Old Stone Age Paleolithic Era Nomads

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Paleolithic Era

The earliest people lived during the Old Stone Age.  The period is also called
the Paleolithic Era.  The Paleolithic Period began more than 2,000,000 years
ago.  These people were nomads.  In order to find food, the Paleolithic people
often had to move from place to place, hunting and gathering.  Because of the
lack of food and the constant moving, populations tended to be small.  These
people usually died at a very early age because of  hunger, disease, or injury. 

         Early people were quite smart. They developed tools that made life
easier for them.  They were simple tools but they were able to use stones,
sticks, bones and other things to make weapons for hunting and
defense.  Although these were prehistoric times, they left cave paintings
behind. These paintings have helped us understand the lives and religious
beliefs of these people. (Click here to see paintings.) In order to communicate,
Paleolithic Man developed a very simple language that usually consisted of
simple grunts or babbles.  Today we would say that their language was similar
to the early language of a baby.  At some point, early man discovered fire and
that it could be used for cooking, light and warmth.  Over time they even
discovered ways to make fire.

        When Paleolithic people had a successful hunt, they would use every
part of the animal they killed.  They would use the meat for food, the skins for
clothing, and the bones for tools or weapons.  If they were unable to find the
shelter of a cave, they might also use the bones and skins to make simple

        Paleolithic People also developed religious beliefs.  They believed

in animism, where all living things had spirits.  They also believed in life after
death and because of this they took special care in burying their dead.  To
ensure that their dead would have what they needed in the afterlife they would
often bury their dead with food, tools, and weapons.

        Because populations were small, both men and women were important
in these early societies.  It is believed that men were probably the leaders of
these little tribes. The eldest man ruled until his death.  At that point power
would move to the next oldest male. Women, however, had the most
important roles during this time period. They had the important role of carrying
on life and for the most part they were more successful in finding food.  They
were the “gatherers.” They found nuts and berries while the men
hunted.  Most times the men were unsuccessful in finding food while the
women weren’t.

Neolithic Era
 About 12,000 years ago (10,000 B.C.) an important discovery was
made.  Humans learned to farm.  This became known as
the Neolithic Period or New Stone Age.  The Neolithic Revolution was a major
turning point in history.  In addition to learning to farm, man learned to
domesticate (tame) animals.  In doing so, life drastically changed for mankind.

        Once man learned to farm, they began to settle.  Permanent settlements

began to develop in river valleys.  The rivers provided fertile soil and water for
irrigation.  In order to farm more effectively, man developed new skills and
tools.  They made tools that were more complex and made farming easier.  They
quickly learned that animals could be used to do work. In addition, they
developed ways to measure their seed for planting, keep track of time, build
stronger homes and boats that could be used for trade and travel.

         These changes made work more specialized.  Unlike the Paleolithic

Era where you either hunted or gathered, now there were many jobs that needed
to be completed.  Some families may have strictly farmed, while others took care
of the animals, another family may have been responsible for gathering wood or
other building materials.  In order for communities to function efficiently, it was
important that each person perform his or her role in the community
responsibly.  The status of women soon changed.  Men became more powerful
and some men took on more distinct roles as community leaders.

        Since more food was available, populations began to grow.  Soon small

societies developed into villages and eventually they became large advanced
societies called civilizations.  As these civilizations grew, they began to
accumulate more personal property and distinct cultures began to
develop.  Language became more sophisticated and people soon learned to
write.  Animal skin clothing was replaced by cloth, caves and simple shelters
became wood or clay homes.   As more communities emerged, there was
greater interaction among the people and, in time, humans began to trade with
one another.  Cultural diffusion increased. Life was changed rapidly during this

        One aspect of life that seemed to stay the same was religion.  Like their
earlier ancestors, Neolithic man believed in animism.  To help them in this world,
they would call on spirits to help them.  As the societies became more
developed, people began to develop more elaborate structures for
worshipping.  But like their earlier ancestors, Neolithic man believed in the
importance of burying their dead and preparing them for the afterlife.


        1)  Journal Entry-  Pretend you are a scientist that

has invented a time machine.  Imagine that you traveled
back in time and witnessed first hand the lives of both
the Paleolithic and Neolithic people.  Write a first person
account, that details what you saw, and the differences
between the two Eras. 

        2)  Newspaper Advertisements or Classified

Ads-  For both the Paleolithic and Neolithic Era, write three
classified ads or advertisements for three areas given on
the graphic organizer. Use PowerPoint slides or Microsoft
word to create your ads.

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