Domain Separation - ServiceNow Wiki
Domain Separation - ServiceNow Wiki
Domain Separation - ServiceNow Wiki
Domain Separation
Home > Administer > Security > Company and Domain Separation > Domain Separation
1 Overview
2 Data Separation
2.1 Domain Assignment
2.1.1 Domain Separation Restrictions
2.1.2 Assigning New Records to a Domain from a Business Rule
2.1.3 Assigning New Records to a Domain from a Module
2.1.4 Assigning New Records to a Domain from a Form Template
2.1.5 Assigning Related Records to a Domain Based on the Parent Record
2.1.6 Assigning Records to a Domain Based on the User's Domain
2.2 Domains Visible to Users in the Global Domain
2.3 Visibility Domains
2.4 Domain Scope
2.5 Selecting Record Values from Other Domains
2.6 Contains Domains
3 Delegated Administration
3.1 Determining the Domain Used for Delegated Administration
3.2 Example Delegated Administration with Domain Specific Policies
3.3 Example Delegated Administration with Domain Specific Applications and Modules
4 Domain Query Methods
4.1 Domain Paths
4.2 Legacy: Domain Numbering
5 Enhancements
5.1 Fuji
5.2 Eureka
5.3 Dublin
1 Overview
Domain separation is a way to separate data into (and optionally to separate administration by) logically-defined
domains. Domain separation is best for those customers who need to:
2 Data Separation
Members of a domain only see the data contained within their domain or the child domains that are lower in the
domain hierarchy. By default, all users and all records are members of the global domain unless an administrator
assigns them to a particular domain. Once you assign a user or a record to a domain, the instance compares the
user's domain to the record's domain to determine whether the user can view the record. For example, consider
the following domain hierarchy:
Sample Domain Hierarchy
Bow Ruggeri can see any records in the Database Atlanta or the global domain.
Don Goodliffe can see any records in the Database San Diego or the global domain.
David Loo can see any records in the NY DB or the global domain.
Fred Luddy, ITIL User, Beth Anglin can see any records in the Database, Database Atlanta, Database
San Diego, NY DB, or the global domain.
Note: Users in the global domain can see all records, regardless of the record's domain settings. If a
user is a member of another domain, then there is no single visibility setting that allows users to see
across domains or allows users to see records at a higher level in the hierarchy. See Visibility Domains
to change what domains a user can view.
Warning: Guest users must be part of the global domain.
Note: SeviceNow does not recommend domain separating platform tables such as the Dictionary Entry
[sys_dictionary] and Dictionary Entry Override [sys_dictionary_override] tables because doing so can
produce unexpected results.
The value of the sys_domain field contains the domain assigned to the record by any of the following:
Business rule
Form template
Parent record
User who creates the record
A change task record inherits the domain of the parent change request record.
A problem record inherits the domain of the parent incident record.
Related records inheriting the domain of the parent record is available starting with the Eureka release.
Note: While visibility is one method to allow users to access records, it is recommended that you use
Contains for more robust control. For more information on using Contains, see the Contains Domains
A sample set of domain separated incident records
You can add the Database domain as a Visibility Domain to the Bow Ruggeri's user record (Visibility Domains is
a related list on the user record). Then, Bow Ruggeri can access Don Goodliffe's incidents since he now has
visibility to the Database domain. If you remove the visibility domain, then Bow Ruggeri can no longer access
incidents in the Database domain.
Note: Granting users a visibility domain grants them all the rights they would normally have to the
record based on ACL rule permissions.
Users can also inherit visibility domains based on their group membership if you set the domain table to the
Group [sys_user_group] table. For example, as a member of the Database group, Don Goodliffe also
automatically gains the Database domain as a visibility domain. Group membership grants visibility to any
matching domain name.
Visibility domains granted by group membership
Note: Users always have access to data from domains that have been explicitly granted to them by
domain visibility.
Users with the domain_expand_scope user role can select the domain scope from the Toggle Domain Scope UI
action on the form. When record scope is in effect, click the UI action to expand to session scope and display all
data available based to the user's domain and child domains. When session scope is in effect, click the UI action
to collapse to record scope and display only data that matches the current record's domain.
Note: A record will not display the UI action to toggle the domain scope if the record is in the global
domain or if the user's domain matches the record's domain.
The option to select the domain scope is available starting with the Fuji release.
Selecting a record value from another domain does not change the record's domain. The record retains its
original domain. When a user views a record with values from multiple domains, the user's domain visibility
determines what they see.
When these conditions are met The user has access to these UI elements
The user has access to the domain of the The user can:
current record referenced in a field. See reference field display value. For example, sees
the user name in the Assigned to field.
See the related record from reference icon. For
example, sees the user record for the user in the
Assigned to field.
Select values from any visible domain. For example,
can select users from either the MSP and ACME
The user does not have access to the The user can:
domain of the current record referenced in See the reference field display value. For example,
a field. sees the user name in the Assigned to field.
Only select values from the record's domain. For
example, can only select user's from the ACME
The option to select values from visibility domains is available starting with the Fuji release.
Note: Visibility controls what a particular user can see, while Contains controls what an entire domain
of users can see.
3 Delegated Administration
Delegated administration allows administrators to set domain-specific policies. The policies set lower in the
domain hierarchy override policies set higher in the domain hierarchy. While in a domain, administrators can set
domain-specific versions of these global policies and settings:
Client scripts
System policies
Application and module names
Application roles
Module filters
When users have the admin role, then all policies in the instance are available to them regardless of the
assigned domain. They can enter a specific domain, and then only policies in that domain or higher are visible
and processed during a relevant transaction. When an administrator modifies a policy that is in a higher domain
or the global domain, the system automatically creates a new record for that administrator's current domain. It
does not modify the original policy, application, or module record. This new record overrides the original.
Note: To make changes to a policy in a lower-level domain, go into that domain and modify the policy.
This approach creates the new policy record in your domain that overrides the original, higher-level
policy record.
Do not simply make changes on the higher-level policy and then change the Domain field on that
policy. This approach does not create a new policy record in your lower-level domain, nor does it keep
the policy record for the higher-level domain.
The sys_overrides field indicates that a policy, application, or module at a lower level in the hierarchy overrides
a record at a higher level. The system automatically sets this field when an administrator attempts to modify
policy, application, or module at a higher level. Again, rather than actually changing the higher level record, the
attempted update is changed into an insert, and the sys_overrides field is set to indicate the higher level policy,
application, or module that is being overridden. Later when the records for a relevant transaction are loaded, the
overriding domain-specific policy, application, or module is used instead of the original.
In versions prior to Eureka, the user's domain determines what policies to apply unless configured to use the
record's domain. The user's domain takes precedence over the record's domain. If there are no policies in the
user's domain, delegated administration checks for policies in the next highest level of the domain hierarchy.
The search for domain policies continues up the domain hierarchy until reaching the global domain. If there
are no domain policies lower in the domain hierarchy, delegated administration uses the policies for the global
Note: When configured to use the record's domain instead of the user's domain, delegated
administration functions as described for Eureka for form loads and reference fields on those forms
only. If any transactions happen after the form load outside of reference field selections, the domain
reverts to the users domain.
The following screens illustrate changing assignment rules at various levels of a domain hierarchy. In this
hierarchy David Loo is in the Database domain and Don Goodliffe is in the Database/Database San Diego
domain. To begin, David Loo makes a change to the global assignment policy. Then Don Goodliffe also makes
a change to the same policy.
Initially, all assignment rules have a global domain as shown below:
If David Loo updates the assignment rule for Database or Software, the following list appears:
This time, the record being updated is at the same level in the domain hierarchy as the user, so the record is
simply updated with a more appropriate name. Here is the resulting rule. Notice that database incidents will
now be directly assigned to David.
If a new incident is created in the Database domain or lower in the hierarchy, the new rule is applied. It has
overridden the global assignment rule. If a new incident is created in the global domain or any other domain
not within the Database domain hierarchy, then the global rule applies.
In the following scenario, Don Goodliffe, in the Database/Database San Diego domain hierarchy, decides that
database incidents created in his domain should be assigned to him rather than to David Loo. As an
administrator, Don Goodliffe starts out with the following assignment policy:
Don Goodliffe's starting view of assignment rules
Notice that this level of the hierarchy starts out with the policy established at the parent level (the Database
domain). After changing the Database Specific Policy, the list look like this:
Again, the attempted update is changed automatically to an insert, and the override value is supplied to
indicate that the higher-level policy is being overridden. Here is the resulting rule; it shows that database
incidents created in the Database San Diego domain will be assigned to Don Goodliffe.
A database incident from the Database San Diego domain will be assigned to Don Goodliffe.
A database incident from the Database hierarchy other than Database San Diego will be assigned to
David Loo.
A database incident from any other domain, including global, will be assigned to the system
The above customizations all show changes to higher-level policy. However, new policy can also be created
any any level of the domain hierarchy.
During a transaction, the current user's domain normally determines the policy to load. For example when a
user in the Database domain updates an incident, the Database domain is used for business rules and
policies even if the incident record was originally created in the Database San Diego domain. By default, the
user's domain supersedes the record's domain.
There is a system setting that can change this behavior. If Using the Current Record's Domain Instead of
the Current User's Domain is set to true, then the above behavior is reversed. The domain of the record is
used to determine which policy to load, not the domain of the user. For example if a user in the Database
domain updates an incident that is in the Database San Diego domain, then the business rules and policy that
exist for Database San Diego are executed. The domain of the user still determines the records that are
visible to the user, and the domain of the user sets the domain for records that user creates, but is not a factor
in determining rules and policies.
As the administrator of the Database domain, David Loo decides to customize the Configuration application.
To start with, David reviews the modules available in the Configuration application module.
David decides to rename the Configuration application to CMDB and to allow the inventory_admin role to see
the application.
Sample domain-specific changes to the Configuration application
Next, David decides to change the Incident application by activating the Open - in "New" State module and
adding a new filter item to show open incidents in the Database category.
This creates a new module entry in the application rather than overwriting the existing module in the global
Domain-specific view of the Incident application
If another administrator from another domain, such as Fred Luddy, logs in and looks at the Configuration
application, he see the settings from the global domain.
The three-character codes that make up a path are not unique across a domain tree. Rather, the entire path
string itself is unique. For example:
Note: With three-character codes delimited by a single character in a path string of 255 total
characters, each node of the domain tree supports up to 216,000 child domains, and the maximum
depth of the tree is 63 levels.
5 Enhancements
5.1 Fuji
Domain separation allows users who can see multiple domains the ability to select the domain scope and
select record values from other domains without changing the record's domain.
The domain reference pickers provide access to all domains that the user has access to, regardless of
which domain the user is currently in.
The property glide.domain.strict_override is available to force the system to show overridden
records. When this property is set to true, records in the parent domain do not appear when an overridden
copy of the records exist.
The Domain Support - MSP Extensions plugin is named Domain Support - Domain Extensions.
5.2 Eureka
Users in the global domain can choose to view data from all domains or just the global domain.
Administrators have additional options to assign records to domains.
Delegated administration uses the record's domain when searching for policies.
5.3 Dublin
Two new properties are available to handle on-screen notifications that appear when the domain picker
automatically changes based on which domain the user is currently in:
glide.sys.domain.domain_change_notify: When enabled, a notification appears telling the
user that the domain picker automatically changed. The default value is true after administrators
add this property to the System Properties [sys_properties} table.
glide.domain.notify_record_change: When enabled, a notification appears telling the user
that the domain picker automatically changed because the record that the user is viewing changed
the domain in which the user is in. The default value is false after administrators add this property
to the System Properties [sys_properties} table.
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