UIL Prescribed Music List 2020-21

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UIL Prescribed Music List 2020-21

Code Event Title Composer Arranger Publisher Grade Specification

Name [Collection]
304-1- Euphonium/ Suites 1, 2 and Bach Marsteller Southern Music 1 (play two
13065 Baritone 3 Company contrasting
Horn Solo mvts from one
304-1- Euphonium/ Suites 4, 5 and Bach Marsteller Southern Music 1 (play two
13066 Baritone 6 Company contrasting
Horn Solo mvts from one
304-1- Euphonium/ Andante et Barat Southern Music 1
13067 Baritone Allegro Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Introduction Barat Smith Southern Music 1
13068 Baritone and Dance Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonatina for Boda Cimarron Music 1 (play all) NMR:
13070 Baritone Euphonium Press/Whaling (play all)
Horn Solo Publications
304-1- Euphonium/ Andante and Capuzzi Catelinet Hinrichsen 1
13073 Baritone Rondo Edition
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Fantasie Casterede Alphonse Leduc 1 (play all) NMR:
13075 Baritone Concertante (play all)
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata Clinard Shawnee Press 1 (unaccomp)
13076 Baritone (play mvts 1 & 2
Horn Solo or 2 & 3)
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata in F Corelli Brown International 1
13077 Baritone Major Music Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Concertino Op. David Carl Fischer, Inc. 1
13078 Baritone 4
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Beautiful DeLuca Carl Fischer, Inc. 1
13080 Baritone Colorado
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Six Sonatas Galliard Brown Multiple 1 (play one entire
13081 Baritone Volume I Publishers; Sonata)
Horn Solo McGinnis & Marx;
Music Company
304-1- Euphonium/ Six Sonatas Galliard Brown Multiple 1 (play one entire
13082 Baritone Volume II Publishers; Sonata)
Horn Solo McGinnis & Marx;
Music Company
304-1- Euphonium/ Morceau Guilmant Associated Music 1
13083 Baritone Symphonique Publishers Inc.
Horn Solo Op. 88
304-1- Euphonium/ Suite for Haddad Templeton 1 (play mvts 1 & 2
13084 Baritone Baritone Publishing or 2 & 3)
Horn Solo Company, Inc.
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata Hartley Tenuto 1 (1979) (tc & bc)
13085 Baritone Euphonica Publications (play all) NMR:
Horn Solo (play all)
Code Event Title Composer Arranger Publisher Grade Specification
Name [Collection]
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonatina for Hutchison Carl Fischer, Inc. 1
13086 Baritone Baritone
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Fantasia Jacob Boosey & 1 (play all) NMR:
13087 Baritone Hawkes, Inc. (play all)
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Concertino No. Klengel Belwin, Inc 1 (play mvt 1)
13089 Baritone 1 in Bb Major
Horn Solo Op. 7
304-1- Euphonium/ Largo and Marcello Merriman Southern Music 1 (tc & bc)
13091 Baritone Allegro Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata in a Marcello Ostrander International 1 (tbn)
13092 Baritone minor Music Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata in C Marcello Brown International 1
13093 Baritone Major Music Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata in g Marcello Ostrander International 1
13094 Baritone minor Music Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Mirror Lake Montgomery Ludwig Music 1 (tc & bc)
13095 Baritone Publishing
Horn Solo Company
304-1- Euphonium/ Piece en fa Morel Theodore Presser 1
13096 Baritone mineur Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Concerto in Bb Mozart Ostrander Edition Musicus- 1 (play one mvt)
13098 Baritone K.191 New York, Inc.
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata in Bb Mozart Marcellus Kendor Music, 1 (play mvts 1 & 2
13100 Baritone Major Inc. or 2 & 3) (tc &
Horn Solo bc)
304-1- Euphonium/ Blue Bells of Pryor Carl Fischer, Inc. 1
13102 Baritone Scotland
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Andante et Ropartz Shapiro Multiple 1 (bc or tc
13103 Baritone Allegro Publishers; available)
Horn Solo Cundy-Bettoney
Company, Inc.;
Carl Fischer, Inc.;
304-1- Euphonium/ Partita Ross Boosey & 1 (play mvts 1 & 2
13104 Baritone Hawkes, Inc. or 2 & 3) NMR:
Horn Solo (play mvts 1 & 2
or 2 & 3)
304-1- Euphonium/ Morceau de Saint-Saens Nelson Shawnee Press 1 (tc & bc)(play
13105 Baritone Concert mvts 1 & 2 or 2
Horn Solo & 3)
304-1- Euphonium/ Five Pieces in Schumann Droste Ludwig Music 1 (play mvts 1 &
13108 Baritone Folk Style Publishing 2)
Horn Solo Company
304-1- Euphonium/ Nocturne and Shepherd Southern Music 1
13109 Baritone Rondolette Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Rondo Spears C.L. Barnhouse 1 (tc & bc)
Code Event Title Composer Arranger Publisher Grade Specification
Name [Collection]
13110 Baritone Capriccioso Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata in f Telemann Ostrander International 1 (play mvts 1 & 2
13113 Baritone minor Music Company or 3 & 4)
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Concerto in a Vivaldi Ostrander Edition Musicus- 1 (play mvt 1 or
13117 Baritone minor New York, Inc. 3)
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonatina Watson Shawnee Press 1 (tbn) (play 1 & 2
13120 Baritone or 2 & 3)
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata Whear Ludwig Music 1 (play two mvts)
13121 Baritone Publishing
Horn Solo Company
304-1- Euphonium/ Lyric Suite White G. Schirmer, Inc. 1 (play mvts 1 & 2
13122 Baritone or 2 & 3) (tc &
Horn Solo bc)
304-1- Euphonium/ Arpeggione Schubert Werden Cimarron Music 1
23243 Baritone Sonata Press
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonatina VI in Telemann Madeson Cimarron Music 1
23244 Baritone Eb Press
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Napoli Bellstedt Simon Southern Music 1
29864 Baritone Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Fantasia Di Boccalari Carl Fischer, Inc. 1
29865 Baritone Concerto
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Bride of the Clarke Belwin, Inc 1
29866 Baritone Waves
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ From the Clarke Belwin, Inc 1
29867 Baritone Shores of the
Horn Solo Mighty Pacific
304-1- Euphonium/ Concert Cords Laube Carl Fischer, Inc. 1
29868 Baritone Fantasy
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Rhapsody Curnow Curnow Music 1
29869 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Grand Grafe Laube Multiple 1
29874 Baritone Concerto Publishers;Carl
Horn Solo Fischer, Inc.;
Company, Inc.
304-1- Euphonium/ Believe Me If Mantia Werden Cimarron Music 1
29878 Baritone All Those Press
Horn Solo Endearing
Young Charms
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata in F Marcello Ostrander International 1
29879 Baritone Major Music Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Concert Piece Nux Southern Music 1
29881 Baritone Company
Horn Solo
Code Event Title Composer Arranger Publisher Grade Specification
Name [Collection]
304-1- Euphonium/ Air Varie Pryor Smith Ludwig Music 1
29882 Baritone Publishing
Horn Solo Company
304-1- Euphonium/ Fantasy Sparke CAI 1
29883 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Carnival of Clark Brandenburg Alfred Music 1
30579 Baritone Venice Company, Inc.
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Symphonic Curnow Curnow Music 1
31362 Baritone Variants
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ La Madolinata Bellstedt Simon Southern Music 1
32859 Baritone Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sentimentale DeLuca Carl Fischer, Inc. 1
32860 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ The Yellow Buckley Cimarron Music 1
32861 Baritone Rose of Texas Press
Horn Solo Variations
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata George Cimarron Music 1
32862 Baritone Press
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Allegro Senaille Falcone Southern Music 1
32863 Baritone Spiritoso Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Party Piece Sparke Studio Music 1
32864 Baritone Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Scharamuch Sparke Anglo Music 1
32865 Baritone Press
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Mazurka Falcone Cimarron Music 1 (unaccomp)
32866 Baritone Press
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Sonata for Frackenpohl Cimarron Music 1 (unaccomp)
32867 Baritone Solo Press
Horn Solo Euphonium
304-1- Euphonium/ Four Short Corwell Nicolai Music 1 (unaccomp)
32868 Baritone Narratives
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Fantasy Ito Studio Music 1
32869 Baritone Variations Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Ritual and Spears Southern Music 1
32870 Baritone Celebration Company
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Concertino Wilhelm Trio Musik 1 (play mvt 1&2
32871 Baritone Edition or play mvt
Horn Solo 2&3)
304-1- Euphonium/ Euphonium York Cimarron Music 1 (play mvt. 1&2
32872 Baritone Solo "Child's Press or play mvt.
Horn Solo Play" 2&3)
304-1- Euphonium/ Arioso and Fiocco Wilby/Child Rosehill Music 1
32873 Baritone Allegro
Code Event Title Composer Arranger Publisher Grade Specification
Name [Collection]
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Hungarian Bach Cimarron Music 1
32874 Baritone Melodies Press
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Rhapsody Brubaker Cimarron Music 1
32875 Baritone Press
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ A Walk in the Censhu Euphonium.com 1
32876 Baritone Woods
Horn Solo
304-1- Euphonium/ Scene de Denmark LudwigMasters 1
33786 Baritone Concert for Publications
Horn Solo Euphonium
and Piano
304-2- Euphonium/ Variations on a Davis Southern Music 2
13079 Baritone Theme of Company
Horn Solo Robert
304-2- Euphonium/ Mozart Mozart Ernst Kendor Music, 2 (play all) (tc &
13099 Baritone Sonatina Inc. bc)
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Air (from Suite Bach Fotte Kendor Music, 2
13124 Baritone No. 3 in D) Inc.
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Arioso (from Bach Kent Carl Fischer, Inc. 2 (tc & bc)
13125 Baritone Cantata No.
Horn Solo 156)
304-2- Euphonium/ Musette Bach Dishinger Medici Music 2 (trumpet-bc
13127 Baritone Press only)
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Petite Piece Balay Voxman Rubank, Inc. 2 (tc & bc)
13128 Baritone Concertante [Concert and
Horn Solo Contest
Collection for
304-2- Euphonium/ Arioso and Barnes Robbins Music 2
13129 Baritone Caprice Corporation
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Evening in the Bartok Harris Ludwig Music 2 (trumpet-bc
13130 Baritone Country Publishing only)
Horn Solo Company
304-2- Euphonium/ Suite for Beach Associated Music 2
13131 Baritone Trombone or Publishers Inc.
Horn Solo Baritone
304-2- Euphonium/ Polovetzian Borodin Conley Kendor Music, 2
13132 Baritone Dances Inc.
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Gavotte (from Boyce Vedeski Medici Music 2 (trumpet-bc
13133 Baritone Symphony No. Press only)
Horn Solo 4)
304-2- Euphonium/ Romanze Cords Cundy-Bettoney 2 (tbn)
13134 Baritone Company, Inc.
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Prelude and Corelli Powell Southern Music 2 (tc & bc)
13135 Baritone Minuet Company
Horn Solo
Code Event Title Composer Arranger Publisher Grade Specification
Name [Collection]
304-2- Euphonium/ Suite in Three Corelli Dishinger Medici Music 2 (play two mvts)
13136 Baritone Movements Press
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Sonata DeLong Kendor Music, 2 (play mvts 1 & 2
13137 Baritone Francaise Inc. or 2 & 3) (tc &
Horn Solo bc)
304-2- Euphonium/ Romance Op. Ewald Reed Edition Musicus- 2
13138 Baritone 2 New York, Inc.
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Apres un Reve Faure Voxman Rubank, Inc. 2 (tc & bc)
13139 Baritone [Concert and
Horn Solo Contest
Collection for
304-2- Euphonium/ Six Sonatas Galliard Brown Multiple 2 (play two
13140 Baritone Volume I Publishers; contrasting
Horn Solo McGinnis & Marx; mvts from one
International Sonata)
Music Company
304-2- Euphonium/ Six Sonatas Galliard Brown Multiple 2 (play two
13141 Baritone Volume II Publishers; contrasting
Horn Solo McGinnis & Marx; mvts from one
International Sonata)
Music Company
304-2- Euphonium/ Romanze Gumpert Voxman Rubank, Inc. 2
13142 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Sweet Betsy Haack Southern Music 2 (tc & bc)
13143 Baritone Suite Company
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Allegro (from Handel Dishinger Medici Music 2
13144 Baritone Concerto Press
Horn Solo Grosso Op. 3
No. 4)
304-2- Euphonium/ Arm, Arm Ye Handel Ostrander Edition Musicus- 2
13145 Baritone Brave New York, Inc.
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Honor and Handel Ostrander Edition Musicus- 2
13146 Baritone Arms (from New York, Inc.
Horn Solo Samson)
304-2- Euphonium/ Sonata No. 3 Handel Powell Southern Music 2 (play mvts 1 &
13147 Baritone Company 2)
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Sound An Handel Barnes Jack Spratt 2 (tc & bc)
13148 Baritone Alarm (from Music Publishers
Horn Solo Judas
304-2- Euphonium/ Suite in Ab Handel Little Belwin, Inc 2 (tc & bc)
13149 Baritone (from Sonata
Horn Solo No. 11 for
304-2- Euphonium/ Hasse Suite Hasse Rubank, Inc. 2 (tbn)
13150 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Divertimento Haydn Little Belwin, Inc 2 (tc & bc)
13151 Baritone
Horn Solo
Code Event Title Composer Arranger Publisher Grade Specification
Name [Collection]
304-2- Euphonium/ Minuet Haydn Belwin, Inc 2 (bassoon)
13152 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Elena Polka Kiefer C.L. Barnhouse 2 (tc & bc)
13153 Baritone Company
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Ballade Krzywicki Heilman Music 2
13154 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Adagio and Marcello Merriman Southern Music 2 (tc & bc)
13155 Baritone Allegro Company
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ It Is Enough Mendelssohn Ostrander Edition Musicus- 2
13156 Baritone (from Elijah) New York, Inc.
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Canzonetta Mozart Voxman Rubank, Inc. 2 (tc & bc)
13157 Baritone [Concert and
Horn Solo Contest
Collection for
304-2- Euphonium/ Concert Aria Mozart Voxman Rubank, Inc. 2
13158 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Rondo Mozart Dishinger Medici Music 2
13160 Baritone Press
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Canzona Pergolesi Barnes Jack Spratt 2 (tc & bc)
13161 Baritone Music Publishers
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Arise Ye Purcell Ostrander Edition Musicus- 2
13162 Baritone Subterranean New York, Inc.
Horn Solo Winds
304-2- Euphonium/ Gavotte and Purcell Dishinger Medici Music 2
13163 Baritone Hornpipe Press
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Gavotte (from Purcell Vedeski Medici Music 2
13164 Baritone Harpsichord Press
Horn Solo Suite No. 5)
304-2- Euphonium/ Vocalise Rachmaninoff Brown International 2
13165 Baritone Music Company
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Phantasy on Schmidt Western 2
13166 Baritone an American International
Horn Solo Spiritual Music, Inc.
304-2- Euphonium/ Vocalise Schooley Heilman Music 2
13167 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Adagio (from Schumann Fitzgerald Medici Music 2 (tbn)
13168 Baritone Concerto for Press
Horn Solo Cello Op. 129)
304-2- Euphonium/ Prelude No. 7 Shostakovich Davis Western 2
13169 Baritone International
Horn Solo Music, Inc.
304-2- Euphonium/ Romance Uber Kendor Music, 2 (tc & bc)
13171 Baritone Inc.
Horn Solo
Code Event Title Composer Arranger Publisher Grade Specification
Name [Collection]
304-2- Euphonium/ Concerto in a Vivaldi Ostrander Edition Musicus- 2 (play mvt 2)
13172 Baritone minor New York, Inc.
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Praeludium in Vivaldi Maganini Edition Musicus- 2
13173 Baritone c minor New York, Inc.
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Reverie Wiedrich Southern Music 2
13174 Baritone Company
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Concerto No. 1 Mozart Medici Music 2 (mvt 1 or 2
25354 Baritone in D Press only)
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Prelude and Nelhybel Alliance 2
25355 Baritone Chorale (Svaty Publications, Inc.
Horn Solo Vaclave)
304-2- Euphonium/ Inflammatus Rossinni Carl Fischer, Inc. 2
25356 Baritone [Festival
Horn Solo Performance
Solo, Vol. 2]
304-2- Euphonium/ Rhapsody in c Uber Kendor Music, 2
25357 Baritone minor Inc.
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Ride of the Wagner Uber Kendor Music, 2
25358 Baritone Valkyries Inc.
Horn Solo
304-2- Euphonium/ Trio Sonata Bach Medici Music 2 mvt 3
29862 Baritone No. 5, BVD Press
Horn Solo 529, Mvt 3
304-2- Euphonium/ Meditation and Dougherty Ludwig Music 2
29872 Baritone Celebration Publishing
Horn Solo Company
304-3- Euphonium/ Menuet in G Bach Dishinger Medici Music 3 (trumpet-bc
13126 Baritone Press only)
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Air (from Arne Little Belwin, Inc 3 (tc & bc)
13175 Baritone Comus)
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Quarks and Belden Little Belwin, Inc 3 (tc & bc)
13176 Baritone Quasars
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Per La Gloria Bononcini Phillips Shawnee Press [8 3 (tc & bc)
13177 Baritone D'Adorarri Bel Canto Songs]
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Jupiter Buchtel Neil A. Kjos 3
13178 Baritone Music Company
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Meditation Buchtel Neil A. Kjos 3
13179 Baritone (from Sonatina Music Company
Horn Solo in F)
304-3- Euphonium/ The Earle of Byrd Dishinger Medici Music 3
13180 Baritone Oxford's Press
Horn Solo Marche
304-3- Euphonium/ Amarilli, Mia Caccini Phillips Shawnee Press [8 3 (tc & bc)
13181 Baritone Bella Bel Canto Songs]
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Seben, Crudele Caldara Phillips Shawnee Press [8 3 (tc & bc)
Code Event Title Composer Arranger Publisher Grade Specification
Name [Collection]
13182 Baritone Bel Canto Songs]
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Norine Clarke Carl Fischer, Inc. 3 (tc only)
13183 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Marche Couperin Dishinger Medici Music 3
13184 Baritone Press [Book IV
Horn Solo for Clavier]
304-3- Euphonium/ Preghiera Durante Phillips Shawnee Press [8 3 (tc & bc)
13185 Baritone Bel Canto Songs]
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Caro Mio Ben Giordani Conley Kendor Music, 3
13186 Baritone Inc.
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Evening Song Goldman Carl Fischer, Inc. 3 (tc only)
13187 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Calf of Gold Gounod Ostrander Edition Musicus- 3
13188 Baritone (from Faust) New York, Inc.
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Dove Sie (from Handel Little Belwin, Inc 3 (tc & bc)
13189 Baritone Rodelinda)
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Sarabande Handel Barr Ludwig Music 3 (tc & bc)
13190 Baritone Publishing
Horn Solo Company
304-3- Euphonium/ Country Dance Haydn Stouffer Kendor Music, 3 (tc & bc)
13191 Baritone Inc.
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Gavotte in Lully Post Medici Music 3 (trumpet-bc
13192 Baritone Rondeau Press only)
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Il Mio Bel Foco Marcello Phillips Shawnee Press [8 3 (tc & bc)
13193 Baritone Bel Canto Songs]
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Reverie Op. 85 Mendelssohn Dishinger Medici Music 3
13194 Baritone No. 1 Press
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Minuetto (from Mozart Belwin, Inc 3 (for bassoon)
13195 Baritone Don Giovanni)
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Serenade Mozart Ostrander Edition Musicus- 3
13196 Baritone (from Don New York, Inc.
Horn Solo Giovanni)
304-3- Euphonium/ Nina Pergolesi Phillips Shawnee Press [8 3 (tc & bc)
13197 Baritone Bel Canto Songs]
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Rigaudon Rameau Dishinger Medici Music 3 (trumpet-bc
13198 Baritone Press only)
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Sento Nel Core Scarlotti Phillips Shawnee Press [8 3 (tc & bc)
13199 Baritone Bel Canto Songs]
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Pieta, Signore! Stradella Phillips Shawnee Press [8 3 (tc & bc)
13200 Baritone Bel Canto Songs]
Horn Solo
Code Event Title Composer Arranger Publisher Grade Specification
Name [Collection]
304-3- Euphonium/ Air for Baritone Vincent Belwin, Inc 3
13201 Baritone
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Air on a G Bach Dishinger Medici Music 3
25359 Baritone String Press
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Andante and Saint-Jacome Brom Kendor Music, 3
25360 Baritone March Inc.
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Jesus, Joy of Bach Conley Kendor Music, 3
29863 Baritone Man's Desiring Inc.
Horn Solo
304-3- Euphonium/ Kendor Recital Various Kendor Music, 3 (play one)
30748 Baritone Solos Inc.
Horn Solo

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