01.4Ib.50011A Powlvac® Type M 63ka Ground & Test Device Manually Operated
01.4Ib.50011A Powlvac® Type M 63ka Ground & Test Device Manually Operated
01.4Ib.50011A Powlvac® Type M 63ka Ground & Test Device Manually Operated
Powered by Safety ®
PowlVac® Type M 63kA Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50011A
Manually Operated
Contact Information
Service Division
PO Box 12818
Houston, Texas 77217-2818
Tel: 713.944.6900
Fax: 713.948.4569
Powered by Safety®
As stated in ANSI Z535.4-2007, the signal word is For the purposes of this manual, a qualified
a word that calls attention to the safety sign and person, as stated in NFPA 70E®, is one who has
designates a degree or level of hazard seriousness. skills and knowledge related to the construction
The signal words for product safety signs are and operation of the electrical equipment and
“Danger”, “Warning”, “Caution” and “Notice”. installations and has received safety training to
These words are defined as: recognize and avoid the hazards involved. In
addition to the above qualifications, one must also
1. trained and authorized to energize,
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous deenergize, clear, ground, and tag circuits
situation which, if not avoided, will result in and equipment in accordance with
death or serious injury. established safety practices.
2. trained in the proper care and use of
personal protective equipment (PPE)
! WARNING such as rubber gloves, hard hat, safety
glasses or face shields, flash clothing, etc.,
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous in accordance with established safety
situation which, if not avoided, could result in practices.
death or serious injury. 3. trained in rendering first aid if necessary.
CAUTION, used with the safety alert symbol,
indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in minor or moderate
CAUTION, used without the safety alert
symbol, is used to address practices not
related to personal injury.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related
to personal injury.
Powered by Safety®
PowlVac® Type M 63kA Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50011A
Manually Operated
Powered by Safety®
Ch 1 General Information .................................................................................................1
A. Scope ................................................................................................................................................................2
B. Purpose .............................................................................................................................................................2
C. Instruction Bulletins Available Electronically .....................................................................................................2
D. Associated Instruction Bulletins .........................................................................................................................2
Ch 2 Safety ........................................................................................................................3
A. Safe Work Condition . ........................................................................................................................................3
B. Safety Guidelines ...............................................................................................................................................3
C. General .............................................................................................................................................................4
D. Specific ..............................................................................................................................................................4
E. Safety Labels .....................................................................................................................................................5
Ch 4 Installation ................................................................................................................12
A. Receiving . ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
B. Handling ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
C. Storage .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Ch 5 Operation ..................................................................................................................14
A. Grounding ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
B. Testing ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
1) High Voltage Measurement .................................................................................................................................................15
2) High Voltage Testing ..............................................................................................................................................................15
Ch 6 Maintenance ...........................................................................................................16
A. General .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
1) Lubrication ...............................................................................................................................................................................16
2) Inspection and Cleaning .......................................................................................................................................................16
Powered by Safety® i
PowlVac® Type M 63kA Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50011A
Manually Operated
Figure 1 PowlVac® Type M Ground & Test Device Front (doors closed) ........................7
Figure 2 PowlVac® Type M Ground & Test Device Rear View ........................................8
Figure 3 PowlVac® Type M Ground & Test Device Front (doors open) ..........................9
Figure 4 PowlVac® Type M Ground & Test Device, Lower Test Ports, Grounded ........10
Figure 5 PowlVac® Type M Ground & Test Device, Upper Test Ports, Grounded ........11
ii Powered by Safety®
Powered by Safety®
Ch 1 General Information
The equipment described in this document may contain high voltages and currents which can
cause serious injury or death.
The equipment is designed for use, installation, and maintenance by knowledgeable users of such
equipment having experience and training in the field of high voltage electricity. This document
and all other documentation shall be fully read, understood, and all warnings and cautions
shall be abided by. If there are any discrepancies or questions, the user shall contact Powell
immediately at 1.800.480.7273.
Before any adjustment, servicing, part replacement, or any other act is performed requiring
physical contact with the electrical working components or wiring of this equipment, the power
supply must be disconnected. Failure to follow this warning may result in injury or death.
The information in this instruction bulletin is not intended to explain all details or variations of the
Powell equipment, nor to provide for every possible contingency or hazard to be met in connection
with installation, testing, operation, and maintenance of the equipment. For additional
information and instructions for particular problems, which are not presented sufficiently for the
user’s purposes, contact Powell at 1.800.480.7273.
Powell reserves the right to discontinue and to change specifications at any time without incurring
any obligation to incorporate new features in products previously sold.
D. Specific
E. Safety Labels
Warning and Caution labels are located in
various places in and on the switchgear and
on the circuit breaker removable element.
Always observe these warnings and caution
labels. Do NOT remove or deface any of these
warning/caution labels.
Figure 1 PowlVac® Type M Ground & Test Device Front (doors closed)
a. Nameplate
b. Upper Access Door
c. Warning Label
d. Racking Crank Access Port
e. Lower Access Door
f. Door Handle
g. Ground Bar
h. Ground to Riser Connector
a. Lifting Hole
b. Upper Primary Disconnect Stab
c. Barrier
d. Lower Primary Disconnect Stab
e. Ground Connection
Figure 3 PowlVac® Type M Ground & Test Device Front (doors open)
a. Nameplate
b. Test Ports - Upper
c. Test Ports - Lower
d. Insulating Boot
e. Anti-Rollout Arm
Figure 4 PowlVac® Type M Ground & Test Device, Lower Test Ports, Grounded
a. Racking Arm
b. Phase Support
c. Test Port to Riser Connector
d. Riser Connector
e. Ground to Riser Connector
f. Wheel
Figure 5 PowlVac® Type M Ground & Test Device, Upper Test Ports, Grounded
Ch 4 Installation C. Storage
After the ground and test device has been 1. Equipment designed for indoor installation
removed from its shipping pallet it may be must be stored indoors in a climate
rolled on its own wheels on a level surface. controlled environment to prevent
This is the preferred way of handling the condensation of moisture. Exposure to rain
ground and test device. When rolling the and the elements, even for a short period,
device it should be pushed and steered by the can permanently damage the equipment.
steel frame or the front cover. Space heaters within the equipment should
be energized, if so equipped. Humidity
controlling desiccant materials should
! CAUTION be utilized when space heaters are not
provided or cannot be energized. The
Do not handle or move the ground and test temperature should be kept above 33°F/1°C
device by the primary disconnecting devices, and below 140°F/60°C. The relative
as damage may occur. humidity should be kept below 60% or a
dew point of 15°C/59°F. The equipment
If necessary, the ground and test device can be should be stored in such a manner as
moved by a fork lift truck or an overhead crane. to leave all doors and panels accessible
When using a fork lift truck take care to avoid for inspection. The equipment must be
components located under the circuit breaker inspected on a routine basis to assure
floor plan. The forks on the truck should be set operational integrity.
for a dimension over the forks of 28 inches. The
forks should then ride under the wheel axles.
The device can also be lifted by an overhead
crane using the two lifting points which have
been provided for hooks at the top of the
frame side sheets (Figure 2, a)
2. Equipment designed for outdoor exposure However, even though it is assumed that the
may be stored either in indoor or outdoor G&T device was stored properly, it should be
storage locations. The equipment must carefully inspected and maintained before
be protected from airborne external each use.
contaminates if stored outdoors. Outdoor
storage will also require additional care The following procedure is recommended
to maintain temporary covers over before each use of the G&T device. The
the openings and shipping splits. The manufactures’ instruction manual must be
equipment must be provided with control followed for specific guidance.
power to facilitate the energization of
space heaters, as well as other temperature 1. All insulating surfaces, including but not
and humidity controlling equipment. The limited to the primary support insulation,
temperature should be kept above freezing voltage probes, and isolation barriers,
(>33°F/1°C) and below (<140°F/60°C). The should be clean and dry.
relative humidity should be kept below 2. All primary circuits, including riser
60% or a dew point of 15°C/59°F. The connections, should be clean and tight.
equipment should be stored in such a 3. All primary and ground disconnect contacts
manner as to leave all doors and panels should be clean, with the correct contacts
accessible for inspection. The equipment in place and properly lubricated.
must be inspected on a routine basis to 4. All locks and interlocks should be fully
assure its integrity. functional in accordance with the
3. The auxiliary control devices, ship loose instruction manual of the G&T device.
material and protective relays must also 5. A 1 min. power frequency voltage
be protected. This includes items such as withstand test should be conducted on the
battery chargers, UPS systems, lighting, complete G&T device in accordance with
installation hardware and air conditioning. 7.4.2, except at 75% of the rated values.
If prolonged storage is anticipated,
humidity controlling desiccant materials Note: Field tests may be conducted with
should be utilized. Desiccant packets dc voltage sources provided that the
should be installed in all compartments and instantaneous dc voltage is no more
packing containers. than 1.414 times 75% of the normal
frequency withstand ac rms voltage
If the device is stored for any length of time, listed in Table 1 of IEEE Std C37.20.2-
it should be inspected periodically to see that 1999.”
rusting has not occured and to ensure good
mechanical condition. Should the device Table B Field Dielectric Test Values
be stored under unfavorable atmospheric Rated Maximum Voltages Power Frequency
conditions, it should be cleaned and dried out (kV rms) Withstand (kV)
before being placed into service. 14.25kVAC (preferred)
20kVDC (optional)
As stated in IEEE C37.20.6-2007, §9.5, “Ground 15
27kVAC (preferred)
and test devices are used infrequently and 38kVDC (optional)
therefore are stored for long periods of time.
They should be stored in a clean, dry area,
free from dust, dirt, moisture, and the like.
! CAUTION Do NOT remove the test port insulating boots
Because of the construction of bus while the device is in the “CONNECTED”
sectionalizing units, upper units in two-high position. This may cause serious injury or
equipment and other special types of death.
construction, it is NOT possible to make a
general statement about which set of primary 3. Remove the test port insulating boot from
disconnects is connected to the switchgear the test port that will be tested.
main bus and which is connected to the 4. With the grounding bus disconnected and
outgoing conductors. Before using the with the access door or doors closed, insert
ground and test device, the operator must the ground and test device into the breaker
determine the physical location of the primary compartment. With the compartment door
disconnects to be grounded or tested. This can open, rack the device into the connected
be determined by referencing the equipment position.
drawings or by examining the equipment. 5. Open the access door over the test ports
connected to the terminals to be grounded.
A. Grounding Using a high voltage voltmeter and test
probe rated for the system voltage, or
another safe voltage measuring method,
! WARNING verify that the three terminals to be
grounded are not energized. In a six stab
Do NOT attempt to use the PowlVac® Type application, the appropriate top or bottom
M Ground & Test Device to ground an access door to the energized ports which
energized circuit. An attempt to do so will will not be grounded shall be locked or
result in severe damage to the device and the tagged for safety.
switchgear in which it is being used, and may 6. Rack the ground and test device to the
result in serious injury to operating personnel. disconnected position.
7. Bolt the “riser connector” (Figure 4, d) to the
To ground a circuit, follow these steps: “ground to riser connector” (Figure 4, e) and
the “test port to riser connector”
1. Deenergize the circuit to be grounded. If (Figure 4, c) using hardware provided.
there are power sources to this circuit other Using the hardware provided, bolt the
than the circuit breaker where the ground “phase support” (Figure 4, b) to the “riser
and test device is to be used, the switching connector” (Figure 4, d) to 50 ft.-lbs.
devices at these alternate sources shall be
locked or tagged open in accordance with
8. Rack the ground and test device into the 2) High Voltage Testing
connected position. The circuit is now
grounded. a. If the testing to be done involves
9. To remove the ground, rack the device to application of test voltages, such as for
the disconnect position and remove it from high potential testing (hipot):
the compartment. b. Ensure that the circuit to be tested
is deenergized. If there are power
B. Testing sources to this circuit other than the
circuit breaker where the ground and
1) High Voltage Measurement test device is to be used, the switching
devices at these alternate sources shall
The ground and test device may be used to be locked or tagged open in accordance
gain access to switchgear connections for with the user’s standard safety
high voltage testing. Follow these steps: procedures to ensure that they will not
be closed during the testing operation.
a. Following site specific work instructions c. Verify that the circuit is deenergized.
and/or operating procedures, Open the access door over the test
remove the circuit breaker from the ports connected to the terminals
compartment to be tested. to be tested. Using a high voltage
b. Remove the test port insulating boot voltmeter and test probe rated for the
from the test port that will be tested. system voltage, or another safe voltage
measuring method, verify that the
three terminals to be tested are not
! WARNING energized. In a six stab application, the
appropriate top or bottom access door
Do NOT remove the test port boots while the
to the energized ports which will not be
device is in the “CONNECTED” position. This
grounded shall be locked or tagged for
may cause serious injury or death.
d. Attach the test power leads to the
c. With the riser bus disconnected and appropriate test ports and conduct
removed, and with the access door or tests.
doors closed, insert the ground and test e. When testing is completed:
device into the breaker compartment. 1. Remove the ground and test device
With the compartment door open, rack from the CONNECTED position to
the device into the connected position. the TEST position.
d. If the testing to be done involves 2. Remove the test power leads.
measurement of system voltages, 3. Reinstall the test port boots.
such as verifying the proper phase 4. Close access door or doors.
relationship between circuits on the
two sides of the device:
1. Open the necessary access doors.
2. Using proper high voltage
instrumentation and observing
all safety rules, make the desired
June 2014