IS360 Assignment 1 Name: Instructions:: Risk/Threat Correct Solution Solutions/Preventative Actions

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IS360 Assignment 1


This assignment is worth 10 points. Below is a table of risks and threats associated with the seven
domains of a typical IT infrastructure as discussed in Chapter 1 of your textbook. Match the correct
solution to the threat.

Risk/Threat Correct Solution Solutions/Preventative Actions

1.  Security policy violation A. Implement encryption between workstation and WAP to
maintain confidentiality.
2.   Compromised B. Encrypt the data on the hard drive if the user has access
confidentiality of data to private or confidential data. Apply real-time lockout rules
transmissions via when told of a lost or stolen laptop by a user.
3.   Unauthorized network C. Place employee on probation, review acceptable use
probing and port policy (AUP) and employee manual, and discuss status
scanning during performance reviews.
4.   IP router, firewall, and D. Apply filters on exterior Internet Protocol (IP) stateful
network appliance firewalls and IP router wide area network (WAN) interfaces.
operating system
software vulnerability
5.   Private data or E. Develop a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy and
confidential data procedure. BYOD policies and procedures typically permit
compromised remotely the organization to data-wipe the user’s smartphone or
mobile device if it is lost or the employee is terminated.
6.   A mobile worker’s F. Implement virtual firewalls and server segmentation on
laptop may be stolen separate virtual LANs (VLANs). A virtual firewall is a
software-based firewall used in virtual environments.
7.   Infection of a user’s G. Define a strict zero-day vulnerability window definition.
workstation or laptop Update devices with security fixes and software patches
computer by viruses, right away.
malicious code, or
8.  Insecure cloud H. Disable ping, probing, and port scanning on all exterior IP
computing virtual devices within the LAN-to-WAN Domain. Ping uses the
environments by Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo-request and
default echo-reply protocol. Disallow IP port numbers used for
probing and scanning and monitor with IDS/IPS.
9.  Downtime of IT systems I. Track and monitor abnormal employee behavior, erratic
for an extended period job performance, and use of IT infrastructure during off-
after a disaster hours. Begin IT access control lockout procedures based on
AUP monitoring and compliance.
10. Attacks on the J. Develop a disaster recovery plan (DRP) specific to the
organization or acts of recovery of mission-critical applications and data to maintain
sabotage by operations.
disgruntled employees
11. Vulnerable to DoS, K. Encrypt all confidential data within the database or hard
DDoS, TCP SYN drive.
flooding, and IP
spoofing attacks
12. Employees and users L. Use workstation antivirus and malicious code policies,
want to use their own standards, procedures, and guidelines. Enable an
smartphone or tablets automated antivirus protection solution that scans and
updates individual workstations with proper protection.

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