Butuan Doctors' College: Syllabus in Art Appreciation
Butuan Doctors' College: Syllabus in Art Appreciation
Butuan Doctors' College: Syllabus in Art Appreciation
Course Description :
Art Appreciation is a three-unit course that develops students’ ability to appreciate, analyze, and critique works of art. Through interdisciplinary and multimodal
approaches, this course equips students with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical, philosophical, and social relevance of the arts in order to hone students’ ability to
articulate their understanding of the arts. The course also develops students’ competency in researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating
art productions. The course aims to develop students’ genuine appreciation for Philippine arts by providing them opportunities to explore the diversity and richness and their
rootedness in Filipino culture.
I. Cognitive Objectives:
a. demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of arts in general, including their function, value, and historical significance;
b. discover and deepen their identity through art with respect to their nationality, culture, and religion;
a. analyze and appraise works of art based on aesthetic value, historical context, tradition, and social relevance;
b. mount an art exhibit (concept, development, production and postproduction, marketing, documentation, critiquing);
c. create their own works of art and curate their own production or exhibit;
Week Topics Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Resources References Assessment tasks Time
No. Outcomes (ILO) Activities (AT) Allocation
1st I. Art history 1. Differentiate art history Lecture-Discussion Textbook and Gardner’s Art through Essay: 180 mins
week from art appreciation; Group discussion: oral Reference the Ages: A Concise If you were an
Art Appreciation, Art, 2. Discuss the nature of art’s recitation Materials History of Western Art, artist, what kind
creativity, imagination and preliminary expression; Laptop, LCD and Fred S. Kleiner, 3rd ed., of artist will you
Why study
expression 3. Clarify misconceptions projection board 2012, pp. 1-2 be?
about art; Chalk, Chalk
Assumptions of art 4. Differentiate art from Why art is history? board and eraser Imagination in What art field
1. Art is universal nature; What is art Teaching and Learning, will you explore?
2. Art is cultural 5. Categorize works of art by appreciation? Kieran Egan, 1992, pp. Why?
3. Art is not nature citing personal 12-37
4. Art involves experience experiences; Why do people create How can you
6. Characterize the Nature and Young utilize the arts to
works of art?
Visual Arts assumptions of the arts. Children, 2nd ed., express yourself,
1. Film (individual) Encouraging Creative your community,
2. Performance art Play and Learning in and your relation
3. Poetry Performance What is creativity? Natural Environments, to others and
4. Architecture Why is creativity Ruth Wilson, 2012, pp. with the earth?
5. Dance necessary in art 1-17 Insight paper:
6. Literary Art Perception and Students will
7. Theater Appreciation, Ortiz et select from the
When can you say
8. Applied Arts al., 1976, pp. 5-12 following topics:
that a person is
creative? The Humanities, Why is art
Dynamics Dudley and Faricy, ageless and
Guide questions: 1968, pp. 5-22 (Nature timeless?
“Art is good because it of Art)
is popular” or “ Art is Why is art not
Alampat: An nature?
good because it is
Introduction to Art
universal” Appreciation, Perez, Why does art
Cayas, and Narciso, involves
Why is art universal? 2013, pp. 9-12, 15-21 experience?
Suggested Activity
2 nd-
II. Functions of art 1. Distinguish between Lecture-Discussion Textbook and Dayaw (6 episodes), Oral Recitation 360 mins
3rd 1. Personal Function directly functional and Individual sharing: Reference Legarda, 2015, online Group discussion
week 2. Social Function indirectly functional art; What art Materials and plenary
3. Physical Function 2. Apply concepts and Manual Guide Art Perception and presentation
form/artwork has
4. Other Functions of Art theories on beauty and Laptop, LCD and Appreciation, Ortiz et Reflection
changed something in
aesthetics in real life projection board al., 1978, pp. 27-32, 14- questions:
Philosophical Perspective scenarios; your life? Why? Chalk, Chalk 26 Does art always
on Art 3. Differentiate content from Film Viewing board and eraser have a function?
1. Art as an Imitation subject; Video Documentary “ Alampat: An
2. Art as a Representation 4. Classify artworks according Sa Duyan ng Sining” Introduction to Art If artwork did
3. Art as a Disinterested to subject; (Jesuit Appreciation, Perez, not have any
Judgment 5. Analyze how artists Cayas, and Narciso, function, will it
4. Art as a Communication present their subjects in 2013, pp. 23-25, 27-34 be remain art?
of Emotion relation to the real subject; “Tuklas Sining” CCP
6. Characterize sources and Assign students to Cultural Center of the Gallery Visit:
Subject type: kinds of art. bring either digital or Philippines, Tuklas Reflection paper
Representation (with printed copies of Sining, DVD on students’
subject) and non- Filipino contemporary experiences
representational (without artworks to be “The Philosophical during visit to a
subject) Concept of Beauty,” gallery or
presented orally or
Jacques Maritain (from museum.
Source of subject:: using PowerPoint; Creative Intuition in Art
(nature, history, Greek Identify and discuss and Poetry), 1953, pp.
and Roman mythology, the subject, source, 122-127
Judeo-Christian tradition, type, and kind of
sacred oriental texts, subject. Aesthetic and Art
other works of art) Theory, Osborne, 1970,
pp. 104-107, 142-144,
Kinds of subject: 171-191, 226-283
(history, still life, animals,
figures, nature, Cultural Appropriation
landscape, seascape, and the Arts, Young,
cityscape, mythology, 2008, pp.1-27
myth, dreams, and
Content in art
1. Factual
2. Conventional
3. Subjective
4rd- III. Artists and Artisans 1. Identify the medium in Lecture- Discussion Textbook and Myths and Symbols Oral Recitations 360 mins
5th various forms of art, visual, Video Documentary Reference Philippines, Francisco
week Managers, curators, auditory, and combined Students will be Materials Demetrio, SJ, 1978, pp. Quiz
buyers, collectors, art arts; assigned to discuss English Manual 406-411
dealers 2. Define an artist’s or the characteristics of guide Organize a
artisan’s medium and different art Laptop, LCD and Alampat: An forum about an
Production process technique; expressions (7arts) projection board Introduction to Art artist; artist’s or
(preproduction, 3. Define the role of Interview of Appreciation, Perez, artisan’s
production, and managers, curators, artist/studio visit (off Cayas, and Narciso, brochure and
postproduction) buyers, collectors, art campus) 2013, pp. 35-56 video clip to be
dealers in the art world; uploaded on
Medium, Technique and 4. Differentiate between MAKING THE THEATRE: social media
approach (in visual arts, artists’ and artisan’ The Craft of the Stage, ( Note: before
auditory, and combined approach/technique Steven Patrick C. uploading, the
arts) toward a particular Fernandez, 2010, pp. teacher will
medium; 15-20 check the output
GAMABA 5. Understand that the for validation
National Artists artisan’s work is an end in “Pioneers of Philippine and observance
itself and the artist’s work Art,” video of ethics)
Events/Exhibits/Managing is a means to an end; documentary directed
Audience 6. Identify national and by F. Capistrano-Baker, Preliminary
GAMABA artist’ notable Ayala Museum, 2006, examination
works and their 29min.
contribution to society. Exhibit of artists’
Art Perception and and artisans’
Appreciation, Ortiz et portfolio
al., 1978, pp. 14-26, 40-
73 Mini-exhibit of
Festival and Events work
Management, Yeoman
et al, 2004, pp. 53-115
How to document
One’s Work, Cajipe-
Endaya, in Paleta 5: A
handbook for Visual
Artists, 2002, pp. 24-26
How to document a
Structure, R T Jose,
Balangkas, 2007, pp 25-
IV. Elements of art 1. Identify the elements of Lecture-Discussion Reference and Sining at Lipunan, Quiz 360 mins
7th 1. Visual art; Assign students to Textbook Flores and De la Paz; (Identification
week 2. Auditory 2. Analyze the various discuss the elements of Materials 2000, pp. 24-26 and oral
3. Combined elements present in visual, the 7 arts (visual arts, Laptop, LCD and recitation)
Principles of art auditory, and combined film, literature, dance, projection board Art in Focus, Essay
1. Balance arts; film, architecture, Chalk, Chalk Interactive Student Collaborative
2. Scale and Proportion 3. Determine dominant music), then conduct board and eraser ed., Gene A Mittler, room design
3. Emphasis and Contrast elements used in hybrid or an FGD to look into the 2006, pp. 26-39
4. Unity and Variety modified art expressions; variations, With rubrics
5. Harmony 4. Identify the principle of overlapping, dominant (Elements), pp. 40-49
6. Movement art; elements in art (Principles)
7. Rhythm 5. Define and translate production in a
8. Repetition and Pattern principles of design in an particular art Alampat: An
artwork; expression. Introduction to Art
6. Create and artwork Product design Appreciation, Perez,
depicting the various critiquing Cayas, and Narciso,
principles of design. 2013, pp. 61-95
(Elements), pp. 93-97
8th V. Art in Early Civilization 1. Identify the various planes Lecture- Discussion Reference and Image to Meaning: Read and 360 mins
-9th 1. Prehistoric Art in art; Demonstration Textbook Essays on Philippine research about
week 2. Egyptian Art 2. Categorize and organize simulation Materials Arts, Alice Guillermo, selected Western
information from different Manual guide 2001, pp. 1-16 and Asian art
sources. Laptop, LCD and
projection board Gardner’s Art through
Chalk, Chalk the Ages: A Concise
board and eraser History of Western Art,
Fred S. Kleiner, 3rd ed.,
2012, pp. 1-2
10th- VI. Art of Emerging Europe 1. Identify the underlying Lecture- Discussion Reference and Art through the Ages: A Designed rubrics 360 mins
11th 1. Ancient Greece history, philosophy of the Creative presentation Textbook Global History, Kleiner, for creative
week 2. Ancient Rome era or movements; Gallery walk Materials 15th ed., 2016, pp. output
3. Middle Ages 2. Classify the various art Games Manual guide 1032-1047 Quiz
4. Renaissance Art movements by citing their Talk Show Laptop, LCD and (South and Southeast Oral recitation
5. Mannerism important characteristics Video documentary projection board Asia, 1200-1980)’ pp. Brochure about
6. Baroque and Rococo such as historical Chalk, Chalk 1048-1063 their respective
7. Neoclassicism background, factors, board and eraser (China and Korea, topics
8. Romanticism influential person, socio- 1279-1980), pp. 1064- Long test
9. Realism political issues, and 1066 (true or false,
10. Impressionism prevalent artist, art forms, (Japan, 1333-1980), pp. identification, fill
11. Post-Impressionism and media; 994-1031 in the blanks,
12. Neo-Impressionism 3. Present the history and (Contemporary Art enumeration,
13. Art Nouveau movements of the arts Worldwide), pp. 948- essay)
14. Fauvism through a timeline; 993 (Modernism and Individual
15. Cubism 4. Cite important Postmodernism in Output:
16. Futurism characteristics in an Europe and America, modern/classical
artwork based on the era 1945-1980) works
movement (document and appropriation
annotate works). Art in Focus, Mittler, through
2006, pp. 136-471 photography
(classic), pp. 492-562
(modern art)
Alampat: An
Introduction to Art
Appreciation, Perez,
Cayas, and Narciso,
2013, pp. 113-129
ArtSpoke, Robert
Atkins, 1993, pp. 43-
12th- VII. Modern and 1. Identify the various genres Brief lecture Reference and Music as Discourse: Creative 360 mins
13th Contemporary Art in music; Creative presentation Textbook Semiotic Adventures in Output/Presenta
week 1. Social Context: In 2. Make a creative (from solo to group, Materials Romantic Music, tions:
Between Modern and interpretation of the depending on Manual guide Agawu, 2009 Students will
Contemporary Art different musical genres; students’ interest in Laptop, LCD and interpret music
2. Other Contemporary 3. Translate sound or music art expression) projection board The Human Image in through their
Movement into a new form and in a Chalk, Chalk the Arts, Fernandez, own art
3. Instrumental Music new context. board and eraser 2009, pp. 65-76 expressions
Baroque (music, video,
Art Perception and dance, poetry,
Appreciation, Ortiz et live painting,
al., 1978, pp. 98-121 film, digital art,
Who Needs Classical experimental,
Music? Cultural Choice etc.)
and Musical Value,
Johnson, 2002
14th -
VII. Soul making, 1. Discuss the concept of Lecture Reference and Soulmaking, Narciso, Individual 360 mins
15th Appropriation, and “soulmaking”; Demonstration Textbook 2016 reflective essay
week Improvisation 2. Develop students’ artistic Simulation Materials ( 8 images and
potentials through Workshop Manual guide Mick Basa, The Soul 80words to
soulmaking; Laptop, LCD and Maker 2013, online describe self)
3. Extend to the immediate projection board Quiz
community the students’ Chalk, Chalk Nature and Young Art output with
art works as a form of board and eraser Children, 2nd ed., rubrics
service learning (e.g., Encouraging Creative Art portfolio
recyclable materials). Play and Learning in Organize an
Natural Environments, advocacy art or
Ruth Wilson, 2012, pp. immersion or
3-17 workshop for the
Dela Cruz et al., Art
Republik, 2012, video,
10 episodes
16th VIII. Visual Elements in 1. Analyze how line was Lecture Reference and Sourcebook of Quiz 180 mins
week Philippine traditional motifs interpreted and utilize in Workshop Textbook Philippine Traditional Individual output
and crafts traditional crafts; FGD Materials Motifs and Crafts with rubric
2. Develop students’ ability in Manual guide Processes, Mercedita Visual tapestry
Decorative motifs and manipulating the elements Laptop, LCD and Jose Dela Cruz, 1982,
symbols, classification of art; projection board pp. 18-34
3. Document changes and the Chalk, Chalk
shifting environment such board and eraser Ukkil: Visual Arts of the
as terrain, texture, sound Sulu Archipelago,
through fusion of various Ligaya Fernando-
elements of art. Amilbangsa, 2005, pp.
17th – IX. Art in Asia 1. Trace and summarize the Lecture Reference and Local Community Reflective essay 360mins
18th 1. Chinese Art development of the arts, Creative presentation Textbook Immersion Quiz
week 2. Japanese Art art appreciation and Exhibit (online and Materials Exam
3. Philippine Art aesthetics in contemporary actual) Manual guide Gallery/studies or
art practice; Laptop, LCD and workshop visit
Indigenous art 2. Appreciate better the projection board
history and development Chalk, Chalk (immersion/research of
Muslim art of Philippine arts. board and eraser their own community)
Contemporary art
Date Revised : May 17, 2019
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