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Automatic transmission
320/6 A
323 i A *)
2400 ... Transmission, general
N "T'I c..I :::t "0
Make/designation ZF/3 HP - 22
Transmission number 1043 000058 I 1043 000 059
Code letter on type plate C I 0
Mechanical ratios -
1st 2.478 :1
2nd 1.478 :1
3rd 1.000' :1
Reverse 2.090 :1
Speedometer drive 2.500 :1
Oil grade For approved grades of automatic transmission fluid (ATF), see
Service Information Group 24 (automatic transmission)
Total oil content of new or I (Imp. 5.7 + 0.4
exchange transmission (in- pints, US (10.0 + 0.7, 6.0 + 0.42
eluding oil cooler) quarts
Initial content of new or I (Imp. 2.4 (4.2, 2.5)
exchange transmission pints, US
quarts) *) Version for Sweden
Automatic transmission
323 i A~)
320/6 A
2.0 (3.5, 2.1)
2400 ... Transmission, general - (continued)
Quantity to be added during I (Imp.
oil changes (transmission at pints, US
normal operating temperature, quarts
handbrake applied, selector
lever in 'P' position, engine
stopped). Add 1 Iiter(1.75 Imp.
pints, 1.05 US quarts), then
run engine atidle speed and
continue to add oil until two-
thirds up the space between the
two dipstick marks)
Quantity of oil represented by
space between dipstick marks I (Imp. pints, US quarts)
app.O.4 (0.7,0.42)
Towing away
- up toa distance of
km (miles)
50 (31)
- permissible. max. speed
km/h (mile/h)
dista.nces above 50 km (30 miles)
50 (31)
*) Version for Sweden
1) Add 1 liter (1.75 Imp. pints, 1,05 US quarts) of ATF to the specified content of the transmission, or else detach and tie up the propeHer shaft at the final drive. After the vehicle has been repaired, do not forget to reduce the ATF content of the transmission to the correct level.
Automatic transmission
Specification s
320/6 A
323 i A *)
2400 ... Upward shift points1)
Selector lever position '0'
1 st - 2nd gear
Full-throttle accelerator position
Shift paint at:
Engine speed 1/min 4300 ± 380 4260 ± 380
speed km/h (mile/h) 49 ± 5 (30.4 ± 3 .. 1) 51 ± 5 (31.7 ± 3.1)
Selector lever position '0'
1st - 2nd gear
Kickdown accelerator position
Shiff point at:
Engine speed 1/min 5850 ± 330 5820 ± 330
Road ,
speed km/h (mile/h) 68 ± 4 (42.3 ± 2.5) 72 ± 4 (44.7 ± 2.5)
Selector lever position '0'
2nd - 3rd gear
Full-throttle accelerator position
Shift point at:
Engine speed 1/min 5240 ± .230 5220 ± 230
., Road speed km/h (mile/h) 101 ± 5 (62.8 ± 3.1) 107 ± 5 (66.5 ± 3.1) *) Version for Sweden
1) Check on a flat, level. surface; speed data disregard speedomete.r error
o ..... Ul
N "'"
o .... en
Automatic transmission
320/6 A
323 i A ~)
2400 •.• Upward shift points1) (continued)
Selector lever posiition '0' 21nd - 3rd gear
Kickdown accelerator position Shift point at:
Engine speed
120 ± 5 (74.6 ± 3.1)
5860 ± 230
5830 ± 220
114 ± 5 (70.9 ± 3.1)
Road speed
km/h (mile/h)
2400 ... Downshift points2)
Selector lever position '0'
(3rd - 2n d gear)
Full·,throttle accelerator pestlen
Shift point at:
Engine $,peed llmin 3160 ± 140 3130 ± 140
R,oad speed km/h (mile/h) 81 ± 5 (50.3 ± 3.1) 85 ± 6 (52.8 ± 3.7)
Selector lever position '0'
(3rd - 2ndglear) ,
Kickdown accelerator position
Shift polnt at:
Engine speed llmin 3950± 1150 3900 ± 150
Road speed km/h (mile/h) 109 ± 5 (67.7 ± 3.1) 115 ± 5 (71.5 ±3.1) *) Version for Sweden
1) Check on flat, level road; speed data disregard speedometer error
2) Downshift point cannot be exceeded -
N :...
Automatic transmission
320/6 A
323 i A *)
2400 ... Downshift poi nts ") (continued)
Selector lever position '0'
(2nd - 1st gear)
Kickdown accelerator position
Shift point at:
Engine speed 1/min 3490 ± 190 3430 ± 190
Road speed km/h (mile/h) 62 ± 5 (38.5 ± 3.1) 66 ± 5 (41.0 ± 3.1)
Downshift point from 3rd to 2nd gear
- manual lever movement -
Shift point at:
Engine speed 1/min 3500 ... 4000
Road speed km/h (mile/h) 110 ... 122 116 ... 129
(68.4 ... 75.8) (72.1 ... 80.2)
Downshift point from 2nd to 1st gear
- manual lever movement -
Shift point at:
Engine speed 1/min 2800 ... 3450
. Road speed km/h (mile/h) 6'1 ... 72 64 ... 76
(37.9 ... 44.7) (39 .. 8 ... 47.2) , ~) Version for Sweden
1) Downshift point cannot be exceeded
Automatic transmission
323 i A *)
320/6 A
24 DO ... Main pressures
Main pressure (gauge)
in selector Iever position 'R' Idle speed
12.5 ... 14.5 (178 ... 206)
17.3 19.4
(246 276)
16.5 18.3
(235 260)
in selector lever posltlons 0, 2, 1, P and N
Idle speed
5.5 ... 6.4 (78 ... 91)
7.6 8.5
(108 121)
7.2 8.0
(102 114)
2430 ... Control unit Adjustment setting between control unit housing and needle
on throttle pressure plunger mm (in)
2440 ... Torque converter
11,5 (0.45)
Torque converter diameter mm (in) 240 (9.44)
Color code (paint spot) blue yellow
Stall speed llmin 2270 2060
Starting ratio 2.36 2.06
, *) Version for Sweden
Automatic transmission
320/6 A ~
323 i A *J
2400 ... Transmission, ge,neral
Tightening torques
Transmission to engine. M 12 X 60 mm
Nm kpm Ib.tt
78 86
8 8.8
58 63
Transmission extension to main transmission housing (M 8)
2411 ... Transmission housing with cover
Nm kpm Ib.ft
23 26
2.3 2.6
17.0 19.2
Cover plate at converter dome, M 6 X 16 mm
Nm kpm Ib.ft
8 9
0.8 0.9
5.9 6.6
Converter dome to transmission (M 8)
Nm kpm Ib.ft
23 26
2.3 2.6
17.0 19.2
Screw plug at intermediate plate M 10 X 1 mm
Nm kpm Ib.tt
15 17
1.5 1.7
11.1 12.5
Oil pan to transmission (M 6)
Nm kpm Ib.ft
8 9
0.8 0.9
5.9 6.6
~ *) Version for Sweden
o <,
I\,) J:>
~ Automatic transmission
320/6 A
323 i A *)
Tightening torques (continued)
24 11 ... Transmission housing with cover (continued)
Oil drain plug in oil pan, M 10 x 1 mm
Nm kpm Ib.tt
15 17
1.5 1.7
11.1 12.5
Oil filler tube at oil pan
Nm kpm Ib.ft
100 115
10.2 11.7
74 85
Oi.1 fiille;r tube at converter dome, M 6 x 16 mm
Nm kpm Ib.ft
8 9
0.8 0.9
5.9 6.6
Screw plug at transmission, M 18 x 1.5 mm
Nm kpm Ib.ft
40 46
4.1 4.7
29 34
2412 ... Speedometer drive bushing
Hex bolt tor speedometer bushing
Nm kpm Ib.ft
10 11
1.0 1.1
7.4 8.1
2421 .... Transmissionsha.fts
Shouldered nut for output shaftl
output flange Nm
kpm Ib.ft
100 115
10.2 11.7
74 85
0) Version for Sweden
'" Automatic transmission
Tightening torques (continued)
2430 ... Control unit
Machine screw (Torx screw), M 5,
on control unit Nm
Control, unit to transmission (M 6) Nm
2431 ... Oil pump
Oil pump attachment (M 6) Nm
2432 ',' . Speed-controlled governor
Governor flange to transmission
housing (M 8) Nm
N kpm
"T1 Ib.ft
:I: Threaded rod at centrifugal
"tI governor (M 6) Nm
~ kpm
Hex nut at threaded rod Nm
Hex bolt on centrifugal governor
(M 6) Nm
I\) kpm
"'" Ib.1t
...... *) Version for Sweden
... Specifications
320/6 A
323 i A *)
6 7
0.6 0.7
4.4 5.2
10 ' 11
1.0 1.1
7.4 8.1
10 11
1.0 1.1
7.4 8.1
15 17
1.5 1.7
11.1 12.5
3 ... 3.5 0.3., .. 0.36 2.2 ... 2.6
9 10
0.9 1.0
6.6 7.4
10 11
1.0 1.1
7.4 8.1
Automatic transmission
~M_O_d_e_I _J 3_2_0_/6 __ A r==
Tightening torques (continued)
2440 ... Torque converter
323 i A .)
Torque converter to driving disc, M 8 x 12 mm
Nm kpm Ib.ft
25 27
2.5 2.7
18.4 19.9
2451 ... External shift mechanism components
Selector lever to transmission, M8x1mm
Nm kpm Ib.ft
8 10
0.8 1.0
5.9 7.4
2471 ... Transmission mountings
Cross-member to body (M 8)
Nm kpm Ib.n
43 48
4.4 ,4.9
32 35
22 24
2.2 2.4
16.2 17.7
Rubber mountmqs to cross-member (M 10)
Nm kpm Ib.ft
43 48
4.4 4.9
32 35
Rubber mounting to transmission (M 10)
Nm kpm Ib.ft
.) Version for Sweden
Power flow diagram - 3 HP 22 1st gear
Clutch A is engaged. On traction the planetary gear carrier bears against freewheel 3; on the overrun it turns freely on the freewheel.
With the selector lever in position 1, clutch 0 is also engaged to permit engine braking.
2nd gea.r
Clutches A, C' and C are engaged. Freewheel 3 is overrun. The hollow shaft with sun wheel is blocked.
3rd gear
Clutches A, Band C are engaged. Freewheels 2 and 3 are overrun. The complete planetary gear set turns as a unit i.n the ratio 1 :1.
Reverse gear
Clutches Band 0 are engaged. By locking the planetary gear carrier, the direction of rotation of the output. shaft is reversed.
~ ~11'rI~~
2 3
2 3
ZF 3 HP-22
323 24 010
The 3 HP-22 transmission is fully automatic. It has a torque converter and Simpson planetary gear train.
P Neutral
R Reverse
N Neutral
o 1st, 2nd and 3rd gears
21st and 2nd gears - 3rd gear locked out 1 1st gear - 2nd and 3rd gears locked out
In selector lever position P the transmission output shaft is locked mechanically by the parking pawl.
R = Reverse gear
The engine must be started with the selector lever in position N or P. No power is transmitted to the rear wheels.
The lever should remain in position D under normal driving conditions in order to obtain the best possible fuel consumption.
The transmission can be made to change down early by operating the kickdown control with the accelerator pedal.
Selector lever position 2 prevents undesirable upward changes from 2!,d to 3rd gear on hills. In addition, engine braking is improved.
Selector position. 1 is pa.rticularly suitable for continuous engine braking effect on severe gradients.
The selector lever may be moved to position 1 or 2 at any road speed. The transmission will then no longer change up into the next higher gear.
The torque converter operates as a fluid eoupling and a means of multiplying output torque. The pump wheel or impeller P turns at the same speed as the engine and directs the oil clockwise into turbine wheel (T), When a gear is engaged the turbine wheel with the input shaft Is connected by way of the clutches to the planetary gear train . .As engine speed increases, the shape of the turbine wheel blades causes the oil to be diverted in an anti-clockwise direction from the turbine wheel into the rotor (L), which is prevented from turning against the direction of engine rotation by a' freewheel. From here the oil is conducted with a minimum of disturbance back to the pump wheel. The back pressure caused by changing the direction of flow produces an increase in torque. Maximum torque multiplication occurs when the vehicle is standing still, the pump wheel is driven by the engineatfull throttle and the oil is attempting to bring the stationary turbine wheel into motion.
As road speed increases, the difference in speeds of rotation between the pump and turbine wheels falis, until the so-called lock-up point is reached at a ratio of 1 :1. At this point the rotor ceases to be locked against the freewheel and begins to run forwards in the oil flow and the vehicle begins to overrun and attempts to turn the engine. The torque converter functions as a straightforward fluid coupling. On the overrun this means that the braking effect of the engine can be partially exploited.
The primary pump is driven from the torqtle converter at engine speed. Its function is to supply oil to' the converter, the control unit and the clutches.
ZF 3 HP-22
Key to hydraulic control circuit diagram The main pressure valve determines the pressure level in the control unit. As soon as the control unit is filled with oil, the oil supply passage to the converter is opened. As the flow rate increases, excess oill is returned to the intake passage of the primary pump.
The converter pressure valve prevents excess pressure from building up in the converter. The selector slide valve is operated mechanically from the selector lever. It directs the oil pressure in the control unit to the approp:riate circuits for the desired gear :ratios.
The regulator determines the shiH points with the shift valves in accordance with throttle valve pressure. The regulato,r pressure is developed in proportion to output shaft speed of rotation.
Neither upward nor downward shifts can take place if the regul,ator plunger or bushiing is blocked or seizes. Clean the requlator (see 2432503).
The throttle pressure valve is connected to the throttle cable and determines the shift points, depending on the position of the throttle butterflies.
The shut-off valves .initiate down-shifts through the gears, independently 'of throttle butterfly position. In addition, the shut-off valves prevent further automatic gear shifts when the selector lever is in position 1 or 2.
The selector valves determine the gear selected. As soon as spring pressure i:n the selector valve is overcome by regula,tor pressure, the oi'l supply can reach the clutch valves and engage the relevant clutches .. When the kickdown mechanism is operated, spring: pressure is reinforced by throttle pressure. This means that the engine must reach a higher speed before the regulator pressure can overcome the combined spring and throttle pressure,
The clutch valves and dampers are intended to make gear shifts as smooth as possible.
2400004 Floor selector lever, throttle linkage and throttle cable - adjusting
A) Adjusting gear shift
Before adjusting, check firm seating of pivot mount.
The selector rod (1) must be connected to the unmarked hole in selector lever (3). Detach the shift rod (1) from the shift lever lower section (2).
Engage the selector Illever (3) on the transmission in posttlon N.
Press shift lever (4) a.gainst stop (5) on the gate.
Alter the length of the shift rod (1) until pin (6) is aligned with the hole in the lower part of the shift rod (2).
Now shorten the shift rod (6) by 1 to 2 turns at pin (6). Attach shift rod and secure.
Note: If car has air conditioning, underlay blocks (7) must be installed between the pivot mount and the floor plate, and shift rod (1) must be connected to hole K in selector lever (3).
N 0 2 7
1.4 On 31.3
wot (3).
B) Adjusting the throttle cable
Check length of pull rod (1). L = 165.5 ± 0.5 mm (6.516 ± 0.020 in).
Check throttle operation: roller (R) on the accelerator cable lever must be touching the running surface (F) of the gate lever (K). Free travel before the throttle butterfly lever is moved must not exceed 1.5 mm (0.06 in).
If this is not the case, move the throttle actuating mechanism along in its slots (L). The throttle cable must be free from stresses in the idle position.
Play at nipple'S' = 0.5 mm (0.02 in).
With the engine idling (throttle butterfly lifter rai.sed), adjust play (Z) to 0.25 .•. 0.75 mm (0.010 ... 0.030 in) with nuts (2). The cable must not hang down slack when this is done. Slacken nut (3). Screw in the kickdown stop (4).
Oepress the accelerator pedal (5) until the fuU-throttle position is obtained (pressure point at transmission). In this position, unscrew the kickdown stop until it is touching the accelerator pedal.
Depreas the accelerator pedal (5) fully, to the kickdown position. The distance (Z) from the lead block (6) tothe end of the wire cable outer sheath (7) must now be atleast 45 mm (1.77 in).
(ii' <D Q, ::---
';";' ,?,
3 3
o N
24 00 009 Hydraulic pressures - checking Attach the 24 0 000 tester or 13 3 061 tog1ether with hose 24 0 021 to the door window.
Connect tester 24 0 000 or 13 3 061 in conjunction with hose 240021, and check pressure values.
1 Main pressure:
adapter 24 0 022 and elbow 24 0 0.23 2 Clutch A:
Disconnect Selector Accelerator
accelerator lever cable
cable, engine position position
speed 1 500 rnin "!
Main pressure") R Brake pedal
(gauge) applied, handbrake on
1. Idle speed
2. Kickdown
Main pressure') 0,2,1, P, N Brake pedal
appUed, handbrake on
1. Idle speed
2. Kickdown 1) See specifications
ZF 3 HP-22
When installing: Restore autornatle transmission fluid level with the transmission at normal operating temperature, the selector lever in position P and the ,engine runni,ng at idle speed.
The car should stand en a flat, level surface. If the transmission is at normal operating temperature, the oil level must be between the two dipstick marks.
The quantity of oil represent.ed by the space between the MIN and MAX marks is approx. 0.4 liter (0.42 US quart, 0.7 Imp. pint).
Wipe the dipstick with a non-fluffy cloth. Warning: If automatic transmission fluid level is too high, serious foaming and splash losses will occur and the transmission wIn overheat when the car is driven fast.
If the fl'uid level is too low, the valves will chatter, foaming will occur and the engine will overspeed when the car is cornered.
removing and
24 00 020 Transmission installing
Loosen nuts (1).
Disconnect the throttle cable.
When installing: .Adju.st throttle cable - see 2400004.
Unscrew nuts (1). pun throttle cable down through hole on intake manifold.
Drain the oil.
Warning: Do not re-use old oil.
When installing: If the oil has a burnt smell and is discolored black, the transmission must be stripped. If the oil has a metallic g.rey tinge, it contains either aluminium or lron abraded particles. Aluminium, unlike iron, is not trapped by the ma.gnetic drain pl'ug.
Warning: If the transmission is defective in this way, blow through the oil cooler and pipes with compressed air and flush out twlce with ATF. Detach the exhaust pipe holder.
When installing: relieve stresses in exhaust, pipe holder.
Detach exhaust pipe frolin exhaust manifolds. When installing: Check gaskets and renew if necessary.
Detach propeller shaft from transmission. Remove speedomete:r shaft.
ZF 3 HP-22
Detach center bearing.
When installing: Preload center bearing 2 mm (0.08 in) forwards (A).
Compress propeller shaft halves at sliding [elnt, hinge down and pull away from centering journal.
Detach shift rod (3) from selector lever.
When installing: adjust selector lever - 2400004.
Detach oil filler pJpe.
Detach oil cooler lines at transmission.
Remove cover plate.
Detach the torque converter from the drivi.ng disc at four pelnts,
Turn the engine over while doing this.
Support tra.nsmission with adapter 23 0 000 in conjunction with support tube 230 010. Detach cross-member from body.
Lower tra.nsmission as far ae front axle beam. Remove retaining bolts at transmission.
Lift out the protective g,rille.
Pull the transmission away from the engin,e, pressing the toreue converter off at the same time.
Warning: Before .installing, check correct position of torque converter.
ZF3 HP-22
When installing: Examine driving,disc for fractu.res or cracking, and renew if necessary, Prevent flywheel from turning with holder 112170.
Remove the expansion bolts.
Warning: Never re-use expansion bolts; install new bolts with Loctite Ref. No. 270.
Make sure the tapped holes are absolutely clean.
24 00 040 Exchange transmission - installing
Remove the transmission- 24 00 020. Warning: Before installing an exchange transmission, always below through the oil cooler and pipes with compressed air and flush out twice with ATF.
Note transmission code1) on type plate, Detach the transit bar (1).
Transfer selector,rod (2) to new transmission. When installing: Connect selector rod (2) to unmarked hole (no code letter) on selector lever. Insert clamp spring from the top downwards.
Transfer cross-member (3) and exhaust pipe holder (4) to new transmission.
1) See specifications
24 00 080 Transmi.ssion- stripping and assembling
Remove the transmission - 2400 020. Remove the torque converter - 24 40 000. Attach transmission to hanger .240150 in conjunction with assembly stand.
Warning: Do not overtighten clamp bolts or transmission casing will. be distorted.
A) Stripping Detach the oil pan.
Remove the control unit.
Extract the clrellps,
Remove coil springs (3 to 6).
240150 ->
.ZF 3 HP-22
Extract the sealing sleeves with spec.ial tool 242050.
Engage the parking lock. Mount guide bushing 23 1 200.
~ Remove shouldered nut with socket head 231 210.
Pull off the output flange.
Detach the exhaust pipe support. Detach the transmission extension.
Loosen nut(7) and unscrew stud (8) by approx. 3 turns.
Pull off the governor.
Detach converter dome with intermediate plate.
Warning: Note thrust washer (9), needle roller bearing (10) and angled dlsc (11).
Remove i'nput shaft with clutch A.
Remove plate carrier (12) for clutch A, with thrust washer (13)- p'lastic-and thrust washer (14) - metal.
Extract circlip (15).
When clutch B is removed, cover disc (16) and sealing r,ing (1,7) will ailso be pulled out.
ZF 3 HP-22
316 24055
Pull out clutch B with two wire hopks made up in your own workshop ..
Sketch for making up hooks (dimensions in millimeters):
Extract snap ring (18).
Pull out the complete cluster:
centering plates (1), clutches C', C and 0 (2) and planetary gear set with output shaH (3).
Warning,' Note thrust washer (19), needle roller bearing (20) and angled disc (21).
Pull off centering plate (1) and clutch cluster(2) with clutches C', C and D from output shaft (3).
Remove planetary gear set with sun wheel shaft.
Warning: Note needle roller bearing (22) and thrust washer (23).
B) Assembling
Detach the governor flange. Use a new gasket (1).
Attach the angled disc (2), with grease, so that the angled-away side is against the output shaft.
Place the needle roller bearing and the thrust washer on the output shaft.
316 24 059
ZF 3 HP-22
Note: The keys must be in the center of the slot in the cylinder. The parking lock pawl must not be engaged. Insert the complete output side cluster into the transmission housing so that the 4 oil holes coincide with the holes in the underside of the transmission housing.
Insert the snap ring (5).
Install clutch B. ,
Insert sealing ring (6) and press in fully with thrust washer (7).
Insert circlip (8).
Attach the plastic thrust washer with grease so that the lugs engage in the cutouts on cylinder A.
Attach the metal thrust washer with grease inside the plate carrier.
Install the plate carrier (6) in clutch A, turning it backwards and forwards slightly while inserting. Insert clutch A in the transmission housing.
Attach angled disc (5) to the input shaft with the shoulder towards needle roller bearing (4).
ZF 3 HP-22
Attach thrust washer (9) and gasket (10) to converte.r dome with a little grease.
Push the converter dome on to the input shaft, and secure.
Check input shaft endplay.
Desired value: 0.3 ... 1.5 mm (0.0012 ... 0.060 in).
Compress piston rings slightly and at the same time push the governor on to the governor flange.
Unscrew the setscrew to simplify location of the recess in the output shaft.
Secure governor with setscrew in recess on output shaft and prevent from moving with a centerpunch mark.
Pack the radial sealing ring lips with grease. Attach the transmission extension and output flange. Coatthe shouldered nut with CurB K2 er Loctite 572 before installing.
Engage the parking lock and tighten the nut'). Place keeper plate on nut and secure in groove on output flange.
1) See specifications
Drive the 4 sealing sleeves fully in with a suitable drift.
Insert and secure the coil springs.
The two shorter springs (1 and 2) are at the selector lever side.
Attach the control unit. so that the clip on the selector slide valve can be ,engaged with the actuating finger of the pawl.
To do this, pull up the wire cable slightly so that the throttle cam stays clear of the throttle pressure valve,
Screw on the control unit without ti.ghtening.
ZF 3 HP-22
Align the control unit with gauge ~4 3 050. If no gauge is available, the distance from the control unit casing to the peg in the throttle pressure plunger must be 11.5 mm (0.453 in). Tighten the control unit in this position.
With 'Torx' screws:
Tighten them with insert 002100 and torque wrench 002050.1)
Place the gasket on the oil pan joint face. Insert the magnetic disc.
Installed position: next to oil strainer.
Bolt down the oil pan with its retaining brackets. The shorter arm of the retaining bracket presses against the oil pan.
1) torque see Specifications
24 11 000 Oil pan - removing and installing
Drain the oil (ATF).
Warning: Do not re-use old oit
When installing; If the old oil smells burnt oris discolored black, the transmission must be stripped and inspected. If the oil has a metallic 'gray tinge, it contains abraded aluminum or ferrous partlcles, Note that unl:ike iron or steel, aluminum. is not trapped by the magnet. Place the car on a flat, level surface.
Restore fluid level with selector lever at P, tra.nsmission at normal operating temperature and engine idling.
With the engine at normal operating temperature, the oil level must be between the two marks on the dlpstlek,
The quantity of oil between the minimum and maximum marks on the dipstick is app, 0.4 liter (0.71 Imp, pint, 0.42 US quart).
If the oil' level is too high, severe foami'ng will result, aU will be lost through agita.tionand the temperature will rlse excessively when driving fast.
If the oil level is too Ilow, the valves will cha.tter in the transmission, foaming will occur and the eng'ine will overspeed.
Detach the 'oil finer pipe from the oil pan. Detach the oil pan.
When installing; Secur.e oil pan with retaining. brackets; the shorter arm of the brackets presses against the oil pan.
Warning: Insert the magnetic disc (1) next to the oil strainer in the oil pan. Attach gasket (2).
24 11 050 Transmission cover - removing and i:nstalling/sealing
Detach the exhaust pipe support and the exhaust pipes at the exhaust manifolds.
When installing: Attach exhaust pipe support so that no stresses are trapped.
Detach propeller shaft from gearbox. Remove speedometer shaft ..
ZF 3 HP-22.
Detach center bearing.
When installing: Preload center' bearing forwards (A) by 2 mm (0,08 in).
Compress propeller shaft sections together at sliding [olrtt, hinge down and pull away from centering journal.
Lift out keeper plate.
When installing: Drive keeper plate into groove on output flange.
Engage the parking lock. Mount guide bushing231 200.
Remove shouldered nut') with socket head adapter 23 1 210.
Pull oft output flange.
When installing: apply Curi.1 K 2 or Loctite 572. to shouldered nut.
1) See specifications
Support transmission with adapter 23 0 000 in conjunction with tube 230010.
Remove cross-member.
Lower transmission.
Take off transmission cover.
Leosen nut (4) and unscrew threaded stud (5) by 3 turns.
Pull off the governor.
When installing: Compress the piston rings slightly, and at the same time push the governor on to the governor flange. To help in locating the recess inthe output shaft, remove the stud. secure the governor in the recess on the output shaft with the threaded stud, and prevent from moving with a centerpunch mark.
Detach the bearing flange.
Note: angled disc (5), thrust washer (6) and needle roller bearing (7). Renew gasket (8).
ZF 3 HP-22
24 12001 Radial sealing ring for torque converter - renewing
Remove (install), the torque converter - 2440000.
Extract the radial sealing ring.
When installing: Pack the cavity between the sealing lips with grease.
Drive the radial sealing ring in until firmly seated with drift .24 1 060.
2.412011 Output flange radial sealing ring - renewing
IDetach e.xhaust pipe support and exhaust pipes from exhaust manifold.
When installing: relieve trapped stresses in exhaust pipe support.
Detach propeller shaft from transmission.
IDetach center bearing.
When installing: Preload the center bearing forwards (Al by 2 mm (0.08 in).
Compress the propeller shaft together at the sliding joint, hinge down and pull away from centeri'ng journal.
ZF 3 HP-22
Extract the keeper.
When installing: Drive keeper into groove on output flange.
Engage the parking lock. Mount guide bushing 23 1 200.
Remove shouldered nut') with socket head 23 1 210.
Pull off the output flange.
When installing: Coat shouldered nut with Curil K 2 or Loctite 572.
Remove the radial se,aling ring with extractor 00 5 000.
When lnsteltinq: Pack the cavity between the sealing lips with grease. Drive in the radial sealing ring until firmly seated with drift 24 1 060.
1) See specifications
2412031 O-ring for speedometer drive shaft bushing - renewing
Detach the speedometer drive shaft.
Pull outthe speedometer shaft bushing with an angled screwdriver.
Renew the C-ring (1).
If the radial sealing ring is leaking, the speedometer shaft bushing (2) must be renewed.
2412101 Radial sealing ring for manual shift valve shaft - renewing
Detach selector lever (1) from transmission.
Extract the radial sealing ring (2).
When installing: Drive the radial sealing ring in until flush.
ZF 3 HP-22
2423020 Plate clutches and disc brakesrenewing
Strip the transm.ission - 24 00 080. Clutch A
Compress the clutch plates and extract snap ring (1).
Take off plate carrier (2).
lift out the plate cluster and the diaphragm spring.
Installation order:
1 Corrugated outer plates 2 Outer plates
3 Lined plates
4 Plate carrier
When installing: Place new lined plates in ATF at 70°C for approx. 20 minutes.
Place d!iaphragm spring in input shaft housi;ng with convex. side down.
Insert plate cluster with plate carrier. Compress the clutch plates and insert the snap ring.
316 24095
316 2409&
ZF 3 HP-22
316 2409a
316 24 099
Clutch B
Extract the snap ring (1). Remove outer and I'ined plates.
Installation order:
1 1.B mm (0.071 in) outer plates - 3 2 Lining plates - 3
3 4.5 mm (0.177 in) outer plate - 1 4 Housing
When installing: Place new lined plates in ATF at 70Ge for approx, 20 minutes.
Clutch C'
To simplify assembly, place the complete cluster in a pipe 'of 2.9 mm (1.14 in) inside diameter, and clamp into vise.
Take off centering plate (5).
Remove outer plate (6), lining plate (7) and freewheel (8) for 2nd speed range.
When installing: InstaH freewheel (B) with the bent-over lugs of the retaining plate visible on top.
Place new lined plates in ATF at 70·e for approx. 20 minutes.
Clutch C
Extract the snap ring (1).
Remove the plates. Installation order:
2 1.8 mm (0.071 in) outer plates - 2 3 Lining plates - 2
4 4.5 mm (0.177 in) outer plate - 1
When installing: Place new I.ined plates in ATF heated to 70°C for approx. 20 minutes.
Clutch 0
Separate clutch body with clutch 0' from planetary gear set.
Extract the snap ring (1).
316 24101
316 24 104
ZF 3 HP-22
316 24105
Lift out the plate cluster. Installation order:
21.8 mm (0.071 in) outer plates - 3 3 Lining plates - 3
4 4.5 mm (0.177 in) outer plate - 1
When installing: Place new lined plates in ATF heated to 700e for approx. 20 minutes.
2430000 Control unit - removing and installing
Take off the oil pan - 24 11 000. Remove the control unit.
When installing: Attach the control unit so that the clip on the selector slide valve can be engaged in the actuating finger of the pawl. To do this, pull up the transmission Bowden cable slightly so that the throttle cam (2) is clear of the throttle pressure valve (3).
Screw on the control unit but do not tighten. Align control unit with gauge 243050.
If no gauge is available, the distance from the control unit caSing to the peg in the throttle pressure plunger must be 11.5 mm (0.453 in). Tighten the control unit down in this position. With 'Torx' screws:
Tighten them with insert 002100 and torque wrench 002050,1)
24 30 001 Control unit - renewing
Work stages are identical with "Control unit - renewing and installing" - 2430 000.
1) torque see Specifications
ZF 3 HP-22
2431 000 Primary pump - removing and instamng
Remove torque converter - 2440 000.
Detach converter dome with intermediate plate.
When installing: Place angled disc (1) on input shaft with shoulder towards needle roller bearing (2).
Attach thrust washer (3) to converter dome with grease ..
Renew gasket (4).
Deta.ch intermediate plate from converter dome.
Loosen two bolts on opposite sides by a few turns only.
Strike the primary pump lightly to dislodge it from the converter dome.
Remove the bolts and take off the primary pump.
Take off the intermediate plate (5). When installing: Renew gasket (6).
ZF 3 HP-.22
When installing: The primary pump, consisting of the pump housing (7), annulus (8) and pump impeller (9), can only be renewed as a complete unit.
Check O-ring (10) and renew if necessary ..
Check radlal clearance 1) between driven gearwheel and pump housing, turning the gearwheel through 3600 while doing so.
Check endplay") ,of both gears in relation to end face, using a depth gauge.
With driving flange 243 140, check primary pump for smooth free running.
Repeat this test after attaching the intermediate pilate.
1) See speelfieatlons
24 31 150 Oil strainer on control unit - detaching and attaching
Remove oil pan - 24 11 000.
Detach oil strainer.
When installing: Clean oil strainer.
Renew oil strainer if signs of resin deposits are detected (brownish, burned-on deposits). With 'Torx' screws:
Tighten them with insert 002100 and torque wrench 002050.1)
24 32 000 Centrifugal governor - removing and installing
Remove transmission cover - 24 11 050. Loosen nut (1) and unscrew threaded stud (2) by approx. 3 turns.
Pull off the governor.
When installing; Compress the piston rings slightly and at the same time push the governor on to its flange.
To assist in locating the recess in the output shaft, unscrew the threaded stud. Secure the governor in the recess with the stud and prevent from moving with a centerpunch mark.
2432 503 Centrifugal governor- stripping and assembling - Governor removed -
Detach cover (1) from housing (2).
Extract the circlip (3) and take off washer (4). Remove governor piston (5), spring (6) and bushing (7).
When installing: Governor piston must slide easily in the bushing.
316 24120
ZF 3 HP-22
2434 000 Parking lock pawl- removing 1 and installing
Remove the control unit - 24 30 ODD. Take off the transmlsslon cover - 24 11 050. Extract the ~keeper (1) and take off the washer (2). Disconnect spring (3) and pull off the parking lock cam (4). Disconnect torsion spring (5) and press out pin (6) from Ule inside with a screwdriver, or pull out.
When installing: Press in the pin and at the same time push torsion spring (5) with pawl (7) on to the pin. The straight end of the spring must point upwards, towards the transmission housing. The front end of the spring should be at thelett, behind the pawl.
Place the front end of the spri ng round the right side of the pawl.
2434101 Accelerator (throttle position) cable - renewing
Detach the aceeteratcr cable and remove from thrust mount.
Slacken nuts (1).
Lift out wire cable.
Unscrew nuts (1) and pull cable down through hole on intake manifold.
ZF 3 HP-22
Detach the oil pan - 24 11 000 .. Move selector lever to N.
Press accelerator cam forwards and detach cable from cam.
Press the accelerator cable forwards out of the housing.
When installing: Adjust the accelerator cable (see 2400004).
24 34 701 Torsion spring tor throttle position cable - renewing
Detach the propeller shaft center bearing. When installing: Preload by 2 rnrn (O.OB in) towards front of car.
Support transmission with adapter 23 0 000. Detach cross-member from body.
Lower transmission as far as front axle beam.
Remove the control unlt - 24 30 000 ..
Detach the selector lever (1) from the transmission.
Disconnect the throttle position cable.
Drive out locking collet (2) in position N.
Pull the selector shaft out until the torsion spring (3) can be removed.
When installing: Attach the shorter arm of the spring to throttle cam (4).
Place the longer arm of the spring in the slot in the housing.
Install the selector lever.
With throttle cam (4), preload the torsion spring by one turn anticl.ockwise.
Connect the throttle position cable and secure the detent pawl with locking collet (2).
ZF 3 HP-22
316 24132
2434730 Torsion spring for parking lock cam - renewing
Remove the control unit - 24 30 000.
Extract the keeper (1) and take off washer (2).
Remove the torsion spring (3).
2440 000 Torque converter - removing and insta.lling
Remove and install transmission - 24 00 020. Using handgrips 244000, carefully pull the torque converter out of the primary pump. Warning: Automatic transmission fluid will escape.
When installing: Check. torque converter for leaks with device 244041 in conjunction with retaining bracket 24 4 043 and retaining bolts 244062. Test pressure 0.5 atmg (7.1 Ib/in2). Warning: this operation is dangerous unless the retaining bracket is used.
If the running surface on the converter shaft is damaged, the torque converter must be renewed.
If the guide wheel (L) or turbine wheel (T) cannot be rotated by hand, the torque converter must be renewed - 24 40 001.
ZF 3 HP-22
24 71 001 Rubber mounting for automatic transmission - renewing
Support transmission with adapter 230000 and tube 230010.
Remove the cross-member. Lower the transmission.
Detach the rubber mounting (1) with a slightly cranked open-ended wrench.
ZF 3 HP-22
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