OPS239006 NCE-T Basic NE Configuration ISSUE19
OPS239006 NCE-T Basic NE Configuration ISSUE19
OPS239006 NCE-T Basic NE Configuration ISSUE19
application package
Integrates traditional NMS and SDN controller Uses a unified cloud platform, user portal, and
functions. API gateway, achieves unified installation,
Achieves unified management and control of deployment, and upgrade, and consistent data
SDN and non-SDN networks, leverages SDN models, and greatly simplifies O&M.
network automation, explores legacy network Adopts a cloud-native microservice
values, and reduces technical difficulties and architecture, achieves user scenario-specific
risks of network evolution. on-demand deployment.
Open APIs and Programmable Characteristics
Big Data-based Proactive Maintenance
Supporting Fast Service Rollout
Provides standard RESTful APIs to connect to Collects network-wide data (using the Telemetry
external systems. technology), and based on the big data platform,
Provides a DevOps-based tool platform to performs panoramic and in-depth analysis on the
flexibly customize innovative services based quality and traffic data of the entire network to
on flexible business scenarios and network implement intelligent analysis and predictable
technologies. (not provided in the current maintenance.
version) Continuously verifies network design and
configuration to ensure that the network
accurately implements the users' intention and
achieves stable operation.
Creating an NE manually
Application scenario: The creation is accurate and fast. The ID of the target NE is known. You need to focus
only on the target NE.
Disadvantages: You need to know the ID of the target NE in advance. Only one NE can be created at a
Application scenario: You have obtained the NE ID and the number of NEs to be created is not too large.
Note: You can create a subnet, manually create NEs, and select the layout separately or in sequence.
Note: You can create a subnet, create NEs in batches, and select the layout separately or in sequence.
1. Click Initialize and Manually Configure NE Data under Configuration Mode and then click Next.
2. Some dialog boxes are displayed, indicating that this operation may cause data loss or service interruption. Click Yes.
3. Check parameters under Set NE Attribute. If necessary, modify the NE attributes. Click Next.
4. (Optional) Click Query Logical Information to query the logical boards of the NE.
5. (Optional) Click Query Physical Information to query the physical boards of the NE.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the Verify and Run check box, which is selected by default.
9. Click Finish. The NE will be initialized and the data will be delivered to the NE. This process takes several minutes. The actual
time required depends on the actual situation. The later the mapping software version in the SCC board, the shorter the time
required. The more boards configured on the device, the longer the time required.
1. Open the Network Management app and choose 5. Select one or more fibers from the
Topology > Discovery > Fiber/Cable/Microwave Physical Fiber/Cable/Microwave Link
Link from the main menu. List list and click Create Fiber/Cable.
2. In the left pane select some ports from one or 6. Select one or more conflicting fibers
more NEs and click Search to search for the (namely, the fibers of which the Conflict
fibers or cables. with logical link(Y/N) parameter is set to
3. Click Yes in the dialog box that is displayed. A Yes in Misconnected Fibers/Cable Link
progress bar is displayed indicating the progress List) from the Logical Fibers/Cable Link
of the search. List list. Click Delete Fiber/Cable.
4. A dialog box is displayed indicating that the
operation is successful. Click Close.
2. What are the application scenarios of creating fibers for NEs using the search method?
You can perform operations on an NE only after the NCE computer is connected to the NE.
Use NCE to configure the NE. A straight-through or crossover cable can be used to
Connect the NCE computer to the NE through a LAN using a network cable.
Gateway NE
Gateway NE
Creating an NE manually
Application scenario: The creation is accurate and fast. The ID of the target NE is known. You need to focus
only on the target NE.
Disadvantages: You need to know the ID of the target NE in advance. Only one NE can be created at a
Application scenario: You have obtained the NE ID and the number of NEs to be created is not too large.
Note: You can create a subnet, manually create NEs, and select the layout separately or in sequence.
NCE manages WDM NEs in two ways, independent NEs in the Main Topology and affiliate NEs in
optical NEs.
Optical NE type
WDM_OTM: optical terminal multiplexer
WDM_OLA: optical line amplifier
WDM_OADM: optical add/drop multiplexer
WDM_OEQ: optical equalizer
1. Click Initialize and Manually Configure NE Data under Configuration Mode and then click Next.
2. Some dialog boxes are displayed, indicating that this operation may cause data loss or service interruption. Click Yes.
3. Check parameters under Set NE Attribute. If necessary, modify the NE attributes. Click Next.
4. (Optional) Click Query Logical Information to query the logical boards of the NE.
5. (Optional) Click Query Physical Information to query the physical boards of the NE.
6. (Optional) Add boards as required.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the Verify and Run check box, which is selected by default.
9. Click Finish. The NE will be initialized and the data will be delivered to the NE. This process takes several minutes. The actual
time required depends on the actual situation. The higher the SCC configuration, the shorter the time required. The more
boards configured on the device, the longer the time required.
1 2
You need to pay attention to a large amount of data when configuring the board data.
Set the interface parameters of WDM boards according to the engineering requirements. Different
boards support different parameters, but the configuration procedures are the same. You can also
query all interface parameters.
Configuring the receive wavelength and forward error correction (FEC) function
Procedure Procedure
1. In the NE Explorer, select a board and choose Configuration > WDM
1. In the NE Explorer, select a board and choose Interface from the navigation tree.
Configuration > WDM Interface from the navigation tree. 2. Click By Board/Port (Channel) and select Channel from the drop-
2. Click By Board/Port (Channel) and select Channel from the down list.
drop-down list. 3. On the Advanced Attributes tab page, set FEC Working State and
FEC Mode. After changing the service type on the board, you need to
3. On the Advanced Attributes tab page, double-click the
check whether FEC Mode is correct on the NCE.
Receive Band Type field and select C. 4. Click Apply.
4. Double-click the Receive Wavelength field and set the 5. Click Query. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click
required wavelength. Close. The values of FEC Working State and FEC Mode are the
5. Click Apply. configured values.
Before creating a fiber, you are advised to set Planned Wavelength No./Wavelength (nm)/Frequency (THz)
of ports of the tunable OTUs to the planned wavelength.
Backing up the NE database to the control board: The method is used when the control board is not
configured with a CF card and NE data in the DRDB database will be backed up to the FLASH memory. After a
power failure, the control board automatically reads configuration data in the flash memory and delivers it to
other boards. By default, NCE automatically backs up the NE database to the flash memory every 30 minutes.
Backing up the NE database to a CF card: When the control board is configured with a CF card, you can
back up the NE data in the DRDB database of the control board to the CF card, ensuring that the system can
be automatically restored after the data in the DRDB database of the NE control board is lost or the NE is
powered off.
Backing up NE data to the NCE server or client: This method is used for manually backing up the NE data.
You can manually back up the data of one or more devices of the same type to the NCE server or client at the
same time. The prerequisites are as follows: The backup directory has been specified, the FTP, TFTP, or
SFTP server has been configured, and the FTP, TFTP, or SFTP service is running.
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 66
3.3 NE Database Backup (2/4)