JavaScript Programming - A Step-by-Step Guide For Absolute Beginners
JavaScript Programming - A Step-by-Step Guide For Absolute Beginners
JavaScript Programming - A Step-by-Step Guide For Absolute Beginners
Brian Jenkins
A Step-by-Step Guide for Absolute Beginners
Brian Je nkins
© Copyright 2019 by Brian Jenkins.
Douglas Crockford
JavaScript is a powerful scripting language that every web developer should be familiar with.
JavaScript has brought in many changes to the web development field. It has provided web
developers with a way of making web pages more interactive. This is something most web visitors
look for. If you know of validations, like checking whether a user enters correct details when filling
forms, JavaScript is the best language to use for the implementation of such. It is one of the
technologies of the WWW (World Wide Web). The good think with JavaScript is that it is supported
by all modern web browsers. This means that you are not expected to get any special plugins to be
able to run its scripts.
You can easily get started with writing and running JavaScript scripts because you only need basic
elements like a text editor and a browser. Modern browsers come with the JavaScript Engine
embedded; hence you don’t need any other plugin to be able to run your scripts. The language also
comes with many features and paradigms which you can rely on when writing your scripts. This book
is an excellent guide for you on JavaScript programming. The author has discussed everything about
JavaScript in a detailed manner. Enjoy reading!
To my wife and my daughter, you are the happiness of my days, and you are my truest love!
Chapter 1- JavaScript Basics
What is JavaScript?
Environment Setup
JavaScript Example
JavaScript Comments
Case Sensitivity
Chapter 2- Popup Message
Alert Box
Confirm Box
Prompt Box
Chapter 3- JavaScript Variables
Local Variables
Global Variables
Comparing variables
Chapter 4- JavaScript Operators
Logical Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Chapter 5- JavaScript Decision Making
If Statement
If…else Statement
If…else if Statement
Switch Statement
Chapter 6- JavaScript Loops
For Loop
While Loop
Do while Loop
Loop Control Statements
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Chapter 7- JavaScript Functions
Function Definition
Function Arguments
The Arguments Object
Return Value
Function Expression
Anonymous Function
Nested Functions
Chapter 8: JavaScript Objects
Array Literal
Creating an Array Directly
Array Constructor
Array Methods
Chapter 9- JavaScript Events
onclick Event
onsubmit Event
onmouseout and onmouseover
onload and onunload
onchange Event
Chapter 10- JavaScript Validation
validating Retype Password
Number Validation
email validation
validation with image
Chapter 11- The Document Object Model
DOM Methods
Accessing Field Values
Manual Animation
Automated Animation
Chapter 12- Browser Object Model
History Object
Navigator Object
Screen Object
Page Printing
Chapter 13- JavaScript Cookies
Creating Cookies
Reading Cookies
Deleting Cookies
Chapter 14- Object Oriented Programming
Class Declarations
Class expressions
Using Object Literal
By creating an Object Instance
Using Object Constructor
Prototype Chaining
Constructor Method
Static Method
Chapter 15- Multimedia
Chapter 16- Error Handling
Syntax Errors
Runtime Errors
Logical Errors
finally Statement
Chapter 17- Regular Expressions
Chapter 18- Image Map
Chapter 19- Page Redirection
Chapter 1- JavaScript Basics
What is JavaScript?
HTML was developed for content, CSS for presentation, but JavaScript was developed for
interactivity. Originally, JavaScript was developed to add interactivity (such as animations and
hovers) to small web pages, but it can now be used for nearly everything including large applications,
games, and servers.
JavaScript programs are known as scripts . You can write JavaScript inside the HTML of a web page
and it will be executed automated when the page is being loaded. The scripts are provided in plain
text and executed as they are. They don’t require a compilation or a special preparation so as to run.
Today, we can execute JavaScript code on a browser, server or on a device with a JavaScript
Engine . Initially, JavaScript was referred to as LiveScript because it made web pages alive. This
name was later changed to JavaScript.
JavaScript is an object-based scripting language which can be interpreted by all modern-day
browsers. This means that all browsers come with the JavaScript Engine. This has increased the
popularity of JavaScript, making it the most popular scripting language today.
Environment Setup
To write, test and run your JavaScript code, you need the following:
You can write your JavaScript code using even a basic text editor such as Notepad. However, it is
good for you to get an advanced text editor that will provide you with features such as syntax error
highlighting, auto-completion, etc. Examples of such text editors include Visual Studio, Eclipse,
Aptana, etc. These can help you with speedy development.
There are also online JavaScript editors that you can use for writing your scripts. A good example of
this is
For the case of the browser, you can install any type of browser depending on your preference.
Examples of such browsers include Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc. JavaScript
can work on any browser running on any OS.
JavaScript Example
There are three places where we can place our JavaScript code. We can place the code within the
body, within the head tag or in an external JavaScript file. Here is our first JavaScript example:
< script type= "text/javascript" >
document . write( "JavaScript makes web pages interactive!" );
</ script>
The code should print the following:
The script tag has specified that we are using JavaScript. This will help the browser know the kind of
data it has been provided with. The code simply calls the JavaScript’s document.write() method
which prints the text we pass to it. This method is used for displaying dynamic content using
As we have stated above, there are three places we can add our JavaScript code. The following code
demonstrates how to add the code between the <body> and </body> tags:
< html>
< body>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
document . write( "JavaScript makes web pages interactive!" );
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
Here is another example showing how we can show an alert box:
< html>
< body>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
alert ( "Hello World" );
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
We have called the alert() method which shows an alert box with the specified message. In this case,
the message will be Hello World .
The JavaScript code can also be added within the <head> and </head> tags.
Here is an example:
< html>
< head>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function hello(){
alert ( "Hello World" );
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
< p> JavaScript</ p>
< form >
< input type= "button" value= "Click Me" onclick = "hello()" />
</ form >
</ body>
</ html>
We have created a method named hello() within the script tag. This method should return an alert box
with the message Hello World when called. We have created a form with a button within the <body>
</body> tags. The onclick property specifies the method to call when the button is clicked. After
running the code, you should get the following:
Click the “Click Me” button. You will see the alert box with the Hello World message.
That is how JavaScript code can be added within the <head> </head> tags.
We can also create an external JavaScript file then embed it into a number of web pages. Due to the
ability to use such a page on many HTML pages, we can achieve code reusability.
Any external JavaScript file must be given a name that ends with a .js extension to mark it as a
JavaScript file. All JavaScript code should be embedded into a single file to make the web page
respond faster.
Let us create our external JavaScript file to return Hello World message within an alert box. The file
will be given the name hello.js .
hello. js:
function hello(){
alert ( "Hello World" );
We can now create our HTML file and add the name of the JavaScript file to it. Here is the code for
the html file:
index. html:
< html>
< head>
< script type= "text/javascript" src= "hello.js" ></ script>
</ head>
< body>
< p> JavaScript</ p>
< form >
< input type= "button" value= "Click Me" onclick = "hello()" />
</ form >
</ body>
</ html>
The name of the JavaScript file was specified within the script tag using the src parameter.
JavaScript Comments
Comments provide us with a way of delivering messages. Comments help in guiding users, adding
information describing the code, suggestions or warnings, making it easy for the reader to interpret
code. The JavaScript Engine ignores comments, meaning that it just skips them.
JavaScript comments can span a single or multiple lines. To write a single-line comment, precede it
with a double slash (//) . For example:
< script>
// A single line comment in JavaScript
document . write( "Hello World" );
</ script>
Here is another example:
var x= 5 ;
var y= 15 ;
var z= x+ y; //To add values of x and y
document . write( z); //to print sum of 5 and 15
Multi-line comments are enclosed between /* and */ (a slash and an asterisk). This can also be used
for a single line comment. For example:
< script>
/* A multi-line comment in JavaScript
The JavaScript engine will skip it */
document . write( "Hello World" );
</ script>
Case Sensitivity
JavaScript is a case sensitive scripting language. This means that a variable the name x will be
different from the variable named X . A variable named age will be different from the variables
named Age , AGE etc.
Alert Box
This is used to show a message to a user, particular where the emphasis is needed. It comes with an
OK button that closes the popup when clicked. It is created by calling the JavaScript’s alert()
For example:
< html>
< body>
< h1> Popup</ h1>
< script>
alert ( "Hello World!" ); // to display a string message
alert ( 12 ); // to display a number
alert ( true ); // to display a boolean
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
When you run the code, it will display the first alert box with the string Hello World! Click OK
button and it will display an alert with 12 . Again, click the OK button and it will display an alert box
with true . This shows that the alert box can be used to display a message of any type.
Confirm Box
Sometimes, a user is expected to give a confirmation so as to proceed. For example, you may want a
user to confirm deletion or update of certain details before the process can be completed. This can be
done using the confirm() function provided by JavaScript. This function will display a popup box to
the user with two buttons namely OK and Cancel . The next step is determined by the button that the
user clicks.
For example:
< html>
< body>
< h1> confirm ()</ h1>
< p id= "del" ></ p>
< script>
var userChoice;
if ( confirm ( "Do you really want to delete the data?" ) == true ) {
userChoice = "Data deleted successfully!" ;
} else {
userChoice = "Delete Canceled!" ;
document . getElementById( "del" ). innerHTML = userChoice;
</ script>
</ body>
</ html >
Prompt Box
In some cases, you may need to receive an input from users and use it to perform further actions on the
web page. For example, you may need to calculate the monthly amount for loan repayment based on
the number of months within which the user wants to settle the loan. In such a case, you can use the
prompt() function provided by JavaScript.
The function should take two string parameters. The first one is the message that will be displayed
while the second one is the default value to be in the input text once the message has been displayed:
prompt ([ string display_message], [ string default_Value]);
For example:
< html>
< body>
< h1> prompt ()</ h1>
< p id= "pro" ></ p>
< script>
var age = prompt ( "What is your age?" , "26" );
document . getElementById( "pro" ). innerHTML = "You are " + age + " years old" ;
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
The code prompts you to enter your age. If you don’t and click the OK button, 26 will be used as your
default age.
Chapter 3- JavaScript Variables
A variable is a name for a storage location. From its name, it can vary. Variables hold values that can
vary. In JavaScript, we use the var keyword to declare variables. Each variable must be given a
unique name. You are allowed to assign a value to a variable during the time of its declaration. This
can be done using the equals to symbol (=) .
The following is the syntax for declaring and initializing variables in JavaScript:
var variable- name;
var variable- name = value;
1. The variable name should begin with an underscore (_) , a letter (either A to Z or a to
z ), or the dollar sign ($) .
2. After the first letter, one can use digits in the variable name.
3. JavaScript variable names are case sensitive, example, p is different from P.
The following example demonstrates how to use variables in JavaScript:
< script>
var a = 12 ;
var b = 11 ;
var c= a + b;
document . write( c);
</ script>
The code will return the sum of the two variable values, which is 23 .
Local Variables
These are variables that are defined within a block or a function. It can only be accessed from within
the block or function within which it has been defined.
Here is an example:
< script>
function xyz(){
var a= 12 ; // a local variable
</ script>
The variable a can only be accessed from within the function xyz().
Here is another example of local variable declaration:
< script>
If( 5 < 10 ){
var a = 12 ; //a JavaScript local variable
</ script>
The variable a in the above example can only be accessed from within the block of its declaration.
Global Variables
These are variables that can be accessed from any function. A global variable is usually declared
outside a function or with the JavaScript’s window object.
For example:
< script>
var val= 12 ; //a global variable
function x(){
document . writeln( val);
function y(){
document . writeln( val);
x(); //calling a JavaScript function
y(); //calling a JavaScript function
</ script>
The code will return the following:
The code demonstrates that the function can be referenced from different functions and its value will
remain the same.
If you need to declare a global variable within a function, you must use the window object. For
window . val= 12 ;
Such a variable can be declared within any function and accessed from any function.
For example:
< script>
function xy(){
window . val= 12 ; //declaring a global variable using window object
function xz(){
alert ( window . val); //accessing a global variable from another function
</ script>
We have declared the variable val within the function xy() and assigned it a value of 12 . We have
then accessed the same variable from the function xz() . This returns a value of 12 .
After declaring a variable outside a function, it is internally added to the window object. The object
can at the same time be accessed via the window object.
Here is an example:
< script>
var val = 12 ;
function xy(){
alert ( window . val); //accessing a global variable
</ script>
Each programming language supports a number of data types. They represent the types of values
which can be represented then manipulated in the programming language. JavaScript supports 3
primitive data types including:
Comparing variables
In JavaScript, variables can be compared in different ways. We can compare whether two variables
are equal or not by use of double equals sign.
< script>
x= 30 ;
y= 30 ;
if ( x== y) {
alert ( "x equals y" )
</ script>
When executed, the script will show a pop up with the text “x equals y” as shown below:
This is the values of the two values are equal, that is, 10 . If not, nothing will happen once the script
is executed.
Other than numbers, we can also compare strings as shown below:
< script>
firstname= "Nicholas" ;
lastname= "Samuel" ;
if ( lastname== "Samuel" ) { alert ( "Correct name!" )};
</ script>
The comparison will evaluate to a true, so you will get a popup with the text “Correct name!” as
shown below:
Note that when doing a comparison, we use double equals sign (==) . If you instead use a single
equal’ sign, the value on the right side of the sign will become the value of value (variable) on left
side. An example is given below:
if ( lastname= "Samuel" ) { alert ( "Correct name!" )};
Chapter 4- JavaScript Operators
JavaScript supports the use of operators. An operator performs an operation on one or many operands
to produce a result. For example:
In the above example, 2 and 3 are the operands while + is the operator. 2 is the left operand while 3
is the right operand. The + operator will add the two to give a result of 5. Let us discuss the various
types of operators supported in JavaScript.
Logical Operators
These types of operators help us in connecting either one or more conditions. The following are the
logical operators supported in JavaScript:
&& - the AND operator. It checks whether the two operands are non-zero. If yes, it
returns a 1 , otherwise, it returns a 0 .
|| - the OR operator. It checks whether any of the operands is non-zero. If yes, it returns
a 1 , otherwise a 0 .
! - the NOT operator. For reversing the Boolean result of an operand or condition.
For example:
< html>
< body>
< h1> Logical Operators</ h1>
< p id= "pg1" ></ p>
< p id= "pg2" ></ p>
< p id= "pg3" ></ p>
< p id= "pg4" ></ p>
< p id= "pg5" ></ p>
< script>
var x = 12 , y = 5 ;
document . getElementById( "pg1" ). innerHTML = ( x != y) && ( x < y);
document . getElementById( "pg2" ). innerHTML = ( x > y) || ( x == y);
document . getElementById( "pg3" ). innerHTML = ( x < y) || ( x == y);
document . getElementById( "pg4" ). innerHTML = !( x < y);
document . getElementById( "pg5" ). innerHTML = !( x > y);
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
The code prints the following result:
In the above example, we have used the values of variables x and y to run various logical operators.
Arithmetic Operators
In JavaScript, you can perform arithmetic operations on your variables. These operations include
addition (+) , subtraction (-) , multiplication (*) , modulus (%) , increment (++) , decrement (--) etc.
< script type= "text/javascript" >
a= 1 ;
a= 1 ; a++; //a=2
a= 1 ; a--; //a=0
a= 1 ; b= 2 ; c= a+ b; //c=3
a= 1 ; d= a+ 4 ; //d=5
First= "Edwin" ;
Last= "Peter" ;
Name= First+ " " + Last; //Name=Edwin Peter
a= 3 * 7 ; //a=21
b= 10 / 2 ; //b=5
c=( 10 / 2 )* 2 ; //c=10
d= 10 /( 1 * 2 ); //d=5
</ script>
The results from the various lines have been shown in the comment section, that is, after // . The two
forward slashes, that is, // , denote the beginning of a comment in JavaScript.
Assignment Operators
These are operators that help us assign values to variables. They include the following:
If Statement
This statement should only be used when you need to take an action based on a certain condition. The
content will only be evaluated if the condition is true. The statement takes the following syntax:
if ( expression){
//the content to evaluate
For example:
< script>
if ( 10 < 5 )
alert ( "10 is less than 5" );
if ( 10 > 5 )
alert ( "10 is greater than 5" );
</ script>
The code will return the following upon execution:
The first if condition evaluated to a false , hence its block of code was skipped. The second if
condition evaluated to a true , hence its block of code was executed to give us the above output.
If…else Statement
This statement will evaluate the condition of whether the condition is true or false.
The statement has the following syntax:
if ( condition)
// code…
else {
// code…
For example:
< script>
var x= 100 ;
if ( x% 2 == 0 ){
document . write( "x is an even number" );
else {
document . write( "x is an odd number" );
</ script>
In the above code, we are checking whether the value of variable x is an even number or not. The
code returns the following:
The expression x%2==0 checks the remainder after dividing x by 2 . If the remainder is 0, then x is
an even number, otherwise, it is an odd number.
If…else if Statement
Sometimes, you may have multiple options on which you should make a decision. This statement
helps us achieve this is JavaScript. The statement has the syntax given below:
if ( expression_1){
Statement( s)
else if ( expression_2){
Statement( s)
else if ( expression_3){
Statement( s)
else {
Statement( s)
We only have a series of if statements which have been combined with the else statement. The
statements to be executed are the one whose conditions evaluate to true.
For example:
< script>
var grade= "B" ;
if ( grade== "A" ){
document . write( "Excellent!" );
else if ( grade== "B" ){
document . write( "Good!" );
else if ( grade== "C" ){
document . write( "Fair" );
else {
document . write( "Poor!" );
</ script>
The value of grade is B . all the conditions will be matched and the grade =="B" condition will
evaluate to a true . The code will return “ Good!” .
Switch Statement
This statement helps us perform varied actions which depend on various conditions. It is suitable
when you have many branches depending on the value of a single variable. With a switch statement,
an expression evaluates various statements to be executed depending on the value of an expression.
The JavaScript interpreter must check every case against expression’s value until it finds a match. If
no match is found, then the default is chosen. Its syntax is as follows:
switch ( expression) {
case i:
break ;
case i:
break ;
default :
For example:
< script>
var name = 'Nicholas' ;
var output;
switch ( name){
case 'Samuel' :
output = "Your name is Samuel" ;
break ;
case 'Michelle' :
output= "Your name is Michelle" ;
break ;
case 'Nicholas' :
output = "Your name is Nicholas" ;
break ;
default :
output = "No Name" ;
document . write( output);
</ script>
The code will return the following upon execution:
Chapter 6- JavaScript Loops
Loops are good when you need to execute your code repeatedly, for a known or an unknown number
of times. With loops, you can automate tasks that could have been tedious performing them manually.
A good example is when you need to fill a table with values. You can use a loop to iterate through the
cells of the tables while filling the values instead of filling them manually.
Let us discuss the various loop statements supported in JavaScript:
For Loop
This loop is used to iterate over a block of code for a fixed number of times. It is suitable when one is
aware of the number of times to iterate over a block of code. The loop takes the following syntax:
for ( initializer; condition; increment)
// code
The initializer sets a counter variable that we should start with. The condition specifies criteria that
must be met for the next iteration to be executed. The increment can either increment or decrement
the counter.
Here is an example of a for loop:
< script>
for ( x= 0 ; x< 5 ; x++)
document . write( x + "<br/>" )
</ script>
The variable x in the loop was first initialized to a value of 0 . The condition states that the value of
variable x should be less than 5 . In the increment, the value of the variable x should be incremented
by 1 after every iteration. This means that the loop should run from 0 to 4 to give the following result:
While Loop
This loop can be used to iterate over code for an infinite number of times. It is suitable for use when
one doesn’t know the exact number of times to execute a loop. The loop will execute as long as the
specified condition is true. Immediately the conditions become a false , the execution of the loop will
halt. It takes the following syntax:
while ( variable<= final_value)
// Script code.
For example:
< script>
var x= 0 ;
while ( x<= 5 )
document . write( x + "<br/>" );
</ script>
The while loop will run as long as the value of the variable x is not more than 5 .
The code returns the following:
< body>
< table border= 3 >
< tr>< td> Length in Meters</ td>< td> Length in Centimeters</ td></ tr>
< script language= "javascript" >
length= 0 ;
while ( length<= 20 )
document . write( "<tr><td>" + length+
"</td><td>" +( length * 100 )+ "</td></tr>" );
length = length+ 2 ;
</ script>
</ table>
</ body>
</ html>
The above loop will always run as long as the value of length is less than or equal to 20 .
Immediately the loop finds itself violating this condition, it will stop execution.
The code returns the following:
Do while Loop
This is a good loop for iterating a block of code for infinite number of times. However, the code must
be executed once, regardless of the state of the condition, whether true or false. Its syntax is as
do {
statement ( s)
} while ( condition);
A while may never run, but the do while loop must run for at least once.
Here is an example:
< script>
var x= 0 ;
do {
document . write( x + "<br/>" );
} while ( x<= 5 );
</ script>
The code will print the following result:
Break Statement
With this statement, one can exit the loop early and get out of curly braces. Execution goes to the
block after the loop.
< script type= "text/javascript" >
var p = 1 ;
document . write( "Starting the loop<br /> " );
while ( p < 20 )
if ( p == 5 ){
break ; // get out of loop
document . write( p + "<br />" );
document . write( "Leaving the loop<br /> " );
</ script>
That is how you can use a break statement in a while loop. The maximum value of p should be 20 .
However, we have instructed the JavaScript interpreter to break once the value of p is 5 . The
execution of the loop will stop at that point; the output should show numbers 2 to 5 as shown below:
Continue Statement
With the continue statement, we can break our current loop, then proceed with the next value.
Supposing you need to divide a certain number by numbers ranging between -5 to +5 . You need to
skip division by 0 since it is illegal. This can be skipped using the continue statement. This can be
implemented as follows:
< script type= "text/javascript" >
for ( p=- 5 ; p<= 5 ; p= p+ 1 )
if ( p== 0 ) { continue };
document . write(( 10 / p)+ "<br>" );
</ script>
With such an implementation, the integer 10 will not be divided by 0.
The code will return the following result:
Function Definition
The definition and call of a JavaScript function takes the following syntax:
// function definition
function < function_name>()
// code to execute
//call the function
< function_name>();
As shown in the above syntax, the function is given a name which is used when calling the function to
perform its intended task. The function has a body placed within curly braces ({}) . The following is
an example:
< html>
< body>
< script>
function HelloFunction() {
document . write( "Hello World" );
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
We have defined a function named HelloWorld () . Inside the body of the function, we have stated that
the function should print the text Hello World . Immediately after the body of the function, we have
called it by its name. The code returns the following:
Notice the method we have used to call the above function. The function will be called immediately
the web page is loaded. However, many are the times we need to call functions by click of a button.
This is possible with JavaScript as demonstrated below:
< html>
< body>
< script>
function HelloFunction() {
alert ( "Hello World" );
</ script>
< input type= "button" onclick = "HelloFunction()" value= "Hello" />
</ body>
</ html>
We have used our previous function. However, we have created a button with the text Hello on it. The
onclick property states what should happen after clicking the button. It states that after the button is
clicked, the HelloFunction() function should be called. Run the code and click the Hello button. You
will get the alert box with the necessary message:
Function Arguments
A function can take either one or more than one arguments, also known as parameters . The
arguments should be supplied by calling code and they can be used inside the function. JavaScript is
well known for being a dynamic scripting language, so the function argument can take an argument of
any data type.
Consider the following example:
< script>
function MyFunction( arg1, arg2) {
alert ( "You passed " + arg1 + " and " + arg2);
MyFunction( 10 , 12 );
MyFunction( "Nicholas" , "Samuel" );
MyFunction( "Nicholas" , 26 );
</ script>
We have created a function named MyFunction taking two arguments namely arg1 and arg2 . The
function is to concatenate the values of these two arguments with a text and show them on an alert
box. We have then called the same function three times, passing different parameters each time. After
running the code, click the ok button to move through the sequence of alert boxes. The first dialog
should be as follows:
Note that the arguments will be passed to the function in the order that you specify them.
Here is another example:
< html>
< body>
< script>
function calculateCube( x){
alert ( x * x * x);
</ script>
< form >
< input type= "button" value= "Calculate Cube" onclick = "calculateCube(3)" />
</ form >
</ body>
</ html>
We have created a button with the text Calculate Cube on it. When clicked, this button should call the
calculateCube() function. In the onclick parameter, we have specified the function and passed an
argument of 3 to it. This means that it should return the cube of 3 , which is 27 . Just run the program
and click the C alculate Cube button.
Note that when calling a function, you can pass either more or fewer parameters. If you pass fewer
parameters than the function expects, the rest will remain undefined. If you pass more arguments, the
excess ones will be ignored. This is demonstrated in the following example:
< script>
function MyFunction( arg1, arg2) {
alert ( "You passed " + arg1 + " and " + arg2);
MyFunction( 10 , 12 , 17 );
MyFunction( "Nicholas" , "Samuel" );
MyFunction( "Nicholas" );
</ script>
MyFunction( 10 , 12 , 17 );
MyFunction( "Nicholas" , "Samuel" );
MyFunction( "Nicholas" );
</ script>
The code will run as usual. When calling a function, we can pass arguments to it. The JavaScript
interpreter treats the first arguments as being at index 0. The expression arguments[0] denotes the
first argument when calling the function while the expression arguments[1] denotes the second
argument when calling the function.
We can use a for loop to iterate over the arguments object. For example:
< script>
function MyFunction() {
for ( var x = 0 ; x < arguments. length; x++){
alert ( arguments[ x]);
MyFunction( "Nicholas" , "Samuel" );
</ script>
Two arguments have been passed to the function, and we have used the variable x within a for loop to
iterate through these.
Return Value
In JavaScript, a function can use the return keyword to return either zero or one value.
Consider the example given below:
< script>
function MyFunction(){
return "Hello sir/madam" ;
</ script>
< script>
document . write( MyFunction());
</ script>
The function will return what has been specified in the statement with the return keyword.
Here is another example:
< html>
< body>
< p id= "pg1" ></ p>
< p id= "pg2" ></ p>
< script>
function Addition( x, y) {
return x + y;
document . getElementById( "pg1" ). innerHTML = Addition( 10 , 12 );
function Product( x, y) {
console. log( x * y);
document . getElementById( "pg2" ). innerHTML = Product( 10 , 12 );
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
The code will print the following:
We have created a function named Addition() that adds and returns the sum of two variables, x and y .
The calling code is capable of getting the return value and assigns it to a variable. We also defined a
second function named Product() which returns nothing, hence its result will be undefined .
In JavaScript, we can have a function returning another function. Here is an example of this:
< html>
< body>
< p id= "pg1" ></ p>
< p id= "pg2" ></ p>
< script>
function myfunction( a) {
function product( b)
return a * b;
return product;
var db = myfunction( 2 );
document . getElementById( "pg1" ). innerHTML = db( 2 );
document . getElementById( "pg2" ). innerHTML = db( 3 );
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
The function named myfunction() is returning the function named product() .
Function Expression
With JavaScript, we can assign a variable to our function and then use that variable as the function.
This is given the name a function expression .
For example:
< html>
< body>
< p id= "pg1" ></ p>
< p id= "pg2" ></ p>
< script>
var sum = function Addition( x, y) {
return x + y;
document . getElementById( "pg1" ). innerHTML = sum( 10 , 12 );
document . getElementById( "pg2" ). innerHTML = Addition( 10 , 12 ); // invalid
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
The code should return the sum of 10 and 12 , which is 22 . This output will be from the sum(10, 12)
expression whereby we are calling the function using the variable we assigned to it. The expression
A ddition(10, 12) is not valid as we are calling the function by its name while it has already been
assigned a variable.
Anonymous Function
In JavaScript, we can define a function without a name. Such a function is known as an anonymous
function . You must assign a variable to your anonymous function.
For example:
< script>
var helloMessage = function (){
alert ( "Hello World" );
var message = function ( name) {
alert ( "Hi " + name);
message( "Nicholas" );
</ script>
We have created two anonymous functions. The first one takes no argument and it has been assigned
the helloMessage variable. The message should return the Hello World message in an alert box. This
method has been called twice in the program using the helloMessage() ; expression.
We have created the second anonymous function taking one argument that is, name . This function has
been assigned the variable named message . We have called this method using this variable and
passed the argument Nicholas to it. The code will show the Hello World message twice and the Hi
Nicholas message once. To move from one alert box to another, click the OK button.
Nested Functions
JavaScript functions can have one or many inner functions. The nested functions should be within the
score of the outer function. The inner function is allowed to access both the parameters and variables
of the outer function. However, an outer function is not able to access the variables defined within its
inner functions. Consider the following example:
< script>
function OuterFunc( name)
function InnerFunc() {
document . write( "Hi " + name);
return InnerFunc();
OuterFunc( "Nicholas" );
</ script>
We have defined an outer function named OuterFunc() . This function takes one parameter name .
We have created an inner function named InnerFunc() . Although the name parameter belongs to the
outer function, the inner function successfully accessed it. The code should print the following:
Chapter 8: JavaScript Objects
An object in JavaScript is an entity with both state and behavior. In JavaScript, everything is treated
as an object. An array is an object which represents elements of a similar type. It has a fixed size, and
its elements are stored sequentially. There are 3 ways of constructing arrays in JavaScript:
Array literal
Array Instance
Array constructor
Array Literal
Creation of an array by use of array literal takes the following syntax:
var name_of_array=[ val1, val2..... valN];
The values are added with square brackets [] and separated using commas.
< script type= "text/javascript" >
var array1=[ "Nicholas" , "Samuel" , "Vickie" ];
for ( j= 0 ; j< array1. length; j++){
document . write( array1[ j] + "<br/>" );
</ script>
We have created the array array1 with three values, which are names of individuals. A for loop has
been used to iterate the values of the array, and then we have printed them. The .length property
normally returns the array length. Once executed, the values in the array will be printed as shown
Array Constructor
We create an instance of the array by simply passing arguments in the constructor instead of providing
the value explicitly. The script given below demonstrates this:
< script type= "text/javascript" >
var array3= new Array ( "Nicholas" , "Samuel" , "Vickie" );
for ( x= 0 ; x< array3. length; x++){
document . write( array3[ x] + "<br>" );
</ script>
In the above example, we have created an array named array3 . The creation of the array and addition
of elements to it has been done in the same line using a constructor. The for loop helps us iterate
through the array elements and print them to the screen.
Array Methods
JavaScript comes with many in-built array methods that we can use to manipulate the elements of the
array. Let us discuss these methods:
The concat() method combines arrays to return a single string. The arrays can be two or more. Note
that the elements of the initial array will not be changed.
The methods take the following syntax:
array. concat( array1, array2,...., array_n)
the parameters to the method are the arrays that you need to concatenate. The method returns a new
object which is a combination of all the arrays.
Consider the following example:
< script>
var array1=[ "Nicholas" , "James" , "Jane" ];
var array2=[ "Alex" , "Fidel" , "Alice" ];
var output= array1. concat( array2);
document . writeln( output);
</ script>
We have created two arrays, array1 and array2 . Each array has a list of name. We have concatenated
these two arrays into one object named output . The code will print the following output:
In the above example, we have concatenated two arrays. A concatenation of three arrays can be
obtained as follows:
< script>
var array1=[ "Nicholas" , "James" , "Jane" ];
var array2=[ "Alex" , "Fidel" , "Alice" ];
var array3=[ "Joel" , "Mercy" , "George" ];
var output= array1. concat( array2, array3);
document . writeln( output);
</ script>
The code will return the following result:
Other than creating different arrays and trying to concatenate the objects, we can concatenate the
objects directly. This is demonstrated in the following example:
< script>
var array1=[ "Nicholas" , "James" , "Jane" ];
var output= array1. concat( "Alex" , "Fidel" , "Alice" );
document . writeln( output);
</ script>
The code will return the following example:
copyWithin( )
When this method is used, it will copy a part of a given array with own elements and return the
modified array. Note that the length of the modified array will not be changed.
The method takes the syntax given below:
array. copyWithin( target, start, end)
The target is where the copied element will take place. The start parameter is optional. It denotes the
index from which copying of the elements by the method will begin. Its default value is 0, meaning
that copying begins at index 0 , which is the first element of the array. The end parameter is also
optional. It denotes the index at which the method will stop the copying process. It has a default value
of array.length-1 , which is the last element in the array.
The method returns a modified array. Consider the example given below:
< script>
var array1=[ "Nicholas" , "James" , "Jane" , "Alice" , "George" ];
// place at index 0, the element between 1st and 3rd elements
var output= array1. copyWithin( 0 , 1 , 2 );
document . writeln( output);
</ script>
The code returns the following:
What has happened is that the element between the 1st and the 3rd elements was copied to the index 0.
That is why the element Nicholas was replaced by the element James. The rest of the array elements
have not been affected.
Let us see how we can provide only the target and start indexes:
< script>
var array1=[ "Nicholas" , "James" , "Jane" , "Alice" ];
var output= array1. copyWithin( 1 , 2 );
document . writeln( output);
</ script>
This method is used for filling the elements of an array with some specified static values. When used,
the original array is modified. If none of the elements has met the condition, this method will return
undefined. It takes the following syntax:
array. fill( value[, start[, end]])
The value parameter denotes the static value that is to be filled. The start parameter is optional. It is
the index from which filling will begin. Its default value is 0 , which is the first element in the array.
The end parameter is also optional. It denotes the index at which filling of the values will stop. It
returns a modified array.
Consider the following example:
< script>
var array1=[ "Nicholas" , "James" , "Jane" , "Alice" , "George" ];
var output= array1. fill( "Joel" );
document . writeln( array1);
</ script>
The code will return the following:
All the array values have been replaced with Joel. Let us see how we can provide or state the starting
< script>
var array1=[ "Nicholas" , "James" , "Jane" , "Alice" , "George" ];
var output= array1. fill( "Joel" , 2 );
document . writeln( array1);
</ script>
In the above example, the filling will start at the element after index 2. The code should return the
following result:
The following example demonstrates how we can state both the start and the stop/end indexes:
< script>
var array1=[ "Nicholas" , "James" , "Jane" , "Alice" , "George" ];
var output= array1. fill( "Joel" , 1 , 3 );
document . writeln( array1);
</ script>
The code should return the following:
The purpose of this method is to check whether all the array elements satisfy the given condition. If
all array elements meet the condition, the method will return a true , otherwise false . The method
takes the syntax given below:
array. every( callback( current- value, index, arr), thisArg)
The callback is the function for testing the condition. The current-value denotes the current element
of the array. The index parameter is optional and it denotes the index of the current element. The arr
parameter denotes the array to which we are to apply the every() function. The thisArg is an optional
parameter. This is the value to be used as this during the execution of the callback. The method returns
a Boolean value.
Consider the following example:
< script>
var marks=[ 20 , 25 , 15 , 37 , 27 ];
function confirm ( x)
return x> 10 ; //to return true as all marks are above 10
document . writeln( marks. every( confirm ));
</ script>
The code returns true . We have defined an array with a set of integer values, which are marks. All
marks are above 10 . The purpose of the confirm() is to check whether all marks are above 10 .
Since this is true, the every() function returns a true . Let us change one of the values to be below 10
and see what happens:
< script>
var marks= [ 20 , 5 , 15 , 37 , 27 ];
function confirm ( x)
return x> 10 ; //to return true as all marks are above 10
document . writeln( marks. every( confirm ));
</ script>
The code will return a false as the marks at index 1 is less than 10 , that is, 5 .
In the example given below, we are checking the number of elements present in the array:
< script>
function confirm ( item, index, array) {
return index < 3 ;
document . writeln([ 20 , 5 ]. every( confirm )); //true
document . writeln([ 20 , 5 , 1 , 35 , 46 ]. every( confirm )); //false
</ script>
The outputs are shown as comments. In the first execution of the method, we are passing an array with
two elements, 20 and 5 . Our condition checks whether we have a total of 3 or fewer elements. Since
we only have two elements, this will give us true . In the second case, our array has 5 elements.
Since these are more than 3 , it will return a false .
This method will return the first element in an array that meets the specified condition. It takes the
following syntax:
array. find( callback( value, index, arr), thisArg)
The callback is the function that is to execute every element. The value is the current element of the
array. The index parameter is optional. It denotes the index of the current element. The arr is also an
optional parameter. It is the array that was operated by the find() method. The parameter thisArg is
also optional. It denotes the value to be used as this during the execution of the callback.
The following example demonstrates how to use the find() method:
< script>
var array1=[ 20 , 45 , 14 , 33 , 18 ];
var output= array1. find( x=> x> 20 );
document . writeln( output)
</ script>
In the above code, we are checking for an element whose value is greater than 20 . The method will
first find 45 , hence this should be the output.
The following example demonstrates how we can use the same method to find a prime number:
< script>
function checkPrime( item, index, arr) {
var start = 2 ;
while ( start <= Math . sqrt( item)) {
if ( item % start++ < 1 ) {
return false ;
return item > 1 ;
document . writeln([ 4 , 6 , 11 , 26 ]. find( checkPrime));
</ script>
The function will find 11 as the prime number.
This method helps us to invoke a certain function once for every array element. It takes the syntax
given below:
array. forEach( callback( current- value, index, arr), thisArg)
The callback is the function for testing the condition. The current-value denotes the current element
of the array. The index parameter is optional and it denotes the index of the current element. The arr
parameter denotes the array to which we are to apply the function. The thisArg is an optional
parameter. This is the value to be used as this during execution of the callback.
The method will return undefined.
For example:
< script>
var array1 = [ 'Java' , 'C#' , 'Python' ];
array1. forEach( function ( values) {
document . writeln( values);
</ script>
We have used the forEach() method to access and print the elements of the array. The code prints the
We can also use the same function to create a Fibonacci series . For example:
< script>
var addition = 0 ;
var array1 = [ 12 , 8 , 14 , 24 ];
array1. forEach( function fibfunction( item) {
addition = addition + item;
document . writeln( addition);
</ script>
The code will return a Fibonacci sequence of the array elements. Note that the Fibonacci is a
sequential cumulative addition of elements. Here is the output:
This method will remove the last element from an array and return the element. It has the effect of
changing the length of the array. It has a simple syntax as shown below:
array. pop()
It returns the last element of the specified array. Consider the following example:
< script>
var array1=[ "Java" , "C#" , "Python" ];
document . writeln( "Initial array: " + array1+ "<br>" );
document . writeln( "Popped out item: " + array1. pop()+ "<br>" );
document . writeln( "Final array: " + array1);
</ script>
The code will return the following:
This method has the impact of changing the way the array items are ordered, and it returns the items in
a reverse sequence. The first element of the array will become the last while the last item will
become the first element. It takes a simple syntax as shown below:
array. reverse()
It returns the original items of the array arranged in reverse order. For example:
< script>
var array1=[ "Java" , "C#" , "Python" ];
var rv= array1. reverse();
document . writeln( rv);
</ script>
The elements of the array have been returned while arranged in reverse order.
In JavaScript, a string is a sequence of characters. In JavaScript, we can create strings in two ways,
using a string literal and using a string object.
A string literal is created by use of double quotes. To create a string using a string literal, use the
syntax given below:
var string_name= "string value" ;
For example:
< script>
var st = "A string literal" ;
document . write( st);
</ script>
The code will print the following:
To create a string using a string object, use the new keyword. The syntax should be as shown below:
var string_name= new String ( "a string literal" );
We have used the new keyword to create an instance of a string. Consider the example given below:
< script>
var st = new String ( "Hello, this is a string" );
document . write( st);
</ script>
The code will return the following result:
This method helps in joining two or more strings together to form a single string. Note that the method
doesn’t change the original string in any way. The method takes the syntax given below:
string. concat( string1, string2,..., string- n)
Note that the parameters to the method are the strings to be joined.
Consider the example given below:
< script>
var a= "Java" ;
var b= "Script" ;
document . writeln( a. concat( b));
</ script>
The code will return the following upon execution:
We created two strings a and b and combined them using the concat() method. The following example
demonstrates how we can combine three strings together:
< script>
var a= "Java" ;
var b= "Script" ;
var c= " Language"
document . writeln( a. concat( b, c));
</ script>
Note that we created some space when writing the string Language . There is also another way of
doing it as shown below:
< script>
var a= "Java" ;
var b= "Script" ;
var c= " Language"
document . writeln( a. concat( b+ " " + c));
</ script>
This method can be used to search and return the position of a certain character in a string. Always
remember that string characters begin at index 0 . If the character is not found, the method will return
a -1 .
For example:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript is a scripting language" ;
document . write( st. indexOf( 'a' ));
</ script>
The code returns 1 . This is because the first character “ a” was found at index 1 . It is possible for us
to provide the index at which our search should start.
This is demonstrated below:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript is a scripting language" ;
document . write( st. indexOf( 'a' , 8 ));
</ script>
The code will return 14 . This is because we have stated that the search should begin at index 8 rather
than from index 0.
Other than a single character, we can print the position of the first character of a certain string.
For example:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript is a scripting language" ;
document . write( st. indexOf( "script" ));
</ script>
The code will return 16 . This is the position of character s in the script . Note that the search is case
sensitive; hence the Script in JavaScript will be skipped. You can use Script rather than the script in
the search and you will get a different result.
To avoid this confusion, we can provide the JavaScript with the index from which the search should
< script>
var st= "JavaScript is a scripting language" ;
document . write( st. indexOf( "script" , 6 ));
</ script>
The search will now begin from index 6 rather than from index 0 .
We can try to search for an element that doesn’t exist and see what happens:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript is a scripting language" ;
document . write( st. indexOf( "Language" , 6 ));
</ script>
The script will return a -1 . This is because we don’t have a Language string. However, we have a
This method is used for the purpose of searching for regular expressions in a string. If no match is
found, the method will return a -1 . The method normally goes with the syntax given below:
string. search( regexp)
The parameter regexp denotes the expression that is to be searched. The method normally returns the
position of the character you were searching for.
Consider the example given below:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript is a scripting language" ;
document . writeln( st. search( "language" ));
</ script>
The code will return 26 . The string language begins at index 26 .
Note that the search method is case sensitive.
The following example demonstrates this:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript is one of the scripting languages. Scripting is always easy." ;
document . writeln( st. search( /Scripting/ ));
</ script>
The code will return 46 . This is because it is searching for an uppercase s. To ignore the case
sensitive nature of the search, we can use the i flag as shown below:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript is one of the scripting languages. Scripting is always easy." ;
document . writeln( st. search( /Scripting/i ));
</ script>
The code will now return 25 rather than 46 . This is because the search is no longer case sensitive.
Let us now search for a regular expression that is not present in the string and see what will happen:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript is one of the scripting languages. Scripting is always easy." ;
document . writeln( st. search( /programming/ ));
</ script>
The code will return a -1 because the regular expression was not found.
This method helps us to match a string against a regular expression. A global search modifier can be
used with the match() method to get all matching elements, otherwise, the method will only return the
first element that is found.
The match() method takes the following syntax:
string. match( regexp)
The regexp is the regular expression that you need to search. Consider the following example:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript" ;
document . writeln( st. match( "Java" ));
</ script>
The code will return Java as the output:
We can demonstrate how to use the global search to perform the search:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript" ;
document . writeln( st. match( /Java/g ));
</ script>
The match() method is case sensitive. However, we can turn this off by using the ignore flag. This is
demonstrated below:
< script>
var st= "JavaScript" ;
document . writeln( st. match( /java/gi ));
</ script>
The code will return the following upon execution:
This shows that the search is no longer case sensitive as it was before.
Chapter 9- JavaScript Events
Events are the actions which JavaScript can detect. A good example is an onmouseover event, which
JavaScript detects once a mouse is moved over some object. The onload event is triggered once a
web page is loaded. In JavaScript, events and functions are used together. A function is triggered once
an event has occurred. Other examples of events include closing a window, pressing a key, resizing a
window and others.
onclick Event
This is a common event in JavaScript. It occurs once a user has clicked the left button of the mouse.
One can add a warning, validation etc. against the event. Example:
< html>
< head>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function helloFunc() {
alert ( "Hello World!" )
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
< p> Click the button below</ p>
< form >
< input type= "button" onclick = "helloFunc()"
value= "Click Here" />
</ form >
</ body>
</ html>
In the example, a simple form has been created. It should be as follows:
Click the “Click Here” button and the function helloFunc will be invoked. Once clicked, you will
see a pop up as shown below:
onsubmit Event
This even is called when one has submitted a form. Form validation can be added to the event. This
will help you validate data before it can be sent to a webserver.
< html>
< head>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function formValidation() {
// validation code should be added here
return either true or false
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
< form method= "POST" onsubmit = "return formValidation()" >
< input type= "submit" value= "Submit" />
</ form >
</ body>
</ html>
Once the Submit button is clicked, the formValidation method will be called.
Just move your mouse as instructed and see what happens. It will change to the following:
We have defined two functions, that is, overObject and outOfObject . These two functions have then
been called in the following line:
< div onmouseover = "overObject()" onmouseout= "outOfObject()" >
Once a mouse is moved over the division, the overObject method will be called. Once the mouse is
moved out of the object, the outOfObject method will be called. The onmouseover="overObject()"
instructs the JavaScript to call the overObject function once the mouse is moved over the division,
while the onmouseout="outOfObject()"> instructs the JavaScript interpreter to call the
outOfObject function once the mouse is moved out of the division.
Here is another example that changes the color of the text after mouse hover:
< html>
< body>
< h1 onmouseover = "style.color='yellow'"
onmouseout= "style.color='black'" >
Move your cursor over here</ h1>
</ body>
</ html>
When you move the mouse cursor of the text, the text will change its color to yellow. If you move
away from the mouse cursor, the text will change color to black.
onchange Event
This method is mostly used during the validation of form fields. The following example demonstrates
how to use this method:
< html>
< head>
< script>
function testFunc() {
var a = document . getElementById( "name" );
a. value = a. value. toUpperCase();
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
Name: < input type= "text" id= "name" onchange= "testFunc()" >
< p> Leave the input field and see your name change to uppercase</ p>
</ body>
</ html>
After running the code, you will get the following simple form:
Just type your name in lowercase and move the mouse cursor from the input field by clicking outside.
You will notice that your name will be transformed into uppercase:
The upperCase() method is invoked after the user has changed the content of the input field.
When used, it displays an alert box after a page has been loaded. For example:
< html>
< head>
< script>
function displayMessage() {
alert ( "A message by the onload event" );
</ script>
</ head>
< body onload = "displayMessage()" >
</ body>
</ html>
Once the page has been loaded, you will get the following alert box:
This method makes an input field change its color after it gets focus.
Here is an example:
< html>
< head>
< script>
function myFunc( col) {
col. style. background = "green" ;
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
Name: < input type= "text" onfocus = "myFunc(this)" >
< p> Click inside the input field and see it change color.</ p>
</ body>
</ html>
The code will give you the following on execution:
You can then click inside the input field as instructed and see what happens. It will change color as
The color of the input field will change into the green.
Chapter 10- JavaScript Validation
With JavaScript, one can validate a form before they can submit it. Initially, form validation was done
on the side of the server. The user could fill a form then send it to a server. If the details were found
to be wrong, the server had to send them back to the user for corrections. This process is too lengthy.
However, JavaScript has changed and improved how this is done. Validation of forms can be done on
the client side before the form details can be submitted to the server. In form validation, we should
ensure all the required fields are filled. Fields taking specific data formats such as emails, mobile
phone numbers and other should be checked to ensure the format is adhered to. The validation of the
form is normally done on submit.
< html>
< head>
</ head>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function formValidation(){
var name= document . detailsForm. username. value;
var password = document . detailsForm. userpassword. value;
This means that you must enter your name before proceeding. Now, enter your name but don’t enter a
password. You will get the following alert box:
This means that you must enter a password with 8 characters and above. You can now enter a short
password and see whether the validation is working correctly. Enter a password with less than 8
characters then click the Login button. You will still get the above dialog.
We have created a form named detailsForm . The form requires the user to enter his name and
password. We have created the formValidation method to validate the values entered in the form.
Username must be provided while the password should not have less than 8 characters. The property
onsubmit=" return formValidation()" means that once the user clicks the “Login” button, the
formValidation() method will be called so as to validate the details entered in the form. If they don’t
conform to the requirements, it will return false, so the user will have to re-enter the details.
Validating Retype Password
When a user is creating a password, they are normally asked to retype it to ensure they have mastered
it well. This logic can be implemented in JavaScript as follows:
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function passwordMatch(){
var firstpassword= document . myform. userpassword1. value;
var secondpassword= document . myform. userpassword2. value;
if ( firstpassword== secondpassword){
return true ;
else {
alert ( "The two passwords don't much!" );
return false ;
</ script>
< form name= "myform" action= "register.jsp" onsubmit = "return passwordMatch()" >
Password:< input type= "password" name= "userpassword1" />< br/>
Re- enter Password:< input type= "password" name= "userpassword2" />< br/>
< input type= "submit" >
</ form >
This returns the following simple form:
Try to enter different passwords in the two fields then see what will happens after clicking the
“Submit Query” button. You will get the following message:
Number Validation
When requiring a user to enter a number such as age in a particular text field, you should validate the
input to ensure they only enter a number.
This is demonstrated below:
< script type = "text/javascript" >
function formValidation(){
var number= document . form1. num. value;
if ( isNaN ( number)){
document . getElementById( "mynum" ). innerHTML= "Input must be a number!" ;
return false ;
} else {
return true ;
</ script>
< form name= "form1" onsubmit = "return formValidation()" >
Number : < input type= "text" name= "num" >< span id= "mynum" ></ span>< br/>
< input type= "submit" value= "submit" >
</ form >
The isNaN() method is used in JavaScript to check whether a value is a number or not. We have used
it in the above script. Run the code and you will get a form with an input field and a button as shown
Enter a non-number value in the input field then click the Submit button. You will see the following
The code returns the specified message if the input is not a number.
Email validation
JavaScript can be used for validation of email addresses. The following are the properties of a valid
email address:
Try to type an invalid email address and click the Submit Mail button. See what happens. You should
get the following alert box:
< form name= "form1" action= "#" onsubmit = "return formValidation()" >
< table>
< tr>< td> Enter Name:</ td>< td>< input type= "text" name= "name" />
< span id= "namespan" ></ span></ td></ tr>
< tr>< td> Enter Password:</ td>< td>< input type= "password" name= "password" />
< span id= "passwordspan" ></ span></ td></ tr>
< tr>< td colspan= "2" >< input type= "submit" value= "Login" /></ td></ tr>
</ table>
</ form >
The script returns the following simple form upon execution:
Click the Login button without entering the username or the password. You will see the images
alongside the relevant messages.
Chapter 11- The Document Object Model
The document object refers to your whole HTML page. After you load an object into the web
browser, it immediately becomes a document object, which is the root element representing the html
document. It comes with both properties and methods. The document object helps us add content to
the web pages.
It is an object of the window, which means that having:
window . document
Is the same as having?
DOM Methods
DOM methods are the actions that you can perform on the html elements. The DOM properties are the
values of the HTML elements which one can set or change. The following are the document object
When you run the code, it will give you the following simple form:
Just enter your name in the input field and click the Click Here button. See what happens.
You will get an alert box with your name and some text appended to it:
We simply created a simple form with an input text field. The method readValue() helps us get the
value that we enter into the field. Consider the following line:
var name= document . memberform. memberName. value;
The memberName is the name given to the text field in the form, and these must match, otherwise,
you will not the right results.
Other than the name, we can also get the element by its id. This can be done using the
document.getElementById() method. However, the input text field should be given an id.
For example:
< html>
< body>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function computeSquare(){
var x= document . getElementById( "integer" ). value;
alert ( x * x);
</ script>
< form >
Enter an Integer:< input type= "text" id= "integer" name= "myNumber" />< br/>
< input type= "button" value= "Compute Square" onclick = "computeSquare()" />
</ form >
</ body>
</ html>
The code should give you the following simple form upon execution:
Enter a number in the input field and click the Compute Square button.
This should return the square of the number in a popup box as shown below:
In the example, we have defined the computeSquare() method which helps us get the square of a
number entered in the input text field. Consider the following line:
var x= document . getElementById( "integer" ). value;
In the line, we have used the getElementById() method which takes the id of the input text field as the
argument. The method helps us get the value typed in the input text field using its id.
The document.getElementsByName() method can help us get an element by its name. The method
has the syntax given below:
document . getElementsByName( "name" )
The name is needed.
< html>
< body>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function getNumber()
var options= document . getElementsByName( "option" );
alert ( "Total Options:" + options. length);
</ script>
< form >
Yes:< input type= "radio" name= "option" value= "yes" >
No:< input type= "radio" name= "option" value= "no" >
< input type= "button" onclick = "getNumber()" value= "Available Options" >
</ form >
</ body>
</ html>
Upon execution, the code returns the following:
Click the Available Options button and see what happens. A popup window will be shown as
We have created two radio buttons with options Yes and No . Note that these two input types have
been given the same name, that is, option .
Consider the following line:
var options= document . getElementsByName( "option" );
The line helps us count the number of elements with the name option . This should be 2 as shown in
the output.
The document.getElementsByTagName() property returns the elements with the tag name which is
specified. It takes the syntax given below:
document . getElementsByTagName( "name" )
For example:
< html>
< body>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function allparagraphs(){
var pgs= document . getElementsByTagName( "p" );
alert ( "Total paragraphs are: " + pgs. length);
</ script>
< p> This is a paragraph</ p>
< p> This is a paragraph</ p>
< p> This is a paragraph</ p>
< p> This is a paragraph</ p>
< button onclick = "allparagraphs()" > Total Paragraphs</ button >
</ body>
</ html>
The code returns the following upon execution:
Click the button and see what happens. You will get the following:
What we have done is that we are creating a contact us form after the user has clicked a button. Note
that the html form has been generated within a div that we have created and given it the name area .
To identify the position, we have called the document.getElementById() method.
We can use this property to add a dynamic property into an HTML page. Note that when this property
is used, your text is interpreted as a normal text rather than as html content. A good application of this
is when you need to write the strength of a password based on its length, write a validation message
For example:
< html>
< body>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function validatePass() {
var message;
if ( document . form1. userPass. value. length> 5 ){
message= "good" ;
else {
message= "poor" ;
document . getElementById( 'area' ). innerText= message;
</ script>
< form name= "form1" >
< input type= "password" value= "" name= "userPass" onkeyup = "validatePass()" >
Strength:< span id= "area" > Pasword strength </ span>
</ form >
</ body>
</ html>
The code returns the following upon execution:
Just begin to type the password and see what happens to the text on the right of the input field as you
type. If you type less than 5 characters for the password, the message will change to poor as shown
Continue to type the password until you have more than 5 characters. You will see the message
change to good as shown below:
With JavaScript, we can animate elements. We can use JavaScript to move elements such as <img /> ,
<div> etc. on a page depending on an equation. The following are the common methods used for
animations in JavaScript:
1. setTimeout(method, time) - this method will call the method after sometime in
2. setInterval (method, time) - the method will call the method after time milliseconds.
With JavaScript, one can set some attributes of the DOM object such its position on the screen. The
position of the object can be set using top and left attributes.
This is demonstrated below:
// Set the distance from the left edge of the screen.
object. style. left = distance measures in points or pixels;
// Set the distance from the top edge of screen.
object. style. top = distance measures in points or pixels;
Manual Animation
In the following example, we will be animating the image towards the right:
< html>
< body>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
var image = null ;
function init(){
image = document . getElementById( 'myImage' );
image . style. position= 'relative' ;
image . style. left = '0px' ;
function moveImage(){
image . style. left = parseInt ( image . style. left) + 10 + 'px' ;
window . onload = init;
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
< form >
< img id= "myImage" src= "house.jpg" />
< p> Click the button to move the image </ p>
< input type= "button" value= "Move Image" onclick = "moveImage();" />
</ form >
</ body>
</ html>
You should use the correct name of your image in the following line:
< img id= "myImage" src= "house.jpg" />
In my case, I have a .jpg image named house . When I run the code, it returns the following:
Click the “Move Image” button. The image should move to the right with each click. This is shown
Consider the following line in the script:
image = document . getElementById( 'myImage' );
We are getting the image using its ID , then it is assigned to the image variable. The init() method
helps us set the initial position of the image on the window. The method will be called when the
window is being loaded. The moveImage() function will move the image towards the right by 10
pixels after every click. To move the image towards the left, the value should be set as negative. The
animation, in this case, is manual as we have to click a button.
Automated Animation
To automate the process of animating an element, we can use the setTimeout() function provided by
< script type= "text/javascript" >
var image = null ;
var animate ;
function init(){
image = document . getElementById( 'myImage' );
image . style. position= 'relative' ;
image . style. left = '0px' ;
function animateImage(){
image . style. left = parseInt ( image . style. left) + 10 + 'px' ;
animate = setTimeout ( animateImage, 20 );
function stopAnimation(){
clearTimeout ( animate);
image . style. left = '0px' ;
window . onload = init;
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
< form >
< img id= "myImage" src= "house.jpg " />
< p> Click the Animate button to launch animation</ p>
< input type= "button" value= "Animate" onclick = "animateImage();" />
< input type= "button" value= "Stop" onclick = "stopAnimation();" />
</ form >
The code returns the following upon execution:
Click the “Animate” button. The animation should start. When you click the Stop button, the
animation will stop.
The animateImage() method is calling the setTimeout method which sets the position of the image
after every 20 milliseconds. This will result in the animation of the image. The stopAnimation()
method helps in clearing the timer which is set by the setTimeout() method. The object, which is the
image, is set back to its initial position.
We can use a mouse image to rollover an image in JavaScript. Once you move the mouse over the
image, it will change to another image.
< html>
< body>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
if ( document . images ){
var img1 = new Image();
img1. src = "ps.jpg" ;
var img2 = new Image();
img2. src = "house.jpg" ;
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
< p> Move mouse over to rollover</ p>
< a href= "#" onMouseOver= "document.img.src=img2.src;"
onMouseOut= "document.img.src=img1.src;" >
< img name= "img" src= "nicsam.jpg" />
</ a>
</ body>
</ html>
We have used the if statement to check whether the image exists or not. We have the used the
Image() constructor so as to preload some new object named img1 . The same has also been done to
preload the second image, img2 . The src is given the name of the image stored externally. The #
helps to disable the link so that a URL is not opened once it is clicked. The method onMouseOver is
called once the mouse cursor is moved over the image. The onMouseOut method will be called once
the mouse cursor is moved out of the image.
Navigator Object
This object is used for detecting browsers. It can help get information about the browser in terms of
appName , userAgent , appCodeName etc.
The navigator object is a property of the window, and we can access it as follows:
window . navigator
It can also be accessed as follows:
Note that the output will depend on the kind of operating system, the browser you are using and other
Screen Object
This JavaScript object keeps information about the screen of the browser. You can use it to display
details of the screen such as the height , width , pixelDepth , colorDepth etc. It is a property of the
window object, hence we access as follows:
window . screen
We can also access it as follows:
The object has many properties including the following:
Page Printing
Sometimes, you may need to send the contents of a particular web page to a printer for printing. This
can be done by adding a button which users will have to click in order to print. This can be
implemented using the print method of window object. When the window.print() function is called,
the current page will be printed. The function can be called using onClick() event.
< html>
< body>
< form >
< input type= "button" value= "Print Page" onclick = "window.print()" />
</ body>
</ html>
Execute the script and you will see the following button:
Click the “Print Page” button. The page will be send to the printer for printing. You will be asked to
specify the various printing options.
Chapter 13- JavaScript Cookies
Cookies refer to the data kept in text files on a computer. During browsing, a web page is sent to the
user’s browser, and the web server forgets this. Cookies help in remembering information regarding
users. Once a user has visited a webpage, a cookie can help to store his name. The user will be
remembered the next time he visits the page. They are saved using name-value pairs as shown below:
username = John Joel
Once a user’s browser requests for a page from the server, the page’s cookies are added to the
request. The server will then all the information it needs to remember users.
Creating Cookies
The JavaScript document.cookie can be used for creation, deletion, and reading of a cookie.
document . cookie = "username=John joel" ;
An expiry date for the cookie can also be added in UTC . After closing a browser, the cookie
becomes deleted.
document . cookie = "username=John Joel; expires=Fri, 22 Feb 2019 12:00:00 UTC" ;
That is how you can specify the expiry date of a cookie. The path for a cookie can also be specified.
document . cookie = "username=John Joel; expires=Fri, 22 Feb 2019 12:00:00 UTC; path=/" ;
The following script demonstrates this:
< html>
< body>
< script type = "text/javascript" >
function CreateCookie()
if ( document . form1. field. value == "" ){
alert ( "Type a value" );
return ;
value= escape ( document . form1. field. value) + ";" ;
document . cookie= "name=" + value;
document . write ( "Creating Cookies: " + "name=" + value );
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
</ body>
</ html>
The code will return the following form after execution:
Type a name in the field then click the “Create Cookie” button. You should see the following:
The cookie will be created. You will then have a cookie with the name you typed in your computer. If
you need to create many cookies at once, separate them using commas.
Reading Cookies
Cookies can be rea using document cookie object. The cookie name is passed to the object. The
string may be used anytime you are in need of accessing the cookie. The string document. cookie
stores cookies in the form name=value pairs then separated using semicolons. The name represents
the name of the cookie, while the value denotes the string value.
With the split() function, one is able to break the string to get keys and values.
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function ReadCookies()
var cookies = document . cookie;
document . write ( "Cookies include: " + cookies );
Click the “Read Cookie” button. All cookies will be shown in the output.
Deleting Cookies
Sometimes, you may not need a cookie to be read. This calls for you to delete it. The deletion of an
array involves assigning to it an expiry date which is past the current date.
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function CreateCookie()
var time = new Date ();
time. setMonth( time. getMonth() - 1 );
value = escape ( document . form1. field. value) + ";"
JavaScript classes are a special type of JavaScript functions. Classes can be defined in the same way
as functions and function expressions.
A JavaScript class has many members, include methods or constructors. A JavaScript class is
executed in the strict mode. So any code with silent mistake or error will throw an error.
A class syntax is made up of two components:
Class declarations
Class expressions
Class Declarations
To declare a class, we use a class declaration. This is done using the class keyword followed by the
class name. the JavaScript naming conventions require that the name of a class should begin with an
uppercase letter.
Here is an example of a class declaration in JavaScript: < script>
//Declare a class
class Student
//Initialize an object
constructor ( admission, name)
this . admission= admission;
this . name= name;
//Declare a method
document . writeln( this . admission+ " " + this . name+ "<br>" )
//pass an object to the variable
var student1= new Student( 3380 , "John Joel" );
var student2= new Student( 102 , "Mercy George" );
student1. detail(); //call a method
student2. detail();
</ script>
The code returns the following upon execution:
We have created a class named Student . We have then initialized a constructor with two arguments,
admission and name . We have then created a method named detail() which should return the details
of the student, including the admission and the name.
Consider the following two lines extracted from the code:
What we are doing is known as instantiation . We are simply creating an instance/object of type S
tudent . This means that student1 is an instance of Student, hence he can access all the properties
defined within the Student class. This also applies to student2 . The details of each student have been
passed as arguments. We have lastly invoked the detail() method to return the details of each student.
Unlike the declaration of a function, the declaration of a class is not part of the JavaScript hoisting.
This means that you are expected to declare a class before you can invoke it.
This is demonstrated in the following example:
< script>
//Here, we invoke the class before we declare it.
var student1= new Student( 3380 , "John Joel" );
var student2= new Student( 102 , "Mercy George" );
student1. detail(); //call a method
student2. detail();
class Student
//Initialize an object
constructor ( admission, name)
this . admission= admission;
this . name= name;
//Declare a method
document . writeln( this . admission+ " " + this . name+ "<br>" )
//pass an object to the variable
var student1= new Student( 3380 , "John Joel" );
var student2= new Student( 102 , "Mercy George" );
student1. detail(); //call a method
student2. detail();
//Re-declaring class
class Student
</ script>
</ body>
</ html>
The above code will also not run as we have declared the class Student twice.
Class expressions
A class can also be defined using a class expression. In such a case, the class name is not mandatory.
This means that you can have a named or unnamed class expression. The class expression will allow
you to fetch the name of the class. However, a class declaration doesn’t allow this.
Here is an example of unnamed class expression:
< script>
var stud = class {
constructor ( admission, name) {
this . admission = admission;
this . name = name;
document . writeln( stud. name);
</ script>
Upon execution, the code will return the following:
The class has been assigned to a variable rather than being given a name.
With a class expression, it is possible for us to re-declare a class.
< script >
//Declare a class
var stud= class
//Initialize an object
constructor ( admission, name)
this . admission= admission;
this . name= name;
//Declare a method
document . writeln( this . admission+ " " + this . name+ "<br>" )
//pass an object to the variable
var student1= new stud( 3380 , "John Joel" );
var student2= new stud( 102 , "Mercy George" );
student1. detail(); //calling the method
student2. detail();
A class expression can be named. In such a case, the scope of the class name depends on the body of
the class. To retrieve the class name, we use the property . Consider the following
< script>
var stud = class Student {
constructor ( admission, name) {
this . admission = admission;
this . name = name;
document . writeln( stud. name);
An object in JavaScript is an entity with both state and behavior, that is, properties and methods. An
example of an object is a chair, a mouse, a keyboard, pen, etc.
JavaScript works based on objects. It treats everything as an object. It is template based rather than
being class based. Classes are not created to get objects, but we can directly create objects.
JavaScript provides us with three ways through which we can create objects. These include the
1. Using object literal
2. Creating an instance of the Object directly (via the new keyword)
3. Using an object constructor (via the new keyword)
The output clearly shows that the JavaScript interpreter is able to know what the syntax means, in that
the property comes first followed by the value. That is why it was able to get the values of the
properties we need to access.
Note that we have used the new keyword to create the object.
The following example demonstrates how we can create an object directly:
< script>
var stud= new Object ();
stud. admission= 3380 ;
stud. name= "John Joel" ;
stud. age= 28 ;
document . write( stud. admission+ " " + stud. name+ " " + stud. age);
</ script>
The code will print the following result:
JavaScript allows us to define a method in an object. But before we can define the method, we should
first define a property with the same name as the method.
The following example shows how we can define a method in an object:
< script>
function stud( admission, name, age){
this . admission= admission;
this . name= name;
this . age= age;
this . updateAge= updateAge;
function updateAge( newAge){
this . age= newAge;
s= new stud( 3380 , "John Joel" , 28 );
document . write( s. admission+ " " + s. name+ " " + s. age + "<br>" );
s. updateAge( 29 );
document . write( s. admission+ " " + s. name+ " " + s. age);
</ script>
The code will return the following result after execution:
We have defined the updateAge() method that helps us change the age of the student. In the example,
the age of the student has been updated from 28 to 29 .
JavaScript language works based on prototypes, allowing the objects to acquire features and
properties from each other. Here, every object has a prototype object.
After the creation of a function in JavaScript, the prototype property gets added to that function
automatically. The property is a prototype object holding the constructor property.
Here is the syntax for the creation of a prototype object in JavaScript:
ClassName. prototype . methodName
After creating an object, the functions that correspond to it are loaded into the memory. This means
that a new copy of a function for every object. Thus, all functions are loaded into the memory at once.
Prototype Chaining
Each JavaScript object has a prototype object that acquires methods and properties from it. A
prototype of an object may have a prototype object that can acquire methods and properties, and this
continues. We can see this as prototype chaining .
The following example demonstrates how we can add a new method to a constructor function:
< script>
function Student( firstName, lastName)
this . firstName= firstName;
this . lastName= lastName;
Student. prototype . fullName= function ()
return this . firstName+ " " + this . lastName;
var student1= new Student( "John" , "Joel" );
var student2= new Student( "Mercy" , "George" );
document . writeln( student1. fullName()+ "<br>" );
document . writeln( student2. fullName());
</ script>
The code returns the following result:
The fullName() function combines the firstName and the lastName to return the full name of the
Let us create another example that demonstrates how to add a new property to a constructor function:
< script>
function Student( firstName, lastName)
this . firstName= firstName;
this . lastName= lastName;
Student. prototype . school= "ABC"
var student1= new Student( "John" , "Joel" );
var student2= new Student( "Mercy" , "George" );
document . writeln( student1. firstName+ " " + student1. lastName+ " " + student1. school+ "<br>" );
document . writeln( student2. firstName+ " " + student2. lastName+ " " + student2. school+ "<br>" );
</ script>
The code should return the following result:
We have created a prototype for school and all students are inheriting it. That is why they belong to
ABC school .
Constructor Method
A constructor method is a special method in JavaScript used for initialization and creation of objects.
It is called after the allocation of memory to an object.
The constructor method is declared using the constructor keyword. A class can only have one
constructor method. The parent class constructor can be used via the super keyword.
The following example shows how to declare a constructor method:
< script>
class Student {
constructor () {
this . admission= 3380 ;
this . name = "John Joel" ;
var stud = new Student();
document . writeln( stud. admission+ " " + stud. name);
</ script>
The code will return the following result after execution:
Note that the constructor has a body denoted by curly braces {} . It is within the body of the
constructor that we have created and initialized the various properties.
As stated above, we can use the super keyword to call the constructor of the parent class.
Static Method
JavaScript provides us with static methods which only belong to the class but not to the class
instances. This means that we don’t need an instance to invoke a static method. We call these methods
directly on the class.
A static method is declared using the static keyword. The method can take any name. A JavaScript
class is allowed to have more than one static method. In case more than one static method is declared
using one name, then the last method will be invoked after a call. A static method can be called within
another static method using this keyword. A static method can be used for the creation of utility
Here is an example of a static method:
< script>
class StaticTest
static show()
return "Static method has been invoked"
document . writeln( StaticTest. show());
</ script>
The code will print the following after execution:
The show() method has been declared using the static keyword, which makes it a static method. Let
us see how one can invoke more than one static method:
< script>
class StaticTest
static show1()
return "Static method has been invoked"
static show2()
return "Static method invoked again"
document . writeln( StaticTest. show1()+ "<br>" );
document . writeln( StaticTest. show2());
</ script>
The code will return the following once executed:
We have created two static methods, show1() and show()2 . We have then invoked them to get the
result shown above.
We can create more than one static method with the same name and invoke them. This is demonstrated
class StaticTest
static show()
return "Static method has been invoked"
static show()
return "Static method invoked again"
document . writeln( StaticTest. show());
</ script>
A static method can also be invoked within a constructor. This is demonstrated below:
< script>
class StaticTest {
constructor () {
document . writeln( StaticTest. show()+ "<br>" );
document . writeln( this . constructor . show());
static show() {
return "Static method has been invoked"
var st= new StaticTest();
</ script>
The code returns the following result:
Encapsulation refers to the process of binding data together with the functions that act on that data. It
is a good way of controlling data and validating it.
To achieve this in JavaScript, you should make the data members private using the var keyword.
Setter methods can be used for setting the data while getter methods can be used for getting the data.
Consider the following example:
class Student
constructor ()
var name;
var score;
return this . name;
setStudentName( name)
this . name= name;
return this . score;
setScore( score)
this . score= score;
var st= new Student();
st. setStudentName( "John" );
st. setScore( 78 );
document . writeln( st. getStudentName()+ " " + st. getScore());
</ script>
The code will return the following result after execution:
Object . defineProperty( this , "score" ,{
get: function ()
return s_score;
set: function ( s_score)
this . s_score= s_score;
var st= new Student( "John" , 78 );
document . writeln( st. name+ " " + st. score);
</ script>
The code will print the following output:
With this JavaScript feature, we can create new classes that are based on the already existing classes.
It provides a child class with a way to use the methods and properties that belong to the parent class.
In JavaScript, inheritance is done using the extends keyword. With this keyword, we create a child
class that is based on the parent class. After that, the child class will be able to acquire the behavior
and properties of the parent class.
Inheritance maintains the IS-A relationship. Inheritance can also be achieved using a prototype-based
approach. Consider the following example where Current inherits Date :
< script>
class Current extends Date {
constructor () {
super ();
var c= new Current();
document . writeln( "Today is on:" )
document . writeln( c. getDate()+ "-" +( c. getMonth()+ 1 )+ "-" + c. getFullYear());
</ script>
The code will return the output shown below:
This shows that the method was able to successfully extract only the year part of the provided date.
Here is another example in which we are creating a sub-class to inherit from the parent class:
< script>
class Car
constructor ()
this . manufacturer= "Toyota" ;
class Model extends Car {
constructor ( name, year) {
super ();
this . name= name;
this . year= year;
var m = new Model( "Harrier" , "2012" );
document . writeln( m. manufacturer+ " " + m. name+ " " + m. year);
</ script>
The code returns the following result:
Let us demonstrate how prototype-based inheritance can be done, where we don’t have to use the
extends and class keywords:
< script>
//A Constructor function
function Car( manufacturer)
this . manufacturer= manufacturer;
This is a key feature of an object-oriented programming paradigm that makes it possible for one to
perform a single action in different ways. With polymorphism, we can invoke one method on various
JavaScript objects. JavaScript isn’t a type-safe language; hence members of any data type can be
passed with the methods. Consider the example given below:
< script>
class Parent
document . writeln( "Parent class invoked" );
class Child extends Parent
var ch= new Child();
ch. show();
</ script>
The code will return the following:
We can implement the same example but this time via a prototype-based approach. This is
demonstrated below:
< script>
function Parent()
Parent. prototype . show= function ()
return "Parent class invoked" ;
function Child()
Child. prototype = Object . create( Parent. prototype );
var p=[ new Parent(), new Child()]
p. forEach( function ( message)
document . writeln( message. show()+ "<br>" );
< script>
Chapter 15- Multimedia
JavaScript has the plugin's object which is a child of navigator object. It’s an array, and it comes
with some single entry for a browser plugin. Browsers such as firefox and Netscape support the use
of the navigator.plugins object.
Consider the script given below:
< table border= "1" >
< tr>
< th> Name of PLugin</ th>
< th> Filename</ th>
< th> Description</ th>
</ tr>
< script language= "JavaScript" type= "text/javascript" >
for ( x= 0 ; x< navigator . plugins. length; x++) {
document . write( "<tr><td>" );
document . write( navigator . plugins[ x]. name);
document . write( "</td><td>" );
document . write( navigator . plugins[ x]. filename);
document . write( "</td><td>" );
document . write( navigator . plugins[ x]. description);
document . write( "</td></tr>" );
</ script>
</ table>
Once executed, the script will show you a list of all plug-ins installed on your browser. Each plugin-
in is represented as an entry in the array. Each entry has the following properties:
With the above properties, one can determine the plugins which have been installed then use
JavaScript so as to play the necessary multimedia file.
< script language= "JavaScript" type= "text/javascript" >
vid = navigator . mimeTypes [ "video/quicktime" ];
if ( vid){
document . write( "<embed src=''
height= 110 width= 110 > ");
document . write( "<img src='img1.gif'
height= 110 width= 110 > ");
</ script>
The <embed> tag has helped us to embed some multimedia file.
With JavaScript, we are able to control multimedia.
< script type= "text/javascript" >
function playMedia()
if (! document . game. IsPlaying()){
document . game. Play();
function stopMedia()
if ( document . game. IsPlaying()){
document . game. StopPlay();
function rewindMedia()
if ( document . game. IsPlaying()){
document . game. StopPlay();
document . game. Rewind();
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
< form name= "form1" id= "form1" action= "#" method= "get" >
< input type= "button" value= "Play" onclick = "playMedia();" />
< input type= "button" value= "Stop" onclick = "stopMedia();" />
< input type= "button" value= "Rewind" onclick = "rewindMedia();" />
</ form >
Ensure that you add the URL to the location of your game. Execute the script and you will see the
buttons for Play, Stop and Rewind.
The example is capable of working on any browser.
Chapter 16- Error Handling
JavaScript is one of the loosely-typed languages that we have. It doesn’t have a compile time. Errors
normally occur during programming. You can attempt to access an undefined variable or function. The
errors are classified as syntax errors, runtime errors and logical errors. Let us discuss them.
Syntax Errors
In JavaScript, syntax errors occur during interpret time. They are also known as parsing errors .
Consider the sample script given below:
< script type= "text/javascript" >
window . print()
</ script>
JavaScript statement should end with a semicolon.
The “window.print()” statement doesn’t end with a semicolon, hence this will result in a syntax error.
If a statement has a syntax error, all statements in the same thread as this will be affected. The other
threads will be executed normally .
Runtime Errors
These are the exceptions raised during runtime. Execution occurs after interpretation.
< script type= "text/javascript" >
window . printFile();
</ script>
During interpretation, no error will be raised since the script has the correct syntax. However, an
exception will be raised during runtime as the script will call a method which is unknown, that is, the
printFile() method.
Logical Errors
These types of errors occur when you fail to implement the right logic in your script, meaning you
will not get the expected results. They can be hard for one to track. They don’t result from either
runtime or syntax errors. One cannot catch those types of errors since they depend on the business
logic to be implemented.
With JavaScript, you can handle errors and exceptions. When this statement is combined with the
throw , one can handle errors and exceptions more effectively. The statement has the syntax given
< script type= "text/javascript" >
try {
// your code
[ break ;]
catch ( ex ) {
// code to execute in case of exception
[ break ;]
[ finally {
// Code to execute whether the exception occurs or not.
</ script>
A try block should be followed by either catch or finally block. On the occurrence of the exception in
try block, an exception will be added to the ex, then catch block will be executed. The final block is
optional and it is unconditionally executed after the try/catch . Example:
< script>
function checkFunction() {
var check, val;
check = document . getElementById( "check" );
check. innerHTML = "" ;
val = document . getElementById( "field" ). value;
try {
if ( val == "" ) throw "empty" ;
if ( isNaN ( val)) throw "Enter a number" ;
val = Number ( val);
if ( val < 10 ) throw "too low" ;
if ( val > 20 ) throw "too high" ;
catch ( ex) {
check. innerHTML = "Your input is " + ex;
</ script>
In our case, we are using the try and catch to validate our input field. The input should be a number
ranging between 10 and 20. If this is not adhered to, an exception will be raised then handled by the
try and catch.
finally Statement
This statement specifies the code to be executed after a try and catch, and it must be executed
regardless of the result. The following is its syntax:
try {
Code for try
catch ( err) {
code for handling errors
finally {
code for finally
< script>
function checkFunction() {
var check, val;
check = document . getElementById( "check" );
check. innerHTML = "" ;
val = document . getElementById( "field" ). value;
try {
if ( val == "" ) throw "It is empty" ;
if ( isNaN ( val)) throw "Enter a number" ;
val = Number ( val);
if ( val > 20 ) throw "number too high" ;
if ( val < 10 ) throw "number too low" ;
catch ( ex) {
check. innerHTML = "Input " + ex;
finally {
document . getElementById( "field" ). value = "" ;
</ script>
The field value will cleared, which is implemented in the finally block.
Chapter 17- Regular Expressions
A regular expression refers to a pattern created by characters. JavaScript has a class named RegExp
which helps programmers work with regular expressions. With this class, one can perform pattern
matching, replace and search functions on some text.
To define a regular expression, we use the RegExp() constructor. This is demonstrated below:
regexpression = new RegExp( "the_pattern" , "flags" );
The parameter the_pattern is a string specifying the pattern of regular expression or any other regular
expression. The flags parameter is an optional string with either the "i" , "m" and "g" attributes
specifying case-insensitive, multi-line and global matches respectively.
Let us discuss the various methods for Regular Expressions in JavaScript.
This method will search a string for text matching the regexp. If a match is found, the results will be
returned in an array, otherwise, it will return null.
The method has the following syntax:
RegExpObject. exec( search_string );
The parameter search_string denotes the string that is to be searched for.
Consider the following example:
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var text = "JavaScript has a class named RegExp which helps programmers work with regular
expressions" ;
var reg = new RegExp( "express" , "g" );
We first searched for the string express which was found in the expressions . Secondly, we searched
for the string language and it was not found in our sentence.
This method searches a string for text matching the regexp. If a match is found, it will return a true ,
otherwise, it will return a false . The method has the syntax given below:
RegExpObject. test( search_string );
The search_string is the string that is to be searched.
Consider the following example:
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var text = "JavaScript has a class named RegExp which helps programmers work with regular
expressions" ;
var reg = new RegExp( "express" , "g" );
In the first test, a match was found, hence the output is true . In the second test, no match was found,
hence it returned a false .
This method searches for a string, similarly to indexOf() function except that it will take a regular
exception rather than a string. An integer is returned indicating the string position. Note that 0
indicates the beginning of a string, 7 will match the 8 th character, etc. If no match is found, then a -1
will be returned:
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var myString = "best1 Best2 BEST3" ;
var m= myString. search( /Best[0-9]+/ );
document . writeln( m)
</ script>
The scripts returns a 6 upon execution.
When used, this method will return the string representation of the regular expression in question in
regular expression literal form. The method takes the syntax given below:
RegExpObject. toString ();
The method then returns a string representation of your regular expression.
For example:
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var text = "JavaScript has a class named RegExp which helps programmers work with regular
expressions" ;
var reg = new RegExp( "express" , "g" );
var output = reg. toString ( text );
document . write( "First test returned: " + output);
reg = new RegExp( "/" , "g"
var output = reg. toString ( text );
document . write( "<br />Second test returned: " + output);
</ script>
The code will return the following result upon execution:
Chapter 18- Image Map
JavaScript can be used for the creation of a client side image map. To enable client-side image maps,
we use the usemap attribute of <img /> tag. We use the <area> and <map> extension tags to define
them. The image to form the map is inserted using the <img /> tag and a special attribute known as
usemap . The value for this attribute should match the value of the name attribute used in the <map>
element, and it should be preceded by a hash or pound sign.
The <map> tag creates a map for your image and it should come after the <img /> element. It will
form the container for <area /> elements defining the clickable hotspots. The <map> element has
only one attribute, name attribute, which is a name identifying the map. This helps the <img />
element know the <map> element which it is to use.
The coordinates and the shape of the clickable hotspots are defined using the <area> element.
Consider the following example:
< html>
< head>
< script type = "text/javascript" >
function showLanguage( name) {
document . form1. lang. value = name
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
< form name = "form1" >
< input type = "text" name = "lang" size = "20" />
</ form >
< img src = "/images/usemap.gif" alt = "Languages" border = "0" usemap = "#languages" />
< map name = "languages" >
< area shape= "poly"
coords = "74,0,113,29,98,72,52,72,38,27"
href = "perl.htm" alt = "Perl"
target = "_self"
onMouseOver = "showLanguage('Perl')"
onMouseOut = "showLanguage('')" />
</ head>
< body>
< p> Click the button given below for redirection </ p>
</ head>
< body>
</ body>
</ html>
After running the code, you will see the following message:
After the expiry of the 10 seconds, you will be redirected to the JavaScript website.
As we had stated earlier, page redirection can be done based on the browser of the user. The
following example demonstrates how this can be done:
< html>
< head>
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var browsertype = navigator . appName;
if ( browsertype == "Netscape" ) {
window . location = " " ;
} else if ( browsertype == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) {
window . location = " " ;
} else {
window . location = " " ;
</ script>
</ head>
< body>
</ body>
</ html>
The user will then be redirected based on the type of browser they are using. Note that we have used
decision making statement if to redirect the users to different pages.
This marks the end of this guide. JavaScript is a very powerful scripting language. JavaScript is an
interpreted scripting language. The language is normally executed on the client side. This makes it the
best language for validations during web development. Web developers use JavaScript to validate
their web forms for valid email addresses, phone numbers, and other details. JavaScript has changed
the way things are done. Initially, after filling a form, one had to submit it to the server so that it could
be checked for any anomalies. If anomalies were found, the server would return the form to the user
in order to correct the details. The user would then re-submit the details filled in the form. With
JavaScript, validation is done before the form can be submitted to the server. The user is able to
know any errors done while filling the form and correct them accordingly. This has made things easy
for users. JavaScript also allows you to create various effects that can be invoked by some of your
actions. Examples of these actions can be a hover of the mouse cursor, a press of a keyboard key,
loading of a web page, etc.