Employee Appraisal Form
Employee Appraisal Form
Employee Appraisal Form
Rating Definitions
5 4 3 2
Rating Superior Exceptional Competent Marginal
After giving careful thought to the employee's appraisal during the entire evaluation period, taking
consideration current employee position and role, goals set during the previous evaluation period an
analizing employee’s self evaluation form, rate the employee on the following 7 aspects of job
performance factors and behavioral standards.
Competency Review
2. Professional Attitude
• Works effectively under pressure or in a crisis situation
•• Works beyond
Is punctual normalmeetings,
for work, expectations when workload
appointments and deadlines
and reporting; when require it
absent from work, informs manager and insures work
assignments are completed
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7. Communication
• Expresses ideas and information clearly in both verbal and written form
• Demonstrates good listening skills
• Strong presence and effective at giving presentation
• Keeps others informed including superiors, co-workers, and customers
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8. Vision/Creativity/Innovation
• Brings new ideas and ready to implement them
• Identifies opportunities, tests and validates ideas and concepts while balancing innovation with the cost of implementation
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1. Goal
2. Goal
3. Goal
1. Goal
2. Goal
3. Goal
Major or ongoing
problems that
negatively impact unit
or company objectives
tinuous improvement)
n to manager
e fashion
cost of implementation
how do we measure
how do we measure