Hydraulic System of Dozer

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June 2, 1970 D. H.

SEABERG 3,515,224
Filed Oct. 5, 1967 2. Sheets-Sheet

AA V/A /7 5AA.BEAre
June 2, 1970 D. H. SEABERG 3,515,224
Filed Oct. 5, 1967 2 Sheets-Sheet 2

AA V/D /7. 544aeae
United States Patent Office Patented June 2, 1970
1. 2
3,515,224 cylinders are hydraulically connected in parallel. The hy
HYDRAULC CYLNDER CONTROL FOR draulic circuiting permits free movement of the lift cylin
BULLDOZER ders, as the blade is tilted or pitched, by reason of the lift
David H. Seaberg, Burlington, Iowa, assignor to J. I. cylinders beign directly connected to the blade.
Case Company, Racine, Wis., a corporation of Wis The advantages of the poppet valves in the lift cylinders
consin permit a simpler and less costly frame assembly as this
Filed Oct. 5, 1967, Ser. No. 673,191 eliminates the use of an equalizer member. It is also im
Int, C. E02f 3/76 portant in the operation of the tilt cylinder to have the
U.S. C. 172-809 2 Claims lift cylinder pressures relieved to the extent that the hold
10 ing pressure is permitted to return to the tank. Twisting
ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE of the tractor frames and blade by the cylinder not yet at
the end of its stroke is prevented because the pressure
A hydraulic control for a vehicle having a blade, a tilt on that cylinder is just sufficient to hold the blade in posi
cylinder, lift cylinders for positioning the blade in relation tion.
to the ground, and valves in the lift cylinders for relief of 5 Other features and advantages will be realized and will
fluid pressure and for allowing by-pass of the fluid. The become apparent from a reading of the following descrip
valves in each lift cylinder are connected by a pin and the tion taken together with the annexed drawings, in which:
relief and by-pass action is actuated by reason of one or FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a vehicle incorporating
the other extremity of the valve mechanism striking a the invention;
portion of the cylinder. 20 FIG. 2 is a front view on a reduced scale showing the
blade in tilted positions;
FIG. 3 is an enlarged sectional view of a lift cylinder
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION showing the connecting pin, and the valves in the open
The invention relates to earth working equipment where 25 FIG. 4 is a similar view showing fragmentarily the
in a blade is attached to the front of a vehicle and the cylinder with one of the valves closed, and
blade can be moved in relation to the ground. The prior FIG. 5 is a circuit diagram, imposed in perspective, of
art relevant to a bulldozer of this type is taught in Long the hydraulic system.
2,942,363 which shows lift cylinders adjacent the tractor As seen in the perspective view in FIG. 1, the inven
body and strut cylinders for varying the pitch and tilt of 30 tion is applicable to a vehicle shown as a tractor 10 carry
the blade. The lift cylinders are pivotally connected to an ing a blade 12 on the front, the combination being a bull
equalizing bar which is swively connected to the blade dozer of well-known type. Tractor 10 includes a frame
and enables the blade to be freely moved without strain 14 propelled by the engine and carried on endless tracks
on the lift cylinders or frame members. A twisting of the 16. Blade 12 is carried on push arms 18 and 20, also seen
blade and frame members should be minimized or elimi 35 in FIG. 5, pivotally mounted from the track suspension
nated and thus prevent stress and strain on these members. system at the rear thereof by pins 22 and 24 and also
This type of equalizing, however, has limitations due to its are pivotally connected to the blade by pins 26 and 28.
mechanical nature, wherein some binding may occur be The blade and push arms are arranged and constructed
tween the cylinder rods and the swivel joint. to be raised and lowered in relation to the ground around
Other means of equalizing stresses and strains in dual 40 pins 22 and 24.
operation of hydraulic cylinders have been accomplished Hydraulic lift cylinders 30 and 32 are pivotally con
with unloading or relief valves, which operate when the nected to the tractor by means of trunnions 34 and 36
fluid pressures become sufficiently great. The prior art also which can rotate on the sides of the tractor to permit the
shows by-pass valves in cylinders which valves are posi tilting and raising and lowering of the blade 12, as de
tioned laterally such that one opens prior to the other 45 scribed and shown, so the cylinders 30 and 32 are con
when approaching the end of the stroke. These valves nected universally at the tractor, as shown. The cylinders
permit fluid to by-pass the piston in one cylinder and to include pistons 38 and 40 at the ends of piston rods 42
flow to the other cylinder. These structures also have and 44, the rods being pivotally connected to the rear of
limitations when applied to a bulldozer blade because blade 12. These connections include lugs or brackets 46
of insufficient flexibility. 50 and 48 secured to the blade, and bifurcated portions 50
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION and 52 of rods 42 and 44 are connected to the lugs by
means of pins 54 and 56 and the rods are shown to be
The present invention relates to a tractor carrying a universally connected by the pair of pins at the rod end
dozer blade on the front, the blade being positioned by on the blade 12.
means of hydraulic lift cylinders and a tilt cylinder. The 55 A pressurized fluid supply is made available for opera
invention more particularly relates to a control means tion of the blade by means of a hydraulic pump 58 driven
for the lift cylinders wherein a pair of poppet valves are from the engine, the pressurized system also includes a
contained within each lift cylinder, the valves being aligned reservoir 60, a control valve 62 and interconnecting lines.
and connected by a pin. The pin is positioned such that as The fluid lines are connected to the various components
the cylinder piston approaches one end of the cylinder, the 60 and in an arrangement such that the lift cylinders are hy
pin strikes the cylinder end and unseats one of the valves. draulically parallel. These connections will be further de
As the cylinder piston approaches the other end, an ac scribed in more detail.
tuating sleeve and pin assembly strikes the cylinder gland In addition to the lift cylinders 30 and 32 for raising
and the other valve is unseated. When one or the other and lowering the blade, a tilt cylinder 64 is positioned on
of the valves is unseated the pressurized fluid by-passes 65 the right side of the dozer, as seen in FIGS. 1 and 5. The
the rod and piston assembly and the fluid is returned to cylinder is pivotally connected to the push arm 18 and
a supply tank. The by-pass pressure is just sufficient to includes a piston 66 and a rod 68, the rod being connected
hold the load in any position of the blade. to the blade at one side thereof. by means of a lug or
The lift cylinder rods are connected to and move with bracket 70, a bifurcated portion 72 on the rod and a pin
the blade and the tilt cylinder is connected to the blade 70 74. Cylinder 64 is actuated by the pressure fluid to change
to vary its tilt and pitch. The lift cylinders are free to the position of the blade by tilting one side in relation to
oscillate when the tilt cylinder is operated since the lift the other. FIG. 2 shows the front of the dozer with the
3. 4.
blade in various angles of tilt. Cylinder 64 responds to a directly connected to the blade and the cylinders are
control to change the tilt of the blade wherein one side hydraulically connected in parallel which allows the pres
of the blade is moved up or down in relation to the other sure fluid to return to the supply tank. The poppet valves
side. The tilt cylinder and its associated fluid lines 63 and are aligned within the cylinder and are positioned to
65 and control 67 are shown in FIG. 5. permit flow of the fluid in either direction depending
The hydraulic line connections will now be described upon the fluid pressure and contact with one or the other
as the parallel operation of the lift cylinders is an im end of the connecting pin assembly with the cylinder
portant aspect in the practice of the invention. As Seen in portion.
FIG. 5, pump 58 is located at the front of the engine and In the operation of the hydraulic control, pressurized
an output fluid line 76 is connected to the pump and to IO fluid is available from the engine driven pump 58 to
the control valve 62. A line 78 is connected from the raise and lower the blade and to tilt the blade. In the
valve to the reservoir 60 and a return line 80 connects the normal raise circuit the fluid flow is to the rod side of
reservoir and the pump. A fluid line 82 is connected the cylinders as seen in FIG. 5 wherein the piston is
to the valve and runs forward to a T fitting 84 and fluid moved upwardly and thus pulls the blade up. The pres
lines 86 and 88 are connected from the fitting to the rod surized fluid is directed through conduits from the con
side of lift cylinders 30 and 32. Lines 90 and 92 are con trol valve and forces poppet valve 110 onto its Seat as
nected to the piston side of the cylinders and join at a T the piston is moved upward. As the piston approaches
fitting 94 from which a line 96 runs to the valve. The valve the cylinder end the poppet connecting pin 120 strikes
includes an operator's handle 98 and is constructed Such the end of the cylinder and the valves are moved down
that actuation of the handle moves the valve spool for 20 wardly which unseats valve 110. As this valve is un
desired flow of the pressure fluid for raising or lowering seated the fluid passes by the valve and flows at load
of the blade. pressure back to the control valve and to the tank.
In FIG. 3 is shown a sectional view of one of the lift The action is similar in the normal lowering circuit
cylinders incorporating the invention, and only one of wherein the pressured fluid is directed on the piston end
the cylinders with its components will be described as the of the cylinder and the rods are extended. Poppet valve
construction in each is the same. As stated, cylinder 30 in 112 is seated on the piston until the piston approaches
cludes a piston 38 and a rod 42, the rod being generally the lower end of the cylinder. In this case the actuating
within the body 100 when the piston is in the retracted sleeve portion 136 strikes the gland and the portion is
position. Of course, a portion of the rod always extends moved against the bias of the spring. Continued lower
through one end of the body to connect to the back side 30 ing of the piston compresses the spring by reason of
of the blade. Body 100 includes a sealing gland 101 at the portion 136 against the gland and contact of poppet valve
rod end thereof and the rod moves in the gland under 110 and the connecting pin portion 118 with the acuat
operation of the piston and rod. Adjacent the gland is a ing pin 138 moves the poppet assembly upwardly which
port 102, which connects one of the fluid lines mentioned unseats poppet 112 from the piston and permits fluid
above, Rod 42 is secured to piston 38 such that the two flow through the piston in the downward direction.
move in response to the fluid pressure directed on the In certain positions of the lift cylinders, and as the
piston. A port 105 is positioned at the opposite end 106 tilt cylinder is operated, the fluid by-pass pressure are
of the body 100, and one of the fluid lines is connected sufficient to hold the load and prevent any twisting of
thereto. Piston 38 includes a centrally located bore 108 the dozer frame and blade. Since the lift cylinders are
in which is slidably positioned a pair of poppet valves 110 40 in parallel and since the rods are directly connected to
and 112 interconnected by a pin assembly 114. the blade as seen in FIG. 2, this twisting is prevented if
Pin assembly 114 includes an enlarged portion 116 one of the cylinders is not at the end of its stroke. The
intermediate end portions 118 and 120. Portion 118 is the pressure on that cylinder is only that required to hold
lower part and is of a length equivalent to that of poppet the blade in position.
valve 110 and a guide vane 122. Portion 120 is the upper Another feature of this construction is the provision
part and is longer than portion 118 in that it is enclosed for substantial flow in a relatively small diameter cylin
by a guide vane 124 and extends beyond poppet valve 112. der. Also the use of the piston rod, rather than the pis
Guide vanes 122 and 124 have provision for passage of ton itself, for enveloping the poppet valve assembly re
fluid from one end of the cylinder to the other end as the quires only two poppet sealing surfaces to construct and
valves are open. Piston 38 includes valve seats 126 and 50 maintain. The structure requires only one tilt cylinder
128 at the ends thereof and the bore 108 is Sufficiently for tilting the blade either to the right or to the left as
larger than the intermediate portion 116 of the pin assem the hydraulic lift cylinders are directly connected to the
bly to provide a fluid passageway 129 surrounding the pin. blade and the parallel circuit permits them to move
The length of the pin assembly 114 and the positions at freely in response to the pressurized fluid.
which the poppet valves 110 and 112 are secured thereto It is thus seen that herein shown and described is a
are such that only one of the valves can be seated at a relief or release means in the form of poppet valves which
given time. As seen in FIG. 3, portion 120 of the pin ex valves are aligned with the piston and are on the same
tends past the valve 112 and is engageable with the upper axis with the piston rod, and provide for by-pass of the
end 106 of body 100. fluid as the piston approaches one end of the cylinder.
Adjacent the piston and on the rod side thereof is an
actuating sleeve and pin structure 130. A spring 132, is 60 While only one embodiment has been shown, variations
contained within a portion 134 of the sleeve and around may occur to those skilled in the art, and it is to be
the rod 42 and biases the sleeve toward the lower end of understood that all such variations are contemplated as
the cylinder. Sleeve structure 130 also has a portion 136 being within the scope of the invention. The invention
engageable with gland 101 as the piston is moved to the is not intended to be taken as limited by the embodiment
lower side of the cylinder. A pin 138 is contained by por 65 disclosed, nor in fact, in any manner except as defined
tion 136 and positioned to be engageable with poppet in the following claims:
valve 110. As seen in FIG. 3, the poppet valves have en What is claimed as new and desired to be secured by
larged portions 140 and 142 which seat on the piston. FIG. Letters Patent of the United States is:
4 shows the piston 38 in a position wherein valve 110 is 1. In a vehicle carrying an earth working blade thereon
seated on portion 126. 70 and having push beams pivotally connected to the ve
The construction of the hydraulic cylinder and control hicle and to the blade, hydraulic means on said vehicle
and including a hydraulic pump and a hydraulic valve
enables the operator to tilt the dozer blade at any eleva for said pump, a pair of two-way hydraulic lift cylinders
tion of the blade without fear of twisting the push arms pivotally connected to said vehicle and to said blade
or other parts. This is so because the lift cylinders are 75 for raising and lowering said blade and each of said
3,515,224 6
lift cylinders including a piston, a single hydraulic tilt cludes a sleeve connected with said piston and coaxial
cylinder pivotally connected to said vehicle and to said therewith and movable along the axis of said piston and
blade for tilting said blade from side to side, hydraulic being abuttable with said cylinder in response to move
conduits connected with said hydraulic means and all ment of said piston in said cylinder, and said spring
said hydraulic cylinders and with said pair of lift cylin axially yieldingly urging said sleeve away from said pis
ders being hydraulically connected together in parallel, ton and toward a position of abutment with said cylinder,
a hydraulic passageway extending through each of said said poppet valves being disposed coaxial with said pis
lift cylinder pistons and having spaced-apart valve seats, ton and being connected together to be arranged for
a poppet valve movably disposed on each end of each alternate seating on the respective said valve seats.
of said lift cylinder pistons and each of said poppet valves
being movable onto a respective one of said valve seats, O References Cited
for blocking hydraulic flow through said passageway, UNITED STATES PATENTS
valve actuating means operatively connected with each
of said poppet valves for moving said poppet valves to 3,049,820 8/1962 Lichti -------------- 172-803
open positions on said valve seats, separate abutments 5 2,335,231 11/1943 Armington et al. ----- 37 -129
included in said lift cylinders for respectively engaging 2,543,989 3/1951 Rockwell ------------- 60-52
each of Said actuating means upon movement of said 2,735,502 2/1956 Muller ------------ 91-401 X
piston to each end limit of its stroke and thereby moving 3,004,524 10/1961. McCay et al. ------ 91-401 X
the respective one of said poppet valves to its open posi 3,182,563 5/1965 Neilan ------------ 91-401
tion and relieving hydraulic pressure in the respective 20 3,184,869 5/1965 Olsen -------------- 172-803
one of said lift cylinders, one of said valve actuating 3,311,026 3/1967 Crisp --------------- 91-401
means being a rod connected to one of said poppet valves, FOREIGN PATENTS
and the other of said valve actuating means including a 26,023 8/1910 Great Britain.
spring for yieldingly urging the remainder of said other
valve actuating means away from the other of said 25 ROBERT E. PULFREY, Primary Examiner
poppet valves, whereby said poppet valves are respon
sive to hydraulic pressure when said piston is not at A. E. KOPECKI, Assistant Examiner
either of its end-limit positions.
2. The Subject matter of claim 1, wherein said re U.S. C. X.R.
mainder of Said other of said valve actuating means in 80 60-52; 91-401; 172-666

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