulated Depreciation P1,100,000
Answer to Problem 26-5 (Donation affiliated to ❏ Journal Entry:
depreciable asset ) - To record income recognition:
Deferred Income Government Grant P80,000
Income from Government Grant P80,000
Presentation of government grant related to
asset - Liability Method
Presentation of government grant related to
asset - Asset Method
Note: If we use a declining balance method we
don’t use residual value. We ignore it because at
the end of the day the last balance of this is equal At the time we acquire the machine
to residual value. And the assumption of the decline ❏ Journal Entry:
is in the first year of usage of the asset we used it Machinery and Equipment P5,400,000
frequently but in the latter portion we didn't use it Cash P5,400,000
frequently because we do have new assets.
At the time of the receipt of Donation
At the time we acquire the machine ❏ Journal Entry:
❏ Journal Entry: Cash P400,000
Machinery and Equipment P5,400,000 Machinery and Equipment P400,000
Cash P5,400,000
Computation for Depreciation Expense:
At the time of the receipt of Donation
Straight Line Method
❏ Journal Entry:
Note: Cost of Machinery and equipment is
Cash P400,000
Deferred Income from Government Grant/
Depreciable Expense = 5,000,000 x 20%
Unearned Income P400,000
Annual Depreciation Expense = P1,000,000
Computation for Depreciation Expense:
Straight Line Method
Note: Whether the presentation is deferred income
or deduction from assets, the transaction has the
Depreciable Expense = 5,400,000 x 20%
same impact in the income statement.